WINNERS CHOSEN IN 4th ANNUAL CONTEST SEEKING CITIZENS' BEST IDEAS TO CONTROL GOVERNMENT SPENDING SEVERAL PROPOSALS IMPLEMENTED: MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN SAVINGS CONTACT: Mr. Fazil Mihlar Phone: (604) 688-0221 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0221 end_of_the_skype_highlighting (ext. 542) RELEASE DATE: April 18, 1994
(604) 688-
MEDIA ADVISORY VANCOUVER, B.C.>> Fraser Institute Program Coordinator Fazil Mihlar announced the selection of the winners in the 1994-95 Fraser Institute Economy in Government Competition today. The Competition offered prizes of $5,000 in each of the three areas -- local, provincial, and federal government -- and a $20,000 prize for the best overall idea. Prizes, are to be paid in two instalments: three quarters at the time of the award, and the remaining quarter when the idea is adopted by the relevant level of government. The local government category was won by Mr. Jim Godfrey of Langley, B.C. with his submission, "Restructuring the Budgeting Process of Local Governments"; the federal government category by Profs. Colin Hoskins and Stuart McFayden of Edmonton, Alberta with "Restructuring the CBC"; and the provincial government category by Ms. Tina MacDonald, Mr. Duncan MacDonald and Ms. Sheila Blair of Edmonton, Alberta with "Reducing Fraud and Waste in Income Security Programs." The 199695 winner of the grand prize was Ms. Tina MacDonald, Mr. Duncan MacDonald and Ms. Sheila Blair. "The 17 finalists' proposals were of extremely high quality," said Mr. Mihlar, "and the judges had the unenviable task of choosing the winners among them. We are delighted to present all of the proposals to Alberta's Minister of Family and Social Services, the Honourable Mike Cardinal, and to other relevant government officials. We are confident that if these and previous years' proposals are implemented, savings will amount to millions of dollars." Several proposals from the 1994-95 Competition have already been adopted by governments across Canada. They include: -"A Break from Tradition: A New Budgeting Process": Mr. Jim Godfrey (City of Langley, B.C.) -"Certified Professional Program": Mr. Doug Lychalk (City of Surrey, B.C.) -"Firefighter Hiring: Re-engineering the Process": Mr. Wayne Bernard (City of Surrey, B.C.) -"Strategic Cost Management": Mr. Barry Malmsten (City of Ajax, Ontario) The adaptation of these money saving proposals by governments is very encouraging," said Mr. Mihlar. Mr. Mihlar also announced the winners of the 1994-95 Fraser Institute Editorial Cartoon Competition for Economy in Government: Mr. David Anderson of Toronto, Ontario won the 1st prize of $1,000; Mr. Roy Peterson of Vancouver, B.C. won the 2nd prize of $650; and Mr. Bruce Mackinnon of Halifax, Nova Scotia won the 3rd prize of $350. For more information, including executive summaries of the winners' ideas, or copies of the winners'