Strengthen and connect the network of centres People living in rural areas rely on urban centres to access jobs, services and connect socially. Urban centres are not only our major towns, but a network of village and community centres across our rural areas that provide important destinations for residents and visitors, and support rural lifestyles, productivity, connection and heritage. Long-term planning and plan-making will be informed by a common understanding of the role and function of each centre within the network, and efforts to strengthen connections to and through these centres. A key component of this will be improving the transportation networks that tie our region together. Investing in our towns, villages and transportation network not only provides a framework for greater economic growth but complements the movement of people throughout the MidCoast area to live, work and play. Figure 11. Location of MidCoast centres, from Local Strategic Planning Statement
A key consideration of the Rural Strategy has been how to support dispersed rural communities, that can experience much lower level access to employment and other services, while also providing safe and enjoyable experiences for people travelling between these communities by road, rail and by alternative means including walking, cycling and horse riding. In this regard, the NSW Government generally supports a corridor-based approach to long-term planning to balance the cost of construction and maintenance of the network with the desired outcomes of each community and region.
Draft MidCoast Rural Strategy
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