MC Digital Daily 1/16/13

Page 1 VOLUME 76 – Number 19

January 16-22, 2013

479 Ledyard • Detroit MI 48201


Former U.S. Representative and NBC News analyst Harold Ford Jr. will deliver the keynote address during Wayne State University’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. Tribute Luncheon. The public is invited to be a part of the celebration.

If you are like most people, you pay attention to your money and try to take advantage of any savings you can. That’s why filing your income taxes is an important annual obligation. The information offered this week is essential.

Cass Tech’s Campbell readying for the NFL Draft (Page C-1) Former Detroit Cass Tech lineman, William Campbell, in the 2009 class, was rated the state’s No. 1 player and the nation’s No. 5 defensive tackle.

Deltas reach milestone (Page C-5) Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. are celebrating their organization reaching the 100-year mark. A wide ranch of special events are taking in honor of the occasion. The Delta continue to be committed to public service.


– A.J. Mueller Photography

ED WELBURN, GM VP of Global Design, said the reveal of the 2014 Stingray in Detroit has been one of the most memorable events of his 40-year tenure with the company.


Detroit icons take center stage at 2013 North American International Auto Show By Marcus Amick

ing into Detroit for the event.


The center of attention has been the new Corvette, which was first unveiled Sunday at an exclusive media event in Detroit’s Russell Industrial Complex, a warehouse district just north of downtown.

It was only a few years ago that the idea of General Motors or Chrysler even talking about high-performance cars would be the subject of criticism considering the dark cloud that loomed over the Detroit auto indus- ‘LOG ON to try. to a view a photo gallery of the all

Ed Welburn, GM VP of Global Design, said the reveal of the 2014 Stingray in Detroit has been one of the most memorable events of his 40-year tenure with the company.

This year, which new 2014 Corvette Stingray and SRT marks the debut of Viper on display at the North Amerithe new 2014 Corvette can International Auto Show and Stingray featured at additional auto show coverage. the North American In“This in many ways is ternational Auto Show along with the new SRT Viper, the tone is the best of American design, the Corvette, much different with both GM and Chrysler and to do it right here in Detroit is huge,” recently posting some of their best sales said Welburn. “We never for a second numbers in years and earning car and truck thought about doing the reveal any place else but here.” of the year awards. The new Corvette and Viper on display at the show, which opens to the public Jan. 19, have been the buzz of Cobo Center since media and industry executives started pour-

The new Corvette is the most powerful standard model ever, with an estimated 450 horsepower and 450 lb.-ft. of torque. It


SHOW page A-4

For the first time in history, and in the year that many plan to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Movement, the Bible that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used when he gave his first sermon as a pastor at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Ala., and as his spiritual tool on the journey for civil rights, will be used in a presidential inaugural ceremony.

SPECIAL INAUGURAL REPORT Despite the torn pages and fading cover, King’s Bible will Bankole be used for the official swearing in of the reelection of the Thompson nation’s first Black president, Barack Obama, on Jan. 21 on the steps of the U.S. Capitol and looking toward the Lincoln Memorial. Obama will place his hand on King’s Bible as well as the one used by President Abraham Lincoln.

Barack Obama

Martin Luther King

“It’s amazing to think about how far we have come since my father first opened that book almost 60 years ago. The Montgomery Bus Boycott. Bloody Sunday. the March on Washington. the Voting Rights Act, the Poor People’s Campaign, the Memphis Sanitation Workers Strike. Those struggles and sacrifices brought us to this moment,” said Martin Luther King Jr. III, son of the slain civil rights leader whose birthday, now a federal holiday, is on the same day as Obama’s inauguration. “Who would have thought that just 45 years after my father’s death, we would see the reelection of our first African-American president, a vote of confidence from a clear majority of the American people? Of course, my father would have been the first to point out that what most distinguishes President Obama is not the color of his skin, but the content of his character.”

Destiny’s other child (Page D-1)

The historical coincidence of King’s birthday being Obama’s inauguration day is significant because four decades ago Robert F. Kennedy, then attorney general, predicted that four decades later the nation would elect its first African-American president.

Timing, it has been said, is everything. But so are good fortune and “destiny.” Michelle Williams, a former member of Destiny’s Child, continues to make career progress, both as singer and actress. She has already performed on stage in “Aida,” “The Color Purple” and “Chicago” and will be part of the cast of “FELA!” when it returns to Music Hall next month.

Photo credit: Elayne Gross Photography

ALICIA AMIE, a product presenter for Chevrolet, greets visitors at the Corvette Stingray display.

Ted Gatzaros

Detroit mourns prominent developer CHRONICLE STAFF REPORT

The death on Jan. 10, 2013 of the irreplaceable, irrepressible, passionate business leader and champion of Detroit, Ted Gatzaros, is being mourned by his devoted family and many friends. From his arrival at age 17 from Greece, he demonstrated remarkable qualities of initiative and sustained hard work that, together with his partner, wife Maria, built a legacy of extraordinary accomplishments.


King’s Bible makes pilgrimage to Obama’s inauguration

Harold Ford Jr. to keynote WSU King tribute (Page A-2)

Review your financial situation, learn about tax credits (Page B-1)


See Gatzaros page A-4

Kennedy’s political prophesy and seeing how far the nation and the South have come is also significant because during Obama’s first run in 2008, it was the late Sen. Edward Kennedy who gave him a huge mark of politi-


New Detroit Works plan offers hope for city By Zack Burgess

That’s all in the plan. One of the biggest questions surrounding the new Detroit Future City report was how a city already facing challenges will pay for its many recommendations.


For too long Detroit has been a beacon of blight. Homes that at one time made the city the envy of the Midwest are now burned out and left standing. And while the city has navigated through persistent budget shortfalls and an uncertain financial future, change for Detroit seemed a long ways away. But finally there is a plan in place to revitalize a once vibrant metropolis. From the historic North End to Midtown to downtown to the Northwest side, one thing is certain — Detroit will look very different in the years to come. Last week, after two years, hundreds of meetings and 30,000 conversations, a longterm plan to repurpose city land and strengthen target neighborhoods, the Detroit Works Project Long Term Planning, unveiled a city-wide framework for change and development. It is led by New York Citybased project manager Toni Griffin, who called it a collective resource for businesses, philanthropists, community

Rip Rapson, CEO of the Troy-based Kresge Foundation, received rousing applause at the unveiling of the 347-page Detroit Future City report when he pledged $150 million over five years toward the implementation for the plan.

Mayor Dave Bing groups and city agencies to consult about services and resources. The plan outlined a course to re-envision and change Detroit over the next 50 years. Can you imagine a Detroit where empty warehouses become “Live-Make” districts? Or a neighborhood where vacant land has been cultivated into a protected woodlands that will be favored by hikers? Or a city where homeowners take light rail trains or high-speed buses to work every day?

“It is a fundamental belief on our part that every dollar we spend simply has to reinforce the spirit, the letter and the intent of this plan,” said Rapson. He acknowledged that even Kresge’s $150-million pledge would cover just a fraction of the billions of dollars needed in the decades to come in order to carry out the lofty goals of the proposals. But Rapson noted that a large amount of money comes into Detroit already from multiple sources, including the federal government. He said the success of such a

See plan page A-4


January 16-22, 2013


Page A-2

Slavery, the ugly truth Harold Ford Jr. to keynote By V. Lonnie Peek Jr. With the advent of 2013, this country observed the 150th year of commemorating the Emancipation Proclamation. For many years during New Year’s Eve the Black church has celebrated what we call Watch Night Services, as we transition from one year to the next. The Watch Night tradition is a cultural one due to the fact that we commemorated how the slaves watched the seconds on the clock tick into the new year in 1863, which meant they were freed slaves, free individuals. The Emancipation Proclamation is the document that gave them their freedom.

chased out of a bathroom because I “didn’t not know my place.” Up North I was chased off beaches because I “did not belong.” So there have been those old mentalities that reflect back to slavery.

The movie “Django Unchained” is a real depiction of the parameters of slavery. Some folks have been insulted with the use of the N word, but that is real. That is what was used then. Some have walked out of the movie; the truth hurts sometimes. This movie does not hide the brutality of slavery. It shows beatings, slave masters’ oppression, house slaves’ devotion to the master, and separation of families. It has significant symbolism: Mandingo Each year, particuslaves fighting to the death larly this year with the to the delight of White 150-year commemorafolks. (Does that not, in tion of the Emancipaa sense, occur today?). It tion Proclamation, we depicts slavery as it was. should have reflected on Spike Lee said he was not the conditions, attitudes going to see it because it and aspirations of our was an insult to our anancestors. But 150 years cestors. It is not the movie is really not a long time. V. Lonnie Peek Jr. that’s the insult. It is slavSome of us have greatery itself. But if Lee does not make the grandparents who were slaves. movie and someone else does (QuenAnyway you look at it, slavery was tin Tarantino) in his eyes they do it an oppressive institution. It was brutal, wrong. shocking, demeaning, a destroyer of One of the classic lines came when families and life-threatening. AfricanAmericans in this country still feel the Stephen (the house slave, portrayed by effects of slavery. There is prejudice, Samuel L. Jackson), observing Django there is bigotry and discrimination (the freed slave, portrayed by Jamie based on skin color. Yes, we have an Foxx) riding on to his plantation on a African-American president, probably horse, says, “Who tha Nigra up there an incomprehensible concept for our on tha horse?” Black folks did not ride brothers and sisters who were freed in on horses, they walked, chained. The 1863. So there has been progress on movie is really a love story. Django is one level, but old mentalities still exist seeking to find his slave wife (portrayed by Kerry Washington) and free her. on others. In my lifetime, I have seen “colored” and “White only” signs over drinking fountains and bathrooms. As my family traveled down South we were denied access to eating and sleeping accommodations. As an officer in the US Army, with my uniform on, I was

This movie reminds us of what our ancestors endured. Slavery was not pretty, but it should not be forgotten. We should continue to commemorate who we are, what we have been through and what we have given to this country. No slavery, no Barack Obama.

Detroit has good prospects for 2013 Welcome to 2013! Two-thousand-twelve was an interesting year, one filled with ups and downs, excitement and disappointment.


For Detroit, it was a roller coaster ride. With, for example, the Tigers going to the World Series and the continued excitement surrounding the rejuvenation of downtown and Midtown, the city had many thrills. And on the flip side, with the budgetary crisis, continued increases in crime and other negative news offered up on a daily basis, the region experienced many lows.


Mark S. Lee

With this in mind, here are headlines I would like to see in Detroit and beyond this year:

As we enter a new year, hope continues to be boundless. We have an opportunity to shape this year in a way that takes this city to another level.

◆ Fiscal cliff averted

Like a newborn baby, the year presents many hopes and aspirations. The challenge is to craft a story that continues to shape Detroit’s future, one filled with heightened hopes, aspirations and dreams.

◆ Mayor and City Council agree on a fiscal recovery plan

If we don’t aspire and dream as a region, who will? We are the underdog and sleeping giant and, as the year unfolds, let’s awaken — one that can show the rest of the country this great city is a leader — in the areas of entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation.

◆ Big Three have record profits

A city that once put the world on wheels, now focused on collaboration and becoming the epicenter of small business, job development and creation. As another year moves on, one thing’s for sure: expect the unexpected. If we had a crystal ball, it would make things easier to predict and we could all certainly plan accordingly. Unfortunately, we do not.

2012: A record year for fuel economy Although fuel economy of all new vehicles sold in the United States dipped slightly last month, 2012 was the best year ever for fuel efficiency, say researchers at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute. For the year, average fuel economy (windowsticker values) of newly purchased cars, light trucks, minivans and SUVs increased nearly 6 percent (1.3 mpg) to a record annual high of 23.8 mpg, according to UMTRI researchers Michael Sivak and Brandon Schoettle.

◆ Detroit’s budget is balanced ◆ Population slide stabilized and reversed

◆ Lions bounce back to win the NFC North and make the playoffs ◆ Plans announced for the old Packard Plant

◆ Hiring up 10 percent from 2012 ◆ Crime drops significantly ◆ Tigers win the World Series ◆ Ground broken on the proposed Ilitch Entertainment complex ◆ NHL strikes ends ◆ Red Wings win the Stanley Cup ◆ Gilbert buys five more buildings ◆ 10,000 more employees relocated downtown ◆ Kilpatrick trial ends with a verdict ◆ Record number of small businesses started in


Detroit ◆ President Obama recognizes Detroit as an entrepreneur incubator leader ◆ Pistons bounce back with a strong second half ◆ Lower Woodward filled with new small businesses ◆ Five new restaurants open downtown While these headlines might be partially reality and partially dreams, the beauty of a new year is that anything’s possible and if we have big dreams like Dan Gilbert, we can make good things happen. Detroit’s issues have been well documented. Let’s not continue to focus on the the past. We have an opportunity to come together (city and suburbs) and work together to focus on how to improve this region. Think about it...this region, with its lakes and rivers, has natural beauty, a storied history, cultural gems, historic sports teams, and hard-working people who have helped to build America’s middle class. This metropolitan area of over five million has resources other cities don’t have. Let’s take advantage of it and make this truly a great American metropolis — again. And, let’s start in 2013 and build on it in future years and generations. My hope for Detroit in 2013 is peace, growth and prosperity. Happy New Year!


THE MICHIGAN CHRONICLE OFFICE HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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Harold Ford Jr. Organization and Raising Our Community’s Knowledge. The award, named after civil rights leader and Wayne State adminis-

trator Arthur L. Johnson, honors individuals and organizations — nominated by the public — whose contributions positively affect the community. There is a cost to attend. Parking is free. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit or call 313-577-5284. Wayne State University makes the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday a monthlong celebration. In addition to a day of service on the designated holiday, the university hosts a program and luncheon commemorating King’s legacy while promoting community engagement.

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TOPICS INCLUDE • Mortgage Options • Credit Education • And more! SPECIAL GUEST Carolyn Harris from H&R Block will be speaking on the tax benefits for homeowners.

INFORMATION DATE: January 24, 2013 TIME: 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. LOCATION: Orchestra Place 3663 Woodward Ave., Suite 150 Detroit, MI 48201 R.S.V.P.: (313) 494-3275 Refreshments will be provided.

The Michigan Chronicle is published every Wednesday. Periodical Postage, paid at Detroit, MI. Price $1.00 and other post office.


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Former U.S. Representative and NBC news analyst Harold Ford Jr. will deliver the keynote address during Wayne State University’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. Tribute Luncheon. The event, which brings together the metro Detroit community to celebrate and honor the life and legacy of King, kicks off at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 22, at the Max M. Fisher Music Center, located at 3711 Woodward Ave. Ford served Tennessee in the United States Congress for 10 years on both the Financial Services and Budget committees. He is the managing director and senior client relationship manager at Morgan Stanley, a news analyst for NBC and MSNBC, and a professor of public policy at the New York University Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. “Wayne State’s tribute to Dr. King is our way of amplifying his call for citizens to demonstrate brotherly love and to selflessly serve those in need,” said WSU vice president for Government and Community Affairs Patrick Lindsey.” The program also affords us the opportunity to recognize individuals and organizations who exemplify these characteristics.” Net proceeds from the event will support AdoptA-Classroom, a nationally recognized organization that raises funds to help teachers purchase resources for their classrooms. The university, in partnership with its sponsors, has donated more than $33,000 to support the organization’s local giving efforts. The tribute also includes the Dr. Arthur L. Johnson Community Leadership Awards. This year’s recipients include WSU Assistant Professor of Urban Planning Kami Pothukuchi, Ph.D., the WSU Student Veterans

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Wayne State’s tribute to Martin Luther King Jr.

CITIZENSBANKING.COM This information is intended to provide general information of an educational nature and is intended solely for current and prospective clients of Citizens Bank, is not intended to be legal, financial or tax advice. For advice that is specific to your circumstances, you should consult a financial or tax adviser. *For qualifying areas in Detroit and Wayne County; total financial assistance (down payment assistance, closing cost assistance, and below market interest rate) may not exceed $7,500 per qualified application.



January 16-22, 2013

Page A-3

In Indiana, right-to-work law is not creating jobs By Ted Roelofs, Bridge Magazine FORT WAYNE, Ind. — In the weeks after right-to-work became law in Indiana, Michigan-based Android Industries was anointed a poster child for the job growth state officials predicted would flow from the measure. Company officials insisted it was no accident they picked Indiana to open an automotive plant in suburban Fort Wayne in 2012. It supplies mounted tires for full-sized pickup trucks assembled at an adjacent General Motors plant. “Recently, Indiana became a rightto-work state and offers us a competitive location and a skilled work force to complement our state of the art technology,” the firm said in a statement in March 2012. “All of these factors went into choosing Indiana as an optimal location.” But a closer look belies that claim, since Android Industries, in fact, laid plans for the Indiana expansion well before it became law in February 2012. An official at the plant confirmed as much to a reporter last month. “Right-to-work has nothing do with us being here,” said Jeremy Urshel, listed as human resources generalist for the firm. Another official said the firm signed the contract with GM in November 2011. Indeed, despite claims by Michigan Republican Gov. Rick Snyder that the policy is paving the way for “thousands” of new Indiana jobs, there is no clear evidence for that assertion.

Snyder has joined former Indiana

GOP Gov. Mitch Daniels as a robust advocate for right-towork labor standards now in place in 24 states. Michigan and Indiana are the first in the Midwest to adopt the measure, which says that employees cannot be compelled to pay union dues or so-called agency fees in a unionized shop. Labor leaders and Democratic Party officials contend the Michigan law, signed by Snyder on Dec. 11, is not about jobs growth, but rather is aimed at undercutting union membership, revenue and ultimately its political clout. Promotion outruns results In the meantime, officials at the Indiana Economic Development Agency have promoted it for nearly a year as an engine for growth, stating that some 90 companies said right-to-work would influence their decision “of where to locate current projects.” It withheld the names of all but a handful, though, citing confidentiality. Each of the firms cited was an Indiana one.


wages remains hard to pin down.

On Dec. 21, 2012, Snyder said the “phone’s already been ringing at the (Michigan Economic Development Corp.) since we passed that legislation. People are starting to look at Michigan.”

Labor says it will prevail, but RTW experts are skeptical

He said it would be “premature” to name firms. In Indiana, though, the first firm cited as evidence Right to Work was paying off quickly backtracked on public statements from the IEDC. “We are not a union shop. The effect that this was going to have was not going to affect our decision one way or another,” said Eric Holloway, president of MBC Group, whose company makes hard plastic packages for electronics such as cellphones and chargers. Its $4.1 million expansion in eastern Indiana is expected to create some 100 new jobs. Officials at a suburban Indianapolis steel mill told Bridge Magazine an expansion there had nothing to do with Right to Work, despite a statement from IEDC suggesting otherwise.

Daniels signed the Indiana statute on Feb. 1, 2012, its stipulations to apply to labor contracts signed after March 15. By Feb. 29, the IEDC already was claiming the measure was adding jobs to the state.

“It was really not a factor,” said Barry Schneider of Steel Dynamics, Inc. “We are a non-union facility.”

In Michigan, Snyder repeated the IEDC figures and took them a step further as he suggested that firms outside the state were coming to Indiana because of right-to-work.

Bridge contacted the IEDC several times to help identify a manufacturing operation whose plans had changed due to Right to Work, but IEDC did not identify such a firm.

Snyder said that “90 companies in the pipeline for economic development say this was a factor in deciding to look to come to Indiana. That’s thousands of jobs. We need more and better jobs in

Debate swirls around wage claims

And while political forces in Michigan continue to trade insistent claims and counterclaims over the issue, the impact of this labor measure on job growth and

Political fallout from RTW deal yet to land Right-to-work is no guarantee of economic success Michigan Democrats cite a study by the liberal-leaning Economic Policy Institute reporting that employees in right-to-work states earn $1,500 less annually than their counterparts in states without such laws. The conservative Heritage Foundation cites studies it says proves that right-to-work policies create jobs while having little impact on wages. A 1998 study by the University of Minnesota concluded that manufacturing growth in Sunbelt – and right-towork – states had more to do with other business policies and other factors than RTW standards. A 2011 joint academic study on two RTW states found evidence the policy led to increased manufacturing employment in Idaho, but no discernible effect on employment or wages in Oklahoma, a state that adopted RTW in 2001. Gary Chaison, professor of labor relations at Clark University in Massachusetts, summed it up this way: “Very little is actually known about the impact of right-to-work laws.” He added that “whether jobs grow in states with right-to-work laws, the answer is inconclusive despite the proclamations of pro- and anti-union forces.”

Michigan prison savings to reach $250 million By Daniel Heyns I know for the past several years the Center for Michigan has been an active participant in the dialogue surrounding lowering corrections costs in Michigan. The Center facilitated the creation of the Corrections Reform Coalition — a collection of business, education, local government and nonprofit groups focused on enhancing operations and containing costs within the Michigan Department of Corrections. Today, I have some positive news to report to the Center and the other members of the Corrections Reform Coalition. Since Gov. Rick Snyder took office, the MDOC has taken a number of steps that will result in $258 million in savings by the end of fiscal 2013 (Sept. 30, 2013). Examples of some of the measures put into place are: • Reducing and restructuring funded positions within the MDOC; • Closing prisons that were no longer needed; • Revising custody levels at cer-

tain correctional facilities to more appropriately match the makeup of the prisoner population;

Early on in my tenure as director, I developed a specific plan to take additional steps toward improving offender supervision across Michigan. This plan was crafted using my 30-plus years working in local law enforcement and focused on aggressively pursuing parole absconders, increasing collaboration with law enforcement, creating additional custody bed space to allow for swift and sure sanctions for parolees and reinstituting thorough caseload audits of all parole/probation officers.

• Reorganizing correctional health care, including savings associated with revising inmate pharmacy; • Utilizing supply chain management initiatives and other related efficiencies; • Reorganizing prisoner education, prisoner transportation and warehouse delivery systems; • Moving to an electronic law library for prisoners; • Closing parole offices and moving parole agents into the community where they should be to appropriately supervise the offenders they are responsible for; • Consolidating prisoner mental health staff so they are all MDOC employees (previously some worked for the MDOC and some were employed by the Department of Community Health); • Contracting with county sheriffs to house certain prisoners. This arrangement benefits both

The plan is showing tremendous results.

Daniel Heyns state and local government; • Reducing the amount of clothing prisoners receive; • Moving to random patrols of prison perimeters; and • Putting some parameters in place for prisoner re-entry funding. While cutting costs is important, our primary mission is creating a safer Michigan.

We have decreased the number of parole fugitives by almost 18 percent since January 2011. Our increased collaboration with law enforcement has led to increased information sharing and additional arrests, and has allowed us to significantly step up compliance checks of offenders at night and on weekends. We have begun monthly inspections of all caseloads with a full audit every year, and we have repurposed the Ryan Correctional Facility in Detroit, which is providing hundreds of additional

custody beds to house parole violators. In addition, Michigan’s recidivism rate continues to drop and is one of the lowest in the country. We were recently highlighted in a national policy brief from the Council of State Governments Justice Center for advancements in reducing recidivism. Seven states were noted in the report, with Michigan showing the largest decline. As director, I am committed to making Michigan safer AND being fiscally responsible to the citizens of Michigan. Over the past two years, our department has enacted numerous changes which have decreased costs and increased efficiency – all while enhancing public safety. I would like to thank the Center for Michigan and the Corrections Reform Coalition for their continued efforts on this very important issue. I know your members realize that Michigan cannot have a strong flourishing economy without ensuring the safety of our citizens. Daniel Heyns is the director of the Michigan Department of Corrections.

Snyder signs Erin’s Law to fight sexual abuse of children Thirty other bills also signed Gov. Rick Snyder recently signed Erin’s Law to strengthen protections against sexual abuse of children.

prisoners from keeping photos and drawings of their victim, or any item that belonged to the victim. The bill now is PA 598.

Named in honor of sexual abuse survivor Erin Merryn, the package includes Senate Bills 1112-1114, sponsored by state Sens. John Proos, Rebekah Warren and Judy Emmons.

SB 878, sponsored by Proos, allows the former Baldwin youth correctional facility in Lake County to house adult offenders. It also allows the Michigan Department of Corrections to competitively bid for operations and services as long as the contract results in at least 10 percent annual savings to the state. The bill now is PA 599.

The bills allow schools to implement a program to educate and provide resources for students, staff and parents about the warning signs of sexual abuse as well as available resources and counseling for children affected. They also create a one-time task force to develop recommendations on how schools can best handle this education. “Everyone involved in a school – staff, students and parents – needs to recognize the warning signs of sexual abuse,” Snyder said. “We educate our children on how to say no to drugs, how to stay safe in a fire or tornado and how to avoid strangers. Unfortunately, sexual abuse is a reality for some children, and we need to provide age-appropriate education to encourage them to speak up and end the abuse.” The bills now are Public Acts 593-595 of 2012. Snyder also signed 30 other bills. SB 192, sponsored by state Sen. Bruce Caswell, reduces the probate court administrative fee for handling an estate by the amount of the remaining mortgage. This leaves more money for descendants. The bill now is PA 596. SB 409, sponsored by state Sen. Goeff Hansen, exempts from taxes retirement benefits for Michigan National Guard retirees as well as a portion for police and fire department employees. The bill now is PA 597. SB 645, sponsored by state Sen. Roger Kahn, prohibits

SB 1000, sponsored by state Sen. John Moolenaar, prevents parents sharing custody from taking their children to countries not part of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, which seeks to prevent the abduction of children across international boundaries. This would not apply if both parents gave consent for the children to go to one of these countries. The bill now is PA 600. SB 1006, sponsored by state Sen. Mark Jansen, retroactively amends the Michigan Business Tax to allow small contractors to claim deductions from gross receipts for payments to subcontractors or for materials, rather than claiming the small business credit. This reduces the tax liability for small contractors back to 2007. The bill now is PA 601. SB 1008, sponsored by Moolenaar, reinstates a dispute resolution process for smallcapacity well owners impacted by the pumping of high-capacity wells. The process previously was repealed in 2009 as a budget-cutting mechanism, but numerous such disputes over groundwater have since arisen. The bill now is PA 602. SBs 1021 and 1022, sponsored by state Sens. Tom Casperson and Darwin Booher, requires the state to make tax payments in full to counties in which the state owns various types of land, including

swamps, commercial forestland and tax-reverted properties. Beginning in 2014, it also increases the tax rate paid by the state. The bills now are PAs 603 and 604. SB 1037, sponsored by state Sen. Jack Brandenburg, makes several small, technical changes to the Michigan Business Tax to allow easier administration and compliance for those businesses that still chose to file under the tax. The bill now is PA 605. SB 1051, sponsored by state Sen. Joe Hune, prohibits school board members from voting on contracts and financial transactions in which they or their family members have a financial conflict of interest. The bill now is PA 606. SB 1386, sponsored by Caswell, clarifies that the Family Independence Program is a temporary program and not an entitlement. In keeping with federal law, it prevents further cash assistance from the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program to families who already received 60 months or more of assistance. The bill now is PA 607. SBs 1115 and 1118, sponsored by Kahn and Hune, clarify both how economic damages in medical malpractice claims are to be calculated and how long personal representatives have to bring medical malpractice claims after an event. The bills now are PAs 608 and 609. SBs 1126 and 1357, sponsored by state Sen. Rick Jones, require individuals convicted of a felony who are released from a county jail for work or school to wear an electronic monitoring device. It is a felony to remove these devices. Related bills also sponsored by Jones, SBs 1127 and 1307, require the Department of Corrections or the county sheriff to verify the individual is employed or enrolled before allowing the release. The bills now are PAs 610-613.

SB 1132, sponsored by state Sen. John Pappageorge, allows parents who raised a child but have since divorced and remarried to formally adopt the child without their new spouse joining in the adoption. The bill now is PA 614. SB 1135, sponsored by Caswell, creates the Michigan Energy Assistance Program to provide energy assistance for low-income households. This creates a system to prevent energy crises, complementing the existing State Emergency Relief program, which only provides energy assistance for families who already have received a shut-off or past-due notice. The bill now is PA 615. SBs 1141 and 1179, sponsored by Proos, creates the Swift and Sure Sanctions Program to ensure immediate sanctions for a probationer who violates a condition of parole. The program was piloted in courts in Isabella, Berrien, Barry and Wayne counties, and has proved effective in reducing recidivism rates in other states. The bills now are PAs 616 and 617 . SB 1145, sponsored by state Sen. Jim Marleau, fixes an oversight in PA 210 of 2011 to ensure that provisions relating to the allowable authority of physician’s assistants apply to all physician’s assistants, whether they are working under a medical doctor or osteopathic physician. The bill now is PA 618. SB 1238, sponsored by Booher, increases some reporting requirements in the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund to ensure more detailed information about the program is available. The bill now is PA 619. SB 1239, sponsored by state Sen. Dave Hildenbrand, allows strict discipline academies to issue bonds for capital purposes, putting them on equal ground with other public school academies. The bill now is PA 620.

SB 1243, sponsored by Pappageorge, redirects $12 million of the Department of Transportation’s Budget from the Transportation and Economic Development Fund to the State Trunkline Fund to ensure a full federal highway aid match. The bill now is PA 621. SB 1280, sponsored by Casperson, increases the Land Exchange Facilitation Fund balance cap from $2.5 million to $25 million to better accommodate large sales and auctions. It also creates a more fair land transaction process by requiring the Department of Natural Resources to take final action on an application before reviewing another application for the same land since these applications require significant private investment in on-site research. The bill now is PA 622. SB 1315, sponsored by Proos, requires a parolee to provide written consent prior to their release allowing a warrantless search of his or her person and property by parole officers. The bill now is PA 623. SB 1351, sponsored by Pappageorge, gradually transfers both the city of Berkley and District Judge James Wittenberg from the 45th District Court to the 44th District Court. This puts three judges in the 44th District Court, which is made up of the city of Royal Oak, but it soon will lose two judges by attrition. The bill now is PA 624. House Bill 5727, sponsored by state Rep. Joe Haveman, allows state departments and agencies to receive upfront funding from an energy service provider for energy efficient improvements. The provider then will be repaid with a portion of the savings from the improvements. The bill now is PA 625. Visit for more information on the bills.



January 16-22, 2013 Page A-4

Inauguration cal approval by endorsing him for president against all odds. Receiving an endorsement from the patriarch of one of the most preeminent American political dynasties was important for Obama, helping him to be seen as a credible presidential candidate. From that point he became unstoppable.

THE VIPER, on display at the auto show, features an all new design. – A.J. Mueller Photography

Auto Show

From page A-1

is also the most capable standard Corvette model ever, able to accelerate from 0 to 60 in less than four seconds. It’s also expected to be the most fuel-efficient Corvette, exceeding the EPA-estimated 26 mpg of the current model. The car shares only two parts with the previous generation Corvette and incorporates an allnew frame structure and chassis, a new powertrain and supporting technologies. However, the most striking element of the 2014 Corvette, which is sure to leave auto show attendees starstruck, is the new exterior and interior designs. “I can’t say enough great things about what the sculpturers have done in the whole execution of the forms throughout the car,” said Welburn. “I think everyone will be pleasantly surprised.” The 2014 Corvette represents the seventh generation of the car. Each has been defined by allnew or significantly revised design, architecture and technology features — including powertrain and chassis/suspension technologies — that have helped Corvette maintain its iconic status. The 2014 model is only the third to be honored with the iconic Stingray name in the 60-year history of Corvette. “We knew we couldn’t use the Stingray name unless the new car truly lived up to the legacy,” said Welburn. “The result is a new Corvette Stingray

THE SRT VIPER is hand built at the Detroit Conner Avenue Assembly Plant. – Photo Courtesy of the Chrysler Group

that breaks from tradition while remaining instantly recognizable as a Corvette the world over.” The new Viper, which was first unveiled in 2012 at the New York Auto Show, includes a new clamshell, all carbon fiber hood, LED taillamps and the redesigned Viper badge. The new Viper also features a new GTS model with some additional unique styling elements. Scott Burgess, Detroit editor for Motor Trend magazine, said the new Stingray and Viper represent a new era for GM and the Chrysler Group. “These cars may connect Detroit’s carmakers to their muscle car past, but they represent the future as well,” said Burgess. “Both are halo vehicles for their respective brands. The Corvette sells a lot of other Chevys and the Viper will continue to further all of Chrysler’s products.”

Plan plan would be more about realigning the money that’s already available. Kresge and The Kellogg Foundation jointly pledged $3 million to the Detroit Economic Growth Corp., the official caretaker of the report, to hire a project team to oversee the first steps in implementing the recommendations. Those recommendations range across multiple fields, from increasing jobtraining programs to bolstering transit options for Detroiters to creating “blue” and “green” infrastructure in the form of farms on vacant lands and artificial ponds and lakes to capture rainwater before it runs off into sewers. One question that no one seemed to be able to address with confidence: Is the city’s extremely troubled Detroit Public Schools and the high dropout rate, which hovers somewhere around 70 percent, a hindrance? “The work really starts today. Now we’re ready to move forward,” Mayor Dave Bing said during the press conference. It also puts on the back burner a very controversial idea proposed by Bing and others in 2010. Two years ago the mayor called for downsizing Detroit into seven to nine different population centers. As much as 45 square miles of the city, or one-third of Detroit’s total land, would be basically shut down, with city services cut off for any residents who remained. The team’s strategists made it clear that this planned involved everyone and that growing newly-defined neighborhoods and residential zones were long-term, organic efforts. “It’s about creating a place for all Detroiters,” said Professor Dan Pitera of University of Detroit-MercyPatera at a media briefing held last week. “It understands the assets we have, and understands the past, to create an innovative future.” The plan calls for strengthening traditional residential areas in some sections of the city, particularly Detroit’s Northwest side. Future City also imagines “green neighborhoods” of multi-family apartment properties with more parks and open space, and calls for local arts to be integrated into Detroit’s compre-

Ralph Gilles, president of Chrysler’s SRT division, said the idea that the new Viper is still being built in Detroit at the Conner Avenue Assembly Plant makes the raves about the vehicle even more significant. “There is not a better location on the planet than in Detroit for the hand-built assembly of the fifth generation SRT Viper,” said Gilles. “This plant has produced Vipers since 1995. We couldn’t be prouder that our flagship American supercar will be meticulously assembled inside a modern, state-of-the-art and legendary facility.” Both the new Corvette Stingray and SRT Viper represent the fighting spirit of the Detroit auto industry, said Burgess. “The Corvette and Viper are unashamed Detroit,” he said. “They are in your face and aren’t going to apologize for it. Both companies should be proud of them.”

From page A-1 hensive master plan. New ponds, dubbed “blue infrastructure,” could collect rainwater and runoff, giving the city’s overtaxed sewage system a break. The economic growth section of the framework also suggests strategies they hope will create equitable business development in the city and support minority business owners. Creating opportunities for work inside the city limits for residents, as well as reliable transit options for those without cars, was one major principle. Economic sector leaders say that local business-to-business sales and services could create as many as 10,0000 new jobs while continuing efforts to attract education, medical, tech and manufacturing jobs within city limits. For example, Corktown, Southwest Detroit and Midtown were among those neighborhood districts cited for their economic potential. All told, the plan is highly detailed, organized around the six sectors of economic growth, land use, city systems, neighborhood revitalization, physical assets and civic engagement. Planners say the ideas could be accommodated even if the city loses another seventh of its population, though population stabilization is their first major goal. Milestones for progress are charted for the next five years, at 2020, 2030 and an ultimately transformed Detroit that’s visualized in the year 2050. “There are places that are probably more ripe for investment and development and we need to focus in on those and get business and business activity growing there,” Griffin said at last week’s press briefing. Bing acknowledged the challenges leading to the current phase of the project.

The significance of this era cannot be underestimated because it presents the challenge of seeing through some of King’s aspirations and ideas about where America ought to be. It raises the question of where America will be after the Obama era with the seismic shifts we’ve seen in voting patterns as well as pushing major issues like health care. The battles that were fought in the 1950s and 1960s are still the same issues African Americans and other people of color are grappling with as poverty grips the lives of an ever-growing number of people. William Jones, CEO of Focus: HOPE, a human rights organization born out of the ashes of the 1967 riot in Detroit, in a recent conversation talked about the need to keep poverty at the forefront of issues as more and more descend into the abyss. Despite the many challenges and issues we are confronted with daily, Jones said it shouldn’t

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mitigate the discussion around poverty, an issue that was central to King’s mission. King’s son said, “Half a century ago, in a Birmingham jail, my father wrote that ‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.’ By that measure, we still have work to do. The Bible on which President Obama will place his hand inspired my father to speak out for the poor, the jobless, the homeless, the disenfranchised and the oppressed. Those struggles are far from over. “So I believe the true value of this inauguration lies not just in its connection to our past, but its connection to our future. Over three days, beginning with the National Day of Service and culminating with the swearing-in ceremony on the National Mall, Americans have a tremendous opportunity — a chance to reaffirm the commitment of those who came before us to leave something better for those who come after us.” Another historic twist to the inauguration is that Myrlie Evers Williams, the widow of Medgar Evers, the slain civil rights activist, will give the invocation at the inauguration, another moment in the celebration to reflect on an important part of the civil rights pilgrimage

that included the blood of many innocent lives shed so African Americans and others could be free today. Williams will become the first woman and nonclergy to deliver the invocation at a presidential inauguration. “I am humbled to have been asked to deliver the invocation for the 57th inauguration of the president of the United States, especially in light of this historical time in America when we will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Movement,” Williams said. Bankole Thompson is editor of the Michigan Chronicle and the author of the forthcoming book “Rising From the Ashes: Engaging Detroit’s Future With Courage.” His book “Obama and Black Loyalty,” published in 2010, follows his recent book, “Obama and Christian Loyalty” with an epilogue by Bob Weiner, former White House spokesman. Thompson is a political news analyst at WDET101.9FM (NPR affiliate) and a member of the weekly “Obama Watch” Sunday evening roundtable on WLIB-1190AM New York and simulcast in New Jersey and Connecticut. E-mail or visit his personal page at www.bankolethompson. com.

What would America be without King? By Dr. Anthony Ingram Each year at this time we celebrate the life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Reflecting on Dr. King’s contributions is a practical way to renew our dedication to racial justice and equality for all citizens. From 1950 to 2013, America transitioned from legalized segregation to a nation where possibilities now exist for people, regardless of race, faith or gender. Dr. King’s leadership style is reflected in the philosophy that guided the Civil Rights Movement. Human rights, social justice and equality were the key mandates.

Gatzaros From page A-1 Born, Aug. 10. 1944, Gatzaros was perhaps most well-known for his instrumental role in bringing casinos to Detroit, but his efforts to restore and protect Detroit landmarks, and return them to viability and beauty was unmatched. Among the structures purchased and perhaps most remarkable, was the turning of the wood timbered 1896 Ferry Seed Company warehouse into the award winning International Center Building in Greektown.

Anthony Ingram Within this context, Dr. King sought to address the following: A legalized system of racial segregation; unequal social and economic conditions; a lack of protection under the law for all citizens; persistent and pernicious discrimination and racism; unequal educational opportunity for all Americans. To facilitate positive social change and enhance race relations in America, Dr. King’s religious philosophy reflected many of the principles of non-violent and civil disobedience espoused by Mohandas K. Gandhi. Dr. King first learned

A private memorial service will be held next week. In lieu of flowers, the family requests contributions to University Liggett School in honor of Ted Gatzaros Memorial Fund. Please send donations to University Liggett School at 1045 Cook Road, Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan 48236.


these principles in a 1951 speech by Dr. Mordecai W. Johnson, an African American and president of Howard University in Washington, D.C. These principles included the beliefs that: • The American Dream goes beyond equal justice to include economic development and higher education for all individuals. • America’s struggle to be a prudent and compassionate nation was a worthy battle, and one that the country needed help to win. • The adoption of non-violent civil disobedience to achieve change was an effective strategy in helping America live up to its role in the world as a democratic nation. The impact that Martin Luther King, Jr., had on the Civil Rights Movement was profound and majestic. Dr. Anthony Ingram is the academic dean, Division of Social Science & Human Services, at Oakland Community College. To be continued.

You are cordially invited to attend The Investitute Ceremony of

Thursday, January 24, 2013 at 3:00 pm

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Reception immediately following

The American Dream. At Talmer Bank and Trust, our mortgage process is personalized, customized and most of all, trouble free. Let us help you find the home loan that fits your lifestyle and your dreams!

“It has been very, very difficult to get from there we were two years ago to where we are today,” he said. “I think the beauty of this is that we had so many people from so many different walks of life that came to the table. Change is always very difficult. But people got together and they made it a work of love.” Zack Burgess can be contacted at and followed on Twitter @zackburgess1. Headquarters: 2301 West Big Beaver Road | Suite 525 | Troy, MI 48084 800.922.5308 | Telephone Banking: 800.405.9997

THE MICHIGAN CHRONICLE news The Henry Ford teams up with the Department of Civil Rights to host symposium In collaboration with the Michigan Department of Civil Rights (MDCR), and in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, The Henry Ford Museum will host the With Liberty and Justice for All symposium on Jan. 21, with special keynote speaker, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author, Leonard Pitts Jr. Through a sponsorship with Target, admission to The Henry Ford will be free to all guests throughout the day. Pitts will deliver his keynote address titled “Flesh, Blood and Dreams – the Myths and Reality of Martin Luther King Jr.,” beginning at 10 a.m. Directly following his address on Dr. King’s legacy, he will engage with a panel of students about their view of civil rights today, along with a Q&A session with the audience. The student panelists are representatives of the MDCR Youth Academy. In a career spanning more than 35 years, Pitts has been a columnist, college professor, radio producer and lecturer. In addition to his nationally syndicated column for the Miami Herald,

January 16-22, 2013


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Rights. “The With Liberty and Justice for All exhibit provides us a wonderful opportunity to remember the work of Dr. King.”

Leonard Pitts Jr. he also has written four books including his latest novel, “Freeman” (Agate Bolden), which will be available for purchase following the morning symposium. Guests can have him sign their copy starting at 11:30 a.m. inside the Genius at Play store. “We are pleased to partner with The Henry Ford to sponsor this event because they are the foremost authority on where we can experience living history through special events like this and other activities,” said Dan Krichbaum, director of the Department of Civil

In addition to hearing keynote speaker Pitts, guests can preview The Henry Ford’s Black History Month programming, including the 30-minute interactive musical and dramatic performance Minds on Freedom that brings the story of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s to life. The show celebrates those groups and individuals like Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks and the Freedom Riders, who had the courage and commitment to ask for more from their nation. Guests can also tour the With Liberty and Justice for All exhibit, take part in the “pledge your service” activity or climb aboard the Rosa Parks Bus. All programming will take place inside the Museum Plaza. For more information on Martin Luther King Jr. Day activities visit http:// events/symposium.aspx or call (313) 982-6001.

Dr. Khalil Muhammad to speak at African American history month lecture The Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) Detroit will celebrate its second African American History Month Lecture, featuring Dr. Khalil Muhammad, director of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, on Thursday, Feb. 28, from 5:30 to 8 p.m. The event will take place at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History, 315 E. Warren. The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Cul-

ture is located in Harlem. Dr. Muhammad, the great grandson of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, founder of the Nation of Islam, will discuss his recent text, “The Condemnation of Blackness: Race, Crime, and the Making of Modern Urban America.” Dr. Muhammad has been a guest various TV shows, including the Bill Moyer show.

Dr. Khalil Muhammad

Tickets are $20. College students with IDs are $5. Children under 13 are admitted free.

By Tom Watkins

increased opportunities for “profit-making” educational enterprises to compete with local schools will also be on the front burner. (SEE for more on this issue).

The legislature is back in session. Education reform remains on the agenda. Here is a suggestion: We need to stop the partisan ideological battles and jointly conclude that the only adjective that matters before schools is quality. We must demand that the focus on the upcoming debates be on TLC: Teaching, Learning and Children, not on PCPA – Power, Control, Politics and Adults. The legislature, was unable to move the Education Achievement Authority (EAA) through the lame duck legislative session. The EAA currently includes 15 historically lowperforming Detroit public schools. Many more from across the state could be added from the 5% lowestperforming schools in academic achievement. EAA is focused on delivering a “student-centered,” individually-designed, learning model with the goal of making significant academic gains for historically under-performing students. The EAA bills were stopped dead in their tracks by an education community fearful of the impact on local control and a belief that the EAA is untested at best and bad public policy at its worse. Is this simply an attempt at protecting the status quo? The EAA has been described as a life raft picking up students who have been tossed overboard by sinking schools. The governor has stated “education reform” is his top priority. It is expected the EAA bills will be reintroduced and acted upon early in the new year. Sen. Phil Pavlov, R-St. Clair Township and chair


Education reform put the focus on TLC – Teaching, Learning and Children

Tom Watkins of the state’s Education Committee said, “The problem isn’t going to go away. The reality is that there are kids that are trapped in failing schools across the state.” Where is the sense of urgency about doing more to assure children trapped in under-performing schools have an escape route? Imagine that your child, niece, nephew, grandson, or granddaughter were not receiving the education they need and deserve. How would you respond? Doing nothing is not an option. The debate must be broader than “change for change sake” and simply “spending more money.” Tradition-based education groups lobbied lawmakers to hit the pause button on the EAA plan, if not to reject it out right, and they believe they were, at least temporarily, successful. My hope is that the education community does not simply play defense in attempting to poke a stick in the governor’s reform agenda, but will put forth thoughtful, educationallysound alternatives to addressing the needs of students whose educational needs have historically not been met by the existing public school-system. The EAA will not be the only “reform” on the legislative battle field in 2013. Revising how schools are financed in addition to school choice bills, expanding e-learning and

Originally, the goal was to have the 400-pluspage school financing plan that lays out a new school funding distribution system based on performance measurements, ready to be included in the administration’s budget proposal due out in early February. But Gov. Snyder decided lf to slow the process down. Our schools are critically important in helping reinvent Michigan and the nation. We need leaders who will help forge a shared vision and common agenda to help prepare our children for the hypercompetitive, disruptive, technologically-driven, knowledge economy we live in. Today, it is all about ideas and jobs that can and do move around the globe effortlessly. Reform is necessary. Engaging educators in constructive ways to help enact change will produce better results. Gov. Snyder and the legislature have laid their solutions on the table. Educators owe it to the students to do more than simply oppose these bills. Where is their plan of action?

Join us as we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with great stories of the African-American experience at

Clearly, there will be change. It should be our collective goal to assure change equals quality and progress. Tom Watkins served as Michigan’s State Superintendent of Schools from 2001 to 2005. He is an advocate for public education and sensible school reforms, and a 2010 Upton Sinclair Award winner from He is a U.S./ China business and educational consultant. He can be reached at

© 2013 Comcast. All rights reserved.

Page A-6 • THE MICHIGAN CHRONICLE • January 16-22, 2013



Message From The President T

David F. Girodat

he month of January and the celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday seems to be an appropriate time of year to consider the importance of “dreams.” January tends to be the one time each year that we take a breath and look forward for twelve months. We typically set some goals, for our business and our personal lives. A great way to do that is to visualize the change we want to achieve or, in other words, dream about it. Think dreams this year instead of simply goals.

President and CEO, Fifth Third Bank, Eastern Michigan


Dr. King taught more than just

the importance of looking into the future and dreaming, but also the need to work for your dream. To articulate your dream. To gather the support and resources you will need to see your dream come alive. And finally, to commit yourself fully to your dream. As you think about how you want your life or business to change over the next year, think about those aspects of your dream as well. Write it down, get it out of your head and onto paper so you can move on to focusing your attention at how you will make your dreams a reality. Write it out as though you were telling a crowd what your dream is, why it is important to

you and how it is a change from what the current state is. Paint a picture of it. Next, determine whose support you need to enlist to provide the resources required to achieve your dream. It could be your family, your community, your church, or especially in the case of a business, your bank. As the “curious” bank, it is our job to listen and help support you along the way to fulfilling your dreams both large and small. At Fifth Third we know that the way to better communities where we have banks comes one person, one family, one business at a time, each with dreams of how they want

success to look for them. Tap into the bank for expertise that you may not have. It is what we are here for. Finally, commitment to a dream is the most important ingredient to achieving it. You will never get there from here without a real and deep down commitment. Sometimes our commitments to dreams are uncomfortable and require much more of you than you thought you would have to give. In those moments stop and think of Dr. King, who made the ultimate commitment to a dream that has changed, and continues to change the world. Have a great 2013!

Review your financial situation, learn about tax credits Receive free tax help from Accounting Aid Society

Accounting Aid Society’s Free Tax Locations in Detroit — January to April 2013 An additional 12 locations are in suburban Wayne, Oakland, Macomb and Livingston counties, and a homebound program is available for those physically unable to go to a tax site. For details call 313-556-1920 or visit 5 Detroit “Super Sites” (Open 5+ days a week) Focus: HOPE 1300 Oakman Blvd., Detroit 48238 Tuesdays through Saturdays , 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Jan. 24 - April 13 (Closed Mar. 29 - 30) Walk-in service; first come, first served. Northend Neighborhood Tax Center 7700 Second Ave., Detroit 48202 Tue. & Thur., 12 noon.-7 p.m. Wed. & Fri., 9 am. - 4 p.m.; Sat. 9 am.-2 p.m. , Jan. 24 April 15 Appointment preferred: 313-556-1920. Northwest Neighborhood Tax Center 19556 Grand River, Detroit 48223 Mon./Thur./Fri./Sat. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Tue. & Wed., 12 noon - 7 p.m., Jan. 24 - April 15 Appointment preferred: 313-556-1920 Osborn Neighborhood Tax Center 4777 E. Outer Drive, Detroit 48234 Mon./Wed./Fri./Sat. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Tue. & Thur. 12 noon - 7 p.m., Jan. 24 - April 15 Appointment preferred: 313-556-1920

If you are like most people, you pay attention to your money and try to take advantage of any savings you can. That’s why filing your income taxes is an important annual obligation. Income tax time is a time to learn about and take advantage of all of the tax credits available to you. There are tax credits for working, for taking care of your family and others, for going back to school, and if you are lowincome, such as many seniors and the disabled, there are credits to help you stay in your home and pay your heat bills. For 40 years, Accounting Aid Society has been helping families, seniors, and others in need to file their income taxes and claim their tax credits. Because it is a nonprofit organization, Accounting Aid Society’s services are free for anyone with an annual income up to $35,000, and any family with a household income up to $50,000. And by taking advantage of its free services and deciding against using paid tax preparers, Accounting Aid clients can save between

Free income tax help is available from Accounting Aid Society for individuals with incomes up to $35,000 and families with household incomes up to $50,000. $200 and $300 on average. Tax help from Accounting Aid helped Detroiter Kelen Johnson become more independent. A

Southwest Neighborhood Tax Center 8634 W. Vernor, Detroit 48209 Mon./Wed./Fri./Sat. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Tue. & Thur. 12 noon-7 p.m., Jan. 24 - April 15 Appointment preferred: 313-556-1920 Hablamos Español Other Detroit Locations Duffield Branch Library 2507 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit 48208 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., Sat. Jan. 26 - April 13 (Closed Feb. 16 & Mar. 30) By appointment: 313-224-6456

Accounting Aid’s free tax help begins Jan. 26 with 20 locations in Southeast Michigan, including 11 locations in Detroit. Some tax sites offer walk-in service while others are by appointment.

Neighborhood Service Organization Harper-Gratiot Multi-Service Center 9641 Harper, Detroit 48213 Sat., 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m., Jan. 26 - April 13 Appointment preferred: 313-556-1920 Main Detroit Public Library 5201 Woodward, Detroit 48202 Sat., 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., Jan. 26 - April 13 (Closed Feb. 16 & Mar. 30) Tue. Feb. 5-Feb.26, 4 p.m.-7 p.m. State Rep. Rashida Tlaib Office 2101 W. Lafayette, Detroit 48209 Wed. & Sat., 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Feb. 2. 26 - April 13 Hablamos Español Knapp Branch Library 13330 Conant, Detroit 48212 Thurs., 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., Jan. 24 - March 14 By appointment only: 313-556-1920 Cody Rouge Community Action Alliance Don Bosco Hall 19321 W. Chicago, Detroit 48228 Saturdays, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Jan. 26., Feb. 9, Feb. 23, Mar. 9, Mar. 23, April 6

single mother working two jobs to make ends meet, she was relying on public transportation and the occasional lift from family and friends to get to work. When she had her taxes prepared for free and received all of the refunds and tax credits available to her, including the Earned Income Tax Credit, she discovered that her refund was large enough to help her buy a good used car, so she could be more independent.

Tax credits can include the Earned Income Tax Credit, Home Heating Credit and Property Tax Credit, among others.

For more information and to find a tax site near you, call 313556-1920 or visit

Come Prepared

It’s important that taxpayers collect all of their relevant documents and significant paperwork for 2012 first, before getting their taxes prepared. This will ensure more complete and accurate tax filings, and allow them to take advantage of all of the credits available to them.

Check List: ◗ Photo identification, and Social Security cards for you and your dependents. ◗ All income statements for 2012 (W2s, Unemployment, Pension, Social Security, DHS, Child Support, etc.). ◗ Proof of expenses, which this year includes medical or HMO premiums you paid for yourself r family; dependent care expenses; and student loan interest and course materials ◗A nnual heating costs (for the Home Heating Credit), the amount you were billed from 11/1/2011 to 10/31/2012. ◗ If you are a homeowner, the taxable value of your home and a complete copy of your summer and winter property tax bills for 2012 (for the Homestead Property Tax Credit). ◗ If you are a renter, your lease; rent receipts for 2012; and landlord’s name and address (for the Homestead Property Tax Credit). ◗ For direct deposit of your refund -- which is the fastest and safest way to get your refund -- bring your bank or credit union name, routing number and account number.

For more information, call Accounting Aid Society at 313-556-1920 or visit


THE MICHIGAN CHRONICLE ■ January 16-22, 2013 ■ Page B-2

Outstanding talent shines in 16th Annual Sphinx Competition By Loretta Humphrey-Cruz On Feb. 17, 2013, Fifth Third Bank will sponsor the television broadcast of the 16th Annual Sphinx Competition that will be held at Orchestra Hall. The concert will be recorded by Detroit Public Television and will air in high definition on DPTV Channel 56.1 about 10 days after the competition. This is the fourth year Fifth Third Bank has supported the television broadcast of the Annual Sphinx Competition.

The Sphinx Organization is changing all of this and has opened windows of opportunity in the Detroit area and around the world for young musicians who may not otherwise have an opportunity to reach their full artistic potential. The Sphinx Organization was founded by Aaron Dworkin and Carrie Chester in 1996. A violinist himself, at 25 years of age, Dworkin founded the organization to help overcome the cultural Aaron Dworkin (left), co-founder of the Sphinx Organistereotype of classical zation, with 2012 Junior Laureate Ade Williams. music, and to encourage the participation of African Americans and Hispanics in the field of classical music. He currently teaches at Burns Park Elementary School in the Ann Arbor Public Schools. She is a strong proponent of public education and actively works to eliminate predictable racial disparities in our schools. 2012 Senior First-Place The annual Sphinx Laureate Gabriel Cabezas. Competition is a national competition open The semifinals for the to all junior high school Glenn Triest photos Sphinx Competition will through college age Afri- attend the Sphinx Compe- the Sphinx Organization be held from Feb. 13- can American and Hispan- tition. nurtures, Aaron Dworkin 17. During this time,18 ic string players living in said, “The Sphinx Organi“It is becoming a promising young African the U.S. The semifinalists zation is proud to be part proud tradition for Fifth American and Hispanic have a chance to compete of this wonderful partnerThird Bank to sponsor musicians in and around under the guidance of an ship that is bringing these the broadcast and host Detroit and around internationally renowned powerful voices of excelthe country will have a panel of judges and to area students to attend lence that represent the the Sphinx Competichance to compete for up perform with established tion. It’s my hope that diversity of our communito a $10,000 cash prize, a professional musicians both the television broad- ty to the broader region.” solo performance with a in a competition setting. Detroit Public Televimajor orchestra and a CD Sphinx Laureates are pro- cast and the competition recording. Since 1997, vided professional perfor- will serve as inspiration sion will air the concert the Sphinx Organization mance opportunities with to students who have a again in March. Check has transformed the lives over 25 orchestras around desire to pursue a music your local television listof many talented young the country who have career to realize that the ings for the exact day and Sphinx Organization can time. The concert will also musicians. partnered with the orga- provide a pathway that air on WRCJ 90.9 FM. For Historically, young Af- nization. They also have they can travel to achieve more information about rican American and His- the opportunity to receive their dreams,” said Kala the Sphinx Organization panic classical musicians coaching from giants in Gibson, senior vice pres- and the upcoming comhave had very limited op- classical music, such as ident in the Business petition, please visit their portunities to earn a chair (historically) Isaac Stern, Banking Group. website at www.sphinxmuwith a symphony orches- Itzhak Perlman, Ida KavaOf Fifth Third Bank and To check program tra of national or global fian, and Jaime Laredo. other organizations that listings for the date and renown. Before Sphinx, Consistent with its come together each year times to view the Sphinx the chance to perform on focus on culture and concert, please visit www. a professional level before the arts for Black His- to expose the high cali- ber of young talent that a national audience as a tory Month this year, the solo artist in a prestigious bank will also sponsor 75 venue was even rarer. Detroit area students to

Success is an inside job It all begins with the right mindset. It may sound a bit cliché, but the way you think about and view things will surely have an impact on what you are ultimately able to achieve. Consider this: What is the real difference between a professional athlete and an all-star or hall of fame athlete? One factor is consistency and their mindset drives the ability to be so consistently good. Many professional basketball players can shoot 30 points on a given night, but few can do it night after night, especially when the pressure is Chris Bryant on.

Personal Branding

I learned this valuable lesson between the ages of nine and twelve while playing little league football on the By Chris Bryant Northeast side of Detroit. Our Brand Strategist uniforms and stadium were not nearly as nice as the teams we were playing, but we had a secret weapon. We had a coach who taught us not to be intimidated by external things and to embrace a mindset of excellence no matter what. It worked. We went virtually undefeated and only lost one game in four years! Coach Blockett and the Northeast Detroit Shamrocks provided a transformational experience for a group of ragtag boys and changed our mindsets forever. To this day many of us are still friends and have continued to apply that mindset of excellence in business. One is an executive in a major healthcare network, another is a senior vice president with Fifth Third Bank and another is writing this article. Strive to grow every day, give more than what is expected and have nothing bear your name that does not reflect a mindset committed to quality. Remember, success is first and foremost an inside job. Chris Bryant is a speaker, coach and consultant who drives peak performance in individuals and organizations. He formerly oversaw staff development for the largest Ritz-Carlton in North America and led a team of over 1,000 employees to become a top ranked hotel in customer satisfaction. His programs in Personal Branding, Customer Service and World-Class Leadership are receiving rave reviews from clients that include Chrysler, Madison Square Garden, Mattel, Black Enterprise magazine, Miss Asia USA Pageant and the U.S. Department of Treasury. For more information visit or send e-mail to

Access 360° card

By Loretta Humphrey-Cruz

Each new year brings with it new resolutions or old resolutions recycled to feel new again, 2013 is probably no different than 2012 and achieving our financial goals is usually high on the list. Well, we cannot help you resolve to lose that last 20 pounds or renew your gym membership, but we can help you keep your resolution to get and keep your financial goals on track. The Access 360° card is great for people who are looking for a way to make purchases with existing funds that may not want a traditional checking account, or are looking for a more disciplined way to manage the amount spent with the added security of not carrying around cash that could be lost or stolen. The Access 360° card is perfect for: The check casher The budgeter The money management teacher The cautious online spender. Wouldn’t it be great if you never had to worry about overdrawing your account again? That’s a good resolution. The Access 360° card is a reloadable prepaid card that can be loaded with cash, funds from a Fifth Third checking or savings account or direct deposit at any Fifth Third Bank branch.


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It’s time to re-examine the importance of self-image By Dr. Lamont Jones Self-image is not always just about looking better. It also can improve physical and mental health. And there are signs that more African Americans are enhancing their appearance and doing so, not by the standards of others, but by their own. Popular media and advertising have long been packed with images of attractive, men and women viewed primarily from one perspective which can be seen on television, in print, and on the web. And that standard, to the chagrin even of many – if not a majority –presents a fantasy vision of “beauty” as thin, light skinned, airbrushed and unmarked– except perhaps by tattoos. Even as this standard is far from reality for the average Caucasian man or woman, it is an unfair example for African Americans and other people of color. It certainly doesn’t accommodate cultural differences in defining beauty. And that can be destructive both to self-image and physical health. It has been reported by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons that in 2002, only 375,025 black folks had cosmetic or plastic surgery nationwide. By 2008, that number grew by nearly two-and-a-half times, to 907,141. Contributing to the increase has been recognition of culturally diverse beauty standards as addressed by so-called “ethnic plastic surgery,” a term and practice that was virtually unknown not many years ago. One well-known example of a stark contrast with the common thinner image of mainstream beauty is that African American women – and men – admire curves. A voluptuous shape can be sculpted to more pleasing contours instead of eliminating them. Pleasing, that is, to African Americans’ own preferences and beauty standards. Similarly, facial features

Dr. Lamont Jones

can be enhanced while maintaining ethnic identity. Furthermore, ethnic features have become mainstream signs of beauty and have crossed over, as with fuller lips. There are many other examples, but at this point I feel it is important to say where I stand on this. I am very encouraged by these “ethnic” trends because they draw on appropriate cultural references. It is just common sense that African Americans, as well as Hispanics and Asians, should not judge their own beauty using mainstream images. Yet for too long, too many have. Rational balance seems to be coming to beauty. And as much as some people think that focusing on beauty is superficial, I strongly disagree. When you believe you look better, you may well avoid some medical consequences and other harmful results of poor self-image. Diabetes is an excellent, clear example. Let me explain. While there are multiple causes that have nothing to do with self-image – such as family history, genetics and other medical contributors – poor selfimage can lead to depression. Depression can lead to over eating and weight gain. Weight gain can lead to obesity. Obesity can lead to diabetes. Another example: African Americans are especially susceptible to disfiguring scars such as

facial keloids. Living with them can cause embarrassment, even shame, which in turn can lead someone to become withdrawn, which can badly affect performance in school or at work. On a recent trip to do medical mission work in Kenya, a cab driver with a large keloid on his face, had it removed. When he looked into the mirror after it was removed, he was elated. He now could earn a living and provide for his family because he did not have to worry about clients skipping his cab because of his frightening scar that was once on his face. Correcting such flaws is hardly superficial. Just as potentially damaging are inappropriate references on standards of beauty. For African American, main stream standards – Michael, Janet and LaToya Jackson notwithstanding – are unattainable. Trying to attain an inappropriate and unattainable standard of beauty can lead to, identity issues, eating disorders, and in extreme cases thoughts of suicide. This can be magnified when differences are not embraced and, instead, used along with inappropriate references for teasing and bullying. Again, hardly superficial. As a practitioner who performs cosmetic surgery, I am very pleased to see this growing trend of rational, attainable beauty in the African American community, as well as a return to an era when the slogan “Black is Beautiful” could be seen everywhere. It is, it always was, and it always will be. This is not an advertisement for cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures but an endorsement that beauty is universal and more than skin deep. So as you celebrate the Holiday Season and make resolutions for the New Year, remember, Look Better, Feel Better, and Do Better by your own standards. Dr. Lamont Jones is the facial plastic surgeon and vice chair, Department of Otolaryngology, at Henry Ford Health System.

Report: Michigan could save nearly $1 billion over 10 years by expanding Medicaid eligibility A recent report by the Center for Healthcare Research & Transformation (CHRT) in partnership with two economists at the University of Michigan shows that the State of Michigan could save nearly $1 billion over 10 years—while extending comprehensive health insurance to more than 600,000 Michigan citizens—if the state expands Medicaid eligibility beginning in 2014 as provided for under the Affordable Care Act. The U.S. Supreme Court’s June 2012 decision largely upheld the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), but a provision that would financially penalize states that opted out of the law’s Medicaid expansion was not upheld, leaving the decision to individual states whether or not to expand Medicaid eligibility to individuals at or below 138 percent of poverty. In 2012, 138 percent of federal poverty level for a family of four is $31,809. The State of Michigan has not yet indicated whether it will expand Medicaid eligibility. The CHRT/University of Michigan analysis of three different scenarios, varying mostly according to assumptions about enrollment behavior, shows that under all three scenarios, the expansion would reduce the number of uninsured while reducing overall state spending. In the most likely scenario, by 2020, the state could expect Medicaid enrollment to increase by approximately 620,000 people—most of whom are currently uninsured. The federal government will bear nearly all of the cost of the expansion, and the new federal funds will offset state spending on

existing health programs. Because of this, the state would save an estimated $983 million over 10 years. In 2020, the annual cost per individual covered would be only $65, growing to just more than $80 per enrollee per year by 2023. Under all three scenarios analyzed, the state experienced a net savings over the 10-year period. In the low take-up scenario, the state would experience savings in all years studied for a total of approximately $1.4 billion over 10 years. In the high take-up scenario, the state would have net 10year savings of approximately $840 million. Other significant findings include: 1. With the expansion, the total number of uninsured in Michigan is projected to decrease from approximately 1.1 million people in 2010 to about 290,000 uninsured in 2020. 1. The expansion would bring nearly 620,000 people, most of whom are uninsured today, into the Medicaid program with no net cost to the state until 2020. 1. The state would save money every year from 2014 through 2019. 1. Three quarters of those who would be eligible for the Medicaid expansion are below 100 percent of poverty and would not be eligible for a subsidy to buy private insurance under the Affordable Care Act if the state decides not to expand Medicaid. The state’s decision will have a considerable impact on hospitals in Michigan since the ACA includes provisions that reduce extra compensation to hospitals that treat high rates of the uninsured and publicly

insured patients. In 2010, Michigan hospitals provided $2.4 billion in uncompensated care. An expansion of the state’s Medicaid program would also benefit employers that provide health insurance coverage today and that experience higher premiums as a result of uncompensated care costs incurred by hospitals. Whether or not the state opts to expand Medicaid, Michigan is likely to see an increase in enrollment among those already eligible, resulting from publicity about the ACA, the requirement that all Americans purchase health insurance or else pay a penalty, and Medicaid eligibility simplification. “The facts of this analysis show that expanding Medicaid in Michigan will benefit the state and its citizens,” says Marianne Udow-Phillips, CHRT’s director. “We know from research that people who are uninsured have worse health outcomes than the insured, and that the uninsured often receive their care—to extent that they do get care—in the highest cost settings.” “Given our analysis, expanding Medicaid is important for the continued economic improvement of our state. This expansion will greatly benefit our working poor, many of whom do not have health insurance today,” says Thomas Buchmueller, Ph.D., a study co-author; University of Michigan health economist; and Waldo O. Hildebrand Professor of Risk Management and Insurance, and Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business.

January 16-22, 2013

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Autism-friendly ‘Sesame Street Live’ performance Autism Speaks and Olympia Entertainment Inc. recently announced the Fox Theatre will present the first ever autismfriendly “Sesame Street Live” performance on Friday, Feb. 8, at 7 p.m., with accommodations to make the theater experience more enjoyable for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and other sensory difficulties. Tickets ($35, $22, $17 and $9) are on sale now. A portion of the proceeds from the sales of select tickets ($9 to $22 range) will be donated to Autism Speaks and can be purchased by calling the Olympia Entertainment, Inc. Group Sales department at 313.471.3099. Tickets are available to all members of the public and purchasers should specify they are interested in the autism-friendly performance. Working in conjunction with VEE Corporation (the producers of “Sesame Street Live”) and Autism Speaks, Olympia Entertainment has pledged to create a fun, inviting environment for families with members who have ASD while providing the opportunity to experience a live performance of “Sesame Street Live Elmo Makes Music” in its entirety. Representatives from Autism Speaks previewed this production to assure that theatrical elements are appropriate for all audiences, especially those living with ASD. “Emotional well-being, health and wellness are at the heart of Sesame Street’s mission. We’re so pleased that our live stage productions are universally inclusive,” said Dayna Deutsch, VEE’s senior vice president, Sales & Marketing. The presentation will not differ from the theater’s regular performance. However, the theater is providing production notes to parents ahead of time, to prepare

GROVER is good to go.

their children for what to expect, should anything be a potential trigger. Quiet areas will be set up inside the venue to allow families to take a break for a few minutes and extra spacing will be incorporated in some seating areas to allow for room to move around. Gluten-free concession food options will also be made available.

poration for this first of its kind event,” said Tom Riopelle, Midwest regional director, Autism Speaks. “Providing a place where families can feel comfortable in a public setting while experiencing such an iconic, educational performance is a wonderful opportunity. We look forward to this being the first of many live productions of this nature.”

“It’s our privilege to be able to host the first event of this kind at the Fox Theatre,” said Tom Wilson, president and chief executive officer of Olympia Entertainment. “It is paramount for Olympia Entertainment to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment in order to create positive and extraordinary memories for all.”

Autism Speaks is North America’s largest autism science and advocacy organization. Since its inception in 2005, Autism Speaks has made enormous strides, committing over $160 million to research and developing innovative new resources for families. The organization is dedicated to funding research into the causes, prevention, treatments and a cure for autism; increasing awareness of autism spectrum disorders; and advocating for the needs of individuals with autism and their families. In addition to funding research, Autism Speaks has created resources and programs including the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network, Autism Speaks’ Autism Genetic Resource Exchange and several other scientific and clinical programs.

The partnership between Autism Speaks and Olympia Entertainment, Inc. was created as part of the Michigan is Listening initiative, a statewide awareness program that asks the people of Michigan to pledge to tell 10 people about autism. As part of this campaign destinations around the state who make a commitment to creating a welcoming experience for those with autism receive a designation as a Michigan is Listening Destination. “We are excited to partner with Olympia Entertainment and VEE Cor-

To learn more about Autism Speaks, please visit www.autismspeaks. org.

Fighting fat with fat: Update on Atkins Diet 
Colleague of celebrity dietician shares facts
on low-carb diets

When Dr. John Salerno – a protégé of “Atkins Diet” creator Dr. Robert Atkins – testified before the U.S.D.A. about plans for its most recent Food Pyramid revision, he spoke his mind: The food industry is corrupt and has supported recommendations that do not support the population’s health. “Hidden sugar, preservatives and highly processed white starch are what are really causing our health epidemic in the United States,” says Salerno, author of “The Silver Cloud Diet,” ( “Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease are killing this country, and it’s not because people are eating too much organic natural fats.” Since the initial popularity of the Atkins food plan some years ago, however, there have been critics of the lowcarbohydrate diet. The science was and is sound, says Dr. Salerno, who worked closely with Atkins on research. The problem was that the diet itself was not sustainable. “The basic principles needed revision both to make the diet sustainable and to take into account the foods available today,” he says. How does a low-carb diet work? Salerno answers the most frequently asked questions: • How is a low-carb diet today different from the Dr. Atkins plan? Thirty years ago, the food supply was less degraded. Now, low-carb dieters have to be more proactive about selecting chemical-free foods that are not highly processed. There are many more farming techniques today that introduce unnatural elements into our meats and vegetables, and there are many, many more highly processed foods on store shelves. We need to be vigilant about preservatives and additives; hormone-infused meat can wreak havoc on a body. • What’s the first step? The Fat Fast Detox quickly puts one’s body into fatburning mode. Adhering to the carb-free diet for two weeks will have participants losing five to 15 pounds and two inches from the waistline. Breakfast, for example, could include two large organic eggs and a side of bacon, sausage or ham, which can be washed down with coffee or tea with cream and sweetener. 
 • What about eating out? Sustaining a low-carb diet is pretty simple when eating at restaurants. Take the burger out of the bread and skip the French fries. You’re good to go with grilled fish, roast chicken, pot roast, pork tenderloin, shrimp, scallops and pates.

• How can you eat on the run? A small amount of planning goes a long way. Boil eggs and keep them on hand for long car trips and office snacking. Add to that list jerky salmon, nuts and string cheese. These foods are dense with nutrients. • Where can you find “clean” foods? Buy as “close to the ground” as possible, meaning choose organic produce, eggs and dairy. Inquire at farmer’s markets where they grow crops. Find a local provider for meats and fish if possible. • Can you eat cake on a low-carb diet? As your health and vitality improves with lost weight and increased activity, you can introduce more carbohydrates into your diet. • Are low-carb meals safe for family members who do not need to lose weight? What’s good for you – a broad and varied diet of unprocessed foods – is good for your family! • When is the diet over? Eating foods that are healthy, unprocessed and natural is something you should never stop doing. However, if you feel you’re starting to gain excess weight, go on a detox regimen by cutting out carbs completely for one week. • So, fat is good for you? Natural fat is the most nutrient-dense food there is. It’s lubricates your joints and helps your brain function at its best. It also keeps your hair shiny and helps prevent wrinkles. When you cut out processed carbs from your diet, you don’t need to worry about natural fat, which is an appetite suppressant. A board-certified family physician, Dr. John Salerno has been pioneering complementary medicine for more than 20 years. Best known for his Silver Cloud Diet nutrition program, anti-aging supplements, and natural therapies, Dr. Salerno has crafted original treatment plans to restore human health. His publications and professional studies have made him a popular expert on the physiology and assessment of many complex medical conditions. Dr. Salerno was a protégé and colleague of prestigious Dr. Robert Atkins and has worked with Hollywood actress/author Suzanne Somers (bioidentical hormone replacement therapy pioneer), actor Steven Cannell and president of the International Congress of Integrative Medicine, Dr. Hiroyuki Abe, M.D.

Hiram E. Jackson Publisher

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(313) 963-5522 Fax 963-8788 January 16-22, 2013

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Page B-4

Tackling the high school dropout rate By Alan Leventhal Equal education for education has been a social and moral imperative of our society. In the looming budget battles, it is now an economic imperative. The secondary education system annually produces 1 million dropouts nationally — 10,000 in Massachusetts alone — at a staggering cost to society. The cost of a dropout over a lifetime has been estimated at up to $500,000 in lost wages, increased entitlements, and criminal justice spending. If the dropout rate can be reduced by one-half to 500,000 annually, savings will approach $250 billion over the lifetime of each graduating class. Over a 10-year period this would represent lifetime savings of almost $2.5 trillion. In the context of our budget challenges, this is real money. There are clear early indicators that predict the students most likely to drop out, including poor attendance, behavior problems, and failure in either math or English. Research shows that a sixth grader who exhibits just one of the indicators has less than a 20 percent likelihood to graduate high school. It is for this reason that City Year, in partnership with Neighborhood House Charter School of Dorchester, embarked on a three-year pilot program to reduce the dropout rate by keeping students on track. City Year, a Boston-born national nonprofit, deploys teams of young people to serve in high-poverty schools nationwide. Neighborhood House is an innovative K-8 charter school whose student population represents the demographics and learning issues of high-needs schools nationally. The goal of the pilot is to channel the passion and energy of national service in a focused way and have a significant and measurable impact on student success in high poverty schools. The pilot is working, producing measurable results and demonstrating the significant impact a trained City Year team has on student success. For example, the number of students in the warning category for English and math was reduced by 50 percent. Off-track students who consistently completed

their homework increased 54 percent to 88 percent. What is compelling is that passionate and dedicated young men and women committed to a year of national service can make a difference in one of our most pressing national issues. And utilizing national service volunteers to help atrisk students in high-poverty areas get back on track to graduation is highly scalable. Young people are stepping forward in record numbers to volunteer for national service. In the past year, there were nearly 600,000 applications to AmeriCorps for only 80,000 positions. The pilot is demonstrating the significant impact a trained City Year team has on student success. Building on the enthusiasm for national service, City Year announced last spring its plan for the next decade to bring full-time tutors, mentors, and role models into 1,200 high-poverty schools in 38 cities nationwide. The goal is to help 1 million students stay on track for graduation from high school. Funding for this initiative does not rely solely on the federal government. As a measure of the importance and effectiveness of this effort, local school districts and private philanthropies are providing matching funding, representing two-thirds of the cost. Boston has been known for innovation and new ideas. Charter schools were established with the expectation that they would serve as a laboratory for new approaches to improving education. The partnership of City Year and Neighborhood House is one example of scaling new ideas to have a major impact nationally. Already, City Year is in 21 Boston schools. We need to encourage more such partnerships. The dropout rate has reached crisis levels. We are alienating a generation of Americans, which not only has a great social impact, but also major long-term economic consequences. Investment in programs that succeed in graduating more youths should be a clear social and economic priority. Alan Leventhal is chairman and chief executive officer of Beacon Capital Partners.

Job growth too fragile for additional austerity By David Madland Despite uncertainty regarding the fiscal showdown in December, the U.S. economy once again proved its resilience last month by adding 155,000 jobs, according to new figures released recently by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The economy is still in a weak recovery period, however, and the prospect of further spending cuts remains the biggest threat to robust economic growth. President Barack Obama and Congress should focus on accelerating job growth through policies that strengthen the middle class — such as investments in infrastructure, education, and science — and reject any calls for additional austerity in the short term. The private sector has now added new jobs for each of the past 34 months, indicating that steady progress is being made in the recovery from the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. The unemployment rate in December held steady at 7.8 percent but has dropped significantly from a year ago, when it was 8.5 percent. In further good news, the construction sector, which was hit especially hard by the Great Recession, is showing signs of recovery, adding 30,000 jobs in December after having lost almost 2 million jobs since the beginning of the Great Recession. In addition, employment increased in manufacturing, as well as in several other sectors, including health care and eating and drinking establishments. As today’s jobs report makes clear, the economy continues to head in the right direction — though not fast enough, meaning it still faces a number of risks. Given the deep jobs hole the Great Recession put us in, the pace of the recovery is far too slow. While the economy has added more than 5.3 million private-sector jobs since February 2010, more than 12 million people still remain unemployed. In a further sign of the fragility of the recovery, average hourly wages of all private-sector workers are not keeping pace with inflation and in fact declined nearly 2 percent in real terms in the year through December 2012. Wage declines indicate that the jobs being created tend to be found in low-wage, insecure parts of the economy—such as the retail sector, the leisure and hospitality industry, and in home health care and nursing homes—where pay, benefits, and protections are low and turnover is high. Research from the National Employment Law Project shows that low-wage

jobs made up 21 percent of all job losses during the recession, but made up nearly 60 percent of job gains during the recovery, while middle-class jobs accounted for 60 percent of jobs lost in the recession but only 22 percent of new jobs in the recovery. At the current three-month jobgrowth pace seen in today’s jobs data, the U.S. economy will not recover to “full employment” — the level of employment when the economy is running at full potential — for more than two decades. While the employment growth trend remains well above the pace of the 2000s business cycle, employment in the United States would not recover to full employment until late this decade even under the rapid jobs-growth pace of the 1990s economic boom. In short, the economy is moving in the right direction but at too slow a rate. Moreover, the economy remains quite vulnerable to negative shocks. Analysts estimate that the recent deal to avoid the so-called fiscal cliff will reduce GDP growth by 1 percentage point, in large part because the deal allowed the payroll tax cut to expire— meaning most Americans’ paychecks will be slightly smaller, leading them to be more cautious about spending money and boosting the economy. As a result, expectations for GDP growth this year are in the 2 percent to 3 percent range—a rate that is not great but is good enough so that unemployment is likely to continue to slowly decline. While our economy is strong enough to withstand this level of austerity, any additional short-term austerity — as could happen in the next few months when Congress debates whether to postpone the “sequester” and increase the country’s debt limit — would likely reduce economic growth to such a level that job growth slows to a crawl. At a minimum, Congress needs to refrain from additional short-term budget cuts. Far better would be to pass legislation that provides additional near-term job creation measuresand make cuts several years in the future when the economy is in a stronger position, as President Obama pushed for as part of a grand bargain in the fiscal negotiations in December. The country is moving forward and creating jobs. Now is not the time for additional austerity, however, as the economy is in no shape for such a beating. David Madland is a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress.

Will an emergency manager solve Detroit’s crisis?

Snyder and State Treasurer Dillion to make the deciDuring the close of sion to send in an emergen2012 calendar year Detroit cy manager to Detroit. Curand southeastern Michirently, we have $14 million gan residents were shellin contracts awarded to prishocked by two important vate companies who have facts which are supported thus far done very little to by hard statistics. resolve the current crisis. Again, Governor Snyder The first, Detroit had has the option to declare an more murders committed emergency and act accordwithin the city in 2012 than ingly. In doing so, Governor in any other period over the Snyder and Treasurer Dilpast 20 years. The second, lion must make sure that another $100 million was the contractual agreement added to the short-term with the emergency managaccumulated deficit which er is replete with provisions was reported to be $327 mil-Bertram L. Marks which allow for his undislion as of June 30, 2012. turbed autonomy. The emergency man Both the murder rate and this deficit ager must function outside the realm are issues which are unsustainable for of politics and private business interany city. ests and solely and exclusively for the The city of Detroit has shown many citizens who live in the City of Detroit. glimpses of being a great, thriving, post The citizens buy-in with the emergency industrial age city. Huge investment is manager is critical. One cannot impose being made into key areas of the city. conditions on a labor force and citizens Academic institutions such as Wayne and expect productivity without buy-in. State and the University of Detroit are The governor and the state legislaleading the nation in areas such as bio- ture must understand that an emergenengineering and market research train- cy manager cannot be used as a tool to ing. dismantle unions and enrich the private Housing demand in Midtown, down- sector. Instead, the emergency managtown and certain lower east side neigh- er’s chief role is to protect the right of borhoods is on a steady upward trajecto- the citizens to recognize a high return ry. Innovative land use plans are in place on the tax dollars they invest for city to replace blighted areas with forestry services. It is up to us as an informed and green space. The Livernois/Outer and engaged citizenry to offer the govDrive area is alive again with shops and ernor and state treasurer suggestions restaurants. Indeed, there is much to be on who that person should be and what lauded about the good things happening qualifications they must possess. in Detroit. Now that we are beyond the question However, the two statistics cited of whether Detroit needs emergency fiabove threaten the stability of the entire nancial management, we must ask ourregion if they are not resolved and re- selves what qualifications a manager solved quickly. In order to resolve the should possess. First and foremost, the crime and financial problems of the city, emergency manager must have firstDetroit has to engage in radical and sub- hand experience with municipal operastantive change and we must do it imme- tions, budgeting, finance and staffing, diately. The time has come for Detroit to including knowledge of how police and embrace the concept of emergency man- fire departments operate and deploy their personnel. These credentials are agement. enhanced if the emergency manager Yes, there is a sense of urgency. gained this experience directly from the Therefore my personal views regarding City of Detroit. These credentials are the political fairness of the Emergency often enhanced if the manager has been Manager Law in the state of Michigan a Detroit resident for a minimum of ten and the clandestine methods used to years. usher it through a lame duck legislative session, while noteworthy for posterity, A native Detroiter should have the are not relevant to the current crisis of sensitivity and toughness to make the crime and cash in Detroit. That is be- hard decisions while fully understandcause we have no more room for philo- ing the impact such decisions will create sophical and idealistic debates regard- and have the ability to look citizens in ing Detroit, how we arrived here, and the eye and say “I will have to live with whether it is offensive to our autonomy these changes too!” as a body politic for the state to inter- The short list of candidates to fulvene. fill this position provides us with two Our condition is analogous to what names, Charlie Beckham and former we see in the private sector daily. Com- Deputy Mayor Freman Hendrix. Hendrix, panies make themselves vulnerable to has already made clear that he is happy hostile takeovers when they are saturat- in the private sector and has no interest ed with inefficiencies, mismanagement, in being the financial manager for Detroit. waste and loss of market share. We are well beyond the debate of Charlie Beckham has run five Detroit whether these conditions exist so as departments and served in five mayto require emergency management. We oral administrations, including acting are beyond this debate because we, and as chief of staff for current Mayor Dave by we, I mean the state of Michigan, De- Bing. During his tenure, Beckham has troit, surrounding suburbs and previous drafted a comprehensive restructurgovernors, mayors, and legislators have ing plan for the City of Detroit that was failed as a collective to move the needle seemingly abandoned by the Bing adof restructuring and right sizing the city ministration, resulting in Beckham’s and this region any further than a con- voluntary departure. cept to be tackled down the road. The plan calls for management of the The issue today is not who we should crime problem and the cash problem in but, rather, who can fix these enormous the city of Detroit as the top priorities. problems? The morale of the citizens Beckham has been on record as saying who feel virtually paralyzed by the high that he would serve if drafted and has instances of violent crime, coupled with concrete plans for eliminating city debt, the frustration most Detroiters feel re- preserving police and fire department garding city services must be our high- morale and salaries, and expediting the est priority and mandates immediate, process for removing blight. He has met with key city and union officials along swift, and precise action. with legislators and citizens. He is very A manager for the city of Detroit is passionate about resolving the city of needed who will be free from the influ- Detroit’s problems and remains conence of outside private contractors seek- vinced that the issues can, indeed, be ing to serve their need for profit ahead fixed. of the needs of the people. The contract provided to the emergency manager Beckham has the energy, insight and must include specific provisions which fortitude to make tough decisions and allow for his autonomy to work with the stand by them as long as they improve unions and the citizens to achieve the the service delivery and operations of best possible results for the citizens of the city. Detroit. Mr. Governor, Mr. Treasurer, decide Governor Snyder and State Treasur- today that Detroit needs emergency er Andy Dillion have already reviewed management. Decide further that the the Certified Annual Financial Reports emergency manager will have complete which are required by state law to be autonomy to work with the workforce, filed by the municipalities, including De- the unions and the citizens to achieve troit, on an annual basis. The numbers the best results for service delivery. are staggering and getting worse. We do Lastly, declare that Charlie Beckham, not need another study, review, agree- long running servant and son of the city, ment, or halfhearted attempt to blame is the right choice for the job. union workers, slash their salaries and Bertram L. Marks is an attorney, benefits as a means of fixing Detroit’s serves as general legal counsel to the problems. Council of Baptist Pastors of Detroit, What we need is emergency financial a Detroit resident and pastor of First management. Management requires in- Community Baptist Church of Detroit. novative solutions. It is up to Governor

By Bertram L. Marks

January 16-22, 2013 • THE MICHIGAN CHRONICLE • Page B-5


January 16-22, 2013

Page B-6

‘God Can’ hits the airwaves

Over the last three years, Genita Pugh has emerged as one of the gospel world’s brightest new artists. She has had national Top 30 hits such as “You Made It Possible,” “Can’t Live” and “Holy to the Lamb” that made it all the way up to No. 12 on Billboard’s Hot Gospel Songs chart. Now Pugh returns to the airwaves with “God Can,” a song of faith with a 1970s throwback R&B groove that’s guaranteed to take her back to the top.

Church of Our Father Missionary Baptist holding King march On Monday, Jan. 21, Church of Our Father Missionary Baptist Church, located at 5333 E. Seven Mile Rd., will hold its annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. March honoring the life and legacy of the famed civil rights leader.

ing the Dream Alive, Part II,” will conclude with a southern cooked luncheon.

Marchers will leave the church site at 10 a.m. and lead the way to Pershing High School.

The public is invited to join Church of Our Father Missionary Baptist Church as they strive to give our youth a glimpse into the past. They need to know whose shoulders they stand on, and we need to remember our history with pride. We are who we are today because of what Dr. King and others did yesterday.

The goal is to involve more people in the community each year as the civil rights icon’s life and legacy are honored.

Following the march, the church will honor Dr. King’s memory by featuring youth in an oratorical contest which will consist of the songs sung doing the marches that Dr. King orchestrated.

Martin Luther King Jr.

celebration, titled “Keep-



By PJ Banks-Anderson D.Min, LCDR, CH, USN “If you want joy, real joy, wonderful joy, find and fulfill your purpose.” — PJBA The heart, no bigger than your fist, pumps five quarts of blood, through 80,000 miles of body parts, including 25 feet of intestines, at the rate of 70 beats per minute 100,000 times a day. It is in the heart where we feel sadness and gladness, love and distrust, moods and sensations. It is the heart that knows. On the other hand, the brain is the control center of the body, the source of thoughts, the place where rapid analysis of stimuli takes place in time to send out messages that control body functions and actions. It is the location where learning and remembering is possible. Just as a footnote, the brain experiences a minimum of direct pain — it is the body that sends the message of pain to the brain and the brain tells the body what to do about it. The Psalmist writes that we are wondrously and fearfully made. This

notwithstanding, the body of Christ is even more miraculous and mysterious than our human bodies. In the body of Christ, Jesus is not only the heart of the church but the head of the church. He is the control center of the body; the source of thoughts and emotions. Jesus does the rapid analysis of stimuli and sends out messages that control spiritual body functions and actions. Jesus is the one from whom we learn and the Holy Spirit is the one who brings back to humans’ memory the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding that is stored in our soul from private devotions and public Bible study. Paul uses the human body to help us understand the overall theme in Romans 12 and I Corinthians 12: “There are many parts in one body….” Romans 12:5-9 puts it this way: We have many parts in one body, but the parts don’t all have the same function.”

In the same way, though there are many of us, we are one body in Christ, and individually

we belong to each other. We have different gifts that are consistent with God’s grace that has been given to us. If your gift is prophecy, you should prophesy in proportion to your faith. If your gift is service, devote yourself to serving. If your gift is teaching, devote yourself to teaching. If your gift is encouragement, devote yourself to encouraging. The one giving should do it with no strings attached. The leader should lead with passion. The one showing mercy should be cheerful. Identifying and becoming proficient at the part of the Body of Christ of which you have been called — and it is a calling to do that one part — brings with it a sense of completion, fulfillment, peace and acceptance with joy.

The new church building, located at 12647 Hamilton Ave. in Highland Park, is a must see. It is the result of a visioning process and strategic plan that began ten years ago. The late Dr. Jerry Lee Franklin, founder of this great church and its pastor until his death in 2002, spoke the words, “I may not get there with the you, but you have someone who will see the vision through!” Well, the finishing touches are being made to this great worship center and the congregation will

For the last year, members worshipped in a temporary location located at 16281 Hamilton, patiently waiting for this day. The sanctuary can accommodate 750 people and is prepared to display graphics on a state-of-the-art projection system with high definition images. Space will allow the ministries to grow and enable the church to strengthen relationships with the community. The building includes new spaces for children of all ages and was designed to conveniently meet the needs of the family. 2013 is shaping up to be another year of expansion. Healing Spring is committed to offering people of all ages a lifechanging worship experience. Now is the time for harvest. God enlarges His church, not us. He is using us to make disciples and we are grateful for that. Our new space was not built so we

With the full production, including the yet-tobe-seen second act, “The Cross and the Light” sure to excite and inspire audiences during its Music Hall run.

The show has grown to captivate audiences with its powerful music and theatrical interpretation of this timeless Biblical story. Two years ago, the production moved to the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament, where it attracted more than 22,000 people.

For specific performance and venue information, please visit www. or contact Dan Angeski at Dan@ or at (734) 788-7083. — ADV.

After receiving rave reviews and inspiration, Nieto decided to contin-

Pugh who sees herself as an evangelist first and a singer second which is why she spends so much time talking to people about their lives and even ministers to fans on Facebook. “When I was growing up I wanted to be a teacher and I wanted to be a movie star. not knowing that God had a plan much greater for my life. I am a teacher — a teacher of the Gospel. I’m not a movie star but I am a moving star, meaning that I’m a reflection of the light of Jesus.”

February 10-13th

This acclaimed dramatization has been described as “the Broadway version of ‘The Passion of the Christ’” because of its original score, extraordinary stage production, and high-caliber actors.

Kelly Nieto, creator and songwriter for “The Cross and the Light,” first began developing this production in 2002, at which time it was named “Living Stations.”

that people’s lives will be changed and that somebody will be saved, healed, delivered, restored and renewed.”

Turner Tours

ue the story beyond the death of Christ by adding Act 2: “The Empty Tomb to Pentecost.” “The Union of Living Stations” and the second act are now titled “The Cross and the Light.”

The production is a deeply moving journey through Christ’s passion, death and resurrection.

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ubscribe and receive one full year of the Michigan Chronicle to your home or office

VOLUME 74 – Number 26

March 9-15, 2011

479 Ledyard • Detroit MI 48201

edunomics: Read Less,

WHAT’S INSIDE sampson appointed (A-8) Mariners Inn recently announced the promotion of David Sampson to the position of chief executive officer. He has been with Mariners Inn since 2002 and held several positions.

Please pray for the 6,660 American souls and the 8,058 coalition souls killed in action (as of 01/10/2013), their families and especially their children.

Pay More

mubarak played religion card (A-2) Ousted Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak portrayed himself as a paradigm of stability in a country he once described as a “powder keg” of sectarian unrest. Yet far from promoting stability, his regime may have actually been the source of much of the religious strife.

Home repair Program (B-1): Rebuilding Together Detroit (RTD) is seeking applications from low-income homeowners in Southwest Detroit who are in need of minor home repair assistance.

Academic excellence honored (c-1): The Final Five Elite High School Football Players were recently lauded for their Athletic and Scholastic Excellence at the 20th Annual Franklin D. Watkins Awards held at the Omni Hotel in Los Angeles.

new tax credits (c-6): A new 25 percent state Small Business Investment Tax Credit, designed to encourage investments in start-up and early-stage Michigan technology companies, is aiming to help Michigan entrepreneurs secure capital and reduce risks associated with a new business or novel technology.

The motortown Revue (d-1): The Motortown Revue, the legendary shows that toured the nation by bus for almost the entirety of the ’60s, is recalled by someone who never missed a revue and, like so many other Motown fans, cherishes the memory.


The current state of the Detroit Public Schools is a mockery of Brown v Board of Education and it exposes the deep inequities in education. Just because your child is not enrolled in the Detroit Public Schools does not mean you shouldn’t be concerned about the fate of the district before it heads toward implosion.


like Detroit where a national reading report card places the city at number 56 out of the 75 largest metropolitan cities in the U.S. surveyed. That means literacy is shamefully low in the city and we are doing little or nothing to change the deplorable situation. The latest study conducted by Central Connecticut State University, according to Data Driven Detroit, ranks the “culture and resources for reading” and it examines not wheth-

Your ability to get the Bankole Thompson best education for your child should not be based on geography, income or ethnicity but, rather, on the simple principle that every child regardless of their background should have an empowering education that equips them for a brighter future. Each child should have access to a meaningful education that would not leave them trailing behind in the dust children in Japan, India, China and other countries move ahead.

But that is not the case in places

er people can read, but whether they actually do read.



Coming Soon White House XChange

Our readers take center stage on national issues Following his series of sit-down interviews with President Obama, and his successful 2010 interview-based book “Obama and Black Loyalty Vol. 1,” editor Bankole Thompson is upping the ante with the start of a new special report “White House XChange” March 30. The report will deal with issues tied to Detroit and Michigan that the Obama administration is tackling. It will introduce readers to issues raised in White House media conference calls. The report will invite our readers to weigh in on the debate about what the Obama administration is doing by having their opinions and views reflected in the report.

Detroit’s 56th place in the 2010 study is the same spot it occupied in a similar report in 2005. The highest rank the city got was 50th in 2007. Washington, D.C., was rated the most well-read city in the nation and following that were Seattle, Minneapolis, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, San Francisco, St. Paul, Denver, Portland, St. Louis, Cincinnati and Boston. Its is also noteworthy that these cities are among the most admired places in the nation and they have, in fact, become meccas for those seeking greener pastures. When young people are making the exodus from the state, more than likely they are moving to one of the cities mentioned in this report.

Yes! I want to receive the Michigan Chronicle for 52 weeks Check if Renewal – Renewal Acct. #____________ for only $50.00

These cities are not only a paragon of a reading culture, they also offer other incentives that we are not offering in this city. There is no possible way we can bank on attracting young families to the city if basic amenities like recreational centers are not available on a full scale. When the educational system does not have the public confidence

See edunomics page A-4

Jim Murray

Accelerating the speed of business growth

Check if Renewal Renewal Acct. #________________

AT&T commits $19 billion to support area business growth By C.L. Price Area businesses sloshing through Michigan’s sluggish economic recovery will soon receive much-needed infrastructure support, thanks to global communications leader AT&T’s network improvement plans announced last week.

could just fill up seats. It has never been about numbers. It allows us to continue to bring people in, raise them up in the Gospel, and send them out as missionaries to the community to impact the kingdom.

The improvements — to expand backhaul, enable 4G speeds, increase mobile broadband capacity and upgrade hundreds of cell sites — are predicted to accelerate the pace of area business growth. Why invest now?

Gov. Snyder keynotes Pancakes & Politics Gov. Rick Snyder kicked off the Michigan Chronicle’s Pancakes & Politics season at the Detroit Athletic Club on March 3 with a candid conversation built around reinventing Michigan. At left, Snyder chats with Curtis Ivery, Wayne County Community College Chancellor, Betty Brooks, community leader, and Shaun Wilson, Vice President, Director of Client and Community Relations, PNC Bank, and Ric DeVore, Regional President, PNC Bank. See page C-7 for photo highlights.

“We feel very confident about Detroit’s economic recovery,” stated Jim Murray, president of AT&T Michigan. “As a consequence, we’re committed to making sizeable investments in this

See AT&T page A-4

WCCCD is largest urban community college, with record enrollment numbers Daylight Saving BEGINS on


Set your clocks &/27!2$ one hour

“What God is doing through Healing Spring’s ministry and Pastor Patrick L. Franklin is truly remarkable, There was a great desire and spirit to build this church” says Angela Pinkett, a longtime member.

Curtis Ivery

Wayne County Community College District (WCCCD) is the largest urban community college in Michigan, with record enrollment numbers for the spring 2011 semester. Nearly 32,000 students registered for credit classes at all five of the District locations and online. Additionally, the District expects more than 40,000 non-credit students to register as well for a total of nearly 72,000 served in all programs. WCCCD, the multi-campus district serving 32 communities in Southeast Michigan, has seen exponential growth as degree and certificate programs have been expanded, infrastructure improved, and

investments in students, services and technologies increased. “In this economy, post secondary education and training is the ticket to competing in today’s changing workforce. Access to higher education-especially community colleges--is critical,” said Dr. Curtis Ivery, chancellor. “WCCCD is an integral economic and social catalyst to the health and welfare of this region and state.” A recent economic impact study reported that WCCCD’s students generate more than $122 million in taxable income annually to the region and state. Every dollar that is invested in WCCCD returns

$22.80 in benefits to all Michigan residents. Having been recognized as one of the fastest growing community colleges in the nation and the largest urban community college in Michigan, WCCCD was forced to cap enrollment during the spring 2010 semester. This year, under the direction of Dr. Ivery, WCCCD lifted the enrollment cap to make certain that no student was turned away in spite of WCCCD’s funding challenges. WCCCD gives students the opportunity to train in emerging technology and high demand fields, allowing them to become competent professionals helping to position the

state for vibrant growth and a strong economic future. Community colleges across the nation face difficult decisions in a climate of limited resources. The commitment of WCCCD in assuring that the doors to educational opportunities remain open is a direct result of the determination of faculty, staff and administrators. “Our students and all those we serve need us to work as hard as we can for them. If we can’t be the difference between success and a future of limited options, we are not living up to the mission and vision of this institution,” said Dr. Ivery.

MeMories of the service fade over tiMe, but special MoMents with your loved one are captured forever on dvd.

“He is truly making an impact that cannot be ignored.”

A memorial service is a day to reminisce and celebrate a life lived.

The congregation warmly invites you to join them for the grand opening celebration, ribbon-cutting ceremony, musical celebration and dedication celebration service being held Jan. 18 –20.

But sharing those memories doesn’t have to end at the service. With a DVD tribute you can share your lifelong memories at the service and keep them close to your heart forever.

Please contact the church secretary for more details at (313) 778-0137.

January is National Eye Health Care Month

“My prayer has not been for me to be famous, not for me to be rich nor be this great star,” she says. ”My prayer has been

“The Cross and the Light,” an outstanding theatrical experience, makes its debut at Music Hall, March 24-31.

© adfinity

Members of this congregation will celebrate a major accomplishment after years of faithful giving, planning, fasting and praying.

enter this sanctuary debt free.

Now that Pugh’s been successful on the national scene and released two CDs, including her current Top Ten project, “My Purpose” (Eternity Records), she is a testament to the idea that God can do anything and make dreams manifest.

‘The Cross and the Light’ at Music Hall

Healing Spring Missionary Baptist Church celebrates new sanctuary In such a time as this, with economic downfall and with much anticipation, Healing Spring Missionary Baptist Church will be opened the doors of the new church facility with a three-day celebration, which will begin Jan. 18.

husband, Donald Pugh, nudged her to launch a musical career. Although she had always sung in the church choir, Pugh says, “I never had that confidence in myself to think my voice was good enough to ever be national.”

It’s a message that resonates well with Pugh, who grew up in the church, thanks to her grandmother, Willavry Glen, taking she and her siblings every Sunday when they were kids. She’s lived in Laurel, Miss., all of her life and spent years as a hairdresser before her


A shift in consciousness – acceptance with joy

Genita Pugh

“The song challenges the believer to take an introspective look at their belief and faith in The Most High to provide, restore, create and deliver in the time of need,” says Terry Woods, who wrote the song that was originally recorded by his brother, Jerard Woods, in 2007. “It also points us to the One who can be everything when all else has failed.”

Two Locations to Service You: Stinson Chapel 16540 Meyers (313) 863-7300 Stinson-Diggs Chapel 1939 S. Fort St. (313) 386-8200

Page C-1

January 16-22, 2013

Big Ten Expansion just part of the new landscape

Cass Tech’s Campbell readying for the NFL Draft

It is a little confusing how on one hand NCAA athletes — especially football and basketball — cannot get a Happy Meal without being labeled greedy and unappreciative of the lordly blessings the NCAA has bestowed on them with their scholarships.

One-on-one with UM senior lineman

By Leland Stein III

I’ve seen all the narratives dominating sports news.

ANN ARBOR — Former Detroit Cass Tech lineman William Campbell, in the 2009 class, was rated the state’s No. 1 player and the nation’s No. 5 defensive tackle.

Many, with unwavering moral self-righteousness, have voiced disgust at the players, calling them selfish and thoughtless and self-seeking for wanting to just get a taste (like drive a car or have tattoo and dating money) of the mega-billion conglomerate that is college sports.

Unfortunately, Campbell had obstacles in front of him as he began his sojourn at the University of Michigan. There was sophomore defensive tackle Mike Martin and coach Rich Rodriguez’s defensive scheme that had a front of three and four linebackers.

I tend to believe the NCAA and many that elevate at times are hypocrites. Yeah I know there are some who really believe in academia.

With Martin in front of Campbell it took a new coaching staff, Brady Hoke and company, to switch to a 4-3 defense and that freed up Campbell to get a chance to get in the rotation with Martin.

However, there are many more who pretend to have virtues, moral beliefs and principles yet, the underlying result for universities, coaches, administration and all the communication media and pundits that support it is they actually end up possessing millions for themselves. Look at the Big Ten and its recent expansion. It recently kicked off another round of conference expansion and realignment by adding the University of Maryland (formerly of the Atlantic Coast Conference, By Leland Stein III or ACC) and Rutgers University (formerly of the Big East Conference). They are expected to join the Big Ten in 2014.

In the Game

Retorts echoed across America that both new schools were forgetting traditions and regional rivalries. So why do it? Money! Something the student athletes who make all this happen are excluded from.

Some reports note that Campbell was his own worst enemy, in that he ballooned to 350 pounds in his freshman year and that also was a factor in his not reaching the vast potential that the Technician came to Ann Arbor with. However, once given the opportunity, in his junior season Campbell slimmed down to a stealthy 310 and continued to rededicate himself and helped make the Michigan defense that was one of the worst in the country to at least respectable in his junior year to and, in his senior year, the defense was one of the best in the Big Ten. Campbell, in his senior year turned into a solid cinder block in the middle of the Michigan defense. He finished the season with 44 tackles, 1.5 tackles for loss and one sack. He was named all-Big Ten honorable mention by the media. Always a solid student, Campbell graduated in December. “My parents and my sister always said that the only thing that mattered to them was that I graduated,” Campbell told me. “After I’m done with football I want to go back to school and get my masters in social work or law enforcement to help rehabilitate of uplift younger kids.”

With all this positioning going on nationally, will the Big Ten, who recently increase to 14 members, seek an extra expansion to 16 teams?

With this goal clear in mind, in the immediate future Campbell wants to get a shot at playing in the NFL.

“There are some advantages to 16 compared to 14,” Michigan State athletic director Mark Hollis said. “Fourteen is clumsy.

“Playing in the NFL is any college football player’s dream,” he said. “I want a shot at being that guy from Detroit that makes it in the pros.” Campbell told me he has agent representation and he is readying himself to do any and everything he can to give himself a real shot at playing in the NFL.

We’re not out looking for two teams, but basically we will continue to survey the landscape. We don’t want to get outflanked.” While Hollis said a 14-team league is “clumsy” as far as football and basketball scheduling, a 16-team league is easier to schedule with two eight-team divisions. Hollis noted that if the Big Ten expands it is dependent on what happens in other areas in the country. So I guess that means that if another conference drops an ace, then the Big Ten needs to counter with another ace. And so the money grab continues. The Big Ten, already the richest conference in the nation, will be negotiating a new media rights deal in 2017. It was a trailblazer in standing up its very own cable network. Its revenues, including the Big Ten Network’s swelling coffers, are shared by Big Ten member institutions. It’s estimated that each Big Ten member will claim more than $40 million annually from future TV deals. With 16 teams instead of 14, the Big Ten also would be able to provide more “inventory or games for the Big Ten Network, increasing its value “as long as it wasn’t in the league’s current footprint,” sources said. As far as future Big Ten members, speculation has swirled around the league pursuing ACC programs such as Georgia Tech, Virginia and North Carolina. I can never see North Carolina leaving the ACC. They, along with Duke, are the glue of that conference. One factor that could impact whether the Big Ten expands in the future, specifically if it targets ACC teams, is whether Maryland will be required to pay the ACC’s $52 million exit fee. The ACC has filed a lawsuit to guarantee the Terps pay the entire amount. Nebraska chancellor Harvey Perlman said he doesn’t think the exit fee is enforceable. If the Big Ten continues to do expansion, it could set off a domino effect in other leagues. However, history reminds us that conference realignment goes with the territory in collegiate athletics — and that the current configuration of collegiate athletic conferences wasn’t what is was 20, 30 even 60 years ago. I do not mind the changes; I only wish some of it allowed added benefits to the student athletes who make it all happen! Leland Stein can be reached at

He said the first thing up for him is an invitation to play in the East-West Shrine Game on the West roster for the contest slated for Jan. 19 in St. Petersburg, Fla. “I’m in Dallas training for the game,” he said. “Then I’ll head to St. Pete and-

CASS TECH’S Will Campbell (No. 73) celebrates a stop. — Dan Graschuck photo from there I’ll get ready for the Michigan Pro Day on March 15. From what my agents tell me, if a team gets a good feeling about me I will be brought in for a personal interview and we go from there.” Campbell said he is humble but confident that when coaches interview him and see his effort on the field they will take a chance on him in the upcoming 2013 NFL Draft. “My agent knows my grading code thus far,” he said, “but I do not want to know it. I just want to continue to work hard and show teams what kind of player I can be. I do not care how they grade me right now. I have until March and things can change greatly between then and now.” By all accounts at this point, Campbell will be a late round pick or free agent. All that means is that he will

have to be ready to do the darn thing when given the opportunity. I think Campbell will get drafted. Too many people do not realize how young Campbell is. If I were an NFL scout I would love to pursue a 21-yearold player with the skills Campbell has. I’m sure some coaches out there know he can coach up Campbell and extract the vast potential he never flashed at Michigan. Guys that big and that strong do not come along often. About Cass Tech, Campbell said he was not surprised about his former school’s success. “That is crazy that coach (Tom) Wilcher and his staff have won another state title,” Campbell said. “I got text messages for coach and my dad about their recent win. They are doing big things and it makes me very proud to be a Technician.”

Bonds, Sosa, Clemens excluded from Baseball Hall of Fame voting By Leland Stein III

I’m not surprised no one was elect-

However, it will be a silent ceremony for tourism in Cooperstown, N.Y., as all three have been dead since the 1930s and the Hall of Fame has had trouble finding a living relative of one.

ed to the Hall of Fame this year, after voters closed the doors to three of the best players in Major League Baseball (MLB) history, Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens and Sammy Sosa, who were all shut out and so was everybody else.

But when it comes to athletics, especially football and basketball, they are held to a higher standard than any other in the national entertainment genre or our human discourse. Why? I think I’ll let our readers answer that.

Not really.

Among the most honored players of their generation, these standouts won’t find their images among the 300 bronze plaques on the oak walls in Cooperstown, where, at least for now, the doors appear to be bolted shut on anyone tainted by PEDs.

For only the second time in four decades, baseball writers failed to give any player the 75 percent vote required for induction to Cooperstown, sending a powerful signal that stars of the “steroids era” will be held to a different standard.

Yeah, some have cheated to gain an advantage, but the fact of the matter is in sports people change bands like one changes underwear and has multiple life love partners, yet we all still listen to their music and watch their movies.

Kudos for the holy BWAA!

Voters also denied entry to fellow newcomers Craig Biggio, Mike Piazza and Curt Schilling, along with holdovers Jack Morris, Jeff Bagwell and Lee Smith.


My question is, what standard? If all were using them, those that stood at the top are supremely talented. Maybe they would not have had the same numbers they ended with, but no one can say any one of the three would not have been Hall of Fame athletes anyway.

Barry Bonds and Mark McGwire in the home run chases that uplifted baseball, elevated the television ratings and increased the national discourse in print, radio and television, and made all of the talking and writing heads major duckets. Still, in their holier-than-thou mindset the Baseball Writers’ Association of America (BWAA), since most cannot bust a grape or throw a ball 10 miles per hour, decided in their sanctified belief that not a single player should be elected to the Hall of Fame.

No matter the situation, Bonds, Clemens and Sosa’s accomplishments collected over long careers could not offset suspicions their feats were boosted by performance-enhancing drugs.

Wow! The greatest hitters and pitchers from my generation didn’t come close to being elected. The 569 voters decided that my generation of MLB stars were not good enough. So, the 2013 induction ceremonies this July will set a record for indifference.

Yeah, it is that sort of hypocritical behavior that the moral authority denigrates athletes, yet on the other hand they all reveled in the excitement that was created by Bonds, Sosa, Clemens

Oh there will be a ceremony as the veteran committee choices will induct three — umpire Hank O’Day, former New York Yankees owner Jacob Rupert and 19th century star Deacon White.

Bonds, baseball’s only seven-time Most Valuable Player, hit 762 home runs, including a record 73 in 2001. He was indicted on charges he lied to a grand jury in 2003 when he denied using PEDs, but a jury failed to reach a verdict on three counts he made false statements. Clemens, the only seven-time Cy Young Award winner, is third in career strikeouts (4,672) and ninth in wins (354). He was acquitted last year on one count of obstruction of Congress, three counts of making false statements to Congress and two counts of perjury. “It is unimaginable that the best players to ever play the game would not be unanimous first-ballot selections,” said Jeff Borris of the Beverly Hills Sports Council. “It takes time for history to sort itself out, and I’m not surprised we had a shutout today,” Hall president Jeff Idelson said. “I wish we had an electee, but I’m not surprised, given how volatile this era has been in terms of assessing the qualities and the quantities of the statistics and the impact on the game these players have had.”



January 16-22, 2013

Page C-2

Potholes can be costly By John Cash and Eric Huffman STATE FARM® AGENTS

Winter brings a number of driving hazards, but one of the most hated is the pothole. An encounter with one can leave damaged tires, wheels and suspension components in its wake. Potholes can occur in any region or climate, but at this time of year, they’re especially prominent in areas known for ice, snow and belowfreezing temperatures. The freezing and thawing cycles allow moisture to seep into the road surface which causes the road to crumble. There’s not much that can be done to prevent the deterioration of the driving surface, but there are some things you can do to protect yourself: • Try to limit your travel to roads you know very well. That knowledge could keep you from hitting a pothole and seriously damaging your car.

John Cash

Eric Huffman

• When driving at night, try to drive on well-lit roads so you can see the road surface. • Slow down and give yourself a chance to see the pothole and avoid it. • If you hit a pothole, carefully inspect your tires and wheels for possible damage. Note how your car handles in the aftermath. If it pulls to one side or if you feel a wobble in the steering, you may need to have your car checked by a mechanic.

before impact. There’s less damage when a tire is rolling than when it is skidding over a hole during braking.

• If you must hit a pothole, do your braking

For more safe driving tips, visit

While damage caused to a car by a pothole may be covered under the collision portion of the State Farm auto policy, there are some things to remember. If the damage to the vehicle is to the tire only, it is not covered. Damage to the vehicle is subject to the collision deductible.

State of $avings.

GOV. RICK SNYDER signs law.

Gov. Snyder signs Kelsey’s Law to protect inexperienced drivers Gov. Rick Snyder recently signed Kelsey’s Law to help protect Michigan’s young, inexperienced drivers and other motorists. Senate Bill 756, sponsored by state Sen. Howard Walker, bans cellphone use for anyone driving on a level 1 or level 2 graduated driver license in Michigan. The new law is named in honor of Kelsey Raffaele, 17, of Sault Ste. Marie, who died tragically in a cellphone-related automobile crash in 2010. “This law means a lot to me, both as governor and as a parent of a young person who is learning to drive,” Snyder said. “I appreciate the efforts of

Kelsey’s mother, Bonnie, and family who have worked tirelessly to get the message out about the dangers of distracted driving. We should be doing everything we can to make sure beginning drivers are focused on learning how to drive. I believe this law will help them gain that experience while reinforcing their responsibilities behind the wheel.” The new law allows for primary enforcement by police, though in most cases it will be enforced after the detection of another moving violation. A violation of the law will result in a civil infraction to be determined by the local jurisdiction. No

points will be assigned to the driver’s record and drivers will not be punished for using a vehicle’s integrated hands-free phone system or for using cell phones to report an emergency. Cell phones and other distractions exacerbate a young driver’s inexperience and lead to more traffic crashes, which are the No. 1 killer of teens.

The Center’s conference, moderated by Peter Pratt of Public Sector Consultants, will include: Panel 1 – The Case for Early Childhood Education • Sen. Roger Kahn - RSaginaw Township • Paul Hillegonds – Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs, DTE Energy

John Cash 19203 Grand River Ave Detroit, MI 48223 Bus: 313-537-1200

Eric D Huffman Ins Agcy Inc C Knight Insurance Agcy Inc Eric D Huffman Charlotte Knight 3031 W. Grand Blvd. 7100 W Seven Mile Rd Detroit, MI 48202 Detroit, MI 48221 Bus: 313-875-3172 Bus: 313-340-9000

John Little 23221 Plymouth Rd Detroit, MI 48239 Bus: 313-535-1100

SB 756 is now Public Act 592 of 2012 and will take effect in late March. For more detailed information on legislation, visit

The Center for Michigan, one of the leading advocates for education reform, is inviting the public to attend its half-day conference on the future of education in Michigan and to discuss our latest report, “The Public’s Agenda for Public Education: How Michigan Citizens Want to Improve Student Learning.” The Center recently met with more than 5,000 citizens across the state in small community conversations to seek their views on how best to improve student learning.

The conference will be held on Jan. 29 from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Lansing Center and will include a complimentary breakfast and lunch. The Lansing Center is located at 333 E. Michigan Ave. in Lansing.

Saving money is important. That’s why you can count on us to get you all the discounts you deserve. GET TO A BETTER STATE™. CONTACT AN AGENT TODAY.

Michigan adopted a statewide ban on textingwhile-driving in 2010.

Conference sets the public’s agenda for public education

It has lined up expert speakers from across the state to discuss its findings and answer participant questions and listen to the community’s point of view. The conference promises to have an important role in framing a citizen agenda to improve our schools.

Get discounts up to 40%.*

Teleese O Nobles 19145 Beech Daly Rd. Redford, MI 48240 Bus: 313-948-3900

Kenya Wells 14346 E Jefferson Detroit, MI 48215 Bus: 313-822-KW4U

Jackie Davis 6069 Rawsonville Rd Belleville, MI 48111 Bus: 734-480-7348

Patricia Ouellette 3564 W Vernor Hwy Detroit, MI 48216 Bus: 313-554-1500

Ivy Fields-Releford 2925 Walton Blvd Rochester Hills, MI 48309 Bus: 248-375-0510

Eugene Hawkins II 577 E. Walton Blvd Pontiac, MI 48340 Bus: 248-377-1776

Daryl L Gilliam 29500 Telegraph Road Southfield, MI 48034 Bus: 248-213-0091

Dwight E V Jones 29706 Grand River Ave Farmington Hills, MI 48336 Bus: 248-476-0030

Angela Hughes 14511 W McNichols Road Detroit, MI 48235 Bus: 313-862-7800

Colleen Ann Kerner Beverly Lochard Glenda McGuire Ins Agcy Inc 5005 E 14 Mile Rd, Ste 100 18601 15 Mile Rd. Glenda McGuire Sterling Heights, MI 48310 Clinton Township, MI 48035 26600 Gratiot Ave. Bus: 586-979-3600 Bus: 586-296-1616 Roseville, MI 48066 Bus: 586-771-4050

STUDENTS participate in a discussion on public education. • Scott Menzel – Superintendent, Washtenaw Intermediate School District • Susan Broman – Director, Office of Great Start, Michigan Department of Education • Veronica Wolf – parent of Great Start Readiness Program participant Moderator: Paula Cunningham Panel 2 – Teacher Preparation, Support & Accountability • Deborah Ball – Dean, University of Michigan School of Education; Chair, Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness • Amber Arellano – Executive Director, Education Trust-Midwest • David Hecker – Presi-

dent, American Federation of Teachers – Michigan • Brit Satchwell – Former President, Ann Arbor Education Association Moderator: Michelle Herbon Richard, Public Sector Consultants Panel 3 – Current Issues & Skepticism • John Austin – President, State Board of Education • Peter Ruddell – Attorney at Wiener Associates, PLC • Jamey Fitzpatrick – President and CEO, Michigan Virtual University • Rep. Lisa Posthumus Lyons - R-Alto • Vickie Markavitch - Superintendent, Oakland Schools

Angie Mapp 417 E 4th St Royal Oak, MI 48067 Bus: 248-398-2222

Veronica R Murff 24360 Novi Rd Novi, MI 48375 Bus: 248-380-6446

Vev Tripp Ins and Fin Svcs Inc Vev Tripp 24530 Gratiot Ave Eastpointe, MI 48021 Bus: 586-772-7474

Shirley Redrick ChFC CLU CPCU Lisa L Rich 2140 Washtenaw Rd 4319 Metropolitan Pkwy Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Sterling Heights, MI 48310 Bus: 734-482-6570 Bus: 586-979-9700

Tony Massey 15 E Kirby St Detroit, MI 48202 Bus: 313-873-3334® 1101283.1

*Discounts vary by state. State Farm, Home Office, Bloomington, IL



January 16-22, 2013 Page C-3

Annual MLK Peace Walk Celebration set for Monday, Jan. 21, includes program and performances The City of Southfield and the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Task Force will host the 28th annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Peace Walk Celebration on Monday, Jan. 21. The special event begins at 9:30 a.m. at Hope United Methodist Church, 26275 Northwestern Highway. The peace walk will depart from Hope United at 10 a.m., followed by an 11 a.m. program

at the Southfield Pavilion, located in the Southfield Municipal Complex, 26000 Evergreen Road. The program will include remarks from Southfield Mayor Brenda Lawrence, 46th District Court Judge Shelia Johnson, Southfield/Farmington Hills NAACP Branch President Dr. Jonice Crawford Butler and MLK Task Force President Barbara Seldon. Patricia Ann Talley, presi-

dent of Negros Mexico, A.C. will present “Dr. King’s Influence in Mexico” and Barbara Talley, MLK Task Force vice president, will provide an overview of the MLK Task Force African-Mexican Exhibit “Pathways to Freedom in the Americas” on display through March at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History. The event will also feature a special tribute by Mosiac Youth Theatre of Detroit as well as performances

by Davis Glouff, the ’field Zone Playerz, LaShelle’s School of Dance and the Southfield-Lathrup High School Madrigals. The program will conclude with the presentation of the 2013 MLK Community Service Award, the MLK Peace Pledge and the ringing of the Liberty Bell. Southfield was the first city in the state of Michigan to hold a Dr. King peace walk or march.

The first Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Peace Walk took place on Jan. 20, 1986, commemorating the first national observance of Dr. King’s birthday. The walk continues to grow in size and scope each year, with year-long educational and community outreach activities. For more information, call the MLK Task Force hotline at (248) 827-9119 or visit www.





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January 16-22, 2013

‘The Year of the Delta’ as sorority marks 100 years of service It has been 100 years in the making. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. kicked off their national Centennial celebrations by becoming the first African-American women’s organization and the first Black Greek-letter organization to sponsor a float in the New Year’s Day Rose Parade, in Pasadena, Calif. Delta attracted national media attention — and #DST100 “trended” on Twitter — as members rang in the year of the Delta. On the actual 100th birthday, Sunday, Jan. 13, some 800 Deltas gathered for “Praise for 100 Years of Leadership & Love,” a worship and rededication service held at Corinthian Baptist Church in Hamtramck. Delta member Rev. Dee Dee Coleman, pastor of Detroit’s Russell Street Baptist Church, preached a sermon on the responsibilities of sisterhood and the Christian’s spiritual reward for serving. A public Founders Day will be celebrated on Saturday, Jan. 26, as more than 1,000 Deltas — including elected officials, educators, business and community leaders — and guests attend “Celebrating a Century of Sisterhood, Scholarship and Service: Preserving Our Past, Celebrating Our Present and Transforming Our Future,” at the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center. The key-

note speaker for the 4 p.m. dinner is Delta member Ann Claire Williams, United States circuit judge for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. A gala follows at 8 p.m. with entertainment by neo-soul musical artist Eric Roberson. Tickets are $100. “This centennial Founders Day theme speaks perfectly to our organization’s rich history, prominent membership and our mission to serve,” said Beverly A. Gray, president of the Detroit Alumnae Chapter. Detroit was selected as a stop on the sorority’s national tour of an official Olympic torch. Saturday, April 6, is a full day of activities for “Passing the Torch and Igniting 100 Ways to Serve,” which includes a science and engineering learning project with a designated school. In addition to Delta-only Sunrise and Sunset Ceremonies, there will be a 4:30 p.m. kickoff of the “100 Ways to Serve” community program at Martin Luther King, Jr. Senior High School. Representatives from dozens of non-profits and committed metro Detroiters will gather for this initiative that encourages volunteerism by promoting at least 100 selected hands-on service projects of non-profit organizations and enlists hundreds of metro Detroiters in a “Pledge to Serve” in these roles.

April brings the opening of a year-long exhibit of Delta memories and memorabilia, at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History. “Celebrating a Century of Sisterhood, Scholarship & Service 1913– 2013,” will be a curated exhibit of historical, educational and cultural icons and iconic images documenting 100 years of service to the African-American and Detroit communities.

Ongoing chapter projects and activities include:

Thursday, Feb. 14 – Annual Valentine’s Day “Love our Veterans,” volunteer project to fellowship with and serve meals to veterans. Led by the Homeless Committee, For more information, contact B. Brooks members donate food and decorations, help prepare at or (313) and serve dinner to nearly 506-0650. 150 veterans. Partner Detroit Deltas are college-educated agency Piquette Square women who are community leaders, serving houses veterans from in a variety of professions, including edu- ages 26-82 and provides cation, health care and law. Detroit Delta support services and job public service activities include providing counseling. homeless shelters with meals and the construction and operation of Delta Manor, a residential facility for seniors. In recent Thursday, Feb. 14 – “Education is a Civil Right,” years, Detroit Deltas have awarded more so dozens of Deltas from than a half-million dollars in scholarship a wide variety of profesfunds. sions will support the For more information, visit

Metro Detroit Deltas gather at Corinthian Baptist Church as the Rev. Dee Dee Coleman, pastor of Russell Street Baptist Church, brings the message.

Detroit Deltas (pictured from left): WDIV reporter Paula Tutman, Chapter President Beverly Gray, and VP and general manager, “Who’s Who,” Real Times Media Co., Cheryl Johnson celebrate Founders Day.

Page C-5

career readiness of Detroit Public Schools students as they fan out over the city to meet with students, provide them with information and mentoring. Deltas will read to students, discuss African-American role models and encouraged students to apply for the chapter’s scholarships.

Sunday, March 10 – Deltas volunteers will once again prepare soup and some 1500 sandwiches and serve lunch to 800 men, women and children, guests of partner agency, Crossroads of Michigan, located at 2424 West Grand Blvd. Sunday, March 17 – 31st Annual Delta Art Auction, “Art for the Ages: 100 Years of Scholarship and Service,” which supports artists and promotes art education while raising scholarship dollars. The event is from 3 to 7 p.m at the DSTDFI Headquarters, 24760 W. Seven Mile Road. Donation is $30. For more information, go to www.

Deltas at Corinthian Baptist Church.

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PRESS PREVIEW - JANUARY 14-15 INDUSTRY PREVIEW - JANUARY 16-17 CHARITY PREVIEW - JANUARY 18 PUBLIC SHOW - JANUARY 19-27 COBO &, * p ,*'!T, %! ! & p & ! + '% .!+!, -+ '& ''# , $!# -,'+ '/ '%

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Reflections By Steve Holsey

The other sides of MLK When the average person thinks of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., they envision him giving a speech, leading a march, etc. Basically serious. But the civil rights icon (the best we’ve ever had) also had a fun side, as the picture below makes clear. In addition, he had vocal skills as well as that great sense of humor. The legendary gospel songstress Mahalia Jackson, who was a very close friend of King and often sang at his events, once recalled, “With all the things that were on his mind, trying to get us free, trying to get doors open for us, he would tell us jokes Dr. King demonstrates his and things, and pool skills. he laughed at other people’s jokes and everything else. Dr. King was a good singer too.”

estiny’s D other child

January 16-22, 2013

Michelle Williams continues to make career advancements

MOST LIKELY you heard about Diana Ross’ “drama” at the upscale La Scala restaurant, a celebrity magnet in Beverly Hills. The restaurant’s policy is to not seat people without reservations until their whole party has arrived. The glamorous megastar sat down anyway and was subsequently told that she could not be Diana Ross served. Later, an argument ensued and Ross and her guest walked out. The owner of La Scala, Gigi Leon, held her ground but extended an olive branch, saying, “I’m sorry that Ms. Ross had a problem with that and she feels that the rules didn’t apply to her. We treat everyone the same, whether they’re famous or not. We’d be happy to have her back.” I am a longtime Diana Ross/Supremes fan, but I hate it when famous and/or rich people get over-the-top special treatment. On one occasion a well-known Detroit reataurant made all of the other customers leave one large part of the restaurant to accommodate Prince and his entourage.

Kudos to La Scala.

NE-YO has puzzled some people with the title of his new album, “R.E.D.” Actually it is a self-created acronym that means, “Realizing Every Dream.” Michael Henderson, the musician-singer who was born in Mississippi but lived much if not most of his life in Detroit, brought up an interesting point on the syndicated program of another former Detroit­ er, Ed Gordon.

He said some enter- Michael Henderson tainers, like the late, great Phyllis Hyman, are heavily dependent on applause and the the connection they have with people while onstage. It is an addiction of sorts, but it all comes crashing down when the show is over. That, said Henderson, can be an extremely lonely time, and some people cannot cope. KEITH SWEAT is a great singer with a lot of noteworthy hits to his credit, and we commend him for having a syndicated radio program that airs in Detroit on WMXD-The Mix. But that “midnight “romantic,” deep-voice presentation is, for me at least, annoying. Seems so contrived, but the show is apparently popular, so more power to him. Speaking of Sweat, it was no surprise that the LSG concert, that was to take place at Masonic Auditorium, was canceled. LSG, as you will recall, consisted of Sweat, Gerald Levert and Johnny Gill. They had a No. 1 hit in 1997 with “My Body.”

Keith Sweat

But it would have been weird for the show to go on without the late Levert, and with his father, Eddie Levert of the O’Jays, reportedly filling in. MARTHA WASH made a huge impact in the dance music field with such classics of the genre as “Gonna Make You Sweat” (with C&C Music Factory), “It’s Raining Men” (as half of the Weather Girls) and “Everybody, Everybody” (with Black Box).

Martha Wash

But Wash has a new album titled “Something Good” on which she moves in other directions. “I just needed to switch up the music, try different things and see where it goes,” she said.

See Reflections Page D-2

By Steve Holsey


iming, it has been said, is everything. But so are good fortune and “destiny.”

Michelle Williams can verify that. She auditioned for a replacement spot in Destiny’s Child in 2000, was hired, and it could not have been at a more opportune time. The following year the group — Beyoncé Knowles, Kelly Rowland and Williams — recorded a hit-filled album, “Survivor,” that would take Destiny’s Child to a whole new level. In fact, going a long way in placing them right behind the Supremes, the most successful female vocal group of all time.

BORN TENITRA MICHELLE WILLIAMS, born in Rockford, Illinois, near Chicago, began singing at an early age in church, like so many others. She was only seven years old when she sang for a church audience, pouring her heart into the gospel standard “Blessed Assurance.” She later sang in two gospel groups, United Harmony and Chosen Expression. Interestingly, many years later, even while still with Destiny’s Child, Williams made gospel recordings, starting with “Heart to Yours” which was a major success on the Gospel charts, reaching No. 1. Even though the album was contemporary, and even though Williams has a light voice, she “dared” to sing a duet with the leg-

endary (and big voiced) Shirley Caesar. That duet, a rendition of the gospel/freedom song “Steal Away to Jesus,” was an album highlight. “Heart to Yours” was the top selling gospel album of 2002. The follow-up was “Do You Know?” which also made a strong impression alhough it was not as successful as its predecessor. “Some people will do gospel when their career is failing, but I chose to do it at the height of the popularity of Destiny’s Child,” Williams said. “And I didn’t want to do it because it was a fad. I wanted to do it because it was in me.” ALTHOUGH SHE always had music in her heart, while attending Illinois State University she was pursuing a degree in criminal justice. But music beckoned and she responded, taking a chance by leaving college with a career in music in mind. Fortunately, the door was opened when recording star Monica hired her as a background singer. Later, Knowles and Rowland knew there was a possibility that the two other original members of Destiny’s Child, LeToya Luckett and LaTavia Roberson, would be removed from the group due to conflict with management and their two singing partners. After asking around and auditioning singers, Williams and Farrah Franklin were hired. Franklin’s tenure was shortlived. Among the Destiny’s Child hits Michelle Williams sang on were “Independent Women,” “Lose My Breath,” “Bootylicious,” “Cater 2 U,” “Survivor,” “Girl” and “Soldier.” THE GROUP’S final album was “Destiny Fulfilled” in 2004, the title implying that the ladies would be going their separate ways, though remaining close friends and always being supportive of each other’s endeavors. Williams and Rowland had no resentment toward Knowles, whom they knew was on her way to megastardom. What most people didn’t know was that Williams had acting skills waiting for a chance to be utilized. She made her stage debut in 2003 in the Broadway musical “Aida.” The role was originally played by Toni Braxton. No one else from Destiny’s Child had ever appeared on Broadway.

See Michelle Williams Page D-2

5.3 in.



January 16-22, 2013 Page D-2

By popular demand, ‘FELA!’ returning to Music Hall One of the stars this time around is Michelle Williams, former member of Destiny’s Child, who had previously appeared in the stage productions “Chicago,” “The Color Purple” and “Aida,” winning rave reviews.

Not only did audiences enjoy the show, it also gave them an educational experience and food for thought.

In addition, the show will feature the best of the Broadway and London casts.

From Feb. 12 to Feb. 17, there will be an encore of “FELA!” at Music Hall Center for the Performing Arts, brought in by producers Shawn “JayZ” Carter, Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith.

“FELA!” has been described as “a triumphant tale of courage, passion and love, featuring Kuti’s captivating music and the visionary direction and choreography of the Tony Award-winning Bill T. Jones.

Kuti, a Nigerian, “de­ fied a corrupt and oppressive military government and devoted his life and music to the struggle for freedom and human dignity.” The title character is being portrayed by Sahr Ngaujah, replaced in some performances by Adesola Osakalumi. “FELA!” will be presented Tuesday through Friday at 8 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. 10.5 in.

When it was last presented in Detroit, in 2012, “FELA!” — the lively musical about the life and times of groundbreaking African composer, performer and activist Fela Anikulapo-Kuti — was a major success.

For tickets call the Music Hall box office at 313.887.8501 or visit

Michelle Williams Television viewers were deeply impressed with Williams’ acting ability when she appeared on several consecutive episodes of “Half & Half.”

After that project ran its course, Williams found herself back on the Broadway stage, this time for a seven-week run in the classic musical “Chicago.” However, she was asked to do additional shows, after which she joined the production in Los Angeles.

In the spring of 2007, Williams joined the touring cast of “The Color Purple,” winning praise from critics and the public alike for her portrayal of Shug Avery.

Williams said at the time that although she loved singing gospel, she


“We Break the Dawn” was particularly successful.

Although the UPN show was a comedy, the story line featuring Williams was far from comedic.

NOT THAT she was abandoning the recording side of her career. Her third album, appropriately titled “Unexpected,” took everyone by surprise because it had nothing to do with gospel. The songs were geared towards the dance floor

From page D-1


Most recently, Williams was added to the cast of the popular musical “FELA!” which is scheduled to open on Jan. 29 in Washington, D.C. “also liked to party.”

The show will be presented at Detroit’s Music Hall Feb. 12-17.

As would be expected, the album enjoyed its greatest success in dance clubs and on the national Billboard magazine Dance Club Play chart.

It is easy to understand why Michelle Williams has described her life and career as “a dream come true.” — Jason Donovan contributed to this story.

Michelle Williams



Don’t miss ‘The Cross and the Light,’ a life-changing experience “The Cross and the Light,” an outstanding theatrical experience, makes its debut at Music Hall, March 24-31. It is a deeply-moving journey through Christ’s passion, death and resurrection. Kelly Nieto, creator and songwriter for “The Cross and the Light,” began developing the production in 2002, at which time it was called “Living Stations.” The show has captivated audiences with its powerful music and theatrical interpretation of this timeless Biblical story. Two years ago, the production moved to the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament, where it attracted more than 22,000 people and received rave reviews. Nieto decided to continue the story beyond the death of Christ by

adding Act 2, “The Empty Tomb to Pentecost.” “The Union of Living Stations” and the second act are now titled “The Cross and the Light.”

For specific performance and venue information, please visit or contact Dan Angeski at or at (734) 788-7083. — ADV.

Reflections For some reason a person or persons put it out there that Fantasia had made homophobic remarks.

found major acceptance with Black record buyers with his R&B based singles “Fame” (1975) and “Let’s Dance” (1983).

Fantasia kind of “lost it,” saying, “Many of the people I work with are gay. My manager is gay. I have been to many gay clubs and gay pride events. I don’t judge. I don’t care who gets married to who or who someone lays with. It’s your life. Live it.”

BETCHA DIDN’T KNOW...that Donny Hathaway and Roberta Flack were classmates at Howard University.

David Bowie, the rock legend who has had many looks and worked in numerous genres in his long career, is finishing up his first album in ten years, “The Next Day.” On two occasions Bowie

MotorCity Casino Hotel and MotorCity Casino Hotel design are trademarks of Detroit Entertainment, L.L.C. ©2013 Detroit Entertainment, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

This acclaimed dramatization has been described as “the Broadway version of ‘The Passion of the Christ’” because of its original score, extraordinary stage production and high-caliber actors. With the full production, including the yet-tobe-seen second act, “The Cross and the Light” is sure to make a major impact at Music Hall.

MEMORIES: “It Seems to Hang On” (Ashford & Simpson), “Love Shoulda Brought You Home” (Toni Braxton), “Kiss” (Prince & the Revolution), “Just the Two of Us” (Grover Washington Jr. with Bill Withers), “Cutie Pie” (One Way), “Shackles” (R.J.’s Latest Arrival), “Just One Look” (Doris Troy), “There It Is” (Tyrone Davis), “Disco

From page D-1 Nights” (Rock Freak)” (GQ), “The Greatest Love of All (George Benson). BLESSINGS to Adrian Stevenson, Thelma Myles, Frankie Darcell, Robert Kerse, Derek Thornton, Pam Woodside, Donnie Simpson, Katherine Schaffner, Marcus Amick and Larry Demps.


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WORDS OF THE WEEK, from Harrison Kennedy, formerly of the Chairmen of the Board: “People create society, but God created you.”

Let the music play!

Steve Holsey can be reached at Svh517@aol. com and PO Box 02843, Detroit, MI 48202.

© 2012 Universal stUdios



Classified 13th Annual ACE Elevator Pitch Competition ACE’13, the state’s premier entrepreneurial learning and connecting event will kick off January 31st at Burton Manor in Livonia. A nonprofit, half-day conference, ACE’13 is attended by leading members of the business and investment communities as well as by entrepreneurs from around the state. ACE is Michigan’s oldest and most well attended technology business conference. Entrepreneurs in attendance will see start up company exhibits, attend meaninful panel discussions, meet for free with service providers in the consultants corridor and a select group will tout their company in the elevator pitch competition. Chris Holman, veteran Michigan business commentator who will emcee, says “the elevator pitch competition promises to be the most entertaining, most fun entrepreneurial competition in this hemisphere.” The competition will feature two returning judges, Frank Legacki, the director of Fletcher Spaght Ventures, Sonali Vijayavargiya the managing director of Augment Venture in Ann Arbor, and two new judges, Adrian Fortino of First Step Fund, which is the leading source of private sector gap financing, and Sam Hogg of Open Prairie Farms. The contestants will have three minutes to make their pitch and be judged on clearly identifying their company, stating a compelling problem in the market, the technology based solution that their company provides and the company’s plan and needs to execute. Chris Holman, believes the ACE’13 elevator pitch competition to be “the Stanley Cup of regional entrepreneurship.” ACE’12 attracted over 1,000 attendees last year and became the largest entrepreneurial event in the region. It is managed by entrepreneurial support organizations from around the state. Regin memoriam ister at www.



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THE MICHIGAN CHRONICLE PERSONAL SERVICES MRS. LINN BORN GIFTED READER The 7th Daughter without asking you a single word. I will tell you what you want to know. Tell your present, past and future. Tell you who your friends and enemies are. Why you’re so unlucky. If your loved one is true or false.I will advise you all problems of life, such as love, marriage, business and health, etc. Why suffer, you can be free from all troubles. I guarantee Sucess where others failed. I am superior to any other reader you have seen. Don’t let distance keep you away from Health and Happiness. Hrs. 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Daily and Sunday.

If tears could build a stairway, and memories build a land, I would walk right up to Heaven and bring you home again. In Loving Memory: Your Loving Wife, Elizabeth Grant, children and grandchildren


Phone calls, faxes, resumes and walk-ins will not be accepted at the St. Clair location. Cargill is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


Close date is January 20, 2013.



before the City Council of Detroit. Advertisements for bids and contracts for purchases by the City of Detroit appear daily in the Detroit Legal News. Copies are available at the City County Bldg. and at 2001 W. Lafayette, Detroit.

INVITATION TO BID The Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART) is soliciting quotes for Bus Stop Signs. The quote forms for RFQ Control No. 13-1119 may be obtained beginning on January 11, 2013 from www.mitn. info. Quotes are due by 2:00 PM ET, January 25, 2013.

INVITATION TO BID Wayne County Regional Education Service Agency (RESA) is requesting proposal for: RFP: #13-001-252 Variable Frequency Drives for Swimming Pools

Sealed bids are due by 1:00 pm local time February 6, 2013 to the purchasing office. All documentation for this bid is located on the Wayne RESA web site at http://www/

ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE FROM HOME. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice, *Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 877-895-1828

business opportunities


Announcement for request for proposals for dwsd contract no. cs-1548

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BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Has a great opportunity for an individual wanting to start their own delivery business by becoming an

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help wanted

revenue collections water shutoff project

GORDON TRUCKING – CDL-A DRIVERS NEEDED! $1,000 Sign On Bonus! Regional & OTR positions. Full Benefits, 401K, EOE. No East Coast. Call 7 days/wk! TeamGTI. com 866-950-4382.

The Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) requests written proposals from firms or project teams to provide shut-off crews to disconnect water service to approximately 85,000 residential accounts throughout the City of Detroit for a period of two (2) years.

SOUTHERN MICHIGAN DEDICATED DRIVERS! Exceptional Pay ($60$70K annually) and Benefit package. Run regionally, be home weekly! New Trucks! Call TODAY 888-409-6033 Or visit online

Proposals will be accepted by DWSD from firms or project teams demonstrating a minimum of three (3) years experience in providing shut-off crews to disconnect water services. Beginning Monday, January 14, 2013, a Request for Proposals (RFP) may be obtained from the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department, 15th Floor, Water Board Building, 735 Randolph, Detroit, Michigan 48226 on business days between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. A non-refundable $50.00 charge in the form of a certified or cashier’s check made payable to the Detroit Board of Water Commissioners is required to secure the RFP. Please call Yolanda Pippen at (313) 964-9548 or Miriam Dixon at (313) 964-9465 for further information on the distribution of RFPs. A pre-proposal conference will be held at 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, January 22, 2013, in the 15th Floor Conference Room, Water Board Building, 735 Randolph, Detroit, Michigan 48226. Proposals must be received no later than 12:00 noon, Eastern Standard Time, Wednesday, February 13, 2013. The sealed proposals should be submitted to the attention of Ms. Miriam L. Dixon, DWSD’s Contracts and Grants Manager, at the following address: Detroit Water and Sewerage Department, 735 Randolph Street, 15th Floor, Detroit, Michigan 48226.

Applications are available at www. or; follow the links to find the Salt Processing Operator position, job number SA100156.




Cargill Salt has opening for an Operator position at its St. Clair, MI facility.

Successful applicants must pass a pre-offer background check and a company paid physical including a drug and alcohol screening.

AIRLINES ARE HIRING - Train for high paying Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified - Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 877-891-2281.

Charlie Grant

help wanted

No Mail Answered 2742 Monroe St., Toledo, Ohio 1-419-248-2145

career training

July 24, 1923 – January 23, 1996

Jan. 16 - 22, 2013

TRANSFER DRIVERS: NEED 20 CONTRACT DRIVERS - CDL A or B to relocate vehicles to and from various locations throughout US 1-800501-3783

SERVICE COORDINATOR Experienced Service Coordinator for Senior HUD Building in Northwest Detroit suburb. B.S./Masters degree in Social Work a plus. Excellent wages and benefits. Please send resume with cover letter to P.O. Box 663, Highland, MI 48357 or email to employment246@ EOE

this working supervisor role, position is responsible for the operation of the center, development and implementation of effective programming for children and parents, and managing and training staff. REQUIREMENTS: BA in early childhood development or related field; must meet all requirements mandated DHS licensing regulations; 5 yrs. exp. with child care centers (3 in supervisory capacity; proven exp. with High Scope curriculum; excellent communication skills (see full description @ www.cotsdetroit. org Mail, email or fax resume and cover letter including salary history/ requirement to: COTS, Attn: Chief HR Officer, 26 Peterboro, Detroit, MI 48201; jmaples@cotsdetroit. org, Fax 313-831-4787.

MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR in this working supervisor role, position is responsible for the maintenance of buildings and grounds at all agency sites (repair/preventive plumbing, heating and electrical systems; renovation, training and evaluating staff, etc.). Must be HS grad., min. 4 yrs formal education in skilled trades, 5 yrs hands on exp. in plumbing and heating, boiler operator license, HVAC cert., and/or journeyman’s card pref., exp./knowledge of building codes and OSHA regs., 3 yrs supervisory exp., excellent time management, computer, verbal/written communication skills (see full description @ Mail, email, or fax resume and cover letter including salary history/requirement to: COTS, Attn: Chief HR Officer, 26 Peterboro, Detroit, MI 48201;, Fax: 313-831-4787.


Coordinator for Medical School Admissions

at Oakland University School of Medicine

This position creates and manages recruitment and admissions programs aimed at recruiting, admitting and enrolling a diverse, qualified medical student class to the Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine. Minimum qualifications require a Bachelor’s or an equivalent combination of education and/or experience. Minimum of three years’ experience in recruiting students for educational opportunities. This is a full-time, administrative professional position. Salary up to the low $50s annually. Refer to online posting for additional qualifications and requirements. First consideration will be given to those who apply by January 23, 2013. Must apply online for this position to:


Senior Project Manager at Oakland University

Capital Planning & Design Develop and implement construction capital improvement projects, including master planning, space planning and utilization, cost development, design development, construction documents development and construction administration. To be able to handle projects over $15m. Minimum qualifications require a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture, Construction Project Management or related fields. Eight years of experience in construction project management relating to building systems. This is a full-time, administrative professional position. Salary up to the mid $70s annually. Refer to online posting for additional qualifications and requirements. First consideration will be given to those who apply by January 21, 2013. Must apply online for this position to:

Page D-3

help wanted The Michigan State University Physical Plant Division is seeking to hire for the following positions: Mechanic Electronics I – Posting #7127 Mechanic Electronics I – Posting #7128 If you would like to be considered for each position, you must submit an application for each posting number. MSU is committed to achieving excellence through cultural diversity. The university actively encourages applications and/or nominations of women, persons of color, veterans and persons with disabilities. Apply online at Refer to the posting number. The closing date for these positions is January 29, 2013. MSU is an affirmative-action/equal-opportunity employer.


Secretary I

at Oakland University

Arts & Sciences Department - 2 Positions Each position will provide routine secretarial support to faculty, research, and/or administrative staff. Minimum Qualifications: High school graduation or an equivalent combination of education and experience. Two years general office experience, including secretarial experience. Ability to perform functions with beginning word processing, spreadsheet and database applications. Position #12568 is a full-time position, 40 hours per week, 9 months a year (June, July & August off) with a salary of $23,807 annually. Position #12567 is a full-time position, working 40 hours per week, 12 months a year with a salary of $31,742 annually. See online postings for additional position requirements. First consideration will be given to those who apply by January 25, 2013. Please apply on line to:


Coordinator of Leadership and Service-Learning Program

at Oakland University

Center for Student Activities This position will be responsible for student leadership development initiatives, including first year programs. Coordinates community service/service-learning initiatives. Manages the Leadership and Volunteer Center. Coordinates the Student Life Lecture Board, oversees marketing & promotion of the CSA office, and assist with the day-to-day operations. Minimum qualifications require a Bachelor’s degree in higher education administration, student affairs, student development, or related field of student, or an equivalent combination of education and/or experience. Minimum one year experience with leadership development. This is a full-time, administrative professional position, working 10 months per year, August through May, with a salary up to the low $30s annually. Refer to online posting for additional qualifications and requirements. Must apply online for this position to:


Director of Sponsored Programs

at Oakland University

Office of Research Administration This position will direct the administration of externally funded grants, contracts, and other sponsored programs in compliance with relevant regulations and university policies. Oversee the development, processing and administration of pre and post-award documents; negotiate contracts; manage compliance with export control regulations; coordinate technology, transfer activities as needed and serve as liaison between the university, sponsors and government agencies. Minimum qualifications require a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance, Economics or Accounting or related field or an equivalent combination of education and/or experience. Minimum five years of experience in research administration or related fields. This is a full-time, administrative professional position, with a salary up to the high $70s annually. Refer to online posting for additional qualifications and requirements. Must apply online for this position to:

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE HIGH SPEED INTERNET EVERYWHERE BY SATELLITE! Speeds up to 12mbps! (200x faster than dialup.) Starting at $49.95/mo. CALL NOW & GO FAST! 1-866-979-9513. PLACE YOUR STATEWIDE AD HERE! $299 buys a 25-word classified ad offering over 1.6 million circulation and 3.6 million readers. Contact

religious directory


January 16-22, 2013

Page D-4

Directory of Religious Services To Be Listed Contact Linda Moragne, 963-5522, Ext. 242



Allen Temple AME

9:30AM & 11AM

4101 Helen Street

(313) 922-7492

Rev. Darren K. Penson

Greater Mt. Zion Baptist


15600 Evanston

(313) 839-9842

Pastor R. A. Hill

Baber Memorial AME


15045 Burt Rd.

(313) 255-9895

Rev. Larry L. Simmons

Greater New Light Baptist


8641 Linwood

(313) 894-2390

Dr. David W. Roquemore

Bethel AME


5050 St. Antoine

(313) 831-8810

Rev. David R. Jarrett

Greater New Mt. Moriah Baptist

7:45AM & 10:30AM

586 Owen

(313) 871-8025

Rev. Kenneth J. Flowers

Bethel AME (Ann Arbor)

7:45AM & 10:45AM

900 John A Woods Dr.

(734) 663-3800

Rev. Joseph Cousin

Greater Olivet Missionary Baptist Church

10AM & 11:30AM

20201 Southfield

(313) 592-4114

Rev. Clifford L. Jackson, III

Brown Chapel AME (Ypsilanti)

8AM & 11AM

1043 W. Michigan Ave

(734) 482-7050

Pastor Jerry Hatter

Greater Shiloh Missionary Baptist


557 Benton St.

(313) 831-6466

Rev. Mark Gray

Community AME (Ecorse)

9:30AM &11AM

4010 17th Street

(313) 386-4340

Rev. Gilbert Morgan

Greater Ship of Zion Missionary Baptist


8440 Joy Rd.

(313) 933-7367

Rev. McKinley Graddick, Jr.

Ebenezer AME

7:30AM & 10:30AM

5151 W. Chicago

(313) 933-6943

Rev. Byron Moore

Greater St. John Baptist


7433 Northfield

(313) 895-7555

Pastor William Mebane II

Emmanuel Grace AME (formely Grace Chapel AME)


490 Conner Ave.

(313) 821-0181

Pastor Karen Jones Goodson

Greater Tree of Life Missionary Baptist


1761 Sheridan

(313) 925-1450

Rev. Latham Donald Sr.

Greater Quinn AME


13501 Rosa Parks Blvd.

(313) 867-8380

Rev. Daniel J. Reid

Hampton Memorial Missionary Baptist Church

8:30 AM & 11AM

15100 Fenkell St.

(313) 838-4447

Bishop Sidney L. Hampton II

Gregg Memorial AME


10120 Plymouth Rd.

(313) 491-1704

Dr. Charles Fontaine Macon

Hartford Memorial Baptist

7:30AM & 11AM

18700 James Couzens

(313) 861-1285

Dr. Charles G. Adams

Mitcham Chapel AME (Royal Oak)


4207 W. 14 Mile Rd.

(248) 356-5292

Rev. Barbara J. Anthony

Historic St. James M.B.C.


19400 Evergreen

(313) 534-3000

Rev. Argustus C. Williams

Mt. Calvary AME


1800 E. Seven Mile Rd.

(313) 892-0042

Rev. Ernest L. Evans

Holy Cross Missionary Baptist

8AM & 11AM

6220 Linwood Ave.

(313) 894-1350

Rev. Lorenzo Edwards, Sr.

New St. James AME


9321 Rosa Parks Blvd

(313) 867-2851

Rev. Minnie Autry

Holy Hope Heritage Church Baptist

8AM & 10:45 AM

18641 Wyoming

(313) 861-5005

Dr. William Revely, Jr

Newman AME (Pontiac)


233 Bagley St.

(248) 332-2800

Rev. Alfred E. Johnson

Hopewell Missionary Baptist

10:45 AM

1831 Ewald Circle

(313) 883-0808

Rev. Ted R. Spencer Jr.

Oak Grove AME

8AM & 11AM

19801 Cherrylawn

(313) 341-8877

Rev. Dr. Robert Brumfield

House of Mercy


5203 St. Aubin

(313) 923-6395

Rev. Robert W. Wright, Jr.

Pleasant Valley AME (Belleville)


45620 Victoria Ave.

(313) 461-1303

Rev. Paul Mugala

Imani Missionary Baptist


13641 W. Eight Mile

(313) 341-9556

Rev. J.K. Jackson

Ruth Chapel AME


5353 Baldwin

(313) 267-9002

Rev. Diane Chappelle

Israel Baptist

10:45 AM

3748 E. Forest Ave.

(313) 922-2633

Rev. Edward L McCree Jr.

Saunders Memorial AME


3542 Pennsylvania

(313) 921-8111

Rev. Dwayne A. Gary

Jamison Temple Missionary Baptist

11 AM

12530 Mack Ave.

(313) 821-5958

Rev. Homer & Evang. Royal Jamison

Smith Chapel AME (Inkster)


3505 Walnut

(313) 561-2837

Rev. Dr. Cecilia Green-Bar

Jude Missionary Baptist


9036 Van Dyke

(313) 925-9330

Rev. Sylvester F. Harris, Sr.

St. Andrew AME

9:30AM & 11AM

12517 Linwood

(313) 868-3156

Rev. Kenneth Boyd

Kadesh Missionary Baptist

8AM & 11AM

20361 Plymouth Rd.

(313) 534-5382

Rev. Dr. Gregory L. Foster, Sr.

St. Luke AME


363 LaBelle

(313) 868-7707

Rev. Robert Addison Blake

King David M.B.C. of Detroit


18001 Sunset

(313) 891-4160

Pastor Sterling H. Brewer

St. Luke AME (Roseville)


17805 Oakdale Street

(586) 445-8350

Rev. Twylla B. Lucas

Leland Missionary Baptist

8AM & 11AM

22420 Fenkell Ave.

(313) 538-7077

Rev. C.A. Poe, Ph.D

St. John AME (River Rouge)

10:45 AM

505 Beechwood

(313) 386-2288

Rev. Gerald D. Cardwell

Liberty Temple Baptist Church

7:45AM & 10:45AM

17188 Greenfield

(313) 837-6331

Rev. Dr. Steve Bland, Jr.

St. Matthew AME

11 AM

9746 Petoskey

(313) 894-3633

Rev. Gloria Clark

Little Rock Baptist Church

11 AM

9000 Woodward Ave.

(313) 872-2900

Rev. Jim Holley

St. Paul AME (Detroit)

10 AM

2260 Hunt St.

(313) 567-9643

Rev. Andre L. Spivey

Macedonia Missionary Baptist (Pontiac)

7:30 AM & 10AM

512 Pearsall St.

(248) 335-2298

Rev. Terrance J. Gowdy

St. Paul AME (Southwest)

9:30AM & 11AM

579 S. Rademacher

(313) 843-8090

Rev. Jeffrey Baker

Mark’s Tabernacle Missionary Baptist


15757 Wyoming

(313) 863-8090

Pastor J. Leonard Jones

St. Peter AME


948 Watling Blvd.

Rev. Kim Howard

Martin Evans Baptist Church


11025 Gratiot

(313) 526-0328

Rev. Thermon Bradfield, Pastor

St Stephen AME


6000 John E. Hunter Drive

(313) 895-4800

Dr. Michael A. Cousin

Messiah Baptist


8100 W. Seven Mile Rd.

(313) 864-3337

Pastor Orville K. Littlejohn

Trinty AME


6516 16TH St.

(313) 897-4320

Rev. Dr. Alice Patterson

Metropolitan Baptist


13110 14th Street

(313) 869-6676

Rev. Dr. Charles Clark, Jr.

Vernon Chapel AME


18500 Norwood St.

(313) 893-5275

Rev. Larry James Bell

Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist


4741-43 Iroquois

(313) 924-6090

Vinson Chapel AME (Clinton Twp.)


22435 Quinn Rd

(586) 792-2130

Rev. Arnita Traylor

Mt. Carmel Missionary Baptist


7432 Oakland Ave.

(313) 872-4630

Visitor’s Chapel AME


4519 Magnolia Street

(313) 898-2510

Rev. Anita McCants

Mt. Nebo Missionary Baptist


8944 Mack Ave

(313) 571-0041

Pastor Henry Crenshaw

Mt. Olive Baptist


9760 Woodward Ave.

(313) 871-5854

Rev. Harold H. Cadwell, Jr.

Mt. Pleasant Missionary Baptist

8AM & 10AM

21150 Moross Rd.

(313) 884-6648

Pastor James Minnick

Mt. Valley Missionary Baptist

9:30AM & 11AM

14718 Fenkell

(313) 272-0428

Dr. E. C. Garrison Rev. Damon Pierson


Rev. Marvin Youmans

Clinton Chapel AME Zion


3401 23rd Street

(313) 897-5866

Pastor Ronald L. Bailey

Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist (Ecorse)

7:30AM & 10:50AM

3936 12th St.

(313) 383-1069

Greater St. Peters AME Zion


4400 Mt. Elliott

(313) 923-3161

Rev. Anthony Johnson

Nazarene Missionary Baptist Church


901 Melbourne

(313) 871-6509

Rev. Oscar A. E. Hayes

Lomax Temple AME Zion

8AM & 11AM

17441 Dequindre

(313) 893-1463

Rev. Brian Relford

New Bethel Baptist

7:30AM & 10:45AM

8430 C. L. Franklin Blvd.

(313) 894-5788

Rev. Robert Smith Jr.

Metropolitan AME Zion


17816 Woodward

(313) 869-5150

Rev. George A. Stewart

New Bethlehem Baptist

9:15AM & 10:45AM

19018 Hawthorne

(313) 366-1872

St. Paul AME Zion


11359 Dexter

(313) 933-1822

Rev. Eleazar Merriweather

New Bethlehem Missionary Baptist


3061 Ewald Circle

(313) 931-0559

St. Peter AME Zion


3056 Yemans

(313) 875-3877

Rev. Michael Nelson

New Birth Baptist Church

8AM & 11AM

27628 Avondale

(313) 563-1705

Rev. Joseph A. Stephens

John Wesley AME Zion (Southfield)

7:30AM & 10:45AM

28001 Evergreen

(248) 358-9307

Rev. Al Hamilton

New Calvary Baptist


3975 Concord St.

(313) 923-1600

Dr. Michael C.R. Nabors

New Faith Baptist Church



(313) 533-0679

Rev. McKinley A. Williams

New Greater Christ Baptist


13031 Charlevoix

(313) 331-2386

Rev. Dr. William O. Thompson

New Greater Oregon St. John


8010 Manor

(313) 931-1850

Rev. Robert L. Sykes

New Heritage Baptist


11226 E. Jefferson Ave.

(313) 837-4912

Rev. Jobe C. Hughley


Rev. Arthur L. Turner

Abundant Life A.O.H. Church of God


437 S. Livernois

(313) 843-4339

Rev. Charles A. Bailey

New Jerusalem Temple Baptist


17330 Fenkell

(313) 836-8970

Rev. Lawrence J. London

Aimwell Apostolic Church


5632 Montclair

(313) 922-3591

Elder H. Seals

New Liberty Baptist Church

8AM & 11AM

2965 Meldrum

(313) 921-0118

Rev. Dr. Maurice Strimage, Jr., Pastor

Apostolic Church of God In Christ


5296 Tireman

(313) 894-2522

Rev. Gilbert Allen

New Life Community Church (Romulus)


35761 Van Born Rd

(734) 968-0105

Rev. Billy J. Hales

Apostolic Faith Temple


4735 W. Fort Street

(313) 843-3660

Bishop Lambert Gates

New Life MBC of Detroit


8300 Van Dyke

(313) 923-3111

Pastor Edison Ester, Jr.

Apostolic Temple


5201 French Rd.

(313) 826-6487

Bishop Derrick C. McKinney

New Light Baptist

10:45 AM

5240 W. Chicago

(313) 931-1111

Rev. Frederick L. Brown, Sr., Pastor

Bethel Christian Ministries (Oak Park)


13500 Oak Park Blvd.

(248) 424-5584

Bishop Donald E. Burwell

New Mt. Moriah Missionary Baptist


13100 Woodward Ave.

(313) 869-0190

Rev. Dr. Jerome Kirby

Bethel Church of the Apostolic Faith


3381 Mack Ave.

(313) 579-2765

Elder John M. Lucas

New Mt. Pleasant Baptist


2127 East Canfield

(313) 831-4669

Rev. Willie Smith

Bethlehem Temple


16238 Joy Road

(313) 273-5699

Elder Samuel Hemmingway

New Mt. Vernon Baptist


521 Meadowbrook

(313) 331-6146

Rev. Dr. Edward R. Knox

Bethlehem Temple Church of Detroit

12 Noon

5594 Pennsylvania St.

(313) 923-4860

Pastor Brenda Waller

New Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist

10:45 AM

2201 Elmhurst

(313) 868-7240

Rev. Jimmie T. Wafer

Calvary Apostolic Ministries (Southfield)


18347 W. McNichols

(313) 541-8728

Elder William E. Watson II

New Prospect Missionary Baptist

7:30AM & 11AM

6330 Pembroke

(313) 341-4883

Rev. Dr. Wilma R. Johnson

Christ Temple Apostolic Church (Westland)


29124 Eton St.

(734) 326-3833

District Elder Luke A. McClendon

New Providence Baptist

8AM & 11AM

18211 Plymouth

(313) 837-0818

Rev. Everett N. Jennings

Christ Temple Apostolic Faith Inc.


3907 30th Street

(313) 897-6132

Bishop James Garrett

New Resurrection Missionary Baptist


7718 W. McNichols

(313) 862-3466

Rev. Arthur Caldwell III

Christ Temple, City of Refuge (Inkster)

12 Noon

27741 Carlysle

(313) 278-8282

Elder L. C. Barnes, Jr.

New Salem Baptist


2222 Illinois St.

(313) 833-0640

Rev. Kevin H. Johnson, Pastor

Clinton Street Greater Bethlehem Temple

12 Noon

2900 W. Chicago Blvd.

(313) 361-1110

Bishop Shedrick L. Clark, Sr.

New St. Mark Baptist

7:30AM & 10AM

24331 W. 8 Mile Rd.

(313) 541-3846

Rev. Larry Smith

Corinthian Apostolic Faith


19638 Plymouth Rd.

(313) 836-0380

Elder Benjamin S. Hoke, Sr.

New St. Paul Baptist


2101 Lakewood

(313) 824-2060

Rev. Tolan J. Morgan

Deliverance Temple of Faith Ministries


9600 Woodlawn

(313) 923-3545

Elder Gary R. Gay, Sr.

New St. Peter’s Missionary Baptist


1600 Pingree

(313) 871-6969

Rev. Walter K. Cheeks

Faith Reconciliation Tabernacle Center Inc.


16599 Meyers

(313) 345-3849

Pastor Ray Johnson

Northwest Unity Missionary


8345 Ellsworth

(313) 863-8820

Rev. Dr. Oscar W. King III

Family Worship Center (Ecorse)

9:30AM & 11AM

4411 Fifth Street

(313) 381-9860

Pastor Tommy L. Lyons

Oasis of Hope


933 W. Seven Mile Rd.

(313) 891-2645

Pastor Claude Allen May

First United Church of Jesus Christ


8061 Joy Rd.

(313) 834-8811

Bishop Cleven L. Jones, Sr.

Overcomers Evangel Missionary Baptist


20045 James Couzens Hwy. (313) 861-9144

Rev. C. Kenneth Dexter

Grace Christian Church

11AM & 7PM

16001 W. 7 Mile Rd.

(313) 272-6111

Elder Billy Owens

Peace Missionary Baptist


13450 Goddard

(313) 368-2304

Rev. David L. Jefferson, Sr.

Greater Christ Temple (Ferndale)


210 Hilton Rd.

(248) 414-3700

Presiding Bishop Carl E. Holland

Pilgrim Star Missionary Baptist Church

12 Noon

5619 14th Street

(313) 361-2542

Pastor Billy Hall

Greater Grace Temple

7:30AM & 11AM

23500 W. Seven Mile Rd.

(313) 543-6000

Bishop Charles Haywood Ellis III

Pine Grove Baptist


1833 S. Electric

(313) 381-7882

Rev. Debirley Porter

Greater Grace Temple O.G.H.M. (Taylor)


24111 Koths

(313) 295-4472

Suff. Bishop Gary Harper

Pleasant Grove MBC

8AM & 10:45AM

13651 Dequindre

(313) 868-8144

Pastor Louis Forsythe II

Greater Second Ebenezer Apostolic Faith

11:45 AM

14118 Rosa Parks Blvd.

(313) 869-7783

Pastor O.B. Mahone, Jr.

Holy Temple

11:30 AM

8590 Esper Blvd

(313) 416-2166

Pastor Pamela Dixon

Renaissance Baptist 10:30AM 1045 East Grand Blvd. (313) 922-7287

Rev. Edwin H. Holmes, Pastor Rev. Dale Weathers, Assoc. Pastor

Immanuel House of Prayer


147 E. Grand Blvd.

(313) 567-1871

Bishop Thomas L. Johnson, Sr.

Rosedale Park Baptist


14179 Evergreen

(313) 538-1180

Rev. Haman Cross, Jr.

Independent Apostolic Assembly

10:30AM & 6:30PM

16111 W. Eight Mile

(313) 838-0456

Bishop Charles C. McRae III

Russell Street Baptist


8700 Chrysler Fwy. Dr.

(313) 875-1615

Rev. Dee M. Coleman

Jesus Christ Apostolic


13341 Gratiot

(313) 371-8611

Pastor M. L. Jennings

Samaritan Missionary Baptist


8806 Mack Ave.

(313) 571-9797

Rev. Robert E. Starghill, Sr.

Mt. Sinai House of Prayer

11:30AM & 7PM

6462 Van Dyke

(313) 925-7050

Bishop Samuel Moore

Second Baptist Church of Detroit

8AM & 10:30AM

441 Monroe Street

(313) 961-0920

Rev. Kevin M. Turman

New Greater Bethlehem Temple Community


3763 16th Street

(313) 386-3055

Elder Anthony V. Price

Shady Grove Baptist

11 AM

2741 McDougall

(313) 923-1393

Pastor Roger Carson, Jr.

New Liberty Apostolic Faith


8425 Fenkell Ave.

(313) 342-2423

Bishop G.M. Boone D.D.

Smyrna Missionary Baptist Church


12728 Grand River

(313) 491-3190

Dr. Charles E. Marshall Sr.

New Life Assembly (Southfield)


27800 Southfield Rd.

(248) 851-3189

Elder Ronald B. Dalton

Springhill Missionary Baptist

7:45AM & 11AM

21900 Middlebelt Rd.

(248) 306-5450

Rev. Ronald Garfield Arthur

New Mt. Olives Apostolic Faith


2676 Hendrie

(313) 337-2027

Dr. Jeffrey I. Harris

St. Bartholomew - St Rita

Sat. 4PM | Sun. 9AM &11AM

2291 E. Outer Drive

(313) 892-1446

Rev. Ronald A. Borg

Pentecostal Church of Jesus Christ (Eastpointe)


16226 E. Nine Mile

(586) 772-2336

Pastor Keith L. Spiller, Sr.

St. James Missionary Baptist


9912 Kercheval

(313) 822-9322

Pastor Karl Reid

Pentecostal Temple


750 Alter Rd.

(313) 824-8437

Bishop Dr. Charles M. Laster

St. Luke of Detroit


11832 Petoskey

(313) 912-6270

Bishop Chris C. Gardner III

Solomon’s Cathedral C.O.O.L.J. of the Apostolic Faith Inc.


19538 Schoolcraft

(313) 273-2992

Bishop Anthony David Crawford

St. Matthew Missionary Baptist

8AM & 11AM

13500 Wyoming

(313) 933-3722

Rev. David L. Lewis

St. Paul Apostolic Temple


17400 Manderson

(313) 861-2784

Bishop Benjamin S. Hoke

St Missionary Baptist Church


9212 Kercheval

(313) 372-5426

Rev David L. Brown

True Light Temple


8730 Harper

(313) 922-4500

Elder Michael Mitchell

St. Phillip’s Baptist MBC

9:30AM & 11:30AM

7307 Livernois

(313) 894-8123

Rev. Alvin D. Hodges, Sr.

True Worship Church


803 Cottrell

(313) 834-1697

Pastor Lovell Cannon Jr.

Tabernacle Missionary Baptist

8AM & 11AM

2080 W. Grand Blvd.

(313) 898-3325

Rev Nathan Johnson

Unity Temple of the Apostolic Faith


17376 Wyoming Ave.

(313) 862-3700

Pastor Steven Staten

Temple of Faith Baptist


14834 Coram Ave.

(313) 526-1400

Rev. Alan J. Jones

Word of Life Temple of Jesus Christ


19391 Conant

(313) 368-8630

Bishop Carl Noble, Sr., Pastor

Tennessee Missianary Baptist


2100 Fischer

(313) 823-4850

Rev. Milbrun L. Pearson, II

Zion Hill Church (Berkley)


3688 Twelve Mile Rd.

(248) 548-9466

Pastor Clarence Hawkins III

Thankful Missionary Baptist Church


2449 Carpenter St.

(313) 365-5519

Rev. Charles Hubbert

The Calvary Baptist Church

7:45AM & 10:45AM

1000 Robert Bradby Drive

(313) 567-4575

Rev. Lawrence T. Foster

Third Baptist Church


582 East Ferry

(313) 874-4133

Rev. Fred L. Gilbert


Third New Hope Baptist Church

8AM/10AM & 12Noon

12850 Plymouth Rd.

(313) 491-7890

E. L. Branch, Senior Pastor

Aijalon Baptist


6419 Beechwood

(313) 895-7283

Rev. Dr. Curtis C. Williams

Triumph Missionary Baptist Church


2550 S. Liddesdale

(313) 386-8044

Rev. Solomon Kinloch, Jr.

Bethany Baptist Church


15122 W. Chicago Blvd.

(313) 836-7667

Rev. Dr. Samuel H. Bullock, Jr.

True Light Missionary Baptist


2504 Beniteau

(313) 822-3170

Rev. Alton M. Reid

Bethel Baptist Church East

7:30AM & 10:45AM

5715-33 Holcomb

(313) 923-3060

Dr. Michael Andrew Owens

True Love Missionary Baptist Church

7AM & 11:15AM

8200 Tireman

(313) 931-1177

Rev. Herbert B. Robinson, Jr.

Bethesda Missionary


8801 David St.

(313) 571-0095

Pastor Edward Holly

Twelfth Street Missionary Baptist


1840 Midland

(313) 868-2659

Rev. Floyd A. Davis

Beulah Missionary Baptist (Westland)


5651 Middlebelt

(734) 595-6146

Rev. Kenneth C. Pierce

Union Baptist


1754 E. Grand Blvd.

(313) 922-2557

Rev. Patrick L. Franklin

Central Institutional M.B.C


15170 Archdale

(313) 836-2933


Union Grace Missionary Baptist


2550 W. Grand Blvd.

(313) 894-2500

Rev. Reginald E. Smith

Chapel Hill Baptist

7:45AM & 10:45AM

5000 Joy Road

(313) 931-6805

Rev. Dr. R. LaMont Smith II

Union Second Baptist (River Rouge)


459 Beechwood St.

(313) 383-5559

Rev. Kenneth L. Brown

Christ Cathedral Baptist


6115 Hartford

(313) 895-1999

Rev. George R. Williams, Jr.

United Missionary Baptist (Pontiac)


471 S. Boulevard

(248) 332-8917

Pastor Wardell Milton

Christ Reformed Baptist

11 AM

13576 Lesure

(313) 836-8507

Rev. Willie Williams

United Prayer Temple Baptist Church


15003 Fairfield

(313) 342-4011

Rev. Anthony L. Caudle, Sr.

Christian Chapel Community Baptist


22930 Chippewa

(248) 624-7675

Rev. George B. Glass, Jr.

Victory Fellowship Baptist Church


17401 East Warren Ave.

(313) 886-3541

Rev. Darryl S. Gaddy Sr.

Christ’s Mission Missionary Baptist


3712 Preston

(313) 579-9590

Rev. Howard R. Ramsey

Warren Ave. Missionary Baptist

7:30AM & 10:30AM

1042-44 East Warren Ave.

(313) 831-5990

Rev. Bernard Smith

Christland Missionary Baptist


12833 Puritan

(313) 341-0366

Rev. Allen O. Langford

Williams Chapel Missionary Baptist


3100 Elmwood

(313) 579-0875

Rev. James C. Jones

Church of God Baptist

11 AM

12000 Grand River

(313) 834-1265

Rev. Clifford D. Burrell, M. DIV.

Wings of Love Baptist


17133 John R.

(313) 867-7411

Rev. Alvin E. Jackson

Church of the New Covenant Baptist


3426 Puritan Ave.

(313) 864-6480

Rev. Brian Martin Ellison

Zion Hope Missionary Baptist

7:30AM & 10:45AM

4800 Van Dyke

(313) 921-3967

Rev. Curtis R. Grant Jr.

Church of Our Faith


2561 Beniteau

(313) 821-3627

Rev. William Anderson

Zion Hill Baptist Church


12017 Dickerson

Church of Our Father MBC

8AM & 10:45AM

5333 E. 7 Mile

(313) 891-7626

Rev. Bernard Byles

Zion Progress Baptist

11:00 AM

Conventional Missionary Baptist


2255 Seminole

(313) 922-4010

Pastor Roderick L. Richardson

Corinthian BC (Hamtramck)

8AM & 10:45AM

1725 Caniff Street

(313) 868-7664

Rev. Dr. Joseph R. Jordan

Cosmopolitan Baptist


17131 St. Aubin

(313) 893-6163

Pastor Senoise Clemons, Jr.

Dexter Avenue Baptist MBC

7:45AM & 10:45AM

13500 Dexter

(313) 869-4878

El Bethel Missionary MBC

8AM, 10AM & 12NOON

25295 Grand River

(313) 532-7897

Lawrence C. Glass, Jr., Pastor

Christ the King


20800 Grand River

(313) 532-1211

Rev. Victor Clore

Elim Baptist

11 AM

19333 Lahser Rd.

(313) 533-7285

Rev. Charles D. Oliver

Church of the Madonna


1125 Oakman Blvd.

(313) 868-4308

Msgr. Michael Le Fevre

El-Shaddai Missionary Baptist (Ferndale)

8AM & 11AM

928 E. 10 Mile

(248) 548-5683

Rev. Benny Holmes

Corpus Christi

9 AM

16000 Pembroke

(313) 272-0990

Rev. Donald Archambault

Elyton Missionary Baptist

8AM & 10:45AM

8903 St. Cyril

(313) 921-4072

Rev. John D. Kelly

GESU Catholic Church

5PM Sat & 8 & 10:30AM Sun.

17180 Oak Drive

(313) 862-4400

Rev. R. Scullin, S.J.

7835 E. Layfayette

(313) 372-3987 (313) 331-8244

Rev. Dan Flowers Rev. Dr. Allyson Abrams


Emmanuel MBC


13230 W. McNichols

(313) 927-2627

Rev. Frederick Lee Brown, Sr.

Good Shepherd Catholic


1265 Parkview

(313) 822-1262

Fr. Michael NKachukwu

First Baptist S.W.

8AM & 11AM

7642 Gould @ Crossley

(313) 841-4866

Rev. Garrund Woolridge

Martyrs of Uganda

11AM-Sat. 9AM

7601 Rosa Parks Blvd.

(313) 896-2335

Fr. Tyrone Robinson

First Baptist World Changers Int’l. Min.


22575 W. Eight Mile Rd.

(313) 255-0212

Pastor Lennell D. Caldwell

Our Lady of Good Counsel

Sun. 9:30AM - Sat. 4PM

17142 Rowe St.

(313) 372-1698

Rev. Robert J. Kotlarz

First Greater St. Paul Baptist

8AM & 10:45AM

15325 Gratiot Avenue

(313) 839-4000

Dr. Ricardo Bartlett, Sr.

Presentation/Our Lady of Victory


19760 Meyers Rd.

(313) 342-1333

Rev. Hubert Sanders

First Baptist Institutional


17101 W. Seven Mile Rd.

(313) 835-5477

Rev. Ryan Johnson

Sacred Heart of Jesus

8AM /10AM

3451 Rivard St.

(313) 831-1356

Rev. Norman P. Thomas

First Missionary Baptist (Ecorse)

7:30AM &10:45AM

3837 15th Street

(313) 381-2700

Rev. Alfred L. Davis Jr.

St. Aloysius Church

11:30AM - Sat. 4PM

1234 Washington Blvd.

(313) 237-5810

Fr. Mark Soehner, O.F.M.

First Progressive Missionary Baptist

9:20AM & 11AM

10103 Gratiot

(313) 925-9377

Dr. R. W. McClendon

St. Augustine and St. Monica


4151 Seminole Street

(313) 921-4107

Rev. Daniel Trapp

First Union Missionary Baptist


5510 St. Aubin

(313) 571-3043

Rev. Frank J. Knolton

St. Cecilia

8:30AM & 10AM

10400 Stoepel

(313) 933-6788

Fr. Theodore Parker

Flowery Mount Baptist


13603 Linwood

(313) 869-2567

Rev. Daniel Moore

St. Gerard

8AM /11AM/4PM Sat.

19800 Pembroke

(313) 537-5770

Rev. Donald Archambault

Gethsemane Missionary Baptist (Westland)

8AM & 10AM

29066 Eton St.

(734) 721-2557

Rev. Dr. John E. Duckworth

St. Gregory The Great


15031 Dexter

(313) 861-0363

Msgr. Michael Le Fevre

God’s House of Prayer Baptist

11AM & 4PM

3606 25th St.

(313) 894-6739

Rev. Michael L. Townsell

St. Luke

11:30 AM - Sat. 4PM

8017 Ohio Ave.

(313) 935-6161

Fr. Tyrone Robinson

Good Shepherd Missionary Baptist


20915 Evergreen Rd.

(248) 353-4368

Rev. Dr. Herbert G. Ford

St. Matthew

10 AM - Sat. 4:30PM

6021 Whittier

(313) 884-4470

Rev. Duane R. Novelly

Great Commission Baptist


19250 Riverview

(313) 255-7995

Rev. Al Bufkin

St. Patrick


58 Parsons St.

(313) 833-0857

Fr. Mark Soehner, OFM

Greater Burnette Baptist

8AM & 10:30AM & 6PM 16801 Schoolcraft

(313) 837-0032

Rev. Dr. Nathaniel Caldwell

St. Raymond Church

Sun. 11AM - Sat. 4:30PM

20103 Joann St.

(313) 577-0525

Fr. Robert Kotlavz

Greater Christ Baptist

8AM & 10:45AM

3544 Iroquois

(313) 924-6900

Rev. James C. Perkins

St. Rita

9AM & 11:30AM

1000 E. State Fair

(313) 366-2340

Fr. Tim Kane

Greater Concord Missionary Baptist

9:30AM & 11AM

4500 East Davison Rd.

(313) 891-6800

Dr. Cullian W. Hill, Pastor

St. Peter Claver Catholic Community

10AM Sun.

13305 Grove Ave.

(313) 342-5292

Rev. James O’Reilly, S.J.

Greater Ephesian Baptist


9403 Oakland

(313) 867-3889

Rev. Jerry Lee James

Sts. Peter & Paul (Jesuit)

11AM & 7:35 PM

438 St. Antoine

(313) 961-8077

Fr. Carl A. Bonk

Greater Macedonia Baptist


8200 Mack Ave.

(313) 923-5588

Rev. Wallace Bell

St. Suzanne/Our Lady Gate of Heaven

Sat. 5:30PM - Sun. 9AM

19321 W. Chicago

(313) 838-6780

Fr. Robert McCabe

Greater Mt. View Missionary Baptist


4211 Mt. Elliott

(313) 924-2500

Pastor Edward Smith

religious directory


January 16-22, 2013

Page D-5




18101 James Couzens

(313) 341-7025

Rev. Antonio Harlan

Action Outreach Church

10AM & 11:30AM

12908 W. 7 Mile Rd.

(313) 345-3016

A.C. Goodman, Pastor

Serenity Christian Church


5801 E. 7 Mile

(313) 892-3550

Rev. John C. Harvey

Almighty God Missionary Tabernacle


2708 Joseph Campau

(313) 921-0848

Rev. Dr. Minnie L. Lacy

Bible Standard Church of God


9600 Woodlawn

(313) 921-9741

Rev. Samuel Oree

Body of Christ International


11780 Ohio

(313) 491-2102

Bishop Kenneth L. Tate

Body of Christ Community of Faith


18100 Meyers Rd.

(313) 345-9106

Rev. Benjamin Prince

Bride Of Christ


12400 Kelly

(313) 371-3236

Rev. Bill McCullum

Calvary Church of Jesus Christ


6318 Varney

(313) 922-3877

Pastor L.C. Gray

Canton Christian Fellowship

8AM & 10:30AM

8775 Ronda Drive

(734) 404-2408

David Washington, Jr.

Cathedral of Faith


13925 Burt Rd.

(313) 533-9673

Rev. Lee A. Jackson

Cathedral of Hope


17561 Jos. Campau

(313) 366-4234

Rev. Robert Thomas, Sr.

Christ Covenant Church

9:30AM & 11:30AM

10213 Hamilton Ave.

(313) 883-2203

Rev. Authur L. Gooden

Church of Universal Truth


13038 E. McNichols

(313) 371-4839

Rev. Adrian Harris

Community Church of Christ


11811 Gratiot Ave.

(313) 839-7268

Pastor R. A. Cranford

Craig Memorial Tabernacle


14201 Puritan

(313) 838-4882

Rev. James L. Craig II

Deeper Life Gospel Center (Redford)


20601 Beech Daly

(313) 794-0975

Rev. Wade A. Bell, Sr.

Deliverance Center


340 West Grand Blvd.

(313) 297-7773

Bishop Gregg A. Booker

Dove Christian Center Church


4660 Military

(313) 361-Dove

Pastors Lucell & Marcella Trammer

Eastside Church of God (Sanctified)


2900 Gratiot Ave.

(313) 567-7822

Bishop William K. Lane D.D.

Family Victory Fellowship Church (Southfield)

8AM & 11AM

19421 W. 10 Mile Rd

(248) 354-1990

Pastor Larry T. Jordan

Fellowship Chapel, U.C.C.

9:30 AM

7707 W. Outer Drive

(313) 347-2820

Rev. Wendell Anthony

Full Truth Fellowship Church


4458 Joy Rd.

(313) 896-0233

Rev. Darlene C.A. Franklin

Grace Out-Reach Ministry


15251 Harper

(313) 885-1927

Bishop J. Ward, Jr.

Greater Heritage of Christ Church

11:30 AM

19471 James Couzen

Rev. Tracy Lamont Bell

Greater Life Christian (Pontiac)


65 E. Huron

(313) 334-1166

Eld. Ellington L. Ellis, Senior Pastor

Hill’s Chapel


6100 Linwood

(313) 896-9460

Rev. V. Broadnax

Interfaith Church


1923 23rd Street

(810) 985-5555

Rev. Link Howard III

Lighthouse Cathedral

10:30AM & 12Noon

15940 Puritan Ave

(313) 273-1110

Bishop Charlie H. Green

Metropolitan Temple


20099 Fenkell

(313) 533-8063

Rev. Byron Ammons

New Birth Church of Christ


8021 Linwood

(313) 897-1531

Rev. Keith Cooper

New Foundation Christian Ctr.


7759 Fenkell

(313) 862-0657

Pastor Marshall Hall

New Galilee Spiritual Church


8025 Harper St.

(313) 571-2108

Bishop M. J. Moore Sr.

New Life! Christian Ministries, Inc.


2415 W. Forest Ave.

(313) 894-9394

Pastor Jacquelyn L. Rhodes

New Testament Worship Center


14451 Burt Rd.

(313) 592-8134

Pastors Samuel & Sarah Davis

Perfecting the Saints of God Church


13803 Newbern

(313) 368-8973

Bishop W.E. Hollowell

Puritan Street Church of Christ


19451 Conant

(313) 893-2197

Pastor Mary R. Ealy

Restoration Christian Fellowship


22575 W. 8 Mile Rd.

(313) 255-0212

Pastor Paul Bersche

Restoration International Christian Ministries


18140 Cornell Rd.

(248) 352-9256

Rev. Dr. Ronald F. Turner

Right Spirit Christian Church


16250 Northland Dr.

(313) 837-7510

Rev. Jacquelyn Willis

Shekinah Tabernacle Gospel Church


16900 W. Chicago

(313) 835-0283

Elder Risarg “Reggie” Huff



1510-12 W. Grand Blvd.

(313) 895-6744

Rev. Dr. Faith A. Allen

Central CME


7600 Tireman

(313) 931-0592

Rev. Patricia Havis

Coggins Memorial CME


4900 Hurlbut

Rev. Donte Townsend

Grace CME


642 W. McNichols

(313) 862-4774

Rev. Dr. Barbara Delaney

Greater New Bethany CME (Romulus)


35757 Vinewood

(313) 326-0210

Rev. Christopher Hale

Hamlett Temple CME


13600 Wyoming

Rev. Dr. Robert Holt

Isom Memorial CME (Belleville)


23612 Sumpter Rd.

(734) 461-2200

Rev. Prince Albert Williams

Missionary Temple CME


18134 Lumpkin

(313) 893-2685

Rev. Eugene Warford

Peace CME


4613 Chene

(313) 832-5929

Rosebrough/Bunton CME


15001 Quincy

(313) 341-0524

Rev. Fred Moore Jr.

St. John’s CME


8715 Woodward Ave.

(313) 872-5663

Rev. Joseph Gordon

Womack Temple CME (Inkster)


28445 Cherry St.

(734) 326-4822

Rev. Tyson Kelly

CHURCH OF CHRIST Church of Christ of Conant Gardens


18460 Conant

(313) 893-2438

John H. Mayberry, Jr.

Holy Redeemer Church of Christ

12NOON & 3PM

7145 Harper

(313) 342-7628

Bishop J. Hatcher

New Cameron Ave. Church of Christ

11AM & 6PM

7825 Cameron

(313) 875-8132

Lucky Dawson, Minister

Northwest Church of Christ


5151 Oakman Blvd.

(313) 834-0562

Patrick Medlock/Stanley Daniel

Westside Church of Christ

11AM & 5PM

6025 Woodrow

(313) 898-6121

Jerrold D. Mcullough, Minister

Wyoming Church of Christ

9:15AM/10:30AM & 6PM 20131 Wyoming

(313) 345-6780

Dallas A. Walker Jr., Minster

CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST All God’s People Ministries


7013 E. Seven Mile Rd.

(313) 492-5009

Apostle W. J. Rideout III - Sr., Pastor

Anderson Memorial C.O.G.I.C.


17860 Jos. Campau

(313) 366-1407

Supt. Charles J. Johnson III

Bailey Temple C.O.G.I.C.


5370 McKinley Ave.

(313) 898-7996

Elder Randall L. Greenwood

Calvary C.O.G.I.C.


15025 Fenkell

(313) 836-6939

Elder David L. Wells

Christian Gospel Center


19901 Kentucky

(313) 345-9160

Rev. Marcus R. Ways

Conquerors of Faith Ministries COGIC


13100 Puritan

(313) 862-5467

Pastor S.A. Moore

Covenant Missionary Temple (Roseville)

9:30AM & Sun. 11AM

28491 Utica Rd.

(810) 776-9235

Elder Jay L. Burns

East Grand Blvd. C.O.G.I.C.


1432 East Grand Blvd.

(313) 922-1464

Bishop Elton A. Lawrence

East Side Unity C.O.G.I.C.


5357 Mt. Elliott

(313) 579-2353

Supt. Robert Butts Jr.

Encouragement Corner Ministries

9AM & 10:30AM

10330 Whittier

(313) 417-9430

Elder Howard L. Parker, Jr.

Evangel Church of God in Christ


13318 Kercheval

(313) 824-4887

Supt. James Smith, Jr.

Faith Clinic C.O.G.I.C.


12260 Camden

(313) 372-3429

Bishop Edward W. Lucas, D.D.

Faith Tabernacle C.O.G.I.C.

10:45AM & 6PM

23800 Lahser

(248) 357-3110

Elder Edward W. Lucas, D.D.

Fellowship C.O.G.I.C. (Ecorse)


3828 12th St.

(313) 381-6644

Rev. William Elum

Shrine of the Black Madonna/ Pan African Orthodox Christian Church


7625 Linwood

(313) 875-9700

Cardinal Mbiyu Chui

Fenkell Gospel Temple C.O.G.I.C.


2600 Fenkell

(313) 862-4771

Elder Lavell Whitaker

Spirit Filled Ministries


15100 Plymouth

(313) 272-3104

Pastor Thomasyne Petty Faulkner

First Tabernacle of Detroit

8:30AM & 11AM

4801 Oakman Blvd.

(313) 935-PRAY

St. Michael Church Guardian Angel

10AM & 11:30AM

12320 Woodrow Wilson

(313) 868-7166

Bishop James Williams

Healing Springs C.O.G.I.C.


10331 Dexter Ave.

(313) 813-8952

Rev. Joey Henderson

Temple of St. Jude Spiritual

8AM & 11AM

8747 Fenkell

(313) 834-1650

Rev. Larry H. Williams

Glad Tidings C.O.G.I.C.

11:15 AM

625 E. Seven Mile Rd.

(313) 366-4378

Elder Robert D. Taylor, Sr.

10AM & 11AM

16573 Meyers Rd.

(313) 862-7073

Pastor Krafus Walker

Northwest Activities Center (313) 270-2325 Ballroom

Rev. Shaheerah Stephens

Glory and Praise Tabernacle C.O.G.I.C

Transforming Love Community 10AM

Glory to Glory Temple C.O.G.I.C.


19309 Greenfield Rd.

(313) 477-0479

Pastor Tommy C. Vanover

True Light Worship Center


8714 W. McNichols

(313) 864-1046

Rev. William H. Sanders

Greater Bethesda (Ecorse) C.O.G.I.C.


4670 9th Street

(313) 381-3810

Elder Sam Knolton, Sr.

Unique Non-Complaining Church (Redford)

8AM & 12 Noon

26547 Grand River Ave.

(313) 794-5440

Pastor Charles E. Brooks Jr.

Greater Dequindre C.O.G.I.C.


1847 Sycamore

(313) 961-4842

Rev. Robert Bullard, Jr.

Universal Hagar’s Spiritual Temple #7

11AM & Fri. 6PM

13327 W. Seven Mile Rd.

(313) 862-0363

Rev. Mother Cynthia Nelson

Greater Emmanuel Institutional C.O.G.I.C.

8:30AM & 11AM

19190 Schafer

(313) 864-7170

Bishop J. Drew Sheard

Universal Liberty In Christ Temple, Inc


7000 E. Canfield

(313) 923-5360

Rev. Ralph J. Boyd

Greater Haven of Rest C.O.G.I.C.


16130 Woodbine

(313) Jesus-29

Supt. R. K. Benson

Universal Life of Hope


15065 Grand River

(313) 836-2100

Rev. Dr. R. Hill

Greater Love Tabernacle C.O.G.I.C.


17617 Plymouth Rd.

(313) 835-8016

Universal Triumph the Dominion of God, Inc.


1651 Ferry Park

Greater Miller Memorial C.O.G.I.C. (Warren)

11AM & 6:30PM

4439 E. Nine Mile Rd.

(586) 757-6767

Bishop Earl J. Wright

(313) 873-6591 Rev. Lord & Princess James Maggie Shaffer

Greater Mitchell Temple C.O.G.I.C.


13737 Curtis

(313) 345-9900

Bishop John H. Sheard

Waterfall Bible Institute

6PM - 10PM

12040 Visger Rd.

(313) 382-0900

Rev. Dr. Emanuel Cain

Greater Mt. Everett (Ferndale)

11AM & 7PM

631 E. 8 Mile Rd.

(248) 541-7200

Elder Jesse G. Bell

Greater Northwest C.O.G.I.C.


15811 Rosa Parks Blvd.

(313) 345-4676

Pastor Supt. Cleotis Wells

Greater Rock of Ages C.O.G.I.C.


9804 Conner Ave.

(313) 526-0482

Supt. Fred L. Mitchell Sr.

Hammond C.O.G.I.C.


8740 Puritan

(313) 861-9095

Victor G. Thompson, Pastor

St. Raphael of Brooklyn Orthordox


(313) 533-3437

V. Rev. Fr. Leo Copacia

Hill Memorial C.O.G.I.C.


5501 Chase Rd.

(313) 846-4674

Bishop Michael Hill

Jones Memorial C.O.G.I.C.

11 AM

19200 Evergreen Rd.

(313) 534-2860

Elder Leon R. McPherson Sr.

(Kendall) The New Gospel Temple C.O.G.I.C.


16601 Tireman St.

(313) 581-4377

Pastor Gerald A. Echols Jr.

New Christ Temple C.O.G.I.C.


10001 Hayes

(313) 521-5426

Rev. Lorris Upshaw, Sr.

New Jerusalem C.O.G.I.C.


7361 Linwood Ave.

(313) 894-8816

Elder Darryl Clark

New Maclin Temple C.O.G.I.C.

10AM & 12 NOON

2255 E. Forest

(313) 831-7372

Elder James M. Maclin

New St. Paul Tabernacle C.O.G.I.C.

8AM & 10AM

15340 Southfield Dr.

(313) 835-5329

Bishop P.A. Brooks

Redemptive Love Christian Center


12190 Conant Ave.

(313) 893-6275

Elder Kenneth J. Jenkins

Rewarding Faith C.O.G.I.C.

8AM & 11AM

12935 Buena Vista Ave.

(313) 933-3000

Supt. Joseph W. Harris

Saints Liberty Life Steps Ministries (Pontiac)


340 East Pike St.

(248) 736-3207

Elder Andrew L. Jenkins Sr.

Seth Temple C.O.G.I.C.


9841 Dundee

(313) 931-1315

Elder Philip R. Jackson

Shiloh Chapel C.O.G.I.C.

9AM & 11:30AM

14841 Eastburn Ave.

(313) 527-5400

Bishop Alfred M. Smith

The Open Door C.O.G.I.C.


14900 E. 7 Mile Rd.

(313) 526-3460

Elder Alan R. Evans

The Way of True Holiness C.O.G.I.C.


1901 Electric Ave.

(313) 383-3373

Elder Curtis Charles McDonald

The Word of Truth C.O.G.I.C. (Warren)

9AM &10:30 AM

7107 Rivard Ave.

(586) 754-9673

Dr. Robert E. Garner, Pastor

Unity Fellowship C.O.G.I.C.

11AM & 6PM

17050 Joy Rd.

(313) 270-2000

Elder George W. Hutchinson, Sr.

Walk In The Spirit C.O.G.I.C.


11648 Whittier Ave.

(313) 371-4007

Elder Leon K. Shipman Sr.


7630 Southfield Rd.

(313) 633-0852

Pastor John O. Wright, Jr.

CONGREGATIONAL Bushnell Congregational Church

10:30 AM

15000 Southfield Rd.

(313) 272-3550

Rev. Roy Isaac

First Congregational Church of Detroit


33 E. Forest

(313) 831-4080

Rev. Dr. Lottie Jones Hood


Cathedral Church of St. Paul Christ Church - Detroit

3837 W. Seven Mile

PENTECOSTAL Church of God of Baldwin


5540 Talbot

(313) 366-3190

Elder Gerald Williams

El-Beth-El Temple


15801 Schaefer

(313) 835-3326

Elder Henry G. Sims Sr.

God’s Way Cathedral (formely C.O.G.I.C.)


14820 Puritan St.

(313) 580-9103

Bishop Herbert A. Ross D.D.

God’s Vineyard C.O.G.I.C. (Centerline)


8090 Theisen

(586) 755-8910

Bishop Carey Jackson Jr.

Great Faith Ministries Int’l


10735 Grand River

(313) 491-1330

Bishop Wayne & Pastor Beverly Jackson

Greater Faith Assembly


1330 Crane St.

(313) 821-5761

Bishop Raphael Williams Sr.

Mt. Zion Church of Deliverance


2263 S. Fort St.

(313) 388-9867

Rev. Jewett B. Jackson

New Jerusalem C.O.G.I.C.


7361 Linwood

(313) 894-8816

Elder Darryl Clark

New Resurrection Faith Ministries Inc.


18614 Schoolcraft

(313) 836-8099

Bishop Merdith R. Bussell

Thomas Temple C.O.G.I.C.

11am & 5:30PM

14500 Grand River

(313) 835-3570

Bishop Frank Richard

True Testimonial of Jesus (Roseville)

11:30 AM

19200 Frazho

(810) 443-4999

Rev. Willie Moorer Jr.

Universal Church of the Living God

10AM & 11:15AM

3401 Grandy Ave.

(313) 259-0707

Bishop Earl Field, Sr.

World Deliverance Temple

8AM & 11AM

27355 Ann Arbor Trail

(313) 730-8900

Bishop Roy Ferguson

Calvary Presbyterian


19125 Greenview

(313) 537-2590

Christ Presbyterian


23795 Civic Center Dr.

(248) 356-2635

Rev. Kevin R. Johnson

First Presbyterian Church of Birmingham

8:30AM & 10AM

1669 W. Maple

(248) 644-2040

Hope Presbyterian


15340 Meyers Rd.

(313) 861-2865

Rev. Raphael B. Francis

St. John’s Presbyterian, U.S.A.


1961 E. Lafayette Blvd.

(313) 567-0213

Rev. Johnie Bennett

Trinity Community Presbyterian U.S.A.

8:30AM & 11AM

4849 W. Outer Drive

(313) 342-2288

Rev. Edwin Fabré

Westminster Church for All People

8:30AM & 11AM

17567 Hubbell Ave.

(313) 341-2697

Rev. Mary Austin


Episcopal All Saints Episcopal

23300 W. Davison St.


CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE New Hope Church of the Nazarene


(313) 341-5320

Rev. C. Alfred Loua

7:30AM, 8:15AM & 10:30AM 4800 Woodward Ave

(313) 831-5000

Rev. Dr. S. Scott Hunter

8:15AM & 10:30AM

960 E. Jefferson

(313) 259-6688

Rev. John Talk

Grace Episcopal

8:30 & 11AM

1926 Virginia Park

(313) 895-6442

Supply Clergy

St. Christopher St. Paul’s Episcopal Church


20750 W. McNichols

(313) 538-2320

Rev. Deborah Semon Scott

St. Clement’s Episcopal (Inkster)

8AM & 10:30AM

4300 Harrison St.

(734) 728-0790

Rev. Ellis Clifton. Jr., Rector

St. Cyprian’s Episcopal


6114 28th St.

(313) 896-7515

Rev. Dr. Donald M. Lutas

St. Matthew’s & St. Joseph’s Episcopal

8AM & 11AM

8850 Woodward Ave.

(313) 871-4750

Rev. Shannon Brown -MacVean

St. Phillip & St. Stephen Episcopal


14225 Frankfort

(313) 822-7730

St. Timothy’s Episcopal


15820 Wyoming

(313) 341-1244

Supply Clergy

St. Paul Cumberland Presbyterian


St. Peter’s Primitive


Church of the Living God /#37


3841 Humphrey

(313) 834-2463


(313) 893-9094

Rev. Walter L. Harris

(313) 831-2770

Elder Leroy Williams

PROTESTANT 3556 Dubois



5027 W. Boston

(313) 834-4770

Rev. Robert Morris

SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST FREE METHODIST New Beginnings Free Methodist (Ann Arbor)


2780 Packard Rd.

(734) 971-8317 Rev. Jeffery D. Harrold

Burns Church of Seventh-Day Adventist

Sat. 11:00AM

10125 East Warren Ave

(313) 924-5535

Rev. Cory Jackson, Sr., Pastor

City Temple Seventh-Day Adventist

9:15AM & 11AM

8816 Grand River

(313) 897-0506

Leon J. Bryant, Pastor

Detroit Northwest Seventh-day Adventist Church

Sat. 9:45 & 11:15 AM

14301 Burt Rd

(313) 538-8190

Cory Jackson, Pastor

Ecorse Church of Seventh-Day Adventists

Sat. 9:15AM &10:45AM

3834 10th St.

(313) 928-9212

William Hughes, Pastor

Sharon Seventh-Day (Inkster)

Sat. 9:15AM & 11AM

28537 Cherry Street

(313) 722-2313

Philip Jones, Pastor

FULL GOSPEL BAPTIST Abundant Life Full Gospel Worship Center


5619 Charles

(313) 366-0874

Pastors Roger & Mary Lewis

Crossroads Victory Full Gospel Cathedral

10:30AM & 11:30AM

9355 Greenfield

(313) 836-7260

Rev. Dr. Eileen V. Martin, Ph.D., Ed.D.

Heavenly Dimensions F.G.B.C.

10AM & 11AM

11731 Mt. Elliot

(313) 368-2925

Pastor Robert D. Lodge Jr.

Resurrection Ministries


4959 Martin

(313) 896-1708

Rev. William Goodman

UNITARIAN-UNIVERSALIST First Unitarian Universalist Church


4605 Cass Ave.

(313) 833-9107

Rev. Roger Mohr

Northwest Unitarian Universalist Church


23925 Northwestern Hwy.

(248) 354-4488

Rev. Kimi Riegel

INTER-DENOMINATIONAL Community Christian Fellowship


8131 E. Outer Drive

(313) 245-2925

Bishop Samuel A Wilson, Sr.

First Church of the Redeemed


9360 Van Dyke

(313) 923-6455

Min. Katherine M. Fitzgerald

For Such A Time As This Ministry


10630 Grand River

(313) 935-9992

Pastor Joyce Driver

Grace Community Church of Detroit

8AM & 11AM

20021 W. Chicago Rd.

(313) 273-0410

William A Harris, Minister

People’s Community

7:30AM & 10:30AM

8601 Woodward Ave.

(313) 871-4676

Rev. Martin E. Bolton

ISLAMIC FAITH Masjid Wali Muhammed (Jum’ah 1PM)

Ta’aleem Sunday 1PM

11529 Linwood

(313) 868-2131

Imam Salim MuMin

Moorish Science Temple of America, Temple #25

2-4 Sun./7:30PM-10PM FRI.

5601 Grand River

(313) 894-8340

Minister Bro Craig P. Fuqua-Bey

Muhammad Mosque No. One

11AM Sun./ 8PM W&F

14880 Wyoming

(313) 931-4873

Minister Rasul Muhammad

(The) Muslim Center (Jum’ah Prayer 1PM)

Ta’aleem 12NOON

1605 W. Davison Ave.

(313) 883-3330

Derrick Ali, Imam

LUTHERAN Cross of Glory Lutheran (ELCA)


16661 E. State Fair

(313) 839-5787

Pr. Michael Rothgery

Genesis Lutheran


7200 Mack

(313) 571-7371

no pastor at present time

Good Shepherd Lutheran (ELCA)


16100 Lawton St.

(313) 341-3978

no pastor at present time

Gracious Saviour Lutheran (ELCA)


19484 James Couzens Hwy.

(313) 342-4950

no pastor at present time

Immanuel Lutheran (ELCA)

8AM & 11AM

13031 Chandler Park Dr.

(313) 821-2380

Pr. Patrick P. Gahagen

Iroquois Ave Christ Lutheran (ELCA)


2411 Iroquois

(313) 921-2667

Pr. Maxcy Christmas

Outer Drive Faith Lutheran Church

8:30AM & 11AM

17500 James Couzens Fwy

(313) 341-4095

Rev. Eddie Morales

Revelation Lutheran (ELCA)


6661 Oakman Blvd.

(313) 846-9910

Pr. Doris Harris Mars

Salem Memorial Lutheran (ELCA)


21230 Moross

(313) 881-9201

Pr. Michael Johnson

St. Andrew-Redeemer Lutheran (ELCA)


2261 Marquette St.

(313) 262-6143

Frank Jackson

St. James Lutheran (ELCA)


14450 Ashton Road

(313) 838-3600

Pr. Michael Konow

Spirit of Hope Lutheran (ELCA)


1519 Martin Luther King Blvd. (313) 964-3113

Pr. Matthew Bode

NEW THOUGHT - HOLY SPIRIT Divine Awareness Spiritual Temple of Truth

Sun. 4PM/Thur. 9PM

4088 Pasadena

(313) 491-1062

Rev. Jewell Stringer

Faith Universal Study Group


8033 Kercheval

(313) 393-5212

Rev. Gloria J. Fitchpritch

St. Catherine Temple of Prophecy


12833 Linwood Ave.

(313) 868-5612

Rev. Vallerie Gray

The Order of the Fishermen Ministry


10025 Grand River Ave.

(313) 933-0770

Fisherman Earl “DOC” Savage

Vulcan Christian Ministries (Warren)


7447 Convention Blvd.

(810) 771-3257

Dr. Marjorie A. Lyda

UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Mayflower Congregational Church


7301 Curtis

(313) 861-6450

Rev. J. Michael Curenton

St. John’s – St. Luke


2120 Russell

(313) 393-8168

Rev. J. Womack – Rev. L. Hawkins

Calvary United Methodist


15050 Hubbell

(313) 835-1317

Rev. Dr. Theodore L. Whitely, Sr.

Cass Community United Methodist


3901 Cass Ave.

(313) 833-7730

Rev. Faith Fowler

Central United Methodist


23 E. Adams

(313) 965-5422

Rev. Edwin A. Rowe

Conant Avenue United Methodist


18600 Conant Ave.

(313) 891-7237

Rev. Dr. Darryl E. Totty

Faith United Methodist (Oak Park)

9:30AM & 10AM

23880 Scotia

(248) 542-8861

Rev. Jonathan Combs

Henderson Memorial United Methodist


7520 Puritan

(313) 342-4020

Rev. Thomas Taylor

Hope United Methodist (Southfield)

7:30AM & 10:30AM

26275 Northwestern Hwy.

(248) 356-1020

Dr. Carlyle Fielding Stewart IIIs

Metropolitan United Methodist Church


8000 Woodward

(313) 875-7407

Rev. Dr. Ray McGee

Mt. Hope United Methodist


15400 E. Seven Mile Rd.

(313) 371-8540

Rev. Henry Williams

People’s United Methodist


19370 Greenfield

(313) 342-7868

Rev. Carter A. Grimmett

Redford Aldergate United Methodist Church

9AM & 11:15AM

22400 Grand River

(313) 531-2210

Rev. Jeffrey S. Nelson

Second Grace United Methodist

8AM & 11AM

18700 Joy Rd.

(313) 838-6475

Rev. Dr. Charles S. G. Boayue

Scott Memorial United Methodist


15361 Plymouth

(313) 836-6301

Rev. Anthony Hood

St. James United Methodist (Westland)


30055 Annapolis Rd.

(313) 729-1737

Rev. Willie F. Smith

St. Paul United Methodist


8701 W. Eight Mile Rd.

(313) 342-4656

Rev. Henry Williams

St. Timothy United Methodist

8:30 AM & 11AM

15888 Archdale

(313) 837-4070

Dr. Lester Mangum

Trinity Faith United Methodist


19750 W. McNichols

(313) 533-0101

Rev. Jan J. Brown

John Wesley United Methodist (River Rouge)


555 Beechwood Street

(313) 928-0043

Rev. Rahim Shabazz

Unity of Farmington Hills


32500 W. Thirteen Mile Rd.

(248) 737-9191

Rev. Barbara Clevenger

Detroit Unity Temple


17505 Second Blvd.

(313) 345-4848

Pastor Gregory Guice

God Land Unity


22450 Schoolcraft

(313) 794-2800

Rev. Ron D. Coleman, Sr.

Unity of Redford (Livonia)

5-6 PM

28660 Five Mile Rd.

(313) 272-7193

Rev. Josephine Furlow

West Side Unity

9:30AM & 11AM

4727 Joy Rd.

(313) 895-1520

Rev. Charles G. Williams





8033 Kercheval

(313) 921-2950

Rev. Gloria J. Fitchpritch



Your careless ways with money are going to be apparent this week. Financial mistakes you’ve made in the past will be especially painful. Don’t conceal the pain from yourself. It is a warning that you should take steps to prevent future financial crisis. Soul Affirmation: I let my friendships guide my way. Lucky Numbers: 13, 22, 35



The link that you’ve established with your spiritual self will be strengthened by the people who come into your life this week. This week is a week for seriousness about a relationship. Discuss your deepest thoughts with others. They’ll understand and thank you for sharing intimate parts of yourself. Soul Affirmation: Faith keeps me calm in the storms of life. Lucky Numbers: 44, 49, 51 You’ve done some of your own love homework. Hopefully you’ve had an opportunity to learn a new way of seeing the world and in that way you’ve found a way of loving that is more natural for you. The combination of sexiness and joyful focus can create you a wonderful love experience.

Soul Affirmation: I change who I am by changing where I am going.

Soul Affirmation: I get joy from giving good things.

Lucky Numbers: 2, 12, 23

Lucky Numbers: 11, 17, 37


Stay positive, don’t let negative people get inside your head. You know that things will work out well. Ease rapidly away from anyone who is a naysayer. During the week, things may seem hard at times but soon life will be filled with fun. Enjoy! Soul Affirmation: The slowness of my week gives me time to refresh my energy. Lucky Numbers: 15, 26, 36


Soul Affirmation: I obey the rules this week and avoid hassles.

Soul Affirmation: Time is the greatest peacemaker of them all. Lucky Numbers: 14, 28, 39 Some say optimism is fantasy. Suppose the good thing you’re optimistic about never comes. This week you’ll know that the joy of anticipating it is joy enough. Just the certainty of coming goodness is present goodness. The joy of tomorrow is available this week.

Seeing the same faces repeatedly can negatively affect autistic children, especially in social situations. If a teen looks away or does not pay attention, this is often interpreted as someone who isn’t interested in other people, says U-M researcher Christopher Monk.

Share in the glory of your friend who has been recognized for outstanding work. Plan a small gettogether to celebrate the occasion. Your time will come, and you will be placed on the pedestal. Your intimacy radar is sensitive. Watch out for a new romance that might come along. Expect the unexpected! You will be pleasantly surprised. Soul Affirmation: Love is easier than almost anything.


You’ve done a lot of things in life that no one has agreed with at the beginning. Finding agreement this week will be difficult, but it should not deter you from moving forward. Feeling sorry for your loneliness will discolor what you are doing. Be happy that you are alone.

“The present findings along with other work suggest that for many kids with ASD, it may not be just a lack of interest,� said Monk, an associate professor in the Department of Psychology and a research associate professor at the Center for Human Growth and Development.

You might be looking into the buying or selling of a piece of property, and this week seems to be a favorable week for this type of negotiation. Be careful with the intricacies of the matter. Pay attention to details or it could cost you a great deal later. Soul Affirmation: I care deeply about the feelings of others. Lucky Numbers: 11, 21, 35


What a blessed week this will be. Spend it meditating on all that God has given you. This week think hard about some form of worship. Curtis Mayfield wrote a song titled “Who Do You Love?’’ Someone should write one called “How Do You Love?’’ For your love lesson, the second song would be the one you should sing. Soul Affirmation: New intuitions create new plans and a new cast of characters.

Lucky Numbers: 2, 10, 31

Lucky Numbers: 7, 16, 25

“They may find it dis-

The researchers were particularly interested in a structure called the amygdala, which indexes anxiety. Whereas youth without autism rapidly habituated or showed decreased activation over time to the faces, those with ASD showed sustained amygdale activity over time when they saw

sad and neutral faces.

trum disorders.�

Habituation was tested by examining if amygdala activation to faces decreased by the end of the session. In healthy people, the amygdala responds to faces at the beginning of the scanning session but lessens to repeated presentation of faces. If that doesn’t happen, it could lead to overarousal, Monk said.

Researchers also discovered that reduced habituation to neutral faces may be related to more severe ASD symptoms. Monk said early intervention could include increasing emotion recognition or reducing overarousal to faces through training and exposure.

“This process is similar to becoming habituated to a ticking clock in a room so we don’t notice it anymore,� said U-M researcher Johnna Swartz and the study’s lead author. “We could imagine how distressing failure to habituate would be in that case. Amygdala habituation helps us become accustomed to familiar social situations so we’re not always on alert. This study is one of the first to show that this process is altered in teens with autism spec-

The other researchers involved in this project included Jillian Lee Wiggins and Melisa Carrasco, both of U-M, and Catherine Lord at Weill Cornell Medical College. The findings appear in the current Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: http://www. Christopher Monk: http://www.lsa.umich. edu/psych/people/directory/profiles/faculty/ ?uniquename=csmonk

Wayne County Health on Wheels’ offers Free Health Screenings Wayne County “Health on Wheels� is coming soon to a city or town near you. The mobile health convoy is providing free health and dental screenings to Wayne County families during 2013. Representatives from Wayne County, the city of Detroit and partnering metro health organizations announced the new, collaborative “Health on Wheels� effort last November at Detroit’s Russell Bazaar. It was done in partnership with the Unify Detroit Coalition, to bring free dental and health screenings and services to residents throughout the county’s 43 communities. Mobile health vehicles provide essential health screenings, services and “living healthy� education to attendees.

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476 361 145 114

Lucky Numbers: 22, 36, 38

Soul Affirmation: I get joy from giving good things.

Data were analyzed from 32 children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders and 56 typically developing youth. They underwent functional MRI scanning while performing a gender identification task for faces that were fearful, happy, sad or neutral.

683 122 908 372



tressing to look at and interact with other people. If kids find it distressing to watch and engage in social situations from an early age, they will disengage from them and miss many opportunities to learn about the social world.�

142 302 716 468

Soul Affirmation: This week is the week the Lord has made. I rejoice in it.

Overactive brain keeps autistic teens from adjusting to social situations A new University of Michigan study finds that an overactive part of the brain hinders autistic teens from coping in unfamiliar social settings, leaving them feeling overwhelmed and anxious.



Lucky Numbers: 1, 14, 24


Lucky Numbers: 16, 30, 50

The bond that you established with your spiritual side works well in your relationship with a special person. Speak of the reality of the intangible qualities of life. Your lover will understand. Keep attention on the financial matters you’ve been dealing with.



Take advantage of the great weather and spend time outdoors enjoying and relaxing with Mother Nature. Learn a new sport and spend time with family and friends. Don’t take travel matters into your own hands. Seek a professional who will be able to plan a wonderful vacation for you without breaking your bank. Cook up some goodies for your loved ones.


Week’s Best

Eternal optimist, eternity is now. Get in touch with your hopefulness and be a beacon to others. Try not to be taken in by promises made by others or promises you’ve made to yourself. Concerning your own affairs, avoid contemplating lofty subjects and seeking long-ranged solutions.

Page D-6



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