2019-20 Guide for Clinical Sites

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Information was accurate at time of editing. Please consult with your CLO and/or myMichener for the most current information on policies, procedures or protocols.

Table of Contents Introduction Vision & Mission Objectives of Clinical Education Affiliation Agreement Commitments of Clinical Placement Site Clinical Personnel Roles & Responsibilities Status Appointments The Michener Institute Commitment of Support Professional Development Support for Clinical Coordinators Travel Support Meetings Expense Claims Information Management (myMichener) Liability Insurance Health Services Student Requirements Prior to Beginning Clinical Placement Clinical Site Visits Position Descriptions at Michener Professional Student Behaviours at the Clinical Site Administrative Contacts at Michener Academic Rules & Regulations Clinical Attendance Accommodation for Religious Holidays Privacy of Student Academic Records Academic Standing Policy Accidents, Incidents & Hazards Reporting Clinical Competency Evaluations Clinical Learning Plan Extension in Clinical Courses Suggested Student Orientation Checklist Student Services Available to Students in Clinical Placement Student Evaluation of Clinical Education Recognition of Clinical Personnel Frequently Asked Questions

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Introduction Congratulations! I am delighted to welcome your institution as a clinical partner site with The Michener Institute of Education at UHN. If you are an existing clinical partner, I am pleased to provide this guide to update your files. The purpose of this document is to familiarize you with The Michener Institute and your role as a valued clinical site or colleague. This guide will introduce you to the roles associated with clinical education, both at your institution and at Michener, and cover administrative issues including insurance and WSIB coverage for students. It will acquaint you with the academic rules and regulations that students are expected to follow and will provide you with some guidelines for the first week that the students will be at your clinical site. For any questions or concerns regarding your role with students, please contact me at any time. Program-specific Clinical Liaison Officers (CLOs) are also available to assist with your questions. If you have any suggestions for information to include in future versions of this guide, please forward your comments to clinicaleducation@michener.ca. This guide may be used in conjunction with our intranet site, myMichener, as all academic policies and forms are available for download on our intranet site: http://my.michener.ca. Many thanks for supporting the clinical education of future health care professionals. Raymond Nielsen Manager, Student Success and Clinical Education (416) 596-3141 rnielsen@michener.ca


Vision & Mission Vision The leader in Applied Health Science Education through excellence and innovation.

Mission The Michener Institute is dedicated to the education of preeminent applied health science practitioners capable of providing transformational leadership, performance, and evidence based best practice. This mission will be achieved in a cost effective manner. Good stewardship of resources will be demonstrated. Resources necessary to achieve our desired results will be fully pursued.

Objectives of Clinical Education Students are expected to apply the knowledge learned during the didactic and practical phases of the program in a clinical setting in order to gain clinical competence and confidence. In addition, they represent the defined mandate of accreditation (where applicable). The objectives outlined below focus on the needs of the students.

Achievement of Clinical Competence The principle purpose of clinical education is to provide the student with the opportunity to apply his/her learning to acquire a satisfactory level of clinical competence and to gain confidence through supervised clinical experience. The definition of clinical competence includes the appropriate knowledge, skills, judgment and behaviour. The definition of "satisfactory level" is contained in each program's clinical objectives and is evaluated and revised on an ongoing basis.

Graded Clinical Responsibility Clinical education should be structured to allow the student to progress through a series of welldesigned levels of graded responsibility, which progress from the level of "observation only" to the level of "supervised independent practice�. Graded levels of responsibility will be clearly defined by the respective program along with the methods of evaluating student success upon the completion of each level. Specific professional competency profiles are references for didactic and clinical programs.


Development of a Commitment to Ongoing Continuing Education New graduates should enter practice with the sense that they have only begun to experience the opportunities available in their chosen field. Providing the student with a clinical education experience that is consistently challenging is the first step in developing a commitment to life-long learning.

Scope of Educational Programs/Courses The Michener Institute is committed to providing educational programs that reflect the needs of health care employers. Current offerings include: • • • •

Full-time initial-entry certificate and diploma programs Full-time, part-time and distance specialty advanced diploma programs for health workers Full-time degree/diploma programs in partnership with select universities Certificate and non-certificate continuing education (CE) courses in a variety of formats

Affiliation Agreement Michener requires that an agreement to accept students for clinical education be executed prior to the placement of any students at a clinical site. The nature of the agreement is general in scope and is intended to cover all Michener students. The affiliation agreement is a contract signed between Site and Michener administrators with corporate signing authority.

Commitments of Clinical Placement Site Any clinical site that wishes to take part in the clinical education of Michener students must commit itself to the objectives of clinical education as an integral part of its own operational planning. Furthermore, each site undertakes to foster a productive learning-centered environment. In order to achieve these objectives, the following commitments are required.

Appointment of Clinical Personnel The site and the program administration will select a Clinical Coordinator and Clinical Educators as appropriate. See page 6 for roles and responsibilities of site personnel.

Achievement of Educational Objectives The clinical site will work towards established educational objectives for the program within the framework of existing human resources, equipment and facilities. The curriculum content and competencies will be provided by each program. Sites will contact the program’s Clinical Liaison Officer regarding any questions or feedback. In the event that deficiencies are identified, this issue


must be discussed with the Clinical Liaison Officer as soon as possible so that supplementary or alternative clinical experiences can be arranged for the students. When necessary, the clinical site will be asked to implement a program of remedial study for a student who is identified as “at risk” of not achieving the course goals as outlined in course materials. In these instances, the program will work with the clinical site to establish the goals of the remedial plan. If circumstances warrant, it may be necessary to move the student to an alternate clinical site to optimize the student’s learning experience.

Student Supervision At the start of their clinical placements, students must be directly supervised by a certified/registered/academically qualified practitioner at all times until competence in a given procedure is verified by the supervising practitioner. Once competence in a given clinical procedure is achieved, supervision may be indirect when the supervising practitioner is on the premises and in a position to assist the student immediately, if required.

Student Evaluation Formal evaluations of students in the clinical setting are mandatory for all Michener programs. Site Clinical Coordinators are responsible for implementing program evaluation procedures and criteria. It is expected that the Clinical Coordinator will continuously monitor student performance and, when a student is felt to be having difficulty meeting the course expectations, to bring it to the immediate attention of the Clinical Liaison Officer. Evaluations must be completed on an ongoing basis as well as at the end of each clinical course. An evaluation is not considered complete until: • •

It has been discussed openly with the student in a private area. The student has signed acknowledgement of receipt of a copy of the evaluation and has been given the opportunity to comment in writing.

All documentation related to students while undertaking their clinical experience is the property of Michener and must be returned to the program after the student has completed the placement.

Encouragement of Multiple Evaluators for Students In programs where this is not possible, Michener staff will work with the program to find suitable solutions for the evaluation of students. Michener reserves the right to assist in evaluations with any of its students. In some programs, some of the clinical evaluations will be performed by the Michener faculty.


Support of Student Input and Evaluation of the Program Michener is committed to the continuous assessment of the quality of its educational programming. To that end, Michener will routinely collect data for its key performance indicators. This information is shared with affiliated clinical sites to improve the quality of the students’ clinical experience. A copy of the End-of-Cycle Student Evaluation of Clinical Placement form is included in the appendix.

Space/Computer/Internet Access If possible, arrange for a suitable place for students to have computer access with an Internet connection in a quiet location. This may be through the site’s department, the site’s reference library, a local library, or a local Internet cafe.

Participation in Program Accreditation Where applicable, the site will participate with Michener in program accreditation. Accreditation is supported by Michener as an approach to external review and validation. Michener pays all accreditation fees and submits the names of the sites where students are placed for their clinical education. In preparation for accreditation, the clinical sites will be requested to provide information as the documentation for submission is prepared. During the accreditation, an interview with site personnel may be held.

Clinical Personnel Roles & Responsibilities Administrative Contact Position Summary Michener requests that each clinical site identify one administrative contact through which all arrangements for the affiliation agreement will take place. Position Responsibilities • Acts as first point of contact for all administrative matters and concerns relating to all affiliated programs. • Signs the affiliation agreement or arranges for it to be signed by the appropriate signing authority.


Status Appointments As part of Michener’s strategic initiatives to strengthen the relationship with our valued clinical partner sites and their staff who work with Michener students, status appointments were introduced in the Fall of 2007. It is our aim to provide the opportunity for clinical staff who supervise and evaluate Michener students to be awarded status appointments. There are three categories of appointments:

CLINICAL ADJUNCT PROFESSOR The status appointment of Clinical Adjunct Professor is awarded to individuals from affiliated clinical sites in recognition of their commitment to the clinical education of Michener students. Clinical Adjunct Professors may concurrently hold the status appointment of Clinical Coordinator. Responsibilities include contributing to advances in their scope of practice and in the broader health care context, serving as role models and mentors to colleagues and students alike and creating a positive learning environment and engaging students in the learning enterprise. Roles and Responsibilities • Contributes to advances in their scope of practice and in the broader health care context • Serves as role models and mentors to colleagues and students alike • Creates a positive learning environment engaging students in the learning enterprise • Contributes to at least one of the following: o Research / Creative Professional Activity (i.e. scholarly writing, presentations, and/or research grants) o Sustained Academic Excellence (i.e. documented excellence in teaching, educational or curricular development, or educational administration) o Outstanding Contribution / Support to Michener (i.e. Program Advisory Committee involvement, Alumni involvement)

CLINICAL COORDINATOR Position Summary The Clinical Coordinator is a member of clinical staff appointed by the clinical site and Michener to fulfill an administrative and coordination role for the students’ clinical education at the clinical site. The Clinical Coordinator will work closely with all levels of clinical staff to effectively integrate student activities into the routine of the clinical environment. Roles and Responsibilities • Administrates and coordinates students’ clinical education • Liaises with Michener for the placement of clinical students • Acts as the communication link between the clinical site at the department level and the Clinical Education Office and program-specific Clinical Liaison Officer at Michener • Provides or coordinates, in collaboration with clinical educators, initial student orientation to site and department • Assigns students with clinical educators • Acquires feedback from clinical educators regarding student performance • Provides overall supervision of the education and evaluation of clinical students


• • • • • • •

Advises students with regard to performance concerns and where necessary, develops and implements a suitable learning plan Assists with the preparation of site documentation for accreditation Maintains confidential student records Maintains confidentiality with respect to student personal information and performance Annually, identifies staff members assigned to be clinical educators Approves requests from clinical educators to access Michener benefits Attends Program Faculty Liaison meetings at Michener

CLINICAL EDUCATOR Position Summary Michener recognizes that numerous clinical site employees are annually involved in the education of Michener students. A Clinical Educator is an employee of an affiliated clinical site identified by the site to work with, teach, or supervise students during their clinical placements. Roles and Responsibilities • • • • • • • • •

Provides initial orientation of students to an individual section or service area Supports students in meeting their specific clinical rotation objectives Assesses students Is evaluated by students Gives feedback to students on their performance Consults with the Clinical Coordinator regarding the ongoing progress of students Maintains confidentiality with respect to student personal information and performance Adheres to clinical course outlines Commits to professional development in interprofessional education

Please follow the link below for the status appointment applications: https://michener.ca/partners/clinical/the-office-for-clinical-education-centralizing-functions-insupport-of-clinical-education/resources-for-clinical-partners/

The Michener Institute’s Commitment of Support Michener will ensure that, as much as possible, our clinical affiliates have the tools necessary to continue delivering quality education in line with Michener’s mission and vision. The following commitments reflect this objective.

Provision of Educational Opportunities for Clinical Coordinators Programs at Michener are fluid and dynamic models that constantly undergo change and revision in response to feedback, evolving strategic directions, unfolding educational philosophy, or changes to scope of practice. Michener is committed to providing opportunities for our clinical instructors such that they can remain informed about our directions and carry the message to other professionals in their own clinical environments. 8

Michener offers a Certificate in Clinical Education which explores the approach to teaching, evaluation, and coaching within the Clinical Coordinator’s or Clinical Educator`s role. It is strongly recommended that all new Clinical Coordinators take this course. This blended course will consist of five online modules, which include: Principles of Adult Education and Competency Assessment, Learner and Educator Diversity, Cultivating Optimal Learning Environments, Feedback and Evaluation and Coaching Learners. Upon completion of all five modules, participants must complete a reflective assignment, drawing on the content from the modules, in order to receive an official certificate. The Certificate in Clinical Education course is offered at no charge to affiliated clinical partners who supervise and evaluate Michener students and who have status appointments.

Professional Development Support for Clinical Coordinators Principle Michener believes that annual professional development is an important aspect of individual growth and maintenance of relevance and competence. In recognition of the unique role of the Clinical Coordinator and Adjunct Professor in the clinical education of Michener students, they are eligible to receive annual professional development support of up to $550. Michener will reimburse the Clinical Coordinator/ Clinical Adjunct Professor for any reasonable expenses for PD up to the annual (April 1 – March 31) allotment, based on the placement of student(s) at that site during that academic year. There is no carryover of the PD allotment from one fiscal year to the next. Use of Professional Development (PD) Support Annually, the Clinical Coordinator/ Clinical Adjunct Professor should identify PD activities that reflect personal needs for learning or enrichment in their job responsibility as both a clinical educator and a practicing health professional. The nature of the activity may address educational, health science or management objectives. The following professional development activities will be supported: • • • • •

• •

Travel and accommodation expenses to attend conferences or workshops Course tuition fees for courses or workshops Conference registration fees Purchase of reference textbooks Purchase of electronic tablets (e.g. IPads and laptops) to store and access electronic reference software (e.g. e-textbooks) (NOTE: Purchases limited to one (1) device every three (3) years. Smart devices, desktop computers, additional warranties, and nonessential accessories will not be supported.) Purchase of electronic software (e.g. e-textbooks) Purchase of reference educational computer programs required for courses


Annual membership dues for professional societies providing that membership is not a requirement to work in that profession. Proof that such membership provides documented professional development is required.

Reimbursement Procedure for Professional Development Expenses Claims must be submitted to The Office for Clinical Education by March 31 to be eligible to use PD allotments for that year. It is strongly recommended that claims are submitted well in advance of the March 31st deadline in case additional documentation is necessary. Failure to submit claims by the March 31st deadline will result in the loss of any remaining balance in that year’s PD allotment. Once approved, reimbursement cheques will be issued within 45 days from Michener’s Finance Department to the claimant. All claims must be submitted to the Office for Clinical Education by the claimant on the Expense Claim Form within 60 days. Supporting documents must be included when submitting PD claims. The claimant should also keep complete copies of claims submitted. Michener reserves the right to disqualify or return claims if detailed documentation is not submitted. The Administrative Assistant in the Office for Clinical Education will review the claim for accuracy, double-check totals, review and resolve any questionable expenses with the claimant. The Manager, Student Success Network and Clinical Education will approve the claim and forward it along to the Finance Department for processing. Please see below or refer to the Professional Development Allotment for Clinical Coordinators and Adjunct Professors Procedure page (link below) for further details: http://michener.ca/discover-michener/policies/professional-development-allotment-clinical-partnersprocedure / Supportive documentation must be included for specific claims as detailed below: 1. Tuition fees for courses/workshops or professional conferences Proof of registration o Official receipt (copy or online) in the claimant’s name from the educational institution, organization or professional society hosting the event and Proof of completion o Copy of a Certificate of Attendance, transcript or name tag in the claimant’s name from the educational institution, organization or professional society hosting the event


2. Travel, accommodation and meal expenses to attend courses/workshops or professional conferences Note: Travel expenses to attend courses/workshops or conferences must have prior approval by the Manager, Clinical Education Relations. The claimant must complete a Travel Approval Form and submit it to the Manager, Clinical Education Relations. The maximum daily meal allowance is $50. The purchase of alcoholic beverages is not a permitted expense. Please see the Expense Policy located on http://michener.ca/discovermichener/policies/expense-policy/ Proof of completion: o Copy of a Certificate of Attendance, transcript or name tag in the claimant’s name from the educational institution, organization or professional society hosting the event For public transit: o Paid receipt in claimant’s name o Boarding passes for air or train travel

For driving in own vehicle: o Google maps with print out of mileage to and from site of event For accommodation expenses: o Paid receipt in the claimant’s name coincident (one day prior to and one day after the event) with the dates of the course/workshop or conference. For meal expenses: o Detailed receipts as per the Expense Policy. Note that if meals are charged to a room, detailed receipts indicating such must be included in the claim 3. Purchase of reference textbooks

If books are purchased in person at a bookstore o Proof of purchase - original detailed receipt, listing the books by title and their cost If books are purchased online o Proof of purchase - paid receipt in the claimant’s name and o Proof of delivery  a packing slip clearly stating the title(s) of the book(s) or  a clear statement from the vendor indicating the date that the books were delivered to the claimant’s address. Estimated date of delivery is not acceptable. Note: Books must have been received by the claimant prior to submitting the claim


4. Subscriptions to professional journals Receipt (copy or online ) in the claimant’s name indicating the start and end of the subscription. Note: the majority of the subscription period must fall within the fiscal year (April 1 – March 31) in which the claim is made. 5. Purchase of educational computer programs in support of approved educational activity If the program is purchased in person at a bookstore o Proof of purchase - original detailed receipt, listing the program by title and the cost If program is purchased online o Proof of purchase - paid receipt in the claimant’s name and o Proof of delivery  a packing slip clearly stating the name of the program or  a clear statement from the vendor indicating the date that the program was delivered to the claimant’s address. Estimated date of delivery is not acceptable. 6.

Purchase of electronic reference software (e.g. e-textbooks) If software is purchased online o Proof of purchase - paid receipt in the claimant’s name or bank statement and o Proof of delivery (download)  E-mail confirmation from the vendor

7. Purchase of electronic tablets (e.g. iPads and laptops) to store and access electronic reference software (e.g. e-textbooks) NOTE: Purchases limited to one (1) device every three (3) years. Smart devices, desktop computers, additional warranties, and nonessential accessories will not be supported. If the device is purchased in person at a store o Proof of purchase - original detailed receipt If device is purchased online o Proof of purchase - paid receipt in the claimant’s name and o Proof of delivery  a packing slip clearly stating the name of the device or  a clear statement from the vendor indicating the date that the device was delivered to the claimant’s address. Estimated date of delivery is not acceptable.


8. Annual membership dues for professional societies Note: The membership must not be a requirement to work in the claimant’s jurisdiction. o o

Proof that such membership provides documented professional development ORIGINAL (not a copy) receipt in the claimant’s name mailed or delivered along with the Expense Claim Form.

9. Transferring of PD Allotments Clinical Coordinators may transfer some or all of their annual allotment to a colleague provided that a written request (e-mail is acceptable) is forwarded to the Manager, Clinical Education Relations prior to any claim being submitted indicating: o o

the person to whom the allotment is being transferred and the amount to be transferred

Note: The person to whom the allotment is being transferred, must have a current status appointment with Michener. All such requests will be considered on an individual basis.

STANDARDS All claims must adhere to the Broader Public Sector (BPS) Guidelines.

CONSEQUENCE Failure to submit all required supporting documentation as per the stated deadline and procedure will result in a delay in processing the claim or loss of PD allotment for that year.

Travel Support Expenses to be paid and/or reimbursed by Michener must be "necessary and reasonable" and consistent with the support approved by the program for the specific activity

Meetings In-Province Michener will support travel expenses for those individuals required to attend the following meetings: • Faculty Liaison Committee ( FLC) • Clinical Educators' Professional Development Day


Out-of-Province Michener will support travel expenses for those individuals required to attend the following meetings: •

One meeting (either Faculty Liaison meeting or Clinical Educator’s PD Day) for the Clinical Coordinator

Any other meetings attended by site representatives will be at the expense of the site.

Expense Claims An expense claim form with original supporting receipts must be submitted (within 60 days) for all claims to the Program Chair for travel expenses to attend program meetings OR to The Office for Clinical Education for reimbursement for PD activities. The expense claim forms may be found on the Professional Development Allotment Procedure page. Please remember to SIGN (not print) your name on the “Requested by” line on the bottom righthand corner of the form.

Information Management (myMichener) In order to learn more about myMichener (our intranet site), please feel free to browse the links below: myMichener https://my.michener.ca/ Please contact clinicaleducation@michener.ca for logon and password.

Liability Insurance Michener carries liability insurance for both Michener students and staff while in the clinical environment. This policy covers: • Bodily injury/personal injury • Damage to property of others • Malpractice liability • Non-owned automobile liability to cover the operation of a car not owned by Michener. The coverage is limited to those activities performed as part of clinical education (students) and clinical liaison or professional development (Michener employees).


The Michener Institute Policy Information Insurance Carrier

Healthcare Insurance Reciprocal of Canada

Any contact with Michener’s insurance provider must be made through Michener’s Director, Finance and cannot be made directly. Reporting Requirements If a situation arises that might lead to a liability claim because of an accident, injury, or unexpected patient outcome, the incident is to be documented immediately by the Clinical Coordinator: • • • • • • •

Describe the incident and outcome in detail. Identify the student and the relevant clinical rotation. Name the direct supervisor of the student. Provide any relevant information concerning the student's involvement. Have the incident report confirmed by the student and the direct supervisor; i.e., signed and dated. Send one copy of the incident report to Michener to the attention of the Director, Finance Send one copy to the Program Chair.

Note: Delay in making a claim or incomplete incident reporting may make it impossible to retroactively process a claim, particularly if the student has graduated. Workers Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) Coverage Students on clinical placement from Michener are covered under The Michener Institute’s WSIB policy. Health Services In preparation for entering the clinical environment, each student will receive a health review and a two-step tuberculosis skin test and/or annual tuberculosis skin test. Immunization against tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis is required. In addition, students who have no antibodies must be immunized against measles, mumps, rubella, varicella and hepatitis B. Between October 1st and March 31st Michener highly recommends all students to be vaccinated with influenza vaccine(s). Please note that this vaccine may be mandatory at some clinical sites. Students must follow their clinical site’s protocol. This protection policy meets the immunization standards and associated health practices set forth in: The Public Hospitals Act 1990, Revised Statutes of Ontario, Regulation 965, Communicable Disease Surveillance Protocols, published jointly by the Ontario Hospital Association and Ontario Medical Association and approved by the Minister of Health. Prior to the commencement of clinical placements, Michener’s Office for Clinical Education will inform each Clinical Coordinator, via e-mail, that the students(s) assigned to that department has completed all of the health and other clinical requirements. The clinical site may ask students to provide proof of the above clinical requirements at any time.


Student Health & Safety Requirements Prior to Beginning Clinical Placement Prior to going to the clinical placement, the student must complete the following items below : Required Clinical Clearance The students have completed, renewed, if necessary, and submitted documented proof of all of the following requirements before entering clinical to the Health Nurse: http://michener.ca/students/student-success-network/health-requirements/ Updating specific immunization requirements as directed by the Health Nurse Annual TB test (for students previously TB skin test negative) Annual Flu vaccination: Michener highly recommends all students be vaccinated with influenza vaccine each fall. Please Note: Some clinical sites have a vaccinate or mask policy. Students must follow clinical site protocol. Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) – Students will be required to renew their VSC to ensure currency during clinical placement. VSC is valid for 1 year from date of issue. Mask Fit Testing - Valid mask fit certificate – Students are mask fitted at Michener prior to their clinical placement. Students must ensure currency throughout their clinical placement. Mask fit test expires 2 years from the date of the fit test. First Aid & CPR for Health Care Providers or BLS Provider Course (Heart & Stroke)- if required by their program, it is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements for certification or re-certification as necessary.

Required Health & Safety Training: Students must also complete the online Mandatory Health & Safety Training for Students which includes the following modules: Harassment, Sexual Harassment & Discrimination Training Health & Safety Anti-Violence Health & Safety Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act WHMIS Training Ministry of Labour e-Learning Modules –“Worker Health & Safety in 4 Steps”http://www.labour.gov.on.ca/english/hs/elearn/worker/index.php Please note: Failure to complete the Required Clinical Clearance may result in the student becoming ineligible for placement at their clinical site.


Clinical Site Visits There are several reasons why a visit to an affiliated clinical site might be deemed necessary: • • • • • •

To enhance/strengthen the relationship between Michener and the site personnel To support the students and enhance visibility of the program’s role in the clinical aspect of their program To enhance the visibility of the program’s role in its clinical partner sites To assess new potential sites To conduct a periodic review of the site’s continued ability to meet the requirements of the program To address a problem identified by the site, student, and/or program

As a guideline, Program Clinical Liaison Officers schedule clinical site visits once every two years. For further information about Clinical Education at Michener, refer to the Clinical Partners page on Michener’s main website: http://michener.ca/partners/clinical/

Position Descriptions at The Michener Institute Clinical Liaison Officer Position Summary The function of Clinical Liaison Officer is to act as a link between the Clinical Coordinators, the program and Program Chair. The Clinical Liaison Officers will visit established clinical sites once every two years, and more frequently if the site is experiencing problems or requests a visit. In addition, the Clinical Liaison Officers will maintain regular personal contact with the Clinical Coordinators and student via telephone or electronically. Responsibilities • Provides prompt assistance to Clinical Coordinators in matters concerning clinical students • Establishes and maintains rapport with clinical site personnel, faculty and students in order to ensure that problems arising in any phase of the program that affect the student’s clinical performance can be dealt with in a positive manner • Produces changes to the program-specific aspects of the clinical handbook and clinical evaluation forms in response to continuous monitoring of the effectiveness of both • Monitors student attendance and changes in clinical rotations to ensure all students receive adequate clinical experiences


Program Chair Position Summary The Program Chair is responsible for providing an effective learning environment for students, providing a safe, healthy and challenging work environment for faculty and for ensuring that all professional standards are met. Program Chairs, along with the Clinical Education Officer have administrative responsibility for clinical placements.

Manager, Student Success Network & Clinical Education Position Summary The Manager, Student Success Network and Clinical Education is responsible for maintaining positive working relationships with all clinical sites through effective communication. The Manager, is also responsible for managing all operational aspects of the Clinical Education Office. The Manager, SSN and Clinical Education, along with the program Chairs, has administrative responsibility for clinical placements. Responsibilities • Acts as communication link between Michener and site administrators, departmental managers and clinical educators, coordinators and adjunct professors • Ensures clinical contracts between Michener and all affiliated clinical sites are in place, maintained and renewed as required • Works closely with program Chairs and Clinical Liaison Officers to address clinical issues and complete projects that are common to all programs • Establishes positive working relationships with clinical sites through ongoing communication and site visits • Delivers administrative orientation to new sites • Manages all operations of the Clinical Education Office • Consults with the Centre for Learning & Innovation to plan and deliver the annual PD Day and Lunch & Learn sessions for clinical personnel

Clinical Placement Coordinator POSITION SUMMARY The Clinical Placement Coordinator is accountable and responsible for ensuring an efficient and effective clinical experience for our students and clinical partners. RESPONSIBILITIES • Leads, coordinates, and facilitates recruitment of clinical placements • Oversees the clinical placement process for students • Assists in the development, review, and revision of policies and procedures governing the clinical placement process • Participates in relevant committees at Michener for the development, progression and assessment of clinical education


Administrative Assistant This Administrative Assistant provides administrative support to the Manager, Student Success Network and Clinical Education and to the Office for Clinical Education. The Administrative Assistant is responsible for ongoing communication at all levels within affiliated clinical sites and maintains status appointment files and follows up with applicants. The Administrative Assistant provides followup on PD Claims and affiliation agreement renewals and provides administrative support for the Clinical Educators’ Certificate workshops.

Student Position Summary The student is enrolled in a program and placed at a clinical site in order to complete the clinical component of his/her education at Michener. Responsibilities • Thoroughly read and understand the Student Clinical Handbook • Adhere to the standards of ethical behaviour for the profession as set out by the professional association Code of Ethics and the professional college Standards of Practice, where applicable • Provide constructive feedback regarding the placement experience through the Evaluation of Clinical Placement • Take an active role in their learning experience • Develop ability to self-evaluate • Recognize areas where help is needed and seek assistance where required • Monitor Michener student e-mail account on a regular basis • Adhere to policies, procedures and protocols both at Michener and the assigned clinical site(s) • Respects patient confidentiality at all times, with no exceptions. Students are not permitted to contact patients for reasons, outside of their scope of practice, through any medium of communication, including, but not limited to, phone or electronic e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, E-mail, etc. • Work under the supervision of the Clinical Coordinator, Clinical Educator or designate • Act in an ethical, safe and professional manner with peers, patients, co-workers, other members of the health care team, and supervisors at all times.


Professional Student Behaviours at the Clinical Site Students should exhibit the following Professional behaviours appropriate to the health care setting: •

Sensitive communication o Demonstrating sensitivity to patient’s needs o Taking time to explain information to colleagues and patients o Listening sympathetically to patient’s concerns o Putting patients’ interests before your own o Showing empathy and compassion for patients and their families o Understanding of the appropriate requirements for involvement of patients and their families in research o Demonstrating effective communication skills

Responsibility and reliability o Attending all clinical sessions o Arriving to all sessions on time o Completing assigned tasks fully and in a timely fashion o Demonstrating dependability, self-motivation and initiative o Working independently but also part of a team o Being aware of personal limitations and the wisdom to seek help when needed o Working as an integral member of the health care team o Developing transferable skills to facilitate employment in related fields o Demonstrating the ability to think critically and to problem solve

Reflective practice o Accepting constructive feedback o Recognizing own limitations and seeking appropriate help o Incorporating feedback to make changes in behaviour o Adapting well to changing circumstances o Completing daily activities o Reading in advance to prepare for clinical sessions o Recognizing the importance of self-assessment and continuing education o Demonstrating the maturity to accept constructive criticism and to grow as a result

Respect for others o Demonstrating good working rapport with fellow students o Maintaining appropriate boundaries in work and learning situations o Relating well to fellow students, Clinical Coordinators / Instructors and other health care professionals in a learning environment o Demonstrating the ability to work harmoniously with the patient and all those involved in the promotion of her/his wellbeing o Demonstrating high ethical and moral values


Upholding Student and Professional Code of Conduct o o o o o o o o

Using professional language when communicating with colleagues and patients Maintaining appropriate boundaries with others Resolving conflicts in a manner that respects the dignity of those involved Behaving honestly Dressing in an appropriate professional manner for clinical Respecting diversity of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability, intelligence and socio-economic status Respecting the confidentiality of all patient information Demonstrating professional independence, avoiding any compromise of professional integrity or conflict of interest

Behaviours that will be deemed unacceptable while registered as a student in a Michener program may include, but are not necessarily limited to: • • • • • • • • • • • •

Failure to respect patients’ rights and confidentiality Breach of confidentiality Failure to keep proper records Sexual impropriety with a patient Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs while participating in patient care Acts of dishonesty such as plagiarism, impersonation, misrepresentation, theft and cheating Acts of willful damage to the property of the institutions and clinical affiliates Inappropriate conduct when dealing with a patient, leading to the patient’s physical or emotional stress Unsafe practice/threatening behaviours which can be reasonably interpreted to jeopardize the safety of fellow students, faculty, staff and/or patients Any other conduct unbecoming of a practicing health professional


Administrative Contacts at Michener CONTACT Main Switchboard Office for Clinical Education Health Nurse Student Success Network Counseling Services Alumni Continuing Education Information Management Help Desk Learning Resource Centre

PHONE 416-596-3101 or Toll Free at 1-800-387-9066 ext. 3328 ext. 3320 ext. 3141 ext. 3468 ext. 3141 ext. 3117 ext. 3369


ext. 3125


clinicaleducation@michener.ca healthservices@michener.ca success@michener.ca success@michener.ca alumni@michener.ca ce@Michener.ca helpdesk@michener.ca


Academic Rules and Regulations A student is eligible to enter the clinical portion of the program only if he/she has completed the required prerequisite didactic courses. Every student accepted or returning into a program is required to know and follow the academic rules and regulations as outlined in the Student Handbook. The rules and regulations of the current year supersede any that the student may have previously received.

Clinical Attendance The time afforded to the clinical learning experience is such that it will provide the student with ongoing and diverse experiences in the clinical environment. The goal of clinical is not simply to complete the competencies, but to gain knowledge and skills from a wide variety of situations and experiences. Attendance during all clinical courses is mandatory. If a student is sick, he/she must contact the Clinical Coordinator or designate. If the student is unable to attend clinical because of an unexpected absence, such as an illness or a death in the family, the Clinical Coordinator is to be contacted. If the student is absent for three or more consecutive clinical days, a medical certificate upon return is to be provided to the Clinical Coordinator and, depending on the program-specific attendance requirements, the student may be required to make up the time that was missed. Appropriate documentation for other absences can be established on an individual basis. The student must check with the Clinical Liaison Officer or Clinical Coordinator regarding return to work after a prolonged illness lasting three or more days. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure clear understanding of attendance policies, as per Michener’s Academic Policy governing attendance and at your individual clinical site. Information on the following policies and procedures related to clinical placement attendance can be found at http://michener.ca/discover-michener/policies/attendance-policy-procedure/

Adverse Weather Conditions If students cannot attend a clinical session due to adverse weather conditions, they are advised to contact their Clinical Coordinator who will make a decision regarding their attendance and potential makeup time.

Statutory Holidays Statutory holidays shall be in accordance with the dates in the Calendar of Important Dates. Important dates will be added to the Michener Community Calendar throughout the year. The calendar can be accessed from the myMichener homepage: https://my.michener.ca/events/


Michener observes the following Statutory Holidays: Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Boxing Day New Year’s Day Family Day (observed in mid-February in Ontario) Good Friday Victoria Day Canada Day Civic Holiday (observed in early August in Ontario) Note: Michener is usually closed during the entire Christmas /New Year’s period. If other statutory holidays are observed by clinical sites, students will not be required to attend clinical on those days.

Accommodation for Religious Holidays Students must advise their Clinical Coordinator at the beginning of the clinical year of their religious holiday dates. While students will not be penalized because of religious holiday observance, Michener cannot ask clinical sites to reschedule patient procedures or shifts for students. Clinical sites will have their own policies and accommodations for students during clinical placements and are required to share this information with students at the start of clinical education.

Privacy of Student Academic Records Michener is committed to protecting the confidentiality of student academic records. Information on Michener’s Privacy Policy can be found at http://michener.ca/discovermichener/policies/privacy-policy/ Access to Student Academic Records Information on Michener’s Academic Policy governing Access to Student Academic Records can be found at https://michener.ca/discover-michener/policies/access-official-student-records-policy/ Academic Standing Policy A copy of the Academic Standing Policy is located in the Appendix and can be found at http://michener.ca/discover-michener/policies/academic-standing-policy/ The Academic Appeal form can be found at http://michener.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/AcademicandNon-AcademicAppealForm.pdf


Accidents, Incidents & Hazards Reporting If an injury or other medically related incident occurs at a clinical site, including an incident that may place the student at risk of acquiring a communicable disease, the student must seek medical attention after the patient’s safety is ensured. At their earliest opportunity, the Clinical Coordinator will report the incident to the Occupational Health Nurse where applicable. The Clinical Coordinator or delegate will complete an Incident Report Form and submit it to the Health Nurse at Michener within 24 hours of the incident. Once informed, Health Services at Michener will provide within 72 hours of the incident appropriate counseling and follow-up (including reporting to WSIB) if required. A report will be filed in the student file by the Program Chair. The Incident Report form is available at https://my.michener.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/StudentIncidentReportForm2013.pdf Procedure • •

The gravity of the situation will dictate who will discuss the incident with the student. The Clinical Liaison Officer and the Clinical Coordinator will make decisions in this regard. The Clinical Coordinator/designate is responsible for monitoring and documenting the student's progress.

Clinical Competency Evaluations The evaluator’s responsibilities: • • • •

• • • •

The Clinical Coordinator must review the specific objectives with the students at the beginning of each rotation to ensure that expectations for performance are clear The Clinical Coordinator or his/her designate will be the evaluator The student is evaluated to the expected standard It is expected that the clinical objectives will be signed off as follows: The individual clinical competency sheets indicate signature(s) from the Clinical Coordinator and/or Clinical Educator. In some cases, it may be appropriate for a designate of the Clinical Coordinator /Educator to sign off the competencies. Students must be evaluated on an ongoing basis Students must be provided with formative feedback It is the clinical site’s responsibility to return all student evaluations to their respective program at Michener Give timely feedback


Assessment Tools & Formative Evaluations For information on program-specific assessment tools, such as logbooks, student journals, reflective journals etc., and formative evaluations, such as Professional Performance Evaluations and Student Self-Evaluations, please refer to specific program course outlines. Clinical Learning Plan Formative feedback will be provided throughout the student’s clinical education, however, if there is an indication where the student is demonstrating a consistent weakness in one or several areas, the Clinical Liaison Officer, the student and the Clinical Coordinator, will develop a Clinical Learning Plan. This action plan is meant to help the student succeed in his/her clinical education. The student, the Clinical Coordinator and Clinical Liaison Officer will identify the following: • • •

Define specific weak areas Develop remedial strategies Set a time frame for completion of the Action Plan

Extensions in Clinical Courses It is sometimes necessary to extend the length of time in clinical education to ensure that students have met all necessary competencies to graduate. Extensions in clinical courses are usually the outcome of remediation and are discussed with students prior to being arranged. When extensions are necessary, the Clinical Liaison Officer will discuss arrangements with the Clinical Coordinator. In certain circumstances, it may be necessary to move a student to a new clinical site for the duration of his/her clinical experience. In this instance, the Clinical Liaison Officer/designate makes the necessary arrangements and will discuss the plan in detail with the student and the Clinical Coordinator. The policy governing Extensions in Clinical Courses can be found at: http://michener.ca/discover-michener/policies/tuition-payment-extensions-clinical-courses-policy/ Additional Information on Evaluations Information on policies and procedures related to clinical evaluations and placement grades can be found at http://michener.ca/discover-michener/policies/


Suggested Student Orientation Checklist The following is a suggested checklist that will help inform students’ orientation experiences at their assigned clinical site(s). It is their responsibility to be familiar with policies, procedures and protocols both at Michener and their assigned clinical site(s). First week General Administration  Clinical Institution and department tour  Introduction to colleagues  Student Identification badge  Site policies and procedures  Telephone use and personal contact information  Parking and transportation  Calling in sick  Breaks  Locker assignments  Work schedule  Attendance requirements  Policy for inclement weather  Statutory holidays  Religious holidays  Enquire about any extra learning opportunities that you can participate in at your clinical site e.g. grand rounds, guest speakers, medical rounds, conferences etc. First week Professional Behaviours & Responsibilities  Professionalism  Professional image (appearance/footwear)  Professional boundaries First week Confidentiality, Privacy & Documentation  Patient’s rights  Contact with patient during and after clinical First week Workplace Health & Safety (Students will have completed a general Mandatory Health & Safety Training course online prior to their clinical placements)  Fire safety- read and sign fire manual, check locations of alarms and extinguishers  First aid  Incident reporting  Immunization and infection control  Emergency codes  Hazardous materials  Musculoskeletal injury prevention/ergonomics  Management of aggressive behaviour  Site-specific WHMIS review  Harassment  Sexual Harassment


Student Services Available to Students in Clinical Placement The following student services from the Student Success Network are most relevant to the student while in clinical: 

Health Insurance o For information regarding Michener’s Student Health Insurance Policy please visit https://wespeakstudent.com/

 Health Services The Health Nurse is on campus Mondays-Friday from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM and is available through 416-596-3101 ext. 3320, or email healthservices@michener.ca. The primary functions include: o Advise students on required entry and clinical health requirements o Monitor student compliance with required entry and clinical health requirements as per determined due dates o Receive and respond to requests from students for medical accommodation and coordinate return to school programs o Receive and respond to student incident reports o Arrange annual Mask Fit Testing for students as per program timelines o Promote occupational health practices for students and staff 

Counselling and Coaching Services o To contact Michener's confidential counselor services, please call 416-596-3101 ext. 3468 or email success@michener.ca.

Career Workshops SSN supports students to help start their professional careers: o http://michener.ca/students/student-success-network/learning-supports/ ssn-rounds/ Workshops On Demand Topics include: • Time Management • Networking Skills • Assertive Skills • Reflective Writing • Learning Styles • The Art of Providing Feedback/Receiving Feedback • Preparing Oral Presentations/Tips on Overcoming Nervousness http://michener.ca/students/student-success-network/learning-supports/ssnworkshops-on-demand/


Student Evaluation of Clinical Placement As part of the student’s clinical education it is a general requirement that an End-of-Cycle Evaluation of Clinical Placement be is completed by the student. This formal evaluation is used to evaluate clinical education and to identify both strengths and weaknesses in the program, the clinical training and the clinical sites. Administering this online survey enables Michener to continuously work to improve the learning experience of students to achieve Best Experience and Best Education. Evaluations of clinical education will occur at specific times throughout the clinical year. The process to complete these evaluations is via Blackboard/CompTracker for some programs. Students will also receive e-mail notifications as a reminder to complete the survey. To see a copy of the End-of-Cycle Evaluation of Clinical Placement, please see below or visit http://my.michener.ca/forms_tools/surveys/fillsurvey.php?sid=267


Recognition of Clinical Personnel In support of Michener’s Academic Innovation Strategy, a series of annual awards are available to all clinical partners who support Michener students in the clinical environment. These awards are available for nomination during any academic year with the deadline being August 31st. Nominations are reviewed by the Recognition Committee and the awards are presented during Michener's Annual Professional Development Day for Clinical Educators in the Fall. For more information, please see below or visit Michener’s Human Resources page: https://my.michener.ca/departments/human-resource/

CLINICAL RECOGNITION AWARDS Excellence in Clinical Teaching and Supervision Each Michener Institute Excellence in Clinical Teaching and Supervision Award recognizes one of its clinical educators for outstanding contribution to the clinical education of its students. Students can nominate clinical staff based on an outstanding contribution to their clinical education, including behaviours and attitudes such as: • • • • • • •

Displaying a sense of personal commitment to the overall well-being of students Making exceptional efforts to provide opportunities for the learning and development of each student Displaying exceptional communication skills, especially in the giving and receiving of constructive feedback Treating all patients, colleagues and students with respect, consideration and compassion Displaying a commitment to continuous professional development Maintaining a high personal commitment to his/her profession Helping the student use evaluation as an opportunity for growth and improvement

President’s Award of Excellence in Clinical Education The Michener Institute President’s Award of Excellence recognizes clinical partners that demonstrate a significant impact on Michener’s strategic intent, Best Experience, Best Education through their roles in their status appointments. This award recognizes excellence in contribution to the clinical education of Michener students. Academic Chairs, Clinical Liaison Officers and the Manager of SSN and Clinical Education from Michener can nominate an individual or a team of Clinical Educators, Clinical Coordinators, or Clinical Adjunct Professors based on contribution to clinical education through research, educational development, scholarly activities, collaborative clinical education or leadership in clinical education that resulted in a positive learning outcome for Michener students.


Frequently Asked Questions 1. How often should a Clinical Coordinator see the Clinical Liaison Officer? The Clinical Liaison Officer (CLO) will initially meet with the Clinical Coordinator to discuss your role with students prior to the commencement of the students’ clinical placement. Follow-up meetings, whether in person or via teleconference are scheduled as required. Clinical Liaison Officers may plan site visits to meet with clinical staff and students periodically throughout the clinical year. For Programs that place students nationally, the Clinical Liaison Officer may connect via phone or e-mail in lieu of an in-person visit. In the meantime, should assistance from the Clinical Liaison Officer be required, he/she will be available upon request. 2. For what types of issues might the Clinical Liaison Officer be contacted? Communication between the CLO and the coordinators is intended to be very open and supportive. Issues can range from clarification of the clinical course outlines to issues around a student’s performance either relating to clinical skills or professional behaviours. If you have any questions about the clinical course, please reach out to your Program CLO at any time. 3. Is it possible to schedule students on evenings and weekends? As scheduling needs differ by Program and site, Michener does not have an overarching policy regarding clinical hours. Students normally abide by the business hours and schedules arranged by their placement site. Michener is committed to maintaining a culture of safety for students both on and off campus. If there is a safety concern related to late clinical hours, the Clinical Coordinator, in consultation with the CLO, may use their discretion to alter the schedule or implement riskmanagement measures (e.g. a buddy system, offering walks/escorts, etc.) that will allow the student to complete their rotation securely, without the threat of harm. 4. Would it be helpful to contact Clinical Coordinators at any of the other clinical sites? Yes, this can be very helpful for sharing ideas, scheduling labs, and expected student behaviours. A list of Clinical Coordinators can be made available through the CLO. The Liaison meetings arranged by the Programs are also an excellent platform for the sharing of ideas. Please note that student confidentiality must be maintained at all times.


5. Am I allowed to provide a reference for students? Students may request references from clinical educators for employment, further academic study, etc. Written permission should be obtained from the student to demonstrate that they have given their permission to have information provided on their behalf. Clinical staff may use the processes and forms used within their own organizations to document this permission. Alternatively, you may wish to collect the following from the student: • •

The type of information that you may share about their time in your facility (e.g. personal, professional etc.) Who you are permitted to share this information with (e.g. prospective employer, educational institution, etc.)

It is recommended that you keep your own records of these authorizations along with documentation of any references you do provide for your students.


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