The Choreographer

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The Choreographer of the Holocaust

The world naturally takes the key dynamics of the Holocaust at face value: the Nazis pulled-the trigger; the Nazis are evil incarnate;

This is all true; but it is only half-the-story. The other half of the story is: No Catholic Church, No Holocaust.

Behind the curtain, the Catholic Church sets the stage for the Holocaust over a 20-century span. The Church furnishes ‘the kindling wood’ and ‘the lighter-fluid’ for the bonfire.

The DNA of the New Testament has two key threads: a) Jesus is celestial b) the Jews are demonic

There two threads weave their way through the New Testament..

All key vignettes of the New Testament are jiggered, if not fabricated altogether, to demonize the Jew.


Thus, every Sunday the devout Christian family is exposed to incessant and virulent anti-Semitism under the rubric of Holy Writ.

In-the-mix, Christianity has Passion Plays. These are dramatic, often turbo-charged, virulently anti-Semitic presentations of the Churchspin on the trial, suffering and death of Jesus.

Now, Jesus was a humanistic Orthodox Jewish treacher preceding Christianity. He was a magnetic leader with a vibrant, albeit quite-small, following. Jesus was a respected but marginal player on the Jewish scene. He was aligned with the dominant Pharisee Jewish stream, which is the fount of mainstream Judaism.

The Roman Procurator in Jerusalem, however, viewed him as a threat to Roman order. Jesus was arrested, tried, sentenced and executed by the Roman Procurator in Jerusalem. The Jews were aligned with Jesus, not against him. The Orthodox Jewish community of Jerusalem apparently carefully and lovingly gave him an Orthodox Jewish burial, However, wishing to marginalize the authentic Jewish roots of Judaism, the Church Fathers elected to pervert the historical record, elected to cast the Jews as an enemy of Jesus, and proceeded with a full-throated, ongoing multi-century campaign to demonize the Jews.


Now, the turbo-charged version of the Christian narrative is the Passion Play genre. These plays are intended to incite virulent hatred of the Jews - and they do. By any standard, they should be outlawed; and many localities globally have, indeed, outlawed them.

Any demagogue in Europe thus wishing to build a base of power based on hatred of a minority group, can go after the Jews. Hitler is the salient example of this dynamic. The Catholic Church primes the local demagogue to do its dirty work. Millions will die.

Many tears have been shed.


See 2-volume: The Crucifixion of the Jews Flip-books of the actual books (complete) are below.. See the website



from Crucifixion Book 2

'Projection' 'Projection' is a tactic whereby a protagonist accuses his adversaries of the very sins the protagonist has perpetrated. The Church is adroit at this tactic. The Church accuses the Jews of crucifying Jesus in the First Century; the Church then proceeds to crucify the Jews – over a period of 19+ centuries. The Church postures the Jews as betrayers, whereas the Church itself betrays Jesus' own legacy of neo-Orthodox Judaism. Indeed, the Church 'turns on' the entire Jewish people, the very fount of Jesus. The New Testament will serially portray the Jews as diabolical; but, purhaps, the Church actually defines the term ‘diabolical’: It simultaneously both sanctimoniously postures as ‘supra-humanistic / love thy neighbor,’ while it ongoing diabolically sets up the Jews for slaughter. The Church (falsely) accuses the Jews (via extreme fabrications) of lynching key and iconic First Century Church personages – Stephen (c. 34 CE) and then James the Just (c. 60s CE); but it is actually the Church which lynches the entire Jewish people – via its core texts and policies – over a span of centuries. All of the above under the rubric of asserted and officialy canonized ‘Holy Writ’ – core and bedrock – Christian bible itself. (Church-inspired?) Medieval mobs will (falsely) accuse the Jews of ‘poisoning the wells’ and triggering the Black Plague; but it is actually the Church which poisons the consciousness of Europe and catalyzes millions of Jewish deaths.

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