Monthly Newsletter· January 2015
tion mistakes, and preventable infections to name a few.
Healthcare Quality and the Bottom Line Submitted by Sara Dyer, Inland Hospital
Like all businesses, healthcare is working diligently to become more efficient and effective – using best-practices to increase value with fewer resources. But we’re taking it to the next level, making transformational change that will save employers, employees, and the healthcare system big dollars.
Here is one interesting example of how improved coordination of care improves quality, saves costs and improves quality of life. Our primary care practices recently reported when comparing the first quarters of 2013 and 2014, they identified that they prevented more than 600 costly, unnecessary visits to the ER by helping patients manage their illness before it became an emergency. How? With the addition of nurse care coordinators to our primary care teams, patients receive more one-on-one support -whether it’s following up on medications, or helping them make their next doctor’s appointment after a hospital discharge - this increased communication makes a difference.
As part of EMHS, a statewide health organization, Inland Hospital in Waterville is taking a “Triple Aim Plus One” approach. It includes improving the patient experience (quality, safety, and satisfaction), improving the health of key populations, reducing costs, and With more insurers and payers basing increasing the satisfaction of those who payments on quality, health outcomes, provide care. and patient satisfaction, the healthcare Insurers like Anthem Blue Cross and delivery system is changing to focus on Blue Shield are also part of the new quality not quantity, value not volume. healthcare model and are establishing That’s why Inland Hospital is proud new partnerships. Last month, EMHS that its focus on quality continues to be Beacon Health and Anthem BCBS nationally recognized. For the fourth launched Maine’s largest commercial time in five years, the Leapfrog Group, Accountable Care Organization (ACO). a national employer-based coalition As part of an ACO, Inland accepts rethat advocates for improvements in sponsibility for both the cost and quality healthcare, named Inland as a Top of care delivered to a specific populaRural Hospital. Leapfrog assesses how tion of patients, such as those with patients fare, resource use, and mandiabetes, or people in a certain geoagement structures that prevent errors. graphic area. With the addition of AnIn addition, Leapfrog awarded Inland them BCBS to EMHS’ ACO managewith an “A” grade (the highest score ment, we are now responsible for the possible) in their Hospital Safety Score, health of 100,000 people in Maine. which recognizes hospitals for their EMHS Beacon Health and EMHS mem- efforts to eliminate medical errors, bers like Inland track dozens of infections, and injuries. Employers can measures inlcuding diabetes manage- learn more about Leapfrog’s Hospital ment; flu immunizations; tobacco-use Safety Score program at and cessation interventions; To learn sion screening; and many others. The more about the EMHS Difference in hospital and practices also measure Care, visit readmission rates, fall risks, medicaDifferenceinCare.
Highlights in this Issue: P. 2: From the President’s Chair P. 3: Employer and Resource Events P. 4: Member Events Calendar P. 7: Member News P. 8: Member Spotlight: U.S. Cellular
Major League Fishing Summit Cup series taped in late August in the Belgrade, Oakland and China regions will be televised, on Outdoor Channel beginning Saturday, Jan.3rd: Saturdays 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. Sundays 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. Thursdays 10 a.m. - noon
Or watch them online at: There will also be an even longer web-based, pay-per-view version of the show available through Extended Cast on this site.
50 ELM STREET, WATERVILLE, ME 04901 • TEL: (207) 873-3315 • FAX: (207) 877-0087 • Jeff Corey, Chair of the Board • Kimberly N. Lindlof, President & CEO
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From the President’s Chair
Business After Hours January 21, 2015 Champions Fitness Club & Inland Hospital
Bowdoin Photography
I am pleased and excited to announce our 2014 Award Winners that will be presented on April 30th at the Waterville Elks Banquet Center:
30 Elm Plaza, Waterville
5:30 to 7PM 50/50 Sponsor:
Customer Service Stardom: June L’Heureux, Waterville Main Street Rising Star: Holly Towle, KFS & Habitat for Humanity Outstanding Professional: Tammy Rabideau, Waterville Public Library’s Business & Career Center Community Service Project of the Year: Colby College Museum of Art Elias A. Joseph Award: Gary P. Poulin, Business Person of the Year: Ryan Poulin, New Dimensions FCU Business of the Year: Giguere Group Distinguished Community Service Award: Lucille Zelenkewich, People’s United I also want to take a moment to thank my colleagues at the Chamber office and the board of directors for another outstanding year. We have a capable and motivated team at the chamber – it’s fun to watch all that they accomplish. I’m always amazed at how much we get done in one year – and then we start all over again. Thank you to our directors and all of our volunteers for all that you do to advance the economic, tourism/marketing, professional, business and workforce development efforts of our Chamber – we couldn’t do it without you. I also want to thank you, our members, for all that you do to help grow the economy – and support our chamber. There are too many of you to list, but know that we value and appreciate each and every one of you. Happy New Year.
- Kimberly
Sponsored by:
Complimentary hors d’oeuvres, fabulous door prizes, 50/50 raffle & more! WATERVILLE Former Waterville Mayor and our Governor, Paul LePage will be inaugurated at a large ceremony on the morning of January 7 at the Augusta Civic Center. That evening there will be an Inaugural Party with a live band. Many may have already received an invitation. If you have not and want to learn more go to You can request tickets on a form linked to the ticket page or email:
New Members’ Luncheon December REGISTER NOW FOR THE 2015 BUSINESS TO BUSINESS SHOWCASE! This mega networking event is the PERFECT place for you to showcase your business, sign new business and get leads! With over 150 vendors and 2000+ people in attendance, you will have the perfect opportunity to market your products or services to a qualified audience! See the enclosed insert and grab your booth spot today!
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“My Favorite Thing”...
Employer and Resource Events at the Waterville Public Library, January-June 2015 by Tammy L. Rabideau, MLS The Waterville Public Library Business & Career Center continues to collaborate with many service partners to provide workforce and business development programs and services. For complete information on forthcoming programs and services, please consult the Waterville Public Library Web site at or contact Tammy Rabideau at or 680.2611. Some highlights from the upcoming schedule are: Job Fairs: February 11 & June 10, 2015, 10:30a-12:30PM. Hiring employers interested in participating in job fairs should contact Tammy. These job fairs are intended to match employers’ hiring needs with excellent candidates and are a collaboration of the Maine Department of Labor Augusta CareerCenter, Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce, Kennebec Valley Community Action Program, and the Waterville Public Library. Increase Your Odds of Getting a Job Human Resources Panel: January 28 & May 27, 2015, 10:30-11:30AM. Local hiring experts from four local businesses provide advice on how to get the resume on the “YES” pile, master the phone interview, account for employment gaps and more. Employers interested in being an expert panelist should contact Tammy. While these are not billed as hiring events, quality hires have followed every previous HR panel event. Night of a Thousand Services: Wednesday, April 29, 2015, 4:30-6:30PM. Many organizations provide resources and services to assist citizens in leading fulfilling, financially supportive lives. The Library will host a Night of a Thousand Services open house event to raise awareness about these program and services. Individuals, service providers, organization and businesses alike are encouraged to attend to increase the odds of our community tapping into the available resources that will further our community’s realization of maximum potential. Continued on page 5
Is a new segment for the Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce newsletter. We would like to hear from our Chamber members what your “Favorite Thing” is regarding another Chamber member. It could be about the new lawnmower you just got, an event or service. Send us an e-mail and we will put them in the monthly newsletter. E-mail: Send your photo too, if you can!
A Few of Our Favorite Things... Dan Couverette—Beneficial Technologies. “I really enjoy banking with KFS - great service and great rates!” Kerri Smart– Veilleux Funeral Home. “We love working with everyone in the community! We love working with Jeff & his staff at Waterville Florist - beautiful arrangements!” Don Plourde—Coldwell Banker Plourde Real Estate. “Waterville Main Street does such a wonderful job with Kringleville and the parade! My adult children still want to see the parade when they come home for the holiday!” tion in YETE. YETE: working toward a meaningful career Steve Soule, facilitator of the South End in central Maine Teen Center, and Ryan Kneeland of the Submitted by Jen Olsen Youth Matter staff, work with students after school to help them identify their interests, skills for a specific job, and roleYETE, Youth Empowerment through Employment, began with an idea to raise the playing practice with interviewing. Funds to pay the students are offered aspirations and work readiness of local through the Department of Labor, and Waterville students back in 2008. It is an award winning program that provides job- staffing is supported through a Drug Free skills training (interviewing, resume build- Communities federal grant and dozens of diverse local funding partners and busiing, job coaching, etc.) as well as both work and education options for life after nesses. high school graduation. Students take This program is another example of ways classes throughout the year to prepare in which Waterville’s innovation has led to them for a summer internship, mentored local solutions that help young people by area businesses and supported by the succeed. In the short time YETE has been YETE team. The program offers one high in existence, 44 host business sites have school credit for successful completion of employed 108 local students, many of classroom and internship time. Currently, whom stay on with permanent employthis program is available to Waterville and ment. Winslow High School students. A program As the grant support is winding down, of Youth Matter, an organization that plans to continue the good work are underseeks to develop resiliency assets in way. If you would like to know more about youth, YETE employs about 15 students this program, participate as a worksite, or every year. contribute to its sustainability, please conPut simply, the program combines educa- tact Ryan Kneeland at Youth Matter tion, exploration, and real work experienc- . If you es for an earned wage in order to match would like to participate on the Advisory students with potential employers. School Team with me, please let me know. jenprofessionals refer young people who have identified barriers to success for participa-
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January 8—February 26, 5:30PM Guided Snowshoe Adventures at Inland Woods/ Pine Ridge Trails Every Thursday! FMI: January 8—February 12, 6:00PM Hope’s Place. HVWA’s next session of our grieving children’s program. FMI: Jillian Roy at 873-3615 ext. 19 or email
January 16– 1:00PM –3:00PM, Mainely–Elder Care free blood pressure clinic at Shaw’s. January 18, - 6:00PM, Colby College - Multi-Faith Community Celebration at Lorimer Chapel. FMI:
January 31, 10:00AM—2:00PM, Quarry Road WINTER CARNIVAL Quarry Road Recreation Area Off North Street, Waterville. FMI: or, or call 861-3292.
January 19, - 7:00PM, Colby College Commemorative Program Keynote Address: January 13—5:30–6:45PM, Ace Lingual Executives (Venir, Spanish Conversational Club) at Can- Home(town) Security at the Ostrove Auditorium, Diamond Building. FMI: cun Mexican Restaurant, Waterville -martin-luther-king-jr-commemorative-programFMI: keynote-address-hometown-security
January 14- 7:30—9:30AM, Meeting topic Boomers: How to Keep Them Engaged, presented January 20—February 10, Adult Nordic Ski Program Quarry Road Recreation Area. by Jim Peacock of Peak Careers Consulting. at FMI: O'Brien's Irish Restaurant and Pub, 375 Main St. Waterville. FMI: January 22, 23, 24, 25—Waterville Opera House January 14—5:00—7:00PM, Mid-Maine Chamber presents “Kitchen Witches”. FMI: of Commerce and Efficiency Maine have teamed- up for a networking event and information session about a new energy efficiency program exclu- January 24– 9:00—12:00PM, MaineGeneral’s sively for small businesses in our area. Please Ladies’ Lifestyle Expo. Thayer Center for Health. see the inserted flyer inviting you to this free Free. FMI: 624-3881. event scheduled on Wednesday, at the Hampton Inn (Colby Room), 425 Kennedy Memorial Drive, January 24-8:30 -11:30AM, Sustain Mid Maine Waterville. Coalition’s 6th annual meeting: Community Gathering of Interested People, Waterville City Council January 15, - 7:30–11:00AM Mainebiz will host its newest event, the Five on the Future breakfast Chambers forum. FMI: FMI: January 16, 2015 2:00-6:00pm & January 17, January 30, 2:00—4:00PM, Maine-ly Elder Care 2015 8:30am -4:30pm Sustain Mid Maine Home Free blood pressure clinic, Hannaford—Elm Plaza. Energy Consultant Training. Locations: Kennebec Valley Community College, Fairfield FMI: E-mail your events to by the 3rd Friday in January for our February InTouch newsletter. Don’t forget you can put your events on our website at
2015 Directors being sworn in by Bob Harriman: Joy Leach, Darlene Ratte, and Dan Bernier. Absent from photo: Rick Hopper, Charlie Gaunce, Renee Hawthorne.
Mid-Maine Chamber President & CEO Kim Lindlof and Board of Directors’ Chair Brad Fisher present Nicole DesJardins of Hampton Inn with the 2014 Director of the Year award. Thank you for your outstanding support, Nicole!
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Casey’s Redemption & Discount Center Patrick Casey 873-1971 102 College Avenue, Waterville
New England Music Camp is proud to announce that Barbara Allen has joined its team as its development specialist! Welcome aboard!
Casey’s Redemption & Discount Center Patrick Casey 453-6808 93 Main Street, Fairfield
Sarah Sugdgen, Waterville Public Library, was presented with the 2014 I Love My Librarian Award!
Coupons in Central Maine Michelle Gosselin 754-4998 4 Wood Street, Lewiston
Harvard's Tim Wheaton has been Named Harold Alfond Director of Athletics at Colby College
Hospice Volunteers of Somerset County, Inc. Jason Gayne 474-7775 41 Main Street, Skowhegan Toppan Consulting Services Clough Toppan 557-9693 22 Station Hill Road, Vassalboro Welcome Wagon Richard Bush 458-5575 553 Prescott Road, Manchester
Track proposed legislation: Legislative Documents
Bangor Savings Bank’s board has appointed Bob Montgomery-Rice to serve as president as of Jan. 1, and he will become chief executive officer & director of the financial institution effective April 1, 2015. Until then, Jim Conlon will remain the bank’s CEO, and will continue thereafter as a member of the board. MontgomeryRice of Hampden joined Bangor Savings Bank in ‘04 after working in management of large financial services companies & in community banking. Montgomery-Rice held a variety of executive leadership roles at the bank before his Feb. appointment as COO, including in consumer banking, IT, HR, real estate management & several operations departments. Congratulations ,Bob ! International Business Brokers Association (IBBA) announces it has conferred upon Professor Nicholas Jewczyn, Ph.D. of Thomas College its prestigious designation of Certified Business Intermediary (CBI). ns.htm
Mid-Maine Chamber President & CEO Kim Lindlof presents Board of Directors’ Chair, Brad Fisher ,with a plaque for serving as board chair for 2 years. Employer and Resource Events continued from Page 3 How to Start a Small Business/Introduction to Self-Employment Workshop: January 28, March 25, or May 27, 2015, 2-4:00PM. This workshop helps attendees decide if self-employment is the right choice for them. The class will include discussion on the pros and cons of owning a business, the steps needed for start-up, the elements of a business plan, and the resources available to help ensure success. This workshop is provided by Women, Work, & Community. Register by calling 207.680.2603 or by visiting Need help finding and hiring staff for your business or organization? Please contact Tammy to discuss options and resources. All sessions listed will take place at the Waterville Public Library, 73 Elm Street, Waterville.
E-mail your people news to by the 3rd Friday in January for our February InTouch newsletter.
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What's Next for Bonds? This information comes from the Grow Smart Web site. Now that the bonds are approved the work of creating the rules under which these public funds are distributed to communities across the state begins. The small business bond, #3 (MidMaine Chamber supported this bond); and the clean water safe communities bond, #6 - Here’s what we know about how these bonds will translate to economic, community and environmental improvements in Maine. For The Clean Water bond, ($5.4 million to upgrade stream crossings to reconnect habitat for fish and other wildlife, $400k to restore wetlands to provide increased flood mitigation, water quality and wildlife habitat benefits and $4.2 million to secure $21 million in federal funding to upgrade the state’s drinking water systems and wastewater treatment facilities), the DEP will soon announce the details of its draft implementation plan, which we expect will include a public comment period. Visit http:// to stay up to date as the process moves forward.
revitalize downtowns, and strengthen the rural economy, and also provide $4 million in funds to insure portions Business Expansion & Retenof loans to small businesses to spur Tues., Jan. 6 8:00 AM tion investment and innovation), the FiChamber Boardroom nance Authority of Maine (FAME) expects to seek board approval at its Information Services—Asian January 15 board meeting to begin Thurs., Jan. 8 12:00 PM Café the rulemaking process, which is at least a three-month process (approval Public Policy Thurs., Jan. 9 7:30 AM to begin process in Jan, public comChamber Boardroom ment or hearing by Feb meeting, adoption with or without modifications Executive Committee Fri., Jan. 16 7:30 AM likely in March). Then we will await Chamber Boardroom issuance and approval of bonds by new Treasurer-Elect Hayes and Gov. Fri., Jan. 23 7:30 AM Board of Directors LePage, perhaps by spring/summer. Then, once funds have been obtained, Membership Committee FAME will begin the RFP process to Wed., Jan. 28 8:00 AM Chamber Boardroom select participating agencies for funding. The current program is outlined here. It is expected that most current participating agencies will reapply to participate in the upcoming January 8 : 5 Ways to Make 2015 Your Nonprofit's BEST Year Yet program, as well as perhaps some An international leadership coach and fundraising new ones. trainer, Marc A. Pitman helps nonprofit board members and staff get excited about asking for money. Visit to He is the author of Ask Without Fear! the founder keep updated about these bonds! of, and the executive director of the affordable fundraising training program The Nonprofit Academy. Just about the only thing Marc loves more than asking for money is training board members and "normal" people to ask! To register; 873-3315 or
In terms of the small business bond, Question 3 (which will provide $8 million in funds to make flexible loans to small businesses to create jobs, Business Breakfast Small Business Panel Shane Savage of Fairfield, Oakland, Unity and Winslow Pharmacies, Heidi Neal of Loyal Biscuit Company and Fred Olsen of James D. Julia Antiques.
January 21: Champions Fitness Club & Inland Hospital 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM 30 Elm Plaza, Waterville A great opportunity to mix and mingle with other business professionals and community leaders. Remember to bring plenty of business cards!
December Business After Hours Camden National Bank
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Demonstrating the highest standards of care, 9 local hospitals in ME, including Inland Hospital, were named to The Leapfrog Group’s annual list of Top Rural Hospitals. This award recognizes excellence in hospital safety, quality & resource use based on results of its survey & is given to less than 7% of all eligible hospitals. Congrats!
Kennebec Valley Community College Culinary Arts program will be offering a FREE ServSafe certification course starting Jan. 13. This 6 week, 1 credit course will provide exam prep & exam for your ServSafe certification. If you’re interested, don’t delay, classes are filling up fast. Call Elizabeth at 453.5858 to register. This program is made possible by a grant by the After months of hard work and collaboration with DOL’s Employment and Training Administration. Colby College's Communications Department, the Colby Museum is thrilled to announce the official launch of its newly redesigned Website! Enjoy exploring it here: Sustain Mid-Maine Coalition Home Energy Program Consultant training. Many of you have indicated either directly or been asked if you were interested in becoming one its home energy consultants. You don't have to be knowledgeable in this area of expertise but have an interest in weatherization of homes and more importantly helping your neighbors make crucial decisions that will improve their comfort, save money and energy. In January, it will conducts its training at Kennebec Valley Community College. Michael Lessard, building science instructor, will be conducting sessions. Come to this training even if you are unsure about becoming one our of its volunteer consultants. Others of you are affiliated with other community organizations and we are happy to share with you what we are learning in the field that may benefit your constituents. We are after all neighbors. Jan. 16 2:00-6:00PM -Saturday: Jan. 17 8:30AM -4:30PM Kennebec Valley Community College, Fairfield Poirier Property Management has expanded its services to commercial property management. Need someone to manage your physical plants on a day-to-day basis? Let Poirier Property Management handle your facility’s oversight for you. Contact Eric at . FMI:
MaineGeneral Medical Center received the Best Project in the category of Health Care recently at the Engineering News-Record New England awards breakfast in Boston. The award was accepted by MaineGeneral Director of Engineering and Plant Operations Rick Albert on behalf of the building team that constructed the Alfond Center for Health. The state-of-the-art hospital opened last year – on budget and ahead of schedule. Common Street Arts gallery will be closed in Jan. 2015. The gallery reopens on Feb. 4, 2015 Champions is where your fantasies come true! Imagine this: You have 2 hrs. to yourself, your children are taken care of on site, you work-out, take a nice hot sauna, shower, & then get ready for the rest of your day…& all at an affordable price. You are a better version of yourself when you are taken care of, but ONLY YOU can do that. Join Champions for $29/mo.NO COMMITMENT, NO CONTRACT or try its 3 mo. special for $79. FMI: 873-0571; 30 Elm Plaza, Waterville Creative Hardwood Floors is having a 20% sale off any flooring service that it offers for the month of January. Free estimates. FMI:
Business Breakfast Spotlighters What is a Spotlighter?
A spotlighter is a Chamber member business that has a table at a business breakfast with its materials and the table must be staffed.
Who can be a Spotlighter? Anyone who is a member in good standing of our Chamber can be a spotlighter. Depending on availability, a business can be a spotlighter once per year.
How much does it cost?
It’s FREE to be a spotlighter; we just ask that you bring an item or gift certificate worth at least $50 to be drawn as a door prize.
If you would like to eat breakfast and stay for the speaker, it’ll be the regular breakfast cost, but you must let us know ahead of time.
What are the conditions to be a spotlighter?
Only three spotlighters are available at each breakfast, one per industry (for example, there can only have one bank or one insurance company per breakfast). You must sign up ahead of time and it’s on a first come, first served basis.
How do I sign up to be a spotlighter?
Contact Christian at 873-3315 or
50 Elm Street Waterville, ME 04901
Address Correction Requested
Page 8 U.S. Cellular has been serving Maine communities since 1988. At U.S. Cellular, it strives to deliver superior customer service, while providing cutting-edge devices, like the Samsung Galaxy S 5 and the iPhone 6. It recognizes customer loyalty with its Reward Program, and points can be used toward the latest tech toys, accessories and ringtones. Strong line-up of products and services are designed to simplify and organize your life. They are all backed by its highspeed network that has the highest call quality of any national carrier. U.S. Cellular was the first to bring a 4G LTE network to Maine, and nearly 90 percent of U.S. Cellular customers currently have access to 4G LTE speeds. It is committed to giving back to the communities it serves, and supports K-12 education through its philanthropy. Through its signature philanthropy programs, we have contributed more than $7 million to this important cause, helping strengthen its communities while also creating awareness for its brand. This year it invested $1 million in local elementary and secondary schools to provide a better learning experience for students and teachers this year. Through its signature philanthropy
every neighborhood: education. It understands that mobile devices are an essential part of daily lives. Join U.S. Cellular for an upcoming event to learn how you can improve connectivity, maximize efficiency in the office, and to stay connected in the field. It is spotlighting “Vehicle Monitoring” and “Mobile Register Solutions” in its January session. Business Solutions Development Workshop When: January 7, 2015 Time: 5:30 to 7:00 PM Where: 18 Waterville Commons Drive, Waterville Reserve a seat today: 356.1142 program, Calling All Teachers, it works to provide teachers with the materials needed to enhance students’ learning. This commitment to supporting K-12 education is one way we are working to create a more rewarding wireless experience for our customers. At U.S. Cellular, it believe it’s customers should be treated like neighbors and not numbers. That's why it strives to build a connection with our communities that extends beyond our business by supporting a cause that strengthens
To learn more, visit the store at 18 Waterville Commons, Waterville or call 861-8353. Connect with U.S. Cellular on uscellular, and .com/ uscellularcorp.
Have some news you would like to share? Submit a short announcement to the Chamber office by the 3rd Friday of the prior month. Inserts are also available for $150 per month. Call 873-3315 or email Disclaimer: Mid-Maine Chamber’s InTouch newsletter is published monthly as a benefit to members and affiliates. All member news is compiled and submitted solely by our members; therefore, we reserve the right to omit and/or edit as appropriate and cannot guarantee complete accuracy of all announcements. Sponsorship inserts do not necessarily reflect the position of Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce.