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New tobacco act insufficient



Rob Little hits the MUB

“The Mac” gets a facelift



Michigan Tech Lode

September 9, 2009

Serving the Michigan Tech Community Since 1921

Back in the game, schoolyard style Overall Winners

1. Mama’s Boys I 2. La Maison De Gaiete 3. The Summit

Sidewalk Chalk 1. Sparta

Douglass Houghton Hall 1. Junkyard 2. Route 66 3. Ground Zero Wadsworth Hall 1. La Maison De Gaiete 2. FYE 3. Treehouse In the game: Last Saturday, students competed in a variety of games for a Schoolyard Olympics championship. Some of the events included: (above) sidewalk chalk, (left) relay race, (below left) musical chairs, and (below right) steal the bacon. Photos by Alex Cotton

McNair Hall 1. Mama’s Boys I 2. The Summit 3. Mama’s Boys II

Career Center prepares students for Career Fair success ALEX TRIPP Staff Writer With the beginning of a new school year, Michigan Tech’s Career Center is running a series of events to help students find employment in their chosen careers. While any MTU student can get career help at any time, September has been chosen as a focus month for career preparation. According to Career Center Director Jim Turnquist, the events planned for this fall will not only help students concentrate on career success, it will also relieve the congestion of individual appointments at the Center. These upcoming events include presentations on how to build a strong résumé, mock interviews, and the 2009 Fall Career Fair. During these events, students can develop a strong career plan and build skills that will help get them hired. “The most important events are the ones about résumé

building,” says Turnquist. Once students have a solid résumé put together, he says, they realize just how much they have done and can do, which in turn increases self-confidence for interviews. According to Turnquist, interviews are a leading reason students with strong résumés are rejected, and the mock interviews provided by the Career Center can help students improve their interview skills. Among other things, he advises, “...when asked ‘What would you do in a certain situation?’ don’t tell them what you would do, instead say, ‘Let me tell you about something similar I had to deal with.” Employers want to know that you can do something, not that you know how, he says. However, some students may find themselves unable to attend the career events this month. With that in mind the Career Center will post records of the events (such as PowerPoint presentations) on their website. These will be added as the events

occur and can be found by going to career.mtu.edu and clicking on the “Calendar” item on the left side of the page. Students can also visit the Center in person for help if they are unable to attend the events. Another tool offered by the Career Center is MyPlan career assessment. It evaluates students’ interests, skills, personality, and values to suggest good career matches. This service is provided free to all MTU students. Also, the Career Center recommends following the Four-Year Action Plan on its website; both of these resources, along with many others, can be found under the “Parents” tab. Even so, Turnquist recommends that students attend the fall’s events if at all possible. “Don’t wait to do your career search – start now. The more work you put into your career search, the better the pickings will be.” You don’t want to be stuck with the leftovers, he says.

Online exclusives PDF Archives of all issues this year

Upcoming Career Center Events September 9 Build a Strong Résumé workshop

September 16 Interview Idol

September 21-25 Interview Skills week

September 23 Career Fair preparation

September 29 2009 Fall Career Fair

Check it all out at: www.mtulode.com Sports

Husky Hodgepodge

Heartbreaker in Hillsdale Volleyball earns first two wins Cross Country preview

She said/he said response videos

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