1 minute read


Council provides an essential water and sewerage service to a catchment area of over 10,000 square kilometres and services approximately 40,000 customers.

The AMS) has been developed in accordance with the Integrated Planning and Reporting and the Institute of Public Works & Engineering Australia (IPWEA) frameworks and guidelines, and provides the basis for consistent and effective asset management across our infrastructure asset classes.

The Asset Management Strategy is a component strategy of the Resourcing Strategy and has been developed over a 10-year period. Council’s asset management planning is supported by three key documents:

 an Asset Management Policy – endorsed by the council.

 an Asset Management Strategy – that identifies assets that are critical to the council’s operations and outlines risk management strategies for these assets.

 Asset Management Plans – for all assets under a council’s control, which identify asset service standards and contain long-term (at least 10 years) projections of asset maintenance, rehabilitation and replacement costs. These costs should then be reflected in the LTFP.

The Strategy also includes an asset management improvement plan, which details a program of tasks and nominated resources as part of our commitment to reach a core level of asset management practice across the organisation by 2023. It includes outcomes from Council’s service delivery practices, financial sustainability indicators, asset management maturity and the objectives and strategies identified in the Community Strategic Plan. The Asset Management Strategy enables Council to show the link between the Community Strategic Plan and the day-to-day management of our assets.

The Asset Management Strategy and Long-Term Financial Plan will be revised annually. Effective asset management is a regime of maintenance, renewal, construction of new, and disposal of redundant assets over their lifetime. It is for this reason that the revision of the Asset Management Strategy is part of a continuous improvement program vital to understanding the current ‘state of play’ and condition of our assets. Our challenge is to identify ways to provide adequate funding to

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