11th Post Congress Symposium on Hypertension, Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Diseases

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Organized by Cardiology Department, Asklepeion Voula Hospital, Athens, Greece In collaboration with Hellenic Society of Hypertension and the European Society of Hypertension Under the auspices of Hellenic Cardiological Society


11th Post Congress Symposium

Hypertension Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Diseases A KS H o t el ,

i Porto Hel

A rgoli s,

G r e ec e

23-26 June



Invitation ………………………………………. 5 Committees ……………………………………. 7 Scientific program …………………………….. 9 Sponsors ……………………………………… 15 General Information ………………………… 18



Dear Friends and Colleagues, It is our pleasure to welcome you to the 11th Post Congress Symposium. The meeting as in the previous years is a collaboration of the European and Hellenic Society of Hypertension with the Cardiology Department of Asklepeion Hospital. The Post-Congress Satellite Symposium will be held in AKS Hotel in Porto Heli, Greece on June 23- 26, 2016 and the title of this year Symposium is: “Hypertension, Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Diseases�. This 11th Post-Congress Symposium is already an established annually high quality scientific meeting, presenting all the recent advances in the field of Hypertension, Cardiovascular Prevention and Cardiology. Prominent speakers from abroad and from Greece will present to the participants an overview of recent advances in the field of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, atrial fibrillation, coronary heart disease, heart failure etc. We warmly invite you to the Post-Congress Satellite Symposium to share with us the scientific program as well as to discuss with the presenters all the recent advances in the area of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Prevention.

Athanasios J. Manolis Athens, Greece

G. Mancia Milan, Italy



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Chairpersons: A. J. Manolis (Greece) – G. Mancia (Italy) Local Organizing Committee: E. Chamodraka M. Kallistratos K. Kifnidis N. Kouremenos

(Greece) (Greece) (Greece) (Greece)

A. Manolis L. Poulimenos A. Tsoukas

(Greece) (Greece) (Greece)

International Faculty: Ε. Agapiti Rosei (Italy) C. Boudoulas (Usa) A. Coca (Spain) R. Cífková (Czech Rep.)

S. Erdine (Turkey) H. Gavras (Usa) B. Jelakovic (Croatia) S. Konstantinides (Germany)

D. Lovic (Serbia) G. Parati (Italy) P. Stylianou (Cyprus)

Greek Faculty: S. Adamopoulos K. Aggeli D. Alexopoulos S. Antonopoulos V. Bistola G. Chachalis E. Chamodraka S. Deftereos S. Douma M. Doumas K. Dimitriadis O. Diakoumakou S. Foussas K. Glynos H. Grassos E. Hatziagelaki T. Iliopoulos M. Kallistratos J. Kanakakis A. Karavidas

V. Katsi V. Pirgakis E. Pisimisis A. Katsivas L. Poulimenos K. Kifnidis Th. Psarros G. Kolovou E. Simantirakis N. Kouremenos G. Stergiou G. Kourgianidis K. Spargias T. Makris A. Synetos Ant. Manolis D. Tousoulis J. Mantas K. Toutouzas D. Marketou A. Trikas S. Mavrogeni D. Tsekoura A. Mitrakou K. Tsioufis C. Olympios G. Tsigkas M. Pagoni A. Tsoukas D. Papadopoulos S. Tzeis S. Papaioannou K. Vemmos F. Parthenakis D. Vlachakos S. Patsilinakos C. Vlachopoulos F. Patsourakos 7



Friday June 24, 2016


Round Table I: An update in the treatment of HTN

Combination treatment: which and for whom? T. Makris (Greece) Polypill: Beyond the secondary, is there any role for primary prevention? V. Katsi (Greece) Hypertension and stroke K. Vemmos (Greece) Comments: S. Antonopoulos (Greece), K. Dimitriadis (Greece)

Chairpersons: D. Papadopoulos (Greece), M. Pagoni (Greece), P. Stylianou (Cyprus)

10.00-11.00 Round Table II: Developments in Cardiac Imaging

Chairpersons: V. Pirgakis (Greece), K. Aggeli (Greece)

3-D Echocardiography E. Chamodraka (Greece) New Development in Echocardiography F. Parthenakis (Greece) Cardiac MRI S. Mavrogeni (Greece)

11.00-11.30 C o f f e e B r e a k


11.30-12.30 Round table III: Hypertension and Comorbidities

Chairpersons: K. Kifnidis (Greece), S. Douma (Greece), J. Mantas (Greece)

New antidiabetic drugs and their antihypertensive effect H. Grassos (Greece) New drugs for dyslipidemia G.Kolovou (Greece) Sexual dysfunction M. Doumas (Greece) Comments: O. Diakoumakou (Greece), N. Kouremenos (Greece), D. Marketou (Greece)

12.30-13:30 Satellite Symposium sponsored by WINMEDICA

Î?ew therapeutic approaches for the CV risk reduction and arrhythmias control Chairman: A. J. Manolis (Greece)

The role of amlodipine/atorvastatin fixed combination in the over all CV risk reduction of hypertensive patients M. Doumas (Greece) Flecainide prolonged release formulation: The once daily antiarrythmic treatment S. Tzeis (Greece)

13.30-14.00 Lecture sponsored by VIANEX

Chairman: A. J. Manolis (Greece)

Azilsartan: The New, Potent Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist G. Stergiou (Greece)

14.00-17.00 L u n c h a n d b r e a k


17.00-18.00 Round Table IV: Heart failure: What’s new from ESC Heart Failure Association Meeting and Guidelines?

Chairpersons: S. Adamopoulos (Greece), C. Boudoulas (USA), F. Patsourakos (Greece)

Acute heart failure S. Papaioannou (Greece) Chronic heart failure A. Trikas (Greece) New drugs and trials A. Karavidas (Greece) Comments: A. Tsoukas (Greece), D. Tsekoura (Greece)

18.00-19.00 Round Table V: An Update in Atrial Fibrillation

Chairpersons: Ant. Manolis (Greece), A. Katsivas (Greece), S. Patsilinakos (Greece)

Atrial fibrillation: Rate vs Rhythm control E. Simantirakis (Greece) New vs old antithrombotics M. Kallistratos (Greece) Ablation in atrial fibrillation G. Kourgianidis (Greece)

19.00-20.00 Satellite Symposium sponsored by NOVARTIS

Sacubitril/Valsartan: from Theory to Practice Chairperson: A. J. Manolis (Greece)

“ARNi: A new therapeutic approach in Heart Failure” Ch. Grassos (Greece) “Incorporating ARNi into clinical practice” V. Bistola (Greece)


Saturday June, 25, 2016

09.00-10.00 Round Table VI: Valvular Heart Disease Chairpersons: K. Toutouzas (Greece), G. Chachalis (Greece) Aortic stenosis L. Poulimenos (Greece) Mitral Regurgitation A. Synetos (Greece) TAVI K. Spargias (Greece) Comments: Th. Iliopoulos (Greece), Th. Psarros (Greece)

10.00-11.00 Round Table VII: Joint Session ESH/HSH Hot topics from ESH Paris Meeting Chairpersons: G. Stergiou (Greece), E. Agabiti Rosei (Italy)

Blood pressure measurement and diagnostic approach K. Tsioufis (Greece) Treatment of Hypertension A. Coca (Spain) Comments: D. Vlachakos (Greece), D. Lovic (Serbia), C. Vlachopoulos (Greece)

11.00-11.30 C o f f e e B r e a k 11.30-12.00 Lecture Sponsored by GSK

Chairperson: A.J. Manolis (Greece)

“The management of COPD with cardiovascular comorbidities� K. Glynos (Greece)


12.00-13.00 Joint Meeting ESH, USA and Balkan Countries: Meet the Experts

Chairpersons: E. Agabiti Rosei (Italy), H. Gavras (USA), G. Mancia (Italy), A. Manolis (Greece)

Participants: R. Cifkova (Czech Republic), A. Coca (Spain), S. Erdine (Turkey), B. Jelakovic (Croatia), D. Lovic (Serbia), G. Parati (Italy), K. Tsioufis (Greece), & A. Mitrakou (Greece) Topics: 1. Is there a need for a new target? 2. How to manage resistant hypertension? 3. How to improve adherence?

13.00-14.00 Satellite Symposium sponsored by Bayer-ELPEN

New oral anticoagulants: Do they confirm our expectations? Chairman A. J. Manolis

Clinical Studies and Daily Clinical Practice in non valvular Atrial Fibriliation: What is the difference? What is in common? L. Poulimenos (Greece)

Clinical Studies and Daily Clinical Practice in the Treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis / Pulmonary Embolism: What is the difference? What is in common? S. Konstantinides (Germany)


Lunch and break

16.30-18.30 ESH Future Educational activities

Only ESH Council members

17.00-17.30 Lecture: Pulmonary Embolism Chairperson: D. Tousoulis (Greece)

An update in the treatment of pulmonary embolism S. Konstantinides (Germany) 13

17.30-18.30 Round Table VIII: Coronary Heart Disease Chairpersons: S. Foussas (Greece), J. Kanakakis (Greece),

C. Olympios (Greece)

An alternative algorithm for the treatment of SCHD Ant. Manolis (Greece) How long and when to use dual or triple antiplatelet treatment D. Alexopoulos (Greece) Functional and anatomical assessment of CHD in the CathLab S. Deftereos (Greece) Comments: E. Pisimisis (Greece), G. Tsigkas (Greece)

18.30-19.30 Satellite Symposium sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim Chairperson: A.J. Manolis (Greece)

Therapeutic challenges in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: challenges and advances in everyday clinical practice. Cardiovascular disease and T2DM: Where do we stand today? K. Tsioufis (Greece) Empagliflozin, SGLT2 inhibitor. Pharmacologic and clinical characteristics. Results of the EMPA REG OUTCOME trial. Ε. Hatziagelaki (Greece)

19.30-20.00 Satellite Lecture sponsored by MSD Cardiovascular risk and treatment gap in the

management of dyslipidemia Chairperson: K. Kifnidis (Greece)

The Role of LDL-C in cardiovascular events Κ. Kifnidis (Greece)

New aspects in the treatment of dyslipidemia -From clinical trials to everyday clinical practice L. Poulimenos (Greece)

20.00-20.30 Key Messages from 2 days 14

11th Post Congress Symposium

Hypertension Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Diseases Po A KS H o t el ,

rto H el i A

rgoli s, G

r e ec e

23-26 June


SPONSORS Appropriate use of Bayer logo

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Βοηθήστε να γίνουν τα φάρμακα πιο ασφαλή και Αναφέρετε ΟΛΕΣ τις ανεπιθύμητες ενέργειες για ΟΛΑ τα φάρμακα Συμπληρώνοντας την «ΚΙΤΡΙΝΗ ΚΑΡΤΑ»

11th Post Congress Symposium

Hypertension Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Diseases A KS H o t el ,

i Porto Hel

A rgoli s,

G r e ec e

23-26 June



Congress Dates Thursday 23 June until Sunday 26 June 2016 Congress Venue AKS Conference Centre Porto Heli , Argolis Greece Official Language The official language of the Congress is English. No simultaneous translation will be provided. Opening hours of registration and Secretariat desk Onsite the Registration Desk will be open for participants at the following times: > Thursday, June 23: from 18.00 to 20:00 > Friday, June 24: from 08:00 to 20:00 > Saturday, June 25: from 08:00 to 20.00 Congress badges Each participant may collect the badge at the registration desk. Participants are kindly requested to wear their badge during all congress activities and social events ex lunches. Entrance to meeting halls and exhibition area will not be permitted to any person without badge.


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