Detroiters Await Ruling on Water Shutoffs
By Rasha Almulaiki
Last month, federal Judge Denise Page Hood heard arguments in favor of a preliminary injunction to extend the temporary moratorium on water shutoffs in Detroit. To date, there is yet to be an official ruling on the matter.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a freeze on municipal shutoffs was enacted in March of 2020 and in December 2020, the moratorium was extended through December 2022.
A coalition of civil rights organizations, including the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan (ACLU), brought a class action lawsuit to a federal court to help Detroit citizens have access to inexpensive water and put an end to water shutoffs permanently.
“DWSD and the city, generally, have already taken steps in what we regard as the right direction,” said Mark P. Fancher, staff attorney for the Racial Justice Project of the ACLU of Michigan.
“Our hope at the beginning of the case is that they would abandon shutoffs as a debt collection technique and that they put forth a water affordability plan that is indexed to the actual income of the water customers. The Lifeline program, conceptually, is moving in that direction and our concern and reason to move forward with a preliminary injunction is not because we oppose the idea of the plan, but because the moratorium was supposedly scheduled to expire at the end of 2022 and people are once again at risk. The Lifeline program still has a number of features that are of concern to our clients and loose ends that are not tied up. The return to water shutoffs is premature and we hope the city has developed and refined the program to meet the hopes and expectations of residents in the interim.”
Plaintiffs of the suit include American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan (ACLU), Legal Defense Fund (LDF) and Michigan Poverty Law Program (MPLP). The lawsuit seeks to “condemn racial disparities in water shutoffs and asks [the] court for permanent solutions in Detroit.”
Since 2014, over 60,000 residents were threatened with water shutoffs due to being behind on their bills. After a three-year pause, the number is expected to grow if city-led shutoffs resume.
In his 2021 State of the City address, Mayor Mike Duggan spoke on the water shutoff crisis and the need for federal assistance, saying, “Those who can afford to pay, must pay. We do need to find a permanent solution for 2023.”
Thousands of households are unable to pay their water bills, putting them in danger of losing service, which is exacerbated by Detroit’s high poverty rate, particularly among Black residents. The city has some of the most expensive water prices in the country.
While some families are caught in a cycle of water insecurity with frequent disconnections and reconnections, others are without a water supply for years at a time.
By making thousands of Detroit res-
Detroit on Top: Could the City’s Economic Projection Cancel Out the Recession? Money. A5
District Detroit’s Neighborhood Advisory Council Signs $167 Million Package to Benefit the Community
By Donald James Senior Writer, Real Times Media
The District Detroit Neighborhood Advisory Committee (NAC) signed on Monday, March 6, what is being called a “historic support letter” in favor of the $167 million Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) for the proposed District Detroit development. Held at Wayne County Community College’s Downtown Campus, the official signing followed NAC’s 8-1 vote in late February to approve the massive CBA, a momentous step forward to breaking ground on the much-talked-about District Detroit development, a partnership venture between Olympia Development of Michigan and New York City-based Related Companies.
The Michigan Chronicle obtained a copy of the three-page support letter and 11-page CBA outlining the community benefits obligations associated with the future District Detroit project. Benefits in the Agreement included, but were not limited to, spending a minimum of $100 million with disadvantaged businesses in Detroit, creating a physical space to connect Detroiters to the developers for housing, employment, and business opportunities, acceptance of tenants utilizing Section 8 Vouchers in all affordable units with tenants having the Right to Renew , offering 20% of residential units at rates no more than 50% of the Area Median Income, creating a Tenant Improvement Fund for disadvantaged and emerging entrepreneurs renting space in District Detroit properties,
and developers’ commitments to partner with local emerging developers on three projects in District Detroit.
In addition, developers made commitments to buy artwork from local Black and Hispanic artists for display in District Detroit, renovate Cass Tech High School’s football field and athletic facilities, redesign Cass Park and Brush Park, and fund $1.5 million for a Fast Track pre-apprenticeship training program for Detroiters in collaboration with Detroit at Work.
“This is the most extensive and comprehensive CBA that has ever been negotiated in the history of Detroit,” Chris Jackson, chair of District Detroit’s NAC, told the Michigan Chronicle. “It far exceeds any agreement that I’ve seen as a developer that the private sector has committed to. There are negotiated commitments never before included in a Detroit Community Benefits Agreement.”
Jackson said Detroit is the largest city in the nation with a Community Benefits Ordinance process guaranteeing residents benefits from all large developments of $75 million or more when developers ask for tax breaks and incentives from the City. To negotiate benefits, Jackson said a nine-member Neighborhood Advisory Council is formed in the designated community where the development will occur.
In the case of District Detroit, CBA meetings, facilitated by the City of Detroit Planning and Development Department, were held for more than two months at Cass Tech, located in the
impact development area.
“The meetings were open to the general public, where people could come, speak, and ask questions,” Jackson said. “The developers presented their project, and the NAC asked questions as we began to negotiate extra things that we wanted them to do in this project for the community inside District Detroit.”
With the successful negotiations reached between NAC and District Detroit developers - Olympia Development of Michigan and the Related Companies - culminating at the March 6 signing, the next step, said Jackson, is for the CBA to go to City Council for a hearing on March 9. Jackson is hopeful a favorable Council vote will soon follow. The Council, at some point, will also review and vote on the developers’ requests for tax breaks and incentives estimated at close to $800 million.
District Detroit is a partnership venture between Olympia Development of Michigan and Related Companies. The latter is owned by University of Michigan alum and Detroit-born Stephen M. Ross. The proposed District Detroit deal, reported at $1.5 billion, projects the construction and operation of 10 renovated historic or new projects, including four mixed-income residential buildings, four commercial office buildings, two hotels, open public and green spaces. Among the grand plan is the $250 million construction cost of the Detroit Center for Innovation,
Charlie Beckham Reflects On Dave Bing’s
By Rasha Almulaiki
Ten years ago, the city experienced an historically troubled economy resulting in an unprecedented municipal bankruptcy and consequent oversight of city management. In response, Mayor Dave Bing’s administration ushered in a government reform agenda that included the privatization of a range of critical city services. The move lead to a sweep of job losses and a lasting impact on the structure of a decentralized government and Detroit’s economy.
The Michigan Chronicle spoke with Charlie Beckham who served as a trusted advisor and executive manager under six mayoral administrations from Coleman Young to Mike Duggan.
From 2009-2013, Beckham was the chief administrative operator of the city under Mayor Bing.
“The whole question of municipal bankruptcy started coming into play in the early 2000s and it wasn’t just Detroit,” said Beckham. “It was a lot of major cities, but it finally caught up with us in 2013 and the state did declare bankruptcy. Prior to that, we were running a lot of deficits; the tax base was declining and Detroit’s population was leaving so you didn’t have enough money to continue to run the place the way you wanted to…then we had an emergency manager, who in effect was kind of like a mayor who worked right across the hall from Bing. It was political and controversial, and nobody liked it.
“It was the kind of thing that does drive you into privatization.
In other words, taking operations that you’ve been running that now you got somebody else come in and do it. You lose jobs, unions don’t like it. We got through it,
but it wasn’t easy. “
From 2009 to 2013, Dave Bing served as the 74th mayor of Detroit in a special election defeating interim Mayor Kenneth Cockrel Jr. following the resignation of disgraced mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. The city was $18 billion in debt and leaned on austere economic measures that offloaded financial expenses of city-run services onto private contractors.
In 2012, Governor Snyder signed a stronger replacement emergency manager law, Public Act 436, permitting emergency managers hired by the state to take municipal authority and break collective bargaining agreements.
In a deeply unpopular move, bankruptcy expert Kevin Orr was appointed by the governor as an emergency manager with unparalleled decision-making
See BECKHAM page A2
Charlie Beckham served as a trusted advisor and executive manager under six mayoral administrations from Coleman Young to Mike Duggan. From 2009-2013, Beckham was the chief administrative operator of the city under Mayor Bing. Photo courtesy of Charlie Beckham.
$1.00 Vol. 86 – No. 27 | March 8-14, 2023 Powered by Real Times Media | Daylight Saving Time Begins March 12 Remember to set your clocks forward one hour. See SHUTOFF MORATORIUM page A2 Michigan Chronicle See DEVELOPMENT PACKAGE page A2
NAC member Jonathan Kinloch, NAC Chairman Chris Jackson, NAC member Rogelio Landin
power over the city for the next 18 months.
During Bing’s administration and Kevin Orr’s oversight, there was decreased spending from $1.4 billion in 2009 to a an estimated $1.1 billion in 2013 and approximately 4,000 jobs from the city payroll were cut.
Privatized City Services and activities:
Refuse collection was transferred from the Department of Public Works to Rizzo Environmental Services (now GFL Environmental) and Advanced Disposal (now Waste Management), eliminating 150 city jobs.
In 2014, the Great Lakes Water Authority was created as a regional authority to replace many of Detroit Water and Sewage Department’s operations, which began shutting off water to an estimated 141,000 residents from 2014 to 2020.
Steep budget cuts to Detroit’s public health department, which was housed at the long-standing Herman Kiefer complex, resulted in the cutting staff in 2008 and by 2013, most of the remaining staff left and the vacant building was sold off to an out-of-town developer. Nearly all of the city’s health services were outsourced to the non-profit, Institute for Population Health.
The city’s street lighting system was cut in half from 88,000 to 46,000, and the 120-year-old Detroit Public Lighting Department was shut down, with DTE Energy taking over its operations.
Detroit’s Department of Health and Human Services decided to relinquish the $55 million federal funding for the early education program Head Start.
In 2014, the state took control of Belle Isle and, with support from the Michigan Emergency Loan Board, Gov. Snyder signed a 30 year lease of the park from the city.
“I was at recreation when we took some of the golf courses and privatized Cobo Hall,” said Beckham. “The public lightning department was turned into an authority. Obviously Detroit’s a strong union town and the biggest for municipal employees of course was ASME, so that was huge and meant job loss and some job classifications were eliminated altogether. A lot of things that the city had been running with city employees and city unions for a long time were all of a sudden gone. So, you had layoffs, strikes, It was a pretty tough time.”
A palpable dissatisfaction grew among residents who protested the outsourcing of city services, cutting down the city’s workforce and weakening of labor unions. A municipality’s ability to function is put into doubt when certain services are privatized. Whether it’s due to concerns about accountability, quality or motives, recent research
casts doubt on several privatization decisions.
When asked if the city’s administration at the time could have made different decisions to privatize, Beckham said, “Yes and no. That’s a tough question because you can always manage better and manage more efficiently. The question becomes could you do it quick enough and fast enough to stay out of financial trouble and secondly, keep the union contracts that you’ve committed to and pay scales, etc., in place and do it all at the same time? And that’s not easy.”
Looking ahead, Beckham said the city is turning a corner since the dark days of municipal bankruptcy.
“I don’t think it’ll ever go back to the way it was, but we’re starting to get back to more local control now. Better management, but things are smaller and easier to maintain. The city of Detroit is not as big as it used to be, it has different demographics now than it had. At one time, 70 percent of the city was African American and that alone created dynamics and situations that are different than a city that doesn’t have that much of a Black population and certainly the level of poverty, so we’re not as poor a city now. All of that goes into play with where we are.
“The key is to not have the pendulum swing all the way back and stay out of extremes. If you keep the pendulum in the middle everyone is benefitting.”
munity Benefits Agreement.”
idents live without water due to delinquent utility bills, a service necessary to their health, the lawsuit alleges Detroit’s water shutoff policy violates their civil rights.
Metro at 313-386-9727 or go to to receive a monthly bill as low as $18. There are no income restrictions to apply for the 10/30/50 payment arrangement.”
a three-building complex for hightech research, education, and entrepreneurship programs for University of Michigan students and non-students. Ross committed to donating $100 million for the center’s construction.
When the entire District Detroit is completed, it will cover 50 blocks with borders purported to be John C. Lodge Expressway (west), I-75 (east), Mack Ave. (north), and Grand Circus Park (south). District Detroit is estimated to be fully completed in 2028 or 2029.
While District Detroit may finally be on its way to fruition, some skepticism of the CBA signed recently lingers.
“This is a very bad deal and one of the worst Community Benefits Agreements that we’ve seen,” said Linda Campbell, Director of Detroit
People’s Platform. “53% of the project cost will be reimbursed by the taxpayers. This project could be funded by the likes of Steven Ross and Olympia Development. These are multi-billionaires. They are using public tax money to subsidize their private wealth and private profits.”
With the Community Benefits Agreement headed to City Council, Campbell said her organization, whose mission is to advance racial and economic justice in the community through building grassroots power, will be there.
“We will speak before City Council and let them know that we think the CBA doesn’t serve Detroiters,” Campbell told the Chronicle. “I’m not sure what the Council will do. They probably will not undo what NAC has done, but there may be an opportunity for the Council to do some type of supplemental Com-
While the District Detroit project, as conceptualized a decade ago, didn’t get completely off the ground, several significant pieces of the development puzzle were constructed, including Little Caesars Arena (2017), the Mike Ilitch School of Business at Wayne State University (2018), and Little Caesar’s World Headquarters (2021).
“More now than ever before, people are looking for dynamic, walkable neighborhoods that have great places to work, mixed-income living options, and an abundance of culture, dining and retail in close proximity,” Ross said in a statement published by Ilitch Companies’ Online News Hub. “Working with Olympia Development on the Detroit Center for Innovation, it was immediately apparent how much opportunity there is to build on their progress in The District Detroit…and there’s no place I’d rather be realizing this vision than in my hometown.”
New Research Raises Concerns About Michigan’s Historically Underfunded Financial Assistance Program
In light of inflation and price increases, a statewide cash assistance program does not cover basic costs of living, even for those in deep poverty, and solutions are being sought to change this narrative.
By Sherri Kolade
A Michigan Family Independence cash assistance program does not cover basic costs of living, even for those in extreme poverty, and it is leading to a sharp decline in the number of Michigan families who are eligible for cash assistance (not to talk of inflation), according to a recent report by the Michigan League for Public Policy.
In a report entitled, Raise the Standard: Revitalize the Family Independence Program to Help More Michigan Families Reach Financial Stability, the League requests that the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services raise the payment standard to at least $1,084. This would allow people with initial incomes of up to 75 percent of the poverty level to qualify for the program.
“Raising the cash assistance payment standard is long overdue–it hasn’t been increased since 2008. The maximum benefit a family of three can receive is $492 per month if they have no other income. This is not even enough to cover the basics. And right now, we’re reaching crisis level
as prices are sky high on groceries, cleaning supplies and other necessities,” said Monique Stanton, president and CEO of the Michigan League for Public Policy. “We know when faced with this kind of economic stress, people are forced to make risky tradeoffs. In order to cover rent and other expenses, they may have to heat their homes with kerosene heaters or skip taking medication. We need to act swiftly to help families in deep poverty make ends meet.”
The report also concludes that years of legislative negligence and bad policy have resulted in a sharp decline in the number of Michigan families that are eligible for financial help.
Cash aid is funded through the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, commonly known as the Family Independence Program in Michigan (FIP). The federal monies are paid to Michigan in one lump sum, and in addition to paying families, the state utilizes those funds for things like child protective services and college financial aid. The amount paid is set at around $775 million annually, even though the cost of living has greatly increased over the past 26 years.
“This report explains the context behind the drop from 229,000 families on cash
than 12,000 families
is certainly not due to a rapid decline in poverty. FIP has failed families in Michigan because instead of prioritizing financial stability for people, the state has—especially since 2011—prioritized pushing families off assistance or prevented them from qualifying altogether,” Stanton said. “Policymakers are treating TANF as a cash cow, using federal funds that should be directed toward families that are truly in need to supplant spending that should be paid for from the state General Fund. One example is Michigan’s current use of TANF to pay 75 percent of the funding for college financial aid grants that mostly benefit middle-class and even affluent families.”
A family’s monthly income must be at or below 39 percent of the federal poverty threshold (an unlivable $814 for a family of three) in order to be eligible for the Family Independence Program. Every time a household’s monthly income exceeds $1,183, or 57 percent of the poverty line, they will lose it.
“I first went on FIP when my daughter was born. She was premature and weighed only three pounds. I had to quit my job as a childcare worker so that I could drive to the hospital in Kalamazoo to be with her every day. The cash assistance wasn’t enough to cover the cost of gas to get me there,” said Kenarda Rouse, a Benton Harbor resident
and former recipient of FIP. Rouse also expressed concern that, with the strict lifetime limit of 48 months, she might not be able to access FIP if she again falls on hard times when she is older.
The League also suggests that FIP grantees be exempt from the asset test and the drug felony restriction and that TANF spending be restricted to low-income populations solely.
The complaint claims that water shutoffs unfairly disadvantage Black Detroiters, in violation of the Fair Housing Act and the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act, and seriously endanger public health by making it impossible to hydrate and maintain proper healthy hygiene.
The complaint requests an urgent court order prohibiting the resumption of shutoffs and aims to permanently terminate the water shutoff policy.
The Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) told the Michigan Chronicle the department has not started service interruptions and are waiting on Judge Hood’s ruling on the injunction to reinstate the shutoff moratorium before any further action.
DWSD shared the following statement regarding the moratorium and the ACLU case:
“The moratorium will continue for households who apply for the DWSD Lifeline Plan or enroll in the 10/30/50 Plan. All they have to do is apply for assistance. As of Feb. 13, that means 21,458 Detroit households are protected from shutoff.
Income-eligible residents can apply for the Lifeline Plan by calling Wayne
On July 1, 2022, DWSD launched the first citywide comprehensive water affordability plan, Detroit Lifeline. The five-year plan for an income-based program is intended to help thousands of low-income Detroiters access water at a fixed monthly rate as low as $18 a month.
Although the City of Detroit established the Lifeline water affordability program, which administrators claim exempts registrants from shutoffs, some people have been unable to sign up and are unsure of their eligibility. Numerous water users might be exposed to the risk of losing their water service due to other program-related difficulties.
“Every human being needs water to hydrate and to keep personal hygiene and cleanliness,” said Fancher. The voluntary moratorium was put in place during the pandemic and now we have learned how important access to clean water is to prevent the potential spread of COVID-19 and other diseases. There are health concerns still relevant today. The water shutoffs need to be addressed with a permanent solution that stops thousands of Detroiters from being put at risk again.”
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Are You Blacklisted By Your Family?
By Sherri Kolade
Described as an outsider in one’s family of origin or family unit, a black sheep can be an outcast (or scapegoat) to a group of people, club or group, Psychology Today reported.
“Maybe your life choices went against the grain of what was ‘normal’ where you grew up—whether it’s because you spoke up when others didn’t, moved away from your hometown or chose to love and work, differently.”
Perhaps, one of the more famous perceived black sheep in pop culture as of late are Prince Harry and Meghan Markle of the British royal family.
In a December Netflix docu-series, Harry and Meghan detailed some painful elements of their married life, which revealed details of Meghan’s estranged relationship with her relatives, and highlighted how race has impacted their relationship, per the New York Times.
Harry also shared how deeply the paparazzi have affected his life.
about being a black sheep of the family and the resolution behind this sometimes-shameful title.
Meghan revealed that she never thought race would play such a large role in her marriage because it was never an issue for her growing up in L.A.
“Most people didn’t treat me like a Black woman,” Meghan said of her childhood. “Now people are very aware of my race because they made it such an issue in the UK.”
Harry (described as a black sheep for marrying Meghan and choosing his own path) said the royals never understood that Meghan’s race played a role in how she was treated.
“What people need to understand is, as far as a lot of the family were concerned, everything that she was being put through, they’d been put through as well,” he said, adding, “so it’s almost a rite of passage.”
Lisa Forbes, a native of Chicago, has overcome trauma as well as sexual, emotional and religious assault.
Forbes told the Michigan Chronicle that the black sheep of the family is someone who has been selected to be the person “upon whom everyone else projects their own negativity or unwanted traits.”
“The black sheep will often be accused of thinking something unsuitable when it is the accuser who is thinking it, or of doing something objectionable when it is the accuser who is doing it,” Forbes said, adding that the black sheep will also have “no voice in the group.” “It is a source of chronic high stress, which is damaging both physically and emotionally. It can cause feelings of not being good enough, rejection, aloneness and depression. Feeling misunderstood and as if you “don’t belong” can lead to isolation and avoidance of other relationships.”
Forbes said that she was the black
WSU’s AmeriCorpos Helps Detroit Neighborhoods Get Climate Ready
By Rasha Almulaiki
Wayne State University’s Center for Urban Studies is piloting an AmeriCorps Climate R.E.A.D.Y. program to help Detroiters get ahead of the growing effects of urban climate change. Members will work with residents to make their homes and surrounding neighborhoods safer and more resilient.
“This program is an opportunity to engage in outdoor recreation and the natural environment while supporting residents of Detroit to become more resilient in the ongoing climate change crisis happening in different parts of Detroit. We are trying to have a greater impact on vulnerable populations when it comes to the effects on public health and the environment,” said Deandra Smith, program director for Climate R.E.A.D.Y. at Wayne State University’s Center for Urban Studies.
The AmeriCorps Climate R.E.A.D.Y. (Recreation, Education, Awareness, Demonstration and Youth) Program offers young people (ages 18 to 24) the chance to enjoy outdoor activities and the outdoors while helping the people of Detroit build up climate change resilience.
Community and AmeriCorps members will be more aware of local climate change concerns through outreach efforts. Residents will be given tools and resources to connect with city services for environmental and/or public health-related issues as well as where to find local environmental organizations where they can volunteer. Services are available at no cost.
According to Notre Dame’s Global Adaptation Initiative (ND-GAIN) index ranking of 270 U.S. cities on more than 40 climate metrics, Detroit stands at a high climate risk score of 54 percent and low climate readiness at 45 percent. Flooding is a particular issue in the region and costly to remedy. The report finds the city’s historical average cost of a flood event between 2011 and 2015 was $4,800,128.
When significant flooding spread over Detroit due to heavy rainfall in June 2021, a state of emergency was issued, impacting over 30,000 people. This is simply the most recent of many
extreme weather occurrences brought on by climate change that is particular to Detroit.
In comparison, Ann Arbor has the second-lowest total climate risk in the U.S. and is one of the best-prepared cities in the country. As a research and innovation hub, researchers found Ann Arbor has considerably greater levels of environmental awareness, civic involvement, educational achievement and innovative capacity.
So far, the Climate R.E.A.D.Y. team has worked with 20 out of 75 households set out for the Jefferson Chalmers neighborhood, a particularly vulnerable area that’s been hit hard by flooding.
“The heavy rain that has been coming in Detroit is climate change,” said Smith. “It impacts the increase of rainfall and increases temperatures, too. Rainfall specifically has increased in the last couple of years and that brings heavier flooding. Our systems can’t withstand the increase of rainfall and too many people’s basements flood a lot more, especially in the areas like Jefferson Chalmers where they are closer to the [river] water and the overflow that occurs. The basement flooding causes different kinds of mold to form which is toxic. We are going door to door with our information to let us check our your home to do testing for mold and provide remedies to help with that and also looking at the outside foundation of your home for other measures. “
Residents will hear from Climate R.E.A.D.Y. members on how to use measuring instrumentation to increase danger awareness. Members will carry out a Total Environment Home Safety Assessment (TEHSA) inside and outside households to assess ricks of indoor air pollutants, mold samples, energy-efficient lighting and green infrastructure depending on the findings of this environmental assessment.
After an assessment, members will assist to reduce the chance of floods, mold and other dangers by providing free materials and services such as rain barrels, planting rain gardens and shrubbery, dirt packing unevenly sloped grounding around the home,
energy efficient lightbulbs, mold clean up information and applications for the city’s offer to install sump pumps for residents to mitigate future flooding.
In addition, the program is providing other climate change remedies for residents, including air purifiers, fans, lead testing if you have small children in the home, dehumidifiers and programs to swap out gas stoves for electric ones.
“Most commonly, people we talked to weren’t aware of the more global effects of climate change,” said Smith. “So, having those starter conversations is important. It’s not just the world becoming hotter. They don’t realize there are more aspects to climate change and how much the outside of a home affects the inside, including the neighborhood air quality, the sloped position of a house.
“Also, so many people in Detroit don’t have gutters, let alone gutter extensions which is something we help with. The cracks of the foundation and puddling that happens is all associated where they don’t have gutters and this will hit you hard not just during the rainy season but winter also, because eventually that snow will melt.”
The Climate R.E.A.D.Y. program has been renewed after October for another grant year. They will be operating first in Jefferson Chalmers and will soon announce their next target neighborhood. Smith said she is looking forward to the team growing with more recruits and helping Detroiters understand the full scope of climate change while there is still time to act.
“Climate change doesn’t only affect the environment but impacts people’s health in a variety of ways from polluting clean air, the food resources, even our homes,” said Smith. There are ripple effects that may not be apparent like the mold caused by flooding. So many things stem from climate change and if we don’t stop it now, it will get worse and we can’t change it later. This is prime time to make changes before it’s too late.”
The program is looking to recruit Climate R.E.A.D.Y. youth for a paid opportunity to develop life skills and hands-on service experience within a
Marvin Cotton Jr. Speaks on Wrongful Conviction
By Sherri Kolade
“Let me show you how to overcome pain and leverage life’s opportunities. Be great, be strong, be better, not broken.”
Author Marvin Cotton Jr. Is a walking testimony with a story to tell, which he tells others every chance he gets.
After being falsely accused of murder, prosecuted and wrongfully convicted, the local resident (who spent 19 years behind bars) is taking his experiences into the next chapter of his life, literally.
In Cotton’s newest book, “Better Not Broken,” (an Amazon best-selling book) the author speaks about his imprisonment journey.
“I did 19 years, seven months, and 12 days in prison for a crime I didn’t commit. I was able to prove my innocence and was eventually exonerated. Most people say, ‘I could never do 20 years.’ Well, my ‘Better Not Broken’ book is how I survived, thrived and became better in the process,” Cotton said.
“Although this book is centered around my lived experience of suffering through a wrongful convic-
tion and a natural life sentence without the possibility of parole that I had, I wrote it in a way where everyone can use it to overcome whatever they are going through.
It’s a self-help book with an autobiography feel.” His book is described as an interactive, self-help blueprint specially curated for those who are determined to improve their lives and choose to:
• Stay optimistic when their life has been shattered by lies.
• Learn who to trust when life’s challenges are designed to crush you.
• Understand how to activate the tools to reset emotional intelligence and discipline after trauma.
Since his release, Cotton has become an advocate for other innocent people released and those that are still incarcerated.
“I co-founded a nonprofit, Organization of Exonerees, that focuses on wrap-around services for newly released exonerees and we travel the country to advocate for policy and law changes that would protect innocent people from being convict-
ed of crimes they didn’t do, and to provide for them after a wrongful conviction,” he said.
Cotton also put “action behind” his advocacy work, and he ran for Michigan State Representative in the 11th House District in 2022. While he didn’t win the momentum is still behind the message.
“I hoped to use the pen to push some much-needed legislation and to encourage people that the criminal justice system has directly impacted to get involved,” Cotton said.
Cotton’s case was reopened in 2018 by the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office Conviction Integrity Unit.
“They re-investigated and when they had enough to overturn my wrongful conviction, they did,” he told the Michigan Chronicle.
Michigan Liberation, a non-profit organization, previously endorsed Cotton among others during last year’s primary election based on his commitment to end cash bail, advocate for racial, social and economic
A3 | March 8-14, 2023
See CLIMATE R.E.A.D.Y. page A-4
Trauma survivor Lisa Forbes talks
Broken” details his wrongful imprisonment and eventual exoneration.
Detroit Educator Tyrus Kendrix’s Children’s Books Promote Learning Outside of the Classroom
The world of education is changing every day and educators are looking for new ways to keep students both interested and engaged. Tyrus Kendrix, educator and owner of Kendrix and Kendrix publishing company, is combining his 20 plus years of experience and creativity, delivering curriculum and life lessons in a fun and positive way.
Kendrix, who now teaches special education for grades 1 through 5, uses academic games, songs, rhyming and exciting videos to help students comprehend and stay attentive during classes and beyond. After 13 years of teaching, he felt the need to empower students and help them find a light that will shine for generations to come.
“The days of writing on the board are long gone. With the dynamics that we face as educators, we must come up with creative and innovative ideas in order to keep the kids excited about learning. I started writing material centered around curriculum and it has been a blessing for teachers and students.”
As a proud spiritual man, Kendrix says the Lord told him to write children’s books. Although the idea of writing books was not always in his plan, he is not new to creative writing. Growing up Kendrix enjoyed hearing his mother recite poems and short stories, which inspired him to do the same. The concept of educating through creative content and educational entertainment became the foundation and mission for Kendrix and Kendrix. While he had no formal training and no idea of how to start, he knew if there is a will, there is a way.
Kendrix debuted his first two books, “My Neighbor, My Friend,” and “Bully Buzz Bee.” “My Neighbor, My Friend” was created with popular gospel artist Hezekiah Walker. Both books had a great launch and started to gain notoriety almost immediately. Shortly after the release, a school district in Louisiana picked up “My Neighbor, My Friend” and the
all-star cast of book contributors began to increase.
In addition to writing for three-time Grammy winner Hezekiah Walker, Kendrix and Kendrix has written and published books for two-time Grammy winner Kierra Sheard, Grammy-nominated gospel artist Tye Tribbett, Houston Texans NFL player Desmond King and Pastor of Greater Grace Temple Detroit Bishop Charles Ellis. All books were written on a wide range of educational and social topics like vocabulary, counting friendship and bullying.
Kendrix observed that students were behind on school subject knowledge at their recommended level, consumed by distractions like social media, and exhibited depleted confidence when it came to learning due to the pandemic and the abrupt change in learning routines. Effects of the pandemic also left many parents less involved, which also negatively affected how children comprehended what they are being taught.
“The things that I write are things that we would teach, but they can actually read, respond and comprehend it.” Kendrix continued, “I encourage my students that they all have a super power, and they should use their super power to the best of their ability. This encourages them to be able to grasp the lessons that are being taught. Academically they can grow and succeed beyond the limitations that have already been placed on them.” Kendrix’s books help students who may not know how to read learn easier by focusing on sight words and comprehension along with appealing topics and experiences.
With over 25 books created to date, Kendrix recognizes his wife, Kimberly Sheard-Kendrix, as a key contributor to the appeal of the product.
Sheard-Kendrix uses her fashion sense and originality to design outfits for the book characters. Kendrix calls her a natural born stylist with a knack for fashion. The pair balance each other creating a productive and motivating partnership.
“She has a creative vison where she knows how to put an outfit together for characters. Her expertise in that area really supports me. To have a helpmate to inspire you and to work alongside you is a feeling that you can’t even describe. Her creativity is amazing.”
With the success of his books both at home and in the classrooms, Kendrix knew it was time to expand. Kendrix and Kendrix’s news educational content is an original animated collection which is set to go into production March 2023.
“A lot of kids understand best through music, visuals and repetitiveness. Look at it as a modern-day ‘Sesame Street’ with original characters teaching kids life lessons that will help empower and inspire a child in the classroom and beyond. Eighty percent of children, when they leave school, are watching tv or playing video games or [on] social media. I want to be able to leave the impression to where education is on their mind even when they’re outside the classroom.”
The animation is titled “Parkland Pals” which follows a group of animal friends that will appear on YouTube. The channel will cover matters including how to play together with friends, trips to the doctor, emotional support, as well as educational subjects such as counting, spelling, days of the week and more. Kendrix says his vision for using animals is to allow children and their families to not see color. Episodes will include original songs written by Kendrix.
Kendrix and Kendrix will also release a 12-book series in 2023. To keep up with all the updates and releases visit and follow them @tykendrix327 on Instagram.
Climate R.E.A.D.Y.
From page A-3
green jobs network.
For more information on paid volunteer recruitment opportunities or a home assessment, email or call (313) 577-0477.
From page A-3
sheep of her family and in her case, it came from two directions.
“First, my siblings felt they had to compete to get attention and approval from our mother,” she said. “If the family dynamic is that there’s not enough love to go around, then somebody always has to be left out. In my family, that was me. Secondly, when a parent actually despises themselves deep down, they will often project that feeling on one of their children and despise that child, instead. This projection of self-rejection can be unconscious.”
Dr. Jonice Webb, a renowned psychology expert, noted on her website,, that a black sheep of the family can be excluded from a family if there is mental instability and boundaries crossed, and creating a safe environment insures that someone rightfully protects themselves.
“But surprisingly, very seldom is either of these scenarios the case. Many, many black sheep are lovable folks with much to offer their families and the world,” Webb said. “In fact, they are often the best and brightest. They may be the most creative of the family or the one with the most powerful emotions.”
Some signs that a family has a black sheep include:
• Over time, one person will frequently act offended or angry for no apparent cause.
From page A-3
justice and fight for those currently incarcerated and those impacted by mass incarceration.
Michigan Liberation is a nonprofit organization that works to end mass incarceration and mass policing through campaigns and the leadership development of those directly impacted by the criminal legal system. The organization was formed in 2018 and conducted grassroots organizing, lobby-
• One guy is frequently and persistently made fun of behind his back. He is the worst, What a...fill in the blank...weirdo/disappointment/loser.
• Subtly excluding one family member from gatherings or keeping them in the dark about family news.
• From sibling rivalry to depression – being a black sheep can cause mental health problems if it is not handled.
“With any of the causes above, the excluded or targeted child senses early on that he must be different, bad or inferior. In a case of a self-fulfilling prophecy, he learns to play his role in the family. Often, he plays it very well,” Webb said.
Forbes said that the path toward healing and self-care for her is about trauma resolution through the use of Emotional Freedom Techniques (“EFT” or “tapping”), which has over 100 studies validating its effectiveness.
“A person can also do what I did, namely, reframe the experience so that it becomes useful to them,” she said.
“Not getting approval from one group of people can free a person to authentically choose their own path, unfettered by the need to conform and try to fit in, which they never will.”
She adds that family is as family does.
“Remember that family doesn’t have to be limited to people who are biologically related to you,” she said. “Create a family with people who are truly your kindred spirits. Go where you’re celebrated, not where you’re tolerated.”
ing, and supporting candidates that share their vision for the state of Michigan.
Michigan Liberation is organizing to end the criminalization of Black families and communities of color in Michigan.
“We envision a transformation of our criminal justice system that will no longer produce mass incarceration or mass policing,” the organization states.
For more information visit and search “Better Not Broken.”
Page A-4 | March 8-14, 2023 |
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Google’s Got Next
By Sherri Kolade
Asim Williams, 23, is responsible for creating learning opportunities for kids between the ages of 13 and 18 to boost enthusiasm, self-assurance and fundamental abilities needed to pursue a career in computer science.
As the Google Code Next coach in Detroit – a free, computer science education program that meets local Black, Latinx, and Native high school students in their own communities and provides the skills and inspiration they need for computer science-related fields – he is etching out a creative, technological path for those coming behind him.
Detroit, among other select states, is filling the need by offering coding boot camps and other training programs that teach the skills necessary to establish profitable careers in coding.
“[This program] develops students’ interest in STEM to invent technology that really improves people’s lives,” Williams told the Michigan Chronicle. “Underrepresented people need to be a part of those processes where technologies and where decisions are being made.”
The Detroit native studied computer science and did internships with Google and said that his professional experience and upbringing (he relocated throughout the United States) brought him back to his city, which he described as having “incredible potential” technologically, historically and beyond.
He added that Detroit represents a city predominantly where opportunities have been restricted from Black communities and to be able to experience technological education like that of Code Next “really goes a long way.”
The only group of its kind in the Midwest, a new cohort of students in Google’s Code Next program in downtown Detroit is encouraging young, aspiring technology leaders to imagine what is possible for their careers and futures, and state leaders are taking note.
For Black, Latinx and Native American high school students, Google Code Next is an all-encompassing computer science education program that provides after-school and Saturday programming to prepare them for this in-demand field and potential future careers.
There are more labs in Harlem, N.Y., Chelsea, N.Y. and Oakland, Calif.
The 20-student new class offers access to state-of-the-art tools, live coaches and classes on UX design and JavaScript development. The lab offers programs and curricula that are focused on the future of mobility, from self-driving automobiles to drone racing. The students get to interact with other kids their age from different backgrounds who are passionate about coding.
“Exposing young people to technology gives them more than skills—it gives them the confidence to know that they can build whatever they can imagine,” said Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist II. “The students I met at Google’s Code Next at The Factory at Michigan Central in Detroit this afternoon are already
By Sherri Kolade
Detroit on Top: Could the City’s Economic Projection Cancel Out the Recession?
By Sherri Kolade
Detroit has always been known for its resilience and now that bounce-back effect is cropping up in other ways too as the country is on the verge of a national recession, according to a University of Michigan Economic Forecast.
With more jobs coming online, higher wages and more opportunities forecast for Detroiters, there is a level of growing optimism that cannot be denied – even though some harsh economic conditions still remain like unemployment.
The Detroit Economic Outlook for 2022–2027 published in early February by the University of Michigan predicts that despite forecasts of a slight national recession, Detroit’s economy would continue to develop steadily and demonstrate resiliency post–pandemic.
“We expect Detroit’s resilience in recovering from the pandemic to date to translate into continued growth – even amid a challenging national economy,” said Gabriel Ehrlich, director of U-M’s Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics and lead author of the forecast.
While good new lingers, some concerns level things out.
In general, it is indicated that employment will “increase every year from 2023 to 2027,” concluding the estimate with “far above pre-pandemic levels,” by creating 2,200 jobs this year and then picking up to an average of 2,700 additional jobs each year through 2027.
Blue-collar employment continued to lead the way in Detroit last year, increasing by 8,000 jobs over pre-pan-
demic levels. Blue-collar employment growth is still increasing, and the leisure and hospitality industry is recovering, which helps to balance recent losses and slower growth in the financial activities sector.
While there are still possible downsides to the projection, such as delays in construction projects and longterm consequences from remote work, city-led initiatives to give Detroiters well-paying jobs have strengthened its ability to survive a downturn. Furthermore, due to sound fiscal management that has preserved balanced budgets and increased reserves while enhancing the quality of life for Detroiters and satisfying financial obligations to City retirees and employees, the City is positioned financially to withstand the revenue risks of a slowing economy.
Detroit’s continued success in luring well-paying jobs is a major contributor to its healthy economy. In 2023, the city plans to start construction on a new employment center at the site of the former AMC headquarters, which is anticipated to provide up to 400 new jobs. Another win is the anticipated addition of 1,200 employees to the Amazon distribution center at the state fairgrounds. At least 400 people are anticipated to be employed full-time at Lear’s new seating factory, which will be located on the site of the former Cadillac Stamping Plant, by 2023.
According to the projection research, wages in Detroit are also anticipated to rise this year. Wage growth is anticipated to reach 4.3 percent this year and then drop back to 3 percent during the forecast, with a gain of 3.2 percent in
2022. From 2024 on, that growth is anticipated to outpace inflation. The analysis predicts that over the forecast period, wage growth for Detroit residents will keep up with wage growth for jobs situated in the city. By 2027, average resident salaries are anticipated to increase to $47,500.
The U of M projection also predicts that “workers will return to the labor force as the city’s recovery continues over the next years.” There were 8,865 jobs available for Detroit residents as of February 6. Additionally, the City will connect people with training programs as necessary.
The City is ensuring that more Detroiters will gain from new jobs and pay increases through initiatives like Jump Start. With the help of funded education and career/job training programs, Jump Start is a significant, first-of-its-kind $100 million scholarship program that aims to assist long-term unemployed citizens in reentering the labor force. It is anticipated that 1,200 Detroiters will return to the workforce thanks to Jump Start, with even more expected.
“Despite projections of a mild national recession, the Detroit economy has proven to be more resilient today supported by multiple years of balanced budgets for the City post-bankruptcy. We will continue employing the administration’s growth and opportunity strategies to further sustain and grow the City’s economy and improve the quality of life for Detroiters,” said Jay Rising, chief financial officer, City of Detroit. For more information visit detroitmi. gov.
ADHD is Not a Deterrent to Managing Your Money
ADHD doesn’t make it any simpler for folks who are already struggling with managing their finances. In case this describes you, you’re not alone: 4 percent of adults suffer from ADHD. In spite of it, you may save and preserve your hardearned money using a variety of methods, which is fortunate.
According to WebMD research, young individuals with ADHD frequently suffer from poor money management. That’s because impulsivity, disorganization and procrastination are all symptoms of ADHD. Although these characteristics in and of themselves are not detrimental, managing money can be challenging.
ADHD is gravely misunderstood by a lot of people, according to the Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) which was established in 1987. Peo-
ple with ADHD were frequently wrongly classified as “behavior problems,” “unmotivated” or “not intellectual enough” by physicians and educators who had limited knowledge of the disorder.
Affecting up to 9 percent of all children and roughly 4 percent of adults, ADHD is a curable but potentially dangerous illness that is legally and medically recognized.
Issues with the following may make managing finances more challenging for persons with ADHD:
• Keeping an eye on your money balance or spending;
• Keeping track of checks, bills and crucial tax documents to prevent late payments;
• Spending and significant credit card debt;
• Putting off cleaning files or making payments; and
Detroit native Lisa Howze, a certified public accountant, says a neurodivergent mind doesn’t have to be caught unaware with how to handle money.
• Saving for upcoming demands or desires.
People with ADHD may feel particularly overwhelmed by big endeavors. But breaking those chores up into smaller
bites can help. List all the financial-related chores you have to finish. As much as you can, divide them up, such as examining your account balance before paying a bill. As you complete each item on your to-do list, cross it off. Each item can be color-coded to help you recall its priority.
If you can, pay your bills at the beginning of the month, including your credit cards, rent, student loans, auto loans and housing costs. If not, set up another date for a bill review later on in the month. If you use paper copies, mark the bill itself with the date and the words “PAID” to assist you to remember which bills you’ve already paid.
Establish a savings account.
Utilize a setting in your bank account to have a portion of each paycheck automatically placed aside. If you set the deposit amount as a percentage, it will rise in line with your
income. Even just $25 each two-week pay period results in yearly savings before interest of $650.
Keep track of everything you buy, including the price, in a notebook or on a smartphone app. Set up recurring phone reminders to keep track of your purchases. On your credit card app, you may also enable buy notifications, which will aid in keeping track of the additional purchases you make. To be sure you’re not forgetting anything, compare your notes with someone you can trust, such as your spouse or a close friend. To determine where you may cut costs and where you are spending the most money, look for patterns.
Detroit native Lisa Howze, a certified public accountant, says a neurodivergent mind doesn’t have to be caught by
A5 | March 8-14, 2023
The Jump Start program, which will receive $40 million from President Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act, is announced by Mayor Mike Duggan. President Joe Biden’s senior advisor and coordinator for the American Rescue Plan, Gene Sperling, is present.
creating impressive applications. I know that every child in this program will be positioned for success in their educations and their careers.”
Gilchrist formerly had a profession in the field of computer science and technology, which he has been passionate about his entire life.
Along with Ford, Google was one of Michigan Central’s first founding members. Through the Grow with Google and Code Next programs, Google will support Michigan Central and Detroit’s job preparation mentoring and training initiatives.
Google has a long history of supporting computer science education in Michigan, working with local organizations including SMASH Detroit, TechSlam Detroit and Detroit Public Schools. Google has proudly called Michigan its home for more than 15 years.
More than 90 percent of the most recent 12thgrade graduates of the program accepted and enrolled in college or higher education programs.
Most of the students who recently completed 12th grade are majoring in a STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) discipline in college.
Students in grades 9 through 12 who reside in the lab’s vicinity can participate in programming that ranges from rigorous coding to entrepreneurship.
Williams said that there are currently 49 students who are “elated” to be part of a learning environment and socialize with their peers also interested in science, technology, education and math-related activities.
“We take a lot of pride in emphasizing [that this classroom] is their space to learn to become engineers, makers and entrepreneurs – it gives them a sense of ownership in their city and sense of urgency to be problem solvers in Detroit.”
Code Next student Destiney Williams, an 11th grader at Renaissance High School, told the Michigan Chronicle that her passion for technology grew over time, especially in the world of games.
“I really enjoy [it], especially since we now have a game design course at Code Next,” she said, adding that she hopes to go into computer science programming in college and study more about how computers work and potential programs and similar topics including artificial intelligence.
Code Next, she said, is a bridge to help her get there, and if she can do it
others her age can too.
“I didn’t exactly know what I was getting myself into when I applied [for Code Next]. I’m very
glad I did it,” she said of not having any prior experience with technology even though she knew that’s what she wanted to
major in. “So, that being the first introduction was really a great experience and great introduction to technology.”
surprise with unexpected bills, expenses and other financial pain points.
“Because someone learns differently does not mean they should be locked out of opportunities to succeed financially,” Howze said. “It is incumbent upon those who are part of these individuals’ support system to demonstrate good money habits based on sound financial advice related to earning income, budgeting, credit, investing and buying financial instruments like life insurance. A different learning style is not an indication that a person is a deficient learner. Everyone understands that money is green.”
Others agree.
“When it comes to saving, the most important thing to do is simply to start. Whether it’s $1 a day or a few every month, it is important to have a plan. Talking to someone with experience can help people see things from a different perspective. One of my favorite conversations to have with customers is to know what they are saving for and helping them figure out how to get there,” said JPMorgan Chase’s Detroit Vice President Community Manager Gail Taylor.
USA Today reports that financial planning doesn’t happen by accident but through well-thought-out and intentional steps toward success. It’s important to periodically review one’s financial plan to determine if adjustments are needed, particularly given the economic and personal impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
If a person needs a financial refresh to get there, consider seeking the help of a certified financial professional who can help you set and achieve goals, like:
Affording a comfortable retirement;
• Taking advantage of saving and investing opportunities as you age, estimating your expenses in retirement and preparing to have enough money to
cover those costs for your lifetime; and
• Buying a home.
Try these tips for saving and spending in 2023:
■ Use credit responsibly: pay off credit cards each month, if possible, to avoid accumulating debt and build good credit.
■ Set up automatic savings: you can do this through your bank and via your employer’s payroll. Use the new year to take a fresh look at the savings options through your employer, including Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), which can be carried over from one year to the next.
■ Invest windfalls: invest any unexpected cash, such as bonuses or tax refunds, and make your money work harder for you. If you find yourself with significant new assets, such as an inheritance, a certified financial planner can help you make the most of your good fortune.
■ Review your retirement plans: the new year may bring changes such as buying a home, updating a will or navigating a higher tax bracket. A professional can provide a new year review to keep your retirement plans on track no matter where you are in your working life.
■ Plan your tax payments: consider paying estimated taxes throughout the year to avoid a large tax bill in April. Estimated tax payments can be especially helpful for contract workers or freelancers who don’t have taxes taken out of their pay automatically.
■ Shop smarter: combat inflation by switching to store brands for some items. Check whether generic medications will work for you and compare prices for different pharmacies.
For more information visit to find a CFP professional.
Page A-6 | March 8-14, 2023 | Managing Your Money From page A-5 Call (313) 963-5522 Subscribe Today! Michigan Chronicle From page A-5 Code Next Get your weekly home delivery of the Purchasing or Refinancing a Home? With the My Home Reward Program, eligible applicants in select neighborhoods could pay ZERO closing costs!* Maximum qualifying annual income of $100,000. ENJOY THESE EXCLUSIVE BENEFITS: • No closing costs • Reward can be used with most mortgage programs • Eligible for select neighborhoods *Visit for details. Taxes and insurance required. Joe Lockwood Senior Residential Loan Officer NMLS ID: 139312 P: 248.918.5961 E: Troy | 201 W. Big Beaver, Suite 201 Contact me today to learn more! 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A NCAKESANDPOLITICS2023 #PANCAKESANDPOLITICS2023 #PANCAKESANDPOLITIC S CEO Bedrock, LLC Kofi Bonner President Penske Corporation Bud Denker President & CEO Henry Ford Health Robert G. Riney 241 Madison Street | Detroit, MI 48226 March 16, 2023 @ 7:30 AM Detroit Athletic Club Chairman & CEO Sixteen42Ventures Dennis Archer, Jr. Moderator PLATINUM PARTNERS CONTRIBUTING PARTNERS MEDALLION PARTNERS panelists BROADCAST PRESENTING PARTNER OVERDRIVE PRESENTING PARTNER Big Projects. Big Impact. Join us for a robust discussion about mega projects and how they impact the revitalization of Detroit and its economy. PIONEER PARTNER SoldOut! Forum I News Reporter WWJ, News Radio 950 Ryan Marshall
C ity. L ife . Style .
JC Jones Bootcamp: Transforming Mind, Body and Soul
John “JC” Jones has been in the fitness industry in one capacity or another for the last 45 years. Building a career based on intense motivation and invaluable knowledge, Jones has a reputation for extreme transformations and reversed medical diagnoses. By merging mental discipline with bootcamp style workouts, members receive a total change in overall health, restraint and nutritional intake. Jones brings his personal training expertise and experience into a class setting creating comradery and support amongst members.
In 2010 the JC Jones Bootcamp, which started as personal training sessions within third party gyms, moved to its own brick and mortar. Having a location gave a centralized setting for members to come, focus, support and transform. After seeing a disproportionately small number of gyms and healthy food options within the predominantly Black areas in the city, he decided to help those in his community start and maintain their fitness and wellness journeys.
“What we are doing is important and we’re in the hood because we don’t get this. All around us in coney island, fast food restaurants and liquor stores. Everywhere. We are being fed garbage that is readily available and cheap. Processed food is cheap. They are not trying to educate us. We fill up hospitals, we take all the medications and we fill up funeral homes.”
The JC Jones model is to promote full mind and body transformations by influencing healthy decisions with education, inspiration and motivation. Jones, who said he has an anointing to teach, has never had a problem with sharing his knowledge about physical ability and life lessons. A father, grandfather, owner, teacher and natural motivator, Jones has always had a passion for changing lives. The unique approach to the JC Jones experience is the incorporation of mental support along with workouts and diet modifications.
“We are not trying to transform bodies. We’re trying to transform minds. When the mind changes, the body changes as evidence of what’s happening on the inside,” said Jones.
Jones had his own transformation which sparked his fitness journey 20 plus years ago. After getting up to 300 pounds he decided he was ready for a change. When he learned about the health complications he was developing it motivated him to take better care of himself. “My doctor told me I was borderline diabetic, needed blood pressure medicine and my cholesterol was high. I did not want to take medications. That’s what motivated me to push for results and within 3 months, I lost 65 pounds.”
The raw and real attitude of JC Jones Bootcamp has built a reputation that is respected and appreciated in the community. New fans and admirers follow its social media accounts to get a glimpse of the work that’s being done, taking notes and getting motivated in the process. Jones said there
We’ve Got Brunch
Brings a Stylish Dining Experience to Detroit
By Lynzee Mychael
Unique dishes, a beautiful backdrop, and a happy stomach are all things you can expect when visiting We’ve Got Brunch in West Bloomfield Township.
Inspired by brunch spots in popular cities like Atlanta and Miami, this black owned and operated restaurant is attracting customers from all over Metro Detroit to enjoy their exclusive brunch experience. The menu, based on southern cuisine with a twist, makes it almost impossible to order just one thing.
Bria Willis-Franklin accredits the concept of We’ve Got Brunch as a vision between herself and partner Kiara Henderson. Neither Willis-Franklin nor Henderson are new to being entrepreneurs and understands that planning and being on the same page are key concepts to running a successful business.
“We came up with the idea about a year and a half ago,” Willis-Franklin explains.
“Our vision was out of town brunch spots similar to the ones we like to visit.” One of those inspirations is Papi Steak, a popular Steakhouse in Miami, which features an upbeat dining experience with trendy furniture and beautiful wall art.
“I love their wallpaper. Once I knew that I wanted a restaurant, I knew we had to incorporate wallpaper somewhere.”
With the urge to post engaging and fun content on social media being pushed more than ever, stylish and fashionable aesthetics are becoming a necessity to remain relevant in the current social climate. Willis-Franklin understands the importance of setting an enjoyable ambience and is happy to bring an option like this for Detroiters to enjoy without hopping on a plane.
Touches of nature, hot pink, marble and gold all give this brunch spot an elevated appearance that’s been driving traffic through the door to capture content and share the recommendation with friends and family. After mapping out
Twisted Storytellers Presents
The Secret Society Of Twisted Storytellers® presents WOMAN QUEEN - a celebration of women and their remarkable stories that inspire, empower and entertain. Hosted by Satori Shakoor, WOMAN QUEEN takes place on Friday, March 17th, 2023 from 7:30-9:30pm EST at The Marygrove Theater, 8425 W. McNichols Rd., Detroit, MI 48221. Doors open at 6:30pm with a cash bar provided by The Perfect10 Mixology. Tickets are $20 and sold exclusively online at events.
“As storytellers, we have the power to honor and elevate
their thoughts on the restaurant’s interior design, the women hired local Detroit artist Lady J the Painter to bring the vision to fruition.
“My good friend Lady J completed our grass walls, neon signs, bar tile and wallpaper,” says Willis-Franklin. “The interior design is a perfect blend of me and my partner’s concepts.’’
After customers are done taking videos and photos of the establishment, the menu offers a rare combination of fresh seafood and soul food made to order every day.
“I actually have three favorites [from the menu],” says Willis-Franklin. “You have to try the peach cobbler chicken and waffles, the trifecta southern grits and the seafood omelet. Make sure to get the lobster tail on top”.
Outside of owning the restaurant, Wil-
lis-Franklin states that her and husband, affectionately known as Mr. Franklin, both help with internal operations by assisting customers and staff where necessary. From hosting, waitressing, and sometime cooking, she is not afraid to get her hands dirty if it’s in the best interest of the restaurant.
Although this isn’t her first venture, Willis-Franklin told us she is learning new lessons everyday while running a business in the food industry.
“People are going to have complaints. People will love what you do, and some won’t like it at all. I don’t take anything personally.”
We’ve Got Brunched opened on Black Friday 2022 but recently refreshed the
Dani Stillwell AJ Williams Dr. Portia Lockett Dr. Rose Moten women’s history, present, and future,” said Satori Shakoor, Creator and Host of The Secret Society Of Twisted Storytellers®. “Through our stories, we can celebrate their triumphs, share their wisdom and inspire generations to come. WOMAN QUEEN is a tribute to the remarkable women who have shaped our world and a celebration of those who continue to make history every day.”
This one-night storytelling event will feature tales from an exceptional lineup of storytellers including Dr. Portia Lockett, Dr. Rose Moten, life coach Dani Stillwell and spiritual wellness leader AJ Williams. In addition to the captivating storytelling performances, there will be live performances from singer Angela Davis and dancer/choreographer Chance Phelps curated by The
Wiz’s Gina Ellis.
The Secret Society of Twisted Storytellers is a Michigan 501(c) 3 non-profit organization. The organization has a global mission to connect humanity, heal and transform community and to provide an uplifting, through-provoking, soul-cleansing entertainment experience through the art and craft of storytelling.
Where City Meets Life and Life Meets Style B1 | March 8-14, 2023
Got Brunch
restaurant with an exciting new staff and brand-new menu. Tarryl Devault, Executive Chef and known brunch expert, joined the team at the end of 2022 and has been creating and revamping extraordinary dishes that fit the southern and chic cuisine focus the owners strive for.
“When I got the opportunity to come here and create a vast menu that caters to everyone I jumped on the chance,” Devault explains.
With 25 years under his belt and a resume that spans from mom and pop to five-star restaurants, Devault says this experience is special due to the relationship he shares with the owners.
“I look at them like brother and sister and I’m enjoying being a part of the vision.”
Devault expresses his background prepared him for this position and he enjoys trying new recipes and introduc-
JC Jones Bootcamp
is no greater gratification than helping pull people from a dark place into a better headspace and physical space so that they can also be a blessing to others with their testimony and results.
“Life is about impact. We are here to impact other people. Your whole being here is not just for you to survive and outbreathe the next person. Your whole being here is to do what you were designed to do, which was to be productive in life; to multiply causing others to become productive around you; to replenish and add something to wherever you go. Bring your life into submission of your purpose and mission.”
After years of hard work and dedication to the mission of JC Jones Bootcamp, the transformation expert and change enthusiast is taking his message and motivation national, helping
ing unusual dishes to those that visit.
“My favorite dish is the seafood omelet. That dish is special because we all sat together and created it,” says Devault. He goes on to define the menu as fantastic and even mentions a delicious signature secret sauce that can only be tested at the restaurant.
We’ve Got Brunch is located on Orchard Lake Road near West 14 Mile Road. Patrons are welcome to visit and have a brunch worthy enough for outof-town guests, every day from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. The restaurant does not take reservations for the main dining area, but they are encouraged for the rooftop reopening at the end of April. The rooftop offers a different experience including DJ’s, live bands, and outdoor dining.
They are also accepting bookings for birthday parties, baby and bridal showers, and other celebrations. Follow their official Instagram account @wevegotbunch to stay in the know for upcoming events and new menu items.
inspire not just here in the U.S., but more recently Dubai and coming soon the UK. After being invited to guest host on “The Spiritual Injection” podcast, which brought him national exposure, he was brought back for a second time due to the response from the public. The response was positive and now he has been invited to London to host a spiritual bootcamp later this year.
“Seize this day and do with this day what you need to do. Be intentional in all that you do. Failure may be accidental, but success is deliberate”.
JC Jones Bootcamp continues to introduce change while motivating people to take control of their life and their future. If you are ready for a change JC Jones Bootcamp is located at 6 Mile near Southfield freeway. New members are encouraged to stop by for a class and take that first step towards change. To keep up with progress, specials, and see motivational posts check out @jcjones_ bootcamp on Instagram.
Page B-2 | March 8-14, 2023 | Michigan Chronicle Subscribe Today! Call (313) 963-5522 C ity. L ife . Style . Where City Meets LIFE and Life Meets STYLE In Print & Online DQE Get your weekly home delivery of the
From page B-1
From page B-1 FRI MAR 17 AT 7:30 P.M. SAT MAR 18 AT 7:30 P.M. SUN MAR 19 AT 2:30 P.M. @DETROIT OPERA HOUSE JACQUELIN HARRIS. PHOTO BY DARIO CALMESE. | March 8-14, 2023 | Page B-3
Page B-4 | Mach 8-14, 2023 | 05 WEDNESDAY AT 6 PM APRIL 2023 MICHIGAN CHRONICLE Women of Excellence Awards and Induction Ceremony MOTOR CITY CASINO HOTEL 2901 Grand River Ave, Detroit, MI 48201 For more information contact the Michigan Chronicle @ 313-963-5522 Visionary Partners Legendary Partners SOLDOUT
The Detroit Public Schools Community District is seeking proposals for professional architectural and engineering services for the interior renovation of Early Childhood Centers at three existing District facilities under RFP 23-0190. Proposals are due by 12:00 PM, March 24, 2023. Late proposals will not be accepted.
There will be a Pre-Proposal conference for this RFP hosted Virtually on March 10, 2023 @ 2:00 p.m. The conference can be viewed using the following link:
The call-in information is as follows:
Call in #: +1 313-462-2305
Conference ID: 125 434 751#
All bids must be accompanied by a sworn and notarized statement disclosing any familial relationship that exists between the submitting company and any employee of DPSCD. DPSCD shall not accept a bid that does not include this sworn and notarized disclosure statement.
If you have questions, please contact the Procurement Department at (313) 873-6531.
General Contractor: O’Brien Construction Company, Inc.
Project: Grandmont Rosedale Park Collective II
Project Description: Grandmont Rosedale Park Collective
II is a historic renovation project consisting of 2 buildings and creating 35 market rate and affordable apartments. Scopes of work include but are not limited to: demolition/ abatement, concrete, masonry, steel, carpentry, roofing, windows, doors & hardware, drywall, flooring, specialties, residential appliances, MEP/FS trades, earthwork & utilities, & site improvements.
This project is subject to MBE/WBE, Detroit Resident, and Section 3 Requirements.
For bidding documents please e-mail Kaitlin Hodgson at
City of Royal Oak, Michigan
Notice to contractors:
Sealed proposals will be received by the finance department (City Hall) of the City of Royal Oak, Michigan, up to 1:00 p.m., local time, March 23, 2023 at which time all proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud for the “2023 CDBG – Hudson Park Improvements - CAP2360.” The meeting will be held virtually over a Zoom conference call. Bidders shall receive an email meeting request for the bid opening after submitting their proposal. Electronic proposals shall be submitted through Michigan Intergovernmental Trade Network’s (MITN). This is a federally funded project.
ENGINEER – Univ. of Michigan ICPSR
The University of Michigan has an available position of Full-Stack Software Engineer in Ann Arbor, MI. Position requires a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science & 36 months experience as an Application Developer &/or FullStack Software Engineer. Position also requires: Exp. must include: 1) 36 mos. exp. using Java in a Spring environment;
2) 12 mos. exp. using relational database for ETL (extract/ transform/load); 3) 36 mos. exp. programming in JavaScript;
4) 12 mos. exp. using React or Angular; 5) 24 mos. exp. making webpages accessible to section 508 or WCAG 2.0 standards (web content accessibility guidelines); & 6) 36 mos. exp. programming with test-driven development methodologies that include unit & integration testing. Exp. reqs. may be met concurrently during the same 36-mo. period. Job duties:
Develop web-based applications & related infrastructure for the deposit, curation, analysis, & dissemination of political & social science data. On user-facing parts that appear in browser, use front-end technologies including html (hypertext markup language), css (cascading style sheets), jsp (java server pages), JavaScript, & front-end JavaScript frameworks including React/Next.js for state & route management. Make web pages accessible to section 508 or WCAG 2.0 standards for meeting ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) requirements. On server-side, use Java programming language in Spring Boot to develop microservices, & use relational database systems to perform ETL operations. Design & implement REST APIs (representational state transfer application programming interface). Work with CI/ CD (continuous integration/ continuous delivery) pipelines. Work in an Agile environment using test-driven development, including Junit & Mockito experience for unit testing, as well as Swagger & Postman for integration testing. Qualified candidates should e-mail resume & verification of reqs. to
include: assume a lead role within the Engine and Hybrid Powertrain Systems Business Unit and be responsible for conducting project work, mentoring lesser experienced engineers and providing general technical direction to the team as required. Focus on heavy-duty diesel engine development and testing programs for on-road and non-road applications; among other duties. Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and two years of experience in the job offered or related. EOE M/F/Disability/Vet. Apply to job reference number 23-00032 at:
Senior Engineer FEV North America Inc. seeks a Senior Engineer based out of our office at 4554 Glenmeade Lane, Auburn Hills, MI 48326. Note, this is a hybrid position whereby the employee will work both from home and from the aforementioned office address. Hence, the employee must live within a reasonable commuting distance of the aforementioned office address. Note, this position does not require travel. Duties include:
Assume a lead role within the Engine and Hybrid Powertrain Systems Business Unit and be responsible for managing projects, mentoring lesser experienced engineers and providing general technical direction to the team as required. Technical topics focus on heavy-duty diesel engine development and testing programs for on-road and non-road applications as well as spark-ignited, gas and hybrid powertrain systems; among other duties. Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and three years of experience in the job offered or related. EOE
M/F/Disability/Vet. Apply to job reference number 23-00033 at:
and Electronic Engineering or Computer Science, or foreign equivalent education, and 2 years of experience working in the automotive software development field. 2 years of experience is required in each of the following:
1 Working with C programming.
2. Working with AUTOSAR components and configuration tools.
3. Developing low level embedded software drivers. 4. Implementing and integrating complex device drivers.
5. Working with vehicle communication CAN protocols.
6. Developing peripherals.
7 Working with Lauterbach debugging tools.
8. Working with ISO26262 ASIL B, C, or D level.
9. Working with 32 bit embedded microcontrollers.
Join Our Team Walker-Miller Energy Services is hiring! Electric Vehicle Charging Program Manager – Detroit, MI Mobility Service Designer – Detroit, MI Bilingual Energy Specialist – Detroit, MI Outreach Manager – Detroit, MI Energy Specialist – Sandusky, MI HR Director – Detroit, MI DE&I Program Manager – Detroit, MI Energy Specialist II – Detroit, MI Assistant Program Manager – Detroit, MI Cyber Security Specialist – Detroit, MI Director of Sustainability – Detroit, MI Microsoft Stack Developer – Detroit, MI; Chicago, IL Energy Advisor – Grand Rapids, MI Customer Experience Center Team Lead – Detroit, MI To apply please visit ANNOUNCEMENTS HELP WANTED ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS PROFESSIONAL HELP WANTED PROFESSIONAL HELP WANTED PROFESSIONAL HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED PROFESSIONAL HELP WANTED | March 8-14, 2023 | Page B-5 Classifieds Published Every Wednesday Place Classifieds Classifieds 313 963-5522 Your Ad Here! Published Every Wednesday Place Classifieds Classifieds 313 963-5522 Your Ad Here! Please visit our website for more classified ads. CAREER OPPORTUNITY UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN POSITION: Temporary Probation Services Technician Announcement at POSITION OVERVIEW Be a part of a great team located in Detroit or Flint, MI. Position assists U.S. Probation Officers in the administration of justice and community safety. Professional and friendly work environment. EOE Announcement – Invitation to Bid Date: 2/17/2023 Lincoln-King High School is soliciting competitive furniture bids for bleacher installation in its gym. BID DUE DATE: 03/17/2023 12:00PM Eastern PROJECT NAME: RFP-5076-402-0-2022/GH-0-2023/GH PROJECT LOCATION: 13436 Grove Street, Detroit, Michigan 48235 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Design, material supply and installation of telescoping bleachers at the above mentioned school location. ADVERTISEMENT: This project is advertised in the Michigan Chronicle. BID PLATFORM: Bid Documents can be found on DemandStar If you are interested in bidding, please contact Grant Heugel, Director of Operations. Email: Phone: 248-268-8532 Mayor’s Workforce Development Board Cynthia J. Pasky, Co-Chairperson David E. Meador, Co-Chairperson Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation Board Calvin Sharp, Chairperson Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation Terri Weems, President An equal opportunity employer/program. Supported by the State of Michigan, Labor and Economic Development, Workforce Development (LEO/WD). Auxiliary aids and services available upon request to individuals with disabilities. 1-800-285-WORK. TTY: 711. Requests for Proposals are being accepted for: Workforkforce Development Legal Services RFP 2023 Response Due: April 24th, 2023 Issued: March 06, 2023 The Mayor’s Workforce Development Board (MWDB) is directly responsible and accountable to the State of Michigan, Labor and Economic Development, Workforce Development (LEO/WD) for the planning and oversight of talent development programs in the City of Detroit. Designated by the MWDB, Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation (DESC) serves as the fiscal and administrative entity that provides workforce services to job seekers and employers. DESC’s primary funding streams include Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) that funds Michigan’s PATH (Partnership. Accountability. Training. Hope.) employment program, Food Assistance Employment and Training (FAE&T), Wagner-Peyser Employment Services (ES), and other public and private funding. DESC is seeking proposals from qualified individuals, organizations and/or firms Bid package for this RFP is available for download at this DESC website:
Sherece LaDon Reed, being duly affirmed [sworn], hereby declare my intention to be a national but not a citizen of the United States. Notice: all executive and judicial officers both of the United States and of the several States FORM: LPN #RE345528665US American Axle & Manufacturing has openings for Lead Software Engineers at its ATDC facility in Detroit, MI. Job duties include: 1 Responsible for design, development and testing of software components including flashable bootloaders 2 Develop and configure AUTOSAR components 3 Develop low level embedded software drivers including complex device drivers 4 Debug software issues using Lauterbach debuggers 5 Create detailed designs to link the software implementation to the requirements 6 Develop software code in C to implement the software design 7 Conduct unit and integration tests to validate the software implementation 8 Utilize CAN and UDS protocols to develop, test, and diagnose the embedded software 9 Develop software to an ISO 26262 ASIL C/D level 10 Support issue analysis and corrective action definitions 11 Develop software in an ASPICE compliant process Position requires: Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electronic Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or related engineering field, or foreign equivalent education, and 5 years post baccalaureate progressive experience working in the automotive software development field. 5 years’ experience is required in each of the following: 1 Working with C programming 2 Working with AUTOSAR components and configuration tools 3 Developing low level embedded software drivers 4 Implementing and integrating complex device drivers 5 Working with vehicle communication CAN and UDS protocols 6 Developing flashable boot loaders 7 Working with Lauterbach debugging tools 8 Developing in an ASPICE environment 9 Working with ISO26262 ASIL C/D level Experience may be obtained concurrently. Applicants should apply on line at and reference job ID# JREQ-202200. American Axle & Manufacturing has openings for Lead Systems Engineers at AAM’s Rochester Hills Technical Center in Rochester Hills, MI. Job duties include: 1 Review customer requirements and provide feasibility for the Electric Drive Unit (EDU) system. 2 Define System level and performance requirements for EDU. 3 Define system architecture and system interfaces. 4 Follow ASPICE and ISO 26262 processes in defining system architecture, system requirements and ensure bi-directional traceability. 5 Lead internal and external design reviews. 6 Main interface with customers to debug and resolve system level issues. 7 Drive DFMEA and support PFMEA development, functional safety analysis. 8 Support system and sub system (Inverter, cooling pump, etc.) validation activities, such as characterization, calibration, limit samples, etc. 9 Support with design verification and product validation testing from system level. 10 Create and maintain commissioning documents, EOL process interface documents, development/ debug tool configurations, etc. 11 Create, release, and maintain system documentation in project books/PLM and mange issues using IBM Rational tool. 12 Analyze vehicle and bench data and modify calibration parameters to achieve performance targets using Vector tools CANoe and CANape. 13 Support EDU functional safety compliance. Position requires: Bachelor’s Degree in Electronic, Electrical, Computer, or Mechanical Engineering, or foreign equivalent education, and 5 years’ post baccalaureate progressive experience working in the Automotive Industry. 5 years’ experience is required in each of the following: 1 Systems engineering development using ASPICE & ISO 26262 development process. 2 Customer requirements analysis, system requirements breakdown, Define Architecture and system interfaces. 3 Create DFMEA and support PFMEA development, functional safety analysis. 4 Design verification and product validation testing. 5 Using Vector tools, including CANape and CANoe for development, testing and debugging. Experience may be obtained concurrently. Applicants should apply on line at and reference job ID# JREQ-202201. American Axle & Manufacturing has openings for Software Engineers at its ATDC facility in Detroit, MI. Job duties include: 1 Responsible for design, development and testing of software components. 2 Develop and configure AUTOSAR components. 3 Develop low level embedded software drivers including complex device drivers. 4 Debug software issues using Lauterbach debuggers. 5 Create detailed designs to link the software implementation to the requirements. 6 Develop software code in C to implement the software design. 7 Conduct unit and integration tests to validate the software implementation. 8 Utilize CAN protocols to develop, test, and diagnose the embedded software. 9 Programming MCAL peripherals including SPI, FEE and DIO. 10 Develop software to an ISO 26262 ASIL C or D level. 11 Support issue analysis and corrective action definitions. 12 Support safety analysis development and review. 13 Develop software for 32 bit embedded microcontrollers. Position requires: Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical, Computer, Mechanical, Electronic, Electrical
Experience may be obtained concurrently. Applicants should apply on line at and reference job ID# JREQ-202198.
May 5
(7600 Goethe St.,
Applications are
(8:30 a.m.
Design Release Engineer – Switches Warren, MI, General Motors. Engr, dvlp, release &continuously improve psgr vehicle customer interface &door module switches, incldg power window, door lock, console, emergency communication &trunk switches, incldg printed circuit boards &plastic parts to meet appearance, mechanical, electrical, functional &human factors reqmts incldg force of detent, travel distance, tactile ratio, &communications bus signals (CAN & LIN), using Teamcenter, Teamcenter Vismockup, &Engrg Change Mgmt tools, in compliance U.S. FMVSS No. 101 Control Location, Identification, &Illumination &NCAP standards. Write Cmpnt Technical Reqmts Specs to define appearance, mechanical, electrical schematics (incldg voltage, input/output signals), functional reqmts incldg retainer &door pad, squeaks &rattles performance, operation efforts, flammability, modal frequency, &closed compartment crash performance under vehicle crash loads, communication standards, &validation test flow applicable to each cmpnt. Bachelor, Electrical, Mechatronics, Mechanical Engrg, or related. 6 mos exp as Engineer, dvlpg or releasing psgr vehicle customer interface or door module switches to meet mechanical, electrical, functional &human factors reqmts incldg travel distance &tactile ratio, using Teamcenter Vismockup tool, or related. Mail resume to Ref#734, GM Global Mobility, 300 Renaissance Center, MC:482-C32-C66, Detroit, MI 48265. Software Engineer General Motors, Detroit, MI. Work in GM Connected Customer &Mobility Solutions organization to dvlp &test technologies enabling a new generation of connected vehicles. Gather technical reqmts &understand &apply Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Cloud-native platform to deploy Spring Boot to dvlp REST API &Microsvces Architecture &estimate delivery of SW, following Agile &SAFe methodologies. Dvlp &build tools to support, monitor &enhance new features &provide business Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in Cloud-based microsvces deployed using PCF, Kubernetes, &Jenkins tools, in Warren, Milford, &Milford 2 Data Centers. Dvlp &deploy common automated DevOps pipelines in Python, Java, &PowerShell languages, YAML scripts, using Azure DevOps &GitHub tools, to support legacy CCMS apps incldg Vehicle Communication System, Notification Platform, Vehicle Data Upload, XM (radio), &Global Advisor Application, deployed to Warren &Milford Data Centers. Design microsvces architectures &dvlp app frameworks for microsvce operations dashboard. Master, Cptr Science, Cptr Engrg, Electrical Engrg, or related. 12 mos exp as Engineer, Developer, or related, dvlpg &building tools to support &integrate features &provide business KPIs in Cloud-based microsvces deployed using PCF &Kubernetes tools in Data Centers, or related. Mail resume to Ref#4345, GM Global Mobility, 300 Renaissance Center, MC:482-C32-C66, Detroit, MI 48265. Program Quality Manager –Epsilon Crossovers Warren, MI, General Motors. Assure midsize crossover vehicle performance, mfg readiness, &qlty performance deliverables &dvlp psgr vehicles at qlty gates. Collect &analyze Voice of Customer data incl. JD Power qlty surveys, internal COMPASS surveys, dealer, Technical Assistance Center, &Capture Test Fleet reports to identify customer satisfaction &predict vehicle architecture gaps to meet customer expectations, &perform Lifecycle Qlty &Global Customer Audit design assmnts for fine tuning of design changes through qlty gates. Supply Voice of Customer data inputs for dvlpmt of customer education library materials for new Crossover vehicle dvlpmt. Serve as qlty engrg gatekeeper to timely identify, define, &disseminate warranty, regulatory, &customer survey information, in Problem Resolution Tracking Sys, to GM engrg, mfg engrg, &mfg teams, on current/predicted qlty issues in prototype &production vehicles, incl. Body, Exterior &Closure Syss, Chassis &Braking Syss, Powertrain Syss, Propulsion Syss (RESS), Infotainment (SW &HW), HVAC &Interior Syss, applying advanced statistical process control, &corporate qlty strategy, to improve operational processes &implement syss to ensure defect free Crossover vehicles. Bachelor, Mechanical, Automotive, Industrial Engrg, or related. 60 mos exp as Engineer, Manager, or related, serving as qlty engrg gatekeeper to define, &disseminate warranty, regulatory, &customer survey information, to engrg &mfg teams, on qlty issues in vehicles, incl. Body, Infotainment, &Interior Syss, to improve operational processes &implement syss, or related. Mail resume to Ref#6299, GM Global Mobility, 300 Renaissance Center, MC:482-C32-C66, Detroit, MI 48265. Manufacturing Engineer Nexteer Automotive Corporation seeks a Manufacturing Engineer in Saginaw, Michigan. Duties include: Procure new EPS Electronic Assembly Equipment and Tools for Global Programs; Complete Equipment Specs, Runoff Books, and Machine Qualification Process Documents as required; Complete New Program Launch Activities per CPI for all Equipment Procurements; among other duties. Min. Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical, Electrical or Industrial Engineering and two years of experience in the job offered or related Apply to job reference number 50404 at: Manufacturing IT Engineer Nexteer Automotive Corporation seeks a Manufacturing IT Engineer based out of our office at 3900 E. Holland Road, Saginaw, MI 48601. Note, this is a hybrid position whereby the employee will work both from home and from the aforementioned office address. Hence, the employee must live within a reasonable commuting distance of the aforementioned office address. Note, this position requires international and domestic travel, as needed, up to 5%. Duties include: Developing and deploying product traceability software applications (LabView, C#), supporting existing product traceability software applications, and reviewing implementation compliance with a global model and customer requirements; among other duties. Min. bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Information Technology, or Systems Engineering and Telecommunications and three years of experience in the job offered or related. Apply to job reference number 50405 at: Sr. Engineering SupervisorECU Application Testing Nexteer Automotive Corporation seeks a Sr. Engineering Supervisor- ECU Application Testing in Auburn Hills, Michigan. Note, this position does not require travel. Duties include: Coordinate resources and supervise work related to ECU application testing, heavily based around vehicle serial communications and interactions with application software and supervise the definition of test bench hardware and software as well as develop processes and work procedures to support testing activities both in the US and globally; among other duties. Min. Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering and five years of experience in the job offered or related. Apply to job reference number 50403 at: Senior Project Engineer FEV North America, Inc. seeks a Senior Project Engineer based out of our office at 4554 Glenmeade Lane, Auburn Hills, MI 48326. Note, this is a hybrid position whereby the employee will work both from home and from the aforementioned office address. Hence, the employee must live within a reasonable commuting distance of the aforementioned o ffice address. Note, this position does not require travel. Duties
School’s open application period for the 2023-24 school year is Apr. 1-30, 2023, and our random selection drawing, if needed, will be
at 5 p.m. at the school
Detroit, 48214)
the school
– 5 p.m. M-F) or on the website beginning April 1: school-information#applications.
Page B-6 | March 8-14, 2023 | APPLIES TO BOX AND 2-WAY BETS ONLY. STRAIGHT, 1-OFF AND WHEEL BETS ARE EXCLUDED FROM THIS PROMOTION. Odds of winning: Daily 3: Straight: 1 in 1,000; 3-Way Box: 1 in 333; 6-Way Box: 1 in 167; 1-O Straight: 1 in 1,000; 1-O One Digit: 1 in 167. Daily 4: Straight: 1 in 10,000; 4-Way Box: 1 in 2,500; 6-Way Box: 1 in 1,666; 12-Way Box: 1 in 833; 24-Way Box: 1 in 416; 1-O Straight: 1 in 10,000; 1-O One Digit: 1 in 1,250. Knowing your limits is always the best bet. Call the Michigan Problem Gambling Helpline for con dential help at 1-800-270-7117. APPLIES TO BOX AND 2-WAY BETS ONLY. STRAIGHT, 1-OFF AND WHEEL BETS ARE EXCLUDED FROM THIS PROMOTION. Odds of winning: Daily 3: Straight: 1 in 1,000; 3-Way Box: 1 in 333; 6-Way Box: 1 in 167; 1-O Straight: 1 in 1,000; 1-O One Digit: 1 in 167. Daily 4: Straight: 1 in 10,000; 4-Way Box: 1 in 2,500; 6-Way Box 1 in 1,666; 12-Way Box: 1 in 833; 24-Way Box: 1 in 416; 1-O Straight: 1 in 10,000; 1-O One Digit: 1 in 1,250. Knowing your limits is always the best bet. Call the Michigan Problem Gambling Helpline for con dential help at 1-800-270-7117.