Merry Christmas December 19-25, 2012
VOLUME 76 – Number 15
December 2012
A five-star salute
Deserving veterans take center stage at MGM Grand Detroit holiday party ÞÊ-V ÌÌÊ/> iÞ -«iV > ÊÌ ÊÌ iÊ V }> Ê À V i 7 Ì ÊÌ iÊÃÜiiÌÊÃ Õ `Ê vÊ À ÛiÀÊ7>à }Ì ½ÃÊ º ÃÌiÀÊ >} V»Ê ÊÌ iÊ> ÀÊ« >Þi`ÊLÞÊ >ÀÀÞÊ iiÊ > `ÊÌ iÊ >V Ê ÊÌ iÊ >ÞÊ > `]Ê>ÊëiV > Ê `>ÞÊ «>ÀÌÞÊÜ>ÃÊ vvÊÌ Ê>ÊÀ >À }ÊÃÌ>ÀÌÊ>ÌÊ Ê À> `Ê
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Inside This Issue UÊ6iÌiÀ> ÃÊ>ÀiÊà }ÊÃÌ>ÀÃÊ>ÌÊ Ê À> `Ê iÌÀ ÌÊ `>ÞÊ*>ÀÌÞ UÊ* VÞÊ VÌ Ê/i> Ê > iÃÊ>Ê` vviÀi ViÊ Ê >ÀÞ > `Ê UÊ V> ÊV Õ ÌÞÊ À}> â>Ì ÃÊV>Ã Ê Ê Êº iÀÀÞÊ iÀÀÞÊ `>Þt»Ê UÊ `Ê ÕV Ê ÀitÊ
Inside this edition of Touching Communities, Touching Lives, MGM Grand Detroit honors deserving veterans at a special holiday party.
Real change in public education (Page A-2) Education should be about TLC: Teaching, Learning and Children. We continue to generally fail our children and something must be done.
Comerica Bank reflects on a year (Page B-1) As 2012 winds down, Comerica Bank reflects on another busy, yet fulfilling year of community involvement, and giving back to the community.
For our kids’ sake, Gov. Snyder should veto gun bill By Bankole Thompson CHRONICLE SENIOR EDITOR
Like many, I have been taken aback by some recent activities in Lansing masking as real change for Michigan. From the recent right-to-work law, which Gov. Rick Snyder once hailed as divisive and unwanted in Michigan, the most frightening bill coming out of a legislature intoxicated with political power so aside from COMMENTARY far, the extreme anti-abortion bills, is SB 59 which changes Michigan’s concealed weapons law to allow guns in schools, day-care centers, churches and stadiums. Bankole
To even imagine that there are lawmakers in Lansing who support a bill exposing our children to guns in places initially prohibited is incomprehensible. And the only break so far to keep this bill from becoming law (that has stopped the breaks of the political machine in Lansing) is the unspeakable horror that took place in Newton, Connecticut on Dec. 14., where 28 innocent lives, including 20 children, were massacred by a gunman who took Rick Snyder high-powered rifles to Sandy Hook Elementary Gov. Snyder has said he is giving “extra School. consideration” to the bill after the Con The Connecticut incident is now pricking the necticut shooting and hasn’t signaled when moral conscience of gun advocates and our law- and if he would sign SB 59 into law. makers who passed this bill in the late hours of the night, like the night of the long knives, only to It is sad that the blood of 20 beautiful wake up later that Friday afternoon and be greet- children taken away from their parents and eight adults has to give pause to those who ed by the horror in Connecticut.
Hotel St. Regis: Escape to Detroit luxury (Page C-2)
By Rian English
Frankie Darcell
Have a safe and happy holiday season!
In 2011, Clear Channel Communications began cutting radio staff from stations around the country, and replacing beloved Deejays and hosts with syndicated talent. The most recent round of cuts affected employees at stations in major markets across the U.S.,
Darcell was one of the leading voices of the African-American community in Detroit. She gar-
Unwilling to go into the specifics about her sudden departure from her WMXD-FM (92.3) radio show, Darcell noted she had no idea she would be let go from the position she held for 11 years.
See DARCELL page A-4
Homecoming at historically Black colleges and universities is always a joyful and memorable time for students and alumi. However, for sophomore Mary Pickard, at Spelman College in Atlanta, the Spelhouse homecoming was one to remember.
MARY PICKARD (left) and fellow student Aimee Sanders.
Pickard is a political science major and international studies minor from Detroit. At Spelman, students have the opportunity to participate in various pageants at neighboring Morehouse College. These pageants are a way to bring together the student body and to proudly represent the various Morehouse associations.
This semester, Pickard decided to compete for the title of Miss Morehouse Business Association (MBA). The MBA is a premier student-run organization that works diligently to support students who have a deep desire for business, through meetings, seminars and workshops. Pickard joined the association in her freshman year and worked particularly close with the Morehouse Marketing Association, where she enjoyed working with like-
See PICKARD page A-4
SHAQUITE PEGUES (from left), senior program associate, Children’s Defense Fund; Dr. Eric Mayes, executive director, Michigan Expansion, Children’s Defense Fund; Dr. Thomas Maridada, director of Education Policy and Practice, Children’s Defense Fund; Jalaya Liles Dunn, youth leadership director, Children’s Defense Fund; and Laura Young, senior organizer, Children’s Defense Fund. — Jim Campbell photo
Children’s Defense Fund comes to Detroit to fight achievement gap By Patrick Keating CHRONICLE STAFF WRITER
On Nov. 29, Marygrove College and the Children’s Defense Fund co-hosted a statewide Pre K-16 Education Leadership Symposium. Issues discussed included youth development, closing achievement gaps and opportunity divides, accelerating learning, preventing summer reading loss, civic and community engagement,
The Curse of the “Phat” Booty Cause for Hope
ugh National study could lead to breakthro t-resistant ” treatment in managing “treatmen hypertens ion
How to beat the winter blues
Dr. Eric T. Mayes, executive director of the Michigan expansion of the Children’s Defense Fund, said he thought the symposium “went great,” even though Marian Wright Edelman, CDF founder and president, wasn’t able to attend in person. Edelman had the flu, so delivered her comments through video conferencing.
See FUND page A-4
Holiday De-Stress Seven tips to make the holidays jolly
public policy, and child and family advocacy.
Look inside this week’s Magazine insert and discover what people are talking about. Holiday De-Stress Seven tips to make the holidays jolly
nered listener loyalty with her lively “talk of the town” topics, candid celebrity interviews and introspective “mix meditation.”
Mary Pickard plays key role in college business group
Noon, Thurs., Dec. 20, for our Dec. 26 issue Noon, Thurs., Dec. 27, for our Jan. 2 issue.
What is the rationale behind allowing guns in places that they were initially forbidden? See snyder page A-4
including those in Los Angeles, Dallas, San Diego, Detroit, and Miami. Cuts included on-air talent as well as production and administrative staff. However, in Detroit an unexpected and unappreciated cut has silenced one of Detroit’s most beloved radio hosts, Frankie Darcell.
In 2011, several local business leaders took advantage of a chance to revive a former Detroit gem, Hotel St. Regis.
The Michigan Chronicle will close on Monday, Dec. 24, at noon and be closed on Tuesday, Dec. 25. It will close at noon on Monday, Dec. 31, and be closed on Tuesday, Jan. 1. Advertisers are asked to submit their creative copy by:
rushed this bill through to get the governor to sign it.
Frankie Darcell looks to hopeful future
Aunt Millie’s donated 4,800 loaves of Butter Top White Bread to Gleaners Community Food Bank of Southeastern Michigan on Dec. 17.
Musician and Motown enthusiast Drew Schultz and Motown musical legends gave back to Detroit students through the Detroit Public Schools Foundation with sales from his debut album, “Back to Class.”
Please, NO GUNS
Aunt Millie’s makes donation (Page B-6)
Motowners step in to help DPS (Page B-6)
479 Ledyard • Detroit MI 48201
The Curse of the “Phat” Booty
Cause for Hope National study could lead to breakthrough treatment in managing “treatment-resistant” hypertension
Sad? How to beat the winter blues
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