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Michigan Tech releases new website



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Michigan Tech Lode

September 2, 2009

Serving the Michigan Tech Community Since 1921

Michigan Tech welcomes students back to campus Huskies take part in annual Welcome Week activities to start a new semester DANNY MESSINGER News Editor With the semester already off to a fast start, first year students and returning Huskies alike can enjoy a favorite campus tradition: Welcome Week. Each fall, during the begin-

ning of the semester, Michigan Tech hosts a week-long series of events aimed at continuing the fun of Orientation week for first-years and establishing new correspondence between firstyears and upperclassmen. Monday of Welcome Week offered students the opportunity to grab a quick bite to eat

before heading to their first class of the semester – served by President Glenn Mroz. A live acoustic concert by Jessica Sonner was also held in library in the new Learn a Latté coffee shop. Sonner, whose simplistic music style primarily features acoustic guitar, sang to her audience about past relationships,

backyard hangouts and failed romances. Sonner’s most recent album, All We Need, was released in March 2008 to an enthusiastic fan base. On Tuesday, students were able to take advantage of free peanut butter and jelly sandwiches being given away in the MUB circle as well as free

Green Thumb: Students choose from free plants provided by IRHC this past Tuesday as part of Welcome Week.

A new Lode two new sections as well: Husky Hodgepodge and Feature. I’ve redesigned this year’s paper emphasizing more alternative conThe Lode is going in a new tent that should increase interand exciting direction this year. est for readers. My goal was to Amazing strides were taken at give the Lode an edgier feel that the end of last year towards im- focuses on visuals that promote proving the quality of the Lode. our content. This semester, the paper will The Lode also reaches the continue our trend and remain campus community (and the your primary source for Michi- rest of the world) through our gan Tech news. web presence at My name is Alwww.mtulode.com. ex Cotton. I was This site will host the Photo Editor all of our multifor the Lode last media content and year. I began takweb exclusives – in ing over lead deaddition to the consign of the print tent in the weekly newspaper at the printed edition. end of last seSome of the multimester. This year media content the I’ll be in a newly Lode is excited for created position: includes video inAlex Cotton Lode Visuals terviews and live Manager. I will blogging during oversee and manage all photog- Michigan Tech hockey games. raphy, video and design for the Your feedback will drive this paper. In addition to my experi- publication. The Lode is a pubence with the Lode last year, I lication that is designed for the have two years’ experience as a Michigan Tech community and design and photo editor for the run by Michigan Tech students. well-respected Bucs’ Blade pub- Please let us know what you lication of Grand Haven High think in regards to the design of School, a summer internship at the paper, the website, and the the Grand Haven Tribune, and Lode’s content. You can contact was fortunate enough to attend the staff through our website at the Associated College Press www.mtulode.com or feel free Conference in San Diego last to contact me directly at ancotspring. ton@mtu.edu. Due to major budgetary conWe are always looking for straints, we’ve reduced our page new people with a passion for count from 16 to eight pages innovation and creativity. If you for the fall semester. We will think you have what it takes, still be printing weekly. It is please consider joining our our hope that this page reduc- team. We look forward to antion will only help improve our other exciting year serving the paper’s content. We have added Michigan Tech community.

Photo by Alex Cotton

houseplants (courtesy of IRHC) to decorate their dorm rooms with. Later in the day, representatives from Michigan Tech’s 14 fraternities and eight sororities were available to answer questions from students. The event, held in the MUB ballroom, featured a CLUE style game and lots of prizes. On the way to class on Wednesday, students passed through the annual Community Expo. Local businesses shared both information and free giveaways with interested students. Students were able to donate blood in the MUB Ballroom as part of the annual blood drive. A Bingo tournament, held in the DHH ballroom, also gave students the opportunity to win prizes and showcase their skill at this classic game. Students will be able to enjoy free hot wings at the John McInnes Student Ice Arena while cooling off with recreational skating, hockey or broomball on Thursday night. Friday night, at 10 p.m., comedian Rob Little will be performing in the MUB ballroom as part of the Student Activities Comedy Series. Little has appeared on the Fox Sports Net Show, The Best Damn Sports Show Period and Last Call with Carson Daly. The Detroit Free Press has also selected Little as Michigan’s best up and coming comedian. Be sure to take advantage of all Michigan Tech has to offer this Welcome Week. For a full list of events, visit http:// tinyurl.com/krzwzo

FAll night long

ALEX COTTON Visuals Manager

Photos by Alex Cotton

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