Honoring Black Women Today and Everyday
By AJ Williams
Managing Editor, Michigan Chronicle
As we celebrate Women’s History Month, it is crucial to recognize and honor the immense contributions that black women have made to our society. Black women have played a vital role in shaping our country’s history, and yet their stories are often overlooked and undervalued. As a black woman and managing editor of a newspaper, I believe that it is my responsibility to shed light on the achievements of black women, particularly those from my hometown of Detroit, Michigan.
Detroit has a rich history of black excellence and empowerment, and the women of Detroit have been at the forefront of many pivotal moments in our city’s history. From civil rights activists like Rosa Parks and Grace Lee Boggs, to trailblazers in the arts and entertainment industry like Aretha Franklin and Diana Ross, Detroit has produced countless black women who have made an indelible impact on our society.
AJ Williams
However, it is not just the well-known names that deserve recognition. Black women in Detroit, and across the country, have been instrumental in pushing for change and progress in their communities, often in the face of immense adversity. It is important that we honor these women and their stories, as their contributions have helped to shape our society and pave the way for future generations.
At the same time, it is important to acknowledge that the history of black women in this country has been marked by systemic oppression and marginalization. Black women have faced discrimination, inequality, and violence in all areas of society, from the workplace to healthcare to the criminal justice system. This history of systemic racism and sexism has resulted in a lack of visibility and recognition for black women and their achievements.
That is why it is essential that we prioritize diversity and inclusion in all aspects of society, from our history books to our workplaces. When we fail to recognize the contributions of black women, we are not only doing them a disservice, but we are also perpetuating a harmful cycle of erasure and exclusion.
As managing editor, I believe it is crucial that we make space for diverse voices and perspec-
HERstory: The Importance of Black Women in Storytelling
By Sherri Kolade
“If we don’t tell our truth, who will?”
The late author Ursula K. Le Guin’s question reminds women that we own the narrative of our stories and truths because if we don’t make them known, they could very well be forgotten.
Guin’s bold, timeless query sets out to thematically anchor the 2023 Women’s History Month, which is all about “Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories.”
The National Women’s History Alliance (NWHA), an American non-profit organization (dedicated to honoring and preserving women’s history) spearheaded the movement for March being declared National Women’s History Month, commemorated March 1March 31.
Presidents have declared March to be “Women’s History Month” in a series of proclamations every year since 1995.
The month’s theme honors women who have been involved in all types of media and storytelling platforms, including print, radio, TV, stage, screen, blogs, podcasts, news, and across social media.
This topical honoring of women in all communities who have dedicated their lives and talents to creating art and news, seeking out the truth, and reflecting on society for many decades is vital, the organization notes.
Even without the world watching or retweeting, Black women are familiar with the burden and blessing of storytelling, which is intertwined with sisterhood, motherhood, womanhood, and beyond.
Before I became a journalist, I wrote poems to family and sharing stories with friends. I heard their stories, too, which continue to be the indelible backbone I stand on.
As a young Black girl growing up in Detroit, and later moving to Southfield, I listened to my elders retell tales from how their parents and grandparents, former sharecroppers, and others sojourned from the south to the north awaiting what the future holds.
Growing up in the early 2000s as an avid reader I would take my parent’s crinkly newspaper on Sundays before church (after reading the cartoons, priorities) I progressed into more pressing content. That’s when I saw the bylines of esteemed writers like
Growing The Middle Class
DFC Report Identifies Jobs to Grow Detroit’s Middle Class
Rasha Almulaiki
107 growth occupations in the region accounting for one out of four jobs in Metro Detroit.
“We covered several significant economic reports about our region over the years,” said Anika Goss, DFC president and CEO. “What we noticed that was really evident was there were two growing economic strategies here in Detroit. The first is moving very low-income Detroiters into any job that’s available. And that makes sense because a third of Detroiters are out of the
Rochelle Riley, formerly of the Detroit Free Press.
Reading her musings, among others, and watching the many other talented Black women in print, on television, and on the radio, encouraged me, too, as a budding journalist. Their stories of how they got where they are continue to be great ones needing to be told.
Riley, director of Arts and Culture at the City of Detroit, told the Michigan Chronicle that her work is about inspiring and supporting.
“When people ask me what I do, I tell them what I am: a writer by trade, warrior by necessity,” Riley said. “As a longtime writer, I use every skill I learned as a journalist and children’s and arts advocate to now make sure people see the beauty and excellence and diverse cultures of Detroit.”
Riley said as a former columnist, she met people who were heroic, passionate, troubled, and driven.
“As a public servant of a different kind, I work to help people tell their stories through art, music, dance, theater, and every other way our constituents choose,” she said, adding
$1.00 COMMENTARY WHAT’S INSIDE Vol. 86 – No. 30 | March 29 - April 4, 2023 Powered by Real Times Media | michiganchronicle.com City.Life.Style. B1 See BLACK WOMEN page A2 See GOOD DETROIT page A2 See HERSTORY page A2 Michigan Chronicle Money. A5
Detroit Future City (DFC) released a new report, “Growth Occupations: Opportunities for More Equitable Participation in Detroit’s Growing Economy,” which outlined the top growth jobs in metro-Detroit and research-based recommendations to better invest in the city’s untapped economic potential. The report defines “Growth Occupations” as jobs that are growing at the same or higher rate than the region, have increased wages between 2014-19, pay at least a middle-class wage ($25 per hour/$52,000 per year) and
people in
least 300
the region.
to DFC’s new
DFC’s “Growth Occupation” report outlines key job industries in Detroit with which to grow economic wealth opportunities in the community, including healthcare nurse practitioners. Photos courtesy of Detroit Future City.
Clockwise: Ebony JJ Curry, multimedia journalist, Rochelle Riley, director of Arts and Culture for the City of Detroit, Vickie Thomas, director of Communications at the City of Detroit, Mayor’s Office, Satori Shakoor, creator, curator, producer, and host of The Secret Society Of Twisted Storytellers and Detroit Free Press Writer Chanel Stitt
Detroit As Told by Ellie
Right To Choose
From page A-1
the rights of all women are continued.
From page A-1 that people need to lean into Detroit’s talents. “I’m working to ensure that young people who learn to be great in Detroit remain great in Detroit, that Detroit benefits rather than watch them soar elsewhere.”
cine and healthcare, may be adversely impacted by the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.
Chanel Stitt, a business reporter at the Detroit Free Press noted the importance of using collective experiences to connect.
“PPMI has been preparing for this moment since the results of the 2016 election were final. We recently filed a lawsuit to stop the 1931 law from going into effect, and we’ve also asked the state courts to affirm that the Michigan constitution does already contain a right to abortion. Our advocacy arm, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan, is a founding member of the coalition that launched Reproductive Freedom for All, a ballot initiative to affirm the right to abortion and reproductive freedom in the state constitution,” said Vasquez Giroux. “The bottom line is that we will do everything in our power to keep abortion legal in Michigan, and if SCOTUS makes that impossible, we will do everything we can to ensure our patients can access the care they need.”
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corporate boards to have more diverse representation and pass the legislation.
“I believe that Black and brown journalists are vital in newsrooms, especially in a city like Detroit where a majority of the population is Black. Many of us either grew up or reside in the city and its surrounding areas, and we’re able to use our past experiences to develop story ideas and serve the people. I specifically write about minority-owned businesses at the Free Press, and when I talk with people in the community, there are several layers of relatability that we have when we connect -- whether it’s the fact that we’re Black, women, young and other identities that I may share,” Stitt said.
Better collection and analysis of criminal justice data: BLAC recommends data collection and professional analysis be initiated with the assistance of our Attorney General, Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES), Association of Michigan Prosecutors and other stakeholders to collaborate, collect and analyze data strategically.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer proclaimed March as Women’s History Month and said this time is one for reflection and unity.
“Each and every day, women across Michigan step up in incredible ways to get things done. But these are tough times, especially for women,” Whitmer said. “That’s why we must work together, Democrats and Republicans, to create better opportunities for women and an economy that sup-
Ban no-knock warrants: Urging the House Government Operations Committee to hold hearings on HB 5013 and other legislation that would ban or limit the use of noknock or quick knock warrants, and urging the state legislature to pass meaningful reform and advise Gov. Whitmer to sign the bill after the leg-
Elected officials are also working to keep Roe v. Wade intact thus holding off Michigan’s 1931 trigger ban. Governor Gretchen Whitmer released a statement saying, in part: “The words ‘Roe overturned’ are no longer theoretical. I want every Michigander to know— no matter what happens in D.C., I’m going to fight like hell to protect access to safe, legal abortion in Michigan…”
ports them and their families. I’m proud of what women in Michigan have accomplished, especially to strengthen our economy, and I’ll keep working with anyone to create even more progress for women.”
Vickie Thomas, director of Communications at City of Detroit, Mayor’s Office, told the Michigan Chronicle that as the communications director for the City of Detroit, she sees her work as an honor and privilege.
More than legal implications, overturning Roe v. Wade would impact several systems across the spectrum. With the potential to drive both foster and adoption numbers upward, a ban on abortions could leave many women to choose a less safe route restoring ‘back alley’ and illegal abortion practices, including self-abortions. Moreover, African American women and women of color, who already have a long-storied history with access and inclusion in medi-
God-given gift…the power of the tongue and the power of the pen. For if not us, then who?” Curry said. “As generations continue to come forth, it is our duty to stay the course and do so with the fierceness, fearlessness, and the tenacity of those who paved the way.”
Satori Shakoor, creator, curator, producer, and host of The Secret Society Of Twisted Storytellers, knows about stories and practically helps birth them herself.
islature adopts it.
Increase school funding: Statutory changes to increase the School Aid Fund revenue by at least $3.6 billion and establish a permanent weighted funding formula based on student and community needs and universal preschool (0-3).
“As a former news reporter, I’m also honored and privileged to be able to help tell the stories of Detroit residents who are excelling and business owners who are thriving as well as members of Mayor Mike Duggan’s administration who are helping to dramatically improve our city, many of them women who are blazing new trails,” Thomas said. “As a Black woman who grew up in Detroit and Highland Park, I know what it means to be able to take advantage of opportunities, especially for those in underserved communities of color where others count you out simply by virtue of your zip code. That’s why I know my role is extremely important and it’s more than a job to me.”
Ebony JJ Curry, reporter, and multimedia journalist at WJRT, Inc., echoed similar sentiments.
“Oftentimes it is easy to become weary in the world of journalism, especially as a Black woman. But it is an undying sense of resiliency and pride as we continue to utilize our
Black Women
Reject censorship in history instruction: Encouraging Gov. Whitmer to ensure the goal for Michigan schools should be history instruction that is presented by professionals with the subject matter expertise, pedagogical skills, and judgment necessary to present complex information to students that are grounded in provable facts and add to the understanding of modern-day America.
tives. It is not enough to simply acknowledge the achievements of black women during Women’s History Month or other designated times of the year. We must commit to uplifting these stories and experiences year-round, in order to build a more equitable and just society.
Increase mental health supports for the Black community: Recommending Michigan set a goal of increasing the number of Black mental health service providers by 20% each year over five years.
Dr. Curtis Ivery
From page A-1
the chancellor embraces.
This means actively seeking out and publishing stories about black women and their achievements, as well as ensuring that our newsroom and staff are diverse and inclusive. It also means acknowledging our own biases and actively working to overcome them, in order to ensure that we are not perpetuating the same harmful patterns of exclusion and erasure.
“I think of transformational leadership as a thoughtful approach that causes people to change but also causes the systems and circumstances they are operating in to change too,” Ivory said. “Transformational change doesn’t just ask people to do certain things; it asks them to change their view of what’s possible and excites them to drive that change together because they believe that what they’re doing will create positive change for everyone. That’s how entire systems change because
“What we are really concerned about is the impact on our patients. Access to abortion is already out of reach for far too many Michiganders, especially Black people and people of color who face additional barriers to care as a result of systemic inequalities and institutional racism. Losing access to legal abortion will impact those communities most, forcing people to become parents or expand their families against their will. Being able to decide and control if, when and how to become a parent is central to building and living a healthy, happy life,” said Vasquez Giroux.
The self-proclaimed “midwife of stories and storytellers” doesn’t shy away from the labor-inducing work of telling stories because the finished product is always beautiful.
“Storytelling is a craft. At the highest level, it’s an art form. Storytelling is perhaps the oldest art form that we have,” Shakoor said. “Human beings are the only animals the only species that I know of on Earth (who) can tell stories … and I think it’s important to tell our own stories, because if we don’t tell our own stories, then we are relegated to being co-stars, extras, in the stories of others.”
Beyond the scope of pro-choice versus prolife, the fight for reproductive choice is one of freedom. As Michigan officials work to ensure each woman who finds herself in the position to choose has access to care without the threat of legal action, many wonder
The health committee recommends reviewing state licensure policies to address the barriers that Black psychologists face in obtaining licensure in Michigan. Ensure equitable distribution of state health funds: Ensure all Michigan communities with a significant Black population receive adequate funds to address mental health issues.
Shakoor adds that women of color storytellers, in particular add a rich, multidimensional layer to the mix, despite, however, the importance of their narrative, history has not always been kind.
“All women’s stories accomplishments have in some point on the continuum of time been erased, ignored, downplayed, stolen, or some other form of hijacking,” she said. “So our stories, our experiences, our wisdom, and the things that we gain out of our living are often ignored, devalued, and then there’s a loss
Protecting Black voting rights: Urge state officials to remain vigilant in the fight against schemes to disenfranchise Michiganders of color.
“BLAC members have worked hard to identify the needs of the Black community and we feel these recommendations will provide a solid first step towards breaking down barriers in education, community safety, health and business,” said BLAC Co-Chair Dr. Donna L. Bell.
By honoring the achievements of black women in history, we are not only acknowledging their contributions, but we are also building a more inclusive and just society. Black women have played a critical role in shaping our country’s history, and it is time that we give them the recognition and respect that they deserve.
people believe that they need to for themselves and others to live better lives.”
“Chancellor Ivery is a true transformational leader and an outstanding CEO, who is more than worthy of the CEO of the Year Award he just received, “ said Prof. James C. Mays, who teaches entrepreneurship and supply chain management at WCCCD’s Corporate College. “In his 27 years at WCCCD, Dr. Ivery has elevated WCCCD to become nationally recognized for excellence and innovation and preparing our students professionally and personally to do great things in the world.”
BLAC will hold a virtual town hall meeting to discuss its policy recommendations on Thursday, May 12 at 4 p.m. Join BLAC and a virtual audience in discussing the recommendations to support the Black community.
As we celebrate Women’s History Month, let us make a commitment to uplifting the stories and experiences of black women, particularly those from Detroit and other historically marginalized communities. Let us work towards a future where black women are no longer overlooked or undervalued, but rather celebrated for their immense contributions to our society.
BLAC is housed in the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity. Members represent many professional backgrounds, including economics, law, public safety, health and wellness, arts and culture and media. They leverage their experiences and expertise to make recommendations to the governor on critical issues affecting the Black community.
To learn more about BLAC and this upcoming event, visit www.michigan.gov/BLAC.
what the Supreme Court will rule in the upcoming days. Despite the decision, advocates on both sides of the argument are willing to continue their pursuits.
to the whole society. …I think it’s very important that women share our stories because it’s a different journey.”
A journey that is being written, and rewritten, and as the late LeGuin said, one that continues to serve as the ever-present reminder to women communicators and overall, “We are volcanoes. When we women offer our experience as our truth, all the maps change. There are new mountains. That’s what I want — to hear you erupting. You Mount Saint Helens-es who don’t know the power in you — I want to hear you… If we don’t tell our truth, who will?”
“Overturning Roe v. Wade would be a terrible break with nearly 50 years of judicial precedent and – more importantly – a blow against individual freedom. It is my hope that the majority of justices will reject the findings of this draft. If that is not the case, we need to stand with Senate Majority Leader Schumer and Gov. Whitmer in support of their efforts to preserve the right to reproductive freedom,” said Chair Alisha Bell, on behalf of the Wayne County Commission.
workforce completely. That’s what we’ve traditionally seen, and we do need to stabilize the city and its residents. But the second strategy that is happening is positioning Detroit and the region into a whole new tech and STEM economy.”
Goss said data shows that in 2021 the only jobs that were growing in Detroit were low wage jobs. The average annual wage for a Detroit resident is an estimated $33,000. She said the city’s traditional economic development strategy, like other urban and rust belt cities, leaves many Detroiters lacking without the development of a working community that is higher skilled and commensurately compensated.
Detroit Future City is a nonprofit “think and do tank” that informs a strategic framework for the city to guide community planning in economic development, land use and sustainability. In 2015, the organization branched out independently from being a city-run entity and over the years it has released several reports on housing, employment and the regional economy.
According to DFC, employment in one of the following three industries make up about two-thirds of all growth professions in Metro Detroit: management, business and finance; healthcare; and computer, engineering and science (STEM).
The report identified the following top growth occupations in Detroit:
1. Registered nurses
2. General and operations managers
3. Software developers
4. Accountants and auditors
5. Elementary school teachers
6. Sales representatives of services
7. Business operations specialists
8. Project management specialists
9. Electricians
10. Loan officers
These occupations were assessed by the 2021 rate of the industry’s job growth, wage growth, middle-class wages and size of the organization of employment.
The healthcare and manufacturing sectors, which together make up a third of growth-occupation employment and 35 percent of metro Detroit’s overall employment, have the largest concentrations of growth-occupation employment.
The report assessed the strengths and opportunities of Detroit with comparisons to peer regions across the country -- Atlanta, Indianapolis and Columbus.
Overall, Black workers in these peer regions fared with a slightly higher percentage of workers (27 percent) than in Metro Detroit (24 percent), who are engaged in growing occupations. Also, there are growth occupations available in other cities that haven’t developed fast enough in Detroit, including management analysts, paralegals and legal assistance and physician assistants.
Racial/Ethnic Representation in Metro Detroit Growth Occupations
The report found that inequitable
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access to these high-paying growing opportunities contributes to the economic disparities in the Detroit area. Compared to their white or Asian colleagues, Black and Latino/Hispanic employees have lower employment rates in growing occupations. Detroit residents who are Black, Latino/Hispanic and Asian have lower employment rates in growth occupations than their suburban counterparts.
Education improves representation in those jobs, but disparities across racial/ethnic groups continue at all educational levels, even for those with a bachelor’s degree or higher.
Further, the report emphasized that a growth-based job industry needs to address barriers that prevent hiring or succeeding in the roles currently held by underserved populations is as crucially important as ensuring that workers have paths available for career development.
“There is this idea of employment support and what it really means,” said Goss. “From childcare, mental health and transportation, all these things should be included to attract and retain the kind of talent you need.”
The growth occupations with the highest shares of Black and Latino/Hispanic workers at 23 percent or more include social and community service managers, eligibility interviewers and government programs, and human resources specialists.
Creating Equitable Access to Growth
There are eight recommendations outlined for local leaders to create more equitable access to growth occupations including increasing the number of jobs and robust industries, investing in local talent with education and training and ensuring supportive processes for residents to take advantage of opportunities as “high-quality candidates.”
“We need to send a message that Detroiters are not of the low wage talent pool for this region,” said Goss. “That message, that there is a Black or Brown Detroiter that is a nurse practitioner, is an early education teacher or electrician, all of these levels of high growth occupations will really advance the business community and public sector. “
The “Growth Occupations” report was funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and informed by an advisory committee that included representatives from the State of Michigan and City of Detroit economic development departments, and business, workforce, education and philanthropy organizations.
Page A-2 | March 29 - April 4, 2023 | michiganchronicle.com LONGWORTH M. QUINN Publisher-Emeritus 1909-1989 Michigan Chronicle A Real Times Media Newspaper SAMUEL LOGAN Publisher 1933-2011 JOHN H. SENGSTACKE Chairman-Emeritus 1912-1997 CONTACT US 1452 Randolph • Detroit, MI 48226 • (313) 963-8100 • e-mail: newsdesk@michronicle.com HIRAM E. JACKSON Publisher | AJ WILLIAMS Managing Editor Follow | Like | Share michiganchronicle.com | EQD From page A-1 michiganchronicle.com | DQE Michigan Chronicle DIGITAL DAILY From page A-1
Page A-2 | April 20-26, 2022 | michiganchronicle.com LONGWORTH M. QUINN Publisher-Emeritus 1909-1989 Michigan Chronicle A Real Times Media Newspaper SAMUEL LOGAN Publisher 1933-2011 JOHN H. SENGSTACKE Chairman-Emeritus 1912-1997 CONTACT US 1452 Randolph • Detroit, MI 48226 • (313) 963-8100 • e-mail: newsdesk@michronicle.com HIRAM E. JACKSON Publisher | AJ WILLIAMS Managing Editor ADVERTISING DEADLINE Classified: 3 p.m Friday Copy, corrections and cancellations, preceding the Wednesday publication. Display: 12 p.m. Friday preceding the Wednesday publication. For all news and calendar items: Deadline is two weeks prior to event. Weeks that contain holidays, deadline is Thursday prior to publication date. OFFICE HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Closed Sat. and Sun. The Michigan Chronicle is published every Wednesday. Periodical Postage, paid at Detroit, MI. Price $1.00 and other post office. MEMBER OF AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION POSTMASTER Send address changes to: MICHIGAN CHRONICLE | 1452 Randolph • DETROIT, MI 48226 THE MICHIGAN CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1452 Randolph • Detroit, MI 48226 • Phone: (313) 963-8100 Publication No.: USPS 344-820
Good Detroit
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Rocket Giving Fund Grants Over $600K to Connect 313
By Donald James
Senior Writer, Real Times Media
The Rocket Giving Fund continues to live up to its name. The nonprofit, which manages the Rocket Mortgage Classic, recently presented Connect 313 with $622,555 during the annual 313 Day, Detroit’s time to celebrate its famous area code. The funds awarded are earmarked for Connect 313 to help underserved communities become digitally included in Detroit. Connect 313 is a collaborative partnership between the Rocket Mortgage Classic, Rocket Community Fund, and the City of Detroit.
Connect 313 recently surpassed its 100,000th household enrolled in the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). Detroit’s current ACP enrollment stands at 102,123 homes, representing more than 54% of qualified properties –the highest rate of enrollment nationwide for cities with more than 150,000 eligible households. At one point, not long ago, Detroit was the least-connected American city. While more work is needed to achieve full digital connectivity by 2025, the Motor City has become a model for digital inclusion with the highest rate of ACP signups in the country.
“Two years ago, at the Rocket Mortgage Classic, we set out to fundamentally change how Detroiters connect to the internet, technology, and digital literacy resources,” said Connect 313 Board Chair Laura Grannemann, who is also a member of the Rocket Giving Fund board and Executive Director of the Rocket Community Fund. “Hitting this milestone of improving the digital connectivity of more than 100,000 households is an important reminder of how much we can accomplish when we work together as a community. The Rocket Mortgage Classic is proud to be a catalyst of both great golf and lasting impact.”
Last year, Connect 313 expanded the amount of neighborhood tech hubs and trusted community centers where residents can access technology and digital literacy training. Alongside these and other efforts, Connect 313 has helped Detroit transition from the least digitally connected city in the country to a city where more than 67.5% of households are considered “digitally included.” A digitally included household means at least one member in the house has a reliable broadband connection, a working non-smartphone computer/tablet, and operational knowledge of how to use the devices.
The Rocket Giving Fund’s monetary gift to Connect 313 is a fraction of the organization’s philanthropic generosity. Last year, Rocket Giving invested $1.57 million into local nonprofits based on money raised by the 2022 Rocket Mortgage Classic and its Changing the Course initiative.
Changing the Course is the multi-year campaign launched in 2020 to invest in programs and organizations actively helping bridge Detroit’s digital divide. In addition to Connect 313, donations awarded recently included $100,000 to Midnight Golf, Detroit Police Athletic League, and First Tee Great Detroit; $100,000 to the Greater Palmer Park Community; and $747,687 to Birdies for Charity, comprised of several local nonprofits.
Since 2019, the Rocket Mortgage Classic, which will be held this summer from June 27 through July 2 at the historic Detroit Golf Club, has invested more than $6.8 million into local charitable organizations, including more than $3.8 million through its landmark Changing the Course digital inclusion effort.
“We are proud to share how we are Changing the Course in Detroit by using the Rocket Mortgage Classic as a powerful force for good,” said Jason Langwell, Executive Director of the Rocket Mortgage Classic. “While the last few years have provided us with different experiences and challenges hosting the Rocket Mortgage Classic, today’s announcement should demonstrate that our commitment to our hometown is unwavering.”
“Closing the digital divide is one of the most important things we can do as a city to give Detroiters access to opportunity, and the Rocket Giving Fund has been a great partner in that effort,” said Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan. “Thanks to its efforts with Connect 313 and others, more Detroiters of all ages are getting connected, at home and 22 neighborhood tech hubs across the city.”
By Sherri Kolade
Growing up decades earlier, the Highland Park neighborhood of longtime resident Shamayim “Shu” Harris (known simply as Mama Shu) was one to envy.
The area had a local school, a store within walking distance and many other services one comes to expect of a bustling, safe residential neighborhood. Mama Shu was also raised with elders in the community she could go to in times of trouble or just to talk.
Her community was like many other thriving ones in Detroit, too, where Black businesses and growing Black families were anchors for society and the community.
Mama Shu, who moved out of the city to Detroit and later back to Highland Park, told the Michigan Chronicle recently that Highland Park fell on some rough economic times in the past when businesses moved out and the school district was under emergency management. She was spurred to do something about the changing neighborhood landscape that, too, couldn’t escape the crisis, especially after she faced her own tragedies.
Pain Into Power
Mama Shu, founder and CEO of Avalon Village, began her incredible journey to renovate a neighborhood in Highland Park that came from beyond simply desiring a better place to live, “It came from a place of pain turned into power,” according to her website.
“Nothing has deterred our focus, our love and our purpose from continuing to build what we have here. And whatever we want to manifest here in the Village, we will get it done,” she said previously. The youngest son of Mama Shu, Jakobi RA, died in a hit-and-run incident in 2007. This tragedy affected Mama Shu deeply, but she was determined not to let sorrow change the direction of her life.
“I thought losing Jakobi RA was something I couldn’t survive. My friends and I would have conversa-
tions about how losing a child was the worst thing -- it was something I feared. When I woke up the next morning [after the accident], I knew that I was invincible because my worst fear had been realized and I was still here.”
Mama Shu transformed her suffering into strength, her sorrow into glory, and her anguish into love. The Jakobi RA Park and its annual Reggae in the Hood Birthday Celebration event honor Jakobi RA on his birthday, August 17.
To help construct Avalon Village, a sustainable eco-village on Avalon Street between Woodward and Second, Mama Shu gathered a team of engineers, futurists, artists, urban farmers, volunteers and donors from all over the world. The community now owns 20 land parcels and 4 dwellings, and has aspirations to buy more land. The Homework House, an after-school learning and activity center for neighborhood kid; the Goddess Marketplace, a business development program for women entrepreneurs; the Healing House, a center for holistic healing; a healthy café; activity courts; greenhouses; a micro-library, and
other projects are being revitalized on these abandoned, dilapidated lots and buildings.
As Mama Shu and her staff worked to finish Avalon Village, another tragedy occurred when her son Chinyelu, who was 23 years old, was killed late January 2021 while sitting in his car alone by a lone gunman. Highland Park Police are investigating.
Chinyelu served as Mama Shu’s right-hand person and collaborated with her to expand the Avalon Village concept. He was also the Village’s defender. He enjoyed working as a volunteer for organizations like Hood Camp and contributing to the building of several Village places.
Chinyelu’s memory is honored with a Garden Shrine named Invincible Gardens and the annual “NO FAKIN” fundraiser.
“They say you die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time.” This quote is often heard and rings true for Mama Shu, who re-
The Legacy of Erma L. Henderson, Detroit’s First Black City Councilwoman
By Rasha Almulaiki
Once considered one of the most powerful Black women in Detroit’s history, Erma L. Henderson became the first Black woman elected to the city council in 1972, as well as the first Black president of the council. She served as for a total of 16 years, 12 of those years as council president.
As a social worker, Henderson was a civil rights advocate for Black people to be treated fairly in the workplace, within criminal justice systems and in restaurants and hotels.
The Michigan Chronicle spoke to Rev. JoAnn Watson, former Detroit city council member (2003-2013) and president of the NAACP- Detroit branch, about her tutelage under the esteemed “Mother Henderson.”
“She was hard working, always well-prepared,” said Rev. Watson. “ She was truly a Servant-Leader; humble, very spiritual in her consciousness, a powerful orator, she was a visionary and unfailingly positive.”
Educated in Detroit’s public schools, Henderson went on to earn a Master’s Degree in Social Work from Wayne State University. Born in Pensacola, Fla., Henderson, and her family moved north like many other Black families during the Great Migration. She resided in Black Bottom during her early years and was mentored by the Labor Movement, the Elks, Black Churches, and was a frequent host of the legendary Paul Robeson.
She was employed by the largest Black-owned insurance firm, and she managed the 1957 campaign of the first Black
man elected to the Detroit City Council, William T. Patrick Jr. Henderson went on to win her council seat in a run-off election to fill a vacancy. The occasion served as a turning point in her career and for her ongoing fight against prejudice. As a councilwoman, Henderson advocated for equal rights, focus-
ing on redlining, which is the practice of giving minority borrowers of loans and insurance less advantageous rates, terms and conditions. She founded the Michigan Statewide Committee Against Redlining in 1975, and as a result, the practice was completely banned by state legislation.
Fifty years after Henderson’s tenure, the Detroit City Council is stewarded by another Black woman, President Mary Sheffield, who, in November 2013, was the youngest person to ever be elected to the body.
When asked about the progress seen in fostering Black women in leadership since Henderson’s time, Rev. Watson said,“ The number of Black women in leadership positions is impressive, but still falls short of the demographics represented in the population. Detroit should have elected
a Black woman as Mayor by now.”
In 1990, Henderson was inducted into the Michigan Women’s Hall of Fame and continued to dedicate her later years toward social justice advocacy for Detroiters. She joined the ancestors on December 14, 2009.
“I believe a high school and college curriculum should be generated within Detroit-based educational institutions,” said Rev. Watson “which will allow students to study the life and examine the rich legacy of Erma L. Henderson, with required reading of her autobiography, ‘Down Through The Years.’
“If there was ever a woman who represented the manifestation of women’s empowerment in 20th century Detroit, it was the Honorable City Council President Emeritus, Erma Louise Henderson.”
A3 | March 29 - April 4, 2023 michiganchronicle.com
See MAMA SHU page A-4
Erma L. Henderson
Mama Shu leading a hayride in Highland Park.
A Hamlet in the Hood: Mama
Shu Builds Sustainable Village in Highland Park
Students practicing music during a session in Avalon Village.
Mama Shu
From page A-3
members her children whose memories live on throughout the Village.
Positive Women’s Network (PWN) notes that throughout history, Black women have been the backbone of practically every facet of society.
“Black women have been the caretakers of our communities, families and other people’s families. We have had to find our own beauty and value in our hair, bodies, gender, race and lived experience in a society that has not valued us,” PWN stated. “Through it all, Black women continue to demand justice, equity and liberation for all.”
Justice for Mama Shu looks like Chinyelu’s killer being captured and held accountable.
“When Black women are uplifted — we are all uplifted. When Black women do better – we all do better,” PWN said.
Avalon Village serves as a model for disadvantaged and neglected communities that want to transform into self-sufficient, resilient and eco-friendly communities.
Looking Back, Addressing the Present and Building Tomorrow
At Avalon Village, they pay respect to the people who came before them by incorporating principles from the community into all of its initiatives, activities and events.
It also aspires to serve as the benchmark for eco-friendly urban habitation, wanting to spread positivity and encouraging others to transform their communities from “Blight to Beauty.”
“We want to create community spaces and initiatives that continue to grow and live on for years to come,” according to its website. “We want to teach and inspire the children of the community to lead by example and continue to build
up their neighborhoods, one block at a time.”
Described as the “Unlikely Urban Planner,” Mama Shu and her passion for helping youth and others in the community is evident with a safe park for children to play in, a basketball court and the Homework House where residents can obtain their GED and gain new skills, just to name a few initiatives.
The Homework House, a 111-yearold, three-story renovated house, which once stood abandoned and on a demolition list, features a computer lab, a STEM Lab, a music room and other spaces for learning.
“I wanted a place where children could come and do their homework in a quiet and safe environment,” said Mama Shu previously. “The Homeroom House will be available to all children in Highland Park to have access to tutors, computer and STEM labs, and other services for school-aged children.”
Mama Shu is also the founder of the Goddess Marketplace, a nearly two-decade-old economic initiative for women, which was formed to help support Avalon Village.
“The Goddess Marketplace was formed for women who were starting up businesses who need support so they can have a space to run their businesses,” Mama Shu said of the incubator-type operation.
During Women’s History Month, Mama Shu’s work, which empowers women year-round, does not go unnoticed.
“All of my work has been to uplift women entrepreneurs spiritually,” she said. “It’s very impactful because one of the things is if all of us get together ... [we are] able to feed off each other and serve each other. … This is a space you can prosper and make money for your families in a community way.”
For more information visit theavalonvillage.org.
Page A-4 | March 29 - April 4, 2023 | michiganchronicle.com
michiganchronicle.com Keeping You Informed Away or at Home.
Students at the Homework House in Avalon Village.
Black Women Choosing Uncommon Careers
By Sherri Kolade
The fields of tech, law, construction and that of certain business sectors are in dire need of Black women who naturally always up the ante wherever they go.
However, there is still a lot to be desired. Between Black women leaving the workforce in high numbers (according to a report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics) to still being underpaid; there are many gaps in varying workforce sectors that need to be addressed.
According to Health Affairs, while many workforce segments have low percentages of Black women working, in the healthcare field, it’s oversaturated with this demographic group, more than any other population segment.
The health care industry employs more than one in five Black women in the labor force (23 percent); of this group, Black women are most likely to work in the long-term care industry (37 percent) and in positions requiring a license as a practical nurse or assistant (42 percent). Research establishes a connection between Black women’s status in the labor force and the racial and sexist historical legacies that go back to the partition of domestic work and care work during enslavement.
By Sherri Kolade
The Center for American Progress, a neutral, independent think tank, said that while Black women have entered more diversified areas over time, they have also experienced significant occupational segregation, which keeps them concentrated in positions with poor compensation and no mobility.
Black women frequently experience opposition since they are not seen as conforming to the traditional, largely male norm of success, even after moving into jobs traditionally occupied by men or white workers and climbing the professional ladder into managerial or leadership roles, according to American Progress. This constrained perspective reinforces a myth that restricts Black women’s employment opportunities and puts obstacles in the way of their future professional success.
Cherri Harris, president and CEO of Swint Logistics Group, Inc., told the Michigan Chronicle that at her Detroit-based company she began her uncommon career choice by starting as a truck driver.
Harris said that her company has branched out from trucking to add commercial construction, training, consulting and specialty services like asphalt paving and underground camera operations for mainline sewers.
She is proud that her company is an award-winning (minority certified woman-owned firm) and has numerous certifications through Wayne County and federally, among others coming down the line.
We are here for Black women living lavishly and in luxury and they are bad and bougie in the best way. From doctors and lawyers to stayat-home women and teachers, everyone is welcome to gather their things and themselves and join the luxe life, which is really all about mindset – plus a cute outfit to boot.
Refinery29.com agrees.
“While luxury may often be associated with expensive, extravagant products and experiences, for some, it runs much deeper than materialism — it’s how you perceive it,” according to the woman-centric outlet. “For Black women who weren’t always welcome in these spaces, luxury is doing what makes you happy and permitting yourself to enjoy them, whether that’s spending your hard-earned dollars on designer fashion or simply treating yourself to some ‘you’ time.”
For generations, Black women have championed the cause of luxurious living in the realms of fashion, beauty, lifestyle, living and beyond but not always recognized for it.
Historically, Black communities are kept from enjoying the finer things in life due to sometimes a lack of access to high-end brands, racism and even their own thoughts of not feeling worthy of living luxuriously.
While there hasn’t always been a direct correlation between affluence and Blackness, it’s becoming more apparent that Black women are owning this lane and it’s time they’re seen for simply existing and being as dope as they are.
Black women are claiming a piece of
the high life for themselves and doing it with no remorse and doing it all in their red-bottom shoes.
Indulging in luxury is thankfully becoming more common, especially among millennial women, who are definitely leading the life of their dreams. The future has never looked so bright as it does now, inspiring other Black women to join the ranks and spread the luxury lifestyle.
According to the American Association of University Women, Black women are joining the workforce and receiving more college degrees than their (white and Black) male counterparts.
Black women are embracing education
as a springboard for achievement, with 64 percent having earned bachelor’s degrees and 71 percent having earned master’s degrees. Brunch, shopping sprees and five-star vacations are becoming more and more common as more Black women join the workforce and level the playing field financially.
However, Black women are sometimes criticized for enjoying the finer things in life that don’t need struggle, such as staying at home with their children (who choose to and are not compelled to), buying pricey, opulent stuff, and openly luxuriating in their existence. This year, we are leaving suffering behind and entering the lap of luxury. Join along as we talk to some of the Detroit women who are driving the movement and bringing other Black baddies along for the ride with goods and lifestyle advice that benefit women every day.
Social Media Celebrity Tatianna Merritt, the first lady of Straight Gate International Church, told the Michigan Chronicle, that she is into all things luxury, especially beauty, fashion, makeup, travel, self-care and selflove.
“All that is a newfound, like, love and passion of mine,” she said. “It kind of exploded just after the pandemic. I had all four of my kids and it’s a journey.”
Getting back to feeling “like yourself” after you have children is the path she took and said she felt like she lost herself and realized something had to change.
“I need to pour back into me; I need to love myself like I matter,” she said of being intentional and choosing exercise, home organization, nail and
Capital Impact Partners Award Over $400K to Local Developers of Color
By Donald James Senior Writer, Real Times Media
In Detroit, where 83% of the population is Black, many development projects – commercial, residential, and mixed-use - are often led by “non-Black and Brown people” foreign to the community. While there are more Black developers in Detroit than 20 years ago – even 10 - with the current boom in development, there are opportunities for more to become involved.
In a grand effort to bridge the divide that prevents many developers of color from working on real estate development projects in Detroit, Capital Impact Partners, through its Equitable Development Initiative (EDI), has awarded $415,000 in grants to 19 of its former cohorts to work on 16 development projects. Fifteen of the projects are in Detroit, and one is in Highland Park.
Cecily King
“The Initiative helps local real estate developers of color take a leadership role in shaping Detroit’s redevelopment landscape,” said Elizabeth Luther, Capital Impact Partners Director of the Detroit Equitable Development Program.
“This includes more affordable housing and space for small businesses so that projects that affect the local community are led by people who are actually from the community.
The Initiative is Capital Impact Partners’ effort to ensure that Detroit’s pool of real estate developers truly reflects the city’s diversity and that minority developers are able to participate in the myriad of revitalization efforts taking place.”
According to Luther, Detroit developers of color who have gone through Capital Impact’s Equitable Development Initiative have received training, mentorship, and access to
capital to grow their respective businesses and create more developments and affordable housing to revitalize local communities.
Perhaps the hallmark of the Equitable Development Initiative is awarding grants, considered early-stage capital.
“Providing this early-stage capital, which is often the most difficult to secure, not only assists developers of color — who often are disinvested and denied by traditional financial institutions – but also helps them avoid predatory lending practices,” Luther said. “These grants help the developers secure pre-development services — giving them a better understanding of whether a project is viable, helping them expedite the timeline for the project, and alleviating their equity burden and early-stage risks.”
“Having access to capital is the biggest hurdle that developers must clear to complete
projects,” said developer Darius Barrett, who, with developing partner Cecily King, are recipients of one of EDI’s recent grants. “Capital Impact’s Equitable Development Initiative allowed us to have a large sum of capital to go into pre-development. And, on this whole development journey, it’s about, can you weather the storm? Capital Impact has allowed us to weather the storm.”
Weathering the storm for Barrett and King means restoring a historic mansion on Ferry Street east of Woodward Ave., known as the Frank C. Hecker House. The two developers will transform the 100-plus-year-old mansion, which has been vacant for two decades, into four residential units while maintaining the structure’s historic amenities.
Barrett said he and King plan to start construction in May or June and complete the historic
A5 | March 29 - April 4, 2023 michiganchronicle.com
GRANTS page A6
Darius Barrett
Cherri Harris, CEO and founder of Swint Logistics Group, Inc. Photo provided by Cherri I. Harris
Brittni “Bee” Brown is the award-winning principal publicist and founder at The Bee Agency.
Attorney Jehan Crump-Gibson throws the book at living below the luxurious life.
Social Media Celebrity Tatianna Merritt loves all things luxurious.
Uncommon Careers Bad And Bougie
From page A-5
“These certifications are extremely beneficial. Our Wayne County certification has paved the way for us to be able to bid,” she said.
Harris said that for other Black women interested in the trucking industry like she was, or other career paths, it is always a good idea to build relationships with people in these industries.
“Having a great reputation is more valuable than money. The relationships that you build in business will help you to expand your business, meet new people, learn new things and make some money along the way,” she said. “Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to me to be responsive, to be productive and, most importantly, to be accountable. I highly recommend that any Black female in the trucking industry have a mentor. Your mentor should be someone that is very successful in the industry and willing to reach back and lend a hand to help you be a better business owner.”
Starting in this industry for Black women is becoming more and more of a commonplace event even though, according to https:// www.11alive.com/, 94 percent of truckers are men.
The trucking industry workforce is getting a batch of new coworkers nationwide, especially Black women who are looking toward this as a viable career path.
In some instances, truck drivers are “aging out.” Black women are engulfed by the over 3 million truckers who operate 18-wheelers and large dump trucks, and there are plenty of these drivers to go around.
Harris added that having a seat at the table to her means being “prepared to sit at that table.”
“You have to earn that seat at the table. It is very important to get to the table and it comes with a lot of work and determination,”
she said, adding that her company is currently at the table with Barton Malow, Wayne County and Bedrock for one of the biggest contracts in the company’s history. “It takes a lot of work, time and money.”
Harris said she does it all for her daughter as a single mother.
“I’ve been a single mother from day one,” she said, adding that this field helped her to learn something new and take a risk, which she encourages others to do. “Think outside the box. Go to an industry that’s less thought of because everybody isn’t flocked into that.”
Asia Hamilton, artist-photographer, founder and chief curator at Norwest Gallery of Art, agrees.
Hamilton, also a Detroit Entertainment Commissioner representing District 1, told the Michigan Chronicle that while her field as an art curator is dominated by women, it is not necessarily full of women of color, and that in the photography industry it is the complete opposite.
“[It is] primarily a white male-dominated industry as a commercial industry,” she said, adding that it’s seemingly “two strikes against her.” “Just kind of going through the channel you know, as a freelance photographer, I definitely had to create my own way. And women have to create their own way. They might not have gotten those big commercial gigs that most [white] men would get but we made a way out of what we could.”
She said nevertheless that mentorship with other like-minded individuals goes a long way in making connections, friendships and more.
“[With] camaraderie, it definitely, you know, you get opportunities ... if you need to buy ammo or equipment or whatever you need to buy to get your career [in order],” Hamilton said.
From page A-5
hair appointments, family trips and other actions to level up. “It comes in different forms.”
She adds that hiring a professional organizer was also the move to keep her accountable and streamlined, especially in her closet. The takeaway? She is reconnecting with herself, her family and making room for what’s important in the busy days of life.
“The things that are important to you, you will pour into and create time to make it happen.”
Attorney Jehan Crump-Gibson, the managing partner at Southfield-based Great Lakes Legal Group PLLC, told the Michigan Chronicle that living in luxury is what she does.
Crump-Gibson, also co-founder of Style and Order, a professional women empowerment network, told the Michigan Chronicle that leveling up for her revolves around spiritual, physical and financial, and boosting the women in her group with discussing topics including finan-
From page A-5
project in early 2024.
Anthony Askew, another former cohort of Capital Impact’s Equitable Development Initiative and recent grant recipient, is the lone EDI developer conducting work in Highland Park. According to Askew, he will develop a small mix-use project on Second Ave. When completed, Askew said the mixed-use development would comprise of two residential units and space for three commercial entities.
“The grant was for pre-development, so I’ve already done some of the initial design work and early schematic designs, but the grant will help me move forward to finishing the rest of the design work,” said Askew, a fourth-generation Highland Parker. “And the commercial spaces will be much needed for Highland Park entrepreneurs.”
Askew gives kudos to Capital Impact’s Equitable Development Initiative for coming into High-
cial, beauty, style and travel tips.
“We have monthly mixers, Slay and Mingle – everything is right up my alley and a lot of fun,” Crump-Gibson said.
She added that women have a right to take up space for their own selves because they support others above and beyond, too.
“We play so many roles [and in this group] you can let your hair down and be you and not pretentious,” she said. “When you look good, you feel good.”
Crump-Gibson added that living luxuriously does not have to break the bank and getting a stylist can help, too, if women want to get a jumpstart in looking fashionable.
From accessorizing her clothes with flair and pop to wearing bedazzled items on her suit (she gone wear some gold buttons, she said) dressing up can help get some out of slumps and feel good.
Because in the end, it’s all about getting back to you, which she said, is exactly “what the court ordered.”
Brittni “Bee” Brown is the award-winning principal pub-
land Park, a city encircled by Detroit.
“I’m thankful for Capital Impact helping to bring much-needed development resources to Highland Park,” Askew said.
“My hope is to break ground in the fall of 2023 and complete the project 12 months later. I hope this development project will encourage others to follow suit in Highland Park.”
The overall impact of all 16 projects, said Luther, is important, noting that through Capital Impact’s Equitable Development Initiative, the program facilitates building wealth for developers of color while assisting them in stabilizing neighborhoods through new construction and rehab projects.
“These grants, once completed and the projects move forward, will add 262 new residential units and over 90,000 commercial square feet into the neighborhoods where the projects are located. Some of them include subsidized and affordable units,” Luther said. “The projects range from two to four residential unit rehabs up to
licist and founder at The Bee Agency agrees.
She told the Michigan Chronicle that from luxe home care to fashion, those are her things.
“Jo Malone, Louis Vuitton me please,” she said, adding that she began to hold an understanding of everything she deserved can also come in the form of experiences and items. “It was a moment after college that allowed me to be introduced to luxe lifewhen I was able to spoil myself.”
She adds that in every moment of life, humans should experience luxury of their desires accompanied by peace of mind – Black women above all.
“Many [Black women] … want to feel soft and tap into their inner bougie-ness,” she said. “You deserve it. Whatever it is, it’s okay. We as Black women have been taught to always be humble, or that our image of happiness sometimes looks like only ‘strength.’ It’s now time to take the cape off and step into your soft girl season. Pamper yourself, love yourself and continue to get things done. … Book the flight, the massage or buy the bag.”
30-plus units of new construction. Most of the projects have a mixed-use components.”
Since 2018, Capital Impact’s Equitable Development Initiative has graduated more than 100 cohort developers in the Detroit area. The grant awards have ranged from $10,000 to $75,000 to help EDI alums move their projects forward. The organization’s mission is to close the racial wealth gap and bring a continuum of capital to disinvested communities. The success of the Equitable Development Initiative in Detroit has led to the program expanding to other cities across the country.
“Capital Impact is a phenomenal stepping stone to anybody who wants to advance into development because the organization allows you to fully understand the development process,” said Barrett. “Capital Impact has given a holistic approach to underrepresented developers and a blueprint of how best to do development successfully. It is a onestop shop for developers of color to pursue their goals.”
Page A-6 | March 29 - April 4, 2023 | michiganchronicle.com
Sisterhood Power Stretches From Michigan to Africa
By Sherri Kolade
Given that Southern Africa’s average unemployment rate is approximately 32 percent, it is imperative to empower youth through economic growth and opportunities, according to Statistica.
One woman is taking that challenge head-on with a big impact being felt around the world.
Southfield native Sonia Jackson Myles launched an African-based Sister Accord(R)️ Foundation in Malawi to address such needs.
“To achieve our goal of having one billion girls and women learn to love themselves and each other, Africa has to be an important part of our plan,” Jackson Myles, founder and CEO of The Sister Accord Foundation, said. “The confidence and self-esteem we focus on building with our members are critical skills for individual and community success. Providing education and economic resources to our chapters is a key part of our strategy. I’m so honored by the progress we are making as we move across the continent.”
The Foundation, a non-profit organization, has three global areas of focus: educating girls and women, enlightening girls and women about the power of Sisterhood and eradicating bullying and violence against girls and women. The Foundation is focused on enabling girls and women to establish and nurture positive, supportive and loving relationships with each other.
Jackson Myles is committed to having one billion girls and women pledge to live by the aforementioned principles.
The Sister A.C.C.O.R.D. Leadership Development Program is used by school districts, and The Sister Accord, LLC’s ‘Sisterhood & Brotherhood in The Workplace’ Platform has made a significant, positive difference in corporate America and around the globe. The organization also holds events annually to inspire and promote Sisterhood, anti-bullying, and health and well-being.
Jackson Myles told the Michigan Chronicle in a quote that her passion keeps her going.
“I am most passionate about women and girls because I know what happens when a woman
Cass Tech Grad KimArie Yowell Advances in New Role, Shares What’s at Stake
By Sherri Kolade
A Detroit native and Cass Tech grad, KimArie Yowell, is no stranger to the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)️ world, and now, in her latest role as the Chief Diversity Officer of Rocket Companies and Chief Learning Officer of Rocket Central (the centralized hub for the Rocket Companies FinTech platform)️, she finds her work in this space is rewarding and insightful.
“My wealth of experience and knowledge has prepared me for the roles I am in today,” Yowell told the Michigan Chronicle recently.
In her roles, Yowell is responsible for team member development programs along with the diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies for the businesses that are part of Rocket Companies. It also covers organizational effectiveness, career development, diversity and inclusion programming and learning and development efforts.
Yowell has more than 25 years of experience working in sales, customer service and corporate training.
She is extremely passionate about encouraging organizational growth and team member development and is also adamant that the ability to be inclusive is essential for building a cohesive, high-performing team.
The native Detroiter and proud Wayne State alum has been in her new position for the past two months.
Her career began at Rocket nearly 10 years ago, and since returning to Detroit (after living in Dallas for several years)️ while at Rocket, she had the opportunity to head several functions including leadership development, organizational engagement, talent management and most recently the diversity, equity and inclusion strategies.
Rocket was in the top 10 on Forbes magazine’s list of America’s Best Employers for Diversity in 2022. The company has also ranked #1 on Essence magazine’s 10 Best Workplaces for African Americans and has been included on Fortune magazine’s list of Best Workplaces for Diversity since the list’s inception in 2015.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, Black women rule the workforce and have the highest labor force participation in comparison to all women, which means a large segment of this population are not shy voicing their needs at work.
“Women in the workplace have been very vocal about the inequities and discrimination they face on the job, from gender pay gaps to a lack of child-care support,” according to the Department of Labor. “Black women in particular experience specific challenges at the intersection of racial and gender discrimination.”
Yowell said that Rocket addresses those needs of the workforce.
“Our mission as an organization as it relates to diversity, equity and inclusion is to weave DEI into our DNA. We do this by ensuring it’s in our practices, policies, processes and programs,” Yowell said. “Our goal is to be a place where every team member has a sense of belonging.”
Yowell, a Michigan Chronicle Women of Excellence 2020 winner, said that she is “proud” of what Rocket is doing, which includes education and homeownership programming for residents.
“We know that for so many of us, access to quality education and homeownership have been barriers for us to create generational wealth and has caused us to remain behind. And as we speak the wealth gap continues to grow. These programs are Rock Academy, Rocket Home Grant, The Rocket Wealth Accelerator and Detroit Home Loan+,” Yowell said, adding that she stands on the shoulders of the women who helped raise her as she reflects on Women’s History Month. “It was the encouragement of my aunts and grandmothers and great-grandmothers, who migrated north for a better life. They believed that as a result of their prayers, and hard work that their children and grandchildren would live better lives than they did.”
Yowell described her journey as a “privilege” to take inspiration from the strong women who raised her and impact those around her in a positive way.
“I’m a Detroit city girl through and through. My identity is intersectional, Black, woman, mother, to name a few, and fortunately, I get to bring who I am into my workplace,” she said of working at Rocket. “There are so many women that have paved the way for me to sit here proudly and do great work, I only hope that I am able to be a bright spot for young girls and women who come after me to know that they can achieve whatever they choose in this life.”
or girl understands their value and worth,” she said. “I know what happens when a woman or girl learns how to love herself and her sisters. Our families, communities, nation and world will be filled with love, peace and joy. It’s how we will continue our work to eradicate bullying and violence against girls and women globally. I celebrate the month every day by inspiring girls and women to tap into their gifts, dream big, live their best lives and design their destiny.”
Born in Saginaw and raised
in Southfield, Jackson Myles is making her base in Michigan for now while caring for her father since her mother’s passing.
Not a stranger to helping locally, Jackson Myles also locally held one of The Sister Accord Foundation’s original Tea Parties in March of 2014. The Sister Accord Tea Party Program is a Leadership Development Program for young women presented by The Sister Accord Foundation. The program, which has included 25 tea parties to date, is geared towards helping young women understand the importance of strong, healthy, positive relationships with other young women in their development as exceptional leaders. Empowerment, entrepreneurship and personal safety are some of the topics on the agenda. Additionally, the programs highlight the latest technologies to inspire girls and women to embrace, pursue and engage with STEM/ STEAM opportunities.
Tracy Joshua, vice president, External Supply Chain, The Kellogg Company, told the Michigan Chronicle that she has a long-time connection to
Jackson Myles and she has always been an outstanding business leader.
“I am blessed to know Sonia as an exceptional business leader and to call her my sister and my friend. Sonia is kind and lives the value of community,” Joshua said. “Sonia is living her purpose of empowering women and girls to live, love and interact with each other in ways that support and uplift versus compete and tear down. We all are great and we don’t have to hide our light so others feel comfortable. Instead we can live bold and be our authentic selves where everyone wins….there is always room at the table for everyone.”
Joshua added it’s important to see positive role models, especially Black women, uplifting and bringing others along the way.
“It is on each of us to personally build up, bring along at least … a minimum of five ladies,” she said. “When each of us is helping each other grow, shine and be all that we were meant to be on purpose, we are creating a circle of women who are stronger, powerful and world changers.”
From Being Judged to Being a Judge: Her Honor Tenisha Yancey on Overcoming Obstacles and Defeating Adversity
By Lynzee Mychael Digital Content Writer
All hero stories follow a common structure -- incredible loss, disruption, adventure, overcoming of ordeals and transformation. Heroes are tested through adversity to build character as they race to reshape the future while impacting others along the way. And just as you think a hero should fit a particular mold, you learn a narrative that doesn’t include a cape or superpowers, and you are inspired by life changing people who are now shifting pieces of the world every single day.
Tenisha Yancey is a political powerhouse and change agent in the city of Detroit, spearheading efforts targeting criminal reform and education. Respectfully, a veteran in policy and law, Yancey rang in the new year with a brand-new title, that of 36th District Court Judge, bringing a new standpoint to the legal system.
Transitioning from almost 6 years of being a Democratic member of the Michigan House of Representatives, Yancey said that her plans to elevate in law glistened at the end of a dark tunnel even when her future didn’t seem so bright.
After unexpectedly losing her father at the hands of a drunk driver just 5 days before her 14th birthday, and unable to properly cope with the pain of such a significant loss, Yancey began a path of poor decisions. At the age of 18 she found herself in county jail facing multiple charges with her future hanging in the rafters. This wakeup call changed the course of her life forever.
“I met women that were older than me while in jail and I knew that was not the path I wanted to go down. I didn’t want to spend my life in and out of jail and ruin my chances at working in law. When I was released the first thing I did was enroll in school,” said Yancey. “Education was always instilled in my siblings and I, but I had lost track.”
Although often met with discouraging words and plagued by the whispers of nay sayers trying to stop her pursuit of a career in law, stating she would not pass the character and fitness portion of the Bar exam, her supporters made sure she kept hope alive. She said Judge Greg Mathis is
one of the few people that believed she could change, pouring positivity into her to continue pushing forward no matter what other people said. Judge Mathis, who has always been transparent about his own personal reform -- spoke from experience and Yancey listened.
Yancey passed the Michigan Bar in 2014, which led her to join the Wayne County Prosecutors office. This experience further added to her expertise, and in 2017 her comeback story turned to a new chapter when she was endorsed to work as legislator for the 1st House District supporting a portion of Detroit, Harper Woods, Grosse Pointe Woods and Grosse Pointe Shores. Yancey said her longtime friend, former Representative Brian Banks, encouraged her to fill his vacancy because he wanted someone he knew would care about the people.
Crediting everything she has ever gone through as preparation for her new career as judge, Yancey is proud of her challenges and will bring real life experiences, education and a solid resume to her courtroom and rulings.
Yancey ran unopposed in the 2022 election for 36th District Judge and said she owes it all to God.
“I want people to know I’m a human being just like they are. I understand, and I’m here to try and help them as much as possible. It is not all punitive. It’s about getting people back on the right track,” Yancey continued. ”When
I ran for State Rep my slogan was, I’m just like you. I am a city girl. I care about Detroit. I care about the people in the city of Detroit. I am not self-serving. You’ve called me into service and I feel that I am here for a bigger cause. It is not really about me at all.”
Stating she is not defense oriented or prosecution oriented, but she is fair, Yancey believes in second chances, but making sure citizens are reprimanded in a way that will influence change. Yancey is dedicated to bringing a different perspective to the bench and will run her courtroom with respect and dignity. She declared she will continue to work with some of the stakeholders she met as legislator to inspire the change we need to see in our criminal justice system.
Yancey evokes supporting the legislation that passed allowing for offenders with only one DUI (that did not cause death or injury)️ to be expunged from their record. This was a first for Michigan and a full circle moment for Yancey. A drunk driver killing her father is the significate loss and major disruption that changed her life, yet she found the strength to use her power to support second chances and healthy reform.
Overcoming adversity and commitment to change is the Yancey way and she vows to bring these qualities and standards to the courtroom every day.
“There’s no testimony without the actual test, and I went through ultimate tests to get to where I am now.”
michiganchronicle.com | March 29 - April 4, 2023 | Page A-7
Sonia Jackson Myles
KimArie Yowell, chief diversity, equity, and inclusion officer at Rocket Companies.
A NCAKESANDPOLITICS2023 #PANCAKESANDPOLITICS2023 #PANCAKESANDPOLITIC S 241 Madison Street | Detroit, MI 48226 March 16, 2023 @ 7:30 AM Detroit Athletic Club Chairman & CEO Sixteen42Ventures Dennis Archer, Jr. Moderator PLATINUM PARTNERS CONTRIBUTING PARTNERS MEDALLION PARTNERS panelists BROADCAST PRESENTING PARTNER OVERDRIVE PRESENTING PARTNER PIONEER PARTNER SoldOut! Forum II Co-Founder and President The Song Foundation Former Co-Founder and CEO Duo Security Dug Song CEO, Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) President & Chair, Michigan Strategic Fund Quentin Messer Executive Vice President Invest Detroit Managing Director ID Venture Patti Glaza President Detroit Means Business (DMB) Marlo Rencher, PhD, CDE
Companies A discussion on whether Michigan is positioned to become an incubator for companies that need to build and scale through venture capital.
Can Southeast Michigan Become A "Go to" Destination for Start-Ups and High Growth
C ity. L ife . Style
B1 | March 29 - April 4, 2023
5 Ways Women Can Prioritize Self-Care
Self-care is essential for maintaining overall health and wellbeing, and it’s something that everyone, especially women, should prioritize. Women often take on multiple roles, from caregiver to career woman, and it’s easy to forget to take care of oneself. However, practicing self-care not only benefits the individual, but it also sets an example for other women to do the same. Here are five ways women can show self-care to themselves and other women.
Practice Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness meditation is a powerful tool that can help women reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and increase feelings of happiness and wellbeing. Taking a few minutes each day to sit in silence, focus on breathing, and clear the mind can have significant benefits. Practicing mindfulness meditation can also help women become more present in their daily lives, allowing them to fully appreciate the little moments that bring joy and happiness.
Have a Girls’ Night In Sometimes, the best way to show self-care is by spending time with friends. Having a girls’ night in can be a great way for women to relax, unwind, and recharge. Whether it’s a movie night, a spa night, or just a night of good food and conversation, spending time with other women can help alleviate stress and improve overall mood. Additionally, seeing other women prioritize their self-care can inspire others to do the same.
Take a Break from Social Media
Social media can be a great way to stay connected with friends and family, but it can also be a source of stress and anxiety. Women can show self-care by taking a break from social media and unplugging from technology for a period of time. Disconnecting from social media can help reduce feelings of FOMO (fear of missing out), decrease stress levels, and improve overall mental health.
Prioritize Physical Activity Physical activity is not only essential for maintaining physical health but also for improving mental health. Women can show self-care by prioritizing physical activity in their daily lives. This can include going for a walk, practicing yoga, taking a dance class, or engaging in any activity that brings joy and gets the body moving. Encouraging other women to engage in physical activity can also be a great way to show support and promote self-care.
Treat Yourself Finally, sometimes the best way to show self-care is by treating oneself. Women can show self-care by indulging in a favorite food, purchasing a new outfit, or engaging in any activity that brings joy and happiness. Treating oneself can help boost self-esteem, reduce stress levels, and promote overall wellbeing. It can also inspire other women to prioritize their self-care and treat themselves in a similar way. In conclusion, self-care is essential for maintaining overall health and wellbeing, and it’s something that women should prioritize in their daily lives. By practicing mindfulness meditation, spending time with friends, taking a break from social media, prioritizing physical activity, and treating oneself, women can show self-care to themselves and other women. Taking care of oneself not only benefits the individual, but it also sets an example for others to prioritize their selfcare as well.
Detroit As Told by Ellie
By Andre Ash
She was working at a Detroit bar in West Village as a general manager where she oversaw its bar program. The establishment catered to a mostly white clientele, so in February of 2022, she was compelled to do something impactful before the final days of Black History Month.
“I wanted to create a space for us,” said Ellie Sandiego, artist and mixologist. “I put together an event to highlight, Black chefs, DJs, mixologists, bartenders and highlighted all Black spirits.”
It was a “really good vibe” which eventually gained traction as she continued to highlight other Black individuals in the restaurant and bar space, even after her employment at the West Village bar.
“When I started in this industry, there was always your one token Black person but we weren’t really represented as much.”
This reality is what has motivated Sandiego to pursue the “Black Card” brand, a celebration of Blackness in the bar and hospitality space within Detroit.
“What you can come to expect is love, fellowship, creativity, good food and amazing drinks,” she said. “You can socialize, network and really just let your hair down and be yourself.”
Sandiego is adamant about providing elevated service
Black Women Speak Detroit’s Podcast Takeover
By Rasha Almulaiki and Sherri Kolade
Although podcasting, formerly known as “audioblogs,” has been around for 30 years, the COVID pandemic saw a rise in this media platform across the country. In Detroit, the podcast scene is growing with the powerful voices of Black women discussing politics, business and arts/culture.
The Michigan Chronicle spoke with two women paving the way to bring relevant, timely discussions to Detroit’s airwaves, Frankie Darcell and Piper Carter. Frankie Darcell
Across the nation, she is heard in more than 20 markets. Frankie Darcell, the host of the nationally syndicated iHeart Media show, is a radio broadcasting industry darling and powerhouse impacting the lives of the millions of listeners who have come to regard Darcell as appointment radio over the years. Darcell’s talent for educating and enter-
taining her audience has benefited the Black community.
Darcell, a
through iHeart Media.
Darcell’s voice was familiar to Detroit listeners, and the city’s residents have missed it. The New York native worked at MIX 92.3 WMXD for more than 20 years till the station changed the daytime lineup in 2022.
“I mean, I go back, you know -- I played vinyl,” Darcell told the Michigan Chronicle. “So, it’s been a long-storied career -- 30 years or so.”
Given her career across the country, she credits Detroit where she “really grew” into the talent she is today. “I owe that to the city of Detroit.”
Throughout her path in her work, she is at the forefront of issues regarding Black communities with their pain points, triumphs and injustices.
Her shows, ranging from police violence and politics to sports and music -- nothing is off limits for Darcell who is
Where City Meets Life and Life Meets Style michiganchronicle.com
Philadelphia resident,
a podcast collaboration with the parent company of the Michigan Chronicle, Real Times Media, and Black Information Network as host of “Frankie Darcell Has A Big Mouth,” which is currently syndicated in numerous radio markets
Veteran radio broadcaster and industry titan Frankie Darcell.
Piper Carter is the host of Detroit-based politics, music and culture show, “Piper Carter Podcast,” produced by Detroit is Different. Photos courtesy of Piper Carter.
while being down-to-earth as well, and it’s mostly Black clientele who show up. Ellie’s background as a mixologist, bar manager and artist, all come together in the creativity and service offered at her branded “Black Card” events.
Showcasing Black people in a space not often recognized in upscale bar and restaurant establishment such as in downtown, is part of Ellie’s motivation for curated “Black Card “gatherings. But being in the industry for several Detroit establishments as a mixologist has also inspired her ambition to create another brand.
“Detroit is growing, and a lot of people come here being tourists, reviewing different spaces. I feel like these spaces are more than a one-star, two-star or five-star review. These are places where people go to enjoy.”
This new endeavor and brand is titled, “Detroit as Told by Ellie.” Outside of the food and beverage industry, Sandiego has been an activist, one who has been in the music scene and has children who attend school in the city. She touts herself as being an authentic Detroiter.
“This is very personal to me,” she said. “’Detroit as Told’ from my eyes – I really feel like we all have variations of [what] we feel like Detroit is, especially as natives.”
It’s her mission to talk about the wonderful things about Detroit, from the city’s music to its people, to businesses. “Detroit as Told by Ellie” is meant to be a hub for highlighting Detroiters making an impact while giving space to the love of Detroit.
Sandiego has taken the leap of curating both the “Black Card” and “Detroit as Told by Ellie” brands because it derives her personal witness and experience of seeing a culture change in Detroit.
“I think Detroiters both native and new can have a love for Detroit, but our voices need to be amplified as natives as well.” She speaks to the importance of respect needed for the art, music and the heartbeat of the city.
She makes note of watching gentrification happen before her very eyes while also having the privilege to be in certain spaces – these experiences shape her view into remembering to love all of Detroit, including the spaces “we have always had and amplifying them more.”
Sandiego wants people she encounters to know that she speaks from a space of love and authenticity and a genuine appreciation for all things Detroit, not just downtown or just the glitz and glamour.
“Seeing a change in Detroit is energizing, disappointing; sometimes it can be scary or just awesome,” she said. “We all should be using our platforms and voices to tell our story.”
The feedback she receives from Black clientele who patronize have been one of “joy” and the feeling of “going someplace where you not only belong, but where you can contribute.”
It’s the kind of feedback from people, those who have shown appreciation and hope, for Sandiego to continue what’s she’s doing – providing Black space and platforms to tell her authentic Detroit story.
“I want to keep what I do as organic and authentic as possible and I want for our energy to be recognized as unmatched and pure.”
as real and raw about her work as she is vulnerable and transparent about empowering other women (whatever their lane) to do the same.
“We are in a real interesting space of African Americans in America,” Darcell said of dealing with racial trauma, economic trials and more. “We don’t have that freedom of speech any more unless you’re ready to deal with what is considered canceled.”
Darcell said that her 26-year-old daughter reminds her that today’s generation of listeners are evolving and not the same as decades ago with the mentality of sticking to one job until they retire.
“Now you can multitask,” she said. “My passion happens to be radio television, and actually now theater and podcasting.”
The ever evolving and inspiring Darcell said that it’s important for people to love what they do despite all obstacles.
“You got to be willing to stay up, get up early, stay up late, not take ‘no’ personally and persevere through that and build relationships that can help you grow your network. Grow your career and ultimately, the business that you’re in. So, that would be my recommendation on anybody, no matter what it is that they’re trying to do.”
For more information visit iheart.com and search “Frankie Darcell Has A Big Mouth.”
Piper Carter Podcast
Piper Carter is the host of the weekly show, “Piper Carter Podcast,” which holds space for a mix of community conversations on international, national and Detroit-centric current events, politics, environmental justice, arts and culture, crypto art, health and wellness, music and fashion.
Since their start in the early 2000s, podcasts have grown in number, according to podcast provider Buzzsprout. The industry grew with the development of smartphones, mobile devices, smart speakers (such Amazon Alexa, Google Home, etc.), and in-dash entertainment systems. Statistics show that 104 million Americans, or more than one-third, routinely listen to podcasts. During COVID, podcasting expanded significantly, and the demographics of podcast listeners became more diversified.
“I’ve always wanted to do a podcast, but I’ve been involved with so many different things, but now the opportunity to have high quality access to media making tools on your phone changes everything,” said Carter. “After all the people and communities I’ve connected to
in Detroit, people telling their stories in a way that didn’t exist before, I wanted to do [a podcast] to share all the things I’m learning and be part of all the conversations happening about Detroit.”
Carter has been a mainstay in Detroit’s music, culture and social justice scene since moving to the city in 2008. A photographer by trade, Carter is a fashion photographer featured four times on Tyra Banks’ VH-1 TV show “The Shot.” She was the first Black woman to shoot for high-end publications such as French Vogue, British Elle, New York Times, Spin and Essence Magazines, as well as emerging talent for Music companies such as Def Jam, Sony Music, Warner Music, Universal Music, Disturbing tha Peace, Elektra Records and BET.
Carter is also the co-founder of The Foundation of We Found Hip Hop, focused on uplifting, celebrating and supporting Women in Hip Hop to help them build careers in a safer environment. She is creator of Dilla Youth Day, a highlight during African American History Month for young people to become excited about exploring the S.T.E.A.M. disciplines while recognizing a modern homegrown figure in Hip Hop.
“The Piper Carter Podcast” has garnered over 30,000 listeners worldwide and is streaming on Apple podcast, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Stitcher, YouTube and Facebook.
“My most watched episode was on the J Dilla book that came out in 2022, ‘Dilla Time: The Life and Afterlife of J Dilla, the Hip-Hop Producer Who Reinvented Rhythm,’” said Carter. “We spoke with the author, Dan Charnas, about the process he took to write the book and it was a way for people to learn more about our hometown hero. There are over 5,000 watches by now and people really appreciated the conversations.”
The topics and guests on the show usually cover current events and topics of interest featuring on-the-ground experts from issues such as the ongoing water crisis in Flint and Detroit. Recently, the podcast covered a grassroots community rebuttal of Mayor Mike Duggan’s 10th State of the City Address.
“I love hearing from my listeners, and I have loving regular listeners who chime in to chat,” said Carter. “Most of them would say they listen in to learn what’s really happening on the ground outside of the regular news and want to hear authentic conversations. When it comes to more Black women doing podcast, we need more of it and it remains to be seen. But I do intend on keep putting myself out there.”
To listen to the weekly “Piper Carter Podcast,” check out pipercarterpodcast. com for a full list of episodes.
Page B-2 | March 29 - April 4, 2023 | michiganchronicle.com From page B-1 From page B-1 Black Women Speak
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Space For Us
Women Bring
Sustainable Fashion to the Forefront in Detroit
By Sherri Kolade
“Buy less, choose well, make it last.”
Fashion Designer Vivienne Westwood knows about sustaining the earth while looking chic.
Wardrobe stylist Stephanie Bedell, of TheBagLadie specializes in plus-size fashion and thrifted fashion, and encourages the sustainability of Mother Earth through thrifting, too.
Bedell told the Michigan Chronicle that she fell in love with thrifting while being a major supporter of all things Earth.
“Why not pay less and look good?” Bedell told the Michigan Chronicle previously, adding that sustainability through her Detroit-based online business has been her “go-to” for some years.
“I think that it’s great to shop secondhand because it does help with sustainability; the landfills are full of clothing that a lot of times have tags on it,” she said of changing the narrative. “That sustainable portion of simply going shopping secondhand would help to save the earth for the long run.”
Bedell, the fashion coordinator at William Palmer Homme and wardrobe consultant at Ruby Zepora, said that sustainable fashion is more than a notion or a trend.
“Sustainable fashion for me really is everything,” she said adding that 75 to 85 of her wardrobe is thrifted items she found throughout the years.
“I started thrifting when I was in college and my loans and grants were depleted,” she said adding that not only was she helping save the earth by keeping clothing material waste out of landfills but she looks good while doing it.
“I can go to a thrift store and complete an outfit for $5 or $10. I will have some completely thrifted outfits from head to toe with a hat, shoes, and bag.”
With her company, she also encourages her clients to thrift and if they can’t readily find what they are looking for, she buys their outfits and looks for a nominal fee.
“If you let me know what type of event you’re going to or for vacation looks I can go out and shop … and you can send me inspo pics,” she said, adding that her style has been compared to fashion trends in New York and other high-end places. “I’m like, ‘This is all thrifted.’ A lot of people are surprised.”
Bedell said that it is very important, no matter where people get their clothes
to ensure that they feel good in what they where because it makes a difference and an impact on how one feels.
“Overall my fashion and my style encourages other people,” she said adding that nothing is wrong with looking good for less. “If they know its thrifted they are like, ‘I can look good (on a budget).”
Since it first opened in 2017, Detroit Closet, too, has a similar mission and has been buying gently used designer products from customers and reselling them to make money. The black-owned consignment store, which is situated on Detroit’s west side near Wyoming and Fenkell, offers a variety of goods from Fendi to Nike. The proprietor authenticates things internally using experience obtained from working for a highend department store. The owner has a background in luxury sales.
“I authenticate because I worked for Saks Fifth Avenue for five years so I have an eye for the designers because I sold it for a long time. I know the serial numbers and the stitching. You can tell the difference,” says Kenia Jones, owner of Detroit Closet.
Despite having a bad reputation in the past, resale shops of all kinds keep springing up all over the city. Thrift and secondhand shops are transforming the way people dress and express themselves.
“I believe people have gravitated towards individuality and enjoying freedom of expression. Thrifting allows the ability to do this affordably. Not to mention the fact that the quality of garments has changed considerably,” says Prater. “You are hard-pressed to find great pieces unless you are willing to pay a pretty penny for it. I have found the absolute best vintage pieces by thrifting.”
Thrift stores and consignment shops often stock just one of each item, which adds to the allure of exclusivity. This is in contrast to brick-and-mortar boutiques, internet retailers, or well-known department stores. The nicest thing about resale shops is that the price point is substantially lower for goods that might be sold in great quantities.
“I try to tell a lot of people it’s (thrifting) is very beneficial. We sell quality products that are gently used. You can go out to Somerset and see a purse for $1,500 and we could have that same purse for $500. So, for the same [item], you could save $1,000 and have that in your pocket. It’s worth investing in because you save so much money for the same look,” says Jones.
Megan Kirk contributed to this report.
5 Tips to Jump Start Your Weight Loss Post-Pandemic
(StatePoint) With the New Year right around the corner, new survey results suggest that 2023 will finally be the year that Americans bring their health back into focus.
According to a recent poll of 2,000 U.S. adults aged 30 and above commissioned by Nutrisystem and conducted by OnePoll, two in three Americans credit the past two years with teaching them how important their health really is. And 71% believe the pandemic has taught them to be more observant of their health. The poll also revealed that two-thirds of Americans said weight loss is a “top health goal” for them over the next year.
However, for many, losing weight can seem like a difficult task. The truth of the matter is it doesn’t have to be. Courtney McCormick, corporate dietitian at Nutrisystem, offers the following tips to help you take that step toward a healthier you.
1. Keep healthy food in sight
Having healthy food at arm’s reach can make losing weight easier. A Cornell study found that women who kept a bowl
of fruit where they could see it weighed an average of 13 pounds less than those who didn’t. Plans like Nutrisystem deliver healthy, portion-controlled options right to your door, making it even simpler to make good choices.
2. Give yourself a bedtime Children aren’t the only ones
who need a bedtime! Adults need a set bedtime as well to be productive the next day. Setting a certain bedtime and sticking to it will also help your body get the rest that it needs to burn stubborn fat. “Not having a good night’s rest can lead to craving sugar and fatty foods, which can also lead to weight gain,” says McCormick.
3. Work out in 10-minute sets
If you’re short on time or have back-to-back meetings, working out in intervals of 10 minutes three times a day creates more flexibility in your busy schedule. Doing this creates long-term healthy habits that will help you lose and maintain weight.
4. Drink more water
What’s not to love about water? It’s hydrating and keeps your body healthy. Water aids digestive health, regulates body temperature and even aids in losing weight and maintaining the weight loss. This is because water helps you stay full between meals and avoid unnecessary snacking. In fact, feeling hungry is often a sign that you’re actually thirsty and it’s time to get hydrated.
5. Forgive a slip-up
Mistakes can actually help you understand what is healthy for your body. Having a slipup allows you to consider the progress you’re making in your weight loss journey and be able to hold yourself accountable when making future healthy decisions.
For more great tips, visit Nutrisystem’s The Leaf, at leaf.nutrisystem.com.
There is no better time than now to focus on your overall health and wellness goals. When you are geared with the tools to succeed, living a healthier lifestyle is easily achievable.
michiganchronicle.com | March 29 - April 4, 2023 | Page B-3
Birthdays, holidays or just
casual Saturdays are all perfect excuses to enjoy brunch with your favorite people. Bringing everyone together with quiches, pastries, appetizers, desserts and more offers an easy way to kick back and relax on a warm weekend morning.
These recipes for Easy Brunch Quiche, Savory Cheese Balls and Lemon Blueberry Trifle provide a full menu to feed your loved ones from start to finish, regardless of the occasion. Find more brunch inspiration by visiting Culinary.net.
A Savory Way to Start the Celebration
Serving up exquisite flavor doesn’t have to mean spending hours in the kitchen. You can bring the cheer and favorite tastes with simple appetizers that are equal measures delicious and visually appealing.
These Savory Cheese Balls are easy to make and perfect for gettogethers and brunch celebrations. Texture and color are the name of the game with this recipe, and the result is a beautiful array of red, gold and green, all on one plate.
To find more recipes fit for brunch, visit Culinary.net.
Savory Cheese Balls
Servings: 6-12
2 packages (8 ounces each) cream cheese
2 tablespoons caraway seeds
1 teaspoon poppy seeds
2 cloves garlic, minced, divided
1/4 cup parsley, chopped
2 teaspoons thyme leaves, chopped
1 teaspoon rosemary, chopped
1/4 cup dried cranberries, chopped
2 tablespoons pecans, chopped crackers (optional) fruit (optional) vegetables (optional)
Cut each cream cheese block into three squares. Roll each square into ball.
In small bowl, combine caraway seeds, poppy seeds and half the garlic. In second small bowl, combine parsley, thyme, rosemary and remaining garlic.
In third small bowl, combine cranberries and pecans. Roll two cheese balls in seed mixture, two in herb mixture and two in cranberry mixture. Cut each ball in half and serve with crackers, fruit or vegetables, if desired.
Finish Brunch with a Light, Layered Treat
After enjoying eggs, bacon, French toast and pancakes or any other brunch combination you crave, it’s tough to top a fresh, fruity treat to round out the meal. Dish out a delicious dessert to cap off the morning and send guests out on a sweet note that’s perfectly light and airy.
The zesty zip of lemon curd in this Lemon Blueberry Trifle brings out the sweetness of whipped cream made with Domino Golden Sugar, fresh blueberries and cubed pound cake for a vibrant, layered bite.
Plus, it’s a bright, beautiful centerpiece you can feel proud of as soon as guests try their first bite. Find more dessert recipes fit for brunch and other favorite occasions at DominoSugar.com.
Lemon Blueberry Trifle
Prep time: 45 minutes
Servings: 8-10
Lemon Curd:
1 cup Domino Golden Sugar
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 tablespoon lemon zest
6 tablespoons water
1/4 teaspoon salt
6 egg yolks
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, at room temperature, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
Say Goodbye to Basic Brunch
The same old brunch menu can become tiresome and dull. Adding something new to the table with fresh ingredients and simple instructions can enhance your weekend spread and elevate brunch celebrations.
Try this Easy Brunch Quiche that is sure to have your senses swirling with every bite. This quiche is layered with many tastes and a variety of ingredients to give it crave-worthy flavor, from broccoli and bacon to mushrooms, eggs and melty cheese.
Visit Culinary.net to find more brunch recipes.
Easy Brunch Quiche
Serves: 12
1 package (10 ounces) frozen broccoli with cheese
12 slices bacon, chopped
1/2 cup green onions, sliced
1 cup mushrooms, sliced
4 eggs
1 cup milk
1 1/2 cups shredded cheese, divided
2 frozen deep dish pie shells (9 inches each)
Heat oven to 350 F.
In medium bowl, add broccoli and cheese contents from package. Microwave 5 minutes, or until cheese is saucy. Set aside.
In skillet, cook chopped bacon 4 minutes. Add green onions; cook 2 minutes. Add mushrooms; cook 4 minutes, or until bacon is completely cooked and mushrooms are tender. Drain onto paper towel over plate. Set aside.
In medium bowl, whisk eggs and milk until combined. Add broccoli and cheese mixture. Add 1 cup cheese. Stir to combine. Set aside.
In pie shells, divide drained bacon mixture evenly. Divide broccoli mixture evenly and pour over bacon mixture. Sprinkle remaining cheese over both pies.
Bake 40 minutes.
Cool at least 12 minutes before serving.
Note: To keep edges of crust from burning, place aluminum foil over pies for first 20 minutes of cook time. Remove after 20 minutes and allow to cook uncovered until completed.
Whipped Cream:
2 cups heavy whipping cream, cold
2 tablespoons Domino Golden Sugar
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1 cup blueberry jam
12 ounces fresh blueberries, plus additional for garnish, divided
1 pound cake, cubed lemon slices, for garnish mint, for garnish
To make lemon curd: In medium saucepan, stir sugar and cornstarch. Stir in lemon juice, lemon zest, water and salt. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until thickened. Remove from heat and gradually stir in three egg yolks; mix well until combined. Stir in remaining egg yolks. Return to heat and cook 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat.
Stir in butter; mix until incorporated. Cover with plastic wrap, touching surface of lemon curd to prevent curd forming skin. Refrigerate until completely cool.
To make whipped cream: In large bowl, beat cream, sugar and vanilla until soft peaks form. Do not overbeat.
To make trifle: Mix blueberry jam with 12 ounces fresh blueberries. Place one layer cubed pound cake in bottom of trifle dish. Top with layer of blueberries. Add dollops of lemon curd and whipped cream. Repeat layering ending with whipped cream. Decorate trifle with lemon slices, fresh blueberries and mint.
Page B-4 | Mach 29 - April 4, 2023 | michiganchronicle.com
Savory Cheese Balls
Easy Brunch Quiche
Lemon Blueberry Trifle
The Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART) is soliciting RFQ for No. 23- 3789 for Sign Poles and Anchor Sleeves Control. RFQ forms may be obtained beginning, March 29, 2023 from http://www.mitn.info. RFQ is due by 3:00 PM ET, April 28, 2023.
Weston Preparatory Academy, a Tuition-Free Public School Academy, announces its Open Enrollment period for the 2023-2024 school year for grades K-8. Applications may be picked up at the school, 22930 Chippewa, Detroit, MI 48219, www.westondetroit.com (313)-387-6038, during Open Enrollment period April 11, 2023 through April 28, 2023 during school hours as well as Thursday, April 27 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday, April 22 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. If enrollment applications exceed the number of available spaces, a random selection drawing will be held at Weston Preparatory Academy on May 4, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.
City of Highland Park
The City of Highland Park will hold a Public Hearing on proposed sewer distribution improvement projects for the purpose of receiving comments from interested individuals.
A Public Hearing will be held at the regularly scheduled virtual and in-person Highland Park City Council meeting at 7:00 pm on April 17, 2023, at Highland Park City Hall, 12050 Woodward Avenue, Highland Park, MI 48203 and Online.
The purpose of the proposed project is to upgrade the aging sewer system and manhole structures, in addition to improving reliability and redundancy of the system.
Project construction will involve replacement and rehabilitation of sewer lines and manhole structures in areas of the city with priority based on the condition of the components and the number of residents within that service area.
The cost for the proposed project is estimated to be $3,000,000 for the year 2024 and $1,250,000 each year for the following years 2025, 2026, 2027, and 2028. The financing of the project is funded through a loan from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF), which is to be paid for by sewer user fees.
Copies of the documents detailing the proposed project are available for inspection starting Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at the following location during office hours:
City of Highland Park Customer Service Center
Water Department and City Engineering Department
14110 Woodward Avenue Highland Park, MI 48203
Written comments received before the public comment period is closed on April 17, 2023, will be noted and included as fit in the final Project Plan.
Written comments can be emailed to hpwaterdepartment@ metroca.net or mailed to:
City of Highland Park
Water Department
George Washington Carver Academy
14510 Second Avenue Highland Park, MI 48203 RFP for Janitorial Services All are due by April 28, 2023 at 5pm EST Full RPF can be viewed on the school’s websitewww.gwcarveracademy.org
Please submit proposals to Karla McGhee at kmcghee@gwcarveracademy.org
Washington-Parks Academy
11685 Appleton Redford, MI 48239
Phone: (313) 592-6061
Washington-Parks Academy, a Tuition Free Public School Academy, announces the 2023-2024 enrollment period with an academic program for K-8 grade.
Open Enrollment: 04/01/23 through 06/12/2023.
A random selection lottery will be held on June 13th, 2022.
Lincoln-King Academy
13436 Grove Street Detroit, MI 48235
Phone: (313) 862-2352
Lincoln-King Academy, a Tuition Free Public School Academy, announces the 2023-2024 enrollment period with an academic program for:
1. K-5 grades at Adams Young Building 13130 Grove Street, Detroit, MI 48235
2. 6-8 grades at Lincoln-King Academy 17351 Southfield Fwy, Detroit, MI 48235
3. 9-12 grades at Lincoln-King Academy 13436 Grove Street Detroit, MI 48235
Open Enrollment: 04/01/23 through 06/12/2023.
A random selection lottery will be held on June 13th, 2023.
Madison-Carver Academy
19900 McIntyre Street Detroit, MI 48219
Phone: (313) 486-4626
Madison-Carver Academy, a Tuition Free Public School Academy, announces the 2023-2024 enrollment period with an academic program for K-8 grade.
Open Enrollment: 04/01/23 through 06/12/2023.
A random selection lottery will be held on June 13th, 2023.
Cornerstone Jefferson-Douglass Academy 6861 E. Nevada , Detroit, MI 48234
Phone: (313) 892-1860
Cornerstone Jefferson-Douglass Academy, a Tuition Free Public School Academy, announces the 2023-2024 enrollment period with an academic program for K-8 grade.
I, Donald Travis Bey proclaim my free National name Moor, Whose location is Detroit Michigan territory 19926 Manor 48221
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Published Every Wednesday Classifieds Classifieds 313 963-5522
Professional Services for New Concrete Pavement at the Coleman A YoungInternational Airport (CAYIA)
Written responses are requested from interested respondents (“Respondents”) to this request for qualifications and proposals. The purpose of this request is to procure a qualified contractor for the Design Build Services for the design, engineering and construction of administrative offices for the Greater Detroit Resource Recovery Authority (GDRRA) , as more fully described in the Request for Qualification/Proposals (RFP/Q).
Interested respondents may obtain a copy of the RFQP and all associated documents at BidNet Direct. (www.BidNetDirect.com). This unique request is titled Professional Services for New Concrete Pavement at the Coleman A Young International Airport (CAYIA) “” and will be posted on March 21, 2023. A MANDATORY pre-submittal meeting and site tour will take place at 11499 Conner St. Detroit MI 48213 beginning at 12 Noon Detroit time, on Thursday March 30, 2023.
The DBA will receive the responses, as herein set forth, via the online procurement platform BidNet Direct. Bid Proposals are due no later than 12:00 PM EDT, on Wednesday, April 12, 2023. The Respondent may only submit one response to this Request for Proposals. Participation in more than one submittal team will result in rejection of all responses by that Respondent. Respondents submitting qualifications may be required to make an oral presentation(s) to designated City representatives. The issuing office, if required, will schedule such oral presentation(s). The Respondent must pay any travel costs incurred for such presentations. The Respondent must agree to comply with the requirements of the City of Detroit’s Ordinances and Civil Rights, Inclusion and Opportunity Department Requirements. If there are any changes to the dates listed above, notifications will be posted in BidNet Direct. No response to this Request for Qualifications/Proposal may be withdrawn for at least 120 days after the actual opening of the qualifications/proposals. The DBA reserves the right to waive any irregularity in any qualifications/proposals, and to reject any or all qualifications/ proposals, should it be deemed in its best interest. If additional information is needed regarding this RFQP, please contact Marc Tirikian of the DBA at (313) 600-4876. Detroit Building Authority 1301 Third Street, Suite 328 Detroit, MI 48226
How to Spend Wisely at the Grocery Store
(StatePoint) Whether you are packing school lunches or hosting a dinner party, you want your fridge and pantry to be stocked with the highest-quality foods for the best value. Thankfully, there’s a better way to navigate store aisles than just picking products at random and hoping for the best, one which doesn’t involve hours of product research.
Product of the Year USA, the largest consumer-voted awards program centered around product innovation, recently announced the winners of the 2023 Product of the Year Awards across 36 trending categories. Determined through a national study of 40,000 American shoppers in partnership with Kantar, a global leader in consumer research, the winners represent the best new products when it comes to thoughtful design, quality and innovation.
“It’s easier than ever for today’s consumers to be overwhelmed by choice. Far beyond retail aisles, they now have direct-to-consumer options, grocery delivery in the palm of their hands, and a never-ending stream of their favorite influencers reviewing products,” says Mike Nolan, global CEO of Product of the Year Management. “It’s important to us to help consumers and their families cut through the noise.”
To make your visits to the supermarket a breeze, consider this year’s 20 food and beverage winners, listed by category:
• Bread | ALDI-exclusive Specially Selected French Baguette – ALDI
• Breakfast | Quaker Puffed Granola – PepsiCo
• Cheese | ALDI-exclusive Emporium Selection Feta Block Assortment – ALDI
• Coffee Creamer | Lactose-Free Flavored Creamer in French Vanilla and Sweet Cream – Organic Valley
• Condiment | ALDI-exclusive Burman’s Dipping Sauces – ALDI
• Convenience Meals | Hot Pockets Deliwich – Nestlé USA
• Entrée | Pasta-Roni Heat & Eat – PepsiCo
• Frozen Dessert | ALDI-exclusive Sundae Shoppe Gelato – ALDI
• Keto | ALDI-exclusive Benton’s Keto Cookies – ALDI
• Meal Replacement | Complete Nutrition Shakes – Soylent
• Meal Solution | Bob Evans Mashed Cauliflower – Bob Evans Farms
• Non-Chocolate | HARIBO Berry Clouds – HARIBO of America, Inc.
• Non-D airy | ALDI-exclusive Friendly Farms Non-Dairy Whipped Toppings – ALDI
• On-The-Go Snack | ALDI-exclusive Park Street Deli Sweet Snack Selects – ALDI
• Premixed Drink | ALDI-exclusive Zarita Margaritas – ALDI
• Salty Snack | Takis Hot Nuts Fuego – Barcel USA
• Smoothie | DOLE BOOSTED BLENDS Berry Spark Smoothie – Dole Packaged Foods
• Snack & Appetizer | El Monterey Chili Cheese Chimichanga – Ruiz Foods
• Soft Drink | Nitro Pepsi – PepsiCo
• Wine | ALDI-exclusive Don’t Mind If I Do Sauvignon Blanc – ALDI
For more information about this year’s winners , visit productoftheyearusa.com.
michiganchronicle.com | March 29 - April 4, 2023 | Page B-5 Classifieds
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and City Engineering Department Mr. Damon L. Garrett, PE Water Department Director and City Engineer 14110 Woodward Avenue Highland Park, MI 48203 Mayor’s Workforce Development Board Cynthia J. Pasky, Co-Chairperson David E. Meador, Co-Chairperson Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation Board Calvin Sharp, Chairperson Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation Terri Weems, President An equal opportunity employer/program. Supported by the State of Michigan, Labor and Economic Development, Workforce Development (LEO/WD). Auxiliary aids and services available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Requests for Proposals are being accepted for: Friends and Family Services 2023 - ReIssued Response Due: April 18, 2023 Issued: March 21, 2023 The Mayor’s Workforce Development Board (MWDB) is directly responsible and accountable to the State of Michigan, Labor and Economic Opportunity-Workforce Development (LEO-WD) for the planning and oversight of talent development programs in the City of Detroit. Designated by the MWDB, Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation (DESC) serves as the fiscal and administrative entity that provides workforce services to job seekers and employers. DESC’s primary funding streams include Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) that funds Michigan’s PATH (Partnership. Accountability. Training. Hope.) employment program, Food Assistance Employment and Training (FAE&T), Wagner-Peyser Employment Services (ES), and other public and private funding. The Corporation enters into contracts with qualified entities to provide workforce development programs and services to job seekers and employers. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and Midwest Urban Strategies - Growth Opportunity Grant funding may support contracts resulting from competitive bid process. DESC is seeking proposals from qualified individuals, organizations and/or firms Bid package for this RFP is available for download at this DESC website: https://www.descmiworks.com/opportunities/rfps-and-rfqs/. George Washington Carver Academy 14510 Second Avenue Highland Park, MI 48203 Accepting Applications – PreK-8th Open Enrollment March 1, 2023 Applications available on school website www.Gwcarveracademy.org Enrollment information is available in the Main Office 9am – 2pm 313-865-6024 Email Jessica Hall(jhall@gwcarveracademy.org)
Open Enrollment:
A random
lottery will be
June 13th, 2023. Cost Engineer Warren, MI, General Motors. Plan, coordinate, &assure accurate technical assessments of cost of materials, using GMCO$T, Teamcenter Vismockup, Teamcenter Product Cost Mgmt, Siemens NX, &CePro tools, of GM psgr vehicle transmission, engine &Electric Drive Unit (DU) cmpt designs, from inception through to production at GM U.S. &global high volume vehicle assy &cmpt mfg plants. Perform financial evaluation of engrg changes, calculating change factors incl. labor, burden, material costs, part geometry, mfg facility capabilities &capacity, &commercial factors incl. Selling, General, &Administrative (SG&A) expenses &profit. Estimate cost of new cmpts incl. conventional ICE psgr vehicle transmission sys gears, shafts, &bearings, &engine cooling sys pumps &hoses; &BEV DU gears, shafts &bearings, &DU cooling sys. Evaluate global cmpt costing &volumes, &estimate vehicle cmpt &supplier tooling &fixtures costs through anlys of content of raw materials, cmpt mfg processes such as heat treat, milling, machining, stamping, welding, casting &injection molding, &required eqpmt for cmpt mfg facilities. Required domestic &international travel to automotive cmpt suppliers for site visits to assess supplier mfg processes &to define improvements in mfg processes up to 36 days P/A (equal to ~10% annual travel). Bachelor, Mechanical, Automotive, Electrical Engrg, or related. 12 mos exp as Engineer, Analyst, or related, performing financial evaluation of engrg changes, calculating change factors incl. labor, burden, material costs, part geometry, mfg facility capabilities &capacity, &commercial factors incl. SG&A expenses &profit, or related. Mail resume to Ref#1060, GM Global Mobility, 300 Renaissance Center, MC:482-C32-C66, Detroit, MI 48265. Control Systems Engineer –Plant Floor Systems (PFS) Warren, MI, General Motors. Plan &perform design, installation, implementation, integration, configuration, testing, &continuous improvement of conveyor interfaces &industry 4.0-based Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)-based PFS incl. Scalable Error Proofing (SEP), incl.Torque Tools, Part Picks, Scanner Stations, Process Tools, Error Proofing Platform, Option Data Delivery sys, Qlty Andon Sys, &Global Production Monitoring Controls sys, to automate General Assembly (GA) error proofing syss, trim, chassis, Instrument Panel/Cockpit subassembly lines, brake air pressure decay, brake fluid fill, transmission fluid fill syss, coolant filling, refrigerant filling, &VIN etching machines, &to improve diagnostics at device level &meet GM cybersecurity guidelines &Center for Internet Security cybersecurity standards, at GM vehicle assy plants in U.S. to assemble GM psgr vehicles (ICE, HEV, &BEV) in high volume vehicle assy plant environments. Required travel to 3 GM vehicle assy plants in Lansing, MI &Arlington, TX to test &improve GA PFS, &integrate installation of new PLCs &tooling for new vehicle launches in GA, 20 wks P/A (equal to ~38% annual travel). Bachelor, Mechanical, Mechatronics, or Electrical Engrg. 24 mos exp as Engineer, performing configuration &testing of PLC-based PFS incl. SEP sys, to automate GA syss at vehicle assy plant, or related. Mail resume to Ref#23326-2406, GM Global Mobility, 300 Renaissance Center, MC:482-C32-C66, Detroit, MI 48265. Development Engineer - Rechargeable Energy Storage System (RESS) Safety & Abuse Warren, MI, General Motors. Conduct experimental tests on high voltage Rechargeable Energy Storage System (RESS) (high voltage battery) including battery cell, battery module (battery monitoring unit &battery cell), &battery pack (battery module, battery disconnect unit, coolant lines, high voltage busbars) to evaluate electrical safety, thermal runaway propagation risks (heat transfer, heat propagation, &electrical arcing), nail penetration, battery tilt &roll, &battery crush under field applications. Use MATLAB, Python, ETAS INCA, Wireless Battery Monitoring System (WBMS), &Vehicle Spy tools for data analysis &visualization of electrical safety, voltage, current, electrical resistance, thermal runaway propagation, nail penetration, battery tilt &roll, battery crush, &heat transfer data collected from laboratory &field tests. Evaluate RESS, battery packs, modules, sections, Battery Disconnect Unit (BDU), battery cells, On Board Charging Module (OBCM), high power current charging module (HPCCM) &inverters, to meet Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) safety requirements &standards, including protection from thermal runaway propagation, nail penetration, short circuits, battery tilt &roll, battery crush, coolant submersion, heat, sense line shorts, fuse &contactor failures. Bachelor, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, or related. 12 mos exp as Engineer, using MATLAB or ETAS INCA tools for data analysis &visualization of vehicle RESS, or engine adaptation, or transmission component heat transfer, &heat propagation data collected from laboratory &field tests, or related. Mail resume to Ref#6838, GM Global Mobility, 300 Renaissance Center, MC:482-C32-C66, Detroit, MI 48265.
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family the foods that other shoppers have already tried and loved? Whether you’re filling your virtual or physical cart, be sure to lean on consumers tools that can help you make better choices.
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Michigan Chronicle recognizes
Celebrating the Voices of Women
Page B-6 | March 29 - April 4, 2023 | michiganchronicle.com
History has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.”
– Michelle Obama