22 Cover Story
It is a “Pharma Special Issue” which is supported by the cover story titled ‘Pharma Laboratory Quality Control & Safety Tips. The article discusses how pharma quality control testing laboratory plays a vital role in ensuring the safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical products which are typically drugs and other chemical preparations particularly used in the diagnosis, cure, treatment & prevention of diseases.
Market Research
Grab interesting business news collected from the world of Laboratory and Technology.
Product Launches
Upcoming Events
We have compiled a list of Upcoming Largest Laboratory, Medical & Pharma Events and Trade Shows
Pharmalytica: Event Coverage
The edition also highlights a leading pharma event ie. Pharmalytica, organized by UBM group titled through a small article titled “Pharmalytica- Strenthening India’s Footprints in Analytical Technology, Laboratory Equipments, Pharma Machinery and Packaging”.
This time we have one of the featured article titled “Sifter Sieves” by Ami Polymer Pvt Ltd. There are many more. Please check out.
Microbioz India March 2018
ear friends and readers, I am pleased to inform you that your favourite magazine Microbioz India completes one more year of this beautiful journey which has only become possible because of your extreme love, support and encouragement all through these years. So, with gratitude in heart for all the support and your presence, I hereby present yet another issue of Microbioz India. It is a “Pharma Special Issue” which is supported by the cover story titled ‘Pharma Laboratory Quality Control & Safety Tips. The article discusses how pharma quality control testing laboratory plays a vital role in ensuring the safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical products which are typically drugs and other chemical preparations particularly used in the diagnosis, cure, treatment & prevention of diseases. The article also discusses in brief that why it is all the more important for all pharmaceutical manufacturers to follow rigorous quality control procedures at all the stages of product development. For more information, please turn to the cover story. The magazine also includes a List of Upcoming Mega Trade Fairs of Laboratory, Pharma & Hospital Industry to update you about the upcoming exhibitions in India & Abroad. The edition also highlights a leading pharma event ie. Pharmalytica, organized by UBM group titled through a small article titled “Pharmalytica- Strenthening India’s Footprints in Analytical Technology, Laboratory Equipments, Pharma Machinery and Packaging”. Also, the edition brings for you the latest market research news collected from worldwide sources to keep you updated with what is going on in the industry. “Lupin gets USFDA nod for psoriasis treatment spray” is one of them. I request you to check more inside. Dear friends and readers, I hope you find some value in the magazine. Once again, I would like to thank you for your invaluable love and support. We are always eager to receive your valuable feedback and suggestions as they help us come with better content each time. For any further value addition, please write to us at editor@microbiozindia.com
Cover Story
The pharmaceutical quality control laboratory serves one of the most important functions in pharmaceutical production and control. Independent quality control testing of pharmaceutical products is an essential activity that helps to ensure their safety and efficacy. In this brief article, we’ll discuss the application of quality control (QC) testing to pharmaceutical products and the specific types of QC testing and evaluation required under various applicable standards. Pharmaceutical products are typically drugs and other chemical preparations used to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent disease, and play an essential role in the identification and treatment of both human and animal illnesses. In modern medicine, pharmaceutical products serve many different purposes, such as the control of infection or relief of pain, to facilitate or impede contraception or to provide nutritional benefits.
For pharmaceutical manufacturers, rigorous quality control is required at all stages of product development and manufacture, from the sourcing of raw materials through to the release of finished products. Effective quality control procedures help to ensure the quality and consistent of pharmaceutical products from supplier to supplier and even from batch to batch.
In modern medicine, pharmaceutical products serve many different purposes, such as the control of infection or relief of pain, to facilitate or impede contraception or to provide nutritional benefits.
To ease their administration, pharmaceutical products come in multiple forms, including tablets, capsules, soft gels, liquid suspensions and injectables.
Why is quality control important? Because of their critical role in the treatment of disease and the maintenance of good health, quality control is one of the most important functions in pharmaceutical production.
Microbioz India March 2018
Cover Story With the latest research and manufacturing occurring within the pharmaceutical industry it is important to provide a general overview of laboratory safety requirements in order to keep your employees informed of safety measures and prevent injury or harm. The laboratory environment can be a hazardous place to work. According to Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), laboratory workers are exposed to numerous potential hazards including chemical, biological, physical and radioactive hazards, as well as musculoskeletal stresses. Only trained personnel should be allowed to enter the laboratory and those entering need to understand and follow all posted rules. Laboratory safety is governed by numerous local, state and federal regulations. Large pharma and biotech firms understand the need for a safe research environment and have developed rigorous health and safety protocols.
Important safety options Before beginning the first activity, familiarize yourself with the location of the fire extinguishers, first aid kits, safety shower, and eye wash or sink area in the laboratory. Consult with your instructor regarding the proper operation of this equipment. Always note any safety precautions which are mentioned for specific experiments.
Microbioz India March 2018
Cover Story
Business Updates
Microbioz India March 2018
Business Updates
Pharma industry links to rising antimicrobial resistance levels New Delhi [India], Feb.7 (ANI): Turns out, India's pharmaceutical industry is contributing to rising antimicrobial resistance (AMR) levels due to their polluters - air, soil and water. It is found that exposure to these polluters are aiding the development of AMR in population at large. India's pharmaceutical industry is one of the fastest growing segments of the Indian economy. It has played a ground-breaking role in making accessible worldwide, a plethora of affordable medicines. Pharmaceutical manufacturing uses large quantities of highly toxic solvents and heavy metals, with severe long-term environmental and human implications. In fact, India's Environment Ministry classifies pharmaceutical manufacturing as a "red category" activity owing to its hazardous waste production and subsequent environmental damage. One of the dangers of pharmaceutical effluents is the rapid spread of antimicrobial resistance.
Multiple studies have explored the impacts of pollution from pharmaceutical production sites and supply chains. Nordea, a financial services group in the Nordic and Baltic region, made a field trip to Hyderabad and Vishakhapatnam, India in 2015, where they found "disturbing evidence of poor wastewater management related to pharmaceutical manufacturing". Hyderabad accounts for nearly a fifth of India's pharmaceutical exports and the Patancheru-Bollaram manufacturing hub on the outskirts of Hyderabad is one of the most polluted industrial areas in India. One of the world's largest "bulk drug" manufacturing hubs, Hyderabad, is also one of the state's biggest polluters of air, soil and water.
Microbioz India March 2018
Business Updates Nordea's researchers found that the common waterways contained extremely high levels of chemicals, which resulted in strange illnesses amongst local people. According to latest reports, decades of campaigning by local and international NGOs alongside successful legal challenges in Indian courts has not led to curbing of emissions. Pharmaceutical pollution is still rife in Hyderabad, affecting ecosystems and human lives, as companies continue to discharge untreated or inappropriately treated wastewater into the environment. Local and national authorities are failing to control the situation, in the absence of credible regulation and measures. Hyderabad already supplies medicines to markets across the European Union and United States annually and furthermore, plans are afoot to expand Hyderabad's pharmaceutical production capacity in the coming years. Jayasree K. Iyer, Executive Director of Access to Medicine Foundation says "The need to manufacture and market antibiotics responsibly led the Access to Medicine Foundation to launch the AMR Benchmark report at the World Economic Forum in Davos. This is the first time that an independent and detailed evaluation has been undertaken to determine how individual pharmaceutical companies, including seven Indian ones, are curbing rising levels of AMR. In our research, we see that pharmaceutical companies are taking positive steps to control AMR. We found that eight of the companies we evaluated have a strategy to manufacture antibiotics responsibly, with a core group taking the lead by requiring their suppliers to also stick to the standards set".
According to Dr. Rajeshwari Sinha, Programme Officer, Food Safety and Toxins Programme "A lot of companies have voluntarily employed different types of effluent treatment techniques based on the volume of waste discharge or the company's size. While small manufacturers may not be able to afford these, medium-scale manufacturers make investments in advanced tertiary treatment processes or Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) plants. But, these are often not operational. The need to set standards for zero or no antibiotic residues in pharmaceutical effluents cannot be reiterated strongly enough". Hence, the issues of lax regulations, implementation and accountability/transparency need to be addressed in order to successfully tackle complex pharmaceutical supply chain impacts. This demands compliance of India's pharmaceutical industry as a whole with international regulations and standards. (ANI) Story Credit: ANI NEWS
Microbioz India March 2018
Market Research
Tobias Kippenberg and Jean-Pierre Wolf to Receive ZEISS Research Award Prof. Tobias J. Kippenberg and Prof. Jean-Pierre Wolf are the 2018 winners of the prestigious ZEISS Research Award. The jury was impressed by their exceptional work. Tobias Kippenberg, Professor at the Laboratory of Photonics and Quantum Measurements at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), is a pioneer in the field of cavity opt mechanics and micro resonator-based optical frequency combs. His research has demonstrated that, by using micro resonators – which can confine light in an extremely small space and guide it – the faint forces exerted by light rays can be used to measure and cool mechanical movements in the quantum regime. This means, for instance, that high-precision sensors can be developed to measure mechanical movements that are several orders of magnitude more precise than the currently available position sensors, and that are even sensitive enough to measure the quantum mechanical “zero point motion” of a mechanical oscillator. Jean-Pierre Wolf, Professor at the Biophotonics Institute at the University of Geneva, will be honored for his groundbreaking application of ultra-short, ultra-intense laser pulses in researching the earth’s atmosphere. His research makes it possible to find out more about pollutants in the earth’s atmosphere and potentially control lightning and condensation in clouds. This could even make it possible to prevent extreme weather. The focus of his research efforts has been on the applications of ultra-short spectroscopy for biological, medical and environmental research. The awards will be presented during the ZEISS Symposium “Optics in the Quantum World” on 18 April 2018 at the ZEISS Forum in Oberkochen.
The ZEISS Research Award is presented every two years and has been allocated prize money totaling 40,000 euros. The selected candidates should have already demonstrated outstanding achievements in the field of optics or photonics. They should still be actively conducting research, and their work should offer major potential for gaining further knowledge and enabling practical applications.
Carl Zeiss Award for Young Researchers Since 2016, independently of the ZEISS Research Award, the Ernst Abbe Foundation in the Donors’ Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany has been presenting a research award with a focus on up-and-coming talent: the Carl Zeiss Award for Young Researchers. The award has been allocated prize money totaling 21,000 euros and will be shared equally among three winners, with each receiving 7,000 euros. This award will also be presented at the ZEISS Symposium on 18 April 2018. The winners in 2018 are:
Dr. Irene Costantini, European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy, Florence Dr. Kilian Heeg, Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg Dr. Fabian Stutzki, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering, Jena The credit / Sources: Zeiss For more information: https://www.zeiss.co.in/corporate/home.html
ZEISS Research Award
Microbioz India March 2018
Product Launch
SCIEX Launches OptiFlow Quant Solution for BioPharma Peptide Quantitation SCIEX, a global leader in life science analytical technologies, has introduced the OptiFlow Quant Solution for easy yet highly sensitive biomolecules quantitation.
Development of novel therapeutics and biotherapeutics creates a challenge for scientists to accurately detect and quantify these compounds. Researchers are tasked with developing quantitation methods that are both sensitive and selective enough to be used in bioanlaytical studies to support drug development. The OptiFlow Quant Solution from SCIEX brings the powerful sensitivity boost from microflow LC without sacrificing the ease-of-use and robustness of analytical flow assays.
This latest addition to the growing line of SCIEX solutions for biopharmaceutical laboratories comprises the new M5 Microflow LC with Phenomenex microflow columns and new OptiFlow™ Turbo V™ Source.
"With our innovations in microflow chromatography and MS source technology, SCIEX users now have a simple and easy path to boost sensitivity, allowing the laboratory to reach the ultimate limits of quantitation," said Dominic Gostick, Vice President and General Manager, LC/MS Business at SCIEX. "
It offers scientists the most flexible microflow quantitation solution with better sensitivity than analytical flow systems, but without sacrificing robustness or usability. Pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical and contract research organizations (CRO) currently struggling with bioanalysis projects on challenging analytes, such as peptides, mAbs, and ADCs, will now be able to obtain better data while achieving maximal throughput by utilizing microflow separations, without the traditional complex setup and impact of low flow workflows.
Microbioz India March 2018
Product Launch The OptiFlow Quant Solution enables researchers to easily adopt microflow workflows that save time and cost, and improve throughput for development of quantitation methods for challenging analytes." The Credit / Sources: Sciex For more information: https://sciex.com/
Advanced Instruments Debuts Single-Sample Micro-Osmometer
“The Osmo1 was designed with a set of usability, connectivity, and software control features consistent with the demands of today’s overworked, highly regulated laboratories,” says Byron Selman, chief executive of Advanced Instruments. “It represents Advanced Instruments’ commitment to innovation in the field of osmometry, while maintaining the same product quality and reliability. We have
Advanced Instruments, Norwood, Mass, has announced the Osmo1, the newest member of the company’s family of freezing point osmometer. Suited for clinical laboratories that prefer to draw and test small sample volumes directly, the device was specifically designed to address the changing needs of today’s busy laboratories. It replaces the Advanced 3320 instrument currently used in laboratories in the United States and worldwide. Supporting sample-limited applications, Osmo1 uses a small 20 μL sample size and can measure the osmolality of body fluids, including feces, plasma, serum, sweat, tissue homogenate, urine, and whole blood. Samples are analyzed one at a time, and the entire process is streamlined via an operating cradle that allows the test to be run directly from the Ease-Eject sampler, eliminating any loss of sample. Osmo1 uses the industry-preferred freezing point depression method to deliver results in 90 seconds. The Osmo1 features a dedicated space to hold the newly repackaged Micro-Sample test kit that now includes the sampler tips, chamber cleaners, and replacement plunger wire in one package. The instrument redesign also includes an interactive touchscreen, an onboard printer, and a 2D barcode scanner to provide positive sample identification and reduce transcription errors. Data management and transfer can be handled through an onboard printer or by exporting the data using the Ethernet connection or multiple USB ports.
expanded the product’s data management and communication features in response to evolving daily Requirements in busy laboratories around the world.” Osmo1 can be used in a variety of clinical diagnostics applications, including critical care and surgery, endocrinology and internal medicine, and urology and renal function. The news credit/Sources: Advanced instruments For more information: http://www.aicompanies.com/
Byron Selman, MBA, Advanced Instruments.
Microbioz India March 2018
Product Launch
Pen-Sized Electronic Pipette Designed for User Comfort, Precision Pipetty from Hoefer Inc, Holliston, Mass, was designed to be the smallest and lightest electric pipettor in the world. The ultralight design supports user comfort and precision. In addition to normal single dispensing and mixing, multiple continuous dispensing is available. The user can operate Pipetty with either conventional or open type controls. Pipetty is available in three volume ranges to accommodate various needs: 2–20 µL, 25–250 µL, and 100– 1,000 µL. The device also has an ability to automatically compensate for dispensing volume variability caused by temperature fluctuations. Key features include error-free polymerase chain reaction setup with multiple dispense capability, and unlimited aspiration and dispense cycles with battery swapping. For more information: https://www.hoeferinc.com/index.php/
even screw-free, handling. Lightweight and budget-friendly PTFE-TFM racks and vials save running costs and reduce the maximum weight which needs to be carried to less than 1 kg for up to 24 samples. Temperature and pressure sensors for reaction control are already integrated in the PDC so no optional sensors need to be handled. Implemented ready-touse methods and Anton Paar’s customer-specific application support replace time-consuming method development. Disposable vials and automated cleaning procedures further minimize the laboratory work. Racks with up to 24 positions combined with 2000 W power and integrated water cooling minimize the heating and cooling times and maximize the sample throughput.
Always connected With Multiwave 7000 you are always connected, if required. Multiwave 7000 automatically send notifications of completed runs and events via email and give an audio signal and a visual signal via Smart Light to inform you of the instrument status. Multiwave 7000 can be remotely controlled via VNC from a computer, notebook, or mobile phone. The credit/sources: Anton Paar GmbH
For information: https://www.anton-paar.com/in-en/
Multiwave 7000 Microwave Digestion at its Best The new Multiwave 7000 microwave digestion system combines the well-known concept of Anton Paar’s HPAS with modern microwave technology, representing the best way of acid digestion. Multiwave 7000 stands for complete digestions, a streamlined workflow, lightweight accessories, budget-friendly easy-tohandle vials, budget-friendly upgrades, ready-to-use methods and automated cleaning procedures. The core feature of Multiwave 7000, the PDC (Pressurized Digestion Cavity), allows acid digestion at temperatures up to 300 °C and pressures up to 199 bar. This ensures complete digestions of all kinds of samples such as food, environmental, polymer, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, geological, chemical, and petrochemical samples - even in the same run. The vials with plug-on caps are available made of glass (disposable), quartz, or PTFE-TFM and provide tool-free,
Microbioz MicrobiozIndia IndiaMarch March2018 2018
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Product Launch
Astell Scientific’s Circular Chamber Autoclaves with Sliding Door Offer Potential Cost and Space Savings Astell Scientific is pleased to announce it is introducing a range of circular chamber sterilizers fitted with sliding doors to complement its comprehensive range of square section models.
A full range of options can be applied to the range to add vacuum, heated jacket and integral steam generator meaning it becomes possible to sterilize more complex loads such as hazardous waste, fabrics and porous items or to customise the machine to your requirements. Custom chamber sizes are available upon request. A choice of manual or automatic sliding door operation is available with no cost difference; however automatic actuation requires an external air supply or Astell’s integral air compressor option. Astell Spokesperson Dave Thomas comments:
“With this update to the sliding door circular chamber range, Astell provides the most comprehensive selection of autoclaves and options on the market. And our decades of experience ensure we will recommend you the best performing solution.” The credit/sources: Astell Scientific For more information: https://www.astell.com/
VSE Balance Enclosure for Critical Procedures Involving Powders and Liquids The VSE is offered in 24”, 36” and 48” widths to accommodate an analytical balance and other small scale lab processes. Constructed of chemical resistant metal framing and 1/4” thick clear acrylic side panels and viewing sash. Efficient air flow design with airfoil and by pass, directs contaminates to baffled exhaust thereby providing superior air flow and containment performance for user protection. The viewing sash is angled 15 degrees for ease of viewing comfort with 8”
The new range offers all the features of Astell’s popular front loading ‘Swiftlock’ machines but removes the hinged door, improving access and reducing required floor space. Available in five chamber sizes, from 120 litres up to 344 litres in capacity, the sliding door circular autoclaves are fitted with ‘heaters in chamber’ as standard – making them suitable for sterilizing common laboratory items such as media/fluids, general waste, empty glassware and unwrapped instruments.
reach in opening height. Sash swings up to provide 20” of access opening. 2 service ports are located in lower right and left rear wall. The ergonomic design provides added user comfort The Credit/sources: HEMCO Corporation For information: www.hemcocorp.com/
Microbioz India March 2018
Product Launch transilluminator for ethidium bromide gels, a blue light transilluminator or blue converter screen for SYBR® Safe and GelGreen™ DNA gels and there is a White Light Converter screen option for scientists who need to visualise protein gels stained with Coomassie Blue or silver. The InGenius3 system comes complete with unlimited copies of Gene Tools image analysis software, enabling scientists to rapidly calculate molecular weight and DNA or protein quantity, as well as store or print high resolution and publication quality images on any computer, as and when they need to.
Syngene Introduces New Red InGenius3 Gel Doc Compact, Cost-Effective System puts Scientists in Control of their Gel Imaging
“Researchers want to be in control of their gel imaging and often need the flexibility to use safer DNA dyes Or analyse their gels at another computer”, explains Dr Martin Biggs, Sales Manager at Syngene. “By introducing our new InGenius3 gel doc we’re offering a really costeffective choice for these scientists.
Syngene, a world-leading manufacturer of image analysis solutions, is delighted to introduce its new red InGenius3 gel documentation system. Designed with a small darkroom which scientists can use with a choice of UV, blue and white lighting, the InGenius3 is excellent for laboratories looking for a versatile, budget system to accurately image both DNA and protein gels.T InGenius3 gel doc features a 3-million-pixel CCD camera, integrated to a compact light-tight darkroom and overhead Epi LED white lighting for perfect gel positioning. The darkroom has a slide out drawer which can accommodate UV, blue and white lighting options, allowing users the flexibility to image fluorescent and visibly stained gels. The system can be connected to the laboratory’s choice of PC and is controlled by protocol-driven GeneSys software, which selects the best combination of filters and lighting available, making it easy to set up an InGenius3 to detect nanogram amounts of DNA and protein on gels of up to 20cm x 20cm.
With so many lighting options and analysis software for every user, producing the best gel images in the way they want to do it, is simplicity itself.” The credit/sources: Syngene For more information:www.syngeneintl.com/
Using a new InGenius3, scientists are in control of their imaging as the manual camera makes it easy to change the aperture, zoom and focus to capture precise gel images. Users can also choose which lighting they would like. For example, the InGenius3 can be used with a UV
Microbioz India March 2018
Product Launch
Ocean HDX Spectrometer Delivers High Throughput and Low Stray Light New spectrometer is anchored by high definition optics and robust electronics
Advanced Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography Systems Enhance Lab Productivity New, easy-to-use analytical systems provide high-throughput comprehensive characterization and quantitation of small and large molecules The analytical complexity of new and emerging pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals can now be met with advanced ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) systems designed to streamline workflows and help reduce cost per sample. The next-generation Thermo Scientific Vanquish Duo UHPLC systems are designed to maximize throughput and return on investment (ROI), while providing scientists with a robust and comprehensive understanding of their samples. The systems made their debut at Pittcon 2018 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando.
The latest spectrometer from Ocean Optics uses a novel optical bench design and high-performance components to provide high throughput, low stray light and excellent thermal stability for integrated, industrial and research applications. The Ocean HDX has a back-thinned CCD array and new “High Definition Optics” design to deliver an exceptional level of spectral performance for a compact, UV-Visible spectrometer. At the heart of the Ocean HDX is its High Definition Optics design, which uses a combination of optimized optical bench components, specialized materials and precision engineering to maximize optical resolution, increase throughput, reduce stray light and maintain thermal stability. The Ocean HDX is responsive from 200-1100 nm, with thermal stability of +/-0.5 pixels from 0-45 °C. Its high thermal stability and small footprint – just 88.9 mm x 63.5 mm x 52.4 mm – make Ocean HDX ideal for OEM product integration and industrial applications. Story source /Credit: ocean Optics For more Information: https://oceanoptics.com/
"The increasing demand being placed on the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry to deliver safe and effective medicines that meet regulatory standards is presenting a unique set of analytical challenges," said Fabrizio Moltoni, vice president and general manager, HPLC, chromatography and mass spectrometry, Thermo Fisher Scientific. "The Vanquish Duo UHPLC systems provide a high-throughput and robust solution required to enable full characterization of small and large molecules in a manner that creates confidence and quality, while helping to protect customers’ investment." Story source /Credit: Thermo Fischer Scientific For more Information: https://www.thermofisher.com
Microbioz India March 2018
Events Featured
PharmaLytica 2018: Strengthening India’s footprints in Analytical Technology, Laboratory Equipments, Pharma Machinery and Packaging A UBM India event in the Bulk Drug Capital of India UBM India, organizers of CPhI / P-MEC India, the leading global pharma trade show and conference, today announced the 5th edition of PharmaLytica. The two day event will be held at the HITEX Exhibition Center, Hyderabad on 10th & 11th August 2018. PharmaLytica since its inception has now evolved to next level showcasing tremendous potential to build traction from the global pharma industry, fostering the development of pharma business in India. It’s a promising marketplace for products and services along the entire value chain in niche segments within the Pharma industry. At the upcoming edition Pharmaceutical community can pick up on the latest industry trends, innovations and networking & do business with Analytical, Lab and Pharma Machinery suppliers. PharmaLytica 2018 will have over 200 exhibitors across relevant Pharma segments from across the country from which over 50 exhibiting companies will participate for the first time at the show, reiterating its acknowledged pole position in the South. The show size grew by 50% compared to last year that was very well appreciated by all the industry stakeholders. The event witnessed 5000+ visitor footfalls over 2-days, including VIPs, Special Invitees, Regulators & Policy Makers, and International Trade Associates, Delegates and Exhibitors. The vision of “Make in India” reflects & streamlines through every steps taken by Industry to grow and offer business opportunities to MSME entrepreneurs, taking greater interest in participating at PharmaLytica and derive business benefits from this Industry Platform.
The event also comprises the PharmaLytica Seminar, covering a number of insightful sessions and discussions on latest industry trends. To enhance the touch-and-feel aspect of the expo, one of the much anticipated highlights will be the inclusion of an Innovation Gallery where visitors get to view first-hand, the eye-catching innovations and technology offered by the exhibitors. Speaking on the announcement of the 5th edition of PharmaLytica, Mr. Yogesh Mudras, Managing Director, UBM India said, “We are delighted to announce the 5th edition of PharmaLytica at Hyderabad. The event gives us an opportunity to reach out to a global audience by showcasing products, and solutions to the decision makers in the industry. With India likely to be placed among the top 3 pharmaceutical markets by incremental growth, and 6th largest market globally in absolute size by 2020, it has truly adhered to the 'Make in India' proposition. But now, the stage could well be set for 'Design, Develop and Make in India’. Comprehensive industry platforms like Pharmalytica act as catalysts, transforming India to an end-to-end, research & innovation-driven biotech manufacturer, with an increasing predisposition towards the analytical technology domain.” “The event aims to be the primary marketplaces for products and services along the entire value chain in niche segments within the Pharma industry. PharmaLytica will not only enable the exhibitors and visitors to network and connect but will also help the pharma community to pick up the latest industry trends and inventions pertaining to the analytical, laboratory, Pharma Machinery, Bio Technology & Outsourcing Services Sectors.” To know more about the event and register for a free entry to the event, visit - www.ubmindia.in/pharmalytica
Microbioz India March 2018
RNI NUMBER: UPENG/2017/73675