TLo says goodbye Serving the Michigan Tech Community Since 1921
April 22, 2009
A taste of summer Temperatures break into 70s as students enjoy Spring Fling
(Above) A quick dip: Second years Nick Steffey and Joey Smith celebrate the warm weather with a cool down in the Portage. (Below) Dirty fun: The annual Oozeball tournament had students running, jumping and diving in the mud in hopes of securing a tournament victory. Photos by Alex Cotton
other Nature gave us a sneak preview of summer this past Friday during Spring Fling. With temperatures reaching into the 70s, students were able to get out and enjoy all that campus and the surrounding area has to offer – while broomball and snow statues are the highlight of nearly half a year, campus was buzzing with the unseasonablywarm weather. Even though all the ice wasn’t completely thawed, students were seen running into the Portage with only their excitement to keep them warm. Aside from the activities offered as part of
Spring Fling, students were all over campus enjoying the day with footballs and Frisbees. For the seasoned Houghton residents, it all seemed too good to be true. The town woke up Sunday morning with the specter of yet another winter storm looming over its head. As of Tuesday evening, there were parts of Houghton with well over half a foot of snow on the ground as the storm came to an end. Next up – lots of rain. For those already well-versed in the dismay that is Houghton’s weather, this is nothing new. Hang in there, we’re close to the end of yet another year.
Friday, April 17
Tuesday, April 21
See more Spring Fling photo coverage on 6A Friday, April 24
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5Exam study tips
Michigan Tech mourns loss of loved professor ELIJAH HAINES Lode Writer Last Friday, Professor Richard E. Honrath, of the Geological and Mining Engineering Sciences department, passed away in a kayaking accident. Honrath gained a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Chemistry at the University of Alaska–Fairbanks in 1991 and has been teaching and researching at Michigan Tech for many years. Originally, he was a part of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and recently began teaching within the GMES department. His research fo-
cused primarily on the effects Rozsa lobby, and the doors will of anthropogenic be opening at 3 pollutants on the p.m. with the seratmosphere. vice beginning at Honrath has 4 p.m. After the been praised by service there will colleagues and be refreshments students alike for served, which athis dedication to tendees are welhis research and come to contribteaching. In 2006, ute. he was given A Web site, the prestigious w w w. g e o . m t u . Michigan Tech edu/news/2009/ Research Award Dr. Richard E. Honrath R i c h a r d _ H o n to recognize his rath.html, has efforts. been set up, which This Friday, there will be a will allow people to leave mememorial service held in Hon- morials in Professor Honrath’s rath’s honor. It will be in the honor.
News 2A
• First Honors Institute class set to graduate • “Tea Party” themed tax-day protest
• Economic woes worry students
Opinion 4A
• The slow painful death of the Republican Party
• Bigger isn’t always better • Where MTU went right
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Start studying now. It is important to space out your studying and not cram all the information on the last night. Study in a quiet, non-distracting environment. Go to the library, a lab or find a quiet couch or table. Spend some time studying in groups. You can help evaluate each other and improve your own learning. Get a good night’s sleep the night beforehand and eat a healthy breakfast the morning of your exam. Be sure to go into the exam confident, and be careful not to second guess yourself. Good luck and do your best.
• Looking back on 2008-2009 • Spring football game reaches exciting conclusion
Friday, May 1
• Men’s netters finish fifth
Pulse 5B
• Coffee House closes • Comedian Tim Kidd performs • Walker Art & Design Show