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Winter holiday s around theFworld December 10, 2009
Serving the Michigan Tech Community Since 1921
t’s that time of year; the time when we lighten up, the time when we all let go of a little bit of that Scrooge in us, the time when we sit in class daydreaming about the weeks to come. But not all Michigan Tech students are daydreaming about evergreen trees, homemade cookies, and Christmas carols. In fact, some of our students will be going home to winter holiday traditions that are much different.
Russia Liza Egorova, is a graduate student in power systems from Russia. Liza, Like Zeng, noted that New Years Eve (Dec. 31) is the most popular winter holiday in Russia. She went on to say that Christmas, which in Russia and other orthodox countries is celebrated on Jan. 7, and Old New Year’s Eve (Jan. 13) are also quite popular. Liza said that during the holidays they participate in “many traditions from Old Russia.” One such tradition is fortune telling, which Liza described as “very scary.” One year on Christmas Eve, Liza decided to try a common fortune-telling tra-
Tsitsi Hungwe, a second-year biochemistry major, grew up in Zimbabwe and says that on a traditional Christmas her family, “would gather at my grandmother and grandfather’s house and cook. Then we would eat food as a family, socialize and enjoy spending time with family.” She went on to say, “Most of the time I would play games like hide and go seek outside with my cousins.” In Zimbabwe, people sing carols,
hang lights, and visit Father Christmas, who is much like Santa, except a little skinner. One of the major differences is that on the day after Christmas there is also a holiday called “Boxing Day,” so named because of the tradition of people putting gifts in boxes to exchange them. Another difference is that many people give gifts not just to friends and family, but to people like postal workers and grocers. Tsitsi says that her favorite part of the winter holidays is being able to celebrate Christmas with her family.
Camilo Uzquiano, a fourth-year mechanical engineering major, and Aldo Vacaflores, a fourth-year clinical laboratory medical-technology major, are both from Bolivia, and they both commented that Christmas in Bolivia is much like the United States with a few exceptions. Camillo noted that one of the major differences is that in Bolivia, they never have a white Christmas since Christmas falls during the summer months. Camillo reminisced about his first time being in a major snowstorm, which took place at Michigan Tech: “I was wearing shorts and had to go all the way up [the] McNair hill!” Aldo said, during Christmas, “we get together and have a big family dinner; the kids get presents from Santa; we
decorate our hous e s w i t h lights and Christmas decorations.” One of the major differences is that in Bolivia they open presents on Christmas Eve rather than Christmas Day. Camillo said that another difference is that gift giving is that mostly reserved for children, and as a child he “really looked forward to the gifts.” Camillo said that charity is an extremely important part of Christmas. Since Bolivia is a developing country, Camillo’s family buys gifts for less fortunate people. Today Camillo’s favorite part of the holiday season is spending time with family.
dition. She sat alone in her room around midnight. Sitting in the dark, she kept her eyes on the corridor created by two mirrors face to face illuminated by the candles between them. Legend says that if you watch the mirror corridor closely, the face of your husband/wife will appear. However, Liza never saw her future husband, and noted, “I never got a result because I got too scared.” Liza also stated that during Christmas, Russians listen to the same carols as Americans, she commented, “Jingle Bells and another song about Christmas tree are very popular.” She also said that Russian cities decorate their town squares with “big ice towns.” The squares are filled with carousels, ice slides, dog sleds and reindeer rides, which are of-
ten free to the public. Russia also has its own version of Santa, whom they call Father Frost. But unlike America’s Santa, Father Frost is accompanied by his granddaughter “Snow Girl.” Snow Girl visits kindergarten classrooms around Russia and yells with the children for “Father Frost,” who is hard of hearing due to old age. After yelling his name for a few minutes, Father Frost arrives in the classroom with presents for the children. Liza also noted that several years ago people constructed the “House of Father Frost,” (much like our image of the North Pole) in the northern part of the central Russia. Liza noted that her favorite part of the holiday festivities, is “seeing friends and family.”
espite differences in culture and traditions, there is one thing that united each and every student I interviewed, family. The importance of family knows no cultural bounds and there is no more important time for family than the winter holidays. Best of wishes to you are your family during your winter holiday and Xin Nian Kuaile, С новым годом, Feliz Navidad , Hyvaa joulua, and Merry Christmas from: Jie, Liza, Antti, Camillo, Aldo, and Tsitsi!
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Antti K nu t a s , a computer network system administration major from Finland, said “The gifts are usually packed under the Christmas tree..., “Sometimes a family will hire a Santa Claus actor to deliver the gifts if there are children in the house. So, we don’t have the chimney legend.” In Finland, families open Christmas gifts during the afternoon of the Dec. 24 instead of the following morning. However, because there is no Thanksgiving in Finland, Christmas is the most important family holiday. Antti said during Christmas, “extended families gather together....The holiday is long, and it slowly builds up with anticipation to the Christmas Eve.” He also said “It is traditional to go [to] a Christmas church sermon.” This year, Antti will be spending the holiday with an American friend, and says he “looks forward to experiencing Christmas the American way.” Above all, this holiday season, Antti wishes for world peace.
a n i h C
Jie Zeng, a fourth-year Mathematics major from China says that the New Year is the winter holiday that she looks forward to the most. In China, the New Year is a 15-day celebration, starting on the first day of the new calendar year. Jie said that it is a cultural belief in ancient China that a monster named “Sui” would rise out of the ocean and eat children and livestock on New Year’s Day. Hence, to ward off “Sui,” people light gun powder and set off fireworks! Also on New Years, the whole family gets together for a large dinner of fish, dumplings and rice cakes which starts at midnight. During the festivities, some people celebrate by wearing costumes that represent their ethnic groups. Throughout New Year’s friends and family give children gifts like money and new clothes, for the year ahead. Jie said that though, “some people are really excited about the money,” her favorite part of New Year celebration is having “all the family come together.” She also said “the house is just full of all delicious food.” Last year, Jie got a chance to experience a traditional American Christmas with a friend in Dearborn, MI. She said that she was surprised to see a Christmas tree, as not everyone in China is able to get one. She also commented that gift exchanges are uncommon for Chinese adults. Jie seemed touched by the generosity of her friend’s family and noted, “her mom sewed a sock for me,” which she keeps in her apartment ever since!
Outlets during stress filled finals CRYSTAL HIGGINBOTHAM News Editor
ealth Options for a Wellness Lifestyle (HOWL) is responsible for putting together the Stress Free Finals events during the final examination season. From Dec.7-Dec.16, students can take part in the Snack Attack events located in the Michigan Tech Van Pelt & Opie Library. Sundays are excluded. Students can also take part in the Puppy Play Time on Saturday, Dec. 12 from 1:00 P.M.-3:00 P.M. at the Hamar House located just east of Fisher Hall and across the street from Wadsworth Hall. With the help of various departments within Student Affairs, HOWL has been able to financially support the Stress Free Finals week events, but is looking for other
departments to help financially support their effort to bring heath and wellness alternatives to Michigan Tech campus. HOWL is also responsible for the development and management of the relaxation room located inside of the Hamar House. Last year marked the opening of the relaxation room by HOWL with a generous grant from the Michigan Tech Parent’s Fund in 2008. Lavished with a LoveSac, 32” screen HDTV, relaxation music, wall art, and a desk water fall, the relaxation room would be a great plate to getaway during the demand of the season. The room will have snacks starting from Monday, Dec. 7-Wednesday, Dec. 16. The Counseling and Wellness Center offers a host of different services and will be open during finals week. E-mail wellness@ for more information.
Relaxation Room: View of the relaxation room located inside of the Hamar House Photo courtesy of Michelle Bangen Coordinator of Student Health and Wellness
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