DDOT Reimagines Detroit’s Public Transportation Future
By Andrea Plaid
The Detroit Department of Transportation (DDOT) rolled out its Mobile Outreach Center, a specially outfitted bus, to officially announce the release of DDOT Reimagined.
Executive Director of Transit for the City of Detroit C. Mikel Oglesby welcomed a small crowd of reporters, inquisitive activists, and other attendees to phase two of how DDOT re-envisions “the fixed-route bus network, improve operations and create more mobility options,” especially in light of the changing city and climate.
More importantly, Oglesby said, DDOT “is making these changes with [Detroiters’] help.”
In the first phase, according to Oglesby, DDOT held multiple in-person meetings in each of the city’s districts and hosted city events, including 15 pop-up events, some of which were held at the busiest bus stops. When that phase ended in 2022, the department collated 800 responses. The input from the passengers—88 percent of whom were or are bus riders--helped create the draft of DDOT Reimagined.
Phase Two is sharing the preliminary plan with Detroiters at pop-up events, public meetings and stakeholders and advocate roundtables.
The draft, which DDOT released later that day, states the three-prong vision of a capital plan for zero-emission busses (ZEBs), bus shelters, and other amenities; an operating plan “that meets customer expectations and provides a positive workplace”; and a service plan built from 24/7 convenience.
According to the Phase 1 findings, the biggest concerns for the passengers are unreliability, the need for increased frequency of the service and more regional connections.
To that end, according to DDOT Reimagined, the bus system will: • Increase hiring efforts. The Michigan Chronicle stated that the Detroit City Council advocated for a wage increase of $29 per hour to Mayor Mike Duggan’s administration an hour from the current $15 an hour when it passed its 2024 budget on April 10. According to Oglesby, DDOT is in the process of hiring new drivers that the department lost
Detroit Land Bank Authority: Making Progress but Facing Challenges in Revitalizing Homeownership in Detroit
By Andrea Plaid
The Detroit Land Bank Authority (DLBA) was created in 2008 as a response to the foreclosure crisis that left many properties abandoned and vacant in the city. The DLBA was tasked with acquiring, managing and/or disposing of properties in Detroit with the goal of stabilizing neighborhoods and revitalizing the city. However, the DLBA’s history has been complicated, with controversies and challenges that have shaped its operations and outcomes.
One of the main challenges the DLBA has faced is the sheer scale of the problem it was created to address. According to its April 2023 quarterly report, the DLBA owns 72,673 properties: 63,097 are vacant lots and 9,576 are structures, 9,042 of which are residential.
This means that the DLBA manages a massive portfolio of properties, many of which are blighted and require significant repairs.
Another challenge for the DLBA has been funding. While the DLBA has received funding from various sources, including the federal government and philanthropic organizations, it has also faced criticism for its reliance on outside funding rather than generating revenue through property sales. In addition, the DLBA has faced criticism for its lack of transparency regarding its finances, including how much money it has spent on acquisitions and renovations.
Despite these challenges, the DLBA has made progress in its mission to stabilize neighborhoods and revitalize the city. One way it has done this is by acquiring properties and either demolishing them or renovating them for sale or rent. According to the DLBA’s website, it has sold or closed on more than 38,127
properties since its inception, and has demolished more than 17,000 blighted structures.
However, the DLBA’s history has also been marked by controversies and criticisms. In 2016, an investigation by the Detroit Free Press found that the DLBA had been hoarding properties and failing to put them up for sale or rent. The investigation found that the DLBA owned more than 40,000 properties at the time, but had sold or transferred less than 2,000 of them. This led to accusations that the DLBA was intentionally holding onto properties in order to drive up prices and benefit developers.
Another controversy was the DLBA’s lack of transparency and accountability. In 2018, the DLBA came under scrutiny for its handling of the sale of a property to a developer who had ties to a DLBA board member. The sale was criticized for being opaque and lacking competitive bidding, and led to calls for greater transparency and oversight of the DLBA’s operations.
The DLBA also agreed to pay the U.S. government $1,503,000 in order “to resolve allegations relating to unsubstantiated backfill dirt costs invoiced by demolition contractors and paid by the DLBA from December 2016 through June 2022 in connection with the DLBA’s blight elimination program. The United States contends that the claims for payment violated the False Claims Act,” according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan in February 2023.
The most recent controversy involved City Councilwoman Mary Waters seeking to stop bundled sales of 10 or more properties pending an audit of all similar bundle sales for the past five-year period.
“My request was premised upon a canvass by my staff of properties bundled for sale by the Detroit Land Bank that were
occupied without the occupants having been afforded an opportunity to purchase the property where they lived in accordance with policy the Detroit Land Bank was to adhere to.”
The matter has been referred to the Detroit Inspector General who will conduct an audit and investigation of DLBA’s bundled sales of properties, the councilwoman said.
In response to these criticisms, the DLBA has taken steps to improve its operations and accountability. For example, it has implemented a new system for tracking properties and their status, which has increased transparency and accountability. The DLBA has also taken steps to address the hoarding of properties, such as developing a new pricing strategy to encourage sales and transfers.
In addition, the DLBA has worked to improve its relationship with the community. It has implemented programs to encourage community involvement in the management of properties, such as its Adopt-A-Lot program. It has also worked to improve communication with residents and community groups and has held public meetings to gather feedback and input.
The Michigan Chronicle attempted to reach out to DLBA for this story, at the time of print, the organization has not responded. However, Alyssa Strickland-Knight, assistant director of public relations & strategic initiatives at the Detroit Land Bank Authority, in a previous Michigan Chronicle article stated, that in 2014 one of the main challenges that Detroit’s housing market faced was its high inventory of vacant and abandoned properties.
The Late Great Harry Belafonte Was No Stranger to Detroit
By Donald James Senior Writer, Real Times Media
Harry Belafonte was a bold pioneer who fearlessly crossed barriers of discrimination and racism as a singer, recording artist, actor, producer, and civil rights activist, especially in the 1950s and’60s. Belafonte, of Caribbean ancestry, died on Tuesday, April 25, in Manhattan, New York, not far from Harlem, where he was born. He was 96.
While Belafonte became an international entertainment icon with a career spanning 74 years, the multi-faceted entertainer was no stranger to Detroit. As a 22-year-old jazz and pop singer, Belafonte’s first journey to Detroit was in December 1949 when he performed six nights at the storied Flame Show Bar in the city’s Paradise Valley. Located on John R and Canfield, the hot night spot regularly booked the likes of Billie Holiday, Etta James, B.B. King, Della Reese, Jackie Wilson, and other great African American musical talents of the era.
At the time of Belafonte’s performances at the Flame Show Bar, the young singer had just inked a recording deal with the New York City-based jazz label Roost Records. According to research, Belafonte didn’t perform again in Detroit until 1957, when he was booked for six consecutive nights singing at the old Rivera Theater, a movie theater converted into a venue for live performances. The venue, demolished 27 years ago, was located at 9222 Grand River Avenue on the city’s west side. When Belafonte made this second trip to the Motor City to perform at the Rivera, he had become a singing sensation after signing a lucrative recording contract with RCA Victor Records in 1953.
His third studio album, Calypso, released by RCA in 1956, shot to No. 1 on Billboard’s Pop Album Chart, where it ruled the top spot for an uncanny 31 weeks. The album yielded the iconic single “Day-O (Banana Boat
Vol. 86 – No. 35 | May 3-9, 2023 Powered by Real Times Media | michiganchronicle.com Roots. A3 See DDOT page A2 See DETROIT LAND BANK AUTHORITY page A2 Michigan Chronicle City.Life.Style. B1 See HARRY BELAFONTE page A2 Millennials Take Control of Their Mental Health: A Candid Convo with a Millennial Therapist
C. Mikel Oglesby
North End Woodward Community Coalition continues to empower the people
Harry Belafonte
From page A-1
to the pandemic or low wages.
• Improve greater reliability by implementing scheduling, dispatching and operations improvement.
• Relatedly, expand service hours, starting earlier in the morning and ending later in the evening.
• Adding and upgrading bus shelters.
• Creating the bus network such that 99 percent of current riders will be within a 5-minute walk of it.
• Develop hubs for improved transfer connections between DDOT and SMART.
• Enhance access to key transfer points and hubs such as Fairlane Town Center, Mack & Moross and Old Redford Meijer.
• Introduce new transit connections to both Livonia Walmarts, Lincoln Park, Belle Isle Beach and the Gordie Howe International Bridge multiuse path.
• Increase access to frequent transit by having more buses running every 20 minutes or better on throughout the week. This also means introducing 10-minute services on main streets, including a 7.5-minute service on Woodward.
• Enhancing transit corridors by rolling out a network of bus rapid transit (BRT), which includes high-frequency bus service, enhanced stops and transit priority investments to speed up buses.
The proposed network will work in tiers.
The Tier 1 routes, the “backbone” routes which include 3-Grand River Avenue, 10-Greenfield, 7-West 7 Mile, 6-Gratiot and 9-East Jefferson will run every 10 minutes. The number 4 bus, which goes down Woodward, will run about every 8 minutes. All Tier 1 routes will run 24/7.
Tier 2, which has 11 routes, will run every 15 minutes on weekdays. Some of the routes will operate 24/7 and the others will run from 4AM to 1AM seven days a week.
The Tier 3 routes, which have 16 routes, will run every 30 minutes. They will operate from 4AM to 1AM seven days a week.
One of the driving factors for enhancing Detroit’s bus system is that 99 percent of all jobs in Detroit are within a one-half mile of transit and, in terms of low-wage jobs, 99 percent of them are within onehalf mile of transit, according to the Phase 1 findings. Furthermore, 23 percent of households don’t have access to a private vehicle.
When DDOT looked at 2018 census numbers, the department found that 233,004 people commute to jobs inside the Detroit area, 88,739 live and work in the city, and 161,519 people commute to jobs outside of Detroit. This partly led to the goal of developing bus hubs to improve connections between DDOT and SMART.
So far, the attendees seem impressed with what Oglesby said at the press conference and with what they saw in DDOT’s Mobile Engagement Center, a specially fitted bus that contained displays of the
Harry Belafonte
Song),” which became Belafonte’s signature song. He is credited with popularizing Calypso music and dancing in America in the ‘50s.
In 1962, with 12 best-selling albums on RCA in his portfolio, Belafonte now called, the “King of Calypso,” returned to Detroit for 14 consecutive shows at the Fisher Theater. He is believed to be one of the first – if not the first - African American solo vocalists to perform at the ritzy venue, which had just transitioned from showing movies only in the 1950s to a venue for live stage plays and concerts. And it would be hard-pressed to find another “solo artist” – Black or White – who has performed 14 straight concerts at the Fisher.
Yet, by 1962, Belafonte had become a bona fide international singing star and a master at blending pop, jazz, gospel, show tunes, and folk songs, all rooted in West Indian rhythms and music that Americans couldn’t get enough of.
In 1968, according to Billboard Magazine’s “From The Music Capitols of the World” section, Belafonte played Cobo Hall in downtown Detroit on Friday, April 19, just 15 days after his good friend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered in Memphis.
From the 1970s through the 1990s, Belafonte frequently performed in Detroit and regional venues region, including Meadow Brook in Rochester Hills, Premier Center in Sterling Heights, Hill Auditorium in Ann Arbor, and Wharton Center for Performing Arts in East Lansing.
While Belafonte recorded and performed in the 1960s and ‘70s, he gravitated more to addressing civil rights and human rights issues. He was masterful at using his stardom and brand as viable platforms to speak out for equality for Black people in America. Yet, his platform stretched internationally. In the 1970s into the ‘80s, Belafonte was one of the first American entertainers, along with Stevie Wonder, to call for the release of Nelson
Mandela from prison and the end of Apartheid in South Africa.
Belafonte never passed on opportunities during performances and interviews to talk about Black people having civil and human rights nationally and internationally. Belafonte not only lent his name to many civil and human rights causes, but also donated money and personally marched with Dr. King and other civil rights figures.
In late January 2004, U.S. Rep. John J. Conyers Jr. partnered with the Washington D.C.-based Institute for Policy Studies to bring Belafonte to Detroit for a Saturday seminar at King High School. Under the banner “Shape the Debate,” Belafonte spoke about ideas and di rections to better move the political process forward and build stronger Black voting blocs for the 2004 Presidential Campaign.
It is believed that Belafonte’s last public appearance in De troit was Sept. 8, 2011, when The Damon J. Keith Center for Civil Rights at Wayne State University Law School invited the prominent singer, actor, and humanitarian to speak at its Keith Biennial Lecture, sponsored by Comerica Bank. The Belafonte lecture was titled “Where We Are Headed.” Belafonte’s twohour speech, according to The South End, Wayne State’s newspa per, was about his life, highlight ing personal setbacks, and issued a call to action to keep fighting for civil rights.
“We are especially excited to fund the Keith Center Biennial Lec ture Series and to welcome Harry Belafonte to Detroit,” said Caroline Chambers, national director of Co merica charitable giving programs.
“Mr. Belafonte is an American icon and an important voice in our civil rights history.”
The event was a precursor to the Oct. 19, 2011, grand opening of the Damon J. Keith Center for Civil Rights. In 2013, after Belafonte read Keith’s acclaimed biography and legal history, Crusader for Jus tice, the singer, actor, and activist said, “This book says a lot about
DDOT Reimagined plan.
Longtime public transit activist and cab driver Michael Lamont Cunningham, Jr., known as Brother Cunningham, said that he was impressed with the plan.
“I like the innovation. This is such a major change that’s about to happen, such as with the routes. Going around and meeting the people where they’re at is a wonderful idea—and I give credit to Oglesby.”
When asked how to counter the perception that public transportation is only for “broke folks” and considering the very real threat of climate change, Cunningham said, “Consistency and dependability. The on-time rate are 63-64 percent and the pull-out rate, or when the buses leave the terminal, is 92-93 percent.”
“I was a bus rider for eight years.
I’ve heard the stories of people who’ve lost jobs or weren’t on time for a doctor’s appointment because of the inconsistence. So, if it gets to where the service is consistent and on-time, the stigma will come off of the bus system because it will be reliable.”
Patty Fedewa spoke with the Michigan Chronicle after she toured the Mobile Engagement Center.
“I think it’s a good step forward.
I’m excited about having twice as much service, and I really like the idea of the frequency. What worries me is the mayor has been reticent to fund transportation or to pay drivers enough so that we have enough service. I think planning for more is amazing and wonderful, but I worry if the mayor will take transit seriously.”
the kind of difference one fellow being can make in this nation’s hunger for democracy and justice. I wholeheartedly recommend this book for those who care about America’s future.”
While Belafonte recorded 30 studio albums in his life, along with many compilations and live recordings, it was significantly apparent that he, too, greatly cared about America’s future, one with Black people having equality and justice across all spectrums of society.
One of Belafonte’s favorite quotes was, “America has never been moved to perfect our desire for greater democracy with radical thinking and radical voices being at the helm of any such quest.”
According to a report by the Detroit Blight Removal Task Force in 2014, said Strickland-Knight, the city had an estimated 150,000 vacant and blighted properties, many of which were abandoned homes that had fallen into disrepair.
When the DLBA reorganized that year, it “accepted transfers of thousands of properties from the City, State and County inventories to consolidate ownership of primarily single-family houses and residentially zoned vacant lots.”
The DLBA acquired and managed vacant and abandoned properties with the goal of either demolishing or renovating them. The DLBA also launched a program called the “Neighborhood Home Auction,” which allows individuals and organizations to bid on properties that have been renovated or are in good condition.
Currently, the DLBA makes house sales affordable and accessible to Detroiters through its core, online structured sale programs: Auction and Own It Now. For both programs the minimum bid (Auction) or offer (Own It Now) is $1,000. The final sale price is determined by the highest bid or offer.
Strickland-Knight said, “All the houses we sell through Auction and Own it Now are heavily blighted and in need of major repairs. All houses are sold as-is and the DLBA requires that
buyers renovate the property through our Compliance program.”
According to its April 2023 quarterly report, the DLBA owns 72,673 properties: 63,097 are vacant lots and 9,576 are structures, 9,042 of which are residential.
The average sale price for the Auction program is $5,700 and $2,900 for the Own It Now program, according to Strickland-Knight. The DLBA’s voluntary buyer surveys indicate that 72 percent of DLBA buyers are Detroiters and 76 percent of the buyers are Black.
“The Detroit Land Bank is uniquely positioned to lay the foundation for Black wealth building with home ownership being the foundation,” Councilwoman Water stated. “Unfortunately, there are systemic issues with management objectives of the Land Bank operating in a manner diametrically opposed to Black wealth-building through home ownership in Detroit.
“The Land Bank must go the extra mile to build home ownership in majority Black Detroit by becoming citizen-/family-friendly, patiently working with Detroiters to achieve home ownership as an organizational priority rather than catering to heartless profiteers that don’t give a damn about human beings.”
Part of that wealth-building is using more Detroit-owned businesses, the city legislator admonished.
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Land Bank
The draft of DDOT Reimagined has a 10-point plan to revamp the bus system, including adding and upgrading bus shelters, hiring more drivers, and expanding frequency and service hours.
701 332 208 914 426 518 109 17 19 21 24 37 45 37 PICKS 240 321 912 736 220 862 2456 6196 WEEK’S BEST LOTTERY
The Medicaid Renewals Begin Again: What You Need to Know
By Andrea Plaid
It’s not so much that the Medicaid procedures are changing as much as they are going back to how the program did things before the pandemic.
What that means is people who are receiving Medicaid will have to go back to the renewal process.
A renewal is when the program checks if the current recipients are still eligible for free or lowcost Medicaid coverage.
Medicaid and Healthy Michigan, which is the state-run Medicaid expansion program, will start the eligibility renewal process on April 1. Notices were sent to let people know their renewal dates in March. The re-enrollment period is from June 2023 to May 31, 2024.
North End Woodward Community Coalition continues to empower the people
Detroit’s North End
The seventh in a Series of Feature Stories Sponsored by the Knight Foundation
Per the federal government, Michigan started the renewal eligibility process on April 1. The redetermination period will be from June 2023 to May 31, 2024.
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) advises Medicaid beneficiaries to do the following in preparation of getting the paperwork:
• Make sure your address, phone number, and email address are up to date at the MI Bridges portal at www.michigan.gov/ MIBridges. If you don’t have an online MI Bridges account to access your Medicaid case or report changes, you can also use the same website to create an account. You can also call your local MDHHS office and tell them any updated information or find organizations to help.
• Report any changes regarding your household or income at www.michigan.gov/MIBridges or calling your local MDHHS office.
• If you get a renewal packet, be sure to fill it out, sign the forms and return it with any proof needed by the due date.
• If you haven’t received your renewal packet and your renewal month is close, call the state health department at 855.789.5610 for help.
MDHHS advises you to check both blank envelopes and envelopes from MDHHS. Both could contain the renewal eligibility paperwork. The department also suggests checking texts regarding the renewal deadlines and updates. Also, different people in
The empowering impact of the North End Woodward Community Coalition (NEWCC) is irrefutable. Since its inception well over a decade ago, the Detroit-based non-profit organization has created, implemented, and facilitated multiple social and community development programs and initiatives to empower underserved residents in the city’s North End and beyond. NEWCC’s early mission was rooted in advocating for transit justice for Detroiters to have the right to accessible, affordable, accountable, equitable, and dependable public transportation.
Over the years, NEWCC has evolved to effectively address a broader range of issues for city residents living in the North End sector of Detroit generally defined as the community bordered by E. Grand Boulevard (south), Woodland Street at the city of Highland Park’s border (north), I-75 (east), and Woodward Ave. (west).
“We establish opportunities that improve the quality of life for our community by finding ways to change inequitable systems,” Rev. Joan C. Ross, NEWCC’s founder and executive director, told the Michigan Chronicle. “Our desire is to regain equity and build community wealth. We work to create permanent jobs within our community which address root causes of systemic problems and advance holistic solutions.”
Among the many initiatives facilitated by NEWCC include the Equitable Internet Initiative (EII), created to help bridge the vast digital divide in the North End, Highland Park, and Hamtramck.
“Our mission with the Equitable Internet Initiative is to ensure that more residents can leverage online access and digital technology for social and economic development,” Ross said. “And
having free access to service is not just for seniors or families with children; it is for anyone living in the service areas.”
To date, Ross said the Equitable Internet Initiative has impacted 500 households and 14 businesses in the North End, Highland Park, and Hamtramck.
In addition, under NEWCC’s umbrella and the leadership of Ross, The Storehouse of Hope provides emergency food, personal care services, and other needed resources to help sustain individuals and families living in the North End, particularly in the 48202, 48203, and 48211 zip codes. Ross estimates that more than 3,000 people each month are impacted by the multiple mobile pantries of food and personal care products delivered annually from March to November.
In its quest to inform residents about how to power their homes efficiently, NEWCC has spearheaded “Solar Neighbors,” an initiative for residents in the North End, Highland Park, and Hamtramck to learn more about solar power and gain access to solar incentive programs. Ross said NEWCC is transitioning three neighborhoods to renewable energy. “Our work will create pathways to resiliency through improved climate preparedness, increased energy security, renewed infrastructure, and heightened economic prosperity,” explained Ross. “The goal of ‘Solar Neighbors’ is to equip 1,000 households of low-income families with solar solutions by 2024.”
In addition, NEWCC has installed four solar-powered, Wi-Fi-equipped charging stations in the North End, used between 200 and 500 times each month.
“The four solar-powered charging stations have become neighborhood gathering and community cultivating spots,” Ross said. “People can go there to charge phones, tablets or laptops, and have internet service. And during an emergency when the power is out, people must have ways to charge their phones, tablets, and laptops to communicate with loved ones and other people.”
For Ross, perhaps one of the most en-
gaging, informative, and effective ways of NEWCC communicating with people is through the organization’s community radio station WNUC 96.7 FM Detroit. Ross, the station’s founder and manager, said WNUC’s call letters stand for “North End Unity Communities.”
The station’s mission, said Ross, is to “shed light on topics in the North End and other areas of Detroit often ignored by mainstream news outlets, such as stories chronicling the positive work happening in neighborhoods.”
From its North End – New Center radio station at 7700 Second Ave., WNUC’s signal has a 7.2-mile radius, meaning it reaches listeners in the North End, Highland Park, Hamtramck, Midtown, New Center, downtown Detroit, and a small section of Southwest Detroit.
With an estimated 300,000 listeners and many thousands more streaming live, WNUC, launched May 17, 2017, runs 24 hours, seven days a week. The station offers multiple programs addressing community issues and diverse news, information, and cultural topics, including playing music. WNUC airs interviews with national and local figures about issues that matter to local communities primarily comprised of African Americans. And public service announcements, weather alerts, and emergency safety information announcements are part of the station’s programming agenda.
Ross hosts the provocative talk show “My Block, My Hood, My City.”
“We talk about everything,” said Ross. “People can come on the show and talk about what’s important on their blocks and what issues are important to them in Detroit.”
According to Ross, a popular program on WNUC is “Radio to the Future,” a youth-produced and Detroit-centered program. She said WNUC teaches young people about broadcast journalism and hosting and producing radio shows. Another signature program is “Memories of Motown,” which takes listeners on
See NEWCC page A-4
WJZZ, the World’s Oldest Jazz Radio Station Is Back in Detroit
By Donald James
When Detroit’s WJZZ-FM
105.9 made its maiden voyage on the radio waves of the Motor City on March 18, 1974, it quickly became one of the nation’s top-tier jazz stations and ultimately labeled “the world’s oldest jazz radio station.”
WJZZ featured a cool and sophisticated lineup of on-air personalities playing the music of such jazz recording artists as Ahmad Jamal, Jack McDuff, Ron Carter, George Benson, Roy Haynes, Stanley Turrentine, Lou Donaldson, Lee Morgan, Miles Davis, Roy Ayres, Donald Byrd, John Coltrane, Alice Coltrane, Herbie Hancock, Sarah Vaughan, Ella Fitzgerald, Yusef Lateef, Horace Silver, and many more.
WJZZ was said to be one of the first stations in the country to give a consistent platform to “smooth jazz” and “jazz fusion,” both gaining popular-
ity in the late 1970s into the ‘80s. Yet, in 1997, WJZZ experienced its demise when the station was sold to Radio One.
The new owners changed the station’s music format and allowed the famous call letters WJZZ to go elsewhere, most notably Atlanta, Georgia, and North Salem, New York.
However, unbeknownst to many jazz lovers in Detroit, WJZZ has made a return to the Motor City as an internet radio station thanks to Detroiter Rodger Penzabene Jr.
“I wanted to bring WJZZ back home because when Detroit lost the premier station, it also lost a great part of its heart and soul,” said Penzabene, WJZZ’s president and CEO.
“However, the entrepreneur in me, along with that Detroit hustle, propelled me to start searching for ways to bring it back to Detroit.”
Penzabene said despite not having a background in radio or broadcasting, he began the
legal process of acquiring the WJZZ call letters around 2016. The following year, Penzabene rebooted WJZZ as an internet radio station in Detroit.
“I felt that we could get it back, but going the traditional route through trying to get an FCC license was going to be challenging,” explained Pen-
zabene. “I was directed to go the internet route because it is the wave of the future. And, with internet radio, it was cost efficient and could be heard worldwide, versus just heard in metro Detroit with traditional radio.”
While WJZZ is back, it has largely been a secret to many Detroiters. Penzabene cited such reasons as limited internal manpower, a slow learning curve, growing pains, and an older audience having difficulties using devices to find WJZZ online. In addition, Penzabene said the pandemic was a big setback to earlier marketing plans to publicize the return of WJZZ as an internet radio station.
However, Penzabene has stepped up internal and external strategies to better inform jazz lovers in Detroit of WJZZ’s return as a 24/7 online station.
Penzabene, and his son Vitorio Penzabene, WJZZ’s COO, will soon roll out an app to make it easier for people to
find and listen to WJZZ. In addition, WJZZ Legacy Jazz Concert Series events are held every second and fourth Thursday at the St. Regis Hotel in Midtown Detroit. Penzabene said there will also be a WJZZ Jazz Festival held in August on the campus of the University of Detroit Mercy. And WJZZ will facilitate an International Jazz Summit in August at the International Institute of Metropolitan Detroit near Wayne State University.
Rodger Penzabene currently selects all the jazz compositions played on WJZZ, which he said are reflective of what he heard and loved growing up in a musical family. He wants to completely fill traditional roles on the station, like having program segments with on-air personalities, similar to WJZZ’s legendary hosts of yesteryear, such as Ed Love, Cliff Coleman, Calvin Euseary, Rosetta Hines, Dorian Pasteur, and Bobby
A3 | May 3-9, 2023 michiganchronicle.com
See WJZZ page A-4
Rodger Penzabene Jr.
Debra Lee Reveals How BET Advanced Black Programming During Her Tenure As CEO
By A.R. Shaw
Debra Lee served as CEO of Black Entertainment Television in an era when the cable station found ways to be innovative and entertaining. Signature programs such as “106 & Park,” “Rap City,” “BET Awards,” “The Game,” and “Being Mary Jane” proved that BET could create original programming that focused on Black culture while consistently garnering major viewership numbers.
Lee, who recently released the book, I Am Debra Lee:A Memoir, recently stopped by the Real Times Media studio to provide insight on her book and how she helped to advance BET’s original programming.
Incorporating original programming was a bit of a struggle during the early days of BET.
“I would often get calls from our audience to have more original programming,” Lee said. “They didn’t understand that we didn’t have the budget for original programming. So when I took over as CEO, people started asking me my vision. I wanted us to do more original program. By that time, we had been acquired by Viacom. We had more resources. And I just felt like we were never going to be taken serious as a network unless we did original program.”
One of the firsts scripted series on BET was their acquisition of the sports comedy, “The Game.”
“We took that over from CBS and it aired on the CW,” Lee said. “It would get about 1.5m viewers weekly. They never promoted it, but people loved it.
Debra Lee
And when the CW cancelled it, there was an email campaign for BET to pick it up. And we had already started showing the reruns of the shows. And so we knew our audience loved it. So the show had been off the air for about two years. And we finally convinced CBS to trust us. They didn’t think we could keep up the production quality, go figure. And the show has been around for so many years afterwards. We hired the same team of writers and actors and put it on the air. On the night of the debut on BET, we got 7.7m viewers which is still a record. It proved that if you gave Black viewers high quality content, they would show up.”
Following the success of “The Game,” BET would produce “Being Mary Jane,” and several events that honored those who achieved in the arts and community affairs.
“We wanted all of our programming to have a purpose,” Lee said. “That was my goal and my vision and our
Medicaid Renewal
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the same household can have different renewal dates.
The department offers those who find out they no longer qualify for Medicaid or Healthy Michigan will receive additional information about other available health coverage options, including those on HealthCare.gov, otherwise known as ‘Obamacare.’ One option costs less than $10 a month.
“The Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS) is committed to working with MDHHS and our partners nationwide to help impacted Michiganders get the affordable, comprehensive health insurance
they need,” DIFS Director Anita Fox said in a press release.
“DIFS stands ready to answer questions about purchasing a health insurance plan. Call DIFS at 877.999.6442, Monday through Friday from 8:000 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. or visit Michigan.gov/ HealthInsurance to learn more.”
Though the MDHHS couldn’t provide the number of Black people on Medicaid or Healthy Michigan, there are 860,071 beneficiaries in Wayne County, according to its February 2023 Green Book Report of Key Programs.
During the pandemic, Congress enacted the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. That required state Med-
brand strategy. We wanted to respect, reflect and uplift our audience. And if programming didn’t do that, we didn’t want to do it. And so the original programming proved that we could do that and then I created shows like BET Honors and Black Girls Rock.”
But even with success, Lee and BET faced turbulent times. In a time when rap music had become mainstream music, BET was viewed as a vehicle that helped to expand rap artists. However, the network faced backlash due to the airing of more explicit videos.
“I had protesters outside my house for about seven months,” Lee said. “A young minister in Maryland did not like three videos that aired on BET. So I became the focal point of criticism of hip-hop videos, which I thought was unfair. We really worked hard with record labels to get them to the point where we could air the videos. We had a standards committee made up of different folks from BET. Young people, older people from different departments. And we put a lot of time and effort into it. But none of the rappers came to my defense. And so I said, ‘If I’m going to be the face of hip-hop criticism, I’m going to institute my standards.’ I became the final decision maker of what videos would air. It’s not what I went to law school to do, but that’s what I became.”
Although Lee faced a lot of backlash, many continue to respect her for how she helped to expand hip-hop.
“People still come up to me on the street, especially young Black men and say, ‘Thank you, Miss Lee, for what you did for the culture,’” she said. “That just warms my heart.”
icaid agencies to continue covering everyone on state and national medical programs, even if the person’s eligibility changed. This allowed three million Michiganders—including one million people who are in the Healthy Michigan program—to have some healthcare without having to report any changes.
The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023—which was signed on December 29, 2022—ended the requirement of the state-run and federal-run healthcare programs to cover people regardless of income change.
To find out more about how benefits connected to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency are changing, go to www.Michigan.gov/2023BenefitsChanges or call the Beneficiary Help Line at 800.642.3195 (TTY: 866.501.5656) Monday through Friday from 8;00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
From page A-3
Bass. While Penzabene would love to have that caliber of hosts, he said it is challenging to fill the shoes of such legends because they had great knowledge and a genuine feel and love for jazz and its history.
“Jazz is not just a genre of music; it’s a culture and a lifestyle,” Penzabene said. “There are people who want to be on-air personalities, but many of them just don’t know enough about jazz.”
Penzabene is big on WJZZ’s history. Its forerunner was WCHD-FM 105.9, founded in 1959 by Dentists Wendell Cox and Haley Bell. The two men founded the storied soul station WCHBAM 1440 in 1956 when it was billed as “Detroitland’s Only 24-hour Negro Programmed Station.”
Penzabene has never forgotten why WJZZ was perhaps America’s best jazz station back in the day. He would love for the station to return to its glory days. However, for now, the constant flow of jazz playing under the call letters WJZZ is plenty of music to his ears and hopefully to the ears of millions more across Detroit, America, and the world.
“WJZZ is back, and still independent and African American-owned,” said Penzabene. “And we are on a mission to get jazz back to the forefront where it belongs.”
For more information about the return of WJZZ, or listening to jazz online 24/7, log on to www.wjzzdetroitradio.com.
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a magic carpet ride with the legendary music of Motown Records, its rich history, and the label’s global impact.
“I love the community grassroots radio programming of WNUC,” said North End resident Asiana Williamson. “And I applaud the incredible work Rev. Ross does through NEWCC to help empower folks.”
For Ross, the beat goes on with WNUC and NEWCC’s entire body of work to create and implement initiatives, programs, events, and activities to empower residents in Highland Park, Hamtramck, and especially Detroit’s North End.
“We strive to imagine and implement ‘best practice models’ to create lasting systemic changes culturally, economically, and environmentally,” said Ross. “While we do things that bridge the injustice points of people in Highland Park and Hamtramck, the North End is our base and main focus.”
Page A-4 | May 3-9, 2023 | michiganchronicle.com
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How You Can Trim Expenses to Save for What Matters Most
(StatePoint) Whether you’re saving to buy a home, putting money in your child’s college fund or just trying to cover higher costs for necessities, you may be looking for ways to keep more money in your wallet so you can spend on the things that matter most. And you’re not alone.
In fact, a recent national survey from Experian found that 66% of respondents are actively looking for ways to trim expenses from their monthly budget. There is no better time than the present to get started. The basics of saving money lay a great foundation for stretching your dollars and taking control of your finances. This includes budgeting, paying off debt, establishing savings goals, automating savings and cutting back on unnecessary expenses.
However, you may not know there are other less obvious ways to keep more money in your wallet. Don’t leave money on the table, here are three creative ways to save more now:
• Shop around to save on monthly bills: Most people spend time shopping around for a new TV or other purchase to get the best price, but overlook the opportunity to save by comparing monthly bill providers. Experian has an auto insurance comparison shopping service that can help you potentially save up to $900 per year on your policy. The service provides you with multiple, tailored rates from up to 40 leading and well-established auto insurance carriers, allowing you to find a policy that meets your needs.
• Look for ways to maximize credit card rewards: You can save big and manage spending at no cost with the right credit cards and reward programs. To help you find the best card, whether you want cash back or no APR terms, Experian offers a free marketplace that leverages your financial information against lenders’ requirements to match you with tailored offers.
• Try negotiating rates: Negotiating monthly bills is crucial for finding extra savings. Take a look at your payment terms and plans to see if you can renegotiate for lower rates on expenses like cable or cell service. If you feel that calling service providers is tedious and time consuming, there are services that can help. A new feature available in a paid Experian CreditWorks Premium Membership negotiates lower rates on eligible monthly bills on your behalf so you can stop overpaying. Those who use this feature see an average savings of $263. If
Detroit’s reputation as a destination for foodies and drink enthusiasts continues to grow, and the city’s newest addition is sure to be a hit with those who appreciate fine wine, great music, and a stylish atmosphere. Brix, the latest hotspot for wine connoisseurs and event goers, is located in the bustling Rivertown neighborhood, walking distance from the Riverfront and surrounded by an energetic community.
This black-owned retail shop and event space promises to bring a unique and exciting new perspective to the city’s thriving social scene. The brand’s combination of a distinctive wine-tasting experience with a social ambiance provides a sophisticated backdrop that visitors are sure to love.
Mikiah Westbrooks, the owner and visionary behind Brix, is a seasoned veteran in the industry and a trusted brand in the city. Westbrooks had a successful establishment named Brix Wine & Charcuterie Boutique in West Village that quickly became a favorite among locals due to the inviting and rare ambiance. In 2019 the boutique and bar closed its doors with plans on locating. Although there are plans to reopen that concept in the future, Westbrook is excited about this new and exciting approach to gathering like minds and enjoying wine.
The Pomp and Price of Prom
By Andrea Plaid
Forget what you heard: prom is now a whole thing.
From the outfits to the hair to the make-up to the flowers to the pre-prom presentation, it’s now a Swarovski-encrusted, glitter-glam, professional makeup artist affair—and it has the price tag to match.
The Michigan Chronicle reached out to parents, hair stylists, designers, make-up artists and florists—among others—to ask what it costs to send their children to this event.
Tamela Todd shared with the Chronicle that, bundled with her youngest daughter’s graduation, she is spending almost $4,300. The price breakdown:
The prom dress = $800
Prom car rental = $200
Photographer = $275
Decorations = $400
Party favors = $245
And that’s not including hair and nails for the actual prom day.
“This cost can be a burden on families, especially those with limited financial resources,” Todd said. “Some par-
Brix Wine Brings a New Tasteful Experience to Rivertown
tination. The venue also serves as an ideal setting for private events and wine pairings.
Beyond this incredible space, the wine is the star of the show. Offering a wide range of moderate to premium-priced wine selections, there is sure to be something for everyone. One of the signature offerings at Brix is the Haus of Harriet, a direct-to-consumer private-label wine that pays tribute to the fearlessness of Harriet Tubman. The collection includes two exquisite varietals: a Cabernet Sauvignon and a sparkling wine.
At Brix, Mikiah Westbrooks brings her expertise to all aspects of the operation, not just wine selections. In addition to the impressive wine list, Brix provides a curated soundtrack to enhance the overall experience, making music an equally sought-after pairing with their wines.
“Our mission with Brix is to create a space for the novice, the enthusiast, and the connoisseur to come together, and share knowledge,” said Westbrooks. She credits her unwavering passion for wine as the driving force behind the Brix brand.
With its vast selection of wines available for purchase and tasting, Brix provides a wine-lover’s paradise with wall-to-wall offerings. Whether you’re in the mood for a relaxing evening of wine-tasting or need to pick up a bottle after a long week, Brix is an ideal des-
“Music is a huge part of Brix and nothing pairs better with wine than music. At the former Brix location, we had a music series called the DJ Selector where DJs, city officials, and tastemakers would share the soundtrack of their lives through a 2-hour DJ set. Drake Phifer (Phifedom) curated the lineup and will be handling the music in the new location as well.”
Bringing both style and expertise to
ents may feel pressure to spend more than they can afford in order to give their children a memorable prom experience. Additionally, prom-related expenses can add up quickly, especially for families with multiple children attending prom in the same year. I know by our daughter being our last child to graduate and the baby of the family we have over-spent for her prom experience. I suggest parents to save for this a year in advance.”
Je Donna Dinges, who owns the resale boutique Margaux & Max, said that customers have a wide price to choose from, from $175 to $400, as the higher priced dresses are high-end couture such as Badgley Mischka. She reported that the average price paid so far this prom season has been $175.
Designer Adrienne Topp told the Chronicle that her custom-made gowns run about $1800 on average. Raeshawn Bumphers, founder and CEO of the bridal shop Pink Poodle Dress Lounge, said prom dress spending at her store is between $399 and $750. Designer and CEO Latricesa Myonne, who owns the House of Myonne, reports that her custom gowns run from $850 to $3000. What the gown-wearers are looking for varies. Dinges said the teens
Prom has become the new wedding in the sense that it’s a stand-in for a family coming out to its community, much in the way weddings now function like the debutante balls of old.
are looking for “discreet peeps”; Topp noticed the teens are going for “fancied feathers, bling, flesh-tone illusion fabrics with large arrangements of Swarovski crystals on the bodice, and fluffy, wavy or splits in the skirt.”; Bumphers commented that her custom-
ers want “sequined mermaid dresses with feathers and long-length hemlines as long as wedding trains”; Myonne said her clients seeks “African style, mostly from Nigeria.” The colors for the gown
A5 | May 3-9, 2023 michiganchronicle.com
See BRIX WINE page A6
PHOTO: (c) Nattakorn Maneerat / iStock via Getty Images Plus
Mikiah Westbrooks
Brix Wine
From page A-5
the wine industry is a challenging feat, and being part of the mere 1% of Black owners in the industry can make it even more difficult. Westbrooks is an advocate for greater diversity and inclusivity in the field.
“When it comes to challenges in the wine industry there are many but the one that stands out more than anything else is the lack of inclusivity and diversity,” Westbrooks continues. “For minorities looking to enter the wine industry, I would say we need you, we need your voice, and we need your advocacy to help make this industry more inclusive for people of color. Whatever you do, don’t give up. Find a mentor or someone in the industry that is willing to share their knowledge and help you navigate [the challenges of the industry].”
Westbrooks draws inspiration from the thriving business community in De-
troit and emphasizes the importance of perseverance and solidarity. Positioned among other active businesses, Brix is poised to attract significant foot traffic during the upcoming summer months. With exciting events already underway, Brix is a top destination for laid-back vibes, exceptional wine, and essential wine accessories like openers, glasses, and decanters.
Brix is set to open its doors on May 3rd, offering guests a chance to enjoy a selection of wine samples, delectable Charcuterie by Janna Kay Charcuterie, a 10% discount on all wine purchases for the day, and a positively delightful atmosphere.
With the city’s transformation still in full swing, the opening of Brix has brought even more excitement to the streets of Detroit. Stay tuned for more details about Brix’s upcoming events, which promise to be nothing short of unforgettable. To keep up with all the latest happenings at Brix, be sure to follow them on Instagram @brixdetroit, Facebook @BrixWineDetroit and their website shopbrixretail.com
Trimming Expenses
From page A-5
you’d like to negotiate directly with your provider, make sure you ask them about all the offers they are willing to extend to you so you know all your options and get the new, accepted offer in writing.
“Even when times aren’t tough, it is always good to practice budgeting and money-saving habits to position yourself in the best way possible before you need it,” said Andrea Woroch, a nationally recognized consumer finance and money-saving expert. “Tapping into these tools from Experian can help you save in ways you may not have been aware of and help you keep your finances on track now and in the future.”
Price Of Prom
From page A-5
range from shimmering silvers, gold and champagne to red, orange and royal blue.
Of course, prom means a face to the gawds—and make-up loving folks are going to the professionals for the perfect look.
Self-taught make-up artist Tina Jones stated that she’s charging $90 to $120 for her services. Melinda C Johnson, CEO of Melinda Christie Beauty, said her price depends on if the client comes to her or she travels to them. If the client visits her, Johnson said her fee starts at $125; if she goes to them, she charges $250. Tiffany Elder who runs Aisha Tiffany Make-up Artistry & Skin Studio said her prom make-up service runs from $95 to $150, depending on the services and the location. Ashley Hosey who owns Ashley Valentina Artistry commented that Michigan make-up artists are charging on average $100 to $350, which is in line with what her colleagues have said.
Johnson observed that the prom-goers want “glitter, strong creases and mega-lashes.” Elder said her customers are going for a “soft glam with a little dazzle,” with an even skin tone, either sparkling eyeshadow or “subtle bling” with a color liner or a neutral, nude or soft ombre lip with gloss. Jones agreed that prom-goers are going for “full faces with glitter and rhinestones.” Hosey also said that rhinestones are the thing ever since the TV show “Utopia” featured them. She also noted that her clientele is looking for a cat eye, a soft
There are more ways Woroch recommends to save, including reducing your monthly spend on debt by consolidating credit card debt to a 0% balance transfer card and avoiding impulse shopping by deleting payment and shipping details stored in online retail accounts, as well as unsubscribing from store emails. To be more strategic at the grocery store and cut wasteful purchases, you might also consider meal planning.
To learn more about saving and Experian resources, visit Experian.com/ savings.
It’s always important to find ways to save. Leveraging available tools and being strategic can help you get control of your expenses and keep more money in your wallet.
“cut crease” eyeshadow and a minimum foundation and eyeshadow face because “teens still want to feel like themselves.
And hair? That, too.
Kelli Williams, owner of Hairfidence, said this year’s prom ‘dos, especially lace fronts, are “very Met Gala, very glam.”
Of course, there are the flowers, particularly the corsages and boutonnieres. Brandy Bradley, the proprietor of B. Blooming, said the former runs from $25 to $50, and the latter goes from $15 to $25. Floral installations, such as florals decorating staircases, are also popular and start at $500, Bradley noted.
The price of prom is prohibitive to some teens who’d otherwise love to go. So, a few of the responders told the Chronicle that they know of organizations such as Alpha Kappa Alpha who are donating prom dresses or they themselves offer their services free of charge to young women who want to go to the event.
“I do it because it breaks my heart to watch kids want to celebrate this great event but can’t afford to do so,” Williams said.
Considering the money dropped for these goods and services, a couple of the interviewees compared proms to weddings. Prom has become the new wedding in the sense that it’s the middle- and working-class version of a family coming out to society, to flex their ability to “afford.” Both events harken back to the debutante and cotillion balls of old, where the teen or young adult was the representative of how a family raised a “proper young woman” who knew how to “handle herself” in public.
Page A-6 | May 3-9, 2023 | michiganchronicle.com
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Page A-8 | May 3-9, 2023 | michiganchronicle.com CADILLAC.COM / LYRIQ 2023 LYRIQ orders are full. See dealer for 2024 LYRIQ availability details. BE ICONIC T:10" T:21"
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Racquelle Trammel Gets “Mouthy” about Trans Rights and More
By Andrea Plaid
“Vivacious” is one way to describe Spirit of Detroit Award winner Racquelle Trammel—which, of course, lends itself to podcasting. And her podcast, “Miss Mouthy,” came from people noticing that very trait.
“I was facing some challenges during the pandemic. I knew I had a lot to say, but I had no one to say it to,” she recalled in a phone interview with the Michigan Chronicle. She started “Miss Mouthy” in February 2020. “So, I thought ‘Let me try this podcasting thing out and see how that goes.’ “I started doing a few episodes, then I stopped because it was something to do and the world opened back up a little bit. Then people started wondering, “What happened to that girl that was talking all that mess? She needs to come back!”
For Trammel, a Black trans woman, podcasting became a thing. “I know how podcasting made me feel: natural and therapeutic.”
Millennials Taking Control of Their Mental Health
A Candid Convo with Millennial Therapist
By Lynzee Mychael
Racquelle Trammel, a trans activist, podcaster, mom and HIV advocate does the work so the legacy of trans people still exist while they are living their lives.
“Empathetic” is another way to describe her, too. Also add “for the culture.” She started “Miss Mouthy” during Black History Month 2020 because she wanted first episodes “to be rooted in Blackness.” And she wanted trans people to be the focus and Detroit to be the base of the shows.
“People really don’t expect great things to come out of Detroit. And I know all of the great men and women who come out of Detroit, and I didn’t like how media was portraying trans individuals. So, I created my own lane so I could express these narratives and give these people the opportunity to tell their own stories in the way they want to tell them.”
Trammel’s first guest was Shauntrelle Blu, another Black trans woman who started Rich Bitch Water, an all-vegan, all-organic facemist business. And having Blu on “Miss Mouthy” was a natural match.
“It checked all the boxes for me. It showed me that another woman is willing to work with me in the industry and see my vision, and I wanted to support her as well. Seeing Black [trans] women in the beauty industry was remarkable for me -- Blu having her own product. It worked; it clicked.”
And that motivated Trammel to
In recent years, millennials have become progressively more vocal about the importance of mental health. This generation is unique in many ways, and their commitment to talk openly about mental health issues is one of the key elements that sets them apart from the generations before them. African American millennials are beginning to recognize the importance of mental health and taking control of their own mental wellness. With access to more resources than ever before, this generation is looking towards mental health professionals, support groups, and self-care practices to ensure they’re on the path to emotional wellbeing.
As African American Millennials take control of their mental health, the shame surrounding therapy in the black community is beginning to dissipate. Mental wellness is an increasingly important topic in African American communities, where mental health disparities have long been a problem. Millennials are often characterized as being more open and comfortable discussing their mental health than previous generations. They are more likely to seek help, and they are more likely to talk openly about their mental health and the challenges they face. This is a major shift in the way mental health is discussed, and it is having a positive impact on the mental health of millennials.
Although Mental Health Month is in May, it is important to keep the conversation relevant year-round to promote health and wellness. I caught up with three licensed mental health professionals who happen to be millennials to discuss the importance of mental wellness.
Markeisha Johnson is a licensed clinical therapist and owner of Restorative Minds Counseling. Markeisha is passionate about helping people reach their highest selves and navigating
self-discovery. Angela B. Burgess is a mental health therapist who believes in meeting people where they are. Angela is a published author, advocate for the youth, and creator of #MyselfIncluded.
Shadae Roberson is a licensed therapist and owner of Healing Matters Counseling Services. She specializes in trauma, grief and loss, and depression and anxiety management.
What are some key differences you see within millennials compared to our parents’ generation and before that may be a key or why we are starting to take more control over our mental health?
Markeisha Johnson- Millennials are more open. They are innovative and breaking barriers on so many levels in regard to mental health. Millennials are not suffering in silence. Our generation is more open to change. A lot of previous generations are used to one way and that’s the way of the world. Millen-
nials are open to different self-opinions, and I think that’s one of the main things that set us apart. We have social media now and a lot of things are more accessible. We are in this technology era, so a lot of things are more accessible, and we have resources at our fingertips. The millennial generation is open to educating ourselves on things we don’t know about.
Angela B. Burgess- We are the generation that asks questions. Different generations followed without asking. Millennials are that sweet spot where we are young enough to remember life before the internet, but we are old enough to have access as adolescents. We had access to knowledge when generations before us didn’t have that access so they followed what happened around them. Now we use words like toxic masculinity, scapegoating and gaslighting. These are words that are common in my
Local Fashion Mogul Showcases Detroit Designers
Her love for fashion began as a kid, being fascinated by models in commercials and fashion shows.
“My dad put me in a modeling and charm school,” said Iantha Nicole, CEO of The eLane Group. “Attending the auto show as a child I would see the models on the platforms talking about the vehicles [and it] really fascinated me.”
Nicole’s passion for
Iantha Nicole
. Where City Meets Life and Life Meets Style michiganchronicle.com
. Style
B1 | May 3-9, 2023 See
Angela B. Burgess
Markeshia Johnson Shadae Roberson
Mental Health
From page B-1
field but now someone can learn what it is and post it and it becomes popular.
Shadae Roberson- The stigma of receiving mental health care has been prevalent. Dating back to slavery, entrusting medical professionals has been frowned upon. We are in a movement in which individuals are embracing a need to be proactive with their mental health. As a nation, the rate of suicide is on the rise. We are finally at a point where we aren’t saying ‘what happens in this house, stays in this house’ and we are actually talking about and identifying unhealthy patterns and generational curses. What ways can someone help a loved one who is not open to the idea of therapy but is having mental struggles that need to be addressed?
Produce Shopping on a Budget
5 strategies to save on fresh fruits and veggies
(Family Features) Cooking meals that bring your loved ones joy is often objective No. 1 but creating those flavorful favorites on an appropriate budget is an important aspect of well-rounded, family-friendly recipes. A few simple steps, like developing good grocery shopping habits, can put smiles on hungry faces without leaving a dent in your finances.
Consider these tips from the experts at Healthy Family Project along with its produce partners, which are on their 2023 Mission for Nutrition to improve access to fresh produce that’s essential in alleviating many public health and personal wellness challenges. This year’s partners are striving to be part of the improvement efforts by donating funds to increase the accessibility to fruits and vegetables in schools through the Foundation for Fresh Produce.
Make a List (and Stick to It)
When buying fresh produce, remember some items have a shorter shelf life. Limiting purchases to items on your list can help lower grocery spending while alleviating food waste.
Buy Local Transportation cost is one of the biggest factors in the price of produce, meaning buying local, when possible, can help reduce your total at checkout.
Stock Up on Seasonal Produce
Although you can generally find any produce item at any time of year, this isn’t always an affordable practice. Knowing when your favorite fruits and veggies are in-season can save you money and allow you to use the freshest ingredients in family breakfasts like Protein-Packed Sausage Breakfast Muffins and Savory English Muffins.
Know Your Produce Department
The front or feature table of the produce department often offers the best deals. Don’t forget to look at the end caps on each produce aisle, which sometimes display seasonal items.
Befriend the Produce Manager
Throughout each week, a “hot buy” may come into the store that didn’t make it into the weekly ad. This happens with items at the end of their seasons, in particular, or if a crop is doing well. Chat with the produce manager at
Protein Packed Sausage Breakfast Muffins
Recipe courtesy of Healthy Family Project Nonstick cooking spray
1 sweet onion, diced
1 pound turkey sausage
4 eggs
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 cup protein pancake mix
Preheat oven to 350 F. Spray 12-cup muffin pan with nonstick cooking spray. Set aside.
In skillet over medium heat, cook sweet onion until translucent. Add turkey sausage and cook until no longer pink. Remove from heat.
In large mixing bowl, lightly beat eggs. Add shredded cheese, pancake mix and cooked sausage; mix well.
Fill prepared muffin cups about 3/4 full with mixture. Bake 18-20 minutes, or until golden brown on top.
Savory English Muffins
Recipe courtesy of Healthy Family Project
English muffins
cherry tomatoes
1 tablespoon cilantro, finely chopped
1 tablespoon light cream cheese
1 tablespoon crumbled turkey sausage, sauteed
1 egg
1 tablespoon basil, finely chopped
1 tablespoon balsamic glaze
Toast English muffins and top with desired combinations of toppings, such as: guacamole, tomatoes and cilantro; cream cheese, tomatoes and turkey sausage; or egg, tomatoes, basil and balsamic glaze.
your local store and he or she may inform you of special prices.
Find more grocery savings strategies and family-friendly recipes at HealthyFamilyProject.com
Celebrating Big with Berry Punch
(Culinary.net) Holidays, gatherings and celebrations can be the best time to try new, easy, stress-free recipes. Drink and punch recipes are especially easy to throw together (even last-minute) right before the festivities begin. This way, the drinks are chilled, and the food is hot and ready.
No matter if it’s a big crowd or a night alone with a special someone, this Cranberry Raspberry Vanilla Punch is sure to be the star of the celebration with its powerful berry flavor.
The end result is tangy, tart, sweet and absolutely delicious all mixed up in one large bowl. With only five ingredients, it’s simple to make and even better to enjoy.
Pairing perfectly with sweets or chocolates, this punch packs the flavor for nearly any event, gathering or small family dinner.
Start with 8 cups of cranberry-raspberry juice then add cranberry ginger ale to the mix. Next, add just a dash of
vanilla for a bit of extra flavor. Stir and scoop raspberry sorbet on top for a hint of smooth sweetness.
The frozen sweetness of the sorbet combined with the bubbly ginger ale and the natural flavors of the berries give you a taste that is truly unique and special.
Add some frozen cranberries on top for garnish and another pop of that deep, red color.
Set your punch bowl on the table next to a gorgeous bouquet of flowers and it’s guaranteed the punch bowl will not be full for long.
Throughout the night, while conversations are happening, sip a few drops of your beverage. You’re reminded instantly why you’re celebrating. You gather, no matter the celebration, for good times with lots of laughs and even better food and drink.
Find more recipes perfect for celebrating any occasion at Culinary.net.
Cranberry Raspberry Vanilla Punch
Servings: 6-12
8 cups cranberry-raspberry juice
8 1/2 cups cranberry ginger ale
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 pint raspberry sorbet
frozen cranberries, for garnish
In large punch bowl, add juice, ginger ale and vanilla extract.
Stir until combined. Add frozen cranberries and scoops of frozen sorbet.
Stir slightly then serve immediately.
Markeisha Johnson- Try not to be judgmental. The main thing is checking on your people and seeing how they are doing. If you notice that there is a shift in a person’s behavior, that’s one of the first symptoms that they may be struggling with. I would first talk to them. Let them know you are there for them. A lot of times people do need their space, but as a friend and family member that loves those people it’s important that you talk to them and allow them to come to you. There are also different hotlines and resources you can provide. 988 is the 3 digit number that someone can use if they are contemplating suicide or having suicidal thoughts. I still would give them a list of resources if they are open at some point to seek professional help.
Angela B. Burgess- I would suggest you meet them where they are. So, you can maybe just be that listening ear and start there. Acknowledge they have a lot going. Let them know “I’m just here
to listen to you but I’m also not a professional or be who is a professional. I cannot be your professional so maybe you should talk to somebody” and just help them on their journey to healing themselves. So sometimes that looks like showing up. And sometimes it looks like modeling. Sometimes someone seeing you on your healing journey will inspire them to take control of their mental health.
Shadae Roberson- It can be discouraging to watch those you care for struggle with their mental health. The most nurturing thing to do in these cases is to be a listening ear and validate what they are going through. Build trust and rapport to be of support the best way possible while never forgetting to check in with yourself. Why is this affecting you so much? Are there other people or agencies that can share the responsibility? Resist the urge to ‘fix’ and simply ask how you can help. Ask questions and explore various options together. Pay attention to the red flags or signs and symptoms that a person is in crisis and seek assistance. Provide resources like the 24-hour text and chat hotline at 988.
Millennials are taking control of their mental health by actively seeking help and speaking out about their experiences. This includes talking to friends and family, seeking professional help, and utilizing technology and social media to share their stories. African American Millennials are leading the charge towards destigmatizing mental health and accessing better care. The millennial generation is the most educated and diverse generation yet. This generation is increasingly vocal about mental health issues and is advocating for better access to mental health services.
If you or someone you love needs help resources can be found on www. psychologytoday.com.
Racquelle Trammel
From page B-1
find more trans people doing the thing.
The latest episode of “Miss Mouthy” is called “Untucking.” It featured a local trans male activist named Eli, who talked about “all the mess trans men have to deal with when it comes to reproductive rights, how they show up in the world. But the episode was also “about me being vulnerable to ask these questions,” Trammel said.
“In our own community, we make these assumptions, then we do more harm when we don’t have those uncomfortable conversations. It was really great to be in his presence and show that men and women can not only talk about our experiences, but also learn from and support each other.”
For her efforts, “Miss Mouthy” was named one of ““Top 50 Transgender Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021” by Detroit’s Love Her Collective.
As for Trammel getting the Spirit of Detroit Award, she was still in shock. She found out about the award because she just happened to need a photo from an old phone. A friend of hers, T.J. Rogers, told her that she was receiving the award.
“It was such an honor because it seems, in media, like you have to be a big force, have a huge following, or look a certain way, especially in the advocacy sector here in Detroit,” she said. “Colorism plays a big part, and playing polite in politics plays a big part. I show up in a space of what I call my ‘own-ness.’ To be recognized by my own hometown in that was something beautiful.”
When Trammel accepted the Spirit of Detroit Award, she namechecked Black trans foremothers Ahya Simone and Bre Rivera who started advocacy work in Detroit but didn’t receive recognition because their politics “needed to be aggressive” so the Black trans community could get the resources they needed. In the process, Trammel said, other trans women of color benefitted from Simone’s and Rivera’s work yet don’t acknowledge them.
Trammel said she also accepted the award on behalf of her mother and her seven-year-old daughter and other young girls.
Detroit Designers
From page B-1
modeling and fashion would lead to her joining the auto show circuit and being a part it for almost 20 years. It was a childhood dream that sparked other opportunities such as behind the scenes work at fashion shows and assisting in the production of them.
“I just always in some form have always loved fashion, always loved modeling and always wanted to be in the industry.”
The experience and desire to showcase her own entrepreneurial artistry lead Nicole and her partner Jemell Cotton to co-found The Social Runway, a multifaceted and interactive social media fashion production designed to celebrate Detroit fashion.
“Each year the idea is always to highlight Detroit designers, the city, this new Detroit, our music, our art, our fashion, and just collaborating that all together and this year we wanted to celebrate Detroit’s fashion diversity.”
Nicole recounts being in the industry for years and watching the transition of how Detroiters dressed and how in anything they wore, Detroiters did so proudly and boldly.
“Detroit has been known for our own
“I want them to see value when they look in the mirror and seize every opportunity because you don’t know where it will come from. Every opportunity that’s given to me, including the Spirit of Detroit Award, I treat with the same level of respect and gratitude and honor. It keeps manifesting into something else, and you’ll never know where you’ll be.”
Trammel’s accolades also come being named Trans Artist of the Year in 2021 by the I Am Human Foundation and one of POZ 100’s top advocates for her work in HIV communities in 2019 and 2021. POZ Magazine, which created the recognition, is a publication for people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS.
“If I’m being candid, though, I think advocacy in the Black community is performative nowadays,” she said. “The recognitions are great but, as I tell people, when you do this work with purpose, those things are going to come, and your moment will be your moment.”
For Trammel, doing HIV work was her recognizing her privilege and using it to have difficult conversations in order to minimize the stigma around the condition so her counterparts don’t have to. That includes disclosing their HIV status “just to live,” Trammel said.
“I’ve always been passionate about the issue. HIV has been around me coming into the community, so I felt I had to do it. It’s humbling. I do the work just in case I become my own statistic, and I’m going to educate myself so I know how to live a long and healthy life.”
Her biggest push nowadays is to get everyone tested and get on PReP and that “people’s attractionality changes throughout people’s journeys and they’ll still be Black. I want to be able to prepare people to be able to have those choices no matter what their identity or attraction changes to.”
When it comes to the intersections of reproductive rights, rights for trans people, HIV advocacy and how people can participate in some sort of activism in light of the current waves of anti-trans laws, Trammel said, “I think if we give equity to everybody with the understanding that people might need different things--especially in underserved communities—make it an adjustable practice for all.”
fashion, such as our Cartier’s, our fur coats, gators shoes. Each city is known for their own vibe…and with people moving here from other cities in this new Detroit, I wanted to highlight the designers here, the creatives here and for people to know we have great models here.”
The Social Runway launched initially on a rooftop, followed by an outdoor event in downtown’s Belt alley, and at Ford Field.
Page B-2 | May 3-9, 2023 | michiganchronicle.com
City Meets LIFE and Life Meets STYLE michiganchronicle.com In Print and Online C ity L ife Style
michiganchronicle.com | May 3-9, 2023 | Page B-3 When you use the QRC feature certain information is collected from your mobile device for business purposes. Bank of America, N.A. Member FDIC. Equal Opportunity Lender. © 2023 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. We’re always looking for ways to support people’s choices in the communities we serve. That’s why Bank of America is adding charging stations for electric vehicles (EVs) to over 90 financial centers nationwide. We’re also supporting the choices our teammates make with employee rebates on EVs. Offering the community more ways to go I am proud of the steps we’re taking in the Detroit community to help people pursue what matters to them. The same goes for my teammates, as many have chosen to participate in My Environment,® one of our employee engagement initiatives. Scan for details See all we’re doing at bankofamerica.com/detroit What would you like the power to do?® Matt Elliott President, Bank of America Detroit
Page B-4 | May 3-9, 2023 | michiganchronicle.com
Team Leader – Engineering
Nexteer Automotive Corporation seeks a Team Leader - Engineering in Saginaw, Michigan. Note, this position does not require travel. Duties include: Develop and rollout global CAE staffing plans based on strategic plan needs; Globally coordinate and prioritize CAE work; Supervise the North America CAE team, Powerpack Core Thermal CAE Analyst: Create CFD models of motor and controller assemblies and simulate test conditions among other duties. Min. bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, or Thermal Engineering and three years of experience in the job offered or related. Apply to job reference number 50583 at: jobs.nexteer.com
Lead Lean Engineer
BorgWarner Technologies Services, LLC seeks a Lead Lean Engineer in Troy, Michigan. Note, this position requires domestic travel, as
TIME: 5:00pm
DATE: June 27th
LOCATION: Barber Preparatory Academy
A copy of the meeting minutes are available for public inspection at the Academy within 8 business days for proposed minutes and 5 business days for approved minutes.
The Academy shall comply with subtitle A of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Public Law 101-336, 42 USC 12101 et seq or any successor law. Should you require specific accommodations please contact Pamela Farris at pfarris@accelschools.com prior to the meeting.
current route to better serve Pontiac and Auburn Hills.
• 805 Grand River P&R – extend current service from Farmington Hills to Novi.
851 W. Bloomfield/Farmington Hills P&R – extend current route from W. Bloomfield through Orchard Lake, Keego Harbor and Sylvan Lake via Orchard Lake Road.
• 760 Thirteen Mile/Fourteen Mile - discontinue route on Saturdays only.
796 Pontiac Perry/Opdyke – discontinue route on Saturdays only.
Public Hearing – Monday, May 15, 2023, 5:00 p.m. Oakland University Oakland Center – Gold Room 312 Meadow Brook Rd. Rochester, MI 48309
Public Hearing – Tuesday, May 16, 2023, 5:00 p.m.
The Hawk - Farmington Hills Community Center – 3rd Floor 29995 W 12 Mile Rd, Farmington Hills, MI 48334
Public Hearing – Thursday, May 18, 2023, 5:00 p.m.
Berkley City Hall – Council Chambers
3338 Coolidge Hwy. Berkley, MI 48072
SMART will host a virtual community engagement session on Thursday, May 11, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. Please visit SMART’s website for the link prior to the meeting.
An interpreter for the hearing impaired will be made available if SMART is contacted seven (7) days prior to the public hearings. Comments will also be accepted by telephone via Michigan
Relay: 711 or calling 866-962-5515 option #2.
For those unable to attend the meetings, written comments will be accepted through May 18, 2023. Written comments should be addressed to “Public Hearing” and mailed to SMART Administrative Offices, 535 Griswold Street, Suite 600, Detroit, MI 48226. Comments may also be emailed to PublicHearing@ smartbus.org.
Proposed service change information will be posted on SMART’s website www.smartmovesus.org or you may call SMART Customer Care for details at (866) 962-5515, Monday – Friday from 5:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. and Saturday from 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
plans as per the proj reqs and timelines. Work indepen on complex issues and work collaboratively with the team to achieve a broader result.Prov tech demos with req tools to the cust for getting new projs or improv existing projs. Work closely with cust and respd to the cust queries and concerns in a timely fashion. Collaborate with intrnl and extrnl teams to ensure the tech expertise is used to achieve the prog reqs. Participate in roadmap plans, sprint plans, backlog grooming, troubleshtng complex issues and code reviews on mult proj. Reqs: Bachelor’s deg (or foreign equiv) in Comp, Elect, Info Tech, Comp Apps or rel with 5 yrs of work exp in IT field. Alt: Masters deg (or foreign equiv) in Comp, Elect, Info Tech, Comp Apps or rel with 3 yrs of work exp in IT field. Exp in C++, Java or Android programming. Creating SW in real time and complex sys domains. Simulate and anal complex eng probs. Relational database sys. Integrated Dev Environ (IDE) such as Android Studio, Eclipse, and IntelliJ. Linux, Simulation tools, Emulators, GIT, UML. How to Apply: Send your Res to Harman Connected Services C/O Gokulakrishnan Deivanayagam (Job ID - PE-HCS-M-22) 2002, 156th Ave, NE Suite 200, Bellevue,
Top Five Tips for a Successful Spring Clean
organizing expert behind the popular blog Abby Organizes, it’s all about prioritization.
“Pinpoint the rooms that need the most help and make a plan for tackling those areas,” Lawson says. “If I tried to clean everything from top to bottom, I wouldn’t get very far, but if I focus on a few key things that I really want to get done, it’s more manageable and I’m more likely to do it.”
Declutter and Donate. Break large projects into smaller jobs, so they’re easier to do. For a bedroom closet cleanout, for example, Lawson says to keep a donation bin in the back year round, so there are fewer garments to go through each spring. When you’re ready to tackle the entire closet, she recommends going through clothes in categories.
“If you only have 10 minutes each day, go through one category at a time,” she says. “Start with tops, the next day, look at dresses, then pants. By the end of the week, you will have gone through each category and created more room in your closet.”
Say Goodbye to Grime. Once areas are clutter-free, wipe away dirt and dust with your favorite multi-purpose cleaner. Put machine-washable Solid Grip Easy Liner Brand Shelf Liner with Clorox on dry surfaces to ensure long-lasting freshness. Lawson recommends using liner in the bottom of kitchen and bathroom cabinets and drawers to protect surfaces and manage spills.
Create an Organization Station. Identify clutter hotspots around the home and create simple systems that everyone, from spouses to children, can use.
“Watch what your family does naturally,” Lawson says. “If they come in the door and take off their shoes and throw them in one spot, put a basket there. If toys are always in the living room, find an attractive trunk or storage bench you can use as an accent table and as a spot to tuck away clutter. Take cues from what they’re already doing and help them do it in a slightly tidier way.”
Mount More. Dedicate an afternoon to cleaning out the garage. Lawson uses Duck brand EasyMounts Heavy-Duty Drywall Hooks and tool holders to secure everything, from brooms and rakes to gardening supplies and sports equipment, to the wall. The hooks are easy to install in drywall and the universal hanging system allows you to move the mounts around.
Once the floor space is clear, corral any loose hoses or cords and bundle them up with adjustable Duck Max Strength Reusable Tie Straps.
“The biggest key to decluttering is to make it as easy as possible,” Lawson says. “You don’t have to do it all. Be realistic. Define and tackle your priorities for the season and make that your level of success.”
4 Steps You Can Take to Control Your Asthma
(Family Features) Did you know that asthma affects 1 in 13 people in the United States (U.S.)? Asthma is a longterm condition that can make it harder for you to breathe because the airways of your lungs become inflamed and narrow. If you have the disease – or think you do – don’t tough it out. While there’s no cure for asthma, it can usually be managed by taking a few key steps that can help you live a full and active life.
Here are some important facts to know
• Asthma affects some communities more than others. Black people and American Indian/Alaska Native people have the highest asthma rates of any racial or ethnic group, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In fact, Black people are over 40% more likely to have asthma than white people.
• Asthma rates vary within some communities. For example, Puerto Rican Americans have twice the asthma rate of the overall U.S. Hispanic/Latino population.
• Some groups are more likely to have serious consequences from asthma. The CDC found Black people are almost four times more likely to be hospitalized because of their asthma than white people.
• Almost t wice as many women as men have asthma. Even if you experience asthma differently than others, you can still take action to try to control your symptoms and begin doing the things you love. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) recommends these four steps: Talk to a health care provider. You can work with a health care provider to set up an asthma action plan. This plan explains how to manage your asthma, what medicines to take and when and what to do if your symptoms get worse. It also tells you what to do in an emergency.
Know and track your asthma symptoms. Are you experiencing symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, chest tightness or shortness of breath? Tell a health care provider about them and make sure to keep track of any changes. That way you and the provider can know if your treatment plan is working. Identify and manage your triggers. Some common asthma triggers include dust, mold, pollen, pests like cockroaches or rodents and pet hair. The asthma action plan can help you figure out what triggers make your asthma worse and how to manage them.
Avoid cigarette smoke. If you smoke, talk to a health care provider about ways to help you quit. If you have loved ones who smoke, ask them to quit. Do your best to avoid smoke in shared indoor spaces, including your home and car. Asthma doesn’t have to stop you from leading a full and active life. Find out more about asthma and how to manage it from NHLBI’s Learn More Breathe Better® program at nhlbi.nih.gov/breathebetter
HELP WANTED PERSONAL SERVICES michiganchronicle.com | May 3-9, 2023 | Page B-5 Please visit our website for more classified ads. www.michiganchronicle.com Get your weekly home delivery of the Call (313) 963-5522 Subscribe Today! MICHIGAN CHRONICLE Published Every Wednesday CAREER OPPORTUNITY UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN POSITION: Jury Administrator Vacancy Announcement at http://www.mied.uscourts.gov. Be a part of a great team located in Detroit, Position oversees the overall jury system for both petit and grand juries. Professional and friendly work environment, great benefits and close to the downtown amenities. EOE Published Every Wednesday Classifieds 313 963-5522 Your Ad Here! Place ANNOUNCEMENTS Principal Engineer Principal Engineer, 01 Pos, Work location: Novi, MI, Job Code: PE-HCS-M-22. Dev and maintain SW sys and tools. Review and recommend imprvmnts to existing sys designs and eng processes. Research and make informed decision to use avail eng tools or create new proprietary tools to reduce the proj timelines, effort and save cost for the company. Prov tech leadership and mentoring of the other eng staffs to accomplish proj goals efficiently. Participate in proj req anal, design, implementations and releasing phases and accordingly prov tech and funct recomm. Prepare the tech specs, design docs and deliv
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SUBURBAN MOBILITY AUTHORITY FOR REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION (SMART) Proposed Service Adjustments Notice is hereby given that Public Hearings have been scheduled to consider the following proposals to modify service on the following routes: 305 Grand River – extend current route from Farmington Hills through Novi to Wixom. 400 Southfield/Orchard Ridge – discontinue route. • 430 Main Street - operate peak service only. • 450/462 Woodward/FAST – operate new service in Bloomfield Hills. 492 Rochester Road – new route on Rochester Road from Troy through Rochester to Auburn Hills. • 740 Twelve Mile – extend current route from Farmington Hills through Novi to Wixom. 759 Highland Road – new route from Auburn Hills through Pontiac, Waterford and White Lake Twp. along M-59. 790 Pontiac Perry/Opdyke – modify
needed, up to 10%. Job Duties: lead and design lean manufacturing processes and strategies for improving the operation efficiency and lead and manage numerous complex projects, providing expert guidance to production supervisors, engineering groups, and other project leaders, among other duties. Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering or Mechanical Engineering and two years of experience in the job offered or related Apply to job reference number R2023-2584 at borgwarner.com/careers Software Development Lead Engineer BorgWarner Transmissions Products, LLC seeks a Software Development Lead Engineer based out of our office at 3800 Automation Avenue, Auburn Hills, MI 48326. Note, this is a hybrid position whereby the employee will work both from home and from the aforementioned office address. Hence, the employee must live within a reasonable commuting distance of the aforementioned office address. Note, this position requires international and domestic travel, as needed, up to 10%. Duties include: Lead all technical aspects of the software project and plan and manage the software development activities for key customer projects and utilize technical expertise, specify and guide the team in software development by utilizing a combination of Model based design, autocode generation, and embedded c programming, among other duties. Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering or related and eight years of experience in the job offered or related. Apply to job reference number R2023-3233 at borgwarner.com/careers
(StatePoint) A recent survey conducted by Ipsos on behalf of the American Cleaning Institute found that three out of four Americans spruce up their spaces this time of year. If creating a clean home is on the top of your spring checklist, follow these expert tips to ensure an easy and efficient experience: Pick Your Priorities. According to Abby Lawson, the
Photo courtesy of Getty Images TIME TO CLEAN YOUR HOME Won’t She Do It Enterprise, LLC. (313) 241-4283 Get your home spring cleaned at a reasonable rate by professionals.
Chairman & CEO Sixteen42Ventures Dennis Archer, Jr. Mary Barra Chief Executive Officer General Motors