What's The Latest Buzz? | October 2020

Page 18

Alanna Chan | ’20-’21 Historian/Tech Editor We all know that we are in the “holiday season” part of the year because of all of the holidays that are in this fall season! Now that Halloween is essentially over, many are excitedly preparing for Christmas. Before that, however, is a holiday that is just as important: Thanksgiving! It’s common for people to give thanks and show their appreciation when this holiday comes. Though we may not be able to see the people we love as often, there’s still ways to show your gratitude, which is not just limited to this time of the year! •

Write a handwritten letter! I cannot stress enough how meaningful handwritten letters are compared to a ◦ document typed out on Google Docs or another program. It shows not only your appreciation in words you’ve written yourself, but also the time you devoted into writing it. For example, for me, I always keep cards that are written to me. I love keeping them to hold onto the memories and admire the effort someone took to write kind words. Do something at home! Our parents/other family members do several things for us. For those older, they may ◦ work all day or take care of the household’s needs. Helping them even in the slightest suggests to them that we are thinking of them and acknowledge their attempts to help us. Make them a meal: people do say that food is the way to the heart! ▪ Do extra chores/responsibilities they usually take care of: after a long day, ▪ having even just one less thing to do feels great! Just something extra: do something for them when they least expect it! ▪ Something unexpected usually comes off more memorable than when someone is waiting for it. Phone calls! Similar to the handwritten note, calling one of your friends rather than text will really ◦ get the message across of how thankful you are! Expressing your gratitude—your words of kindness—live and present, holds more value than ordinary typed out words in a text. Having a thoughtful conversation goes a long way.

Why is it so important to give thanks? Think about it, you have so many people around you who care and support you through the numerous things you do. Imagine if you didn’t have them by your side. It’d feel weird right? Now, that’s another thing—Thanksgiving isn't the only time you should give thanks! Sure, it is the mood of the time being, but think about thanking your loved ones more often year round! Not only will it make them feel special inside, but it shows to them how appreciative you are and the impact that they may have on you. So get out there, give your thanks!


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