Driven X

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General Motors

Gerald Johnson, Executive Vice President, Global Manufacturing and Sustainability




On the Cover

Dennis Archer, Jr., Natalie King, Marc Bland, Greg Edwards, Carla Walker Miller, Randy Parker, Dr Frederick Haynes, III, Gerald Johnson

Conrad Mallett, April Rai, Adonicio Hartley, Elena Centeio, Dwight Ferrell, Natalie King, Marcos Purty, Telva McGruder, Grace Griffin, Sylvester Hester, Greg Jackson, Carla Walker Miller, Ida Byrd Hill, Perry Watson, Jacqueline Vessell, John James

Donald James

Lynzee Mychaels

Cathy Nedd

Tacuma Roeback

On the Banner Page
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All other photos provided by subject.
ISBN# U.S. Paperback
$49 95 each
Copyright 2023 by Real Times Media
All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used, or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the written permission from the Publisher except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. DRIVEN is a registered trademark of Real Times Media
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Who's Who Publishing Co 1452 Randolph, Suite 400 Detroit, MI 48226 313-963-8100 Volume X

Table of Contents

Message from the CEO 7 Foreword by Gerald Johnson 9 Associate Publisher Message 11 FEATURE: Black Leadership in the EV Sector 17 SPOTLIGHT: General Motors 21 FEATURE: Rev. Jesse Jackson, A Champion of Equality in the Automotive Industry 32 FEATURE: Blacks in the Automotive Hall of Fame 34 DRIVEN 2023 Award Recipients 41 SPECIAL TRIBUTE: Greg Jackson 49 FEATURE: Blacks on Tracks 53 FEATURE: Pre-College Engineering Program, Nurturing Youth to Succeed 57 INTERESTING PERSONALITIES 61 FEATURE: Celebrating 10 Years of DRIVEN 95

Message from the CEO.

..the opportunities generated by the auto industry weren't always distributed equally. That was especially true for people of color but as is illustrated on these pages, African Americans made their own.”

It is with great pleasure and excitement that Who’s Who In Black, powered by Real Times Media presents DRIVENX In my role as Publisher and CEO, I take pride in saying that this commemorative 10th edition of the DRIVEN publication is a true testament to the impact and excellence achieved by African Americans in all facets of the automotive industry.

The individuals featured in this publication are more than just talented-they are trailblazers, historymakers, and living legacies of perseverance and triumph As we explore the inspiring stories and achievements chronicled in the following pages, I am certain that you too will be moved by the passion, determination, and sheer brilliance that they embody. These men and women are simply the epitome of Black excellence

As our Foreword writer, Gerald Johnson, Executive Vice President, Global Manufacturing and Sustainability for General Motors stated, “The automobile changed our world, and these pioneering men and women of color were instrumental in making that happen.”

As someone who values the power of recognition and the importance of sharing the incredible work of others, I am honored that DRIVEN has a role in paying tribute to all these legendary leaders To every inductee, understand that you are not merely in a “book”. This is only the beginning. You have now become an elite part of an immense global community of Black excellence that represents the best of who we are as a people

We welcome you to the WWIB family!

Finally, I want to appreciate the advertisers and sponsors of this edition who have helped us create this piece of history So, to each one of you, I extend a special heartfelt thank you It is through your contributions that together, we can celebrate these remarkable individuals and document for posterity, their inspiring journeys




Criteria for Inclusion

DRIVEN: A Tribute to African Achievement in the Automotive Industry is an opportunity for us to afford a measure of recognition to the men and women who have made their mark in their specific occupations, professions, or in service to others in the community.

A sincere effort was made to include those whose positions or accomplishments in their chosen fields are significant and whose contributions to community affairs, whether citywide or on the neighborhood level, have improved the quality of life for all of us.

The names of those brief biographies included in this edition were compiled from customary sources of information Lists of a wide variety were consulted and every effort was made to reach all whose stature or civic activities merited their inclusion

In today's mobile society, no such publication could ever claim to be complete; some who should be included could not be reached or chose not to respond, and for that we offer our apologies Constraints of time, space and awareness are thus responsible for other omissions, and not a lack of good intentions on the part of the publisher Our goal was to document the accomplishments of many people from various occupational disciplines

An invitation to participate in the publication was extended at the discretion of the publisher Biographies were invited to contribute personal and professional data, with only the information freely submitted to be included. The editors have made a sincere effort to present an accurate distillation of the data, and to catch errors whenever possible. However, the publisher cannot assume any responsibility for accuracy of the information submitted.

There was no charge for inclusion in this publication and inclusion was not guaranteed; an annual update is planned. Comments and other concerns should be addressed to:

Who's Who Publishing Co.

1452 Randolph, Suite 400 | Detroit, MI 48226 313-963-8100



It has been more than a century since the automobile fundamentally changed our world. The mobility it brought changed lives, enabling people to travel farther and faster with unprecedented independence often among those who previously didn’t have access to longdistance travel

It was a rapid adoption In 1900 there were only about eight thousand cars on the road. By 1920, it was eight million and by only 1929, the number jumped to 23 million, with 80 percent of American households owning an automobile by then

Our landscape evolved just as quickly, as older cities were redesigned to accommodate the car and new cities were designed around it Suburbs were invented because of the systematic change cars made to everyday life.

That seismic shift in society also opened a new age of opportunity By some estimates, more than 10 percent of all jobs in the United States by 1925 had a direct link to the auto industry. They included the design and production of automobiles, along with sales, service, fueling and others

More than 100 years later, those jobs continue to fuel our economy, but the opportunities generated by the auto industry weren’t always distributed equally That was especially true for people of color, but as is illustrated on these pages, African Americans made their own. They were pioneers who recognized opportunity and followed their dreams regardless of the barriers

There weren’t many people of color in management when I started my career as co-op student at General Motors in the early-Eighties, balancing my education with on-the-job experience at a manufacturing plant in Ohio I was a group leader for my first eight years and the experience was as rewarding as it was challenging

More than four decades later, all with General Motors, the challenges remain and so do the rewards

I followed in the footsteps of Leon Sullivan, the pioneering civil rights leader who joined GM’s board of directors in 1971 and was the first African American to join the board of a major U S corporation, and while at GM I was thrilled to see Ed Welburn named Vice President of Global Design. He served in that prestigious role from 2003 until his retirement in 2016.

I’ve built my entire career in the auto industry and have seen the frustrating inequities firsthand but I’m also grateful to have seen real change. I’ve seen people of color build strong, important careers, often starting right on the factory floor or from co-op positions similar to mine

I’m also proud to have watched great talents get their start at GM and go on to make meaningful changes and contributions in other industries

There’s more to do and more barriers to break, but I am encouraged by the growth I’ve seen, including more initiatives and greater understanding throughout the industry of the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion There are also more people of color in more prominent positions, making more of the decisions steering the auto industry.

The future looks even brighter, as there are more opportunities today than ever for people of color in the auto industry, as we enter a new age of electrified and autonomous mobility. The pathways to personal growth and success are almost endless, but each was paved by the risk takers and visionaries saluted on these pages.

I am humbled by their courage and proud to be part of the industry in which they made important contributions to our culture and society. The automobile changed our world and these pioneering men and women of color were instrumental in making that happen


A TRIBUTE TO AFRICAN-AMERICA Sponsor Acknowledgement


Associate Publisher Message

I am honored to present to you the 10th edition of DRIVEN: A Tribute to African American Achievement in the Automotive Industry

This edition symbolizes more than just a collection of articles; it is a testament to the relentless contributions and unwavering spirit of African Americans in the automotive world. Their visionary strides, particularly towards sustainability and the electrification of the automotive industry, are setting the pace for a cleaner and more efficient future. As the automotive realm is swiftly transitioning towards electric vehicles (EVs), the pioneering efforts of these leaders ensure that the industry remains at the forefront of innovation and change

A crucial acknowledgment must be made to Gerald Johnson, Executive Vice President of Global Manufacturing and Sustainability. His contribution in the form of the foreword for this edition adds an invaluable perspective, reinforcing the importance and potential of our industry's future Our sincere appreciation also goes to General Motors, alongside all our dedicated sponsors and advertisers. Their unwavering support and belief in the mission of DRIVEN have been instrumental in bringing this edition to life

To our distinguished honorees - John James, Sylvester Hester, Randy Parker, and Greg Jackson - your individual and collective achievements are nothing short of exemplary. You represent the epitome of dedication, resilience, and leadership in the automotive industry It's individuals like you who set benchmarks for others to aspire to

A pivotal highlight in this edition is the story of Randy Parker, the first African American to ascend to the position of CEO of a major auto manufacturer Randy's ascent is not just a personal achievement but a monumental milestone in the annals of the automotive industry. He embodies the true essence of a trailblazer. It's leaders like Randy that instill hope for a future where more African Americans will break ceilings, claim spaces, and lend their exceptional talents to such esteemed positions

In addition, the insights and narratives from the 'Interesting Personalities' segment are not just informative but also deeply inspiring These candid revelations provide a rare glimpse into the minds of the industry's key players, underscoring the importance of determination, innovation, and hard work.

Furthermore, our collaboration with Michele Reaves and the Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program has been stellar Our DRIVEN DREAMS initiative, aimed at encouraging students towards careers in Automotive and STEM, serves as an enduring reminder of the potential within the next generation. This synergy underscores our commitment to fostering growth, knowledge, and ambition in the young minds that will shape the industry's future

This edition is more than just a publication; it's a repository of passion, progress, and promise. As you navigate through its pages, I trust you will undoubtedly gain deeper insights into the critical role that African Americans play in steering the automotive industry towards a brighter and more sustainable horizon


LM Manufacturing Unveils Expose to Inspire

LM Manufacturing has initiated an innovative partnership with local schools to roll out Expose to Inspire, a groundbreaking work-based learning program. This initiative introduces local high school students to the multifaceted universe of manufacturing and supply chain management. Through this program, students are given a chance to work alongside industry experts, acquire hands-on skills, and gain invaluable internships

Sylvester Hester, President & CEO of LM Manufacturing, remarked, "LM, as a community-driven entity, recognizes the bond that should be present between businesses and our K-12 educational framework With Expose to Inspire, our aim is to shape and guide these students, thereby forging a promising future workforce."

Operating from LM’s new facility located in Southwest Detroit, the Expose to Inspire program was introduced in December 2022 It encompasses three key sectors: business/finance, engineering, and manufacturing The initiative offers students a diverse array of career insights through guest lectures, job shadowing experiences, practical assignments, and internships. Moreover, there are dedicated sessions on the essential skills required for academic and career progression.

The program’s design is agile and designed for the needs of students by:

Offering avenues to varied career paths, often overlooked in a K-12 environment

Motivating students who might be falling behind to envision a vibrant post-high school future

Cultivating talents and shaping a reservoir for prospective full-time hires.

Participating institutions include East English Village Preparatory Academy at Finney, Martin Luther King Jr Senior High School, West Side Academy of Information Technology, Western International High School, The School at Marygrove High School, Southeastern High School, and Herman A Breithaupt Career and Technical Center

Established in 2019, LM Manufacturing, LLC, is a collaborative venture between Magna International and LAN Manufacturing. The company manufactures and oversees seat assemblies for automotive and related sectors, marrying innovation with the well-being of its employees LM Manufacturing epitomizes how blending diversity, innovation, and excellence can redefine the future of mobility

Through its Expose to Inspire initiative, LM Manufacturing continues to impact and shape the next generation of professionals, with the foundational belief that exposure can lead to inspiration


Black Leadership in the EV Sector

The electric vehicle (EV) revolution is accelerating, changing the way we perceive transportation and energy But as we leap into this electrified future, we must ensure that the journey is equitable and inclusive This means placing Black entrepreneurs, suppliers, and communities at the forefront of the transition.

Enter BEVI: “Blacks in Electric Vehicle Infrastructure” It stands as a testament to the proactive role Black leaders are taking in ensuring they are a part of the conversation and the solution. Founded as the first trade association of its kind, BEVI aims to advance the equitable, inclusive, and sustainable presence of Black suppliers in the global EV infrastructure marketplace It aligns African American-owned and -operated companies that specialize in various facets of electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) – from manufacturing and installation to diagnostics and distribution.

According to Carla Walker Miller, an advocate for equitable energy solutions, the impetus for such an association was clear “We learned a lot about EV charging stations and the infrastructure needs through the lens of equitable energy efficiency," Miller said. "The more we understood the drive for building electrification, the more we learned about the need for equitable solutions "

In historically underserved communities, the adoption rate for electric vehicles is conspicuously low. One of the key reasons for this? A lack of charging infrastructure. As Miller states, “Charging stations aren’t being installed there because of the lack of cars The lack of charging stations stifles the knowledge that electric mobility is real It’s very real in affluent neighborhoods." She underlines the fact that if we're to truly drive equity, these historically excluded neighborhoods cannot be left in the shadows "They are not buying cars because they don’t see the infrastructure in their neighborhoods,” she adds

Miller’s observations indicate a larger systemic problem – one where a lack of resources can perpetuate an existing disadvantage But with organizations like BEVI, there is hope for change Beyond making Black-owned EVSE companies more centralized and procurable, BEVI is committed to breaking barriers and fostering inclusive pathways. With conferences, forums, and discussions lined up, they're set to tackle subjects from advocacy and policymaking to partnerships and community outreach

Ida Byrd Hill offers another dimension to the conversation, emphasizing the importance of preparation and training. "When EVs started to come out, there were no black people in the


space none I said I’m going to get all the way in so that we aren't 20 years behind in this transition," Hill reflects She further touches upon the necessity of having a multifaceted skill set in the EV realm – a space where manufacturing, electrical work, and technology converge "Our job is to get African Americans ready for the EV space because that’s a different space," Hill emphasizes

Through initiatives like the EV Jobs Academy, spearheaded by the State of Michigan, Hill is ensuring Black communities are equipped with the right knowledge and tools It’s not just about being part of the conversation – it’s about leading it

In essence, the move to electric vehicles and cleaner energy is not just a technological transition but a social one Ensuring that Black entrepreneurs, professionals, and communities are actively participating and leading in the EV space is essential for creating an equitable future. As Miller poignantly states, “We’re making investments now that are going to be bad for us five years from now. We need to be buying the next generation of clean energy solutions, but there aren’t people in our spaces selling those to us ”

The time to change the narrative is now. And with leaders like Miller and Hill, and initiatives like BEVI, the road to an inclusive electric future looks promising

Black Pioneers Powering the EV Revolution: A Glimpse into the Future

In the electrifying world of electric vehicles (EVs), an inspiring group of Black entrepreneurs is not only harnessing this groundbreaking technology but also ensuring that it reaches every corner of society, especially underserved communities This narrative delves into the stories of these trailblazers, leading the charge in the EV space.

Natalie King of *Dunamis Clean Energy Partners defied odds and expectations a decade ago when she established one of the first Black-woman owned EV charging station companies in the U S Today, from its base in southeast Michigan, her company is a testament to sustainability and economic growth, employing 155 workers and looking forward to welcoming 30 more with the launch of Dunamis Charge By 2025, the newly minted manufacturing plant in Detroit aims to provide employment to over 150 individuals.

Carving a niche for herself in the expansive energy sector, Carla Walker-Miller of Walker-Miller Energy Services stands as a beacon of inspiration Starting her journey in 2000, she has transformed her Detroit-based enterprise into one of the largest Black and woman-owned energy waste


reduction companies spanning five states WalkerMiller describes her role as a “facilitator of clean energy infrastructure ” Her vision goes beyond traditional market areas, focusing on underserved communities. Her company has collaborated with industry giants like Tesla, expanding its EV horizon and potentially creating 50 new job opportunities within a year

William McCoy, founder of Vehya, is on a mission to bridge the electrician gap in the EV charging station installation sector. By training people of color, McCoy envisions an efficient EV charging station infrastructure His ambition isn't just limited to the shores of the U S ; with a newly opened office in San Paulo, Brazil, he’s setting global standards.

Plug Zen's founder, Kwabena “Q” Johnson, channels his experience as a fourth-generation autoworker and a decade-long career at Ford Motor Co to innovate in the EV space Notably, he collaborated on a pilot project at the Detroit Smart Parking Lab, which can cater to multiple vehicles simultaneously, proving invaluable for businesses and municipal operations.

The dynamic duo, Kameale Terry and Evette Ellis, recognized the importance of maintenance in the EV space. Their startup, ChargerHelp!, focuses on ensuring that EV chargers receive the necessary care, bridging the gap between innovation and maintenance

Charting a unique path, Aicha Evans leads Zoox with a vision of redefining personal transportation With its focus on urban environments, Zoox is not just about selling vehicles but providing a holistic transportation experience where driving, charging, and maintenance are all taken care of for the rider

Finally, the narrative wouldn't be complete without mentioning Josh Aviv, the visionary behind SparkCharge. His entrepreneurial spirit is an embodiment of the innovation and drive that these leaders bring to the table

Together, these Black entrepreneurs are not just making strides in the EV industry; they are reshaping the narrative. Through their ventures, they're ensuring that the benefits of clean energy and technology reach every segment of society, laying down the tracks for a brighter, more inclusive future


Corporate Spotlight


Corporate Spotlight

Elena Centeio is Assistant General Counsel, Corporate Development & Strategy and Innovation at General Motors (GM) She has been at GM for 7 years and has had the opportunity to lead many strategic transactions, including the sale of Opel/Vauxhaull to PSA (now Stellantis), the sale of GM’s businesses in South Africa, Southeast Asia and India and setting up of the battery cell manufacturing joint venture with LG Energy Solution, Ultium Cells. She was honored to support GM’s effort to assemble 30,000 life-saving ventilators to help fight the pandemic She chairs GM Legal Staff’s efforts to increase awareness and training on diversity, equity and inclusion and has organized numerous events where GM Legal Staff has had the opportunity to openly share experiences and views and gain better understanding

She serves on the N-Gen Advisory Board of the Minority Corporate Counsel Association (MCCA), the preeminent voice on diversity issues in the legal profession, MCCA accomplishes its mission through industry-shaping publications, research, and training, innovative pipeline initiatives, and curated events designed to connect its members to thoughtleaders and one another She uses the tools from this incredible platform to further increase awareness.

Elena Centeio

Assistant General Counsel, Corporate Development & Strategy and Innovation

She has served on the Board of Directors of The Detroit Symphony Orchestra for the last 3 years and sits on the education committee where she gets to fulfill her goal of ensuring that every student in Detroit who wants to play an instrument gets that opportunity. She enjoys DSO concerts with her husband and two sons


Corporate Spotlight

Eric J Cunningham Vice President Cadillac North America Sales, Service and Marketing joined Cadillac in November 2021 Prior to his current assignment he held the position of Vice President Electric Vehicle Center of Expertise as well as Executive Director North America Sales and Marketing for Customer Care and Aftersales

Eric Cunningham began his GM career in 1984 as a GM Co-op student with Buick Motor Division. Eric has held a range of positions from brand management, advertising, to sales, service, and marketing. He was promoted to Marketing Director in 2004, appointed Regional Director for Buick GMC in 2009, assumed the position of Regional Director Chevrolet in 2013, promoted to North American Executive Director Sales and Marketing in 2015 and appointed to the position of Vice President of the Electric Vehicle Center of Expertise in 2020.

Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois Eric received his bachelor’s degree in marketing and automotive business management from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Illinois. Eric has been married to his best friend Pamela Cunningham for 34 years and is the proud father of Christian Cunningham


Corporate Spotlight

Grace Griffin is the Plant Director for the Lansing Ultium Cells Battery Facility She currently is responsible for the day-to-day manufacturing operations leadership.

Grace has 23 years of manufacturing experience

Prior to gaining external experience with Toyota and General Electric, Grace began her career with GM During her time at Toyota, Grace held multiple engineering and operations roles that allowed her to launch two plant start-ups as well as complete an international assignment in Mexico

She then transitioned to General Electric where she worked in the Aviation space, leading the operations space of development of component airplane Grace rejoined GM in 2016

Grace has a bachelor’s in Chemical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University and a master’s in Manufacturing Operations from Kettering University Grace and her husband Greghave one daughter.


Corporate Spotlight

Reggie Humphrey serves as the Director of DEI Operations in the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Prior to this role, Reggie led the growth and development of GM’s supply chain inclusion efforts for many years, driving innovative programs and high-value partnerships

Reggie began his career journey in 1995 as a Production Supervisor at the Moraine Assembly Center in Moraine, Ohio. In 1998, he relocated to the Detroit metro area and has since worked in several operational and strategic planning roles within multiple organizations including Order Fulfillment, Logistics, Purchasing, Supply Chain, and Global Business Solutions.

In addition to Reggie’s core responsibilities, he serves as a voluntary board member for the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), Advancing Minorities’ Interest in Engineering (AMIE) and the Tuck Diverse Business Executive Education Programs at Dartmouth College.

Reggie holds a B S in Finance from Alabama A&M University and a M S A from Central Michigan University

Reginald Humphrey

Director of DEI Operations

General Motors Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


Corporate Spotlight

As the Executive Director of Global Body Manufacturing Engineering, Telva leads the next phase of transformation toward an increasingly automated and digital manufacturing approach for body and paint systems at General Motors. The team embraces technology focused on predictive analytics to run safely, sustainably, and efficiently while ensuring operational excellence, and launch quality for the global portfolio.

Previously, Telva was Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer where she championed the progress toward a high performing, inclusive culture while shepherding global impact in diversity. The team fostered partnerships and initiatives that promoted equity inside and outside of the company

Telva volunteers her time with activities that increase exposure of students in underrepresented groups to engineering, sustainability and other STEM fields She is a positive, driven individual with a keen sense of what is important and greatly enjoys wonderful life experiences with her husband, son and two daughters.

Telva McGruder

Executive Director, Global Body Manufacturing


Corporate Spotlight

Marcos Purty was appointed to the position of Global Workplace Safety Vice President, effective June 1, 2022, after returning to GM from Amazon, where he was vice president, North America Fulfilment, Amazon Robotics Sortable Operations. Marcos and his team support GM leadership in its mission to keep GM employees, contractors, and visitors safe at 363 sites worldwide

Marcos joined GM in 1994 at the former Pontiac Assembly Plant and developed a strong leadership foundation in both operations and engineering before beginning his first international assignment at Oshawa Assembly in 2002. After returning to the U.S. and excelling in leadership roles at Pontiac Assembly and Fort Wayne Assembly, Marcos went on to additional international assignments in Australia, Indonesia and Thailand where his teams successfully executed strategic plans under his leadership.

In 2016, Marcos returned to the U.S. as plant executive director at Lansing Delta Township Assembly In his last assignment at GM as executive director, Global Manufacturing Strategy and Planning, Marcos directed GM Manufacturing’s footprint in cost and profitability, spearheaded new product allocation to increase manufacturing utilization, and built a total utilization plan and footprint for GM’s all-electric future

Marcos earned a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Florida A&M University and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business.

Marcos was recognized by the Career Communications Group with the 2020 Black Engineer of the Year Career Achievement Award and was a 2019 Michigan Chronicle Men of Excellence Honoree


Corporate Spotlight

Jacqueline currently serves as General Manager-US Sales Support In this position, she has overall responsibility of managing the GM Dealer Network, GM Minority and Women Dealer Programs, Dealer Sales Performance, Sales Reporting, Legislation and Motors Holding

Jacqueline began her automotive career 30 years ago with Chevrolet. During those years, she has held various field and leadership positions which include being the South-Central Chevrolet Regional Director, Senior Manager for General Motors Dealer Diversity, as well as variety of Metro Zone Manager assignments for Chevrolet and Buick-GMC.

A married Southeast Louisiana native and proud mother of four daughters, she is dedicated to supporting her family. She also has a passion for “paying it forward” by mentoring and developing people to reach their full potential.

Jacqueline is a graduate of Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana with a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications. She has furthered her education with a certification from Harvard thru the GM Emerging Leader Program, as well as the GM Leadership Bootcamp with Corporate Class, Inc

Jacqueline Vessel General Manager, US Sales Support

Corporate Spotlight

Barkese leads the largest U S Chevrolet field sales team as Regional Director of the North Central Region Barkese has built upon a track record of success working in a leadership capacity in 4 of the 5 U.S. regions as Regional Director Chevrolet in the Western Region, and General Director U S Field Sales Operations in the Northeast Region

His beginnings started as a college intern with Customer Care and Aftersales with GM Parts, ACDelco Fleet sales, and ACDelco Parts From there he accepted an offer with GM as an ACDelco District Sales Manager which led to additional field sales and central office assignments growing in complex levels of responsibility.

In 2016, Barkese supported the Western Region’s aftermarket business as ACDelco Zone Manager followed by the Regional Manager Aftermarket responsible for collision, and powertrain parts. He accepted an opportunity as Regional Manager Business Operations in the North Central Region working with the dealer network on buy/sells and new dealer placements prior to his first executive role as the Regional Director Aftersales, South Central Region

Barkese Dalton

Regional Director of the North Central Region

He is currently responsible for strategy development that will positively impact dealership variable operations and profitability through an effective field sales organization. He is a proponent of strong dealer relationships with mutual responsibility for the customer experience

In his spare time, Barkese enjoys traveling, playing golf, and spending time with his wife Shelly and son Aiden

Rev. Jesse Jackson’s influence on the automotive industry will be felt for generations to come.

Rev. Jesse Jackson

A Champion of Equality in the Automotive Industry

As the Reverend Jesse Jackson Sr steps away from the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, handing the reins to the capable hands of Rev Freddie Haynes, it’s a fitting moment to reflect on the lasting impact he's made, particularly in the automotive industry. Reverend Jackson’s legacy is marked by his unyielding commitment to breaking down barriers and ensuring an equitable landscape for businesses of color, notably within the automotive sphere.

2023 is more than just a year on the calendar for the Rainbow PUSH Coalition; it signifies the culmination of a defining era For 57 profound years, Reverend Jesse Jackson has been the compass guiding this multi-racial, multi-issue, progressive international organization. Born from the merger of two influential entities, Operation PUSH (People United to Serve Humanity) and the Rainbow Coalition, Rainbow PUSH has consistently served as a voice for the voiceless, striving to make the American Dream accessible to all

Throughout its journey, the Coalition has been a transformative force in many sectors, most notably the automotive industry. By championing the cause of fair employment opportunities for African-Americans and minorities, Rainbow PUSH has enabled countless individuals to break the glass ceiling in this sector. Furthermore, their efforts have empowered minority entrepreneurs, integrating them into the expansive supply chain of the automotive industry.


About the Automotive Project

The RainbowPUSH Automotive Project was initiated in 1998, inspired by the achievements of the RainbowPUSH's Wall Street Project in New York. A group of notable Detroit-based entrepreneurs, including Mel Farr, John Conyers Jr., and Dave Bing, were moved by the limited opportunities available for black individuals in securing capital and owning car dealerships They sought guidance from Rev Jesse Jackson Sr to replicate the Wall Street Project's infrastructure in Detroit, leading to the birth of the Automotive Project. Its mission emphasizes enhancing access to industry, capital, and technology, aiming to create an equitable economic environment for people of color and women

However, the journey wasn't without its challenges. Between 2008 and 2010, a perfect storm of economic downturns almost decimated black-owned automotive suppliers Factors like soaring gas prices, the collapse of the housing market, and financial malpractices threatened the existence of these suppliers, many of whom had been longstanding and successful partners of major automotive manufacturers.

Rev Jackson termed these suppliers as 'Legacy Suppliers' Despite their prowess and excellence in their domains, they faced the looming threat of extinction. Their unique position, as primarily firstgeneration entities, made their survival even more critical for the health of the automotive industry and for the maintenance of diversity within it

Stepping Up in the Face of Adversity

Enter the Automotive Project At the height of the recession, as countless businesses grappled with the prospect of shutting down, the Automotive Project rose to the occasion. They acted as the bridge between the struggling suppliers and the automotive giants Leveraging Rev Jackson's longstanding relationships with automotive leaders, the Project facilitated critical dialogues.

With Rev Jackson leading the charge, these Legacy Suppliers could articulate their challenges directly to industry decision-makers The result? Many black-owned suppliers like Global Automotive Alliance, LLC, MCL Jasco, LLC, Rickman Enterprise Group, Chemico Mays, LLC, Diversity Vuteq, LLC and the Bartech Group to name a few, managed to weather the storm, keeping their businesses afloat during one of the toughest economic periods in recent history

Today, these businesses stand as testimonies to Rev. Jackson's steadfast commitment to championing the cause of minority suppliers Through his efforts and the dedicated work of the Automotive Project, many of these companies not only survived but thrived, cementing their place in the annals of the automotive industry.

A Lasting Impact

It's impossible to discuss the automotive industry's evolution without mentioning Rev. Jesse Jackson's pivotal role. His tireless advocacy, combined with strategic interventions, safeguarded the interests of countless blackowned businesses, ensuring a diverse and robust future for the automotive world

As we celebrate his contributions and look forward to Rev. Freddie Haynes's leadership, one thing is clear: Rev Jesse Jackson’s influence on the automotive industry will be felt for generations to come



Automotive Hall of Fame in the


Pioneering Black Designer Posthumously Inducted into the Automotive Hall of Fame

The late McKinley W Thompson Jr was a visionary pioneer and one of the first Black industrial designers in the country

contributions have left an indelible mark

Among the esteemed honorees was the late McKinley W Thompson Jr , a visionary pioneer and one of the first Black industrial designers in the country. His posthumous induction into the prestigious Automotive Hall of Fame was a befitting acknowledgment of his groundbreaking achievements in the realm of automotive design.

The Automotive Hall of Fame, widely regarded as the most esteemed accolade in the automotive industry, reserves its prestigious induction for remarkable individuals who have forged, molded, and revolutionized the automotive and mobility market Thompson was the eighth Black person inducted into the AHoF, joining the likes of Edward Davis, Alma Green, Victor Green, C R Patterson, Frederick Patterson, Ed Welburn, and Charlie Wiggins


Throughout his career, Thompson influenced and designed automotive brands. His keen eye and artistic prowess lent themselves to the sleek design of the Ford Thunderbird, the timeless appeal of the Ford Mustang, and the bold presence of the Ford Warrior concept, which became one of his most iconic works.


Surrounded by fellow industry professionals, past awardees, and loving families, the ceremony served as a heartfelt celebration of the remarkable life and enduring legacy of the men and women who forever revolutionized the field of transportation and mobility

Thompson was the lone Black inductee in a class of six 2023 inductees, including General Motors CEO Mary Barra, Simicon Co founder Fred T Bauer, famed motorsports driver Juan Manuel Fanigo, former Honda Motor Company executive Takeo Fujisawa, and “Mr Hot Wheels” Larry Wood

Born in 1922 and raised in Queens, New York, Thompson’s fascination with automobiles began at a young age. As a child, he would sketch and draw cars, dreaming of one day shaping the vehicles that captured his imagination. His passion for design drove him to pursue a formal education in transportation design, and in 1956, he earned a degree from the prestigious ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena, California.

Thompson’s groundbreaking journey into the automotive world started when he became the first African American designer to be hired at the renowned Ford Motor Company Joining the company’s legendary Advance Design Studio, he embarked on a career that would span an impressive 28 years Thompson’s tenure at Ford was marked by his extraordinary talent, innovation, and dedication, and he played a significant role in shaping some of the most iconic vehicles in automotive history

Throughout his career, Thompson influenced and designed automotive brands. His keen eye and artistic prowess lent themselves to the sleek design of the Ford Thunderbird, the timeless appeal of the Ford Mustang, and the bold presence of the Ford Warrior concept, which became one of his most iconic works.

“His mind was constantly thinking in terms of how to approach a good idea and to make it work – make it happen. He wasn’t just thinking of a small group of people He was thinking about a worldly vehicle that he designed that could impact the nation ” said Bob Tate, Automotive Hall of Fame Historian

One of his most notable contributions came with the first-generation Ford Bronco, a beloved off-road vehicle that captured the hearts of adventure-seekers worldwide Thompson’s artistic vision and design expertise were pivotal in shaping the Bronco’s rugged and distinctive appearance, earning it a permanent place in automotive folklore He is universally recognized for naming the iconic vehicle and completing more than 50 percent of the final design work that went into shaping the Bronco.

Not only did Thompson excel in design, though, but he also broke down barriers in the automotive industry, becoming a trailblazer for African Americans in the field. He served as an inspiration and a role model for aspiring designers from diverse backgrounds, proving that talent and determination could overcome any obstacles

During the acceptance speech made in his honor, his younger sister Colette Thompson spoke of his vital role in diversifying the automotive industry

“My brother wanted the world to connect because connection allows the spread of knowledge and unlost places that seemed off limits He saw the importance of unlocking places that seemed off limits. Tom was the first Black designer at Ford Motor Company,” she said. “When he walked through those doors of Ford Design Studio, my brother unlocked that space for that young Black boy or girl in class drawing cars, unaware of the power that pencil holds for them. That pencil right now is being held by the next game changing designer of the next generation of cars. That’s what my brother would’ve wanted his legacy to do To allow accessibility to all ”


Ed Welburn – Born in 1950, Welburn emerged as a significant figure in vehicle design, becoming the sixth head of design for General Motors and the first to lead GM Design globally. His fascination with cars began when he saw the Cadillac Cyclone concept car at the 1958 Philadelphia International Auto Show. Following his passion, Welburn pursued industrial design studies at Howard University and joined General Motors as an associate designer, becoming the first African American designer at GM. Throughout his 44-year career at GM, he played a pivotal role in designing iconic vehicles, uniting GM’s design centers, and achieving the status of the highest-ranking African American in the global automotive industry.

Frederick Patterson – Son of C R Patterson, Frederick Patterson was also a class of 2020/2021 inductee He assumed leadership of C R Patterson & Sons in 1910 after his father’s passing, introducing the company’s first automobile in 1915 Despite facing challenges in the automobile industry dominated by Henry Ford, Frederick embraced innovation, expanded into auto repair, and introduced assembly line techniques. The company’s success was marked by its commitment to quality and unique approach, ultimately closing its doors in 1939 due to the Great Depression.

Charlie Wiggins – Charlie Wiggins, a pioneering race car driver and engineer, was a 2020/2021 AHoF inductee He defied segregation in early 20th-century auto racing, notably winning the Colored Speedway Association’s Gold and Glory Sweepstakes race in Indianapolis four times from 1924 to 1936 Born in Indiana in 1897 amidst racial tension, Wiggins overcame challenges and discrimination to build a successful career. His legacy as a champion extended beyond the track, as he supported and inspired young Black racers while standing against the prevailing prejudice of his era.


"Achievement" Exhibit

Honors African American Pioneers in the Auto World

There’s a new addition to the renowned collection at the Automotive Hall of Fame (AHoF) that shines a spotlight on the indelible influence of African Americans on the automotive industry. The "Achievement" exhibit, an ode to the endeavors of Black innovators, is more than just a display; it's a testament to perseverance, innovation, and excellence.

The exhibit offers a multi-dimensional exploration into how the mobility industry wouldn’t be what it is without the contributions of Black pioneers. It takes its visitors on a historical journey through the trails blazed by 19 formidable African American individuals

Sarah Cook, President of the Automotive Hall of Fame, voiced the institution's enthusiasm, saying, "The rich tapestry of our industry owes so much to the people of color who have woven their innovations, hard work, and stories into it, said Sarah "'Achievement' is our way of bringing these narratives to the forefront, hoping to inspire future generations to continue shaping the mobility landscape "

The exhibition dives deep, highlighting the diversity of contributions. From the grit of the first “Rosie the Riveters,” the creativity of the premier African American automotive designer, to the visionaries behind the essential travel guide, “The Green Book”, these are tales of resilience, vision, and ingenuity.

These pioneers didn’t just shape an industry; they altered the very fabric of society The "Achievement" exhibit delineates this impact through five core themes, revealing how these figures changed our living patterns, reimagined workplaces, influenced daily lives, redefined selfperception, and made a global impact


Top of the Line

Driven Award Recipients


Lifetime Achievement Award

John James Founder and Chairman | James Group International

Lifetime Achievement Award A Pioneer With Vision and Tenacity

John A. James is more than just a successful businessman; he is a symbol of perseverance, a trailblazer in the logistics and transportation industry, and a source of inspiration for countless minority entrepreneurs. His journey from Starkville, Mississippi to the helm of James Group International is a testament to his relentless pursuit of excellence, marked by grit, determination, and a remarkable ability to identify opportunities where others see only challenges

Born and raised in Starkville, John was shaped by an environment that held education in high esteem Out of the nine siblings in the James family, eight went on to earn college degrees This deep-seated reverence for knowledge paved John's path to Mississippi Valley State University, where he earned a degree in Sociology in 1964. But his thirst for learning didn't end there. Over the years, he pursued further studies in Guidance at the University of Toledo and Business Administration at Wayne State University

John's journey took a brief detour when he enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1966. Serving until 1969, he showcased his leadership capabilities as a Commissioned Officer in the Corps of Engineers His valor was recognized with honors like the Bronze Star, Army Commendation Medal, and equivalent accolades from the Vietnamese government.

However, it was in the realm of business that John would make his indelible mark Breaking barriers, he became the first African American in Michigan to gain broad authority for transporting automotive parts and other goods. But it wasn't just about the recognition – John's resilience shone through when he took his case for transportation authority all the way to the U S Supreme Court

Reflecting on his journey, John admits, "I didn’t necessarily pursue the career that I’m in. The career that I’m in sort of happened." It began with a simple need: hauling products from Milwaukee to Detroit for SkyPack Enterprises

From beer transportation to seizing opportunities with American Motors, John's ventures evolved, and so did his business acumen. His approach? "Finding what somebody needed and providing it "

Though John's battle with the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) saw him stand toeto-toe against giants in the industry, he found allies in unlikely places. The backing of auto giants like Ford and GM proved crucial in his quest As he recollects, “Thousands protested my application Others were protecting their licenses by trying not to let me in ” Yet, through all challenges, he remained undeterred

Away from the limelight, John is a family man, passionate about antique cars and fishing. However, the joy of spending time with his five grandsons undoubtedly takes precedence Reflecting on his personal life, he candidly shares that his greatest accomplishment was marrying his lifelong partner who supports his every endeavor.

For those aspiring to make their mark in the industry, John's advice is simple: "Find an opportunity or a need, and have a willingness to get out there and work hard." It's this unyielding spirit, combined with his knack for identifying needs and fulfilling them, that has etched John A. James's name in the annals of business history

In a world where success stories often overshadow the struggles behind them, John's journey stands as a stark reminder that with unwavering determination, even the most formidable barriers can be overcome

Vanguard Award Sylvester Hester

Vanguard Award

A Legacy of Empowerment

Sylvester Hester is not just a successful entrepreneur; he is inspiring, a catalyst for change, and a true advocate for the untapped potential in urban communities.

Hester's impressive 35-year tenure in the automotive industry speaks volumes about his dedication and expertise From his initial role as an engineering technician for General Motors in 1985 to establishing his enterprise, LM Manufacturing, in partnership with Magna International, his trajectory has been nothing short of meteoric

However, Sylvester's journey is not just about professional accolades. At its core, it's a testament to his unwavering belief in the power of people, the importance of mentorship, and the transformative magic of exposure He cites the strength of LM Manufacturing’s people-centered culture, with a guiding mantra that boasts five C’s: care, commit, connect, communicate, and celebrate.

Born and raised in Lansing, Michigan, Sylvester's early exposure to the automotive world was through his father, a mechanic and carpenter Observing his father work, Sylvester unwittingly honed his logistics and kitting skills, preluding his later accomplishments. This childhood experience underscores Sylvester's belief in the power of exposure to professional opportunities at a young age

Sylvester's passion for education is palpable Despite facing socio-economic challenges, he achieved a Bachelor's in Plastics Engineering from Ferris State University, and later, in his 50s, a Master of Science in Administration from Central Michigan University His father’s emphasis on the importance of education, despite not having formal qualifications himself, was a driving force behind Sylvester's academic pursuits.

His deep-seated commitment to community upliftment shines through in various initiatives LM Manufacturing, under his leadership, has provided meaningful employment to hundreds in inner cities, championing personal and professional development. By promoting from within and offering not just jobs but clear paths to growth, Sylvester has impacted countless lives

But Sylvester's reach extends even beyond his immediate company. His 'Expose to Inspire' program is an embodiment of his belief in early exposure to career opportunities Partnered with his first mentee, Steve Suber, the initiative has touched the lives of numerous high school students in Detroit, introducing them to a world of possibilities they might never have known existed.

Sylvester is not just content with creating opportunities; he is deeply involved in mentoring and guiding the young talents he discovers His holistic approach ensures that they not only find a job but are also provided with the tools and guidance to grow and succeed. His aim? To shepherd them to their desired compensation and mentor them even if they no longer work for him

Away from the hustle and bustle of the corporate world, Sylvester is an avid history enthusiast, with keen interests ranging from the Dred Scott ruling of 1857 to forecasting the future until 2053 He also enjoys playing golf, spending quality time with his family, and serving his faith community

His life's work can be encapsulated in his three pillars: People Development, Customer Satisfaction, and Good Corporate Citizenship In Sylvester Hester, we see a luminary who not only dreams of a better world but takes tangible steps to make it a reality. His legacy is not just in the businesses he’s built but in the countless lives he’s touched and transformed.


CEO | Hyundai Motor America

Trailblazer Award Randy Parker

From the Basketball Court to the Boardroom

There's a rhythm to Randy Parker's life, a cadence of dedication and excellence that resonates in his every step. Whether dribbling basketballs for the TCU Killer Frogs or helming the strategic direction of Hyundai Motor America, Parker’s life has been about breaking barriers and exemplifying leadership

Growing up, Parker dreamed of the FBI or CIA, envisioning himself serving his country at the highest level But life has a way of crafting its own playbook A TCU job fair transitioned Parker from the basketball court to the boardroom, as he handed his résumé to a GM representative Little did he know, this would mark the beginning of an illustrious three-decade-long career in the automotive industry.

Born in Nuremberg, Germany, Randy's story is deeply interwoven with resilience and perseverance. As the son of a World War II veteran and a German mother, Parker’s roots were firmly grounded in strength and determination After moving to Houston at age 5, Parker’s childhood combined the rigors of sports with the values instilled by his parents By his college years, he was already a star guard at TCU, a reflection of both his athletic prowess and unwavering dedication.

Randy recalls, “I learned perseverance, conflict resolution, and emotional intelligence on the basketball court ” It’s these very skills he tapped into when navigating the tumultuous world of automotive sales, especially during General Motors’ bankruptcy. That pivotal moment in his career marked a period of introspection “Going through that bankruptcy taught me a very valuable lesson: You’ve got to put yourself in a position that makes you very marketable,” he shared.

Randy’s transition from GM to Nissan, and eventually to Hyundai, symbolized not just professional progression, but also personal growth. His commitment to personal branding, marketability, and embracing new challenges has positioned him as one of the foremost leaders in the automotive sector Now, as the CEO of Hyundai Motor America, Randy stands as a beacon for young, aspiring professionals, especially within the African American community.

Randy believes that life's experiences – from his time at TCU to his executive programs at Harvard and Penn State – enrich his daily work life “We’re running 100 miles an hour, every single day But it's these experiences and learnings that let you pause, reflect, and bring in insights that can be shared with others.”

Away from the hustle of corporate leadership, Randy is a family man Credit for his grounded nature, he says, goes to his wife Marcellis Lindsay, the "Gorilla Glue" that holds the family together. He also dedicates time to his hobbies: sports, cigars, and scuba diving These moments of relaxation and reflection balance out the relentless pace of his professional life

For those looking to make their mark in any industry, Randy offers a piece of advice that encapsulates his journey: "You've got to put yourself in a position that makes you very marketable " It's about building a personal brand, leveraging every experience, and being prepared for the opportunities that life presents.

Randy Parker's journey from the basketball courts of TCU to the helm of Hyundai is inspirational As the CEO of Hyundai Motor America and one of the first African Americans to lead in such a capacity, he continues to blaze a trail and inspire the next generation of leaders.

Trailblazer Award

Special Tribute

Gregory Jackson


Special Tribute

Reaching an Entrepreneurial Milestone Rooted

For automotive mogul Gregory Jackson, the long and winding road to success has been challenging but rewarding. As chairman, president, and CEO of Prestige Automotive Group, Jackson leads one of the nation’s most prosperous auto sales conglomerations ever started, owned, and operated by an African American The company celebrated its 30th anniversary with a guest appreciation event at Prestige Automotive Group’s St. Clair Shores headquarters.

“We are really excited about our 30th anniversary,” said Jackson “Owning a business for that long is significant, but continually being profitable is remarkable. Over the years, thousands of staff members, managers, directors, vice presidents, and others have made valuable contributions to our growth and success And we couldn’t have reached this milestone without satisfied and loyal customers ” Jackson said he is proud that his business has been an equal-opportunity employer for African Americans. “We have sought out African Americans because we are an African Americanowned company, and we want to work with our people,” Jackson said emphatically “And women have played a significant role in the growth of our company from day one

Having this diversity of gender and a broad range of ethnicities, we believe we have the best of all worlds ” Having the best of all worlds is an understatement when describing the success achieved by Prestige Automotive Group for three decades. Black Enterprise magazine, the longtime standard-bearer for spotlighting Black entrepreneurship and achievements, reports that Prestige Automotive Group grossed $1 7 billion in sales in 2005 and reached or exceeded a billion dollars in sales for more than a decade, dating back when the auto group owned and operated 18 dealerships and 26 franchises.

in Prestige

Prestige Automotive Group currently owns two dealerships: Prestige Cadillac in Warren and Prestige Mercedes-Benz of St Clair Shores in Macomb County, with annual sales of around $400 million. Born and raised on Detroit’s west side –Linwood Avenue and Taylor Street –Jackson showed early signs of entrepreneurship in the 1960s “I have been on an entrepreneurial track since I was 10 years old,” Jackson said “I was the kid in the neighborhood who was always working Whatever odd job was out there, I was that kid to do it.” Jackson was an award-winning Detroit News paperboy in the late 1960s, legendary for his newspaper-selling hustle.

heroes in my neighborhood were the people who owned businesses,” he said “They were the ones I idolized growing up They talked a different talk, one of independence, and I was attracted to that type of talk.” After graduating from Central High School, Jackson went to Morris Brown College in Atlanta, where he pledged Kappa Alpha Psi before earning a bachelor’s degree in accounting He subsequently received a master’s degree in finance and marketing from nearby Atlanta University, now Clark Atlanta University.

J t N E D

Special Tribute

Although Jackson dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur straight out of college, his professional career began as an accountant for Arthur Anderson & Company before working at Stroh’s Brewery as its youngest controller While at Stroh’s, Jackson decided to dip his toes into the waters of entrepreneurship by launching a gourmet cookie venture. “My business partner and I started the Kastellton Company and grew it to go into eight cookie stores inside malls and department stores in and around Detroit,” Jackson said “We had a factory where we manufactured cookie dough for J.L. Hudson’s Department Stores.”

Jackson closed Kastellton in the early 1990s A few years earlier – in 1988 –Jackson had entered the General Motors Minority Training Leadership Academy based on the advice of a former client Jackson completed the Academy the following year and in 1993, started Prestige Automotive Group. The same year, after attaining the $1.5 million required to purchase his first dealership, Jackson bought Prestige Pontiac Oldsmobile in Mt Morris, Michigan And as the adage goes: The rest is history.

Nevertheless, Gregory Jackson’s entrepreneurial journey has been more than selling cars. Internationally, he has joint business ventures in Beijing and Wuhu, China, independently producing tea-based beverages and organic milk Jackson has also established Michigan-based Jackson Asset Management (JAM), the umbrella company for Prestige Automotive Group, Jackson Land Holding LLC, and Wink Entertainment.

Through Jackson Asset Management, Jackson and Richard Hosey of Hosey Development have partnered to rehabilitate the 600,000-square foot, 104-year-old crumbling Fisher Body Plant 21 on Hasting Street in Detroit Jackson and Hosey are moving forward on what will become a mixed-use complex featuring apartments, commercial space, and retail development. The price tag, expected to be more than $134 million, is being touted as the largest African- Americanled redevelopment project in Detroit’s history, with a projected completion date in 2025

Under Jackson Land Holding LLC, its team oversees the construction, development, and ongoing maintenance of real estate and apartment and commercial complexes in Detroit and Florida In downtown Detroit, the storied Lafayette Towers is the largest apartment complex owned and managed by Jackson Land Holding. Jackson’s Wink Entertainment owns and manages The Copper Ridge Golf Course in Davison, Michigan, one of only a handful of golf courses in America owned and operated by African Americans

Jackson’s team has also produced “Jazz on the River,” a series of free summer concerts offered to the public for eight years before the pandemic For Gregory Jackson, giving back to empower underserved people is paramount The man of God is a member and trustee of Fellowship Chapel on Detroit’s west side. He was proactively engaged in the recertification of Morris Brown College, a private liberal arts HBCU In addition, Jackson is heavily involved with advocacy organizations such as Children of Incarcerated Parents and Generation with Promise


Blacks on Tracks

Michael Jordan

Joins Nascar with 23XI Racing


Bubba Wallace

Racing Champion and Cultural Trailblazer Inspires Diversity and Inclusion in NASCAR

In the realm of roaring engines and screeching tires, there is a figure who continues defying his sport's conventions while blazing a path of unprecedented success. His name is Bubba Wallace, the only Black driver in NASCAR's top racing series who happens to be having his best season yet.

Heading into September, he finds himself in contention for a playoff spot. Whether he makes it or not, Wallace holds a far more consequential position than any result he posts on the track

Like Tiger Woods for golf and the Williams sisters for tennis. Wallace has become an entry point for people of color to gravitate toward NASCAR.

"Bubba is an incredible ambassador for us," said NASCAR's Chief Operating Officer Steve O'Donnell after the inaugural NASCAR Chicago Street Race in early July. "It started with Bubba's Block Party. We got over 4000 people who may have never been to a race who hopefully came out today "


Wallace Drives for the 23XI Racing Team Owned and

Operated by

Michael Jordan

23XI Racing has recently joined the Nascar scene, marking its entry in 2022. The team stands under the ownership of basketball legend Michael Jordan, while Nascar pro Denny Hamlin holds a minority stake. Currently, Bubba Wallace and Kurt Busch pilot the team's two cars.

The fame of Hamlin, who has clinched three Daytona 500 victories, is well-recognized in motorsports However, the allure of NBA superstar Jordan heightens the appeal and introduces a fresh viewpoint beyond the usual Nascar narrative

Michael Jordan is not only an immense fan of the sport but also brings in a distinct perspective, potentially benefiting Nascar The primary objective for 23XI Racing is establishing its roots in the sport, a goal further advanced by the contributions of both Jordan and Wallace. Wallace, the only full-time African American driver across Nascar's top three series, gained global attention by advocating against racial injustice. His activism played a pivotal role in prompting Nascar to prohibit Confederate flags at its events, signaling a move towards inclusiveness.

Inclusivity is central to 23XI Racing's aspirations in collaboration with its partners The team's core values and mission were profoundly influenced by Wallace's actions The team, along with its partners, are keen on emphasizing these values both on and off the track Contrary to conventional corporations focusing on brand expansion, 23XI Racing leans on its partners to innovatively convey their brand message

23XI Racing's approach is distinct within Nascar and might be beneficial for the series in the future. The need to attract a broader and novel fan base, while retaining the core audience, is evident. With a social media following that skews younger and more diverse, the team is making strides in this direction. Their collaboration with partners and drivers at the crossroads of motorsport and pop culture has significantly contributed programs targeting the African American community and appearances in mainstream culture, like a Post Malone video, enhance their reach


Pre-College Engineering Program

Nurturing Youth to Succeed


DAPCEP Ignites Stem Dreams for Youth

In the heart of Detroit, an educational gem has been nurturing young minds for nearly half a century. The Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program (DAPCEP) has tirelessly bridged the educational divide, serving underrepresented students from Pre-K through 12th grade across Southeast Michigan

"Our goal from day one was simple, yet ambitious We wanted to bring quality STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education to every child in Detroit, regardless of their socio-economic background," reflects Michelle Reaves, the organization's Executive Director

Born in 1976 from a realization of the limited access to engineering-focused programs for Detroit Public Schools' students, DAPCEP initially joined hands with the University of Michigan and Michigan State University This modest initiative, starting with 245 students, quickly ballooned in demand, beckoning an expansion in numbers and educational offerings

"Today, we touch the lives of more than 13,000 students annually," said Reaves "We've seen the ripple effect of our programs, with our alumni making strides in global STEM corporations and contributing significantly to the industry "


The range of DAPCEP's programs are indeed impressive. Students engage in six-to-eight-week courses on Saturdays, multi-year cohort models, 'Pop-Up' STEM workshops, STEM Days, and even college preparatory courses. They delve into cutting-edge topics, from artificial intelligence and cybersecurity to urban design architecture and app development.

"Our Saturday Series like the Pathfinders and Explorers programs cater to various age groups, ensuring a seamless journey of STEM discovery from early childhood to high school," Reaves shares The former focuses on disciplines like physics, engineering, and artificial intelligence for grades 4-12, while the latter engages PreK to 3rd graders with subjects like astronomy and biology

Reaves further adds, "Summer camps are our window to give these students a feel of college life. They stay on campuses, immerse themselves in intensive STEM learning, and get acquainted with the demands of higher education."

DAPCEP also offers in-school programs that prioritize advanced STEM and project-based learning. The DAPCEP Pop-Up STEM initiative, powered by a brigade of professional volunteers, brings STEM to schools across metro-Detroit, complementing the state education standards.

One of DAPCEP's notable offerings is its MultiYear Engagements for 10th to 12th-grade students "This is where we intensify our efforts," explains Reaves "These students undergo two years of detailed courses, helping deepen their interest and understanding in select STEM areas before they don their graduation hats "

While the organization's dedication to STEM is commendable, its impact is clear in its statistics Boasting a near-perfect graduation rate and a balanced gender ratio, the organization has a formidable force of 74,000 alumni, many of whom are now torchbearers in the STEM world

"Our mission is clear," Reaves states determinedly. "We want to motivate and academically prepare underrepresented students for STEM careers. Every program, every workshop is a step towards that mission."

Michelle Reaves, Executive Director, DAPCEP

Interesting Personalities


General Manager | SMART (Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation)

Dwight Ferrell

Interesting Personality

From Driving People, to Driving the Economy

In the bustling heart of a thriving metropolitan area, one name resonates within the corridors of Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transit (SMART) – Dwight A Ferrell

Matriculating from an operator for Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) to the General Manager of SMART over the span of his 43 year career in transportation, Ferrell doesn't merely manage buses, schedules, and budgets. He orchestrates a symphony of public mobility that touches the lives of countless individuals daily And, he wants people to know SMART not as a service for a limited population, but a choice available to people from all walks of life.

“We are never going to replace automobiles But, we can certainly be a viable opportunity,” says Ferrell, who with his distinctive blend of leadership, innovation, and compassion, is helping the community understand the role of public transportation as an economic driver.

Ferrell explains that more people and companies now recognize, if they don’t have public transportation, they have no economic viability

“If regions have to compete against regions for jobs, you have to meet the requirements people have today,” Ferrell continues “A lot of our outreach is to business I think businesses recognize the importance of public transportation that they did not once before, because things have changed.”

He reveals that SMART is getting ready to award a consultant contract and the first thing they are requesting is an assessment of SMART’s economic impact on the region He wants to show that, whether you use it or not, public transportation puts money in your pocket.

“What we’re trying to do as we go forward is find a way to recognize that we’re part of the market share too. People are always going to have automobiles. That’s a given. But, people want alternatives. They want viable alternatives for a whole host of reasons ”

Under Ferrell's guidance, SMART is also planning for the future of mobility as it relates to protecting the environment. They currently have four electric vehicles and plans to purchase ten more.

“It’s always about how to be smarter in doing things,” says Ferrell “Transportation as we know it today requires much more integration than it did years ago.”

He also mentions that SMART has a Request for Proposal out right now for an alternative fuel analysis to determine what the makeup of their fleet needs to be going forward

“In terms of SMART, it’s how do we push it forward, how do we do things smarter,” says Ferrell. “And, that’s in every aspect. How do we have better processes? How do we better treat our employees? How do we train them differently? How do we recruit them differently? How do we deliver a better product to customers?”

As Ferrell continues to steer SMART towards an even brighter future, his story - one of hopes, dreams, smarts, drive, determination, perseverance and divine intervention - serves as an inspiration to aspiring leaders and transit enthusiasts alike

His journey reminds us that impactful leadership isn't just about making decisions from the corner office It's about immersing oneself in the world one aims to change, about understanding the heartbeats of the people one serves

“The things that drive me are pretty simple,” he says. “It’s all about teachable moments. And, I’m always learning. I think as a leader, you can never stop doing that When you stop learning, you die ”

King Founder and CEO | Dunamis Clean Energy Partners, LLC and Dunamis Charge

King of the Clean Environment

“I always thought I would be an environmental attorney,” says Natalie King, who developed a passion for environmental justice (EJ) issues as an undergrad interning with the NAACP and conducting research projects with professors These experiences led her to go into underserved communities in the city of Detroit where she learned about the inequitable impacts of clean water, clean air challenges as a result of nearby industry

King even clerked for the Environmental Protection Agency each summer while in law school. However, “life happened”, and she entered the corporate law sector where she practiced for several years

“But God,” says the celebrated EV infrastructure trailblazer During her legal practice King represented a solar distribution company and from that an opportunity arose for her to become a co-founder and general counsel for a solar exploration firm “That was a phenomenal experience because it re-sparked my passion for clean energy technology and how it can impact black and brown EJ communities.”

When her term ended with that company, she found herself “all in” and pursued her interest in the field She then started Dunamis Clean Energy Partners and eventually Dunamis Charge; the first ever African American woman-owned electric vehicle charger manufacturer on the planet.

Under her leadership, Dunamis has grown into a multi-million-dollar corporation with more than 150 workers throughout Southeastern Michigan Dunamis Charge is an alumnus of the Stellantis National Black Supplier Development Program and Apple Impact Accelerator Program. The electric vehicle charger manufacturer is part of the Cummins CARE BOA (Black Owned Enterprise) Supplier Program and is a Tier One Vendor to DTE Energy

Interesting Personality

“I’m committed to ensuing that Dunamis is at the forefront of this new and evolving industry,” says King. We will continue to provide economic development and workforce creation opportunities.

In terms of the benefit of the technology for black and brown people to become EV drivers and using EV infrastructure, according to the Dunamis Charge CEO, is that we have cleaner air and water within our communities, and make a significant impact in a holistic way ”

For her noted ingenuity and successes; King has been named Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2021 Michigan and Northwest Ohio, is a 2022 TEDx alumnus, and presented at the United Nations in 2022. As a lauded clean energy and electrification thought leader, she was selected to deliver inspiring remarks and introduce President Joe Biden at the 2023 Small Business Administration's Women's Business Summit at the White House. Her company was also mentioned in two White House Fact Sheets. She’s been featured on Good Morning America, in Forbes, Bloomberg, People of Color in Tech, Black Enterprise, Inc CBS, Michigan Chronicle, Detroit News, Detroit Free Press, and more

For those who think EVs are not for them, King proclaims “EV is for everyone is the foundational principle of Dunamis Charge ” Dunamis Charge wants to demystify the process for people who think this technology is for them ”

King is deeply involved in the community, including serving as chairwoman and a founding member of Blacks in Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (BEVI), and is the author “Let There Be Light” as well as a proud mother and licensed, ordained minister

“What drives me is being of help to others,” says King. “It’s not so much that I’m so ambitious, or have something to prove, as it is walking in purpose And, my purpose, my fulfillment has always come from helping others So with what we’re doing, it won’t be impactful unless others are blessed by it.”

| Lear
Mallett Board Member
Counsel | City of Detroit

Interesting Personality

A Rich History of Community, Leadership and Justice

In the corridors of Detroit's legal and corporate community, one name stands out: Conrad Mallett With a history of leadership in Detroit, Mallett’s journey, from the legal halls of Michigan to the boardroom of Lear Corporation, embodies the epitome of dedication, commitment, and impactful leadership.

Raised in a household where education was revered – the son of two dedicated public school teachers – Conrad was instilled with the values of hard work and perseverance His mother, a dedicated teacher in Detroit public schools for 45 years, and his politically-involved father, laid the foundation for Conrad's drive. This passion for public service was further ignited at the young age of 12, when he met Congressman John Conyers Inspired by Conyers' charisma, Mallett resolved to pursue law, and the rest is history

From attending Wayne State University to graduating from illustrious institutions like UCLA and USC for law school, Conrad's never wavered in his educational journey But, it wasn’t just about gathering degrees; Conrad returned to school for an MBA, keen on understanding the health care industry better, aligning his vision with his later role at the Detroit Medical Center.

Mallett's influence in Michigan's legal circles was evident when he served as a Justice on the Michigan Supreme Court from 1990 to 1999 He took on the role of chief justice in 1997, making history as the first African American to serve as Chief Justice on the Michigan Supreme Court.

Starting in 1999, Mallett immersed himself in various executive roles at the Detroit Medical Center His contributions spanned positions such as general counsel, chief administrative officer, executive vice president, and CEO. He also served as the president of Sinai-Grace Hospital and of Huron Valley-Sinai Hospital

Yet, among his numerous accolades, one association that Conrad cherishes deeply is his affiliation with Lear Corporation, a global automotive seating and e-system leader. His journey to Lear's board is a testament to his community-centric approach Introduced to Bob Rossiter, the then Lear CEO, during a fundraising initiative led by Mayor Archer, Mallett's diverse expertise – spanning legal acumen, political insight, and industry understanding – made him an ideal fit for the corporation's board.

When Lear faced one of its most challenging times, declaring bankruptcy, it was Mallett, along with a select few, who stood resilient As a vital part of the restructuring, Mallett’s involvement wasn't just about bringing Lear back to profitability; it was about reimagining Lear for a new era The revamped board, with Conrad as a cornerstone, reflected a commitment not only to excellence but also to values – diversity, inclusion, and environmental responsibility. Mallett's pride in Lear's achievements, especially in areas of environmental and social governance (ESG), is palpable He often expresses gratitude to Rossiter for the opportunity and lauds the company’s groundbreaking initiatives

But beyond his impressive resume, what truly distinguishes Mallett is his philosophy on life and work. He believes that while success isn't guaranteed, one's approach to failure and the lessons drawn from each experience shape the path forward To him, being grateful, optimistic, and adaptable, coupled with sheer hard work, is the formula for achievement. His advice to the younger generation is simple: "Nothing is automatic, but everything is possible "

When not immersed in his professional commitments, Conrad indulges in his love for golf. Although he jests about his golfing skills, it’s evident that it's not about the score for him; it’s about the joy of the game.


Interesting Personality

Driving the Perception of Auto Consumers

Ford Motor Company and Lincoln has been a client of UniWorld, a 54-years-old advertising agency founded by Byron Lewis, for more than 38+ years And, Greg Edwards has been there for almost nine

“It’s safe to say, having these two clients helped to build and sustain this agency,” says Edwards, explaining that, originally the agency started out working with the Lincoln brand and that evolved to include the Ford brand Considering Ford’s history, Edwards thinks it’s befitting.

“Ford had a great history with our community, the Black community, in regards to being the first company to offer the fair $5 a day wage in the plant in 1914,” says Edwards “That mentality, perspective on things along with hiring an agency of color in the 1970's, was a great deal of intentionality around bringing forth equality that we all live and dream about.”

Ironically, Edwards’ father worked at Ford, in the Torrence plant in Chicago, in the paint division

“I always say. Imagine the American story. The son of a plant worker is now responsible for some of the advertising that the company does.”

In terms of developing automotive campaigns, the most enjoyable for Edwards are those “AH HA moments” when people don’t think about the fact that Black people love cars.

“And we love them in such a way that makes us so amazing American,” he says “The whole idea of what a car is supposed to be and what it means in terms of freedom and the ability to transform your life or be a part of transformation. The beauty of how Black people have adopted that and how they embrace it through the experience in a way that’s so uniquely who they are ”

He thinks, for UniWorld’s clients to embrace that and allow it to be seen and recognized and understood, is extremely satisfying. And, what he’s been extremely proud of is how they helped Ford develop the idea of the automaker’s purpose being to become “the vanguard of Black Feminism ”

“Think about how powerful it is, if a company like Ford, stands up and says it’s purpose is to democratize mobility and, for the Black community, this idea of protecting and promoting Black feminism and all the things that she is and all the things that she can do and all the things she will do.”

He explains the insight on that was, if you can empower the most undervalued women in America, imagine how powerful you can become

“Ford even matriculated that work beyond what we were doing, in other places, to become more diverse, inclusive, and aware.”

Considering the importance of the automotive industry working with a multicultural agency, Edward says, it’s the future of their business as population numbers are dramatically changing

“At the core, this is the future of culture in this country, the way we think about each other, the way we engage each other, have all seen an incredible cultural transformation ”

He says it’s imperative that agencies, like UniWorld, be allowed to be a part of this cultural transformation. Beyond the conversation around multiculturalism, Edwards continues, is this conversation around culture in general, and helping clients understand culture

In terms of UniWorld - one of the things they are really proud of, is their global expansion. UniWorld now has offices in Toronto, Canada and is looking to expand in Africa, South America and Europe

“Now, we’re proud to say we are the world’s longest standing multicultural agency.”

S&P Global Mobility

Interesting Personality

The Auto Industry’s Data Wizard

Unlike the traditional diversity executives, because I’m not part of HR,” says Marc Bland “No pun intended It’s probably one of the last things we do ”

Instead, Bland is a “driver of diverse consumer everything” when it comes to the auto industry. He works with all of the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), C-level leaders on down and vice versa, on marketing, product, loyalty and retention, dealers, auto-focused media and industry influencers - in partnership with the likes of Rainbow Push Coalition’s Rev. Jesse Jackson, John Graves, Hispanic chambers, Black chambers, the LGBTQ community, and military families

“I start with a focus on revenue generation for all of our auto partners, primarily OEMs, including dealers, auto-focused media, and all suppliers helping them understand how they can win the race for the ‘future majority,’” he continues

“The future majority” is a term Bland coined and injected into the industry based on U S Census data that says, by the year 2045, there will be a majority shift in the country’s population.

“The shift will include African Americans, Asian and Hispanics becoming the majority population in the United States, and thus I gave them the name “the future majority,” says Bland, considered one of the data wizards in the industry.

He believes the “future majority” will become the majority of the new and used vehicle buying population “That has captured the attention of the entire automotive industry.”

As he strives to create new paradigms, and break false ones based on “superior data at S&P Global,” he challenges the entire auto industry with the following: “Ask yourself what are you

doing today and everyday, henceforth, to align yourself with the “future majority?”

Bland explains that sustainability - a commonly used word and a big focus on things around Mother Earth - puts emphasis on managing carbon waste, removing plastic from the oceans, global warming, etc. are all important to preserving the planet, “no doubt about it…” But, Bland emphasizes none of these things will walk into a dealership and purchase one of those “lovely” cars, trucks or SUVs

“Who will, are consumers,” says Bland With that, his subtheme of “future majority” looks at “consumer sustainability.”

“This should be an additional focus of everybody within the automotive space because if you focus on ‘the future majority consumers,' you will win today, you’ll be relevant in the near future and definitely win in the long-term,” Bland says.

With superb knowledge of the data, he helps those in the automotive industry better understand and reach “the future majority,” which he says goes beyond ethnic consumers to include women of all walks of life, the LGBTQ community, military families and people with “perceived challenges,” based on statistics.

Additionally, Bland is the co-founder of Diversity Volume Leadership Awards which recognizes the top selling vehicles to ethnic minorities, women and the LGBT community. He is a highly soughtafter speaker while his thought leadership has been published in well-respected publications

“We have been blessed to win numerous national and global diversity awards in one of the largest industries in the United States, with accurate and timely diverse consumer data, which is driving a multitude of business decisions at the product level, definitely at the marketing and outreach level, and helping support the development of fully-funded diverse city programs across the automotive landscape ”


Interesting Personality Doing Fulfilling Work

Dennis W Archer Jr is the definition of a serial entrepreneur, and he’s damn good at it. Along with his good friend Mike Carr, Archer is the cofounder of Archer Corporate Services. He is also the sole owner of Ignition Media, a digital marketing and media solutions company, among other ventures

And, Archer's leadership has steered these companies in developing cutting-edge strategies that blend creativity and technology to meet the ever-evolving needs of clients

“Ignition Media Group does work for Stellantis,” he explains. “Archer Corporate Services does business for General Motors. Ignition has been partnered with Stellantis for two years. Archer Corporate Services has been a partner with General Motors for 18 years ”

But, their most fulfilling work with GM occurred within the last three years.

In the wake of George Floyd, CEO Mary Barra announced that GM was going to be the most inclusive company in the world Archer called Barra and told her he wanted to get involved She invited him to sit on the Inclusion Advisory Board.

“We are going about the work and some to make sure GM is the most inclusive company in the world,” says Archer “And, that’s dealing with suppliers and dealers, and employees and how they give their money philanthropically.”

Also, when COVID happened, GM - because of its ability to scale up quickly - signed on to help build 33,000 ventilators to be distributed throughout the United States and hospitals They partnered with Ventech, which only produced several thousand a year.

“GM saw it as an opportunity to leverage their supply chain, using Ventech’s knowledge and technology,” explains Archer, who, at that time,

received a call from GM leadership, requesting he participate since he has some applicable skill sets

“We in fact took one part of that supply chain, dealing with the tube that connects to the machine, that you put on your mouth and over your face We received the tubes, repositioned them, resealed them, cleaned them, and repackaged them.”

Because Archer Corporate Services initially provided indirect business - not making parts for the car - this became the first time they engaged in a ‘just in time’ environment, sending parts on a van to Kokomo, Indiana

“The parts went right from the van into the line to be installed onto the ventilators,” says Archer. “We found tremendous pride and value in participating, this patriotic vibe, saving people’s lives ”

As a result of that work during COVID, GM presented Archer Corporate Services with their Overdrive Award, a distinction reserved for suppliers who display outstanding achievement across the Global Purchasing and Supply Chain organization’s key priorities

“It’s been a good run. Mike is a phenomenal partner. We got a great leadership team and some other great folks It’s by no means the Dennis show It’s literally dozens of talented people working on behalf of our clients,” says Archer

Even now, they are trying to figure out how to package that experience within the confines of their skillset, geography, and physical infrastructure then look to do more

“This work allowed us to think about, ‘wow, what else can we do?”

Archer is also the recipient of the Ernst Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2023, in large part for the work done through General Motors, through Archer Corporate Services

Adonicio Hartley Global Director, Cost Estimating Ford Motor Company

Interesting Personality

Leading Globally to Success

Since March 2020, Adonicio Hartley has served as Ford Motor Company’s Global Director for Cost Estimating, leading a diverse international team to estimate and optimize the costs of components needed for manufacturing Ford vehicles.

“At Ford Motor Company, we purchase the majority of the components,” said Hartley “Because of the significant cost of those items and their impact on the company’s cash flow, we want to ensure that we are getting the best value for our money. That’s where my department comes in.”

Hartley said his cost estimating team is physically located in eight countries: the United States, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, the United Kingdom, Germany, India, and China.

“I am the functional and operational director for all of those teams,” said Hartley, who pointed out that estimating and optimizing the cost of automotive components for Ford is an annual turnover of more than $90 billion (U.S. dollars). “We leverage our global resources regardless of where the vehicle is built to support estimating the automotive components ”

Hartley, who speaks three languages fluentlyEnglish, Spanish, and Portuguese - has spent 10 years advancing through international service assignments for Ford. He worked in Brazil for six years and Mexico for four.

Hartley’s tenure at Ford began in 2000 He said all but two-and-a-half years of his time with the company has been in the cost estimating division. The last three years were spent as its global director.

Prior to Ford, Hartley worked for Intel Corporation for four years, where he held managerial positions in Oregon and Arizona

While in Arizona, Hartley and his wife, Saran, a native Detroiter, wanted to be closer to family before starting one of their own. His wife’s family, said Hartley, lived in Detroit, and his family resided in Metro Atlanta, making it difficult for the young couple to coordinate a move to either area with new jobs secured in advance. Ford Motor Company, however, solved the dilemma.

“We were fortunate enough to get hiring offers from Ford to work in Metro Detroit, and we worked in the same department,” said Hartley, whose immediate family now includes two children, both of whom attend HBCUs in Atlanta. “We weren’t in the same office but were in the same department.”

Originally from the Republic of Panama in Central America, Hartley was raised in the shadows of the Panama Canal Zone before moving to America to attend Morehouse College on a full academic scholarship. NASA sponsored the scholarship in the name of the late Black astronaut Ronald E McNair Hartley also took core engineering classes at Georgia Institute of Technology in a dual academic agreement between the two schools.

Hartley, who graduated from Morehouse with a bachelor’s degree in science and Georgia Tech with an undergraduate degree in industrial engineering, is proud to render leadership to Ford’s global cost estimating team

“We have a very unselfish team that’s willing to do what’s right to help each other advance the cost estimating process at Ford Motor Company,” said Hartley, a member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc “The team is at a point where we are working a lot more collaboratively, leveraging resources globally and not just in each region. Doing that takes a lot of coordination, the building of trust, and very clear communication I’m proud of the way the team has come together ”

April Rai President and CEO | COMTO National

Interesting Personality

Equity and Inspiration in Transportation

As the President & CEO of the Conference of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO), April Rai embodies the very essence of the organization's mission: ensuring equitable opportunities and representation for minorities, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and minority, women, and disadvantaged business enterprises (MWDBEs).

April's journey is a testament to her resilience and unwavering commitment to inclusivity

Taking the helm of COMTO in December 2021, she brought over 15 years of managerial experience, with roles in the private, public, and non-profit sectors. Every step in her career speaks to her dedication to coalition-building, strategic partnerships, and people management

While her role at COMTO allows her to expand the organization’s impactful 50-year history, it is by no means her first foray into advocating for equity. Serving as the Deputy Executive Director at the Women's Transportation Seminar International (WTS), she was instrumental in operational management, building relationships, and ensuring project execution was efficient and timely. As the CEO of the National Organizations for Youth Safety (NOYS), April honed her ability to rally coalitions, focusing on youth safety and health education

Raised in a BIPOC neighborhood in Southeast San Diego, April recalls the centrality of public transportation in her upbringing. "I grew up along the light rail system we called 'the Trolley'," she recounts "With a single, often unreliable car in our family, public transportation was our lifeline, our gateway to exploration, and a fundamental part of living "

It's evident that her personal experiences played a significant role in shaping her professional choices During her tenure at the University of

Maryland, School of Nursing, she advocated for health equity, healthier communities, and improved access to care She saw a direct connection between these areas and transportation, ultimately guiding her career towards transportation equity

Asked about her motivation, April's response encapsulates her spirit: "The ability to do work that positively contributes to society, even in a small way, truly inspires me " In an industry that bridges people to opportunities, experiences, and essential services, her vision is clear: transportation should serve everyone, irrespective of their background.

Beyond her professional pursuits, April is a firm believer in giving back Volunteering and mentoring are activities she holds dear, emphasizing their role in grounding her and fostering a sense of fulfillment. When asked about her greatest accomplishment, she doesn't cite awards or accolades but focuses on a more personal virtue: "Being someone who can be counted on and trusted to do the right thing "

Her advice to young enthusiasts considering a career in transportation is resonant and timely. "Explore the possibilities! Your perspective is SO VALUABLE in this industry," she urges Whether you're a creative soul, a technical genius, an environmental enthusiast, or someone intrigued by drones, April believes there's a niche for you in transportation.

April Rai's leadership at COMTO is not just about navigating the future of transportation; it's about ensuring that this future is inclusive and equitable Through her work, April Rai reminds us all of the immense potential transport holds in binding communities, fostering equality, and transforming lives.


Purchasing, Global

Marvin Washington
Vice President, Electrical, Electronics & Modules
Purchasing & Supply Chain Management | Stellantis

Interesting Personality

An Executive of Distinction

As Vice President of Electrical, Electronic and Modules Purchasing at Stellantis North America, Marvin Blake Washington has earned an impeccable reputation for managing supply chains, global purchasing activities, and building strong relationships for the strategic sourcing selection of all electronic devices needed for the production of Stellantis’ 14 global vehicle brands

“I operate as an agent to identify optimal sourcing selections in the area of electrical and electronics,” said Washington, a 30-year automotive industry veteran “The commodities I am responsible for include infotainment systems, instrument clusters, and any other electronics connected with the vehicle.”

Washington said his executive responsibilities include supply chain management for the fastgrowing manufacturing of electric vehicles (EVs), including autonomous driving cars with complex mechanisms and sensors

“We negotiate with suppliers across the globe for the best technology, cost, and quality for all of our vehicles,” said Washington

In addition to his VP position, Washington chairs the company’s National Black Supplier Development Program, a partnership initiative with the National Business League. The program’s mission, according to Washington, is “to close the opportunity and revenue gap that Black businesses experience in the supplier chain industry ”

The program, now entering its third year, has been applauded for developing Black suppliers for contracting and procurement opportunities to pursue greater racial equity in the marketplace Approximately 30 Black businesses have gone through the Stellantis- National Business League partnership program, with another 15 companies entering in September 2023.

“Some are already suppliers, and we are knocking down barriers for them to grow, and for some businesses who are not suppliers, we are making sure that they are ready and capable of growing in the marketplace,” Washington said. “I’m pretty excited about the program and very happy with its success.”

Washington also co-chairs Stellantis’ African Ancestry Network Diaspora (STAAND), an internal initiative created to inspire, develop, and expose nearly 1,500 African American employees nationwide to vast opportunities while supporting the community and helping the automaker to grow

Over the years, Washington’s accomplishments, on behalf of Stellantis, have been lauded by industry leaders. Automotive News, considered the leading source of news about the global automotive industry, has bestowed Washington with two honors: The PACE Award for Supplier Collaboration and the Inaugural “Champions of Diversity” Award In addition, he has been awarded “Executive of the Year” - Diversity Sourcing. And Real Times Media, publisher of the Michigan Chronicle, has honored Washington with its coveted “Men of Excellence” Award

Washington was born and raised in Detroit After graduating from the prestigious Cass Tech High School, Washington attended Michigan State University, earning a Bachelor of Arts in Supply Chain Management in 1990.During his years at Michigan State, Washington said he was blessed to be on the cutting edge of supply chain management as it quickly increased in popularity Washington subsequently earned an MBA from the University of Detroit Mercy.

“I love what I do,” said Washington, who, with his wife, Attorney Demetria Washinton, are the proud parents of three sons “We at Stellantis are leading the charge in cutting-edge technologies for manufacturing excellent vehicles.”


Interesting Personality

A Luminary of Manufacturing and Supply Chain Managment

In the intricate world of automotive operations and supply chain management, certain individuals leave an indelible mark, not just by their leadership but by their vision and commitment to innovation. Filmore Walker III is one such luminary whose journey is an inspiration to many

As the Executive Vice President of Global Automotive Alliance (GAA), Filmore has taken the reins of operations across 11 facilities in the GAA Family of Companies. This includes industry giants like ARD Logistics, Key Logistics Solutions, Vitec, and STM, both in the United States and Canada Having joined GAA in November 2021, Filmore's inclusion in the Executive Leadership Team wasn't just an addition of a member; it was the ushering in of decades of talent, experience and expertise.

"I've always believed that the core of operations isn't machinery or technology it's people And when you can harmonize innovation with commitment, miracles in manufacturing become a daily routine," says Filmore, reflecting on his approach

Before GAA, Filmore's role as the Chief Operating Officer at Stewart Industries stands as a testament to his capability. Delivering four million automotive assemblies annually, he further showcased his versatility by spearheading the Quality Sorting and Inspection unit and then ventured boldly into the realms of aerospace and pharmaceuticals

But it's impossible to talk about Filmore without delving deep into his 26-year illustrious tenure with the Kellogg Company. Starting as a Controls Engineer in 1987, Filmore's journey was nothing short of meteoric By 1990, he had elevated to the position of Controls Development Engineer

In the ensuing decade, he mastered various roles, including that of Senior Food Engineer and Product Project Innovation Engineer, showcasing a rare combination of technical acuity and management prowess

At Kellogg, Filmore didn't just stop at engineering roles. He navigated through a labyrinth of responsibilities with finesse From being accountable for COGS budgets that reached up to a staggering $750 million to managing logistics across 28+ manufacturing plants, his leadership touched every facet of the company. His roles spanned continents, as he took up leadership roles in Supply Chain for Asia Pacific, International Innovation, and even as far as South Africa

His extensive role at Kellogg paints a vivid picture: Vice President of Supply Chain for various sectors, from Wholesome and Portable Snacks in North America to Natural and Frozen Foods, and finally, as the Supply Chain Director in South Africa Each role added a feather in his cap and solidified his reputation as a global leader in supply chain management.

Reflecting upon his journey, Filmore once shared, "Challenges and opportunities often come in the same package At Kellogg, and now at GAA, I've always endeavored to unwrap that package, with an eye for innovation and a heart full of commitment."

Today, as he steers the ship at GAA, the horizons of manufacturing and supply chain management are set to expand even further

Indeed, Filmore's journey is not just a testament to his prowess but serves as an inspiration to many; a shining example that with passion, commitment, and innovation, the sky isn't the limit it's just the beginning


President | Rainbow PUSH

Interesting Personality

Leading a Legacy of Justice at Rainbow PUSH

Rev. Dr. Frederick Haynes III stands at the precipice of history after officially being appointed president of Rainbow PUSH, the venerable civil rights organization founded by Rev Jesse Jackson

Reverend Haynes has always looked up to Rev. Jackson as an inspiration, and the fact that he has been chosen to lead the civil rights organization his mentor built is, in his words, "mind-blowing "

Yet, considering his journey and all that he has had to overcome, it seems as if Rev. Haynes is precisely where he was meant to be, ready to lead Rainbow PUSH to tackle the most pressing issues impacting Black people and marginalized communities

From a young age, Haynes had witnessed the power of standing up for justice. As the grandson and son of influential pastors Rev. Frederick Douglass Haynes, Sr , and Rev Frederick Douglass Haynes, Jr , he would ultimately learn that church is not just about the hallelujahs within the sanctuary but that it was about making a tangible difference in the lives of those who needed it most.

Haynes had a life-changing moment when he enrolled at Bishop College, a historically black college in Dallas In 1981, during the college's centennial celebration, he met Rev Jackson, who was tabbed to be a keynote speaker at one of the school's events.

Haynes, a college student wrestling with his sense of calling, was deeply impacted by this encounter He had already been captivated by the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., and now, meeting someone who had walked alongside Dr. King was awe-inspiring.

Jackson's commitment to justice and activism resonated deeply with Haynes He recognized that, despite the world's challenges and daunting state, he had to step up and continue the work of those who came before him Reverend Jackson's footsteps were both an inspiration and a challenge, pushing Haynes to take on the mantle of leadership in an ever-changing world

Haynes earned a Bachelor of Arts in Religion and English at Bishop College, a Master of Divinity degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry degree from the Graduate Theological Foundation

In 1983, he accepted the call to be the senior pastor at Friendship-West Baptist Church in Dallas, where he has served ever since.

As he steps into the role that Reverend Jackson has held for decades, Haynes has a clear vision of his mission He aims to carry forward the legacy of Rainbow PUSH, focusing on economic justice, educational empowerment, voter engagement and climate change advocacy.

Drawing from Jackson's foundations, he intends to revive the fight for economic equality, uplift underserved communities, mobilize voters and stand against issues like environmental racism

As Reverend Frederick Haynes III took his first steps into this new chapter of leadership, he understood that the challenges ahead were immense But he was fortified by the knowledge that he wasn't alone

He carries with him the wisdom of his grandfather and father, the encouragement of his teacher, and the legacy of Reverend Jesse Jackson

With purpose in his heart, determination in his spirit and justice as his guiding star, Haynes is poised to continue the journey of transformation, leaving an indelible mark on the world, just as those who came before him had done


Championing Equitable Energy Solutions with Tenacity and Heart

From Nashville, Tennessee, where Carla WalkerMiller was raised amidst the strong values of education in a family of 12, to Detroit, Michigan, where she now stands at the helm of the 22-yearold B Corp certified company, Walker-Miller Energy Services, her journey is nothing short of remarkable. A product of sheer determination, ambition, and an unwavering commitment to equitable solutions in the clean energy realm, Carla has carved out a space for herself and her company as a formidable force in the energy industry.

Walker-Miller Energy Services isn't just a business to Carla; it's a mission The company's culture, aligned with its B Corporation status obtained under her leadership in 2021, highlights its unwavering commitment to social and environmental performance. The company became the first Black-owned entity in Michigan to obtain this coveted certification. Under the banner of its core value, "Boldly Go", WalkerMiller also achieved the ISO27001 and SOC II Type II certifications in 2022

Carla's business acumen, which she sharpened during her 18-year corporate career, has seen her company emerge as one of the largest African American and woman-owned energy waste reduction companies in the US But beyond figures and growth charts, her company's essence lies in its commitment to people. Carla remarks, “We are not just an employer, we are stewards of our diverse team.” The company embodies her leadership spirit by implementing transformative policies like setting a progressive minimum wage, adopting second-chance employment opportunities, and emphasizing a culture of "kind excellence."

Walker-Miller operates through an equity lens, a testament to Carla's fierce advocacy for marginalized communities. With a notably diverse team, the company has been instrumental in crafting programs and developing innovative solutions that engage communities traditionally sidelined in energy efficiency endeavors. Carla's vision is clear: "Equity absolutely must be at the center of our efforts."

Her reputation as a visionary leader has not gone unnoticed Carla's accolades are numerous From being recognized by esteemed platforms like Black Enterprise, Essence Magazine, Forbes, and more, to sharing the stage with iconic figures like Warren Buffet, her impact is undeniable Her list of awards, including the EY Entrepreneur of the Year award for the Michigan and Northwest Ohio Region and the Max M Fisher Award for Outstanding Philanthropist, speaks volumes about her influence in the industry.

But Carla’s commitment goes beyond business Her philanthropic endeavors, including founding the Water Access Volunteer Effort (WAVE) Fund in 2003, which has aided nearly 10,000 Detroit families with access to safe water and sewer services, exemplify her giving spirit. Moreover, her dedication to various community efforts, serving on numerous boards, showcases her drive to make a difference in the larger community

Carla Walker-Miller’s journey is an awe-inspiring tapestry of tenacity, vision, and empathy. Her tale isn't just about business acumen or navigating the corporate world as a woman of color It's about creating a legacy of equity, compassion, and transformative change in the clean energy sector.

Interesting Personality

Interesting Personality A Forward Thinking Industry Leader

When it comes to the complexities of the automobile industry, especially for Black and other minority-owned dealerships across America, Perry Watson IV, the new president of the National Association of Minority Automobile Dealers (NAMAD), has viable strategies to reach real solutions.

NAMAD, the 43-year-old non-profit organization based in Largo, Maryland, was created to help minorities gain greater opportunities across broad sectors of the automotive industry, including dealerships. Watson and the organization’s board are laser-focused on increasing the number of minority-owned dealerships throughout the nation, advocating for workplace and supplier diversity throughout the automotive sectors, and supporting minority engagement across automotive retail sales and service environments.

“There are just over 1,400 minority dealerships (rooftops) in the United States,” said Watson “However, minority dealers only comprise 8% of all dealerships We would like to see that number rise significantly more to take advantage of the growing consumer power of minority communities.”

One of the greatest opportunities for the auto industry is the proliferation of electric vehicles (EVs). Watson is adamant about preparing minority dealerships for the rise of EVs.

“We are at the beginning stages of electric vehicles becoming mainstream, so we have to be aware and get ahead of how customers will adapt to EV usage,” Watson said “Every market is different, but EVs will be a huge opportunity for our dealers.”

Interestingly, Watson, a native of Muskegon Heights, Michigan, didn’t consider the automotive industry as a career landing spot after graduating from Michigan State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Business in 1994 Although his father, Perry Watson III, opened Brookdale Dodge in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, in 1993, Watson opted to work six years for Eli Lilly and Company, one of the country’s leading pharmaceutical conglomerations, before joining his father’s dealership in 2000

Under Perry Watson IV’s leadership, Brookdale Dodge was ranked No. 1 in the nation for New and Pre-Owned Sales Satisfaction. In 2004, Watson became General Manager of Lexus of Mishawaka in Indiana, leading the family’s second dealership to win the “Elite of Lexus Certification Award” for 12 consecutive years In 2018, Watson co-owned the franchise Two years later, the dealership was sold to focus on a new acquisition: Marysville Toyota in Marysville, Washington.

Since joining Brookdale Dodge in 2000, Watson has been affiliated with NAMAD At one juncture, he was NAMAD’s Next Generation (NextGen) president, mentoring emerging dealership leaders and connecting them with resources, people, and ideas. Watson is the recipient of the 2020 NAMAD Distinguished Service Award

For Perry Watson IV, he is excited about leading NAMAD to greater heights in the post-pandemic era.

“I want to build on what those who came before me have done,” said Watson, who has two children with his wife Monica Watson of 23 years “And I’m humbled to have Damian Mills as NAMAD’s board chairman and former NAMAD president Damon Lester now as vice chairman. Both are great mentors and leaders. I’m happy to draw from their wisdom ”


Interesting Personality

Leading the Future One Innovation at a Time

Ida Byrd-Hill has an unmistakable spark and passion for innovation an automation, "You never have to worry about how to take care of yourself if you’re in the automation business,” she states “We’re going to forever be automating something "

Born and raised in Flint, Michigan, Ida's journey into the realm of technology and innovation was serendipitous Despite her keen interest in finance, opportunity led her into the technology side of banking Volunteering to be an integral part of a new initiative, she played an active role in automating the check-writing department. Her innate drive, combined with a strong foundation in cobalt programming, positioned her at the forefront of tech innovation

It was in 2004, amid layoffs and an evident technological gap, that Ida founded Uplift, Inc., a non-profit aimed to address the technology void in Detroit Public Schools. Uplift focused on parents as gatekeepers to their children's education For 15 years, Ida dedicated herself to the mission, introducing STEAM programs that ultimately evolved into her next venture: Automation Workz Institute.

Ida’s foray into the Electric Vehicle (EV) realm was no different Noticing the lack of Black representation in the emerging EV space, she decided, "I’m going to get all the way in " And she did, partnering with giants like Cisco, emphasizing cybersecurity and ensuring that African Americans were ready for this revolution.

Yet, beyond her impressive accomplishments in the business and technological spheres, Ida's pride and joy remains her son – her "greatest accomplishment." As a programmer and her company's chief technology officer, he embodies her commitment to uplift and educate the next generation His success, she believes, is a testament to what is possible for other young talents waiting for their chance.

The strong foundation of Ida’s pursuits can be traced back to her high school teacher, Ted Law, a guiding force in her life Under his mentorship, the world of computer programming, provided a vision of what could be Through challenges and uncertainties, Ida's belief remained steadfast: with creativity and imagination, one can shape the future.

Ida reminds us, "The automotive industry not only put the world on wheels, it increased the standard of living for people." As an urban futurist, economist, and author, she is on a mission to ensure that the transition to EVs does the same, if not more

But behind her trailblazing spirit lies a woman with simple pleasures She finds solace in reading, loses herself in the wonders of travel, and pedals away stress on her bicycle.

Ida Byrd-Hill's story is more than a testament to her resilience and vision; it's an invitation An invitation to dream, to innovate, and most importantly, to act As she looks towards a future driven by automation and imagination, Ida’s message resonates with clarity: in the relentless pursuit of progress, no one should be left behind


Interesting Personality

Directing a Symphony of Multidisciplinary Services

James “Jim” Rose Jr., by his own admission, wears multiple hats as Managing Director for Deloitte, one of the leading providers of management and financial consulting on the globe In the corporation’s extensive portfolio are many of the world’s best-known companies, including Ford Motor Company.

“Ford Motor Company to Deloitte is a “Platinum Account,” a top client in our portfolio,” said Rose “We support Ford in many parts of its business on every corner of the planet, whether it’s Ford Credit, Ford Information and Technology, or Ford Product Development. We serve as content consultants, which is quite an expansive footprint on a global scale.”

While Rose provides all assigned clients, including other car companies, with insightful and professional knowledge and experiences, he admits to having a special affinity for Ford.

“I have had the honor to work with Ford Motor Company across many capacities over the last 25 years,” Rose explained “So I know Ford very well ”

Rose also explained his deep personal association with the giant automaker.

“I have a passion and commitment to the Ford Motor Company, largely because that company helped raise our family out of poverty when I was growing up,” Rose said “My father worked at Ford for 25 years. In 1964, he was one of the first Black managers hired at Ford Motor Company, which helped our family to prosper ”

Nevertheless, Rose’s pathway to Deloitte almost didn’t happen Growing up in Detroit, he was a gifted musician with aspirations of becoming a classical French horn player in symphonic and orchestral settings. After high school, Rose attended the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, earning a Bachelor of Arts in Music

Rose’s early years after college were dedicated to reaching his classical music dreams, but at 26 years old, he said he took the “big right turn” in life and used the knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom that God gave him to secure a position at IBM, which at the time was the No 1 company in the world

Rose excelled in IBM’s Executive Education Program, leading him to executive/director positions at IBM, including Business Unit Executive, Program Director, and Special Project Executive

Rose’s first “professional association” with Ford Motor Company was in the late 1980s when, under the auspices of IBM’s National Account Sales Division, he rendered executive services to the Ford Motor Account for 12 years

After 20 years at IBM, Rose held other executive positions at companies such as Blue Titan Software, OEConnection, Tata Technology, and Carlisle & Company before joining Deloitte in 2014

Musically, Rose is still classically engaged He sits on the Board of Trustees of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra and has been a mentor for the Detroit Symphony’s Civic Youth Ensembles. He still plays French horn and has developed as an operatic singer after studying with tenor great George Shirley, the first African American to vocally perform in a leading role at the storied Metropolitan Opera in New York City

“I’ve been blessed, both in music and as an executive with Deloitte and other companies,” said Rose, who is married to his wife Bonnie and has a blended family of seven children, one adopted daughter, five grandchildren, and one great-granddaughter. “I’m a man of faith who God has given talents, and I will use those talents to the best of my abilities for the remainder of my life and career ”


Celebrating 10 Years of DRIVEN

2023 marks a significant milestone for DRIVEN: A Tribute to African American Achievement in the Automotive Industry. It is the 10th edition of a project initiated by Real Times Media’s Who’s Who in Black. DRIVEN's mission, since its inception in 2011, has been to highlight and celebrate the invaluable contributions of African American professionals in the automotive sector

Over the years, the event has garnered attention from across the nation, transforming into a notable gathering of industry executives, entrepreneurs, and advocates Starting with its debut at Cobo Arena, it has consistently showcased minority achievements that have powered global transportation. However, the pandemic forced a pause, but with its revival, this 10th edition presents a rejuvenated perspective, capturing the evolving minority experience in an industry that has been a cornerstone for global development

The narrative of DRIVEN is not just about professional achievements but is a platform of inspiration The stories narrated across editions have offered hope, motivation, and a testament to the unwavering spirit of the African American community in the automotive sector.

The DRIVEN DREAMS Youth Symposium is a notable component of the overall DRIVEN project Partnered with the Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program (DAPCEP), the symposium aims to seed early interest in high-tech automotive careers among students The emphasis on STEM and its hands-on demonstrations ensures a strong talent pipeline for the industry's future

At the heart of DRIVEN lies its slick coffee-table publication. This book not only celebrates legends like Roy Roberts, Bill Brooks, and Mel Farr but also brings to the forefront the endeavors of upcoming and established African American professionals

The initial DRIVEN edition set the tone, with an introduction by the renowned automotive writer, Warren Brown, and the evening lived up to its grand promise. Successive editions only elevated its stature, with contributions from luminaries such as Felicia J. Fields and Rodney O'Neal.

As we celebrate the 10th edition of DRIVEN, it's not just about looking back but also about forging ahead With the support of the automotive community and the continued spotlight on trailblazing African American professionals, the future of DRIVEN and the stories it promises to tell seems brighter than ever

Index Archer, Jr , Dennis Bland, Marc Centeio, Elena Cunningham, Eric Dalton, Barkese Edwards, Greg Ferrell, Dwight Griffin, Grace Hartley, Adonicio Haynes, III, Dr Frederick Hester, Sylvester Hill, Ida Byrd Humphrey, Reginald E Jackson, Greg James, John King, Natalie Mallett, Conrad McGruder, Telva Parker, Randy Purty, Marcos Rai, April Rose, Jr , James “Jim” Vessell, Jackie Walker Miller, Carla Walker, III, Filmore Washington, Marvin Watson, IV, Perry 72 70 23 24 30 68 62 25 74 82 44 88 26 49 42 64 66 27 46 28 76 90 29 84 80 78 86 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ad Index Chemico Group Delta Dental General Motors Global Automotive Alliance Global Automotive Summit LM Manufacturing Pitch Black RECESS 23 SMART Who’s Who In Black 20 12 Back Cover Inside Front Cover 98 14 99 94 60 Inside Back Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DRIVEN | VOLUME X 100

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