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Serving the Michigan Tech Community Since 1921

April 15, 2009

Final study break

Internet Upgrade

Spring Fling 2009 gives Michigan Tech students one more opportunity to unwind before exams

Students promised a better connection with Rovernet 2.0 LASHAE NASZRADI Lode Writer


Plowing forward: Students at last year’s Spring Fling participated in the Truck Pull. Although not an event this year, there are many of other activities to participate in this year. Lode file photo


s you are walking around campus this Friday, you will notice a lot of activity. This weekend is the annual Spring Fling at Mich-

igan Tech. Now that spring has come and the snow is almost gone, students are able to brave the weather outside and enjoy Upper Michigan.

Just the facts What: Tech’s traditional spring fling Where: All over campus When: 12-5 p.m. Fri, April 17 Who: Staffed and organized by the Memorial Union Board and sponsored by your student activities fee

Tech’s Spring Fling is a tradition for students to relax in a stressful time. When classes are wrapping up and exam week is right around the corner, Spring Fling is that little break that we all look forward to and need. The theme for this year’s event is country/ western. With a side event put on Full Throttle Motorcycle Club’s stunt show in lot 27 and SACS comedian Tim Kidd, campus is sure to be full of fun activities. If you find yourself out and about this Friday, break out your shorts and take a walk around campus. Have fun and relax this weekend at Michigan Tech’s Spring Fling.

Activities 12:00 -5:00 p.m. Mechanical Bull 12:00, 2:30 & 4:00 p.m. Motorcycle Stunt Show 2:00 p.m. SACS Comedian, Tim Kidd 3:00 -5:00 p.m. Cach Kings (Johnny Cash Tribute Band)

Budget cuts affect SLS SOUND AND LIGHTING SERVICES Sound and Lighting Services of Michigan Technological University has, for the past 37 years, provided professional quality entertainment equipment to students and the local community. First and foremost, though, SLS is a student organization that is designed to give real world experience

to the organization’s members in entertainment as well as the operation of a business. Even though this is our primary concern, we have provided services to the general student body, university departments, and community that cannot be easily and as inexpensively provided by other organizations. Over the years, many people have questioned the business practices and operating procedures of SLS. These concerns


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have, in the past, been resolved on an individual basis with representatives from USG and SLS being present. The resolutions have usually contained very few, if any, changes to the operations and procedures that SLS employs. However, this year USG decided to pursue a complaint in a different fashion, taking it upon themselves to investigate SLS’ accounting. Upon the request of the USG Treasurer, SLS provided all ac-


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counting documentation for the past two fiscal years to date. Beyond this, SLS has not been contacted about the complaint or the results of the audit. Prior to budget hearings, SLS was approached by the USG Treasurer to try and determine a way to streamline the transfer of funds that student organizations use to pay SLS. This was a one-on-one meeting with the see Lights 3A


ith the end of the school year fast approaching, the University is thinking of ways to improve and update our Internet capabilities. With the introduction of Rovernet 2.0, we have that needed upgrade. “Michigan Tech Telecommunications (Telcom) is upgrading its current Rovernet wireless network to provide Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) to students, staff and faculty,” according to Michigan Tech’s Telecommunications Service, TS, site. The system is currently being tested and should be up and running this month. The TS site also mentions that “the new WPA Enterprise System known as Rovernet 2.0 applies the 802.1x standard for user authentication to allow greater flexibility and security when accessing the campus wireless network.” There will be vast security improvements within the new system. Unlike the old Rovernet, Rovernet 2.0 will support WPA/WPA2 (PEAP) authentication and all traffic will be encrypted. The new 2.0 also boasts easier usage and you will not longer have to log in every time you connect to the wireless network. “This is primarily an overlay network with additional security (WPA/ WPA2) with a few options for user to use,” said Shane Allan Godmere, Senior Telecommunications Engineer II for Michigan Tech. “Both the current Rovernet ‘MTU’ as well as Rovernet2 ‘Michigan Tech’ will be available as options in the near future.” There are a couple of new system requirements for the new version, which include having the drivers to support WPA/WPA2 as well as configuring your device for WPA/WPA2 authentication. Currently, Rovernet 2.0 is only active in select areas including the EERC basement, the MEEM fishbowl and the MUB food court/ commons. For more information, see the Web site at http://www.tc.mtu.edu/ rovernet2/ or for questions contact telecommunication services at rovernet@ mtu.edu.

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