“A Midsummer Night’s Dream”
A critique of the Snyder budget
Hockey Huskies looking for wins in Minnesota
Michigan Tech Lode
February 24, 2011
Serving the Michigan Tech Community Since 1921
Public universities to receive funding cuts Michigan Tech stands well prepared STEPHEN ANDERSON Editor In Chief Governor Rick Snyder’s fiscal year 2012 budget proposal calls for a 15 percent overall reduction in higher education funding, but Michigan Technological University’s allocation would actually drop 22 percent; from $47.9 million to $37.4 million. If the University limits a tuition increase to seven percent or less, it would be eligible to receive $3.32 million in “tuition restraint” incentives, which would bump the overall allocation back up to $40.8 million –equal to the governor’s proposed 15 percent cut. At an open campus forum on Monday, Feb. 21, Michigan Tech President Glenn Mroz reassured the campus community that Tech will not make any knee-jerk reactions, but will be prepared to handle whatever the final budget is. Mroz also stressed that the FY2012 budget is only a proposal now, and must pass through the state legislature, which Snyder hopes will be done by May 31. Michigan Tech hopes to have its budget done by then as well, with Tech’s initial budget proposal
coming at the April 29 Board of Control meeting. The $40.8 million that Michigan Tech would receive per Snyder’s proposal would only account for 19 percent of the total operating budget, which creates a larger need for other sources of funding, including additional research revenues, larger philanthropic gifts and higher tuition rates; particularly given that federal stimulus funding has come and gone. Research expenditures have increased in not only STEM fields, but also in Arts, Humanities, Business and Education. Philanthropic gifts through the “Generations of Discovery” campaign have raised just over $140 million as of the end of January. While tuition has increased, so has enrollment –particularly among graduate students and female students, both of which are at their highest numbers ever. Other than tuition increases, Mroz noted that Michigan Tech is showing positive trends in most major categories. Michigan Tech is trying to properly balance its budget in continued on page 2
Understanding change: The graph above from President Mroz’s open campus forum from Monday, Feb. 21 shows the last ten years of funding that services like health care, public safety, human services and higher education (public universities) have been receiving. College students will not be surprised to see higher education in the negatives. However, Michigan Tech has a plan to continue with the same quality of education it has been offereing while balancing the university’s budget so students can still afford schooling. Photo courtesy of Michigan Tech
Michigan Tech adopts Google CEO hosts competition for new security plan potential intern MICHAEL FRIESEN Lode Writer Over the next two weeks Michigan Tech’s Information Technology Services and Security department (ITSS) will be implementing a new Information Security Plan. This new plan represents a replacement of two previous plans with additional specifications, information and guidelines. A major component of this implementation is training professors, staff, faculty and even student employees on how to handle sensitive information. This change comes from recent changes in the obligations of ITSS, such as the recent Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The current Information Security Plan, Policy 2.1009, can be viewed at http:// security.mtu.edu/policies-procedures/ISP_Final.pdf. ITSS is the department responsible for data services and security on Michigan Tech, including data servers such as the MTU server on which all students log in and save files while on campus computers as well
as MTU email and student billing information. ITSS runs and maintains all of these services as well as handles the information so that privacy and identity are protected, preventing illicit activities such as credit card theft. ITSS is required to conform to a large range of obligations and standards. These range from government regulations such as HIPAA and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act for Disclosure of Nonpublic Personal Information (GLBA), to contractual obligations such as Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS). Examples of these obligations can be viewed at http://security.mtu.edu/secure-data/compliance.php. These requirements might detail protocols for handling certain types of data, information and technology; this could mean a certain encryption procedure, a certain configuration of servers, how data is backed up and restored or even how paper documents are handled and stored. Often the obligations or guidelines are intentionally left open to interpretation, often with the
phrase “best practice” to reflect dynamic needs to be addressed –such as the ever-changing security software available, or to respond to developing concerns. Fortunately, students can rest easy knowing that while their information is stored and handled by ITSS, it is not actually read or looked through except by authorized personnel. Sports trainers and other professionals with relevant need of the information, for example, might have access to health information, and ITSS would be in charge of how it is stored and accessed, but ITSS would not be able read the information they are working with. An analogy would be that they store and handle boxes with sensitive information, but never actually look inside the boxes themselves. Though ITSS does much to protect the privacy of those under its watch, students need to be aware of security concerns as well. You should never share a password for a personal account, of any sort, with anycontinued on page 3
ROSS MARTIN Guest Writer Centennial, CO – Intern Inc., a career-driven social networking community that connects, enhances, and empowers today’s students to become tomorrow’s leaders, today launched the Ultimate Internship featuring an extraordinary opportunity to become an intern to chairman and CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt. Starting today, candidates can apply for this unique internship opportunity at www.InternInc. com. Candidates have the opportunity to progress through four rounds of competition. Each round requires the candidate to invest in their future through growing their personal and professional networks, practicing important job-seeker skills, and helping others to do the same. By the third round, the candidate pool will be reduced to the top 250 candidates, and will then progress into an “American Idol” style of judging of their video resume. By round four, the top 100 candidates will be competing for one of the coveted top ten positions from which Eric Schmidt
will select the winner. Intern Inc. will profile and follow the winning candidate throughout their Ultimate Internship, documenting their experience on its community blog with photos, videos and intriguing stories of what it’s like to work with one of the world’s most accomplished business executives. “I’m passionate about investing in our future business leaders and believe internships are an invaluable way prepare them for successful careers,” said Eric Schmidt. “We need to continue to strengthen the connection between students, businesses and schools. Because of this, I am excited about supporting an organization, like Intern Inc., that is solely dedicated to ensuring students are well prepared for their careers, and businesses are able to derive great value from their contributions. I’m looking forward to finding and mentoring my own intern, and helping to prepare that person for their future career.” Founded in 2009 by CEO Derek Rundell, Intern Inc. provides a unique and powerful way continued on page 2
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