Armstrong, Lance - It's Not About The Bike - My Journey Back To Life - UC [.html].htm
If you release a corrected version of this file, please let me (bookchiq on Undernet) know. Thanks! IT'S NOT ABOUT THE BIKE My Journey Back to Life LANCE ARMSTRONG with Sally Jenkins THIS BOOK IS FOR: My mother, Linda, who showed me what a true champion is. Kik, for completing me as a man. Luke, the greatest gift of my life, who in a split second made the Tour de France seem very small. All of my doctors and nurses. Jim Ochowicz, for the fritters . . . every day. My teammates, Kevin, Frankie, Tyler, George, and Christian. Johan Bruyneel. My sponsors. Chris Carmichael. Bill Stapleton for always being there. Steve Wolff, my advocate. Bart Knaggs, a man's man. JT Neal, the toughest patient cancer has ever seen. Kelly Davidson, a very special little lady. Thorn Weisel. The Jeff Garvey family. The entire staff of the Lance Armstrong Foundation. The cities of Austin, Boone, Santa Barbara, and Nice. Sally Jenkins—we met to write a book but you became a dear friend along the way. The authors would like to thank Bill Stapleton of Capital Sports Ventures and Esther Newberg of ICM for sensing what a good match we would be and bringing us together on this book. Stacy Creamer of Putnam was a careful and caring editor and Stuart Calderwood provided valuable editorial advice and made everything right. We're grateful to ABC Sports for the comprehensive set of highlights, and to Stacey Rodrigues and David Mider for their assistance and research. Robin Rather and David Murray were generous and tuneful hosts in Austin. Thanks also to the editors of Women's Sports and Fitness magazine for the patience and backing, and to Jeff Garvey for the hitched plane ride. file:///C|/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Y/Desktop/Armst...ut The Bike - My Journey Back To Life - UC [.html].htm (1 von 177)21.07.2005 19:34:38