Rain Forest 1

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y r t f s o i t r A e h T

Tim Knight, a naturalist with a long experience in rainforest conservation, takes young readers on a tour of “the wonderful surprises and hidden secrets� of the rainforest. Paddling upstream in a canoe, taking a bumpy ride in the back of a truck, walking at night to avoid the heat, and flying above the tree-tops in a small plane, we explore the rainforest from its floor up to the canopy and beyond.

One Love One Love, One Heart Let’s get together and feel all right Hear the children crying (One Love) Hear the children crying (One Heart) Sayin’ give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right Sayin’ let’s get together and feel all right Let them all pass all their dirty remarks (One Love) There is one question I’d really like to ask (One Heart) Is there a place for the hopeless sinner Who has hurt all mankind just to save his own? Believe me One Love, One Heart Let’s get together and feel all right As it was in the beginning (One Love) So shall it be in the end (One Heart) Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right One more thing Let’s get together to fight this Holy Armageddon (One Love) So when the Man comes there will be no no doom (One Song) Have pity on those whose chances grove thinner There ain’t no hiding place from the Father of Creation Sayin’ One Love, One Heart Let’s get together and feel all right I’m pleading to mankind (One Love) Oh Lord (One Heart) Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right Let’s get together and feel all right

David Birnbaum

Rare 1

MB-641-ELX heart-shaped diamond earrings 22+ carats total weight bottom heart-shaped diamonds: avg. 6.80 carats



Wild for Orchids? Trail treasures abound this week with our favorite wild Orchid, the Lady Slipper. A most beautiful hike from Gate 10 on Justice Hill Road will take you into Leominster State Forest, across Bartlett Pond Brook and up Bartlett Road. There you will find an abundance of wild Lady Slippers, as well as the stunning Painted Trillium flowers (pictured) in full bloom, maybe for another week. A recent hike found mature flowers as well as some just starting to develop, unfortunately these two varieties only last for a short time, oh what a time it is! Most of the trails in Leominster offer some excellent habitat for the Lady Slippers, they prosper in acidic soil like that found in pine groves, and we sure do have that! Along this particular hike, we discovered a completely pure white Lady Slipper called Cypripedium acaule var alba. Of the hundreds of Lady Slippers I have found, ranging from deep pink and white to white with some pink

I have never come across this particular variety. While not considered rare, it’s certainly a rare find around here. If you get out right away and take the hike I did, maybe you can find the same one I did, or find your own, take a picture and mail it to us, we would all love to see them. Lady Slippers and Painted Trillium aren’t the only blossoms blooming around town either. I found a forest of Red Trillium a week ago and dozens more species that will probably take me years to ID, but only a fraction of a second to take a picture of. Whether you hike in Leominster State Forest or on the 28-plus miles of trails in Leominster maintained by the Leominster Trail Stewards, just make sure you get out and enjoy these fleeting trail treasures, and remember, as soon as these blooms fade, another set of treasures are right behind, so get up, get out and enjoy the stunning beauty right here in our own back yard.

David Birnbaum

Rare 1

MB-869-ELW gem emerald & diamond set necklacecushion-cut emeralds: 96+ carats pear-shaped diamonds: 19+ carats earringscushion-cut emeralds: 19+ carats pear-shaped diamonds: 3+ carats total gem weight for set: 138+ carats




Beauty of

Waterdrops A series of experiments are performed to study the collision of a water drop with various impact velocities, ranged from 0 to 600 cm/s, onto a water surface. Three kinds of phenomena have been recorded. Two of them named “penetration” and “cleavage”, were observed for low impact velocity (up to 100 cm/s). Their common characteristics are that no obvious disturbances on the surface were observed during the colliding process. Namely no splashing jets nor obvious crater were observed. By penetration we mean that a drop fallen into water becomes a ring, which penetrates the water smoothly with a velocity of several centimeters per second. During the penetrating process no obvious change of its configuration was observed. The falling height corresponding to penetration is proportional to volume of the original

drop. Some periodicity of the falling heights (corresponding to penetration) was revealed. The phenomenon named “cleavage” occurs when the impact velocity is other than that corresponding to penetration, then the drop cleaves into an “inverted cauliflower” after falling below the surface of water. It almost does not decend. By diffusing and slowly expanding it vanishes in the vessel water several minutes after. These two kinds of phenomena, as we know, have not been reported before. As the impact velocity approaches or exceeds 100 cm/s, the third kind of phenomena, the splash, appears. The diameter and depth of the crater occuring in the case of splash, together with the time for the crater to reach its maximum size, and the time for the rebounding column to begin to rise are given as functions of the falling height of the drop.

David David Birnbaum Birnbaum

RareRare 1 1

MB-703 round emerald & diamond set emerald in necklace: 19+ carats total total gem weight: 85+ carats emeralds in earrings: two x 17+ carats total total gem weight: 44+ carats rare connoisseur’s item



MB-703-ELX round emerald & diamond set emerald in necklace: 19+ carats total total gem weight: 85+ carats emeralds in earrings: two x 17+ carats total total gem weight: 44+ carats rare connoisseur’s item

Deep in the Rainforest By DAILY MAIL REPORTER

A lost city discovered deep in the Amazon rainforest could unlock the secrets of a legendary tribe. Little is known about the Cloud People of Peru, an ancient, whiteskinned civilisation wiped out by disease and war in the 16th century. But now archaeologists have uncovered a fortified citadel in a remote mountainous area of Peru known for its isolated natural beauty. It is thought this settlement may finally help historians unlock the secrets of the ‘white warriors of the clouds’. The tribe had white skin and blonde hair - features which intrigue historians, as there is no known European ancestry in the region, where most inhabitants are darker skinned. The citadel is tucked away in one of the most far-flung areas of the Amazon. It sits at the edge of a chasm which the tribe may have used as a lookout to spy on enemies.

Named because they lived in rainforests filled with cloud-like mist, the tribe later sided with the Spanishcolonialists to defeat the Incas. But they were killed by epidemics of European diseases, such as measles and smallpox. Much of their way of life, dating back to the ninth century, was also destroyed by pillaging, leaving little for archaeologists to examine. Remains have been found before but scientists have high hopes of the latest find, made by an expedition to the Jamalca district in Peru’s Utcubamba province, about 500 miles north-east of the capital, Lima. Until recently, much of what was known about the lost civilisation was from Inca legends. Even the name they called themselves is unknown. The term Chachapoyas, or ‘Cloud People’, was given to them by the Incas. Their culture is best known for the Kuellap fortress on the top of a mountain in Utcubamba, which can only be compared in scale to the Incas’ Machu Picchu retreat, built hundreds of years later. The Chachapoyas’ territory was located in the northern regions of the Andes in present-day Peru. It encompassed the triangular region formed by the confluence of the Maranon and Utcubamba rivers, in the zone of Bagua, up to the basin of the Abiseo river. The Maranon’s size and the mountainous terrain meant the region was relatively isolated.

David Birnbaum

Rare 1



By Nathalie Fernbach

More dragon than fly

Flying in a straight line they can have more than ten G’s force on their body. They have a device which locks their neck so their head doesn’t pop off during high speed flight. And some Australian species will fly to China chasing monsoonal conditions. The delicate dragonfly is a lot more robust than many of us think. Dr Richard Rowe is a senior lecturer at James Cook University and a dragonfly expert. Dr Rowe says despite the charming appearance, the dragonfly is quite a voracious predator. “In most long-established habitats they would be among the biggest of the invertebrate predators. Things like fish and crocodiles would sit above them, but in terms of most of the fauna there they are pretty close to the top of the food chain”. Even during their infant stages dragonfly larvae will actively prey on baby barramundi and mosquito larvae. “Dragonfly larvae certainly keep mosquitoes out of permanent waters because the wrigglers are very very obvious and the dragonfly larvae can spot them a long way away and are quite keen to eat them”. The larvae will also use “swear words” and gesticulations to keep other larvae out of their feeding patch. “They sort of dance at each other and wave their bottoms and hold their bodies in peculiar postures...” Dr Rowe will present a free talk on dragonflies at the Museum of Tropical Queensland tomorrow, Tuesday the 8th of June at noon.

David Birnbaum

Rare 1

MB-695-ELX gem emerald & diamond necklace emeralds: 90+ carats diamonds: 95+ carats total gem weight: 185+ carats



The Vine by Robert Herrick

MB-933-ELX “Constellation� all GIA D Flawless Pear drop: 15+ carats total diamond weight: 100+ carats [GIA Lab]

I dreamed this mortal part of mine Was metamorphosed to a vine, Which, crawling one and every way, Enthralled my dainty Lucia. Methought, her long small legs and thighs I with my tendrils did surprise:

Her belley, buttocks, and her waist By my soft nervelets were embraced About her head I writhing hung And with rich clusters (hid Amoung The leaves) her temples i behung, So that my Lucia seemed to me Young Bacchus ravished by his tree.

My curls about her neck did crawl, And arms and hands they did enthrall, So that she could not freely stir ( All parts there made one prisoner). But when I crept with leaves to hide Those parts which maids keep unespied, Such fleeting pleasures there I took That with the fancy i awoke, And found (ah me!) this flesh of mine More like a stock than like a vine.

David Birnbaum

Rare 1






t is not butter and cheese if a predator wants to devour a butterfly. Contrary to its name, a butterfly is the most unpleasant stuff to eat. Most butterflies have bright coloration that serves as a warning to predators. If in spite of the warning, the predator flings its tongue on the butterfly, the poison stored in the body of the butterfly will cause severe vomitting. The predator is compelled to spit out its prey and move away. May be this is one reason why, we see thousands of species of butterflies distributed all over the world. They are one of the largest groups of insects inhabiting the earth. Like any other insect, the butterfly has a three segmented body consisting of the head, the thorax and the abdomen, besides three pairs of jointed legs. It has two pairs of flying wings whose muscles have the power and energy to fly long distances. The feet of the butterfly have sense organs, which tell the butterfly the taste of flowers and their secretions. The food of butterfly is nectar, a sugary fluid secreted by the flowers. To suck this fluid, the butterfly has the sucking type of mouthparts. As the Butterfly moves from one flower to another, it spreads pollen and serves fertilization in plants. Mother Nature is endowed with many wonders. The butterfly is an example. While the caterpillar is repulsive in its looks and feeds on the leaf; the butterfly is a thing of beauty that feeds on the nectar of the flower.

David Birnbaum

Rare 1

MB-839-ELX gem unheated sapphire & diamond ensemble necklace - sapphires: 198+ carats diamonds: 74+ carats earrings - sapphires: 25+ carats diamonds: 7+ carats ring - sapphire: 20+ carats diamonds: 2+ carats total gem weight for set: 320+ carats



Diamond scape E alkthrough W Awake, awake, to love and work Luck is in the sky Future wet, diamond dew Birds awake to cry

Child comes home, home from school Singing merrily Love is born, organ plays House by the sea

Child comes home, home from school Singing merrily Love is born, organ plays House by the sea

And we’ll think it all again, so lets,

And we’ll think it all again, so lets, Keep the fire burning And take in all the sights The encovering of thebodies As the giant sun soars up Ooooohhh, and we’ll think it all again Awake, awake, to love and work Luck is in the sky Future wet, diamond dew Birds awake to cry

Keep the fire burning And take in all the sights The encovering of thebodies As the giant sun soars up Well there’s evil in his eyes As the child disobeys And they play the sport at lunchtime As the giant sun soars up. Ooooohhh, and we’ll think it all again

David Birnbaum

Rare 1



MB-1151-ELW rare fancy blue diamond twin ring 2+ carat, premium clarity set with 2+ carat D color diamond [GIA Laboratory]

Last Leaf




Guardian Angel

m from your Guardian Angel Who’s been assigned to you. She dropped this in her struggles As she protected you. Each time you feel that you’re alone, Each time you nearly fall I’m here to remind you: You’re not alone at all. I’m from your guardian angel That’s been assigned to you, I was dropped in her struggles While she was protecting you. Each time you almost stumble Every time you nearly fall Give thanks to those above For answering your call. A feather from an Angel, Is one we rarely see. But this one is quite different, And as special as can be. This feather is a reminder, Of a special person’s love.... Who is now your Guardian Angel, Watching & protecting from above. Hope this helps.

David Birnbaum

Rare 1



MB-1117-ELW MB-1117-ELW rare rare fancy fancy pink pink diamond diamond PENDANT PENDANT center: center: 3+ 3+ carats carats radiant-cut radiant-cut set set in in micro-pave micro-pave setting setting / rare rare fancy fancy pink pink diamond diamond twin twin RING RING 1+ 1+ carats, carats, premium premium clarity clarity set set with with 11 carat carat D D color color diamond diamond

Met a man with the answer to everything Books and words from philsophers come Analysed and he cut down a winter tree To find the sun Fell asleep, had a dream by the winter tree Heard the snow fall and melt into spring Saw the ice lose its hold On the pale frost grass To which it clings Have you ever seen a better day Though we follow many different ways Though your mind may hold the winter time Spring is never very far behind In the summer under open skies We’ll see the sunshine, shine on Take it easy live today today We’ll see the sunshine, shine on When I woke there I was by the winter tree Nothing changed but a thought in the air Seasons turn, take their days And in time, I’ll take mine I’ll go back there Shine on Take it easy live today today We’ll see the sunshine, shine on



Winter Tree



David Birnbaum

Rare 1

MB-816-ELW rare fancy intense yellow diamond set heart-shaped diamonds earrings two x avg. 5.65+ carats each set in micro-pave setting heart-shaped diamond ring center: 9+ carats set in micro-pave setting




David Birnbaum

Rare 1 BRAND



The DB/R1 brand is recognized by jewelry connoisseurs worldwide as representing one of the world’s great jewel ‘signatures ’ and hallmarks.

David Birnbaum / Rare 1 is the flagship of the Birnbaum Group, established gem dealers and gem cutters for over a century.

Transplanted from Paris/Amsterdam to New York in 1938, the Birnbaum Group has no equal in global sourcing, gem cutting expertise, value, and sophisticated design.


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”Internationally recognized for quality, selection and styling” - DEPARTURES Magazine

”Legendary quality, styling and value” - COUTURE Jewelry Magazine





The Artistry of DAVID BIRNBAUM

Rain Forest Ⅰ Collection

1st Edition, published by David Birnbaum Rare1 Corp., Copyright © 2010



David Birnbaum

Rare 1 589 Fifth Avenue Seventh Floor New York, NY 10017 phone: (212) 575-0266 fax: (212) 398-9438 e-mail: DBprivate@aol.com www.RareOne.com

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