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n o i t i d E k e e W O S pec ial


6 A O-Week photo coverage

Michigan Tech Lode batch of Huskies h s e r Af

August 26, 2009

Serving the Michigan Tech Community Since 1921

MATT WILSON Editor in Chief

Photos by Alex Cotton

Welcome back to another year at Michigan Tech! If this is your first year here, we hope you are enjoying Orientation, meeting new people and are looking forward to starting your journey at Michigan Tech. Even though Houghton may be a small town and you might be wondering why you

came all the way up here for school (if you’re not now, you will when the snow flies), there are a surprising amount of activities to keep yourself busy with throughout the entire year. The newly-instituted Tech Experience Fee allows students to access things such as free rounds at the Portage Lake golf course, free access to hockey games and the Mont Ripley ski hill as well as free admission to certain events in the Rozsa Center. For activi-

ties off-campus, check out our article on 2A covering local restaurants, eateries and attractions. If you are worrying about the upcoming stresses of classes and finding your place on campus, rest assured that Michigan Tech boasts a wealth of student organizations that can fit just about any interests you might have. Do not be afraid to try new things and pursue your passions while at Michigan Tech. And of course, everything you do here does not have to fit within your area of study; striking a good balance is a great idea. Take me for example - I’m a student in the School of Technology but have avoided working for the on-campus computer groups to work for the Lode for three years now simply because I had enjoyed working on my high school newspaper. I hope you thoroughly enjoy your time here. Use it to your advantage, as there is much more to be involved in here than meets the eye. On behalf of the Michigan Tech Lode, I welcome you to Michigan Tech and wish you the best with your first week of classes.

FRSTYR 1001 - Introduction to Houghton

What first-year students need to know about life in the Copper Country DANNY MESSINGER News Editor Moving somewhere new can be quite a daunting task for anyone - even moreso if you’ll be attending your first college class in a few days. However, any acclimated Michigan Tech student will tell you that life in the Copper Country is not as scary once you’ve acquainted yourself with the local hang-outs and essential stores. Make sure to take a peek at your friend’s lecture notes at right outlining what he learned in his Introduction to Houghton lecture. As well as knowing the essential locations throughout town, it is important for new students to familiarize themselves with nearby recreational opportunities and attractions. A.E. Seaman Mineral Museum is located on the 5th floor of the EERC building and offers visitors insight into the different minerals and geology of the area. Chutes and Ladders playground is located along the Houghton lakefront and has been a gathering spot for Michigan Tech students for many years. Mount Bohemia is a popular option for Michigan Tech winter sports enthusiasts - second only to Mont Ripley. Located near Lac La Belle, Mount Bohemia offers adventerous ski slopes comperable to that of mountains in New England or the Rockies. Quincy Mine is located at the top of Quincy hill and offers tours of the Quincy mineshaft as well as a unqiue gift shop. Visitors can even take a tram ride down the hill and walk into the old mine shaft. The Porcupine Mountains are located south on M-26 towards Ontonagon. These mountains offer many opportunities for for hiking, biking and snowmobiling. Sites within the Porkies include Victoria Falls and the Paulding Mystery Light.

ing p p o h S n Houghto s Grocerie

ods Econo Fo hours Open 24 oods he mall Festival F s from t s ro c a d Locate ill A Quincy h Pat’s IG ncock on a H in d e Locat odmart campus Jim’s Fo store to ry e c o gr t Closes Op s enaw Coanic food The Kewe tural, org a n f o n io t Selec

s and Shop H d n o c e S Goodwill y ation Arm The Salv l nt De Pau St. Vince

Local Dining


Ambassador - Specalizes in thin crust pizza Applebee’s - Bar and Grill Armando’s - Specalizes in Ita lian Cuisine Downtowner - Best burgers in town Joey’s Seafood & Grill - Great selection The Library - Full menu and mic robrewery Pilgrim River Steakhouse - Loc ated south on 41 Quincy’s Restaurant - Located in Dollar Bay

Homestyle / Ethnic

Ming’s Asian Bistro - Chinese buffet Perkins - Open 24 hours on wee kends Soumi Café - Finnish cuisine, local favorite Victoria’s Kitchen - Middle-Eas tern cuisine

College Staples


Domino’s Jim’s Pizza Little Caesars

Pizza Hut

The Studio Calumet Pizza Works

Fast Food Arby’s

Cousin’s Subs Hardee’s

Kentucky Fried Chicken Long John Silver’s

McDonald’s Subway Taco Bell


Hang-Out Spots Movie Theatres

a 5 Copper Country Cinem near Wal-Mart ll Located in the ma The Lode Theatre downtown Houghton Right in the heart of

Coffee Houses

The Library Café Cyberia Café om Four Seasons Tea Ro

Unique Spots

The Edge lor Piercing and tattoo par The Backroom /adult novelty shop Three story bookstore Downwind Sports ur bike or snowboard Get a tune-up on yo

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08/26/2009 by Michigan Tech Lode - Issuu