Data Gaps – Challenges and Opportunities
As stated in the Introduction of this document, the draft Rural Strategy and associated reports, are acknowledged as a snapshot in time. While establishing a baseline of rural information, the recommendations should be progressively reviewed and improved over time, in consultation with community and industry stakeholders and as more information and insights become available. In particular, a range of data gaps were identified in each report that represent challenges to the current need for clear and consistent planning guidelines to be established across the MidCoast, but also represent opportunities to improve our evidence-based land use planning and development in the future. Table 4. Data Gaps identified in Background Reports to Rural Strategy
Agriculture Background Report Agricultural land mapping While there is Biophysical strategic agricultural land (BSAL) mapping is available for the MidCoast from 2013-2014, there currently is no Important Agricultural Land Mapping that considers social and economic factors e.g. infrastructure, markets, labour, location of existing industries, in addition to biophysical factors. This type of mapping is considered best practice for strategic rural land-use planning and the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment have been engaged in preparing this mapping since 2016, although at the time of writing, this information is not available for the MidCoast. Lot size/holding requirements There is limited information on the minimum lot size/holding requirements as it relates to land-based capacity for existing or emerging agricultural industries. This information is discussed as part of a high-level review within the report, but cannot directly inform lot size, land use or zone recommendations for environmental planning instruments at this time. Land Based Conservation Background Report Biodiversity The probability of occurrence for many Threatened Ecological Communities, Threatened and Migratory species has been confirmed through previous survey work based on broad distribution modelling and would need to be confirmed through additional on-ground and seasonally appropriate survey work. The draft Regional Conservation Plan priority areas for conservation, restoration and conservation off-sets to urban release areas have not been transitioned into the Hunter Regional Plan. Potential biodiversity corridors and the information available is currently only provided at a State or regional scale. Ongoing review and evaluation of these areas is to be considered as part of the MidCoast Biodiversity Framework program to ensure the availability of local-scale mapping and appropriate allocation of federal, state, regional and local resources to facilitate identification, management and protection of these areas.
Draft MidCoast Rural Strategy
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