Eastern Market's Flower Day Means Big Business
By Andrea Plaid
The buzz about Flower Day starts long before many of us hear the buzzing of bees. Eastern Market begins preparing for the famous and flora-fabulous event in February.
Flower Day officially started in 1966 on the Michigan State Fairgrounds. In 1968, the event moved to Eastern Market and has become one of summer’s most anticipated events in Michigan.
Ike Austin of flowerdayeasternmarket. com, Eastern Market makes $12 million annually in sales. Thirty-seven percent of the flower sales are bedding flowers and flats. The prices for those plants average between $5 and $10. Their second highest selling flora is rose bushes, making up 23.1 percent. Cut flowers make up only 7.9 percent of sales.
“Flower Day has had a profound impact on the Eastern Market District by raising awareness of Eastern Market,” according to EMP CEO Dan Carmody. “Many market customers first discover the joyful chaos of Eastern Market via Flower Day because the event has always generated a great deal of media attention. Many District merchants and non-flower vendors enjoy their highest sales on Flower Day.
May is Mental Health Month, and it is crucial to acknowledge the distinct challenges that black men encounter when addressing their mental well-being. It is a silent agony that many black men endure— the burden of depression and other life pressures that contribute to mental health problems. Traditional upbringing has ingrained in black men the expectation of strength, as they don the cloak of masculinity, often suppressing their emotions tightly within themselves.
strong, brush it off,” said Dr. Michele Leno, clinical psychologist and TV host. “But I’ve noticed more men are starting to seek treatment.”
Leno said being proactive about care for one’s mental health is something a majority in the Black community has had a hard time dealing with. The trauma of police brutality against Black people and even the increase in mass shootings has often and more regularly led to the conversation of addressing mental health issues.
mental well-being is undoing some of the narratives and traditional ideas of how a Black man is to and were to handle their stressors.
“I love when you have athletes and professionals who are Black men and they say it’s okay,” Leno added that this creates an opening for young Black men to have someone to be inspired by, therefore creating the opportunity and space to break down barriers.
Austin estimates that 10,000 people stroll through per day—or 300,000 people a month--and 5,000 vehicles park in the area.
“It’s the Superbowl of flowers,” Tunier said. “It’s the place where you can do your one-stop shopping. It’s the kickoff of the summer season.
“You’re going to find what you’re looking for down there. If you’re looking for a Venus flytrap, you’ll find it down there. If you need 20 flats of one color, you’ll find it down there. And that’s the biggest thing about Flower Day: a retailer will sell only 20 flats of a particular plant or color of plant, but if you need 40, you’ll find it at Flower Day.”
Laura Gibson, the Eastern Market Partnership’s (EMP) senior marketing manager share some of the Black vendors that will
From the toll inflicted by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected the majority of Americans, to the repercussions of systemic racism and police brutality, which have further burdened the Black community, the impact on Black men is profound. Unfortunately, they often hesitate to openly express the mental challenges they may be facing. Moreover, the depiction of violence and police brutality against Black individuals in the media adds an additional toll and exacerbates the mental consequences they experience.
“Traumatic events related to racism have been unrelenting for Blacks,” said Angela Neal-Barnett, PhD, professor of psychology and the director of the Program for Research on Anxiety Disorders among African Americans at Kent State University in Ohio. “In good times racism is a stressor; in bad times racism is trauma,” she said, according to a published report in Every Day Health.
Mental health issues are all too common in the Black community. African Americans are 20 percent more likely to come in contact with serious psychological distress, compared to white Americans.
“As a Black man, you’re taught to be
Say goodbye to potholes, because the City of Detroit wants to ensure you have smooth sailing as you travel across its newly paved streets. The Department of Public Works (DPW) kicked off the 2023 road construction season with plans to complete $95 million worth of road and sidewalk improvements.
For residents on Midland St., the morning of a newly resurfaced street couldn’t come fast enough.
“I always called it the rollercoaster street because it was so wavy and you could really damage your vehicle,” said Vicki Holmes, President of the Minock Park Block Association. “We appreciate that the city is now making us a priority. This is a throughway from Grandriver and Fenkell, so cars fly down here.”
Holmes has been a resident of the west-side neighborhood for 40 years. The roars of the street machinery paving down hot asphalt were great news to Lewis Martin, who has been a resident for a decade and knows what this means for the area.
“We have a lot of speeders and the fact that we’re also getting speed bumps will deter a lot of that speeding,” Martin said. “We have a lot of kids around...it gives me
“We always start talking about something needs to be done, but this is where eliminating that stigma would be a big benefit because if we talk about mental health and the importance of it on a daily basis, then it becomes soon, no big deal.”
Leno said everyone must play a role in paying attention to people who may be showing signs of mental health illness. The solution to addressing the depression and anxieties that exist amongst Black me, doesn’t mean only pouring money after the problem, she added.
“Men don’t want to be seen as weak, and in the workplace, you may have people who gossip about someone being in therapy, all because people don’t understand. They see it as a weakness and who wants to be seen as weak’.
“We must first be willing to eliminate our own ignorance.”
She finds it’s important as a society that we eliminate the stigma that is associated with Black men seeking help for their mental health.
“Just the same way you go to the doctor for a broken leg or a broken arm, stomachache or headache, sometimes you must be willing to address your mind in that same way.” A part of the solution for Black men becoming more open to embracing their
“In the household, this is whether the trauma starts or where the magic happens. When a parent’s young son starts to cry because they’re injured or their feelings are hurt, you have to let them know it’s okay.”
Now Leno points out that no one wants a crying boy all day and that learning to manage emotions are important, but also stresses the importance of balance.
“A lot of times men are growing up in households where there is no balance. We have to redefine what it means to be strong. The strong person is insightful. The strong person has enough insight to know they need some help and they say I need to cry by myself or go to the gym to relieve stress. That is being strong. Strong is not pretending all the time that there is nothing wrong with you.”
If you or someone you know are in need of mental health care or support, here is a list of some mental resources for black men:
• The Men’s Center - Provides counseling and therapy services for men, including those who are struggling with mental health issues.
• Black Men Heal - A non-profit organization that provides free mental health services to Black men, including therapy and support groups. They have a directory of Black male therapists in the Detroit area.
Vol. 86 – No. 37 | May 17-23, 2023 Powered by Real Times Media | michiganchronicle.com City.Life.Style. B1
This year’s flower fest—which will held Saturday, May 21, from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.--will feature 65 vendors from around the Midwest. “It’s the Superbowl of flowers,” said Jerry Tunier, president of the Metro Detroit Flower Growers Association and owner of Post Gardens. Detroit to Spend $95 Million on Road and Sidewalk Improvement See PUBLIC WORKS page A2 COMERICA HOMEFRONT Roots. A3 Bouncing Around The Motor City wins $100,000 Comerica Hatch Detroit Contest by TechTown A Celebration of Freedom, Culture, and Community Black Bike Week: Breaking the Stigma: Empowering Black Men to Prioritize Their Mental Health
Public Works
that impossible, we will do everything we can to ensure our patients can access the care they need.”
great joy that the city is listening to our Association.”
Right To Choose Report
African American women and women of color, who already have a long-storied history with access and inclusion in medi-
structure workforce.
“I’m very excited that through all the work done by our contractors, what you see today are city crews paving this neighborhood street, but we also utilize contractors to pave this neighborhood street.”
cine and healthcare, may be adversely impacted by the decision to overturn herself in the position to choose has access to care without the threat of legal action, many wonder
what the Supreme Court will rule in the upcomingsion, advocates on both sides of the argument are willing to continue their “Overturning Roe v. Wade would be a terrible break with nearly 50 years of judicial precedent and – more importantly – a blow against individual freedom. It is my hopeings of this draft. If that is not the case, we need toity Leader Schumer and Gov. Whitmer in support of their efforts to preservetive freedom,” said Chair Alisha Bell, on behalf of -
Mental Health
From page A-1
awarded through the city’s procurement process.
Some major thoroughfares planned for improvements throughout the city this year include segments of W. Vernor, Harper, McNichols, Meyers, Conant, and 7 Mile Road.
• Wayne County Mental Health Authority - Provides mental health services to residents of Wayne County, including counseling, therapy, and support groups.
From page A-1
corporate boards to have more diverse representation and pass the legislation.
City workers plan to repave 81 miles of major and residential roads while also installing new speed humps to reduce speeding in neighborhoods. The city has installed over 10,000 speed bumps since the beginning of its program in 2018.
The investment in infrastructure that addresses potholes and encourages drivers to stick to the speed limit in neighborhoods is of great importance for the department.
“I don’t hear a lot about potholes all over the city,” said Ron Brundridge, Director of DPW. “Over the last eight or nine years, we have had expanded road improvement programs, and it has really made a difference throughout the city. We must continue to have an ongoing maintenance program in place.”
Better collection and analysis of criminal justice data: BLAC recommends data collection and professional analysis be initiated with the assistance of our Attorney General, Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES), Association of Michigan Prosecutors and other stakeholders to collaborate, collect and analyze data strategically.
Ban no-knock warrants: Urging the House Government Operations Committee to hold hearings on HB 5013 and other
The city is also proud to point out its efforts to be inclusive, with more Detroiters being a part of the infra-
islature adopts it. Increase school funding: Statutory changes to increase the School Aid Fund revenue by at least $3.6 billion and establish a permanent weighted funding formula based on student and community needs and universal preschool (0-3). Reject censorship in history instruction: Encouraging Gov. Whitmer to ensure the goal for Michigan schools should be history instruction that is presented by professionals with the sub ject matter expertise, pedagogical skills, and judgment necessary to present complex infor mation to students that are grounded in prov able facts and add to the understanding of mod ern-day America.
“We require that 51 percent of the work be done by Detroit residents for all of our contracts.”
The department will also start a new streetscape project along Dexter and complete three new streetscapes along commercial corridors on East Warren, West Warren, and Rosa Parks Boulevard. It’s all part of a city effort to beautify and restore commercial corridors throughout Detroit in an inclusive way that involves residents.
The health committee recommends reviewing state licensure policies to address the barriers that Black psychologists face in obtaining licensure in Michigan.
The city also plans to expand its sidewalk replacement program this year, which brings welcome news to thousands of Detroit residents. According to the City of Detroit, it spends about $4.5 million per year to replace broken sidewalk flags that are damaged by city trees located between the curb and sidewalk.
Ensure equitable distribution of state health funds: Ensure all Michigan communities with a significant Black population receive adequate funds to address mental health issues.
“We have multiple meetings with folks and businesses in the neighborhoods so we can first identify what their desires are, and then we design a streetscape project that aligns with their neighborhood.”
Protecting Black voting rights: Urge state officials to remain vigilant in the
With an additional $20.5 million in budget surplus funds approved by the Detroit City Council, this year the city will have a $25 million sidewalk improvement program.
Funding for the road projects will come from a combination of federal and state transportation funds, as well as road bond funds.
Flower Day
be in attendance include
Amazing Apparel 2, Bev’s Fashion, C & L Sales, Naim
Unique Designs, Universal Earth Creations, Shionne Designs, Bjacklean and Michelle’s Creations. Blackowned food businesses
including counseling, therapy, and support groups. It’s important to note that this is not an exhaustive list, and there may be other resources available in the Detroit area. It’s also important to seek professional help if you’re struggling with mental health issues and to speak with a healthcare provider to determine the best course of action for your specific needs.
vendors from around the Midwest.
Forty-one miles of residential streets and 40 miles of major roads will be improved in 2023. Most residential streets will be paved by city crews, while contractors will pave the major roads. All contracts will be
Under this year’s expanded sidewalk replacement program, up to 70,000 damaged of missing sidewalk sections (approx. 80 miles) will be replaced this construction season.
Love’s Custard Pie and Flavorful Creations LLC will be on hand, too, and Detroit Mini Donut is coming with its food truck.
This year’s flower fest— which will be held Saturday, May 21, from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. will feature 65
Eastern Market also has Flower Tuesday Markets on May 16, 2, and 30 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Sheds 5 and 6. According to the EMP’s Facebook page, Tuesday Markets “have flower selections from Eastern Market growers, smaller crowds and easier parking” as well as “flower vendors in Shed 6 every day from Mother’s Day till Father’s Day from sunrise to sunset.” People can also purchase flowers and plants in-person at the weekly Saturday Markets throughout flower season.
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michiganchronicle.com | DQE
Page A-2 | May 17-23, 2023 | michiganchronicle.com LONGWORTH M. QUINN Publisher-Emeritus 1909-1989 Michigan Chronicle A Real Times Media Newspaper SAMUEL LOGAN Publisher 1933-2011 JOHN H. SENGSTACKE Chairman-Emeritus 1912-1997 CONTACT US 1452 Randolph • Detroit, MI 48226 • (313) 963-8100 • e-mail: newsdesk@michronicle.com HIRAM E. JACKSON Publisher | AJ WILLIAMS Managing Editor From page A-1 971 512 808 062 433 323 198 9 15 25 44 52 10 37 PICKS 287 762 934 321 682 790 1954 7926 WEEK’S BEST LOTTERY From page A-1 Page A-2 | April 20-26, 2022 | michiganchronicle.com LONGWORTH M. QUINN Publisher-Emeritus 1909-1989 Michigan Chronicle A Real Times Media Newspaper SAMUEL LOGAN Publisher 1933-2011 JOHN H. SENGSTACKE Chairman-Emeritus 1912-1997 CONTACT US 1452 Randolph • Detroit, MI 48226 • (313) 963-8100 • e-mail: newsdesk@michronicle.com HIRAM E. JACKSON Publisher | AJ WILLIAMS Managing Editor ADVERTISING DEADLINE Classified: 3 p.m Friday Copy, corrections and cancellations, preceding the Wednesday publication. Display: 12 p.m. Friday preceding the Wednesday publication. For all news and calendar items: Deadline is two weeks prior to event. Weeks that contain holidays, deadline is Thursday prior to publication date. OFFICE HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Closed Sat. and Sun. The Michigan Chronicle is published every Wednesday. Periodical Postage, paid at Detroit, MI. Price $1.00 and other post office. MEMBER OF AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION POSTMASTER Send address changes to: MICHIGAN CHRONICLE | 1452 Randolph • DETROIT, MI 48226 THE MICHIGAN CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1452 Randolph • Detroit, MI 48226 • Phone: (313) 963-8100 Publication No.: USPS 344-820
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us for our third annual 21-Day Equity Challenge to deepen your understanding of inequities across Southeastern Michigan, confront bias, and commit to justice.
• Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network - Offers a range of mental health services to residents of Detroit and Wayne County, michiganchronicle.com
Keeping You Informed Away or at Home.
start her own business to support her family, and thus Bouncing Around The Motor City was born. This year, Coleman and her family have traveled to Washington DC, California, Florida and Atlanta attending balloon and face painting conferences in an effort to grow the business.
Bouncing Around The Motor City plans to open its storefront in a rehabilitated building in Detroit’s Bethune community. The building has been vacant for 26 years and Coleman plans to renovate the space into a flourishing retail balloon and gift shop.
“Celebrating the future brick-and-mortar addition to Detroit’s thriving small business landscape, we are thrilled to extend our support and recognition to Bouncing Around The Motor City,” said Christianne Malone, assistant vice president for economic development at Wayne State University and chief program officer of TechTown Detroit.
“The Comerica Hatch Detroit Contest has showcased time and again the incredible entrepreneurial spirit that thrives in this city, and Bouncing Around The Motor City’s success serves as a testament to the perseverance and determination of its founder,” Moore continued. “With TechTown’s commitment to supporting its alumni and winners beyond the competition, we are excited to witness the journey that lies ahead for Bouncing Around The Motor City and the finalists.”
After a tight race, Bouncing Around The Motor City was crowned the winner in front of a live audience at the Hatch Off event that took place Wednesday, April 26, at the Wayne State University Industry Innovation Center in Detroit. During the live pitching competition, the top four businesses were given the opportunity to present their business pitch to a panel of judges, as well as a live audience. Public voting, along with the judges’ deliberation, determined that Bouncing Around The Motor City was the winner.
“Comerica Bank congratulates Bouncing Around The Motor City on this momentous achievement in their entrepreneurial journey and a well-deserved victory. As Bouncing Around The Motor City joins the
Jackets for Jobs Prom Dress Boutique Helps Alleviate Burdens during Prom Season
The cost of dressing up is rising. Like many other things, the price of fine wearables is increasing due, in part, to supply chain issues and inflation. And for a young woman planning for her prom, that cost in addition to increased fees by hairstylists and makeup artists could put the price of getting ready for that big night between $300 and $700 and for some even more.
But, with the help of Jackets for Jobs, an organization that has been helping people in need get dressed for work for more than 20 years, young ladies in Detroit were able to get a beautiful prom dress, shoes, and accessories for absolutely free.
“At Jackets for Jobs, our mission is to provide clothing for job seekers and help them overcome that barrier. As you know, a lot of times when people are going for a job interview, they have either transportation issues, childcare issues, or clothing issues, and so we help them overcome that barrier so they can look their best when they go for a job interview,” explains founder and CEO, Alison Vaughn.
“But. with this
with Comerica Bank we are helping
Comerica Bank donated $14,000 to Jackets for Jobs in support of the Prom Dress Drive and Workforce Development programs. Pictured (L-R): Patricia McCann (Comerica Bank), Alison Vaughn (Jackets for Jobs), and Linda Nosegbe (Comerica Bank).
will be hard. And these girls will miss out on that big dance that big dream of theirs. So we want them to feel like Cinderella and go to the dance.”
Through a partnership with Comerica Bank, Jackets for Jobs set up a makeshift boutique inside The Samari-
Teens from over 50 schools and community organizations were able to benefit from this year prom dress boutique. Photo Credit: Andre Smith Photography.
tan Center at 5555 Conner Ave. The room was filled with row after row of glamorous gowns, sparkling shoes, and even a table with accessories. There was also a fitting room and Comerica employees and volunteers from Jackets for Jobs serving as “personal shoppers” ensuring that each young lady had a glamorous experience.
And, when it was all done many of the young ladies proudly posed in front of a backdrop and their smiles said it all.
One 11th-grader, Asia, and her mom were beaming as they shopped
Roots. A3 | May 17-23, 2023 michiganchronicle.com See HATCH DETROIT page A-4 COMERICA HOMEFRONT
results are in! Bouncing Around The Motor City has been named the winner of the 2023 Comerica Hatch Detroit Contest by TechTown, claiming the $100,000 grand prize from Comerica Bank to open the brick-and-mortar business of their dreams in Detroit.
the winner of the 2023 Hatch Off, Bouncing Around The Motor City will receive technical assistance from TechTown and its partners in addition to the $100,000 business grant from Comerica Bank to kickstart and open a brick-and-mortar business in Detroit.
Around The Motor City is Detroit’s premier one-stop shop for balloons, decor, event planning and party rentals. It aims to create unique and vibrant designs for parties and special occasions that will captivate.
and owner Cathryn Coleman is a certified balloon artist that skillfully creates each design. Back in 2017 while caring for her mother in hospice care, Coleman was inspired to take a leap of faith and
Cathryn Coleman presented with $100,000
Hatch Detroit Contest
Techtown grand prize. Pictured
Christianne Moore (TechTown), Steve Davis (Comerica Bank), Linda Nosegbe (Comerica Bank),
Meghan Storey
(Comerica Bank), Coleman, Ned Staebler (TechTown), Beatrice Kelly (Comerica Bank), and Omar Salah (Comerica Bank). Photo
Credit: Julianne Lindsey, TechTown Detroit.
Comerica Bank Executive Vice President, Head of Small Business Banking Omar Salah greets the packed auditorium at the Wayne State Industry Innovation Center to help kick of Hatch Off.
Bouncing Around The Motor City wins $100,000 Comerica Hatch Detroit Contest by TechTown 11th annual Hatch Off brings one-stop party rental shop to Detroit
Michigan Chronicle Managing Editor AJ Williams (far right), who served as host at the 2023 Hatch Off, introduces the four contest finalists, including (L-R): Coleman, Melaku Helina (Konjo Me), Sarah and Jay Williams (Next Chapter Books), and Mason Martell (Sepia Coffee Project LLC).
free prom dresses,
of money.” Vaughn adds, “And if you’re on a fixed income if you don’t have any income at all, that
girls in need
and accessories, because if you
search it, it cost up to $2,000 to
to a prom, and by the time you buy the dress, the shoes, the accessories, you know, that’s a lot
Comerica Bank and Techtown representatives pictured with the 2023 Hatch Off finalists.
Cathryn Coleman, owner of Bouncing Around the Motor City, entertains the crowded Hatch Off during her final pitch during the 2023 Comerica Hatch Detroit Contest. Photo Credit: Julianne Lindsey, TechTown Detroit.
Young Men Fitted with Custom, High-Fashion Suits for Prom
Horatio Williams Foundation, Comerica Bank, Ivan’s Suits and Alterations, The SONShine Project and Neway Works, Inc., team up to
More than 30 graduating Detroit-area high school senior boys converged on Ivan’s Suits and Alterations in Southfield on May 2 to pick up their high fashion, personally selected, freshly altered, prom tuxedos.
The young men were selected weeks earlier during a special complimentary shopping trip provided courtesy through the partnership between the Horatio Williams Foundation, Comerica Bank, The SONshine Project and Neway Works Inc.
The tuxedo giveaway came alongside Comerica’s collaboration with Jackets For Jobs to give away prom dresses to young women. Together, both events will allow nearly 200 metro Detroit students to be among the best dressed during the special prom season--many of whom may not have had the means otherwise.
Lauren Sanders--the founder of The SONshine Project talked about why it was important for her to be a part of this event.
The average cost to buy a tuxedo is between $500 and $1,000 to rent one is between $100 and $150. This event alleviated some of those costs for these young men. They also got to keep the beautifully tailored tuxedo and will have it to wear it to more special occasions.
“We love to see all the pretty girls and their gorgeous dresses and we really encourage the girls that have fun with that. But what we know is again in our community,
boys like to express themselves as well,” said Sanders. “And so when the opportunity presented itself, in collaboration with the Horatio Williams Foundation, and all of the support and the fantastic vision of Linda Nosegbe at Comerica, we jumped on that because what a fantasy for a young man to walk into a boutique, where there is all sorts of exciting fashionable bling, sequins, Crystal encrusted, pattern-based bold color, tuxedos and for you to have no limit. And just pick the tuxedo of your choice. You get the jacket, met the pants, a shirt and the tie and any alterations that were needed.”
She added, “And what a way to say to our young men that there are people who care. And we simply want to remind you to engage, look for, and surround yourself with those people in your community who want to help provide you with support as you launch into your adulthood.”
Sanders founded The SONshine Project as someone who has raised three young men to be caring and compassionate human beings. The program has several pillars: science, technology, engineering, arts and math, health & wellness, financial literacy, and civic engagement.
“I grew up on the northeast side of Detroit,” Sanders says, “And, if I learned nothing else, (and I learned a lot there) I learned that there is a fine line between, you know, “making it” and not.”
Comerica Bank Appoints
Kevin Watkins National African American Business Development Manager
Comerica Bank has appointed Kevin Watkins as its National African American Business Development Manager, supporting Comerica’s steadfast commitment to develop and grow relationships with African American business leaders, entrepreneurs, and communities across all markets. These responsibilities are an extension of Watkins’ current role as Vice President, Southeast Michigan External Affairs Market Manager.
As National African American Business Development Manager, Watkins will collaborate with Comerica’s African American Business Resource Groups and Chief Diversity Officer Nate Bennett on building external partnerships with African American nonprofit organizations across the bank’s national footprint.
“Kevin’s expertise and understanding of our diverse communities will prove valuable in assisting African American entrepreneurs and businesses,” said Wendy Bridges, Comerica Bank’s Executive Vice President of Corporate Responsibility. “Having worked closely with customers and small businesses through Comerica banking centers, he brings a wealth of experience that will enrich our efforts to promote economic development.”
In February, Watkins was named Southeast Michigan External Affairs Market Manager where he helps guide Comerica’s community commitment and engagements throughout metro Detroit. Watkins cultivates relationships among philanthropic organizations, as well as community, civic and government leaders. He assists the bank’s community reinvestment activities, community investments and financial education initiatives, which include the wide-reaching Comerica Money $ense programs (Business $ense, Money $ense, Education $ense, Sports $ense, Senior $ense, and Church $ense). Additionally, Watkins advises the Comerica’s Michigan Market President on external affairs-related issues.
“Supporting and engaging with businesses, and providing resources to help them succeed, remain at the core of how we strive to increase opportunities in our communities,” said Watkins. “I look forward to continuing efforts alongside community leaders to deliver crucial resources and technical assistance to businesses and entrepreneurs.”
Previously, Watkins served as Vice President and Banking Center Manager of Comerica’s Ford Road-Beech Daly Banking Center in Dearborn Heights. He began his career at Comerica in June 2005 as a Management Trainee and has held various assistant banking center manager roles with increased levels of responsibility at numerous locations since then. In 2012, Watkins was elevated to banking center manager/assistant vice president.
Hatch Detroit
From page A-3
previous 10 winners and the special network of Hatch alumni, we look forward to the vibrancy it will bring to the community,” said Steve Davis, Comerica Bank Michigan Market President. “We recognize the vital role entrepreneurs play in driving economic growth and job creation as well as the unique challenges small business owners face. Now guided behind the strength of the TechTown team, the Hatch Detroit Contest has proven a tremendous opportunity for uplifting small businesses by helping them access the capital and technical assistance they need to succeed and thrive.”
The 10 semifinalists of the 2023 Comerica Hatch Detroit Contest were announced to the public for voting in early April. After
support local teens
She thoughtfully adds, “And what I realized through my journey is the intervention of so many caring, concerned people in my community helped to direct me. And not only can I see just by observation of our community, but the statistics bear out the fact that our young men are struggling in a lot of areas.”
“And, so The SONshine Project was born out of a desire to want to add to some of the many organizations and individuals who are already out here concerned about our young men. It’s to add to that conversation and to continue to highlight and remind people that a strong community is a balanced community, and our boys need us.”
The tux giveaway was coordinated by The Horatio Williams Foundation. A non-profit organization founded in 2005 by a passionate and great leader who always wanted to find a way to “Give a Second Chance”. The Foundation is dedicated to helping Detroit Metropolitan youth realize personal success and achievement through a series of developmental leadership programs that will engage students in education, sports and community service activities.
The Horatio Williams partnered with Comerica Bank to connect with community organiations to pull off the successful event.
Neway Works also lent support. This non-profit is an advocate for improving mental health and overall wellbeing of youth
over 23,000 votes were cast, the four finalists – Bouncing Around The Motor City, Konjo Me, Next Chapter Books and Sepia Coffee Project LLC – were selected by and introduced to the public. A second round of public voting opened on Monday, April 24, and ran through the completion of the business pitches at the Hatch Off.
As the winner of the 11th annual Comerica Hatch Detroit Contest by TechTown, Bouncing Around The Motor City joins previous winners La Feria (2012), Sister Pie (2014), http://www.livecycledelight.com/Meta Physica Massage (2016), Baobab Fare (2017), 27th Letter Books (2019) and Little Liberia (2022).
With this year’s investment, Comerica Bank and the Comerica Charitable Foundation will have committed nearly $1 million to Hatch Detroit since Comerica’s partnership began in 2012.
Local metro Detroit student tries on custom fitted tux for prom. who are from low socioeconomic backgrounds, leaving no child behind
When reflecting on the event, Sanders gets emotional nearly a week later recounting how it felt to tell a mother of 7 that her son’s prom apparel would cost her nothing.
“She was so thrilled and he was Mr. Personality+, and it was the most fulfilling thing to enjoy being able to simply be good to young men who are just being reminded that, you know, as you continue to do well. There will be people watching and
there are people out there who care and we’re willing to support you.”
Sanders notes that there, for teenagers especially, there can be an extreme sense of shame that comes from not having financial means in times of special events like a prom and, she adds, that shame is misplaced. “So, just in this moment, to be able to say, ‘Don’t worry about money, but we know you want to have something nice to wear. So, let’s just come on over here and get sharp. So you know that you’re worthy and deserving.’”
Page A-4 • michiganchronicle.com • May 17-23, 2023
Detroit has long been known as a great jazz town. Celebrating its 21st season, Comerica Bank Java & Jazz continues the tradition of providing a monthly after work concert series that showcases some of Detroit’s finest musicians. Detroit Public Library’s 2023 Comerica Bank Java & Jazz: A Coffee House Series, celebrates its 21st season! Join us for our summer series of outdoor concerts on the lawn, off the corner of Woodward and Kirby. Refreshments and seating will be provided, but feel free to bring a lawn chair of your own. Concerts are free and open to the public, rain or shine. Sean Dobbins Tuesday, August 15, 6:00 p.m. Straight Ahead Tuesday, June 20, 6:00 p.m. Isis Damil Tuesday, July 18, 6:00 p.m. 2023
Ivan Hanna (right), owner of Ivan’s Suits and Alterations (Southfield), and his staff treated students from area schools with first-class service and assisted the teens with final touches and measurements for the perfect fit.
Students from local Detroit area schools display their new tuxedos with Comerica Bank’s Linda Nosegbe (second from left), the Horatio Williams Foundation’s Horatio Williams (fourth from left), and The SONshine Project’s Lauren Sanders (fourth from right).
Comerica Bank’s Kevin Watkins delivers financial education at Bunche Preparatory Academy in Detroit.
| May 17-23, 2023
Budget-Friendly Ways to Support Your Incarcerated Loved Ones
The issue of mass incarceration has been a persistent challenge in the United States, and Detroit has not been exempted from its effects. The ramifications of incarceration extend beyond individuals to families, communities, and society at large, making it a multifaceted topic that has been extensively discussed and debated.
According to a 2019, National Institute of Corrections report, Michigan correctional authorities said there were just under 40,000 inmates spread across 29 correctional facilities in the state.
Supporting a loved one in prison can be emotionally and financially challenging. However, you don’t have to break the bank to show your love and care. In fact, there are affordable ways you can provide meaningful support to your incarcerated family member or friend. Whether it’s through sending letters and photos or offering emotional support, here are some budget-friendly ideas to help you support your loved ones behind bars. Here are a few ways to support an incarcerated loved one without breaking the bank.
Books and Magazines
In many facilities, inmates are allowed to receive books and magazines. Sending reading materials to your loved one can help them pass the time, stay mentally engaged, and provide a sense of escapism. To save on costs, you can look for used books or magazines, or consider sharing books that you already own.
Send Photos
Sending photos of family, friends, and memorable moments can help your loved one feel connected to the outside world. You can print out photos or make a small photo album to send, or you can even send photos digitally if the prison allows it.
Include Them in a House Project
The most challenging aspect for loved ones in prison is being away from home. However, you can bring a piece of home to them by involving them in a home project. You can send them paint colors, furniture ideas, and give them a voice to express their preferences. This can provide inspiration, encourage creativity, and foster positive collaboration, despite the physical separation.
Emotional Support
Offering emotional support through letters or phone calls doesn’t require much expense but can have a profound impact. Letting your loved one know that you’re there for them, actively listening to their concerns, and offering words of encouragement and support can make a significant difference. Your presence and empathy can provide comfort and reassurance during their time of incarceration, showing them that they are not alone.
Visiting loved ones in prison can be a powerful way to maintain and strengthen the bond between the incarcerated individual and their family members. Through face-toface interaction, it allows for emotional connection, expression of love and support, and reaffirmation of the relationship. The opportunity to physically be together, even in a restricted environment, can foster a sense of closeness and intimacy, and provide a valuable opportunity to show care, empathy, and understanding. This can help maintain the familial bond and provide a source of comfort and support during a challenging time of separation.
Advocate for Them
Advocacy can serve as a powerful platform for raising awareness about the unique experiences and challenges faced by incarcerated individuals. Through sharing their stories and perspectives, advocacy efforts can bring to light the injustices and systemic issues that exist within the criminal justice system.
This increased visibility can lead to greater public awareness and understanding of the complex issues surrounding incarceration, including issues related to bias, inequality, and social injustice. By shining a spotlight on these important topics, advocacy can contribute to a broader societal understanding of the need for reforms and improvements in the criminal justice system, and ultimately work towards creating a more just and equitable system for all individuals involved.
Supporting incarcerated loved ones is not only a moral obligation, but also a crucial step towards promoting rehabilitation, reducing recidivism, and advocating for systemic change. It can have a profound impact on the lives of both the incarcerated individual and their family, while also contributing to a more just and compassionate criminal justice system.
By approaching the situation with empathy, understanding, and active advocacy, we can strive towards creating a society that values and upholds the dignity and humanity of all individuals, including those who are incarcerated. Together, we can work towards building a more equitable and inclusive society that supports individuals in their journey towards rehabilitation, reintegration, and ultimately, a brighter future.
Looming Recession Fears: What it Means for Detroiters?
At the height of surging inflation in 2022, experts widely assumed a looming recession, a dark cloud that would embroil the U.S. economy. Yet, the economy continued to swing on an unpredictable yet stable enough upside. Now, new data released in late April showed signs of slowing economic growth.
The last quarter of 2022 showed the economy grew at 2.6 percent, in stark contrast to a downward 1.1 percent of economic growth in the first quarter of 2023, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis.
From polls to surveys, new data keeps rolling out that signals an economic downturn. The newest survey out by the Federal Reserve which studied the lending standards by banks reflected “tighter standards and weaker demand for commercial and industrial loans to large and middle-market firms as well as small firms over the first quarter.”
So how should Detroiters react or financially plan for a potential recession on
downturn in the economy?
“Your money should always have a place to go.” says Gail Perry Mason, Founder of Money Matters for Youth. We have to be more strategic with where our money is going. Once you work for your money, make it work for you.”
Perry-Mason says take advantage of the higher interest rate as this would be the only tie to receive money than to give money as it relates to the interest rate.
“Everyone needs to become their own Chief Life Officer and actually start making layoffs,” she adds. “Corporate America makes layoffs all the time, you have to make your own layoffs in your household.”
She says it’s important to track your money and find out where it’s going.
“You say to yourself, during this recession or inflation, I maybe need to layoff the cable, some subscription services, it can be small, but all those small bills do add up.”
Repairing your credit is another thing Detroiters should consider right now.
“This is one of the most important times to be educated about credit, so you’ll know how to wisely use it,” says Shemeka
Bishop, owner of The Bishop of Credit, a credit repair and consulting business.
“I always suggest using your credit when paying for items. If you’re using your credit, you’ll be able to maximize the dollars that you’re spending.”
Bishop says when you’re using credit to purchase groceries, you’re getting three times the benefit such as cashback, points, and increasing one’s credit score as you pay it back over time and on time.
“Not only can you make $50 at the grocery store, for example, work for you once but work for you twice.” Bishop emphasizes credit cards aren’t made to completely live off but in this economic climate, you might need it, and how to use and make it work for you could be financially helpful for many households.
There is a fear and anxiety that comes with the idea of an impending recession but according to Perry-Mason, there are some benefits if this economic storm hits.
“We learn from it (potential recession), what could come from it, discipline. Discipline is everything. People should take advantage of the higher interest rate. Learn to get more money on you own money.”
Comcast RISE Offers Grants for Small Business Growth and Diversity
Comcast has announced a new round of grants for 100 small businesses in Macomb, Oakland, Washtenaw, and Wayne counties. These grants include comprehensive packages consisting of business consultation services, educational resources, a $5,000 monetary grant, creative production, media schedule, and a technology makeover. The program, called Comcast RISE, aims to support the growth of small businesses while promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion as well as community investment.
application period for eligible businesses in metro Detroit, Baltimore, Memphis, Philadelphia, and Portland runs from June 1 to June 30, and 100 grants per city, or 500 grants overall, will be announced in August and awarded in September 2023. To date, Comcast has helped more than 650 small businesses owned by people of color and women in Michigan. Comcast RISE, which stands for Representation, Investment, Strength, and Empowerment, was created in November 2020 to assist small businesses hit hardest by COVID-19. The program has since evolved to focus on helping businesses and their communities thrive with a focus on economic growth. Grant packages will include consultation, education resources, a $5,000 monetary grant, creative production and media, and a technology makeover, including computer equipment and Internet, Voice, and Cybersecurity services for 12 months. Additionally, small business owners can access Comcast RISE content on the X1 platform, which features small business news, tips, and insights. Comcast RISE is part of Project UP, Comcast’s initiative to advance digital equity and create a future of unlimited possibilities. More information on eligibility requirements and how to apply for the grant program can be found at www. ComcastRISE.com.
Page A-6 | May 17-23, 2023 | michiganchronicle.com DIVERSITY IN CLINICAL TRIALS EQUALS BETTER TREATMENTS FOR EVERYONE. with a given disease. Visit medicalheroes.org to learn more. A sincere thank you from these sponsors to everyone who participates in clinical research:
in Clinical Trials Matters
Clinical trials are a critical part of the research process for new medicines and vaccines. The information gained is fundamental to the development of new ways to help treat and prevent disease. Evidence has shown that some drugs and vaccines show variations in the response to some individuals depending on their racial or genetic background. For this reason, it is important that volunteer participants of clinical trials appropriately reflect the people that the investigational medicine or vaccine is intending to treat.
Our company, Merck, and many others, are working to ensure that volunteer participants from diverse backgrounds are included in clinical trials. Why is this so important?
Age, gender, weight, race, or ethnicity might change how individuals respond to a treatment. By including people with varied traits and characteristics, research can provide important information to understand how treatments work in a diverse population.
There are many reasons why people volunteer for clinical trials
– and many reasons they choose not to. In the United States, past medical mistreatment made some people distrust science and medicine. Financial or travel issues can also make it hard for people to join research trials. Too often, all those worries combined prevent people from volunteering.
That’s why we’re trying to make it easier for all volunteer participants.
The importance of diversity in cancer research
Diversity in clinical research is especially important in cancer research because the impact of cancer can be very different among diverse groups of people. For example, the American Cancer Society says prostate cancer is increasing. It also is 70% more common among Black men than White men in the United States. It’s important then that Black men are also a big part of research into the disease and the evaluation of investigational treatments.
Improving diversity in trials by reaching people in underrepresented communities
We need to do a better job engaging people in underrepresented communities and help them understand what participation in a clinical trial involves. Then we need to help those with challenges, like being too far from a trial or having financial concerns.
Partnerships with local organizations – groups who know their people best -- can help. We’re also running our trials in more areas. Last year, about half of our clinical trial locations were placed in areas where underrepresented groups live to meet them where they are.
We recognize that there are things we can do to improve the clinical trial experience for volunteer participants, such as providing travel to and from clinical sites for their study appointments.
We know people often feel more comfortable with doctors and medical professionals who look like them too. So, we’re working to improve the diversity of clinical researchers. Plus, we’re creating tools to help health care professionals engage their patients about participating in trials.
We’re training more people to help volunteer participants through the clinical trial process called Patient Navigators. Patient Navigators can work with patients and medical staff as a go-between. We’re also looking at how to run trials so that some aspects may be easier for volunteer participants, like using telemedicine.
Working together to improve clinical research
We have a lot more to do, but we’re seeing progress. In 2022, we enrolled about 50 percent more diverse volunteer participants in our trials. It’s positive momentum we are working hard to grow, to make sure clinical research is an option for everyone.
You can help. Be open to learning more about clinical trials. Every trial has risks and benefits, and participation is completely optional and voluntary. You can stop at any time. Volunteer participants get to be active in their health and help advance medical research for everyone.
Adrelia Allen, Senior Director, Clinical Trial Patient Diversity, Merck Research
Authored by: Adrelia Allen, Senior Director, Clinical Trial Patient Diversity, Merck Research
Advertorial michiganchronicle.com | May 17-23, 2023 | Page A-7
Students from Harms Elementary and Hope of Detroit Academy Middle/High School visit the Detroit Institute of Arts to celebrate Día del Niño.
Día del Niño included a full day of fun activities, including a Comerica Bank themed piñata.
Comerica Celebrates “Dia del Nino” in Michigan
For the second year in a row Comerica’s Michigan Hispanic Business Resource Group partnered with the Detroit Institute of Art and media partner Latino Press, a member of the New Michigan Media network along with the Michigan Chronicle, to celebrate Día del Niño with a day at the museum for students attending Harms Elementary and Hope of Detroit Academy Middle/High school in Detroit. Michigan Market President, Steve Davis joined the festivities this year helping to the welcome the students to the DIA to celebrate a fun day blending culture and education.
Students from both schools were given a tour of the museum where they were able to participate in interactive displays and view special exhibitions and the DIA’s expansive art collection. Participants also had a chance to meet Salvador Salort-Pons, Director, President, and CEO of the Detroit Institute of Art.
Students participated in a financial education trivia game while enjoying lunch which was provided and were also given Comerica swag bags. They ended the day trying to break Comerica Bank-themed pinatas in celebration of their day of fun and learning.
Comerica’s Michigan Women’s Business Resource Group hosted nearly 40 business women to a friendly cooking competition.
Michigan Women’s BRG Hosts “The Duel Cook-Off Experience”
Owning a business is no small feat. But in recent years, women have taken on starting their own businesses with stride, leaving their 9-to-5 to explore their passion and become an entrepreneur. In fact, they’re even more likely to start a business than men.
Recent study shows that 42% of all U.S. businesses are owned by women (13 million).
Women-owned businesses employ over 9.4 million workers. The US economy is increasingly reliant on the work and devotion of female entrepreneurs. Comerica’s Women’s Business Resource Groups (BRGs) are committed to understanding and addressing the challenges faced by women business owners. They are work-
Prom Dress Drive
From page A-4
for the perfect dress for a junior prom.
As a Vice President--Corporate Quality Compliance Specialist III, Shayla Tartt is responsible for providing guidance and direction with respect to compliance with laws and regulations with direction and/or input from management.
This includes ongoing guidance as well as assisting with the management of implementation processes as well as detecting, assessing, and responding to emerging risks.
The role marks a progression for this Comerican who has been with the company since she was only 19 starting off as a teller. Now, more than 20 years later--she is in her first VP role and thriving.
“Starting out so young, Comerica provided so many opportunities,” Shayla says of her career trajectory, “They invest in their employees and make you feel like you are part of a family. They provide development opportunities, as well as volunteering opportunities so that you can make a huge impact within the community--which makes you feel good while you’re giving back and doing good things, which is really important to me.”
Shayla shared that one of her best experiences was participating in Comerica’s Emerging Leaders program which strengthens the quality of Comerica’s leadership pipeline by stretching and maximizing leadership abilities. Also, it is meant to enable participants to build leadership skills, and confidence to increase current job performance and to prepare for future career opportunities.
“It helps you to collaborate and connect with other people across the bank who are in similar roles as you and those in leadership roles. I learned so much during that process,” Shayla shared, “Some of the things that they helped me work on as presentation skills. We had to do a speech in front of many people, and I really stretched myself and grew through that process.”
ing to create connections and opportunities to engage women in the diverse communities we serve.
The Michigan Women’s BRG recently hosted a “The Duel Cook-Off Experience” a friendly cooking competition, where they invited customers, prospects and partners to join members of the BRG for a fun night out to network, connect and show-off their cooking skills. The team of colleagues, led by Alicia Lindsey and Jodi Bello, hosted this successful event with nearly 40 businesswomen in attendance.
She adds, “And it was so rewarding-- going through that program, not only did it make me a better leader, but it also opened up new opportunities for me.”
The career development that Shayla has gained at work for Comerica has also had benefits in her personal life. “I’m a single mother with two children. I have a nineyear-old and a 12-year-old. Prior to COVID, I was gone from home up to 12 hours a day, right? Because you have to drop them off at school, you go to work and by the end of the week, I felt like I was missing out on so much-it was hard to balance everything.”
“But, when Comerica implemented the “Work Best” schedule, which allows me to work four days at home and one day in the office, it has allowed me to be there be present. I have also been able to volunteer at my children’s school volunteer, or on field trips, and still perform my job every single day without missing a beat. So having that integration has helped me in so in so many ways, in being able to better parent my children.”
Shayla explains that one of the things she enjoys best about being a Comerican is our commitment to the community. She participates in volunteering for the prom dress giveaway event. She also happily volunteers to sponsor a family every holiday season. She even volunteers at her son’s school--as a basketball coach.
“When there’s a need, you just jump in, and you help. I do the Salvation Army Adopt-a-Family program every year to try to make that family’s holidays a little brighter.”
Shayla credits Comerica with enlarging her giving spirit.
“Comerica is such a great company to work for. I’ve been here a lot of years, I started at 19 and I’ve learned so much--and I’m just so thankful for the opportunities that have come with working for the bank and thankful for my position and for where I am and I’m just looking forward to the future and looking forward to volunteering more and contributing more. And, just being the best person that I can be. And Comerica does a really great job of promoting that and helping you get to where you need to be.”
Asia said that without this opportunity, she would have had to look online for deals and that she would have “tried to pull it off.” But, instead, Patricia A. McCann, Vice President, Social Impact, National Employee Volunteer Program Manager--Community Affairs helped her find three options to try on for her big night. Her mom beamed with pride as she acknowledged that she too was grateful for the opportunity and that the experience made her realize her little girl is “growing up,” as she faked tears for Asia’s amusement.
Dresses were collected at participating banking centers resulting in hundreds of donations. However, McCann noted that next year, she hopes to have even more options for teens at all sizes.
Since 2017, Comerica has donated more than 7,500 dresses to benefit local teens who otherwise may not be able to afford formal attire and experience the high school tradition of prom, including over 900 last year following a two-year postponement due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“When we eliminate obstacles and reduce chal-
lenges for those in need that open opportunities and offer experiences that enhance self-worth, we positively impact lives and help transform our communities,” said Alison Vaughn, Jackets for Jobs Founder and Executive Director. “With the support of Comerica Bank, we are confident we can achieve this and help our youth by giving them a chance to attend their own special events with beauty and, most importantly, confidence.”
“For the past several years, our colleagues, customers and communities have come together with tremendous generosity during our previous prom dress drives to support local teens,” said Linda Nosegbe, Comerica Bank National Community Impact Manager. “As the interest in contributing to this great cause remains strong, our new partnership with Jackets for Jobs allows us to continue connecting to the community through an outstanding community organization driven to help others to thrive and succeed.”
Teens who attended the Jackets for Jobs Prom Dress Boutique represented more than 50 schools and community groups in Detroit and southeast Michigan.
COMERICA IN THE COMMUNITY COMERICA IN THE COMMUNITY Page A-8 • michiganchronicle.com • May 17-23, 2023 For more information on how Comerica colleagues are giving back to our community, visit www.facebook.com/Comerica. COLLEAGUE SPOTLIGHT Shayla Tartt
BENEFITING IN PARTNERSHIP WITH A Member of Feeding America MEMBER FDIC. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY LENDER. CB-750405 03/23 Saturday June 10, 2023 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Comerica Livonia Operations Center 39200 W. Six Mile Road, Livonia, Michigan 48152 Help support Gleaners Community Food Bank of Southeastern Michigan with a donation of nonperishable food items. For more information, go to comerica.com/shredday
Detroit teen shows off prom dress at Jackets for Jobs Prom Dress Boutique. Photo Credit: Andre Smith Photography.
Jackets For Job Founder and CEO Alison Vaughn helps local teen select shoes to coordinate with prom dress. Photo Credit: Andre Smith Photography.
Comerica Cares volunteer Karie Krofft poses with student during Jackets for Jobs Prom Dress Boutique.
Comerica Cares volunteer Tiffani Longordo serves as “personal shopper.” Photo Credit: Andre Smith Photography.
Local teen at Jackets for Jobs Prom Press Boutique held at the Samaritan Center in Detroit April 28-29.
Comerica Bank National Employee Volunteer Program Manager Patricia McCann (left) assists local teen pick out shoes for prom. Photo Credit: Andre Smith Photography.
Shayla Tartt Comerica Bank Vice President, Corporate Quality Compliance Specialist III.
Shayla Tartt (left) at Jackets for Jobs Prom Dress Boutique.
Comerica Women’s BRG Chair, Ailcia Lindsey (right), with guest at The Duel Cook-Off Experience.
Michigan Hispanic Business Resource Group Chair Yolanda Serra hands out backpacks during Día del Niño.
C ity . L ife . Style .
Lady J Puts Creative Spunk on Homes, Businesses
By Andre Ash
Jenaha Rodgers often referred to a ‘Lady J’, has always been good with her hands and putting in hard work. It was in her childhood days when she learned how to paint.
The painting wasn’t much of a chore but more so an activity she wanted to try out when she volunteered to paint around the home after watching her adoptive mother’s grandson paint.
Painting would become not only a skill but one she would take on as work for rehab jobs in the neighborhood.
“There was this guy where he and his father used to chase home fires, and when a home caught on fire homeowners needed to claim insurance and of course obtain a contractor to redo everything,” Lady J said.
The ‘guy’ was Charles Boom Jr., who put out a call for painters. Lady J saw an opportunity for a two for one deal, “because I liked the guy, I just thought this would be a way where I could work and also be next to him.”
A Celebration of Freedom, Culture, and Community Black Bike Week:
In was in the early 2000s -- she got the job and was handed a list of homes to paint. Not having all of what was needed or knowing all the different concepts to painting, she credits Boom for buying all the tools and equipment, teaching her how to price, and being someone who truly believed in her and gave her an opportunity to shine.
“He saw that I used blue tape all the time, and he told me, if you’re going to be a painter – you can’t be using this tape.” She initially rebuffed his tutorial but it did enhance her skillset. “He came in and took the tape from me, so I had to learn how to paint the house with no tape.”
So that meant separating the ceiling from wall, the trim from the wall, the baseboard from the wall, while walls were one color and the trims were another. But it forced her out of the crutch and dependence on blue tape and stiffened and her confidence. She would eventually find her passion in painting houses that needed rehab. This growing
See LADY J Page B-2
The roar of motorcycle engines can be heard for miles around during the annual Black Bike Week, held in the vibrant coastal city of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, May 26-29. For one long weekend in May, the streets of this popular vacation destination are alive with the sound of thundering bikes, laughter, and music. The event is also a chance for Black-owned businesses and entrepreneurs to showcase their products and services, contributing to the local economy and providing opportunities for growth and success.
Black Bike Week, also referred to as the Atlantic Beach Bikefest, is an exhilarating celebration that revolves around the world of motorcycles. The event showcases an impressive array of classic cruisers, sleek sport bikes, and everything in between, as they rev up and down the Grand Strand. However, this festival is not only about the bikes - it’s about the community of passionate riders and the vibrant culture that encompasses them.
The event attracts motorcyclists of all ages, backgrounds, and experience levels, but one thing they all share is a passion for the open road. Whether they’re cruising along the beachfront, revving up their engines at the bike shows, or getting their groove on at the concerts and parties, these riders know how to have a good time. Locals and visitors alike come together to celebrate the diversity, energy, and excitement that
this event brings to the city.
Black Bike Week has a historical significance, as it evolved from the tradition of Black riders gathering on the beach during segregation, when they were not welcome at other events. As a result, the event has become an important symbol of unity and resistance against discrimination and exclusion.
Detroiters are known for their love of motorcycles and the open road, so it’s no surprise that many of them make the pilgrimage down to the annual Black Bike Week. For Black Detroiters, this is more than just a chance to show off their rides or enjoy the warm weather and beautiful beaches. It’s an opportunity to connect with other like-minded riders, make new friends, and revel in the unique sense of camaraderie that only other Black riders can share.
Lamar Wood affectionately known as Big L has been a devoted rider for more than two decades and is a regular participant at Black Bike Week. For him, the highlight of the event is the opportunity to connect with fellow riders and make new acquaintances.
“Bikers are like family. Clubs are like their own families, but together we all rock for the same cause. It’s amazing seeing so many personalities and different styles of riders in one place. It’s a lot of bikes, a lot of fun, and a lot of police.”
There have been some concerns in the past about traffic congestion and safety, but organizers and officials have worked hard to address these issues and ensure that everyone can enjoy the festivities in a safe and
responsible manner. Preparations for the safety and traffic plan in Myrtle Beach have been underway since last year.
Myrtle Beach Police Chief, Amy Prock, police Captain, Shannon Castle, and Travis Glatki, the city’s emergency manager, shared information from the “2022 After Action Report” which was compiled from the events during Bike Week and Memorial Day weekend. The report revealed that over 26,000 travelers arrived and departed from Myrtle Beach International Airport, nearly 2,000 patients visited Grand Strand Medical Center, and the city’s Fire and Rescue Department responded to 152 emergency calls during the events.
Such data provides crucial insight into the scale of the events and the potential challenges that may arise in the future. The city officials are committed to ensuring the safety of both visitors and residents during these busy periods, and detailed planning is necessary to achieve this goal.
“We want to ensure that our visitors can reach their intended destinations, which is why we utilize most of our areas with traffic planning,” said Prock.
If you’re seeking a thrilling and vibrant weekend filled with motorcycles, music, and entertainment, Black Bike Week in Myrtle Beach is the event for you. The dazzling hues of the bikes and the clothing, along with the lively beats of the bands and the energetic crowds, make this celebration a sensory delight you simply can’t overlook. So, grab your helmet, hop on your bike, and embark on an adventure of excitement and wonder, but don’t forget to prioritize safety!
‘Subject’ Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Dwele’s Debut Album
If I shut my eyes tightly, I can recall the moment when I first heard Dwele’s “Find a Way.” It takes me back to the early 2000s, where neo-soul dominated the airwaves and donning oversized two-piece Levi jean outfits was a fashion must. Amidst the cultural blend of a futuristic ‘70s vibe and the laid-back demeanor, this song emerged. It was a tune that embodied the essence of Detroit’s ballroom culture while oozing a sense of sophistication and allure. “Find a Way” had captivated us all and instilled anticipation for Dwele’s debut album, which was well-deserved.
On May 20, 2003, “Subject” was unveiled to the world. With the album’s serene neo-soul harmonies and soul-stirring lyrics, “Subject” immediately became a classic in its genre and thrust Dwele into the forefront of the music industry. Its themes ranged from navigating the complexities of one’s early 20s to dealing with the ebb and flow of love and loss, and searching for deeper meanings in life.
“Subject” features Dwele’s signature sound, a blend of jazz, R&B and hip-hop, which he honed while growing up in Detroit. Dwele took charge of the majority of the production for “Subject,” with additional assistance from G-1, Dwayne Bastiany,
Jake and the Phatman, Pete Kuzma, Joint Custody and Ronald “Ron E.” Estill, who also collaborated with Timothy Maynor as the executive producer. Slum Village made a guest appearance on the album.
A critical and commercial success, “Subject” earned Dwele a legion of fans and praise from music critics. The album peaked at number 108 on the Billboard 200 chart and earned him a Grammy nomination for Best Urban/Alternative Performance for the song “Find a Way.”
Born and raised on the west side of Detroit, Dwele is a multi-talented artist who
has made a name for himself as a singer, songwriter, rapper, producer and DJ. His childhood was infused with music as his father taught him how to play the piano, and he later expanded his repertoire to include the trumpet, guitar and bass.
After the passing of his father, Dwele channeled his grief into his music, which he referred to as “Therapy.” His passion for music was evident in the emotional depth and introspection of his work. Although “Subject” is his debut studio album, Dwele’s first project was a demo tiled the “Rize” which he sold out of the truck of his car.
In a candid interview, Dwele revealed a surprising anecdote about his early days in the music business. When he first pressed 100 copies of his work, he was elated and thought that was a considerable feat. However, to his astonishment, he sold out in just one week! This unexpected success was a game-changer for Dwele, and it signaled that he was destined for greatness.
As word of Dwele’s talent began to spread, it eventually reached the ears of Detroit hip-hop heavyweights Slum Village and J Dilla. They recognized his potential and invited him to collaborate on several projects, including the unforgettable single “Tainted.” Dwele’s soulful vocals added a layer of depth and emotion to the song, making it an instant classic and further elevating his status in the music industry.
Thanks to his unique sound and undeniable talent, Dwele quickly became a rising star in the music world. His collaborations with Slum Village and J Dilla not only solidified his connection to the Detroit hip-hop scene, but also paved the way for his future success.
Dwele’s undeniable talent was once again on display when he was featured on Kanye West’s hit single “Flashing Lights.” This collaboration catapulted him onto bigger stages and into the spotlight, where he received widespread recognition for his
Where City Meets Life and Life Meets Style michiganchronicle.com B1 | May 17-23, 2023
See DWELE Page B-2
Lady J
From page B-1 kind of work was a big deal for her at the time as she began to lead a team in an industry dominated by men.
“Being a youth at the time, I was trying to impress this guy because I liked him but, eventually I found painting was a passion of mine,” she added. “The more work I received from him, I had to get help as guys began to work for me.”
She had assumed it would be difficult working with guys because they saw her as a woman they’re taking direction from, but her team trusted her skillset. “I never let fear show
From page B-1
incredible vocals and unique style.
With “Flashing Lights,” Dwele proved that he was more than just a local sensation, but a true force to be reckoned with in the music industry. His contribution to the song helped elevate it to new heights, and his undeniable talent shone through with each note he sang.
Thanks to this collaboration with West, Dwele gained a whole new level of exposure and solidified his position as one of the most exciting and talented artists of his generation. He continued to push boundaries and explore new creative avenues, establishing himself as a true icon of neo-soul and R&B music.
Following the success of “Subject,” Dwele went on to release four more studio albums, solidifying his place in the music industry and gaining a loyal fanbase that continues to support his music, tours and collaborations with other artists.
One of the standout elements of his projects is Dwele’s smooth and soulful vocals, which are perfectly complemented by live instrumentation. The use
because I couldn’t. I thought to myself there’s no way I could let these people see that you’re scared or that you really don’t know what you’re doing. Any insecurities I had, they weren’t there while I worked because I knew in front of these men, I had to do a good job.”
Lady J would eventually leave Detroit for Texas but ultimately returned in 2015. She looked for work and it was “Mr. Curtis” who took a chance on her. She got a painting job from a homeowner who wanted a “glitter wall.” She had never done one before but said she was always up for a challenge.
“I knew the paint was the glue, but how to get the glitter on the wall, I did not
of horns, guitar and piano throughout the album adds a warm and organic element to the music that sets it apart from other R&B albums giving his project individuality, which often relied heavily on electronic beats and production.
Dwele’s musical versatility shines throughout his discography, including his album “Some Kinda,” where he effortlessly navigates between songs like “Weekend Love” and “My Lova.” From the upbeat and catchy “I’m Cheatin’” to the introspective and emotional “Open Your Eyes,” Dwele proves that he can handle a variety of topics and styles with ease.
However, it is clear that the foundation of his success can be traced back to his debut album, “Subject.” Songs like “Hold On” and “A.N.G.E.L.” showcase Dwele’s ability to craft soul-stirring ballads with powerful lyrics that resonate with listeners.
Twenty years later, “Subject” remains a beloved album among neo-soul fans and a testament to Dwele’s talent as a singer, songwriter and musician. Its timeless sound and relatable lyrics continue to inspire new generations of fans and serve as a reminder of the power of music to connect us all.
know.” She took her search to social media, and saw that it suggested she use a glitter gun she did not have, so what did she do? She got creative.
“I had paper in my hand, the glitter was on the paper, and I then blew the glitter from my mouth and onto the wall.”
The wall stunningly popped! Another customer reached out for a glitter wall. It would be Lady J’s impressive work done for Tiffany Martin that would earn her work being posted on Tiffany’s social media page garnering thousands of followers. Business for Lady J took off.
Now, Lady J’s specialty has expanded beyond painting. Her work and skillset has broadened to working as an electrician, building and designing sets, flower walls, wood designs, installations including work for Kiera Sheard-Kelly’s first home. Lady J’s work also extends to prominent businesses such as Skinphorea Facial Bar and the Lockeroom in Detroit.
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the largest network of doctors and hospitals, coverage for mental health, an easy-to-use mobile app, a 24-hour nurse line and the MIBlue virtual assistant, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network are ready to help you feel your best — without the stress. For J.D. Power 2022 award information, visit jdpower.com/awards Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network are nonprofit corporations and independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Learn more at MIBluesPerspectives.com/ReadyToHelp Ranked #1 in Member Satisfaction among Commercial Health Plans in Michigan W009227
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The Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) announces a Public Hearing regarding its Project Plan for the Detroit, Dearborn, and Highland Park Transmission Main Water Metering Project. The purpose of this public hearing is not only to inform, but to gather feedback from people who will be affected.
The cities of Dearborn, Detroit, and Highland Park currently do not have water master meters, which are used to identify wholesale water usage demands, non-revenue water, and optimize water system operations. This project entails the construction of master metering facilities at 25 locations along these cities’ municipal boundaries and is required to measure the wholesale water demands. These meters would provide the best available data for calculating average daily demands, maximum daily demands, and peak hour demands, which would be used to calculate each city’s units of service and its share of GLWA’s annual charge allocations. These meters are also required to better identify and resolve non-revenue water within this area of the regional water system. Non-revenue water adds unnecessary costs to overall operating budgets and has potential environmental consequences.
Furthermore, if water lost from the water mains returns to the sanitary sewer, it must be treated before being released back into the environment, incurring additional costs.
System operations use wholesale master meters to better understand how the system is operating in real-time and to validate and calibrate GLWA’s water hydraulic model. The water flows and pressures at these locations will be linked into the GLWA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system, allowing operators to quickly assess operational issues within the system (such as water main breaks or other system interruptions) and adjust water service to affected areas. This information would aid in the reduction of boil water advisories in affected areas. Furthermore, by obtaining additional flow and pressure data from these additional 25 locations, the hydraulic model can be improved and used to better understand and mitigate water age issues throughout the system.
Impacts of the proposed project include construction of water master metering facilities for cities of Dearborn, Detroit, and Highland Park, which will be used to identify wholesale water usage demands, non-revenue water, and annual charges allocations for the cities. The data from the newly proposed instruments at the facilities will aid in water quality monitoring, understanding flows and pressures in the service area, and the optimization of water system operations.
The cost of this project is currently estimated at $46.5 million and is eligible for participation in the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) low interest Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) financing program. GLWA intends to pursue this low interest funding opportunity for FY 2024.
The Public Hearing on the FY 2024 DWSRF Project proposed by GLWA will be held for the purpose of receiving comments from interested persons. The presentation at the Public Hearing will provide a description of the improvements, its evaluation, and estimated costs. Comments and viewpoints from the public are requested. Information on the Project Plan will be available for review online after April 28, 2023, at the GLWA Website: https://www.glwater.org/. THE
General Contractor: O’Brien Construction Company, Inc.
Project Description: This project consists of the conversion of (2) existing elementary school buildings on the campus of St. Matthew Parish, located at 5970 Audubon Rd. in Detroit, MI, into multi-family supportive housing. The conversion will have 46 new dwelling units with a mix of studio, 1 and 2-bedroom units. A new parking area will be added, and existing parking areas will be rehabilitated. The existing gymnasium will be converted into office, community, and support space serving the residents. This project is subject to MBE/WBE, Detroit Resident, and Section 3 Requirements. The project is slated to start July of 2023 For bidding documents please e-mail Kaitlin Hodgson at khodgson@obriencc.com
The Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART) is soliciting proposals for Planning & Scheduling Dell Laptops. RFQ Control No. 23-3837 may be obtained beginning May 17, 2023, from http://www.mitn.info. Responses to RFQ are due by 3:00 PM ET, June 7, 2023.
The Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART) is soliciting proposals for ADA Eligibility Software Program for RFP Control No. 23-3805 may be obtained beginning May 17, 2023 from http://www.mitn.info. Responses to RFP are due by 3:00 PM ET, June 9, 2023.
Members of the public may offer comments in the following manner:
By Zoom videoconferencing: Members of the public who wish to use Zoom videoconferencing to attend the meeting and/or offer public comment may utilize the following link to attend: https://glwater.zoom.us/j/83425353151?pwd=RHlsY2NpQ1pHYkM2SFpxWkNFbjVrUT09
During the portions of the hearing designated for public participation may “raise their hand” by using that feature within the software program.
In Person (subject to capacity): Members of the public who, subject to capacity, wish to attend the meeting and/ or offer public comment in person may attend the meeting in the Board Room, 5th Floor, 735 Randolph, Detroit, MI 48226.
By Telephone: Members of the public who wish to attend the meeting and/or offer public comment by telephone should call in at the number indicated above, press *9 on their keypad to “raise their hand for public comment.” During other portions of the meeting, members of the public are asked to mute their line by pressing *6 on their keypad to mute or unmute their line.
By E-Mail: Members of the public may provide written comments to the Board by emailing those comments to CEO@ glwater.org on or before 5:00 p.m. EST. on Wednesday, May 24, 2023, and should reference
Wearing Eco-Friendly Footwear is an Easy Way to Go Green
(StatePoint) Protecting the environment can seem like a monumental task, but committing to small, meaningful changes can lead to substantial, positive outcomes. Embracing sustainability can be as simple as making earth-friendly choices when shopping for footwear. With sustainable shoe selections for every family member, take a look at these four, fun and trendy brands actively participate in making our planet a better place.
1. Teva – Teva’s iconic sandal straps are made entirely from recycled materials, giving new life to plastic bottles that would otherwise end up in landfills. With vibrant styles for men, women and children, you can step into spring and summer with an earth-friendly flair.
2. Birkenstock – Committed to using natural and renewable materials like cork, natural latex and jute, Birkenstock stays true to their eco-friendly principles. Offering a range of stylish and comfortable sandals for the family, you’ll feel good about walking in their classic or modern designs.
reqs. may be met concurrently during the same 48-mo. period. Job duties: Create instructions for software developers for Stiles Machinery proprietary software HOMAGiX used in the North American woodworking industry, specifically for architectural millwork. HOMAGiX is a computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) solution that customers use to design cabinetry or casework goods. Define the functionalities of the software. Execution of software development is done by outside resources or internal Stiles’ developers. Partner with customers & Stiles Machinery sales personnel to guide customers through the consultative process of determining & describing the development, technical reqs., necessary services & integration, machinery integration, functional development, & overall project description reqs. for implementing HOMAGiX software within current customer processes, manufacturing techniques, & existing software & hardware. Identify manufacturing process & product offerings combined with machinery both current & future to determine proper construction methods & the method of creating customer product database. Conduct market research & translate market research into functionality for HOMAGiX software which is a key component to the software development ensuring Stiles Machinery provides what the customer needs. Create these functionality instructions using Mind Mapping Software. Make presentations using PowerPoint & Excel spreadsheets to gather data & calculations, using reference software & Microsoft Word. Employment is contingent upon satisfactory completion of a background check, in addition to passing a post-offer & pre-employment drug screening which will be administered within 48 hours of any employment offer. Qualified applicants should send resume & verification of reqs. to Willow Martin, HR Generalist, at wmartin@stilesmachinery.com
display graphics, HMI interactions, &touch/speech/gestures modalities, using naturalistic (human) interaction &questionnaire data, to enhance human performance in BEV &AV environs. Research, design, &dvlp human-centric DL algorithm-based AI syss to detect cognitive fatigue, task load, &performance to improve user exp. Utilize human factors, statistics, cognitive psychology, &usability testing/engrg, using Python prgrmg language, to study human performance based on physiological &behavioral data, &improve human interaction performance &human safety in psgr
3. adidas – The brand takes a strong stance on sustainability with their “End Plastic Waste” initiative. Their shoes are made with materials like recycled ocean plastic and natural rubber to help reduce waste and protect the environment.
4. Nike – Nike’s Court Legacy low sneaker has at least 20% recycled content by weight. With their Move to Zero initiative, the brand is dedicated to achieving zero carbon and zero waste, giving you a stylish and sustainable option.
Rack Room Shoes understands the importance of promoting sustainability and collaborates with these eco-minded brand partners. To make your earth-friendly shoe shopping experience even more enjoyable, they’ve created a dedicated page featuring shoes made with sustainable materials. Browse and shop at: rackroomshoes.com/cs/sustainablematerial.
Making small, meaningful changes towards sustainability can have a big impact on our planet. By supporting these brands and their efforts to adopt earth-friendly practices, you can feel good about taking that important first step towards a more sustainable future. You’ll not only be making a fashion statement but also actively contributing to a healthier planet.
ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS HELP WANTED ANNOUNCEMENTS PROFESSIONAL HELP WANTED PROFESSIONAL HELP WANTED michiganchronicle.com | May 17-23, 2023 | Page B-5 Classifieds 313 963-5522 MICHIGAN CHRONICLE Published Every Wednesday www.michiganchronicle.com Please visit our website for more classified ads. Published Every Wednesday Classifieds Classifieds 313 963-5522 Your Ad Here! Place ANNOUNCEMENTS Get your weekly home delivery of the Call (313) 963-5522 Subscribe Today! HOMAGiX PRODUCT SPECIALIST Stiles Machinery Inc. has available positions of HOMAGiX Product Specialist in Grand Rapids, MI. Although the HOMAGiX Product Specialist will work in Grand Rapids, MI the HOMAGiX Product Specialist will be required to travel 60% of working time to parent company in Germany, to vendor sites in Europe & Asia, & to customer sites throughout North America. Position requires 48 months experience as a Software Consultant. Position also requires: Exp. must include: 1) 48 mos. exp. analyzing manufacturing techniques & determining required software to interface with existing & new machinery integrations for architectural millwork within woodworking; 2) 48 mos. exp. planning software needs for architectural millwork within woodworking; & 3) 48 mos. exp. integrating new software solutions to customers’ existing software for architectural millwork within woodworking. Any exp.
HELD ON: DATE: Wednesday, May 24, 2023 TIME: 2:00 PM, Eastern Time (US and Canada) PLACE: In person, Zoom Videoconferencing, and Telephonic
Join Zoom Meeting https://glwater.zoom.us/j/83425353151?pwd=RHlsY2NpQ1pHYkM2SFpxWkNFbjVrUT09 Meeting ID: 834 2535 3151 Passcode: 772121 In Person (subject to capacity) Board Room, 5th Floor 735 Randolph Street Detroit, Michigan 48226 Telephonic Public Call-In Number: 888 788 0099 US Toll-free 877 853 5247 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 875 3714 4694 Passcode: 693305
“May 24, 2023 Public Hearing on proposed FY 2024 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Projects” in the subject line of the e-mail. The opportunity to submit written comments by e-mail may remain open throughout the duration of the Public Hearing. By U.S. Mail: Members of the public may provide written comments by United States mail addressed to: Suzanne R. Coffey, P.E., Chief Executive Officer Great Lakes Water Authority 735 Randolph Detroit, Michigan, 48226 Written comments by U.S. mail should reference “May 24, 2023 Public Hearing FY 2024 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Projects” in the letter. The opportunity to submit written comments by U.S. mail may remain open throughout the duration of the Public Hearing. If a member of the public requires accommodation due to a disability, please contact CEO@glwater.org or (844) 455-GLWA (4592) not less than 72 hours prior to the date of the meeting.
BUDGET HEARING LEGAL AD DETROIT LEADERSHIP ACADEMY PUBLICATION: Wednesday, May 17, '23 PUBLIC NOTICE of BUDGET HEARING –In Compliance with the OPEN MEETINGS ACT (MCLA 15.261 et seq Public Act No. 267 of 1976) the ANNUAL BUDGET HEARING of the BOARD of DIRECTORS of Detroit Leadership Academy, a Charter School formed pursuant to the Revised School Code of 1976, will be held on Wednesday, May 24 2023 at 6 pm. The budget will be available for public inspection at the offices of CEN Nonprofit 13600 Virgil Street, Detroit, MI 48223. The public meeting will be held at; Detroit Leadership Academy Pk-8 13550 Virgil St. Detroit, Michigan 48223 (313) 242 - 1500 2 cols x 3 inches Senior Process Controls Engineer Warren, MI, General Motors. Perform, execute controls design, implement, integrate, commission, validate &improve Global Propulsion Sys Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) electric motor stator &rotor mfg at Cmpt Mfg plants in US &MEX incl. industry 4.0based Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)-based controls, Plant Floor Syss (PFS), &Error Proofing Syss incl. Qlty Andon Sys, Pwt Assy Sys, Global Production Mgmt Control Sys, &Global Standard Inspection Process. Dvlp &document Statements of Requirements (SOR) required to design &automate BEV electric motor stator &rotor mfg line stations incl. wire forming, epoxy coating, laser part marking, slot insulator, connection ring assy, balancing, twister, &electrical test, to improve diagnostics at device level to meet controls standards &cybersecurity guidelines. Provide engrg docs incl. Global Common Controls HW/SW/Build &Industrial Ethernet Ntwk standards, &guide Process Engrg, Maintenance, Information Technology, &Plant Operations Teams to correctly evaluate &optimize current PFS. Required travel in U.S. to supplier plants to evaluate progress of PLCbased machinery builds, &to GM Cmpts plants in US &MEX to lead automation projects for stators &rotors areas &support launches, 12 wks P/A. 60 mos exp as Engineer or related, executing controls design &validating psgr vehicle electric motor or engine or transmission mfg at plant incl. PLC-based controls, &dvlpg SOR to automate psgr vehicle electric motor or engine or transmission mfg line stations, or related. Mail resume to Ref#1859-205, GM Global Mobility, 300 Renaissance Center, MC:482-C32-C66, Detroit, MI 48265. Researcher - Vehicle Systems Research Laboratory Warren, MI, General Motors. Work on advanced current &future Human Machine Interface (HMI) to build future Battery Electric (BEV) &Autonomous (AV) Vehicles, &automated syss such as Ultra Cruise, &beyond. Research, design, &dvlp human-centric Deep Learning (DL) algorithm-based AI syss to dvlp
vehicle cockpits. Utilize immersive technologies such as 360-degree screen, Virtual Reality &Augmented Reality headsets in driving simulator, to provide info not available in real world, &dvlp HMI technology incl. Graphical User Interfaces, screens &buttons, to improve driver &psgr safety &human performance, &thereby increase trust in automation. PhD (Doctorate), Computer Science, Computer Engrg, Electrical Engrg, or related. 12 mos exp as Engineer, Graduate Research Assistant, Researcher, or related, researching, designing, &dvlpg human-centric DL algorithm-based AI syss to detect cognitive fatigue, task load, &performance, or related. Mail resume to Ref#45843-9207, GM Global Mobility, 300 Renaissance Center, MC:482-C32-C66, Detroit, MI 48265. Vehicle Intelligence Platform (VIP) Architect Warren, MI, General Motors. Design, dvlp &integrate VIP, AUTOSAR based Electrical Architecture, in conventional ICE psgr vehicle, Hybrid &BEV, w/ Electronic Control Units (ECUs) incl. Engine/Pwt Control Modules, Electrification Controls Processer, &6 related ECUs, connected over Controller Area Network (CAN), Local Interconnect Network (LIN) &Automot Ethernet for Pwt &Propulsion Syss domains, following Agile &SAFe methodologies. Evaluate &execute VIP control functions blocks partitioning, allocation to ECUs, &interface designs to fulfill GM psgr vehicle Pwt &Propulsion Syss features such as engine oil temperature, catalytic converter estimated temperature, torque control, hybrid engine start/stop, coast regeneration map availability, &subsys performance reqmts. Review vehicle functional reqmts documented in Subsys Technical Specs using IBM Rational DOORS tool. Analyze diagnostic, serial data, safety &security impact of signals transmitted &received on ntwks incl. CAN, CAN-Flexible Data, LIN, &Autom Ethernet commn protocols. Master, Mechanical, Automotive, Electrical, Systems, Mechatronics Engrg, or related. 12 mos exp as Engineer, dvlpg or integrating Electrical Architecture, or domain features into Electrical Architecture, in psgr vehicle, w/ ECUs incl. modules, connected over CAN &LIN for vehicle domain, or related. Mail resume to Ref#2434-204, GM Global Mobility, 300 Renaissance Center, MC:482-C32-C66, Detroit, MI 48265. Interior Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) Engineer Warren, MI, General Motors. Perform &execute Finite Element Analyses (FEA), incl. safety, modal, frequency response, &stiffness performance, of conventional gasoline ICE &BEV psgr vehicle interior syss incl. instrument panel (IP) assy, console, door trim, psgr &knee airbags, to meet occupant safety, Noise &Vibration (N&V), durability, reliability, fatigue, &crashworthiness reqmts, using LS-DYNA, OptiStruct, HyperWorks (HyperGraph/ HyperView/HyperMesh), ANSA, &MetaPost tools. Ensure psgr &comml vehicles meet specific occupant protection performance of automot interiors in compliance U.S. FMVSS 201 Head Impact (201U (Free Motion Headform-Upper) &201L (Free Motion Headform test-Lower)) &/214 Side Impact, &U.S./UNECE (Europe)/China) NCAP standards, IIHS vehicle ratings. Analyze &model metrics for IP &airbag deployment in static load cases at virtual assessment gates. Use CAE SW to perform FE simulations of full &psgr vehicles interior syss, subsys, &cmpts. Master, Mechanical, Automotive, Aerospace Engrg, or related. 12 mos exp as Engineer, executing FEA, incl. safety, modal, frequency response, &stiffness performance, of psgr or comml vehicle interior syss incl. IP assy &airbag, to meet occupant safety, N&V, &crashworthiness reqmts, using LS-DYNA, OptiStruct, &HyperWorks tools, or related. Mail resume to Ref#4828, GM Global Mobility, 300 Renaissance Center, MC:482-C32-C66, Detroit, MI 48265. Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) Body Systems Engineer Warren, MI, General Motors. Engr, perform &execute structural linear &nonlinear Finite Element Analyses (FEA), fatigue, design optimization, thermal steady state &transient anlys of full vehicle psgr vehicle in adherence to U.S. &global N&V, durability &fatigue performance of BIW light weight/high strength steel structures incl. underbody &closures &provide design recommendations to satisfy load case metrics at virtual assessment gates. Use Abaqus (implicit &explicit), Abaqus CAE, ANSA, MetaPost, HyperWorks (HyperGraph/ HyperView/ HyperMesh), OptiStruct, NASTRAN, LS-DYNA, Primer, &MeshWorks CAE SW tools &Python scripts for FE simulations. Attend physical tests &tear downs &correlate CAE &FE simulation results to physical test. Present CAE results to cross functional teams. Participate in product dvlpmt teams on designs, providing FEA results to assess performance of BIW structures designs. Master, Mechanical, Automotive Engrg, or related. 12 mos exp as Engineer, engrg or executing structural linear &nonlinear FEA &fatigue anlys of psgr vehicle cmpnts, in adherence to durability &fatigue performance of cmpts &providing design recommendations to satisfy load case metrics at virtual assessment gates, or related. Mail resume to Ref#1184, GM Global Mobility, 300 Renaissance Center, MC:482-C32-C66, Detroit, MI 48265. Technical Product Lead - Test Solutions Warren, MI, General Motors. Create, implement, &maintain enhance test plans, scripts, &methodologies to test SW apps following Behavior Driven Development (BDD) for SW Defined Vehicle. Prepare formal &written test reports. Set technical objectives, review performance, &mentor team of 4 Developers/1 QA Engineer. Support qlty &process improvmts &follow SAFe for SW Defined Vehicle testing. Perform build, sanity, smoke, functional, regression, performance, &monkey testing on major, minor &break-fix SW apps. Create, execute, &evaluate simulation models of CAN bus messages to/from embedded Central Gateway Module, using dSPACE MicroAutobox HIL simulator, MATLAB, Simulink, &Stateflow tools. Simulate CGM embedded ECU infotainment features incl. Power Moding, Gear Indication, Steering Wheel Control, off-road apps, energy modules, State of Charge range, instantaneous power gauge, drive modes, &driver notifications, using CAN, LIN, &Automot Ethernet commn protocols. Bachelor, Computer Science, Computer Engrg, Electrical Engrg, or related. 60 mos exp as Engineer, Lead, or related, implementing &maintaining test plans, test scripts, &test methodologies to test SW apps following BDD, &performing build, sanity, smoke, functional, regression, &performance testing on major, minor &break-fix SW apps, or related. Mail resume to Ref#35381-202, GM Global Mobility, 300 Renaissance Center, MC:482-C32-C66, Detroit, MI 48265. MICHIGAN CHRONICLE Published Every Wednesday 313 963-5522
Page B-6 | May 17-23, 2023 | michiganchronicle.com CADILLAC.COM / LYRIQ 2023 LYRIQ orders are full. See dealer for 2024 LYRIQ availability details. BE ICONIC T:10" T:21"