MC Digital Edition 2.8.23

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From Minneapolis To Memphis Black Lives Still Don’t Matter. America…You Have A Problem!

Rev. Dr. Wendell Anthony

“Momma I’m through!” This is the cry of a dying George Floyd as he lay hand-cuffed, face smashed into a Minneapolis street, while the knee of a white police officer pressed against his neck. Calls came from the sidewalk, “Let him breathe. Let him breathe, man.” From the streets of New York, “I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe.” This is the desperate plea from Eric Garner, as he lay gasping for air, with the arm of a white police officer wrapped around his neck, using an illegal choke hold, causing his death. One must ask the question are there those who do not want Black folks in America to even breathe? This latest cry “Momma” from a dying Tyre Nichols laying on his side, just a few yards from his home, on a Memphis side street, hands behind his back, pepper sprayed in the face, beaten with a baton, kicked in his head by five Black police officers, who demanded “bitch put your hands behind your back before I break them.” This comes after pulling him from his vehicle under the guise of reckless driving, for which there is no evidence, according to Memphis Chief of Police Cerelyn Davis.

Tyre Nichols tells them, “I didn’t do anything. Alright I’m on the ground.” It is clear that there are those who believe more in the enforcement aspect of law than in the equitable application of the law.

Black folks live with the personal trauma every day of wondering whether or not this is the day that I will have an encounter with the police as they pull up behind or right next to my car. Will my child make it home safely from school or work when he and his friends are walking together or driving together in a group? As he goes to visit a friend in a different neighborhood, will he be viewed as a trespasser, a criminal, someone who does not belong?

There is a culture in American policing that has imbedded within it, racial, physical, and intellectual stereotypes of Black men in particular. It grows out of the former “slave patrols,” created in the Carolinas in the early 1700’s.

Their mission was to establish a system of terror and squash slave uprisings with the capacity to pursue, apprehend, and return runaway slaves to their owners. Tactics included the use of excessive force to control and produce desired slave behavior. The North Carolina slave patrol oath, “I, [patrollers name], do swear that I will as searcher for guns, swords, and other weapons among the slaves in my district, faithfully and as privately as I can discharge the trust reposed in me as the law directs to the best of my power, so help me God.” These patrols continued until the end of the Civil War and passage of the 13th Amendment. Eventually they would be replaced by militia, which eventually would lead to municipalities establishing police departments to enforce laws, including Jim Crow laws. Many among the cadres of police have come to believe that Black men do not feel, think, act and even value life as other men. Therefore it is alright


Finding Love After Divorce: Can

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Patrick Mahomes Jalen Hurts

Black Quarterbacks Matter

Black History Month now has another amazing story to add to its long list of accomplishments made by African Americans. After all, when Super Bowl LVII kicks off on Sunday, Feb. 12, two Black quarterbacks will face each other for the first time since the inception of the Big Game on Jan. 15, 1967.

In this year’s Super Bowl, which some are calling the “Super Quarter-Black Bowl,” Patrick Mahomes of the Kansas City Chiefs will be under center against signal caller Jalen Hurts of the Philadelphia Eagles. While the Super Bowl is about two powerful teams battling to win, it’s not lost on Mahomes or Hurts about the history-making significance of this moment in time.

“The guys that came before me and Jalen set the stage for this, and now I’m just glad we can set the stage for kids that are coming up now,” Mahomes said at a national press conference. “It’ll be a great game against two great teams and against another great quarterback. I’m excited.”

“I think it’s something that’s worthy of being noted, and it is history,” Hurts said in a national interview. “I think it’s only been seven African American quarterbacks to play in the Super Bowl, so to be the first for something this big is pretty cool.”

The seven Black Super Bowl QBs are Doug Williams, Steve McNair, Donovan McNabb, Colin Kaepernick, Russell Wilson (twice), Cam Newton, and Patrick Mahomes (three times). And, in the history of the Super Bowl, there have only been three Black quarterbacks to win: Williams (Super Bowl XXII in 1988), Wilson (Super Bowl XLVIII in 2014), and Mahomes (Super Bowl LIV in 2020).

Williams was emotional after learning of this year’s Super Bowl matchup at quarterback.

“I had tears of joy in my eyes because I had an opportunity to witness this,” said Williams. “I just sat there and said to myself, ‘Man, we got two Black quarterbacks playing in the Super Bowl. Things like that give me chills.’ ”

There are many theories about why there have been periods of “Blackouts of Black quarterbacks” in the NFL’s 100-plus-year history. Most theories are rooted in systemic racism and perceived stereotypical beliefs about African Americans in general and Black males in particular. For starters, through much of the NFL’s history, White team owners and top executives believed Black QBs didn’t have the mindset, focus, discipline, intelligence, work ethic, and other leadership qualities – on and off the field – to successfully guide a pro team to championship status.

Interestingly, shortly after the American Professional Football Association started in 1920 and morphed into the National Football League in 1922, Fritz Pollard, the following year, became its first Black quarterback when he played for the Akron Pros. George Taliaferro was

Downtown Development Authority Invests $24M to Create More Affordable Housing

At the Detroit Policy Conference earlier this year, Mayor Mike Duggan announced a new Downtown Development Authority (DDA) fund to invest in more substantial affordable housing units for residents. The $24 million investment works as a tax break, beginning with District Detroit.

The DDA’s decision to provide direct financial support for affordable housing marks an unprecedented move since the authority’s inception in 1976.

“We have a clear vision to create a city, including our downtown, where Detroiters of all income levels can afford to live side by side in the same buildings as people of much higher income,” said Mayor Duggan, who chairs the DDA and appoints board members. “This new fund gives us the ability to make downtown living accessible to Detroiters of all income levels.”

District Detroit is the envisioned epicenter

for downtown Detroit, boasting a centralized sports and entertainment sector of Little Caesars Arena, seven theaters, big profit companies such as Google and more. DDA’s timely decision comes while the growing demand for multi-family housing is still high, as seen by the area’s low 5.9 percent vacancy rate (down from 12.1 percent in 2020).


Under the DDA program, loans would be made available to development projects if at least 20 percent of the residential units were set aside for families earning between 50 percent and 70 percent of the area median income (AMI). This amounts to an individual household income of between $31,350 and $43,890 or a family of four’s household income of between $44,750 and $62,650.

“What we do is provide loans to help with construction costs and we provide those loans on a

the first African American quarterback drafted by an NFL team, when the Chicago Bears picked him in the 13th round in 1949. Taliaferro, who played multiple positions, chose to play instead for the Los Angeles Dons of the All-America Football Conference before eventually playing for the Baltimore Colts (1953) and Philadelphia Eagles (1955).

Willie Thrower, a Michigan State University football standout, was the first Black quarterback to play in the Big Ten Conference in the late 1940s. While Thrower wasn’t drafted by the NFL, he did sign a one-year contract with the Chicago Bears in 1953 as a quarterback.

In 1955. the Green Bay Packers drafted African American Charlie Brackins, making him the first quarterback ever drafted into the NFL from a Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) institution. Brackins played collegiately at Prairie View A&M University in Texas.

Over the years, about a dozen HBCU QBs have been drafted by NFL teams, including Doug Williams, James Harris, Matthew Reed, Joe Adams (Grambling State University), Steve McNair (Alcorn A&M University), Joe Gilliam and Eldridge Dickey (Tennessee State University), Parnell Dickinson (Mississippi Valley State), Jay Walker (Howard University), Ja’Juan Seider (Florida A&M University), and Tavaris Jackson (Alabama State University).

Dickey, in 1968, was the first Black quarterback ever drafted in the first round by an American Football League or National Football League

Vol. 86 – No. 23 | February 8-14, 2023 Powered by Real Times Media | Roots. A3 See AMERICA'S PROBLEM page A2 Michigan Chronicle See AFFORDABLE HOUSING page A2 See BLACK QUARTERBACKS page A2 City.Life.Style. B1 BLACK HISTORY MONTH
Rev. Dr. Wendell Anthony
Kenyetta Hairston-Bridges, executive vice president of economic development and investment services at the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation (DEGC), which supports the Downtown Development Authority (DDA). Photo courtesy of DEGC.
Two Black Quarterbacks Face off in Historic Super Bowl LVII Down for the Qulture: Community-Minded Cannabis Product Shop Launches Online

to discard us for we possess no true value or conscious. This type of belief system has even infiltrated the very thinking of some Black and brown police officers. It has become a part of the culture within police departments. It inevitably leads to the disease of self-hate and disgust.

Looking at the merciless, depravity of the senseless beating of Tyre Nichols by five Black police officers, I would ask of them, didn’t you see yourself on the ground?

Didn’t you see your son, brother, father, uncle, granddad, grandchild, cousin, friend bleeding on that ground? Have you forgotten Freddie Gray, Tamir Rice, Michael Brown, Rodney King, Philando Castile, Alton Sterling, Stephon Clark, Laquan McDonald, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Sandra Bland and too many others we can’t name them all? This goes beyond your training. This goes to your very humanity. In the movie Django Unchained, starring Jamie Foxx as Django, Samuel Jackson as Stephen the Butler, with Leonardo DiCaprio as Calvin Candie the slave master. There is a scene in which such self-hate is brought to the screen. Django rides a horse up to the front door of the Candie plantation. The expression of rage and disdain that Stephen the butler has on his face for Django says it all. You don’t belong up there. You are out of place. He demands to know from his slave master, “what the hell is the nigger doing on a horse?

Who the hell does he think that he is?” His rage explodes even harsher when he is told by his master that he, Stephen, must get a room ready for Django to spend the night in the Big House like white folks. After being ordered to get the room ready, the butler is so outraged, he is even ready to fight Django, even though his master has told him it is ok . The butler has learned down through the years to say everything for the master without the master ever having to say anything for himself. This self-hate has taken root and infects the entire plantation.

W.E.B. DuBois sums it up, “you see yourself through the eyes of those who despise you.” The police officers in Memphis were a part of the so-called “Scorpion Unit” (street crimes operation to restore peace in our neighborhoods), supposedly organized to focus on homicides, assaults, and robberies. The very name scorpion is deadly.

sliding scale basis,” said Kenyetta Hairston-Bridges to executive vice president, economic development and investment services at the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation (DEGC), which supports the DDA. “For example, a development offering units at 50% AMI can apply for a loan of up to 40% of the Hard Construction Cost for its affordable units, with a maximum amount of $200,000 per affordable unit.”

The loan amounts are determined on a sliding scale with larger loans offered to developments that make units available to residents of lower incomes.

District Detroit’s mixed-income residential buildings will be providing low-interest and forgivable loans to developments located in the DDA’s downtown development area wherein at least 20% of the residential units will be reserved for households making between 50% and 70% of the area median income (AMI). This means that an individual living in one of the units would pay rent at $850 monthly compared to a market rate closer to $2,400.

DDA’s funding tool will review annual progress reports from developers to assess progress between a range of 50%70% AMI goals overtime.

Only developments in the DDA’s downtown development area that offered rentals for occupants earning earnings below that threshold would be eligible for the new incentive.

After a 34-year period,

It has a poisonous sting. Scorpions are dangerous. They don’t care who they attack. There are units like this all over the country. Different names but the same game. In Detroit we use to have such units. They were called the Big 4, or Stress (stop the robberies enjoy safe streets), driving around in un-marked cars, plain clothes, big guns plainly designed to intimidate and eliminate. But the streets were not safe for Black people, because they had us under stress and in distress. They killed a number of Black men during their tenure prior to Coleman Young taking office as Detroit’s first Black mayor.

Many of us have fought, marched, lobbied, voted, and paid a price to have Black men and women involved in law enforcement at every level. In many cities Blacks are involved in law enforcement and police departments. After all it was a Black woman Chief of Police in Memphis, who fired the five culprits quickly after this tragedy. She has set a standard. She has shown the police world and our nation what can and should be done when these situations occur. Straight up with the community, not hiding the law breakers and policy forsakers. Her actions let us all know that it does not take six months, a year, or years to deal with the justice so desperately sought by the victim’s family and community. If Black officers can be fired so quickly when the evidence is there so should every white officer when the evidence is there.

Police departments must stop lying and hiding from the truth of the matter at hand. Black people are not stupid. It is clear why police use terms like “stop resisting, open your hands, he grabbed for my gun, when they are preparing to file their reports.” It helps their defense and covers up in some cases their bad acts. One could hear it as the Memphis police officers stood around talking among themselves while Tyre Nichols laid dying without aid on the ground. For good police officers, these phony expressions get in the way of trust and belief in you when your own safety is truly at risk. We know the “now you see it and now you don’t” game. It has been played against Black people down through the centuries all over America. We face more than just a change in police policy. We must have the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. We must have the John Lewis Voting Rights Ad-

developers can then apply for a portion of the loan to be forgiven, provided that they maintain Detroit residency in those years.

“The developer has to report every year about the tenant space, said Hairston-Bridges. “Are there Detroiters that we define as Detroiters staying in those units? We define Detroiters as someone who has been living in the city for a minimum of three years.”


According to state law, DDA has the authority to take a portion of Detroiters’ property tax money and use it to subsidize developers in the larger downtown area. This has raised concerns about the expected issues higher property values will have on downtown residents and businesses.

Hairston-Bridges said the issue of higher property taxes is a not a direct result of a tax capture and is often misunderstood.

“The tax capture in itself doesn’t drive up property values,” said Hairston-Bridges. “I think that’s a normal market condition when you see values rise, which is a good thing. It’s development that comes into an area, it improves the area and there’s positive trends and property values. By no means should we look at these projects as a displacement because a lot of this is driven by the rental market.”


the last

decade have been in


vancement Act voted on and signed into law. Pronunciations of “my heart goes out to the family, let us remember the tragic death of Tyre Nichols, this was too terrible to talk about,” we know all that. Let’s not talk about it. It’s past time to do something to stop it. There must be a change in the culture of American policing. Who does the training of police in America? Who are the recruits for these departments?

America's Problem OFFICE HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. | Closed Sat. and Sun. The Michigan Chronicle is published every Wednesday. Periodical Postage, paid at Detroit, MI. Price $1.00 and other post office. MEMBER OF AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION POSTMASTER — Send address changes to: MICHIGAN CHRONICLE • 1452 Randolph • DETROIT, MI 48226

Policing is not just Black and white. Quite frankly, it is blue. It is a group mentality and consciousness involving control, submit, and obey. Too often it is rooted in violence and aggression rather than service and protection. Every run does not require a gun. Batons and tasers are not always required use, particularly if it leads to personal abuse. Where are the units for mental illness and de-escalation of violence? Where are the supervisors to make certain we are provided with cause and care at the scene of such tragedies? It is past time for meaningful accountability of police misconduct. There should be regular evaluations of police officers for both explicit and implicit bias. Not every police officer is bad. Those who are good have a duty and responsibility to help eliminate the abusers and lawbreakers from their ranks, regardless of their color. They should not be rehired. They should be fired, as the Memphis five have been fired along with any others who were part of this unnecessary death.

There should be a national database to track and monitor the behavior of police who break the law just like we track and monitor civilians who break the law. Corporations and businesses must follow through on what they committed to do in the community, towards these changes, following the death of George Floyd. We need you to advocate for change in these policies and support political leaders who support change and equity in the law throughout our nation. If we pass a thousand laws on police reforms but don’t work to pass into our present and future generation a new culture, a new way of thinking and acting, all we are doing is simply waiting on the next death by a 21st century lynching. Policing is what you do with a community, not to a community. Silence on these matters is not golden. It emboldens the twin evils of tyranny and treachery. Whether you like it or not, Black Lives Do and Must Matter. America, you have a problem. Does it matter enough for you to fix it?

The funding is contingent upon a strict timeline with the date of January 1, 2029, at the latest for projects to commence. Upon any delay, the developer will not receive the funding for the proposed projects and the money will be redistributed to other requests/projects.

Hairston-Bridges said most of the projects are expected to break ground between 2024 and 2026.

As it relates to the DDA affordable housing tool, the developers—in the case of District Detroit, Related Olympia Predevelopment Company LLC--- will not receive funds for these projects until the project begins and meets the terms and conditions of “deep affordability” for residents.

Related Olympia Predevelopment Company LCC’s proposed projects in District Detroit include the construction and operation of 10 renovated historic or new projects, including four mixed-income residential buildings, four commercial office buildings and two hotels, along with additional open public and green space.

Here are the District Detroit projects that have been approved for the affordable housing tool:

• 2250 Woodward: $10.9M loan request; $216M total cost

• 408 Temple: $4.0 million loan request; $69 million total cost

• DCI Residential: $8.8 million loan request; $150 million total cost

“My hopes and goal is a true integration of mixed use income buildings,” said Hairston-Bridges. “ Having that deep affordability is exciting for me because [in] a lot of downtowns, you do not see that deep level of affordability.”

team. However, he never got the opportunity to play quarterback for the Oakland Raiders. The team made him a wide receiver and punt returner, much to his dismay.

Yet, 1968 was magical for another Black rookie: Marlin “The Magician” Briscoe, who opened the eyes of those who doubted Black quarterbacks’ skills and abilities to lead a pro team. Although Briscoe was drafted in the 14th round by the Denver Broncos as a cornerback, the gifted player, who could play multiple positions, took over as quarterback after the White starter, Steve Tensi, was injured. By stepping in as the new starter, Briscoe, the rookie, became the first African American to play quarterback in the American Football League (AFL).

Despite playing well in the five games he started – 1,589 passing yards, 14 touchdowns, and 308 rushing yards –Briscoe wasn’t allowed to compete for the starting QB job in 1969. He was traded to the Buffalo Bills as a wide receiver. Ironically, the Bills drafted Black quarterback James Harris out of Grambling in 1969, who became the first Black QB “to start” an NFL season. Many of Harris’ incredible passes were caught by Briscoe, who eventually moved on to play for the Miami Dolphins, Detroit Lions, and New England Patriots. Briscoe won two Super Bowls with Miami - as a wide receiver.

Since Briscoe and Harris’ historical firsts, some of the Black quarterbacks who have played in the NFL have included, but are not limited to, Warren Moon, Donovan McNabb, Jeff Blake, Cam

Newton, Dak Prescott, Michael Vick, Daunte Culpepper, Randle Cunningham, Doug Williams, Russell Wilson, Lamar Jackson, Jameis Winston, DeShone Watson, Patrick Mahomes, and Jalen Hurts.

In the Motor City, the Detroit Lions’ Black quarterbacks were Rodney Peete (1989- 1993), Andre Ware (1990 – 1993), Charlie Batch (1998-2001), and Daunte Culpepper (2008-2009).

If the 2022 NFL season indicates how far Black QBs have come, it won’t be long before two other quarterbacks meet on future Super Bowl turfs. At the start of the 2022 season, a record 11 Black quarterbacks were starters in the NFL.

“Historically, due to myths and falsehoods, there was an under-representation of Black quarterbacks,” Troy Vincent, the executive vice president of NFL Football Operations, said in a statement issued Week 1 of the 2022 season. “Today, the NFL is proud of the advancements of these talented men as starting quarterbacks. We look forward to seeing their continued success and accomplishments, not just through this season, but also into the future.”

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Page A-2 | February 8-14, 2023 | LONGWORTH M. QUINN Publisher-Emeritus 1909-1989 Michigan Chronicle A Real Times Media Newspaper SAMUEL LOGAN Publisher 1933-2011 JOHN H. SENGSTACKE Chairman-Emeritus 1912-1997 CONTACT US 1452 Randolph • Detroit, MI 48226 • (313) 963-8100 • e-mail: HIRAM E. JACKSON Publisher | AJ WILLIAMS Managing Editor From page A-1 From page A-1 517 373 089 209 762 419 574 2 32 34 38 70 21 37 PICKS 749 711 575 032 859 935 9958 2927 WEEK’S BEST LOTTERY From page A-1
Affordable Housing THE MICHIGAN CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY ADVERTISING DEADLINE Classified: 3 p.m Friday Copy, corrections and cancellations, preceding the Wednesday publication. Display: 12 p.m. Friday preceding the Wednesday publication. For all news and calendar items: Deadline is two weeks prior to event. Weeks that contain holidays, deadline is Thursday prior to publication date.
large part to the
The city’s infrastructure
tax incentives for big developers. Proponents of this tactic to draw more investments downtown reason that as economic development tools, the tax incentives allow for the construction of developments that would not have been possible without the authorized incentive.
Tax abatements also facilitate development by offering the project a temporary reduction in the tax rate on the new upgrades. All tax incentives are performance-based and only become available after the project is up and running.

COVID Cases on the Rise as New Variant Emerges

Last year, reports of the pandemic’s “endemic” in sight are, seemingly, a distant memory, at least for now.

While things are somewhat back to normal, Michigan now tops 3 million COVID cases (with nearly 42,000 confirmed and probable deaths) and a new variant of COVID, XBB.1.5, is making its rounds across the nation with numerous health concerns left in its wake.

“People should not be surprised that there is a new variant. The more viruses replicate, the more they mutate,” Dr. Leana Wen told CNN in an interview. “Most mutations do not confer evolutionary advantage and won’t spread further, but some do.”

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan’s MI Blues Perspectives posted that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is “constantly changing” and accumulating mutations in its genetic code over time. Variants will emerge and disappear, and many variants are circulating in the country today.

However, this latest XBB.1.5 variant is in the Omicron family and appears to be the most transmissible form of the virus yet.

Wen said that there are three “key questions” that need to be asked about the new variant and others that could come after it.

“First, is it more contagious? Second, does it cause more serious disease? And third, is it more immune-evasive, meaning it undercuts the protection of existing vaccines and treatments?

“The mutations XBB.1.5 has acquired have made it more contagious. A more transmissible strain has the evolutionary advantage that it will spread faster than others, and therefore could displace other strains. This is a trend seen throughout the coronavirus pandemic — new even more transmissible strains replacing their predecessors and becoming dominant.”

The good news is that this strain doesn’t always appear to cause more severe disease thus far. It, like other Omicron descendants, is likely to cause less severe illness than the Delta variants that preceded Omicron, she added.

In general, as the virus that causes COVID-19 continues to change and mutate, infections are becoming less severe over time.

However, the virus circulating is still capable of causing severe illness including hospitalization and death. Additionally, the long-term impacts from COVID infections are still being studied.

As the XBB.1.5 variant is more transmissible, health experts anticipate that COVID case rates will increase, and, as a result, death rates may also increase, Blue Cross noted.

Keeping up to date with COVID vaccinations is the most effective protection from serious illness, hospitalization and death caused by COVID-19. Completing the first series of vaccinations for COVID-19, followed by the current booster schedule as recommended by the CDC, is essential. Newly released bivalent boosters protect against original strains of the virus as well as the Omicron variant.

Updated bivalent booster shots are available for everyone aged five years and older. For children aged 6 months to four years who had the Moderna vaccine as their primary series, a booster dose is available two months after their last shot.

Use the CDC’s online tool to find out when you need a booster, and which type of booster best fits your status.

Penning a Legacy: The Black Press Continues to Chronicle Black History

It’s 2023 and Black History Month is more important now than ever since it was officially recognized by then-President Gerald Ford in 1976 when he called upon people to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.”

The Black History Month’s theme this year, “Black Resistance in The Past, Present, and Future,” gives many an opportunity for reflection to recognize the culture, the beauty, the swag, and the connection Black people have despite the continued efforts of structural racism, built-in discriminatory efforts and news reports that say otherwise.

The need to celebrate this month every year is a testament to the importance of recognizing the power that is Blackness 365.

Word in Black Health Reporter Alexa Imani Spencer told the Michigan Chronicle that she writes Black history (in the making) every day and the month of February is “still relevant.”

“Because in the past, present, and surely in the future, Black people continue to move the needle forward in the world in a unique way,” she said. “Our fight for civil rights helps communities of all kinds gain access to a better quality of life, which we all deserve to experience regardless of race, gender, or class. For a long time, we’ve sacrificed our lives to ensure this happens.”

Honoring this month doesn’t happen in a silo either.

Writing about Black excellence in every shape and form is a privilege for all journalists and reporters, and an honor that is especially shared among the Black press who carry the weight of this banner very seriously.

The Michigan Chronicle, an historical paper in Detroit, has been on the frontlines since its founding in 1936 by its then-owner John H. Sengstacke.

Sengstacke felt that there was a market for a weekly Black-owned newspaper published for Detroit, and in April 1936, he sent Lucius Harper to Detroit to establish a newspaper for him. In June, Sengstacke recalled Harper to Chicago and replaced him with Louis E. Martin.

In 1936, Martin was hired as a reporter by the Chicago Defender, the city’s major Black newspaper. After only a few months working on the Defender, Sengstacke gave Martin a new job. Martin left Chicago for Detroit on June 6, 1936. When he arrived and assumed control of the paper, the Chronicle had a paid circulation of about 900. By 1940 the paper had a weekly circulation of 15,000, and in 1945, circulation topped 25,000. Martin would stay at the Chronicle for 11 years.

As quoted in an article celebrating the Michigan Chronicle’s 75th anniversary, found on the paper’s website, Martin explained, “Fresh out of college with no experience, I was shocked to learn how tough a break Black workers got in the foundries of the auto plants and how insecure men felt about jobs in the factories,” He added that a Black worker could be fired for voting “the wrong way” or for any trivial matter that offended his boss.

The Chronicle garnered national attention for its “radical” approach to politics.

“The Michigan Chronicle, founded in 1936, is (one of) the longest surviving African American-owned newspaper. But it is not the first,” Jamon Jordan, Detroit historian, wrote of the paper previously. “Many African American-owned newspapers have come and gone – the Detroit Tribune, and many others.

“But all of these newspapers, including The Chronicle, stand on the shoulders of Detroit’s first African American newspaper – the Detroit Plaindealer.”

The Plaindealer was founded in 1883 by four prominent African American men: Benjamin and Robert Pelham Jr., William H. Anderson, and Walter Stowers. The newspaper ran for a decade and, like many abolitionist newspapers of the mid-1800s, did more than just report on current events; it also advocated on behalf of the Black community like exposing Jim Crow in the South, Jordan noted.

The Michigan Chronicle, and its sister papers the Chicago Defender, the Atlanta Daily World, and the New Pittsburgh Courier – all owned by Real Times Media (RTM) – continue to carry the torch of chronicling Black lives for decades, through the good and the bad, a duty several RTM employees shared their thoughts on.

Veteran marketing executive Cathy Nedd, president of the Real Times Media News Group, told the Michigan Chronicle that she loves her job be-

Council of Baptist Pastors of Detroit & Vicinity President Dr. Steve Bland, Jr. Passes Leadership Torch

The top leadership position of the Council of Baptist Pastors of Detroit & Vicinity (COBAP) has changed, as former President Rev. Dr. Steve Bland Jr. recently passed the torch to Rev. Richard R. White III. In doing so, Bland completed his three-year “term-limited” presidency that began in January 2020.

“It is with great honor and deep humility that I come to the close of my administration, having led you as President of the Council of Baptist Pastors of Detroit & Vicinity,” Bland told COBAP members in his final address as president. “I pause to thank each of you who supported and embraced the leadership our God allowed me to provide this esteemed body and our greater Detroit community and beyond.”

Bland’s leadership came at a critical time in the organization’s five-plus decade history. Less than two months after Bland’s January 2020 installation, the COVID-19 pandemic was declared

nationally, disrupting every aspect of society. With the pandemic disproportionately affecting African Americans, Detroit, an overwhelmingly Black city with more than 4,000 Black churches, was negatively impacted by the deadly virus. In essence, COVID-19 wreaked havoc in Detroit’s African American communities, and Black churches were not immune. In-person church worship services, events, and other faith-based activities were halted amid church closures either temporarily or permanently.

Rev. Dr. Steve Bland Jr.

“The pandemic showed that many preachers were more theology than technology,” Bland told the Chronicle. “When the pandemic hit, many churches suddenly couldn’t engage person-to-person. The Council worked

hard to get pastors engaged in embracing new methods and technology to communicate with their congregations.”

According to a COBAP report listing many of Bland’s accomplishments as president, his leadership was lauded for helping the Council’s actionable approach to combatting the pandemic in the Black community. Bland and COBAP facilitated ways to provide and distribute free COVID test kits and PPE equipment such as masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer to COBAP pastors and churches; created ongoing partnerships in the Black community urging residents to get the vaccine; started a daily weekday radio program addressing COVID-only issues; and established church food distribution sites in partnership with Forgotten Harvest.

“I don’t think anyone was prepared for COVID…we didn’t see it coming,” said Rev. Dr. Genetta Y. Hatcher, COBAP’s Economic Development Committee co-chair and Senior Pastor of The Room Church in Detroit. “ I believe Dr. Bland was sent to this Council for such a time as this. His leadership was impeccable, and he had the passion for getting things done during this pandemic. He cared about the people in communities across the city.”

Comprised of more than 300 members – pastors, assistant pastors, ministers, Christian educators, and evangelists – COBAP, a non-profit organization, has often been “the definitive answer” to the proverbial question in times of crisis for disenfranchised people: Where is the Church?

“One of the things that I sought to do as president was to lift the banner and standard of the Council’s image in our community to a higher level,” Bland said. “The agenda I set was for the Council to be ‘the salt of the earth

A3 | February 8-14, 2023
See THE BLACK PRESS page A-4 From top left: Cathy Nedd, President, Real Times Media News Group, New Pittsburgh Courier Editor and Publisher Rod Doss, Dyanna Knight Lewis, regional vice president, Real Times Media (RTM), and Chicago Defender publisher, Word in Black Health Reporter Alexa Imani Spencer, Michigan Chronicle Digital Anchor Andre Ash and Atlanta-bred journalist Amir “A.R.” Shaw, executive editor of the Atlanta Daily World.
Photo credit Gustavo Huerta

From page A-3

and the light of the world’ that the Bible talks about. As the voice of the Black Church corporately in the Black community, we are instrumental in helping resolve and deal with many issues that affect people.”

Beyond the four walls of the Baptist church, Bland is credited with rendering stellar leadership to COBAP to tackle issues centered on voting rights and empowerment, legal challenges to redistricting, civil and human rights, and the social justice movement, which included working with the Detroit NAACP for a criminal justice reform response to George Floyd’s murder.

“Dr. Bland did an outstanding job as our president,” said Rev. Dr. James C. Perkins, Chair of the Council’s Social Justice Commission under Bland, and recently retired as Senior Pastor of Greater Christ Baptist Church in Detroit after 42 years. “He kept us together during the pandemic, brought in younger pastors, left us in the black financially, and greatly improved the influence of the Council politically and involving social justice matters.”

“My theme as Council president was, ‘Looking forward, going further, climbing higher,’ ” said Bland. “From that, I began visualizing ways that I could be the leader to move the Council’s mission forward to become more community-engaged, even though historically, the Council has had a sustained presence in the community and has been a voice for the voiceless on a myriad of issues impacting folk socially, politically, economically, educationally and in areas of health and wellness.”

While Bland’s tenure as COBAP’s president has ended, he will now serve as senior advisor to newly installed President Richard R. White III, senior pastor of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Detroit.

“Rev. White is not new to the Council, and he’s not new to the work,” Hatcher said. “He has watched and served well as the Council’s First Vice President under Dr. Bland, whose leadership took things to another level. I believe Rev. White is poised to lead us to the next place where we need to be.”

The Black Press

From page A-3

cause she gets to be a part of the voice of our community.

“I get to be a champion for causes that matter to us. I get to be a part of the machine that ensures that news and information that may otherwise not reach our community is indeed shared,” Need said adding that during Black History Month it is nice to amplify those stories all the more.

“Even though the accomplishments of African Americans should be shared all throughout the year, it is nice to take time out of our busy schedules to recognize the many African Americans who have blazed a trail for others to follow. We never want to forget the contributions of some of Detroit’s own heroes like Mayor Coleman A. Young, the Honorable Damon Keith, or Councilwoman Erma Henderson, to name a few.”

Atlanta-bred journalist Amir “A.R.” Shaw, executive editor of the Atlanta Daily World told the Michigan Chronicle that the Black press has always served as a “pillar of the Black community.”

“With the distinction of being the first Black-owned daily publication in America, Atlanta Daily World (ADW) has pro-

From page A-3

Visit and click the “COVID-19 Vaccines & Boosters” button for more information.

Individuals who are immunocompromised or live with chronic illnesses, or who have family members at a higher risk for severe illness from infection, may want to consider taking additional preventive measures, including masking in public places and reducing exposure to large crowds.

With much activity concentrated indoors during the winter months, and the increased likelihood of COVID transmission with the XBB.1.5 variant, some Michigan workplaces and schools are returning to some preventive protocols, such as masking and social distancing.

The CDC continues to recommend the following guidance on preventing the spread of COVID-19:

• Avoiding contact with others who are sick, especially those who are sick with COVID

• Following CDC guidelines if you have been exposed

• Getting tested for COVID

• Improving ventilation indoors

• Seeking treatment for COVID if you are at a high risk of severe illness

• Staying home if you are sick

vided a voice for the Black community for 95 years while also setting a standard when it comes to journalism and media coverage,” Shaw said adding that there have been multiple ground-breaking moments throughout ADW’s history including in 1945.

“ADW continues to make history and impact culture. In 2022, it was an honor to represent ADW as the only reporter from a Black-owned publication to cover the NBA’s first game in Abu Dhabi,” Shaw said. “The Black media will always play a role in highlighting Black stories and voices. And the Atlanta Daily World will continue this legacy.”

Dyanna Knight Lewis, regional vice president of Real Times Media (RTM), and Chicago Defender publisher, told the Michigan Chronicle that representing one of America’s oldest black newspapers (founded by Robert Sengstacke Abbott in 1905 and started with an investment of only $5) “exemplifies excellence.”

Given that the paper got its start during Jim Crow and The Great Migration and continues to feature news and information about the Black community and spotlights Black History 365 days a year is a story in and of itself, Lewis said.

“The Chicago Defender is known for being the defender of the African American community,” Lewis said. “The Chicago Defender was the information vehicle

• Staying up to date on COVID shots

For some already facing health challenges, COVID infections are all the more serious, especially for the elderly and those most susceptible.

Rates of COVID cases and deaths among nursing home residents and staff nationwide increased sharply in December, while most residents and staff nationwide are still not up to date on their COVID-19 vaccinations, according to AARP’s Nursing Home COVID-19 Dashboard.

Nationwide, it’s estimated that tragically more than 175,000 residents and staff of nursing homes have died due to COVID-19.

Per the Dashboard, rates of COVID-19 cases among nursing home residents nationwide increased 57 percent in the four weeks ending December 18, compared to the previous four weeks. There was also a 53 percent increase in staff cases during the same period. Here in Michigan, resident cases are up by 21.5 percent in the four weeks ending December 18, compared to the previous four weeks, with staff cases up nearly 9 percent during the same period.

The new data also shows most nursing home residents and staff are also not up to date on their vaccinations.

Passing The Torch Michigan Chronicle DIGITAL DAILY Voice of the Community at your fingertips

instrumental in the facilitation of movement of over a hundred thousand Blacks from the south to the north. The Chicago Defender is telling our stories on multiple media platforms as only we can.”

Michigan Chronicle Digital Anchor Andre Ash agrees.

“The positive focus of our community wasn’t always a focus of mainstream media,” the longtime, well-known reporter said. “So, you needed the Black press to be able to be the voice to tell our stories that you weren’t going to hear anywhere else. The Black press is important because we shine a light and give a voice that may not be given elsewhere.”

New Pittsburgh Courier Editor and Publisher Rod Doss told the Michigan Chronicle that Black stories “need to be told” as they continue to inspire and educate communities.

“It was their stories that lifted communities by showcasing the many talented and gifted individuals whose stories were only told in the Black press,” Doss said. It was their stories that captured the beautiful culture of the Black community and the philanthropy of churches, sororities, and fraternities that helped to provide college scholarships for so many of our youth. And yes, it was their stories that gave us the many heroes and heroines that led the way in civil rights, sports, the arts, and politics.”

which serves more than 1.2 million members age 50 and older in Michigan. “Family members can play a role too, keeping their loved ones safe by engaging with facility management and staff and asking the right questions about vaccination rates.”

Dr. Natasha Bagdasarian, an infectious disease specialist in Ann Arbor, told the Michigan Chronicle previously that although most people with COVID-19 get better within weeks of illness, some people experience post-COVID conditions.

“Post-COVID conditions are a wide range of new, returning or ongoing health problems people can experience four or more weeks after first being infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. Even people who did not have COVID19 symptoms in the days or weeks after they were infected can have post-COVID conditions,” she said. “These conditions can present as different types and combinations of health problems for different lengths of time.”

“Nursing homes must prioritize steps to increase up-to-date vaccination rates among residents and staff,” said Paula D. Cunningham, state director of AARP,

Page A-4 | February 8-14, 2023 |
COVID Variant | DQE

Are Detroiters Left Out of the City’s Economic Comeback?

Detroit has been experiencing an economic resurgence following the city’s 2013 historic bankruptcy. It’s been fueled in part by the massive property investment in downtown buildings by local billionaire businessman Dan Gilbert.

The Motor City appears ready for another economic comeback after nearly three years of the COVID-19 pandemic which halted a lot of the city’s progress.

The city’s unemployment rate spiked to more than 38 percent in May of 2020, during the height of the pandemic.

During the early stages of downtown’s revival after 2013, more people began to populate the city’s central core, bustling from new offices to increased residential development.

A complete contrast from the after 5 p.m. ghost town the area withstood only 15 years ago.

As downtown’s growth 10 years ago began to escalate faster than overall neighborhoods, newcomers changing the racial make-up of an otherwise majority Black city became more evident.

This early new reality called into question: who might be targeted for downtown’s progress. It appeared certainly not for longtime residents on the verge of being pushed out from rising rents only to make way for newcomers who could afford the pricey new renovated stay. The city’s progress – certainly not for legacy Detroiters, many of whom lacked the skillset for job opportunities in industries and spaces that began to flood the zone downtown.

The murder of George Floyd in 2020 brought with it a racial reckoning across the nation, leading many government and business sectors to embrace diversity and inclusion efforts.

Over the course of time, the Mike Duggan mayoral administration instilled policy and efforts to shield from the likes of other urban cities which have lost legacy residents due to growing gentrification.

One could wonder how does city government ensure no Detroiter is pushed out or left behind? After all, this is an economic environment not too far removed from households not being able to afford the once high costs of gas, prices for groceries, rising cost of housing, and at one time lacked the talent pool and skillset for Amazon headquarters to land here.

The city would argue it has done an enormous amount of work to be inclusive and ensure gaps are being closed to fill over 8,000 jobs currently open. City officials say they’ve been doing the work to keep legacy Detroiters in their homes, opening the door to more affordable housing, connecting residents to jobs and introducing resources such as training and paid educational programs to help residents obtained basic or new skillsets for jobs employers have available.

“There is no shortage of opportunity for legacy Detroiters who need to brush up on their skills and/or understand what the current economy and job market demands of all of us,” said Nicole Sherard-Freeman, the mayor’s group executive for Jobs, the Economy and Detroit at Work. “There’s Learn to Earn skill building, adult basic education, GED completion and the high school

Down for the Qulture: Community-Minded Cannabis Product Shop Launches Online

Sarfoh, the owner and founder of Qulture, an online company, is hitting the ground running in the fight to “de-stigmatize cannabis for nearly a decade,” according to her website. “Qulture exists to promote authentic CBD and cannabis education, and we regularly hold events that bring our community together.”

Qulture is dedicated to providing events that bring the cannabis community together – both virtually and in person.

“We create an online space that allows like-minded, canni-curious people to connect. Qulture begins and ends each month by gathering our community for a time of health, healing, reflection and connection,” according to the company. “We want to change the narrative on CBD products so that you can experience hope and healing.”

Qulture is an online CBD shop that conveniently ships products throughout the United States. However, for the faces behind Qulture, the passion for CBD and cannabis follows wherever they go.

The Qulture team works every day

to reinvent the image of cannabis by reflecting the vibrant culture of its local community, from headquarters in Michigan to the Midwest and beyond. Qulture is a way of life, not just a CBD shop.

Its mission is to reimagine cannabis by reflecting the vibrant culture in community in order to inspire the fusion of lifestyle and wellness. Traditional cannabis products are high in sugar and can contain questionable ingredients.

Qulture was founded to provide healthier alternatives.

Sarfoh said that the cannabis industry is “vastly underrepresented” for Black women and she said this segment was not a “target market” for a long time.

She is forging her own green path — trailblazing among other Black women in the local cannabis industry doing the thing every day.

White men have disproportionately dominated this field for years. But don’t worry, she is claiming her own lane.

“The industry still has a lot of work to do, to think about the woman consumer and how they prioritize and support the woman consumer,” she said, adding that as a consumer and business person, there are multiple

perspectives to think about.

Former Fox 2 Detroit Anchor Anqunette “Q” Sarfoh ,co-founder of BotaniQ, the provisioning center and dispensary in Detroit (resold and renamed), is an advocate for the safe use of marijuana for health reasons after being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2013.

In 2016, she began publicly supporting the movement to legalize recreational marijuana for adults over 21 in Michigan.

Sarfoh became increasingly aware of the disproportionate prosecution of minorities for marijuana criminalization after reaping the benefits of medical marijuana, as well as the limited number of ailments for which medical marijuana was legal.

“So, it’s really important for us to open up any opportunity at the table with us,” she said, adding that there needs to be an increased representation of women. “It’s about creating -- creating access within your organizations and not looking at it as competition but rather something that will strengthen the industry at large. And then I think we as women really have to network and stick together because there is lack of resources, lack of support for us within the industry.”

For more information visit

Jetta’s Gourmet Popcorn is a Sweet Taste of Detroit’s “Sticky Goodness”

Since 1997, Magita Barbee’s gourmet popcorn and fun food confections have been a staple for sweets lovers in Detroit. Jetta’s Gourmet Popcorn offers an assortment of popcorn confections including a combination order of sweet and salty mixtures, including chocolate.

“What keeps me going is the passion,” said Barbee. “ Just the desire to do it and then hear from people and get calls, emails, text messages, telling me how good the product is and posting about it’s the best popcorn they’ve had. Knowing there are people out there that desire my product makes me want to make sure I give it to them.”

Her passion for crafting a fun foods business grew out of her time learning the ropes of dessert making at the iconic national Detroit-based brand, Sanders Country Bakery in the early ‘90s. After graduating from the University of Detroit, Barbee worked as a retail manager at the shoppe where she learned to make sundaes, milkshakes, banana boats and other ice cream favorites.

This experience inspired her to start her

own business, Breezin Concessions, an ice cream truck that allowed her the mobility to travel through the city serving hot dogs, pretzels, hand-dipped ice cream…and popcorn.

“The popcorn was the product that even in the off-season people would call to order because the ice cream truck only ran from May through October,” said Barbee. “We were getting so many calls that we realized we had something special going with the popcorn and decided to start bagging it up and selling that for a dollar.”

In the next few years, Barbee experienced challenges in her journey but stayed determined to pursue her dream as an entrepreneur. From 2009 to 2012, her business was barely operating when she decided to head back to college and gained a master’s degree and later a teaching certification in 2015.

The ups and downs of being a business owner can often take a toll, especially when dealing with personal life situations while trying to grow the company. The responsibility of an entrepreneur is a constant juggle and balancing of life.

A5 |
February 8-14, 2023
Magita Barbee is the owner of Jetta’s Gourmet Popcorn, a long-running Detroit-based fun foods confection truck and pop-up stand. Photo courtesy of Magita Barbee. Anqunette Q Sarfoh’s profile is growing her cannabis empire.

Jetta’s Gourmet Popcorn

From page A-5

“Situations like having to bury my firstborn grandchild who died weeks after being born, then years later going through divorce after 26 years of marriage, just to name a few,” said Barbee. “It was then in 2016 that I really began to dig my heels into Jetta’s Gourmet Popcorn, again giving my all to pursuing my dream.”

Barbee decided to answer what she believes is her calling by converting her mobile truck into an offshoot specializing in popcorn and soon Jetta’s Gourmet Popcorn was born.

The most popular popcorn flavor at the time was Barbee’s version of kettle corn “with all the sticky goodness.” The product line offers five “D” mixes labeled East Side and West Side to drum up more orders by playfully drawing on community rivalry when she’s selling at sporting games.

A year later, Barbee opened an inline store at the now closed Eastland Mall in Harper Woods but quickly had to close due to the mall’s decline in foot traffic. She pivoted to focusing on pop-up events to reach more customers and now has a regular stand in Huntington Place where she is available at major events.

Barbee’s caramel-based line is her signature flavor, making up over 50 percent of her product line. The caramel is made the old-fashioned way by baking the caramel in the oven and painstakingly turning it over and stirring it manually.

“It’s in all the mixes plus the various types of caramels you can purchase from the chocolate to the pecans, so I produce a lot of caramel,” said Barbee. “The next thing I need is to upgrade

Economic Comeback

From page A-5

completion on the academic side.”

Sherard-Freeman has led the charge with a portfolio which oversees new employers setting up shop in the city, from Amazon’s distribution center expected to add 1,200 jobs, to the Detroit at Work program connecting Detroiters to training and open jobs in construction/skills trade, health care, information technology and a variety of other fields.

And as much as city officials seem to be pushing every effort and policy to get Detroiters involved and trained for jobs, it just might not be enough.

“There is still a concern [about] folks who are legacy Detroiters, have the skillset for the job that we talk about, are going to be a part of Detroit’s economic impact,” said Portia Roberson,

the machinery where I can make bigger batches, and quicker, to fulfill my customer’s demands.”

Last December, Barbee entered and won the 2022 Samuel Adams “Brewing the American Dream & Build Institute Pitch Room Competition.” Beating out five other Detroit-based food and drink companies, Barbee received a $10,000 business grant to expedite her caramel-making process and expand her business into a brick and mortar.

Barbee is also a teacher at Denby High School’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) program. She created a curriculum on entrepreneurship and business to encourage younger people to pursue their dreams no matter where they come from and to start at any age.

The guidance she provides to her students and other people interested in starting their own business is simple: fulfill your purpose.

“It really is about just sticking to it and staying in focus despite the ups and downs that you’ll go through,” said Barbee. “And there’s been a lot, a lot of tears and laughter and joy and all of the emotions you can think of because being an entrepreneur, you put everything at risk…financially and emotionally. You’ve got to be able to endure that process and know that you are fulfilling a purpose.

“For me, it’s just living that dream that keeps me coming back, the visions of what I want to see keep me coming back and it won’t let you rest so you know what you’re supposed to be doing.”

You can check out Jetta’s Gourmet Popcorn’s menu selection for online orders and delivery at

CEO of Focus: HOPE, a Detroit based non-profit, aiming to overcome racism and poverty by providing education and job training.

“We are always concerned about whether the students we receive from DPSCD have the ability to come into a program like ours and immediately start training to get a certain certificate or skill.”

Roberson states her organization devotes a considerable amount of time getting students up to par on basics.

“I’m a strong proponent that it starts with education and it being the pathway and fundamental part of the workforce,” she says. “We have to look at systemic issues [housing banks loans] and I’m not sure if that’s the city’s role, but if we’re not involved in talking about those issues as well, you’re definitely not going to see the resurgence that you desperately want to see.”

I have my mother’s eyes.

Do I share her heart disease?


February 8-14, 2023

February 8: The Orangeburg Massacre occurred on the night of February 8, 1968, when a civil rights protest at South Carolina State University (SC State) turned deadly after highway patrolmen opened fire on about 200 unarmed black student protestors. Three young men were shot and killed, and 28 people were wounded.

February 9: Accomplished poet, novelist and playwright, Paul Laurence Dunbar died of tuberculosis on February 9, 1906, at the young age of 33.

February 10: On February 10, 1964, the United States House of Representatives passed The Civil Rights Act of 1964 after 70 days of debate.

February 11: On February 11, 1990, African National Congress leader and future South African President Nelson Mandela was released from Victor Verster Prison after being held for 27 years.

February 12: President Abraham Lincoln, who issued the Emancipation Proclamation, was born.

February 13: Black Love Day. Founded in 1993, the day is a 24-hour celebration and display of things tied to Black love, whether familial or romantic.

February 14: African American abolitionist, author, and orator Frederick Douglass was born.

Page A-6 | February 8-14, 2023 | | DQE Michigan Chronicle DIGITAL DAILY Keeping You Informed At All Times Of The Day
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disease risk factors include diet, exercise—and family history.
This Week in
Paul Laurence Dunbar

q 50 years of age or older

q Cancer

q Chronic kidney disease

q Chronic liver disease

q Chronic lung diseases

q Cystic fibrosis

q Dementia or other neurological conditions

q Diabetes (type 1 or type 2)

q Disabilities

q Heart conditions

q HIV infection

q Immunocompromised condition or weakened immune system

q Mental health conditions

q Overweight and obesity

q Physical inactivity

q Pregnancy

q Sickle cell disease or thalassemia

q Smoker, current or former

q Solid organ or blood stem cell transplant

q Stroke or cerebrovascular disease

q Substance use disorders

q Tuberculosis

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General Motors

Jillian L. Blackwell

Global Marketing, Communications & Change Management Leader


Nicole Blocker

Senior Vice President Plante Moran Cresa

Dora B. Brown

Chief Financial Officer

Triumph Church

Jacquelyn "Jackie" Burnley

Asst. VP, Supplier Diversity


Cornelia Butler Director, Storm Emergency


DTE Energy

Lynda Diane Dandridge

Director, Child Welfare Services

The Children’s Center

Cindy Flowers

Chief Operating Officer Perfecting Church

VP, Solid Rock Mgmt. Co.

Kimberly Flowers

Chief Clinical Officer Oakland County Community Health

Candice Fortman

Executive Director Outlier Media

Krystal Gardner

Talent Manager Motor City Casino Hotel

Amber Gladney

Sr. VP, Admin. & Operations

Invest Detroit

Denise Gray

Head of External Affairs & Government

Relations, North America

LG Energy Solution Michigan

Carolyn P. Hafner, CIA, CRMA, CBA

Associate Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer Wayne State University

Felicia G. Harris

Principal and CEO

EverythingHR Family of Companies

Shirley Hirsch

Director, Residential Services

Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network

Monique Holliday-Bettie Manager, Workforce Development

DTE Energy

Stacie Hunter VP, Detroit Community Manager

Chase Bank

Kristian Hurley

VP of Programs, Advocacy, and Health


Beyond Type 1

Machion L. Jackson Assistant Superintendent of Operations DPSCD

LaShawn C. Jimenez

VP, Trust Advisor

Chair, African American Business Resource Group

Comerica Bank Wealth Management

Shanna Johnson President Henry Ford Hospital - West Bloomfield

Hon. Alicia Jones-Coleman Judge 36th District Court

Robin Kinnie President & CEO Motor City Women Audio Engineers of Detroit

Veronica R. Leonard, PLLC Attorney Leonard Family Law

Vickie Lewis Founder & CEO VMX International, LLC

Patricia Millben-Love Executive Territory Manager Eli Lilly and Company

VeRonica Mitchell

Senior Manager of Acceleration Strategies-EV Vehicles General Motors

Marshalle Montgomery-Favors Director of Community Engagement

New Detroit

Jenita Moore

Chief of Staff

Senator Sarah Anthony Michigan State Senate

The Skillman Foundation

Roshunda Price Assistant General Counsel Global Lead Counsel Cummins-Meritor

Kierra Riser Director of Implementation Strategy Walker-Miller Energy Services

Priscilla Rodgers Executive Project Manager Wayne County Community College District

Sonia J. Russell Commander Detroit Police Department

Dr. LaTonya Shelton Chief Operating Officer Black Family Development, Inc.

Sherita Smith

Senior Vice President Cinnaire Community Connection

Renee Turner-Bailey

Director, Social Security Department UAW

Monique Vann-Brown Owner/Operator McDonald’s

Latonia Walker Founder & CEO

The Ladies League Of Detroit

Khadija Walker-Fobbs

Chief Strategy Officer Judson Center

Michelle White

Senior Managing Director

Educator Development & Strategic Initiatives

Teach for America Detroit

Dr. Jalonne L. White-Newsome

Senior Director for Environmental


The White House Council on Environmental Quality

Donele Wilkins

President & CEO Green Door Initiative

Denise Williams

VP, HR Business Partner Sr.

Huntington National Bank

C ity. L ife . Style .

B1 | February 8-14, 2023

5 Easy Ways to Say “I Love You”

(Family Features) If gift-giving isn’t your strong suit, occasions like Valentine’s Day are likely to bring on stress and worry, but procrastinating will only serve to elevate your unease.

Follow these steps to simplify your shopping, and while you may not come to love the task of finding the perfect gift, your loved one will undoubtedly appreciate your effort.

1. Browse for ideas online. Many retailers offer special promotions and gift idea sections on their websites, so finding inspiration can be as easy as visiting the sites of your loved one’s favorite stores. There are also dozens of articles online to help get the ideas flowing. Searches such as “gifts for horse lovers” or “Valentine’s gifts for a new boyfriend” will reveal a long list of ideas to peruse.

2. Keep it simple. Although the advertising industry works hard to convince consumers otherwise, Valentine’s Day isn’t really all about the bling. Sure, a pretty bauble is a welcome gift, but there are plenty of ways to show your affection that don’t require spending a month’s salary. A heartfelt card paired with a memento of a meaningful event or place in your relationship sends the same loving sentiment.

3. Make it a (different) date. For many couples, navigating the demands of work, kids and life make spending time together a luxury. Instead of fighting crowds at busy restaurants on the official date, celebrate your love on a day of your own choosing, when you can relax and enjoy the time together without the pressure to rush through dessert so your table can be flipped for the next waiting couple.

4. Give blooms a boost. A dozen long-stem red roses is a beautiful gesture, but unless your intended rose receiver is a strictly traditional type, try adding a little spice to your floral arrangement. Go for a bouquet in her favorite color, or have the flowers arranged in a practical vessel she can reuse to remember the occasion, such as a cocktail shaker or a watering can.

5. Go ahead, gift yourself. It may seem counter-intuitive, but finding a gift you’ll enjoy may inspire an idea for your loved one. The trick is finding something you can share together, whether it’s tickets to a show or his and hers mugs for enjoying your favorite brew. Just be sure the item is something your intended will share your enthusiasm for, or you may as well go buy a blender.

Find more ideas to simplify every occasion at

Finding Love After Divorce: Can You Find Your Soulmate After a Breakup?

It was a cheating scandal which played out for weeks involving Ime Udoka, suspended NBA head coach of the Boston Celtics and husband to actress Nia Long. Udoka’s affair reportedly involved an NBA staffer.

A few short months following the cheating scandal, the actress and coach split from each other.

Most recently, Long was spotted on the red carpet for the movie premiere of her latest project on Netflix, “You People.” And on that carpet, she wasn’t alone as she arrived with R&B singer Omarion where both posed for pictures together.

Following reports of the popular 90’s actress and singer dating or being part of a new couple, Long was quick to hit social media and tell the world she’s, “Single AF.”

On the hunt or exploring an idea of Finding Love After Divorce, we wanted to know can one find their soulmate after a breakup?

“Life is supposed to be lived, so just because something failed, if you’re still living you still have opportunity,” said Dr. Sabrina Jackson, author and moti-

vational speaker affectionally known as ‘The People Expert!’

“We all change and just because you’re with someone doesn’t mean you know all about a person. One has to really learn the nuisances of change, because who I am at 20, isn’t who I am at the age of 50.”

Jackson also doesn’t align with the idea of someone having a soulmate or some idea that their right person is waiting out there in the wings.

“You choose who you love. Something about a soulmate makes it mystical, makes it magical and takes it out of your

Soundbites: Vinyl Tasting Pop-Up Honors Dilla, Detroit, Donuts and More!

What’s better than food and music in Detroit, a city known for its soulful music and for its delicious cuisine?

Nothing really.

With the taste and sound of Motown being legendary in their own right as chefs and musicians carefully master their craft locally – with culture infused into every bite and sound -- it is easy to see why mixing the two brings things to another level.

An upcoming private dinner, Vinyl Tasting, hopes to do just that. Curated by Chef Jermond Booze and Chef Amber Beckhem, inspired by J-Dilla’s Donuts, is on tap for Sunday, February 19 at Freya, 2929 East Grand Boulevard in Detroit.

Attendees can listen to the classic album Donuts via a live DJ alongside a five-course plated dinner with each course accompanied by a wine pairing inspired by their favorite songs. Each course is explained by the chefs as to how it was inspired by the song selection in addition to a resident sommelier breaking down the wine selections.

The interactive experience is for the foodie and music lover and will be a special night for Detroit as attendees celebrate the late J-Dilla, a legendary hip-hop producer, during his birthday month.

Tickets are $80, and $65 without the wine pairing. Seating is limited. Note, this is not a BYOB event.

Born James DeWitt Yancey, J-Dilla,

who passed in 2006 at 32 years old, rose to become a Grammy-nominated hiphop producer and founding member of Slum Village.

Dilla started playing the violin when he was 4, began composing orchestral music at 10, and took up the viola at 12. The first musician he truly loved was Bach. Jay D died on February 10, 2006. His custom-made Minimoog Voyager synthesizer was used to create his famous and distinctive beats, and his Akai MIDI Production Center 3000 is on display at the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History Culture in D.C.

Booze, a native of Little Rock Arkansas, told the Michigan Chronicle that Dilla’s music partially inspired him to move to Michigan for college, and he sees a lot of intersections between his life and Dilla’s.

“It’s only right we bring y’all Detroit’s own beat master/music producer J Dilla Donuts for Black history and his birthday month,” Booze said in an Instagram post. “

The long-awaited pop-up event is part of the programming from Taste the Diaspora’s recognition of “Black Food As Resistance” For Black History Month 2023.

Taste the Diaspora, now in its third year, is an initiative that celebrates the food, culture, and contributions of the African diaspora by bringing awareness to how African Americans, for decades, have utilized food to resist historic and ongoing oppression.

This year’s theme of Black Food as Resistance will foster a consciousness around food and its critical role in the fight for Black liberation.

Taste the Diaspora Detroit was founded by Raphael Wright, founder of Urban Plug L3C and Neighborhood Grocery; Ederique Goudia, chef, and founder of In the Business of Food; and Booze, chef, and founder of June Consulting, and classroom facilitator for Detroit Food Academy.

Booze said that as a self-proclaimed “hip hop head” he knows the impact that Dilla has made and is proud to recognize that while honoring him, and his fans, in the process.

“This is a full-circle moment in my life,” Booze said adding that helping curate the menu is a whole moment for him, too because it evokes memories for him and something more. “I’m known for being a chef but this music is the thing that drives me. Music is the beat of my life. …This has touched me in a spot and makes me feel whole almost.”

Beckhem told the Michigan Chronicle that working with Booze on this project is a one-of-a-kind experience.

“This is a very special album to me,” Beckhem said of Dilla’s music. “We’re
Where City Meets Life and Life Meets Style
Chef Jermond Booze and Chef Amber Beckhem

Love After Divorce

From page B-1

control. Love is a choice.”

Love is something Dr. Rose Moten of Detroit has always desired, inspired by the love and affection she saw up close from her mom and dad.

“Romantic love for me means a partnership, a mutual level of respect, reciprocity is important to me. Someone who is able to reciprocate the same degree of love that you out.”

She grew up thinking everyone had the same definition of love as her parents had for each other. It would become how she would form her love output. For as long as Moten could remember she has loved love, even keeping a poll of diaries and journals from elementary school chronicling her desire to be loved.

Moten was married in her 20’s to her first husband of 12 years, which produced four children. They divorced in 2012. The idea of being single and never finding love again was never a burdened thought for Moten as it can be for others.

“A lot of folks will trip themselves up with quantity over quality,” Moten said. “People say ‘we’ve been together over 50 years, but it’s been 45 years of hell.’ Well, is that really what you want?”

Moten says she often hears women talk about the hell they’re going through in a relationship but not willing to walk away because they’ve invested a lot of time and fear watching another woman reap all the benefits from their ex-partner.

Vinyl Tasting

really excited.”

She added that it’s all about “going back to love” through the music, food, and vibes on tap.

“We are showing our love and just the love of the people here in Detroit have for J Dilla,” she said. “We definitely take pride in the love and showing our food.”

Some of the menu options are a play on Detroit classics like a coney dog chili and some elements of Dilla’s music into the menu.

“Me and Booze combined our love for food and our love for music into these dinners yeah, that’s kind of like how

“Don’t’ subject yourself to this behavior because of that fear. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. If a person hasn’t done the work in your marriage, what makes you think they are going to do it in a different relationship?”

Following the divorce of her first marriage, years later she married again which ended as early as it started she’ll tell ya.

After pooling in the dating circle for some time, she is happy to be in a loving four-year relationship with her partner, “Reggie.”

“The level of consideration and intentionality that he shows me, I know he showed in his relationships,” she says, pointing out her partner was previously married for 20-plus years. Reggie had been single and divorced for seven years before meeting Moten.

“There’s not a topic we don’t approach; we’re very open with each other. I’m in the type of relationship that I believed always existed.”

“One of the biggest reasons for divorce is that partners have just grown apart,” Jackson says. “The things that I value and that are important to someone may not be important to their mate. In order to move on to your possible new and greatest love story, you have to heal from the old failure.”

However, Jackson stresses failure doesn’t mean to never pursue another relationship, but “learn the lesson and do it differently.”

From page B-1

me and Bucha really, you know, combine our love for music and our love for

food into these dinners. Because the food is inspired by the music.”

Page B-2 | February 8-14, 2023 |
Keeping You Informed Away or at Home.
Help protect yourself, your family and the community by keeping your COVID-19 and flu vaccines up to date. Let’s enjoy all the togetherness we can this winter. Find a vaccine location near you at

(Family Features) If the way to your loved one’s heart is through the stomach, there’s no better way to start off this Valentine’s Day than with a homemade breakfast prepared with love.

Whether you’re whipping up a breakfast for a spouse with a sophisticated palate or trying to tempt the taste buds of your littlest loves, explore these ideas to get inspired.

• Red is the color of love, so build your menu around fresh strawberries or raspberries, which pair perfectly with French toast or crepes, and can even dress up a simple cereal.

• For a more sensible menu, opt for a fruity berry smoothie or a parfait layered with fresh fruit, low-fat yogurt and granola. Add a hint of loving indulgence by sprinkling dark chocolate shavings on top.

• Show your affection with a plate of these colorful Cocoa-Kissed Red Velvet Pancakes featuring rich 100 percent cocoa, buttermilk and fresh berries. Heartshaped cookie cutters lend a special touch to these fluffy, flavorful pancakes. Add sweet garnishes like powdered sugar and berries for a sensational way to say

“I love you.”

Find more recipes you’ll love to share with your nearest and dearest this Valentine’s Day at

Cocoa-Kissed Red Velvet Pancakes

Recipe courtesy of Nestlé

Servings: 10 pancakes

1 cup all-purpose flour

1/4 cup granulated sugar

3 tablespoons Nestlé Toll House Baking Cocoa

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 large egg

1 cup reduced-fat buttermilk or low-fat milk

2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted

1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1 teaspoon red food coloring

heart-shaped pancake cutters or cookie cutters (optional)

butter, for garnish (optional) powdered sugar, for garnish (optional) maple syrup, for garnish (optional) fresh berries, for garnish (optional)

In large bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking cocoa, baking powder, baking soda and salt; stir well.

In separate large bowl, whisk together egg, buttermilk, unsalted butter, vanilla extract and food coloring. Add to flour mixture; stir to combine. Allow mixture to sit 5 minutes. Heat nonstick skillet or griddle over medium heat. Brush with oil or butter. Add about 1/4 cup batter to skillet. Cook about 2 minutes, or until bubbles start to form on top. Flip and cook

1-2 minutes, or until bottom is lightly browned. Serve immediately with butter, powdered sugar, syrup and berries, if desired.

Tip: If using pancake or cookie cutters, be sure to coat with oil so pancakes don’t stick. Place cutters in skillet and pour batter into cutters. Remove cutters before flipping.

Red Velvet for Your Valentine

( On the sweetest day of the year, a day full of flowers, love and sweets, Valentine’s Day is the ultimate opportunity to try a different dessert meant for two.

It’s hard to resist a perfectly blended, rose-red, luscious Red Velvet Mug Cake.

It’s the perfect size, with just a handful of instructions, and it’s easily cooked before your eyes in the microwave. That’s right, the microwave.

This mug cake is a simple way to make something delicious and keep the portions small. Whether you have a small party, just you and your loved one or just simply want something easy and small, this quick treat is designed just for you.

Start by mixing all the dry ingredients into a large mug, including flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking powder and salt.

Then add milk, melted butter, vanilla and red food coloring. Use a spoon and stir the ingredients together until blended.

Mix powdered sugar and cream cheese then drop the mixture into the cake batter and mix once more. Microwave the mug for up to 3 minutes until your cake is baked.

Valentine’s Day means sharing with someone how much you care, and it’s difficult to find a better way than to share something sweet.

This dessert has Valentine’s Day written all over it, however, it can be enjoyed anytime

throughout the year and is perfect for a late-night snack if you’re craving something sugary-sweet. Find more recipes and dessert ideas for every celebration at

Red Velvet Mug Cake

Servings: 1

6 tablespoons flour

2 tablespoons sugar

1 teaspoon cocoa powder

1/4 teaspoon baking powder

1/8 teaspoon salt

1/3 cup milk

2 tablespoons butter, melted

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

30 drops red food coloring

3 tablespoons powdered sugar

1 tablespoon cream cheese, softened

In 12-ounce mug, whisk flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking powder and salt. Add milk, butter, vanilla and food coloring; mix until blended. In small bowl, mix powdered sugar and cream cheese until smooth.

Drop cream cheese mixture into cake batter. Press into batter until covered. Microwave up to 3 minutes until cake is done. | February 8-14, 2023 | Page B-3

Easy DIYs to Display Your Love

(Family Features) Handmade Valentine’s Day decor is a crafty way to put your love on display. Add a little TLC to your home or share your affection with loved ones by dedicating some time to simple DIY projects that come straight from the heart.

1. Creative cutouts. Places and moments hold special places in the heart, so memorialize them with decorative wall hangings. Use a treasured photo or map of destinations you hold dear as the base layer. Next, choose a design, such as a heart or a romantic word like “love.” Print your design then trace it on a piece of foam core or matting. Cut out the design to create an opening and layer it over the photo or map. To finish the project, either affix the top layer to the bottom and display as-is or place it in a pretty frame.

2. Sucker for succulents. Hardy and easy to care for, succulents are a stylish way to add some plant life to your home. Add a romantic twist by gathering a selection of small succulents in a variety of colors and textures then clustering them in a heart-shaped basket or planter. Succulents also make great gifts; just create a small planter and attach a card that conveys your heartfelt thoughts.

3. Love is in the cards. Almost everyone has a deck or two of old playing cards laying around, or they’re an

inexpensive investment. Using the red-hued cards from the heart suite, punch holes in the top of each card. String heart-themed ribbon through the holes to make a whimsical banner you can hang on a wall or across a doorway.

4. Say it in string. Expressing yourself with string art is an easy project suitable for all ages. Start with a firm backing, such as a scrap of lightweight wood. Add a base coat of paint to make your design pop then sketch your design. Examples like a flower, heart, word or some combination of those are all good choices for a Valentine’s Day project. Add thin nails in 1/2-inch intervals along the border of your design. Select your string and tie an end to the nail of your choice. There’s no right or wrong way from there; just loop from one nail to another until your design is obvious. Tie off your string, trim any excess end pieces and you’re done.

5. Collage of comrades. Paying tribute to those you hold near and dear is easy with a stylized cork board. Select snapshots of loved ones and attach them to a basic corkboard using push pins in classic Valentine’s colors like red, white and pink. Then add accents with tape, stickers, gemstones and other embellishments. Explore more DIY ideas to enhance your home at

A Sweet Evening-Ender

( Nearly anytime can be a good time for a decadent dessert. This Creamy Raspberry Mocha Parfait, which combines the flavors of instant coffee, chocolate and raspberries, can be a perfect nightcap to almost any meal.

Find more dessert recipes at

Creamy Raspberry Mocha Parfait

Servings: 4

2 tablespoons hot water

1 tablespoon instant coffee

1 packet chocolate pudding mix

2 cups milk

1 carton whipped topping

1 cup heavy cream

1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 tablespoons sugar

2 cups raspberries whipped cream, for topping chocolate powder, for dusting

In small bowl, mix hot water and instant coffee. Cool completely.

In medium bowl, mix milk and chocolate pudding mix until blended and thickened. Add cooled coffee; mix well. Add whipped topping; mix well. Chill.

In large bowl, add heavy cream, cream of tartar and vanilla extract. Beat mixture to form peaks. Gradually add sugar. Continue beating mixture until stiffer peaks form.

In four parfait glasses, layer chocolate pudding mix, whipped cream mix and raspberries. Top raspberries with additional chocolate pudding mix, dollop of whipped cream, another raspberry and dust with chocolate powder.

Page B-4 | February 8-14, 2023 |

Jalen Rose Leadership Academy

15000 Trojan Detroit, Michigan 48235


Applications for the 2023-24 school year for grades 9th-12th are being accepted from March 1, 2023 thru, thru April 14, 2023. Should applications exceed available space a random selection drawing will be held on April 22, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. at the school. Applications are available online at




POSITION: Case Administrator Vacancy Announcement at

State University, Department of Surgery has an available

of Assistant Professor (Research) in Detroit. Job duties:

research using Raman spectroscopy in conjunction with machine/deep learning & develop biomarkers for rapid & ultrasensitive detection of clinical pathogens & breast cancer. Lead mild traumatic brain injury study & supervise clinical study in conjunction with Detroit Medical Center. Co-lead research & development of handheld Raman surgical probe for brain tumor margin detection in conjunction with Henry Ford Health System. Develop & supervise appropriate statistical, computational & machine learning methods for large scale spectral data analysis using R & Python programming languages. Lead microbiology lab personnel. Supervise two research assistants and two lab technicians. Supervise growth, maintenance, and quality control of biological stocks. Mentor graduate &undergraduate students on their research projects. Publish results of research in peerreviewed journals and present results at international and national conferences. Write research grants for national and international grant agencies.


Ph.D., degree in Biological Science or Molecular Biology and 24 months experience as a Post-Doctoral Fellow.

Experience must include 24 months experience conducting biomarker detection research using Raman spectroscopy in conjunction with machine/deep learning.

Two peer-reviewed journal publications in molecular biology using statistical & computational methods using R &/ or Python programming language(s). Interested applicants should apply online at home?c=waynetalent Job # - req705

Wayne State University is a premier, public, urban research university located in the hard of Detroit where students from all backgrounds are offered a rich, high quality education. Our deep-rooted commitment to excellence, collaboration, integrity, diversity and inclusion creates exceptional educational opportunities preparing students for success in a diverse, global society.

Wayne State University provides equal employment opportunities (EEO) to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability or genetics.

WSU encourages applications from women, people of color, and other underrepresented people. Wayne State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.

Are You in a Weight Loss Plateau?

5 Reasons Why the Scale is Stuck

(StatePoint) So, you took the leap and signed up for a weight loss program. But once you got started, it was a whole different story. While you may feel like you’re doing everything to a T, the scale is stuck and you can’t figure out why. Plateaus are a normal part of any weight loss journey, but there are many reasons for them. Check out these six reasons why the scale may be stuck:

1. Overeating. Weight loss is dependent on “calories in” being lower than “calories out.” Eating too much for your current activity level and weight could be a reason why the scale is stuck. “Meal delivery programs can help eliminate any guesswork,” says nutrition expert Chris Mohr, PhD, RD. “Plans like Nutrisystem are perfectly portioned to provide the right balance of nutrients at every meal. The program boasts SmartAdapt science, which provides personalized plans that adapt to your unique metabolism and weight loss goals and help minimize plateaus.”

2. Not Keeping Track. Overeating, skipping meals and portion control can all be eased if you get more diligent with food tracking. Take it from the experts: According to research published in the journal “Obesity,” self-monitoring your diet is the number one predictor of weight loss success, and it takes less than 15 minutes each day. Try tracking your diet at least 80% of the time or at least five to six days of the week. Be sure to include all eating occasions (even nibbling), portion sizes and ingredients. This way, when the scale is stuck, you can evaluate where you may be overdoing it. The NuMi app by Nutrisystem is a useful tool to keep your meal plan organized.

3. Skimping on Protein and Fiber. Try maximizing protein and fiber in your diet. “Protein helps preserve lean muscle mass while losing weight to help maintain metabolic rate. Also, protein and fiber keep you feeling full longer. What’s more, protein is more thermogenic than carbohydrates and fats -- meaning you’ll burn more calories digesting and absorbing high-protein foods. Fiber isn’t fully digested, so the calorie contribution from fiber is less than other carb sources,” adds Mohr.

4. Increasing Muscle. If you’ve been hitting the gym and putting on muscle, you might also experience a stall on the scale. Find other measures of success in the meantime. For example, your jeans may be fitting better or you may have more energy. These non-scale victories are just as valuable as a number on the scale.

5. Other Lifestyle Factors. Lack of sleep can disrupt weight loss. The National Sleep Foundation recommends sticking to a regular sleep schedule. Limit caffeine and screen-time in the hours before bed. The light emitted by screens on electronic devices reduce your body’s production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates your sleep and wake cycle, according to Harvard Health. You can also try a before bed exercise routine. Did you know that chronic stress can halt weight loss? Address your stress with self-care. Try meditation, daily exercise and breathing techniques. You should also seek out a support system and engage in your community. Feeling overly stressed? Be sure to speak with your doctor.

6. Illness or Injury. A recent illness or injury can cause increased inflammation that results in water retention. Additionally, injury or illness can decrease daily activity and overall calories burned. Some medications may also stall weight loss. Keep in mind that your overall health should always take precedence over the number on the scale. Consult your doctor. It may mean modifying your weight loss program temporarily. This setback is not the end of your journey though. Once you’ve recovered, you should be able to start where you left off, pending your doctor’s approval.

“Ultimately, your goals should be realistic. Don’t expect the pounds to fall off instantly. Have patience and give yourself some grace. If you’re doing the work, that’s all that matters,” says Mohr.

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