10.2.24 NPC

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Who can forget Horne’s department store, snuggled perfectly at the corner of Penn Avenue and Stanwix Street, Downtown Pittsburgh?

Tons of Pittsburghers can say they worked there over the decades before it closed in 1994. One of those people who worked there was Lisa Epps-Cuda, known as Lisa Epps at the time. She was a hard worker. She was determined. She was...prissy?

That’s right. Someone told her that because Epps, the Allderdice High School graduate and, at the time, University of Pittsburgh student, worked at Horne’s, she was “too prissy” to be a firefighter, with “all that heavy gear” and so forth.

“So I thought, ‘you know what, let me prove that person wrong because I love a good challenge,’” Epps-Cuda told the New Pittsburgh Courier exclusively, Sept. 27. Decades later, she’s one of the most respected, highly-regarded firefighters in the City of Pittsburgh. “I ended up loving it,” Epps-Cuda said.

Few airports in the U.S. have programs geared toward the development of their regional workforce. One of those airports is PIT.

Now celebrating its oneyear anniversary, the PIT2Work pre-apprenticeship training program, hosted at PIT, comes at no cost to participants. For the participants, who come from six Western Pennsylvania counties, it means much

more than a new career. “This has been a great opportunity… a life-changing experience,” said Devin Hale, a PIT2Work graduate and new member of the International Union of Operating Engineers.

Hale is currently working on the new PIT terminal construction site, the very place where his new career through PIT2Work began. “I can better provide for my family and everything. It (has been) an

Environmental pollution may contribute to racial disparities in Alzheimer’s patients

The cause of racial disparities between Black and White Alzheimer’s dementia patients has been a long-standing mystery for medical scientists. Now, there appears to be a breakthrough that could lead to the answer as to why older Black people are currently living with and dying from dementia at twice the rate of Whites.

A study, published three years ago, in the Journals of Gerontology reports that environmental pollution, also disparate in Black communities, may be contributing to the racial disparities in the development of Alzheimer’s disease, especially in Black women, the population that carries the overwhelming burden of Alzheimer’s in the U. S. “For decades, research has shown the risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease in the United States is dramatically higher among African American populations than in non-Hispanic White populations. Scientists have suspected a variety of contributing factors, but the underlying reasons have remained unclear,” states a news release from the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California (USC). “Now, a new study in The Journals of Gerontology, conducted in collaboration with researchers across the country, points to environmental neurotoxins —specifically, ambient fine particles in the air known as PM2.5—as possible culprits in the disproportionate number of African American, particularly Black women, affected by dementia.”

The release, written by Jeremy Deutchman, headlined “Environmental pollution may contribute to racial/ethnic disparities in Alzheimer’s disease risk,” quotes a Keck professor explaining the results of the study.

“Data increasingly show that older people are more likely to develop dementia if they live in locations with high PM2.5, and African American populations are more likely to live in neighborhoods near polluting facilities—like power-generating and petrochemical plants— that emit the particulate matter,” said corresponding author Jiu-Chiuan Chen, MD, ScD, associate professor of population and public health sciences at Keck. “Our study demonstrates that older Black women live in locations with higher levels of PM2.5, and we ask whether their elevated exposure could account for the higher numbers of Alzheimer’s cases. The evidence does reveal a positive association.”

Chen says the results of the study might now assist researchers in recommending ways to shrink the disparity.

“Our work offers the scientific community an important perspective on the study of dementia; namely, that we must have a greater awareness of environmental racism that can impact brain aging and disproportionately affect people of color,” Chen says. “There is also a key regulatory takeaway, which is that we have to continue enforcing the Clean Air Act, with its mandate to provide a safe margin for air quality that will protect the health of susceptible populations.”

This Week In Black History A Courier Staple


1800—Nat Turner is born on this day in South Hampton, Va. The spiritually inspired Turner would organize and carry out one of the deadliest slave revolts in American history. His rebellion led to the deaths of 57 Whites including men, women and children.

1937— Famed attorney Johnnie Cochran is born on this day in Shreveport, La. He was the lead-attorney in the 1995 murder trial which resulted in the not guilty verdict for football legend O.J. Simpson. In addition to Simpson, Cochran was involved in several other high profile cases. He died on March 29, 2005 at the age of 67.


1847— The first National Black Convention takes place in Troy, N.Y. There were more than 100 delegates in attendance from at least nine states. Top items on the agenda included determining ways to help end slavery and encouraging free Blacks to refuse to purchase products produced by slave labor. Frederick Douglass frequently makes note of the convention because one of its aims was to organize independent Black power and “not depend on Whites and hope” to free Blacks.

According to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), PM2.5 “describes fine inhalable particles, with diameters that are generally 2.5 micrometers and smaller.”

Under the Clean Air Act, the EPA “sets and reviews national air quality standards for PM.” The EPA also monitors air quality and measures concentrations of PM throughout the country to “ensure that PM in the air is at levels that protect public health and the environment.”

Still, as the racial disparities persist in brain health, there is dire need for continued research, Chen says.

“We also demonstrated that older African American women may be more susceptible to the particulate matter, but we still don’t know why,” Chen says. “Why are these particles more neurotoxic to Black women than to non-Hispanic Whites? Going forward, we plan to look for answers by studying the effects of things like nutrition and brain structure.”

He concludes, “An increasing number of USC faculty are trying to better understand whether and why air pollution can cause more damage to the human brains in minority populations or communities with social disadvantages. Our study is just the beginning of vital scientific work that needs to be done.”

Yes, so-called ‘senior moments’ can be scary, embarrassing; sometimes even comical, causing us to laugh at ourselves. But often times, through self-care, the goal of a healthier brain can be accomplished with foods that we eat every day.

(This article is part of a series powered by AARP for the purpose of brain health education.)

1967—Thurgood Marshall is sworn in as the first Black justice on the United States Supreme Court. President Lyndon Johnson had nominated him in part because of his distinguished career in the NAACP fighting to desegregate American institutions. Marshall had been the lead attorney in the historic Brown v. Board of Education case which led to the desegregation of the nation’s schools.

1986—The U.S. Senate imposes economic sanctions on the then White minority government in South Africa. The sanctions were imposed only after the Senate overrode a veto of the measure by President Ronald Reagan. Reagan had angered Blacks and progressive Whites by favoring a policy he referred to as “constructive engagement” with the racist South African regime. Black majority rule was not achieved in South Africa until 1994.


1856— Journalist and fiery advocate for Black rights T. Thomas Fortune is born in Marianna, Jackson County, Fla. He was an orator, journalist and militant civil rights advocate. He attended school at Howard University in Washington, D.C., but later moved to New York City where he founded the New York Age newspaper. Fortune died in Philadelphia at the age of 71 in 1928.

1935— The then-independent East African nation of Ethiopia is invaded by fascist Italy in an attempt to join other European nations which had used military force to establish colonies in Africa and exploit its economic resources. Blacks throughout the world rallied to Ethiopia’s defense, in part, because the nation was viewed by many as the place on Earth where human life began. The U.S. effort was led by prominent Harlem, N.Y., minister Adam Clayton Powell Sr.

1949— One of the first Blackowned radio stations in America begins broadcasting in Atlanta, Ga. The principal organizing force behind WERD was businessman J.B. Blayton.

1995— Former professional football great O.J. Simpson is found not guilty of the murders of his ex-wife Nicole and her friend Ronald Goldman. The trial had been a national sensation. The verdict angered a majority of Whites. Polls showed that better than 80 percent of Whites surveyed felt Simpson got away with murder.


1864— What was to become the nation’s first Black daily newspaper began publishing on this day in New Orleans, La. Amazingly, the New Orleans Tribune began distribution while slavery still existed. It was founded by Dr. Louis C. Reudanez. It began as a tri-weekly but soon became a daily published in both French and English.

1969—Howard Lee and Charles Evers became the first Black mayors of Chapel Hill, N.C., and Fayette, Miss., respectively. Evers was the brother of civil rights legend Medgar Evers who was murdered by Ku Klux Klan member Byron De La Beckwith on June 12, 1963.

1988—The Martin Luther King Jr. federal building is dedicated in Atlanta, Ga. It thus became the first federal building to bear the name of the slain civil rights leader.


1867— The first Black mayor of any American city takes office. His name was Monroe Baker . The prominent businessman was appointed mayor of St. Martin, La., two years after the end of slavery.

1871— The now world famous Fisk Jubilee Singers begin their first national tour. The tours helped raise funds for Nashville, Tenn.’s, predominately Black Fisk University as well as give the school an international reputation.

1917— Activist Fannie Lou Hamer is born in Montgomery County, Miss. She goes on to become one of the major female figures in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. Nevertheless, she remains one of the movement’s most effective unsung heroes. As to why she became involved in the movement for Black freedom, dignity and political rights, she would often say in reference to injustice, “I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired.”

1971— The first legal interracial marriage takes place in North Carolina . A Black man, John Wilkinson, marries a White woman, Lorraine Mary Turner. The marriage came a few years after the 1967 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Loving v. Virginia , that ruled legal barriers to interracial marriage, which existed in most Southern states, were unconstitutional.


1821— One of the most prominent Blacks in the Underground Railroad, William Still , is born near Bedford, Mass. The “Underground Railroad” was the name given to a series of secret trails and safe houses used to help Blacks escape from slavery in the South to freedom in the North.

1897— The founder of the Nation of Islam Elijah Muhammad is born Elijah Poole in Sandersville, Ga., as one of 13 children. Muhammad would build his religious sect into the largest independent Black separatist organization in America. The group is currently headed by Min. Louis Farrakhan. Muhammad died in February 1975.

1934— Activist, writer and poet Imamu Baraka is born Everett LeRoi Jones in Newark, N.J. Baraka was one of the leading intellectual figures in the Black Power and Black Nationalist movements of the 1960s and early 1970s. A special tribute honoring Baraka’s 75th birthday took place around this time last year.

1967—Carl Stokes is elected the first Black mayor of a major American city—Cleveland, Ohio. Interestingly, he won by defeating Seth Taft—the grandson of a former United States president—Howard Taft. 1993— Writer Toni Morrison is awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.


1775—Slaves and free Blacks are officially barred by the Council of Officers from joining the Continental army to help fight for American independence from England. Nevertheless, a significant number of Blacks had already become involved in the fight and would distinguish themselves in battle. Additional Blacks were barred out of fear, especially in the South, that they would demand freedom for themselves if White America became free from Britain.

1941— National Black political leader and two-time candidate for president of the United States Rev. Jesse Jackson was born on this day in Greenville, S.C. After the 1968 assassination of Civil Rights Movement icon Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Jackson, who was one of his top aides, would become the nation’s most prominent and influential civil rights leader.

The Women of Excellence Award celebrates local African American women who motivate and inspire others through their vision and leadership, exceptional achievements and participation in community service. The selected honorees will join an exclusive society of professional women who have previously received this distinction.


1. The nominee must a be a woman 40 years of age or older, who resides in the Greater Pittsburgh area.

2. The nominee must be active in her career or profession. Career or profession is defined as paid employment in her field. Nominees must agree to have their photograph and biographical information published in the New Pittsburgh Courier.

All nominees selected as a Women of Excellence will be featured in a 2024 edition of the New Pittsburgh Courier

3. Evaluations will be based on the quality of a nominee’s achievements rather than the quantity of information submitted.

4. Selections will be made by the New Pittsburgh Courier Women of Excellence Selection Committee based on the following criteria:

• Local African American executive or business owner

• Proven success in career/profession

• Positive role model

• Demonstrative community service

submit nominations, visit : www.newpittsburghcourier.com/WOEnominations2024

amazing journey.”

Approximately 80 participants have gone through the PIT2Work program in its first year, and many are now working members of local Pittsburgh trade unions.

“This is not typical of what airports do, but we feel an obligation to make sure that we are providing equal access to opportunity,” said Allegheny County Airport Authority CEO Christina Cassotis.

“We are doing it in a way where people can walk out and into jobs that are really going to change their lives.”

Held at the National Aviary on the North Side, Aug. 27, the anniversary celebration’s guest list included PIT2Work participants and alumni, local trade union representatives, Allegheny County Executive Sara Innamorato, PIT team members and other special guests.

“This is life-changing work, and when you see the videos and what people are doing now, they have changed their lives through this program, through this work,” said Rob Cherry, CEO of Partner4Work, one of the program’s partnerships. “We’re just proud to be a part of that in any way Partner4Work can.”

Darrel Young, director of player development for the Pittsburgh Steelers and a former NFL player, spoke to the distinctiveness of PIT2Work and offered advice to the program’s participants and alumni. “How can we expect to do ordinary things and expect unique results?”

“There are so many opportunities and the best

thing you can do is relate to people,” he said. “Everyone has leadership qualities— figure out what those leadership qualities are and figure out what makes you different.”

PIT2Work participants benefit immensely from the program’s partnerships with Partner4Work’s Introduction to the Construction Trades program and numerous local trade unions.

“I see the potential coming through each (PIT2Work) cohort,” said Brent Sopko, president of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local 432. “I love Pittsburgh building Pittsburgh.”

The connections PIT2Work participants make are amplified by their training, all of which provides them with careerand life-changing qualifi-

cations. By the conclusion of the five-week program, graduates have completed hours of construction-related coursework and receive an OSHA 10-Hour safety certification, PennDOT Flagger certification, Pennsylvania Registered Pre-Apprenticeship certification and an environmental health and safety certification.

“We had a vision of how we could engage folks from Pittsburgh who were often underrepresented and give them opportunities to work with local unions to transform Pittsburgh,” said Alicia Booker, director of workforce development for Allegheny County Airport Authority.

“We had a vision to leverage the growth of our new terminal with the remarkable work of our local workforce agencies and partners.” That vision has led to PIT’s recognition as a Fast Company Most Innovative Companies in Transportation winner and World Changing Ideas Awards honoree. Additionally, the National Association of Workforce Boards awarded PIT with the W.O. Lawton Business Leadership Award for its support of the Pittsburgh region’s workforce through PIT2Work. And it is that vision that has positively affected the lives of so many, as it will continue to do so for many more.

“It’s definitely a life-changing program,” said PIT2Work alumnus Antoine Long, now working on the new PIT construction site. “They give you everything that you need to prepare you for the future.”



$50K tax deduction for new business owners

$6K to young families in the first year of their child’s life

$25K in down payment assistance for first time home buyers

During his presidency, the Black unemployment rate was at an all time high

His Project 2025 agenda would roll back civil rights policies that offer opportunity for Black Americans

He uses race to divide us, scapegoating Black & Brown communities

She believes in what is possible. He’s more interested in defending himself than looking out for you. Let’s turn the page and move forward.


Third annual ‘Girls Fire Camp’ exposes teen girls to the firefighting profession

Right now, only one Black woman in Pittsburgh Bureau of Fire


Epps-Cuda left Pitt to become a firefighter for Pittsburgh full-time, and today, after decades

of being out in the field, she’s the fire prevention instructor for the Pittsburgh Bureau of Fire.

And the year 2024 also marks the third year of the Girls Fire Camp,

which she started to introduce more girls to the firefighting profession. After all, out of 745 firefighters in the city, four are women—and Epps-Cuda is the only Black woman on the team.

“Most females think they can’t do it because they’re a woman,” Epps-Cuda told the Courier. “So this camp exposed them to the physical part of being a firefighter as well as the mental challenges you’re going to have.”

The 27 girls who were part of this year’s camp, which occurred from Aug. 12-17, learned CPR, became Stop The Bleed certified, visited the Pittsburgh Fire Training Academy and were on a fire boat. They learned best practices on fitness and nutrition and the importance of teamwork.

In an era where most teens are stuck looking at their phones and complaining about not having enough to do, the Girls Fire Camp provided plenty of things to do and things to learn, Epps-Cuda said.

On Aug. 17, there was a graduation ceremony for the teens, aged 14-18.

“I’ve been the only woman of color, so it’s important for me to pay it forward and help females get on the job,” Epps-Cuda told the Courier.

In the three years of the Girls Fire Camp, roughly 20 Black girls have been exposed to this profession, one that can be exciting, fulfilling, but also dangerous and intense. Epps-Cuda intends for the camp to continue next year.

But for now, Epps-Cuda, as you’re reading this article, is busy educating people on how to prevent a fire from even happening in the first place.

“If I could prevent someone from actually dying in a fire,” Epps-Cuda told the Courier, “then I’m doing my job right.”

Across the U.S., 8.4 percent of the career firefighters are African American, according to the National Fire Protection Association. It’s unclear how many Black female career firefighters there are across the nation. What is clear is that Toni McIntosh was the first Black woman to become a career firefighter in 1976, and she did it right in Pittsburgh. McIntosh was someone Epps-Cuda admired.

“I’ve been the only woman of color, so it’s important for me to pay it forward and help females get on the job.”

'Meet the Candidates' comes to Baptist Temple Church, Oct. 5

our growing Praise and Worship Church Community!

For rate information, call 412-4818302, ext. 128. We want to feature positive youth from our Pittsburgh church community. Please mail their bio and photo to:

Pittsburgh Courier

E. Carson St. Pittsburgh, PA 15219 or email us: religion@newpittsburghcourier.com

VEEEM Pittsburgh (Voter Empowerment, Education, & Enrichment Movement) will host their semi-annual “Meet the Candidates” on Saturday, Oct. 5, at Baptist Temple Church, 7241 Race Street, Homewood, from 2 to 5 p.m. The event will also be livestreamed via Zoom. The purpose of this nonpartisan event is to give potential voters an opportunity to hear from candidates who are running for office and to submit questions for the candidates to answer live. All candidates for the offices of U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, Pa. Senate, Pa. Representative in the General Assembly, Pa. Attorney General, Pa. Auditor General, and Pa. Treasurer representing voters in the City of Pittsburgh and the neighboring communities of Penn Hills and Wilkinsburg have been invited. Voter registration

and other voter education resources will also be on site. “As we mark our 7th year, VEEEM is excited to return to the place where it all began, Baptist Temple Church, to host a ‘Meet the Candidates’ event that provides potential voters with the information they need to be informed about the selections on the ballot,” says VEEEM Pittsburgh Executive Director and Founder, Maryn Formley. “VEEEM continues to be passionate about propelling people to the polls as we continue to partner with faith-based congregations and community to increase voter turnout in Allegheny County.”

The event is free and all are welcome. Guests must register via Eventbrite to attend in-person or via Zoom.

Second Baptist Church, Homestead, excited about upcoming pastoral installation

Second Baptist Church of Homestead invites you to the installation services for their new pastor, Rev. Laphon Flood-Francis. The theme for the installation is, “WE’RE ALL IN” (Ephesians 4:1-6) The installation service and celebration will be held Nov. 9-10, at the church. Saturday, Nov. 9 at noon will be the official installation service for Rev. Flood-Fran-

cis. Following the installation, there will be a banquet to celebrate this joyous occasion. The banquet will be held at Georgetown Center, 526 East Bruceton Road, Pittsburgh, 15236. On Sunday, Nov. 10, there will be morning worship service. If you are interested in attending the banquet, please visit www.secnbapt.com. If you have any issues accessing the website

or require assistance purchasing your ticket, please call the church office at 412-461-8235. Deadline to purchase tickets is Oct. 18, 2024.

If you are interested in hotel accommodations, please contact the Courtyard by Marriott Pittsburgh West, 401 West Waterfront Dr., at 412-462-7301. Rooms have been reserved under Second Baptist Church, Homestead. Please reference when making room reservations. Discount rates have been reserved under Second Baptist Church, Homestead. Discount rates are only available through Oct. 9.

Antioch Baptist Church, 332 Elizabeth St., Sewickley, would like to invite you to join them on Sunday, Oct. 6, as they celebrate the third Pastoral Anniversary of Pastor Verton L. Dean Sr. and family. The guest speaker will be Minister Darryl West of Save

the Seed Ministries, Monessen, and the theme for the celebrations is Running with Endurance (Hebrews 12:1-2). “Therefore, we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us, and let us run. With endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Dinner will be served immediately following the morning worship service.

Not everyone is on Facebook. Not everyone has a smartphone. Not everyone is on Instagram....wait, what is Instagram, anyway...???

But everyone reads the Courier. Churches, please email all of your upcoming events, anniversaries, great notes about church members, and special services/ceremonies to our new email address. religion@newpittsburghcourier.com And we’ll make all efforts to put it in the Courier...the original social media.

“And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not LOVE, it profited me nothing. LOVE suffers long, and is KIND; LOVE envied not: LOVE vaunts NOT itself, is NOT PUFFED UP, does NOT behave itself unseemly, seeks not her own, is NOT EASILY PROVOKED, THINKS no evil.”

- 1 Corinthians 13:3-5

REV. WALKER SAYS: This is part of the definition of what LOVE IS. God’s Word is our measuring stick, LOVE is a verb, an action word. We can do a lot of things but if we don’t LOVE, it means NOTHING.



Meeting Mr. Connie Hawkins, aka “The Hawk,” was the most important opportunity I had in my professional life. I truly owe my accomplishments with the Connie Hawkins League, The Champions Association, and Achieving Greatness Inc., to the man Kareem Abdul-Jabbar said was the greatest basketball player he’s ever seen... Connie Hawkins!

Thanks, Connie, for all you did for me and for all you did for basketball. I also want to take this opportunity to remember and thank my very good friend Kenny “K. D.” Durrett...recognized as the greatest player in Western Pennsylvania and Big 5 history. Thank you for enriching my life and teaching me the game of basketball. God bless you both and may you rest in peace.

others will be celebrating my 50 years of service to the Pittsburgh community. For this, I am forever grateful. I want to take this opportunity to sincerely thank six of the world’s greatest athletes for lending us their names, reputations, time and support: Connie Hawkins, Willie Stargell, Franco Harris, Kenny Durrett, Jennifer Bruce, and Dwayne Woodruff. While there have certainly been hundreds of great athletes and outstanding people who have contributed to our success, it is due in great part to these individuals, who during various times in our 50-year history, literally carried us across the proverbial finish line!

On Oct. 5, at the Marriott City Center Hotel, those such as City Councilman Khari Mosley and

Beginning with the start of the Connie Hawkins National NCAA/Pro/ Am Summer Basketball League ranked top ten in the nation...the establishment of the Willie “Pops” Stargell Pittsburgh MVP Awards (that featured Muhammad Ali, Sir Charles Barkley, Super Bowl Champion Doug Williams, Jayne Kennedy, Olympic legends Roger Kingdom and Kevin Parker, Mel Blount, Melvin Van Peebles, and Julius “Dr. J.” Erving, just to name a few). With the addition of

the Franco Harris All Pro Football camp that brought us valuable national recognition, the unprecedented Kenny Durrett Western PA High School All Star Basketball Classic (second only to the Dapper Dan Classic in years of operation) that provided well over 200 college scholarship opportunities, the Jennifer Bruce Women’s Summer Basketball League that, evidence will show, was the frontrunner to much of what we applaud in

today’s WNBA, and last, but not least, the Dwayne Woodruff “Super Bowl Celebrity Golf Classic” that provided over $250,000 to local charities, including our agency, during a fiveyear run. Unfortunately, neither time nor space will allow me sufficient opportunity to thank everyone and every entity for all that you have done. But I would be remiss if I did not thank my earliest mentor and athletic hero, Hubie Bryant, Penn Hills

High School and University of Minnesota Hall of Fame football and track legend and former Pittsburgh Steeler, the player every kid in Penn Hills wanted to be like growing up. H.B., the player and leader who gave me motivation to achieve greatness. I thank you all for your love, time, support and consideration. It has been a proverbial village and I’ve enjoyed living in it for every minute of my fifty years of community service. After all has been said and done . . . “I FLEW WITH THE HAWK!” GAME OVER.

Excuses, excuses — Steelers fall to Colts, 27-24

Buckwheat from the ancient TV show, "The Little Rascals" might put it this way; “otay, otay, dem team lost today, but do I’m still get a peanut butter and jelly samich if I’m good?”

like this: “If you fall, we will stomp you, we will be waiting, time after time.”

Translation...that is the question that the offensive and defensive coordinators of the Pittsburgh Steelers should have asked the following Monday after the Steelers lost to the “horses,” 27-24. The OC and DC for Pittsburgh called an atrocious game and on the Monday following the game, should have been forced to ask themselves the following question: “Do we deserve an NFL paycheck?” My immediate response is: “No, yinz should not be paid.”

I’m reacting that way because every time Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin travels over a speed bump in the road during the season, time after time, some media-related folks don’t respond like musical legend Cyndi Lauper by saying, “If you fall, I will catch you, I will be waiting.” Most of the local media recite an entirely different set of lyrics. Their timeless song goes

First, let’s begin with the Steelers’ offense. Offensive Coordinator Arthur Smith seemed to have hijacked the playbook of the former OC of the Steelers, Matt "Canada Dry" Canada. In addition to that losing strategy, Canada, oops, I meant to say Smith, sang his own tune crooning the lyrics from the song, “macho, macho man, I wanna be a macho man,” a tune that he borrowed from The Village People. Back in the day, that song may have worked wonders for the bank accounts of The Village People, but it fell flat at Lucas Oil Stadium. Arthur Smith keeps forcing the issue of running the football when there are 5 and 6 men in the box. Taking that into consideration, there is a distinct possibility that running the ball excessively might not be such a good idea. Also, continuing to feature Najee Harris might not be the best strategy either, because it is my theory that Harris may have visual issues because he oftentimes does not hit the hole in a timely fashion. Could it be that he may not even see the hole? Najee Harris may have also taken the "throw your teammates under the bus 101 course," taught by none other than Professor Ben Roethlisberger. This is what Najee Harris had

to say, postgame. Richard Gegick posted an article on Steelers Now titled: "Najee Harris Believes Steelers Offense Must Execute." Najee Harris is quoted in the article saying: “They are going to come out there with certain defenses to stop the run. We know that. So, we just have to execute it.” Harris went on to kind of spread the blame for the ugly loss on Sunday, Sept. 29 in Indianapolis around, not really taking responsibility for his performance. “It’s all of us. So what did we do, what did we see? I saw us all fight us as a team.” What you mean "we?"

Hmm, let’s crunch a few numbers, shall we? Did I hear Mr. Harris complain about the lack of offensive execution? Let me see, Cordarrelle Patterson, 6 rushes for 43 yards. Justin Fields, 10 rushes for 55 yards. They seemed to be executing pretty darn well. For many of us who saw the game, it seems that Najee Harris, who had 13 carries for 19 yards, was the one who failed to execute. His ineffectiveness and subpar performance was one of the primary reasons that resulted in the Steelers’ defeat. As far as the Steelers’ defense was concerned, they came out flat and inadequately prepared. The cardinal sin is after the Colts starting QB Anthony Richarson was forced to exit the game as the result of a hip injury, second-string QB Joe Flacco came in like the comedian Carrot Top with his slice and dice machine and got busy with surgical precision and proceeded to carve up the Steelers’ secondary like they were a turkey at Thanksgiving. There were very few in-game defensive adjustments that were effective. However, like "Ghostbusters," who you gonna blame? Mike Tomlin. Hey Mr. Austin, you’re competing against Joe Flacco,

c’mon, the formula is not brain surgery. You rush five, drop seven, play man to man and cover 2 when forced to, but playing zone against a vet like Flacco, put it like this. Just call me when you come out of surgery and the anesthesia wears off. Arthur Smith likes to run the ball. With his decimated offensive line, if his offense develops the three-and-out, "Kenny Pickett syndrome" going forward, move over Cleveland Browns, you may have some colleagues joining you in the basement of the AFC North.


Guide for freelancers and finance management

Welcome to the world of freelancing! As a freelancer, you enjoy the freedom and flexibility to work on your terms. However, managing finances with irregular income streams and fluctuating workloads is challenging. Here is practical advice on budgeting, taxes, and saving strategies to help you achieve financial stability in the gig economy.

Navigating the gig economy presents freelancers with benefits and challenges regarding financial stability.

during tax season.

• Keep Organized Records. Throughout the year, keep accurate records of your income, expenses, receipts, and invoices to streamline the tax filing process and help you claim deductions and credits.

• Consider Engaging a Professional. Tax professionals provide personalized guidance tailored to your financial situation, maximizing deductions and credits while ensuring compliance with tax laws. Outsourcing tax preparation can save time, reduce stress, minimize the risk of er-

The gig economy also poses challenges, primarily income volatility and lack of benefits.

On the one hand, the gig economy offers unparalleled flexibility and autonomy, diversified income streams, and the ability to capitalize on your skills and expertise, potentially earning higher incomes than in traditional employment settings. Plus, remote work cuts commuting costs and offers tax deductions. However, the gig economy also poses challenges, primarily income volatility and lack of benefits. Freelancers can achieve financial stability despite these challenges by implementing proactive financial management strategies.

Financial management strategies for freelancers

Understand your tax obligations

Familiarize yourself with the tax laws and regulations relevant to freelancers in your country or region. Determine whether you need to pay self-employment, income, and other applicable taxes. Once you understand how much you will potentially owe:

• Set Aside Money for Taxes. Allocate a percentage of your income, typically 25-30 percent, for taxes. Open a separate savings account and deposit tax payments regularly to avoid a financial crunch

rors or audits, help you plan strategically for retirement savings, and optimize your business structure. Save for time off While freelancing offers flexibility, scheduling regular breaks for rest and planning for needed time off for illness or family emergencies is essential. This includes:

• Building a Vacation Fund. Create a separate savings account dedicated to funding vacations and time off. Contribute regularly to accumulate enough money to cover travel expenses to enjoy well-deserved breaks without compromising your financial stability.

• Preparing for Sick Days. As a freelancer, you don’t have the luxury of paid sick leave offered by traditional employment. Plan for unforeseen illnesses or emergencies by setting aside funds to cover living expenses during periods of incapacity so you can focus on recovery without the added burden of financial worries.

• Considering Insurance Options. To provide additional protection in case of illness or injury, explore options such as short-term disability insurance or supplemental health in-

The 2024 presidential election promises a clash of economic philosophies, with Donald Trump and Kamala Harris offering starkly contrasting visions for the future of the American economy. Trump, the former president and Republican candidate, champions a hands-off approach, emphasizing deregulation, tax cuts for businesses and the wealthy, and a focus on traditional industries. Harris, the Democratic candidate and current vice president, advocates for a more interventionist government, prioritizing progressive taxation, social equity, and investments in a green economy. These opposing views reflect deep ideological divides on how to address the nation’s economic challenges. Two Worlds of Economic Thought: Trump’s Supply-Side vs. Harris’ Progressiveness Donald Trump’s economic outlook leans heavily on supply-side economics, also known as “trickle-down” economics. This theory suggests that lowering taxes for businesses and wealthy individuals will stimulate investment, job creation, and overall economic growth, ultimately benefiting all Americans. Trump firmly believes that a free market, with minimal government interference, fosters entrepreneurship and innovation, leading to a more dynamic and prosperous economy. Kamala Harris, on the other hand, embraces a more progressive economic ap-

Scams on campus

The digital threats facing college students

(Special to The Dallas Examiner)—Across the nation, college students are setting themselves up for success during the upcoming semester with an expected spending of $86.6 billion on school supplies, more than doubling expected spending for K-12 students. For many young adults, attending college provides a sense of independence and serves as an entry point to establishing their financial health for years to come. Whether purchasing a vehicle, opening a line of credit, or taking out student loans, many financial decisions college students make have long-lasting effects that follow them after graduation and into their professional careers. The average student loan debt among borrowers who graduated in 2021-22 was $29,400. Adding in potential debts for car notes, credit cards, or other purchases, many students begin their post-college careers by spending years settling balances, according to CollegeBoard.org. To make matters more challenging, Better Business Bureau’s 2023 Scam Tracker Risk Report found that 18- to 24-yearolds reported the highest median losses to scams across all age groups for the second year in a row. Consumers within this age group lose $155 per report, 64 percent more than the baseline median losses of $100 across all age groups. Young adults are particularly susceptible to employment, online purchase and investment/

cryptocurrency scams.

“As the beginning of another school year approaches, BBB is keeping a close eye on employment scam reports, which typically increase during times of the year associated with major transitions,” said Heather Massey, vice

proach, advocating for greater social equity and a fairer distribution of wealth. She believes that reducing income inequality and ensuring everyone has a fair chance at success should be paramount. Harris sees government intervention as a vital tool to achieve this, supporting policies that raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations to fund programs supporting low- and middle-income families. She argues that investing in education, health care, and other social programs is crucial for creating a more just and equitable society.

mation, which can lead to various identity-related issues, such as Stolen Identity Return Fraud. Some of the most common positions used in an employment scam include package reshipment, data entry, or secretarial work, which heavily leans on

Better Business Bureau’s 2023 Scam Tracker Risk Report found that 18- to 24-year-olds reported the highest median losses to scams across all age groups for the second year in a row.

president of communications and community relations for BBB serving the Heart of Texas. “College students are a prime target for an employment scam because the fraudulent offer matches exactly what they need—a remote working opportunity with flexible hours and high pay. Adding in that many students are unfamiliar with standard hiring processes for remote positions, and you have a recipe for vulnerability.”

In addition to the financial costs of an employment scam, many people who provide sensitive personal information to a fraudulent employer place themselves at an increased risk of experiencing identity theft. Typically framed as a requirement to begin work, fraudulent employers collect tax or banking infor-

work-from-home convenience. Unfortunately, the emphasis on digital interactions to carry out a scam is not limited to fraudulent employment.

Although the rapid adoption and use of digital marketplaces has greatly benefitted legitimate businesses with the ability to reach a broad audience beyond geographic limitations, it has also provided an avenue for fraudulent or unethical sellers to use deceptive practices to mislead consumers into purchasing items that are never received, counterfeit, or otherwise unusable. In Texas, consumers have reported $1.1 million lost to these scams in 2024, with most interactions beginning on social media.

“Individual losses to an online purchase scam are hovering around $75 this

ever, believes that these cuts disproportionately benefited the wealthy and corporations, widening the wealth gap. She supports raising taxes on the wealthy and corporations to fund essential public services like health care and education, arguing that a fairer tax system will create a more equitable society.

The Great Divide: Key Policy Differences The contrasting philosophies of Trump and Harris manifest in distinct policy stances on several crucial economic issues:

• Taxation: Trump’s economic agenda is built upon the belief that tax cuts are the key to economic growth. The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which lowered the corporate tax rate and provided tax cuts for individuals, stands as his flagship achievement. He argues that these cuts spurred investment and created jobs. Harris, how-

• Regulation: Trump firmly believes that excessive government regulations stifle businesses and hinders economic growth. He has pushed for deregulation across various sectors, including environmental protection, finance and labor, arguing that freeing businesses from unnecessary oversight will unleash economic dynamism and create more jobs. Harris, however, contends that stronger regulations are necessary to protect workers, consumers and the environment. She advocates for tighter oversight of large corporations, particularly in the tech sector, to ensure fair competition and prevent harm to the public. She also supports stricter environmental regulations to address climate change.

year, which is relatively low compared to some of the most costly scams, such as investment,” Massey said. “What distinguishes these scams is the sheer number of occurrences. In Texas last year, BBB received 1,800 reports of an online purchase scam that resulted in residents losing $1.5 million.”

Clothing, pet products, travel mugs and electronics are some of the most popular products in an online purchase scam, but high-priced items such as automobiles or recreational vehicles are also commonly used. In nearly all cases, victims do not realize they’ve encountered a scam until attempts to contact the company regarding the status of an order go unanswered, the received product does not reflect the advertisement, or they discover multiple additional charges on the provided payment method. Some consumers find they have unknowingly signed up for a subscription service that is difficult or impossible to remove due to an unresponsive customer service department, leading them to cancel or close payment accounts to prevent reoccurring charges.

Although the challenges associated with employment and online purchase scams are significant, investment and cryptocurrency scams have become the riskiest consumer scams. In 2023, more than 80 percent of people targeted by these scams reported losing money, with

• Job Creation: Trump’s approach to job creation centers on revitalizing traditional industries like manufacturing, coal and oil. He argues that reducing regulations and promoting fossil fuel production will bring jobs back to the U.S. and bolster the nation’s economic foundation. Harris, however, believes that the future lies in green industries. She emphasizes job creation through investments in clean energy and emerging technologies, advocating for a transition to a green economy that tackles climate change while creating millions of high-quality jobs. Her plan includes significant federal investments in renewable energy sources like solar, wind and electric vehicles.

• Health Care: Trump promotes a market-based approach to health care, believing that competition will drive down costs and improve quality. He has consistently supported the repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and pushed for alternatives that rely on market forces. Harris, on the other hand, believes that health care is a fundamental right. She advocates for expanding government-provided health care options, potentially including Medicare For All, arguing that government investment is essential to ensure universal coverage and address disparities in access to care.

Helpful guide for freelancers


Saving for irregular income

Since freelance income can vary each month, build an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses or dry spells. Aim to save 3-6 months of living expenses in an easily accessible savings account. This fund will provide a financial buffer during slow periods or unexpected emergencies.

Create a realistic and accurate budget

Once you understand your tax implications and the importance of saving for those obligations, vacations, sick days, and irregular income, it is time to create a budget. By comparing projected freelance earnings to current expenses and financial obligations, you can assess whether freelancing alone can sustain your desired lifestyle or if it should complement other sources of income. Steps for creating a budget include:

At a recent Council of Institutional Investors conference in Brooklyn, New York, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon stood firm in his support for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, even as they face increased scrutiny from conservative activists.

• Separate Business and Personal Expenses. In addition to earning enough to cover personal expenses, remember to include business expenses you take on as a freelancer, such as office equipment, software subscriptions, and transportation.

• Allocate a Portion of your Income for Taxes and Savings. Mike Michalowicz’s book, Profit First, offers valuable insights into prioritizing allocations from every pay-

• Track Your Income and Expenses. Keep a detailed record of your earnings and expenditures. Use accounting software or apps like QuickBooks or FreshBooks to monitor your finances. Review your monthly and annual expenses, including rent, utilities, groceries, transportation, child care, and debt repayments.

ment received to ensure you have the necessary funds to cover tax obligations while building a robust savings cushion.

• Create a Realistic Budget. After assessing your current expenses, expected income, and needed allocations, you can create a budget that meets your needs.

Monitor your finances

By meticulously tracking income and expenses, you can identify areas for optimization and ensure they allocate funds effectively towards essential costs, savings, and investments. If your income isn’t what you anticipated, explore op-

portunities to diversify your sources. Consider offering additional services, selling digital products, or working a part-time job until your income increases. Also, review where you can cut costs in your personal and business life.

Achieving financial stability as a freelancer requires proactive planning, disciplined budgeting, and diligent money management. Remember to adapt and adjust your financial plan as your freelance career evolves and stay focused on your goals.

Scams on campus

a median loss of $3,800. This year, Texas residents have reported $2.1 million lost, outpacing the second-costliest scam by $1 million. Investment scams are not modern inventions, but many new technologies are making it easier than ever for anyone to enter the investment scene, opening countless opportunities for fraudulent traders to target young adults. Using the reach and engagement of social media, con artists create highly engaging content and position themselves as an expert source of information, capitalizing on confusing financial terms and unclear processes. When a victim tries to withdraw from a fraudulent fund, the scammer claims they

must pay a series of service, withdrawal, or tax fees before it can be accessed. Even if the fees are paid, the scammer disappears with the remaining deposit, access to the investment dashboard is disabled, and many deactivate the social media accounts they used to initiate contact. As they return to campus this year, it is essential that college students

can recognize the warning signs of employment, online purchase and investment scams. However, they should also keep an eye out for fraudulent apartment listings, fake credit cards and other identity theft risks.

Dimon emphasized that fostering diversity is not only ethically sound but also a strategic business decision. “It’s good for business; it’s morally right; we’re quite good at it; we’re successful,” he stated, as reported by Fortune.

His message was clear: DEI is more than a trend—it’s integral to maintaining a competitive edge in today’s global market.

In his remarks, Dimon made it clear that he wasn’t swayed by external pressure to scale back DEI efforts. “I’m not interested in other people pointing fingers. I’m not ‘woke’ at all,” he said.

Dimon’s stance was echoed by other corporate leaders at the conference. Tim Murphy,

opting for a more cautious and understated approach, prompted in part by lawsuits from conservative groups like Stephen Miller’s America First Legal. These groups argue that certain diversity programs could be discriminatory against White applicants, leading companies to revise the language and framework of their initiatives.

Despite this, most businesses continue to prioritize diverse hiring and inclusive work environments, even if their public messaging has become less overt.

Joanna Colosimo, Vice President of Workforce Equity and Compliance Strategy at DCI Consulting, observed that companies are still deeply invested in DEI work, even if they are less vocal about it. “There are companies that are committed to this body of work, and you might not be hearing about it on a flashy webpage,” she said.

However, some experts caution against turning DEI initiatives into a behind-the-scenes ef -

Chief Administrative Officer at Mastercard, emphasized the importance of diversity in driving innovation and retaining talent. “We’re committed to creating a global corporate environment where all people are treated equally and fairly and have equal access to opportunities and advancement,” Murphy explained.

He also noted that a diverse workforce brings a variety of perspectives that fuel creativity and success, adding that “this helps bring great talent in and retain it here.”

While corporate leaders like Dimon and Murphy are resolute in their commitment to DEI, the landscape has shifted since the 2020 wave of corporate pledges to promote racial equity.

Companies are now

fort. Portia Allen-Kyle, Chief Advisor at Color of Change, warned that companies who view diversity as something they can “turn on and off” are undermining their commitment. “The worst thing that can happen is for folks to be silent and to give the impression that initiatives such as these are not worthwhile,” Allen-Kyle said.

Leaders like Dimon and Murphy are proving that, despite opposition, their companies are staying true to the principles of equity and inclusion, knowing that the benefits of a diverse workforce are essential to long-term success.

Trump vs. Harris comparison of economic policies

• Infrastructure: Trump has long supported infrastructure investment, particularly in traditional sectors like roads, bridges and airports. He sees infrastructure development as key to job creation and economic growth. However, during his presidency, no comprehensive infrastructure bill was passed. Harris, on the other hand, prioritizes green infrastructure investments. She advocates for federal funding of projects that promote clean energy, such as electric vehicle infrastructure and public transportation, alongside modernizing traditional infrastructure. This aligns with her broader climate agenda to create jobs while reducing carbon emissions.

• Labor Policy: Trump’s labor policies emphasize deregulation, arguing that it gives businesses more flexibility in hiring and paying workers based on market conditions. He has resisted efforts to raise the federal minimum wage and rolled back several labor protections. Harris, in contrast, is a strong advocate for worker rights and labor unions. She supports raising the minimum wage, expanding protections for workers, including paid family leave, and strengthening collective bargaining rights. She believes that empowering workers

and ensuring fair wages are crucial for reducing inequality and creating a more just economy.

• Climate Change and Energy:

Trump is a vocal supporter of fossil fuels, believing that energy independence

through oil, coal and natural gas production is essential for national security and economic strength. He withdrew the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement and rolled back environmental regulations, arguing that they hindered job creation in

key industries. Harris, however, prioritizes addressing climate change. She supports rejoining the Paris Agreement and implementing aggressive policies to reduce carbon emissions. Her energy plan centers on transitioning to renewable energy, with significant federal investments in solar, wind and electric vehicles. She envisions a low-carbon economy that not only addresses environmental concerns but also creates jobs in sustainable industries. Two Roads to the Future: A Choice for America

The 2024 election presents a stark choice for American voters. Donald Trump’s approach, rooted in deregulation, tax cuts for the wealthy, and a focus on traditional industries, promises a more laissez-faire economy. Kamala Harris’ progressive agenda, emphasizing government intervention, progressive taxation, social equity, and a green future, offers a different path towards prosperity. The outcome of the election will determine which vision shapes the direction of the U.S. economy for years to come.


Guest Editorial

A nation of immigrants, Native Americans and slaves

The 2024 presidential election is speeding toward us with phenomenal velocity; it will be here in a flash. Things are really heating up, and there are new serious concerns about the safety of people and our leaders. In this regard, it has happened again—presidential candidate Donald Trump has been the target of an assassination attempt. Just about two months ago, Trump was the victim of another assassination attempt. This is a reality check. It says a lot about the nature of America that has sold itself as the top country in the world. But we can’t take that for granted anymore if we consider the escalating cases of gun incidents that have targeted citizens, and in Trump’s case, a presidential candidate.

In a show of concern, presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris, VP candidate Tim Walz, and President Joe Biden all wasted no time in forwarding concern and words of relief and encouragement to Trump, who was not harmed.   Those incidents have come on the heels of Donald Trump’s mean-spirited campaign strategies. In the eyes of most people, Trump was defeated in a debate against Vice President Kamala Harris. Trump’s traditional approach has been to use insults and negative aspersions cast against his opponents, and the debate strategy was true to form.

One of the main, ugly accusations bandied about to augment the many lies that he has utilized is the most recent one, viewed as preposterous. It is the allegation that illegal Haitian immigrants are eating American cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio. He allegedly was briefed on this assertion by his vice president, Sen. JD Vance, who said that his constituents reported that Haitian immigrants were stealing American cats and dogs and eating them!!! Neither he, nor Donald Trump, has provided a shred of proof supporting these allegations.

This situation has elicited a firestorm of responses. And there are those who fear that the Haitians, which are NOT ILLEGAL, might be physically, psychologically, and emotionally harmed by these preposterous allegations. Basically, the immigrant slant has been one of Trump’s most trusted strategies for shoring up support for his campaign. In other words, he loves using racism, sexism, and other forms of divisive hate rhetoric against others. Unfortunately, he has been able to gain a wide following for his supporters who “want to take their country back.”

Basically, Trump has masterfully sown the seeds of dissention, and his favorite scapegoats have been immigrants. He has said that “millions” of illegal immigrants are the ones creating problems in America.   Unfortunately, because of Trump’s rhetoric, the whole tone of things in America is turning negative. Immigrants are being blamed. Ironically, the White Americans who support Trump are spewing hatred toward immigrants, most of whom are NOT illegal.

The irony is that ALL AMERICANS, with the exception of African Americans who were involuntarily brought here as slaves, are immigrants. The only people who are not immigrants are Native Americans. This was originally their land, so when Trump and his cohorts talk about taking America back, they are stopping short of truth. Moreover, Trump’s wife and J.D. Vance’s wife are immigrants.

If the truth be told, the strength of America can be found in its immigrants! This country was founded on the diversity evident everywhere in America, and Trump’s strategy of divide and conquer targeting immigrants is extremely short-sighted. It is essentially a veiled war against “others” and is saturating the U.S. with hatred. This is unfortunate because America is the one country on the planet that has a unique destiny that can demonstrate the efficacy of diversity— America is the world’s melting pot, or, better still, “social salad.” The more diversity that exists, the richer we are as a nation. Too bad Trump and his cohorts are not intelligent enough to understand this idea. Aluta Continua.

(Reprinted from the Chicago Crusader)

Hate seems to have taken over!

(TriceEdneyWire.com)—I long for the days when we had hope that things were getting better in our country—especially on women’s rights, extinguishing racism against people of African descent, improving the Congress by electing an increasing number of non-White people (especially people of Hispanic, Asian and African descent, as well as a Native sister being in charge of the Department of Interior, with several other women being Secretaries of Agencies, and were we excited when Supreme Court Judge Ketanji Brown-Jackson came along!  We cheered that Barack Obama could be elected by people of all races and backgrounds to become President of the United States of America.  We were proud of the fact that Hillary Clinton (but for our crazy electoral college rule) would have been our first female President!

We have wannabe President again Donald Trump and Vice-Presidential wannabe Vance to thank for the hate launched on the Haitian community of Springfield, Ohio. Without reason, that story continues in spite of being told by leaders of the city that Haitians were invited and went to Springfield legally and were welcomed there! Of course, Vance thought it was okay to make up a story about the situation, causing people to believe residents were eating cats and dogs!

Now, despite the unlikely chance of

the story being true, Trump brought it to the big stage during the debate with Vice-President Kamala Harris. He threw in the lie on the presidential debate stage and has never stopped bringing it up with people correcting him.  He not only didn’t pay attention, but went on vowing to go to Springfield, knowing that story would not be welcomed!

At the debate, moderators calmly tried to correct him. His and Vance’s lie about this story resulted in the unnecessary, racist lies they knew would hurt Springfield’s Haitian community.  Schools and businesses had to be closed. This frightened young children who wanted to be in school.  That was brought on by hate of Haitian people and for no other reason than their being Black!

Let’s go to the Middle East.  We’ve witnessed a situation where millions of innocent people, many of them babies, were killed for no reason because they were not the ones who went into Israel and caused havoc.  Many are afraid to speak out because they are afraid to be called anti-Semitic but those thousands of Palestinians

who’ve been killed by Israeli forces had nothing to do with the tragedy in Israel.  Then even, as he came to the United Nations, Netanyahu had the gall to blame the whole United Nations as being anti-Semitic. It’s time for Netanyahu, friends of Netanyahu, and AIPAC to stop accusing everybody whose help they are only too happy to keep getting by frightening people who care about what is right, but afraid to speak out against wrong. If you watched his speech, you saw that only a handful applauded during his long and hate-filled speech.  I know people, even many in Israel, are tired of his spewing his hate toward everybody who doesn’t agree with him.  I’ve already been hurt over this issue so I am not afraid.  I applaud those who are willing to point out wrong from right no matter who is doing it.

Trump, Vance nor Netanyahu should be leading any nation.  We can’t do anything about Netanyahu since we don’t vote in Israel, but we do have the right and obligation to vote in the United States. On November 5, 2024 we can lessen the hatred by making sure Trump is never again allowed to lead our nation.  So, please listen to the candidate who is leading us in the right direction.  Vote for VP Kamala Harris and return our nation to one of hope and love—not hate. (Dr. E.Faye Williams, President of The Dick Gregory Society where peace and love reign!)

Janet Jackson’s false Harris statements on race reveals dangers of misinformation

Janet Jackson has become a symbol of the dangers that can occur when misinformation and disinformation is allowed to go unchecked.

During a recent interview with the Guardian, Jackson repeated a false statement that continues to be perpetuated about VP Kamala Harris’ race.

When asked about the potential of a Black woman becoming President, Jackson revealed her lack of knowledge on the subject.

“She’s not Black. That’s what I heard. That she’s Indian,” Jackson said. “Her father’s White. That’s what I was told. I mean, I haven’t watched the news in a few days.”

Harris has always identified as a Black and Indian American. Her father, Donald Harris, an economist and former Stanford professor, is Afro Jamaican. Harris’ mother, Shyamala Gopalan, a biomedical scientist, was from India.

The question surrounding Harris’ race was once just fodder for uninformed social media users. That’s until Donald Trump used old racist tactics to question Harris’ racial identity.

During his controversial appearance at the 2024 NABJ, Trump lied about Harris’ race while in a room full of Black journalists.

“She was always of Indian heritage and she was only promoting Indian heritage,” Trump said. “I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago when she turned Black, and now she


wants to be known as Black. So I don’t know, is she Indian or is she Black?”

Trump used a similar racist tactic years ago when he questioned Barack Obama’s citizenship, seeking a way to discredit Obama’s historic rise to become the first Black American President. Although it was proven that Trump lied, he was able to galvanize like-minded racists and jumpstart his political career.

Disinformation is the act of intentionally misleading the public with falsehoods, while misinformation occurs when a person embraces the disinformation and repeats it, at times without ill-intent.

Janet Jackson’s perpetuation of the false statement against Harris could have come from social media, or from someone in her inner circle. Janet’s brother, Randy Jackson, serves as her manager. Randy supported Trump in 2020 and his social media pages have several posts that promote conspiracy-theories.

After a statement of apology to Harris from Janet was issued by Mo Elmasri, a rep from her team disavowed the statement and Elmasri was fired.

But beyond the issues within Janet Jackon’s camp, the continuation of false statements has remained a major issue in during the 2024 Election.  Trump and J.D. Vance have both used their platforms to mislead the public which created havoc.

During the first Harris-Trump debate, Trump blamed Harris for immigration issues by falsely claiming that Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio were eating pets.

“They’re eating the dogs, the people that came in, they’re eating the cats, they’re eating the pets of the people that live there,” Trumps said. When ABC News moderator David Muir factchecked Trump on the false claim, he said he saw the story on TV.

But while Trump became the brunt of thousands of social media memes and jokes, the real-world impact caused danger for Haitians in Springfield who faced threats of violence following Trump’s statement.  Janet Jackson’s legendary status will not be compromised by the gaffe of making a false statement about Kamala Harris’ race. However, if a person who has access to unlimited resources and information can be misled, there are millions who have accepted lies without attempting to discover the truth.

Harris must respond to Trump’s attack on

The disgusting insults hurled toward Haitian immigrants keep coming. After Donald Trump and his MAGA running mate, JD Vance, spread vicious rumors about Haitian immigrants eating dogs and cats in Springfield, Ohio, leading to death threats in the community, a racist congressman has made the news for further spreading vile rumors about the immigrants.

Congressman Clay Higgins, R-La., recently tweeted, “These Haitians are wild. Eating pets, vudu, nastiest country in the western hemisphere, cults, slapstick gangsters.” In an extremely weak response, House Speaker Mike Johnson brushed off the comments as unfortunate and suggested that we just move on. The idea of rebuking the vile racism expressed by Higgins apparently never crossed the speaker’s mind.

These recent racist incidents call for a strong and forceful response, and Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic candidate for U.S. president, is poised to do just that. Since beginning her campaign, it’s clear that Harris is being extremely careful to not be known as “the female” or “the Black” candidate. However, Trump and his MAGA sycophants are determined to use race baiting as their primary strategy to mobilize their base. And their reprehensible plan cannot go unanswered. Trump’s recent onslaught of vicious accusations against Haitians is not just a political ploy to amplify attention about America’s immigration concerns, but it is an outright and full-scale assault on Blackness and Black liberation.

The truth of Haiti’s full struggle begins with the economic atrocities committed by France and the United States. The thought of condemning a nation to financial ruin and using the spoils to build the Eiffel tower in honor of your self-proclaimed cultural superiority is

breathtaking.  Despite being one of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere, Haiti has impressively fought against oppressive regimes. For example, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, arguably considered the greatest of generals, was the architect of the Haitian revolution, which handily defeated Napoleon, resulting in Haiti becoming the first free and independent Black republic in the western hemisphere in 1804.

American slaveholders were terrified that the urge for freedom would spread north, and the French were humiliated by the defeat and enraged by the economic loss. Ever since, Haitians have been thoroughly and routinely demonized because they embody Black resistance and Black excellence. President Biden has significantly improved U.S.-Africa relations but has stopped short of openly rebuking Trump’s branding of African nations and Haiti as “shithole” countries. In her understandable strategy to move toward the political middle, Harris has the opportunity to make a significant statement about racial justice by centering U.S.-Haiti relations as a priority for her administration with a clear approach: export equity.

An export equity approach would involve the U.S. protecting and advancing its national interest by standing with historically oppressed and exploited peoples and countries to ensure mutual benefit. Additionally, export equity would demand a strategic investment

in Africa’s and Haiti’s surging youth populations, promoting Black internationalism, which would pay dividends for years to come.  Harris must argue that her humanity, faith, wisdom and commitment to America’s prosperity inform her approach.

When asked about her leading role in U.S.-Africa policy while planning her 2023 visits to Ghana and Zambia, Harris’ response was “{the trip} is about the enduring and important direct relationship that the United States has with the people of Ghana and African nations.” This sensibility suggests that she is ready for America to divorce African dictators and find other tactics to resist terrorism. In full consideration of the political climate in France, she must invite and pressure America’s oldest friend to be accountable for its devastating impact on Haiti.

The Harris approach would connect America’s domestic and foreign policy as the nation confronts the White nationalist playbook of Project 2025. Export equity would ensure that American leadership matches rhetoric with real resources, money, and selflessness to right the wrongs of its past and build on its impactful contributions to the international community.

Before the election, Harris must directly respond to Trump’s attack on Haitians and name it as the dehumanization of Black people globally. This courageous and strategic move will advance her electoral prospects by signaling to her political base—African Americans—that she is committed to racial justice, and by defining her foreign policy intentions to enhance America’s alliances with African nations and Black countries.

Amir Shaw
Bishop Jospeh W. Tolton

Sick and tired of anti-Haitianism

Resistance runs in the blood of Haitian people, passed down from the revolutionaries who, from 1791-1804, fought and won the first successful slave revolt in history, forming the first Black-led republic in the Americas. The Haitian Revolution not only freed the people of Haiti from French colonial rule but also reshaped global history, and the spirit of that revolution continues. Yet, despite this legacy of triumph, the centuries of anti-Haitianism that followed continue to manifest today, seeping into U.S. immigration policies and fueling the systemic discrimination we face.

After all this time, I, like the indomitable Fannie Lou Hamer, am literally “sick and tired of being sick and tired.” The violence of anti-Haitianism is not just psychological; it physically affects our health, as our bodies carry the burden of generational trauma.

In the 2024 U.S. presidential race, J.D. Vance has admitted his intention to continue “creating false stories,” perpetuating anti-Haitian rhetoric for political soundbites that has real and dangerous consequences. In Springfield, OH, for example, bomb threats have been made against government offices, schools, hospitals and even grocery stores. Schools have seen a rise in bullying toward Haitian students, creating a double burden of external threats and peer harassment. These incidents are far from isolated. Anti-immigrant rhetoric stokes fear, deepens divisions in our communities, and puts lives at risk. It’s not just an assault on our bodies; it’s a deliberate, insidious attempt to kill the Haitian psyche, to break our spirit by dehumanizing our history, culture, and our fundamental right to exist in peace.

This dehumanization of Haitian people is not unique to the U.S. In both the Bahamas and the Dominican Republic, Haitians are scapegoated for social and economic issues. In the Dominican Republic, discriminatory policies such as mass deportations and denationalization laws disproportionately target Haitians and Dominicans of Haitian descent, stripping them of basic rights and protections. In the Bahamas, Haitians are blamed for economic problems and subjected to raids and deportations, often in violent and inhumane conditions. These countries, much like the U.S., have long histories of marginalizing Haitian populations.

Haitian Women for Haitian Refugees (HWHR) has long fought to dismantle these harmful narratives and defend the Haitian community’s right to dignity and protection. Founded in 1992 in response to the refugee crisis faced by Haitian immigrants in the U.S. and Guantánamo Bay, HWHR has supported thousands of families who sought asylum after persecution in Haiti. Through education, community organizing, and leadership development, our members empower


A battle lost in the global civil rights struggle of the 21st century

The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) was adopted in 1979 by the United Nations General Assembly. This international women’s rights bill defined discrimination against women as “any distinction, exclusion, or restriction made on the basis of sex which has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment, or exercise by women, irrespective of their marital status, on a basis of equality of men and women, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil, or any other field.” Countries that have ratified CEDAW are legally required to implement its provisions.

In 2001, the United States invaded Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban government, which had been harboring the Al-Qaeda terror organization responsible for the 9/11 attacks earlier that year. By 2003, Afghanistan was in the process of forming a new government while the United States maintained a military presence. That same year, Afghanistan ratified the CEDAW. Afghanistan’s new government eliminated the former regime’s harsh policies toward women.

The Taliban prohibited girls and women from going to school, working, leaving the house without a chaperone, and speaking in public. Afghanistan’s new constitution guaranteed women’s equality before the law, the right to an education, and the right to work. The CEDAW also provided for the gradual rather than immediate implementation of women’s rights. For the first five years, the advancement of women’s rights in Afghanistan alternated between steady progress and occasional setbacks.

In 2012, former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown was appointed by the United Nations as Special Envoy for Global Education. That same year, a Taliban gunman in neighboring Pakistan shot Malala Yousufzai, a 15-year-old activist who advocated for girls’ education. The gunman also shot Yousufzai’s

themselves to fight for social, economic, and racial justice, working collectively to combat exclusion and institutionalized racism.

For over three decades, we’ve been integral to tireless efforts to challenge discriminatory U.S. immigration policies that disproportionately affect Haitians. I firmly believe that Haitian refugees have the right to live without the constant fear of deportation or detention. The U.S. has a long, troubling history of weaponizing anti-Blackness and anti-Haitianism through mass detentions and the denial of asylum claims. These policies unfairly target Haitians and the broader Black migrant community, labeling them as unworthy of protection and spreading fear. In Cleveland, Mauritanian immigrants also report feeling unsafe. At the same time, Haitian migrant labor sustains industries across states like Indiana, Alabama, Ohio, North Carolina, Florida, and New York, benefiting sectors that rely on their hard work while simultaneously denying them full rights and protections. Nearly all refugees seeking support from HWHR carry trauma, compounded by centuries of inherited, intergenerational wounds within the community. To address this, HWHR has created trauma-informed spaces designed to help individuals heal from the impacts of hate and harm endured by the Haitian community. These spaces offer essential emotional support through a healing justice approach, addressing both historical and current sources of trauma while promoting collective healing.

The work we do at HWHR pushes back against the racist rhetoric we’re hearing today. We reject the narrative that Haitians are a threat and instead focus on our humanity, rich culture and powerful spirituality. Our advocacy is rooted in a deep understanding of the historical forces driving Haitian migration—U.S. imperialism, political destabilization, and economic exploitation. Our staff and members are committed to addressing these root causes by demanding justice for our people. As U.S. politicians continue to scapegoat Haitian refugees for political gain, we must remember who we are: descendants of enslaved Africans, brought over from Western and Central Africa, who fought and overcame enslavement and colonialism to gain freedom for all. That struggle persists today. In August 2024, when a Haitian refugee who had been detained by ICE for weeks arrived at our office, I was disturbed to find that Customs and Border Patrol had placed an “electronic ankle monitoring bracelet” on them when they were released on “Humanitarian Parole.” What is humanitarian about an electronic shackle? This hauntingly echoes the legacy of slavery and serves as a source of trauma. Haitians are not only survivors of systemic injustice but also powerful organizers who have been at the forefront of the fight for immigrant rights, worker protections, and racial justice. Now more than ever, the U.S. must reckon with its role in creating the conditions that drive Haitians to seek refuge here. Anti-Haitianism does not occur in a vacuum, but rather reflects a broader pattern of systemic oppression and exploitation. And although we’re sick and tired, we are not defeated. It means that, like our ancestors who fought for Haiti’s liberation, we will not give up. Instead of perpetuating anti-immigrant rhetoric, leaders should work toward policies that honor Haitians’ rights and contributions to this country. Rather than vilifying Haitians, it’s time for meaningful accountability. This includes streamlining the process for providing employment authorization documents, creating clear pathways to permanent residency, and implementing further actions to address the deeply intertwined issues of migration, systemic racism, and economic injustice. (Ninaj Raoul, Executive Director Haitian Women for Haitian Refugees)


It Out

16-year-old classmate, Kainat Ahmad. Both teenagers survived.

The media widely covered the shooting, sparking international outrage. From her hospital bed, Ahmad stated, “Girls’ education here is more important than boys’ because boys can do any type of work. However, girls can’t just do any sort of job. Girls must have respectable jobs so they can feel secure.”

Brown visited Yousufzai while she was recovering in the hospital. He started a petition calling for unrestricted education for all children in Pakistan by 2015. After meeting the teenage activist for girls’ education in Pakistan, Brown realized that ensuring a quality education for girls in countries that prohibit it is the global civil rights struggle of the 21st century.

While the United Nations focused on Taliban-related problems in Pakistan, a 2012 World Bank World Development Report titled Gender Equality and Development reported significant progress for Afghan women in all regions toward gender equality, and a 2012 Asian Foundation Survey found that 87 percent of Afghans agreed that men and women should have equal educational opportunities.

During a 2015 press conference at the United Nations headquarters in New York, Brown called to strengthen the global commitment to defending the rights of schoolgirls. The next year, Donald Trump, who was adamant about withdrawing all American forces from Afghanistan, won the presidency of the United States.

In 2020, the Trump administration reached an agreement with the Afghan government and the Taliban to withdraw the US forces from Afghanistan.

That same year, the progress report on women’s rights in Afghanistan since 2001 indicated numerous accomplishments. Women comprised 35 percent of public-school teachers, 27 percent of government employees, 20 percent of provincial council members, 12 percent of judges, and 10 percent of attorneys. Three million girls went to school, and one in every four university students was a woman.

Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee, defeated Donald Trump in November 2020. The Biden administration withdrew the military from Afghanistan the next year. Unfortunately, the withdrawal turned into a tragedy when the Taliban reneged on previous agreements and launched a military campaign to retake the country.

When the Taliban reestablished their authority, they immediately set out to return Afghan women to a subordinate state.

According to the most recent United Nations human rights report, the Taliban has prohibited girls from attending secondary school and women from pursuing higher education in Afghanistan. The Taliban prohibits women and girls from visiting amusement parks, gyms, and sports clubs. The Taliban has prohibited women from working in NGO offices. Since the Taliban took over Afghanistan in August 2021, they have fully barred women from public office and the judiciary. Women and girls in Afghanistan must now adhere to a rigorous dress code and cannot travel more than 75 kilometers without the presence of a male chaperone. Women across the country report feeling invisible, alienated, and suffocated, as if they were living in prison. Many women are unable to meet their basic needs in the absence of employment or assistance, including access to medical treatment and psychological support, particularly for victims of violence, such as sexual assault.

The report concluded, “It’s a sobering reminder of how swiftly and aggressively women’s and girls’ rights can be taken away.”

Harris’ appeal to Gen-Z and millennials serves as a bridge between generations

(TriceEdneyWire.com)—It is refreshing to see a leader like Vice President Kamala Harris who understands the wide generational gap we have in our nation. There will always be situations where older and younger people maintain different perspectives on life and the nation’s future based on their experiences, opinions, habits, and behavior.

Harris’s candidacy for president serves as a bridge between generations and has effectively found ways to close the gap in a relatively short time. Almost half of Gen Z (ages 16–27) respondents in a UCLA study said they were not motivated to vote at all in the 2024 presidential election prior to Kamala Harris’ nomination. In addition, 29 percent of Gen Z respondents who said they were not motivated to vote in the upcoming election before the change in the Democratic nominee say they are now motivated to vote for Harris.

The vice president’s campaign has a notable social media presence. It is through this presence she has successfully inspired undecided voters. “Young adults are increasingly getting news from TikTok, reporting social media as the most authentic form of media,” said Yalda Uhls, founder and CEO of the UCLA Center for Scholars & Storytellers. “Our data shows that young people are very engaged with what’s happening in the political sphere around them, and keeping up with the news seems to be influencing their desire to vote for Kamala Harris.”

For young people interested in voting for Harris, her identity as a woman of color was not a large motivating factor. Of Gen Z respondents, 82 percent cited reasons other than Harris’ racial or gender identity when explaining their support for her. Some respondents agreed with her stance on the issues; they see her as an exciting candidate that gives hope, and some liked what they learned about her on social media. “Contrary to Republican messaging about Kamala Harris being a DEI hire, young people seem more excited about


her candidacy because of the tone and substance of her campaign rather than because of her race, ethnicity or gender,” said Alisha Hines, the center’s director of research from its 2023 Teens and Screens Report, which showed that young people are overwhelming interested in stories of hope—a defining mood of the Harris campaign.”

Young people are distancing themselves from the political polarization we’ve become accustomed to seeing during previous election cycles. Harris has shown a unique ability to assess different demographics’ true needs and concerns and then meet them at their point of need. Like older generations before them, Gen Zers and millennials (ages 28–40) should be able to have hope in their futures while pursuing the “American dream,” allowing a new wave of younger leaders who understand the challenges of their peers to articulate to the American people.

Harris’s ability to be flexible when dealing with various demographics while still being authentic is a character trait that draws the support of young people. President Biden had the right message but was not the most effective messenger. Harris is also unique because she is an HBCU graduate. Just as she has found ways of successfully motivating and inspiring Gen Zers through social media, she can also connect with young Black voters from HBCUs in ways other candidates cannot.

As a graduate of Howard University, she understands the cultural significance behind the HBCU homecoming. Homecoming is a special time of the year for

students and alums on HBCU campuses. If Harris becomes president of the United States, there will be a sense of special pride in having someone from Howard University hold the highest office in the nation. It is the type of pride shared with all HBCU students and alums, not just those from Howard. As a Norfolk State University graduate, I will also share in the proud moment of her election, as well as the journey of her historic campaign.

The Harris-Walz campaign will kick off an HBCU Homecoming Tour across the battleground states of North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Virginia, and Pennsylvania to reach Black Gen Z voters. The tour will give special recognition to HBCUs.  It starts at Winston-Salem State University during the weekend of Sept. 28. It continues on Oct. 12 with stops at Lincoln University and Virginia State University. On Oct. 19, the campaign will visit Howard University, North Carolina A&T, and Clark Atlanta University. Then, on Oct. 26, they will visit Morehouse and Spelman College. One of the keys to winning the election is gaining the support of Gen Zers and millennials.

“HBCUs are responsible for educating generations of leaders across all industries and remain some of the most distinguished institutions of higher learning in the United States—that is why as a proud Howard University graduate, Vice President Harris helped lead the Biden-Harris administration in investing $17 billion into HBCUs across the country,” said Harris–Walz 2024 Senior Advisor, Trey Baker… . “Engaging young Black voters and the broader HBCU alumni network across battleground states is a testament to the commitment of the Team Harris-Walz to truly meeting voters where they are at, to underscore the stakes of this election.” (David W. Marshall founded the faith-based organization TRB: The Reconciled Body and is the author of the book God Bless Our Divided America.)

The elephant in the room is not the Republican Party

The expression, “The Elephant In The Room” often refers to an obstacle in a conversation that appears to be the size of an elephant in a room so large that he takes up most of the space. This is the case with Donald Trump and his race against Vice President Kamala Harris. Trump, a convicted felon, with 34 convictions, multiple indictments and major court cases that could send him to prison, appears to be the Presidential Preference for a large number of Americans who want Donald Trump as President, no matter what. This group of voters, who happen to be predominantly White, are not really interested in positions on policy issues. Donald Trump is the key to the Project 2025 takeover of the American government and the abolishment of the U. S. Constitution

as we know it. The elephant in the room is the “Browning” of America; that the immigrants and people of color are taking over or will soon take over America in terms of population. Such reasoning is not concerned about policy issues. This is evidenced by the fact that Donald Trump has not put forth a policy issue for anything. He has only talked about the things he wants to do, like pardon the January 6th rioters, which are not based in the use of the Constitution but rather the bypassing of law to release people who have sworn allegiance to Trump rather than the Constitution.  The only solution to counter this kind of thinking does not rest in the logic of policy discussions but rather in the realization that only the voting will of the people can block it. In the weeks leading up to the November 5th election, let us focus on

getting out an overwhelming number of votes that will make the Electoral College count for Vice President Harris so large we go so far beyond the 270 votes needed that there is no room for the challenges that Trump is planning to delay and overthrow the transition of power. Let us remember that the Republican Party has been taken over by the Conservatives that would use Trump to implement Project 2025. Since Donald Trump is their key to changing our system of government to a Dictatorship, Let Vice President Harris be the key to saving Democracy as so many have come to understand. We can beat the elephant in the room, but only with our votes.

(Dr. John E. Warren is Publisher, San Diego Voice & Viewpoint Newspaper)

Ninaj Raoul


Estate of ZYLPHIA L. FORD, Deceased of Pittsburgh, PA 15218, Estate No. 02-2405685, Executrix, JEANNETTE PETERS, 810 North Rainbow Drive, Glenwood, IL 60424 or to William C. Price, Jr., Price & Associates, P.C. 2005 Noble Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15218

Estate of WILLIAM F. O’MALLEY, SR., Deceased of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Estate No. 02-24-06156, William F. O’Malley, Jr., Executor, 412 Cadet Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15226 or to TODD A. FULLER, Atty; BRENLOVE & FULLER, LLC., 401 Washington Avenue, Bridgeville, PA 15017

Estate of JOSEPH ADU-MARFO, Deceased deceased of Turtle Creek, PA, Estate No.: 022405696, Gabrielle Adu-Marfo , Administrator or to Quinntarra Morant, Esq., PO Box 10946 Pittsburgh, PA 15236

Estate of JERRY LEE SIMS, Deceased deceased of Pittsburgh, PA, Estate No.: 022405902, Katrina Barfield, Administrator or to Quinntarra Morant, Esq., PO Box 10946 Pittsburgh, PA 15236

Estate of HERMINE P. BUTCH A/K/A HERMINE B. BUTCH, Deceased of the Township of Mt. Lebanon, Pennsylvania, No.: 02-24-05758, Thomas W. Butch, Executor or to David J. Nichols, Atty, 6 Clairton Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA 15236

Estate of TAMMY A. CROZIER A/K/A TAMMY CROZIER, Deceased of 1232 Dagmar Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15216, Esate No. 02-2403783, Administratrix: Michelle Talarico, 104 Ross Creek Lane, Venetia, PA 15367 or to American Wills & Estates, Lloyd A. Welling, Esquire, 2100 Wharton Street (Birmingham Towers), Suite 302, Pittsburgh PA 15203

Estate of MARTHA G. KLAJNOWSKI, Deceased ,Deceased of Bridgeville, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, Esate No. 02-24-05993, Jamie L. Dinco, Executor, 221 Redfield Drive, Oakdale, PA 15071 or to TODD A. FULLER, Atty; BRENLOVE & FULLER, LLC., 401 Washington Avenue, Bridgeville, PA 15017

Petition to Determine Title to 6614 Brainard Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206, formerly owned by HELEN E. FORD, deceased, filed September 30, 2024 by Rolynda Thomasina Ford, No. 4792 of 2020 Peter B. Lewis, Neighborhood Legal Services, 928 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15222, Counsel.

TRUST TERMINATION: Advertising Trust Termination due to the death of Carl E. Palitti on 09/11/2023. Claims against said Trust may be filed as follows and sent to: PNC Bank, National Association Attn: Sharon L Whitney 300 Fifth Ave, 31st Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222 And/or: Mario Santilli, Jr., Esquire Dentons Cohen Grigsby 625 Liberty Ave., 5th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222



NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the Council of Avalon Borough, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, October 17, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at the Avalon Borough Administration Building, Council Chambers, to consider the application submitted by Hampton Technical Associates on behalf of the O’Brien Art Project Foundation requesting a change in zoning for Parcel IDs 160-F-232 and 160-F-326 from R-H: High Density Residential to MU: Mixed Use. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing or submit written comments. Documents relative to this application are available for review in the Borough Administrative Office during regular business hours.

Leanne McLaughlin Assistant Borough Manager



The Council of the Borough of Avalon will consider the adoption of Ordinance #1404 at their public Borough Council meeting on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. prevailing time at the Borough Building, 640 California Avenue, Avalon, PA 15202.

The titles and summaries of the Ordinances follow:




Borough of Avalon Ordinance No. 1404 would revise and amend portions of Section 2000-406 of the AvalonBellevue-Ben Avon Joint Zoning Ordinance, Avalon Borough Ordinance No. 1327, to change the zoning district of property located at 1014 California Avenue, also identified as Block and Lots No. 160-F-323 and 160-F-326, from R-H: High Density Residential to MU: Mixed Use. A copy of each proposed ordinance is available for inspection at the Borough of Avalon Administration Building, 640 California Ave., Avalon, PA 15202, between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM, prevailing time, Mondays through Fridays. The proposed Ordinances may also be viewed online at http://www.boroughofavalon.org/ ordinances-resolutions/ ordinances/.

Lorraine Makatura Avalon Borough Secretary




NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the Zoning Hearing Board of Avalon Borough, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania will hold a Hearing on Monday, October 14, 2024, at 6:00 pm, prevailing time , at the Avalon Borough Administration Building, 640 California Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15202 on Zoning Hearing Board Application 2024-05, filed by the O’Brien Art Project Foundation, for property located at 1014 California Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15202, Lot and Block No. 160-F-308, in the M-U: Mixed Use District. Applicant is seeking a dimensional variance from Section 406, Table V of the Avalon-Bellevue-Ben Avon Joint Zoning Ordinance, which imposes a 5-foot maximum setback in the Mixed Use Zoning District. Members of the public are invited to attend. Attendance and participation at the meeting are prerequisites to the right to take any subsequent appeal of the Zoning Hearing Board Decision. All documents relative to this application are available for review in the Borough Administrative Office during normal business hours.

Leanne McLaughlin

Assistant Borough Manager

America’s Best Weekly

315 East Carson Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Classifieds 412-481-8302 Ext. 134

E-mail: ads@newpittsburghcourier.com


Schedule for copy, corrections, and cancellations: Friday noon preceding Wednesday publication


Notice is hereby given to the following persons, their heirs, successors or assigns, and to all persons whatsoever, that the City of Pittsburgh, by John Miller, Assistant City Solicitor, 328 City County Building has petitioned the Court of Orders quieting title to the following tax acquired real estate, pursuant to Act No. 171, approved December 11, 1984.


CITY OF PITTSBURGH Vs Robert D. Jockel ; Luise A. Jockel; PWSA; and the Unknown Heirs, Successors, and Assigns of Robert D. Jockel and Luise A. Jockel; Concerning the Following Property: 2922 Banksville Avenue, 20th Ward, Block & Lot: 63-B-135



CITY OF PITTSBURGH Vs Shanda L. Johnson, Real Time Resolutions, Inc., its successors and assigns, and the Unknown Heirs of Shanda L. Johnson; Concerning the Following Property: 3003 Zephyr Avenue, 20th Ward, Block & Lot: 42-L-45



CITY OF PITTSBURGH Vs Vicki A. Sheffey, Ira Ritter, GLS Capital, Inc., Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry, and the Unknown Heirs of Vicki A. Sheffey and of Ira Ritter; Concerning the Following Property: 6824 5th Avenue, 14th Ward, Block & Lot: 125-K-60



CITY OF PITTSBURGH Vs Allegheny County Court Records Department-Criminal Division, Frank Anthony Caito, and the Unknown Heirs, Successors and Assigns of Frank Anthony Caito Concerning the Following Property: 1044 Marena Street, 20th Ward, Block & Lot: 20-L-192



CITY OF PITTSBURGH Vs Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority, Robert D. Jockel, Louise A. Jockel, and the Unknown Heirs of Robert D. Jockel and of Louise A. Jockel

Concerning the Following Property: 118 Bascom Avenue, 26th Ward, Block & Lot: 162-K-70



CITY OF PITTSBURGH Vs Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority, and Peter Pido, Mary B. Pido, Micheal Pido, Helen Pido and the Unknown Heirs of Peter Pido and of Mary B. Pido and of Micheal Pido and of Helen Pido

Concerning the Following Property: 1606 Dagmar Avenue, 19th Ward, Block & Lot: 35-G-121



CITY OF PITTSBURGH Vs Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority, Norman F. Houck, Gladys L. Houck, Jordan Tax Services, Inc. and the Unknown Heirs, Successors, Assigns, and Respondents of Norman F. Houck and of Gladys L. Houck

Concerning the Following Property: 315 Fairview Avenue, 20th Ward, Block & Lot: 20-S-46




PNC Bank National Association, United States of America-Internal Revenue Service, GLS Capital Inc., Commonwealth of PennsylvaniaInheritance Tax Divisions, ALCOSAN, Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority, Paul Pelmon Jr., Anthony H. Pannell and the Unknown Heirs, Successors, and Assigns of Paul Pelmon Jr. and of Anthony H. Pannell

Concerning the Following Property: 7165 Verona Boulevard, 12th Ward, Block & Lot: 172-R-153




Jordan Tax Service

Concerning the Following Property: 1704 Fusion Street, 20th Ward, Block & Lot: 41-D-21


WHEREUPON the Court granted a rule on the aforesaid persons, and all persons, whatsoever, to appear and show cause within thirty days from this notice why the title of the CITY OF PITTSBURGH to the aforesaid real estate should not be adjudicated and decreed valid and indefeasible as against all mortgages, ground-rents, rights, title, interest in or claims against the aforesaid real estate, and to further show cause why the sale of the said real estate should not be made free and clear of all the aforesaid claims whatsoever.





Henrietta Cook, Plaintiff vs. Paul Grattan Construction, Mego Mortgage Corporation aka Altiva Financial Corporation, and all claiming Right, Title, or Interest From or Under Defendants. Case No. GD-24-010291.

Quiet Title Action regarding that certain parcel of real property situated in Pittsburgh, County of Allegheny and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania having an address of 8104 Frankstown Ave. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15221 (Allegheny County Parcel ID 0174M-00017-0000-00). To Defendants.

NOTICE You have been sued in Court. If you wish to defend against the claims set forth in the following pages, you must take action within twenty (20) days after this Complaint and Notice are served, by entering a written appearance personally or by attorney and filing in writing with the Court your defenses or objections to the claims set forth against you. You are warned that if you fail to do so the case may proceed without you and a judgment may be entered against you by the Court without further notice for any money claimed in the Complaint or for any other claim or relief requested by the plaintiff. You may lose money or property or other rights important to you. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER TO YOUR LAWYER AT ONCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER OR CANNOT AFFORD ONE, GO TO OR TELEPHONE THE OFFICE SET FORTH BELOW TO FIND OUT WHERE YOU CAN GET LEGAL HELP.

Allegheny County Bar Association Lawyer Referral and Information Service 400 Koppers Building 436 7th Avenue 4th floor Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Telephone: (412) 261-5555

Plaintiff’s Attorney: Quinntarra Morant, Esquire Morant Law offices, PO BOX 10946, PITTSBURGH, PA 15236. (412) 888-6795 LEGAL ADVERTISING Bids/Proposals

INVITATION TO BID CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION SERVICES SWISSHELM PARK SOLAR REMEDIATION The Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh (URA) will receive bids from qualified contractors for remediation, and site grading of the Swisshelm Park Solar Remediation project site, located in the 14th ward of the City of Pittsburgh in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, between interstate 376 (Parkway East) and Monongahela River, and all work incidental thereto required to complete the Swisshelm Park






The Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh (URA) is seeking proposals from a construction management and inspection firm (Firm) to oversee the Swisshelm Park Solar Remediation Project Remediation and Site Grading – in the 14th Ward of the City of Pittsburgh (City) in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, between interstate 376 (Parkway East) and Monongahela River.

• Issue Date Monday, September 30, 2024

• Due Date Wednesday, October 30, 2024

There will be a virtual pre-proposal meeting for the CMCI Contract through Zoom on Tuesday October 15th, 10:00AM-11:00AM.

There will be a virtual pre-proposal meeting for the CMCI Contract through Zoom on Tuesday October 15th, 10:00AM-11:00AM.

All interested parties can reach out to Jack Decker jdecker@ura.org for more information on the pre-proposal/ pre-bid meetings. Proposals will be accepted no later than 2:00 PM prevailing time on Wednesday, October 30, 2024. Bids will only be accepted through IWT (Ion Wave Technology). https://ura.ionwave.net/Login.aspx


On behalf of the Hill Community Development Corporation (Hill CDC) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that plans are available for the following project:

New Granada Theater Redevelopment Phase II (2015 Centre Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15219)

Full sets of drawings may be obtained at Accu-Copy located at 302 Thompson Park Dr, Cranberry Twp, PA 16066, 724-935-7055

beginning Wednesday October 2, 2024 or electronic files of the drawings can be obtained through A. Martini & Co.

BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED until 1:00PM on October 24, 2024 at the office of A. Martini & Co. located at 320 Grant Street, Verona, PA 15147 or via EMAIL to myohe@amartinigc.com. A pre-bid is scheduled for Tuesday October 8, 2024 at 10:00 AM onsite. Compliance is required with the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act of 1961, P.L. 987, No. 442: Title VI and other applicable provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; the Department of Labor Equal Opportunity Clause (41 CFR 60 – 1.4); Executive Order 11625 (Utilization of Minority Business Enterprise); Executive Order 12138 (Utilization of Female Business Enterprise); in compliance with Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Americans with Disabilities Act 1990; the Allegheny County MBE/WBE Program enacted July, 1981, which sets forth goals of 13 percent Minority and 2 percent Female Business Enterprise; and the Allegheny County Ordinance #6867-12, setting forth goals of 5 percent Veteran – Owned Small Businesses. All bidders are to comply with the minimum project goal of 50% MBE and 50% WBE. Bidders who are able to exceed the minimum MBE and WBE goals will be viewed favorably. If there are additional questions, please contact Mike Yohe, at A. Martini & Co., 412-828-5500


Edgewood Borough Municipal Solid Waste (Garbage) Disposal Contract 2025-2029: Edgewood Borough, Allegheny County Pa., will receive sealed bids for its 2025-2029 Municipal Solid Waste (Garbage) Disposal Contract, until Monday, October 7, 2024, at 4 p.m., at the Edgewood Borough Building 2 Race Street Pittsburgh PA 15218. Bid Opening at council meeting October 7, 2024 at 7:30 required. Successful bidder also must post Performance, Labor & Material Payment Bonds at 50% of annual contract price. Complete Bid Instructions & Specifications are available at Borough Office at (412) 242-4824 or by email to manager@edgewoodboro.com

Rob Zahorchak, Borough Manager



Sealed and separate bids will be received by the Township of Upper St. Clair, 1820 McLaughlin Run Road, Upper St. Clair, PA 15241, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania until 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, November 5, 2024, and the BIDS will be publicly opened and read thereafter in the Township Building at the same address for the following:



Please refer to https://www.twpusc.org/business /bid_information.php, for details regarding specifications and Bidding requirements.

Matthew R. Serakowski Township Manager





RFP #650-32-24

The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP) hereby requests proposals from qualified Firms or Individuals capable of providing the following service(s):

Group Term Life, Accidental Death and Dismemberment, and Group Long Term Disability Benefits

The documents will be available no later than September 23, 2024, and signed, sealed proposals will be accepted until: 9:00 A.M. on October 17, 2024. The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh will only be accepting physical proposals dropped off in person from 8:00 AM until the closing time of 9:00 AM on October 17, 2024, in the lobby of One Stop Shop at 412 Boulevard of the Allies, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. Proposals may uploaded to the Authority’s online submission site, the link is accessible via the HACP website and within the RFP. Sealed proposals may still be mailed via USPS at which time they will be Time and Date Stamped at 412 Boulevard of the Allies, 6th Floor Procurement, Pittsburgh, PA 15219.

Parties or individuals interested in responding may download a copy of the Solicitation from the Business Opportunities page of www.HACP.org.

Questions or inquires should be directed to:

Brandon Havranek, Associate Director of Procurement Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh 412 Boulevard of the Allies 6th Floor, Procurement Department Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-643-2890 412-456-5007 Fax

A pre-submission meeting will be held via Zoom meeting; on October 3, 2024, at 9:00 A.M.

Please see the meeting information below:

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 813 4571 2288 Passcode: 008916 +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)

The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh strongly encourages certified minority business enterprises and women business enterprises to respond to this solicitation.

HACP has revised their website. As part of those revisions, vendors must now register and log-in, to view and download IFB/RFPs documentation.

Caster D. Binion, Executive Director Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh

HACP conducts business in accordance with

ities Act, The PA Human Relations Act, etc. and does not discriminate against any individuals protected by these statutes.


INVITATION FOR BIDS: The Allegheny County Housing Authority is requesting bids from qualified contractors for: CONTRACT: ACHA-1707 INTERIOR & EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS at BRACKENRIDGE HALL; Bids must be accompanied by a bid bond, certified check, or bank cashier’s check, payable to the Allegheny County Housing Authority in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid.

DOCUMENTS: Bid documents & specifications will be available on/after Wednesday, October 2, 2024. Complete IFB Documents can be downloaded from the Housing Agency Marketplace: https:// ha.internationaleprocurement.com/ (ACHA-1707); or from the Pittsburgh Builder’s Exchange, or the McGraw-Hill websites.

FEE: No charge for electronically transferred documents.

PRE-BID CONFERENCE SITE WALK THRU: (non-mandatory) Monday, October 7, 2024, at 10:00 AM EST at BRACKENRIDGE HALL, 887 First Avenue, Brackenridge, PA 15014 QUESTION SUBMITTAL DEADLINE: Friday, October 25, 2024, at 10:00 AM EST BIDS DUE: Friday November 1, 2024, at 10:00 AM EST at the Allegheny County Housing Authority (ACHA) Central Office, 301 Chartiers Avenue, McKees Rocks, PA 15136




RFP #650-33-24

The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP) hereby requests proposals from qualified Firms or Individuals capable of providing the following service(s):

Executive Search and Recruitment Services

The documents will be available no later than September 23, 2024, and signed, sealed proposals will be accepted until: 10:00 A.M. on October 17, 2024. The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh will only be accepting physical proposals dropped off in person from 8:00 AM until the closing time of 10:00 AM on October 17, 2024, in the lobby of One Stop Shop at 412 Boulevard of the Allies, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. Proposals may uploaded to the Authority’s online submission site, the link is accessible via the HACP website and within the RFP. Sealed proposals may still be mailed via USPS at which time they will be Time and Date Stamped at 412 Boulevard of the Allies, 6th Floor Procurement, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. Parties or individuals interested in responding may download a copy of the Solicitation from the Business Opportunities page of www.HACP.org.

Questions or inquires should be directed to:

Brandon Havranek, Associate Director of Procurement Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh 412 Boulevard of the Allies 6th Floor, Procurement Department Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-643-2890 412-456-5007 Fax

A pre-submission meeting will be held via Zoom meeting; on October 3, 2024, at 10:00 A.M. Please see the meeting information below:

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 831 9531 2608 Passcode: 548601 +1 301 715 8592 US

(Washington D.C)

The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh strongly encourages certified minority business enterprises and women business enterprises to respond to this solicitation.

HACP has revised their website. As part of those revisions, vendors must now register and log-in, in order to view and download IFB/ RFPs documentation.

Caster D. Binion, Executive Director Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh

HACP conducts business in accordance with all federal, state, and local civil rights laws, including but not limited to Title VII, the Fair Housing Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, The PA Human Relations Act, etc. and does not discriminate against any individuals protected by these statutes.



Sealed and separate bids will be received by the Township of Upper St. Clair, 1820 McLaughlin Run Road, Upper St. Clair, PA 15241, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania until 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, November 5, 2024, and the BIDS will be publicly opened and read thereafter in the Township Building at the same address for the following: 2025 UPPER ST. CLAIR CONSENT ORDER REPAIRS PROJECT

Please refer to https://www.twpusc.org/business /bid_information.php, for details regarding specifications and Bidding requirements.

Matthew R. Serakowski Township Manager





IFB #600-31-24

The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP) hereby requests bids from qualified Firms or Individuals capable of providing the following service(s): RENOVATION OF 10


IFB #600-31-24

The documents will be available no later than September 23, 2024 and signed, sealed bids will be accepted until 10:00 a.m. on October 25, 2024. The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh will only be accepting physical bids dropped off in person from 8:00 a.m. until the closing time of 10:00 am on October 25, 2024 in the lobby of 412 Boulevard of the Allies, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. Bids may be uploaded to the Authority’s online submission site; the link is accessible via the HACP website and within the IFB. Sealed bids may still be mailed via USPS at which time they will be Time and Date Stamped 2024 at 412 Boulevard of the Allies, 6th Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. Parties or individuals interested in responding may download a copy of the Solicitation from the Business Opportunities page of www.hacp.org.

Questions or inquiries should be directed to:

Mr. Brandon Havranek, Associate Director of Procurement Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh Procurement Department 412 Boulevard of the Allies, 6th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-643-2890

A pre-bid meeting will be held in person on October 8, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. Please see meeting information below:

Pre-Submission Meeting

Address: 412 Boulevard of the Allies, 6th Floor (Conference Room C) Pittsburgh, PA 15219

The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh strongly encourages certified minority business enterprises and women business enterprises to respond to this solicitation. HACP has revised their website.

As part of those revisions, vendors must now register and log-in, to view and download IFB/RFPs documentation.

Caster D. Binion, Executive Director Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh

HACP conducts business in accordance with all federal, state, and local civil rights laws, including but not limited to Title VII, the Fair Housing Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, The PA Human Relations Act, etc. and does not discriminate against any individuals protected by these statutes.


Sealed and separate bids will be received by the Township of Upper St. Clair, 1820 McLaughlin Run Road, Upper St. Clair, PA 15241, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania until 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, November 5, 2024, and the BIDS will be publicly opened and read thereafter in the Township Building at the same address for the following: MEADOWCREST SIDEWALK PROJECT 2025


Matthew R. Serakowski Township Manager



The Sports & Exhibition Authority will receive sealed bids for Wastewater Treatment Plant – Structural Tank Support Repairs as identified below for the David L. Lawrence Convention Center. The contract for this work will be with the Sports & Exhibition Authority of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County. Inquiries regarding the bidding should be made to the Sports & Exhibition Authority 171 10th Street, 2nd Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, Attention: Lucas Kistler- E-mail: procurement@pgh-sea.com, Telephone: 412-325-6179. Bid Packages may be obtained after the date identified below through Accu-Copy at (724) 935-7055. Additional information on the project can also be found of Accu-Copy’s website at https://accu-copy.com/plan-room.

This Advertisement applies to the following Bid Package:

Project: David L Lawrence Convention Center

Bid Package Name: Wastewater Treatment Plant –Structural Tank Support Repairs Bid Package Available: Monday, September 30, 2024

Approximate Value: $60,000

Time/Date/Location for

Pre-Bid Meeting: 10:00 AM, Tuesday, October 8, 2024

David Lawrence Convention Center 1000 Ft. Duquesne Blvd Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Time/Date/Location for Bid: 2:00 PM, Thursday, October 24, 2024

David Lawrence Convention Center 1000 Ft. Duquesne Blvd Pittsburgh, PA 15222


1. The Public Parking Authority of Pittsburgh (“Authority”) shall accept sealed bids for the performance of the work described below (the “Work”) at its office at 232 Boulevard of the Allies, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15222, until 11:00 a.m. local time on Monday, October 14, 2024.

2. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The Project entails the Valve Replacement at the Smithfield Liberty Garage.

3. The Solicitation for Bid including Instructions to Bidders, Form of Bid, Scope of Work, and meeting information will be made available after 10:00 a.m. local time on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, on the Authority’s website at www.pittsburghparking.com

4. A Mandatory pre-bid conference will be held in person in the Main Lobby of the Smithfield / Liberty Parking Garage, at 629 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15222, at 10:00 a.m. local time on Wednesday, October 2, 2024. The purpose of the pre-bid conference is to provide additional detail regarding the Work. The information provided at the pre-bid conference will be essential in preparing a bid to perform the Work. Persons or entities that intend to submit bids to perform the Work are required to attend the pre-bid conference with at least one representative who will understand the information presented at the pre-bid conference in a manner that allows such information to be incorporated in the preparation of the bid to perform the Work. It is expected that the representative who attends the pre-bid conference will be experienced in construction matters and employed by the bidder in a supervisory capacity. In person Pre-bid attendance is mandatory, and each attendee must sign in on the project sign-in form.

5. Sealed bids must be dropped off to the Public Parking Authority of Pittsburgh at 232 Boulevard of the Allies, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, no later than 11:00 a.m. on Monday, October 14, 2024. Bids received prior to the deadline will be publicly opened and read at that time.

7. The Authority reserves the right to in its sole discretion, (i) change, at any time prior to the bid deadline at 11:00 a.m. local time on Monday, October 14, the Contract Documents; (ii) waive any defect, irregularities, or informality in any or all submitted bids; and (iii) reject any or all submitted bids.

The Washington County Housing Authority will receive separate, and SEALED bids for the following prime contract bid with the Authority:



A certified check or bank draft payable to the Washington County Housing Authority; a US Government Bond or satisfactory Bid Bond executed by the Bidder and acceptable sureties in the amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the bid shall be submitted with each bid. Bids will be received no later than 11:00 AM DST, WEDNESDAY, November 06, 2024 at the Washington County Housing Authority, 100 Crumrine Tower, Franklin Street, Washington, PA 15301 at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids will be held by the Housing Authority for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days prior to the contract award.

A Non-Mandatory Pre-bid Meeting will be held starting at 11:00 AM DST, WEDNESDAY, October 23, 2024 onsite at Crumrine Tower, 100 South Franklin Street, Washington, Pa 15301

Plans, specifications, and contract documents may be examined at these locations:

Bid Documents are being distributed, with twenty-four hour prior notice of pick-up, by Ditto (www.dittoplanroom.com), 1020 Ridge Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15233, by phone (412) 231-7700. All prime bidders are REQUIRED to buy the full set of plans and specifications. Contact Ditto for cost of plans and specifications. Free examination of said documents is available at the office of Canzian/Johnston & Associates LLC and Pennsylvania Builders Exchange.

Submit all required documents in a SEALED envelope clearly marked:



The work to be performed under this contract is a Section 3 Project under Provisions of the Housing & Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, and must, to the greatest extent feasible, provide opportunities for training and employment for lower-income residents of the project and contracts for work in connection with the project be awarded to business concerns which are located in, or owned by, Washington County residents. Particular attention is directed to requirements of Executive Order 11246, 11625 and 12138, as well as Section 3 requirements, as set forth in the Specifications.

The Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids for any reason(s) what so ever and to waive informalities in the bidding process as the WCHA deems absolutely appropriate.



Pittsburgh Regional Transit is seeking a Regulatory Compliance Safety Officer to report directly to the Chief Safety Officer, this position is responsible for helping ensure PRT’s federal and state Safety Management System (SMS) regulatory compliance as it relates to a variety of key functions, including but not limited to gathering and reporting of safety statistics and data, tracking and ensuring PRT is timely completing open findings identified by both internal and external oversight agency safety audits and inspections, and ensuring key tasks and activities related to ongoing PRT SMS implementation and oversight agency matters are tracked and fully responded to. In close coordination with the Chief Safety Officer, Deputy Chief Safety Officer, PRT management personnel, employees, and labor union representatives, this position is instrumental in coordinating and monitoring information systems, SMS, and related federal and state safety oversight regulatory and program standard adherence throughout PRT. This position provides exposure to all modes PRT operations and facilities, including but not limited to bus, light rail, inclined plane services, all facilities, vehicle fleets, and infrastructure owned and/or operated by PRT.

Essential Functions:

• Develop and manage various regulatory compliance programs and issues as they relate to the collection and reporting of data and statistics in safety, operations, and maintenance and execute interpretation in a manner to reinforce and promote Safety Management Systems throughout the agency.

• Coordinate and report safety data related to the PRT Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan and Safety Management Systems (SMS). To track, maintain and report on Safety Department records of corrective actions, hazards, and employee injuries. To work in concert with the rest of the Safety Department to support and continue to implement Safety Management System activities across districts through Safety Policy, Safety Risk Management, Safety Assurance, and Safety Promotion.

• Assist the Deputy Chief Safety Officer in maintaining the internal tracking log of corrective action plans, and hazards. This may include updating the log with new items, such as when a corrective action plan is assigned from a final incident report, or a hazard is identified via the hazard reporting system. Update existing open items in the log with status updates. Job requirements include:

• BA/BS in Safety Management, Industrial Safety or directly related field.

• Minimum of five (5) years of experience in occupational safety or related field.

• Effective and professional communication skills.

• Public Transportation Safety Certification Training Program (PTSCTP) completion. If not possessed at time of hire, will be required to obtain same as expeditiously as possible upon hire.

• Valid driver’s license.

• Demonstrated ability in the use of MS Windows, MS Word, MS Forms, PowerBI and Excel.

Preferred attributes:

• Certified safety professional or associate safety professional designation.

• Past experience in safety data, trending, and statistics.

• Mass transit safety experience.

We offer a comprehensive compensation and benefits package. Interested candidates should forward a cover letter (with salary requirements) and resume to:

Missy Ramsey Employment Department 345 Sixth Avenue, 3rd Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222-2527 MRamsey@RidePRT.org EOE



CHARTER SCHOOL is seeking positions for Special Education Teacher Co-Teacher

Please send all clearances and three references to jobs@urbanacademypgh.org

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