4 Prohibited Business premises; Hotel or motel accommodation; Industries; Multi dwelling housing; Pond-based aquaculture; Recreation facilities (major); Residential flat buildings; Restricted premises; Retail premises; Seniors housing; Service stations; Tank-based aquaculture; Warehouse or distribution centres; Any other development not specified in item 2 or 3 70
Noting that at the time of writing, the range of tourist events and facility definitions within the Standard Instrument LEP is limited and does not reflect nature-based and adventurebased tourism activities that may be compatible with an E2 zone. To enable low-impact tourism activities, such as guided bushwalks, mountain biking and the like, recreation facilities (outdoor) or similar defined activities may be permitted with consent, in conjunction with a merit assessment clause that identifies key assessment criteria to minimise environmental impacts during construction and operation of the activity. Increasing public access to natural areas and cultural landscapes through these activities can as a result, be balanced with the biodiversity and cultural significance of the site and within the location. Particularly where allowing wildlife encounters and cultural tours may assist in the long-term promotion and protection of cultural sites and places, critical environments, threatened and ‘iconic’ species. Therefore, as the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment or the Department of Primary Industries develop new land use definitions and activities, Council should consider the opportunities created and advocate for their inclusion if complementary and compatible with the objectives of the zone.
E3 Environmental Management
Consistent with the previous zone, the key considerations on how the E3 Environmental Management zone is to be applied across the State was made clear through the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s Northern Councils E Zone Review process which followed the application of the Standard Instrument LEP in this region of NSW. Through this process the State established additional criteria to determine where and when environmental zones would be applied. These criteria are discussed in detail within the Land Based Conservation Background Report and are summarised in Table 10 below. Table 10. Recommended E3 Environmental Management Zone Criteria
Riparian and estuarine
Land comprising riparian and estuarine vegetation on waterfront land, defined under the NSW Water Management Act 2000, or wetland areas
Draft MidCoast Rural Strategy
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