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Michigan Tech Lode

November 19, 2009

Serving the Michigan Tech Community Since 1921

Doorknobs and Cell Phones Michigan Tech celebrates World Usability Day TARA SOTRIN Lode Writer A collaboration of MTU students across a variety of disciplines met to celebrate last Thursday, November 12. They met in the hallways of Fischer, they presented and discussed in the Memorial Union Ballrooms, and they posted their work on the J.R. Van Holt Library walls. They want us to know about their work in the field of usability. The event those students celebrated last Thursday was World Usability Day; the theme was “Designing for a sustainable world.” Events included a paper prototype exhibition that demonstrated its’ effectiveness in Fischer, presentations by usability and sustainability experts, and a showcase of usability posters submitted by Michigan Tech students for consideration in the poster design contest.

“Today’s society wants products that have more than one use and that are sustainable,” says Jeremiah Baumann, a student on the committee for organizing World Usability Day at Michigan Tech. “This is where usability comes into play for someone like myself in the Technical Communications field. As a Creative Designer, if my designs aren’t usable, then they are not successful and don’t see the light of day.” World Usability Day is an international event sponsored by the Usability Professionals’ Association. A group dedicated to using their expertise in usability testing to “humanize technology.” Their website states “your cell phone should be as easy to use as a door knob.” Some of the international highlights of the event included a DesignIT! Conference in Japan, a celebration for the opening of a new testing facility (the iQ Studio) in Dublin, and students performing usability testing for companies in Finland.

Usability itself is a growing show how usability and sustainfield of interest for not only de- ability are directly related, allowsigners and creators but for any ing for students to reflect about students how they of higher can achieve educaa bett i o n ter world. lo oking Michigan to create Tech stuproducts dents from of the all discihighest plines had quality. the chance Usability to learn refers to about susthe qualtainability ity of a from local -According to the Usability product experts.” as well Those Professionals Association as to the experts inpro ce ss cluded Rick of testDonovan, ing how real users interact with the Operations Manager, Senior the product. Engineer and Research Scientist The impact of World Usability at Sustainable Futures Institute Day was clear at the Michigan who talked about high perforTech Campus. Jeremiah states mance computing, artificial in“The presentations this year, telligence computing, compuincluding the poster sessions, tational materials science, and

Your cell phone should be as easy to use as a door knob.

systems modeling for sustainability. Rick Loduha, an Associate Professor of Art and Design (Interdisciplinary Design) at Finlandia University in Hancock talked about design and creative problem solving. And, Christopher Plummer, Associate Professor of Theater in the Visual and Performing Arts Department at Michigan Tech talked about sustainability in sound design and soundscapes. Joshua Kaufman, a writer for the Digital Web Magazine, writes “usability testing breaks down the wall between the designer and user, and allows us to see how real users do real tasks in the real world.” And things were real for Michigan Tech Students last Thursday. See the World Usability Day Upper Peninsula (WUD U.P.) website at http://hdmz.hu.mtu. edu/wp/usability/ for more details about World Usability Day 2009 and for a countdown till next years’ celebration.

Salvation Army begins fundraising for the holidays ZACHARY PAGE Lode Writer The Salvation Army began the holiday season with its annual bell ringing event at various stores located within the Houghton district. The ringing began Friday at 10 a.m. near the entrance of the Econo Foods grocery store. Fundraising soon became present at nearby stores such as Shopko, Wal-Mart and Pat’s Foods as well. John Zurcher, who began his third year of bell ringing, was in charge of the post. “I enjoy meeting new people,” Zurcher said whilst collecting money for the organization. “It’s a community cause. All the money helps local-

ly.” The organization is setting a goal to raise $47,750 by the 24th of December when the fundraising officially ends. Contributors place their donations in small red kettles that hang from a post. The money collected goes toward the ventures carried out by the Salvation Army. The operations that the institution undertakes range from a wide variety of humanitarian obligations. “We help the needy with a whole smorgasbord of things. Things like church services, nursing home visits, emergency energy assistance, gasoline, emergency bus tickets or shelter,” say Captain Mark Brown. These operations have been a trademark of the Salvation Army for decades. The organization’s history can

We help the needy with a whole smorgasbord of things. Things like church services, nursing home visits, emergency energy assistance, gasoline, emergency bus tickets or shelter.

-Captain Mark Brown

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be traced back to 1865 by an Englishman named William Booth who founded the institution. Booth, a devoted Christian, attempted to raise the aspirations of the misfortunate by preaching the Christian faith. He and his family organized a mission that was meant to give hope to the poor living within the slums of London. Today, the Salvation Army operates in over 115 countries and holds a membership of over 4.5 million. More than 25,000 volunteers take part in the annual holiday fundraisers in the U.S. alone. Houghton is one out many cities around the world that take part in these events. As of now, the organization is looking for volunteers to man the kettles outside local stores as well as managing the Salvation Army’s food and toy drive. For more information on the organization, call the Salvation Army at 482-3420.

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Helping all those in need:Salvation Army volunteer collects money on the city street. Today, the Salvation Army operates in over 115

countries and holds a membership of over 4.5 million. More than 25,000 volunteers take part in the annual holiday fundraisers in the U.S. alone. Photo courtesy of flickr


Press Release Library Study Rooms Equipped with Monitors for Oral Report Practice Since mid-July 2009, Michigan Tech students, staff, and faculty have had a state-ofthe-art way to practice their

oral presentations: project them on a large-screen monitor in a study room in the Van Pelt and Opie Library. Large-screen monitors (42”) have been installed in rooms 302 and 303, two of the larger study rooms on third floor of the Library.

See more VanPelt Libray 2A

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