MC Digital Edition 3.1.23

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Affordable Housing Efforts Ramp up in Detroit. Is it Enough?

Efforts to combat housing insecurity in Detroit are evident. With a steady stream of announcements about affordable developments coming online, it can be easy to think that finding housing for residents looking to live somewhere within the city’s roughly 140 square miles would not be a challenge.

Just recently, Mayor Duggan and Develop Detroit announced an $18.2 million project in the city’s North End representing 71 units of affordable housing.

Duggan and nonprofit developers Develop Detroit and Vanguard Community Development Corporation recently announced the plan to officially open the $18.2 million Marwood + Marston project in the city’s North End, adding and preserving 71 housing units, all of which are reserved as affordable housing, including 37 that will be rented to Detroiters earning no more than 50 percent area median income (AMI).

Marwood + Marston, located at 53-111 Marston St., includes the renovation of the 59-unit Marwood Apartments, an historic 1925-built building just east of Woodward that is on the National Register of Historic Places. It includes fully renovated studios and one- and two-bedroom apartments.

Will Detroit’s Latest Demands to Perfecting Church Lead to Completion?

The majestic future home of Perfecting Church, under construction for almost 20 years, is impossible to miss for anyone traveling along Detroit’s Woodward Ave., just north of Seven Mile Rd. And the question for many who pass the construction site regularly is, Will Perfecting Church ever finish its new edifice?

The question is also being strongly asked by the City of Detroit these days, according to a four-page letter sent to Bishop Marvin Winans and Perfecting’s Board of Trustees in early January 2023. On the City’s Law Department letterhead and signed by Corporation Counsel and the City’s top attorney Conrad Mallett, the letter addresses issues of great concern rooted in the project’s code compliance and construction timelines.

A building located at 2046 Springwells St. in Southwest Detroit had thriving retail but its second-floor apartments were vacant. Thanks to a pilot program that launched recently as a full-fledged City of Detroit-funded program, those apartments are now affordable housing.

The development also includes six newly built, two-bedroom townhomes with attached garages, as well as a new-construction, six-unit building featuring two-bedroom apartments and a community room for residents of the entire development. The new buildings replaced previously vacant land, so it adds not only affordable housing to the North End but also density.

The properties are now leasing at a range of affordable incomes, ranging from 30 percent to 80 percent AMI. This equates to $19,200 to $51,200 annually for a family of two.

“This is the type of city we are building, where people of all income levels can afford to live in any neighborhood they wish,” Duggan said of the announcement.

“This project will serve as an excellent example of how inclusive development can be done,” Develop Detroit CEO Sonya


In a copy of the letter obtained by the Michigan Chronicle from the City, the written correspondence emphasized, among other requests and directives, the importance of Perfecting renewing its building permits for the church’s construction project, submitting all prior proposals to the City’s Planning and Development Department for review and reevaluation; contacting the City’s Planning and Development Department to begin the process of negotiating a new development agreement; and submitting multiple documents and reports, including proof of financing from a financial institution for the completion of Perfecting Church at 19170 Woodward Ave.

The City is also asking for a construction management report with timelines for completion. Deadlines as to when the City expects to receive various reports, updates and other pertinent documentation were contained in the letter.

“Every deadline is not absolute, but every deadline is critical,” Mallett told the Chronicle. “We are hopeful that the Bishop and the leadership at Perfecting Church recognize the seriousness of the letter, but also the remaining opportunity to comply accordingly.”

Mallett said the letter to Bishop Winans is straightforward in outlining what the City is requesting from Perfecting. Mallet added that to the degree that the directions given in the letter are

not met, the likely outcome would be litigation.

“I have a profound respect for Bishop Winans,” Mallett said. “Prayerfully, things will work out and litigation won’t be necessary. So far, they are doing everything we have asked them to do. Communication and moving toward compliance are critical for these matters to be resolved.”

The Chronicle attempted to reach Bishop Winans via phone at Perfecting Church for comment on the City’s letter and plans to complete the new edifice, but was directed to Cindy Flowers, Perfecting’s general manager.

Flowers said Bishop Winans wasn’t granting individual interviews regarding the City’s letter at this time. She also said she could not comment on the letter. However, the Bishop, according to Flowers, will release a statement to the media about the matter soon.

Nevertheless, Detroit City Council Member Angela Whitfield-Calloway, who represents District 2 where the future home of Perfecting will be located, commented.

“I am in agreement with the letter sent by the City,” Whitfield-Calloway told the Chronicle. “The letter wasn’t harsh; it was very clear and direct. I hope that the City’s administration and Bishop Winans can come to an agreement that will move the construction project forward to completion without going to court.”

Whitfield-Calloway, who holds a law degree, added that many residents in the immediate area are tired of looking at the two-decade-old construction site that has become an eyesore and has been racking up hefty fines for violations of property maintenance codes. Yet, Whitfield-Calloway said she is a cheerleader for the completion of the new Perfecting Church.

“Whatever the City can do to support Bishop Winans and the project, I would like to see happen,” the councilwoman said. “Whatever I can do as the councilperson representing District 2, I would like to do if possible, but the Bishop has to complete the project or decide what he is going to do with the property. Either he has the resources or access to resources and finances to complete construction, or he doesn’t. He needs to tell the


The 2023 Michigan Chronicle Women of Excellence ladies are here. The 51 celebrants networked during an Honoree Mixer on Thursday, February 23 at the International Banquet & Conference Center. The exclusive event, for current and former honorees, described as the “fun before the fun” precedes an induction on Wednesday, April 5 at the Motor City Casino & Hotel.

The Michigan Chronicle endeavors each year to recognize African American women from all walks of life who inspire

others via their leadership efforts in Detroit and elsewhere across a variety of career pathways.

The Michigan Chronicle Women of Excellence Awards celebrates local African American women who inspire others through their vision and leadership, exceptional achievements, and participation in community service. Each event attracts nearly 1,100 accomplished influencers, executives, heroines, and decision-makers.

In 2023, the 16th year, we will induct a new class of honorees

Vol. 86 – No. 26 | March 1-7, 2023 Powered by Real Times Media | Money. A5
Michigan Chronicle’s Women of Excellence Mixer Kicks off Women’s History Month
Dr. Marlo Rencher Named First President of Detroit Means Business

Mays added. “We are proud to help build a community and work with the existing neighborhood to expand opportunities for its residents to succeed.”

“This development is not only bringing quality affordable housing to Detroit’s North End but helping to revitalize the neighborhood in an equitable way,” said Julie Schneider, director of the City’s Housing & Revitalization Department.

Residents can also get more information on the City’s affordable housing website, Detroit Home Connect, at

Another housing development project in Detroit was also unveiled in late January with the city’s Housing & Revitalization Department (HRD) and the Southwest Detroit Business Association (SDBA), which announced its Second-Floor Residential Grant Program, which aims to convert vacant, second-floor space above commercial spaces into affordable apartment units in Southwest Detroit.

The program, which will reimburse property owners up to $10,000 for performing eligible improvements on their unused second-floor apartments, is expected to result in 24 new affordable housing units. Property owners can apply from now until 5:00 p.m. March 31.

“The City of Detroit is always looking for ways to create affordable housing and opportunities for Detroiters,” said Julie Schneider, director of HRD.

Laura Chavez-Wazeerud-Din, vice president of Programs at Southwest Detroit Business Association, agrees.

“I think it’s beautiful for our program to be partnered with the City of Detroit and bring economic development to Southwest Detroit and increasing safe and affordable housing for Detroit residents, [which] is crucial when we talk about our community,” she told the Michigan Chronicle recently.

Eligible properties must have unused second-floor apartments located above ground-floor commercial space. They also must be located within the geographic boundaries of West Vernor

Women Of Excellence

who are champions of economic empowerment and diversity, the backbone of religious and educational organizations, and driving forces in politics and community service into the exclusive society of 750-plus professional women who have previously received the distinction of Women of Excellence.

The 16th annual Women of Excellence Award ceremony in Detroit, a bevy of upstanding women in the community, is the epitome of such leadership.

The ceremony honors women who balance their many roles as community organizers, executives, business owners, and caretakers – always professionally personifying poise and grace and setting the standard for what success looks like. The ceremony this year will be the third in-return ceremony since COVID-19.

“There’s a (lot of) very, very, very powerful women in this room and you all need to meet each other. I’m sure it will help you in your journey,” Cathy Nedd, president of the Real Times Media News Group, said during the event. We are so glad to have you.”

Former WOE honorees nominate the current class, which is then selected at a later date.

Denise Williams, vice president, HR Business Partner Sr. Huntington National Bank, told the Michigan Chronicle that she was “very surprised” because she simply goes about her business doing the work.

“I don’t see myself in that light. … I just do my job,” the longtime leader said. “You know, you look at all these amazing women and what they’ve done and their backgrounds. ... But what was more humbling though, is somebody else saw that light.”

Williams said that she works with a servant’s heart.

“I believe that is what I was put on this earth for. I believe that’s

Highway from Woodmere to 15th Street; Springwells Street from West Vernor to the West Fisher Service Drive; Junction from Michigan Avenue to Konkel Street; and Bagley Avenue from the West Fisher Service Drive to 25th Street.

Anticipated rental rates for apartments are $780-$1,250, making them affordable to residents earning between 50 percent and 80 percent of area median income. More information can be found at

HRD is exploring ways to possibly expand the program into other areas of the city.

For more information about the Second-Floor Residential Program, contact SDBA Real Estate Advocate Greg Mangan at 313-283-6533.

Other city-led initiatives include even more affordable housing opportunities downtown including a mid-January announcement of a new Downtown Development Authority fund.

The decision comes as demand for multi-family housing downtown remains strong, as evidenced by a low vacancy rate of 5.9 percent, down from 12.1 percent in 2020. If approved, the loan program would be the first time the DDA has targeted financial support for downtown affordable housing since the DDA was established in 1976 at Mayor Coleman Young’s request.

“We have a clear vision to create a city, including our downtown, where Detroiters of all income levels can afford to live side by side in the same buildings as people of much higher income,” said Mayor Duggan, who Chairs the DDA and appoints board members. “This new fund gives us the ability to make downtown living accessible to Detroiters of all income levels.”

Even at the federal government level plans are also in place to help residents looking for a place to live while addressing a housing crisis at the local level.

Sen. Debbie Stabenow said previously to the Michigan Chronicle that assistance from the federal government looks like using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars, which is significantly assisting cities like Detroit that benefit from the distribution of these funds.

The $1.9 trillion federal stim-

ulus bill was signed into law in March 2021 to help alleviate the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic. The payments were broken up into two payments of $413 million.

Detroiters have already identified increasing neighborhood rebuilding, tackling poverty and improving public safety as top priorities for the ARPA funds, according to a press release.

Sen. Gary Peters agreed and said that “there is no question” that building community within the community means acknowledging the areas that have been underserved for years, but luckily the Biden-Harris Administration’s understanding of “urban areas” goes a long way.

“We have a crisis across the country,” he said ,adding that FEMA is expanding its equity footprint to ensure that unequally disadvantaged communities need resources that wealthier ones already have.

Tasha Gray, executive director of Homeless Action Network of Detroit (HAND), told the Michigan Chronicle recently that while HAND does not provide any direct services to people experiencing homelessness, they are a network of organizations that work with nonprofit service providers, government entities and beyond.

“What we do is really coordinate system-wide response to homelessness in Detroit, Highland Park and Hamtramck,” she said, adding that HAND also helps obtain needed funding for organizations that help provide housing options for area residents in the established geographic zones HAND covers.

From her view, she sees the scale of homelessness and said that one of the biggest things that HAND tries to do working with partners like those at the City of Detroit is as an advocate for resources to be dedicated to people who have a lower AMI.

“Oftentimes when you hear about affordable housing, many times it is dedicated to people who may be at like 80 percent AMI or even like, you know, 60 percent AMI or higher,” she said, adding that most people that HAND encounter who are experiencing homelessness are typically at a 30 percent AMI. “So, our advocacy to the city has been to target developments that are going to cater to those who are at 30 percent AMI or lower. You know, pair [them] with other opportunities.”

From page A-1 City what his intentions are, and we will go from there.”

The successful completion of the new church appeared to be a foregone conclusion when on Sept. 3, 2003, amid excitement and anticipation, Bishop Winans convened a press conference announcing grand plans to construct a massive Perfecting Church edifice on 15 acres of land on Woodward Ave. and Seven Mile Rd. In addition to a new church accommodating 4,000-plus people, condominiums, an office building and a parking structure would be built. The overall price tag in 2003 was announced at $60 million, with a completion timeline of three to four years.

While movements to build the structure over the ensuing years have occurred, there have also been prolonged periods of delays and work stoppages. Yet, some feel that If anyone can persevere through difficulties to finish the new church - even after two decadesit’s Bishop Winans.

“You can look at the structure from the outside and see that it will be absolutely beautiful when completed. I have faith that Bishop Winans can and will complete the church, perhaps in 2024,” said Francis M, who lives near the future church.

“I pray that God will grant the necessary resources to Bishop Winans, the wise builder, to see his vision come to fruition. His longtime track record

what God has called me to do,” she said adding that being authentic goes a long way. “Be bold, be confident. And no matter what everybody else is saying what everybody else is doing. Be yourself. Make sure that you’re honoring yourself (while) you’re serving others.”

Michelle White, senior managing director of Educator Development & Strategic Initiatives for Teach for America Detroit told the Michigan Chronicle during the event that as a 25-year-plus educator, most of her career has been spent here in the city of Detroit, after getting her start in Brooklyn, New York.

White, a previous principal, teacher, and “all things education” said that she too aspires to improve the lives of others.

“Something I’ve done in my entire career is ensuring that I’m helping other particularly young Black women go into leadership,” White said. “It’s really important to me to empower young people to be an example for them. “

White defines a woman of excellence as someone persistent in doing all that can to improve herself and the conditions for others.

“And just always having a spirit of gratitude for the opportunity,” she said.

Tati Amare, co-host, LIVE In The D, WDIV-Local 4, knows about gratitude. During the event she spoke

about how being recognized means the world to her.

“To say that I’m honored is an understatement. It really is. It really is. I was just overwhelmed thinking of the history and legacy of the Michigan Chronicle to be recognized by such an esteemed publication as a Black woman that just feels incredible,” Amare said.

Amare added that getting to where she is today took “tremendous perseverance” and “scratching” her way out to get to where she is now.

“A lot of sacrifices, hard work,” she said. “When I look back, that entire journey … nothing was wasted.”

for growing Perfecting is impressive.”

According to the church’s documented history, then-Pastor Winans started Perfecting with eight members in his basement. The first service was held on May 27, 1989. After moving to multiple sites in Detroit to accommodate the growing congregation, Perfecting moved to its current east side location -- 7616 E. Nevada at Van Dyke -- in March 1996. The current membership is believed to be north of 5,000.

With the steady growth of the congregation, Bishop Winans, in the early 2000s, visualized building a new Perfecting on Woodward with amenities to empower the community.

“I don’t know anyone rooting against Bishop Winans completing the new Perfecting Church,” Mallett said. “I want to see him succeed. However, the City has been patient and respectful toward the Bishop, but it’s time for answers as to when, how or if the new edifice can be completed.”

“I’m believing God that soon and very soon, we will have services in a finished sanctuary, and we will begin the ministry where the world will be invited,” the Bishop said in a Dec. 2021 Prayer Building Campaign message on Facebook. “People will come to hear the word of God preached, the sick will be healed and the city will be the better for it.”

Page A-2 | March 1-7, 2023 | LONGWORTH M. QUINN Publisher-Emeritus 1909-1989 Michigan Chronicle A Real Times Media Newspaper SAMUEL LOGAN Publisher 1933-2011 JOHN H. SENGSTACKE Chairman-Emeritus 1912-1997 CONTACT US 1452 Randolph • Detroit, MI 48226 • (313) 963-8100 • e-mail: HIRAM E. JACKSON Publisher | AJ WILLIAMS Managing Editor Follow | Like | Share | EQD From page A-1 From page A-1 Perfecting Church Affordable Housing THE MICHIGAN CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY ADVERTISING DEADLINE Classified: 3 p.m Friday Copy, corrections and cancellations, preceding the Wednesday publication. Display: 12 p.m. Friday preceding the Wednesday publication. For all news and calendar items: Deadline is two weeks prior to event. Weeks that contain holidays, deadline is Thursday prior to publication date. OFFICE HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. | Closed Sat. and Sun. The Michigan Chronicle is published every Wednesday. Periodical Postage, paid at Detroit, MI. Price $1.00 and other post office. MEMBER OF AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION POSTMASTER — Send address changes to: MICHIGAN CHRONICLE • 1452 Randolph • DETROIT, MI 48226 1452 Randolph • Detroit, MI 48226 • Phone: (313) 963-8100 Publication No.: USPS 344-820 Get your weekly home delivery of the Michigan Chronicle Call (313) 963-5522 Subscribe Today!
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DTE, Walker-Miller Energy Services partner to launch Energy Efficiency Academy

Creating opportunities and implementing inclusive programs to help enrich communities is what drives DTE Energy. Many homes across Michigan are in dire need of energy-efficient upgrades to help withstand weather ailments and lower energy bills. In Detroit, nearly 40,000 owner and renter-occupied households suffer from inadequate housing conditions according to a study released by the University of Michigan.

To address this growing demand, DTE partnered with Walker-Miller Energy Services to launch the Energy Efficiency Academy. The eight-week paid training program will include both classroom and on-the-job experience, allowing participants to earn Building Analyst and Home Evaluator certifications through the Building Performance Institute (BPI). Participants will also receive professional guidance in energy career development and be placed into a recruitment network for entry-level clean energy jobs with starting wages at or above $18 per hour, including benefits, driven by today’s competitive job market. Career pathways in electric, HVAC, insulation, and home performance skilled trades will be accessible for participants who complete the program.

DTE Energy improves electric reliability by 21% in 2022

DTE Energy's investment of more than $1 billion in its electric grid last year helped improve reliability for Wayne County residents by 58% in areas where DTE focused its work. Within the City of Detroit, that focused work contributed to a 68% improvement in reliability for DTE customers.

Much of the increase in reliability can be attributed to DTE’s work -- trimming more than 1,200 miles of trees and inspecting and upgrading nearly 600 miles of infrastructure in the County last year alone.

Wayne County customers were not the only ones that saw an increase in power reliability. Improvements were reported across DTE’s electric service territory with customers experiencing 21% fewer power interruptions in 2022 and a nearly 40% decrease in the average outage duration time.

“We’re pleased to report that we continue to make solid strides in improving reliability for our customers,” said Matt Paul, executive vice president, Distribution Operations, DTE Energy. “2022 was a record year for investment in our grid and the result was stronger reliability for our customers. In addition, with fewer severe weather events in 2022, our field crews were able to focus more consistently on grid resilience. It’s clear that as we invest in the grid, our customers benefit with improved performance and more reliable power.

“We have more work to do, which is why we’re continuing to invest more than ever in these vital infrastructure upgrades in order to build the grid of the future,” Paul said. “We are committed to working tirelessly to ensure that the power our customers need is as reliable and affordable as possible.”

Learn more about DTE electric reliability improvement work happening in Wayne County and the city of Detroit at

Nationwide, 2.2M additional skilled-trade hires are needed now through 2024 to keep up with labor demand and combat the weakened housing supply, according to the Home Builders Institute. This training program will work to narrow the gap in job demand and provide opportunities to Detroiters who are interested in the energy efficiency industry but are unaware of how to jumpstart their careers. By focusing on education and upskilling, this training program will provide participants with the resources needed to achieve home repair satisfaction while implementing cost-saving measures and reducing energy use.

The Energy Efficiency Academy is the newest in a number of workforce development training programs to attract new talent in the clean energy industry. Our other notable training programs include the Detroit-based Tree-Trimming Academy and Parnell Prison Tree-Trim training, Power and Trades Pathways Program with Henry Ford College, and our Detroit Summer Youth Internship Program.

The Energy Efficiency Academy will kick off its 2023 program year this Spring, hosted at the Walker-Miller Energy Services headquarters in Detroit’s New Center area. For more information about the Energy Efficiency Academy, email Walker-Miller Energy Services at To learn more about DTE’s energy-saving programs, visit

Roots. A3 | March 1-7, 2023 How you can stay warm and safe while saving money this winter Energy Use Winter Storm Elliot brought freezing temperatures to Detroit in late December, and yet we saw warmer-than-normal weather in January. That’s just winter in Southeast Michigan –you never know what you’re going to get. All of the changes in weather impact your monthly energy bill. When temperatures fall, your furnace runs more often and for longer, which increases the amount of energy you use. You can improve energy efficiency in their homes by setting the thermostat to 68 degrees Fahrenheit and setting it lower when sleeping or away from home. Other factors also impact your bill, such as usage and longer billing cycles. • Were your kids home for the holidays, or did you host a game night with your friends? Naturally, since it is so cold outside and days get darker, we are spending more time indoors. Increased lighting at night and plugging in more electrical devices all mean you are using more energy. • Your bill covers a month’s worth of energy usage, but because of several factors, the exact number of days on your bill can vary from month to month. As a result, you may sometimes receive a bill that covers as few as 28 or as many as 35 days of service. This can make your total bill smaller or larger even if your usage patterns don’t change. Winter Safety Tips It’s also important to keep safety in mind this winter by doing the following: • Remove leaves from around natural gas exhaust like fireplace chimneys and laundry exhaust, and don’t pile leaves that limit access to your meter for service visits or emergencies. • Be careful using a shovel, snow blower or snowplow when clearing snow and ice near your natural gas meter. Instead, carefully remove snow or ice by hand, brush or broom. • Cautiously remove ice hanging from roof edges above your natural gas meter. Remember: if you ever notice a rotten egg smell or suspect a carbon monoxide problem, immediately leave to get fresh air, seek medical assistance if necessary, call 911 and later report it to DTE at 800.947.5000. Lastly, if your natural gas service is ever disrupted, you can seek out warming centers while natural gas is being restored. Stay safe this winter, Detroiters!
DTE crews installing new utility pole near the Cultural Center. DTE overhead crews working in Detroit.

Winter is Supposed to Mean Business: Lack of Snow Impacts Black-Owned Snow Removal Companies

So far, it’s been a relatively mild start to the winter season across metro-Detroit. The average amount of snow for Southeast Michigan tends to hover around 40-45 inches, according to the Midwest Regional Climate Center. Since December we’ve only seen around 17 inches of the white stuff.

While there are many more days left for winter on the calendar, we are off to a slow start to winter. Remember temperatures were in the 70s in the early days of November last year? Most of the ground has remained dry and the air unseasonably warm.

While some people take great pleasure in the abnormal mild conditions, oftentimes, it’s an after-thought for many people about how a less than aver-

age snowfall can impact businesses and industry.

“It’s impacting us,” said Jerome Powell, owner of Powell & Son LLC, a snow removal company in Detroit. “When you have a crew not working and not getting paid, it becomes very hard to depend on the winter season.”

There’s the reality of winter weather starting later in the season and picking up more after the beginning of the new year. This was the case in the past two years where Southeast Michigan picked up over 20 inches of snow in just the month of February alone in 2021 and 2020.

Despite the snowfall nearing its normal rate in the past years, there is no question Powell has seen a change.

“When you go out and buy a lot of

salt products that you have to hold on to until the following year, it can be challenging.”

Powell’s year-round landscaping and snow removal company has been operating in Detroit for 28 years. He employs 16 people and said the abnormal start to the winter season has saved him money on gas for his vehicles but hasn’t gained much on revenue.

“It has a dramatic effect on us,” he said. “Every year was a good year for us, until about 5 years ago, [when] we saw a change.”

Most of the clients he serves are commercial businesses who pay upfront annually while a percentage of other customers are serviced on an as-needed basis, depending on weather conditions. That’s about 60 percent of his business

Suicide and its Stigma Should be Classified as a Pandemic

The unthinkable happened weeks before the pandemic broke in early March 2020 for La Toya Bond who learned of the murder-suicide of her stepmother and father.

“There were parts of him that were known to only him like the struggles and the depression and the secret battles,” the St. Clair Shores resident said of her father, Herman McKalpain, 66, who ended his life after taking the life of his wife, Elizabeth McKalpain, 67, in their home in Sterling Heights. “By all appearances, he seemed happy.…We were all shocked when this happened. Nobody saw this coming.”

Bond, a suicide awareness advocate (and host of a podcast show in honor of her late father), told the Michigan Chronicle that she has learned so much about the topic of suicide and she participates in a suicide loss survivors’ support group through the non-profit organization, Kevin’s Song.

Bond’s father, a former sports radio show host on WGPR in Detroit, lives on in a sense through her podcast, “Speaking of Love.”

“I always say that my podcast is my therapy...and I do this because this was something that he loved.... So having this podcast, in essence, it’s like I’m walking in his gift.…There’s a lot of stigma behind suicide and my purpose is to erase that stigma.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the 10th leading cause of death in the United States in 2019 was suicide, claiming more than 47,500 people. Also, there were about two and a half times as many suicides in the United States as there were homicides (19,141) that year.

The CDC added that suicide was the “second leading cause of death among individuals between the ages of 10 and 34, and the fourth leading cause of death among individuals between the ages of 35 and 44.”

E’yandra Otis, a Detroit resident, nearly committed suicide in 2016 after experiencing emotional turmoil and the loss of numerous family members and friends.

“I spent so much time in the funeral home I felt that I worked there,” Otis told the Michigan Chronicle previously about cousins and friends of his who tragically died. “It was a lot -- a long year.”

Around the world, more than 700,000 people die by suicide every year, which is one person every 40 seconds, according to the World Health Organization, which reports that for each adult who passed away from suicide, there might have been over 20 others attempting suicide.

While mental health is becoming more widely discussed in the Black community, discussions about suicide

remain taboo.

Every year, however, over 700,000 people commit suicide. In 2019, African American populations experienced a 7 percent suicide rate, while risk factors for suicide remain consistent across race and gender.

For Otis, having conversations and seeking mental help helped him out of his downward spiral of emotions also stemming from family troubles, financial hardships and more.

Otis, who almost ended things with some alcohol and pills, said he finally came to that life-changing day five years ago and is glad he did.

“I used to be a person that holds a lot of things in,” he said. “Now if I’m getting to a point where I feel like I need to talk to or call somebody I don’t have a problem asking for help.”

Dr. L.A. Barlow, a clinical psychologist with the Detroit Medical Center, told the Michigan Chronicle that with the pandemic and its variants still ongoing (and social isolation still a thing), continuing to work on your mental health is not something to look down upon, especially in the Black community.

“Culturally a lot of times in our community we were raised to say, ‘Family business stays in the household,’” she said, adding that these things need to be talked about. “Mental healthcare and mental well-being [don’t] discriminate no matter race. Why should we not get the help?”

Dr. Carmen McIntyre, chief medical officer at the Detroit Wayne Mental Health Authority, is a big proponent of addressing mental health and has previously discussed with the Michigan Chronicle what are the warning signs for suicide.

“Some risks that increase the likelihood of suicide include major depressive episode; substance use or abuse, such as alcohol or cocaine; divorce or widowhood; recent loss [such as losing a job, or a loved one]; physical illness and chronic pain,” she said, adding that it is important to look for signs of depression as this has the “greatest correlation” with suicide attempts.

“Depression doesn’t look the same for everyone, but some hints are feeling sad, or being agitated and angry [especially in children and adolescents]; changes in sleep and appetite; loss of interest in activities that were previously enjoyed such as spending time with friends or playing sports; difficulty with concentration or memory; feelings of guilt or worthlessness; and fatigue or decreased energy,” she said.

Warning signs of suicide include:

• Talking about death, wanting to die, or wanting to kill oneself.

• Talking about feeling helpless, hopeless, having no reason to live, or being a burden on others.

• Increasingly reckless behavior, including the use of alcohol or drugs.

• Becoming more withdrawn or feeling isolated.

• Feeling enraged or talking about getting revenge.

• Loss of interest in the things one cares about.

• Making arrangements or setting one’s affairs in order, including giving away one’s possessions, or saying goodbye to people.

• Finally, suddenly seeming happier or calmer. This is because the person has made the choice to die and has a sense of relief that their suffering will soon end.

Bond said that individuals who feel suicidal should reach out for help and not be afraid.

“And just know that you are loved and you are here on this earth for a divine purpose,” Bond said, adding that everyone was born with a gift, talent or something that they could offer to the world. “So, for my dad, for example, his gift to the world was his heart. He had a big heart. And he was a great dynamic public speaker.…The next person may be like Patti LaBelle.… It doesn’t matter how small or how big…we have our own unique gifts that we bring to the world.”

If someone needs immediate help, call The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or visit

coming from seasonal contracts and 40 percent per plow.

Powell said his company tends to make more money on applying salt instead of just snow plowing alone. This is a result of temperatures changes and melting and refreezing conditions which create the need for salt application on the ground throughout the season, even when there is no major snowstorm forecasted.

“You make money when you salt, not a lot of money, but you make a reasonable amount.”

There is a lot of hard work that goes in to this business, something Powell knows all too well. Powell is over the age of 60, a retired Ford Motor Company worker who was inspired to jump into the landscaping business because of his grandmother. She landscaped as well.

“I had a passion for dirt,” he said. “I started off cutting lawns and then concrete work which we do mainly in the summer.”

“Being in Michigan, it’s hard to predict December to April what the weather will bring. You just have to be ready to piggy back off of spring clean-ups and other seasonal work. If we only did snow removal, that five months would kill us.”

It’s a balancing act on how businesses like Powell do their best to stay afloat during the winter season while pulling in revenue from sources during other seasons of work in the year.

“When you have seasons like this, it can impact your bottom line dramatically sometimes,” said Kevin Williams, owner of Kevin’s All Season Lawn & Landscaping LLC, in Detroit. “We rely on this snow business, but we learned early on that you have to balance out your portfolio.”

Williams has been in business for 27 years and with over 20 employees, he mostly services schools, auto plants and corporate companies who pay a flat fee “regardless” of winter weather conditions, a similar business model to Powell as it relates to seasonal contracts.

“Seven-plus years ago, it was almost hard to keep up,” William said. “Those were the good old days. Every week there were storms keeping us busy.”

There is no doubt both Black-owned snow removal businesses have seen a change in Michigan’s winter season. Will snowfall and more winter-like conditions improve? It remains to be seen.

Page A-4 | March 1-7, 2023 | Get your weekly home delivery of the Michigan Chronicle Call (313) 963-8100 Subscribe Today!


Celebrating Black History Month: Q&A with JPMorgan Chase’s Community Manager

In celebration of Black History Month, we sat down with Gail Taylor in Detroit at JPMorgan Chase to discuss what Black History Month means to them, how the firm is advancing racial equity and Clark’s goals for 2023.

What does Black History Month mean to you and how are you celebrating?

Black history is about bringing awareness to the contributions African Americans have made in America. As a community manager for JPMorgan Chase, my work beings and ends with the community to help offer greater access to affordable home loans, low-cost checking accounts, and financial health education workshops, especially in neighborhoods that have faced historical barriers. I want people who live and work in Detroit to feel welcome and included when they visit our branches. It’s great to shine a light on the work being done during Black History Month, but I’m proud to work for an inclusive firm that focuses on this work year-round.

Black History Month is a time for both reflection and celebration across communities; a time where we honor the history, legacy and contributions of Black Americans to our society.

How is JPMorgan Chase making an impact to advance racial equity?

Diversity, equality and inclusion have been an important part of the culture at JPMorgan Chase and we wanted to take a look at what else we can be doing. While our work to advance racial equity has been longstanding, in October 2020, we made a $30 billion commitment to advance racial equity that took a look at additional ways to address affordable housing, small business, financial health, among other critical financial needs within unbanked and underbanked communities.

We’ve opened 14 Community Center branches, including our Corktown Branch at 1620 Michigan Ave – locally-inspired and built with extra space to host free community events and financial health workshops – across the country and hired nearly 150 Community Managers who connect community members with the many resources we’ve created to support financial health education, first-time homebuyer education, and many other resources.

We’re invested in making an impact in Detroit and are committed to supporting underserved communities, helping them reach their financial goals.

How should other companies and individuals be thinking about advancing racial equity?

We all can make an effort to help advance racial equity within our


Dr. Marlo Rencher Named First President of Detroit Means Business

The Detroit Economic Growth Corporation has announced Dr. Marlo Rencher as the first president of its small business initiative, Detroit Means Business (DMB), a coalition of private, public and philanthropic partners dedicated to meeting the needs of Detroit-based small businesses. Dr. Rencher, a native Detroiter and serial entrepreneur, is a long-time advocate of entrepreneurship and inclusion within Detroit’s small business community.

“Dr. Rencher is well-known and respected within many circles of Detroit’s small business community. She brings a strategic mindset that will help DMB anticipate future opportunities and chart a course that will enable the team to thrive in our rapidly changing environment,” said DEGC President and CEO Kevin Johnson.

As president, Dr. Rencher will provide direction in delivering DMB’s strategic agenda while building capacity within the organization. Additionally, Dr. Rencher will provide leadership in strengthening relationships with Detroit’s small and mid-sized businesses, supporting the needs of the city’s small business ecosystem and fostering a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment for local entrepreneurs.

“It is an absolute honor and privilege to join this esteemed organization and be part of a community of forward-thinking leaders dedicated to driving innovation and progress for Detroit entrepreneurs,” said Dr. Rencher. “Together, we will unlock new opportunities and achieve greater heights in shaping the future of our city’s business community.”

Dr. Rencher’s hiring comes as the DMB, which was founded to support local small businesses during the height of the pandemic, seeks to elevate its programming following an influx of funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).

“ARPA funding will help DMB carry out the Mayor and City Council’s vision of supporting small businesses who suffered the negative impacts of COVID19. As those of us on the front line know, many of our small businesses are still struggling to recover.” said Nicole Sherard-Freeman, group executive for jobs, economy and Detroit at Work. “Dr. Rencher has a track record of leading systems and the interventions needed for small businesses to do more than recover. She’s the right leader to help us create conditions in which Detroit small businesses can thrive.”

Dr. Rencher joins Detroit Means Business after serving as senior director of technology-based programs at TechTown Detroit. Here, she focused on developing new, inclusive, outcomes-based initiatives that break down discriminatory barriers within the start-up community to foster innovation, creativity and success.

Prior to that, she worked as vice president of innovation, entrepreneurship and diversity at Cleary University. Dr. Rencher is also the co-founder of Commune Angels, an inclusive community of angel investors. She is a graduate of Michigan State University and holds a master’s degree from the University of Michigan and doctorate in business and organizational anthropology from Wayne State University. In 2021, she was named one of Michigan’s 100 Most Influential Women by Crain’s Detroit Business.

“Dr. Rencher is a fearless advocate for Detroit’s small businesses. Her experience as a business owner, innovator, angel investor and problem solver is unmatched,” said Walker-Miller Energy Services Founder and CEO of Carla Walker-Miller, who serves as DMB’s executive committee chair. “Under her leadership, and informed by the voices of Detroit’s small businesses, we will meet the vision of DMB to scale the ecosystem.”

Detroit Riverfront Conservancy’s William Smith Selected for 2023 Young American Leaders Program

The Detroit Riverfront Conservancy is proud to share that Chief Financial Officer William Smith has been selected to participate in the Detroit Region’s ninth cohort of the Young American Leaders Program (YALP) at Harvard Business School (HBS). The Detroit Regional Chamber announced on February 20 that Smith and eight other local individuals were chosen to participate in this year’s program.

“I am excited to join my Detroit peers as a participant in the Young American Leaders Program,” Smith said. “It’s a tremendous opportunity and I will represent the Detroit region with pride. Once back home, I look forward to applying what I’ve learned to better help our community become more collaborative in all our efforts.”

YALP aims to improve U.S. competitiveness and develop leaders who can execute cross-sector collaboration to build workforce skills, improve schools, restore infrastructure, and take other key actions to restore and reimagine communities.

In addition to a four-day convening at HBS this June, members of the Detroit cohort will attend the 2023 Mackinac Policy Conference through the Mackinac Future Leaders program.

The Detroit cohort also includes:

• Fabiola Borowy, Vice President, Recruiting, OpTech

• Katrina DeHart, Program Manager, General Motors

• Javier Evelyn, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Alerje

• Nicholas Hammer, Financial Advisor, Northwestern Mutual

• Sam Hussein, President and Chief Executive Officer, Metrotech Automotive Group

• Tina Kozak, Chief Executive Officer, Franco

• Gabrielle Poshadlo, Vice President, Communications, Ford Motor Co., Ford Land

• Alissa Sevrioukova, Chief of Staff, Public Affairs, DTE Energy

• Boyd White III, Member, Product and Professional Liability, Dykema Gossett PLLC

“The 2023 Young American Leaders Program cohort from Detroit is a diverse, engaged group of business-and community-minded professionals representing the best of our region,” said Sandy K. Baruah, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Chamber. “The Chamber is proud to be a partner and trusted influence in selecting the auspicious individuals who will represent our region and create lasting solutions to make our communities

more competitive, equitable, and prosperous.”

The 2023 program will run from Tuesday, June 20 to Friday, June 23, at HBS in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Detroit cohort will join participants from the 13 other cities in the program: Birmingham, Boston, Chattanooga, Columbus, Miami, Milwaukee, Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Nashville, Pittsburgh, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, San Jose, and Seattle.

The group will learn about cross-sector collaborations, such as best and worst practices from across the country and around the globe. Through discussions informed by the participants’ experiences, they will also explore where America and American cities stand today and learn personal lessons about collaborative leadership.

A5 |
1-7, 2023

Gail Taylor

From page A-5

community – including by investing in or shopping with local diverse-owned businesses, supporting philanthropic efforts in our community and participating in community events.

Consider looking for diverse initiatives and business resource groups within your company that focus on supporting underserved or underrepresented communities, and asking if there are opportunities to support those initiatives or groups. For instance, JPMorgan Chase’s Advancing Black Pathways initiative works to support the economic empowerment of the Black community globally. Through our Global Supplier Diversity program we’re using our purchasing power to build economic equity in diverse communities, foster the success of underrepresented business owners, and promote equity, inclusion and sustainability across the wider business community. We also have initiatives focused on other communities, and business resource groups that share our company commitment to equity and equality and create opportunities for employees to be engaged.

Tell me about your connection to the Detroit community and opportunities for growth here?

I was raised on the westside of Detroit where my father is a Pastor at the New Jerusalem Temple Church. Growing up in church you meet a lot of people from the community with diverse backgrounds and experiences. This upbringing has given me the understanding and a sincere appreciation of our city and the people that live here. These people have influenced my life in so many positive ways. I have worked in the city of Detroit for more than 10 years and Detroit is a where ideas come alive. I have seen artist, entrepreneurs and everyday people bring their visions to life. We lift each other up and support one another every step of the journey. Businesses and people are moving here because there is a special grit, resilience and grind the people possess that is like none other. I’m proud to live in and work in a city with a great history and a strong future. Detroit is an amazing place to live, work, serve and grow.

What are your goals for this year, and/or, what are you looking forward to in 2023?

I am looking forward to great collaborations with organizations that are helping our next generation of great leaders, welcoming our new neighbors, and celebrating those who came before us.

Sponsored content from JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Detroit Housing Department Partners with SDBA to Launches Second-Floor Residential Grant Program

In partnership with the Southwest Detroit Business Association (SDBA), the city of Detroit announced the expansion of the Second-Floor Residential Grant Program, which qualified applicants will receive $10,000 to renovate the vacant space in their property into affordable residential units.

The grant program will create and manage a process for second-floor unoccupied commercial property to be turned into apartments in Southwest Detroit. The initiative will enable the planned objective of twenty-four (24) rehabilitated rental units to be met.

“We saw a kind of a big gap in our commercial corridors in Southwest Detroit with there being so much available property, especially on the second floors of those traditional buildings that were constructed back in the ‘20s and ‘30s during the building boom,” said Greg Mangan, real estate advocate at SDBA.

“They have suffered over the years through some negligence and some vacancy and those second floors were where shop owners used to live above [their business] with their families and it had the more traditional work-andlive situation type of those buildings which have gone away during suburbanization and through several generations.”

In 2016, SDBA conducted a survey of Southwest’s business improvement district along West Vernor and Springwells and determined there were more than 80 vacant second floors with multiple apartments within those build ings surveyed.

In 2017-2018, the SDBA, with fund ing by the Kresge Foundation’s KIP:D+, launched the Second Floor Residential Renovation Project, resulting in 12 sec ond-floor rental apartments along the W. Vernor and Springwells commercial district. The project supported local property owners to invest in mixed use buildings to rehabilitate units above a business property for residential use.

According to the 2-19 Process and Outcome Evaluation Report, the goals of the pilot SDBA Second Floor Reno vation Program were to:

1) Maintain/stabilize the residential population;

2) Increase the number of high-quality housing options for locals;

3) Increase safety in the business district through increased foot traffic;

4) Increase the income stability of individual property owners;

5) Expand the residential clientele of nearby businesses; and

6) Encourage further economic growth and interest in the West Vernor corridor.

Mangan said the pilot program had a great impact on providing access to affordable housing, as all but one of the 12 finished units are currently occupied. On average, the 12 occupied second floor units are rented at $750-$800 per month for 1 bedroom units and $950-$1000 for a two bedroom unit.

The anticipated rental rates for the additional 24 apartments are $780$1,250, making them affordable to residents earning between 50 percent and 80 percent of area median income.

“The City of Detroit is always looking for ways to create affordable housing and opportunities for Detroiters,” said Julie Schneider, director of the city’s Housing & Revitalization Department, in a press statement. “This great program does both, by converting unused space into affordable places for Detroiters to live, reinvigorating our commercial corridors and helping to stabilize income for local property owners.”

The funding provided by HRD is a part of the $203 million housing plan, which was unveiled last July by Mayor Mike Duggan and members of the City Council in an effort to boost the city’s supply of affordable rental homes.

Eligible properties must have un-

used second-floor apartments located above ground-floor commercial space. They also must be located within the geographic boundaries of West Vernor Highway from Woodmere to 15th Street; Springwells Street from West Vernor to the West Fisher Service Drive; Junction from Michigan Avenue to Konkel Street; and Bagley Avenue from the West Fisher Service Drive to 25th Street.

In addition to proving that such conversions are feasible, the successful pilot also showed how second-floor residential apartments create a livelier commercial area to provide financial stability in the neighborhoods and spur economic development.

“Our hope is that this could be an example of how to do this throughout the rest of the city of Detroit and other commercial corridors to expand it even more in Southwest Detroit itself, but to move to other areas on the east side or along Jefferson or Mack or Grand River or Warren,” said Mangan.

I think this could be a program that is easily replicable to do throughout the city that has a building stock where they have second floor apartments and this could be the quickest and fastest way of creating some naturally occurring affordable housing.”

For more information about the Second-Floor Residential Program, contact SDBA Real Estate Advocate Greg Mangan at 313-283-6533 or visit to apply. Application deadline for property owners is March 31 at 5:00 p.m.

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Jabs Gym Detroit: Physical Wellness is Mental Wellness

Jabs Gym Eastern Market is bringing a powerful punch to Downtown Detroit and owner Armond Rashad says there’s even more to come. With a focus on feel-good fitness and keeping its members motivated, Jabs Gym Detroit has found a way to bring both community and wellness to the forefront of working out.

“Most people are focused on business, getting their money right and building a career. It is very important to point out the direct correlation between wellness and living a fuller life.” said Rashad “Physical health and success are directly related. The consistency and dedication to physical health will spill over into the rest of their lives.”

As many individuals are pushing through the stress of everyday life, self-care is becoming less of a priority and more of an optional rarity. While physical results are a sure motivator to stay encouraged, Rashad says the mental component is just as valuable.

“The feeling of accomplishment is super important. Working out releases chemicals which make us excited. You could have a down day and after a workout it could turn everything around.”

Rashad urges everyone to invest in their health by making it a priority. Sticking to a schedule, having a clear set of goals and incorporating someone who specializes in fitness and health are sure ways to stay on task and feel good inside and out.

“We have professionals in every part of our lives. We have dentists, mechanics, accountants and other professionals whose expertise helps our journey. We always move further in life by investing in ourselves.”

With classes being offered from 6:00 until 8:00 p.m., Jabs Gym Detroit is confident there is a class and time that will fit anyone’s experience and availability. All classes are beginner friendly with options including boxing, weightlifting and yoga. Rashad says the gym prides itself on being inclusive of their members’ individual goals while supporting a group atmosphere.

In the fight against procrastination, self-doubt and delayed results, Rashad says one way to overcome these negatives is with accountability partners.

“The main thing that people can do is build a community around their goal. If you insulate yourself with people who want to live a healthy lifestyle, I think that’s the main way to give yourself accountability.”

Bringing Love, Good Music and Classic Cocktails to the East Warren Community

Nestled on the Eastside of Detroit, next to

the colorful Laundry in the D laundromat, stands The Warren Café, a cozy Blackowned bar bursting at the seams with love. From the intimate setting to the brilliant and unpredictable playlist, this family affair is excited to bring a Downtown Detroit worthy bar experience to the local neighborhood.

At the root of it, The Warren Café is a love story, starring owners Kevin Daniel and Rachel Walker, who found a connection and unbreakable friendship through their music interests, occupations in the service industry and fate.

“We met on social media. It’s hard to say what brought us together. I feel it was our energies and our love for music,” said Walker who met Daniel in 2017 while he worked at popular Detroit concert venue, St. Andrews Hall.

“We just naturally gravitated towards each other and never really let go,” Daniel adds about his now wife and business partner. “I wouldn’t say we are more friends than we are a couple, but we are best friends. Two peas in a pod.”

In 2010, seven years before the couple met,

Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater Returns to Detroit

Walker’s father, Darryl Walker, purchased the space that is now The Warren Café, with an entirely different plan in mind.

“He always knew he wanted to have a bar, but his idea was mainly something private and quiet for his friends. At the time he could not give it much focus,” said Daniel. “When Rachel and I got together six years ago, I was bartending, and he wanted to do something with the space. I was already working downtown, but eventually it all made sense.”

As COVID-19 began making waves around the world in 2020, Daniel said he had more time to think about his father-in-law’s idea. After discussing and planning as a group, their ideas coalesced into a vision and hopes for the bar. Mr. Walker picked the name The Warren

see American masterpiece Revelations will inspire Detroit attendees at all performances. Since its creation in 1960, Revelations has been seen by more people around the world than any other modern dance work, moving audiences with its powerful storytelling and soul-stirring music, evoking timeless themes of determination, hope, and transcendence. Springing from Ailey’s childhood memories of growing up in the south and attending services at Mount Olive Baptist Church in Texas, Revelations pays homage to the rich cultural heritage of the African American and explores the emotional spectrum of the human condition.

“Detroit audiences eagerly await the return of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater under the leadership of the company’s Artistic Director, Robert Battle,” says Detroit Opera President & CEO Wayne S. Brown. “The upcoming residency marks the fourteenth occasion since the 1997–98 season that our organization has presented this outstanding company. Join us!”

On Friday, March 17 at 7:30 p.m., Detroit audiences will have the unique opportunity to experience acclaimed choreographer Kyle Abraham’s Are You

Café paying homage to the location and main cross street.

“He’s very supportive and down to do whatever we want to do. His vision is the same as our vision in the sense that he takes pride in being able to create an opportunity for his children.” Daniel and Walker, who are expecting their first child together, are excited to give their children these same opportunities from their hard work and sacrifice. The pair show pride in having a family-based establishment, which can be felt throughout the bar.

On January 6, 2022, The Warren Café opened its doors to the public presenting a solution for the missing entertainment options in the area. Daniel and Walker, who also


in Your Feelings?, a celebration of Black culture, Black music, and the youthful spirit that perseveres in us all. Scored to a “mixtape” of soul, hip-hop, and R&B featuring music from beloved artists including Jhené Aiko, Drake, Lauryn Hill, Kendrick Lamar, Jazmine Sullivan, and Summer Walker, the critically applauded work explores the connections among music, communication, and personal memory. That same night, Twyla Tharp’s silky and sultry Roy’s Joys (1997), embodying the spontaneity of a 1940s and 50s jazz soundtrack by Roy Eldridge, will also take the stage. Mixing vernacular dance with ballet and modern technique, Roy’s Joys exudes an easy, carefree energy that shows Tharp at her rollicking best.

“The amazing Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater returns to the Opera House after a three-year absence,” says Jon Teeuwissen, Detroit Opera’s Artistic Advisor for Dance. “The program of mixed repertoire will include two new works and conclude with the ever popular and always enduring Revelations. A cultural treasure beloved by generations of fans, Revelations ‘fervently explores the places of deepest grief and holiest joy in the soul.’”

Where City Meets Life and Life Meets Style B1 | March 1-7, 2023
See JABS GYM Page B-2 Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, beloved as one of the world’s most popular dance companies, will return to the Detroit Opera House this March Led by Artistic Director Robert Battle, the passionate spirit and extraordinary technique of Ailey’s dancers will be showcased in a diverse repertory of new works and Ailey classics. Performances of Alvin Ailey’s must-

live in the community, knew the locals needed a chill place to get a classic cocktail.

“Our vision was to create a relaxed neighborhood bar offering cocktails with fresh juice and syrups, without having to go downtown,” said Daniel.

The drink menu is a combination of classic and craft cocktails including enough variety for all preferences. With an extensive background in bartending, Daniel curated the menu but doesn’t mind if customers choose to go off script.

“Customers are not limited to the classic cocktails on our menu. The repertoire of classics in my back pocket expands pretty far.” Daniel enjoys trying out new recipes and building his expertise. Walker is soaking it all in and said she enjoys learning how to work behind the bar and expanding her bartending skills with craft cocktails.

Although the menu has many options, Walker said the most popular drink is the Black Berry Margarita. “It’s bright. It’s fruity. Its tequila.” The drinks are aesthetically pleasing and deliver delicious fresh flavors with every sip. Each drink is made with love and handed to customers with a smile, which has earned them a list of regulars and

Jabs Gym

Jabs Gym Detroit’s classes promote movement, excitement and most importantly results. The family dynamic and atmosphere give members a place to make life-changing achievements both mentally and physically, all while creating unbreakable bonds.

New members who are ready for life-changing results can sign up for

die-hard supporters.

“The place just kind of speaks for itself,” said Daniel. “No matter if its 5 people or 55 people, it gives the same vibe. We can be quiet, or we can be full, but the vibe will always naturally flow.”

The Warren Café and the surrounding businesses have become like extended family that they can count on for advice, partnership and an outpouring of support. The couple proudly shows their support too, and is looking forward to collaborations with more businesses this year.

“We really appreciate the community. We do a lot with Morningside Detroit and the East Warren Development Corp., and we just appreciate their support for our vision. We will continue to make changes and add a sense of great culture to East Warren,” said Walker.

Walker and Daniel are looking to expand as their family and clientele continue to grow, allowing time to enjoy parenthood and explore other ventures. The couple hopes to open up the space to offer a multi-layered experience that seamlessly transitions from day to night with a lighter vibe in the daytime and a slow and dark atmosphere in the evenings. The changes to the exterior and interior later this year will allow for the bar to be

their first class free. The month of February often comes with even more exciting perks as the gym celebrates Rashad’s birthday.

“Every February we have a birthday special where you can get 5 classes for the price of my age. February 3rd, I turn 34 years old, so we are offering any 5 classes you want for $34.” For more information about classes, specials and upcoming events visit

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more visible and attract new customers and opportunities.

The Warren Café welcomes people from all walks of life and the owners tell us the energy of the bar attracts amazing people. Walker wants people who feel comfortable with the space and want to feel the positive energy of the bar to come out and experience it.

“We generally go to chill places with nice music and a nice vibe. I really wanted to bring that to East Warren because obviously there’s more people like us in the world who want to go to a place in our neighborhood that’s nice and chill,” said Walker.

The cherry on top for The Warren Café visitors is the rocking playlist that’s compiled of the couples’ personal favorites. The soulful, sometimes alternative, sometimes nostalgic soundtrack resonates with customers and creates an enjoyable experience that’s hard to break away from. Daniel said the inspiration behind the playlist is a mixture of familiarity and laid-back sounds.

Visitors are welcome to come chat, grab a cocktail and enjoy the music Friday to Sunday from 6:00 p.m. to midnight. Happy Hour is every Friday from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. and the bar hosts a variety of events and pop ups which can be tracked on social media sites, including @ warrencafedet.

The Warren Café is bringing positivity, quality products and family back to Black bars in Detroit neighborhoods, while offering a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere that is rare to find within inner city areas. This bar is more than a business and they are planting the proper seeds to become a permanent and important fixture in their community. The Warren Café continues to shake up the city, while pouring into the community, one drink at a time.

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Some Products Include If you or a loved one have used hair relaxer products and have been diagnosed with: Uterine or Ovarian Cancer Uterine Fibroids resulting in Myomectomy or Hysterectomy surgery You may be entitled to compensation Offices in Birmingham & Allen Park SERLING & ABRAMSON P.C. 800.995.6991 248.647.6966 CALL FOR FREE CONSULTATION Revlon Creme of Nature L’Oreal Dark & Lovely Just For Me ORS Olive Oil Relaxer TM TM TM TM
Some Products Include If you or a loved one have used hair relaxer products and have been diagnosed with: Uterine or Ovarian Cancer Uterine Fibroids resulting in Myomectomy or Hysterectomy surgery You may be entitled to compensation Offices in Birmingham & Allen Park SERLING & ABRAMSON P.C. 800.995.6991 248.647.6966 CALL FOR FREE CONSULTATION Revlon Creme of Nature L’Oreal Dark & Lovely Just For Me ORS Olive Oil Relaxer TM TM TM TM
Toxic Hair Relaxer Products | March 1-7, 2023 | Page B-3 APPLIES TO BOX AND 2-WAY BETS ONLY. STRAIGHT, 1-OFF AND WHEEL BETS ARE EXCLUDED FROM THIS PROMOTION. Odds of winning: Daily 3: Straight: 1 in 1,000; 3-Way Box: 1 in 333; 6-Way Box: 1 in 167; 1-O Straight: 1 in 1,000; 1-O One Digit: 1 in 167. Daily 4: Straight: 1 in 10,000; 4-Way Box: 1 in 2,500; 6-Way Box 1 in 1,666; 12-Way Box: 1 in 833; 24-Way Box: 1 in 416; 1-O Straight: 1 in 10,000; 1-O One Digit: 1 in 1,250. Knowing your limits is always the best bet. Call the Michigan Problem Gambling Helpline for con dential help at 1-800-270-7117. APPLIES TO BOX AND 2-WAY BETS ONLY. STRAIGHT, 1-OFF AND WHEEL BETS ARE EXCLUDED FROM THIS PROMOTION. Odds of winning: Daily 3: Straight: 1 in 1,000; 3-Way Box: 1 in 333; 6-Way Box: 1 in 167; 1-O Straight: 1 in 1,000; 1-O One Digit: 1 in 167. Daily 4: Straight: 1 in 10,000; 4-Way Box: 1 in 2,500; 6-Way Box: 1 in 1,666; 12-Way Box: 1 in 833; 24-Way Box: 1 in 416; 1-O Straight: 1 in 10,000; 1-O One Digit: 1 in 1,250. Knowing your limits is always the best bet. Call the Michigan Problem Gambling Helpline for con dential help at 1-800-270-7117.

After being diagnosed with prostate cancer, Dana wasn’t given much hope—until he turned to Henry Ford Health for a second opinion.

His team treated Dana with an MRI-guided linear accelerator, the most precise radiation therapy available. Dana needed fewer than half of the planned radiation treatments, and he was surprised that he didn’t experience any pain, burning or peeling. Now, he’s looking forward to retirement, and traveling the U.S. in a mobile home to pursue his love of fishing. Join us at our upcoming FREE prostate cancer screening event on Saturday, March 4, in Warren. To learn more about the event or about prostate screening, visit


Page B-4 | Mach 1-7, 2023 |
I’m a cancer survivor whose biggest catch was the rest of my life.




The Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) announces a Public Meeting regarding its Project Plan for proposed stormwater improvements in the City of Detroit. DWSD will be seeking Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) American Rescue Plant Act (ARPA) Grant assistance for FY2024.

These projects are comprised of upgrading stormwater infrastructure at select locations in the West Outer Drive neighborhood (West Chicago) and the Castle Rouge and Eliza Howell neighborhood (Schoolcraft) in the City of Detroit.

The project titles are West Chicago South Stormwater Improvements, West Chicago North Stormwater Improvements, Schoolcraft South Stormwater Improvements and Schoolcraft North Stormwater Improvements. Construction will include excavation and removal of existing materials, construction of the proposed storm sewer, backfill of the excavation required for piping work, and restoration of each work site. All work to be performed within the existing road right-of-way and easements. The benefit of the project will be improved ability of DWSD to provide reliable combined sewer collection services and improved water quality of the Rouge River. Guidelines issued by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes & Energy’s (EGLE) qualifies the City of Detroit as significantly overburdened which may allow these projects to be funded through a grant; which would result in no impact on user rates.

The temporary impact of construction activities will be minimized through mitigation measures specified in the contract documents. Adverse impacts on historical, archaeological, geographic, or cultural areas are not expected. This project is necessary to ensure that the DWSD will be able to reduce combined sewer overflows to the Rouge River while maintaining combined sewer collection services to residents and improving the water quality of the Rouge River. The Project Plan describes stormwater improvement projects that will enhance system capacity by treating and conveying wet weather to the Rouge River, reducing combined sewer overflows. The total cost of the project is currently estimated at approximately $19.2 million for the West Chicago South Stormwater Improvements, $17 million for west Chicago North Stormwater Improvements, $22 million for Schoolcraft South Stormwater Improvements and $20 Million for Schoolcraft North; for a total of $78.2 million which is being sought through the CWSRF (ARPA Grant) program.

The Public Meeting will present a description of the recommended projects, estimated costs, noting no potential impact for customers. The use of grant funding will cover the vast majority of the project cost. The purpose of the public meeting is not only to inform, but to seek and gather input from people that will be affected. Comments and viewpoints from the public are encouraged.



DATE: Wednesday, March 15, 2023

PLACE: Detroit Water and Sewerage Department Water Board Building 735 Randolph, 5th Floor, Board Room Detroit, Michigan 48226

TIME: 2:00 p.m.

Call in using your phone: 301-715-8592 312-626-6799 267-831-0333

Zoom Meeting ID: 815 7263 5118

Zoom Passcode: 482262021

To attend online:

Zoom link:

Use Passcode: 482262021

Information on the Project Plan will be available for review after February 27, 2023 at the following locations: 1 Cit y Website:

2 By email request to Sonali Patel:

3 In person at the Water Board Building

If you have questions or want to submit written statements for the Public Meeting, call or write:

Call: Sonali Patel at 313-782-2477

Email: Sonali Patel at

Mail: Sonali Patel Detroit Water and Sewerage Department 735 Randolph, Suite 901 Detroit, MI 48226

Written comments will be accepted at the above address if received prior to 2:00 p.m. EST, Wednesday, March 15, 2023.

You may provide your public comment in-person or via Zoom (see below).

In-person attendees

•Upon entering the Water Board Building, DWSD Security will do temperature checks and require everyone to complete a Visitor COVID-19 Questionnaire.

If you want to make public comment, complete the form available in the Board Room and it will be provided to the Chair. The Chair will call on you during the appropriate time.

o We respectfully request that you maximize your three minutes by sharing all your comments/ questions at one time.

o You will only be called upon once for public comment.

o Once the chair closes public comment, there will be no other comments from the public accepted and all public attendees will not be acknowledged during the remainder of the meeting.

Attending via Zoom

• During the public comment section, raise your hand using the Zoom hand icon on your desktop or mobile device, or if calling into the meeting by phone, press *9 to raise your hand (press *6 to unmute when called upon).

• We respectfully request that you maximize your three minutes by sharing all your comments/ questions at one time.

• You will only be called upon once for public comment.

• Once the chair closes public comment, there will be no other comments from the public accepted and all attendees will remain muted for the duration of the meeting.

City of Detroit, Water and Sewerage Department

Gary Brown, Director


Senior Software Engineer

BorgWarner Transmission Products, LLC seeks a Senior Software Engineer based out of our office at 3800 Automation Avenue, Auburn Hills, MI 48326. Note, this is a hybrid position whereby the employee will work both from home and from the aforementioned office address. Hence, the employee must live within a reasonable commuting distance of the aforementioned office address. Note, this position does not require travel. Duties include: Develop and deploy our technologies for key customer projects ensure software product deadlines and deliverables are achieved, and specify, design, develop, test, release, maintain and enhance embedded software solutions; among other duties.

Bachelor's degree in Software, Computer Mechatronic or Electronic Engineering or other closely


The Suburban



Be a part of a great team located in Detroit, the employee performs various functions and assists in maintaining and managing the progression of cases from opening to final disposition. Professional and friendly work environment, great benefits and close to the downtown amenities. EOE

optimization techniques &linear &nonlinear FEA tools, incldg OptiStruct, ANSA, METAPOST, SFE CONCEPT, &HyperWorks (HyperGraph/HyperView/HyperMesh) &MeshWorks, to improve physical performance of conventional ICE psgr vehicle, HEV &BEV engine, transmission, propulsion, &Electric Drive Unit syss &structures, incldg full vehicle (3D parametric BIW & BoF light weight &high strength steel structures), &optimize N&V, vehicle &cmpnt crashworthiness, aero/thermal, dynamics, electro-magnetic



Be a part of a great team located in Detroit or Flint, MI. Position assists U.S. Probation Officers in the administration of justice and community safety. Professional and friendly work environment. EOE

PROFESSIONAL HELP WANTED | March 1-7, 2023 | Page B-5 Classifieds MICHIGAN CHRONICLE Published Every Wednesday Published Every Wednesday Place Classifieds 313 963-5522 Your Ad Here! Please visit our website for more classified ads.
Mobility Authority
Regional Transportation (SMART) is soliciting proposals for Outside Legal Services for RFP Control No. 23-3785 may
obtained beginning March 1, 2023 Responses
RFP are due by 3:00 PM ET, March 31, 2023.
La Joya Gardens new construction project consisting of a 4 story building with 53 market rate and affordable apartments, 4 commercial spaces and a Community Room. Scopes of work include but are not limited to: concrete, masonry, steel, carpentry, roofing, windows/ storefronts, doors & hardware, drywall, flooring, specialties, residential appliances, unit & site furnishings, elevator, MEP/ FS trades, earthwork & utilities, asphalt, site improvements, landscaping & irrigation. This project is subject to MBE/WBE, Detroit Resident, and Section 3 Requirements. For bidding documents please e-mail Kaitlin Hodgson at Mayor’s Workforce Development Board Cynthia J. Pasky, Co-Chairperson David E. Meador, Co-Chairperson Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation Board Calvin Sharp, Chairperson Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation Terri Weems, President An equal opportunity employer/program. Supported by the State of Michigan, Labor and Economic Development, Workforce Development (LEO/WD). Auxiliary aids and services available upon request to individuals with disabilities. 1-800-285-WORK. TTY: 711. Requests for Proposals are being accepted for: Behavioral Assessment and Referral Services Response Due: March 23, 2023 Issued: February 21, 2023 The Mayor’s Workforce Development Board (MWDB) is directly responsible and accountable to the State of Michigan, Labor and Economic Opportunity-Workforce Development (LEO-WD) for the planning and oversight of talent development programs in the City of Detroit. Designated by the MWDB, Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation (DESC) serves as the fiscal and administrative entity that provides workforce services to job seekers and employers. DESC’s primary funding streams include Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) that funds Michigan’s PATH (Partnership. Accountability. Training. Hope.) employment program, Food Assistance Employment and Training (FAE&T), Wagner-Peyser Employment Services (ES), and other public and private funding. The Corporation enters into contracts with qualified entities to provide workforce development programs and services to job seekers and employers. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and Midwest Urban Strategies - Growth Opportunity Grant funding may support contracts resulting from competitive bid process. DESC is seeking proposals from qualified individuals, organizations and/or firms Bid package for this RFP is available for download at this DESC website: Career Readiness Training Services Response Due: March 24, 2023 Issued: February 22, 2023
General Contractor: O’Brien Construction Company, Inc. Project: La Joya Gardens WE ARE CURRENTLY SEEKING SECTION 3 & WBE/MBE CONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS FOR INCLUSION IN THIS PROJECT. Project Description:
related engineering field and five years of experience in the job offered or related Apply to job reference number R2023-0203 at CAE Engineer Mubea North America Shared Services, Inc., a German-based automotive supplier in Auburn Hills, Michigan seeks a CAE Engineer to prepare and analyze CAE models used for the design and development of tailor rolled steel automotive components, among other duties. Requires master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering or related field (or foreign equivalent) and two years of experience in a related occupation, or CAE engineer or FEA engineer position. The position may partially telecommute from home regularly per week, but employee is required to regularly work from the corporate office. Domestic and international travel 15%. Possible travel to Mexico, Germany and Florence, KY. Apply to Job Number: NAM01005 at: Virtual Design, Development & Validation CAE Engineer - Seat Systems Warren, MI, General Motors. Create static implicit &dynamic explicit Finite Element (FE) models of conventional ICE psgr vehicle, HEV, BEV &autonomous psgr vehicle seat syss incldg front, 2nd &3rd row seats, seat tracks, recliners, mechanisms, &related BIW syss, using HyperWorks (HyperMesh/HyperView), Primer, LS-DYNA, &ANSA CAE tools. Perform FEA of automotive seat syss incldg seat &seat belt anchorage strength, child restraint syss, front &rear impact, &related analyses according to U.S. FMVSS Nos. 202a Head Restraints-Dynamic &Static Testing, 207 Seating syss &210 Seat belt assembly anchorages, &UN ECE (Europe) safety &crashworthiness regulations, New Car assessment Program standards, &Insurance Institute for Hwy Safety ratings, using LS-DYNA, NASTRAN, OptiStruct, MetaPost, &HyperWorks solvers/tools. Dvlp design solutions to meet vehicle &subsyss safety, comfort, durability &structural integrity reqmts at virtual design assessment gates. Master, Mechanical, Automotive, Aerospace Engrg, or related. 12 mos exp as Engineer, creating FE models of psgr vehicle seat syss incldg front, 2nd &3rd row seats, using HyperWorks, Primer &LS-DYNA tools, or related. Mail resume to Ref#451, GM Global Mobility, 300 Renaissance Center, MC:482-C32-C66, Detroit, MI 48265. Application Software Engineer Warren, MI, General Motors. Design &dvlp Android automot apps for all GM vehicle brands incldg Chevrolet, Buick, GMC &Cadillac using Android SW Dvlpmt Kit in Java &Kotlin prgrmg languages. Analyze, design, dvlp, &release new features for automot infotainment SW for major HMI &UI enhancements to current &future psgr vehicle infotainment syss incldg Instrument Panel Cluster & Center Stack Module on Android platform applying Object-Oriented Design patterns, Mode View Controller & Model View ViewModel design patterns, &in CAN bus, LIN bus, &Automot Ethernet signals on Android platform using Java &Kotlin prgrmg languages, following SAFe. Analyze SW defects, determine root cause, &create, test &verify SW solutions. Develop &architect Android apps using Extensible Markup Language files for front-end input. Write Java &Kotlin prgrmg to simulate functional reqmts with Unified Modeling Language tool IBM Rational Rhapsody to model screen flow, data population &functional behavior. Master, Computer Science/Engrg, Software Engrg, Electrical Engrg, or related. 3 mos exp as Engineer, Developer, or related, designing/developing Android automot apps, or related. Mail resume to Ref# 39200-36105, GM Global Mobility, 300 Renaissance Center, MC:482-C32-C66, Detroit, MI 48265. CAE Optimization Engineer Warren, MI, General Motors. Engr, dvlp, analyze &use advanced CAE
compatibility, &energy sys performance. Use OptiStruct, ANSA, METAPOST, &SFE CONCEPT to dvlp topology, shape, weld/adhesive, gauge, lightweight materials design variable to optimize designs, meet performance targets, &minimize mass/cost. Address technical challenges in vehicle, powertrain, &electric battery design optimization apps. Dvlp, pilot &deploy the latest Multi-Disciplinary Optimization, stochastic / robustness methods &Machine Learning tools. Master, Mechanical, Automotive, Aerospace Engrg, or related. 24 mos exp as Engineer or Analyst, performing FEA of vehicle structures &syss to optimize N&V or NVH performance using OptiStruct or NASTRAN, or related. Mail resume to Ref#16981, GM Global Mobility, 300 Renaissance Center, MC:482-C32-C66, Detroit, MI 48265. Vehicle Intelligence Platform (VIP) Architect Warren, MI, General Motors. Design, dvlp &integrate VIP, Automotive Open System Architecture (AUTOSAR) based Electrical Architecture, in psgr vehicles w/ ECUs connected over CAN, LIN &Automot Ethernet for infotainment, telematics &propulsion domains, in Agile &SAFe methodologies. Review &analyze functional partitioning &allocation scenario reqmts documented in Subsys Technical Specs, using IBM Rational DOORS 9.6 &IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation tools, in conventional ICE psgr vehicle &BEV embedded ECUs in VIP, incldg modules such as CSM, VCU, TCP, ECM, PCM & TCM. Provide SW interface reqmts feedback to reqmts owners, improving clarity w/ established GM reqmts strategies. Create sys design readiness documents to translate SW interface reqmts into sys cmpts, in IBM Rational Rhapsody models, deployed to embedded ECUs in VIP to achieve electrical sys functionality &imperative targets such as timing latency &serial data bus bandwidth. Bachelor, Electrical, Computer, Electronics &Telecom Engrg or related. 60 mos exp as Engineer, Developer, Tech or Project Lead, Consultant, or related, developing or verifying AUTOSAR based SW w/ CAN protocol, or related. Mail resume to Ref# 4877-9, GM Global Mobility, 300 Renaissance Center, MC:482-C32-C66, Detroit, MI 48265. Senior Controls & Plant Floor Systems Engineer Warren, MI, General Motors. Serve as Mfg EngrgAutomation SME to plan, lead, &perform design, installation, implementation, integration, configuration, testing, &continuous improvement of industry 4.0based Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)-based Plant Floor Systems (PFS) incl. Option Data Delivery (ODD) sys, Qlty Andon Sys, &Global Production Monitoring Controls sys; Scalable Error Proofing (SEP) incl. Levels I, II &III; &Error Proofing Platform incl. Levels I, II &III, to automate General Assembly (GA) error proofing syss, trim lines, chassis lines, Instrument Panel/Cockpit subassy lines, brake fluid fill syss, coolant &refrigerant filling &VIN etching machines, &to improve diagnostics at device level &meet GM cybersecurity guidelines &Center for Internet Security cybersecurity standards, at General Motors vehicle assy plants in U.S., CAN &MEX to assy GM psgr vehicles (ICE, HEV, &BEV) in high volume vehicle assy plant environs. Engr &validate designs incl. low voltage DC power circuits &Safety Integration Level 3 &4 HW for industrial safety. Design electrical architecture w/ power distribution panels in HV &amperages incl. calculations for short circuit current rating following UL 508A. Expected local, same day trips via private automobile to nearby supplier plants in Sterling Heights &Clinton Twp., MI, to review eqpmt designs &functionality, &perform eqpmt buyoff up to 2-4 days each wk. 60 mos exp as Engineer, Technical Lead, or related, designing, configuring, &testing PLC-based PFS incl. ODD sys &Andon syss; &SEP, automating GA trim lines, chassis lines, subassy lines, &fluid fill syss, &improving diagnostics at device level &meeting OEM cybersecurity guidelines, at vehicle assy plants, or related. Mail resume to Ref# 729, GM Global Mobility, 300 Renaissance Center, MC:482-C32-C66, Detroit, MI 48265. CAE Engineer Warren, MI, General Motors. Create interior (upper garnish trim &seat) subsys FEA models. Perform structural linear &nonlinear FEA modeling &design optimization anlys of GM psgr vehicle passive safety syss incldg driver, side impact, roof rail (curtain) air bag static deployment with material &temperature variations, using HyperMesh, HyperView, Hypergraph, Primer, LS-Post, ANSA, MetaPost, LS-DYNA (explicit), Abaqus (implicit), OptiStruct, Teamcenter, LS-OPT, N-code Design Life, &Siemens NX tools. Assess trim integrity, deployment time, &airbag trajectory. Perform linear impact test correlation &conduct U.S. FMVSS No. 201U Occupant Protection in Interior Impact-Upper Interior Head Impact Protection, UN/ECE R21, &free motion head form impact anlys w/ variation at upper &lower temperature extremes for materials. Incorporate mfg variations in anlys to predict test variations. Participate in product dvlpmt teams on new, major, minor designs, providing FEA results to assess performance of airbag designs &FMVSS 201U countermeasures. Master, Mechanical or Automotive Engrg 12 mos exp as Engineer performing nonlinear FEA modeling &design optimization anlys of safety sys incldg airbags, using Primer, LS-DYNA, OptiStruct, &Teamcenter tools, or related. Mail resume to Ref# 3119 GM Global Mobility, 300 Renaissance Center, MC:482-C32-C66, Detroit, MI 48265. Software Development Lead Engineer BorgWarner Transmissions Products, LLC seeks a Software Development Lead Engineer based out of our office at 3800 Automation Avenue, Auburn Hills, MI 48326. Note, this is a hybrid position whereby the employee will work both from home and from the aforementioned office address. Hence, the employee must live within a reasonable commuting distance of the aforementioned office address. Note, this position requires international and domestic travel, as needed, up to 10%. Duties include: Lead all technical aspects of the software project and plan and manage the software development activities for key customer projects and utilize technical expertise, specify and guide the team in software development by utilizing a combination of Model based design, autocode generation, and embedded c programming, among other duties. Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering or related and eight years of experience in the job offered or related Apply to job reference number R2023-1039 at Vehicle Intelligence Platform (VIP) Architect Warren, MI, General Motors. Review &analyze functional reqmts documented in Subsys Technical Specs, using IBM Rational DOORS 9.6 &IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation tools, in conventional ICE psgr vehicle &BEV embedded ECUs in VIP, incldg modules such as Center Stack Module &Virtual Cockpit Unit &embedded features. Provide SW interface reqmts feedback to reqmt owners, improving clarity w/ established GM reqmt strategies. Create sys design readiness docs to translate SW interface reqmts into sys cmpts, in IBM Rational Rhapsody models, deployed to embedded ECUs in VIP to achieve electrical sys functionality &imperative targets such as timing latency &serial data bus bandwidth. Analyze the Diagnostic, Serial data, Safety &Security impact of signals transmitted &received on networks incldg CAN, LIN &Automot Ethernet. Design safety &security sys according to Automotive Safety Integrity Level standard for different features based on criticality of impact upon failure. Bachelor, Electrical, Computer Engrg, or related. 60 mos exp as Engineer, Architect, Developer, or related, analyzing or supporting functional reqmts or technical spec reqmts, using IBM DOORS tool, or related, which may be concurrent experience. Mail resume to Ref#741, GM Global Mobility, 300 Renaissance Center, MC:482-C32-C66, Detroit, MI 48265 Sr. Electrification Controls Engineer BorgWarner PDS (USA) Inc. seeks a Sr. Electrification Controls Engineer based out of our office at 3800 Automation Avenue, Auburn Hills, MI 48326. Note, this is a hybrid position whereby the employee will work both from home and from the aforementioned office address. Hence, the employee must live within a reasonable commuting distance of the aforementioned office address. Note, this position requires international and domestic travel, as needed, up to 10%. Duties include: Develop innovative controls solutions to real-world industry problems while balancing timing, technical, and cost constraints Mature new controls solutions from concept to production ready. Support BorgWarner product development team with technical design analysis trade-off studies, design reviews and customer communications, among other duties. Bachelor's degree in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering and five years of experience in the job offered or related Apply to job reference number R2023-0634 at Senior Engineer FEV North America, Inc. seeks a Senior Engineer based out of our office at 4554 Glenmeade Lane, Auburn Hills, MI 48326. Note, this is a hybrid position whereby the employee will work both from home and from the aforementioned office address. Hence, the employee must live within a reasonable commuting distance of the aforementioned office address. Note, this position does not require travel. Duties include: Conduct engine testing or simulation tasks as applicable for assigned program; Mentoring and guidance of simulation team; Provide technical guidance to the entire project team; Interaction with Customer - Status reports and presentation; among other duties. Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and three years of experience in the job offered or related. EOE M/F/Disability/Vet. Apply to job reference number 23-00026 at:

We’re committed to helping people in Detroit improve their lives through financial education. In the past 10 years, we’ve donated millions in national and local grants to help people learn the ins and outs of budgeting, saving and reducing debt.

Page B-6 | March 1-7, 2023 |
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