7 minute read
Climate Change Strategy Phase 1: MidCoast Council
Category Subcategory Site Abatement option
Buying clean energy
Buying clean energy
Electricity Procurement
Electricity Procurement Target for next procurement to purchase 50% to 100% of MCC's electricity from renewable energy, subject to cost and risk assessment. Weigh up the costs and risks of a renewable energy PPA against a regular power agreement. Procurement Staff time and cost difference between ‘regular’ supply agreement and PPA
Whole-of-Council Implement a ‘market test’ process to determine the current contract models, renewable energy availability and price for renewables as part of a PPA.
Sustainable transport
Sustainable transport
Sustainable transport
Sustainable Procurement
Electric Vehicles Install EV charging infrastructure / supply points to support Council Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) / Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) trial vehicles and/or public charging point. Fleet Not estimated
Services and Equipment Purchasing Continue to deliver internal engagement and training to encourage the specification of sustainability in all Council buying decisions. Sustainability / Procurement Staff time
In Council’s next fleet plan, incorporate assessment and development of plans for EV charging at Council-owned sites, transition to hybrid, Plug-in Hybrid EV, Battery EV for passenger cars and utility vehicles in the med term. Consider implementation of an EV trial for a passenger vehicle in Council’s fleet.
Responsibility Cost or resources required
Procurement Staff time and/or consulting advice
Fleet Staff time and/or consulting advice
Cost premium between petrol / hybrid and EV
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Climate Change Strategy Phase 1: MidCoast Council
Category Subcategory
Sustainable Procurement
Waste management
Services and Equipment Purchasing Waste strategy
Carbon sequestration
Greening Strategy Subject to adoption by Council of the draft Greening Strategy, continue to track implementation and net increase in tree canopy to assist in estimating sequestration impacts Natural resources / Sustainability Staff time
Carbon sequestration
Wetlands restoration Continue to monitor carbon sequestration impacts of restored wetlands to inform estimates of sequestration in the region, and pursue opportunities for creation of offsets Natural resources / Sustainability Staff time
Carbon offsets Value chain emissions
Energy efficiency Behind the meter solar Energy efficiency Behind the meter solar
Behind the meter solar
Motor Systems Manning Aquatic and Leisure Centre Install VSD control on the main recirculating pumps for the indoor pool (main and hot water) Building Assets $36,410
Solar PV Roof - STC Install 99.5 kW of solar PV on the roof of MALC (or upsize to 99kW if a smaller system is installed in the short term) Building Assets Up to $99,500
Motor Systems Install VSD control on the main recirculating pumps for the outdoor pool Building Assets $21,846
Solar PV + BESS - Roof STC Manning Entertainment Centre Install 25 kW on the planned new building on the N-W side plus a 50 kWh battery Building Assets $70,100
Solar PV + BESS - Roof STC Install 50 kW solar PV on the planned new building on the N-W side with a 100 kWh battery Building Assets $140,900
Site Abatement option
Continue to develop / update specifications and evaluation criteria for services and equipment / products that Council purchases to include Council’s sustainability requirements. Capture scope and implementation of measures that reduce Council’s carbon footprint from waste deposited in landfill (e.g. through flaring, FOGO, additional diversion, demand management)
Responsibility Cost or resources required
Sustainability / Procurement Staff time
Waste / Sustainability Staff time
Include value chain emissions in future Strategy reviews Sustainability Staff time
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Climate Change Strategy Phase 1: MidCoast Council
Category Subcategory
Energy efficiency Energy efficiency Behind the meter solar
Lighting Upgrade all 150W halogen bulbs and balance of fluorescent lights to LED Building Assets $2,343
Solar PV Roof - STC Taree Visitor Information Centre Install 10 kW solar PV on the roofs of the VIC Building Assets $10,100
Site Abatement option Responsibility Cost or resources required
Upgrade external lights with dimmable LED sensor lights Building Assets $9,373
Energy efficiency
Energy efficiency Energy efficiency Behind the meter solar
Energy efficiency Behind the meter solar Behind the meter solar Behind the meter solar
Metering and Accounts Taree Water Office Sub-meter the depot so that the energy use and demand for the leased offices can be accurately determined, and remove the leased office from Council's energy / carbon footprint Building Assets Not estimated
HVAC Manning Regional Art Gallery Upgrade air conditioning, dehumidifiers and ceiling insulation Building Assets $120,000
Lighting Upgrade track lighting and other lighting in the new side of the gallery to LED Building Assets $45,000
Solar PV + BESS - Roof STC Install an additional 15.7 kW of solar PV on the NW facing roofs of the gallery, potentially with a 30 kWh battery Building Assets $42,700
HVAC Taree Library Upgrade Temperzone AC units with modern energyefficient units Building Assets $56,055
Solar PV Roof - STC Install 25 kW of solar PV on the roof of the building Building Assets $25,100
Solar PV Roof - STC Bootawa WPS Install 99.8 kW of solar PV on the PS2B roof to remain under the STC limit Water Services $99,800
Solar PV Roof - LGC Bootawa WTP Install 99.8 kW rooftop solar on all WTP roofs except old plant building and green storage sheds (excludes PS2B roof) – note if both the WPS and WTP systems are implemented Water Services $99,800
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Climate Change Strategy Phase 1: MidCoast Council
Category Subcategory Site Abatement option Responsibility Cost or resources required
Energy efficiency Behind the meter solar Behind the meter solar
Behind the meter solar
Behind the meter solar Behind the meter solar Behind the meter solar Energy efficiency
Behind the meter solar Behind the meter solar
Behind the meter solar
the STC opportunity may not apply and should be confirmed with the CER
Lighting Unmetered Street Lighting Install LED streetlights for main roads and remaining streetlights (review if smart controls are cost-effective) Infrastructure $1,612,452
Solar PV Ground - STC Dawson STP Install ground mount solar array in the north-west corner of the site - 99kW Water Services $128,440
Solar PV Ground LGC Install ground mount solar array in the north-west corner of the site - 200kW (alternative option) Water Services $359,820
Solar PV Ground - STC Hallidays Point STP Install an additional 40 kW solar PV ground mount system at the south eastern corner (near the existing small rooftop array) Water Services $51,350
Solar PV Ground - STC Install ~90kW solar PV system based on ground mount at the southwestern corner (alternative option) Water Services $117,130
Solar PV Ground - STC Old Bar STP Install 50kW ground mount solar PV on the southern grassed area of the STP Water Services $65,780
Solar PV Ground - STC Install 99kW ground mount solar PV on the southern grassed area of the STP (alternative option) Water Services $129,350
HVAC Great Lakes Aquatic and Leisure Centre Replace the two pool hall AC systems (R22) with new energy-efficient systems Building Assets $171,254
Solar PV Roof - STC Hawks Nest STP Install 99kW solar PV on the three roofs at the south of the STP (below and above the storage tank) Water Services $99,800
Solar PV + BESS Ground - STC Stroud WTP Increase onsite solar with a 45 kW ground mount array on the grass area at the rear of the site, with 100 kWh battery to meet most of the site's energy demand. Water Services $148,500
Solar PV Ground - STC Stroud STP Install 50 kW ground mount solar at the south of the site near the inlet works Water Services $64,740
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Climate Change Strategy Phase 1: MidCoast Council
Category Subcategory Site Abatement option
Behind the meter solar
Behind the meter solar
Behind the meter solar
Behind the meter solar Energy efficiency Energy efficiency Behind the meter solar
Energy efficiency Behind the meter solar Behind the meter solar
Solar PV + BESS - Roof STC Stroud Admin and Library Install 6.7 kW solar array and 14 kWh battery on the rear of the building to meet the site's energy demand Building Assets $19,300
Solar PV + BESS - Roof STC Tea Gardens WTP Install 99.5 kW solar PV on all available rooftops, excluding small green storage sheds with single-phase power with 100 kWh battery Water Services $99,500
Solar PV + BESS - Roof STC Gloucester Library and VIC Installing 16 kW solar PV and 20 kWh of storage to meet 100% of demand Building Assets $34,100
Solar PV Roof - STC Forster Tuncurry Community Centre + Health Clinic Install ~30kW of solar on the sloped north-facing roof to supply the community + senior citizens centres Building Assets $30,000
Lighting Upgrade all lights at the centres to LED, including controls where warranted Building Assets $22,914
HVAC Gloucester Senior Citizens Remove remaining electric bar heaters and draw on split system AC only Building Assets
Solar PV + BESS - Roof STC Install 8 kW of solar PV and 10 kWh of battery storage to meet 100% of demand Building Assets $17,000
Lighting Gloucester Administration Upgrade linear fluorescent lighting to LED Building Assets $26,361
Solar PV Roof - STC Darawank WPS Install 17.4 kW of solar PV on the west-facing roof of the WPS Water Services $17,400
Solar PV Roof - STC Install 34.8 kW of solar PV on the east and west-facing roofs of the WPS Water Services $34,800
Responsibility Cost or resources required
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