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Michigan Tech Lode
October 1, 2009
Serving the Michigan Tech Community Since 1921
Housing to consider revising cancellation procedures A look at other Midwestern Universities’ Housing cancellation policies
KAYLA HERRERA Editor-in-Chief In reference to “Homeless in Houghton”, an article ran in the Sept. 25 issue of the Lode, sources have disclosed that the Michigan Tech Housing organization appreciated the feedback and is evaluating the housing contract in order to establish a better process incorporating straightforward instructions and improved communications between student and faculty. According to the official Michigan Tech “Contract Release” policy, housing contracts are automatically terminated upon proper check-out of the Residence Hall. Students wishing to terminate their contract early may be released from their housing contract if they are requesting to live locally with a blood relative, can prove a significant change in finances since entering the contract or have a serious extenuating situation such as medical issues, upcoming marriage or counseling-related issues. A written request for release is required to be submitted to the Housing director and then undergoes an appeal process if denied. If approved, students must pay a $200 fine. This policy has been changed four times in the past 20 years. Practices from several other state universities demonstrate an uncomplicated procedure, as revealed below. Michigan Tech Housing is looking to potentially modify guidelines/procedures to better support the student population and institutional needs going forward. Also, notification of the approved appeal in writing was communicated through email a day after the “Homeless in Houghton” article was published. For more information about housing procedures at Michigan Tech, visit
Michigan Tech Provide documentation of hardship Appeal letter required Appeals process through Housing $200 cancellation fee if approved
Western Michigan University Similar to Michigan Tech
University of Michigan
No cancellation fee upon approval of hardship
Michigan State University
$40 application fee No cancellation fee upon approval of hardship
Northern Michigan University
No cancellation fee upon approval of hardship
The Ohio State University
No cancellation fee upon approval of hardship
Central Michigan University
Seven-day cancellation period, then $300 fee
University of Wisconsin - Madison
No cancellation fee upon approval of hardship
Compiled by Kayla Herrera
Career Center aims to assist all majors Although most Michigan Tech students are engineering majors, the Career Center is dedicated to serving all students
“To be honest, for about my first two years at Tech I always said, ‘I go to Michigan Tech, but I’m not a Michigan Tech student,’” said Victoria Peters, a fourth year in Communication and Culture studies. Engineering has been the very quintessence of campus since Michigan Tech University came together in 1964, but some students wonder if there is room to be successful outside of the engineering locale on campus. In Fall 2008, an enrollment report issued by Michigan Tech indicated that 999 freshman out of 1720 were pursuing some branch of engineering. Therefore, Michigan Tech’s campus is mostly comprised of engineering students; this majority evidently leads to the resulting decisions of the participants in each career fair. Devoted to a campus of thousands of students, the Michigan Tech Career Center offers a variety of services to guide students on a thriving path to a career. But there is one question that lingers in the minds of select Tech students of non-engineering curricula: if this is an engineeringdominated school, what is to
become of a non-engineering major, particularly around the time of the Career Fair? On Tuesday, Sept. 29, the annual Michigan Tech Career Fair took place in the SDC with over 100 different companies scouting for students to contribute their knowledge, skills and enthusiasm. For many, the Career Fair is an opportunity to make connections and cement a relationship with a future employer. Nacelink, a new feature to the Michigan Tech Web site, recently replaced the eRecruiting software with updated benefits to better equip Michigan Tech students with the tools and tips to perfect resumes, keep track of job offers/ interviews, and seek answers to any questions related to the job field and its process. Online, students can search and apply for jobs, internships or co-ops. The ones listed under Nacelink are typically geared towards Michigan Tech students specifically. In turn, employers can use Nacelink to search for qualifying students and overlook resumes. But even with the extravagancies of the Michigan Tech Career Fair, Humanities students still worry about the lack of employers interested in a humanities-driven worker. “Jim [Turnquist] recommend-
ed that you do research into each engineering major to help them company and see what type of with their job search,” said Way. work they offer. Even if the rep- The Career Center abstains from resentatives are only here to hire discrimination when it comes to engineers, if you explain to them the majors of students. Regardhow you can benefit the com- less of the student’s area of inpany, what terest, the you can center is do, they dedicated will take to aiding your rethe student sume back in any way to the possible. comp any In terms for those of allocatwho hire ing more for the time for re cruitnon-enment pogineering sitions or majors, the public the Career rel ations Center ofpositions fers to help to review students it,” said Pefind comters. panies that - Julie Way, Career Advisor Ju l i e can gratify Way, a catheir career advireer direcsor at the tion, even Career if it means Center, believes that despite be- zeroing in on feasible opportuniing a Humanities major at Michi- ties in a select location. gan Tech, there are still ways for “Whether your next career that student to successfully ob- move is to go to a good grad tain a job. school or into the corporate “[Career advisors] might have world, we are here to guide evto devote more time to a non- ery step of the way,” said Way.
Whether your next career move is to go to a good grad school or into the corporate world, we are here to guide every step of the way.
KAYLA HERRERA Editor-in-Chief
Online exclusives PDF Archives of all issues this year
For a Humanities student trying to make their way on the Michigan Tech campus, it is vastly recommended to get involved in anything to help acquire a background. Companies seek out prospective employers with applied experience; they want someone who knows how to toil in the real world. “I remember voicing to Michael Moore that I didn’t think there was enough on campus for us and he said ‘make your own opportunities,’” said Peters. Even for Humanities majors, there are always ways to integrate talent into campus activities. “If you can’t find an avenue to express yourself and you have a vision, I think this is the best advice to take.” At the heels of the Career Fair, the medley of the majors at Michigan Tech can be rest assured that despite the varying amounts of attention each receives, there is equal opportunity available to those who exert the labor. “Every student needs to be proactive from very early on in their academic career, in finding ways to use their theoretical and academic skills, in a tangible and pragmatic way: make something, write something, build something, and produce something,” said Way.
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