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Women Volleyball GLIAC quarterfinal



Michigan Tech Lode

November 12, 2009

Serving the Michigan Tech Community Since 1921

Effects of the state budget cuts A broken promise Goodbye Hollywood

Budget cuts eliminate funding for more Cuts in the budget may cost Michigan than 96,000 college students what could have been its next industry Michigan,” concluded Mroz. State Representative Mike Lahti (DHancock), who voted in favor of keeping Promise Grant, said, “There is still s reported by the Lode on Oct. hope for the House and Senate to pass 30, Michigan Governor Jenni- a supplemental revenue bill which would fer Granholm officially signed help fund the Promise Scholarship. It the last six bills to complete Michigan’s is unfortunate for 2010 budget. Notably, students who were among Granholm’s 75 promised this monvetoes, the Michigan I am one of those ey. I am in support Promise Grant, which of the supplemental promised up to $4,000 statistics that will no to raise revenues to to more than 96,000 longer receive the restore the Promise college students, was ProPromise’ Scholarship cut. The impact is Michigan gram.” Most likely, certainly being felt at Scholarship. It’s going the funding, if it Michigan Tech, where came through govadministrators are still to be more difficult, ernment, would working with lawmak- especially considering come through a tax ers to provide continof some sort, unued funding to stu- that I am the youngest less revenue can be dents, and students are of eleven children generated somescrambling to adjust where. “It’s not dead their budgets accord- so I fund my entire yet. There is a lot of ingly. education on my support for it, we Michigan Tech Presjust need to find the ident Glenn Mroz said, own. funding,” said Lahti. “Regardless of what Students on cameventually happens in pus are sounding Lansing, we have inoff as well. Danielle third-year civil engineering Linna, an undercluded that financial aid for the Fall Semesgraduate accountter and we will cover ing/finance student, that as we promised. However, we will said, “College is where you really learn not be able to cover it for the Spring Se- and grow as a person. By restricting mester without support from the State.” funding for higher education, fewer Mroz added that the Governor is on students are getting the quality educarecord as saying that she will continue tion that we need in order to repair our to fight for funding for the scholarship, economy. We are here to create a betbut she will need help. Students, parents ter future, yet are being restricted by and other concerned citizens are still Michigan.” She added, “The Directors encouraged to contact their legislators in the financial aid office want to see the and encourage them to reconsider their talented students here at Tech succeed priorities. The University will be getting in life, and they do not want the cost of information out to students this week attendance to hinder that.” explaining what they need to do to fight Stay tuned to the Lode for continued for the funding. “This is important for coverage of Michigan’s economy, particstudents, it’s important for the future of ularly in areas it affects Michigan Tech.



-Jennifer Fuller

pact Study reports $70 million in spending, even though the bill was passed in April. The study projects that by 2012, the program will result in 2, 922 jobs and n regards to the upcoming fiscal production expenditures will reach $187.7 year, Michigan lawmakers face a million. difficult decision. The budget gap According to a recent story posted on stands at almost 2.8 bilMichigan Messenger onlion and something will line, legislators dedicabe cut. Unfortunately for tion to attracting the new any future Steven Spielindustry may be faltering bergs living in Detroit, this as programs fall to further date could mark the end of budget cuts in an attempt April 08: Michigan’s short foray into to stem the tide of disthe glitz and glamour of the Legislation passed mal numbers surroundfilm industry. ing Michigan’s economic Film Incentive ProIn April 2008, Michigan position. Influential gram Legislation passed a film inlawmakers, such as 15th centives program designed District Republican State to aggressively compete Senator Nancy Cassis Effect: with other state programs. have spoken out against Big Tax Break— 40% The program gives big tax features of the program refundable tax credit breaks to film companies and have campaigned for making movies in Michiit to be cut to balance the gan—40% refundable tax 2.8 billion dollar budget credit, across the board gap. Senator Cassis cites Foreshadowing on Michigan expenditures allegations of corruption Problem: (The Michigan Film Office, in the Louisiana and New Program may be cut 2008). Last March, before Mexico’s film industry into balance the $2.8 the bill was even passed, centive programs as reabillion budget cap Michigan filmmaker, proson for cutting the one in ducer and managing partMichigan. ner of Charity Island Films In an interview with Studio Bob Brown attended WLNS TV 6 she says “its’ the annual Northern Lights a matter of priority.” She Film-fest held in the Walker McCardle argues that kids in school and seniors on Theater, and gave a presentation about the Medicaid should be where the money benefits of the program. His vision was goes, not billionaire Hollywood producers of film studios pouring money into local (Cassis, 2008). towns and cities around Michigan for film Several burgeoning outlets for film-recrew expenses, location shooting, and stu- lated interests on Michigan Tech’s campus, dio space. “Do you know how much a film such as the Cin/Optic Media Enterprise, crew eats?” he questioned the crowd dur- the Sitcom club, and Film Board, await the ing a crescendo in his persuasive presenta- decision with trepidation. Daena Makela, tion (Brown 2008). a recent Michigan Tech graduate, is curThe bill requires film projects to spend rently shooting a movie on Tech’s campus at least 50,000 dollars in Michigan to ap- in preparation for enrolling at a graduate ply for the tax credits and the Michigan degree program at a film school in BosFilm Office (MFO) 2008 Economic Im- ton.



Fast Facts

House votes for Health Care Reform ZACHARY PAGE Lode Writer

Saturday night posed a tremendous victory for President Barack Obama as the House unanimously passed a 220-215 vote in favor of the Health Care Bill. Obama regarded the event as being “historic,” given that it has been more than 40 years since either the House or the Senate has passed an inclusive health reform measure. With months of defiance within the two chambers of Congress, Speaker Nancy Pelosi was especially euphoric and equated the event to the passage of Social Security in 1935, and Medicare in 1965. Many others have also expressed their satisfaction with the feat. Rep. Anh “Joseph” Cao from Louisiana is a long time supporter of health care reform and the only republican representative to contribute to such a pitch. Cao

considered this move to be of great beneficial importance to the individuals who are without health care. “I have always said that I would put aside partisan wrangling to do the business of the people. My vote tonight was based on my priority of doing what is best for my constituents,” Cao remarked. The bill, unfettered by an individual’s current health and/or income, plans to cover 96% of Americans, according to Michigan Rep. John Dingell. “It offers everyone the peace of mind that comes from knowing they will have access to affordable health care when they need it.” The legislation would also require that Americans provide federal subsidies that would insure those who are not covered under the plan. Changes within the current health care system would include the inclusion of those with pre-existing medical conditions, as well as the abolition of the tra-

Representative Anh “Joseph” Cao: Only Republican to vote in favor of Health Care Reform bill. Photo courtesy of flickr

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dition of imposing high premiums based on gender and medical records. Moreover, the new system would accentuate federal anti-trust legislation encouraging competition within the insurance market. According to President Obama, this would drive the quality of health industries up and bring prices down. What happens next will depend on how the two chambers of Congress plan to pay for universal coverage and design a government-run insurance plan. An anti-abortion clause which states that elective abortions will not be covered under the insurance policy will also be voted on by members of the House. President Obama, however, only mentioned that the bill would reach his office soon. The bill is estimated to significantly reduce the federal deficit by about $104 billion within a decade. To pay for expansion coverage, the bill will cut Medicare’s projected spending by

about $400 billion within the next decade. It will also place a 5.4% tax rate on individuals with an income of over $500,000, and families with incomes of over $1 million. Critics of the plan expressed their objections through extensive debates on the legislation. Opponents of the bill included 176 Republicans and 39 Democrats. Critics also include a number of pro-choice supporters who are against the antiabortion policy included in the bill. Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky stated that, aside from the inclusion of a pro-life stance, there were a myriad of other benefits for women outlined in the bill. “Women need health care reform,” she said whilst addressing her position on the House floor. Overall, the bill demonstrated a significant step towards real legislation reform, and marked a historical event that has not been carried out by legislation for over a generation.

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