Maintain or improve waterways within all catchments Impacts on waterways will continue to arise from urban and rural development, population growth, increased use by residents and visitors for recreation, and influenced by land use and development decisions taken within the MidCoast and upstream. Monitoring indicators for ecological and environmental health, drinking water quality, safety for swimming, heavy metal contamination, and biosecurity for oyster farming or fishing, will assist with identifying where focused efforts may need to be taken to prevent, reduce or reverse the consequences of these impacts. In the MidCoast's rural areas, management of agricultural runoff, soil erosion and wastewater have positive impacts on waterways as does integrated water cycle management in the development and ongoing use of urban land. Integrating these considerations and on-ground practices into land use and development assessment processes can result in transformative change to the water quality across our catchments. Therefore, by taking a catchment-based approach in collaboration with water planning authorities, Council can implement effective land use planning controls and assist with establishing a common understanding of the environmental, economic, and sociocultural considerations that inform decision-making for the long-term health of waterways and sustainability of surrounding land uses. Figure 14. Broad Catchment Areas of the MidCoast from the Rural Waterways paper
Map Legend:
Catchments: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Manning River Khappinghat Creek Wallis Lake Smiths Lake 5. Myall Lakes 6. Karuah River
Draft MidCoast Rural Strategy
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