www.michronicle.com VOLUME 76 – Number 16
WHAT’S INSIDE Schools struggle to pass digital test (Page A-3) Two years from now, hundreds of thousands of Michigan students will be expected to go online to take computerized statewide math, language arts and other standardized tests that now are conducted with paper and pencils.
The most innovative technology (Page B-1)
Dec. 26, 2012 - Jan. 1, 2013
479 Ledyard • Detroit MI 48201
Detroiters cannot miss economic opportunities By Hiram E. Jackson CHRONICLE PUBLISHER
Last week I attended Gov. Rick Snyder’s press conference where he, along with several of not only Detroit’s, but COMMENTARY Michigan’s most powerful business and political leaders came together to watch him sign pieces of legislation that will benefit the city. It was a good day for Detroit. The governor signed bills for the Regional Transit Authority, Detroit Lighting Author-
ity, Downtown Development Authority and the Eastern Market.
lions of dollars that is going to be spent on construction, maintenance and vendor contracts – almost $1 billion in investments.
I was proud.
Yet at the same time, there was a part of me wondering if Detroiters would actually have a legitimate seat at the table as the deals are worked out and people are hired.
As protesters marched and shouted, all I could think about was the estimated 25,000 Hiram Jackson people who are going to be hired over the next few years, in addition to the mil-
While we complain about the day-to-day nuisances that have plagued our city – high unemployment, possible bankruptcy, blight, crime and subpar public
education — our suburban brethren are moving back to town in droves. They see what I see — a diamond in the rough, an underperforming but valuable asset. In fact, there are approximately 10,000 new employees working downtown. The business community is doubling down as if the city were a great stock that took a tumble and investing in the incredible value of this great city of ours. All of this is “great stuff” and from my vantage point, we have
Detroit’s defining moment is 2013
2012 was a year of innovation and plenty of carbon copies to go around. The result has been a robust movement of mobile computing into a science fictional future possibly worth living in.
The specter of an emergency manager continues to hang over Detroit like the sword of Damocles. The hope of a hotly
Coaches speak out on tragedy (Page C-1) The tragic Newtown, Connecticut massacre where a heavily armed man walked into Sandy Hook Elementary School and within a couple minutes, killed 26 people. Famed coaches Jim Boeheim and Pat Kelsey speak their minds on the tragedy.
for Detroit’s financial illness, including mediation, consent agreement, emergency manager or bankruptcy, will test the city’s leadership mettle to address its own problems.
With a booming downtown, neighborhoods waiting contested mayoral for revitalization election to decide and the advent the next chapter of of entrepreneurBankole leadership in the ship taking root city is creating a Thompson in many forms in heightening interDetroit, the city is est in Detroit politics, es- being challenged to be a pecially in light of Mike plethora of possibilities. Duggan and Benny Napo That is why 2013 is a leon candidacies. defining year for Detroit. Duggan, the outgoing The world is watching. CEO of the Detroit Medi- The nation is watching. cal Center And evwill be the eryone first major who has White canwitnessed didate in the evomore than lution of a decade. Detroit Napoleon, for dethe Wayne cades is Napoleon Duggan County anxiously Sheriff and former Detroit and cautiously waiting to police chief, is a formi- see how the city defines dable candidate. itself next year. The series of Lan- What happens in the sing measures offered as prescription drugs
GOV. RICK SNYDER, with local and state officials, at the signing of a package of bills including the public lighting and transportation authorities as well as an incentive package for Illitch development in downtown area.
Snyder: 25,000 Detroit jobs coming
2012: A Look Back (Page D-1)
By Zack Burgess
A lot of exciting, interresting and sometimes sad things happened over the last 12 months. We recall many of them.
Whenever there is change, there is also some pain. And Detroit has had its share, as business leaders and politicians have worked to transition it into a world class city again.
So when Governor Rick Snyder signed a plethora of bills last week, he called it an exciting day for the city. “I’m fired up,” Snyder said. “This is about us coming together and how we create some fundamental building
blocks to build on. Because too often we get caught up in bad news in difficult times and we don’t spend enough time celebrating success. Well today is the day to really celebrate success for both short-term recovery and long-term growth and enhancement.” For too long now, Detroit has dealt with poor transportation and lighting – the bills signed by Governor Snyder will bring a Detroit Lighting Authority as well as create a rapid regional transit system. One of the bills will also permit
See JOBS page A-4
See DETROIT page A-4
Labor, allies vow fight against right-to-work By Zack Burgess SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE
Discover more than $85 in savings on P&G products inside this week’s brandSAVER insert.
Gov. Rick Snyder told them they were picking a fight they might regret. He wasn’t wrong.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS! The Michigan Chronicle will close on Monday, Dec. 31, and be closed on Tuesday, Jan. 1. Advertisers are asked to submit their creative copy by: Noon, Thurs., Dec. 27, for our Jan. 2 issue. Have a safe and happy holiday season!
AT&T, in partnership with Mitch Albom and Detroit Rescue Mission (DRM), surprised a deserving family with a gift of a home to call their own just in time for the Christmas holiday. Wendy Palmer, 33, her two sons, ages 8 and 12, and their grandmother, Karen Harris, were given a fully furnished home, complete with a stocked refrigerator. This is the second year in a row that AT&T has partnered with Mitch Albom and the DRMM to provide shelter for families in need.
Last week the governor signed into law bills that ban mandatory union membership, making Michigan Wendell Anthony Jimmy Settles Al Garrett the nation’s 24th right-todefines organized labor. 60,000 members in the work state – changing DeThe term “right-to- state of Michigan. I can see troit and its culture – as it has been known for almost work law” is a triumph hostility in the workplace of framing. Such laws do between those people that 80 years. not, in fact, give you the are paying dues and those “This is a vengeful attack right-to-work. They give who are paying a service on labor and the commu- you the right to refuse to fee, but that will be for nity,” said Rev. Dr. Wen- pay union dues when you management folks to deal dell Anthony, president, work for a union shop, with.” Detroit Branch NAACP. “It even though you get the does not guarantee sta- wages the union bargained For instance, a person can bility. What it does do is for, and the benefits the work in a union shop witheliminate strong unions union bargained for, and out joining the union and that advocate on people’s the grievance process the paying full union dues. The costs of the union’s politibehalf and determine the union bargained for. cal activities, its memberrelationship between man“Right now, even before ship events and more are agement and labor. Michigan must not become the the law goes into effect, removed from their dues. people have a choice. They pay a lower fee benew Mississippi.” They have a right to pay cause they are just paying, The far-reaching legis- dues or a service fee,” at least in theory, the cost lation threatens to cripple said Al Garrett, president of the union’s representathe power of organized of the Detroit chapter of tion activities. labor in a state that was the American Federation once a hub of union might. of State, County and Mu- Proponents call their win For many Americans, nicipal Employees union especially significant beMichigan is the state that (AFSCME). “We have about See LABOR page A-4
Come out for the 1st run of the season! 43nd Annual
Fifth Third Bank
New Year’s Eve Family Fun Run/Walk 1 Mile Children’s & Open Fun Run – 5K Racewalk & Fitness Walk – 5k Run