New Moon needs new direction
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While you were gone, so were the Huskies
Michigan Tech Lode
USG proposes changes to the by-laws December 3, 2009
Serving the Michigan Tech Community Since 1921
electronic voting systems or catching up on small changes such as GPA requirements for USG representatives. However, the changes to Article XV Section 15.01 brought some life to the stoic room. The article proposes to offer members of the USG E-board a stipend—drawn straight out of students’ fees. “Some other universities give their student body president free tuition,” said Marc Starnes, Head of the Constitution Review Committee responsible for submitting the changes, in response to critics of the proposal. And it’s true; colleges such as University of Nebraska, University of Colorado, and Texas Tech all fund their
On Nov. 18, the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) met for their weekly meeting in the Memorial Union Building (MUB) to discuss campus-wide policies and procedures. One of the topics under discussion was the proposed changes to the bylaws of the undergraduate constitution from the Constitution Review Committee. Several of the proposed articles fell into place easily, either updating the by-laws for the new
student government officials with stipends up to thousands of dollars. $12,000 is funded for the Texas Tech presidents’ salary, and it is paid entirely out of student fees. Luckily for those students paying the stipends, Texas Tech also is one of the Big 12 Schools celebrating a year of record enrollment—almost 30,000 students signed up for classes in fall 2009 (KOHM-FM). Compare that to the Michigan Tech enrollment figures, also a record year at 7,132 students, and there’s a big difference (Tech Today). “…Unnecessary”, responds Eric Thomas, a fourth-year STC major. “Students should be pursuing undergraduate student govern-
ment for the experience and their passion to be able to participate. That money should go to the student organizations.” Student reactions at the USG meeting were mostly unobservable during the proceedings. USG president, Cara Hanson, briefly chastised the council upon closing the meeting, saying, “Remember you’re here to represent students on-campus and their interests.” The Undergraduate Student Government Constitution can only be altered by a favorable majority in a vote encompassing two-thirds or more of the undergraduate student population. However, the by-laws can be
changed exclusively by the USG. The policy of the USG required the discussion of the by-law proposals to be tabled until the next meeting which will be held on Thursday, Dec. 4 in Ballroom A in the MUB. It is open to all students, who are welcome to voice their opinions on USG proceedings, including these new bylaws, during the required USG open discussion time period. If you would like more information on the proceedings or USG policies, contact a student representative or send an email to usg@ The USG website, www.usg., is currently unavailable.
World AIDS Day Body Mass Index used as DANNY MESSINGER Lode Writer
Lincoln University hinders students to graduate based on height and weight DANNY MESSINGER Lode Writer
incoln University, a school located approximately 45 miles southwest of Philadelphia, Penn., has received criticism for a controversial graduation requirement. The school requires any student with a body mass index (BMI) value of 30 or above (the cutoff for obesity) to take a physical education course that meets for three hours per week. Those with a BMI of 30 or above who
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his Tuesday, three student organizations collaborated to help observe World AIDS Day. Members of Keweenaw Pride and the Society of Intellectual Sisters gathered in Fisher Hall between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. to pass out free condoms, red ribbons (a symbol for those who have been affected by HIV/AIDS) and information about HIV/AIDS and research efforts to find a cure for the disease. Stu-
graduation requirement
dents and faculty were also asked to donate to the AIDS Memorial Quilt Foundation. Since 1995, the President of the United States has recognized World AIDS Day by making an official statement on Dec. 1 each year. AIDS has killed an estimated 32 million people since the beginning of the pandemic in 1981 and is currently the fourth leading cause of death globally. An estimated 7,400 new infections occur per day. y es ut co
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are required to take the class but do not complete it cannot graduate. Students at Lincoln University have mixed feelings about the requirement. Some students support the policy citing its potential health benefits for overweight individuals while others claim that it is an intrusive and unnecessary requirement. Students who oppose the policy claim that all students should be required to take a physical educa-
tion cl a ss and not just those with a high BMI value. Contd. see BMI 2A
to by Dec. 1, 2009. For more information regarding the event, you may contact the MUB Board, NSBE, or HOWL by visiting their web-
sites. See the Poetry Slam’s official poster on 2A. Poster includes all the necessary information pertaining to the event.
photo coutesy of
Fifth annual Poetry Slam ZACHARY PAGE Lode Writer
ichigan Poetry Slam competition is this Friday which is sponsored by the Health Options for a Wellness Lifestyle (HOWL), Memorial Union Building (MUB) Board, and the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE). The event will be open to all and will consist of a variety of poetry forms ranging from spoken word to rap. According to Google®, the poetry slam was started by a construction worker and poet by the name of Marc Smith between 1984 and 1986. One of the first
influential National Poetry Slam competitions took place in 1990. The purpose of this event, according to the NSBE, is to raise cultural recognition within the community through art and style by having the opportunity to witness a multitude of performers. Addishiwot Teshome, NSBE publications chair, calls this event an “opportunity to express your vocal rhymes or just sit back and share in the relaxed yet stimulating atmosphere.” Contestants will be required to carry out their performances in front of a group of attendees. Judges will consist of various members within the audience. The top three contestants chosen will be eligible for cash prizes
at the end of the show based on their rank. Intermittent performances will also be included within the competition. These acts will not be judged based on performance. Previous first place winners include Nicole White, Lisa Grayson, Crystal Higginbotham, Madie Xiong, and Raj Mohan. For more information about the winners of the previous poetry slams go to http://www.doe.mtu. edu/news/2008/nsbe_poetry_ slam_08.html. The competition will be located in the MUB Ballroom and will last from 8:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. and is free of charge. Competitors must submit their work
Fast Facts Campus Event: Fifth annual Poetry Slam Hosted by: Health Options for a Wellness Lifestyle (HOWL), Memorial Union Building (MUB) Board, and National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
Where: MUB Ballroom When: Friday, Dec. 4 from 8:00 p.m-11:00 p.m.
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Mount Bohemia $99 Season Pass Sale Saturday December 5th
performance based poetry, while expanding your vocabulary and comprehension skills.
Creator: Marc Smith History: Formed between 1984 and 1986 in Chicago. First influential National Poetry Slam competitons took place in 1990.
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Check out the thoughts of one international student in the “Culture Shock Report #12.”