For example, aquaculture is a specialised industry where the MidCoast has a significant regional advantage however, it employs a relatively small number of people and this number was in slight decline compared to the rest of NSW at the time of analysis (2018). Figure 4. Location Quotients and Employment Growth for MidCoast Industries
The Strategy then identifies key opportunities within the MidCoast indicating how these opportunities can be realised by focussing on Strengthening the Region as a location of choice, Creating a supportive environment for businesses to invest and grow, and Marketing the MidCoast Region. The key initiatives to strengthen the region as a location of choice identified in the Strategy include: • • • •
improve core infrastructure, roads, bridges, telecommunications and water; enhance and expand business infrastructure that will be drivers for growth; invest in key tourism assets to increase visitation, particularly in the off-season; encourage other lifestyle and tourist developments that will increase the Region’s attractiveness to sea/tree change professionals and other skilled workers. 20
The Strategy also identifies that local businesses face barriers including land use uncertainty and recommends local action to enable development and growth, including the following initiatives: • • •
identify and reduce/remove barriers that hinder business growth, including ensuring policies, procedures and charges are appropriate to support economic development consistent with the vision; resolving potential land-use conflicts through completion of a land-use strategy; support development of the Region’s workforce;
Draft MidCoast Rural Strategy
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