I N T E G R AT I O N A N N I V E R S A R Y E D I T I O N O F M I C H E N E R N E W S | J A N UA R Y 2017
I N T E G R AT I O N A N N I V E R S A R Y E D I T I O N O F M I C H E N E R N E W S | J A N UA R Y 2017
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I N T E G R AT I O N A N N I V E R S A R Y E D I T I O N O F M I C H E N E R N E W S | J A N UA R Y 2017
On February 3, 2016 we celebrated the integration with our education and health care partners. The celebration event included a tour of our simulation facilities.
n January 1, 2016, Michener and UHN made Canadian history when we officially integrated with University Health Network (UHN). This move was designed to transform health care education and delivery by closing the gap between research, clinical practice and education.
Today, UHN’s research strength and clinical best practices are being translated into curriculum, providing students with a superior health technology education and preparing them to practice at the highest degree of competency. Equally, Michener’s expertise in curriculum design and delivery is supporting teachers and learners across the entire UHN enterprise. In this special Integration Anniversary edition of Michener News, we share some of the successes realized through integration over the past year.
I N T E G R AT I O N A N N I V E R S A R Y E D I T I O N O F M I C H E N E R N E W S | J A N UA R Y 2017
Corporate Culture Two very important strategic journeys have helped set the tone for a united vision for UHN and Michener over the past year. •
Purpose, Values and Principles: Michener’s staff, faculty and students played an important role in helping develop a purpose statement, core values and principles for UHN through the PVP process led by UHN’s President and CEO, Dr. Peter Pisters. Together, we have built a framework for a health care delivery and education culture built on safety, compassion, teamwork, integrity and stewardship. The Caring Safely initiative is one of the ways UHN and Michener staff are working together to deliver on our Purpose, Values and Principles. Michener’s students, staff and faculty were among the many voices contributing to Caring Safely Month during October, identifying what Caring Safely means in the teaching and learning environment.
Michener students contributed to Caring Safely Month by describing what Caring Safely means to them.
I N T E G R AT I O N A N N I V E R S A R Y E D I T I O N O F M I C H E N E R N E W S | J A N UA R Y 2017
Governance As The Michener Institute for Applied Health Sciences, a Board of Governors provided strategic direction and oversight to the executive team. Following integration, a new Board of Governors was formed. Cliff Nordal, former Past Chair of the Michener Board of Governors, is currently Chair of the new Board, and is joined by: Dr. Peter Pisters (President and CEO of UHN), Dr. Trevor Young (Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto), Cornell Wright (cohead of Mergers and Acquisitions practice at Torys LLP), Jan Campbell (founder and Managing Director of StrategiSense Inc.). The Education Committee is an advisory committee to both the UHN and Michener’s Boards. The Committee has five voting members: Cliff Nordal (Chair), Dr. Peter Pisters, Dr. Trevor Young, Jan Campbell and Cornell Wright. Other non-voting members include Dr. Brian Hodges, Emma Pavlov and Dr. Ann Russell. The Education Committee has held four meetings, and has provided guidance and leadership through several significant governance changes: • •
Michener’s name was officially changed to The Michener Institute of Education at UHN in October; The leadership team was realigned in October 2016, bringing all education at UHN under the new name, and creating the campus model representing all teaching and learning across the UHN spectrum; The current transfer payment agreement was renewed with the Ministry of Health and LongTerm Care to March 31, 2018.
Emma Pavlov, Dr. Peter Pisters, Jan Campbell, Dr. Brian Hodges, Cliff Nordal, Cornell Wright, Dr. Trevor Young, Dr. Ann Russell
I N T E G R AT I O N A N N I V E R S A R Y E D I T I O N O F M I C H E N E R N E W S | J A N UA R Y 2017
Students – the reason we are here
It wouldn’t be a stretch to say all of the advances we’ve made since integration have benefited students. However some concrete gains for students have come as a result of the closer collaboration between learners and educators across the five campuses:
Recipient of the Dr. Diana Michener Schatz Scholarship, Medical Laboratory Science Student Fred Li, with UHN President and CEO, Dr. Peter Pisters at Michener’s annual Student Awards Ceremony.
• Integration has given students access to newer equipment and software, making them even more prepared to start their careers in the clinical setting. For example, UHN had been storing 12 ventilators they received from the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care as back-up for a pandemic response. Michener’s Respiratory Therapy program needed more upto-date ventilators for teaching, so six of them are on loan to the St. Patrick Campus. When those need maintenance, they’ll go back to UHN and the other six will be used for teaching. In the event of a pandemic, the ventilators would be returned immediately to the hospital for clinical use. • Most recently, UHN’s Advanced Imaging Education Centre (AIEC) is supporting Michener’s soon-to-be-installed new CT Scanner by providing students access to AIEC’s image reconstruction servers, which also saves Michener an estimated $200,000 in upfront costs and $20,000 in annual maintenance costs. • Michener and UHN continue to look for potential clinical placement opportunities/ synergies. This has resulted in enhanced and enriched student clinical experiences as well as the opportunity to examine what might be new clinical education models while re-examining the old ones. Formal and informal meetings have occurred between programs and clinical departments, as well as with the Ministry to look at what new avenues we should be exploring as solutions to address the increasing demand and competition for clinical education placements.
I N T E G R AT I O N A N N I V E R S A R Y E D I T I O N O F M I C H E N E R N E W S | J A N UA R Y 2017
• A new peer learning clinical model in Respiratory Therapy (RT), initially designed to maximize clinical placement opportunities for students, resulted in unanticipated anecdotal benefits. Those included an appreciation for the limited amount of existing research in RT clinical education, the positive impact that collaborative projects have on staff, and how the peer model of education fosters collaborative learning. This project also identified the opportunity to build staff capacity for continuing the peer learning model to enrich the student learning experience and develop a formalized RT model of peer collaboration. Research on the initial phase of this model is expected to be completed during the 2016/17 academic year. • To more accurately gauge the health labour market our students are graduating into, and to prepare our curriculum accordingly, we undertook Labour Market Surveys over the past year for our Medical Laboratory Science and Radiological Technology programs. The surveys shed light on trends such as increasing sub-specialization and retirement forecasting in a way that best helps us prepare today’s students for tomorrow’s workplace. • The BMO Conference Centre and Conference Services at the Toronto Western Campus have begun to hire Michener Student Customer Service Representatives to help with events, which gives them not only job experience, but also a chance to network with other UHN learners and educators.
UHN leadership and Michener Faculty line up to enter Michener’s convocation ceremony in June 2016
I N T E G R AT I O N A N N I V E R S A R Y E D I T I O N O F M I C H E N E R N E W S | J A N UA R Y 2017
In October 2016, a new leadership structure was rolled out, aimed at increasing collaborative practice.
I N T E G R AT I O N A N N I V E R S A R Y E D I T I O N O F M I C H E N E R N E W S | J A N UA R Y 2017
Collaborative successes
With the new leadership structure, doors are opening for collaborative practice across all five campuses. In a short time, we have seen the development of a new way of working together, as evidenced by some significant pilot projects. These projects are contributing in real time to increased student competency and patient safety. •
The Education Leadership Council was relaunched across all campuses, bringing the education leads of clinical programs within the hospital and education leaders (including academic program chairs) together bi-monthly to share and explore education and clinical best practices together. The first Education Development Summit across all five campuses of The Michener Institute of Education at UHN was held in November, drawing together education leaders to network; build capacity for teaching and learning; and identify shared education priorities and opportunities for collaboration in developing skills for teaching and learning.
The peer review program for X-ray - a collaboration between Michener faculty and the Joint Diagnostic Imaging Department (JDMI) at UHN - has been implemented, to great success. Currently, each JDMI technologist conducts one peer review of an X-ray per day and select cases are chosen for presentation and discussion at quality rounds, which includes Michener students. The learnings from this process are informing Medical Radiation Sciences curriculum redesign. Related to the peer review program, Michener and JDMI staff and faculty are working together to create digital image banks of standardized images and of different pathologies for use in teaching models. Currently there are no commercial products that can fill this need, and the integration of the applied health sciences school within a hospital network creates a unique solution. Both Michener and UHN have Advanced Cardiac Life Support programs, which are now being integrated into a single program that meets the needs of all learners across the five campuses and beyond.
I N T E G R AT I O N A N N I V E R S A R Y E D I T I O N O F M I C H E N E R N E W S | J A N UA R Y 2017
In September 2016, Michener and Toronto Rehab Institute partnered on a video to demonstrate the difficulties frail patients can experience in the health care setting.
Simulation in Education
One of the great benefits of the integration has been the ability to draw together Michener’s established leadership in the use of simulation in medical education with UHN’s expertise in simulation and tele-simulation. Simulated learning continues to be firmly embedded within the curriculum of all funded Michener programs. Traffic at CASE (Centre for Advancement of Simulation in Education) continues to increase, as an increasing number of health professions take advantage of the ObjectiveStructure Clinical Evaluation (OSCE) suites. For example: •
Since August, the Practice Based Education portfolio within UHN’s Collaborative Academic Practice has been using CASE three days each month to host orientation exercises as part of onboarding for new employees. Examples of orientation exercises include patient lifts, Code Blue response, vascular access, and IV pumps.
Brenda Perkins-Meingast, the Director of Practice Based Education, is investigating the opportunity to partner with scientists at the Wilson Centre to develop a research project that will study the educational implications of the orientation sessions. With the portfolio realignment mentioned earlier and the recent recruitment of two Interim CoDirectors for Centre for Learning Innovation and Simulation with expertise in simulation-based learning and program design, simulation is now positioned as a strategic priority for education at UHN. The two new co-directors are planning an in-house standardized patient program, and are working with the Interventional Radiology group at JDMI to help them build standardized patient program-based simulations for a professional development day in June 2017. An in-patient stroke team at Toronto Rehab is investigating the use of standardized patients to build communication tools used during interprofessional family interviews. Additionally, the standardized patient program is being used as a tool to help support medical professionals in having difficult conversations with their peers.
I N T E G R AT I O N A N N I V E R S A R Y E D I T I O N O F M I C H E N E R N E W S | J A N UA R Y 2017
Since the integration, UHN and its academic partners have begun to utilize CASE’s excellent clinical evaluation facilities for the assessment of medical residents. For example, in November 2016, the University of Toronto Department of Radiation Oncology ran two OSCE sessions for oncology and radiation physics residents. In March 2017, Dr. Rodrigo Cavalcanti’s team at the HoPingKong Centre for Excellence in Education and Practice (CEEP) will be running an OSCE for a scholarly assessment of General Internal Medicine residents.
CASE Virtal Tour on Michener site
With 24 available clinical exam rooms and full audiovisual integration, we project CASE to be the go-to solution for OSCEs for the UHN community. CASE created a virtual tour of its simulation facilities to help the entire UHN education community envision how simulation can support their learning and teaching objectives. CASE is currently working with Information Management departments across campuses on a pilot to expand the camera footprint of Michener’s video recording and facility management platform to the Anesthesia Simulation Lab at Toronto General Hospital. This platform, called LearningSpace, is a web-based tool that has enormous potential to enhance learner self-reflection, debriefing and assessment in simulation. The Toronto Rehab Institute and Michener teamed up to help health care professionals gain a better understanding of, and empathy for, the lived experience and needs of seniors in the health care system. Together they created an awareness video using Michener’s frail aging suit to depict the challenges an elderly patient can face in the health care setting.
I N T E G R AT I O N A N N I V E R S A R Y E D I T I O N O F M I C H E N E R N E W S | J A N UA R Y 2017
Research Institute Very early in our integration, we heard from the extended education, research and clinical communities that there is a need to create a research institute to focus exclusively on educational research, design and innovation. Propelled by the pressing challenges facing health care and education today, this research institute would generate evidence to address current and future health care system needs, such as: • • • • • • • •
The shift to population health and impact on acute, primary and community-based care, and professional practice; The implications of working in a knowledge economy; Personalized medicine and learning, and its impact on patient care and student learning; The shift to mobile education; The shift to career change and reinvention as a normal event in one’s working life; Re-skilling and updating to maintain career viability; The transformation of traditional models of education; and The transformation of the professions in a digital age.
The research institute will incorporate think tanks and collaborative space for innovation between all of UHN’s Centres of Excellence around the three core themes: •
Technology, Innovation and Practice: Work-based Education, Clinical Reasoning, Interprofessional Collaboration and Practice, Caring Safely and Clinical Academic Practice; Societies, Systems and Structures: Globalization and Commercialization, Health Human Resource Planning, Reimagining the Future of the Professions, Evolution of Health Professions/ Systems; and Teaching and Learning: Theory and Design of Education, Educational Modelling, Instructional Design, Simulation.
A Research Institute steering committee was developed early in the year, made up in part by the leadership of each of the Centres of Excellence that will contribute to the research institute. They worked hard to crystalize the vision for the Research Institute of Healthcare Education. The draft proposal has received the endorsement of the key partners required to bring it to life: UHN Research; the University of Toronto; and the UHN Board Education and Research Committees. While the research institute model and details are still being finessed, the Toronto Western and General Hospital Foundation has already secured $4.5 million to begin building out the 12th floor of 222 St. Patrick, which is where the research institute will live. The Temerty-Chang Telesimulation Centre, which conducts world-class research that helps bridge a crucial gap in health care in developing countries, will move to the research centre from Toronto Western Hospital, along with the HoPingKong Centre for Excellence in Education and Practice. CORE THEMES Technologies, Innovation and Practice
Societes, Systems and Structures
The Wilson Centre
Centre for Interprofessional Education
The Advanced Imaging Education Centre (AIEC)
Teaching and Learning The Advanced Imaging Education Centre
The Temerty-Chang Telesimulation Centre
Institute of Healthcare Education Research
HoPingKong Centre for Excellence in Education and Practice
The Centre for Learning, Innovation and Simulation
The Temerty-Chang Telesimulation Centre
The Temerty-Chang Telesimulation Centre
Institute for Health Professions*PROPOSED
The Centre for the Advancement of Simulation Education
The Research Institute will be a resource for anyone conducting research in health care education at UHN.
I N T E G R AT I O N A N N I V E R S A R Y E D I T I O N O F M I C H E N E R N E W S | J A N UA R Y 2017
Day to day business
Both Michener and UHN staff and students have come to enjoy many of the benefits of an integrated entity that aren’t specifically about teaching and learning. The mutual spirit of collaboration and progress between Michener and UHN has delivered many key operational gains over the past year. •
UHN’s Shared Information Management Services team and Michener’s Information Management team partnered to provide all staff with mutual access to each other’s intranet sites and global contact lists. This enabled greater information sharing across campuses, as well as the ability to collaborate and share information more easily. Staff at UHN and Michener have been enjoying aspects of each other’s professional development supports and programs for most of the year. A few notable examples include dedicated spots for Michener staff in some of UHN’s most popular professional development opportunities, such as the Emerging Leader program, and broader access to the majority of the UHN Learning and Development Calendar. Faculty development opportunities and resources are also now freely shared across UHN and Michener. For example, Michener staff participated in the UHN “Facilitating Groups in Interprofessional Education: Getting Started” workshop. Michener also shares its fitness facilities with UHN staff for specific wellness programs, and UHN students and staff are welcome to engage in Michener’s intramural sports programs. Michener was included in the UHN Human Resources Employee Engagement Pulse Survey this year, building up to the Big Survey next year. All of Education at UHN, including the St. Patrick Campus, showed a 100 per cent response rate!
in June 2016, Michener and Laurentian University renewed their partnership for the joint Radiation Therapy program.
With the realignment of education portfolios, teaching-related affiliation agreements and memorandums of understanding are now managed centrally. In April 2016, we launched a blog featuring the voices of Michener and UHN’s thought leaders exploring topics related to health care education. The popularity of the blog has continued to grow, with the most recent submission about how ‘turf toe’ may have ended the Toronto Blue Jays’ World Series push reaching more than 5,000 sets of eyes. In late November, Michener’s Marketing and Communications team wrapped up a series of videos featuring our full-time programs, to support our recruitment drive to the February 2 application deadline. The development of these high-quality videos was supported by UHN creative resources, as well as by significant input and time from Michener faculty and students.
I N T E G R AT I O N A N N I V E R S A R Y E D I T I O N O F M I C H E N E R N E W S | J A N UA R Y 2017
o much has been accomplished in a single year, and so much still lies ahead. As the year wraps up, we are contemplating the many opportunities our new structure and strategic alignment presents ‌ opportunities to collaborate more, to share our expertise globally and to design the health care education the future demands.
Integration progress is tracked and reported regularly in the Quarterly Reports section of RenewingUHN.ca.
I N T E G R AT I O N A N N I V E R S A R Y E D I T I O N O F M I C H E N E R N E W S | J A N UA R Y 2017
Research Trainees
Health Professionals*
Wilson Centre Fellows
Medical learners
of which
are Michener students in clinical placements
Continuing Education graduate certificate program learners
Other Continuing Education learners
765 in ten
diploma programs
70 in two
graduate certificate programs**
* Over 30 professions including: Chiropody, Clinical Nutrition, Medical Imaging, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Social Work, and others) ** Anesthesia Assistant and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The Michener Institute of Education at UHN 222 St. Patrick Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5T 1V4
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