2014 Year in Review People • Land • Legacy
Michigan Nature Association
A Karner Blue Butterfly by Marilyn Keigley
Looking Back on a Remarkable Year As you read this Year in Review, I think you will agree with me that 2014 has been a tremendously important and successful year for MNA. It is hard to do justice to the amazing work of our staff, statewide network of volunteers and to the many natural treasures protected by MNA’s sanctuaries. These are just a few of the stories you will find in our 2014 Year in Review: • We expanded MNA’s unparalleled statewide network of more than 170 nature sanctuaries. Since last November, MNA has added 145 acres at six sites around the state, including the purchase of a major new 77acre addition to the Keweenaw Peninsula’s famed Brockway Mountain, thanks to the generous support of our members. Looking out over Lake Superior, Brockway Mountain offers not only one of the most scenic views in the Great Lakes region, it is also one of the most important stopover areas in North America for migrating raptors. • We launched an exciting new K-12 education initiative focused on providing children with opportunities to get outdoors and experience Michigan’s natural heritage. By engaging children of all ages through educational grants, classroom instruction and, most importantly, field experience, not only do we return to MNA’s roots but also establish a connection with nature for the next generation. • We received national recognition earlier this year when we were accredited by the Land Trust Accreditation Commission, certifying we meet national best-in-class standards as a nonprofit land conservancy. This is a remarkable achievement for a small group like MNA that owns and maintains such a vast network of lands fewer than 15 percent of land trusts in the U.S. have achieved accreditation. Earlier this year, the Poweshiek skipper butterfly was added to the federal endangered species list. Thanks to forward thinking, dedicated volunteers and active stewardship, MNA already protects four of the nine remaining areas in Michigan where this fragile species continues to hold on. Unfortunately, the Poweshiek will not be the last addition to the list. There is much to be done, but the continued support of our members, donors, and volunteers is what makes it all possible. Thank you for all that you do for MNA and for Michigan.
On the Cover: The view from Brockway Mountain by J. Haara
Boulders in Whiskey Harbor at Kernan Memorial Nature Sanctuary by Jason Steel
Protecting Michigan Nature
Saving Our Natural Treasures Saving Critical Habitat on Brockway Mountain
The Keweenaw Peninsula’s Brockway Mountain is one of MNA’s highest conservation priorities. In 2011, MNA became aware of an opportunity to protect an additional 77 acres of land on Brockway Mountain adjacent to the James H. Klipfel Memorial Nature Sanctuary. Donald and Karen Stearns provided MNA with a generous challenge grant to help raise funds for the protection of Brockway Mountain. As a result, MNA was able to raise the funds to meet the challenge and purchase the 77-acre addition this year.
Protecting Shoreline Along Lake Huron’s Whiskey Harbor
This summer, MNA had the opportunity to purchase an addition to the Kernan Memorial Nature Sanctuary along Lake Huron’s Whiskey Harbor in Michigan’s thumb. Though small, the 1.55-acre addition contains 263 feet of frontage on Whiskey Harbor and is approximately 75 percent wetlands. The sanctuary now totals nearly 47 acres and contains more than 4,000 feet of shoreline along Lake Huron.
Protecting Rare Coastal Wetlands at Roach Point
MNA is working with partners to expand the Schafer Family Nature Sanctuary at Roach Point. The sanctuary protects critical coastal wetlands along Munuscong Lake, a large embayment along the western shore of the St. Mary’s River. This area has been a conservation priority for the governments of the United States and Canada for many years. The project, part of a collaborative effort called the Michigan Upper Peninsula Coastal Wetlands Project, would expand Roach Point by another 160 acres.
Strengthening Sanctuaries in the Jackson Interlobate
The Jackson Interlobate is one of the most biologically diverse regions in Michigan, extending from northern Oakland County, through parts of Livingston and Washtenaw counties, and into the greater Jackson area. MNA completed a series of land acquisition projects to help expand the protected areas at three of the 14 nature sanctuaries within the region. The completed projects added a three-acre addition to Lakeville Swamp Nature Sanctuary, a 22-acre addition near Big Valley Nature Sanctuary, and 10 acres of forested wetlands to Morgan Porritt Nature Sanctuary.
Twin Waterfalls Memorial Plant Preserve by Mike Zajczenko
A Mark of Distinction
Achieving National Recognition This year, MNA achieved land trust accreditation through the Land Trust Accreditation Commission, an independent program of the Land Trust Alliance. MNA was awarded accreditation this February. Less than 15 percent of the roughly 1,800 land trusts in the United States are currently accredited. Each accredited land trust submitted extensive documentation and demonstrated excellence under a rigorous review. Achieving accreditation means that MNA’s conservation work and business practices meet the highest professional standards within the land trust community. “Accreditation provides the public with an assurance that, at the time of accreditation, a land trust meets high standards for quality and that the results of their conservation work are permanent,” said Commission Executive Director Tammara Van Ryn. MNA is committed to continuing to meet the highest standards into the future and is proud to be an accredited land trust.
Accreditation is a great tool to strengthen land trusts and to grow the level of public trust in the permanence of land trust work.
Steve Small, author, Preserving Family Lands
MNA’s New Home: A Space for Collaboration Since MNA settled into its home in Williamston, Michigan in 2002, the staff has grown from just one employee (and several dedicated volunteers!) to more than a dozen full or part-time staffers. The Williamston office became more crowded with each passing year and in the summer of 2014, MNA made the move to a new office space in nearby Okemos. The new office offers plenty of room for MNA’s staff and office volunteers to work more effectively, provides ample meeting spaces, and allows for exciting expansion opportunities. MNA is exploring the possibility of adding an educational conference area to the space in the coming years. This new functional office provides MNA the opportunity to grow and flourish.
Restoration and Renewal
Being Good Stewards of the Land
Michigan’s landscapes constantly face the threat of development and fragmentation. As recent headlines attest, government funding for natural areas protection is declining. This leaves much of the work to groups like MNA, and with the support of dedicated volunteers, MNA’s stewardship team is able to continue protecting and restoring environmentally sensitive natural areas in Michigan.
hours worked by MNA volunteers in 2014, including volunteer workdays
Some highlights of MNA’s stewardship work in 2014 include: • Continuing to protect and manage critical habitat for the Poweshiek skipper butterfly, which was added to the federal endangered species list this year. • Conducting three BioBlitz events at sanctuaries in the Upper Peninsula and in Southwest Michigan to compile comprehensive species lists at each sanctuary and better understand the habitats within. • Constructing and rebuilding boardwalks at several sanctuaries across the state to help protect sensitive habitats and improve accessibility for visitors.
2014 in Numbers 128 volunteer workdays
guided hikes, kayak trips, and excursions
BioBlitz events
partner research projects
invasive species control projects
new regional stewardship organizers
< Clockwise from top left: A prescribed burn at Goose Creek Grasslands (MNA Archives), volunteers at Dauner Martin Nature Sanctuary (MNA Archives), Albion College student Mike Dussel and MNA’s Matt Schultz identify a turtle (Patricia Pennell), Nicole Mathiasz carries lumber for the boardwalk at Twin Waterfalls Memorial Plant Preserve (Kathryn Lund Johnson).
Educating the Next Generation of Conservation Leaders
Connecting Children With Nature More than 60 years ago, MNA founder Bertha Daubendiek and her friends established a bird study group with the hope of keeping Michigan in a natural state. The group felt it was important to educate young people in order to continue conservation work in Michigan and began weekend nature exhibits, guided tours, and a study course for students in metro Detroit. Decades later, MNA continues Bertha’s work by giving young people across the state hands-on nature education opportunities. Nature Field Trip Grants
Educational BioBlitz in the Keweenaw
MTU Sorority Makes a Difference
Addison High School’s Hands-On Stewardship
MNA and Lake Trust Credit Union formed an education partnership to connect students with nature. This partnership provides $500 mini-grants to teachers across Michigan to cover the costs associated with taking a field trip to eligible natural areas including community nature centers, MNA nature sanctuaries, and other locations.
As part of Make a Difference Day, members of the Delta Phi Epsilon sorority at Michigan Technological University joined MNA volunteers to build 190 feet of boardwalk at Keweenaw Shores No. 1 Nature Sanctuary.
For several years, students and teachers from Jeffers High School in Houghton County have been taking field trips to the Robert T. Brown Plant Preserve for outdoor learning and service projects. This year, the school partnered with MNA to conduct a BioBlitz at the sanctuary giving students a unique hands-on experience assisting with the species inventory.
MNA staff visited Addison High School to teach science classes about prairie fen ecology. Then, students joined MNA in the field to assist with glossy buckthorn removal in the prairie fen at Goose Creek Grasslands Nature Sanctuary.
We have such a brief opportunity to pass on to our children our love for this Earth, and to tell our stories. These are the moments when the world is made whole. Richard Louv, Last Child in the Woods
< Clockwise from top left: Robert T. Brown Plant Preserve serves as an outdoor classroom (Charles Eshbach), students identify trees at Robert T. Brown Plant Preserve (Joan Chadde), Cyrus Sparks-Jackson enjoys a field trip with his family at Goose Creek (Rachel Maranto), Delta Phi Epsilon members and their friends help build a boardwalk in the Keweenaw (Nancy Leonard).
Grinnell Memorial Nature Sanctuary by Brooke Isaacson
Leaving a Lasting Legacy
People Making a Difference Each fall, supporters and friends of the Michigan Nature Association gather to honor the special people who make a difference in protecting Michigan’s natural heritage. This year, MNA was pleased to honor the following individuals: Dr. Dennis Albert Edward G. Voss Conservation Science Award
John Porter Mason and Melvin Schafer Distinguished Service Award
John Behnke Volunteer of the Year
Eugene Lidster Volunteer of the Year
Dr. Dennis (Denny) Albert is a landscape and wetland ecologist and an assistant professor at Oregon State University in the Department of Horticulture. Throughout his career, Denny has helped educate the public on the importance of protecting Michigan’s natural heritage through his books and articles written for a general audience. His contributions through field surveys, natural features inventories, ecoregional mapping, and research into wetland ecology has been instrumental in the identification and protection of more than 30 miles of Great Lakes shoreline and other environmentally sensitive areas.
John is the steward at Lakeville Swamp Nature Sanctuary in Oakland County as well as an active volunteer at Wilcox-Warnes Nature Sanctuary. Since 2010, John has dedicated more than 130 hours to MNA both as a volunteer and an ambassador for the organization.
John has been involved with MNA since 2003. He served as the steward at both Green River and Cedar River nature sanctuaries for several years and was involved in several complex projects that included locating sanctuary boundaries, management plan writing, and installing sanctuary entrance signs. John has since moved to Presque Isle, but before he left he made sure that new stewards were established at the sanctuaries to take his place. This year, John stepped up to become the first steward of the new Morris Bay Nature Sanctuary and has started mapping and marking sanctuary boundaries already.
For over a decade, Eugene has been involved with MNA as a volunteer. He is a member of the burn crew, helping with prescribed fires at sanctuaries throughout southern Michigan as well as an active participant at MNA workdays, joining us in the field on even the coldest days.
When people are engaged in conservation and pitching in, it makes finding the right way forward so much easier. Margaret Welsch, MNA President
A Statewide Impact MNA would like to thank the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, the J.A. Woollam Foundation, Ducks Unlimited, the Leuthold Family Foundation, and our hundreds of dedicated stewards and volunteers for their assistance in 2014. Without their support, many of these projects would not have been possible.
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1. Robert T. Brown BioBlitz MNA and Jeffers High School teamed up to host a BioBlitz at this â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;outdoor classroomâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Students had the opportunity to inventory the plant species at the sanctuary and bring their science lessons to life! 2. Keweenaw Shores No. 1 Boardwalk The Delta Phi Epsilon sorority at Michigan Technological University joined MNA volunteers to build 190 feet of boardwalk at Keweenaw Shores No. 1 Nature Sanctuary. Monarch butterflies
3. Community Effort at Brockway Mountain MNA continued to participate in a community partnership effort to prevent the construction of a cell phone tower on Brockway Mountain. This effort will help protect migratory raptors and other birds.
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4. Boardwalk Rebuild at Twin Waterfalls Thanks to the help of several dedicated volunteers including students from Northern Michigan University and Grand Valley State University, a new section of boardwalk was constructed at this popular nature sanctuary.
5. Lake Superior Nature Sanctuary BioBlitz In the early summer, a team of volunteer biologists congregated on the sanctuary for a 24 hour period to compile updated species lists for the sanctuary. 6. Fred Dye Nature Sanctuary Wildflower Walkabout A wildflower hike to see the disjunct prairie remnant, wildflowers, karst features, and ghost town remains was held during the summer. 7. Plant Surveys at Hiawatha Nature Sanctuary An updated survey was completed to document the unique fern communities found on this sanctuary along the Niagara Escarpment. 8. Newaygo Prairie Invasives Management Volunteers continued management of invasive species including spotted knapweed and scotch pine to protect the diversity of this unique prairie sanctuary. 9. Lost Lake Nature Sanctuary Adventure Hike Steward Paul Messing led an exciting adventure hike through Lost Lake’s challenging terrain. 10. Morris Bay Acquisition The Nature Conservancy transferred ownership of the Alpena-area nature sanctuary, agreeing that MNA would be better able to assume management responsibilities and care for the unique qualities of the sanctuary. 11. Dowagiac Woods BioBlitz In May, volunteer naturalists explored Dowagiac Woods in Cass County to record all species to better understand the sanctuary’s biodiversity. The final results included seven butterfly species and 79 bird species.
12. Black River Reforestation Project The Black River corridor provides quality forest habitat for wildlife. With the assistance of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, MNA was able to plant native deciduous hardwood trees to fill a small canopy gap in the forest and enhance the sanctuary for neotropical migrants and wildlife. 13. New Trail at Brewer Woods Nature Sanctuary MNA opened a publicly accessible foot trail at this Kalamazoo County sanctuary, which was donated to MNA in 2013. 14. Garlic Mustard Pull at Powell Memorial Nature Sanctuary Volunteers and stewardship staff continued efforts to manage garlic mustard and maintain the forest understory in this diverse sanctuary in Lenawee County. 15. Prairie Fen Protection at Goose Creek To protect the prairie fen at Goose Creek Grasslands, students from a restoration ecology class at Michigan State University assisted with glossy buckthorn removal at the sanctuary. MNA’s burn team then conducted a prescribed burn at the sanctuary to control invasives and maintain the prairie fen. 16. Boardwalk Reconstruction at Red Cedar River The boardwalk at this Ingham County nature sanctuary was in need of significant repairs. Through a series of ongoing volunteer days, repairs were completed on the boardwalk and stair sections of the trail, making it much more accessible for visitors.
17. Big Valley Acquisition MNA acquired 22 acres of land near Big Valley Nature Sanctuary in Oakland County, including wetland, upland, 750 feet of shoreline along an inland lake, and portions of a small island. The addition includes a southern wet meadow, oak barrens, and a savanna remnant. 18. Phragmites Management at Timberland Swamp MNA teamed up with Huron Clinton Metroparks staff to complete spraying of phragmites patches at Timberland Swamp Nature Sanctuary in Oakland County. 19. Morgan Porritt Acquisition MNA added a 10-acre addition of forested wetlands to the sanctuary. This unique habitat is ideal for liverworts, mosses, and ferns, some of the oldest plants in the world. 20. Lakeville Swamp Acquisition A three-acre addition was donated to MNA to one of its oldest sanctuaries. Though small, the addition expands protected wetland and protects important habitat for native plants and animals. 21. Trails Open at Edna S. Newnan Nature Sanctuary The installation of a parking area was completed and a foot trail was opened at this sanctuary which was donated to MNA in 2012. 22. Protecting Lake Huron Shoreline MNA added a 1.55 acre addition to Kernan Memorial Nature Sanctuary that contains 263 feet of frontage on Whiskey Harbor and is approximately 75% coastal wetlands.
Thank You to Our Supporters MNA receives generous support from thousands of individuals across the country. In addition to these financial gifts, MNA is extremely grateful for the contributed services and work of its many volunteers, whose names may not appear on these pages. Every gift to MNA makes a difference, and we thank each of our supporters for their dedication to saving Michiganâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s natural treasures. MNA is very appreciative of the contributions of each and every member, donor and volunteer. We have made every attempt to be accurate in our list, which includes donations made between November 1, 2013 and October 31, 2014; any name not included was done so unintentionally and we apologize for the omission.
$10,000 and up Genevieve Casey Stan and Betsy Dole Addison and Debby Igleheart Leuthold Family Foundation Kenneth R. Meyer Trust The Nature Conservancy Michigan Chapter Gerald A. Phillips Russell Schipper and Ilse Gebhard David and Jeannette Sharpe Donald and Karen Stearns Janet Jung Victor J.A. Woollam Foundation Anonymous
$1,000 to $9,999 Audubon Society of Kalamazoo Dr. David Baker Cynthia Bone Jim and Kathryn Booth Joseph and Sue Colucci Copper County Audubon Club Melvin and Mary Ann Czechowski Dole Family Foundation Frank and Gertrude Dunlap Foundation Darcy and David Dye Fred Dye Charles and Nancy Goodrich Rex Guelde Lake Superior Nature Sanctuary
Heart of the Lakes Center for Land Conservation Policy Highfield Foundation Anna Holden Alice and Gerald Honea India Foundation Kurt and Maura Jung Scott Klus Kresge Foundation Douglas and Celeste LaBar Lake Trust Credit Union Lawrence and Judith Larson David Lindberg Bruce and Patricia Loughry Robert and Marion Martin Gregg Maze Bill McEachern Annemary Meeter Trust Noel Moore Janet A. Morosco Fr. David Neven Gary Pomeroy Don and Carolyn Reed Mike, Amy, and Paige Rohda Ken Ross Judith Royer Chip and Nancy Sestok Doris Sutherland Tom and Laura Trudeau Ruth Vail Marshall and Karen Weingarden George Wickstrom
Thank You to Our Supporters
Wildshore Foundation, Inc Ted Zahrfeld Cathleen Zepelin Anonymous (8)
$500 to $999
Alec and Judy Allen Larry and Pat Bacon Lawrence and Christine Baer Lisa Bartlett James Bauer Jonathon Beeton Jim Bergman and Penny Hommel William and Jan Bingham Joan Bolt The Bradtke Family David and Sharon Brooks Eleanor Brownell Mark, Wendy and Kyle Casey Clannad Foundation Community Foundation for Muskegon County Community Foundation for Southeast MI Robert and Linda DeLap Donald and Christine Diehl Duane Ehresman Edward Elsner and Family Lisa and Mark Fitzpatrick Susan Frazier Global Impact Richard and Marianne Glosenger
Robert and Elizabeth Herbst IBM International Foundation Nora Iversen and John Talbot Clifford and Shirley Johnson Bob and Ciari Johnson Robert Kachman Jean Kegler Kyle and Kevin King Terry Kinzel and Sue Ellen Kingsley Ken and Marlena Kirton Gisela Lendle King Bernard Link Scott MacLean Paul and Susan McEwen Maureen Michael James Mihelcic and Karen Curry Moran Jim and Betsy Pifer Ron and Helen Priest Alan and Lauren Rackov Tony and Susan Reznicek Michael and Libby Robold Dr. Lewis Rosenbaum Jan and Jim Senneker Ken Shaw Dick and Posy Shuster Steve Tomashefsky and Rebecca Sive Elly Sullivan Martin Tatuch Kyle Troyer Phyllis Turner Joyce Van Ochten Brian and Joan Wake
Walter Zarnoch Stan and Kathy Zasuwa Anonymous (7)
$100 to $499
Susan and Keith Abentrod Matthew Alder Robert Alexander Catherine H. Anderson Patricia Andring Leon and Beverly Anibal Lisa Appel Doris Applebaum Daniel and Constance Arnold AT&T United Way Ronald and Judy Backus Thomas and Linda Baes Phil and Robin Baither Phyllis Barents Clifford and Isabel Bath David Baur and Bernice Natoli Kim Beal and Gladys Chrostek-Beal Pat and Ronald Beechem Alfred and Ruth Beeton Diane Bennett Mike and Diane Bennett Carolyn and Bruce Bertram Mary A. Bielik Charles and Laura Bikle Julia Bishop Theo Bohms Roberta Bolig
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Bond Stacy and Timothy Bosch Ms. Kristine Bradof Carol Branch and Deb Ledford Richard Brewer and Kay Takahashi Jon and Linda Brorson Theodore and Audrey Brown Linda Brown and David Dupont Gerald and Rose Burke Barbara Burke and Martha Montgomery Carolyn and Kerry Bush Cathy and David Butts Richard and Beverly Buzinski John and Patricia Case Marilyn A. Case Joan Schumaker Chadde Philip Chamberlain Christopher Chamberlin and Joanna Pease Kristi Chapman Lucy Chargot Judith Kay Chase Robert Christensen Nora Clancy Thomas Clark Leslie Clark Peter and Shari Clason Daniel and Suzanne Closner Robert and Susan Cobb Gene Colby The Connable Office John Copley and Jan Berry
Thank You to Our Supporters
Copper Harbor Trails Club Dave and Sue Corby Patricia Cornett David Crossett Betsy Cutler Elizabeth Dapson Bill and Margie Darooge Russ and Lorraine Davidson Catherine Davis James and Yevgenya Derian Larry and Diane Detter Anne Doran Howard and Jean Druckenmiller John Dye Gary and Joan Dzidowski East Lansing Garden Club Maggie Ebrite Mary Edgar Harry and Sara Eick Louise Eisenbrey Deborah Elliott Richard Endress Roger and Dagmar Eriksson Aunita Erskine Peter Every Daniel and Martina Ezekiel Don Fahrbach Gene and Janet Fairchild Ted Fasing Liz and Sam Febba Howard Feit Robert and Debby Filer
Janet Cohen Fisher Dale and Ruth Fitch Michael Fitzpatrick and Sue Fortuna Vic and Mary Foerster Josephine R. Foster Judy and Ray Frank Matthew and Terri Franzen Ray and Arlene Frodey Fred Geis General Motors Foundation John and Noelle George Lynn Weimeister and Don Gilmer Gene Gilmore Gerald Goth Judith and John Graham Judith Grantz Sue Greenlee and Geoff Hoyer Edward Groves and Heidi Grether James and Barbara Gusfa John Hand Linda and John Harris Virginia Hathorne Gratiot Lake Conservancy William Hamilton and Susan Heathfield John Heidtke Florence Heliste Larry and Mary Hennessey Robert and Irene Heywood Scott Hickman Michael & Helen Higgins Pat Hiller Gretchen Hirsch
Neil and Mary Hodges Doug and Marie Holem Nada Hrovat Julie and Michael Hussar Keith Alan Huth Mark and Nancy Isken Gale Jamsen Mark and Cheryl Jenness Kathy Lund Johnson and Mark Johnson Robert Johnson Mary Joscelyn Jacquelyn Kallunki Mary Karshner Steve Keim and Vera Kraft Hal and Jeanette Keim Janet Kelman Charles and Katie Kenney Jacqueline Kinsman Seminole Shores Living Center Bruce and Mary Ann Klosner Don Klotz, Jr. Leah Knapp Mary Knight Jonathan & Laurel Kniskern Thomas and Judith Knox Diane Krause Joe Kravetz Jon and Nancy Kreple Kroger Community Rewards Leslie Kuhn Ponon Kumar Julius Kusey
Mary Ann LaMonte Ann Larimore Evelyn Larson Lawrence Garden Club Larry Ledebur and Susan Whitelaw Deb Ledford Yu Man Lee Reed and Dorothy Lenz Bill and Nancy Leonard Carl Levin David and Alice Lewandowski Jesse Lincoln David Lixey Lora Loope Richard Lorey Darlene Lozuaway David Lusk and Deborah Bodner Joann Lynch Merry MacRae Ralph and Marena Markel Fred Matthaei Jr. Jane Maxted Henry and Laurel Maze George and Nancy Maze Caroline McCollom JB McCombs and Grace Menzel James McEwan Lorna McEwen Barbara Mead David and Jacqueline Mente James Mertens Paul and Jill Messing
Remembering Fred Dye Barbara Metting Jennifer and Gary Miller Robert Miller Susan Miller Tracy Miller Margaret R. Moran Robert and Mary Ellen Morrison John Moules Patrick and Christine Muldoon Wayne Murphy Scott and Barbara Myckowiak Larry Neitzert Robert and Kimberly Ness Robb and Deb Newman Gina Nicholas Glen Nichols Curt and Holly Nielsen Catherine Niessink Ken and Emily Nietering Larry and Sarah Nooden Fred Oeflein Charles Otis Don and Nancy Pais Ronald and Mary Jo Paler Jeannine Palms and Dale Petty Lu Parsons Douglas Patterson Richard and Mary Paul Charles and Sun Ok Pearson Glenn and Ellen Peterson Joyce and Joe Peterson Petoskey Community Foundation
Rosemary Philip Jane Phipps Joe Pitlanish Margaret Pittman Robert and Sandra Planisek Dr. James R. Pochert Port Huron Garden Club John Porter Martha Porter Jonathan and Barbara Previant Rada Radebaugh Carol and Stephen Rall Arlene Rampson Ward Randol, Jr. Blair Reamy John Reed Dennis and Chris Reineke John and Diane Revitte Peter and Allison Reynolds Mary Rhodes Constance McGuire and Timothy Richards Clarence and Sharon Rickard Jane Robertson Bill and Nanno Rose Fran Rosen Kenneth Rosenman Stephen and Barbara Ross Bruce Rossman Steven Rosswurm Ruth Sablich Kathy Schafer
Fred Dye (right) celebrates the dedication of Fred Dye Nature Sanctuary
This fall MNA said goodbye to dedicated volunteer and former Trustee Charles Frederic “Fred” Dye, Jr. who passed away at age 94. Fred was a fantastic storyteller who lived a remarkable life. We remember his stories about attending the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, touring Europe by bicycle, and seeing American planes fly underneath the Eiffel Tower on VE Day in 1945. He was an amateur jazz musician, an avid hiker, and a runner. He ran, and completed, the Boston Marathon at age 70. Fred served in World War II as a technical observer for General Motors with the French 2nd Armor Division. He received a bronze star for his service. After the war, Fred returned to Michigan to work at Ford Motor Company as project planner. He retired after 31 years, and in retirement became involved with MNA. Fred served on the Board of Trustees from 1999-2011 and volunteered in the field until past the age of 90. He was involved in countless initiatives and projects at MNA including service on many committees, acting as steward at Lakeville Swamp Nature Sanctuary, and touring the state giving presentations about MNA’s work. In 2010, Fred was one of three individuals honored with the Richard W. Holzman Award for his many years of dedicated service to MNA. Though Fred is no longer with us, his dedication to Michigan’s natural heritage lives on through Fred Dye Nature Sanctuary, named in his honor in 2003, and his hard work, dedication and influence on the Michigan Nature Association will be forever appreciated.
Thank You to Our Supporters
Rosemary Tinetti Ilona Tobin Robert Tomasik and Norman Horowitz Diane Tomiuk Paul and Barbara Trojan Paul and Catherine Tulikangas Craig Tylenda Thelma Ullrich Alice and Dale Valaskovic Doris Van Buskirk Jeanne Van Ochten and Wayne Adams Charlene Vanacker Robert Vanderkamp Chis VanGorder Roger and Wendy Walden Glen Walter Margaret Walter Celeste and Dale Watts Scott Weaver Roger and Barbara Webster Sue Welch David and Joan Wendling Paul and Janet Wenstrom Betty White Carolyn White Marshal Wied Nancy Wierenga Leslie Wilkey Warren and Barbara Wille Robert and Clarice Williams Williamston Red Cedar Garden Club James Wilton
Dr. Caryl Freeman’s Lasting Legacy ©Dick Glosenger
Edward Scharrer John Schlansker Judith Schmidt Lynn Schram Megan Schrauben Dr. Elizabeth Schultz Howard and Tammy Schultz Marcia Schwarz David and Elvera Shappirio Robert N. Sheap Donald Smalligan Linnea Smith Mary Smith Albert and Grace Sowa Bill Spengler Jeff Stein Nancy Steiner Scott Stensaas Matt Swanson Neal and Sharon Swanson Robert and Renee Swanson Scott Swinton and Sylvia Morse Donald Symons Michael Synk Adam Szymczak Betty Tableman Elinor Taylor Jim Tercha Andrea Thach Bruce and Ileane Thal The Benevity Community Impact Fund William and Lenora Thurston
Long-time MNA member and regular major donor Dr. Caryl Freeman passed away earlier this year. Dr. Freeman was a retired faculty member at Western Michigan University and had a distinguished career in business education. Her generous bequest to MNA will help support our work at places like MNA’s Dowagiac Woods Nature Sanctuary for generations to come.
Little Traverse Bay Pat and Peggy Wolf Martha and Robert Wolfe David and Joanne Wood Woods and Waters Ecotours
David and Kathleen Young David and Sarah Young Lars Zabel Anonymous (44)
Financial Summary Fiscal Year 2013-2014 This condensed financial statement for the fiscal year beginning March 1, 2013 and ending February 28, 2014 is based on an audit prepared by the independent certified public accounting firm of Flegal and Melnik CPA. Copies of the audit and the Form 990 Report to the Internal Revenue Service for FYE 2013 are available upon request.
Accounts Payable
Payroll Taxes
Annuity Liability
Land Contract
Fiscal Year 2013-2014 was another strong year for MNA’s finances. Total assets, which includes MNA’s land holdings, climbed to $18,403,480 (up from $17,157,066 the previous year). Endowments and funds functioning as endowments closed the year at $5,840,338, up from $5,150,929 the previous year.
Unrestricted revenue for the fiscal year totaled $1,214,478 and operating expenses $1,064,245, yielding a net surplus in unrestricted funds of $150,233. In keeping with past practice a portion of the year’s unrestricted revenue was set aside in funds functioning as endowments, resulting in a modest shortfall in MNA’s Operating Fund of $90,159. The shortfall in the Operating Funds was anticipated, however, and represents continued investment in MNA’s strategic growth as we seek to lay a stronger foundation for the future.
Sanctuary Properties
Financial support from MNA’s members and donors remains very strong. Membership dues and contributions for the year totaled $442,417. This figures excludes bequests from planned gifts received during the year, which totaled $102,234. It also excludes donations of land, funds donated for land purchases, and donations to MNA endowment funds for long-term stewardship, all of which remain strong as well.
Cash Receivables Investments at Market Value Property and Equipments Other Assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES
About Us Our Mission The purpose of MNA is to acquire, protect and maintain natural areas that contain examples of Michigan’s endangered and threatened flora, fauna and other components of the natural environment, including habitat for fish, wildlife and plants of the state of Michigan and to carry on a program of natural history study and conservation education. To learn more, visit www.michigannature.org.
Board of Trustees
Margaret Welsch
Garret Johnson
Aubrey Golden Vice President
Steve Kelley Secretary
Jerry Gray Treasurer
Ruth Vail
Trustee at Large
Lisa Appel Mary Ann Czechowski Stanley Dole Don Gilmer Debby Igleheart Stan Kuchta Gisela Lendle King Yu Man Lee William D. McNaughton Paul Messing Don Reed David Sharpe
Executive Director
Paul Steiner
Operations Director
Andrew Bacon
Stewardship Coordinator
David Pizzuti
Land Protection Specialist
John Bagley
Regional Stewardship Organizer, W.L.P.
Adrienne Bozic
Regional Stewardship Organizer, U.P.
Natalie Kent-Norkowski
Regional Stewardship Organizer, N.L.P.
Rachel Maranto
Regional Stewardship Organizer, E.L.P.
Joelle Humes
Land Protection Technician
Pamela Ferris
Associate Director for Development
Allison Barszcz
Outreach & Development Specialist
Cassie Miller
Administrative Assistant
Karen Weingarden Lake Nirvana at Lefglen Nature Sanctuary
Back Cover Photography: Top row (from left): Enjoying Grass Lake (Natalie Kent-Norkowski), Matt Schultz leads a field trip (Patricia Pennell), Dowagiac Woods in the fall (MNA Archives). Bottom row (from left): White lady-slipper (John Behnke), yellow-throated vireo (Cindy Mead), dragonfly (Haleigh Roddy), volunteer Kali Bird with a box turtle (Matt Schultz). Garret Johnson’s photo on page 3 © Marianne Glosenger
All uncredited photography is taken from the MNA archives. Please direct questions about this publication to Outreach & Development Specialist Allison Barszcz by emailing abarszcz@michigannature.org or calling (866) 223-2231. © 2014. Except where used with permission, entire contents copyright 2014 Michigan Nature Association.
“The work MNA has done is simply irreplaceable... MNA is protecting the soul of Michigan.” Dave Dempsey
award-winning author of Ruin and Recovery: Michigan’s Rise as a Conservation Leader
Sunrise at Goose Creek Grasslands Nature Sanctuary by Michael Seabrook
Michigan Nature Association 2310 Science Parkway, Suite 100 Okemos, MI 48864 www.michigannature.org