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Guiding Principles

1. Council will adopt a precautionary-principled response to climate change, by taking urgent action in line with its June 2019 resolution and subsequent climate emergency declaration, to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change over the long term.

2. Council will adopt and implement an evidence-based and risk-informed approach to assessing climate change impacts and responses in its operations.

3. Council recognises the importance of protecting biodiversity from the risks of climate change and the value of trees and wetlands in sequestering carbon.

4. Council will reduce the emissions from its operations and ensure its assets and services are resilient to the impacts of climate change by adopting adaptation measures.

5. Council will integrate economic, social and environmental factors, as well as good governance into its decision-making processes that deal with its response to climate change.

6. Climate change planning will be integrated into Council’s Integrated and Planning Reporting


7. Council will adopt a proactive and collaborative process to inform, educate and work with the community, business and other levels of government to develop solutions to climate change.

8. Council recognises that the risks of climate change and the adaptation responses vary across the region, and collaboration and planning to make communities and environments more resilient will reflect this.

9. Responding to climate change is a responsibility shared by Council, the community and business, and significant reductions in regional emissions will happen if all stakeholders work together.

10. Identifying and developing climate change finance and investment opportunities in partnership with the community will be a key element of Council’s approach.

1.1 Recommended targets for MidCoast Council

MidCoast Council will achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions from its operations, including its facilities, transport fleet and landfills, and 100% renewable electricity for its operations by 2040.

Net zero emissions will be achieved through electricity purchasing, onsite solar and batteries, energy efficiency and sustainable procurement. It will also include cost-effective measures to reduce Council’s fuel emissions over the next 20 years. Fuel reduction and electrification will begin with Council’s passenger and light commercial vehicles, and expand to its heavy vehicle fleet as electric and other low-emission technologies become viable. Residual emissions will be offset by purchasing renewable energy and investing in local carbon sequestration, such as wetland restoration and tree planting.

A target of 100% renewable electricity by 2040 is feasible, has been adopted and implemented by numerous organisations, including many local councils in NSW.

Council has currently adopted a target to divert 75% of the region’s waste from landfill by 2030.

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