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Section 3: Reprints of articles on Summa:

2013 and onward [ in chronological order ]


Section 3 Reprints of articles on Summa TABLE OF CONTENTS

Nov 4, 2013 EXAMINER: Summa Metaphysica – Philosophy, Is there a Purpose?

Nov. 19, 2013 THE GUARDIAN: Has David Birnbaum solved the mystery of existence

Dec 18, 2013 LOGICAL SCIENCE: Q4P: What Is It? Why Do We Care?

Dec 21, 2013 FRONTIERS IN SCIENCE: Potentialism or String Theory? OR

Jan 16, 2014 UNIVERSITIES NEWS: Paradigm Wars OR

Jan 31, 2014 HUFFINGTON POST: Two Schemas of the Universe

Feb 12, 2014 NEWSVINE: New Paradigm Designer



Feb 12, 2014 DIGITAL JOURNAL: A scientific view of the God question

Feb 18, 2014 SCIENCERAY: Does The Universe Self-iterate?

Feb 25, 2014 FUTURE TECH: 7000 Years in the Making

March 2, 2014 INDEPENDENT SANTA BARBARA: Global Battle over Metaphysics

March 2, 2014 CNN iREPORT: 100 Elements + Potentialism = Humanity

March 3, 2014 IDEAS TAP: An Imaginary 2014 Discussion: Aristotle and David Birnbaum OR

March 10, 2014 AUSTRALIAN TIMES: Potentialism v. Randomness/Atheism

March 11, 2014 ACADEMIA.EDU: Fractals: The Mathematical Underpinnings of Potentialism


March 14, 2014 THE SOUTH AFRICAN: The Colonies Revolt: II

March 17, 2014 EPOCH TIMES: The Age of Potentialism OR

March 20, 2014 NEW ZEALAND TIMES: Clash of Two Worlds OR

March 21, 2014 BROOWAHA: Transcendent Force?

April 8, 2014 ACADEMIA.EDU: Unifying Theory: The Quest to Unify Science, Philosophy and Spirituality Unify_Science_Philosophy_and_Spirituality OR

April 9, 2014 CNN iREPORT: A Collision in Time OR



April 11, 2014 FUTURE TECH: The Human Portion of the Cosmic Gateway OR

April 12, 2014 UNIVERSITIES NEWS: Wrapping Around Einstein OR

April 14, 2014 NEW ZEALAND TIMES: Summa Metaphysica’s Cosmic Gateway OR

April 18, 2014 EPOCH TIMES: Cosmic Womb of Potential

May 22, 2014 UNIVERSITIES NEWS: Potentialism & Stem Cells OR

June 4, 2014 EPOCH TIMES: Birnbaum’s Beethoven or Darwin’s Beethoven OR

THE TRANSCENDENT DYNAMIC June 6, 2014 WORLD.EDU: Is there any Option B to Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential?

June 11, 2014 ACADEMIA.EDU: Summa Metaphysica: The (true) Theory of Everything Theory_of_Everything OR

June 12, 2014 THE SOUTH AFRICAN: Potential: The Janus-Faced Dynamic htm OR

June 12, 2014 EXAMINER: The Summa Metaphysica Firestorm

June 13, 2014 iREPORT CNN: The Common Denominator of the Cosmic Order OR

June 20, 2014 LOGICAL SCIENCE: de Chardin’s Omega Point v. Birnbaum’s E+ OR



July 10, 2014 WORLD.EDU: The Superlaw of Potentialism OR July 11, 2014 ACADEMIA.EDU: Eternal Origins: X-Factor OR

August 5, 2014 ACADEMIA.EDU: Potentialism: The (sole) Closed Causal Loop Metaphysics Causal_Loop_Metaphysics OR

August 5, 2014 EPOCH TIMES: Potentialism: 25th Anniversary of Launch or The Law of Unintended Consequences as applied to Philosophy OR

August 19, 2014 EPOCH TIMES: The Cosmic ‘Free Lunch’: Stephen Hawking v. David Birnbaum OR

THE TRANSCENDENT DYNAMIC August 20, 2014 REGENT COLLEGE (COSMOS): Physicist Tegmark v. Metaphysicist Birnbaum

August 21, 2014 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (UNT): Three Views on Evolution: Randomness, ID, Potentialism

August 21, 2014 LIFERAY: The Cosmic T-Shirt OR

August 21, 2014 FUTURE TECH: Potentialism’s Intermediate Dynamic OR

August 22, 2014 ASH CENTER (HARVARD KENNEDY): The Theory of Potential & MIT’s Finest

August 22, 2014 ACADEMIA.EDU: The 7 Criteria for a Great Metaphysics Metaphysics OR



August 26, 2014 AUSTRALIAN TIMES: Juxtaposition: Birnbaum v. Davies OR

August 26, 2014 NEW ZEALAND TIMES: Cutting-edge Science v. Intellectual Torpor OR

August 26, 2014 THE SOUTH AFRICAN: Potentialism’s Universal Dynamic: from Macro to Micro levels OR

September 4, 2014 IDEASTAP: Breaking the Code of the Cosmic Order OR

September 4, 2014 iREPORT CNN: Philosophy: The Push–Pull of the Cosmic Order OR

THE TRANSCENDENT DYNAMIC September 15, 2014 THE SOUTH AFRICAN: Potentialiam & Quantum Cosmology OR

September 16, 2014 WORLD.EDU: How Harvard and MIT checkmated Oxford and Cambridge

September 16, 2014 JUBILEE: Inter-Disciplinary Metaphysical Warriors: Harvard’s David Birnbaum & Yale’s David Gelernter

September 17, 2014 FUTURE TECH: Two Dynamic Contemparary Cosmological Theories OR

September 22, 2014 NEW ZEALAND TIMES: Potentialiam & Modern Cosmology OR

October 7, 2014
 ASH CENTER (HARVARD -KENNEDY SCHOOL): What Ignited our cosmos?



October 8, 2014
 EINSTEIN@HOME: The Tao of Potentialism: Yin & Yang Meets Western Cosmology

October 8, 2014
 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (UNT): Galapagos: Evolution: the revolutionary hypothesis of metaphysicist David Birnbaum

October 9, 2014

October 9, 2014
 QCN (STANFORD / UC RIVERSIDE): The Accelerating Universe

October 28, 2014
 ACADEMIA.EDU: Unifying Science, Spirituality & Philosophy Philosophy_Summa_Metaphysica_s_Potentialism_Theory OR

November 9, 2014
 AUSTRALIAN TIMES: Philosophy & Cosmic Purpose: Juxtaposing two philosophers: David Birnbaum & Thomas Nagel OR


November 9, 2014
 THE SOUTH AFRICAN: Has Outsider David Birnbaum Trumped the Entire Academic Establishment? OR

November 9, 2014
 NEW ZEALAND TIMES: God does not play dice with the universe OR

November 19, 2014
 WORLD.EDU: Philosophy: The simultaneous solution OR pointer: www.

November 19, 2014
 EXAMINER: David Birnbaum’s Potentialism Theory: The (brutal) Politics of Philosophy pointer:

November 20, 2014
 iReport CNN: Potentialism Theory’s Cosmic Goal: E+ OR pointer:



November 20, 2014
 ACADEMIA.EDU: The Singularity of the Big Bang: Juxtaposing entrenched orthodoxy theory v. Potentialism theory OR pointer:

November 20, 2014
 JUBILEE: The Cosmic Tango OR pointer:

November 20, 2014
 BROOWAHA: The Philosophical Vanguard OR pointer:

November 20, 2014
 ROCKET NEWS: The Core DNA of the Cosmic Order OR pointer:

Summa Metaphysica - Philosophy, Is there a Purpose? November 4, 2013

David Birnbaum’s audacious Summa Metaphysica theory Plato (427-347 BCE) and his student Aristotle (384-322 BCE) believed that there was an ultimate purpose to the universe. But that was a long time ago when the discipline of metaphysics was in vogue, and elite thought leaders attempted to uncover the fundamental building blocks of the cosmic order. Plato and Aristotle believed that there was, indeed, a purpose to the universe, but admitted that they were unable to discern precisely what it was. Over the next two and a half thousand years the consensus shifted back-and-forth as to whether or not Purpose existed. Then, along came the European Renaissance ( c. 14th – 17th century ) and everyone assumed that science would solve the key problems relating to the cosmos - which had remained unsolved and unresolved over the millennia. However, five centuries after the beginning of the European Renaissance, the best that science has come up with is that the universe is aimless and has no purpose. Randomness. According to the current entrenched orthodoxy which connects establishment philosophy with establishment science, Randomness reigns supreme. All is random. The Big Bang was random; the emergence of life was random; Consciousness is random. Your sophisticated complexity…. is Random. (With a little ‘survival of the species’ thrown in). Enter David Birnbaum. Born in 1950, his mother an artist and his father a businessman, Birnbaum grew up in Forest Hills, Queens, NY in the 1950s.

He went to Modern Orthodox Jewish Day School. [It turned out that Simon and Garfunkel grew up contemporaneously in the same ‘hood and went to public school there]. An aficionado of the iconic Frank Lloyd Wright (d. 1959), Birnbaum leaned towards eventually becoming an architect professionally, but had two interesting side interests as a youngster – Metaphysics and Astrophysics. With the help of teachers, he tracked both fields. In class, Birnbaum swam in the waters of Modern Orthodox Judaism, and was deeply versed in its dogma. He would emerge as valedictorian of his elementary school class. But Birnbaum was clear from the get-go as regards Maimonidean-based Jewish philosophy. “I’m far from convinced.” Youngster Birnbaum was tracking all three fields - Metaphysics, Astrophysics and Religion. He was acutely aware that many parallel issues vexed all three disciplines. He was aware that all three filled-in lots of theory and dogma in the middle of their propositions, but that all three seemed to fall particularly short at the two ends of their propositions: “Origins” at the ‘beginning’ and ‘’Purpose’ at the end. Metaphysics, Astrophysics and Religion: Three seemingly very different fields – but all with the parallel issues. How did it all start? Where is it headed? So, the question regarding “beginning” is often referred-to as the Eternal Origins question. At the future-end, the formal name for the issue is Teleology – Is there a purpose/goal to the cosmos? And if so, what is it? As of November 2013, 2,360 years after the death of Plato, the scientific/ philosophical community still has no working hypothesis as regards either of these key issues. But Birnbaum proposes a “simultaneous” solution. Indeed, that is why he crafted his philosophy work. Andrei Alyokhin for one, Associate Professor of Biology and Ecology at The University of Maine, believes that Birnbaum’s theory should be employed as the global academic working hypothesis. From childhood, Birnbaum tracked all three fields carefully - through elementary school (Yeshiva of Forest Hills), high school (Yeshiva University High School - Manhattan), college (CCNY: City College of NY School of Engineering (with a major in Computer Science) and then through academic

THE TRANSCENDENT DYNAMIC life in Cambridge, Mass. In graduate school (Harvard Business School). Birnbaum got his masters in finance, but lived near Harvard Hillel, a mecca for Boston’s academic elite of all faiths to present their ideas of matters both cosmic and trivial. A Sabbath Observer, Birnbaum was not into Friday night Boston partying or Saturday morning Harvard lacrosse; He had both the time and focus to attend the vibrant nearby Harvard Hillel Friday night and Saturday symposiums and forums. He listened carefully. The questions, however, remained unanswered. When he graduating Harvard, and exited Boston in June 1974, back to Manhattan, Birnbaum was clear that all three fields were essentially stuck. And going nowhere. He was fascinated that even the so-to-speak “best and the brightest” did not have the answers. He put ‘cracking the cosmic’ on his informal 5-20 year to-do list. Birnbaum went into the international rare gem business, but on-the-side continued his intellectual odyssey. He had tracked the three fields since age 10. He had examined the various academic and theological perspectives from multiple angles. Could he unravel the knots which damped-down the vibrancy of each of the three fields? Could possibly one subtle theme unravel all the knots simultaneously? He was now convinced that such was the case: A subtle theme ‘hiding-in-plain-site. His hunt for the Holy Grail of the cosmos was now an official “David Birnbaum project” he often came back to. Birnbaum had one confidante in his to-be 50 year quest – his high school buddy - and a Physics and Biology teacher - Steven Gross. Steven, a graduate of Columbia University School of Engineering - was the “sounding board”, the “reality-check”. Gross (living in Jerusalem for the last 25 years) would stick by Birnbaum (in NY) for five decades through this day. Steven Gross is a polymath – a person with very significant expertise across a dozen scientific disciplines. Birnbaum considers himself to be a “Conceptual Theorist”. The two would prove-to-be a perfect complementary fit. Birnbaum would propose or write a chapter; Gross would hold-it-to-the-fire. Birnbaum describes the ascetic Gross as a “19th century Jesuit cleric disguised as a 20th century Orthodox Jewish scientist.” In 1982. Roughly 22 years after commencing his informal investigation odyssey into the three inter-related fields (Metaphysics, Astrophysics & Religion), Birnbaum felt that he had at last isolated onto the key core dynamic.

SECTION? And, indeed it was subtle. It seemed to elegantly resolve the key issues of the three fields via one subtle theme – Potential. Moreover, the same theme of Potential would unravel, as well, a cluster of other knotty issues plaguing all three fields. It would prove-to-be what is now considered by many to be “the simultaneous solution”. One concept unlocks all three treasure chests. After Birnbaum sold his idea to the hyper-demanding Gross, Birnbaum knew he was ‘on his way.” Now, Monotheistic Religion had at least one extra major philosophical problem; the “problem of evil”. This problem is classically called Theodicy: If there is an all-powerful and all-merciful God, why is there gross evil? The Theodicy issue hovers over the now globally far-flung Birnbaum clan. David Birnbaum’s namesake, his paternal grandfather Rave David Birnbaum, was murdered in his 80s by the invading Nazis in his hometown in Czechoslovakia in 1944. About 22 years after commencing his intellectual quest at age 10 in 1960, David Birnbaum vectored in to his signature theme’ and discerned a lineof-attack. One subtle theme - Quest for Infinite Potential – would seem to simultaneously ’solve’ all the key and interrelated classic issues. He triplechecked for six months that the theme was original. It, indeed, withstood the originality-vetting. Mid-1982. David Birnbaum commenced writing what was ultimately to be a philosophical game-changer. Six years later In May 1988 KTAV Publishing, a respected publisher of primarily Jewish-related scholarly books, gambled and published Birnbaum’s work God and Evil: A unified Theodicy/Theology/Philosophy [ see www. 164 pages of text, plus 59 pages of footnotes - all 664 of them]. This work would later be designated as Volume I of Birnbaum’s 2-volume Summa Metaphysica series the work proposes as its signature theme that ‘Potential’ drives the cosmic order. The theory was original, and over the next decade the work received a plethora of fine reviews globally. Eventually, over a dozen colleges globally would assign the work as a Course Text. To date, no flaw has been found in the elegant theory. The work has been through multiple printings, with over 50,000 sets now in circulation globally. Rabbi Benjamin Blech, Professor of Talmud and Jewish Thought at Yeshiva University, describes the God and Evil work as “a philosophical masterpiece for all time…. Birnbaum’s “God of Potential” impacted clergy and academics globally… It remains a truly iconic work.”


According to the hypothesis, Potential/Possibility is eternal. Indeed, it is the only dynamic, according to the author which can be stated with certainty to be eternal, by definition. Indeed, after examination, it is, according to the author, self-evident as being eternal. Birnbaum took a slight break after God and Evil – a 12 year break – to see if he could find-a-way to so-to-speak better get-his-arms-around his own core theme of infinite Potential. The theme was big - and Birnbaum understood that tackling-it on a grander scale would not be easy. He re-commenced writing in 2000. Five years later in 2005 he posted God and Good (Summa Metaphysica II) online ( – with the 2-book series now readily available en toto in flip-book at no charge to his key market students - globally. By 2005 Birnbaum was simultaneously building a multimedia publishing platform, which now goes by the name New Paradigm Matrix. This entity formally published Summa II God and Good in 2008. KTAV was, in principle, willing to publish it, but Birnbaum wanted to be able to offer it gratis online from the get-go - aside from the Amazon for-pay option. He also wanted better control of the publishing process – as the work might need add-ons as his thinking evolved. In March 2012, Bard College, upstate NY, hosted an international academic conference with a prime focus on Summa Metaphysica (see www. Birnbaum’s quite formalized metaphysics of Potential was juxtaposed against the academic establishment’s more informal metaphysics of Randomness. Dynamic debate – primarily at the collegial meals at the conference, pitted Birnbaum against academic establishment pillar, world renowned chemist and former Oxford don Peter Atkins. Birnbaum championed Potential; Atkins championed Randomness/Decay. As regards the classic Theodicy (problem (of Evil), Birnbaum places Potential at the core of the Divine. Potential is axiomatic. The Divine cannot contravene its own essence - of Potential. And since Freedom – Man’s freedom - is inextricably tied to Potential - the Divine cannot intrude on Man’s freedom – for to do so would be akin to cosmic suicide. There have been philosophers over the centuries who have ‘solved’ Theodicy by postulating that all-powerful God elects not to intervene in Man’s Freedom in order to yield man fullest possible Potential. Birnbaum’s crucial pivot here – as a consequence of


his Potential theme - is that the Divine – whose very core is Infinite Divine Potential - is not truly able to intervene in Man’s Freedom. Concerned about potentially being excommunicated - a la’ Spinoza - by the Jewish religious “right wing” for divergence from the Jewish philosophical Orthodoxy, Birnbaum braced his family. But the Jewish “right wing” felt his intentions were noble, his approach respectful, his scholarship impeccable - and his propositions elegant enough – and held-their-fire. As Birnbaum held-his-breath. Twenty-five years later he has emerged as editor-in-chief of the now-underway landmark 10-volume Menorah Matrix series on Jewish spirituality, which has 140+ global Jewish thought leaders signedup as essayists. (See from across the Jewish spectrum. The first two volumes are expected-out in 2014. As noted, at the future-end of the inter-related series of classic philosophical/ scientific questions lies the ‘purpose of the universe’ question - known as the question of Teleology. Birnbaum layers his key theme of Potential right through it: The universe seeks to optimize its potential. The universe is, indeed, a Cosmic Womb of Potential. It ultimately seeks what Birnbaum calls extraordinariation. Birnbaum’s hypothesis dovetails with the work of contemporary NYU Professor of Law and Philosophy Thomas Nagel. In his controversial 2012 work Man and Cosmos, Nagel argues that the current “entrenched orthodoxy” in the scientific/philosophical community does not and cannot account for the evolvement of life, consciousness, and altruism, among other matters, and that consequently a teleology is needed. Birnbaum elegantly lances all the key philosophical issues with one simple, yet sophisticated, theme: Quest for Potential. With regards the heavilyreviewed Summa I, the iconic paradigm arbiter Louis Dupre’, retired Sterling Professor of Philosophy at Yale, has called the theory “original, promissing… and a unified metaphysics”. Paul Mendes-Flour, Professor of Philosophy at Hebrew University - and editor of a multi-volume encyclopedia on philosophy – has called it “a remarkable effort to offer a fresh approach”. John J. Collins, Professor of Theology at Notre Dame called it a “new synthesis... a fascinating approach to the philosophy of religion which merits the attention of Christians and Jews alike.”


Deploying just one center-piece theme – Potential - Birnbaum enshrines his childhood quest in his 2-volume masterwork Summa Metaphysica. It stands alone – potentially elegantly unifying three great fields. But by writing and launching his paradigm-challenge ( see www. ) Birnbaum has also challenged a powerful status quo, a deeply-entrenched academic hierarchy - with has deep vested interests in de-legitimizing any challenge to its intellectual monopoly. This is an establishment which is aggressively protective of its turf. The entrenched academic establishment has a deep stake in the old paradigm - The credibility of their books and lecture series are all at-stake. Quest for ultimate truth does not necessarily top all of their agendas. Birnbaum has launched a major intellectual challenge to this ‘entrenched orthodoxy’. A global intellectual and political war has begun. It promises to be fascinating - and brutal. It may span the 21st Century.

SECTION? “remarkable and profound”

David Birnbaum: ‘There must be an answer. How is it possible that so many brilliant people, over thousands of years, have missed it?’


Has David Birnbaum solved the mystery of existence?


David Birnbaum made his fortune selling jewellery to movie stars. Now he has published a ‘remarkable and profound’ investigation into the origins of the universe... David Birnbaum is a prominent figure in the New York jewel trade, a private seller of high-carat diamonds and other rare gems, with a clientele that has included celebrities – Goldie Hawn, James Gandolfini – but consists mainly of the anonymous superrich.... Summa Metaphysica is actually two books: a 270-page preliminary volume, then the 560-page main event. (He has also published at least 15 ancillary works and operates, by my count, at least 12 websites, including, and It is an exhausting read, partly thanks to its length – volume two alone has 90 appendices – but also because much of it is written in a kind of rapturous, mystical prose... Birnbaum’s big idea is what he calls “the Quest for Potential theory”, or Q4P, or occasionally Q4P∞. The sense that he is unveiling hidden, pan-historical connections sometimes gives his work the flavour of Dan Brown.... To grasp why a successful New York jeweller, with little philosophical or scientific expertise, might want to probe such questions, it is illuminating to consider Birnbaum’s early life. He had been haunted by these grand mysteries, he told me, since the age of 11, when he attended an Orthodox Jewish school, or yeshiva, in Queens. It was the early 1960s and many of his classmates were the children of Holocaust survivors, or other Jewish émigrés from Nazi Europe: humanity’s capacity for great evil loomed large in recent memory. Yet the yeshiva boys were urged daily to put their faith in a just and merciful God. The contradiction that weighed on the young Birnbaum was the ancient theological puzzle known as the “problem of evil”:

how could God be just and merciful, yet allow something like the Holocaust to happen? The secular side of the curriculum proved equally dissatisfying. If everything began with the Big Bang – a term coined just a few years previously, in the 1940s – then what caused the Big Bang? If evolution explained how living things changed, why did life start to begin with? Why was there anything?... “So, pretty soon, it becomes clear to me that I’m not going to get answers,” Birnbaum said. “Everybody’s smart. Everybody means well. But we never quite get there.” Through college, and on to an MBA at Harvard Business School, the questions never stopped nagging. “There must be an answer,” he remembered thinking, “but how is it possible that so many brilliant people, over thousands of years, have missed it?” That was when he began to suspect the answer might have remained hidden not because it was too complicated, but because it was too simple: “I decided it must be hiding in plain sight.”... The answer, after years of fruitless reflection, dawned unexpectedly. Birnbaum was in Barbardos on holiday in 1982, sunbathing on a beach and turning matters over in his mind. “I’m good on the beach,” he explained. “My brain is working a little better… And then” – he snapped his fingers – “it was clear to me.” The answer was: potential. This part takes a little explaining. Birnbaum considers his specialty to be metaphysics, that hard-to-define corner of philosophy that deals with the most basic questions of what there is. It’s the territory into which you cross when you reach the limits of what biology, chemistry or physics can tell you. Metaphysical explanations aren’t supposed to be substitutes for scientific ones, though; they just claim to be even more fundamental. And what could be more fundamental than potential? What


must have existed, before everything else, but the potential for all those things that later came into existence? If you believe in God, the potential for God must have been there first. And prior to the Big Bang, there must have been the potential for the Big Bang... Rising from the Barbadian sand, Birnbaum saw the world in a new light: everything and everyone around him was an expression of cosmic potential, working itself out. Why? Because that’s what potential does. Birnbaum calls this process “extraordinariation”. It is explained in depth in the hundreds of pages of Summa Metaphysica, but the core idea is concise enough to fit on a T-shirt. The universe itself is potential, actualising itself. You may be raising your eyebrows at this. But Birnbaum’s perspective isn’t without precedent. Since Aristotle, some thinkers have been drawn to the notion that the world must be heading somewhere – that there is some kind of force in the universe, pushing things forward. These teleological arguments are deeply unfashionable nowadays, but there’s nothing inherently unscientific about them. In his controversial 2012 book Mind And Cosmos, the US philosopher Thomas Nagel argues that teleology might be the only way to account for the still unsolved mystery of why consciousness exists... At one point, I suggested to Birnbaum that there was a parallel between his jeweller’s eye for beauty and his love of elegance in ideas. He eagerly agreed. His theory “is aesthetically elegant… and I like things aesthetically elegant.” What got the professionals into trouble, he said, was overthinking: “Everyone’s missing it because they try too hard. You get there by relaxing. Letting go. Potential, possibility: it’s the gentlest of all concepts... Possibility is driving everything. It’s so simple.” by Oliver Burkeman October 19, 2013 NOTE: ONLY UNIVERSE-GOAL RELATED SECTIONS ARE REPRINTED ABOVE

“And what could be more fundamental than potential? What must have existed, before everything else, but the potential for all those things that later came into existence? If you believe in God, the potential for God must have been there first. And prior to the Big Bang, there must have been the potential for the Big Bang...”

“Birnbaum’s perspective isn’t without precedent. Since Aristotle, some thinkers have been drawn to the notion that the world must be heading somewhere – that there is some kind of force in the universe, pushing things forward. These teleological arguments are deeply unfashionable nowadays, but there’s nothing inherently unscientific about them...”

contact: Adam Kluger President, Adam Kluger Public Relations 7 East 86th Street, 17th Floor New York, NY 10028 BlackBerry: 917.655.1450 Office: 1.888.304.AKPR (2577)


Q4P∞: What is it? Why do we care? Dec 18, 2013

Q4P is a shorthand notation for Quest for Potential. Potential is the centerpiece of an audacious contemporary theory in philosophy causing a stir around the globe. It was conceptualized by David Birnbaum at age 32 in 1982. In 1988 Ktav Publishing House (NJ) published the first of two volumes of a cutting-edge philosophy work. The ultimate name of the 2-volume series was Summa Metaphysica – which modestly translates into ‘the sum of all metaphysics’ . Metaphyics is a corner of philosophy which deals in the bedrock currents of the cosmic order. It is the turf of Aristotle, Maimonides, Aquinas and Spinoza. Few writers dare to tread here. Historically, the field ‘takes no prisoners.’ Many thousands of metaphysics schemas have been proposed over the past five thousand years; not one has truly withstood the ‘test of time’, including those by the aforementioned philosophical giants. The second volume of Summa Metaphysica was issued in 2005, seventeen years after the first volume. At that point its author was 55 years-old. In 2012, seven years after the issuance of Summa Metaphysica II, Bard College, Upstate, NY hosted a 3 ½ day international academic conference on Science & Religion focused on the work and its apparent unification of science, religion, philosophy and spirituality. Neither at the conference, nor over the past twenty-five years has any flaw been discerned in Summa. Key conference panelists proposed that Summa achieved ‘aesthetic elegance’, the sine qua non for a great metaphysics. The panelists could not come up with the name of any seriously competing paradigm to Summa ( see Bard: Summa Metaphysica). The groundbreaking Bard conference closed on a fine and harmonious note, and all the illustrious conference panelists embarked back home to their respective institutions around the globe.


Eleven months after the close of the conference, this past May 2013, as if by ‘spontaneous combustion’, the academic world erupted in intense global battle over the core proposition of the treatise, the author’s signature theme of Q4P ( Quest for Potential) The author of Summa Metaphysica, David Birnbaum, is a Manhattan-based yeshiva-educated and Harvard-educated private scholar. Birnbaum divides his time between what he calls his ’day job’ as an international rare gem dealer, and his so to speak ‘night job’ wherein he has pursued his academic interests since he exited Cambridge, Mass. for Manhattan in 1974. Birnbaum’s publishing platform, New Paradigm Matrix, which now has over 150 global thought leaders under its aegis, has placed him at the crossroads of discussion. Birnbaum’s academic ‘night job’ has not only gained him a global intellectual platform, but has landed him in the vortex of an international storm over his proposed Theory of Potential, of which Q4P is the centerpiece. Academic ‘outsider’ Birnbaum’s cutting-edge Theory of Potential challenges the currently entrenched Theory of Randomness of the Establishment. Although Birnbaum’s philosophy works have been used as course texts at well-over a dozen institutions of higher learning globally the concept of an ‘outsider’ frontally challenging the vey core Establishment wisdom has outraged many ‘insiders’. The fact that he might actually be right, has apparently only further incensed matters. Since 1988 Birnbaum has garnered quite significant support from inside the academic/scientific; however this is brushed aside by the on the warpath Establishment group. To the zealots protecting ‘randomness’, Birnbaum is ‘the horseman of doom’ frontally galloping towards them. Birnbaum is a ‘universalist’, not hostage to either ‘religious fundamentalism’ or ‘secularist atheism’. His suis generis concept of Quest for Potential (Q4P) straddles the divide between religious and secular. His concept is transcendent; it so-to-speak overarches the cosmic order.


The ‘insider’’ Establishment theory of randomness, however, championed heavily by the hard-line atheistic academic community, is not only anti-religion, but rejects any transcending dynamic whatsoever, in any shape, manner or form. Therein lies the seeds of the conflict – and the threat to the ‘entrenched orthodoxy’. Let us step back a moment at look at the metaphysics chessboard. Roughly a dozen inter-related classic metaphysics questions have been at the fore of discussion from time immemorial. All the iconic figures noted above grappled with these issues in their respective writings, and respectively none of their schemas is accepted by the academic community today Let us look at a selection of core metaphysics questions and see how Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential – and then the entrenched establishment’s Theory of Randomness - come down on each of these issues. 1) Is there an eternal dynamic ? Birnbaum: Yes, Quest for Potential (Q4P) Establishment: No, none 2) What ignited the Big Bang? Birnbaum: Q4P Establishment: Random accident playing-out across infinite universes 3) What drives the cosmic order? Birnbaum: Q4P Establishment: Random chance 4) If there is a God what is the essence of God? Birnbaum: Potential Establishment: No God or any transcendent force 5) What was the catalyst for life? Birnbaum: Quest for Potential (Q4P) Establishment: Random accident


6)What sustains life? Birnbaum: Q4P Establishment: no answer 7) What drives Evolution? Birnbaum: Q4P ( which includes genetic survival) Establishment: genetic survival alone and random chance 8) What was the catalyst for consciousness? Birnbaum: Q4P Establishment: Random chance 9) Does Man have a purpose? Birnbaum: To quest for his/her optimal potential Establishment: No / none 10) Does Mankind have a purpose? Birnbaum: To quest for its optimal potential Establishment: No / none 11) Is there a purpose to the universe? Birnbaum: The universe seeks its fullest possible potential Establishment: no purpose Thus, the battle lines are clear-cut. Birnbaum layers one single elegant concept across the entire spectrum of issues – and across the timeless cosmic continuum. Aside from the one issue of Evolution, the Establishment does not even purport to provide one single answer. The Establishment cannot attack Birnbaum as it has attacked the ‘intelligent design’ proponents as being a ‘stalking horse’ for Creationism, as he clearly is not. Birnbaum methodically and clearly addresses all key issues. The Establishment does not. Birnbaum clearly lays-out his proposition in a 20+ panel presentation. The Establishment offers no such blueprint.


Birnbaum’s Q4P construct is a ‘lean and mean’ pure intellectual play. It is so to speak ‘fat free’. It is, as well, unburdened by any ‘baggage’ from any dogma. Essentially, Birnbaum is proposing a new ‘framing concept’ – Q4P – as the underlying bedrock dynamic of the cosmic order. If Summa is essentially on-the- mark, the consequence would, indeed be, a grand unification at a minimum of spirituality, science and philosophy. Many or most fields of study would be impacted to a greater or lesser extent. As a consequence of Birnbaum’s offering-up the his cosmic centerpiece ‘potential’ in 1988 and steadfastly advancing the theory both via Summa Metaphysica II and via other modalities, many notables view Birnbaum as the progenitor/originator/founder of a new field, Potentialism. The author is clear to point out, however, that he views his role as a ‘supporting’ one, and not as a stand-alone field or belief system.


Potentialism or String Theory? Dec 21, 2013

Science – and physics in particular – seeks the Theory of Everything (TOE) in a formula or concept like ‘String Theory.’ To a physicist, a theory like ‘String Theory’ which potentially unifies Einstein’s large-scale physics with small-scale quantum physics would be a ‘theory of everything.’ But, an obvious question comes to mind: Maybe that is just a ‘Unified Theory of Physics’ and not of the grander cosmos in all its richness and mysteries – beyond the realm of pure physics? Now, since ancient times, philosophers have been grappling for a theory unifying everything. The West is familiar with Aristotle and Plato and their buddies. ‘Everything’ is what they grappled with. And ‘everything’ encompassed much more that the mechanistic field of physics, however that field was to morph and evolve over the millennia to come. Contemporary science uses the shorthand notation TOE for the elusive Theory of Everything. But what happened to the more overarching and iconic field (metaphysics) of those famous Greeks? Gone with the wind? Not fashionable? Not politically correct? Too intractable – so we abandon the inquiry, however noble? Metaphysics is a corner of philosophy which deals in the fundamental building blocks of the cosmic order. Contemporary metaphysicist David Birnbaum of Manhattan uses the shorthand notation Q4P for his proposed overarching ‘Quest for Potential’ theory (for absolutely everything). Now, metaphysicists shun the term ‘theory of everything’ for their own theories, even though that is quite-precisely what (all) their theories attempt – by definition. Metphysicians are acutely aware of the grandness of their respective quests, and are simultaneously averse to trumpeting that grandness. To date, no metaphysics has ‘withstood the test of time.’ Only very, very brave individuals ‘attempt a dive off of this high board.’ The potential rewards of ‘cracking the cosmic


code’ may be great, but the odds of success are quite daunting, to put it mildly. Brave souls involved in metaphysics have enough challenges ontheir-hands without trumpeting that they seek the ‘Ultimate Big Idea Eureka Moment Flashing Light Bulb.’ Let us now go back to the scientific quest for a TOE – a Theory of Everything. From the vantage point of a philosopher or metaphysicist or to a random 7-year-old, reconciling large-scale physics with small-scale-physics is far from a Theory of Everything. However, that TOE (Theory of Everything) term is widely used in academic circles and I the general vernacular, including our contemporary source for Absolute Truth Wikipedia, which we all know and love. Now, metaphysics has been somewhat orphaned since the dawn of the European Renaissance in Florence in the 14th century. The Renaissance placed ‘laboratory science’ on the very highest pedestal, and there it has remained. Contemporary ‘theoretical physics’ pegs-off of laboratory science and the two march-in-tandem. However, it turns-out that the Renaissance simply did not solve the ‘very big’ questions – and not for lack of trying. It turns out that the optimal ‘laboratory’ for cracking the cosmic code is one’s brain. And that creative and incisive human brain has been around for many thousands of years, predating any particle accelerator setup in CERN. Indeed, it comes off-the-shelf with all newborns. No National Science Foundation grants needed. To yeshiva-educated and Harvard-educated contemporary metaphysicist David Birnbaum, among others, the ‘laboratory physics’—only approach, as opposed to a grander ‘conceptual approach,’ will always fall short. Metaphysics indeed incorporates ‘laboratory science’ as an integral key component part, but not as the entire deal. Metaphysics points out that unless we take a grander conceptual approach, we will always be left with a series of key classic philosophical/metaphysical questions/issues hanging unresolved. Additionally, odds-are that even the so-to-speak ‘unified scientific theory’ will tend to have ‘troublesome’ loose ends. These irritating ‘loose ends’ will all ultimately be resolvable not in a 2014 laboratory – but rather by the bona fide metaphysical construct, when it is discerned and played-out – by the


scientific community. As the respective names of the fields, metaphysics and physics, imply, ultimately one cannot separate metaphysics from physics. The two fields are so to speak ‘connected-at-the-hip.’ Some of these ‘hanging issues’ which a scientific community TOE would leave unresolved would include the following: (1) Why is there anything at all? (2) Where did the ‘strings’ of String Theory come from? (3) What initially ‘energized’ these so-interesting strings – or whatever physical phenomena/ entity is proposed as unifying? (4) What ‘breathes fire’ into these ‘strings’ today – sustaining their dynamism? (5) What ignited the Big Bang, the primary initial focus of ‘String Theory’? (6) The ‘Goldilocks Enigma’ question: Why were the dynamics of ‘the strings’ so finely calibrated such as to produce a universe which would generate life? (7) What was the actual catalyst for life, language and consciousness? Both conceptual theorist/private scholar David Birnbaum of Manhattan (Summa Metaphysica series 1988, 2005) and quantum physicist Seth Lloyd of MIT (Programming the Universe 2006) deal on a grand macro level: Over the span of cosmic history to-date how is the overall universe operating? Each thought leader individually proposes a ground breaking solution. Both of their respective solutions are original, but are nevertheless eerily inter-related and parallel. It turns out that Birnbaum can readily incorporate the Lloyd theory as the ‘mechanistic’ portion of his grander and more overarching metaphysical ‘Potentialism’ theory. Academics are aware of Birnbaum’s option here, but the author has not committed as such to date. Although crafted from radically different perspectives – Birnbaum’s revolutionary theory is through a metaphysical lens and Lloyd’s provocative theory is through a quantum mechanics lens – nothing in the Birnbaum theory materially contradicts the Lloyd theory - and vice versa. Both thought leaders specifically propose front-and-center that the equations of physics are marshaled by the cosmic order to iteratively ‘advance’ (the cosmos). Birnbaum and Lloyd respectively each propose different paradigms, but at the gut core of their proposals they are in-sync. Both of these theorists posit and publish parallel theories of ‘cosmos-as-a-


whole iteration and self-advance.’ In parallel their theories overturn the global academic status quo. To both theorists, the cosmos as-a-whole - via internal and integral dynamics - is constantly iterating and advancing (to the next level). The two theories step onto the global intellectual stage amazingly intandem. Lloyd’s (2006) theory was pretty much ignored until the related Birnbaum theory (1988, 2005) as if by spontaneous combustion, exploded onto the global arena in 2013. For context, November 2013 marked the twentyfifth anniversary of the November 1988 release of Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica I (God and Evil). We will focus more in-depth now on the Birnbaum approach as it ‘wrapsaround’ the Lloyd approach. Meaning, per Birnbaum the Lloyd construct is ‘necessary but not sufficient.’ By this thinking, Lloyd is not necessarily wrong; he is just not fleshing-out the situation as fully as is necessary. Per Birnbaum, Professor of Quantum Mechanics Lloyd is mainly giving the mechanics aspect. Lloyd would probably agree – as his mantra is that he is “but a mechanic.” Lloyd universeas-quantum-computer is perhaps not giving the still-fuller necessary conceptual/metaphysical superstructure. So we will focus on the more overarching paradigm which Birnbaum proposes in his seminal treatise. For context of the overall ‘conceptual chessboard’ one could say that (MIT scientist) Lloyd’s quantum mechanics construct ‘wraps-around’ the scientific community’s TOE (Theory of Everything) , and that Birnbaum’s construct, in turn, wraps-around Lloyd’s construct. Ironically, it turns out that Birnbaum’s overarching construct is, on some level, the ‘simplest’ of all. Birnbaum likes proposed grand concepts to be ‘simple, yet infinite.’ According to Birnbaum, only a ‘simple yet infinite’ dynamic could have broken out of the void. Since on its face the string in ‘String Theory’ is neither ‘simple’ nor ‘infinite,’ it is perhaps more suitable for the more ‘limited realm’ of Advanced Physics (however profound that realm is) than for the infinite world of metaphysics. Birnbaum’s super-wrap construct can be encapsulated in one word: Potential. This is the core of his ‘framing concept’ or what Archimedes would label as his proposed ‘axiom.’ But axiom or not, Birnbaum believes he can


posit its eternality via Formal Logic – which, by the way, he studied as an undergraduate. As well, Birnbaum makes the following calculation: Find the dynamic which is eternal, and that dynamic should probably ‘solve’ the bulk of the key unresolved metaphysics issues. That metaphysical dynamic, if correct, should de facto unify all fields (including, in the mix, the large and small-scale theories of physics). Birnbaum vectors onto the dynamic of Potential/Possibility as the only dynamic which we can posit with certitude as being eternal. He then refines the dynamic to be ‘Quest for Potential’ (Q4P). Birnbaum then layers Q4P across cosmic history – and across the entire series of classic and modern metaphysics questions. It seems to work. Summa theory has been hailed as a tour de force of conceptual elegance. (See for point-by-point articulation). Scientist Andrei Alyokhin, Professor of Biology and Ecology at University of Maine - frontally endorsing the power of Summa Theory - wrote In December 2012: “Summa represents a bold attempt to formulate a unifying concept of the universe…It is reasonable to propose the Quest for Potential as a working hypothesis for explaining the impetus behind the cosmic dynamic...”. Note that neither Birnbaum nor Alyokhin speak with certitude. Rather, both propose Summa as a ‘working hypothesis.’ (Of course they both happen to believe it to be true.) Effectively, Birnbaum launches ‘Potentialism.’ The Manhattan conceptual theorist is quick to point out, however, that his ‘potential’ theory is intended as a transcending dynamic fueling (all) other fields, whether physics or biology or spirituality or religion et al. Meaning, Potentialism is intended as a ‘framing concept’ and not as a stand-alone ‘belief system.’ Of course, what Birnbaum wants with his theory, and what the world actually does with his theory, may or may not turn out to be one-and-the-same. Birnbaum assiduously crafts his philosophy works as potentially simpatico to religion in general, and monotheism (and Judaism) in particular. Indeed he subtitles the two volumes of Summa Metaphysica as God and Evil, and God and Good, respectively. And, indeed, his Summa I: God and Evil work offers


– via his Quest for Potential theory - an original and elegant resolution of ‘the problem of evil’ . The shorthand notation for the ‘problem of evil’ is ‘theodicy’, the salient issue which has most vexed religious philosophy over the millennia. Published in 1988, the Birnbaum theodicy, which deploys ‘potential’ as centerpiece, has resonated globally. World renowned Professor of Jewish History Lawrence Schiffman (previously of NYU, recently at Yeshiva University) wrote in December 1989: “Birnbaum comes as close as possible to solving the dilemma of evil in a world created by a just God.” But on net balance Birnbaum is universalistic, wary of over-committing conceptually to a religious approach. More in the tradition of Aristotle and Spinoza, he gives full respect to religion, while maintaining a careful emotional and intellectual distance. And it is this ‘universalism’ which may eventually turn out to be a runaway phenomenon. Of course in Summa, Birnbaum provides religious adherents with what many have been seeking at least since Sinai – a quite-powerful metaphysical anchor. This ‘metaphysical anchor’ is not to be underestimate in the 5,000 year ongoing feud between the ‘religious’ at one polarity and the ‘hard-line atheistic’ at the other polarity. Birnbaum’s philosophy works have been used as course texts at universities and seminaries globally for over twenty-five years. Secular institutions Included in these dozen+ institutions are UCLA, Brandeis and Hebrew University (Jerusalem) among others. Note that the title Summa Metaphysica ‘modestly’ translates as ‘the sum of all metaphysics.’ Birnbaum’s Potentialism posits a follows: The true overarching ‘unifying force’ is Potential; Potential is eternal; it brought the equation of physics to the fore; in turn they (acting as agents of Divine Potential?) ached and ache to-this-day for ever-fuller actualization and realization and overall potentiality; to that end they engineered the igniting of the universe as we know it (via the Big Bang) as a platform to reach fuller realization through reality; within that reality, pressing well-beyond survival ( of the fittest), they quest for life, love, consciousness et al. Elegant and powerful. If one wishes to assert that Potential forms the core of the Divine, so be it. If not, not.


Note that Birnbaum’s Theory of Potentialism wraps-around Lloyd’s complexifying quantum universe, which in turn wraps-around the ‘string theory’ physicist’s universe (or its latest theory du jour). In plain English Birnbaum’s theory wraps-around Lloyd’s theory, which wraps-around String Theory. Thus, Summa supporters maintain that Q4P is the Real Deal Theory of Everything (that is, the Real Deal TOE). Accept no substitute. As noted, at the core of Birnbaum’s Summa theory of potential is Q4P (Quest for Potential). And this Q4P is posited as the true and sole ‘framing concept’ of the cosmos. For those who like their concepts super-concise, the shorthand for the proposition would, tongue-in-cheek, consequently be “Q4P is the true TOE.” The rhyming is coincidence.


Paradigm Wars January 16, 2014

In the hallowed halls of academia, competing theories often exist, each with their own supporters. A theory paradigm may reign for many years before a paradigm shift may occur, where one theory overtakes another as the most acceptable concept. The theory that has encompassed contemporary thought is that events in the cosmic scheme of things have occurred through Randomness. Everything that has occurred to create the amazing complex concept of life from the Big Bang to evolution was only because of a random chance according to the theory of Randomness. One theory that had attempted to challenge the Randomness theory paradigm was “intelligent design” whereby an intelligent source created the universe and the life it contains with a particular purpose. Those that believe in “intelligent design” have not been successful in overturning the reigning Randomness paradigm, and have been ridiculed by many of the atheist academics that support the theory of Randomness. There is another challenger , however, which has formidable possibility to effect a global paradigm change: The Theory of Potential. The Theory of Potential was devised by David Birnbaum, a yeshiva-educated and Harvard-educated Manhattan native who is a scholar and philosophical writer. His philosophical treatise, Summa Metaphysica (Volume I 1998; Volume II 2005) outlines this theory explaining its theme as the “Quest for Potential”. Potential is something that can be used to explain the cosmic history of the universe. Potential or the possibility of something is a force that is eternal. According to Birnbaum, potential is what created the universe, and was the key impetus for life itself existing in the world. Birnbaum’s theory is that


the “Quest for Potential” is what has motivated the dynamics of evolution, human thought and everything that brings life to its fullest inherent qualities. This “Quest for Potential” is something that can be seen as eternal as it is something that never ends. There is always something within the realm of possibility for growth and positive change. Summa Metaphysica is a two-volume set that explains Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential in full detail. The first volume is Summa I: God and Evil (1988 KTAV Publishing), and the second volume is Summa II: God and Good (2005 New Paradigm Matrix). These volumes explain how Birnbaum believes that there is “infinite divine potential” in the universe and that this divine potential created our past and will pave the future (see Birnbaum covers a variety of questions that mankind has philosophically asked itself for time immemorial. Thought provoking questions can be answered by his theory like how the universe is so “finely tuned”, the evolution to concepts such as love, consciousness, and the realization of potential along with what it the ultimate goal of the universe. Although Birnbaum is a universalist, and is not theistic, his use of ‘infinite divine potential’ divine has put him, and his theories into the same crosshairs of those same zealot academics who undermined the “intelligent design” theory. Both ‘intelligent design’ and Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential seek to answer the cosmic questions of the universe, such as how something as amazing as life came to exist. To many of the atheist academics any theory that brings in a divine force is taboo. However, despite the aggressive gambits of those academics who support the theory of Randomness, there is growing global support for Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential. Birnbaum is well-known as a pinnacle rare gem dealer, but has kept a fot in academe since gradution fro Harvard in 1974. He has been expanding further into academic realm over the past two decades. His multi-media publishing platform is Birnbaum is the author of the 7-volume historical timeline chronicle Jews, Church & Civilization. As well he is the editor-in-chief of the anticipated 10-volume, 150 essay Mesorah Matrix


series on spirituality. David Birnbaum’s philosophy works are used by many reputable colleges and universities as course texts, which include Christian institutions, as well as world-renowned secular institutions like UCLA, Brandeis and Hebrew University (Jerusalem). In April of 2012, Bard College in Upstate, New York hosted a 4-day academic conference that focused upon Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential and his Summa Metaphysica. Academics from around the world were invited to attend as panelists and presenters. This conference was a chance for Birnbaum to throw down the gauntlet to challenge the Theory of Randomness and those academics that support it. One academic who highly engaged with Birnbaum during the conference was Peter Atkins. Atkins is a famous chemist, who is also a noted atheist, stuck with his theory of Decay as answering the big questions while Birnbaum focused on his “Quest for Potential” as the answer. It appears that they each did not really connect with each other on the topic. It was as if they were communicating using a different language on different frequencies. This gauntlet which Birnbaum has thrown down has not been taken lightly by the academic community in that there seems to be a mysterious movement trying to discredit the conference, defame Birnbaum’s theory, and misreport all that occurred there. The key group that seems to be most interested in turning Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential into the next theory of “intelligent design” are academics who are British, atheist, reductionist and materialist. To combat this shadowy war on his theory, Birnbaum has posted all conference materials and videos through his publishing house, New Paradigm Matrix for the world to see what actually occurred at Bard College (see bard. Over the past summer a team of 40 temps compiled an email list of a million+ academics at the world’s top 6,000 colleges and 1000 top institutes. So far one direct ‘mailing’ has gone out. The plan is apparently to periodically communicate ‘directly’ with academics globally by leapfrogging over the establishment-controlled journals.


Birnbaum observed the devastation wrecked-upon the ‘intelligent design’ protagonists, with no intention of being delegitimized by anonymous character, assassination gambits orchestrated by erstwhile fancy academics operating from the shadows – whether from atheist-friendly British academia or from anywhere else. David Birnbaum is increasingly the subject of feature articles globally, and has proven his ability to pro-actively ‘get his message out’. His supporters are fully-poised to expose what they view as the ‘Emperor’s Clothes’ nature of the Theory of Randomness, as well as the rogue gambits and ‘excesses’ of some of its supporters. Birnbaum supporters are dubious that the Theory of Randomness can withstand truly open debate and scrutiny. It is widely presumed that the de-legitimization gambits are orchestrated by ‘pinnacle players’ from the entrenched establishment hierarchy in England – and from the hierarchy of related societies. Birnbaum supporters remind academia that the defamation gambits deployed against the ‘intelligent design’ protagonists bordered on criminal behavior, even setting-aside the libel dimension, and setting-aside generally accepted societal norms. They remind academia that the de-legitimization gambits by components of the establishment harken back to the Roman Inquisition of 1615, which found Galileo guilty of ‘vehemently suspect of heresy’ whereby Pope Urban III put Galileo under house arrest – at the behest of establishment astronomers - for propounding heliocentrism. Although a private scholar and not backed by a university, Birnbaum has garnered forthright support from the academic community. One academic supporter on the side of Birnbaum is Andrei Alyokhin stating “…it is reasonable to propose Quest for Potential as a working hypothesis for explaining the impetus behind the cosmic dynamic”. Alyokhin is an Associate Professor of Ecology at the University of Maine. Pivotal buttress for Summa Theory comes from the works of MIT’s Seth Lloyd. His 2006 book Programming the Universe seemingly displays a 1:1


correspondence with Birnbaum’s1988 and 2005 Summa works. Although some academics are affronted – and even outraged – by what they see as an outsider philosopher treading on their’ turf’, increasingly more academics are supporting Birnbaum’s theory and his treatise, Summa Metaphysica. Over the years many have come forward to offer a written testimonial to show that support. Of course many academics have already assigned Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica in their respective courses over the past twenty-five years. Birnbaum is the author of the 7-volume historical timeline chronicle Jews, Church & Civilization. As well, he is the editor-in-chief of the in-the-works 10-volume Mesorah Matrix series on spirituality, which has under its umbrella as essayists 150 leading Jewish thought leaders from around the world. On the philosophical front, Birnbaum’s Summa treatise has positioned him as the founder of the metaphysical school of Potentialism. Noted intellect Claude Levi-Strauss told French radio in 2006: “Remarkable and profound Suma Metaphysica II rounds-out the author’s powerful and original Cosmic Womb of Potential metaphysics…Has the author indeed founded a new field – Potentialism?”


Two schemas of the Universe Posted: 31/01/2014 10:52

Current Academe is heavily under the sway of a group of academics aligned with what is often referred to as the ‘entrenched orthodoxy’ schema. This schema’s mantra is that the universe is barren and random; its advocates are often atheistic. These advocates, whose geographic center of gravity is at seven leading colleges in southern England, often informally act in tandem, and are often referred to as advocates of Randomness/atheism. As noted, the group propounds that everything is random happenstance and chance. In turn, they assert that mankind is inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, being but a cosmic accident of no significance and importance. To this group, mankind is but an insignificant speck in a cold, random and aimless universe. The group rejects any possibility whatsoever of any transcending force or dynamic or design or spirituality or purpose in the universe. To them the universe is barren. If there is any common denominator to the universe, they would single out ‘decay’. And as far as the billions of extraordinary galaxies, each with billions of extraordinary stars and assorted planetary systems, at least one of which with a quite extraordinary multitude of breathtaking organic bio-forms, well, to them it is just a random event. It all sort of ‘just happened.’ A January 2014 feature article by David Gelernter, professor of computer science at Yale, “The Closing of the Scientific Mind” in Commentary Magazine, puts the scientific and academic community in their place on several inter-related fronts. Gelernter chastises the scientific community for what he terms ‘roboticism, that is, for belittling the role of the aesthetic, the humanistic, and the spiritual. He also criticizes the scientific community at large for being too ‘mechanistic,’ for viewing life entities as if they were pseudo-computers with assorted binary switches.


Wrapping all these inter-related issues together, Gelernter cites the case of NYU Professor of Philosophy Thomas Nagel. In 2012 Oxford University Press published Nagel’s work Mind and Cosmos. The thesis of the work is relatively simple: Contemporary Evolutionary Biology theory (aka ‘the entrenched orthodoxy’) does not ‘handle’ the emergence of consciousness. Nagel, like Gelernter, wants our theory of the cosmic order and its sub-theory of evolution to be richer and to account for human spirit, consciousness and subjectivity. Thus, Nagel feels that there must be a cosmic dynamic driving the universe and evolution forward in a direction which leads to consciousness. He feels that the prevailing orthodoxy, focused only on genetic survival as the sole dynamic in a universe driven only by randomness, is ‘missing the boat’ on what is truly happening here. In technical terms Nagel is proposing that there is a ‘teleology’ (a purpose ‘driver’ of the universe) embedded in the cosmic order. However, in questioning the entrenched orthodoxy’s failure to explain the emergence of consciousness, Nagel is but a ‘schoolboy’ compared to conceptual theorist and metaphysics specialist David Birnbaum. Nagel suggested in 2012 that there must be a core cosmic ‘drive,’ a teleology. But a major teleology (adroitly handling consciousness in-the-mix) was already published (1988, 2005) by a fellow New Yorker. Nagel’s midtown Manhattan neighbor, 40 blocks north of Nagel at NYU, is David Birnbaum, author of the iconic 2-part philosophical treatise Summa Metaphysica. Birnbaum’s work proposes an overarching cosmic dynamic: Infinite Potential. In November 2013 British journalist Oliver Burkeman, echoed French anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss (2006) on Birnbaum’s Potentialism, and called Birnbaum’s theory ‘remarkable and profound’; Burkeman felt that both leaders - Birnbaum and Nagel - were nicely in-sync. Infinite Potential is the centerpiece theme of Birnbaum’s proposed original overarching theory of the cosmic order, the Theory of Potential. Birnbaum’s universe is organic, overflowing with potential. Indeed Potential defines it. If Nagel’s work gives the ‘entrenched orthodoxy’ academics heartburn, then Birnbaum work gives them a massive heart attack. The Birnbaum treatise was published in two parts: Summa Metaphysica I: God & Evil (by Ktav


Publishing in1988) and Summa Metaphysica II: God and Good (by New Paradigm Matrix in 2005). Birnbaum’s Summa, which has over fifty thousand sets in circulation, is actually in full philosophical alignment with Nagel’s later Mind & Cosmos book (2012) and with Gelernter’s above-noted major Commentary article (2014). All their works, so to speak, ‘talk to each other’. Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential offers a unified, grand and dynamic cosmic construct. Birnbaum is quite aware, as we all are, that there is no shortage of seemingly ‘open space’ in the cosmos. However he suggests not missing the core thrust and embedded potentiality of the cosmic order. Birnbaum proposes that his signature theme, Infinite Potential, is the eternal and ongoing dynamic of the quite rich cosmic order. What has unfolded over the ages, according to Birnbaum, is far from randomness acting out in a barren universe. “You and I, according to this theory, are individual cosmic potentials, the end-result of many billions of years of ongoing iteration and optimization. In turn, individually, we each set the stage for more potential” says Birnbaum. There is thus a direct sequence of contemporary protagonists of a so to speak ‘organic’ universe: Birnbaum (1988, 2005) > Nagel (2012) > Gelernter (2014). Nagel in his 2012 work articulated that we should seek to discern the cosmic drive which brought us to life, consciousness, reason, knowledge, language and altruism. It turns out that all of the items on both the Nagel and Gelernter checklists are fully encompassed by Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential. According to Potentialism, the cosmos is organic, not barren. It inexorably quests after its manifold and quite often extraordinary potentials. It seeks the full flowering of its own possibilities. This unstoppable quest for extreme potential drives our quite extraordinary and quite rich universe.


New Paradigm Designer A paradigm is a model: It can be real or theoretical and it conveys the core architecture proposed. David Birnbaum of NY is a new paradigm designer. He has a 4-decade-long habit of designing and then implementing new paradigms. Yeshiva-educated (13 years) and Harvard-educated (2 years), he is at the helm of transformative new paradigms in disparate fields. Warm Up Birnbaum’s first foray into the realm of ‘new paradigm’ was as the designer in 1983 of a unique ‘cutting edge’ course, which he taught in the evening, for the New School for Social Research in Manhattan. The course was The Science of Strategy in which Birnbaum showed, over a 12-session course series, how a set of (universal) strategic principles he compiled could be applied as a starting point to deal with a wide array of problems and challenges. Unique Business Model Birnbaum revolutionized the hi-end luxe jewel industry in the Americas with the unique new paradigm construct of his Upstairs Private Jeweler operation. Operating with just a small elite team out of a seventh floor suite in the Rockefeller Center area, Rare 1 purveys ultrarare jewels globally and directly to VVIP end-users. Birnbaum’s ‘day job’ is heading Rare 1, his flagship international rare jewel operation. The firm, founded in 1982, employs a unique business model which has weathered the turbulence of global change and remains the template of the firm to this day. The firm has refined the concept of direct pinpoint database marketing of a hi-end product. The firm markets via ultra deluxe catalogues to the top 1/10 of 1% of the global financial spectrum. Its direct competitors, the established iconic Fifth Avenue retailers, are saddled with massive retail frontage overhead and the concomitant quite necessary, quite high margins. The unique Rare 1 business blueprint was conceptualized and designed by Birnbaum in the early 1980s. While its ‘Designer Line’ has morphed over the decades, its core strategy and even its


core senior team has remained intact. The firm stands alone at the pinnacle of the Private Jeweler market in the Americas. Birnbaum refers to Rare 1 as his ‘day job’ and to his wide-ranging neo-academic projects as his ‘night job.’ However, some staffers do ‘double-duty’ focusing on one or the other as needed. Birnbaum quips that depending on the economy “some years the academic books do better than the jewels.” (Nobody believes him.) Metaphysics Birnbaum presents a new paradigm challenge to the global academic community. He seeks to overthrow the entrenched staus quo. Birnbaum’s iconic new paradigm design project has been his quest for a unified metaphysics. He set out to find one Unifying Theory – one that united religion, spirituality, philosophy and science and provided a framework for understanding the totality of the cosmos. No small endeavor. Birnbaum’s three-part treatise Summa Metaphysica I: Religious Man (Ktav, 1988) Summa Metaphysica II: Spiritual Man (New Paradigm Matrix, 2005) and Summa Metaphysica III: Secular Man (New Paradigm Matrix, 2014) is the answer to that quest. The treatise presents a ‘new paradigm’ philosophical construct. The centerpiece of an international conference hosted by Bard College in 2012, Summa Metaphysica’s central concept of Infinite Potential was presented as a breakthrough in philosophy. It is the first theory to quite formidably challenge the ‘entrenched orthodoxy’ – the dominant atheist Randomness Theory – for describing the nature and purpose of the cosmos. Unifying the intellectual, philosophical, and theological, Birnbaum has accomplished what has eluded philosophers and scientists alike for millennia. Birnbaum focuses on his signature theme of potential. He deploys his Infinite Potentialas a“simultaneous solution” which frontally lances more than a dozen previously unsolvable metaphysical issues. In one smooth and logically consistent sweep, Birnbaum lays them open to explanation in a solution poetic in its stunning simplicity, yet powerfully elegant (see Paradigm Wars). No bona fide flaw has been discerned in the theory since it was first introduced in 1988 by Ktav Publishing. Jewish History Birnbaum has designed and then implemented two quite-distinctive historical chronicle projects. The inter-related projects both involve chronicling Jewish


history via different modalities. The author had twin objectives: (1) Discerning and tackling the core ‘driver’ of historic anti-Semitism, and (2) showing the historical journey of the Jews within rich and textured historical context. In turn, Birnbaum’s first history project, the 2-volume The Crucifixion takes an additional two tacks: Volume I traces Jewish history from 1 CE – 1300 CE while Volume II focuses on the First Century CE (1 CE – 100 CE) via 80 interrelated exhibits. En toto the set carefully chronicles how first the early Church Fathers and then their successors laid the groundwork for twenty centuries of anti-Semitism via the institutionalized demonization and dehumanization of the Jews. His second new paradigm Jewish history project is the 7-volume Jews, Church & Civilization, which is an integrated timeline interlacing the historical points of the Jews with that of the Church and key civilizations including Chinese, Japanese, Egyptian, Russian, French, British, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Indian sub-continent. Both Islamic civilization and noteworthy American and Latin American historical points are incorporated as well. Jewish Thought Birnbaum has since turned his attention to designing and launching a potentially landmark spiritual-oriented series, the Mesorah Matrix. The series is an in-the-works, projected 10-volume, 7-year endeavor (culminating by 2020). Birnbaum conceptualized the project, and is heading it as editor-in-chief. The Mesorah Matrix will incorporate essays from over 150 Jewish intellectual leaders from around the world focusing on 10 eclectic themes. The entirety of the work is expected to contain a staggering estimated 200 eclectic essays. Typically works on Jewish philosophy and spirituality have been limited to under 10-20 authors and usually the book themes have been fairly general. Mesorah Matrix breaks that mold. It attempts to ‘get a handle’ on Jewish Thought by focusing on ten very specific themes, some iconic and some subtle. As one of the senior editors, Saul J. Berman noted, “Before Birnbaum came up with his 10-theme/150 authors concept and jump-started the anticipated seven-year global endeavor, Judaism had never quite been able to ‘get its arms around’ the vast ocean of spirituality at its very core.” In keeping


with Birnbaum’s style, he has challenged traditional denominational barriers; the series will cut across standard demarcations in the Jewish community and shatter the glass barriers between the Orthodox, Conservative, Reconstructionist, Renewal and Reform denominations. Those who follow him closely will find it no surprise that it was Birnbaum who managed to unify the thought leaders of these fiercely independent groups under his aegis for such a monumental and unique undertaking. According to Senior Editor Martin S. Cohen, “The disparate scholars apparently had confidence in the top leadership and its vision; the consequent unification breakthrough engendered by the series has been striking and profound.” The cross-fertilization of the mini-cultures of the formerly self-segregated denominations engaged in the common-goal project has only served to turbo-charge the dynamism of the project underway. To be published by Birnbaum’s New Paradigm Matrix publishing platform, the first two books of the 10-volume set are expected to be released in late 2014/early 2015 with the entire series expected to be completed by 2020. Titles included in the work will be Sanctification, Kaddish, and Search for Meaning, among others. Political Science Alchemy Unable to resist the challenge of ‘dipping his toe’ into the hitherto intractable Middle East quagmire, Birnbaum tried his conceptual hand at a peace framework formulation. In June 2011, the Jewish World Magazine Group published a new paradigm proposal designed by Birnbaum titled Squaring the Circle. In it, Birnbaum unflinchingly made a point-by-point assessment not only of both Israel and Palestine’s vested interest in finding a solution to the ongoing conflict, but an actual, detailed, integrated, one page peace plan formula as a platform to execute such an accord. Among the proposals were (1) A de-militarized Palestinian state (2) Key Arab portions of Jerusalem become linked to the nascent Palestinian state (3) Refugees compensated, but no refugees would be mandated by the accord into Israel’s sovereign territory (4) An Israeli military presence along the Jordan River Valley (5) A land swap of about 20% (6) Israel to maintain the key settlement blocks (7) A phased-in Accord over several years to allow “peace to settle-in.” The audacious, nuanced and multi-part peace plan was widely disseminated, including within the hallowed halls of Washington and


the State Department, in particular. Fast forward 2.5 years to the beginning of 2014 and Secretary of State John Kerry’s emerging ‘framework’ Israeli-Palestinian peace proposal. Surrealistically, in a near point-by-point reading of the proposal, there sits an almost carbon-copy of David Birnbaum’s blueprint from 2011. He notes “Part of me must have a ‘death wish’ for wading into those turbulent and volatile waters.” But if peace is eventually achieved under this new paradigm blueprint, some astute readers will know to look back to Squaring the Circle and give a polite nod to Birnbaum’s not insignificant role in the process. Conceptual Problem Solver Birnbaum likes to look at problems afresh. He is averse to being held hostage to the established wisdom’s standard architecture or accepted ‘givens’ or conventional ‘platforms.’ Birnbaum likes to work with a clean slate, a tabula rasa so to speak; he likesto be in position to craft his new paradigm formulations from the ground up. Birnbaum’s contributions in the new paradigm department are not inconsiderable; but as far as Birnbaum is concerned, he is just “a pretty good conceptual problem solver with ‘a hang’ for new architecture.”


Op-Ed: A scientific view of the God question A debate is raging among religious and secular people alike over the question: If the universe and the human body are indeed “designed,” does that not prove a creator? One metaphysicist thinks it does, but not like you think. The general secular scientific community says “no design,” ergo no (supernatural) designer. The polar-opposite Creationist community says, “yes design,” ergo a (supernatural) Creator. Enter metaphysicist and conceptual theorist David Birnbaum who argues: there is design, but the designer is in league with the equations of physics and maths. You cannot get more pro-science than that. However, Birnbaum then takes matters to an interesting universality: this eternal overarching dynamic of “infinite potential” embodied in the designer, may or may not evolve into the classic “God.” Meaning, hitherto, the entrenched atheistic academic community has adamantly presented a united front coming down squarely and aggressively against considering any design in nature, presumably to short-circuit any argument for Creationism. However, their zealousness in challenging design is predicated upon a false premise. Birnbaum shows that, contrary to the popular-wisdom assumption, design is not only scientific, it is radically more scientific than the random chaos championed by the “entrenched orthodoxy” of the academic hierarchy.

To the randomness/atheist advocates, all is random and meaningless. Birnbaum feels that history will not be overly kind to their unstructured and scientifically dubious Theory of No Theory. Albert Einstein, in his book The World As I See It, stated that the harmony of natural law “reveals an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection.” In a letter to a child who asked if scientists pray, Einstein wrote, “Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe – a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble.” The classic questions of metaphysics have remained unanswered for millennia: Is there an eternal dynamic? What was the catalyst for the cosmos? Why does anything exist? How/why did life emerge? What is our purpose? To these, new scientific questions have been added: What ignited the Big Bang? What is the essence and drive of evolution? What was the catalyst for emotion and consciousness? Birnbaum daringly offers an elegant simultaneous solution (to all of the above) which has tantalized the world. Metaphysics was the discipline of the classic Greeks: Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. But they were not able to come up with convincing answers which would stand the test of time; nor were the great Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Eastern or secular philosophers able to do so. So since civilization began 7,000 years ago, these questions — both the old and the new — have hitherto remained unanswered. The field of metaphysics almost disappeared from the radar as a formal discipline subsequent to the publication of Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza’s treatise Ethics in 1687. In the ensuing 300-plus years, no one has put forward a comprehensive which has gained sustained traction and a significant academic foothold — until Messr. Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica

alighted center stage in 2012-2013. David Birnbaum began looking at this ultimate puzzle as a 10-year-old in 1960. Poking-around and consulting whatever ‘sources of knowledge’ he could gently harass, Birnbaum focused on three key fields which he was directly exposed to: religion, metaphysics and astrophysics. He was acutely aware of the parallel shortcoming in all three for explaining cosmic origins. He first came up with his solution in 1982 and formalized his theory in the 1988 volume I of his to-be three volume treatise. Birnbaum employed a somewhat unique approach to unraveling the interrelated big questions. He made several key assumptions, which were to prove crucial. He felt that the solution was (a) probably not only “hiding in plain sight,” but that it was also (b) relatively simple, and (c) infinite. Regarding (a), his reasoning was that a dynamic powerful-enough to extricate reality from the cosmic void, was probably a pervasive theme — and hence, pretty much in full view. Regarding (b), his reasoning was that only a ’simple’ dynamic could be eternal, and as regards (c), his reasoning was that only an infinite concept could get us from infinity to the present. Meaning, that the key to the cosmic code was not some obscure mathematical formula. And meaning that as a consequence he could deal with the code-breaking part-time, sort-of as a hobby. He conjectured that the correct solution to any one problem, should be the solution to at least several of the other key big questions. Thus, the proof that he had hit upon the correct “solution” would not lie in abstruse physics, but rather in its apparent simultaneity. Birnbaum promotes an original concept as the key to understanding the cosmos. His concept of “infinite potential” as the eternal cosmic force, suggests that this dynamic worked its way forward over the eons and ignited our universe, which ultimately led to the materialization of humans. Developed in the three volume Summa Metaphysica, this theory can be explained quite succinctly as well: potential drives the universe. Infinite quest for potential is the “prime mover” of life; it lies where science, philosophy

and spirituality meet. Flexible enough to include all typologies of mankind — religious, spiritual and secular man. Infinite potential can be defined differently by each: For religious man, it is the core of classic “God”. For spiritual man, it is the spirit and drive of the cosmic order. For secular man, it is the cosmic mechanism. Although his theory can be simply stated in one word “Potential,” Birnnbaum crafted Summa Metaphysica to attempt to “get his arms around” an infinite universe — and the key metaphysics problems therein. The treatise has been used as a course text at universities worldwide including UCLA, Brandeis and Hebrew University (Jerusalem). Birnbaum’s philosophical work was the subject of a 4-day international academic conference in April 2012 at Bard College in Upstate NY, which ultimately ignited a global storm. But despite that, after 7,000 years of both formal and informal discussion and debate on these issues, there is no more compelling integrated theory on the global chessboard.

Does The Universe Self-iterate? MIT Quantum Physicist Seth Lloyd proposes in his book Programming the Universe (First Vintage Books, 2006) that the entire universe is like one allencompassing quantum computer. According to Lloyd this evolving and computing quantum enterprise continuously self-iterates (builds upon itself) as it advances forever forward unto greater and greater complexity: “All interactions between particles in the universe….convey not only energy but also information; in other words, particles not only collide, they compute. What is the entire universe computing ultimately? Its own dynamic evolution… As the computation proceeds [and iterates], reality unfolds.” According to Lloyd the history of the universe is the history of one ongoing quantum computation and iteration: “At first, the patterns it [the universe as quantum computer] produced were simple, comprising elementary particles and establishing the fundamental laws of physics. In time, as it processed more and more information, the universe spun out ever more intricate and complex patterns, including galaxies, stars, and planets. Life, language, human beings, society, culture—all owe their existence to the intrinsic ability of matter and energy to process information. “Each revolution has laid the ground-work for the next.” But what dynamic is driving this quantum computation enterprise forward? And is complexification, as per Lloyd and several other contemporary scientists, truly its key goal? Or is Lloyd perhaps correct vis à vis his daring proposal concerning the mechanism but not quite on-the-mark with his hypothesis as to the key cosmic goal? Interestingly enough, Lloyd’s (2006) concept of a self-iterating universe dovetails with the original metaphysics proposed by conceptual theorist David Birnbaum in his 1988 (Summa Metaphysica I). According to Birnbaum’s theory, an eternal cosmic dynamic exists – Infinite Quest for Potential – and


this dynamic marshals the equations of Physics-Math (parallel to subsequent Lloyd) to ignite and then drive the universe forward. This Quest for Potential dynamic is the catalyst for the Big Bang, life, evolution, language and consciousness. According to Birnbaum, this Infinite Quest for Potential is continuously self-iterating. It continuously builds-upon its ever more extraordinary ‘platform’ as it seeks to leap-onto a still more exceptional ‘platform’ and onward and onward. If we wrap Birnbaum’s conceptual Infinite Quest for Potential theory around Lloyd’s ‘mechanism’, the universal quantum computer, we end up with a seamless and fully-integrated schema. Quest for Potential drives the universal quantum enterprise, and the direction/purpose of the self-iterating quantum computations is penultimate potential. Birnbaum identifies/defines this penultimate potential as extraordinariation – the cosmic teleology (the cosmic purpose): Quest for Potential∞ is probing and searching for (elusive) ultimate – grandeur… elegance…beauty…symmetry…fulfillment….harmony…artistry…symphony… spirituality…perfection…humanitarianism…altruism…mercy…romancing… love….parenting…meaning…..and ever-higher and higher consciousness… the elusive extraordinariation. Andrei Alyokhin, Professor of Biology and Ecology at University of Maine wrote November 2012,“…Summa represents a bold attempt to formulate a unifying concept of the Universe…it is reasonable to propose the Quest for Potential∞ as a working hypothesis for explaining the impetus behind the cosmic dynamic….” Echoing the iconic Claude Levi-Strauss (2006), British journalist Oliver Burkeman called Summa “remarkable and profound.” Wrapping Birnbaum’s (self-iterating) Infinite Quest for Potential around and through Seth Lloyd’s (self-iterating) quantum programming enterprise strengthens both theories and provides both the conceptual and the mechanical for understanding the cosmic order. The integrated (self-iterating) Birnbaum-Lloyd metaphysics emerges as a uniquely elegant and powerful schema. Indeed, on the global intellectual chessboard, there is no paradigm to seriously challenge it.



February 25, 2013

7000 Years in the Making By aaronphipps in Virginia Tech

For over 7000 years the greatest minds of mankind have wrestled with the great cosmic question – What is the universe and what, if any, is mankind’s place in it? Today more than ever humankind may be close to that ultimate answer. Paul Davies, an English-born physicist and current professor at Arizona State University, has tackled this question head on. Following the pioneering steps of such vanguard theorists as David Birnbaum and Simon Morris, Davies explores the intellectual landscape in his groundbreaking The Goldilocks Enigma: Why is the Universe Just Right for Life? (Mariner Books, 2007). He elaborates on the question of whether the universe itself was designed in such a way as to make humanity inevitable. The Weak and Strong Anthropic Principle Two central concepts in the argument over humankind’s necessity in the universe are the weak and strong anthropic principles. The weak anthropic principle is the argument that life’s emergence in the universe was happenstance and accidental. This principle is a core tenant of older theories, such as Randomness, which assert that all cosmic existence is utterly random and without purpose – just the result of a passive selection mechanism. In contrast, the strong anthropic principle asserts that the emergence of life is inevitable because it is built into the basic laws of the universe. That is to say, that the very laws of nature overwhelmingly have guided the universe to create intelligent life. This would be central to Davies’ concept of the Goldilocks Enigma that the universe had to be just right for life to have spawned and that with so many random factors at work, it would be absurd to think it could have occurred by sheer luck. As Cambridge biologist Simon Conway Morris puts it, “There is, if you like, seeded into the initiation of the


universe itself the inevitability of intelligence.� The quantum argument The strong anthropic principle can sound absurd to modern scientists. There is an intrinsic bias towards disregarding life as a fundamental part of the universe. This has been ingrained by the long-standing reign of Randomness. But the strong principle actually has a sound grounding in modern physics. It can be observed most strongly in quantum physics. In quantum physics, it is accepted theory that observation affects the results of experimentation. More to the point, observing a phenomenon is actually a causal factor in its achieving a particular outcome. One of the most popularly adhered-to ideas to explain this oddity is quantum multiverse. In a quantum multiverse, there are an infinite number of parallel universes which can potentially exist. When an observer measures the results of a quantum decision, they, in effect, force nature to make a decision. For instance, say an electron is knocked away from an atom and it can leave in a trajectory to the left or right. In quantum mechanics the direction it takes is indeterminate. Not only can the electron exist either to the left or right, but until it is measured, it exists in both places. Only when it is observed, will it finally come to exist in one place or another. In a quantum multiverse, what is happening is that the uncertainty of direction splits the universe in two, one where the electron goes left, one where it goes right. The act of observing in and of itself forces the observer to choose a particular universe of existence. If the observer sees the electron on the left, then that is the universe which the electron continues existing in. By the laws of quantum multiversing, the universe expands infinitely and at all times in reaction to these uncertainty choices resolving. The theory sounds odd, of course, but this isn’t philosophy – this is the current state of the science of quantum physics. What is interesting is the interaction of observation. Observation is necessarily


carried out by something aware – something that thinks. For quantum multiversing to function properly, humankind must be a part of the universe to drive the observation – hence, humankind would need to be a fundamental part of the universe for it to work properly. This likewise highlights another theory, that proposed by private scholar David Birnbaum of Manhattan. In his theory of Potentialism, he cites as the key strength of the universe, it’s Infinite Potential. This is reflected quite clearly in the multiversing paradigm. Humankind’s observational power not only displays the ability to affect the universe, but also to shape the (possible) multiplicity infinite quantum parallel multiverses. Life and intelligence as a part of physical reality An important key to legitimizing the importance of life and intelligence in the cosmic order, is being able to identify it as a valid, physical force in the universe. This is not so hard a task as it might seem at first. The study of thought and, by extension, spirituality remain squarely in the domain of philosophy, spirituality and religion. This is so because there is no science currently at hand which can quantify and measure such phenomena. What is commonly incorrectly assumed though is that since something can’t be quantified it cannot be proven to exist. This could not be further from the truth. Thought can be shown to be as fundamental a force in the universe as mass or electricity. Take a simple example of throwing a ball. If one picks up a ball and tosses it, on the surface the cause and effect seem obvious – the thrower is the cause, the ball sailing through the air is the result. This is not the case though. The original impetus, the prime mover that caused the reaction was the conscious decision of someone to throw the ball. Viewed properly, the throw itself, while the cause of the ball’s motion, is also the effect of the person’s decision to take the action of throwing. The thought is the prime mover in the action; the throwing is further down the sequence of events. Without the person’s conscious decision to take action, the ball never would have moved.


Similarly, conscious thought can describe order in more intricate actions where the lack of conscious design would make the actions seem random and pointless. Consider a scenario Davies illustrates of a person cooking supper. To an observer, they would see ingredients being moved about, spices chosen, heat applied to ingredients after mixing… None of the actions, in and of themselves, make sense outside the context of conscious thought. It is the cook’s decision to make supper that is the designer and prime mover of all the resulting actions. It is what makes sense of what is occurring. This is the reason Randomness and Teleology (the theory that the universe moves with intent and willful purpose to evolve) differ so much in their tenets. Randomness sees only mathematical unpredictability in the universe. Since they cannot predict individual events with certainty, they conclude that all actions in the universe occur without reason. When adding consciousness to the cosmic equation though, new possibilities for order come to light. While the pure mathematics of Randomness tries to calculate a formula for when cumin or oregano will be lifted from the spice cabinet, Teleology understands that Randomness never asked the simplest question of all – what is the universe cooking currently? There is no randomness involved at all. The observer just hasn’t understood what the recipe is. The future of cosmology Mind is a physical force in the universe. Not only does it have measurable impact, but quantum physics has shown its necessity in quantum phenomena and the great power it has over sculpting our universe. Previous tools such as Randomness, fail in their determining the ultimate nature of the universe because they fail to account for the significant place of thought both as a physical force and its role as a prime mover. Moreover, this prime mover, can give light to the seeming randomness of creation by describing the teleologically driven path the universe proceeds along. After seven millennia, mankind is only now emerging to understand the central place they inhabit in the grand order of cosmology.


Focus on Birnbaum But what impetus led to the emergence of mind and consciousness? Indeed, what impetus ignited the universe? What impetus is driving the entire cosmic dynamic? Is there a direction to the cosmos? Of course these questions and variations thereof have bedeviled mankind for thousands of years. Conceptual theorist David Birnbaum of Manhattan has proposed a dynamic – which has tantalized the global academic and theological community – which just-so-happens to succinctly and simultaneously resolves all these questions. Plus about a dozen other hitherto intractable issues. The theory has been well-received academically since introduced in 1988, and over a dozen colleges globally have assigned Birnbaum’s philosophy work as a Course Text. A 4-day international academic conference on Science & Religion hosted by Bard College in April 2012 focused exclusively on Birnbaum’s philosophical theory. In turn, over a dozen journals have done feature stories on Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential in the 2013-2014 period alone. David Birnbaum’s landmark 3-volume philosophy treatise Summa Metaphysica proposes that there is, indeed, a protagonist to the cosmic order, but that the protagonist is a ‘quest’ and not a ‘classic entity’. According to the theory, the universe quests for its maximal potential (see www. ∞ The core dynamic Quest for Potential strives with purpose towards ever-greater and richer potential. Birnbaum delineates an elegant and powerful scientific theory of design and purpose. Birnbaum’s proposed Quest for Potential∞ uniquely scientifically and elegantly answers these questions. The author’s shorthand notation for Quest ∞ ∞ for Potential∞ is Q4P . Per Birnbaum, eternal Q4P harnessed the eternal equations of Physics-Math to ignite the cosmic order and thereupon drive it onward and onward towards ever-greater complexity/extraordinariness through this day. Only the Birnbaum formulation (Summa Metaphysica volume I: 1988, volume II: 2005 and volume III: 2014) adequately unifies the disparate


cosmic building blocks. Encapsulated in one simple formula Q4P ( Q4P ( Q4P – or Quest for Potential nested infinitely – the Birnbaum formulation succinctly works. It has been dissected from dozens of angles and appears-to-be bulletproof. Wrappingaround Einstein macro-physics and Planck micro-physics – and lancing the classic Greek metaphysical questions to boot – Potentialism elegantly offers the most powerful and all-encompassing cosmology, to-date, 7,000 years and counting...


Global Battle over Metaphysics POSTED MARCH 2, 2014 BY SAME

Today’s ‘entrenched academic orthodoxy,’ championed by British academia, is that Randomness is the prime determinant of the overall cosmic order. According to this representation our universe came about simply through random chance: The Big Bang and the attendant billions of galaxies and stars and subsequent myriad life forms was simply a cosmic accident. Life itself came about through a fluke; Consciousness, Language, Love all appeared through random happenstance. According to Randomness/atheism all these extraordinary phenomenon are simply cosmic accidents which just happened to dovetail with each other. Opposing Randomness is yeshiva-educated and Harvard educated, conceptual theorist David Birnbaum of Manhattan. This private scholar and maverick philosopher is the author of the cutting-edge 3-volume philosophical treatise on Potentialism, a theory which directly and powerfully challenges the entrenched paradigm. The Challenging Theory According to Birnbaum, ‘Potential’ drives the cosmos. Everything in the universe is defined by this eternal theme. Summa Metaphysica proposes that there is a protagonist to the cosmic order, but that the protagonist is a ‘quest’ and not an ‘entity.’ According to the theory, the universe quests for its maximal potential. Birnbaum hypothesizes that just as a human quests for his/her own maximum realization of Potential, so does the cosmos as a whole. He hypothesizes that “eternal Quest for Potential harnessed eternal Physics-Math” first to ignite our universe and then to provide the catalyst for life, evolution, consciousness and the universe as a whole. Ensemble all life and neo-life advance-forward seeking to optimize their respective potentials – both individually and collectively.


The Summa ‘Potentialism’ Challenge The two competing theories of Randomness and Potentialism barely intersect. Whereas Randomness theory can only seek to explain a very narrow sliver of the universe which is comfortably in the hard scientific realm of atheism, Potentialism fully embraces both the hard scientific aspects of reality as well as the larger metaphysical nature of the universe. In effect, Potentialism erects quite a large ‘metaphysical tent’ over the totality of cosmology. Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica treatise is actually divided into three works: Volume I: Religious Man in 1988; Volume II: Spiritual Man in 2005; and Volume III: Secular Man in 2014). While Summa Metaphysica shows how theism/ religiosity can elegantly be anchored metaphysically, the landmark work is ultimately universalistic in nature. Birnbaum’s treatise does not postulate the existence any deity and is not theistic or ‘religious’ per se. Rather, the work proposes an original dynamic – Infinite Potential – which straddles the boundary between the ‘classic religious’ and the ‘classic secular.’ The fount of the universe is Infinite Quest for Potential. In the process, Birnbaum’s theory revolutionizes the global intellectual chessboard, de facto making meaningless the previous lines between the religious and the secular. Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica ‘unifies Science and Religion.’ Over a dozen journals have featured Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica and its Theory of Potential. Birnbaum’s Infinite Potential is also inextricably interlocked with the foundations of physics and mathematics, thus linking Summa Metaphysica ‘at the hip’ to science. By comparison, Randomness, which claims to be based in scientific principle, necessarily disregards large fields of physics that would jeopardize the theory’s integrity. Birnbaum himself – a private scholar – has issued a challenge to the entire British academic hierarchy, offering to debate any of them in England or the US. His overtures have been rebuffed thus far. Instead he has been met by an anonymous disinformation campaign directed at him and his work. Why is the British academic hierarchy’s hard-line atheistic constituency so very uptight here? Can 100+ British hard-line atheist academics not


legitimately debate one independent private scholar? Is it because Birnbaum’s theory would render all their published books obsolete? Is it because Birnbaum, the ‘outsider,’ possibly could ‘beat them at their own game’? Is it because they know that their Theory of Randomness would not stack-up well in a head-to-head match-up against the Theory of Potential? Is it that their highly-counterintuitive schema of randomness is ultimately a Theory of No Theory? Or maybe it is ‘all of the above.’ Maybe their best British move on the chessboard is, indeed, to preemptively try to delegitimize the ‘outsider – by whatever tactics necessary.’ In November 2013, erudite British journalist Oliver Burkeman, echoing the iconic French anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss (2006) described Birnbaum’s metaphysics as “remarkable and profound” (and as “not unscientific”). This was taken even much further by others, including University of Maine Professor of Biology and Ecology Andrei Alyokhin in November 2012: “David Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica is a major philosophical contribution to the study of Being…Summa represents a bold attempt to formulate a unifying concept of the is reasonable to propose the Quest for Potential as a working hypothesis for explaining the impetus behind the cosmic dynamic.” Birnbaum’s proposed transcending dynamic – Quest for Potential∞ – is effectively a ‘simultaneous solution’ to a series of key and classic metaphysical issues. These classic issues include: eternal origins, theogony, theodicy, cosmology, cosmogony, the Goldilocks enigma, the purpose of man question, teleology, the philosophy of science, and unified theory. The list goes on. However, Summa Theory would seem to work across the board. Hence the grand name of the 3-volume treatise, which translates into the not-understated title ‘the sum of all metaphysics.’ The author is crystal-clear that as best as he can ascertain – since he commenced writing in 1982 – the theory appears to cover the bases. All of them. Birnbaum’s conceptualized overarching and transcendent Quest for Potential dynamic poses a formidable challenge to any competing schema. Iconic concepts introduced by David Birnbaum include the Cosmic Womb of Potential; the ‘0’-Point Portal; Extraordinariation; and, of course, his iconic shorthand notation for Quest for Potential Q4P.


100 Elements + Potentialism = Humanity By mariialv | Posted March 2, 2014 | New York

Potentialism is a theory of the cosmic order crafted by metaphysicist David Birnbaum of Manhattan. The theory is quickly gaining traction as one of the most respected and powerful theories of cosmic origin of the 21st century. To understand the true strength of Potentialism, one need only see how Potentialism describes the formation and evolution of the universe. Unlike competing theories of cosmology, Potentialism is an internally consistent and, indeed an all-embracing theory; it does not therefore need to rationalize theoretical inconsistencies; it also does not need to disprove scientific data or to parry religious perspectives on the origin or nature of the universe. To the contrary, the greatest powers of Potentialism - a theory of elegant design - are its ability to co-exist with science, spirituality, and philosophy; no inconsistencies have been discerned. Birnbaum ‘s Theory of Potential proposes that there is indeed a protagonist to the cosmic order, but that this protagonist is a ‘quest’ and not a ‘classic entity.’ The universe quests for its maximal potential. Per Birnbaum “The core


dynamic Quest for Potential∞ strives with purpose and direction towards ever-greater and higher potential. At the beginning of time’, eternal Quest for Potential harnessed the eternal equations of Physics-Mathematics to ignite our universe via the Big Bang. This same symbiotic dynamic – Quest for Potential in league with Physics-Math – then acted as a catalyst for life, evolution, language, emotion, sexuality, consciousness, and, indeed, for all the key dynamics which have evolved in the universe.” Potentialism is a universal cosmological theory, not a religious theory. It simply states that there is a force which drives the universe to greater and greater complexity/extraordinariness. Whether that force evolved into inter-active consciousness (classic God) is not a sine qua non (essential component) of Potentialism Theory. The religious are free to interpret it as the magisterial hand of God. The agnostic can just as easily think of it as an extraordinary natural phenomenon. Indeed, Birnbaum’s 3-volume treatise is titled respectively, Summa I: Religious Man: God and Evil (1988); Summa II: Spiritual Man: God and Good (2005); and Summa III: Secular Man: The Transcendent Dynamic (2014). Age of the Atom In the beginning, there was energy. In the first second of the birth of the universe – from one unimaginably small, hot point – the universe exploded outwards. As it rapidly cooled, it gave birth to matter as we know it. In its infancy, there was only hydrogen – the lightest and simplest of all elements. What is important is that Potentialism mandates that the universe not stagnate, but evolve. And indeed it evolved. The atomic nature of the universe is such that the elements multiplied in size and complexity. Neutrons, protons and electrons coalesced with each other until there were over 100 known elements. Add to that the multitude of anions and cations and the elements found to exist in Man-made reactions and the list just continues to grow.


Age of the Molecule In a stagnant universe, the atom is enough. Certainly all the permutations of atomic structure and the number of elements would be sufficient. In a universe governed by Potentialism however, anything is possible. When the atom filled out its complexity, the universe simply expanded in another direction of complexity/extraordinariation. Enter the molecule. As the atoms grew in complexity they began to join together, sharing their atomic makeup to create increasingly more complex compositions, sharing atomic particles between themselves until the universe filled with different molecular structures – giving birth to such substances as carbon dioxide and water. Age of Life As the universe progressed towards more and more complex molecular structures, once again the universe unfurled in a new direction. This new direction was life. As Potentialism predicts, once molecular structures had reached a certain level of complexity, the universe pivoted to give substance to a new form of existence. Life, in turn, becomes a ‘platform’ for a whole new plethora of complexity/extraordinariation. From this new platform, new expressions of complexity from the universe are, by definition, endless. Potentialism guides the didirection towards extraordinariation. Thus Potentialists would never be surprised by the birth of some new phenomena in the universe. They would only be surprised by the lack of anything new. Thus the dawn of plant life, which is a higher complexity conglomeration of molecules, is a logical step in Potentialism. As plant life grew more complex, it introduced networks of molecules and cells which functioned together as one life form. From simple plants and single-celled animals came the vast array of plants and animals we see today. Just as the universe became more saturated with complexity – first at the atomic, then the molecular level – so it did on the life-form level, giving rise to the plant and animal kingdoms.


Age of Man Currently, we find ourselves in the age of mankind – the latest turn in the universe’s Quest for Infinite Potential. Having started with conscious drives in animals to assist in their evolution, now Potentialism has given birth to a perhaps unique creature of logic, reason, emotion and consciousness– humankind. Viewed through the lens of Potentialism we can track the growth of the universe through its many ages thus far as it strives towards greater complexity/extraordinariation. From the first particles which merged and gave birth to hydrogen, we see how this eventually grew in complexity to create the 100+ elements. And we can see how those elements became the foundation for molecular structure and, in its next step towards complexity/ extraordinariation, gave birth to multi-cellular life and, finally, mankind. From a distant in time and space supernova to, for instance, Angelina Jolie, we can witness, through the Quest for Infinite Potential, the very intentional direction of the universe as it evolves. While other theories of cosmology have floundered to explain both changes in the universe and its extraordinary, vibrant complexity, Potentialism provides a fully-integrated unified theory. Unlike most hard-science definitions of the universe, Potentialism truly covers the gamut of metaphysics issues – from eternal origins through cosmic design through cosmic purpose. The theory covers-the-bases, from the core scientific data hard data through the aesthetic and spiritual. All are integral components of a universe that continues in its extraordinary Quest for Potential.


An Imaginary 2014 Discussion: Aristotle and David Birnbaum 03/03/14 at 09:15

The great thinker Aristotle (384 – 322 BCE) has been transported to Manhattan 2014 for a one-on-one with Conceptual Theorist David Birnbaum, author of the Theory of Potential. How does the great Aristotle react to iconoclast Birnbaum’s signature theme – Quest for Infinite Potential∞? Introductory explanatory note: Teleology means –purpose of the universe Aristotle proposed ‘way back’ that the universe had a teleology, but he did not know exactly what it was. As well, Aristotle proposed a ‘prime mover’ (premium movens) of the universe but did not know more exactly what that was either. Birnbaum proposes that the specific answer to both issues is one-and-thesame. Birnbaum’s theory proposes that there is, indeed, a protagonist to the cosmic order, but that the protagonist is a ‘quest’ and not a ‘classic entity.’ According to the theory, the universe quests for its maximal potential. The core dynamic Quest for Potential∞ strives with purpose towards ever-greater and higher potential. Birnbaum delineates a pure, elegant and powerful scientific theory of design and purpose. Birnbaum proposes that Quest for Potential∞ (in-tandem with the equations of Physics-Math) is the ‘prime mover; he furthermore proposes that the teleology of the universe is the related – the universe quests for its maximal potential. Thus, ‘potential’ is at the core of both ‘eternal origins’ and the ‘purpose-of-the-universe’ issues. Birnbaum: Welcome. You’ll be happy to know I’m carrying on your general work of teleology (purpose of the universe) and have crystallized a very specific teleology (i.e. the universe quests for its maximal potentials, what I call


extraordinariation). Aristotle: Oh? You think you’ve found ‘intentionality’ in the workings of the cosmos? And how have you proven this? Through ‘extrinsic’ motivation (for the sake of something external to itself) or ‘intrinsic’ motivation (for the sake of its own self)? Birnbaum: I beg your pardon? Aristotle: Well, to prove the universe advances, if you will, with ‘purpose’ – that it drives towards an end goal with intention, you must show that it either functions with ‘extrinsic’ or ‘intrinsic’ finality. More simply, it either moves for the sake of something external to itself – ‘extrinsic’, or for some self-serving goal – ‘intrinsic’. Birnbaum: Hmm. Actually, I would postulate that a distinction between the two is incorrect. Aristotle: And how would you defend that assertion? Birnbaum: ‘Extrinsic’ and ‘intrinsic’ are motivations that belong to a thing – an object or entity in the universe. The Quest for Potential∞ defines the motivational force/quest of the universe itself. Conceptually, nothing exists outside the universe if you consider it contains both its actuality as well as its Potentiality. So, the concept of ‘extrinsic’ v. ‘intrinsic’ is meaningless when applied to the teleology of the universe. Aristotle: You consider the universe to be the totality of what it is and what it could potentially be? Birnbaum: Precisely. Philosophically, you must concede that the very nature of the universe is....well, everything. That is, there is no thing you can point to say that it exists, but outside of the universe. Correct? Aristotle: I’ll concede that. Birnbaum: Ok. So, let us say I have the idea of writing a paper. Speaking


strictly of causal impetus, is not my thought of writing the first step in the chain of reactions that causes the paper to come into existence? Aristotle: Yes. Birnbaum: But by Newton’s laws of motion, my apologies, he came after you... but by his Third Law, a body exerting force on a second body will simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to that of the first body. That is to say, if I push something, that object will receive the energy of my push and move away. Aristotle: Yes, yes. Your Newton aside, that is all rather self-evident. Birnbaum: Ah. But my primary mover. The mover that started this chain of physical reactions was a thought. My decision was the first action in the series of reactions to instigate my writing of the paper. By inference, I would have to concede that my thoughts were a force. Perhaps not governed by the same laws as physical bodies, but nonetheless, they are able to manipulate physical objects in the material universe. Aristotle: Okay. You probably annoy modern physicists very much with that assertion. But logically, this does seem to follow. How does this relate to ‘extrinsic’ and ‘intrinsic’ motivation? Birnbaum: I would give you this idea to entertain: If thought is physically, or metaphysically if you will – to account for its intrinsically different nature, tied to the physical universe (since it can affect it), then thought is part of the universe in its totality. My challenge to you is tell me something that exists that is external to the universe. If you cannot tell me of any such thing, then the question of ‘extrinsic’ and ‘intrinsic’, in relation to universal teleology, is devoid of meaning. Aristotle: I see your point. It’s a rather neatly closed argument. If I think of it, it exists in the universe. Even if it is only potential, the thought alone gives it universal presence. Hmm... by extension, anything I can potentially think of exists. The universe would rather unravel itself if this were not so.


Birnbaum: Exactly. This is the pervasive nature of what I call the Quest for Infinite Potential∞. The very nature of the universe is its own proof. The laws of the cosmos themselves lead unerringly to a universe which is striving to unfold itself to greater complexity – what I call extraordinariation. You’ve nothing to do but look around you at the growing complexity of our universe to see it filling out and expanding and enhancing. Aristotle: But how do you prove it does so with intent? Birnbaum: That is where the complexity comes in. There are a million ways the universe could change at random to disintegrate and fall apart, yet on an atomic level, a molecular level, all the way up to intelligent life, we see the universe defy the odds to create, with greater and greater complexity, over and over. Aristotle: And what do you ascribe this to? Some divinity of creation? Birnbaum: Not at all. Rather, that is not for me to say with the evidence I have at hand. Certainly, it is obvious there is a prime mover, an alpha, to cosmic order and progress. But ascribing it consciousness/intelligence? It could just as easily be the natural affinity of the universe to grow in such a way. That is why Potentialism is so inclusive of 99% of different beliefs. Aristotle: Almost. After all, such theories as the (British) Randomness theory cannot survive a teleological universe – even one which doesn’t confirm the existence of a God. Any conclusive assertion of a driving force unravels their entire philosophy. What do you say to that? Birnbaum: Unfortunately, that’s true and it is a fact I have to live with. We yield that 1%. My theory and the schema of Randomness are mutually exclusive. As much as I would love to extend an olive branch to the hardline atheist sect of academia, I must profess it is my job to find the truth and tell it, not remake the world into what I wish it was. Sadly, there are plenty doing that already. In the end, wishes won’t change the truth though. And if we’re to progress towards our own Potentiality, someone has to speak that truth.


Potentialism v. Randomness/Atheism By admin on 10 March, 2014 10:26 am in Uncategorized / no comments

A Q&A comparison Rather, the universe is just a random happening of individual events without meaning. To atheists, the world around them is simply a mish-mash of random occurrences. Potentialism, a theory crafted by David Birnbaum of NY, frontally disagrees. The universe, according to his philosophical treatise, has an overarching dynamic and purpose: Quest for Infinite Potential. In April of 2012, a four-day international academic conference at Bard College focused on Infinite Potential, essentially overthrowing Randomness. The ramifications of the pivotal conference continue to this day. In the 20132014 period alone over a dozen journals have featured Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica. Looking at questions posed to both Infinite Potential and Randomness adherents, we can see the stark contrast in the answers. 1) Why is there anything at all? Birnbaum: The cosmos seeks its optimal/maximal potential. Establishment: Random chance. 2) Is there an eternal dynamic? a so-to-speak ‘key’ to the universe? An underlying supra-dynamic/supra-imperative? Birnbaum: Yes, Quest for Infinite Potential. Establishment: No, none. 3) What drives the cosmic order? Birnbaum: Quest for Infinite Potential.


Establishment: Random chance. 4) What ignited the Big Bang? Birnbaum: Quest for Infinite Potential. Establishment: Random accident playing-out across infinite universes. 5) The Goldilocks Enigma: Why is the universe ‘just right’ for life? Birnbaum: Life is a primary goal of Quest for Infinite Potential, both as an intermediate end in-and-of-itself and as a platform for extraordinariation. Establishment: Random chance in our universe. 6) Why does ‘judicious design’ seem to permeate our universe? Birnbaum: Because it is designed and iterated by Infinite Potential. Establishment: Any seeming ‘design’ is an illusion. 7) Why does there seem to be a ‘hidden reality’ to our universe? Birnbaum: Because there is one, Quest for Infinite Potential. Establishment: Fantasy/religious propaganda. 8) Why does nature seem to have a ‘mathematical subtext’? Birnbaum: Because the equations, marshaled by Infinite Potential, design nature ongoing. Establishment: No answer. 9) Is there a ‘script’ to the universe? Birnbaum: There is a so-to-speak work-in-progress script as Infinite Potential iterates ongoing to optimize potential (and advance towards extraordinariation). Establishment: No, none, all is random. 10) If there is a God what is the essence of God? Birnbaum: Potential; God is the God of Potential. Establishment: No God or any transcendent force. 11) What was the catalyst for life?


Birnbaum: Quest for Infinite Potential. Establishment: Random accident. 12) What sustains life? Birnbaum: Quest for Infinite Potential. Establishment: No answer. 13) Why is there a virtual kaleidoscope of life? Birnbaum: Quest for Infinite Potential/Extraordinariation. Establishment: No answer. 14) What drives Evolution? Birnbaum: Quest for Infinite Potential (which includes genetic survival). Establishment: Genetic survival alone and random chance. 15) What drives (non-evolutionary) self-organization and self-patternization (my term), like snowflakes all being unique? Birnbaum: Quest for Infinite Potential/extraordinariation. Establishment: No answer. 16) Why is the universe ‘bio-friendly’? Birbnbaum: Because bio is a great platform for Potential/extraordinariation. The more precise statement would be that the universe is ‘bio-oriented’. Establishment: No answer 17) What was the catalyst for consciousness? Birnbaum: Quest for Infinite Potential/extraordinariation. Establishment: Random chance. 18) Does Man have a purpose? Birnbaum: To quest for his/her optimal potential. Establishment: No / none. 19) Does Mankind have a purpose?


Birnbaum: To quest for its optimal potential. Establishment: No / none. 20) Is there a purpose to the universe? Birnbaum: The universe seeks its fullest possible potential. Establishment: No purpose. The contrast could not be more clear. Randomness essentially has ‘nothing to say.’ It is so-to-speak ‘holding an empty hand. Potentialism, on the other hand, offers an elegant and unified theory; it presents a quite formidable proposition. Randomness Theory has no known core text; Potentialism Theory has a major philosophical treatise – vetted for 25+ years on the global stage – backing it up, Summa Metaphysica. The choice between the two contending theories could not be more stark.


Fractals: The Mathematical Underpinnings of Potentialism By Ron Moran on March 11, 2014

Potentialism is a cosmological theory asserting that the universe moves with a coordinated effort towards a distinct goal. Unlike previous cosmological models of the last century which dealt with such models as Randomness – a theory that the universe is chaotic and without purpose, Potentialism draws the opposite conclusion, citing as its proof the universe and its perceivable order itself. Potentialism draws on a teleological model of cosmology – that is, that something intentionally drives the universe and its evolution. Specifically, Potentialists assert that the universe is driven by the Quest for Infinite Potential (see David Birnbaum’s 3-volume Summa Metaphysica 1988, 2005, 2014 which proposes and develops Potentialism theory). Broken down simply, the universe can be viewed as a biological individual. A person, in their totality is both what they are and Potentially what they may become. By logical extension, that same person is also all the Potential lives they may create through reproduction. Obviously, not every Potential will be realized, but it is self-evident that the Potential exists. And that Potential is infinite. In-the-mix, Potentialism also unifies Science, Spirituality and Philosophy. One of the most important concepts of Potentialism is the infinitely nested nature of Potentiality. For instance, the person we mentioned has the Potential to create children, but those children also have the Potential for offspring themselves, hence the original person holds not only their own Potential, but the Potential for all generations to come – an Infinite Potential within an Infinite Potential iterating on infinitely. Potentialists call this concept Q4P for short. What is important though, is that this rule applies not only to humanity, but the universe as a whole. Indeed, nested systems occur in nature pervasively both in parallel and from the micro to macro scales. It can be seen in the similarities between atomic makeup up to the galactic and every stage in between – the repetitive nature of nucleus and orbiting satellites, whether it be electrons, planets or stars orbiting a nucleus, star, or galactic core.


This pervasive nested infinite nature is also present in the fundamentals of mathematics. Integral calculus is designed to quantify such irrationalities as infinitely complex surfaces. Likewise, fractal mathematics is a pure expression of nested infinities. Fractal mathematics would just seem an interesting sidenote, a coincidental similarity between Potentialism found in mathematics if fractals were a purely mathematical expression. But that couldn’t be further from the case. Fractals are as pervasive, as they necessarily have to be by the definition of Potentialism, as every other proof of Potentialism. Fractals can be used to study the iterative designs of nature, from leaves to wing patterns to the bronchi of lungs. The observable similarities that occur in nature mimicking this unusual mathematical phenomena are far beyond coincidence. Conceptual theorist and metaphysicist Birnbaum carefully cites Mandelbrot set fractals from the get-go in his Summa Metaphysica series. In less tangible spheres, fractals have shown to be natural extensions of concepts. In fact, wherever a seeming bidirectional choice or demarcation presents itself, fractals naturally appear conceptually. Take for instance, a jury determining a verdict for a complicated case. The variables possible in any given case are so infinite to make a straight demarcation of guilt or innocence impossible. Instead, the infinite factors create an irregular, fractal pattern along the line of legal and the illegal. Even the human sub-conscious has been shown to display elements of fractal mathematics. Computer analysis of famous Pollock paintings have proven to contain fractal patterns and the human preference for fractal patterns can be seen worldwide in primitive arts such as textiles. These patterns likewise show up in architecture and art on a global scale. Somehow, it seems, even humanity is wired to express itself in this odd mathematical area. But this is wholly predicted by Potentialism. Q4P not only expects this to be the case, it considers it a necessity. The harmony of fractal mathematics with the Quest for Infinite Potential is just as it necessarily has to be for our universe to work properly. To Potentialists, it’s just a reassurance that everything is still working exactly as it was designed to. Fractals are just another expression of the nested, infinite nature of the cosmic order as it strives to realize its infinite Potentiality.


The colonies revolt: II

The American Revolution was a political upheaval over an 18-year period 1765-1783. By admin on 12 March, 2014 10:28 am in No cat / no comments

Midway through this period the iconic Declaration of Independence was proclaimed in 1776 heralding the founding of the United States of America. The 13 U.S. colonies had revolted against British imperialism. Their motto: ‘No taxation without representation.’ Abuse of power 21st Century style Fast-forward to the 26-year period, 1988-2014: A small but organized clique of hard-line atheistic British academics have gained hegemony over the leading academic journals – a primary lever of power in academe – as publication of articles in academic journals is a route to tenure, and prestigious academic appointments. Through their stranglehold over key journals, the Randomness/atheistic hierarchy exerts asymmetric influence over Western academe. Atheism dovetails with a pseudo-scientific view of the universe called Randomness Theory – and this same atheist clique aggressively foists this Randomness/ atheistic ideology over Western academe. [Note for context that hardline atheism is embraced by just ~1% of the global population.] It would seem the British have not so much given up on imperialism as they have changed their battlefront. What used to be fought on a political field is now taking place in the halls of academia. British academics, like their forerunner British imperialist before them, have incredibly sought to control debate and permissible ideas in the world of science. Much as they unilaterally redefined geographical borders during imperialist expansion, an entrenched British atheistic academic crew now seeks to unilaterally freeze the borders of acceptable scientific discussion.


The British atheistic academic hierarchy champions Randomness theory – and zealously imposes it globally wherever its tentacles reach. Randomness theory presses the (counterintuitive) proposition that the entire universe is a random-chance happening: Thus, the Big Bang, the billions of galaxies, the trillions of stars, the myriad solar systems, bio-forms, evolution, language, emotion, sexuality, consciousness et al. are all, according to Randomness theory, just pure chance happenstance. And all these happenstances just happened to intersect and coalesce and thrive in our little universe. Also like their imperial British forefathers, the British atheist academics seek to impose this aimless schema across academe globally without the inclusion of external give-and-take. The British atheistic academic orthodoxy, it seems, would have us stay within the vacuous intellectual box they have delineated, while denying anyone a voice. Taxation without representation, indeed. The second colonial revolt It may be that the British academic community has forgotten the lessons of its forerunner’s imperialistic past. The latter half of the last century and the beginning of the current one have seen the rise of a new wave of vibrant independent minds revolted by the force-feeding of Randomness theory across academe. Far from being cowed by the political machinations of the ‘entrenched orthodoxy’ (atheism camp), these dynamic thought leaders are intellectually independent and self-assured. If anything, they grown in resolve and voice as a consequence of the Orwelian political games played by the academic hierarchy. New York / midtown area: Between 1988 and 2005, David Birnbaum, an independent philosopher and metaphysicist, set out to challenge the monolith of British orthodoxy. His critically acclaimed multi-part treatise Summa Metaphysica would directly challenge them. The atheistic group has tried to suppress his ideas globally – but has failed. The very basic assumptions of the British atheist academic world’s theory of universal origin, Randomness, would come under withering intellectual


assault from Birnbaum. Challenging Randomness theory head-on, Birnbaum’s Theory of Infinite Potential would, for the first time, provide a powerful, bulletproof scientific, mathematical and philosophical model for the cosmic order. Included in the theory would be a powerful teleology (plan and purpose to the universe), as well. Teleology is, by simple definition, the study of evidence of design and purpose across the natural order. Design and purpose is in sharp contrast to the suppositions held by Randomness/atheism, which has decided axiomatically that nothing in the universe has design or purpose. For the zealot Randomness-atheist crew, any intellectual argument for ‘design or purpose’ to the universe is the proverbial anti-Christ to be fought-to-the-death. Thus, David Birnbaum, author of the iconic 3-volume treatise Summa Metaphysica emerges as Public Enemy #1 of the global hardline atheist community. Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica treatise proposes that “there is a protagonist to the cosmic order, but that the protagonist is a ‘quest’ and not an entity. The universe quests for its maximal potential. The core dynamic Quest for Potential∞ strives with purpose and direction towards ever-greater and higher potential. At the beginning of time,’ eternal Quest for Potential harnessed the eternal equations of Physics-Mathematics to ignite our universe via the Big Bang. This same symbiotic dynamic – Quest for Potential in league with Physics-Math – then acted as a catalyst for life, evolution, language, emotion, consciousness, and, indeed, for all the key dynamics which have evolved in the universe.” Birnbaum has blown a hole in Randomness theory which its zealous proponents cannot close. Birnbaum – via his Quest for Potential∞ has shown that not only is there both design and purpose to the universe but that that both are Physics-Math based. The gaping hole that Potentialism has blown in the palace gates of Randomness/atheism is a large one. Birnbaum’s powerful theory has provided the hoped-for opening for other minds to speak out against the (fatal) intellectual flaws of Randomness as well, let alone, their 20+ year highly-politicized gambit of trying to bully the academic world and suppress debate.


Over a dozen journals have featured Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica and its Theory of Potential in the 2013-2014 period alone. Massachusetts: One such man is Seth Lloyd, MIT professor of Mechanical Engineering in Boston, MA., and the author of Programming the Universe (2006). Lloyd, a highly respected name in quantum mechanics and quantum theory, has worked extensively to help scientists understand the universe in terms of a quantum computational model. His work expresses in mathematical terms how the universe can be examined as a teleologically (purpose) driven model following a pre-destined program or set of rules. His theory parallels Birnbaum’s prior Potentialism theory. New York / Greenwich Village area: At the more philosophical end of the spectrum is Thomas Nagel of NY. Nagel has done in-depth philosophical analysis of the limitations and mistakes of the Randomness model. Nagel sets forth an elegant argument for a natural teleological drive for the universe. For this work Mind & Cosmos (2012) Nagel was attacked savagely by the atheist orthodox community. His book wasn’t even a direct attack against atheism. In fact, Nagel himself is an atheist but his cardinal sin from the British perspective was in not being zealous enough in defending atheism’s pet theory of Randomness. The problem, however, resides solely with the inherent weakness of Randomness which Nagel delineated, not in Nagel. Randomness Theory fatally lacks the flexibility to incorporate any purposefulness to the universe. Maine: The Randomness model of cosmology has likewise been challenged by biologists in recent years. Dr. Andrei Alyokhin, Professor of Biology and Ecology at the University of Maine likewise supports a teleological model as a cosmic order which would explain many phenomena Randomness fails to. In fact, he strongly supports Birnbaum’s Potentialism Theory, observing that as a metaphysics it uniquely explains the observable basic laws of ecology in which governs the growth and regulation of populations of living organisms. The battle lines have been drawn


Randomness proponents have thus far showed a monolithic unified front intended to maintain the imperialism of the British atheistic academic orthodoxy in a position of absolute power. Through distribution of academic rewards and a tight control of academic journals and media, the atheistic sect of academia has sought – directly and through atheist surrogates in the media- to control and/or suppress the release of information or any competing theories through any means necessary: coercion, academic censorship, libel and ad hominem attacks. What the academic establishment hasn’t been able to do is silence dissenters or answer the challenges which teleology supporters have leveled against Randomness Theory; this challenge is starting to become noticed and make significant headway; indeed, breaks in the ranks of the academic front are starting to show. Connecticut: Academic champions, such as Yale professor of Computer Science David Gelernter, have begun to speak up in the media and call out the libelous attacks on those who disagree with the atheist academics for what they are – ‘bullying tactics’ and a ‘lynch mob’ modus operandi meant to intimidate their peers into conformity – and to stifle innovation in cosmology. History repeats itself What should be scientific evolution – the progression of science and philosophy towards a greater understanding of the natural world – has instead been bottled-up for decades; however, the strangulation of debate has now instigated a Second American Revolution It may be that British academia is about to receive another history lesson. High-handed tactics and intimidation only work against the meek. To apply these tactics against the highly-focused quite formidable intellects of those who study the very nature of the universe is a fool’s errand. The British academic atheist net may snare the less involved academics protective of their tenure, who would not wish to face the wrath of the British academic institute; however, intimidation and defamation is ultimately a futile tactic to


employ against the formidable players they actually need to silence to achieve their nefarious objectives. Much as British high-handedness to suppress human potential ended disastrously in the past, it seems they are destined to repeat their same disastrous imperialistic gambits. Every attack they’ve levelled, has only served to highlight their insecurity, cast further doubt on their intellectual integrity, and highlight the ultimately fatal weakness of their randomness schema. The Second Colonist Revolution is unfolding and the British academic orthodoxy stands on the wrong side of the battle lines. Its intellectually and morally bankrupt ivory tower of power is now under quite-formidable assault.


Epoch Blogs Veronica Davis Veronica is a wife, freelance writer and work at home mom. Her and her husband live in Missouri with their three boys.

The Age of Potentialism By Veronica Davis | Mom Mayhem | March 17, 2014

Potentialism Theory, crafted and disseminated on the world stage by private scholar David Birnbaum of Manhattan, has been steadily gaining traction over the last 25 years as a unified and elegant theory of cosmology and creation. Birnbaum views the entire cosmic order as driven, energized and focused by one overarching dynamic – Infinite Potential. He deploys this one single multi-faced concept as the proposed simultaneous solution to the key metaphysics issues which have vexed mankind for seven millennia. No flaw or weakness has ever been discerned in this elegant, powerful, and indeed uplifting theory. Potentialism proposes that there is a progenitor of the cosmic order, but that this progenitor is not a ‘classic entity’, but something more ephemeral – a ‘quest’. According to the theory, the universe quests for its maximal potential. The core dynamic Quest for Potential∞ strives with purpose towards ever-greater and fuller potential. Summa Metaphysica presents a powerful argument for cosmic ‘design and purpose.’ Birnbaum’s Potentialism describes a vibrant universe of purpose, creation, life-affirmation, everadvancing complexity, and potential-actualization. The theory describes a universe that can be seen to be advancing and actualizing: galaxies evolving, supernovas exploding, life emerging, species evolving, the emergence of ever-fuller emotion and consciousness… The (competing) entrenched Randomness theory, on the other hand, posits a cold and aimless barren universe of no design, no purpose, no direction, no order. In the Randmoness schema, ‘chance’ and ‘decay’ reign supreme. Cosmology theory as the basis of creation and the universe as a whole, has far reaching philosophical and scientific implications. Let us look at what impact the Age of Potentialism will have on such far flung fields as sociology,


philosophy, religion and science. As Potentialism is a Unifying Theory, it necessarily has dynamic and far reaching implications for all of these areas. Science Potentialism will force science to re-examine all its assumptions and see how the theory possibly fills-in key gaps of scientific theory. Summa clearly lays out resolutions for cosmic origins, universe-origins and universe-direction. Alyokhin of University of Maine has already laid-out how Potentialism is the underlying structure of ecology and a possible unifying concept of the cosmic order. It is well within the realm of matters that Potentialism emerges as a doublelayered Theory of Everything. In the realm of physics it possibly emerges as the hitherto ‘missing bridge’ between macro physics (General Relativity) and micro physics (Quantum Mechanics). As well, Potentialism apparently emerges as a grand Theory of Everything unifying all Science with Spirituality and Philosophy. Culture For decades Randomness theory has reigned and has de facto been a closing of intellectual human potential. Randomness has drawn a line in the sand and declared what we know from the laboratory is all that is. With this terribly imperfect understanding of the cosmos, Randomness has sought to define the universe and impose this belief upon academe globally. With an arrogance born of ignorance, Randomness supporters have attacked any further scientific inquiry in cosmology. At one time, theories stood on the merit of their strength against argument. Theories welcomed intellectual discourse, as their defense was proof of the veracity. However, the atheist academics supporting Randomness have sought to silence critics and preemptively delegitimize and suppress alternate theories. By contrast, Potentialism has invited critique and embraced vetting by the


academic community. Far from blocking scientific progress, Potentialism encourages it. As the veil between science, philosophy and religion are the limits of human understanding, Potentialism encourages discovery. In that aspect, as well as the vibrancy of its tantalizing metaphysics, Potentialism is a catalyst for an intellectual Renaissance II. Society…Two views Atheistic Randomness describes a world of mindless, pointless chance and decay. In such a world, humankind itself competes evolutionarily for dominance – each person and each tribe on its own. Each individual is in a struggle to win some evolutionary crap shoot. In a Randomness controlled universe, there is only modest imperative for societal fraternity or commonality of goals. Belief must temporarily be suspended for submerging one’s individual goals for the greater good, that is, for animals, the unity of packs; for humankind, the unity of societies and nations. Randomness cannot explain this natural coalescing of groups. Indeed, given their model of individual survival, any such group cohesion would benefit few and be to the detriment of many. Not so, according to Potentialism. In a Potentialism-driven universe, the universe as a whole moves in a teleological (purposeful) manner. That is, while individuals continually evolve, humankind is driven by a common, allencompassing drive to evolve as well. In other words, while people are clearly individuals, humanity can be viewed as one evolving organism as well. Further, the universe itself moves and evolves as an entity as well. Thus it evolves on a macro level (the universe-level) as well as on micro levels (for instance, the human-level). This multi-layered evolving drive towards the extraordinary is the Quest for Potential∞. Thus the dynamic is simultaneously (a) the eternal origin of the universe (b) the continuing drive of the universe for it to evolve, and (c) the goal of the universe. In physics shorthand, it is simultaneously the alpha (origin) and the omega (destiny). Unlike Randomness, which can only explain individual creature’s evolution, Potentialism explains that of society as-a-whole. In a Potentialism driven universe, the evolution of society is not only expected, but explained. Again


we see that where Randomness flounders for excuses, Potentialism clearly shows the universe – and the components thereof – not only as they are, but also their trajectory. Religious and Spiritual Thought Randomness is necessarily the enemy of religion and all that is spiritual. Its historical animosity towards religion is based on the fact that Randomness and religion cannot mutually exist. So, to support Randomness, it is necessary that its adherents blindly and completely delegitimize the religious and the spiritual, if not the aesthetic as well. There is no middle ground here. Randomness has painted itself into a philosophical corner where they cannot survive the existence of the religious. This goes far to explain the unreasoning and venomous attacks Randomness supporters have waged against both Intelligent Design and any teleological cosmology theories, and indeed against any theory advancing cosmic design or cosmic direction. Potentialism has an entirely different view of the religious and spiritual. A key to this is Potentialism’s understanding of the nature of the spiritual. While purely religious factions and Randomness itself view the spiritual as an unknowable, sometimes anti-science, force – Potentialism views the religious and metaphysical as just another extension of the overarching cosmic dynamic of Infinite Potential. As Infinite Potential is the catalyst for – and sustainer of – Life, it is by definition ‘divine.’ Case closed. While Potentialism not only laysout in its 3-volume treatise three basic options- religious, spiritual and secular – it uniquely anchors the metaphysical validity of all three. Renaissance II In seeking that truth, Potentialism offers a renaissance of thought and progress. Rather than be attacked, it should be embraced and discussed. Not only does it offer a better understanding of the cosmic order, it offers a more positive one. Not that its positivity should be any reflection of its merit as a theory. Potentialism stands on its own merits regarding its merit, regardless. But positivity cannot be disregarded. Is it so intimidating to atheist academia that the universe might have purpose? That existence may mean something more than blind, indifferent chance?


That ‘decay’ is not the central theme of the cosmos? Have Randomness/atheism supporters turned their backs on fundamental philosophical truths and well grounded theory solely to protect established careers? Perhaps having argued a theory for their entire career, have they decided they are too invested to turn their sinking ship back to port? The Church was supremely confident in its ability to nefariously control all disseminated knowledge when it silenced Galileo. Looking back over hundreds of years now, the Church’s callousness and abuse is rather glaring. Is this the legacy the British Randomness-atheist academics wish to leave behind for themselves, ‘the suppression of new ideas’ and ‘a modus operandi of character assassination of intellectual challengers’? Or will they make the hard decision now, in their lifetimes, to accept the preponderance of evidence before them: This is the Age of Potentialism. What do you think?


Clash of two worlds There are two worldviews currently prominent in the academic fields of science and philosophy: private scholar David Birnbaum’s Potentialism Theory and the well-entrenched Randomness Theory of the atheist academic community. In one corner we have quintessential ‘outsider’ David Birnbaum, of Manhattan, the yeshiva-educated and Harvard -educated metaphysicist who developed Potentialism Theory. Over a dozen journals have featured Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica and its Theory of Potential in the 2013-2014 period alone. ‘Outsider’ Birnbaum’s intellectual counter-party is ultimate ‘insider’ Peter Atkins of England, a retired Oxford don and chemist, champion of Randomness Theory and of Atheism. These two protagonists have been at loggerheads since Atkins presented his point of view at the April 2012 Bard College (Upstate NY) 4-day international academic conference which focused on Birnbaum’s philosophical treatise Summa Metaphysica. A point-by-point analysis shows their differences to be many and varied: Birnbaum’s universe has a defined eternal origin – Infinite Potential; Atkins’s schema does not handle cosmic origins. Birnbaum’s universe has goal – it seeks the most extraordinary Potential; Atkins’s universe is directionless/aimless/clueless.


Birnbaum’s universe-view is optimistic; Atkins’s universe-view is pessimistic. Birnbaum’s universe is organic and full of potential; Atkins’s universe is non-organic, barren, nihilistic. Birnbaum’s universe contains an overarching dynamic – Infinite Potential. Atkins’s universe has no place for transcendence in any shape or form. Birnbaum presents his theory systematically; Atkins’s Randomness theory is neither structured nor codified. Birnbaum’s model has room for a spectrum of views ranging from Religious to Spiritual to Secular (encompassing ~99% of the global population); Atkins’s model only has room for hard-line atheism (thus embracing ~1% of the global population). Birnbaum’s universe values the aesthetic, the spiritual and the individual; Atkins’s universe treats these three as insignificant cosmic accidents, at best. Birnbaum’s model of Potentialism is elegant and well-designed; Atkins’s model of Randomness is chaotic. Birnbaum’s theory end-point is advancement and growth; Atkins’s theory end-point is decay and reduction.


Birnbaum keeps ideology (institutionalized religion) and metaphysics separate; Atkins (dangerously) mixes ideology (hardline atheism) with metaphysics. Birnbaum believes that religious thought and spirituality can be elegant and metaphysically anchored to the very core of the cosmic order; Atkins believes that religion and spirituality are voodoo and unworthy of discussion. [Note that many believe that Randomness Theory itself is voodoo and hocus pocus at best.] Birnbaum views hardline Fundamentalists in either camp (be it hard-line Creationists or hardline Atheists) as in conflict with real understanding of the universe. Ideologies, when mixed with metaphysics, tend to influence research and objectivity, and can move the conversation from out of the realm of rigorous intellectual pursuit, where it should remain. After months of research Oliver Burkeman, erudite journalist for The Guardian, called Birnbaum’s theory “not unscientific” and cited iconolclast scientist and anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss (2006) who hailed Birnbaum’s theory as “remarkable and profound”; meanwhile, Guardian’s science writer Colin Tudge labeled noted chemist Peter Atkins (the standard bearer for Randomness/ atheism) as “non-scientific.” In his book On Being (Oxford University Press, 2011) Atkins points out that there are questions which his model, the entrenched academic model, has not answered: “The first great question of being is one that has probably entertained us all at one time or another: Where did it, the universe, all come from? How did it begin?” (p. 1)


“As a result of their intrinsic caution, almost every scientist is wisely unwilling to express a view about the events accompanying the inception of the universe. Quite honestly, they haven’t a clue….” (p. 5) “The task before science in this connection will be to show how something can come from nothing without intervention. No one has the slightest idea whether that can happen and, if so, how it can come about….” (p. 11) “I promised to return to the question of why there is a universe. What is its purpose? Something so big, complex, and all embracing some hold, must be there for a reason….” (p. 18) Yet in spite of Atkins’s very own and published list of unanswered questions, when presented with an elegant and innovative proposal that incorporates scientific and philosophical answers to these same questions, he chose not to engage and debate the issues. Instead, he and others who support Randomness/atheism pivoted and attacked the Bard conference itself; Atkins himself had been a studious full-fledged participant and panelist at the conference 3 months earlier). Atkins’s Randomness/atheist compatriots then aggressively targeted the conference chairs for apparently being guilty of the cardinal sin of giving a major international platform – and traction/legitimacy to Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica. Birnbaum’s paradigm challenge as personified in his Theory of Potential provides an intriguing resolution of the classic metaphysics questions hitherto assumed to be unanswerable – with an elegant, bold and straightforward solution. As University of Maine Associate Professor of Biology and Ecology, Andrei Alyokhin wrote in November, 2012 “Summa represents a bold attempt to formulate a unifying concept of the universe…it is reasonable to propose the Quest for Potential as a working hypothesis for explaining the impetus behind the cosmic dynamic”. Atkins continues to snub Potentialism and, todate, refuses to debate this issue face-to-face with Birnbaum. Why are the supporters of Randomness Theory so threatened by Birnbaum’s


Theory of Potential? Because the Theory of Potential doesn’t just offer a new paradigm, but a far superior one – with an elegant and simple core theory capable of knocking Randomness Theory off of its perch? Potentialism can satisfy the religious and the spiritualist and the secularist. Potentialism Theory resolves that classic list of seemingly unanswerable questions which Randomness simply cannot explain. By proclaiming everything meaningless, Randomness essentially admits intellectual defeat, declaring that those unanswered questions are simply beyond its ken. It was once believed that the planets moved at random; but science and philosophy continue to advance and show that what offhand seems random, is actually orderly. Albert Einstein, in his book The World As I See It, stated that the harmony of natural law “reveals an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection.” Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica challenges us to either (a) remain trapped in the past and quiescent in the face of the nihilistic wasteland of randomness, or (b) consider Birnbaum’s vibrant 21st Century theory – and reach out to a rich universe of direction and Infinite Potential. That is Summa’s paradigm challenge.


Transcendent Force? Research on eternal dynamic which drives the cosmic order. Is there an eternal dynamic which drives the cosmic order forward? Religion posits that such a power exists: God. But our learned academicians would have none of it. The ‘entrenched academic’ mantra is: “Everything is random; all is happenstance; there is no design or designer; there is no meaning or purpose to the cosmic order. We live in an accidental multi-billion galaxy universe.” The entrenched academics caution the wavering that if you reject ‘Randomness’ they are then thrown-into-the-arms of the supernatural Creationists, heaven forbid. The creationists counter that if you reject Creationism, you are thrown-into-the-arms of the hocus pocus Randomnists. Private scholar and metaphysics author David Birnbaum of Manhattan breaks through all conventions and previous assumptions. He posits that there is most definitely an eternal overarching dynamic – and that it is not supernatural and is not unscientific. Birnbaum’s dynamic is his signature Infinite Quest for Potential; this dynamic can be viewed as either the core of God (see his Summa Metaphysica I: Religious Man) or as a more general spiritual dynamic (see his Summa Metaphysica II: Spiritual Man, 2005) or as a sui generis neo-natural mechanism (see his Summa Metaphysica III: Secular Man, 2014). The author proposes that there is a protagonist to the cosmic order, but that the protagonist is a ‘quest’ and not an ‘entity.’ According to the theory, the universe quests for its maximal and fullest potential. The core dynamic Quest for Potential∞ strives with purpose towards ever-greater and richer potential. Birnbaum delineates a pure and elegant scientific theory of design and purpose. Birnbaum observes: “Our search for an ultimate eternal universal dynamic


and our search for meaning are both not just promising, but self-evident.” According to Birnbaum Quest for Potential∞) drives the myriad levels of the cosmic order; the goal of the universe is to play-out its potential; the parallel goal of mankind is to reach for its potential; and, it is the individual’s quest for potential which gives his/her life meaning. In sum total, Birnbaum unleashes a multi-level intellectual revolution. He lit this fuse in 1988 when Ktav Publishing released volume I of his treatise; the first stage of the explosion occurred when a dozen colleges around-the-globe assigned Summa I as a Course Text in the 1990s; the second stage of the explosion occurred when Bard College (Upstate NY) structured an entire 3 ½ day international academic conference focused-on his Summa Metaphysica treatise; and the ‘roof blew off’ went off when international media coverage ensued in 2013-2014. Over two dozen journals have featured Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica and its Theory of Potential in the 2013-2014 period alone. Is Birnbaum’s “eternal dynamic” indeed eternal? Many high-level academics believe yes. Is there possibly indeed such an overarching all-embracing dynamic? Many high-level academics believe yes. Will reactionary components in the entrenched Randomness/atheist camp be able to undermine and beat-back the solo challenger? Many high-level observers believe no. Birnbaum is firm on his assertion. He believes that Infinite Quest for Potential is an eternal and universal dynamic, and indeed the only dynamic, which is everlasting and without end. The Manhattan metaphysicist discerns this dynamic as being the common denominator of the cosmic order – from the macro metaphysical level, though the universe level, thru the animal kingdom and human level, and down through the macroscopic level. No flaw has been discerned in his proposal in the 25+ years since first formally proposed in 1988 (Summa Metaphysica I: Religious Man: God and Evil. Birnbaum went on to craft Summa Metaphysica II: Spiritual Man: God and Good (2005) and Summa Metaphysica III: Secular Man: The Transcendent Dynamic (2014). Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at University of Southern California John Hospers has noted of Summa theory: “David


Birnbaum’s avant-garde Potentialism may turn-out to be the long-sought after “irresistible force.” With not inconsiderable global academic support, with no viable competing integrated metaphysics to Potentialism, and with no flaw discerned in it to-date, few are willing to call Summa wrong. Erudite British journalist Oliver Burkeman (2013) focused on Summa as being ‘not unscientific’ and in the tradition of Aristotle; he cited the iconic French anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss (2006) who hailed the work as “remarkable and profound”. According to the metaphysics author Birnbaum, the cosmic quest for the ultimate potential is never-ending; it goes on forever more. The cosmic energy is in ‘the quest’ – the journey – as opposed-to the actual attainment. Birnbaum’s shorthand notation for Quest for Potential∞is Q4P∞ (or Q4P for super-short). We will use this super-shorthand for the balance of this article. Q4P is in the cosmic ‘driver’s seat.’ We may be forced to ask the inevitable question “Does it mean that Q4P plots and steers the course of the universe?” In the voice of Birnbaum, the answer will inevitably be ‘yes,’ but a nuanced ‘yes.’ Q4P does not have a specific goal in-mind; rather it seeks-out its maximal potential at major juncture in cosmic time, and ultimately seeksout ever-more-extraordinary potential. The search for the ultimate universal potential is the force behind evolution. Q4P is ‘the fire’ behind life. It led to the development of bio-forms and ultimately of language; Q4P is ‘the driver’ behind the thirst for ever-higher aesthetics and ever-higher consciousness. It is worthy to note, however, that Birnbaum opines that Q4P, being all that is mentioned above, deserves a more appropriate name. Birnbaum enhances its name to reflect its being both the catalyst and sustainer of life. Thus the author employs ‘infinite divine potential’ as more appropriate and descriptive than simply ‘potential.’ Thus, Potential may or may not morph into conscious and interactive God, but is certainly divine (life-giving and sustaining) nevertheless. And if God does exist, infinite divine potential is at the core of God. We are made aware of words like extraordinariation coined by Birnbaum.


What does this new word mean? According to conceptual theorist Birnbaum, the aim of the universe is not just for the ‘survival of the fittest’ or for survival of the universe or for complexity; rather, the universe/cosmos demands something that is out of the ordinary; it thirsts for that which is elusive but potentially ultimately possibly just ever-so-slightly beyond outermost reach; hence one may be tempted to say, the universe thirsts for the evermore extraordinary – be it spirituality, destiny, splendor, opulence, beauty, perfection, humanity, truth, honor, glory, harmony or love. The universe is forever demanding more – the next level of extraordinary. This is what extraordinariation is all about; that is why Birnbaum was compelled to coin a word for this unique dynamic. Extraordinariation is an eternal quest and thirst, never quite fully quenched. Birnbaum has managed to garner support and buttress from within the scientific community. Dr. Andrei Alyokhin, Professor of Biology and Ecology at the University of Maine has this to say “…Summa represents a bold attempt to formulate a unifying concept of the Universe.” The good doctor believes that the Quest for Potential is valid; it may be used to explain the workings of the universe even though it will need to be tested against the broader basic sciences of biology, physics and chemistry. Alyokhin then gets out front on the subject and proposes that Quest for Potential should be employed as “the working hypothesis for explaining the impetus behind the cosmic drama.” Since 1988 David Birnbaum has been solidly proposing a dynamic universal order that is ever-evolving. A key MIT scientist Seth Lloyd, Professor of Quantum Mechanics, in 2006 proposed a quantum construct parallel to Birnbaum’s metaphysical construct. In his book entitled Programming the Universe, Lloyd says: “The history of the universe is, in effect, a huge and ongoing quantum computation. The universe is a quantum computer. This begs the question: What does the universe compute? It computes itself. The universe computes its own behavior.” Seth puts forth the idea that the particulate matters that make up the universe are busy iterating and reengineering the universe and its component parts. This notion advances Birnbaum’s idea of a continuously evolving and iterating universal order as, according to Summa Metaphysica, all entities that make up the universe work in tandem to advance the entire schema. There is thus a 1:1 correspondence between ‘quantum mechanic’ Lloyd (2006) and conceptual theorist Birnbaum


(1988 and 2005). We deduce from the Lloyd’s 2006 work that he believes the universe to be one fully-integrated entity. Birnbaum’s paradigm – introduced earlier via his Summa Metaphysica series – is fully compatible with this notion. Birnbaum, of course takes the concept further than Lloyd and de facto wraps-around Lloyd’ schema. Even though both Birnbaum and Lloyd buttress each other’s points, both differ in terms of the texture of the approach. While Birnbaum’s approach is organic and dynamic (and hyper-aggressively adventuresome), Lloyd’s approach is more mechanistic. Furthermore, Birnbaum would maintain that his Q4P not only nicely wraps-around Lloyd’s quantum construct – and not only ‘breathes fire’ into it, but gives it purpose and direction (extraordinariation). Does the universe have a purpose? The entrenched academic hierarchy is quick to assert there is no purpose whatsoever to the universe and by extension, to humans. The entrenched academic hierarchy is rather fast in trashing all opinions which do not worship at the altar of Randomness and/or Decay. In turn, Summa advocates label the Theory of Randomness as “the Emperor’s Clothes” – that is, all bluster and no substance. To its detractors, Randomness/atheism is simply a ‘house of cards, being artificially proppedup by a politically-entrenched academic group zealously protecting its turf – and employing dubious tactics to do so. Having borne the brunt of atheistic delegitimization gambits, proponents of other schemas have no love lost for the British Randomness-atheistic crew. To ideological adversaries of Randomness, the Randomness/atheistic crew may have mastered the art of ridiculing and delegitimizing any challengers; however, they are a little weaker at actually supporting their counter-intuitive Randomness schema. Randomness-atheism quasi-fanatically posits with total and imperious conviction that our extraordinary multi-faceted and multilayered billion+ galaxy universe materialized out-of-thin-air and has advancedforward for billions of years – simply by chance happenstance. Objectively-


speaking, they adroitly play-the-part of ‘Voodoo Metaphysica’ to Birnbaum’s seriously-crafted Summa Metaphysica. Birnbaum’s schema is a sophisticated proposal. His Potentialism is a nuanced cross between a religious and secular approach, such that it is all-encompassing. Both a scientist and/or a believer in religion could feel comfortable with Birnbaum’s conceptual framework. That, in-and-of-itself, is quite remarkable for any philosophical paradigm. In his masterwork Summa Metaphysica I, II and III Birnbaum indeed unifies philosophy, spirituality and science via his resonant theme of infinite divine potential. No other known published work (or concept) has hitherto been able to successfully do this – over the past several thousand years. No wonder hard-line atheist academics would like to “drive him out of town.”


Unifying Theory: The Quest to Unify Science, Philosophy and Spirituality By Ron Moran | April 8, 2014

One man, David Birnbaum, has stepped forward with a new paradigm proposing to unify these three overarching fields via his signature Theory of Potential. The original and dynamic proposal has resonated globally. Since mankind emerged from the Dark Ages, science has been a guiding light for enlightenment and understanding of the universe. It promised to solve the mysteries of the cosmos and creation, and to give mankind the final answers it has sought. In many areas science has succeeded quite admirably; however, as regards the truly ‘big questions’ it has essentially been frustrated to date. Dysfunctionality has crept-into the process. Like a young child presented with a complex math problem, the entrenched power hierarchy of the orthodox scientific community has cavalierly branded the universe as ‘aimless’ and without purpose. How come? Because this same scientific hierarchy has been unable to explain the universe. This ‘aimless’ schema is sometimes referred-to as the Randomness-atheistic theory. Moreover, overzealous elements of the group have attempted to stymie and delegitimize any intellectual challenge to their ‘theory’ and to their entrenched political power in the academic community. Stepping up to challenge this monopoly on discourse by the ‘entrenched orthodoxy’ is private scholar David Birnbaum of Manhattan. Yeshiva-educated and Harvard-educated, David Birnbaum has entered-the-fray not as a challenger of science, but as a defender of science in its true form – with an original, sophisticated, and elegant metaphysical theory. Birnbaum is the quintessential ‘outsider’ but has a quite broad and erudite grasp of the multiple intellectual battlefields in-play – classic physics/quantum physics/astrophysics, mathematics/fractals, chemistry/biology/evolutionary biology, philosophy/metaphysics and religion/spirituality. Further


distinguishing his particular situation, Birnbaum’s expertise-in-depth is not tunnel-focused on just one discipline at-a-time; rather, Birnbaum adroitly integrates the multiple fields into one dynamic continuum. But his greatest skill – and the one which might just yield him immortality – has been his ability to cut through all the myriad fields and discern the ‘common denominator’. With a sophisticated ‘intellectual command’ of the multiple disciplines and having conceptualized an integrated metaphysics, Birnbaum makes-hismove. He respectfully and gingerly takes-the-hand of the ‘insider’ orthodox scientific and philosophical establishments. Birnbaum proposes an elegant ‘algebra of philosophy’ and ‘calculus of the spiritual.’ Bringing-to-bear his core strength as a creative conceptual theorist, Birnbaum offers academic science and philosophy an integrated metaphysics complete within an arsenal of new conceptual tools to understand the universe in its inter-related totality. According to Birnbaum “Potentialism proposes that there is, indeed, a protagonist to the cosmic order, but that the protagonist is a ‘quest’ and not a ‘classic entity’. The universe quests for its maximal potential. The core dynamic Quest for Potential∞ strives with purpose and direction towards evergreater and higher potential. At the beginning of time,‟ eternal Quest fo r Potential harnessed the eternal equations of Physics-Mathematics to ignite our universe via the Big Bang. This same symbiotic dynamic – Quest for Potential in league with Physics-Math – then acted as a catalyst for life, evolution, language, emotion, consciousness, and, indeed, for all the key dynamics which have evolved in the universe.” The Quest for Infinite Potential addresses the elusive question of Teleology – discerning a purpose to the universe. Where science and contemporary academic philosophy find no answer, Potentialism Theory makes a strong case that the very drive of the universe from time immemorial is Quest for Potential∞ - the dynamic of driving the universe and its myriad components towards ever more wondrous Potential. According to Birnbaum, this is the ‘divine cosmic imperative’; this is the (long-sought-after) ‘prime cosmic mover’ which ignites, energizes and drives the universe. Not only does the Quest for Infinite Potential transcend science, philosophy and spirituality, it also achieves the hitherto elusive Holy Grail of intellectual inquiry of the past 5,000+ years: the unification of the three great fields –


Science, Philosophy and Spirituality. Potentialism Theory is simple, yet sophisticated; it is graspable, yet profound. Birnbaum’s iconic 3-volume treatise – crafted over several decades (19822013) – takes us on a magical winding cosmic journey. Many sundry key players get-a-hearing. A partial list of the eclectic group would include Aristotle, Irenaeus, Maimonides, Aquinas, Gersonides, Isaac Luria, Isaac Newton, M.C. Luzzatto, Rav Isaac Kook, Albert Einstein, Victor Frankl, Teilhard de Chardin, John Passmore, John Hick, J.B. Soloveitchik, D. T. Suzuki, John A. Wheeler as well as the contemporary Paul Davies, Seth Lloyd and Thomas Nagel. David Birnbaum ranges wide and far. Many groups interject: Platonists, Process Theologians, Deists, Taoists, Kabbalists, Hassidics, Quantum theorists. But Summa Metaphysica always stays very clearly fixed and focused on Birnbaum’s own ‘North Star,’ his ‘spinal column of the cosmic order’ – potential. Birnbaum challenges; Birnbaum coaxes; Birnbaum cajoles; Birnbaum prods. He breaks many contemporary ‘rules and strictures of contemporary academic philosophy.’ He ‘goes for the gold.’ He vectors onto one seemingly simple theme: Infinite Potential. Birnbaum then force-multiplies it – and projects it out to infinity. Infinite Potential becomes his metaphysical sword to slay all dragons on his inexorable quest for the elusive overarching Holy Grail unifying core theme of the cosmic order. The theory embraces the possibility of the co-existence of the key tenets of the three great fields noted; it illuminates how they can rationally co-exist in a mutually-supportive cosmic symphony. Louis Dupré, noted Yale authority on the history of metaphysics wrote of Birnbaum’s Potential theory (1988) “original, promising and...a unified metaphysics”; John J. Collins, Professor of Theology at Notre Dame, called it (1988) a “new synthesis...a fascinating approach to the philosophy of religion which merits the attention of Christians and Jews alike”; Iconic anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss called it (2006) “remarkable and profound”; Professor Andrei Alyokhin of University of Maine wrote (2012): “It is reasonable to propose the Quest for Potential as a working hypothesis for…the cosmic dynamic.” Professor Masako Nakagawa of Villanova called it (2013) “a poetic -spiritual masterpiece”; Professor Benjamin Blech of Yeshiva University has


called it (2013) “an intellectual and spiritual tour de force.” To date no flaw has been discerned in the theory. Birnbaum tackled these issues head-on in his three part treatise, Summa Metaphysica I: Religious Man: God & Evil (1988), Summa Metaphysica II: Spiritual Man: God & Good (2005) and Summa Metaphysica III: Secular Man: The Transcendent Dynamic (2014).This work has received quite significant academic and theological acclaim. As well, over a dozen journals have featured Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica and its Theory of Potential. In this work, Birnbaum addresses directly the metaphysical questions whose answers have eluded both the scientific and philosophical communities. Included would be Cosmogony, Theogony and Theodicy among others. The work offers both a scientific and metaphysical framework for them as well as for the spiritual community to understand one another’s interdependent and interlocking roles in the universe. To the scientific community, Birnbaum addresses the necessity of evolution and how it fits neatly within the Quest for Infinite Potential. Indeed, evolution is an expression of the universe’s striving purposefully, not aimlessly, towards its Potential – an expression of its quest towards extraordinariation. Summa’s Theory of Potential actually preserves and enshrines the theory of evolution in its rightful place as a mover of the universe as a whole, incorporating the rigorous scientific research that has so meticulously crafted the theory todate. Even more, Summa’s Theory of Potential offers the academic scientific community a matrix extending well beyond classic evolutionary theory, i.e. a metaphysics delineating how any why it exists – as well as a more sophisticated proposal for the mechanism of Natural Selection. Finally, to the philosophical community, Birnbaum, through the Quest for Infinite Potential, gives a clear, concise and logically consistent theory to unify the seemingly fractious secular and religious. Daring both methodologies simultaneously, Summa’s Potential Theory not only provides proof through inference of Potential as a universal axiom, but also neatly proves itself through deduction that the universe implicitly necessitates the existence of Potential and Possibility: We exist; therefore there was – by definition – the potential/possibility that we would someday exist.


Indeed, Summa’s unifying Theory of Infinite Potential is so compelling in both its elegant simplicity and its powerful logic, that Bard College (Upstate NY) gambled in initially breaking-ranks with the entrenched academic establishment and featuring Summa Metaphysica as its centerpiece for its multi-day international academic Conference on Science and Religion. The conference proved an apropos venue for Summa’s Potential Theory by virtue of what the Quest for Infinite Potential represents. Birnbaum’s theory offers logic, reason and reconciliation to intellectuals and truth seekers across traditional battle lines. Summa shows the ‘common fount’ of science and spirituality. Infinite Potential mandates that not only can these disciplines coexist, but that of necessity they must co-exist and mutually re-enforce. Over the four-day span of the conclave, the term ‘aesthetic elegance’ was used more than several times by conference panelists to distinguish Summa’s theory. Potentialism Theory is possibly the long sought-after unifying ‘simultaneous solution.’ It remains to be seen as to whether it will ‘stand the test of time’. To date, after twenty-five years of dissection, no flaw has been discerned in the theory. For reference, see the related 20+ panel paradigm challenge.


Collision in Time By Samna | Posted April 9, 2014

Let us juxtapose iconic philosopher Spinoza (1632-1677 CE) with cuttingedge contemporary conceptual theorist David Birnbaum (1950-present). You know them as two noteworthy metaphysics specialists, Baruch Spinoza of Amsterdam and the contemporary David Birnbaum of New York: Strongwilled intellectual revolutionary iconoclasts who challenged the entrenched status quo. Both of these intellectually disciplined, but daring, thinkers sprang from within the Orthodox Jewish tradition; both pledged their allegiance to universalism; both gave full due to the authenticity of religion; both published groundbreaking philosophical treatises; and both experienced virulent personal attacks from assorted cliques of zealot defenders of the ‘entrenched orthodoxy.’


A look at these two philosophical ‘Jedi masters’ demonstrates just how far the study of philosophy has come over the last three centuries. Spinoza and Birnbaum – each conceptually nimble, each respectively armed with a major treatise, separated by 350 years chronologically. They each launch major fields in the philosophical arena: Spinoza’s Determinism, Birnbaum’s Potentialism. Their theories are each groundbreaking and unique, but there are also some extraordinary similarities. Across the centuries, their treatises ‘speak to each other,’ as if the treatises themselves are having a formal debate. Of course Birnbaum speaks last and is aware that Spinoza cannot rebut. As a consequence, Birnbaum is quite deferential to Spinoza. Spinoza, the father of Determinism, set the groundwork for future Renaissance philosophers. He wrote his masterpiece “Ethics” in a powerful voice that provoked new ways of thinking. Spinoza believed that God was somewhat identical to Nature and the natural order. This God is an unknowable, impersonal entity who created everything as perfection, even evil. Spinoza states that evil is not deviance from perfection, but a part of it. Spinoza’s writings are not anti-religious, but his brazen voice and imperious attitude quickly caught the attention of the local rabbinic council, which excommunicated him for ‘his attitude’ when he was 23. He was even threatened with a knife outside a synagogue. It is just as well then, that Spinoza ended his formal education at age 17, providing himself some physical distance from the establishments he quarreled with. Despite his self-alienation from formal schooling, ‘outsider’ Spinoza has had a profound impact on the global intellectual world for the centuries subsequent. A couple hundred years after Spinoza, ‘outsider’ David Birnbaum founded and championed Potentialism, which radically branches away from Spinoza’s Determinism. Since 1988 Birnbaum has sequentially published a 3-volume treatise Summa Metaphysica (1988, 2005, 2014), which has come to be used as a course text at over a dozen universities. This breathtaking journey into Potentialism has tantalized many globally, but radically threatened a


small segment. In any event, the theory is in position to shake the world. Potentialism is in that rare category of – simple, yet profound. Over a dozen journals have featured Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica and its Theory of Potential. For theory core, see Birnbaum proposes that his signature theme of Infinite Potential (Quest for Potential infinitely nested) gifts humans complete freedom and that interference is not possible in a cosmic order underpinned by Potentialism. According to Potentialism the universe of necessity has in it both good and evil, a duality which must always exist; good and evil must inevitably spar. If there were no possibility for evil in the universe, the universe could not have been created in-the-first-place. Birnbaum posits both an eternal dynamic (Infinite Potential) and a cosmic purpose (the quest for Infinite Potential) while Spinoza develops neither of these major issues. Birnbaum is acutely aware of the apparent major gaps in Spinozan Determinism, but only obliquely notes that deficit. The extraordinary works and lives of Spinoza and Birnbaum converge and diverge on major conceptual areas. In the ‘convergence’ department both believe that everything spanning the cosmic order is interconnected – past, present and future; both believe that a transcendent lattice-work unifies all life; both believe that an overarching force drives the cosmic order; and both very clearly leave open the metaphysical possibility of describing this force ultimately as God. There are interesting parallels in their life sagas as well. Each writes as an aside to their respective secular professions; each writes to a world audience; each has deep scholarship in the historic field; each has erudition in-depth in the myriad Jewish philosophical and mystical sources; each crafted an original philosophical paradigm; each introduce their ideas relatively early in life; each declined teaching positions in philosophy; and both believe in the treatise-form as the ideal ‘teaching modality.’ While each, in his own way, proposes a total philosophical revolution – the two theories are conceptually radically different. Spinoza’s universe is cold and


deterministic, devoid of freedom; Birnbaum’s universe is rich and organic, a vibrant universe of maximum Potential and freedom. Birnbaum asserts that his core philosophical paradigm can be employed by the spectrum of mankind: archetypes Religious Man, Spiritual Man and Secular Man. Humans, as an expression of Infinite Potential and the divine, have the freedom to choose their own expression of their Potentiality. This leads to a central tenet of Potentialism: Mankind has Free Will. Spinoza’s Determinism is something quite different, asserting that people are led by their own hard-wired emotions and that those emotions were put in place by God. Spinoza states that active, strong emotions cannot be overcome by reason, only by stronger emotions. In that way we are products of the universe, directly and inexorably guided by our God-given desires. According to Determinism, mankind does not truly have Free Will. Likewise, Birnbaum and Spinoza disagree on the nature of evil. To Birnbaum, Evil is real. In a cosmos predicated on Potential, however, it cannot be countered by an intervening God. In contrast, Spinoza asserts Evil is not real; it just appears that way for lack of understanding. Interestingly, concepts of both Spinoza’s Ethics (c. 1677) and Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica (first volume 1988) are later present in Programming the Universe (2006), a book by ‘outlier’ MIT Professor of Quantum Mechanics Seth Lloyd. Lloyd believes that the universe is like a super quantum computer. His concepts are highly complementary to Birnbaum’s interlaced and perpetually iterating universe. In fact, Birnbaum’s Quest for Potential theory (1988) nicely sets the conceptual stage for the Lloyd’s quantum computing universe in which the universe is constantly self-iterating and evolving, as well. Birnbaum notes vis à vis Lloyd - “While the cosmos may appear to have been mechanistic in its early stages, its ongoing work-in-progress goal is far from mechanistic. The universe sets-the-stage for – and proactively seeks – optimization of the multiplicity of venues and dimensions, including the aesthetic and emotional and possibly the spiritual... The mechanistic aspect of


our universe is necessary but not sufficient. The mechanics are but a platform or base from which Quest for Potential advances forth, pressing the iterative limits of extraordinariation.” In November 2013, erudite British journalist Oliver Burkeman, echoing the iconic French anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss (2006) described Birnbaum’s metaphysics as “remarkable and profound” (and as “not unscientific”). Similarly, University of Maine Professor of Biology and Ecology Andrei Alyokhin, in November 2012, forthrightly endorses the theory: “David Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica is a major philosophical contribution to the study of Being…Summa represents a bold attempt to formulate a unifying concept of the Universe… is reasonable to propose the Quest for Potential as a working hypothesis for explaining the impetus behind the cosmic dynamic.” Spinoza and Birnbaum are paradigm-breaking philosophers who have shaped the study of philosophy. Both their works can be found in university classrooms across the country and the world – from UCLA on the West Coast to Yeshiva University and Brandeis on the East Coast to Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Built from a history of thinking, communicating, extrapolating, and creative thinking, the working hypothesis Quest for Potential∞ is a radical departure from Determinism. This newly-proposed concept is not unlikely to serve as a very key building block for future levels of understanding. Potentialism marks a seminal point of philosophical advance; it is a paradigm challenge of the first order.


April 11, 2014

The Human Portion of the Cosmic Journey By aaronphipps in Colorado University

terminology: Potentialism aka The Theory of Potential is the metaphysics theory developed via David Birnbaum’s 3-part Summa Metaphysica treatise (1988, 2005, 2014) Q4P∞ = Quest for Potential infinitely iterated (Birnbaum’s hypothesized core cosmic dynamic) E+ = Extraordinariation (Birnbaum’s hypothesized cosmic goal, see ) “IT from BIT” = The late physicist John Wheeler’s aphorism that all things physical are ultimately descended from a digital unit

Humankind and the universe are not a destination, but a journey – a Cosmic Journey. Humankind itself is an expression of a part of universal journey via Q4P∞ from abstract metaphysical BITS towards Extraordinariation. BITS > Universe > Humankind > E+. Humankind is a particular physical embodiment of Q4P∞, the universe’s Quest for Infinite Potential. Darwinism certainly predicts and defines humankind to a certain extent. But, it is not all-inclusive of what humankind represents and certainly not representative of all that drives his progress. Survival of the species is only part of the universal equation. Darwinism only predicts a casual relationship between man – the individual, and mankind – the species. That is to say, it is seemingly coincidence that Darwinism benefits the species as a whole as opposed-to just the individual. The ‘fittest’ carry on their genes because they are statistically most likely to procreate successfully, not because of some “benevolent” intentionality.


What Darwinism fails to incorporate is (a) the evolutionary drive of the species of humankind as a whole and (b) that the relationship between man – the individual, and man – the species – is causal. Darwinism fails to understand the inherent drive of humankind to succeed; the drive of other species to succeed; and even the drive of the universe itself to succeed. Whether through a religious lens (Summa I), a spiritual lens (Summa II), or a Secular lens (Summa III), the cosmos itself is pro-active. It is this limitation of Darwinism which blinds scientists to the simple fact evolution isn’t strictly an individual life-phenomena, but rather a universal truth – affecting the planet, the solar system, and the stars, as clearly as it does humankind. To fully understand this interrelationship between humankind and the stars – it is necessary to understand what drives the universe. One needs to look beyond simple Darwinism to the physics of Q4P∞. The Quest for Infinite Potential is best understood as a semi-cognitive cosmic goal to reach for Extraordinariation, E+ to those familiar with its mechanics. E+ itself is most readily conceptualized as a journey as well. Even modern-day humankind cannot fully express or comprehend what Extraordinariation is. To those who scoff and claim mysticism, it is humbly asked of them to define: What is infinity? It can be defined by a simple symbol, like the number 8 knocked over on its side by the weight of its own implications. But no one can truly express or comprehend the number infinity. By definition, its truth is unknowable. And yet, we accept its truth and existence instinctively. Likewise, true Extraordinariation is a concept and a journey – a teleological compass point into the unknown. One can understand its goals but not the final shores it will rest upon. Like the symbol for the infinite, we have words that can describe Extraordinariation – grandeur… elegance… beauty… symmetry… fulfillment…. consciousness… harmony… artistry… symphony… spirituality… perfection… humanitarianism… romancing… love… parenting… meaning… altruism… mercy…


…but we can never truly conceptualize its fullest meaning – as its outer limits keep expanding. But we can understand its vision and goal. Its goal is the Cosmic Journey. The cosmos moves towards an endless level of the complex/extraordinary. It moves ever-forward to the next layer/level of complex/extraordinary. Beyond that, it moves towards its own super-profound – a level of complex perfection no one can fully understand. But humankind is a piece of that cosmic symphony – a clarion call of the cosmos to announce its own arrival and declare its existence. In one of the greatest achievements of self-expression, the universe has given itself humankind to bear witness to itself. And that ‘bearing witness’ itself is integral to the very initial ignition and sustaining of the cosmic order.


Wrapping Around Einstein April 12, 2014

The Holy Grail of physics has always been Unifying Theory. (Macro-level) Relativity and (micro-level) Quantum Mechanics leave theorists with a seemingly intractable paradox – they are both demonstrably true, yet they contradict each other. The great scientific mystery has been how two seemingly contradictory albeit theoretically and empirically provable theories can be reconciled. Metaphysical theorist and philosopher, David Birnbaum, may be closer than imaginable to an answer. In his three-part treatise, Summa Metaphysica I: Religious Man (1988), II: Spiritual Man (2005), and III: Secular Man (2014). Birnbaum presents a teleologically based (direction-based) model of the cosmic order in sharp contrast to the entrenched Theory of Randomness. Summa Metaphysica proposes a conceptual revolution, challenging entrenched Potentialism Theory. Conceptually, Birnbaum posits and defends that the universe is not driven by random-chance and decay, but rather by an intrinsic drive to advance and enhance. Without falling into a religious argument over the nature of the force of Potentialism, Birnbaum’s Quest for Infinite Potential proposes and describes a constant (Infinite Potential) for cosmic order. At its most basic, Potential is the inherent force in the universe that drives creation – matter, energy, life and evolution. It is omnipresent and eternal. Potentialism is a well-defended and vetted theory of cosmology. But the true test of the strength of a philosophical cosmological theory is whether it can stand in the face of the spectrum of physics and reality. Put simply, the competing ‘theory’ of Randomness does not. It throws in the ‘intellectual towel’ before even attempting to explain physical phenomenon, claiming that the entire universe is random, pointless and unknowable. By contrast, Potentialism not only accepts the challenge, it welcomes it.


Einstein and Planck Here is the fundamental issue. Einstein is the creator of the General Theory of Relativity and the Special Theory of Relativity. Relativity shows the interrelation of time and space. The Special Theory describes a geometrically flat spacetime universe. This universe is where Max Planck’s Quantum Theory lives. The basic issue with this is that the universe which Special Theory describes is not our universe. The Special Theory universe is a place where gravity doesn’t exist. To be clear, Quantum Theory was crafted in a universe that is not ours. Special Theory was only crafted as an intermediary step as Einstein was working on the General Theory of Relativity, which incorporates Einstein’s work on space-time with the Classical Mechanical Model of physics and Newtonian Physics, which governs gravity. The General Theory does its job. It marries space, time and gravity into one mathematical model. That Quantum Theory was born as a derivative of the Special Model was unexpected. Here lies the problem though – Quantum Theory only works in a space-time model with a flat geometry. The addition of the Newtonian physics of gravity creates bends and depressions in spacetime. These depressions are not possible in Quantum Theory. At the same time, they are not possible to remove in General Relativity. How much stranger can this get? Quantum physics works. Not only can it describe the smallest particles of our universe, much of modern technology is based on its principles. Turning on a modern radio is proof of Quantum Mechanics. But General Relativity works as well. Time-space warping has conclusively been proven as well. Is this a mathematical mistake? Have two of the greatest minds in the history of science in reality both failed in their most important works? Physicists say conclusively no. Hence, their exhaustive search for a Unifying Theory or what is called the (physics) Theory of Everything (ToE). What is missing for a (physics) ToE is the glue that melds these two models, or universes, together. If not a hard mathematical model, as it seems it is beyond math to explain, then a philosophical model. According to Planck and


Einstein, the ToE would have to be simple and universal. Infinite Potential Potentialism already describes such a unifying force. Birnbaum audaciously proposed (1988) that one ‘simple and universal’ dynamic that the Quest for Infinite Potential drives creation and the laws of the universe. In the 26 years subsequent to Summa I no flaw has been discerned in the hypothesis. Included in Potentialism theory is the understanding that the universe of tangible reality (our universe) emerged from a grander cosmos of non-tangible reality. According to conceptual theorist Birnbaum, Infinite Potential (operating in a grander cosmic context of non-tangible reality) harnessed the eternal equations of Physics-Math to ignite our (reality) universe (via the Big Bang). In turn this symbiotic dynamic – Infinite Potential in concert with the equations – is the catalyst for biogenesis, life as we know it, evolution and consciousness: The elusive ‘designer’ is thus discerned. Now how does this apply to ToE? According to Potentialism, all things in the entirety of the cosmic order are simultaneously (a) what it ‘is’ and (b) the potential for what it ‘can be.’ That is, for instance, a person both (a) exists and (b) within that person exists the potential for their legacy and the ramifications of their legacy; included in their legacy are all the children they could create, as well as their children’s children (and their respective legacies, etc.) – hence the term, Infinite Potential. Birnbaum offers a schematic: Quest for Potential ( Quest for Potential ( Quest for Potential. He suggests the shorthand notation Q4P, thus the schematic would be: Q4P (Q4P (Q4P To be able to display the formula (and the universe) succinctly: Q4P∞ How does this conceptualization apply to physics?


Let’s take a classical example from Quantum Mechanics. Say we take a piece of lead and cut two slits in it and release photons towards it. Any individual photon might go through either slit. And photons are waves, so after they pass through the slits, they will collide and interfere with one another. Common sense so far. However, according to the Quantum Mechanical model, any individual photon passes through BOTH slits. This has been proven to be fact. In tests, an individual photon has been shown to interfere with itself as it simultaneously passes through both slits. As disturbing as this phenomenon might sound, Potentialism doesn’t just explain this, it predicts it. On a quantum, sub-atomic level, it is easier to witness Potentiality by inference. As predicted, and indeed explained by Birnbaum, the photon has the Potential to travel through either slit, hence in the quantum dimension it ‘exists’ passing through both until it necessarily is realized. Potentiality and Actuality To put things more simply, (micro-level) Quantum Mechanics describes the Potentiality of objects, (macro-level) Relativity describes their Actuality. In physics, a quanta is the minimal amount of something for something to happen. For instance, how much energy must be applied to make an electron move from one state of excitement to another? There is no in-between on the quantum level. It will be at excitement state #1 until enough energy is applied for it to exist at excitement state #2. In Potentiality terms, Quantum Mechanics describes what must happen for something to exist. This is Potentiality at its most basic. Something has the Potential to exist – whether it does or doesn’t. Some Quantum Mechanical phenomena simply give us an inferential glimpse at the states of Possibility. When they are observed directly and necessitated, they are actualized. So why does Quantum Mechanics only recognize flat time-space and not curved time-space? Quantum Mechanics is in a threshold position between the quasi-metaphysical realm of Special Relativity, and the reality-realm of


expressed Potentiality. General Relativity, in turn, is an actuality. It represents what the current universe is. More than Physics There is a veil between what ‘can be’ (the quasi-metaphysical) and what already ‘is’ (reality). Physicists are uncomfortable with this and understandably so. However, Potentialism is not only comfortable with this, it daringly predicts it. Mathematical physics can only explain one part of the universe – what ‘is’ (reality). When it comes to what ‘can be’ – universal Potential (metaphysical and quasi-metaphysical) – it falls apart. Something more is needed. The metaphysics of Potentialism has room for different universal rules for Quantum Mechanics and Relativity. Saying that they must mathematically agree limits Infinite Potential. It is necessary to understand that Quantum Physics is at the threshold between Potentiality and the Realization of the cosmological order; Potentialism is the bridge between the two. Thus, for lack of a more humble term, Potentialism is simultaneously the hitherto elusive Theory of Everything.


Summa Metaphysica’s cosmic gateway Birnbaum’s ‘Cosmic Portal’ is the metaphorical ‘star gate’ through which our universe was actualized. By admin on 14 April, 2014 9:44 am in Uncategorized / no comments

Potentialism is a fully integrated metaphysics proposed in the Summa Metaphysica treatise. A distinctive and uniquely-presented feature of Potentialism is the “0”-Point Portal. Author and metaphysicist David Birnbaum’s “0-point” is his proposed ‘cosmic portal’. As proposed, a purely metaphysical dynamic enters the portal; a physical dynamic – ultimately our universe – emerges from out of the portal. Birnbaum’s ‘Cosmic Portal’ is the metaphorical ‘star gate’ through which our universe was actualized. Intellectual revolutionary Birnbaum transforms ancient philosophical musings into modern-day ultimate hard science and rigorous metaphysics. Like so many other aspects of Potentialism, the “0”-Point serves an overarching, multifunctional role in Potentialist cosmology The “0”-Point is commonly confused with the singularity of cosmic origin – the super-dense, super-heated point which gave birth to the Big Bang. This is quite understandable, as there is a relation between the two. The singularity at the birth of the universe is, in fact, one aspect of the “0”-Point. Potentialism is a field conceptualized and concretized by yeshiva-educated and Harvard-educated Manhattan private scholar David Birnbaum. The field was introduced in 1988 via the publication by Ktav (NJ) of Birnbaum’s first philosophical work, the first volume of his to-be 3-volume treatise: Summa Metaphysica I: Religious Man (1988), Summa Metaphysica II: Spiritual Man (2005) and Summa Metaphysica III: Secular Man (2014). In-the-mix, Potentialism also unifies Science, Spirituality and Philosophy. According to Birnbaum “Potentialism proposes that there, indeed, is a


protagonist to the cosmic order, but that the protagonist is a ‘quest’ and not a ‘classic entity.’ The universe quests for its maximal potential. The core dynamic Quest for Potential∞ strives with purpose and direction towards ever-greater and higher potential. At the beginning of time,’ eternal Quest for Potential harnessed the eternal equations of Physics-Mathematics to ignite our universe via the Big Bang. This same symbiotic dynamic – Quest for Potential in league with Physics-Math – then acted as a catalyst for life, evolution, language, emotion, consciousness, and, indeed, for all the key dynamics which have evolved in the universe.” The outdated scientific/academic/philosophical paradigm is Randomness/ atheistic. According to this schema all is random chance – the igniting of the universe, the emergence of billions of galaxies, the emergence of life, evolution, language, emotion and consciousness. They all ‘just happened.’ According to this schema there is no design or direction or purpose whatsoever to the cosmic order. To explain “0”-Point’s purpose in the Potentialism model, it is first necessary to understand the Potentialist model of the Big Bang. Of conceptual importance here, Potentialists do not recognize the strong divisions between thought and matter prevalent in the older physical science models of the last few centuries. These belong to more antiquated physical concepts associated with the more primitive classical and Newtonian models of the universe. Potentialists, by comparison, adhere to a more unified model of thought and matter pioneered and championed by the elites of quantum physics. Thought systems Forerunners of late 20th and early 21st century science more properly understand the Potentialist dynamic of mind and matter. David Bohm is one such example. Bohm is an extraordinary heavy weight in the realm of quantum physics. Bohm actually had the peculiar distinction of having graduated with a Ph.D. without completing, or even starting, his doctoral thesis. His work on deuteron and proton collisions proved so useful to the Manhattan Project during WWII, the US government seized his doctorate


work and classified it. Oppenheimer himself would be forced to testify to Berkeley that he had completed his doctorate requirements. Bohm was not only a pioneer in quantum physics, he also applied the same principles in his research to the concept of thought itself. This led to his research of ‘thought as a system’. Bohm’s research found a pervasive, systemic nature in thought. Bohm isolated the ways in which thoughts followed structures and systems of expression – their inherent shared nature. His work unveiled two very important aspects of thought. Firstly, his work highlighted the active nature of information. He investigated how distinct organism could interchange information freely to form inter-relational networks and structures of ideas. This structural concept gives rise to not only individual thought, but a cognitive aspect to society as a whole. That is, humanity can be seen to move as if it were one organism in thought above and beyond how each individual expressed their own thoughts. The relationship between matter and thought The second discovery active information lead to was the extension of this “thought process” to the inorganic. As Bohm expressed it, “the whole notion of active information suggests a rudimentary mind-like behavior of matter”. The “active informational” model of Bohm’s goes far to provide a cognitive vehicle for teleological work from such highly awarded scientists as James Lovelock, who proposed in the 1960s, as a result of his work at NASA, the Gaia hypothesis. The Gaia hypothesis analyzes the apparent regulatory effect flora, fauna and even geological phenomena have on the earth’s environmental stability, concluding that there is some mechanism to help it regulate itself like a living organism. Lovelock couldn’t put a finger on what the vehicle for communication for this “organism” was, but Bohm’s work provides the means of communication via “active information”. What this all means to “0”-point and potentialism Potentialists, in line with Bohm’s and Lovelock’s cutting edge work, recognize the artificial lines between thought and matter inherent in the more archaic


cosmological models such as randomness theory. As such, while Potentialists and randomness proponents might both say the Big Bang created the universe, they don’t mean the same thing. To those who still cling to the older randomness model, the Big Bang created matter and energy as we know it today. By definition, the universe is everything. There is nothing that can be expressed that is outside the universe. And anything that even could exist, even just potentially, is still part of the universe – that is to say, there is no time in the future which will exist outside the universe, so something not existing yet is a meaningless distinction when speaking of universal totality. Thus, when Potentialists say the Big Bang created the universe, they mean the whole of the universe – not just the tiny bit of it the older cosmological theories wished to include. So, there are similarities in the “0”-Point and the quantum singularity. “0”-Point is the birth of our current universe. The quantum singularity that is the beginning of matter and energy and, by extension, time and relativity is all encompassed as a subset of the totality of the “0”-Point, which also encompasses the birth of thoughts and concepts: what is and, as discussed, what necessarily will be. A quest for infinite potential The “0”-Point is the unleashing point of the universal Potential – when the universe dropped below Planck values and issued forth, congealing the laws of the physical universe, from relativity to sub-Planck value quantum mechanical physics, to teleological cosmology and naturalistic duality. The Potentialist teleology model is a realization of Lovelock, Bohm and other scientists work towards a universal direction. Potentialists call this the Quest for Infinite Potential, or Q4P. The naturalistic duality of cosmology is simply a noted quality of universality that Potentialism acknowledges – the observably necessary cosmic interplay of opposition/contrast: light and dark, matter and anti-matter, positive and


negative. However, given the necessarily homogenous nature of the cosmos, teleological systems, biological systems and, by extension, conceptual systems must share any dynamics present on a physical level. Hence, the natural duality of the “0”-Point must incorporate not only material phenomena, but equally must incorporate conceptual duality: good and evil, female and male, passive and active. Thus the “0”-Point is the cosmic point of origin. It is the start of the universe itself. To Potentialists, the universe is not the end result of the Quest for Infinite Potential, just its current expression as it moves infinitely forward to express itself with increasing complexity.


Epoch Blogs Justice Pretorius For more details view his bio.

The Cosmic Womb of Potential By Justice Pretorius | Justice.Pretorius | April 18, 2014

Potentialism is a field conceptualized by private scholar David Birnbaum of Manhattan and introduced by him in 1988. Simply put, according to the theory Potential itself drives the cosmic order. At first blush this concept is hard to grasp. However, Birnbaum makes-the-case from multiple perspectives across his 3-volume treatise Summa Metaphysica - Volume I: Religious Man (1988), Volume II: Spiritual Man (2005), and Volume III: Secular Man (2014). The Theory of Potential is widely considered a compelling cosmic theory. Metaphysics is a small, albeit crucial, corner of philosophy which deals with the building blocks of the universe. It was the field of the Ancient Greeks. Yeshiva-educated and Harvard-educated Birnbaum jests that he is ‘the last Greek philosopher.’ He also might be the best. Birnbaum’s Potentialism proposes that there, indeed, is a protagonist to the cosmic order, but that the protagonist is a ‘quest’ and not a ‘classic entity.’ Ongoing the universe iterates and quests for its maximal potential. The core dynamic Quest for Potential∞ strives with purpose and direction towards ever-greater and higher potential. At the beginning of time eternal Quest for Potential harnessed the eternal equations of Physics-Mathematics to ignite our universe via the Big Bang. This same symbiotic dynamic – Quest for Potential in league with Physics-Math – then acted as a catalyst for life,


evolution, sexuality, language, emotion, consciousness, and, indeed, for all the key dynamics which have evolved in the universe.” The incumbent (antiquated?) Academic/philosophical paradigm is Randomness/atheistic. According to this schema all is random chance – the igniting of the universe, the emergence of billions of galaxies, the emergence of life, evolution, language, emotion and consciousness. They all ‘just happened.’ According to this schema there is no design or direction or purpose whatsoever to the cosmic order. The schema is sort-of the Theory of No Theory. Birnbaum’s hypothesis frontally challenges the academic status quo and totally rejects randomness as the core determinant of the cosmic order. Per Birnbaum, randomness in the universe is ancillary to the core thrust of Potential. Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential introduces many new ‘tools’ and concepts in his exposition of the cosmic order. One of his tools is his conjecture that the cosmic order mimics the human body. In due course Birnbaum’s treatise arrives at the concept of the Cosmic Womb of Potential. The concept is pivotal to the theory. Components One of Birnbaum’s favorite ‘tools’ is infinite ‘nesting’. Remember those lacquered Chinese wooden dolls wherein there is a doll within a doll within a doll. That is an example of ‘nesting’. If Birnbaum nested these dolls infinitely that concept would be noted symbolically as doll (doll (doll. Birnbaum takes a more powerful dynamic to nest, his signature Quest for Potential (Potential (Potential. Remember, that potential to begin with is a somewhat nested term. Your ‘potential’ is the sum of all your potential tracking-forward to the end-of-time. Thus infinitely nesting Quest for Potential (Potential (Potential is a quite turbo-charged concept. At that point, Birnbaum ratchets-up the theme yet further. As the womb is almost synonymous with life-affirming Potential, Birnbaum represents the cosmic order as infinitely-nested wombs of potential. The imagery is compelling. Birnbaum conceptualizes the cosmic order a Womb of Potential within a Womb of Potential ad infintum. It is this infinite ‘nesting’ which gives Potential its awesome power. Terms similar to ‘nesting’ are ‘recursive’ and


‘iterative’. Infinitely recursive While science still plumbs the depths of quantum mechanics and beyond, there has been a clear trend that the harder science looks, the smaller the particles it discerns. Water was originally called a pure element. It would be millennia before humankind discovered that it was, in fact, created from hydrogen and water. But even those elements were found to be reduceable to neutron, proton and electron. Currently, we see even those onetime irreducible are being deconstructed and new words enter the lexicon – gluons, hadrons and mesons. Reasonably speaking, there is no rational reason for expecting this trend to discontinue at any point. Likewise, as far as we can comprehend, we see the womb model extend forward iteratively to the known edges of the universe – from atmosphere around a planet, to the cluster of activity around a star, to the great turning galaxies which radiate out to the edges of space. So we see recursion, as expected, at all levels of cosmology, satisfying the law of infinite recursion. Fertile ground for the Quest for Infinite Potential Most importantly though, the Cosmic Womb can be seen at all levels to satisfy its primary function as the “birthing ground” for Potential itself. Its place is rather obvious at the human level of existence and is self-explanatory. On the microscopic scale, we see it in the various “fields of activity”. The womb is the area an atom can claim as its own, the place wherein the nucleus and the electrons interact – its purpose is to give birth and meaning to the atom itself. On a slightly larger scale, we can see it in the various bonds between atoms as their particles interact in such defined bonds as covalent and ionic. This interaction gives birth to Potential in the form of molecules. Likewise, we see this field, or womb, scale up and far beyond the human level – at a more macro level. It is the rich space surrounding a new star that gives birth to planets. And it can be seen in the field between stars – so rich in matter, dark matter and energy – that make up the seeming darkness of the void of a galaxy.


An overarching birthing ground The Cosmic Womb can be seen all around. It is omnipresent, infinitely iterative and fertile ground for creation, or as Potentialists would call it, a place to realize the Quest for Infinite Potential. It is properly called overarching because, to the Potentialist, Q4P is truly universal. Potentialism embraces a teleological (purpose-driven) conceptualization of the universe, citing the exhaustive empirical evidence of purposeful design from the micro to macro in scale. In Potentialism the end-goal is E+ which is Birnbaum’s shorthand for his coined term – extraordinariation. Per Birnbaum, the cosmos eternally seeks the next level of the extraordinary. This is an eternal quest never fully-quenched. Hence the + in E+. In turn ‘the extraordinary’ is offered-up by the infinitely nested Cosmic Womb of Potential conceptualizing the next level of extraordinary. All three components are working in-tandem: Q4P (Quest for Potential infinitely iterated) is questing. CWP (Cosmic Womb of Potential infinitely iterated) is offering-up possibilities and realities. E+ (Extraordinariation) remains the goal. As noted, the Cosmic Womb of Potential is operating on myriad levels – from the grand cosmic level to the sub-atomic level. Up-close we see the Cosmic Womb of Potential in (a) the drive of the earth’s ecosystem as it self-regulates, in (b) the directional fashion in which evolution occurs and in (c) in the multigenerational progeny of an individual family. The Cosmic Womb is the infinitely nested ground in which the universe finds its path towards greater and greater Potential towards its final Extraordinariation. Cosmic Womb + Q4P → E+. Over two dozen journals have featured Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica and its Theory of Potential in the 2013-2014 periods alone. After a quarter century on the world scene since volume I of his treatise was published by Ktav in 1988, the theory remains unchallenged. The philosophical work has been a Course Text at over a dozen colleges globally, as well as the prime focus of a 4-day international academic conference at Bard College April 2012.


Potentialism & Stem Cells May 22, 2014

Potentialism is the crowning achievement of philosopher, independent scholar and cosmologist David Birnbaum. Within his three-part Summa Metaphysica treatise (1988, 2005, 2014) lie the core principles of Potentialism. Unlike the previous decades’ favored Randomness Theory, Potentialism draws back the veil of ignorance on the driving force behind consciousness, life and the very cosmos itself. While others have only found chaos, randomness and decay in the natural order of the world, Potentialism offers an overarching conceptualization of a universe which is very much growing, in size, in force and in complexity/sophistication. At the center of Potentialism is hypothesized infinite Quest for infinite Potential (Q4P is the shorthand notation.) The ultimate goal of the cosmos is what Birnbaum calls Extraordinariation (E+ is the shorthand notation) the ultimate realization of Potential. Thus, the overarching equation would be Q4P∞→E+. Q4P represents a cosmic Quest for Infinite Potential. It’s what drives both particles to become molecules and amoeba to evolve into humankind. Q4P both sets the laws of physics and redefines them to create an ever larger, more complex/sophisticated universe. Q4P is all-pervasive, infinitely recursive and nested, life-generating and affirming, and able to pivot its course to optimize its potentials. Q4P (Infinite Quest for Infinite Potential) is what generates Quantum Jump events (QJ is the shorthand notation). A Quantum Jump event is a significant/ watershed/critical-mass cosmic complexification/sophistication event on-themarch towards Extraordinariation (E+) QJ events have been shown to be cyclic in the cosmos’ history. It can be thought of as when Q4P reaches a threshold of critical mass. At such moments, historically, we see fundamental shifts expressed in the physical universe as a higher level of complexity/sophistication – shifts in the nature of the universe itself and objects within it. Such events can be seen in the


splitting between Newtonian and quantum physics as the universe cooled; the formation of atoms; the birth of molecules; the rise of biological life, and the birth of intelligent humankind, as but some examples. On the journey towards Extraordinariation But, to be very clear, these moments of Quantum Jump (and higher complexity/sophistication) do not represent ultimate Extraordinariation. As miraculous as the formation of the atom might be, E+ is a state of infinite complexity/sophistication. Is it even achievable? To Potentialists, the answer is maybe. It is not answerable or even properly definable as a question in this universe at our current level of complexity/sophistication. Humankind, by definition, is not currently equipped to fully understand the full criteria for Extraordinariation. The author of the term is quite clear on this point. But, what is important is that the drive given by Q4P causes the cosmos to strive towards Extraordinariation and, like many things, it is the journey that defines us and is of ultimate importance, not the destination. As for the events we commonly label extraordinary, we don’t have to wait for the rules of physics to grow in complexity/sophistication. We can see smaller reverberations of E+ all around us on a daily basis. The Q4P of Stem Cells In fact, we can see Q4P at work constantly within one of the most basic of building blocks of human and animal life – the stem cell. Indeed stem cells seem to be a biological embodiment of metaphysical Q4P itself. Stem cells have a fairly unique skill called pluripotency. What pluripotency means is that the cells have both the ability to self-replicate or become any type of cell in the body. Let’s see how this measures up to the requirements of Q4P. Stem cells are the precursors of all cells in the body. As such, they are pervasive, a requirement of Potentiality. They are undifferentiated, meaning


they have the Potential to become any cell in the body. This is important if we are to derive a direct connection between Q4P and the stem cell. This means they qualify as permeating the production of life – not just a particular function of life. Furthermore, they are, like Potential, blank slates of pure Potentiality. And they have the ability, and are used to, create new life as well as add to an existing one. Being an expression of Q4P means they must be pervasive and an overarching force in their function. Indeed, stem cells fit this criteria perfectly. They are the foundation of all cells in the human body. Additionally, as they are pluripotent, they can even procreate – splitting and creating more of themselves, thereby increasing their Potentiality in a lateral sense. So, they are clearly capable of realizing greater and greater Potential in the form of replication. This is important because Q4P describes the infinite of the current Potential as well as the nested future Potential. To state the issue more clearly, the stem cell has the ability to increase itself (self-reproduction) as well as to create new cells with their own potential (differentiation) – thereby expressing an Infinite Quest for Infinite Potential. Most importantly though, stem cells would have to express Quantum Jumps > E+. However, we see this clearly happening through differentiation. Differentiation occurs as a complexity/sophistication event when stem cells specialize as a result of reaching a Quantum Jump level. In fact, the creation of a child can be viewed as a string of Q4P and Quantum Jump events. A fertilized egg is an event expressed by the parents’ Potential. The resulting Quantum Jump triggers a complexity/sophistication event – conception, causing the stem cells to increase their complexity/sophistication and shape the biological microcosm being formed as a new human being. This only leaves the question of recursive infinite Potential. But, as we already know, the life created by those stem cells will mature and gain the ability to procreate itself – ad infinitum, thereby satisfying the infinitely recursive rule of the Quest for Potential.


Of course, Potentialism is, at its heart, cosmology. Indeed, Potentialism can be seen clearly at work from the formations of galaxies and stars, to the formation of atoms and molecules. But its true strength lies in its pervasiveness. It can be seen just as clearly in the fractal patterns of trees, the teleological rhythms of the earth and the very building blocks of the human body – making the tiny stem cell not just a biological embodiment of the overarching dynamic Q4P, but as well just one more link in an endless chain of evidence of the Quest for Infinite Potential all around us which drives the universe onwards to greater and greater complexity/sophistication – and ultimately towards Extraordinariation.

Epoch Blogs | World Stephen Stapczynski Stephen reports on Asia & Pacific news and politics. His primary interests include Japanese domestic politics, US-Japan relations, and geopolitics in East Asia. View full author page

Birnbaum’s Beethoven or Darwin’s Beethoven? By Stephen Stapczynski | Stephen Stapczynski | June 4, 2014

How did we (the cosmic order) get to the point of Beethoven’s symphonies? Did we get there simply by survival of the fittest? Darwin presented his now mainstream theory of survival of the fittest as the root of human evolution. And Darwinism has demonstrated vitality as a theory. But did we get to Beethoven by survival of the fittest alone? The 21st century has seen a rise in new theories of cosmology. At the forefront has been Potentialism. The theory was developed by independent scholar David Birnbaum of Manhattan. It is explicated via his 3-volume treatise: Summa Metaphysica I: Religious Man (Ktav Publishing, 1988), Summa Metaphysica II: Spiritual Man (New Paradigm Matrix, 2005) and Summa Metaphysica III: Secular Man (New Paradigm Matrix, 2014). The theory is an iconic paradigm challenge. Note these key terms: ∞ Q4P = Quest for Potential (infinitely iterated) (see E+ = Extraordinariation ( see ) ∞

Potentialism’s primary edict is a simple formula: Q4P → E+. This is a simple and straightforward proposition. In layman’s terms, it states that the universe inexorably strives towards greater Potential or Complexity/Sophistication, and thus heads towards a state Potentialists call


Extraordinariation (E+ for short). Once delineated, this simple theme/concept can be seen as pervasive across the cosmic order – from the macro to the micro level. Everything strives after its optimal potentials and the cosmos itself moves towards Complexity/ Sophistication. For example, people learn, atoms conjoin into molecules. Advance – in multiple permutations. This is the primal dynamic of existence, which upon reflection, can indeed be seen all around us. Potentialism takes issue with Darwinism. It does not do so because Darwinism is incorrect, but rather because Darwinism is radically incomplete. The Theory of Potential maintains that there are actual three interlocking components of Evolution: 1) survival-potential (classic Darwinism) 2) deploying an optimal array of potential 3) discerning the optimal route towards Extraordinariation The line-of-genetics which optimizes all three of these components, will, according to Potentialism, be the ‘genetic mix’ which prevails. Looked at differently, Quest for Potential impacts genetic coding to get to this ‘optimal mix’. The root of the deficit with classic Darwinism lies with two factors: group selection and higher evolution. Group selection is a soft chink in the armor of Darwinism. Darwinism explains that everything evolves based on personal/individual survival traits. An individual is more likely to survive and pass on his or her traits for their individual advantage. However, the real natural world does not show this to be the only influence at work. There is group selection. Group selection represents those decisions made by individuals that actual harm oneself but benefit the group. In short, Darwinism does not account for altruism. Be it your family, tribe, species, or perhaps nature as a whole – the issue is that we have plenty of examples of group selection and Darwinism is dead silent on the cause of this. While Potentialism recognizes evolution, it understands full well that survival


is not the only force at work. Potentialism recognizes the teleological nature of the universe. That is to say, Potentialism understands that not only do individual creatures work towards their evolution, or higher level of Complexity, but the species as a whole does as well. Following the precepts of Potentialism, life forms, in their totality, struggle as a group as well as on an individual level to maximize their Potential. And this is where Beethoven comes in. Darwinism simply seeks a higher order of survivability. Potentialism, on the other hand, strives towards Complexity/ Sophistication/Extraodinariness in its infinite, myriad forms enroute towards Extraordinaration. While Darwinism is only concerned with the individual survival of a species or sub-species, Potentialism takes a holistic approach to judge what is survival and progress. It is not enough for an individual to survive. Potentialism rules that a creature must strive for their species as a whole. But further, and this is where the huge difference occurs, Potentialism requires species not only to survive, but to increase in Complexity/ Sophistication as they advance ever-onwards towards the extraordinary. To Darwin, winning is simply about surviving, killing and procreating. To Potentialism, this is not enough. To Potentialists, one must also rise in Complexity/Sophistication to be winning the evolutionary game. And that is where humans excel. The necessary reflexes and basic instincts to survive are a basic principle of intelligent life. But for Potentialists, the true litmus test is development of the skills beyond survival: art, morality, intellectuality, the panoply of emotion, and abstract consciousness. Darwin leaves no place for a creature to create art. It leaves no room for higher evolution – the learning beyond simple tools – of the more nuanced parts of cognition itself. Cognition is not directly associated with the skills to survive, so it should simply die out as some weird anomaly, per Darwinism – useless, in and of itself. Potentialism, by contrast, expects the rise of art and emotion. Art and emotion are considered a higher mode of cognition and are expected in the most advanced species – humans. Thus we see, Darwin leaves no room for Beethoven, art being simply an aberration of no useful (survival) value in humanity’s evolution. Potentialism, by contrast, foresees the birth of art and embraces it for what it properly is – the higher level of Complexity/Sophistication achieved by humankind, representing a tangible step forward in our evolutionary journey towards ultimate Extraordinariation.


Is there any Option B to Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential? Posted by Garem | June 6, 2014

We will examine the two major challengers to Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential as the overarching cosmic theory? First, let us identify Potentialism. Founded by David Birnbaum (see, an independent metaphysicist, Potentialism is covered in his three part work – Summa Metaphysica I (Ktav, 1988), Summa Metaphysica II (New Paradigm Matrix, 2005), and Summa Metaphysica III (New Paradigm Matrix, 2014). Birnbaum identifies a central drive to the universe – the Quest for Infinite Potential. By this, he states that the universe is inherently and ongoing driven towards trying to realize and optimize its greatest Potential (see Citing multiple stages in cosmology, Birnbaum shows that the universe periodically realizes ever- increasing states of Complexity. Far from settlingdown, the universe never rests, but, rather, seeks out these ever-increasing levels of Complexities infinitely. Birnbaum (see discerns that the universe heads towards a state of hyper-Complexity he calls Extraordinariation. While this state may never fully be realized, its pursuit is what directs and guides the cosmos as a whole as it strives towards this end. That is, the journey itself is the main event. Now let us look at the other cosmic options on the global arena…


Randomness Randomness was a darling of the previous century. Apparently, its main claimto-fame was that it was a darling of atheists. It proudly proclaimed that God is dead and useless as a proposition. In-the-mix, Randomness also invalidated any possibility of drive or purpose or direction to the universe. Despite its great claims though, it has proven more smoke and mirrors than actual science or truth. What Randomness set out to do was prove a scientific theory of universal origin which had no possibility of a transcending force. What it, in fact created though was dubious science at best, and its own fanciful and zealous fanaticism, at worst. The basis of Randomness is that the universe is directionless and without purpose. Everything is to be somehow ascribed to random chance or to the ‘survivalist’ workings of Darwinism. Randomness effectively tosses its hand up; it doesn’t actually describe why things are, it simply states that they are because they are. In an act of sheer anti-intellectualism, Randomness says “I discern no pattern; ergo axiomatically there is none.” Randomness relies on an ad hoc acceptance that if they (the Randomnists) could not discern a transcending dynamic to the cosmos, it therefore cannot possibly exist. [Of course, this just-noted cavalier approach of the Randomnists was not precisely what the ‘Scientific Method’ had in mind.] Randomness is the product of pseudo-science with a predefined purpose. In its effort to devalue and discredit religion, it has sacrificed real science. In recent years, Randomness has further pushed itself into an anti-intellectual void in its stubborn refusal to acknowledge the possibility of any possible teleological (purpose-driven) dynamic or pattern to the cosmos (see The Randomness crew presumably invalidated any possibility of direction to the universe not because teleology (cosmic purpose) lacks any merit, but simply because it – inconveniently for the Randomnists – opens the door for the possibility of religion. Such has been the reactionary approach of Randomness/atheism, that it has steadily and ironically removed itself from the realm of serious practical, applied science and closer to the fringe realm it was expert at mocking.


Aristotelianism It would be easy to undermine Aristotle on purely scientific grounds – he did erroneously contend there were four “elements – air, fire, earth and water. However, we need to give credit to the antiquity of Aristotle and remember that he was the first person to do scientific measurements to prove the earth was a sphere. While some of his ideas might seem dated, they are because of when he lived. He was a mind before his time. Unfortunately, even given this “Free Pass”, Aristotelian cosmology is largely dismissed in the face of modern science. Aristotle believed the earth was made of the four elements, while heavenly bodies were comprised of “aether”. He also dismissed gravity, saying bodies moved without any interrelationship to one another and further discussed the circle as an orbit. Modern science shows that bodies move naturally in ellipses because of their interaction with one another gravitationally. However, Aristotle did give us one insight into the universe aside from the spherical nature of the earth. Aristotle was the father of teleology – the concept of a purpose-driven cosmos. Aristotle was the first to posit that natural science followed a prescribed ends or goal. He recognized that individual things in existence could act in accordance with a plan beyond their own individual survival, following a more holistic path for the group’s survival as a whole. Of course, Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential teleology discerns the cosmic goal as not just survival, but rather – Extraordinariation. As noted, Extraordinariation is Birnbaum’s term for the elusive end-goal of super-Complexity (see On the global chessboard There is currently no true Option B to Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential. New York-based cosmologist Neil deGrasse Tyson reminds people constantly


that science must be dedicated to the pursuit of fact and truth. It is easy to forget in a modern age when scientists are governed by research grants and the pressure to not debunk their predecessors, but it is the responsibility of the pure scientific mind to follow the facts wherever they might lead regardless of their implications. The real scientist pursues truth, not their desires. Potentialism does its part to remind the scientific community of this pursuit of truth, even if it was initially ‘politically correct’. People do not design the world they live in; they simply explore and seek to understand it. Like the followers of Aristotle before, people are reminded of the necessity to be able to let go of ideas previously held for the sake of searching out the truth of the world. Randomness was a best-guess in the 20th century; the best we could at the time for a description of how the universe worked. But, like the century it reigned in, the time of randomness has passed; modern science has moved beyond it. Aristotelianism was trumped by Randomness; in turn, Randomness is quite clearly trumped by Potentialism. No contest (see We advance forward with a new baseline. Onward.


Summa Metaphysica: The (true) Theory of Everything By Ron Moran | June 11, 2014

In 1988, metaphysicist David Birnbaum entered the arena of cosmology with the release of his book Summa Metaphysica I. Challenging the atheist dogma of Randomness Theory, Birnbaum proposed his competing Theory of Potentialism (see In doing so, he not only split with traditional, mainstream cosmological theory, but further upped the ante by offering an audacious solution to the most universally elusive problem of physics and cosmology alike: The Theory of Everything. The Theory of Everything (ToE) has long been the holy grail of physicists, cosmologists and philosophers and science as a whole. For physicists, the quest has always been for Unifying Theory – the physical/mathematical model which would illustrate the relationship between the micro (quantum physics) and the macro (Newtonian physics and relativity). For cosmologists, metaphysicists and philosophers, the quest has been even broader – their ultimate answer would go beyond Unifying Theory to incorporate into the explanation thought and existence as well – The Theory of Everything. While this might sound like a punch line from a Douglas Adams novel, the Theory of Everything is serious business to cosmologists, particularly metaphysicists and philosophers. People less familiar with metaphysics might find it curious that such an unabashed metaphysicist as Birnbaum would be brave enough to step into the ring with physicists. Metaphysics is often times incorrectly associated with ghost hunters or crystal collecting, new age mystics. For the record, this is a gross misunderstanding of an established branch of science. Metaphysics straddles the line between physics (and more broadly – empirical science), and classical philosophy. Metaphysics is, properly: the branch of philosophy concerned with the fundamental nature of reality that includes ontology, cosmology and epistemology. It is no accident cosmology lies squarely within the realm of philosophy. Why is that?


Quite simply, the “hard” sciences, such as physics, rely on the process of gathering empirical evidence and applying deductive logic to formulate a conclusion. While this is a wonderful tool for science, it has one limitation – it cannot be used in an open system. This isn’t usually an issue in science. One can apply boundaries to create a closed system to study. However, cosmology deals with the universe as a whole. And by universe, that means everything. The universe, by definition, has no “outside” the system – or we’re no longer talking about the universe. For cosmology, at some point someone has to step forward and make assumptions and that is simply something a philosopher is far more comfortable doing than a physicist. Formally, we call these assumed truths axioms – a very scientific word, but basically jargon for “informed hunch”. That is not to say anyone gets a free pass from scientific rigor. An axiom needs to stand up to inductive scrutiny. Unlike a deductive conclusion, an inductive conclusion’s strength is measured by the amount of supporting evidence it has. If this still sounds dubious, it might serve to remember that mathematics is part of the formal sciences (a by-product of philosophy, if you will) as opposed to physics, which resides in the physical sciences. If you’re using mathematics, or the scientific method for that matter, then you’re engaged squarely in philosophy. So have no doubt, metaphysicists belong squarely in the debate on the nature of the universe, likely more so than their instrument carrying physicist cousins – though the true pioneers of cosmology and science tend to be adept at both disciplines. As Einstein famously said, “Nature is the realization of the simplest conceivable mathematical ideas. ... I am convinced that we can discover by means of purely mathematical constructions the concepts and the laws connecting them with each other.” That is exactly what Birnbaum has set out to do with the Theory of Potentialism – identify the structure and nature of the cosmos and, in so doing, seek out the elusive Theory of Everything. For the necessarily inductive test of Potentialism, there are some criteria it must meet for a solid Theory: It must be pervasive in both scale and breadth. It must be valid on both the micro and macro scale. It also must be demonstrable over the breadth of the cosmos – that is, it must be demonstrably valid across the fields of biology, physics, chemistry... in short, universal. Further, to fully encompass ToE from


the metaphysical perspective, it must be ontologically inclusive – that is, it must incorporate the nature of being itself. ‘How everything is’ is not sufficient. The metaphysical Theory of Everything demands the why of being as well. Summa Metaphysica: The Quest for Infinite Potential Potentialism’s central mechanic is the Quest for Infinite Potential. Logically, it is expressed as Q4P∞→E+. Don’t let the nomenclature fool you. It’s simply a concise, logical expression of the Theory. Like any new branch of thought or mathematics or science, it comes with its own logical expressions. On a most basic level, Potentialism identifies inferentially the Quest for Infinite Potential as the prime mover of cosmology. The Q4P axiom states that the universe is in such a state as to naturally be driven towards infinite complexity – infinite in this sense being that there is no state of rest, or sufficient complexity, in this system – rather it is a continual and endless process. That being said, while the universe is constantly and visibly changing, those changes are not usually profound. Rather, in a quantum sense, the universe continually increases in Potentiality towards the complex, towards transitive moments which Potentialists identify as Extraordinariation – pivotal moments of change in universal complexity. The concept is easily grasped in terms of the universe’s evolution on an astrophysical scale. At the very beginning of the universe when the singularity that was our perceivable universe exploded in a “Big Bang”, the universe reached a critical state of change abruptly and began to spread. Likewise, the formation of the first hydrogen atoms is considered a cosmic moment of Extraordinariation (see Potentialism Theory states that the universe eternally, by virtue of its natural Potential, builds towards these moments of Extraordinariation that invariably leave the universe in a more complex state than it was in previously. Looking strictly from an astrophysical perspective, it’s fairly obvious this is an inferentially sound axiom. But the true test is whether Potentialism Theory is universally applicable to broader natural and philosophical phenomena if it is to stand as a viable Theory of Everything (see


Summa Metaphysica: Unifying Science, Spirituality and Philosophy One of the greatest shortcomings of cosmological theory is trying to understand the universe scientifically, philosophically and spiritually. It’s bad enough trying to merge abstract philosophical concepts with the scientific ones, but trying to merge the spiritual as well has usually been catastrophic. This has left people forced to analyze cosmology through different filters. You can speak about the Big Bang through a scientific filter, leaving the spiritual and philosophical questions of existence behind. Likewise, you can simply regard the universe from a spiritual or philosophical perspective. But, like quantum mechanics and Newtonian physics, these filters don’t play nicely together in the same sandbox. For proponents of Potentialism, this is one of the greatest achievements of Potentialist Theory. Potentialism provides a common ground of understanding where one doesn’t have to play scientist by day, philosopher by night and spiritualist with their congregation. We mentioned astrophysics before, but you’ll find Q4P works just as neatly as a descriptor of evolution. Those transitive E+ moments of Extraordinariation? Describing the ascendancy of multi-cellular life, the first animals to walk instead of swim, even the rise of humankind all fit just as well into the logical model of Q4P as the birth of atoms and molecules do. It’s one of the innate strengths of Potentialism to oftentimes leave someone slapping their heads at the obvious simplicity of the Theory and how well it is applied equally to different universal phenomena. But where does this leave spirituality? Interestingly, the answer resides in the nature of Q4P. If Q4P is a universal “prime mover”, the source of the Big Bang and what has driven the creation of stars and humankind alike since that time, then there is something beyond just matter and energy and void – Potential itself. You can see where this is headed. But to be clear, Potentialism does not address directly the existence or the nature of the divine. Potentialism is science, not religion. But, for the religious or spiritual, Potentialism offers acceptance and reserves a place for them. Potentialism does recognize, given the universal nature of Q4P, the natural existence of teleological systems. A teleological system simply means it is purpose driven. It’s not nearly as mystical as it sounds. It is just a formal way of stating what we’ve been seeing all along – if Q4P is pushing the universe


towards increased complexity than the universe is, by definition, changing with a purpose (see It’s the nature of this prime mover that leaves room for atheist and religious alike. To the atheist – yes, there is a universal drive of creation, but it need not be a named, bearded man who carves legal code on stone tablets. To the atheist, they may simply look on Q4P as an inherent force in the universe, no more mystical than physics or chemistry – just another rule and nothing more. By contrast, there is nothing in Potentialism that is in conflict with an intelligent prime mover. You would think this might leave the religious a bit put out, but that is where we step into the realm of spirituality. To the spiritualist, any concrete, irrefutable evidence of the divine is impossible. It creates this untenable paradox: Religion requires faith and faith requires uncertainty. To prove God’s existence would disprove it. A bizarre concept to the nonphilosophers reading this, but this is generally accepted as fact by most religious philosophers. So, the atheist can be comfortable that there is some force of nature at work that doesn’t require classic intelligence, while the religious can be comfortable that the Alpha and Omega exists and they will have faith in its intelligence in whatever form they believe. Summa Metaphysica: Unifying Micro and Macro Physics The second big test for Potentialism is that Unifying Theory we previously alluded to. What’s true on the micro level should be true on the macro level. There are three points to make on this subject. Firstly, micro and macro physics follow the same rules of Q4P and resultant Extraordinariation. Secondly, there is a difference in the rules between micro and macro physics. Thirdly, it’s okay. We’ll get to that third one in a bit. First though, a brief look at the similarities between the micro and macro levels of physics. If Q4P is to hold its soundness we would expect to see transitive moments in complexity at both the micro and macro scales. On a micro level, in the first moment after the Big Bang, there were simply particles. We won’t over-dwell on the weirdness of the hadron epoch and other epochs in the first seconds, just suffice it to say there were a lot of little particles having their brief eras in the first fraction of a second. But jumping ahead to the first roughly 3.2


minutes after the Big Bang, we have nucleosynthesis where protons and neutrons begin to combine – again, one of those transitive moments where Potential gives rise to Extraordinariation. These moments continue cyclically as the basic elements begin to form and, yet again, when the elements begin to bond into molecular structures. Likewise, this Q4P to Extraordinariation is visible on the macro scale of universal history as the primitive plasma cloud of the very early universe, to the matter domination era of 300,000 years after the Big Bang, to 300 million years after the Big Bang when stars and galaxies began to form. It is clear to see, not only the continual evolution of the cosmos towards greater complexity but the distinctive stages of complexity predicted by Q4P when Extraordinariation events occurred. But what of Unifying Theory? While we’ve seen that the micro and macro do show clear similarities in how Q4P structures their evolution, there are still vast differences between quantum and Newtonian physics. Why do quantum events tend to follow a binary (on/off) model? Why do Newtonian events tend to follow analogue/wave patterns? Why does gravity not interact on a quantum level like it does on massive scales? Part of the key is to look backwards through the Extraordinariation events to simpler epochs. Potentialism posits that physical laws had to have a simpler form in an earlier universe. That the fields of physics would diversify and become distinct, with their own governing laws, is actually predicted by Q4P. Hence, when we said it was alright. Just a year ago, physicists would have tossed such an absurd idea off as bunk or a flimsy excuse for science. But times change - and sometimes rapidly. We’ve only just this year detected quantum gravity waves in the cosmic background radiation. Why is this important and what does this have to do with Unifying Theory? “Quantum” and “Gravity” were just used in the same sentence. For those without a pony in the game, one of the biggest problems in Unifying Theory is trying to explain gravity. To digress briefly, Einstein discovered quantum physics quite by accident. When he was formulating Relativity, Einstein found it too difficult to include Newtonian physics (which deals with gravity) into his Theory of Relativity. So, he left it out. Relativity was designed in this fictitious universe where gravity didn’t exist and he called it the Theory


of Special Relativity. A curious aside to this was the discovery of quantum mechanics. But, at the time, Einstein thought little of it because – again – this was a hypothetical universe. Later he incorporated gravity and that became his General Theory of Relativity. What was not expected was that quantum mechanics really did exist in the General Relativity universe. Yet, quantum mechanics was only supposed to work right in a flat universe. And gravity warps and bends time-space. This is the root of the conundrum. How to unify something that seemingly has no room for gravity with a universe that clearly does have gravity on a macro scale. To unify the micro and macro, there would have to be some presence of gravitational interaction on a micro level. Flash forward back to current time and the cosmic background radiation. It would appear at first glance, we’ve finally been able to witness this elusive interaction as gravitational waves have polarized light from this radiation reaching us from near the very beginning of the universe. This tells us that, if confirmed, the micro and macro once interacted more homogeneously. But at some point in the very early stages of the universe, science crossed a threshold and the complexity of these two sciences increased – what we’d call simply an Extraordinariation event. Summa Metaphysica: Unifying Math and Cosmology A core principle of Potentialism is its infinitely nested nature. The strength of Q4P as a catalyst relies on its iterative, exponential nature. Think of it like a seed. A seed has the potential for a plant. But the resultant plant can also produce seeds to an entire generation of plants beyond that. So, within that one seed is an infinitely nested series of potentials. This is, by far, a gross simplification of Potentialism – but it suffices as an introduction to the principle. In short, for this to hold true to Potentialists, there should be an abundance, in the natural world, of observable phenomena which display infinite nesting and recursion. On a mathematical level, this is exhibited by fractal mathematics and integral calculus. For those who think calculus looks like Greek Mad Libs – don’t worry, we’re not going to inundate you here with equations. What’s important


is the theory, not the actual grunt work of the equations. Integral calculus is commonly used for area calculations. What makes integral calculus so cool and unique is its ability to calculate areas that are infinitely irregular. Think of it like trying to calculate how deep a pool is in weather that leaves the surface rough. You can ballpark where the top is between waves, but its not exact. Integral calculus gives us a way of determining an area of such a surface not precisely, but infinitely close to precisely. It’s so close to precisely so that the difference doesn’t matter as it is infinitely small. Interesting side note: this “infinitely close to a number” means there are three zeros in calculus – 0+, 0, and 0-. What’s the difference between 0+ and 0? You can’t divide by 0 (see There’s something to ponder over coffee. While integral calculus deals with infinities, fractal mathematics deals with the infinitely nested. While you’re still processing positive zero, here’s another fun mathematical fact to ponder: Let’s envision a fractal snowflake. A fractal has an infinitely nested complexity to its geometry. Know matter how small a scale you view it in, you’ll always find another angle around the corner. How much of a fractal is a straight line? 0. How long, that is, what is the perimeter of our snowflake? Infinite. While it may encompass a finite amount of area, the fractal itself has an infinite length. No matter what detail you look at it in, you’ll just find more and more jagged edges nested within each other. As you can see, the concept of infinite and infinitely nested passes the test easily for Potentialists when looked at purely mathematically. But formal math isn’t natural math. The real test is cosmological. Do these patterns exist pervasively in the real world? In short, yes. Let’s look for the infinitely complex in both design and in regards to nesting. Objects in the world, at every scale, display a naturally infinite complexity in mathematical design. Even a simple leaf follows fractal geometry in its design. It’s not a true fractal, granted. That is, if you look at it under a microscope, you won’t find tiny versions of the leaf pattern in every spike. But you can find plenty of examples which do so to a few orders of magnitude. But further, there are no naturally occurring straight lines or smooth surfaces in existence. The more you magnify an object, the more irregularities you find. Down at the atomic level you find constantly shifting electrons that preclude anything approaching even a real, solid surface – just wide open space with electrons winking in and out of different spaces, at seeming random, within a


predefined space. More important though (certainly to Potentialism) are the naturally occurring nested complexities that permeate the cosmos. Electrons orbit nuclei, planets orbit suns, stars orbit a galactic core. To Potentialists, there is little random about the universe. Yes, there’s some probability involved in exactly where an electron might be around a nuclei or a star might be around a galaxy, but randomness it isn’t. Only a fool would fail to see the clear patterns all around them. To the Potentialist, the inherent concepts of infinite and iterative infinite complexities in both formal mathematics as well as physical science are just two more pieces in a sea of evidence for inductively proving Q4P. Summa Metaphysica: The Common Denominator and the Catalyst Potentialist theory is just that – theory. But I’d humbly remind the reader of how many sciences share the suffix of “theory”: Special Relativity Theory, Quantum Mechanical Theory, Field Theory, Grand Unification Theory.... I could do this all day. The point is that Theory is how we move forward and evolve our understanding of the universe. And in cosmology, solid inductive reasoning is the name of the game. Potentialism offers a viable understanding of the cosmos that can build bridges, not just between the sciences, but between beliefs as well – unifying not only the micro and macro, but the scientific, the philosophical and even the spiritual under a definition of one uniting concept, both Common Denominator and Catalyst. If something as simple as Q4P∞→E+ gives you pause, just remember what people thought one hundred years ago when they first saw something as simplistic as E=mc². Small equations can bring big change. Summa Metaphysica: Context Birnbaum elucidates his theory via his iconic 3-part treatise Summa Metaphysica (see Volume I: Religious Man (Ktav, 1988), Volume II: Spiritual Man (New Paradigm Matrix, 2005) and Volume III: Secular Man (New Paradigm Matrix, 2014). Over a dozen colleges globally including UCLA, Brandeis and Hebrew University (Jerusalem) have assigned the landmark work as a Course Text (see


Bard College (Upstate NY) hosted a 3 ½ day international academic conference in April 2012 on Science & Religion with the Summa treatise as its prime focus (see Over 30 feature articles globally have focused on Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica and its Theory of Potential in the past twelve months alone (see


Potential: The Janus-Faced Dynamic

Janus, the ancient god of the Romans, was always depicted with two faces. This

represented him looking both toward the past and toward the future simultaneously; he presided over transitions, gates, passages, be it conflict, change, life; the first calendar month of January is named after him.

By on 12 June12 June, 2014 2:32 pm in No cat / no comments

On some level, he stands as a very apropos figurehead for Potentialism. Infinite, ongoing transition and metamorphosis is a bedrock of modern Potentialism theory. Quick-reference glossary: Summa = 3-volume Summa Metaphysica philosophy treatise by David Birnbaum [1988,2 005, 2014] (see Theory of Potential = Potentialism explicated in Summa (see TheoryCore. com) Q4P = Quest for Potential = core dynamic in Potentialism (see E+ = Extraordinariation = end-goal of Q4P (see In layman’s terms, Q4P describes the common, universal drive of the cosmos – a drive that steers the cosmos towards endlessly greater levels of Complexity/Sophistication (see This Complexity/Sophistication builds towards what Potentialism refers to as Extraordinariation, or E+. E+ itself is considered a state of hyper-Complexity, a hypothetical infinite level of Complexity which does not actually exist, but is rather the horizon end-goal of the cosmos.


Also, much like Potentialism, Janus represents a fundamental duality – polar opposites which, while different sides of the equation, are inexorably bound to one another. Such is the natural interrelationship found in Q4P∞ → E+. The duality is a necessity. Without one side, the other side of the equation would have insufficient ‘cosmic energy.’ Cosmic-push Q4P provides the irresistible, universal drive but it does not achieve ‘cosmic traction’ in and of itself without Extraordinariation (E+), the irresistible cosmic pull-force. E+ provides the direction/goal/motivation for the drive o Q4P. Trying to discuss Q4P in the absence of E+, or conversely E+ in the absence of Q4P does not stand up. The two are a duality, a matched pair of so-tospeak opposites. Duality, in turn, is engrained into the very heart and essence of the cosmic order, and in turn, of Potentialism; it is thus impossible to describe one without its relation to the other. While Western philosophy might be tempted to deny the fundamentals of duality in existence, it has long been embraced as fact in Eastern philosophy – embodied within Yin and Yang. Yin – the female – represents the concealed, hidden and passive – something drawing towards itself as in the female attracting the male. Yang – the male – represents light, the material world and the active – the pursuing male. Such comparisons to Q4P and E+ as embodiments of male and female aspects of the cosmos are quite common within its cosmology. Anyone dismissive of the concept as merely philosophical constructs, risks being inundated with real world examples of dualities – electrons and protons, light and dark, matter and void…. the list is seemingly endless. Potentialism’s unique power is, of course, its embodiment of future potentialities: Q4P embodies within itself the past and the future, PastPresent-Future – all are hinged together in the overarching Janus-faced cosmic dynamic of Potential. Beginnings are totally hinged to ‘endings’ and vice versa. Without E+, Q4P has no ‘energizing goal’; without Q4P, E+ is not


approachable. On some level, E+ is imprinted on the core of Q4P; on some level, approaching Q4P energizes E+ to ever new heights. Potentialists regard with wry humor that Janus is often considered a synonym for deceitful. Being two-faced, it became popular to not trust something truly dichotomous. The implication was that an innately dichotomous nature could not be trusted and consistent. But Potentialism has dealt a blow to previous conventions, showing both the validity of dichotomy and its omnipresence in the natural world. Janus would smile. Janus, like the Q4P >>> E+ dynamic, is ultimately one inextricably interrelated super-dynamic. The dynamic is simultaneously scientific, neo-spiritual and metaphysical; indeed the theory (uniquely) unifies Science, Spirituality and Philosophy. The three respective volumes of Summa Metaphysica are subtitled Religious Man, Spiritual Man, and Secular Man respectively; Potentialism’s Quest for potential core dynamic can authentically be viewed through either of the three lenses: as the classic Divine of Religious Man (the Summa I lens), as infinite divine potential of Spiritual Man (the Summa II lens) or as the transcendent dynamic of Secular Man (the Summa III lens). Through any of the three lenses, the goal is embedded in the quest, and the quest is somehow embedded in the goal. In other words, Janus-like. Remember the former things of old; That I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like Me; Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things That are not done


– Isaiah 46:9-10 Summa Metaphysica is a seminal work; it entirely changes the way we look at our universe. Volume I was published by Ktav (NJ), and the subsequent two volumes were published by New Paradigm Matrix (NY). Over a dozen institutions of higher learning – ranging from UCLA on the West Coast to Brandeis on the East Coast to Hebrew University in Jerusalem – have assigned the work as a Course Text. Bard College (Upstate NY) hosted a 4-day international academic conference on the treatise in April 2012 (see Over 30 feature articles have focused on Summa’s Theory of Potential in the past 12 months alone (see No flaw – scientific or conceptual – has been discerned in the heavily-vetted and diligently-defended Theory of Potential in the 25+ years since it was introduced to the world by Birnbaum via Ktav Publishing in late 1988 (see Janus would smile.


The Summa Metaphysica Firestorm June 12, 2014

Why Atheism frantically tried to undermine the Theory of Potential David Birnbaum’s seminal philosophical treatise Summa Metaphysica (1988, 2005, 2014) achieves the holy grail of academia sought-after for millennia: It unifies Science, Spirituality and Philosophy. In-the-mix Birnbaum’s seminal work proposes a new metaphysical foundation for the cosmic order; It fills-in hitherto elusive gaps in cosmological theory; It has been applauded globally; It portends a new era in academe – across-the-board. Why then has a small clique of British hard-line atheist academics recently launched a rabid campaign to anonymously undermine it? Independent scholar David Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential has set off a firestorm of anonymous vitriol emanating from the hard-line Atheist community, particularly from a small circle from within British academia which advocates its pet Randomness/Atheistic doctrine. Summa Metaphysica’s pro-scientific theory of Potentialism – which has now100% withstood academic scrutiny for over 25 years since November 1988, suddenly in 2013 found itself the target of a vicious and ad homenim attack campaign of almost unbridled and primitive virulence. Curiously, these attacks have been detached from any specific scientific critique – whatsoever. And all the anonymous virulence mysteriously seems to emanate from the offices of several British Atheism-friendly universities. And why was the vitriol always anonymous? And why were the antagonists

SECTION? afraid to publicly confront the quite-formidable David Birnbaum? And why are the antagonists so-fearful of actual face-to-face debate? Indeed, so curious is the Randomness/Atheistic academic crew which is clearly orchestrating the juvenile smear campaign. Birnbaum’s Potentialism does anchor the metaphysical authenticity of hypothesizing a religious approach to life (Summa Metaphysica volume I, Ktav Publishing, 1988) , but the theory also metaphysically anchors a Spiritual life (Summa Metaphysica volume II, New Paradigm Matrix Publishing 2005) – and, indeed, as well, a totally Secular life (Summa Metaphysica volume III, New Paradigm Matrix, 2014). All vector towards one unique and original sophisticated theme proposed by the author from the Get-Go. However, the overall theory, while proposing an underlying dynamic cosmic dynamic of infinite divine potential, is ultimately completely religion-neutral. It neither propounds nor challenges the existence of the classic Divine. The Summa Metaphysica treatise had, indeed, totally ignored hard-line Atheism – which itself negates en toto any possibility whatsoever of any direction or impetus to the cosmos; Theory of Potential proponents on the other hand view this absolutist, hard-line Atheistic stance - with its militant invalidation of any ‘direction’ or ‘drive’ or ‘purpose’ whatsoever to the cosmic order - as more akin to Fundamentalist religious zealotry than to serious science. Is the Randomness theory simple to ‘absorb’? Yes; It is quite simple: All is random. Is it sort-of, a ‘Theory of No Theory’? Is Randomness Theory ultimately serious? Is it at all scientific? Was it simply the product of over-intellectualized and self-congratulatory Group-Think run amok? Has the Randomness/Atheist group (per their absolutism) indeed scientifically checked every last quadrant and dimension of the cosmic order - in its doctrine’s blanket and militant certitude that there is definitely no motivating dynamic whatsoever inherent in the cosmic order? Indeed, does this militant hard-line absolutist Left-wing Atheistic stance not seem to truly mirror the fanatic zealot religious Fundamentalism of the absolutist extreme far Rightwing (itself the favorite whipping-boy of British atheists)?

The ideology of hard-line Atheism, which is supported by the slightest, narrowest sliver of the global population (~1%), has been artificially implanted in academe over the last several decades by a small clique; It has been propped-up as the (sole) politically-correct global dogma by British Atheistic academe. This antiquated Randomness/Atheist schema has been proppedup as a dogma which could only be challenged at extreme political/academic risk by anyone across global academe. But, of course, outsider conceptual theorist and independent scholar David Birnbaum, was not beholden to this formalized global academic club. In April 2012, Bard College (Upstate NY) hosted a multi-day international academic conference focused on Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica /Theory of Potential. The conference sent shock-waves around the world; It was an adroit, effective and, indeed lethal, end-run by Birnbaum and Bard around the British Randomness/Atheist-controlled academic journals and their de facto global academic intellectual blockade. Bard (college motto-“a place to think”) had turbo-charged Birnbaum’s global paradigm challenge. (Bard College itself was subsequently callously and brazenly threatened with academic isolation by the British academic junta for hosting the major conference and projecting the new theory throughout global academe, but that’s a sub-saga.) The Conference effectively marked “the beginning of the end” for Randomness (pseudo-) theory, previously foisted on global academe. David Birnbaum’s Potentialism describes a universe driven not by randomness, as the atheist community purports, but by purpose. That purpose is hypothesized by conceptual theorist Birnbaum as the Quest for Potential (shorthand: Q4P). Birnbaum posits that the universe is, by definition, driven to seek ever greater and greater arrays of Potential - and then, everincreasing levels of Complexity/Sophistication, onward and onward. House of glass But notice that there is no mention of the classic Divine in the core Theory of Potential. Why then, the unwavering animus and ceaseless crass vitriol of the British Randomness/Atheists? To answer that question we must consider both Potentialism’s overarching qualities and the ‘house of glass’ which hardline Randomness/Atheism has constructed for itself. Birnbaum’s Potentialism does not live or die depending on whether or not the classic Divine exists. Whether the classic Divine exists or not, Potentialism

SECTION? presents a universal metaphysics – of infinite divine potential. However, the antiquated Randomness/Atheistic construct not only cannot support a place for religion, it cannot even reasonably exist in a world where even the possibility of Divine design might exist. And to preclude even the possibility of the divine on any front, British academia has adopted ‘hard line atheism’ which negates even the possibility of any purpose or drive or direction whatsoever to the cosmic order. Critics might say – ‘a bridge too far’. For, both from an intellectual as well as a strategic perspective, it would almost certainly have been far more prudent for the Atheistic junta to have allowed for at least the possibility of direction/purpose, even if their schema negated en toto the existence of the classic Divine. Thus British academia had set itself up for total disaster if a non-supernatural ‘direction’ could ever be discerned to the universe. Birnbaum ‘s Summa Metaphysica discerns such a non-supernatural dynamic – Quest for Potential; Birnbaum’s masterwork – and its centerpiece theme of Potential – checkmates the core assertion of hard-line Atheism. Potential is a cosmic force of nature driving the cosmos forever inexorably with direction and purpose . It is not Random and it is not a Supernatural Entity. Randomness/ Atheism had been dead wrong. And the aforementioned Bard College Conference bestowed international blue-chip global academic legitimacy on Summa Metaphysica’s avant garde theory and extraordinary paradigm challenge. Thus, the entire power-edifice of British academia-Randomness-Atheism, carefully built-up and disingenuously fortified over decades, implodes after a 3-day conference alongside the gentle Hudson River. Via one elegant concept, Potentialism, independent scholar David Birnbaum brings down the entire arrogant totalitarian academic regime and its antiquated dogma which had terrorized global academia for over 50 years via their vacuous schema – Randomness. Note that this bizarre Randomness construct proposes that the route to high level humans in the 21st Century - tracking forward from the Big Bang thru the emergence of the Elements, primordial star systems, myriad galaxies, supernovas, the sun, our solar system, life, photosynthesis, DNA, organisms, sexual reproduction, multi-cellular life, the Cambrian Explosion, amphibians, forests, reptiles, mammals, dinosaurs, birds, flowers, hominids, homo sapiens, and ever-increasing consciousness/emotion - is just simply the result

of random chance and happenstance. We just ‘happened’ to get to this point. Randomness pseudo-theory thus makes medieval Alchemy (turning lead into gold) look like hard science in comparison. Note that our ‘original point-of-departure’, the Big Bang, is itself ultimately inexplicable by Randomness Theory. The realms of probability are simply not large enough to accommodate its unfolding by chance happenstance interrelated extraordinary sequence-of-events. Even an infinite number of allegedly random universes could not get us near to this point (see Paul Davies’ 2006 book The Goldilocks Enigma). Only an extraordinary dynamic (try Q4P) - with an end-goal - could possibly have gotten us here. Birnbaum’s cutting-edge Potentialism, describes a cosmos not of chaos and pointless randomness, but rather one of direction. Birnbaum posits that the cosmos seeks the line of optimal realization of potential. That is, the cosmos will seek the most optimally efficient path in its quest for the most extraordinary denouement. The Theory of Potential discerns a teleological (purpose-driven) system of the cosmos - and the very intentional way the universe always moves towards greater and greater complexity/ sophistication. Birnbaum coins the term Extraordinariation for the ultimate goal of the cosmos. As such, Potentialism discerns that indeed some dynamic is driving the universe in a very, very particular direction towards a goal. And this dynamic is Birnbaum’s hypothesized Quest for Potential. The pinnacle British Randomness/Atheist academics had a good game going. Via their control of the major journals they had not only managed to stifle debate and crush dissenting voices, but had been able to erect a backslapping ‘my-hand-washes-your-hand’ ideological cookie-cutter political club at the very pinnacle of academe; like-minded ‘insider club’ members would bestow honors upon one another, and box-out any intellectual dissenters from ‘the clubhouse’ altogether. Then the anointed of the press would be selectively let into the club house to be mesmerized by the ‘genius-wunderkind-star power’ of the ‘award-winning’ pinnacle academics. Complete departments in Cambridge and Oxford would be co-opted. The incestuous system would feed upon itself. Year after year. The apex player ‘insider group’ British Randomness/Atheists drilled-down into academe globally that the only alternative to Randomness was zealot fundamentalist Creationism. Global academe was thus given a YES/NO choice: Randomness/Atheism - or ‘the outcast, radioactive religious Creationist

SECTION? fundamentalist zealotry’. Us – or ‘them’. This ongoing stacked-deck would be foisted on academe for decades. Then, along comes one guy, one outsider to this closed system, and via one treatise and one 3-day international academic conference ‘ends the party’. Post-Bard’s international academic conference there was now, indeed, a bona fide alternative. Potentialism indeed provides a pro-scientific alternative to both the old zealotry on the fringe religious Right (militant religious Fundamentalism) and to the new zealotry of the fringe Left (militant Randomness/Atheism). The ‘new kid on the block’ was ‘Potentialism’. And Potentialism looked pretty good. And pretty powerful. And pretty elegant. The British Randomness/Athesits had a collective temper tantrum. Destroy this Harvard interloper! Destroy this Harvard boy who is ending our little British party. Destroy this Harvard boy who dares to de facto expose iconic Cambridge and Oxford as Cathedrals of Group-Think. Destroy this Harvard boy who has ‘called-our-card’. Destroy this yeshiva-educated scholar who dares to simultaneously unify Spirituality, Philosophy and Science. Destroy this hombre who did an end-run around our precious little journals. Destroy this hombre who has exposed us for the scheming-politicos cum intellectuallightweights which we always were. Destroy this Manhattan guy who has now potentially undermined all our books, lectures, Twitter-followings , awards, knighthoods….and, indeed, legacies. In short, our glory. Destroy this chutzpah-nik ‘New Yorker’ who has exposed our ‘high faluten Oxford-proper’ egregious abuse of the public trust. De-legtimize him – at all costs. Erase him – if we can. David v. Goliath While the British zealot atheists comes out in full scale vitriolic attack – like a swaggering Goliath – intent on de-legitimization of Birnbaum and destruction of Potentialism, the American group does not take the bait. Rather, it comes back like the nimble and serenely confident biblical David confronting the marauding Goliath. This David – and his intellectual allies at MIT, Harvard, Yale, NYU, Brandeis and UCLA needs not respond in kind, because elegant reasoning is the greatest weapon of Potentialism. And in the arena of ideas, Potentialism’s elegance and intellectual power, grant its sword-bearer trump positioning on the battlefield. Thus the obstreperous Goliath of Randomness is felled by David’s slingshot

of Potential. In its ‘death knell’, Randomness clumsily, but vainly, attempts to crush the adroit ‘challenger David’. Asymetrical internal power There is a fundamental difference between hard-line Atheism and Potentialism that is irrefutable. Randomness/Atheism is, by necessity, built on tenuous presuppositions. The core imperative of Randomness/Atheism is that there can be no possible room for any direction or drive whatsoever to the universe; If there indeed is any such ‘direction’ or ‘design’, then the entirety of their pseudo-theory stack-of-cards falls apart. Al their dominoes topple in succession. In contradistinction, Potentialism does not have to gird itself relentlessly against the presentation of any competing idea. Potentialism is a fully-integrated and fully-vetted theory – and its hallmark is its inclusiveness; Potentialism has ample space and place for the religious, the spiritualist and the agnostic. It most certainly does tremble at any and all new ideas. Potentialism has survived a quarter century of (anonymous) ad homenim attacks from the hitherto apex predator atheist academic junta. Potentialism has withstood its trial by fire and it has come out unscathed. If anything, its Theory of Potential has only come out stronger; the futility and bizarreness of the ad homenim attacks upon it have projected Potentialism across the global stage. As for Birnbaum himself, he has been unflinching in his conviction in the intellectual elegance and universality of his powerful and unique theory. He has been unwavering in his willingness to debate any and all comers – for the greater sake of ‘the integrity of the crucible of debate’. Galileo v. The Church It’s somewhat ironic to think that Birnbaum stands in a similar place vis à vis Atheists, where once Galileo stood against the overbearing Church (the old arch-enemy of Atheism). In their own zealous and bare-knuckled tactics, hard-line Atheists have adopted the worst zealotry and toxicity of the medieval Church – which tried to de-legitimize and then erase all competing thought and ideologies from Europe. Somewhere along the way British academia apparently forgot that their mandate is the pursuit of truth , and not the zealous and abusive accrual of academic political power – and personal glory. In any event, ultimately reason

SECTION? is ultimate power in acdeme. That is why Birnbaum can speak softly – and was calmly confident to take on the entire rabid British hard-line Atheistic hierarchy – initially solo. The core Birnbaum theory As noted, the core theme of David Birnbaum’s works is that one elegant dynamic and one elegant dynamic, alone (Quest for Potential) both instigates and drives the entire cosmic order. According to the author “Potentialism proposes that there is, indeed, a protagonist to the cosmic order, but that the protagonist is a ‘quest,’ and not a ‘classic entity.’ The universe quests for its maximal potential. The core dynamic Quest for Potential∞ strives with purpose and direction towards ever-greater and higher potential. At the ‘beginning of time,’ eternal Quest for Potential harnessed the eternal equations of Physics-Mathematics to ignite our universe via the Big Bang. This same symbiotic dynamic – Quest for Potential in league with PhysicsMath – then acted as a catalyst for life, evolution, language, emotion, consciousness, and, indeed, for all the key dynamics which have evolved in the universe.” Over a dozen institutions of higher learning have assigned Summa Metaphysica as a Course Text ranging from UCLA to Brandeis to Hebrew University (Israel). In the past 12 months alone, there have been over 30 feature articles across myriad journals focused on Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential (see Reprise In short, the drive to optimize Potential drives the entire cosmic order. Potential. A relatively simple, but powerful concept, finessed by Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica. One simple - albeit elegant - concept then pulls-theplug on one of the most disingenuous academic political gambits of the last several centuries. There is indeed a pro-scientific alternative to the pseudo-science Randomness/Atheism. Potentialism. The Humpty-Dumpty of Randomness has been bumped off of the wall – and has indeed taken a great fall; And, back in so-Royal England, all the king’s horses and all the king’s men are certainly unlikely to be able to ever put the Humpty Dumpty of Randomness back together again.


The Common Denominator of the Cosmic Order By Samna | Posted June 13, 2014

Key terms: Potentialism aka The Theory of Potential is the metaphysics theory developed via independent scholar David Birnbaum’s 3-part Summa Metaphysica treatise (1988, 2005, 2014). Q4P∞ = Quest for Potential infinitely iterated (Birnbaum’s hypothesized core cosmic dynamic see www.Sequence1000. com) E+ = Extraordinariation (Birnbaum’s hypothesized cosmic goal, see ) Potentialism is an overarching cosmological theory that attacks head on, the greatest of cosmology’s questions: the Theory of Everything. ToE is the search for a unifying theory which can explain the universe on the micro and macro scale, from quantum particles to the turning of the galaxies.


ToE already sounds too difficult a task. But Potentialists take it one step further. It is not sufficient for the Potentialist to simply unify Einsteinian and Newtonian physics with quantum physics. To Potentialists, ToE must encompass life as well. Any true ToE must not only describe the micro and macro, but be able to define the workings of life itself: the mechanics of the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom as well as the workings of humankind itself. A bridge too far? A hopeless quest? To most, perhaps. But Potentialism proponents thrive on the unassailable. To a Potentialist, the game is all-ornothing. Potentialism, unlike other disciplines, refuses to “settle”. To the Potentialist, any theory which cannot include humankind and, more broadly, life as a whole – is simply the ToST – the Theory of Some Things. Put in those terms, it is clear to see why they shun any theory which lacks full inclusiveness. Potentialism is defined by the concept of the Quest for Infinite Potential. Q4P is the simple theory that the universe as a whole – as well as its individual parts – is defined by an inherent drive towards infinite complexity/ extraordinariness – an ever-fuller realization of its own potential. Potentialism may be a theory, but it is also an applied scientific theory. As such, its success and trueness are based on a set of principles which need to be empirically provable. The ToE must be: Universal – applicable from the micro to macro as well as be observable in the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms. It must be simple and irreducible. It must be absolutely pervasive – so much so that it is nearly undetectable without conscious analysis. The Quest for Potential, in its simplest form is expressed as: Q4P∞→ E+ That is, the Quest for Infinite Potential is the cosmic drive which strives towards E+. E+ is shorthand for what Potentialists refer to as Extraordinariation – a state of super-complexity/extraordinary. Note that E+ is


more of a goal over-the-horizon like infinity, than an achievable state. To see if Q4P satisfies the standards of ToE at all cosmic levels, let us analyze each in turn, beginning with scale, and then analyze the different kingdoms of existence. Quantum Level Q4P is perhaps most easily identified on the smallest and largest scales. On the smallest scale is the quantum level. It is often noted by Potentialists that the quantum level offers the most direct evidence of Q4P at work. While larger, macro scales tend to hide their mechanics within their own complexity – the quantum level is so small, simple and concise that it has trouble obfuscating its exact nature. Indeed, Q4P is clearly expressed in quantum level potentiality – the distinct on/off, binary nature of quantum events. Likewise the binary nature of quantum mechanics is prevalent in the Planck constants. In quantum mechanics, when enough of a catalyst (be it heat, energy, size, etc.,) are present, a quantum event occurs as a particle achieves its potential state. This quantum shift is a material expression of a Q4P threshold being met which causes a shift towards E+, or extraordinariation, as a particle changes from a simpler to a more complex state. Micro/Molecular Level Likewise, Q4P is clearly shown to be present on a molecular level. In the absence of a striving towards complexity, atoms could simply exist in their perfect, uncharged states. However, in reality, we see that anions and cations are readily abundant. This charge imperfection naturally lends atoms to co-mingling, giving rise to ever greater complexity/sophistication in which elements share particles to form intricate molecular structures. The formation of atoms is predictive in Potentialist theory, as post Big Bang protons and electrons were free of any atomic structure. But, in keeping with Q4P’s inexorable call for complexity/sophistication, these particles naturally gravitated towards one another to create the current base elements in an expression of Q4P∞ → E+.


Animal Kingdom Sitting astride the line between the micro and macro, Potentialists are required to detour to account for the rich tapestry of terrestrial life. Holding itself to a higher standard of proof than other scientific models, Potentialism asserts that Q4P must be equally applicable to living phenomena as well as to the greater cosmos. Darwinism is the most obvious proof of both the Q4P drive and its resultant march towards Extraordinariation. Nature shows an inherent “desire” towards greater and greater complexity/sophistication, evidenced in its continually changing and adapting forms. However, Darwinism by itself is a horribly imperfect tool for truly describing evolutionary changes. While it does describe certain mechanisms for survival-driven species’ metamorphosis, it does not account for what, by Darwinian terms, can only be construed as ‘pointless and accidental.’ What Darwinism cannot account for, or incorrectly labels as ‘pointless’, are actually evolutionary innovations which have an extrinsic finality. In more simple terms, while an adaptation may not be useful for a single organism regarding its ability to survive and reproduce, it does follow a purposed evolutionary framework if the adaptation furthers either the species as a whole or the broader ecosystem in which the organism resides. Usually, the latter is deconstructed as teleological, distinct from Darwinism. However, as predicted within the framework of Potentialism, if one assumes the drive for Darwinian evolution is identical to that driving teleological evolution, it becomes apparent there is little difference between these two theories. Rather, these theories are simply different, on a matter of scale, but parallel expressions of Q4P∞ → E+. Human Level Likewise, as an extension of the animal kingdom, humankind is seen to be governed by Q4P as well. Already immersed in Darwinian evolution as previously discussed, mankind represents one of the fundamental or quantum moments (in terms of a watershed change to a higher, more complex state)


expressed by Q4P as a manifestation of the march towards Extraordinariation. Birnbaum refers to these significant/watershed/critical-mass events on the march towards E+ as Quantum Jumps (QJ events). Specifically, humankind represents a new order of complexity/sophistication in that it is self-aware and capable of reasoning, abstract thought and highly-nuanced emotion. Interestingly, as Extraordinariation is conceived as an infinite state of complexity/sophistication, humankind is not seen by Potentialists as being in a state of rest or perfection. The manifestation of humankind, an entity which can express itself cognitively in ways no animal can, is just another stepping stone on the path to super-Complexity/Sophistication. What that final stage of super-Complexity/Sophistication might be or whether it is even achievable is, to the Potentialist, unknown. What is blatantly clear, on the other hand, is that the universe was not content with simple biological complexity and, as it achieved a new level of complexity, it branched out into cognitive complexity. Simply put, the move from single celled life to multicellular life, as well as the move from animal to humankind, are both examples of Quantum Jumps (QJs) on the march towards Extraordinariation, in which Q4P reaches critical mass and becomes a catalyst for an event on the march towards E+. Cosmic Level Drawing back to our review of the micro and macro, we next move to the cosmic level to see if the pervasive nature of Q4P still holds true. As on the micro scale, Q4P shows its presence in the macro. On a cosmic level, pure energy at the Big Bang event quickly gave birth to matter. That matter coalesced eventually into atomic systems, followed by the molecular. On a cosmic scale, these clouds of molecules and atoms converged to create dense stars – the nuclear furnaces of the cosmos – as well as the cooler planets and smaller bodies which orbit them. Q4P though requires that these heavenly bodies strive for more complexity towards E+. These Quantum Jump (QJ) events are witnessed in the formation of atmospheres and, in the instance of the earth, in the development of ecosystems which regulate the


chemistry and bio-sphere of the planet. On a grander cosmic scale is the organizations of galaxies, a QJ event which proves to have greater and greater complexity/sophistication as modern science grows more efficient at observing them. Vast spaces of dark matter, separated by countless solar systems, revolving around massive galactic centers with super-massive black holes which distort time and space. The very complexity of these galactic systems are 1) unnecessary for matter to exist and 2) a clear expression of fundamentally high levels of complexity. This expression of complexity/sophistication as the cosmos expands is yet another repeating example of Q4P driving the cosmos to Extraordinariation: Q4P∞ → E+. Universal Level The Thus it is obvious that Potentialism has met all its objectives in its proof for the Q4P Theory model. An innate, teleological drive for the universe can be seen at each level between the micro and macro as well as inherent in the animal kingdom. Most importantly though, it is demonstrably and empirically shown to be pervasive. Fundamental Dynamic While Q4P necessarily predicts a quasi-intelligent, teleologically based universe, Potentialism describes no certain qualities to this drive. To the religious, they might see the hand of the divine in such drive complexity. By contrast, the secular community might ascribe a strictly, non sentient, but natural teleological drive to Q4P. To Potentialists though, all that matters is the drive exists towards Extraordinariation and it will continue to manifest itself cosmologically. Under its umbrella, the religious and secularists can debate the nature of the Quest for Infinite Potential and Extraordinariation. The only reality the true Potentialist concern themselves with is understanding what fundamental dynamic drives the universe and shapes its future. The Potentialism hypothesis is one simple formula Q4P∞ → E+ no less profound in its reach and implications than E=mc²:


de Chardin’s Omega Point v. Birnbaum’s E+ Posted By Admin On June 20th, 2014 09:42 PM | Health Sciences

On Tuesday April 17, 2014, the second afternoon of the Bard College (Upstate, NY) 4-day international academic conference on David Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica series (see, as a group all the conference Panelists visited the nearby gravesite by the Hudson River of iconic religious philosopher Teilhard de Chardin. At the gravesite, Birnbaum himself read a poem in honor of the iconic thinker. The French Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881–1955) published, in 1950 (the year Birnbaum was born) his cosmological theory which he called the Law of Complexity/Consciousness. de Chardin postulates that the universe can only move towards greater Complexity and consciousness if it is being guided to do so by a Supreme being which pulls the universe onward towards Complexity. He states that this Omega Point, which he loosely identifies as Christ/God, is necessary to exist as the supreme state of Complexity, already existing and doing so outside the bounds of the universe, and He is the cause of the universe’s moving towards greater Complexity. Independent metaphysicist, David Birnbaum (see, released a theory which sounds similar on the surface. Potentialism was crafted in his three part treatise – Summa Metaphysica I: Religious Man (Ktav, 1988), Summa Metaphysica II: Spiritual Man (New Paradigm Matrix, 2005), and Summa Metaphysica III: Secular Man (New Paradigm Matrix, 2014). In it, Birnbaum describes a universal formula Q4P∞→ E+. He states that the universe is inherently designed to move forward towards greater and greater Complexity/Sophistication, towards what he calls Extraordinariation – an endgoal state of infinite Complexity/Sophistication. You’d think, at cursory glance, these two theories are just minor variations on a central theme. You would be terribly incorrect. Let us analyze de Chardin’s Omega Point in comparison to Birnbaum’s Extraordinariation (see


Basic tenets of the Omega Point: Omega: It must already exist, this infinitely Complex state, as it draws the universe like a cart behind it towards infinite Complexity. Potentialism: From a Potentialist perspective – if something is infinitely Complex…. it’s done. Game over. You win. There is no point to a universe where the Super-Complex already exists. The infinitely Complex is a destination, not a starting point; it would make Complexity redundant and meaningless. Omega: The Omega Point must be conscious. It cannot be an abstract concept. According to de Chardin, consciousness is a higher form of Complexity than physical Complexity and humans, as the first and only to achieve higher consciousness, represent the ultimate form of consciousness outside of God. Thus, it follows to de Chardin that God would be a higher form of Complexity in man’s image. Or, as de Chardin puts it a bit more humbly, man is a much less Complex form in God’s image. But either way you look at it, de Chardin is basically saying God has to be like us to be better than us. Potentialism: Potentialists would look at de Chardin’s theory as man’s bid for universal supremacy and “specialness”. However, Potentialists have a much more holistic view of the universe. Thought and matter are not comparable, though they can affect one another. Potentialists usually shy away from ranking them in order of importance when they exist in different realms. Inside their own realm, it is obvious there are higher orders. Molecules are higher order compared to atoms and emotion is higher ranking than instinct. But comparing cognition to nuclear fusion is a bit like comparing the number 5 to the color blue – it’s hard to get a meaningful conclusion from the exercise. Likewise, Potentialists approach the subject of God (1) more inclusively to all sciences and (2) with more humility. Potentialists do not pretend to know the nature of the drive towards Complexity/Sophistication, what they refer to as the Quest for Infinite Potential. They can see its working on a day to day basis, but its nature is not self-evident. It could as easily be an abstract


force as a conscious creator. More to the point though, Potentialists, while acknowledging there could be a conscious hand driving the universe, do not take to conjecturing the nature of such a necessarily unknowable force. Omega: The Omega Point must exist at the creation of the universe. It cannot be a result of the universe. To de Chardin, the Omega Point is necessary to pre-exist to pull the universe towards Complexity. As such, he says his SuperComplex being must exist outside the universe, attracting it towards him through Complexity. Potentialism: To Potentialists, the universe is driven by the Quest for Potential towards Complexity/Sophistication. Complexity/Sophistication is a result, not a cause in the everyday mechanics of the universe. Unlike de Chardin, a divinity in the Potentialist universe is allowed to reside there. de Chardin creates some hypothetical dimension where his Omega Point must be isolated-to while the universe, for some reason, is eternally playing catch up to it. Potentialists place the driving universal force, organically, front and center – permeating the universe itself (see Omega: The Omega Point must be free from the limitations of time and space, completely and autonomous – free from the confines of the physical universe. Again, to de Chardin, this requires his Omega Point to exist outside the universe. Potentialism: A few points here. One, de Chardin speaks repeatedly about this “place” outside the universe. Potentialism is not religion, it is science (allowing space for religion). Potentialists shy from using the word “universe” cavalierly. If they say universe, they mean universe. Everything. No exceptions to try and make a theory work. The concept of an omnipotent being with a self-imposed ban from the universe is an oxymoron to Potentialists. Any higher being must be able to exist within the framework of the universe. Indeed, it is a requirement. Something cannot be omnipresent and absent at the same time. Further, to quote one Potentialist: “God doesn’t need hacks.” Linear time is something humans are slaves to. There is no reason God cannot exist at all times at once. Further, by definition, one would think it is necessary to look at something supremely Omnipresent and Omniscient as existing throughout all


time-space. As to the hack comment, anything Omniscient would never need to break the laws of time and space. If one knows the outcome of all events and makes all laws themselves, then the universe should be exactly what is needed to be to accommodate any wish they have. Omega: The Omega Point is irreversible – it must happen and cannot be undone. Potentialism: This may be the only point Potentialism and the Omega Point agree upon – the unstoppable force of increasing Complexity/Sophistication. As you can see, Potentialism and de Chardin share very little in common short of their observation: that the universe is unstoppably increasing in Complexity/ Sophistication. But de Chardin sees this as a pulling effect from some Super-Complex, human-like divinity existing in another dimension pulling the universe along to, in effect, catch up with his own Complexity. While Potentialists do not all agree with a conscious divinity, they all do agree that there is certainly a force at work. But, Potentialists stick to what can be witnessed and proven. They identify a teleological type force which necessitates the universe’s continued increase in Complexity/Sophistication. It is at least semi-cognitive on some level, but not necessarily on an organic level like humans. Ironically, this leaves Potentialism at home with the agnostic, the spiritualist and the religious. For the agnostic, Potentialiosm just identifies a force, which can most certainly be seen as simply another law of the natural world. For the religious, it identifies a necessary force to creation and whether you ascribe it intelligence – well, that’s just as a matter of faith as it should be to the truly religious. To the religious Potentialist, Potentialism describes a universe at home with the divine, where the divine permeates every aspect of the cosmos from the tones of a symphony to an electron’s dance around its nucleus. They do not banish the divine to a lonely existence outside the universe of His own creation. To Potentialists, God is not just the end-goal Super-Complex, it is also the divine spark of creation – the Quest for the Infinitely Complex. A


Potentialist would be the first to point out that God proclaiming himself the Omega was only half the story. Revelations says, “I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last”. The beginning is the Quest towards the Infinitely Complex. The end is Extraordinariation – the expression of infinite Complexity, or as Potentialists usually put it more succinctly: Q4P∞→ E+. Notwithstanding all the clear differences between de Chardin’s Omega Point and Birnbaum’s E+, one cannot underestimate the extraordinary ‘common ground’ of the two. Both propose a teleological (direction-oriented) universe. Both clearly allow ‘space’ for Religion, to put it mildly. Both confidently unify Science, Philosophy and Spirituality. Both iconoclasts open extraordinary realms and windows into the cosmic order. While springing from different religious upbringings, Jesuit and Orthodox Jewish respectively, both are kindred-spirit apex player intellectual revolutionaries (see www.


The superlaw of potentialism: Posted by Garem | July 10, 2014

Q4P > E+: The overarching dynamic of the Cosmic Order The Quest for Infinite Potential is a ground-breaking, theory of cosmology for the 21st Century. Envisioned by private scholar and metaphysicist David Birnbaum, its principles are laid out in the three part series, Summa Metaphysica I, II and III (Ktav, 1988; New Paradigm Matrix, 2005; New Paradigm Matrix, 2014). See Birnbaum states that the universe is driven by an inherent need to grow ever increasingly more Complexification – more complex/sophisticated/varied/ wondrous. This Complexification (shorthand notation: C+) is driven by one simple ‘axiom’: Quest for Potential seeks-after Extraordinariation, or symbolically by formula: Q4P > E+. This overarching dynamic expresses that the Quest for Infinite Potential (Q4P) in all things in the universe follows a scripted path towards Extraordinariation (E+). E+ itself Birnbaum describes as the ultimate state of Complexification.


Birnbaum uses his coined term of Complexification to distinguish it from mere complexity. (Simple) complexity is an expression of the mechanistic complexity of a system – the workings of molecular bonding, the organic complexity of living entities, etc. Complexification covers both measurable complexity as well as more abstract complexity – human emotion, reason, spirituality, altruism, etc. But the very nature of the Potential dynamic lends itself to be both the foundations of Cosmic Law as well as the Cosmic Drive (see Potentialism is the central drive of the cosmos. It permeates every facet of existence. It is omnipresent and it is pervasive. From the formation of life to the more abstract formation of reason and art, it’s hand in creation can always be witnessed. Birnbaum states that the universe continually changes and that change is governed by the Quest for Infinite Potential. It is not only a universal, infinite drive – but it is the only drive. There is nothing in the universe that cannot be explained in terms of Potential-driven Complexification. But the very nature of Potential begs the question as to the origins of the laws themselves which govern the universe. As discussed, Potential not only drives Complexification, but it does so with intention – towards universal Extraordinariation. That much can be seen by simply observing the direction of evolution as well as unfolding complexity on a day to bay basis. From the spitting of cells, to the birth of a child, to the growing, higher reasoning of a developing human. More interesting though, is observing Complexification unfolding within the laws of the universe itself. It begs the question – How is the nature of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology just perfect to allow complexity to unfold as it needs to? The answer is profound in its simplicity. The laws of physics, like every other thing in the universe, are driven by Potential as well. To put it simply, the laws are optimized because, as a rule of Potentialism, they must be. There was never an alternative because the universe itself, as a whole, must strive towards Extraordinariation. It cannot seek a “near perfect” level of Extraordinariation – that will never suffice. Only one end-goal will do – perfect Extraordinariation however elusive that horizon-goal might be.


If the atomic forces were any stronger or weaker, atoms could not have formed properly. If atoms bonded differently, the necessary molecular structures we see now could not have been created – thus humanity could not have existed. But humanity itself is a necessary stepping stone in cosmic evolution. So humanity had to happen. Potential follows Extraordinariation, there is no runner up or secondary path that will do. To Potentialists, the laws of the universe are without exception and immutable. They are eternal and unchanging. That is the nature of Potentialism itself. When speaking of great changes in the universe, it may seem this rule can be broken – but this is not so. Think instead of cosmic law like a legal code – a constitution governing the universe itself. The laws themselves are permanent and unchanging. But like humans who draft a constitution, Potential has left the ability for amendments. The reasoning is the same for a human drafted constitution. It is foreseen that, in the future, situations may arise never envisioned when the original laws were drafted. For instance, it the time before molecules, it was not necessary to have a law beyond that which governed the formation of atoms. As such, the universe leaves itself free to add new laws in response to ever increasing complexity. When the universe gelled below Planck values, physics split and crafted the laws of gravity and quantum mechanics. When temperatures cooled enough for particles to become atoms, atomic laws was born; when the environment was ready for the formation of molecules, thus was born the rules governing molecular bonding; and when human evolution has was sufficiently advanced, thus was born the laws governing art and reason and emotion (see It is the pervasive nature of Potential that gives it the ability to hide in plain sight. When something is so intrinsic in the universe, on so fundamental a level, it is easily overlooked. But Potential is both the drive for cosmic Complexification as well as the creator of the laws which govern the universe itself. It is the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega, the drive of Potential and the distant realization of Extraordinariation (see www.


Eternal Origins: The X-Factor By Ron Moran | July 11, 2014

David Birnbaum’s ground-breaking work on Potentialism lays out the foundation for a new cosmological theory. Birnbaum discerns the missing ingredient – the X-Factor – in cosmological theory to-date. In deploying it, Birnbaum proposes a paradigm-change of the first order. What are the eternal origins of the cosmos? Where did the universe come from? Variations on this fundamental question have mystified scientists, philosophers and cosmologists since antiquity. It is true that science has come very far. It can show us, with some degree of certainty, what our universe was like in that first split second of the Big Bang. But that doesn’t really answer the cluster of eternal origins questions. Where did the Big Bang come from? What caused it? What are the eternal origins of the cosmic order itself? What birthed the Big Bang? From time immemorial (a) Religion (b) Science and (c) Philosophy have endeavored to answer the eternal origins question; all have reached essentially the same impasse, the same ~invisible barrier. No answer. Whether the (a) eternal origins of an asserted God, or (b) the catalyst of the Big Bang or (c) any heretofore philosophical theory, they all essentially hit the same invisible barrier and are left with no answer. (a) Religion: The scientific/academic community rejects classic Religion on multiple grounds: 1) Religion typically requires a sentient, interactive God; 2) Therefore, Religion requires something that works outside of all the known rules of the universe, meaning it requires the supernatural – and the supernatural is taboo to science; and 3) Religion front-and-center requires elements of blind faith, with no offered proof. (b) Science: Notwithstanding bluster regarding multiverses and/or String Theory as purported Theories of Everything – and as purported elegant solutions to cosmic origins - the scientific community remains “stuck’ regarding the origins of the cosmic order, and the more ‘recent’ Big Bang. Meaning there might indeed be multivere; String Theory may indeed advance


science; but neither concept/proposal gets us where-we-need-to-get: Eternal Origins of the cosmic order. (c) Philosophy: Over the past 5,000+ years, the philosophical community has not proposed an integrated and overarching conceptual framework which has demonstrated ongoing traction. The great Aristotle had his day, but emerging scientific facts over the centuries delegitimized the great bulk of his framework. Is there an alternative? In 1988, Manhattan-based yeshiva-educated and Harvard-educated conceptual theorist David Birnbaum published the first of his to-be three part Summa Metaphysica series (see www. SummaMetaphysica .com). In the landmark series, independent scholar David Birnbaum sets out to boldly do what no one has done before – bridge the worlds of science, philosophy and spirituality – and simultaneously crack the cosmic code. In essence, his goal was to provide an elegant theory of cosmology that could explain the universe from all perspectives under one overarching theory. He set a very, very high bar. Birnbaum’s groundbreaking theory is Potentialism. Quick-reference glossary: (see Summa = 3-volume Summa Metaphysica philosophy treatise by David Birnbaum Theory of Potential = Potentialism explicated in Summa (see Sequence1000. com) Q4P∞ = Quest for Potential∞ [shorthand: Q4P] = the core dynamic in Potentialism C+ = Complexification = the drive towards greater complexity, sophistication, variety and wondrousness E+ = Extraordinariation = end-goal of Q4P = hyper-Complexification X-Factor = The equation Q4P∞ > E+ = the dynamic/formula /superlaw which drives the cosmic order


The X-Factor Birnbaum audaciously discerns that one fundamental, elegant dynamic/ formula/superlaw rules the entirety of the universe and, indeed, is responsible for its very existence: Q4P∞ → E+. This equation, Birnbaum’s X-Factor, expresses the proposition that the Quest for Infinite Potential drives the universe ever onwards towards Extraordinariation. And this very concise and simple formula would indeed appear to be the conceptual plug-in which cracks-the-cosmic code. What is the Quest for Infinite Potential? In simplest terms, Q4P represents the universal, inherent and eternal drive for everything in the universe to seek higher levels of Complexification. What is Complexification (C+)? It is the Birnbaum-hypothesized cosmic intermediate drive – “Q4P’s handmaiden” – maneuvering the cosmos towards ever-greater complexity/sophistication/ variety/wondrousness. In its ongoing march of Complexification, the universe moves ever-and-ever closer to what Birnbaum then calls Extraordinariation (E+) – the universal end-goal – a horizon to be approached, but never quite realized – and a state otherwise defined as hyper-Complexification. In short, the cosmic order seekafter its own infinite potential – and this ‘journey’ drives the cosmic order. No one ever said that cracking the cosmic code was easy. Note that Birnbaum deploys an array of ‘new tools’ to construct his game-changer metaphysics. Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential now ‘stands alone’ at the very pinnacle of metaphysics. It is elegant and it is ‘accessible’. There is no metaphysics – from 5,000 years ago to the present – seriously challenging its aesthetic elegance, intellectual power, and fully-integrated construct; it ‘captures’ the max amount of information and data in its comprehensive conceptual net; there is no fact or Physics Law known to mankind which contradicts any component of the theory (see


20th Century Science 20th Century academic science – the Randomness/Atheism construct – is a construct de facto disingenuously imposed on global academic by a clique of atheists at a group of British colleges which control many of the academic journals. It is science devoid of the non-physical – consciousness; the aesthetic; the spiritual; the philosophical; as well as the possibility of the religious. 20th Century academic science recognizes only what it can measure in the laboratory as fact; it wades only very uncomfortably into the realm of theory or logic-driven solutions, preferring empirical laboratory evidence. 20th Century academic science draws conclusions based upon its self-admitted limited powers of analytic laboratory observation; it plans to father a construct of the entirety of the universe –in due course over the next 500 years or so – extrapolating from this relatively small set of data. In the 20th century, academic science became increasingly hostile to spiritual and philosophical theory; its cosmological theories began to reflect a justbeneath-the-surface hostility to them. To the “modern” 20th century scientist, only an empirically driven, resolved atheistic perspective of cosmology would be tolerated any longer. The result of this has been science trying to make informed theory using only the Randomness/Atheistic pinhole they have left themselves – through which to observe the entirety of cosmic history. Not surprisingly, their results regarding cosmic origins have not only been a dismal failure; the entrenched academic group’s overt hostility to any creative challenge to the prevailing Randomness/Atheistic model has quite seriously stifled debate and creative theorizing. The issue at hand is the self-imposed limitation to only work with empirical laboratory/observation evidence. Laboratories are in the here-and-now. Cosmic origins may not have looked-like a 20th century science lab. Furthermore, as you move back in time towards the Big Bang, laboratory evidence begins to become meaningless – as time and space itself disappear, there is nothing to measure or observe; the origins of the cosmos is more profound than test tubes or Particle Accelerators. In the realms of cosmology, ultimately, conceptual – backed by empirical observation/evidence – will trump laboratory-testable.


20th Century cosmological academic science failed ‘at launch’ and just did not know it. By their own determined limitations, the Randomness/Atheist group will never be able to explain pre-Big Bang existence. Ironically, as much as they point to religion as having no scientific validity, the intellectual corner which the Randomness/Atheist crew has backed itself into assures they will never be able to show anything more definitive or conclusive than the religious community does. At least the religious community declares upfront that it is ultimately hinged on faith. Philosophy and Religion Classic Religion, on the other hand, suffers the alternate limitation of science. Classic Religion’s casual attitude towards evidence and critical thinking leaves it stunningly unable to answer fundamental questions about the universe at all. Do understand, this is not to say religion is incorrect – simply that it cannot prove it is correct. That, coupled with a core requirement for a typically interactive universal creating/consciousness deity, ultimately leaves classic religion on tenuous intellectual ground – as has been well-known. Classic philosophy fares only slightly better. Without the demands of religious specificity, philosophy is able to focus on a theory based in pure reason. The problem with asserted pure reason is that it often pretty quickly “leaves earth orbit” – it often quickly detaches from any semblance of reality. Classic philosophy frees a disciplined mind from the rigors of empirical testing. And that is wonderful for free thought and radical thinking. But, at the end of the day, if you need a grounded-theory it must have solid empirical evidence to back it – as well as a theory ‘accessible’ to more than 3 people on the planet. The Summa option But Birnbaum brings an extraordinary and totally unique new option to the table – his fully-integrated Potentialism construct. The most striking part of Potentialism is that it utilizes the best of philosophy, science and spiritualism. It doesn’t take from just one field, but recognizes that each approach has its strengths and, when utilized together, those strengths overlap and cover the weaknesses each approach has when used on its own. Of course,


conceptual theorist Birnbaum does throw-in some of his own quite-powerful and quite-unique ingredients into his cosmic blender. # From science, Birnbaum uses its vast amounts of knowledge and powerful grasp of the arts of biology, physics, astronomy and mathematics – tapping into its vast stores of empirical data and power to process it. # From philosophy, Birnbaum unleashes the power of inductive reasoning and unhindered analytical thought – giving Potentialism the flexibility to discover and describe a wondrous universe beyond the current capacity of man to fully comprehend. # From classic Greek philosophy, Birnbaum runs-with Aristotle’s general concept of a teleologically- driven (purpose-driven) universe. That general teleology concept will indeed be integrated into the arsenal of several cuttingedge 21st century Thought Leaders. And as to spirituality/religion: Birnbaum crafts a unifying cosmological theory of a universal force and overarching power that guides the universe – purposefully, creatively and towards a defined goal, while deftly managing to avoid the pitfalls of deistic specificity so inherent in classic religion. Uniquely, Birnbaum provides a powerful metaphysical platform for any who wish to follow the path of Religion. In-the-mix, Birnbaum ‘solves’ the two classic (philosophically lethal) bugaboos of Religion - (1) Theogony: the origins of the Divine; and (2) Theodicy: the problem of Evil: reconciling an all-powerful God with gratuitous gross evil. In the long multi-millennium history of thought, Religion has had no truer ally than conceptual theorist Birnbaum. Let’s look at the cosmic origin question directly from Potentialism now. Eternal Origins in Potentialism Theory To Potentialists, the origin is Q4P itself. To put it simply – everything that can exist down-the-road affects Potential. Thus, anything that affects Potential, is in certain ways real already. For example, consider something as simple as a flower. The flower itself has its own Potential. It will grow, take in carbon dioxide, generate oxygen as it photosynthesizes – it will grow in form and have an impact on the world about it. But it also will potentially seed.


If it does, all those seeds can be flowers too and they will have the analogous inherent Potential which the fathering plant did. Here is the important part though – As the parent flower was the fount of all its children (and children of its children, ad infinitum), then all the Potential of all the generations of flowers that might come from the one flower are also inherent in the one single flower itself. That is, its Potential is the sum of the Potential of all the infinite potentials it might sire as well as its own immediate Potential. It’s this infinitely iterative power of things which exist in the universe which give their Potential such distinct and extraordinary power. Indeed, their Life Force itself. And that power is formed and focused towards a specific goal – Extraordinariation. As mentioned before, Extraordinariation is more a journey than goal. While not even necessarily truly attainable, as it is an abstract concept, a horizon to be sought, the journey itself fuels the universe as it grows. A Leveraged Buyout As discussed above, Potential is based both on what the Potential of a current thing in existence can become and what every generation after it can become. Influenced by the draw of E+, everything’s attempted continuationdrive towards greater Complexification is a foregone conclusion. This leads to what Birnbaum calls a cosmic leveraged buyout. Due to the iterative nature of Q4P∞ and its handmaiden C+, all complexity (and thus potential) of future generations is assured – resulting in a situation a modernday financial investor would partake-in called a leveraged buyout. A company is purchased by borrowing-from-the0-bank against its future potential earnings. On a Potentialist level, the origin of the cosmos is able to draw strength through itself and what it will be, to power what it must start as – making the end-goal of the cosmos fuel for its actual beginning. Breathtaking for sure, but the internal logic of a potential-based and potential-fueled cosmos holds. And only a potential-based cosmos could pull-off these neocircular metaphysical acrobatics. That is the ultimate genius of Birnbaum’s entire metaphysical construct.


Only 20 years-years ago this theory may have seen utterly farfetched and hard to explain, but quantum physics is starting to catch up to Birnbaum in recent years. Now, what appeared in Birnbaum’s 1988 Summa I as radical theory, is starting to be shown to have valid roots in cosmological academic science. Quantum theorists have recently been admitting that matter and energy are perfectly capable of spontaneously coming into their own existence according to pure, simple quantum physical laws. That is, the pure potential weight of what something can be, can be enough energy to cause its own existence (see 2006 book Programing the Universe by MIT’s Seth Lloyd…see But again, we find Birnbaum already well-ahead of the curve and moving to the next formidable issue. As science closes-in, they’ll find science and philosophy continue to converge. As to the religious? An astute religious observer might be keen to note that, while religion was not given any formal place at the argument – it needs none. The exact, precise nature of infinite Q4P isn’t actually known. Specifically, the precise nature – or genre – of its consciousness is unknown. Is it the consciousness of a super-computer or the consciousness of the God of Israel, for instance. To Birnbaum, it could very start as quantum-universe-super-computer, and evolve to the consciousness of the God at Sinai. The author very carefully leaves ‘space’ for this option – as well as for the option that Q4P itself is God. Of course he also leaves open the possibility of a totally secular Q4P as well. Birnbaum does not attempt to lock-in here; indeed, the author deliberately seems to want this particular terrain – the precise Divine/Spiritual/Secular nature of Q4P left open – and as flexible as possible to embrace perhaps 99% of the belief-systems of our planet. In another quadrant of his life Birnbaum is editor-in-chief of a landmark in-theworks 10-volume series on Jewish spirituality (with essays by 180+ leading global thought leaders). But in Summa Theory, Birnbaum is meticulously – and indeed almost fanatically – religion-neutral, spirituality-neutral and indeed God-neutral. And, of course, to do his job right – as a universalist metaphysicist – he needs to be vigilant on these scores. Any bias might undermine the endeavor to craft an enduring (“the” enduring) universal metaphysics.


Birnbaum’s concept that Q4P∞ is infinite divine potential powerfully metaphysically anchors the possibility of the classic Divine; the construct allows place for the divine; the construct grants metaphysical authenticity to the possibility of the classic Divine. And that is all faith requires. From Birnbaum’s perspective, living in a universe ruled by Potential is a divine world to be in. Note that no pre-Birnbaum metaphysics as-elegantly anchored the metaphysical authenticity/possibility of Spirituality and Religion. As well, note that no pre-Birnbaum metaphysics as-elegantly provided a fullyintegrated secular metaphysical construct for the cosmic order. The historic quest for the holy grail metaphysics – of the unification of Science, Spirituality and Philosophy – may be at-hand. Birnbaum discerns the X-Factor, the missing concept/equation. Plugging-it-in peels away the cosmic veil. The theory is bold, elegant and original. Birnbaum has done his homework well. Yeshiva-educated and Harvard-educated Manhattan-based conceptual theorist David Birnbaum elucidates his theory via his iconic 3-part treatise Summa Metaphysica: Volume I: Religious Man (Ktav, 1988), Volume II: Spiritual Man (New Paradigm Matrix, 2005) and Volume III: Secular Man (New Paradigm Matrix, 2014). Over a dozen colleges globally – from UCLA on the West Coast, to Brandeis on the East Coast, thru Hebrew University (Jerusalem) – have assigned the landmark work as a Course Text. Bard College (Upstate NY) hosted a 3 ½ day international academic conference in April 2012 on Summa Metpahysica: Unifying Science & Religion. Over three dozen feature articles globally have focused on Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica and its Theory of Potential -in over 20 journals - in the 2013-2014 period alone (see


Potentialism: The (Sole) Closed Causal Loop Metaphysics By Ron Moran | August 1, 2014

Potentialism, as envisioned by iconoclast conceptual theorist David Birnbaum, has been heralded as the one true closed causal loop metaphysics. Potentialism is detailed in Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica I, II and III (Ktav Publishing, 1988; New Paradigm Matrix, 2005; and New Paradigm Matrix, 2014, respectively). The treatise elucidates the overarching force of cosmic design. Encapsulated, the Birnbaum theory hypothesizes that one single dynamic – Quest for Potential (infinitely recursive) – ignited and drives-forth the entire cosmic order to this day. Its hypothesized goal is (Birnbaum’s coined term) Extraordinariation (see In it, Birnbaum elucidates the inter-related dynamics of Quest for Potential (as ‘cosmic push’) and Extraordinariation (as ‘cosmic pull’). The cosmic loop can be expressed as: Quest for Potential < loop > Extraordinariation or using shorthand notation Q4P < loop > E+ In Birnbaumian cosmology, the universe follows a clear destination: As the universe builds in Potential – the Potential for what it can and will be – it strives towards ever greater, infinite complexity towards a state of Extraordinariation. Evidence of this Infinite Quest for Potential can be seen in empirical observations of what Birnbaum refers to as Quantum Jumps (shorthand: QJ) – watershed moments where the universe can be seen to quantum step-up its inherent Complexity/Sophistication (see Birnbaum refers to these ‘QJ’ moments as quantum in nature, because they are clear expressions of undeniable step-up growth in Complexity: When the first atoms formed, when photons decoupled from matter, when the first molecules formed. These are undeniable truths in the galactic history which fundamentally changed the operations of physics itself (see


But what is specifically at issue here is the closed causal loop nature of Potentialism—the only metaphysics which – ever – to have managed to suffer and survive the arrows of all challengers. The Theory of Potential happens-tobe, as well, a ‘closed-loop metaphysics. Serious cosmologists have posited that the optimal metaphysics would indeed be a ‘closed loop’ metaphysic – as no external force is needed to actualize it. To illuminate the closed causal nature of Potentialism, it is easiest to envision Potentialism as a spiral of cause and effect. Indeed, spiral forms are a central dynamic of Potentialism. The ‘spiral’ is apparent in both the trajectory of solar systems as well as in greater galactic structures. And, according to Potentialism, anything that is universally true, often has a physical manifestation in the physical universe itself. Quest for Infinite Potential drives-forward towards Infinite Complexity/ Sophistication – which-in turn seeks-after its own Potential. Q4P∞ > E+


Q4P∞ > E+


Q4P∞ > E+

ad infinitum

(‘Cosmic push’) Quest for Potential advances towards (‘cosmic pull’) Extraordinariation. In-tandem this spiral causes the universe to seek after its own Potential - infinitely and inexorably. The dynamic is often viewed by Potentialists themselves as a spiral, as one causes/energizes another, in an ongoing spiraling loop. This is the inherent closed causal loop we speak of. A true, closed causal loop should be both the instigator and result of itself. Paul Davies, in the Goldilocks Enigma (Penguin Press, 2006), described such a closed causal loop: “A fully satisfactory explanatory loop would have to yield a complete explanation for everything, laws included. It should also tell us why those laws are bio-friendly.” And, indeed our Theory of Potential loop does both (a) provide a universal explanation and (b) is bio-friendly because bio is a route via life to Extraordiariation. To John Wheeler, a closed causal loop goes one step further. Wheeler


introduced the participatory principle. Wheeler states that in a closed causal system, the universe needs not only to be self-creating, but it must also contain observers – in short, the universe must create its own awareness to fulfill its state of closed causality. Wheeler is recognized as a giant in Physics. He collaborated with the likes of Einstein, Neil Bohr and Richard Feynman. Wheeler’s Participatory Anthropic Principle, which states the need for the universe to have a conscious observer for its full existence, carries not insignificant weight in the scientific community. Accepting Wheeler’s challenge is Potentialism (see www.PotentialismTheory. com). In a Potentialist universe, the universe itself necessarily moves towards greater and greater complexity. And it necessarily incorporates the birth of conscious observation, as it is a necessary step towards the ever increasing Complexity/Sophistication of the cosmos. It is no happenstance that Q4P∞ and E+ can sit on either side of the Potentialist cosmic equation. They are both, the beginning and end, the alpha and omega. To understand this fully, we must look at the nature of each (see ‘Cosmic push’ Potential is drawn forward by ‘cosmic pull’ Extraordinariation – which itself is an infinite multiplicity of Potentials seeking after Extraordinariation – which a) ongoing instigates Quest for Potential; the two dynamics ratchet-off of each other; the greater the one, the greater the other, and b) in a cosmos which has components of circularity in time, Extraordinariation possibly loops-around, and catches-a-ride on Quest for Potential to supercharge the in-tandem quest – both components in an infinite ratcheting/looping. Sort of a Cosmic Particle Accelerator in a spiral loop; only here it is a Cosmic Potential Accelerator. As one can readily see, en toto this fits the definition of a ‘closed causal system’ which Wheeler and Davies have both sought. The Potentialism system is both the result and cause of itself. While Wheeler and Davies were seeking a single element, what they really needed to look for was a single ‘concept’ or ‘dynamic’. And Potentialism clearly provides both ‘concept’ and ‘dynamic’: Potential is both the cause-of and the result-of the universe itself.


Birnbaum’s simple, elegant, innately intuitive core formula of cosmology is: Q4P∞ → E+ Quest for Potential within Potential > is both ignited-by and seeks-after > the infinite multiplicities of Potential (Extraordinariation) – themselves questing after their in-tandem infinite potentials. Thus, the (sole) closed causal loop. The ‘initial’ spark? Not so simple at all. A cosmic veil cloaks this component. On some level, the very possibility of Extraordinariation ‘down-the-road’ retroactively sparks the process. But of course intuitively we now know, that both metaphysical PUSH (Q4P) and metaphysical PULL (E+) in-concert exerted sufficient (neo-sexual) ‘friction’ to produce the ‘initial spark.’ One can hypothesize simply that if there were no drive whatsoever inherent in cosmic realms to advance/complexify/potentialize, then we simply would have Nothing.


Potentialism: 25th Anniversary of Launch or The Law of Unintended Consequences as applied to Philosophy By Justice Pretorius | August 5, 2014

The Theory of Potential was conceptualized by maverick metaphysicist David Birnbaum in the 1980s; it premiered on the world stage in November 1988 via Summa Metaphysica I, then titled God and Evil (KTAV). The work was the finale of a roughly twenty-five year quest by Birnbaum to lance the ages-old classic theological/philosophical problem of Theodicy. Now, the Theodicy problem runs roughly as follows: If there is, indeed, a God who is all-powerful and all-merciful, why is there gross evil? The German philosopher Leibniz is given credit for coining the term Theodicy (in 1710), but of course the particular philosophical/religious ‘conundrum’ spans intellectual discourse from time immemorial. Birnbaum would ultimately deploy one single (lean & mean) concept/dynamic to simultaneously solve the conundrum; it would lance not just Theodicy, but a dozen+ conceptual problems spanning religious philosophy, secular philosophy, and science (see The concept/dynamic which Birnbaum conceptualizes and deploys? Quest for Potential (infinitely iterated). Birnbaum’s Summa I work was published in November 1988, but the epiphany-moment (the ‘light bulb’ moment, the ‘eureka-moment’) was almost seven years earlier, January 1982. At that early-1982 point, Birnbaum realized that he had potentially ‘solved’ not only ‘Theodicy,’ but also the parallel


problem in religious philosophy ‘Theogony.’ The Theogony problem runs roughly as-follows: From whence eternal God? Now, many religions dictate that no answer is necessary to the question “because God is by definition eternal.” However, many demanding (religious) souls are not quite satisfied by that answer. Indeed, Lurianic Kabbalah (c. 16th Century), a key strain in Jewish mysticism, and a fount for Birnbaum’s contemporaty metaphysics, is heavily centered on the Theogony issue. The Lurianic En Sof (NO END) would be pegged-off of by Birnbaum to philosophically tether his late 20th century Quest for Potential construct. In any event, Birnbaum realized that his particular ‘solution’ to Theodicy was simultaneously a solution to Theogony. Birnbaum spent about five years – using his (‘primitive’) little Apple II computer/word processor – crafting God and Evil, which, after editing by Ktav Publishing, made-an-appearance in late 1988, as noted above. However, in the course of writing the book, the author became increasingly convinced that his central ‘signature concept’ – Infinite Quest for Potential – elegantly solved, as well, myriad core problems in secular philosophy, metaphysics and, indeed, even in astrophysics. Birnbaum held his fire and focused primarily on Theodicy in Summa I. But he carefully and explicitly embedded the solution to Eternal Origins in his key Unified Formulation: Outline Summary (section 99.00 of the God and Evil book) – and amplified upon it. Birnbaum would return to Eternal Origins in Summa II: Spiritual Man: God and Good 2005, and then in much more focused scientific-oriented form in Summa Metaphysica III: Secular Man: The Transcendent Dynamic (2014). The ultimate and universal ‘core issue’ solved was the classic Eternal Origins question. This issue had been the classic conundrum for secularists and scientists for just as long as Theodicy and Theogony had been problems for the religious. The Eternal Origin question essentially wraps-around the Theodicy and Theogony questions, and, indeed impacts all other key philosophical issues


by virtual of its very core centrality. Thus the initial quest for a solution to Theodicy led to an elegant solution to Theogony; a solution to Theogony leads in short order to a solution to the classic Eternal Origins question; a solution to Eternal Origins readily opens the door to a solution to Teleology (cosmic purpose); A simultaneous solution to Eternal Origins and Teleology , in turn leads to resolutions of a series of other classic and modern not fully resolved philosophical-scientific conundrums, Evolution included. All three Summa books consistently parlay Birnbaum’s core Theory of Potential; Birnbaum is consistent through all three volumes: Infinite Potential is eternal; Infinite Potential drives the cosmic order; the purpose of Man is to seek-after his optimal potential (see Summa I has not been tweaked since publication in 1988; Summa II and Summa III dovetail seamlessly from it. It is this smooth flow from science through religion which psyched-out the British Randomness/Atheist academic junta in 2013. The Birnbaum ‘dynamic’ seemed to work not only in scientific presentations (see Summa III), and not only in spiritual exposition (see Summa II), but also in his original religious exposition (see Summa I). Birnbaum had discerned a potential natural (non-supernatural) dynamic – Quest for Potential (infinitely iterating) – which was potentially not only at the core of the Divine (if there indeed is a classic Divine) but as well at the core of a secular cosmic order. Meaning, the cosmos has a direction and purpose; it is not aimless and one does not have to rely on a supernatural entity to give it direction and purpose (see One concept – Infinite Quest for Potential – eternal, the igniter of the cosmic order, the driver of the cosmos – and its purpose. Through a religious lens, at the core of the Divine; through a spiritual lens, the spiritual fount of the cosmic order; through a secular lens, the transcendent dynamic of the cosmos.


The Cosmic ‘Free Lunch’: Stephen Hawking v. David Birnbaum By Veronica Davis | August 19, 2014

University of Cambridge physicist Stephen Hawking views the existence/ emergence of our universe as fundamentally a ‘free lunch.’ This means that, according to Hawking, there is no need for God or for a divine spark – or indeed, for any unseen dynamic to have created the universe. Citing the physics of dark matter, he notes that the universe can be theorized to simply appear out of nothing; more precisely, he asserts that so long as ‘regular matter’ and ‘dark matter’ are theorized to be equal (a Net Zero situation) then there’s no need for any extraneous force – whether supernatural or natural. Meaning, per Hawking, if the positives and negatives (of matter in particular) cancel each other out, there is no need for an initial prime spark. Note that Hawking’s particular logic here will be challenged by many – both inside the physics field and out. Metaphysicist and conceptual theorist David Birnbaum of Manhattan formidably challenges the Hawking ‘logic’. The Manhattan cosmologist is the author of a compelling metaphysics treatise which trumps key assertions of Hawking. Birnbaum’s critically acclaimed Theory of Potential will demonstrate that the illustrious Hawking’s position is a perhaps too simplistic a reading of a quite-sophisticated universe (see Birnbaum’s theory is expounded via his 3-part treatise Summa Metaphysica (1988, 2005, 2014). The theory does not posit God but it does leave open the possibility of same. The centerpiece motif of the Birnbaum metaphysics is that infinite divine potential (Birnbaum’s term) drives the cosmic order.


The three volumes of Birnbaum’s treatise are Summa I: Religious Man (November 1988, Ktav Publishing), Summa II: Spiritual Man (March 2005, New Paradigm Matrix), and Summa III: Secular Man (January 2014, New Paradigm Matrix). Per Birnbaum’s well-acclaimed treatise, all three typologies – Religious, Spiritual and Secular Man – are metaphysically valid. See www. In our first paragraph above we noted the Hawking position. Note that there are four inter-related fundamental challenges to the Hawking stance: (1) A Net Zero physical universe certainly does not preclude the spiritual or the divine. (2) Just what ignited and drives this Net Zero universe? (3) Hawking does not explain the wondrousness and rich complexity of the universe (4) We do not know at all conclusively that ‘regular matter’ and ‘dark matter’ are indeed in precise equal balance – nor will we probably ever know. Challenge 1: The Hawking so-called logic is a non-sequitur (Latin for “it does not follow”). Why? Because a possible balance in matter, does not logically mandate the never-existence of God; there is no logic-imperative from the assertion (a Net Zero universe) to the alleged conclusion (a never-ever God universe). Challenge 2: Hawking blesses his Net Zero universe as “God-free”; but just where did his little Net Zero universe come from? What ignited it? What drives it forward? What/who brought all this ‘matter’ – regular and dark – into existence in the first place? For a top physicist who is playing cosmologist – who then dismisses the possibility of an infinite divine – Hawking does not seem to have serious answers to serious key questions. Hawking is known as sometimes hard-line Atheist. Has the great Hawking indeed checked-out the far corners of the cosmic order on which to base his definitive conclusion that there is definitely no overarching drive or spirituality to the extraordinary Cosmic Order? Has he indeed ‘checked every closet’? Is the scientific method now hinged on cavalier shoot-from-the-hip conclusions? On what scientific basis has the Cambridge scientist cavalierly proven a negative – to the effect that there is no divine across the Cosmic Order? Hawking uses a sketchy, at best, entirely unsupported side theory of quantum


mechanics – “spontaneous matter” – to explain the entirety of creation; a dubious side theory which is wholly inadequate to explain the rich complexity of the universe we live in. To plug the gap in his theorizing, Hawking disingenuously throws around this ‘fringe’ side theory of ‘spontaneous matter’; but this little concept is but a theoretical tangent of the larger more accepted theory of quantum mechanics. Readers should bear-in-mind that over the span of scientific/intellectual history, ‘spontaneous emergence’ theories have tended to have short ‘shelf-lives’; indeed, none have survived eventual careful scrutiny. Challenge 3: Hawking fails to address – or even acknowledge – the full complexity of the universe itself. Don’t misunderstand, Hawking does an excellent job of describing a sun, a planet, a black hole – but these are all physically complex systems. How does Hawking describe art, love, consciousness, morality, and any number of abstract, esoteric concepts; indeed, how does he account for our beyond-extraordinary universe which has been inexorably advancing for billions of years? Simply put, he doesn’t. Hawking fails at the same turn most every physicist does. In order to present his system, he simply has to ignore large, gaping swaths of reality. And that, in a nutshell, is why Hawking falls short compared to Potentialism; he is missing the conceptual metaphysical tools to truly understand the totality of the universe. Birnbaum proposes a natural dynamic – infinite quest for potential – driving the cosmic order towards greater and greater complexification (see Many have made-the-case that there is an unseen hand – whatever exactly that unseen hand is – expressed in our extraordinary universe. Why is Hawking totally ruling-out any ‘direction’ to the universe. Has the local Oxford ‘other directed’ Group-Think mentality of the (ruling) British Randomness/Atheist academic junta compromised Hawking’s typically astute vision? Challenge 4: No one that we are aware of has actually measured either all the ‘regular matter’ or all the ‘dark matter’ in our expanding universe. But, in any event, as far as Net Zero goes, the current scientific community consensus is that the figure is not actually zero. There is apparently a slight imbalance in the equation. According to Hawking’s own logic, does a slight differential then actually mandate a divine – or, at a minimum, an unseen


hand? Context & Summary: In his 2010 work (see The Grand Design, Bantam Press, by Hawking and Mlodinow), Cambridge physicist Hawking invalidates a religious approach, a spiritual approach, a philosophical approach, or even a direction-oriented approach towards the universe. Hawking is actually emblematic of the 20th century pinnacle British academic crew which has politically hyperaggressively championed Randomness/Atheism across global academe. To the Oxford-Cambridge elite, all is random chance: the universe, life, consciousness….everything. “Randomness and decay” is their (implausible) central motif. Maverick Manhattan metaphysicist Birnbaum, to the contrary, posits a concrete metaphysical theory of a direction-oriented universe; via his core theme of Infinite Potential he validates the possibility of a religious approach – or a spiritual approach – or a totally secular approach. He posits and comprehensively develops his Theory of Potential – a purpose-oriented view of the universe. Per Birnbaum, the universe (instinctively?) seeks-after its greatest possible/maximal potential – short term, medium term and long term. Summa I, the first book of Birnbaum’s seminal series, was published in November 1988; the work would be deployed as a Course Text at over a dozen institutions of higher learning globally in the 1990s (see www. At that point, Birnbaum did not have significant ‘covering fire’ in contemporary academic scientific/philosophical literature. Per Birnbaum, there is indeed ‘no Free Lunch’. Rather, Infinite Potential – in concert with the eternal components of Physics-Math – ignited our cosmos – and propels it onward; this cosmic ignition/Big Bang ultimately delivered-forth both the ‘regular matter’ and ‘dark matter’ which Hawking focuses on (see Subsequent to the turn-of-the-21st century, at least three key academic books have been published which directly or indirectly support and/or dovetail with intellectual maverick Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential hypothesis:


Programming the Universe (Knopf, 2006) by Professor of Quantum Mechanics Seth Lloyd of MIT. Mind & Cosmos (Oxford Press, 2012) by Professor of Philosophy & Law Thomas Nagel of NYU. Our Mathematical Universe (Knopf, 2014) by Professor of Physics Max Tegmark of MIT. Initially, from 1988-2006 Birnbaum ‘stood alone’ against the Randomness/ Atheist British hierarchy which held sway across global academe in physics/ philosophy. The British group vainly (and bizarrely) exerted extreme pressure to attempt isolate and invalidate Birnbaum. Their egregious gambit backfired however, and only served to draw important global media focus on the Theory of Potential. Then, as noted above, between 2006-2014 the publication of the important books of the two formidable MIT ‘physics guns,’ plus the philosophy book of NYU’s Nagel, all de facto vindicated Birnbaum’s conceptual approach. All of a sudden, in 2014, Birnbaum has quiteformidable academic firepower backing him up. Note that MIT – the academic base of Birnbaum’s two key physics ‘allies’ – is widely rated as the world’s #1 university. On the global cosmology chessboard, no flaw has been discerned in Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica since first published by Ktav in 1988. Originally the challenger, Birnbaum currently holds a formidable position in the global cosmology field. After 50+ journal articles focused on his vibrant and fully-integrated Theory of Potential in the past 15 months alone, the opposing (20th century British) theory of Randomness appears increasingly anachronistic. See Per Hawking and the (British) Randomness crew there is a ‘Free Lunch’ – our little universe just-happened to pop into existence. Per Birnbaum we should always be vigilant against politically correct ‘Emperor’s Clothes’ scenarios – no matter who is championing the gambit. Rather, there is no ‘Free Lunch,’ but there is, indeed, an unseen hand to the cosmic order; and it is, indeed, a totally natural dynamic – Summa Metaphysica’s proposed Infinite Quest for Potential. * For the record & personal disclaimer: While it’s interesting to to research such science, I personally believe that God created all.

Physicist Tegmark and Metaphysicist Birnbaum

re: Summa Metaphysica’s Potentialism Theory By rockymarciano | 20 Aug 2014

definitions: MUH: Physicist Tegmark’s ‘MUH hypothesis’ (2014) – the Mathematical Universe Hypothesis which posits that mathematics is the supremd determinant /matrix of the cosmic order. Potentialism: David Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential (aka Summa Metaphysica’s Potentialism Theory): Via his 3-part Summa Metaphysica treatise (1988, 2005, 2014) – which posits that (his hypothesized) Infinite Quest for Potential dynamic is the supreme determinant and overarching dynamic of the cosmic order – with mathematics in a (crucial albeit) subordinate role (see http://www.SummaMetaphysica. com). In his 2014 work, Our Mathematical Universe (Knopf), MIT physicist Max Tegmark posited that the universe is ruled by MUH. As a proposed Theory of Everything, Tegmark has stated that his MUH defines the entire universe in terms of a mathematical expression. Wrapping-around Tegmark – even before Tegmark crafted his MUH theory – is David Birnbaum of Manhattan, independent scholar, metaphysicist and conceptual theorist. While to Tegmark (2014) the universe is ruled entirely by mathematics, to Birnbaum (1988) the universe is ruled by the abstract force of Infinite Potential – and Physics-Math acts as a vehicle for Potential to reach its cosmic ends of maximum expression of Potential. To be clear, Birnbaum’s position is not a denial of a pervasive Physics-Math nature of the universe; rather, it is a matter of emphasis and core centrality; put another way, it is a matter of causation: Is Physics-Math ‘master’ or ‘slave’? There are several fundamental problems with Tegmark’s MUH as overarching and self-contained. Firstly, a universal drive must, by definition, be eternal.


This is simply not true of MUH. It’s commonly held knowledge that the mathematical structure of physics-math breaks down when approaching Planck values – the pre-Big Bang state of the universe itself. To call MUH a universal drive is to necessarily ignore the paradox that the drive could not exist at the beginning of the universe itself. Summa Metaphysica’s Potentialism Theory, by contrast, has no such problems. Unlike the static, inflexible MUH – Potential is dynamic; it is an infinite and inexorable drive towards ever-greater-and-greater Potential. By definition potential/possibility is eternal – and future-oriented. Whether or not Physics-Math – as we know it today – is eternal is debatable, but PhysicsMath is missing the future-orientation and drive of Infinite Potential (see http:// The second issue with MUH is even more glaring. Tegmark’s theory simply cannot account for the existence and extent of the universe’s extraordinary and rich complexity. To quote Birnbaum, “How does one get from a geometric triangle to a love triangle?” It may be a tongue in cheek question on Birnbaum’s part, but the truth is clear. Mathematics might work nicely to describe physical complexity, but it fails utterly to explain large parts of existence – thought, art, beauty, morality, love, jealousy, treachery, to name just a few. Again, while mathematics in isolation fails, Potentialism does not. Summa Metaphysica’s Potentialism Theory (aided and abetted by PhysicsMath) explains abstract concepts as readily as it explains the physical universe; all complexity in the universe is explained cleanly by the one central Birnbaumian concept – Infinite Potential inexorably seeking-after its own infinite potential. That being said, Tegmark’s work does serve a very crucial purpose. His work astutely describes the mathematical principles governing the physical universe. While Tegmark may overstate the core fundamentality of mathematics, his MUH – as a matrix pervading the universe – does give a powerful, perspective of the underlying physical aspects of the world. Certainly, MUH goes far beyond (outdated, 20th century) Randomness Theory in expressing the holistic/integrated nature of the physical universe. Perhaps it is best to think of Tegmark’s work not as ‘incomplete’, but rather as ‘crucial and auxiliary’ – to Potentialism Theory ; meaning, that Tegmark’s


MUH is a mathematical description of the current underlying matrix of the universe (note a convergence with Spinoza here). Tegmark’s MUH is a crucial key auxiliary component of the eternal, key and core universal dynamic of Birnbaum’s Infinite Potential. Birnbaum’s fuller term for his dynamic is Quest for Potential∞(shorthand: Q4P) – the crucial ‘cosmic igniter and driver’ component that Tegmark’s theory is missing. The core component of Birnbaum’s Potentialism is that at eternal origins infinite Quest for Potential telescoping forward infinitely harnessed the eternal components of Physics-Math to ignite the cosmic order; thus, to Birnbaum, Physics-Math is key but not the so to speak ‘Prime Mover.’ While Tegmark sees MUH as the master of the cosmos, in reality per Birnbaum’s overarching metaphysics, mathematics is only a ‘slave’, albeit a pre-eminent and quiteawesome slave, of Potentialism’s universal Infinite Potential (see http://www.


Three Views on Evolution: Randomness, ID, Potentialism August 21, 2014

Contemporary Evolution thought currently falls across three main theories – Randomness, Intelligent Design (ID), and, as of the turn-of-the-century, Potentialism; this newest theory was released in 1988 by philospoher David Birnbaum via Ktav Publishing in the first of his three-part philosophical treatise Summa Metaphysica (1988, 2005, 2014). See www.SummaMetaphysica. com Randomness Randomness was the prevalent cosmology of the 20th century. Founded on atheist principles, it was an attempt to completely divorce the universe from abstract philosophy, spirituality, any form of religion, and any semblance whatsoever of ‘direction/purpose/intentionality.’ To Randomness, cosmic evolvement is ruled entirely by chance. To Randomness proponents, Evolution simply tries new features endlessly; the ones which turn out to be an advantage are kept because those displaying it will survive to breed. The universe itself evolves completely mindlessly. The Big Bang, galaxies, star systems, life, vertebrates, humankind, consciousness are just happenstance and part of the cosmic genetic lottery. Of course, there is an ‘internal contradiction’ here: On the one hand Randomness posits that there is no direction whatsoever to the universe; on the other hand, as regards Evolution in particular, Randomness is adamant that genetic survivability is a de facto ‘constant’ which has been sustained for several hundred million years. ‘Genetic survivability’ as universal? Interesting; a seeming glaring exception (to supposedly ‘aimless’ Randomness) at the very core. Intelligent Design (ID) ID experienced a renaissance of popularity late in the 20th century – largely


in reaction to Randomness Theory. ID proposes the universe most definitely moves with intentionality. In modern context, ID has often been used as an argument for proof of God’s existence, which has put ID in direct confrontation with Randomness; subsequently, ID has been the subject of quite-vitriolic attacks from atheist opposition; the prime gambit has been to mock, if not totally humiliate, its chief academic/scientific protagonists. There is, indeed, a widespread belief that ID is just a stalking-horse for Creationist God in general, and the Christian version thereof, in particular. However, clearly there are serious academics with no hidden agenda inthe-mix of ID protagonists as well. In any event, as the name of the theory directly implies, Intelligent Design believes in an intelligent, probably conscious designer. Some, if not most, ID proponents believe that the unseen designer effected humans as a so to speak ‘finished product.’ ID itself, while a philosophical gateway for the possibility of the divine, is nevertheless founded on scientific theory, or, at least, its protagonists’ conception of scientific theory. The argument is largely stated as such: Life in the universe is simply too complex and complex to have happened by mere chance. More specifically, ID was based on two principles: Irreducible Complexity and Specified Complexity. In the early 21st century, a third principle was ingathered from the mainstream scientific community itself: ‘The FineTuned Universe. a) The ‘Irreducible Complexity’ argument: Certain biological systems – like the human eye – are asserted to be too complex to have gradually evolved from simpler or ‘less complete’ predecessors. b) The ‘Specified Complexity’ argument: Basically, the argument that a human being is too complex a system to have come about by random chance ‘survivability.’ The existence of specified complexity is used as evidence of outside manipulation of a natural process – that is to say, the intelligent hand of some high-level unseen designer.


c) The ‘Fine-Tuned universe’ argument This is the proposition that the constants relating to the multiple variables in the universe necessary for Life each lie within such a narrow range, that one cannot assign the extraordinary/extreme confluence of all these variables to random chance; meaning, the existing confluence of variables which has yielded and sustains Life could simply not have come about by random chance; Moreover, even with the add-on proposition of multiple universes, the possibility/probability of all the variables coming-together by chance is de facto 0. Potentialism The newest of the cosmological theories is Potentialism: David Birnbaum’s Potentialism, as a whole, is based on the foundation of the Birnbaumhypothesized (natural) dynamic – Infinite Quest for Infinite Potential. The underlying premise is that everything in the universe has an inherent drive which causes it to seek its own greatest potential. See www. Birnbaum’s position is that this dynamic – Infinite Quest for Potential - is driving Evolution: According to the hypothesis, Quest for Potential (shorthand: Q4P) directs the universe via Complexification (shorthand: C+) towards ultimate Extraordinariation (shorthand: E+). Complexification (C+) = the hypothesized drive towards greater complexity/ sophistication/richness/diversity/wondrousness Extraordinariation (E+) = the hypothesized cosmic quest towards the goal/ horizon of ultimate Complexification So, symbolically, Q4P > C+ > E+.


This equation is referred-to as the SuperLaw. Per Birnbaum this same SuperLaw is operating across-the-spectrum – from macro universe-level all the way down thru the sub-atomic, quantum level. Somewhere in the middle of the spectrum is Evolution – and the SuperLaw operates here, as well. In short, it is the Common Denominator of the Cosmic Order. So, with Quest for Potential driving Natural Selection, as well as the entire universe itself, the core inter-related three key components driving the Evolution process – under the umbrella of Infinite Quest for Potential – would then be – # genetic survivability – necessary, albeit not sufficient. # Complexification (C+) = the drive towards a greater panoply of Potential # Extraordinariation (E+) = the quest towards ultimate Infinite Potential Thus, Birnbaum extracts the component ‘survivability’ from mainstream Evolution science; he then supplements ‘survivability’ with two other, albeit related, dynamics, his C+ and his E+. Thus, after the eons we end up with Beethoven, and not just survival-friendly slugs. Potentialism believes in an overarching natural cosmic dynamic – Infinite Quest for Potential. The nature of the inherent drive might be something akin to cosmic intuitiveness; not necessarily intelligence or consciousness, as we commonly understand those terms. Per Potentialism this drive may or may not have evolved into classic God at some point – and for an undetermined span of time, if it indeed did so; Potentialism takes no definitive position on this point other than to posit its possibility (see While Infinite Quest for Potential is not necessarily ‘intelligent,’ as ID dictates, the natural force does move with an intentionality. Unlike Randomness, Potentialism recognizes that the universe does most definitely move with purpose – towards ever increasing Complexification enroute towards Extraordinariation, the elusive horizon/goal of the Cosmic Order (see www.


Regarding ID’s three key arguments, the Potentialism position regarding each of the three arguments noted above would be as-follows: (a) Potentialism believes that the ‘irreducible complexity’ argument is wrong; Potentialism believes that ID underestimates the extraordinary ability/proclivity of Evolution to morph and iterate – from simple to more complex – over the eons; (b) Potentialism believes that the ‘specified complexity’ argument indeed holds true on a universe-level; meaning that our inter-dependent holistic universe is too complex, rich, and extraordinary to have come about – and have prevailed over the billions of years – simply by random chance. (c) Potentialism, in concert with contemporary mainstream science, is quite sympathetic-to the ‘Fine-Tuned Universe’ argument. Potentialism: The one unifying theory How did we get to Beethoven? Randomness certainly did not get us there. God? There may or may not be the God of Creation. A universal and ongoing quest for potential, indeed may have gotten us to Beethoven. The most elegant and powerful hypothesis to-date – would seem to be Potentialism; as noted, its SuperLaw is: Q4P > C+ > E+; and the day-to-day ‘biological mechanism’ would be Evolution.


The Cosmic T-Shirt 21 Aug 2014

In 1989, Nobel Prize winning physicist Leon Lederman of Illinois wrote, “We hope to explain the entire universe in a simple formula you can put on your T-shirt.” Ironically enough, a year before Lederman published his observation, metaphysicist and independent scholar, David Birnbaum of Manhattan, had actually given this very formula. Birnbaum’s quite super-concise “T-Shirt formula?

Q4P∞ In his three part Summa Metaphysica series, Birnbaum laid out the most audacious, groundbreaking and, indeed, complete cosmological theory ever presented (see Not only did Summa I (1988) include a theory of cosmic evolution and design, it explicitly gave the formula to Lederman’s to-be (1989) ‘T-Shirt Theory of Everything’ challenge. And just as Lederman, as well as such other notable minds as Albert Einstein had predicted, it was indeed as simple as expected and hoped- for. The Quest for Infinite Potential drives the universe forward. (See also www. The formula was also graphically portrayed as Q4P∞ (Q4P∞ (Q4P∞ ( or Quest for Potential ( Quest for Potential ( Quest for Potential ( For our T-shirt, let us simply call it Q4P∞. See also That is, Quest for Potential (infinitely iterated) actually defines the cosmic


order. A quarter of a century after Summa I was released by Ktav Publishing, Birnbaum’s Q4P∞ remains unchallenged – and at the very pinnacle of cosmological theory (see What does this simple equation mean? What is this Quest for Infinite Potential? The theory is as simple as the formula itself: Infinite Potential seeks after ever-greater Infinite Potential. Birnbaum, when investigating the cosmological origins of the universe, was struck by one simple fact – everything in the universe was getting more complex – and, over time seemingly more sophisticated and extraordinary. Not just a few physical phenomena, but everything that was not inanimate. (see Sometimes something is so pervasive, like the air we breathe, that we take it for granted and don’t even see what is right before our very eyes. Such is the case with Potential. And it is literally everywhere. On our very planet we can see it in the evolution of plants and trees; we see it in the broader ecosystem looking at our planet as a whole with its myriad of environments and different microcosms of complex interactions. And it all came into existence on a ball of rock with a molten core. Birnbaum observes: Everything in the universe has a natural, inborn need to seek its own higher Complexification. Birnbaum defines Complexification (shorthand notation: C+ ) as the drive towards greater complexity/ sophistication/richness/variety/wondrousness. Entities seek Complexification: Whether that be by morphing into an atom, a molecule, or an organism, the drive is Complexification. As well, entities can advance in C+ by reproducing – as sheer numbers increase the complexity of something as well. Complexification: Take, for instance, Birnbaum’s description of human Complexification. On the surface, humanity is arguably the most complex creature we know. Among other profound abilities, humans can reason, dream, fashion tools, shape its own environment – and over many thousands of years, it has evolved to do so. But humanity also makes small changes in Complexification on an individual


level every day. Broadly, personal complexity can be thought of as either intrinsic complexity or multiplicative complexity. Intrinsic is when a person grows in complexity through knowledge and experience, literally becoming more complex as they mature. Multiplicative complexity is expressed by humanity’s ability to procreate. In short, when two people create a third, the sum of their Potential complexity rises. This holds true, no less, when observing things on a more universal scale. Galaxies are intrinsically more complex when they form and the stars they form in turn increase the multiplicative complexity of the galaxy itself. What’s more is that the original, simple formula needs no bylaws to account for exceptions and no modification to work, as is, in describing anything in the universe – even the abstract. Yes, the abstract. Potentialism is used to describe such concepts as thoughts, feelings, love, altruism, beauty, art and emotion as easily as it describes the physical and natural world around us. And for a true metaphysicist, that is a necessary part of cosmology. If you truly seek to understand the entirety of the universe, there is no way to say “well, the physical universe at least.” The universe is everything – from the solar winds that wash over our planet to the notes of a symphony. If you’ve experienced, then it is part of the universe – no exceptions. But Potentialism doesn’t even bat an eye, the same cosmic formula just as apt at explaining morals as molecules. See In fact, you’ll find the universal drive towards greater complexity – enroute towards ever-more-extraordinary Potential – universal and applicable to anything. That is what makes it, in fact, such a powerful Theory of Everything. Quest for Potential (infinitely iterating) drives the cosmos forward via Complexification towards Extraordinariation. The shorthand for Quest for Potential (infinitely iterating) is Q4P∞; the shorthand for Complexification is C+; the shorthand for Extraordinariation is E+. So, our new SuperLaw of the cosmic order is Q4P∞ > C+ > E+. The super-shorthand defining the cosmos remains simply Q4P∞. Thus, Quest for Potential∞ is both the hidden – and ubiquitous – drive of the universe; it has been hiding in plain sight waiting to be uncovered./discerned/ discovered. And there is only one thing that makes this discovery even better


– it actually does fit on a T-Shirt with plenty of room to spare.

Q4P∞ No flaw has been discerned in Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential since first introduced to the world via Summa I (Ktav Publishing, 1988). Summa Metaphysica was the featured and prime focus of a 3+ day international academic conference hosted by Bard College (Upstate NY, April 2012). See A Course Text at over a dozen colleges (see, Summa Metaphysica has been the focus of over fifty feature articles in 20132014 alone. Recent hi-level academic works dovetailing with Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential include the following: Programming the Universe (Knopf, 2006) by Professor of Quantum Mechanics Seth Lloyd of MIT; Mind & Cosmos (Oxford Press, 2012) by Professor of Philosophy & Law Thomas Nagel of NYU; Our Mathematical Universe (Knopf, 2014) by Professor of Physics Max Tegmark of MIT

August 21, 2014

Potentialism’s Intermediate Dynamic: By aaronphipps in Virginia Tech

David Birnbaum, metaphysicist and private scholar, set out on an audacious odyssey in 1988 to redefine modern cosmology as we know it. What he gave the world was a metaphysics for the 21st century: Potentialism. The Quest for Infinite Potential is the unifying cosmic drive – the reason for how things are – and the path for what they will become as the universe grows. In 1988, Birnbaum released Summa Metaphysica I (Ktav, 1988), followed by Summa Metaphysica II and III (New Paradigm Matrix, 2005; New Paradigm Matrix, 2014). See Birnbaum laid out a simple formula regulating existence and the evolution of the cosmos: Simply put, Infinite Quest for Infinite Potential (shorthand: Q4P for Quest 4 Potential) inexorably seeks after its own inherent extraordinary potential (shorthand: E+). So the now-iconic formula is: Q4P∞ → E+. This formula describes the basic overarching mechanics of Potentialist cosmology. It states that there is an inherent drive in the universe, the Quest for Infinite Potential (Q4P). This is the drive that causes everything in the universe to achieve increasingly higher levels of Complexification – complexity/sophistication/variety/wondrousness. (The shorthand notation for Complexification is C+). C+ does this in an ordered, intentional fashion as it continues towards its end-goal of Extraordinariation (E+). Too many terms? You can handle it.

That is, Q4P∞ > C+ > E+. – or Quest for potential > Complexification > Extraordinariation


E+ is the horizon-goal state of ultimate complexification. E+ is more than just mechanical complexity. E+ is an overarching conceptual level of complexity in every sense – mechanistic, intellectual, emotive, spiritual, beautiful…. it is infinite in every conceivable frame of reference. But before we get to E+ there are Quantum Jumps as intermediate steps. (The shorthand notation for a Quantum Jump is QJ). More terms? YES! Concentrate. The Big Bang was an example of a QJ; so was the emergence of molecules from atoms; so was the emergence of multi-cellular life from single-cell organisms. Therefore, a fuller mathematical model governing the Potentialism process, incorporating the intermediate stage of C+ > QJ, would be: Q4P∞ → C+ → QJ → E+. So now we have a pretty comprehensive formula. This follows the Potentialism model on a finer detail of scale. Meaning, not just on the overarching level of Q4P > E+, but also the intermediary, second-tier level of C+ > QJ. Q4P gives direct rise to what Birnbaum refers to as Complexification+ (C+), which in turn give rise to Quantum Jumps (QJ), which are building-blocks on the road to the horizon-goal of E+. Deep breath. No one ever said that cracking the cosmic code was a ‘walk in the park’. Complexification (C+) Complexification is defined as the ongoing rise in the complexity/ sophistication/variety/wondrousness of the gamut the universe. C+ can be witnessed in terms of simple, mechanistic/physical terms – such as two hydrogen and an oxygen atom combining to form water (an intrinsic complexity event) or when a cell divides (a multiplicative or extrinsic complexity event). However, Complexification covers far more than mechanistic complexity. C+ is used to denote the myriad of ways outside of


the mechanistic in which complexity can increase. As an example, consider two pieces of music. Our first piece is written entirely in one key, so it is harmonically sound. The notes are all standard lengths, but random. There is nothing integrally incorrect with this piece, but it, arguably, doesn’t sound much like music. Our second piece may be, perhaps, a moving sonata – emotion evoking and transcendent beyond what is printed on the sheet music because of this. Both pieces, on paper, look the same – but one is unarguably more sophisticated, but on a mechanistic level they are identical. This is the meaning of Complexification+. C+ not only accounts for the mechanistic complexity of the sheet music, but also for the complexity of the emotion/harmony/transcendence which it evokes, the so-to-speak ‘beauty’ of the piece itself. It eludes physical science to explain what makes the sonata more complex than the random piece – but it is humanly selfevident that it is more extraordinary, to put it mildly. We have just examined Complexification (C+) on the route towards Extraordinariation (E+). Thus, C+ necessarily encompasses more than the mechanistic alone. Like Extraordinariation, it is the sum of its mechanistic, intellectual, emotive, spiritual and beatific qualities – both the qualitative as well as the quantitative (see Quantum Jumps (QJs) Quantum Jumps are the consequences of Complexification. They demonstrate increased C+ in myriad quantitative and qualitative forms. C+ is the intermediate ‘drive’, the handmaiden of overarching Infinite quest for infinite potential (Q4P). QJs express complexity in fundamentally new, never before seen expressions. QJs also introduce a fundamentally higher, “game changer” level of complexity. Finally, QJs are episodic. Focused critical mass is reached – and the new QJ platform is effected. Whereas, C+ occurs continuously/ongoing, a QJ happens only intermittently as focused critical-mass is achieved in one area or another, e.g. the ignition


of the universe via the Big Bang, the emergence of Life, the emergence of Primates; the human ability to create and alphabet – and write. QJs are ‘triggered’ only intermittently, typically rarely and generally quite dramatically. To explain QJs, it is easiest to illustrate them. Imagine a universe where only atoms exist. Without molecules, there is no life. Even seemingly universal water itself – a combination of oxygen and hydrogen atoms – cannot exist. In such a universe, the complexification we take for granted cannot exist at all. At one point, in our distant past, an atoms-only universe – was the universe. Before the atoms-only universe, there was an era where even atoms did not exist yet. As you can imagine, that universe itself was fundamentally different – radically simpler, radically less complex. But QJ events, in the form of first atom creation, then molecular creation, gave rise to a universe where more complex forms could coalesce. This the nature of QJ events. They are game changers, new ‘platforms’, opening up the universe to unfold in new directions and levels of complexity almost impossible to even imagine until they occurred. QJs both follow and shape the scientific rules governing the universe. Meaning, their realization becomes an add-on of sorts to the Laws of Physics. They are an expression of the increasing maturity of the universe, and indeed of Physics itself, all driven by the overarching Quest for Potential of cosmic evolution – as it marches-onward ever forward towards the horizon-goal of Extraordinariation (E+). As mentioned though, QJs, like C+, are driven by more than mechanistic design – they are an expression of all levels of complexity. As such, they encompass such universal phenomena as the creation of language, music, reason, emotion, altruism. While some of these phenomena are not quantitative, they are all self-evident in their existence and perfectly qualitative. The 20th century Randomness/Atheistic cosmology schema dismally failed to handle the bulk of the key questions facing science. It is the metaphysical nature of 21st century Potentialism itself which allows Potentialism to smoothly


and seamlessly explain the myriad aspects and layers of reality. See www. Complexification (C+) > Quantum Jump (QJ) As noted above, intermediate dynamic C+ > QJ is tucked within the broader embrace of Q4P > E+. C+ > QJ is an ongoing cause > effect interplay of Complexification+ > Quantum Jumps. This ‘intermediate level’ dynamic governs existence and defines how it evolves. As noted, C+ > QJ is under the greater aegis of Q4P > E+, the overarching drive of everything within the universe. C+ and its consequent QJs are the visible evidence of that eternal Quest for Potential. All are components of the universe’s cosmic tool kit which lets it seek out and strive towards its eternal and inexorable quest for Extraordinariation (E+).


The Theory of Potential & MIT’s Finest August 22, 2014

Conceptual Theorist David Birnbaum proposed a cosmological theory in 1988 which the elite American scientific establishment has steadily been edging-up towards. Birnbaum’s construct is the Theory of Potential. Per Birnbaum, eternal Quest for Potential (shorthand notation: Q4P) harnessed the eternal aspects of Physics-Math and ignited the cosmic order (see www. Per Birnbaum, what he labels Complexification (or shorthand notation: C+) - the drive towards ever-greater complexity/sophistication/richness/ variety/wondrousness – is the day-to-day dynamic driving this cosmic advance. Another way of looking at this is that Complexification (C+) is the ‘handmaiden’ of (overarching) Quest for Potential (Q4P). The cosmic goal? Ultimate Potential; the ultimate panoply of the extraordinary; the ultimate gamut of infinite Complexification. And what does Birnbaum label this goal/horizon? Extraordinariation (or E+ for short). See also www. So, per Birnbaum, infinite Quest for Potential (Q4P) – via its handmaiden Complexification (C+) – drives the Cosmic Order onwards Extraordinariation (E+). Or symbolically, Q4P > C+ > E+. This formula is referred-to as Potentialism’s SuperLaw. See also Subsequent to Birnbaum’s landmark November 1988 Potentialism work Summa I (Ktav Publishing) – followed by Summa II, March 2005, and by Summa III, January 2014 (the latter two published by New Paradigm Matrix Publishing) – two other directly relevant cutting-edge cosmological theories with variations on C+ have appeared. MIT’s Seth Lloyd (2006) and MIT’s Max Tegmark (mid-2014) have both subsequently proposed breathtaking – but dovetailing to Summa – cosmologies in their respective works, Programming the Universe by Lloyd (First Vintage Books), and Our Mathematical Universe by Tegmark (Knopf). To Lloyd, the universe is fundamentally computational/information processing;


to Tegmark the universe is fundamentally a (dynamic) mathematical structure. To Birnbaum, either Lloyd or Tegmark – or a hybrid thereof – can be right regarding ‘the mechanics’ of the universe; however, their early 21st century constructs are, in turn possible mechanistic extensions of the prime fount/ drive of the cosmic order, Birnbaum’s proposed infinite Quest for Potential (1988). Conceptually, if the universe operates as a dynamic quantum computer per Lloyd, Birnbaum’s Q4P both architectured it, and is ‘providing the juice’ to run it and advance-it forward. Conceptually, if the universe is a dynamic mathematical structure per Tegmark, Birnbaum’s Q4P designed it, and, again, ‘provides the juice’ to run it and advance-it forward. The unclosed gap – already previously neatly closed by Birnbaum’s infinite Quest for Potential (1988) – in either Lloyd’s daring theory (2006) or Tegmark’s sophisticated Theory (2014) – is the classic ‘Eternal Origins’ question: What actualized – and drives-forward – that which you posit as centerpiece? What actualized and now drives-forward Lloyd’s universe-quantum-computer? What actualized and now drives-forward Tegmark’s universe-mathematics structure? Birnbaum’s own (1988) theory is not plagued by the ‘Eternal Origins’ question, because Birnbaum did not start penning his Summa Metaphysica treatise until he was sure he had a powerful resolution of the issue in-place in the metaphysical construct. Indeed, ‘Eternal Origins’ is a key front-and-center pivot of his Theory of Potential. So why, indeed, is Birnbaum’s Quest for Potential exempt from the ‘Eternal Origins’ dilemma? Because by definition Potential/Possibility is eternal; given that we actually have a universe, is it then not self-evident that Potential/ Possibility is/was eternal? Put simply, it is hard to argue that Potential/ Possibility has not been eternal, given that we now have reality, for better or worse. If we must choose an eternal dynamic, argues Birnbaum, our optimal choice (by definition and self-evident) is potential/possibility. And indeed, Birnbaum posits his Quest for Potential (infinitely iterating and telescopingforward) as the core cosmic dynamic.


Thus, Birnbaum’s 1988 Theory of Potential neither fights nor challenges Lloyd’s 2006 theory nor Tegmark’s 2014 theory. Rather, Birnbaum’s theory – or at least the mechanistic zone thereof – is nicely filled-in by the landmark works of Lloyd and Tegmark. Both Lloyd and Tegmark are holistic – embracing a fully integrated universe – as per Birnbaum. Birnbaum’s conceptual drive for infinite Potential wraps nicely around either Lloyd’s quantum-computing universe or Tegmark’s mathematical structure universe – or around both of them in tandem. Birnbaum was viciously attacked for first proposing this holistic/integrated cosmic order in 1988. At that point, Randomness theory (i.e. all is random chance, happenstance) reigned supreme in academe; at that point it was the ultimate heresy to propose a holistic/integrated cosmology with drive and direction. Centered at academically powerful Oxford/Cambridge, Randomness was the ‘bully on the block’ – until it received a conceptual shock from Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential; Randomness then received a political/scientific/physics shock from the double-barreled assault from MIT’s Lloyd and Tegmark – which provided quite-formidable ‘covering fire’ to Birnbaum’s holistic/ integrated Potentialism. Now, both Lloyd and Tegmark look at cosmology (pretty much exclusively) through an academic science/mechanistic lens. Birnbaum certainly wants academic science ‘on board’ so to speak, but believes that one has to transcend its confines to truly ‘crack the cosmic code.’ From Birnbaum’s perch, current academic physics/mathematics alone cannot account for the full, pure extent of the complexity/extraordinary, which pervades the universe. Potentialism is fundamentally a science-based cosmology. But, per Birnbaum, ultimately the cosmic order is not ‘mechanistic’ at its core; rather, at its core the universe is quite ‘profound’. At its core, there is a so-to-speak “X-factor”, a key concept/dynamic transcending classic academic science and philosophy. Birnbaum relentlessly sought-after that X-factor/profound core; meaning, a core dynamic transcending the confines of classic contemporary scientific-


academic thinking. The conceptual theorist’s conclusion: infinite Quest for Potential (infinitely iterating and telescoping-forward). MIT’s Lloyd and Tegmark provide Birnbaum with crucial political-scientific ‘covering fire vis à vis the Randomness crew; in turn, Birnbaum provides ‘the boys from MIT’ crucial ‘metaphysical conceptual cover’ filling-in the ‘key blanks’ in their respective theories; in particular, Messrs. Lloyd and Tegmark, just what ignited and drives your conceptual mechanistic structure? All three theorists now find themselves in a synergistic mutually-nurturing politicalscientific-conceptual relationship. How did we get from ‘almost nothing’ x billions of eons ago – to Beethoven? By random chance? No, not by random happenstance. Rather, follow the Birnbaum-Lloyd-Tegmark metaphysics road map and discern a cosmic journey – from ‘almost nothing’ to Beethoven’s 5th Symphony.


The 7 Criteria for a Great Metaphysics

How does David Birnbaum’s Potentialism Metaphysics stack-up” By Ron Moran | August 21, 2014

Judging the strength of a metaphysical theory is understandably difficult. After all, we’re trying to judge something that not only includes the concrete, observable universe but all the phenomena it contains – from language and poetry, to reason and morality. That’s a seriously tall order. But we can define 7 broad criteria a construct must meet to be a sound metaphysical cosmological theory. Using these 7 criteria, let’s examine David Birnbaum’s Potentialism. Crafted initially in 1988 by independent metaphysicist, David Birnbaum, in his eventually three-part treatise – Summa Metaphysica offers a fully-integrated cosmology. To crack the cosmic code, Birnbaum literally introduces a new lexicon for key terminology. The Birnbaum lexicon-gambit is audacious, but ultimately quite effective in getting us to the goal line: a unified, vibrant, elegant and powerful theory. Q4P Potentialism describes the infinite Quest for Potential as the central, cosmic drive of the universe (see This Q4P, as he calls it for short, regulates how the entire universe operates. C+ On the intermediate level it inherently strives towards greater and greater levels of what Birnbaum coins as Complexification (shorthand: C+) the drive for ever-greater complexity, sophistication/richness/diversity/wondrousness. E+ In turn, this C+ drives the uiniverse towards what Birnbaum coins as Extraordinariation (shorthand: E+). Extraordinariation is a goal/horizon of sublime and utter super-Complexification – both in form and quality (see


The three key components noted just-above, in turn combine into the SuperLaw of Potentialism: The SuperLaw Q4P > C+ > E+ or Quest for Potential > Complexification > Extraordinariation According to Birnbaum, the universe’s universal and infinite drive towards its own Potential can be witnessed in the day-to-day increases in Complexification of everything in the universe. We can witness the theory atwork in the (historical) formation of atoms, then molecules, as well as in the birth of the stars and galaxies – and, indeed, in the birth and development of our very own Earth. More recently (on a cosmological time table, at least), we can see the theory at-work in the rise of our ecosystem – the diversity and complexity of life as well as in the complex interactions of life on the planet as a whole. We can even see the theory at-work in the multiplicative complexity of reproduction where two animals or people come together and create life itself, with its own potential inherent within it. There’s very little that Potentialism cannot do. Potentialism – uniquely has the capability to describe the universe as a whole as well as the entire span of cosmic history; but the question remains: is it a sound theory? To answer that question, let’s observe how the theory stands up against the 7 criteria. This will help us determine its inherent strength. 1. (a) A good metaphysics attempts to explain the most facts (from time immemorial through the present) with the most concise theory. (b) A metaphysics should not be contradicted by any facts. Potentialism is one of the most concise theories ever presented for cosmology. It can be summed up by the one central, core theorem: Q4P∞


→ C+ > E+. This is read as “The Quest for Infinite Potential (Q4P) drives the cosmos – via Complexification (C+) – towards Extraordinariation (E+).” That’s about as concise as a theory can get. How many facts does it explain? Q4P is a universal solution to cosmology. It describes all the facts. Complexification, per Birnbaum, is the drive towards greater complexity, sophistication/richness/variety/wondrousness. Complexification is universally visible as the universe; the planets and even life continually evolve into greater and more complex states. And complexity is the visible effect of Potential: the universal Potential of everything in the universe – both what it is and what it can potentially become. Further, on a grand scale, it does so with an eye always towards Extraordinariation (E+) down the road. Certainly, not everything will achieve higher states of complexity. But this is not a contradiction of Potentialism. Indeed, the key word is Potential itself. Potential does not guarantee anything in actuality. Sometimes a star will fail to be born, or person will fail a test in school, a house will not be built. Potential only guarantees what something might become, not what it invariably will be – and that more often than not, higher complexity will be achieved because it is the natural drive of everything to achieve that state. 2. An appealing metaphysics might simultaneously lance a whole slew of hitherto intractable metaphysical questions or conundrums. Potentialism was designed with one great question in mind: “What is the nature of the universe and how does it function and why?” And that is the question Potentialism set out to prove (see What Birnbaum found, though, was that once this question was answered, viewing the universe through Potentialism’s lens laid open the solution to a host of other mysteries which now made sense. Like turning a pair of binoculars around and looking through them the right way, Potentialism is able to find far off truths and bring them to light in obvious ways that are selfevident. Just some of the ancient questions it answers: • Is the universe infinite? – Potentialism addresses this issue in two ways.


Firstly, it shows that the universe as we know it had a beginning, with the Big Bang, but that was just the beginning of the way the universe is now – there has always been something, Potential. Further, as the universe grows in Complexification, no end is in sight. Secondly, the universe exists within an infinite closed causal loop – governed by Complexification. Like going around a circle – while the present universe might seem finite in beginning and end, it nonetheless is a causal loop so is technically infinite within its parameters as well. • Does God exist? – To Potentialism, there is a clear and omnipresent spark and drive to the universe. Whether that drive is conscious is debatable, but its essence is Potential and potential can very well sync with the idea of a divine force, or hand, in cosmic creation. • Is the universe falling apart? – No. Despite mathematical and physical examples of entropy, entropy is not a defining force in the greater cosmic order – simply a force of change. And Potential proves that, looked at from a net perspective, change drives towards Complexification – not simplicity – and thru creation not destruction. • Is there a point to existence? – Yes. Potentialism describes the universe’s need to exist and as well for humanity to exist. Moreover, citing the inherent Complexification in humankind, Potentialism highlights humanity’s special place in the cosmic order as the highest, living form of complexity expressed by the universe (to date). • Why does the universe exist at all? – The universe exists to fulfill its own inherent goal – to play out its inherent Potential and seek out after Extraordinariation. 3. Metaphysics is not science, but it cannot be unscientific. Perhaps more accurately, this can be stated as metaphysics is not simply physical science, but it must not exclude it. That is to say, while physical phenomena must follow the laws of science, metaphysical phenomena, which cannot be explained in such physical terms, must also be included in a complete metaphysical cosmology; as such, if you’re doing simple quantitative science, like physics – you’re not actually doing cosmology.


Again, to expand on this rule – metaphysics is, in the strict sense, science – but a branch called the formal sciences – like mathematics and philosophy. Metaphysics is a discipline to explore beyond what can be physically measured – to identify logical and evident patterns - which can only be captured by the creative/logical mind, yet stand up to logical scrutiny. Let’s look at an example. Say we have an orange and ask some scientists to describe it: The physicist will describe it by density and geometry; what colors it absorbs and whether it is at rest or in motion and, if so, if it is accelerating. The botanist might describe the reproductive cycle of the orange tree or how it fits into the larger ecosystem. The chemist might describe the fibrous tissue or the citric acid within the fruit itself. The metaphysicist would describe each discipline’s information and perspective noted just-above on the orange; he might then talk about the emotions which its beauty, aroma and taste bring forth – as well as the orange’s place in a holistic cosmic order seeking-after Complexification, and ultimately after a universe replete with potential. This may sound like poetry to the non-metaphysicist. But I ask you one simple question: If you’d never seen an orange, who would tell you the most about what an orange, in essence, truly is? The physicist would only tell you there is an orange ball with a specific density. The botanist could only explain how the item developed and its purpose to the tree it came from. The chemist could only tell you about a tissue sample containing certain molecules. None of these definitions truly tell you what an orange is. Only the metaphysicist can truly give you a good mental image of what this particular fruit is. In some ways, without thinking of it consciously, we employ metaphysics on a daily basis to communicate necessary information to live


and interact with one another. It is the metaphysicist’s job to capture the essence of observations and the underlying patterns of those observations to ferret out the true nature of things. 4. Aesthetic elegance is one measure of the strength of a cosmological theory. Einstein once famously stated that, “nature is the realization of the simplest that is mathematically conceivable.” While grand in its complexity, Einstein believed that the greatest truths would always be from the simplest formulas. Indeed, one of his most important contributions to modern scientific understanding came to us in one small, simple formula: E = mc². In Einstein’s footsteps, Birnbaum enters the new millennia with the next great mathematical axiom governing the universe, but this one actually governs the entirety of the universe: Q4P∞ → E+. But it is every bit as simple and aesthetically elegant as Einstein’s work before him. What’s more important is that, while there are derivative theories and formula of Potentialism – the one, single Q4P formula is universally sufficient to describe the entire, overarching nature of the universe as a whole. The derivatives are simply there to provide more fine-grained understanding of this overriding, master principle. Q4P is all you need for a basic understanding of how the entire universe works as a whole. And like Einstein’s formula before, Birnbaum’s simple formula opens up a revolution of understanding regarding our universe. Like the equation of energy, the equation of Potential describes a fundamental and pervasive force of nature and the universe. The Birnbaum formula can be applied to understand the cosmos in its totality. 5. Metaphysics attempts to explain an ever-evolving universe, a possibly infinite universe – from the dawn of pre-time outwards towards Infinity. Evolution is at the heart of Potentialism. More than just biological evolution, Potentialism encompasses the evolution of the universe and every idea, thing and concept within it. The Birnbaum metaphysics equally describes


the evolution of life and humankind as well as the evolution of the physical sciences and the physical universe. More importantly though, it can take us where physics falters and has no answers. Potentialism describes the spiritual, divine and religious aspects of the universe. It also describes the evolution of thought, abstraction and higher thinking – giving us a concrete explanation for how and why thought led to emotion, altruism, aesthetics and beauty. That is the true beauty of this metaphysical cosmology. It shines where simple contemporary science hits a dead end. To accept a simplistic cosmology, it is necessary to deny what obviously exists right in front of us on a day-to-day business. An elegant metaphysics, by contrast, Potentialism in particular, accepts this challenge to describe the universe as a whole in all its myriad aspects and wondrousness. Just as importantly, Potentialism tackles head-on the infinite nature of the universe. It can explain the existence of a time before the Planck epoch of the Big Bang and, going in the opposite direction, can explain how the universe can live infinitely onwards in time as well. Unlike the ungainly Randomness/Atheistic cosmology of the 20th century, the 21st century Theory of Potential pulls aside the willful shroud of ignorance Randomness Theory could not even begin to explain. Potentialism explains what contemporary physical science could never grasp. Further, Potentialism shows how simple and intuitive in nature the true answer is (see www. Potentialism is pro-science and not unscientific; it is simply ahead of the curve; as the expression goes – just slightly ahead of its time. 6. A metaphysics should hold true on myriad levels, from the micro to macro levels – and across all different phenomena. Potentialism again shines in this aspect. The primary result of Potential – Complexification – is discernible all around us, on every level, from the most micro to the grandest macro scales. We can see it as clearly in the formations of molecules from atoms, to the creation of stars and planets and whole galaxies from those same basic building blocks. Potential is iterative at all


levels of scale and universally pervasive, as it has always been predicted to be. This iteration and universality are key components of the strength of Potentialism itself. This combination of attributes is what makes Infinite Potential such an inescapable force of creation and direction in the universe. Further, Potential holds true throughout all forms of phenomena. We can see the ascendance of increasingly complex creatures in nature up to the culmination of humankind itself. But we can also see the rising Complexification in the entire biosphere as mineral, plant and animal interact to create increasingly complex, rich, sophisticated, diverse and wondrous ecosystems. That very interaction in the ecosystem is another level of Complexification which Potentialism predicts and describes. Commonly referred to in philosophy as teleology (cosmic purpose) – it is how individuals (plants, animals, even environments) all interact with one another in a symbiosis not unlike individual life forms to create something more complex than its individual parts – enroute to the cosmic goal of Extraordinariation. Finally, we can see the progression of Complexification in music and art as it progressively gains in nuance and complexity over thousands of years. In Potentialism, every form of complexity matters. Potentialism views itself as an extension of science; contemporary science, however, avoids such things as art – even though they are a legitimate part of the universe – because contemporary science lacks any meaningful tools to express what it is. Metaphysics has no such limitations. What’s more, we can see rising complexity in thought and human expression itself as we grow beyond simple survival and logic to encompass concepts such as beauty, morality, love and altruism. 7. Metaphysics attempts to provide important ‘context’ and a powerful ‘platform’ for the cosmic order. What seems distinct and separate terms to other disciplines, are all part of Summa’s overarching metascience to cosmologists: be it art, thought or emotion; or biology, physics or chemistry. All these aspects are necessarily part of the same overarching metaphysical cosmology. Potentialism lays down a fundamental truth and context through which we can make sense of


the broader universe as a whole, growing and interconnected place. And that is the strength of metaphysics and Potentialism. It transcends any individual science and even science itself. This is necessary because the universe itself transcends concrete science. To deny that thought, for instance, is a key part of the universe, is to fundamentally not understand what the word “universe” even means. Contemporary scientists may argue that thoughts and emotions have no place in cosmology. But consider the most simple of demonstrations – altruism. A person, noting a stranger is a quarter short for bus fare, hands them one so they can get on the bus and be on their way. The person who gave the coin will never see that individual again. It does not benefit the giver in any way and actually cost them, albeit not much. But that simple act of pure altruism is enough to wreck an entire paradigm built exclusively on a pure physics-based cosmology. If the prime mover of the action was altruism, than it was based purely in thought. That is, a thought caused a physical change in the universe – the passing of a coin. It may seem like little, but it is a ‘game changer’ in cosmology. Our 21st century metaphysics gives thoughts substance because thoughts can interact with matter and energy. Potentialism is the platform for the great cosmic order. It describes the base of the birth of the universe as well as the mechanism and the architecture driving it towards its future – an infinite place of ever increasing Complexification. It’s destination – Extraordinariation.


Is God Dead? Hawking v. Birnbaum 22 August 2014

Stephen Hawking, a major contemporary physicist, is as well a sometimes cosmologist, cosmology being the study of the origins and workings of the cosmic order. At times Cambridge professor Hawking is an agnostic (there may or may not be God) and at times he is an atheist (there definitely is no God). To Hawking the universe certainly doesn’t need God to originate or to operate – so it is just simpler to assume God is not there. On a broader level, Hawking even asserts that philosophy as a science is also dead. Per Hawking, God is in good company with philosophy, both are superfluous and so to speak dead. Has the esteemed physicist Hawking over-reached? When in his role as casual cosmologist, Hawking believes that the entire universe can be understood and described with “hard science” alone; to Hawking Physics-Math- Chemistry-Biology hold all the answers to the universe. This (parochial) view actually permeates global hard-science academe. Now, inasmuch as the same in-group tends to review each other’s theories and formal papers, this politically-correct wisdom tends to selfperpetuate. Thus, with the scientific-academic ‘in-crowd’, the ‘tool kit’ for cosmology only embraces what can be measured in the lab, or very direct extrapolations thereof. Private scholar, David Birnbaum – globally-featured author of the cuttingedge three part philosophy series Summa Metaphysica series – respectfully disagrees (see To Birnbaum both philosophy and the possibility of the infinite divine are very much alive. To conceptual theorist Birnbaum, Physics-Math is necessary but not sufficient to cracking the cosmic code. Birnbaum’s general approach to scientific academe would probably run something like this: You are truly very smart and astute with lab experiments, observations and related equations – and we have come a long way; however, we all know that vis à vis cosmology, your experiments to date have


not gotten us further back than the Big Bang – and there is no indication that you will ever truly be able to do so. Rather than wait around indefinitely, let’s utilize the playbook of metaphysics and see if a true unified and integrated schema can be discerned which more fully and efficiently embraces all knowledge/information/science to date – and yields us an all-embracing theory of the cosmic order. Per the Summa Metaphysica website – “Birnbaum proposes an original concept as the missing key to understanding the cosmic drama. He proposes his signature concept that Potential is the eternal cosmic dynamic. More precisely, Birnbaum proposes that Quest for Potential∞ (infinitely iterating) is the eternal cosmic dynamic. This dynamic works its way forward over the billions of eons towards first igniting our universe and eventually – down the road – catalyzing the emergence of higher-level consciousness human beings within it. The core theme of David Birnbaum’s works is that one elegant dynamic and one elegant dynamic, alone (Quest for Potential∞) both instigates and drives the entire cosmic order. According to him, “Potentialism proposes that there is, indeed, a protagonist to the cosmic order, but that the protagonist is a ‘quest’ and not a ‘classic entity.’ The universe quests for its maximal potential. The core dynamic Quest for Potential∞ strives with purpose and direction towards ever-greater and higher potential. At the ‘beginning of time,’ eternal Quest for Potential∞ harnessed the eternal portion of the eternal equations of Physics-Mathematics to ignite our universe via the Big Bang. Note that the works of MIT quantum physicist Seth Lloyd (2006) dovetail with the Summa Metaphysica series (1988, 2005, 2014). This same symbiotic dynamic – Quest for Potential∞ in league with PhysicsMath – then acted as a catalyst for the route tracking-forwards to high level humans in the 21st Century – tracking forward from the Big Bang thru the emergence of the Elements, primordial star systems, myriad galaxies, supernovas, the sun, our solar system, life, photosynthesis, DNA, organisms, sexual reproduction, multi-cellular life, the Cambrian Explosion, amphibians, forests, reptiles, mammals, dinosaurs, birds, flowers, evolution, hominids,


homo sapiens, and ever-increasing consciousness/emotion – and, indeed, for all the key dynamics which have evolved in the universe.” To Birnbaum, Physics-Math is a tool of the master cosmic dynamic; however, Physics-Math is not the underlying master cosmic dynamic itself; rather, Quest for Potential∞ is. To employ military terms to help us out here, per Birnbaum, Physics-Math is not the Commander-in-Chief of the cosmic order; rather, it is more the Lieutenant General, charged with implementing prime directive of the cosmic order. Meaning, the ‘hard sciences’ play a very key role in the ongoing cosmic unfolding, but are not the bedrock ultimate (and infinite) core cosmic dynamic. For further elaboration, see From this author’s perspective, Hawking, while brilliant, when playing cosmologist tends to speak outside his realm of expertise. Physics is not cosmology. Cosmology, a far broader field than physics, actually belongs under the discipline of metaphysics – a branch of Hawking’s ‘dead science’ of philosophy. And therein lies the problem: Hawking has nullified a panoply of tools outside of his Physics-Math-Chemistry-Biology tool kit. But, PhysicsMath-Chemistry-Biology alone, as Birnbaum has demonstrated from the getgo, are simply unlikely and unable to get to the heart of cosmology. While metaphysicist/philosopher Birnbaum embraces Hawking’s PhysicsMath as integral to cosmology, Hawking delegitimizes Birnbaum’s metaphysics/philosophy as integral (to cosmology). Birnbaum remains bemused by the militant Hawking approach, which, notwithstanding its imperiousness, clearly does not solve fundamental gaps in cosmic theory; nor does it show any promise of ever doing so. Meaning, per Birnbaum, Hawking et al. violate a fundamental law of intellectual inquiry: Admit that which you do not know. Metaphysics and cosmology seek answers to the ultimate answers of existence. They have a selection of tools to accomplish that task, two of them being qualitative and quantitative analysis. The first, quantitative, is what


physicists do well. It’s basically the science of measuring things. Qualitative is what physicists do horribly with. Qualitative describes what things are like. Now, it can be something more abstract in nature – like how something affects you emotionally or it could be describing something like morality; qualitative also covers things far more concrete – like texture or taste. Qualitative is clearly outside the realm of physics, but such things as texture and taste are certainly real. And that’s why, in the past, physics remembered not to overreach, but rather remembered that it has limitations – and that all the sciences were necessary to discover the whole universe. You didn’t ask a biologist to calculate red shift from a distant star (as the answer is in the realm of physics) and you didn’t ask a physicist for assistance in understanding a flu virus (as the answer is in the realm of biology). But physics seems to have forgotten those lessons in recent decades. Simply put, the Hawking types err egregiously in invalidating philosophy, metaphysics, spirituality, and the spectrum of the creative as potential key dynamics of the core engine of the cosmic order. Birnbaum reaches far beyond not only the realms of Physics-Math-ChemistryBiology, and not only beyond the realms of Philosophy and Spirituality, but also reaches-into totally unexplored terrain: terra incognita. It is in this unexplored terrain that Birnbaum’s fine-tuned intuitive radar conceptualizes his Infinite Quest for Potential dynamic. And once Birnbaum has radar-lock on his Infinite Quest for Potential, he discerns its repetitive pattern – Quest for Potential∞ > Complexification across the cosmic order in all realms. And once Birnbaum has discerned this repetitive pattern transcending all fields from macro to micro levels, Birnbaum has discerned a transcendent universal teleology (cosmic direction/ purpose); and once Birnbaum has discerned a transcendent teleology, we are confronted with the very real possibility of a transcendent consciousness; and therein lies the mystery.


Per Birnbaum, Complexification (shorthand: C+) – the drive towards evergreater complexity/sophistication/richness/variety/wondrousness – is the ‘handmaiden’ of overarching Infinite Quest for Potential. This pattern of advance continuously repeats itself not only traversing cosmic history, but contemporaneously on myriad levels, indeed, on all levels. One need just ‘step-back’ a bit to discern it. Where Hawking and his peers tend to see only random, chaotic events, Birnbaum astutely discerns a universal pattern. While Hawking and peers tend to see a ‘random’ universe of ‘decay,’ Birnbaum discerns a ‘patterned’ universe of ongoing ‘growth’ – for 14 billion years and counting. Metaphysics is an overarching science. To look at the universe through the eyes of a (parochial) physicist bound by politically-correct randomness, it is hard to see either the universal common denominator of the universe or the repeating pattern. However, once Birnbaum has delineated the repeating pastern, it is hard to deny it. The pattern Quest for Potential > Complexification. The symbolic representation of the repeating pattern would be: Q4P∞ > C+. The common denominator of the cosmic order. Once articulated (by Birnbaum), when you step back from physics and look at the whole of the universe, and indeed the march of cosmic history, it is really impossible to not see both the dynamic and the related repeating pattern. The pattern appears on every level, and is somewhat ubiquitous. The planet has become more complex – life has, consciousness has, the galaxy has... In fact, regardless of how you look at the universe, the pattern of growing complexity is everywhere. It is universal (see Is there some infinite driving force/pattern to the universe? To Birnbaum the answer is definitely ‘yes.’ Is there some divine spark to the universe? To Birnbaum, the answer is ‘possibly yes’; indeed, we (humans) may be the forward edge of this so-to-speak divine spark.


To a pre-Birnbaumiam physicist, even one as legendary a Hawking – with his comparatively narrow set of tools – the answer is a bland ‘no’. Thus, to Hawking et al. God – as well as philosophy – are both, indeed dead. Per Hawking, only his God of Physics is alive and well. Unfortunately for Messr. Hawking, his mechanistic physics cannot match the grandeur and elegance of Birnbaum’s overarching metaphysics. Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica not only fills-in the key gaping holes in Hawking’s schema – and not only ties-up the untenable loose-ends therein – but indeed, breathtakingly unifies Science, Philosophy and Spirituality – seamlessly and elegantly. Summa Metaphysica’s Theory of Potential – courtesy of metaphysicist Birnbaum – is an achievement of breathtaking proportions. Perhaps Hawking et al. should get with the program – and enter the 21st century. Sooner rather than later.


Juxtaposition: Birnbaum v. Davies Birnbaum’s paradigm-shattering cosmology de facto ‘clears-thechessboard’ of the iconic Greek philosophers – and, indeed, of every other pre-existing metaphysicist. By admin on 16 August, 2014 3:02 pm in Uncategorized / no comments

In 1988, independent scholar David Birnbaum (see began laying out his breakthrough concept and related principles for his cutting-edge Theory of Potentialism. The original paradigm endeavors to totally change the way we think about the universe, our planet, and our lives. Simply put, yeshiva-educated and Harvard-educated Birnbaum hypothesizes the core dynamic of the Cosmic Order: Quest for Potential (infinitely iterated). Per Birnbaum, Infinite Potential drives the cosmic order – from eternal origins through the present day. And per Birnbaum, if there is a Divine, Potential is at the Divine core (see Birnbaum’s paradigm-shattering cosmology de facto ‘clears-the-chessboard’ of the iconic Greek philosophers – and, indeed, of every other pre-existing metaphysicist. Birnbaum has effectively and compellingly theorized what was hitherto deemed indiscernible: a natural drive – with purpose and direction – to the cosmic order. Birnbaum crafted a three-part treatise, Summa Metaphysica to make-thecase. Over the course of the set – released over the 1988–2014 period – Birnbaum lays-out his Potentialism theory. According to the Conceptual Theorist, the universe seeks out – on an instinctual- driven level – and ongoing iteratively – its own Potential. More succinctly, the universe is driven to become what it potentially can be. Ongoing and infinitely. From eternal past to eternal future (see Birnbaum’s postulation seems, perhaps, too concise, too accessible, and indeed, too good – to be true. But upon reflection – and after 25+ years of international scrutiny and global academic vetting – the theory does appear bulletproof. Repeat: Bulletproof (see


Summa Metaphysica was projected globally via a major 4-day international academic conference at Bard College in April 2012. Indeed the conference would in retrospect be the tipping-point in the beginning-of-the-end of ossified 20th century Randomness/Atheistic Theory, and the beginning of the rise of a new paradigm – 21st century Theory of Potential). The old order changeth. Now, empirically the Theory of Potential meets the criteria of a compelling metaphysics. Wherever we look, the facts of nature fit well with the theory. The question is – Can we provide more direct scientific proof that there is, indeed, ‘design’ to the cosmic order? Enter Davies. Paul Davies Paul Davies is an Anglo-American physicist, biologist and cosmologist based in the USA. He is the author of noted books on cosmology, including The Goldilocks Enigma (Mariner Books, 2006) – a ground-breaking work researching and extrapolating on the so-to-speak “Fine-tuned Cosmic Order enigma’. This enigma, elucidated in a forerunner 2001 book by cosmologist (Sir) Martin Rees runs roughly as follows: There are at least 6 cosmological constants (and actually possibly well over a dozen per Birnbaum) which if adjusted by even 1 decimal point would preclude the cosmos having life, among other things, as we know it. Davies’ sophisticated and in-depth Goldilocks book explores the nature of the cosmic order from different perspectives. The book explores the enigma of the ‘fine-tuned Cosmic Order’ – and how it seems precisely attuned to form the physical universe as we know it – and then to fortuitously provide a hospitable universe for the birth of life……….and ultimately of that allegedly super-sophisticated species of human beings. Two extracts from Paul Davies, The Goldilocks Enigma, First Mariner books edition 2008: “…Somehow the universe has engineered, not just its own awareness, but also its own comprehension. Mindless, blundering atoms have conspired


to make not just life, not just mind, but understanding…Could it just be a fluke?….Or is there an ever deeper subplot at work? (p. 5) “In some manner ….life, mind, and physical law are part of a common scheme, mutually supporting. Somehow, the universe has engineered its own self-awareness.” (p. 231) The Davies work elucidates the logical and empirical-evidence imperative of design of some sort to our universe. Hence, the work – which dovetails with Birnbaum’s 1988 Summa I work (and subsequent Summa volumes) – is anathema to the British-based Randomness/Atheist academic junta – which invalidates any/all intimations of design/purpose to the cosmic order. [Note that the Davies ‘Goldilocks’ work was also released under the title The Cosmic Jackpot (Orion Publications, 2007).] Notwithstanding Davies et al., prior to the 2012 Bard College (Upstate, NY) international academic conference on Birnbaum’s 21st century Theory of Potential, the 20th Century British Randomness/Atheistic construct held an iron grip (however manipulated) on global academe; the formidable challenge posed to Randomness/Atheism by the ‘Fine-tuned Cosmic Order’/Goldilocks enigma, had been ‘conveniently’ ignored by the atheist academic junta controlling key academic journals. In 2013 a global storm would erupt over the Summa Conference of thirteen months earlier – and Birnbaum’s theory – which provides an explicit, articulate and pro-scientific alternative to aimless Randomness Theory, would be projected across the world stage. A Near Perfect Match Birnbaum (cosmology works 1988 and onward) and Davies (cosmology works 2006 and onward) align wonderfully. Birnbaum’s 3-volume Summa work (1988, 2005 and 20014) on Potentialism nicely brackets Davies’ important 2006 work. Davies’ 2006 Goldilocks makes a powerful case for design/direction as being integral to the universe. Eighteen years earlier in 1988 via Summa I, Birnbam had already actually identified the design/ direction as ‘the cosmic drive for its own potential – Birnbaum’s trademark


“Quest for Potential” theme. But can we prove that there is ‘design;’ to the cosmic order? In 2006 Davies articulately lays-out ‘the elephant in the room’ which the entrenched orthodoxy Randomness/Atheist academic group had disingenuously ignored: The universe seems, at each turn, designed specifically to support both the world as we know it and to be hospitable - against all odds – for the rise of intelligent life. In 1988 Birnbaum had discerned this drive as infinite Quest for Potential (shorthand: Q4P) – a cosmic drive for the universe to grow in complexity/ sophistication ongoing (see The direction of this drive is towards what Birnbaum labels as Extraordinariation, (see an end-goal horizon of super complexity/ sophistication. Davies himself provides evidence of the Birnbaum-proposed phenomena in his (Davies’) analysis of the physical laws and nature of existence. He notes, as examples, the perfect balance needed for the Big Bang to have been ignited; for the formation of atoms to have been formed (from energy); for multi-cellular life to have evolve from single-cell life – without which, for example, the universe could not have evolved as we know it today. The Ideal Cosmology Davies’ 2006 Goldilocks work articulates in its last two chapters that the ideal cosmological theory would, as a crucial component, be a ‘closed causal loop’; meaning, the cosmology would show how our universe both (a) ignited itself and (b) loops-around itself internally – and almost eternally - toboth emerge in the first place and then to maintain its ‘cosmic energy’. The first two volumes (1988 and 2005) of the 3-volume Birnbaum treatise, had, indeed, already presented a ‘closed causal loop’ universe via Summa Metaphysica’s Potenialism contruct: Quest for Potential < > Extraordinariation. The two inter-related dynamics (a) ignite each other, (b) feed-upon-each other and (c) loop-around each other (see sequence1000. com).


Laws-of-Physics ‘Build-out’ Davies questions the eternal nature of the complete current set of physical laws themselves. Birnbaum, indeed, has held that the laws of physics – as we know them today in all their permutations– were not necessarily all in existence near the time of the Big Bang (see Rather, permutations on laws came into existence as an expression of Complexification (Complexification is the Birnbaum-proposed ‘handmaiden’ to over-arching Quest for Potential; it is a sub-dynamic maneuvering for ever-increased complexity/sophistication/variety/wondrousness (see Like amendments to the U.S. Constitution, new sub-laws were organically layeredon by Complexification to govern new forms of matter and energy as they became more complex. In defense of this concept, Davies (2006) notes the “impossible luck” of laws coming into existence that just happen to be perfect to create and govern what was necessary when new forms of matter coalesced. Birnbaum had already answered this riddle (1988, 2005) by the driven nature of Potential itself (see As Potential marches-on inward in its infinite cosmic quest, it is natural and unavoidable that the increased complexity would be governed by law-permutations that allow further future Complexification. Eternal Origins Most interestingly though, Davies holds-to-task both purely religious cosmology and purely 20thcentury scientific cosmology with equal measure – for not providing fuller structure to their constructs. What was at the very ‘beginning? What is the core drive? Davies contends that such scientific theories as multiversing to explain the perfect nature of our universe are no less intellectually ‘soft’ than other constructs – academic or supernatural. The multiverse proposition merely


subtly shifts the fundamental cosmological/metaphysical questions from our one discern-able universe, to a package of myriad universes. Of course, Birnbaum’s very key point is that, indeed, a metaphysics/ cosmology cannot have any key gaps. The parallel would be to a tablecloth. The ‘tablecloth of metaphysics’ must cover all four corners of the metaphysics table, including the corner of ‘eternal origins’. Covering, say, 3 of the 4 corners would simply not be enough. But, what ignited that which you posit as eternal? The Superlaw of Physics Potentialism proposes that the governing force of the Cosmic Order is inherent in the universe itself – a universe superlaw at the core of the cosmic order: Quest for Potential < > Extraordinariation. Infinite Quest for Potential infinitely seeks-out its maximal potential , ultimately Extraordinariation (shorthand notation: E+). In turn, E+ draws-forth Quest for Potential to fulfill its eternal yearning. . Potential permeates everything in the cosmos and, as such, is an intrinsic force of the universe. Any why does the cosmos drive-forward so perfectly, navigating past pitfalls that would make the universe unlivable, in effect guiding it along Davies’ (2006) Goldilocks path? Because, per Birnbaum (1988, 2005) that path would be the most direct route towards the ultimate realization of Potential of the cosmic order – the optimal path towards Birnbaum’s hypothesized cosmic horizon of Extraordinariation. As Davies puts it rather poetically, “the laws explain the universe even as the universe explains the laws.” As Birnbaum encapsulates the issue rather directly, “Potential is both the cause and effect of the universe.” Context: Two 21st Century Iconoclasts DAVID BIRNBAUM (see elucidates his theory via his iconic 3-part treatise Summa Metaphysica: Volume I: Religious Man (Ktav,


1988), Volume II: Spiritual Man (New Paradigm Matrix, 2005) and Volume III: Secular Man (New Paradigm Matrix, 2014). See also NewParadigm1000. com. Over a dozen institutions of higher learning – from UCLA on the West Coast, to Brandeis on the East Coast, thru Hebrew University (Jerusalem) – have assigned the landmark work as a Course Text (see Over 33 feature articles in over two dozen journals globally have focused on Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica and its Theory of Potential in the 2013-2014 period alone (see PAUL DAVIES is the recipient of numerous awards and prizes, including the Templeton Prize (1995) and the Farady Prize (2002) . With an academic base at Arizona State University, in 2005 Davies took up the directorship of the SETI Institute [SETI is the formidable multi-organizational and inter-university (national) search/scan for (particularly) sentient life beyond our planet.] Birnbaum & Davies: Two men, two theories – but fundamentally aligned with one another to explain the mysteries of the cosmos. The cosmos indeed has both an ‘unseen hand’ and an explain-able ‘direction’. Attempting to invalidate this quite-formidable twin core theme – as 20th century Randomness/Atheism vainly, egregiously and unsuccessfully attempted – was simply to deny what is now incontrovertible. As per Aristotle’s general proposition c. 375 BCE, there is indeed a teleology – purpose – to the universe. It is up to us to prove the same (see Davies 2006) and discern the same (see Birnbaum 1988, 2005, 2014) Both formidable revolutionary 21st century thought leaders, Birnbaum and Davies, are intellectual heirs – and indeed, modern-day torch-bearers- of this ancient general tradition of cosmic purpose. Indeed, like a phoenix, twenty-three centuries after Aristotle, teleology (the proposition of cosmic design) has arisen with a vengeance in the 21st century; this time, finally, it has been quite concretely laid-out and elucidated (by Birnbaum) – and empirically demonstrated (by Davies et al.).


Cutting-edge science v. Intellectual torpor The reigning cosmology at the end of the last century was Randomness/Atheism. This construct had been championed by the leading British universities for well over a century. By admin on 26 August, 2014 3:06 pm in Uncategorized / no comments

In international university rankings (see online) America’s MIT typically place first, and England’s University of Cambridge (usually just called Cambridge) typically places second. But is this somewhat misleading? Is the gap between MIT and Cambridge really a chasm between a 21st Century University and a 20th Century university? A focus on the field of cosmology (the origins of the universe) provides a window into the gaping intellectual chasm – and approach to cutting-edge thinking – between the two institutions. The reigning cosmology at the end of the last century was Randomness/ Atheism. This construct had been championeX by the leading British universities for well over a century. Per this construct, the universe has no construct; all is random happenstance; the only common denominator is decay. A major paradigm challenge to this reigning construct was launched by Harvard graduate and conceptual theorist David Birnbaum of Manhattan in 1988. Via his to-be 3-volume treatise Summa Metaphysica, Birnbaum would endeavor to supplant Randomness/Atheism with his signature Potentialism. Per Birnbaum the universe is a dynamic, integrated and iterating cosmic structure; from eternal origins to this very day – on every level – the universe seeks after its maximum potential. The 3-volume Summa Metaphysica series by Birnbaum would appear sequentially November 1988, March 2005 and January 2014. The series consists of Summa I: Religious philosophy; Summa II: Spirituality; Summa III: Secular Science; it so to speak covers the bases; Birnbaum would be consistent throughout: Infinite divine potential is eternal; it ignited and drives the cosmic order forward through this very day; the Quest for Potential, in


turn, is the cosmic teleology (purpose). Controlling the major academic journals and well-ensconced in the castles of Academe, the British academic elite at first ignored Birnbaum; but when Bard College (Upstate NY) hosted a 3 1/2 day international academic conference on Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential in April 2012, British academe (in Spring 2013) went into a global rabid attack-frenzy. Birnbaum was attacked quite vitriolically ad hominem, although the Birnbaum theory itself was never challenged – and, indeed, has literally never been challenged – on the merits.) Who was this interloper Birnbaum? Who was this yeshiva-educated and Harvard-educated independent Conceptual Theorist? How dare Bard College give him a world platform and global exposure? How dare Bard College break ranks with the entrenched establishment and feature a challenging theory? Is not the very possibility of Birnbaum’s purpose-driven dynamic and iterating cosmic structure off the charts? Is not the cosmos an aimless, direction-less, structure-less void? It turns out that two leading and cutting-edge MIT physicists would follow directly in the path of Birnbaum’s 1988 Summa I; both world class physicists would contemporaneously author major physics works in the early 21st century – both paralleling the Birnbaum’s SuXmma series by articulating dynamic and iterating cosmic structures. MIT Prof. Seth Lloyd of MIT would author Programming the Universe in 2006 (Knopf), and MIT Professor MaxTegmark would author Our Mathematical Universe in 2014 (Knopf). The two works neither fight each other’s nor Birnbaum’s. Indeed, Lloyd wrote a key testimonial for Tegmark’s book, and both are published by Knopf, as noted. Maverick cosmologist Birnbaum suddenly had two super-elite de facto scientific allies and both from the #1 university in the world. Thus, the global battle over Summa Metaphysica’s Theory of Potential plot had now essentially been joined by MIT- in intellectual alliance with Birnbaum.


To add ‘insult to injury,’ (to Cambridge U.) not only did the two MIT constructs provide dynamic and iterating cosmic structures, as per Birnbaum, but it turns out that Birnbaum’s core theory is elegantly complemented by the Lloyd and Tegmark constructs. Thus, with a little help from the cutting-edge MIT physicists, Harvard grad Birnbaum’s metaphysics is now integrated into cutting-edge hard science; it would seem to quite readily trump the previously-entrenched randomness/aimlessness construct of the Cambridge, England academic hierarchy. More than ever before, MIT was looking quite-stellar and, shall we say, 21st century; Cambridge U., on the other hand, was looking, shall we say gently, non-21st century. The gap between #1 MIT and #2 Cambridge would seem to have widened further. MIT emerges ever more dominating at the pinnacle of global academe.


Potentialism’s Universal Dynamic: from Macro to Micro levels However, let us focus more specifically on the Q4P part of the Potentialism equation. According to Potentialism, everything in the universe strives towards greater Complexification.

By on August 26, 2014

In 1988, metaphysicist David Birnbaum released the ground-breaking cosmological work Summa Metaphysica (see www.philosophy1000. com). In it, Birnbaum would scientifically lay out the cosmological theory of Potentialism. Potentialism’s core principle revolves around the infinite Quest for infinite Potential (often called Q4P). Q4P describes a universal mechanism in which the universe naturally strives towards higher and higher levels of potential; this process is, in turn, labeled Complexification (complexity/sophistication/ variety/wondrousness). This drive towards Complexification (often called C+) strives infinitely forward to a state Birnbaum describes as Extraordinariation (or E+). E+, by definition is hard to define, because it is an idealized state/goal/ horizon of hyper-Complexity not yet realized in the physical universe; however Extraordinariation would sort-of be an idealized state of complexification, reality, beauty, morality, intellectuality and consciousness. It may seem odd to describe a mechanism with an end goal that is not truly expressible. Think of it in these terms. Say you were alive, somehow, in the very early ages of the universe – where the most complex structure in the universe was the atom. You might articulate a coming era of Complexity, but it would hardly be within your power to predict the molecule….or multi-cellular life. Such is the issue when trying to describe Extraordinariation – Until you’re there, it is very hard to predict what it will be. However, let us focus more specifically on the Q4P part of the Potentialism


equation. According to Potentialism, everything in the universe strives towards greater Complexification. It is an overarching, pervasive mechanism that should be found in all parts-of and on all scales-of the natural and metaphysical world. So, let us analyze the universe on drastically different scales and see if Q4P is indeed uniformly omnipresent (see Sequence1000. com). The Macro-level On a macro-level, one can readily see the hand of Potentialism at work. To understand the growing Complexification on a macro-scale, it helps to look back through the eons to the birth of the universe. The epochs themselves are heralds of the effect of Potential and Complexifcation. At one time the universe was nothing but an impossibly hot, plasma mass. As it cooled, it gave rise to the atom – a clear increase in Complexification over what existed before. Moreover though, these are the more dramatic displays of macroscale Complexification. Solar fusion is a good example, as the most basic of elements, hydrogen, is fused into the more dense helium. Likewise, the age of the molecule swept away the seemingly insurmountable Complexification of the atom. A short recap of macro Complexification: 13.7 billion years-ago, the Big Bang; 13.2 billion years-ago gravity exerts its pull; 12.95 billion years-ago supernovas; 12.7 billion years-ago, galaxies; 4.6 billion years-ago, the sun; 4.5 billion years-ago, our solar system; <does the paragraph end like this with semi-colon?> In due course, life, love, consciousness, the emotional gamut, art, music and poetry will make-an-appearance…. 4 billion years-ago, life; 3.9 billion years-ago, photosynthesis; 3.5 billion yearsago, DNA; 2 billion years-ago, ‘snowball theory’ ice age; 1.5 billion years-ago, organisms; 1.2 billion years-ago, sexual reproduction; 1 billion years-ago, multi-cellular life appears; 540 million years-ago, Cambrian explosion; 460 million years-ago, life moves ashore; 390 million years-ago, amphibians; 335


million years-ago, the first forests; 300 million years-ago, reptiles; 275 million years-ago, the Permian Extinction; 200 million years-ago, dinosaurs; 150 million years-ago, birds; 14 million years-ago, flowers; 65 million years-ago, dinosaur extinction; <same here, does the paragraph end like this with semicolon?> The Human-level 1.8 million years-ago, Homo Erectus emerges; 780,000-400,000 years-ago Peking Man; 130,000 years-ago, Neanderthal Man; 120,000 years-ago, Homo Sapiens; 15,000 years-ago, agriculture; 11,500 years-ago, granaries employed in the Jordan Valley; 10,700 years-ago, metallurgy carried out in Mesopotamia; 9,600 years-ago, domestication of animals in Zhenpiyan, China; 9500 years-ago, domestication of rice; 7500 years-ago, fabric woven in Egypt; 6,000 years-ago, irrigation canals in Mesopotamia; 4200 years-ago, water clocks in China, 5,630 years-ago, silk production in Henan Province, China. On the “mid-level”, the best example of Potentialism is humanity itself. Certainly, one can point to terrestrial life in general. The mechanics of Evolution naturally give rise to ever more specialized and Complexified organisms. But of course, the crowning achievement for this planet to-date is humankind. In humanity, Potentialism took a more dramatic turn – no claws, wings, strong jaws for this creature. Via Complexification-driven evolution, Potentialism gave this unique creature advanced ‘reason’. At once apex predator and highest life form, humanity represents a new order of magnitude of Complexification. The first creature to be able to shape and redefine its environment, humanity represents what Potentialism calls a Quantum Jump in Complexity. Much as atoms could only grow so diverse and complex before it was necessary for the molecule, humanity represents the next order of Complexification which rises above the level of animals (see The Micro-level


On a micro level, Potentialism shines perhaps most clearly. Travel down far enough in the microscopic world and you enter the world of quantum physics – the clearest example of Potentialism. Unlike the analog day to day business of the larger universe, on the quantum scale Potential is the clear, undisputed ruler of reality. A quantum, at its most fundamental is an expression of a given amount of energy. There is no halfway in quantum reality. Something is or it isn’t. Like the orbit of a valence electron around an atom – you add energy (potential) and will see no results until there is a fundamental change – it is binary, all or nothing. Pour in energy and an electron sits, building its Potential, until it reaches critical mass; then, all at once, it redefines its orbit. Such is the state of Potential at its most basic. The electron will strive for a higher order of energy until it is finally realized. Likewise, quantum physics is a showcase for another concept of Potentialism. To a Potentialist, everything contains not only the energy of what it is, but what it can be. While this might sound outlandish, quantum physics proves this as a physical fact of the universe – in the form of superposition. Superposition holds that a particle exists in all its possible places in a quantum physical position at the same time. Think of that valence electron again. It could be to the left or right of a nucleus at any given time. According to superposition, it is in both places. Sounds like science fiction? It’s not. It’s provable. However, the act of observing the electron will force it to decide where it is at any given time? Observation is a key factor in determining its location. During this act, the electron trades its Potential for Complexity, going from potentially anywhere to a more complex object by weight of its specificity. Context The Summa series was released as-follows: Summa Metaphysica I: Religious Man (Ktav, 1988); Summa Metaphysica II: Spiritual Man (New Paradigm Matrix, 2005) and Summa Metaphysica III: Secular Man (New Paradigm Matrix, 2014). The series has been the subject of a major international academic conference as well as quite significant media coverage (see

Breaking the Code of the Cosmic Order 04/09/14 at 18:50

Why does cosmologist David Birnbaum need to coin new terms to crack the cosmic code? Every dynamic science is accompanied by its own lexicon (vocabulary, terminology). Phenomena need labels so that science can identify and work with them. Consider the science of astrophysics which is related to the field of cosmology. On smaller scales these phenomena might include electrons, protons and quarks; on larger scales these phenomena might include solar systems, quasars, nebulae.... The basis of science is to explore, verify, analyze and explain. To achieve these ends, lexicons are built – to categorize, label, identify and give classification to the work-in-progress findings of scientists. This ‘labeling’ is fundamental to scientific exploration and advance. Cosmology is the study of the origins, drive and nature of the cosmic order. For cosmologist David Birnbaum in search of a powerful and elegant cosmology, the old lexicon of cosmology was sorely lacking. For over 7,000 years philosophers and scientists sought to explain the great cosmic order of the universe; however, even leading into the 21st century, cosmologists simply deploying the concepts and words they had at-hand would ultimately fail in their noble goal. That is, until Birnbaum stepped up. In 1988, Birnbaum presented an entirely new cosmology in his book, Summa Metaphysica I; it would later be followed by two follow-up volumes in 2005 and early 2014 respectively – presenting a full-spectrum metaphysical cosmological theory (see But to wrap his arms around this new cosmic order and conceptualize it fully, Birnbaum needed a significant updating of the lexicon of cosmology itself. After all, the 20th century terminology gave us the dismal dead-end cosmology of Randomness; that theory is essentially an intellectual tossing-


up of the hands; the hallowed halls of academia declared the universe unknowable and apparently destined for decay and implosion; that was hardly the direction Birnbaum was headed. To crack-the-cosmic-code Birnbaum needed a lexicon for his conceptualization of a potential-affirming, growthaffirming, life-affirming cosmos. And so, to this end, Birnbaum enriched the vocabulary of cosmology to define terms for his ground breaking Theory of Potential – an elegant, powerful and original construct. Both the proposed construct and the discussion thereof mandated a new lexicon. In the 20th century, the primarily British-centric academic champions of Randomness had brazenly attempted to curtail discussion and debate; they sought to enshrine their theory of randomness as unchallengeable dogma. At the forefront of an elite group of thinkers who have overthrown ossified Randomness theory, Birnbaum hails from radically more vibrant philosophical roots – and Birnbaum likes old-fashioned debate on new-fashioned ideas. Believe it or not, at one time, the strength of a theory rested on its ability to weather critical discourse. People were encouraged to debate and defend their beliefs. The fact that rigorous intellectual debate became so alien in 20th century “science,” is just a reflection of how far the last century strayed from the principles of true intellectual inquiry and the rigors of the scientific method. A new group of 21st century thinkers has lifted the torch to get the vibrancy of the field of cosmology back on its feet. Birnbaum’s Potentialism breathes life back into classic philosophy and back into the scientific method. To this end, the Manhattan-based, yeshiva-educated and Harvard-educated conceptual theorist Birnbaum has given us a fresh lexicon. Let us look at three Birnbaumcrafted terms and a fourth, derivative one – a SuperLaw - and then understand their place in new cosmology. Complexification The Birnbaum-hypothesized ‘intermediate-level’ comic drive – for ever-greater complexity/sophistication/richness/variety/ wondrousness. Shorthand notation: C+


C+ is hypothesized to represent the continual and infinite drive of all things in the universe. One might wonder why ‘complexity’ isn’t a sufficient word. Complexification encompasses much more than just increased complexity; as noted, C+ encompasses a wider gamut. Complexification is the ‘handmaiden’ of Birnbaum’s hypothesized overarching cosmic force Q4P∞: Q4P∞

Quest for Potential∞ means Quest for Potential infinitely-iterated.

This is the overarching cosmic dynamic – and the core of Potentialism. It can graphically be denoted as: Quest for Potential ( Quest for Potential ( Quest for Potential ( Q4P∞ denotes the overarching primary drive of the universe – to seek-after its own Potential within Potential within Potential ad infinitum. In Potentialist terms, it is understood that everything in the universe innately seeks-after its own optimal and wondrous embedded Potential. For example, atoms innately seek after Complexification – and molecules fit that goal; space dust innately seeks-after Complexification – and solar systems and stars fit-the-bill. All this is aided and abetted by the eternal Physics-Math laws of the universe itself. That is, eternal Quest for Potential harnesses the eternal components of the equations of Physics-Math to advance the cosmic order towards reaching for its optimal potential. This is the Birnbaum-hypothesized inherent way of our cosmic order. Quest for Potential∞ is a force of such power because of its infinite, inexorable and transcendent nature. The nested, infinite quality of Q4P∞ is the core of its force and its undeniable hold on the cosmos. To understand it by a readily-available example, consider a single human being. A person has within them a great deal of Potential for Complexification; within that sphere, a person, as well, can procreate, meaning they can be the catalyst for an infinite number of people, all with their own inherent Potential. All that infinite Potential exists within every person. And that is why Potential is always expressed as infinite/nested/iterative in nature; the infinite/nested/iterative core of the dynamic is also the core of its overarching power to shape the universe.


E+ Extraordinariation. The goal of Q4P∞. So, expressed as an equation: (Quest for Potential) > C+ (Complexification) > E+ Extraordinariation. Thus, Q4P∞ > C+ > E+. It is the cosmic quest for ultimate – The cosmic goal is profound. Quest for Potential∞ is probing and searching for ...the elusive Extraordinariation ultimate – grandeur…elegance…beauty…symmetry…fulfillment....consciousness… harmony…artistry… symphony…spirituality...perfection…humanitarianism… romancing…love…parenting...meaning...altruism…mercy… – plus possibilities and potentials as yet not precisely known either to us or even known to Quest for Potential∞ itself The possible outermost-limit realization of the myriad potentials – both the known and unknown – would define the extraordinaration goal. In parallel to the concept of Infinity, Extraordinariation is a goal/horizon to be sought, but conceptually not ever quite-fully realized. Thus, Extraordinariation (E+) is not concrete. Rather, it is the super-ideal end-goal of the universe itself. It is what Potential strives towards, through


Complexification, to achieve. There is no true full and precise way to describe E+. Rather, it is the infinitely complex state of things after infinite iterations to come. Meaning, we know the drive (Q4P∞), we know the intermediate mechanism (C+), and conceptually we know the goal of E+; however, as noted we do not – and cannot - know the very precise specifics of E+. For example, consider when our planet was lifeless. How could you articulate 21st century Beethoven’s music? This is the issue with trying to fully describe Extraordinariation; until an expression of Complexification has arrived, we really have no concept of the precise form it will take. Much like a mathematical hyperbola approaching its asymptote, Complexification will drive us infinitely onwards closer and closer to E+ without ever reaching it, but infinitely approaching the perfect state of Complexification. SuperLaw – The SuperLaw – uncovered by Summa Metaphysica – is expressed as Q4P > C+ > E+. The SuperLaw gives us a bird’s eye view of the journey of Potentialism – from eternal origins to eternal destination. It actually encapsulates the inter-relation of the three mini-paradigms of the Theory of Potential: Q4P∞, C+ and E+. The SuperLaw emerges as a major conceptual breakthrough. • Everything in the universe is driven inherently to seek out its own Potential. • This in turn is effected via Complexification. • Complexification is the mechanism,which drives all towards the Extraordinariation state of being. These are just a few examples of the linguistics of Potentialism. As you can see, though, they are simply identifiers given to the mechanics and concepts of this newly-proposed metascience; they are tools to label newlyhypothesized phenomena – so that the dynamic theory can be explored and debated in more depth. For, if Potentialism seeks one thing beyond all else – it is to uncover ever-greater and more precise truth. And truth comes from knowledge, discussion and debate (and a little labeling).


Philosophy: The Push–Pull of the Cosmic Order By ron1980 | Posted September 4, 2014 | Chicago, Illinois

Designed by independent metaphysicist David Birnbaum, Potentialism is a cosmic theory steadily gaining traction in this new millennium. Unlike Randomness/ Atheistic Theory of the 20th century, Potentialism states that the universe is advancing and ever-richer pursuant to its Quest for Infinite Potential. Q4P∞ (for short) states that everything in the universe has an inherent drive to grow in ever increasing Complexification – complexity/ sophistication/variety/wondrousness. As described in his three part treatise in Summa Metaphysica I, II and III (Ktav, 1988; New Paradigm Matrix, 2005; and New Paradigm Matrix, 2014), Birnbaum states that Q4P∞ directs the universe towards a state called Extraordinariation – an, as-yet, unrealized and perhaps unattainable state of perfect super complexity. Far beyond simple mechanical complexity, E+ (Extraordinariation) represents a metaphysical state of complexity in physical form as well as emotional and intellectual existence – in short, the perfect form of all that makes up the universe. One byproduct of Q4P∞ is what Birnbaum calls the Push-Pull dynamic. This Push–Pull is dualistic in nature and an overarching dynamic in both the physical world as well as emotive expression. In physical terms – it can


be equated with positive and negative; energy/mass and vacuum; or light and darkness. In metaphysical terms, it is the Yin and Yang or the male and female. Each has a distinct, but complementary state, and they are fundamentally intertwined and complementary to each other. Push: Quest for Potential v. Pull: Extraordinariation Push: Achievement v. Pull: Fulfillment Push – Representing the neo-male, the Push is the active side of the duality. It is the creative drive of creation. Its first moments can be seen in the Big Bang itself, when matter and energy burst forth into the universe. Whether it be called the divine spark or simply a force of nature, it is what drives creation, innovation and complexity. The Push itself, and the entangled friction of the Pull were what brought forth the creation of our current universe. It is important to note that Push represents Quest for Potential, but without goal there is nowhere for it to go. That is where Pull comes into play. Pull–Pull is the universal draw, the neo-female embodiment of attraction and allure. Pull is what gives the Push direction and meaning. Like physical lovers, Pull embodies what gives Push meaning. It is the inspiration to the prime-mover. If this sounds similar to physical lovers, it is no coincidence. Potentialism is made of infinite recursion. The broader dynamics of the universe play out on different levels, sizes and aspects of reality. It is natural that humans would follow the same dynamic of the larger cosmic order. The Push–Pull Dynamic – The interplay or cosmic tango as Birnbaum more eloquently references it, is what drives the universe to ever greater creation and complexification. Without this interplay, the world as we know it would not exist. In some sense, to help understand this dynamic, one can picture Push as loosely equivalent to Q4P∞. Conversely, Pull has strong elements of E+. This is understood because E+ is the draw, the end goal that Q4P∞ strives for actively.


Per Summa Metaphysica, Push provides the fuel and the spark, Pull provides the meaning and purpose and fulfillment. In an eternal intertwined dance, they allow the universe to unfold on its journey. It is this great cosmic interplay that gives structure and energy to the central drive of the universe – Q4P∞ → E+.


Potentialism & Quantum Cosmology Posted on September 15, 2014 by Promotions in NO CAT

Birnbaum proposes an original concept as the missing key to understanding the cosmic drama. He proposes his signature concept that Potential is the eternal cosmic dynamic. More precisely, Birnbaum proposes that Quest for Potential∞ (infinitely iterating) is the eternal cosmic dynamic. Iconoclasts David Birnbaum & Seth Lloyd David Birnbaum
 (Manhattan-based Conceptual Theorist; b. 1950) David Birnbaum’s three-part treatise – Summa Metaphysica I, II and III (Ktav, 1988; New Paradigm Matrix, 2005; and New Paradigm Matrix, 2014, respectively) ushered in the age of Potentialism (see SummaMetaphysica. com). Potentialism has proved-to-be a game-changing paradigm for cosmology that has – and still is – shaking the core of cosmological thought since its introduction in 1988. Per the Birnbaum website – “The catalyst/igniter/driver of the cosmic order: Quest for Potential∞ (Q4P∞): Birnbaum proposes an original concept as the missing key to understanding the cosmic drama. He proposes his signature concept that Potential is the eternal cosmic dynamic. More precisely, Birnbaum proposes that Quest for Potential∞ (infinitely iterating) is the eternal cosmic dynamic. This dynamic works its way forward over the billions of eons towards first igniting our universe and eventually – down the road – catalyzing the emergence of higher-level consciousness human beings within it.


The core theme of David Birnbaum’s works is that one elegant dynamic and one elegant dynamic alone, (Quest for Potential∞) both instigates and drives the entire cosmic order. According to the conceptual theorist, “Potentialism proposes that there is, indeed, a protagonist to the cosmic order, but that the protagonist is a ‘quest’ and not a ‘classic entity.’ The universe quests for its maximal potential. The core dynamic Quest for Potential∞ strives with purpose and direction towards ever-greater and higher potential. At the ‘beginning of time,’ eternal Quest for Potential∞ harnessed the eternal portion of the eternal equations of Physics-Mathematics to ignite our universe via the Big Bang. Note that the works of MIT quantum physicist Seth Lloyd (2006) dovetail with the Summa Metaphysica series (1988, 2005, 2014). This same symbiotic dynamic – Quest for Potential∞ in league with PhysicsMath – then acted as a catalyst for the route tracking-forwards to high level humans in the 21st Century – tracking forward from the Big Bang thru the emergence of primordial star systems, myriad galaxies, supernovas, the Elements, the sun, our solar system, life, photosynthesis, DNA, organisms, sexual reproduction, multi-cellular life, the Cambrian Explosion, amphibians, forests, reptiles, mammals, dinosaurs, birds, flowers, evolution, hominids, homo sapiens, and ever-increasing consciousness/emotion – and, indeed, for all the key dynamics which have evolved in the universe.” Birnbaum develops his proposal over his 3-book treatise, but the guts of the theory is simple enough: Potential drives the cosmic order. Thus, there is one central drive that governs all of creation and cosmic evolution: Quest for Potential driving towards the horizon of the extraordinary. In symbolic terms, the formula would be Q4P∞ → E+. This is a symbolic, mathematical representation of the drive between the Infinite Quest for Potential (shorthand: Q4P) and its end-goal – Extraordinariation (shorthand: E+). Birnbaum then deploys another of his coined terms – Complexification (shorthand notation: C+) – to denote the intermediate path of the universe. Per Birnbaum, Complexification, the handmaiden of Q4P – is the intermediate


cosmic drive towards greater complexity/sophistication/richness/integration/ diversity/wondrousness. [Seth Lloyd of MIT will later deploy the leaner term ‘complexity,’ a subset of Birnbaum’s C+, as his key driver (see]. According to Potentialism, Q4P is the force which ‘aids & abets’ all things in the universe to achieve higher and higher levels of Complexification; in turn, Extraordinariation at the end of the equation supplies an end goal/horizon for this Potential. Seth Lloyd (Boston-based physics professor; b. 1960) Seth Lloyd is a professor of mechanical engineering (in quantum physics) at MIT; he is a self-professed “quantum mechanic.” As of September 2014 he directs MIT’s Center for Extreme Quantum Information Theory (google xQIT at MIT). Lloyd – in his seminal 2006 work Programming the Universe (Vintage/ Random House) – contends that the universe is one big quantum computer seeking ever and ever greater complexity.
[Birnbaum is de facto allied closely with Lloyd; however Birnbaum views the universe as very significantly more organic than Lloyd does (or at least significantly more organic than Lloyd articulates); meaning, Birnbaum views the cosmic order as more parallel to a supra-human brain which learns and extrapolates than to Lloyd’s supercomputer model.] Lloyd sees the universe through the lens of a computer scientist. He likens matter and energy to bits of information in a universal computer. To Lloyd, the purpose of this celestial computer is to compute, self-iterating as it advances forward towards ever-greater complexity. [Birnbaum himself holds a BSc in Computer Science (CCNY Enginering ’72); he, as well, believes that the cosmos as a whole iterates-forward ongoing; however, as Birnbaum believes that the cosmic order is organic and multidimensional – and driven by Infinite Quest for Potential – he might be more comfortable with the terminology that – the quantum dimension of Quest for


Potential iterates the cosmic order ever-forward. As Birnbaum notes, it is hard to argue with the proposition that an infinite and life-generating and sustaining dynamic – Infinite Quest for Potential – has an infinite divine aspect to it; thus pegging the dynamic as (simply) a super-computer simply does not really do it justice.]
Lloyd proposes the first computations were to create simple forms such as particles – and to establish the laws of physics.
[Birnbaum believes that the (potential) core Laws of Physics are inherently eternal.] Per Lloyd, later, as the computations grew in complexity, the universequantum-super-computer would deliver intelligence, life, consciousness, language, society and culture. [Birnbaum believes that his richer Complexification (C+ ) dynamic conceptually delivers these same dynamics – intelligence, life, consciousness, language, society and culture – more elegantly than Lloyd’s (more plain vanilla) ‘complexity’ dynamic; however, clearly the two theorists are in-consonance; meaning, that there is clearly much more that unites the two theorists, than divides them; remember, whether drive-for-complexity or drive-forComplexification, there is most definitely a ‘drive’ or ‘direction’ to the cosmic unfolding; and the two theorists (both proposing cosmic drive/direction) are outnumbered perhaps 1,000:1 by politically-correct Randomness/Atheist proponents advocating the total absence of any drive/direction to the cosmic order. Notwithstanding the phalanx they face, Birnbaum and Lloyd are (quite) confident that the ‘power of an idea whose time has come’ will sweep-away the incumbent crowd.] Information v. Potential:
 Lloyd focuses very heavily on ‘information.’ Lloyd articulates that all these universal developments are owed to the universe’s intrinsic ability to process information. Information, per Lloyd, is the key.
Note that the concept that ‘information is key’ is au courant – and politically super-correct – in elite American academic physics circles contemporaneously. Lloyd states (2006) that “Life, language, human beings, society, culture – all


owe their existence to the intrinsic ability of matter and energy to process information. The computational ability of the universe explains one of the great mysteries of nature: how complex systems such as living creatures can arise from fundamentally simple physical laws.”
[For Birnbaum, information is just that, information, to be used as raw material by Complexification operating on Potential (with Potential being the ultimate key here) So, per Birnbaum/ Potentialism ‘information’ is in-the-mix, but is not the ‘key driver’ per se; rather, Potential is the center stage ‘key driver.’ (mechanistic) bits v. (organic) savvy:
 For Lloyd, the entire universe is governed by a quantum mathematical ‘program.’ By its nature, this computer has grown steadily in complexity. To understand why, you need to reference Lloyd’s computer paradigm. Lloyd likens particles to bits in a computer. A program can only be as complex as the computer it runs on. Given the constraints of the speed of light and time since the Big Bang, Lloyd contends that there are a finite amount of particles which can interact with one another. So, as time proceeds, that number of particles grows and the ‘computer’ is capable of more complex processing. As the universe grows, Lloyd predicts the complexity of it will continue to grow exponentially. [Birnbaum sees matters nuanced as follows: As the universe reaches everhigher levels of Complexification, the cumulative Cosmic Consciousness – which is interlocked with Infinite Quest for Potential – has ever more power/ savvy to iterate to ever-higher levels; To Binbaum, the key issues is ‘critical mass of savvy’ as opposed to ‘critical mass of bits’; Again, the two theorists are in consonance, but view the universe through different lenses: Birnbaum’s Potentialism/Organic-Universe lens v. Lloyd’s Information/MechanisticUniverse lens.] Questions for Lloyd: Why is there anything at all?
What actualized your cosmic quantum supercomputer?
What gave it ‘traction’?
What drives it forward?
What gives


it direction towards extraordinary complexity (for example, a Beethoven symphony) – as opposed to ‘plain vanilla’ complexity (for example, a millioncave mountain)? Hint to Lloyd: If you wrap Birnbaum’s Potentialism en toto around your cosmic quantum super-computer, the Potentialism metaphysics will seamlessly resolve all the key issues challenging your theory – and, in particular, the questions noted just-above. Lloyd through the Lens of Birnbaum’s Potentialism As a stand-alone theory, Lloyd’s cosmic quantum super-computer is overly mechanistic from a Potentialist point-of-view; however, as a provider of the scientific mechanism for Birnbaum’s Complexification to do-its-thing, Lloyd’s cosmic quantum super-computer is perfect from a Potentialist pointof-view.
David Birnbaum, who spent two graduate years at Harvard, is a great admirer of Lloyd (‘across-the-river’ at MIT). Furthermore, Lloyd (2006) provides a scientific academic mechanism to implement Birnbaum’s (1988) conceptual and metaphysical cosmic Quest for Potential via Complexification. To Potentialists, Lloyd is indeed the ultimate cosmic mechanic, indeed, a neo-genius quantum mechanic. From a Potentialist perspective, Lloyd sees a key part of the truth (the cosmic iteration mechanism) with great clarity and scientific finesse/rigor. While Lloyd’s vision of the cosmos may be extremely mechanistic, that particular piece of the cosmic puzzle – the mechanism – indeed requires an astute quantum mechanic; Meaning, Potentialism was missing the quantum-piece as a key component of the Complexification mechanism, even though Potentialism would view even this very quantum piece as more organic than Lloyd does. Potentialism will ‘pocket’ the quantum piece of Lloyd of MIT, while not ‘swallowing-whole’ the mechanistic aspect. See Lloyd’s 2006 work and Birnbaum’s predecessor 1988 and 2005 works –


and later 2014 work – are nicely complementary. They fit together almost seamlessly. Both thought leaders agree wholeheartedly that the universe is steadily becoming more complex, building on each successive layer of complexity as a necessity for what comes after. Further, they agree that this complexity is the reason for life in general and human life in specific; they are in-consonance with the inexorable drive of the universe to create ever-greater complexity. The key is that Potentialism wraps-around Lloyd’s cosmic quantum supercomputer and gives a far more overarching, more organic, more conceptual and richer – eternal dynamic. But the two theories are nevertheless consonant. And, indeed, the two theories ‘team up’ quite elegantly. Indeed they must – to fend-off the flailing political gambits of the anachronistic (British-centered) Randomness/Atheist crew, still dangerous even whilst in their intellectual death throes. Birnbaum delivers the ‘conceptual’ and macro structure; Lloyd delivers the ‘mechanism’ – from an academic scientific perspective. Of course, in-the-mix Lloyd also delivers his M.I.T. credentials. The Birnbaum-Lloyd PotentialismQuantum Cosmos model quite dramatically – and with ‘authority’ – trumps the archaic Randomness/Atheist model of the prior century. Beyond the Mechanistic Potentialists give enormous credit to Lloyd for delineating/conceptualizing a universe-wide scientific iterating mechanism – the quantum. Potentialism (via Summa first two volumes 1988 and 2005) had simply in-advance taken Lloyd’s (later 2006) work further than Lloyd could go with its mechanistic definitions alone. Potentialism lays-out the grander metaphysical expanse of metaphysical and physical realms; in particular the key overarching drive (of Infinite Potential). Summa III (2014) would, in due course, of course embrace Lloyd’s key quantum mechanism component. Lloyd’s cosmic quantum iteration is certainly an extraordinary major piece of the great cosmic puzzle; it recognizes the pattern and willful intent of


the universe as it drives inexorably towards greater and greater levels of Complexification; Lloyd fills-in the key ‘missing piece’ in Potentialism (see But we might point out – in the spirit of the computer model so central to Lloyd – that (Lloyd’s) great cosmic quantum computer must be fueled/ juiced by something. So what is the great quantum cosmic computer’s power cord attached to? Potentialists would answer – (Birnbaum’s) core and overarching cosmic Infinite Quest for Potential. And what program is it running? Complexification (C+). And where does its internal computer-map lead? The plotting of the road to (Birnbaum’s) Extraordinariation (see. www. Nice and neat.


How Harvard and MIT checkmated Oxford and Cambridge Posted on September 16, 2014 by guest

Oxford and Cambridge have long been the gatekeepers of modern cosmology. Indeed, in recent decades they have ruthlessly protected their power over academe; while suppressing any challenging theories, they have touted their Randomness/Atheism construct as the only plausible theory of cosmic origins. Randomness/Atheism posits that the universe is random, devoid of purpose and inexorably decaying and falling apart. Their theory can be summarized in one simple and easy-to-remember phrase: All is random. Coming into the 21st century challengers to this antiquated theory include Harvard-educated David Birnbaum and MIT’s Seth Lloyd. Their respective constructs dovetail with each other’s. Coming from the metaphysics and physics arenas respectively, Birnbaum and Lloyd de facto offer a powerful hybrid construct – Potentialism/Quantum Universe which readily trumps Randomness/Atheism theory. David Birnbaum is an independent metaphysicist and author of the widely-


featured Summa Metaphysica series – Summa Metaphysica I, II and III (Ktav, 1988; New Paradigm Matrix, 2005; and New Paradigm Matrix, 2014). Seth Lloyd is a professor of Quantum Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering at MIT, and the author of Programming the Universe (Knopf, 2006). In 1988, Birnbaum proposed an audacious theory of the universe in his Summa Metaphysica I. What if the universe isn’t purposeless? What if, completely contrary to the entrenched academic/scientific dogma, it was the exact opposite? What Birnbaum proposed, was his profound and powerful Theory of Potential (see The theory proposes – concisely capturing cosmic history in one simple phrase – that the universe strives towards its optimal potential. And the theory does more than just describe the natural world; it describes the universe in its entirety – from macro to micro levels, with humanity somewhere in the middle. Language, emotion, and beauty are, of course, included in-the-mix. The Birnbaum theory basically discerns a Common Denominator – infinite divine quest for potential – to the entire cosmic order. As noted, this cosmic Common Denominator operates across the entire spectrum of universelevels. The universe is not a mish-mash of aimlessness and decay, as per the Randomness/Atheistic crew; rather it is purpose-driven integrated organic entity seeking advance and growth. Advance and growth – these are things the Randomness/Atheistic crew will never likely understand. But the truth is, if Randomness/Atheism can’t account for the way the universe manifests, then it is a fatally flawed theory. By comparison, Birnbaum tackles all these issues head on. Potentialism describes human emotion and art as easily as it describes thermodynamics and gravity. Everything in the universe is describable in terms of Potential. And the theory seamlessly handles the entire flow of cosmic history and advance. For those who wonder where the hard math of science comes in, that is where Seth Lloyd enters the story. Lloyd has done extensive research on quantum mechanics and how it shapes the natural world around us. Based on his extensive knowledge, Lloyd has also produced highly respected


computer century though, the US has unleashed two sophisticated and cutting-edge
models of how the universe is governed by quantum mechanical principles. And what are MIT Professor Seth Lloyd’s own findings? Lloyd in his 2006 work Programming the Universe sees the universe as a quantum informationprocessing organic entity. That’s a mouthful, but what Lloyd is proposing is that the universe keeps iterating and advancing to seek ever-richer complexity. But wait, that is what Birnbaum first proposed in 1988 (see In any event, the 2006 Lloyd theory complements – and dovetails with – the 1988 Birnbaum theory. Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential actually wrapsaround the (more limited and contained) Lloyd proposition. Birnbaum in 1988 provides the conceptual context, concept, igniter, drive and goal of the universe; Lloyd proposes the (crucial) mechanics; Birnbaum has been clear – see – that he is quite honored to have MIT’s Lloyd as part of his metaphysics/physics tag-team; together, they present an elegant 21st growth and advance, quite readily trumping the (now antiquated) 20th construct of decay and aimlessness. The advance of knowledge and science is inexorable; Harvard’s Birnbaum and MIT’s Lloyd have successfully dethroned Cambridge and Oxford’s hegemony, and set-the-stage for 21st cosmology. Onward!


Inter-Disciplinary Metaphysical Warriors: 16 September 2014

Harvard’s David Birnbaum & Yale’s David Gelernter David Birbaum [b. 1950]
 Computer Science major, CCNY
 Harvard Business School
 author of the iconic trilogy Summa Metaphysica philosophy series
 Founder of Potentialism (the above-noted Summa Metaphysica’s Theory of Potential)
 Editor-in-Chief, in-progress 10-volume Mesorah Matrix Jewish philosophy series (180+ essayists)
 author, 7-volume Jews, Church & Civilization
 day job: international rare gem dealer David Gelernter [b. 1955]
 Hebrew Literature major, Yale
 Parallel computing maven 
 author: Mirror Worlds (on computing)
 author: Judaism: A Way of Being
 Fellow, Shalem Center (Jerusalem) [a Jewish Thought ‘think tank’]
 day job: professor of computer science at Yale definitions:
 cosmology – a theory of the origins and workings of the cosmic order
 metaphysics – a unified construct integrating philosophy, science and cosmology Birnbaum and Gelernter have never met; however, their gestalts (world views) would intersect on the global stage in January of 2014. In April 2012, Harvard graduate David Birnbaum (see www.ExaminerPurpose. com) was the central speaker (& feature) at Bard College (motto: ‘a place


to think’) Upstate, NY; the 3+ day international academic conference on Religion & Science was to showcase Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential. In the making since 1988, Birnbaum’s three-part series on Potentialism, Summa Metaphysica (1988, 2005, 2014) elucidates the Birnbaum hypothesis via three quite-distinct lenses – Religious, Spiritual and Secular. In-the-mix (aside from its primary thrust to so to speak ‘crack the cosmic code’) the work happens to unify Philosophy, Spirituality and Science, no-small-feat, in and of itself. Birnbaum’s Theory of Infinite Potential is unique, powerful and original; it has been the focus of over fifty focused feature articles in 2013-2014 alone. Taking-off where Spinoza left-off 400 years ago, Birnbaum essentially reinvents metaphysics. The guts of the theory is that an overarching cosmic dynamic which Birnbaum discerns and labels as Infinite Quest for Potential (shorthand notation: Q4P) drives our Cosmic Order. In its wake, Birnbaum’s fully-integrated holistic and overarching Theory of Potential effectively decimates and overthrows the ‘apex predator’ Randomness/Atheist construct of the universe (championed by English universities) which exercised a stranglehold over academe for the entire 20th century. Drawing a mix of scientists, philosophers and theologians alike, the Bard conference highlighted Birnbaum’s well-vetted 21st century cosmological model which unified – under the umbrella of one overarching metaphysics the fields of Philosophy, Spirituality and Science – typically self-contained disciplines of thought. Two things were learned from that conference: 1) If there is one thing academics dislike, it is change; 2) if there is one thing academics hate, it is being wrong. Unfortunately for the Randomness/Atheist academics, Birnbaum’s Potentialism realized both to the halls of academia. Undermining the long held beliefs of the 20th century’s chosen cosmological theory of England’s Randomness/Atheism, Birnbaum’s Potentialism represented a devastating departure from the entrenched pseudo-theory;


Randomness/Atheism had posited for 100+ years in its (bizarre) one-sentence all-encompassing construct that: All is random happenstance and chance; there is no direction or pattern to the universe. Randomness/Atheism had not only de-legitimized the validity of Religion and Spirituality, it had also dismissed the classic fields of Philosophy and Metaphysics. The British Randomness/Atheists pro-actively fostered animosity between scientists on the one hand, and theologians and philosophers on the other; Birnbaum’s central theory of Potentialism proved to be an elegant bridge between all concerned. While globally embraced by a wide swath of philosophers, theologians, and a group of American scientists, orthodox British academics hated him for it. To be clear, I do not mean they disagreed. That is normal, healthy and to be expected for any new cosmological models. This went far beyond that. Via nameless surrogates, British academia embarked on a concerted character assassination, not only of Birnbaum, but of anyone who attempted to defend him. Even the president of Bard college, who hosted the event in April 2012, would come under withering attack; under mounting pressure from the Brits, thirteen months-later the Bard president buckled, about-faced and bizarrely claimed there had never even ‘been’ a conference. After coming under withering attack from a freakish journalist in an Atheism-controlled academic journal, for ’undermining the world academic order’ Bard apparently quickly destroyed its set of official conference tapes; the Bard president was not aware that Birnbaum’s publishing outfit had made its own wall-to-wall video of the entire 4 days spanning the conference. The Birnbaum crew then posted its own set of tapes on its conference site globally humiliating flip-flopping Bard. Conference observers wryly remarked that a new movie was in order: Metaphysics, Lies, and Videotapes Bard may have buckled from the focused vituperation, but Birnbaum and his intellectual allies didn’t.


Enter Gelernter In January 2014, David Gelernter of Yale stepped. In a major feature article in Commentary Magazine, Closing of the Scientific Mind, Yale professor Gelernter, counter-attacked; he struck back in defense of discovery and the scientific process. He particularly attacked scientific hubris – which has noted had been on a campaign to intimidate and destroy humanism in the scientific community. Gelernter specifically singles out the importance of values, morality, spirituality – and even beauty and religion – in humankind’s broader understanding of the universe as a whole. In the scientific community’s rapidly increasing need to reduce the entirety of the universe to quantifiable values, they’ve morphed into an academic clique, which attacks any semblance of humanism as invalid in understanding, truth and cosmology as a whole. Gelernter notes that a British physicist apparently has about as much understanding of humanism as the average man on the street has of quantum physics – and rightly so. Physicists tread into cosmology like it is their native field. Even Stephen Hawking was crass enough to declare philosophy dead and useless compared to physical science. Yet, in all their hubris, they have forgotten that cosmology does not even belong to the science of physics. Why is that? Because it has always been known that physical science cannot understand the totality of the universe. Physics is not thought. Physics is not art. Physics is not morality. Yet, all these things exist in our universe. Physicists and the scientific community at large, in an attempt to hijack cosmological discourse, have sought to incorrectly banish humanism and spirituality as myth – notwithstanding their significant acceptance by society at-large. So, how has modern academia gotten away with slipping these blinders over people as a whole? Gelernter says the answer is obvious. Scientists have sought to, “belittle human life and values and virtues and civilization and moral, spiritual, and religious discoveries, which is all we human beings


possess or ever will, they have outrun their own empiricism. They are abusing their cultural standing. Science has become an international bully.” Two minds as one And Birnbaum is in lockstep on this issue. To Potentialism, the complete universe is the universe, not just its tangible aspects. Roll that around on your tongue for a moment if it sounds repetitive. If it does, it’s a symptom of modern science’s influence on our understanding. Too often, academics will speak of void, energy, planets and stars, or trees and living creatures as the totality of existence. They say this as if having these thoughts about such matters is not a part of the universe as well. But the universe, put simply, is everything. Be it matter, energy, consciousness, thought, morality, potential spirituality. If the universe is everything, nothing can be excluded. Like Gelernter, Birnbaum states this is an inescapable truth. When academia tries to frame this as anything but an undeniable truth, it is to reframe cosmology as something they can competently and completely explain – which they’ve never actually been capable of. One only need reference the now-dated 20th century Randomness construct to see how far off-track exclusive focus on physical science can take one in cosmology. After pondering the mysteries of the universe for roughly a century, the atheist academics concluded that there is 1) no pattern in the universe, 2) no direction, 3) no purpose, 4) humanity is a freak occurrence, and 5) all is destined for pointless atrophy. The Atheistic ‘theory’ is basically a theory of ‘No theory’; we do not have a clue; the ultimate ‘hollow theory’. Birnbaum himself is quick to point out why they found no answer. Science isn’t cosmology and academia had a loaded deck – they were destined to fail when they began because they never had, and never will have, the tools necessary to crack the Cosmic Code. The reason is simple, and so utterly obvious, it is self-evident. When you remove humanism from the equation, you’re no longer looking at the universe. How are you to make an informed conclusion about something you are incapable of truly seeing? Birnbaum


knows this. Gelernter knows this. Cosmology, in the absence of humanism/ consciousness/cosmic advance is just a collection of some measurements. Context No flaw has been discerned in Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential since first introduced to the world via Summa I (Ktav Publishing, 1988). A Course Text at over a dozen colleges globally, Summa Metaphysica has been the focus of over fifty feature articles in 2013-2014 alone. See www.SummaCoverage. com. Recent hi-level academic works dovetailing with Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential include the following:
Programming the Universe (Knopf, 2006) by Professor of Quantum Mechanics Seth Lloyd of MIT;
Mind & Cosmos (Oxford Press, 2012) by Professor of Philosophy & Law Thomas Nagel of NYU;
Our Mathematical Universe (Knopf, 2014) by Professor of Physics Max Tegmark of MIT.


September 17, 2014

Two Dynamic Contemporary Cosmological Theories By aaronphipps in Virginia Tech

David Birnbaum’s Potentialism and Guth/Linde’s Cosmic Inflation Two exciting – and interlocking – cutting-edge cosmology-related theories are making headlines recently: Potentialism and Cosmic Inflation. What is perhaps more fascinating though is the inherent interconnectedness of these two theories. While Inflation might still be more theoretical than Potentialism, introduced by David Birnbaum in his three-part work Summa Metaphysica I (Ktav, 1988), Summa Metaphysica II (New Paradigm Matrix, 2005), and Summa Metaphysica III (New Paradigm Matrix, 2014) – recent discoveries by astronomers are helping to solidify Inflation with empirical evidence. Let’s take a look at these two ground-breaking concepts and see how they might connect (see Potentialism: Q4P∞The Infinite Quest for Infinite Potential. This represents the universe’s innate drive towards fulfilling its true potential. Also commonly denoted as Q4P∞. E+ Extraordinariation. The other side of the Q4P∞ equation, Extraordinariation represents the building complexity of the universe (see Extraordinariation. com). 0-Point The Zero Point represents the universal pre-Big Bang. In physics terms, it is the pre-known universe, when all Planck values were under 1. SuperLaw of Potentialism: Q4P∞→ E+ The fundamental, basic drive of the cosmic dynamic. This represents the Quest for Infinite Potential which drives the cosmic order towards greater and greater complexity towards its own


Extraordinariation and is the core of Potentialism. Inflation: The Inflationary hypothesis was developed in the 1980s by physicists Alan Guth and Andrei Linde. Expanding space – Inflation states that space is expanding. This is commonly misunderstood as the idea that things in space are expanding, or moving away from each other. However, Inflation states that space itself is expanding, which would make even stationary objects move away from each other. Speed of Light – Inflation predicts that galactic clusters move away from each other at faster than the speed of light. Asymmetry – Inflation predicts that quantum fluctuations are inherent in the universe and give rise to the current order we see – solar systems and galaxies. Big Bang – Inflation contends that the Big Bang not only represents an expansion of matter and space itself, but also the physical dimensions of our universe as a whole. The Scorecard So how do these theories meet up? Not far from each other, actually – at least on most accounts. On the origin of the cosmos. Potentialists refer to the 0-Point as the origin of our current universe. Inflation theory cites the beginning as the Big Bang. Really, the only difference between the two is that Potentialism can describe a pre-Big Bang. Meaning, Potentialism wraps-around Inflation Theory.


Inflation recognizes a singularity that “ignited” to give birth to the universe. Potentialism does as well. The only difference is that Potentialism can give meaning to what ignited the Big Bang – Q4P. That is, the cosmos came into being as the universe seeks to balance an ever increasing equation: Q4P∞→ E+ The speed of Light and expanding space. Notwithstanding spurious charges from reactionary academics to the contrary, Potentialists hold that all the universe must be governed by physical and metaphysical law. Whether describing human intelligence or the orbit of a planet, everything follows the natural laws of the universe. Inflation theory points out that the early universe expanded faster than the speed of light. Indeed, relative to one another, objects in the universe are still moving apart faster than the speed of light. This would seem an intractable problem between Potentialism and Inflation. However, you need to understand fully the mechanics of Inflation. Describing objects as “moving” faster than the speed of light is a misnomer and, at best, an imperfect understanding of the mechanics. In Inflation, objects do not “move” faster than the speed of light. While galactic clusters might move apart from one another, their speed is within the rules of physics. The key is Expansion. Think of it this way. We are in Galactic cluster A and we view Galactic cluster B. When we observe B it seems to be moving away at, say (arbitrarily) half the speed of light. A cluster twice as far away, Galactic cluster C might appear to be moving away at the speed of light. But to B, both A and C are seen as moving at half the speed of light. From A it appears: A → B → → C From B it appears: A → B → C From C it appears: A → → B → C What this tells us is that the distance between the galactic clusters is increasing. The clusters themselves are not moving so much as the distance between them is being created. This linchpin part of Inflation is what qualifies


Inflation as not violating any rules of Potentialism. What appears to break the laws of physics, only appears to do so. Asymmetry and Q4P∞→ E+. Again, we see an apparent difference in theories. Potentialism is based on a balancing on energies, Q4P and E+. By contrast, Inflation is hinged on the theory of asymmetry. Once again though, these differences are largely a misunderstanding. Q4P and E+ are integrally interrelated to one another. It is the need to keep the equation balanced that causes Q4P and E+ to drive one another to higher states of infinite complexity. In Inflation, asymmetry describes a quantum fluctuation which, in theory, can create matter. But looking into quantum theory, asymmetry is not a stable state. In fact, it is predicted by Potentialism – Whenever asymmetry might occur and produce, spontaneously, matter, it is automatically balanced by the creation of anti-matter. So long as the net results cancel each other out, so no scientific laws have been broken. Inflation hypothesizes that this could have been the beginning of the universe – a quantum fluctuation. Usually the matter and anti-matter is such instances collide and destroy one another. However, if the universe was expanding at that point, the matter and anti-matter could have been too far apart to annihilate each other instantly, giving rise to a chain reaction that resulted in the universe (see Looking at if from this perspective, this is perfectly in line with the Potentialism duality model. Potentialists agree that the universe is fundamentally dichotomous – light and dark, male and female, good and evil. On an integral level, dichotomy has promulgated throughout the universe. That Inflation theory would acknowledge such as the beginnings of the very cosmos earns it a nod of approval from Potentialism. Potentialism simply names the phenomena: Q4P∞→ E+. Dovetailing: Recent hi-level academic works dovetailing with Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential (see ) include the following:


Programming the Universe (Knopf, 2006) by Professor of Quantum Mechanics Seth Lloyd of MIT; Mind & Cosmos (Oxford Press, 2012) by Professor of Philosophy & Law Thomas Nagel of NYU; Our Mathematical Universe (Knopf, 2014) by Professor of Physics Max Tegmark of MIT.

Potentialism & Modern Cosmology: Juxtaposing David Birnbaum v. Michio Kaku Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential is a radical departure from anything proposed in the last 7,000 years or so. By admin on 22 September, 2014 11:32 am in Uncategorized / no comments

Founder of Potentialism David Birnbaum, independent metaphysicist and Manhattan native, entered the world arena in 1988 when he proposed his ground breaking and audacious new theory of cosmology – Potentialism. In his masterful three-part Summa Metaphysica treatise, Birnbaum describes a universe not random and pointless, but defined by its innate core cosmic drive –infinite Quest for Infinite Potential; this inexorable drive is toward a cosmic end-goal/horizon – the infinitely extraordinary (see For precision, note the subtitles of the treatise: Summa Metaphysica I: Religious Man (Ktav, 1988), Summa Metaphysica II: Spiritual Man (New Paradigm Matrix, 2005) and Summa Metaphysica III: Secular Man (New Paradigm Matrix, 2014). See Birnbaum is extrapolating his key theme through multiple lenses – through a Religious lens, a Spiritual lens, and finally, a Secular lens. See Potentialism states as its most basic the concept that (infinite) Quest for Potential (infinitely iterated) seeks-after the (infinitely) Extraordinary. By formula this would be expressed-as: Q4P∞ → E+. This is an expression of the hypothesized core cosmological drive to the effect that infinite Quest for Potential∞ (shorthand: Q4P) inexorably drives the cosmos towards higher and higher states of Extraordinariation (shorthand: E+). See for an academic review of the theory. Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential is a radical departure from anything proposed in the last 7,000 years or so. However, the theory is compelling and elegant;


after 25+ years of vetting and after major scrutiny at a major 3 ½ day international academic conference at Bard College in 2012, no flaw has been discerned in it (see Extraordinariation, or E+, is what Birnbaum identifies as a cosmic end game, a goal/horizon state of the almost unimaginable extraordinary – in all realms – physical and mental. This target horizon denouement is beyond sheer mathematical expression, encompassing aspects of emotional, intuitive, logical and physical complexity beyond current understanding. Are you overdosing from Summa terms? Not to worry; there are more. What is the name of the process whereby Q4P advances towards E+? It is Complexification (shorthand: C+). Complexification is the inexorable process of seeking greater complexity/sophistication/richness/integration/variety/ wondrousness. Thus, for example, the evolvement of multi-cellular organisms from single-cell organisms was a product of C+; the evolvement of humans from primates was a result of C+. Thus C+ (Complexification) is a busy camper, hard at work as the ‘handmaiden of overarching Q4P (Quest for Potential∞). Really not so complicated once you get-the-hang-of-it. All three key dynamics, Q4P∞, C+, and E+ are all potential-driven at their core. So the more expanded formula would be: Q4P >>> C+ >>> E+. Note that metaphysicist Birnbaum’s roots are within Modern Orthodox Judaism, and at first his young kids feared that he was inventing a new religion. Kaku Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku has made a name for himself both for his work as a string field theoretician as well as for his work as a futurist. Kaku is a household name for his work on showcasing science and bringing it to the lay person. He is also a very articulate proponent of technology.


To Kaku, the future lies squarely in the realm of technology. His theories revolve around the merging of humankind with future technology – to elevate the capabilities of humans to include such powers as ESP and teleportation. While some of his theories may seem far-fetched, Kaku is prepared to supply real evidence regarding his predictions that force the scientific world to treat him as a force to be reckoned with. Regarding his cosmological theories, Kaku’s theories are a mesh of technology and consciousness. Kaku regularly delves deep into the realm of quantum physics to explain the importance of sentient beings, their awareness of the universe, and how consciousness is a tool to not only observe reality, but to help shape it. Agree on Complexification in Evolution Birnbaum views evolution as driven by Complexification (which incorporates survivability as a sub-component), as opposed-to stand-alone classic survival-oriented theories. Per Birnbaum, evolution clearly follows a design/ direction transcending survivability. Thus, per Birnbaum Natural Selection would select the available gene mix which optimally suits the objectives of Complexification. Kaku does not engage that deeply in Evolution, but his general theories of inexorable human advance are in consonance with Birnbaum’s. Agree on Advance in Intellectual Complexity In recent millennia, each change in the minds of sentient beings has led to greater and greater degrees of intellectual complexity. Birnbaum points out that until such changes in Complexity arrive, it is hard to predict what nature they will actually arrive in. Birnbaum and Kaku are of one mind that heading for more advanced Complexification is the natural course of humanity’s future.


Agree on Cosmic Consciousness & Observation Kaku and Birnbaum are in consonance on Cosmic Consciousness. Kaku points out that the quantum nature of the universe requires observation. It is commonly noted that photons act as both waves and particles. They act as waves before being observed. But once a photon has been observed, the trajectory of the photon becomes that of a particle. In more simple terms, a photon has a probable trajectory – its path is not precise, thus indeterminate. The act of observing the photon actually forces it to choose a single, concrete path it is to take in reality. Kaku notes that this power of observation has a physical effect on reality. Thus, it can be deduced that consciousness is a physical force in the universe. This has broad implications on reality as a whole. For one, Kaku points out that this phenomenon is not relegated to photons alone. Logically speaking, it requires an observer for anything to exist in what we consider static reality. Even for a person to exist, it requires someone else to have observed them, thus changing their existence from a potential to a reality. The biggest conundrum, though, is tracing this theory back to universal origin. Something had to have witnessed the Big Bang for it to have occurred in a meaningful way. To Kaku, this is the big puzzle, the ultimate unknown question. For the cosmos to have formed and solidified in reality, a cosmic consciousness would have had to exist to bear witness to it – be it God or something else. Birnbaum’s Potentialism fills-in the blanks Birnbaum’s theory on the other hand, de facto answers the above question: The universe had – and will always have had – an observer, Potential. Whether that entity or power has intelligence as we would understand it, Birnbaum says is unknown. But Potential has always existed and, as it is capable of


purposefully shaping the evolution of the cosmos; then it satisfies Kaku’s rule that the universe must have had an observer. Why is this? Because Potential moves with an inherently intelligent drive. Potential reacts with care and precision when selecting its course of Complexity. This implies that Potential moves with the ability to reason and make informed decision – one of the basic tenants of intelligence. Humankind itself is a product of Potential, as well, and is obviously intelligent. Birnbaum & the ‘cosmic observer’ It could be argued, of course, that humankind has not always existed. But, Birnbaum notes that Potential rests on a super-position regarding linear time. That is to say, as a closed loop system, Potential effects in the future can have effects in the past as well. As Extraordinariation is a cosmic end and Potential is a cosmic beginning, their interaction necessarily is not subject to classic linear time; thus Potential driven towards Extraordinariation is quite conceivably its own observer (see Extrapolators of Birnbaum might well surmise that the cosmos is all one infinite and morphing quantum-organic ‘entity.’ Hence, the ‘entity’ would be merely observing itself. Thus, Birnbaum’s metaphysics does not mandate a separate and distinct ‘observer’ in order to fulfill the ‘cosmic observer’ imperative. The CCNY / Harvard Connection [ note: CCNY is City College New York ] Kaku is a graduate of Harvard College B.A. ’68 and teaches theoretical physics at CCNY’s Institute for Advanced Study. Birnbaum is a graduate of CCNY Engineering ’72 and of Harvard University Graduate School of Business School ’74. Both currently work in Manhattan.


What Ignited our Cosmos? (public group) October 7, 2014

Deductive v. Inductive approach Traditional academics have tackled the origins and nature of the universe through deductive reasoning. Looking back in time, they study the nature of the universe as it is and as far back as they can, and deductively try to reason out its secrets and origin. They’ve never succeeded. Looking back in time as the sole path to discerning the secrets of cosmic origins is problematic; the approach ultimately breaks down. It is true that scientists can look back a long way; with the powerful telescopes of today, they can look back very close to the time of the Big Bang, ferreting out many cosmic secrets. But there’s a problem with attempting to deploy that approach alone in tracking back to “the beginning.” As you go back far enough, the very things which scientists measure begin to lose meaning. When approaching “the beginning” there are unavoidable issues. Indeed, the very word “beginning” loses meaning. In “the beginning” time did not exist. Indeed, matter as we know it did not exist either. Hence, the idea that science can look back all the way to and before the Big Bang through deductive reasoning is pretty much an exercise in futility. Yeshiva and Harvard-educated David Birnbaum is a Manhattan-based private scholar who engages with these issues. His universe-theory has been featured globally. He employs both paths in-tandem. Since one cannot deduce the eternality of the cosmos simply (deductively) by working backwards in time, one must as well (inductively) start at “the beginning” and work forward. Birnbaum, in parallel to the ancient Greek metaphysicists, simultaneously starts with a proposed Eternal Origin and works forward towards Theoretical Physics. Birnbaum audaciously wants to seamlessly connect the two, and he apparently succeeds. “Outsider” to the formal academic establishment Birnbaum de facto simultaneously solves the inter-related series of classic (hitherto intractable) problems which has vexed the “insider” academic community.


Now, in order to build a theory inductively, it is important to have a defined set of assumptions which the starting premise (the transcendent dynamic to be discovered) must fulfill. Birnbaum defines these criteria as follows: (1) The system must be elegant. (2) Such a system would most probably be ‘hidden in plain sight,’ as it must be pervasive and universal. (3) Its core dynamic/ concept must effectively be eternal. (4) The core dynamic must have a forcemultiplier aspect and be able to project and impact infinitely forward. In 1982 at age thirty-two Birnbaum finally vectored onto the concept/theme/ dynamic he had been seeking. It would satisfy all of the above just-noted four criteria. The breakthrough would ultimately herald a possible Intellectual Revolution of the first magnitude – with profound implications. Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential would be the foundation of Summa Metaphysica – a treatise which would completely redefine current Universal Theory. Summa focuses on Birnbaum’s signature concept of Potential. To Birnbaum, Potential has many faces: Quest for Potential∞, Infinite Potential, Cosmic Womb of Potential and related. All are different facets of the same universal dynamic. Birnbaum proposes that Quest for Potential (iterated and nested to the infinite power) ignited and drives the cosmic order. Does this proposal satisfy Birnbaum’s own four criteria? (1) The proposal definitely satisfies the rule of elegance. The entry-point is simple: potential. But philosophically that simple statement has far reaching ramifications when examining the derivative conclusions this creates. If everything in the universe is pivoted on potential, we humans are potential in corporeal form. (2) Its all-inclusiveness satisfies rule number two: It is indeed ‘hidden in plain sight’ by virtue of its own omnipresence and intangibility. (3) Birnbaum daringly posits that Potential is eternal. Stated simply: We all exist; therefore, we all must have had the Potential to exist. Thus, the crucial “bullet proof” dimension of the theory: By definition, Potential is eternal. Its eternality is ultimately self-evident. Thus, its universal nature satisfies rule three


as Potential is eternal – by definition. (4) This Potentiality, when drawn to its logical conclusion, would encompass sub-creations (like humans) from these potentialities as well. Furthermore, what is currently in the universe carries the infinite potential for what can potentially be in the universe. Hence, Potential satisfies the fourth criteria as well. Birnbaum took this simple, elegant theory and used it to tackle some of the most persistent questions in philosophy: Eternal Origins (his original question), Theogony (the existence and nature of the proposed divine), Theodicy (the problem of evil), Cosmology/Cosmogony (the origins and drive of the universe) and the Teleology Question (the purpose of respectively, both mankind and the universe). The Manhattan author tackles all these issues in an exhaustive three-part treatise Summa Metaphysica I: Religious Man: God and Evil (Ktav1988); Summa Metaphysica II: Spiritual Man: God and Good (New Paradigm Matrix 2005); Summa Metaphysica III: Secular Man: The Transcendent Dynamic (New Paradigm Matrix 2014). See While Birnbaum is a ‘universalist,’ avoiding judgment in the intense fundamentalist religious v. hard-line atheist argument, his work necessarily addresses these two sides. Unavoidably, Potential Theory provides (a) an eternal divine origin – infinite potential, (b) a scientific “design schema” (c) a scientific alternative to helter-skelter Randomness and (d) a functional theodicy (If God, why evil?) solution. Any one of the four components would be (fatally) radioactive to the entrenched hard-line Randomness-atheistic dogma. Summa shocks the atheistic ‘entrenched dogma’ in the academic community by serving-up all four solutions simultaneously – and via one term (potential). First, Birnbaum has shown a trajectory from infinity past to the present and onward to infinity beyond of his signature concept of Infinite Potential. The universe journey is not random; it has a direction; one can even hypothesize this dynamic as the core of the Divine.


Second, Summa proposes that there not only is “design” to the universe, but that the designer is science itself. According to Birnbaum Infinite Potential harnessed the eternal equations of Physics-Math to ignite the cosmic order (see Third, Summa shows that the alternative to Randomness-atheism is not (supernatural) Creationism, but rather (science-friendly) Potentialism. The entrenched orthodoxy scientific community assumes that to concede any “design” in the universe is to concede that (supernatural) God created it. Birnbaum demonstrated how their key debating premise was a fatallyflawed assumption and argument. The “designer” can be hypothesized to be Birnbaum’s conceptually lean and fully scientific Infinite Potential and not a supernatural Creationist Divinity. While Birnbaum posits in Summa I that the spark of the divine/religious is inherent in Potential, and uniquely anchors religion metaphysically, he does not stake out a fundamentalist position as axiomatic; rather as a viable option. Birnbaum is not proposing “the supernatural” as the bedrock dynamic; he is proposing “the natural.” His wide-spectrum theory, embracing religion and spirituality as options side-by-side with science, all in turn anchored by Infinite Potential, totally undermines the hard-line atheist arguments that absolutely the only alternative to atheism is Creationism. Fourth, Summa shows that Potential can be used to address and resolve the pivotal theodicy issue (If God, why Evil?). The inescapable reality is that Summa I resolves the theodicy conundrum, hitherto the salient problem and Achilles’ heel in religious philosophy (also for a long, long time). This seemingly lethal quadruple-barreled hit on the entrenched Randomnessatheistic dogma has apparently fueled anger, if not panic, in segments of the atheist-controlled academic hierarchy. Believing that they had securely, if not permanently, entrenched their dogma into Academe via squelching all debate, the academic power hierarchy was incensed that Birnbaum had done an end-run around their intellectual blockade via the 4-day international academic Bard Conference which exclusively featured his work. All subsequent attempts by the ‘entrenched dogma’ group to suppress Birnbaum’s theory and suppress his theory have hitherto backfired.


The Transcendent Force Birnbaum lays out the dramatic 1:1 parallel between his theory (1988, 2005) and the 2006 book of Quantum Physicist Seth Lloyd of MIT. Birnbaum cites Lloyd “The universe computes its own behavior…its own dynamic evolution.” Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential actually elegantly wraps-around Lloyd’s theory and fills-in key gaps. Birnbaum’s theory provides (a) a catalyst, (b) a driver, and (c) a (more sophisticated) goal for Lloyd’s proposed universal quantum mechanism. Birnbaum’s Infinite Potential itself is the prime mover, the catalyst for life and the alpha and omega. Indeed, it is Infinite Potential which defines the universe and lies at the fount of science, philosophy and spirituality. All three seemingly disparate fields intersect with Infinite Potential at their core; Infinite Potential is the cosmic nexus point. Accolades from the academic/scientific community Universally acclaimed metaphysics expert Louis Dupré, Professor of Religious Studies, Yale University (1989) calls Summa I “an original and in this reader’s opinion, a very promising point of view…the author gathers a philosophically coherent and, in the end, highly modern insight…a unified metaphysics…” Dr. Andrei Alyokhin, Associate Professor School of Biology and Ecology University of Maine wrote in November 2012 “Summa represents a bold attempt to formulate a unifying concept of the Universe…. Therefore, it is reasonable to propose the Quest for Potential∞ as a working hypothesis for explaining the impetus behind the cosmic dynamic.” Birnbaum’s Potentialism Theory has garnered solid backing from eclectic members of Academe globally (see In the twenty-six years since it was introduced in 1988, no flaw has been discerned in the metaphysically and scientifically unifying thesis. Other works Birnbaum, in addition to Potential Theory, has written a number of other


important works including a 7-volume series, which tracks the 4,000 year history of the Jews through important civilizations, titled Jews, Church and Civilization. He is currently editor-in-chief of a potentially landmark 10-volume series on Jewish spirituality Mesorah Matrix scheduled to be released in segments between 2014 and 2019. This series brings together the essay contributions of over 150 Jewish thought leaders from around the world. The series allows Birnbaum, the universalist, to wear a different hat as editor of a series focused on spirituality. But, as he points out, to avoid inserting editorial bias into his metaphysics, he is not an essay contributor to the spirituality series, and his role is strictly as the series catalyst and editor-in-chief. Context A Course Text at over a dozen colleges (see, Summa Metaphysica has been the focus of over seventy feature articles in 2013-2014 alone. See Summa Metaphysica – and its Theory of Potential – was the focus of a 3+ day international academic conference at Bard College (Upstate, NY) April 2012; the conference, which launched Summa globally, created a global academic firestorm. Recent hi-level academic works dovetailing with Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential include the following: Programming the Universe (Knopf, 2006) by Professor of Quantum Mechanics Seth Lloyd of MIT; Mind & Cosmos (Oxford Press, 2012) by Professor of Philosophy & Law Thomas Nagel of NYU; Our Mathematical Universe (Knopf, 2014) by Professor of Physics Max Tegmark of MIT.


The Tao of Potentialism 7 Oct 2014

Yin & Yang Meets Western Cosmology In a time when Western Europe was still dotted with primitive tribes, the Han Dynasty (206 BCE – 220 CE) ruled over a nation of approximately 60 million people – a fourth of the world’s population. And while European tribes made pottery and wrestled with the secrets of bronze, the Chinese refined steel and had invented the compass, gunpowder and printing. But perhaps most importantly, while Europe feared the night and the unknown, the Chinese were quite-diligently and actively exploring the secrets of the very heart of the cosmos. At the center of Chinese philosophy is Taoism, based on the harmony of Yin and Yang. To Taoists: Yin represents the feminine – soft, yielding, alluring, drawing-in, passive, the moon, shadow Yang represents the masculine – hard, solid, aggressive, driving-forward, the sun, light It is vitally important to understand that Taoists consider neither of these forces superior; rather they are complementary, equally powerful forces. Further, Taoists believe that the unity of these two forces is what creates the universe around us. When these forces meet, they are what spawn the energy of creation. Together they form the Tao – the “way” or “path”. Tao is both the source and drive behind all that exists. To the Taoist, Tao itself is not a describable force, but fundamentally ultimately indescribable. The great philosopher Laozi once said, “The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.”


Millennia after Laozi comes a new philosopher, metaphysicist and cosmologist: David Birnbaum (see In 1988, Birnbaum set out to introduce and articulate his novel – and indeed revolutionary – theory of cosmology – Potentialism. Realized originally in his book, Summa Metaphysica I: Religious Man (Ktav, 1988), and continued in Summa Metaphysica II: Spiritual Man & Summa Metaphysica III: Secular Man (New Paradigm Matrix, 2005 and 2014 respectively) – Birnbaum would trump Laozi, first pegging-off of his core concepts, and then wrapping-around them in an extraordinary creative finesse (see At the core of Birnbaum’s breathtaking metaphysics, neo-male Quest for Potential (achievement-oriented) seeks after neo-female Extraordinariation (fulfillment-oriented). Birnbaum choreographs the two dynamics as engaged in a cosmic tango spiraling towards infinity. Extraordinariation beckons; Potentialism thrusts (see During the last half of the 20th century, academic science had managed to simultaneously make itself the enemy of classic philosophy, classic religion and spirituality in-general. Western science, in its search for the truth of the cosmos, has been led by great, revolutionary scientists who, nevertheless, had turned their backs on much of the ancient teachings and work of the past. And, much like what transpired in the Dark Ages, in-the-process of discarding the past, we have lost essential truths. These eternal truths help us understand the universe in all its infinite (and scientific) wonder. The rigid atheism of 20th Century science blinded scientists to aspects of the universe that we not only can feel, but which we need – to be whole, balanced human beings. We need to discern these cosmic aspects in order to seriously takea-stab at the ultimate secrets of the cosmos. Birnbaum (see simultaneously picks up both where modern science left off and where Toaism left off. Birnbaum explains not only the scientific world but the spiritual world in his comprehensive 3-volume Potentialism treatise. The theory harnesses the infinite power of creation and the spiritual as well as the physical power of physics and math. Potentialism discerns and delineates the one great metaphysical driver of the universe – the Infinite Quest for Potential.


The Infinite Quest for Potential, articulates Birnbaum, is the permeating force and driver of the universe. Indeed the possibilities-to-come of the universe are de facto embedded within the dynamic. The same Infinite Quest for Potential has given birth to light, matter, energy, humanity – along with humanity’s higher consciousness and range of emotion. Driven by this Infinite Quest for Potential, the universe itself drives ever-forward and unstoppablyonward towards greater complexity and sophistication, towards its own Extraordinariation (see To scientists of the last century, our universe has been a cold, random place – destined only to decay and die. To David Birnbaum, on the other side of the cosmology debate, the cosmos is alive, vibrant, organic and growing; our universe is becoming more bountiful every day as it seeks out the extraordinary in its existence; our universe is both now-oriented and futurepotential-oriented; and, finally, humanity is one of its crowning achievements. It’s become a fashionable habit that we talk cold science during the week, and reserve spirituality for Saturday/Sunday prayer. We are de facto primed by Western society to hide the callings of our soul for something greater, for some ultimate meaning to existence. Birnbaum shatters these artificial barriers. He has stepped forward to champion an overarching metaphysical drive – and, this time, with science at his side – an ally, not an enemy. Birnbaum gifts us his 21st century Tao of Infinite Potential. Via his 3-volume treatise, Birnbaum articulates how his Theory of Potential can be viewed through either a Religious, Spiritual or Secular prism. The work has been used as a Course Text at over a dozen institutions of higher learning globally – from UCLA on the West Coast to Brandeis on the East Coast. Bard College (college motto: A Place to Think) hosted a landmark 4-day international academic conference focused on the work; in the past 12 months alone over 50 feature articles in over 2 dozen journals have focused on Birnbaum’s ‘game-changer’ Potentialism Theory (see www. While a 21st century construct, David Birnbaum’s modus operandi is directly in the spirit and tradition of the great Greek philosophers, as well. He discerns universal concepts – simple but powerful – and then layers-them


across a grand and unified philosophical construct (see ParadigmChallenge. com). He makes no apologies to the entrenched status quo. The Randomness/Atheist construct of the 20th century gave legitimacy to a narrow 1% of the world’s ideologies – and actively de-legitimized the remaining 99%. Yeshiva-educated and Harvard-educated, universalist intellectual revolutionary Birnbaum has successfully supplanted the randomness/Atheist zealots; Birnbaum’s elegant and powerful Theory of Potential gives authenticity to the ideologies of 99% of our planet’s denizens. His Summa Metaphysica – a post-modern Tao – stands at the pinnacle (see


Evolution: the revolutionary hypothesis of metaphysicist David Birnbaum October 7, 2014

The Galapagos Islands are an archipelago of volcanic islands distributed on either side of the Equator in the Pacific Ocean 575 miles west of Ecuador. The archipelago, which is on-the-move at a rate of about 2.5 inches per year, sits atop a volcanic hotspot, which inordinately impacts the environment of the particular island passing-over the hotspot. The islands are famous for both the voyage of the British ship Beagle which visited in 1835 with naturalist Charles Darwin aboard – and for the related phenomena – the vast number of (often extraordinary) species unique to the islands themselves. The islands and their rich habitats are consequently famously known as the inspiration for Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution and its Natural Selection Theory offshoot. Per the Neo-Darwinian Synthesis (contemporary Theory of Evolution), life evolves gradually over time; according to the Natural Selection sub-theory, the mechanism of Natural Selection is that life evolves based on the advantaged and most adaptive being most likely to breed and, thus, continue the species. When mutations arise that have an advantage, according to the sub-theory, this mutation is propagated onward, and becomes part of the species – or a sub-species may branch off. Thus compete/survive/reproduce is the core of the Natural Selection sub-theory; the sub-theory is often called survival-ofthe-fittest – but the main competition may actually be on a genetic level. Metaphysicist Birnbaum To David Birnbaum, metaphysicist and author of the three-part cosmological treatise Summa Metaphysica, Darwin’s take-away from the Galapagos is at least slightly off-the-mark. Not that Birnbaum argues against the role of Natural Selection; only that (a) it appears that the Galapagos biosystems were shoehorned into an already existing theory Darwin wanted to support; (b) the islands were a poor choice to support his theory; and


(c) the Galapagos bio-system at-work is actually rather a better support for Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential than for either classic Darwinism – or for the neo-Darwinism synthesis. According to the neo-Darwinian synthesis, what is the core mechanism of Natural Selection? Very simply (and perhaps crudely) put – survivability. Diverging from the conventional wisdom, Birnbaum posits that survivability is but one of several inter-related criteria for the direction Natural Selection will choose. In other words, per Birnbaum, survivability is necessary but far from sufficient. See Birnbaum adds-in (his coined term) Complexification (C+) into the Natural Selection mix. Per Birnbaum (his hypothesized) Complexification is at the core of Natural Selection. And just what is C+? Complexification is posited as the universal drive towards ever-greater complexity/sophistication/richness/integration/variety/wondrousness. Thus, per Birnbaum Natural Selection is far, far more than just survivability. Birnbaum points-out that Natural Selection cum survival-of-the-fittest (alone) cannot at all adequately explain the path of Evolution and certainly not even the wondrous and distinct Galapagos bio-system. Per Birnbaum, to assume that surviving to mate (or some variation thereof, genetic or otherwise) is the sole catalyst of Evolution is rather over-simplistic (read: wrong); he asks – How does survival-of-the-fittest get us to Beethoven? Rather, what Birnbaum discerns in the Galapagos is a prime example of a more sophisticated explanation for Evolution: its inexorable quest for first Complexification (C+) and ultimately for Extraordinariation (E+). Q4P Potentialism describes the infinite Quest for Potential as the central, cosmic


drive of the universe. This Q4P, as he calls it for short, instigates the cosmic order, and then drives it forward. C+ On the intermediate level, the universe strives towards greater and greater levels of what Birnbaum coins as Complexification (shorthand: C+). C+ is the drive for ever-greater complexity/sophistication/richness/integration/variety/ wondrousness. E+ In turn, this C+ drives the universe towards what Birnbaum coins as Extraordinariation (shorthand: E+). Extraordinariation is a goal/horizon of sublime and utter super-Complexification – both in form and quality (see Extraordinariation would include, but not be limited to, ultimate –grandeur… elegance…beauty…symmetry…fulfillment....consciousness…harmony… artistry… symphony…spirituality...perfection…humanitarianism…romancing… love…parenting...meaning...altruism…mercy… The SuperLaw The three key components noted just-above, in turn combine into the SuperLaw of Potentialism: Q4P > C+ > E+ or Quest for Potential > Complexification > Extraordinariation According to Birnbaum, the universe’s universal and infinite drive towards its own maximal/optimal Potential can be witnessed in the day-to-day increases in Complexification of everything in the universe. We can witness the theory at-work in the (historical) formation of atoms, then molecules, as well as in the


birth of the stars and galaxies – and, indeed, in the birth and development of the spectrum of life on our very own Earth. focus: Complexification (C+) > Extraordinariation (E+) In Birnbaum’s Potentialism, Complexification (C+) is the workhorse of the universe as the universe seeks higher and higher levels of its own Potential, this intermediate process is expressed as Complexification. The descriptors are vast, but the important to understand is that Complexification is a description of something far broader than simple, physical complexity – it is an overarching metaphysical concept. It is this C+ that is so readily witnessed at work on the Galapagos. The biosystems of the islands are not defined by tenaciously competing organisms; quite the contrary is actually the case on the Galapagos, which are relatively harmonious. Rather, the islands are defined by the extraordinary – Birnbaum’s core theme: giant tortoises, exotic iguana and surreal-colored seabirds. When David Birnbaum stepped-foot on Galapagos in December 2006, 171 years after Charles Darwin, Birnbaum was indeed first struck by the unusual harmony of its species – sea lions occupying almost the same space as iguana, for instance. No salient survivability contest here for sure. The Galapagos are almost a test tube for harmony – and for the extraordinary. Consider this: within every life-form is the infinite forms of complexity it may express. That something will increase in complexity is a foregone conclusion; it cannot help but do so in response to the drive of its Q4P; but the precise form that complexity will take is infinite in possibilities as well. See www. What the Galapagos Islands offer are distinct and discrete areas of island causally removed from one another. Each has its own unique environment and ecosystem. This allows the expression of Q4P to be different for each zone of the archipelago. Each species in its own unique environment can grow in Complexification, following its own path towards E+. Not only that, but as C+ seeks optimization, a creature will naturally seek the most harmonious complexity in relation to its own proximate environment (the


integration component of C+). To think of this expression of Evolution as nothing more than mutations passed down through selective breeding towards increased survivability is missing ‘the main event’ of the Galapagos: the thrust towards the extraordinary. Consider this. At some point the animals – even according to Darwin – came from common stock of far fewer species. Yes, it can be argued that their adaptations made them more in tune with their environments. But, the survivability hypothesis glosses over a very important fact. Those base species were there and probably doing just fine at one point. They didn’t need to adapt to survive. So, if they all survived just fine as they were, what was the catalyst for their change? Darwin would have us believe that it was all driven by the strongest, mutated creatures out-surviving, out-competing or out-breeding its non-mutated brethren. By contrast, Potentialism answers the question of what that catalyst was: Q4P. C+ happens because it is inexorable. It is that simple. C+ is a feature of the universal Quest for Potential. Unlike the gladiatorial archipelago Darwin would have us believe it to be, the Galapagos is a testament to the beauty and creative power of Complexification – a precursor of Extraordinariation down-the-road. The Summa series: Summa Metaphysica I: Religious Man: God and Evil (Ktav, 1988); Summa Metaphysica II: Spiritual Man: God and Good (New Paradigm Matrix, 2005); and Summa Metaphysica III: Secular Man: The Transcendent Dynamic (New Paradigm Matrix, 2014). See


Context: Summa Metaphysica has been – # the prime focus of a major international academic conference (see www. # a Course Text at over a dozen colleges (see ) # the focus of over seventy feature articles in 2013-2014 alone (see www. Via his revolutionary true Theory of Everything (see, David Birnbaum has instigated a major and possibly unstoppable global paradigm challenge (see Birnbaum himself is either the author or the editor-in-chief of several noteworthy series (see www.


Q4P and DNA:

The Interrelationship of Potentialism and the Blueprint of Life By Mithilesh Singh | October 7, 2014

definitions of some key terms in Potentialism: Quest for Potential∞ (shorthand notation: Q4P) – the eternal and overarching cosmic dynamic – questing and iterating infinitely for maximum/optimal Potential. Complexification (shorthand notation: C+) – subordinate to Q4P, it is the intermediate-level universal drive towards ever-greater complexity/ sophistication/richness/diversity/wondrousness Extraordinariation (shorthand notation: E+) the horizon/goal of the overarching Quest for Potential and its ‘handmaiden’ C+; alternatively, ultimate Complexification. Beginning in 1988, cosmology saw the birth of an entirely new theory of the universe: Potentialism. Independent metaphysicist David Birnbaum of Manhattan released Summa Metaphysica I (Ktav, 1988) and in one stroke changed the very face of cosmology forever. Followed up in 2005 and 2014 by Summa Metaphysica II and III (New Paradigm Matrix), Birnbaum described a universal dynamic governing how the cosmos operated – Potentialism. According to Potentialist theory, the entirety of the universe is driven, purposefully by Birnbaum’s hypothesized dynamic – infinite Quest for Potential (Q4P). Q4P is delineated as an overarching universal drive – characterized as a natural force, which drives everything in existence to seek higher levels of Complexification. It is often described by the formula – Q4P∞ > C+ > E+. This is also known as Potentialism’s SuperLaw. So, Complexification drives the universe forward towards the elusive Extraordinariation. Extraordinariation is a hypothetical state of hyperComplexification. Beyond mere physics, E+ is a state not only characterized by hyper levels of system complexification, but also descriptive in ultimate


terms of Complexification – thought, beauty, emotion, consciouness – in short, a state of ultimate perfection. While E+ is not something actually ever to be attained, it nevertheless provides a goal/horizon. According to Birnbaum, such is the pervasive nature of Potential – and its related SuperLaw – that it can be found, without exception, throughout the universe. It is pervasive so much so that its mere presence can be overlooked and taken for granted. One such area is the pervasive and most basic building block of all life on the planet, DNA. We will elucidate how DNA provides a very pure form of Potentialism, displaying some of the most fundamental of Potential requirements. A simple spiral code A basic feature of Potentialism is the omnipresence of spiral geometry. It has been conjectured by Birnbaum this may be indicative of physical/ metaphysical “echoes” of the interplay between Q4P and E+. The Q4P and E+ dynamic states that the duality type nature of these components requires them to spiral mathematically with one another as they both act, in turn, as both catalyst and result for one another. This spiral design is repeated on macro scales both at the galactic and solar system levels. While the latter is less obvious – people usually think the plates orbits in ellipses or circles – it must be remembered that the solar system is in turn revolving around the galactic core, actually imparting a spiral design into the seeming elliptical orbits. Likewise, at the DNA level, the spiral is the basic shape of our DNA structures and of all life on the planet. Unlike gravity, which shapes the macro, the double helix of DNA is governed by the hydrophobic properties of the proteins between its strands. Those four basic proteins, which provide the entire “computer code” of all life, protect themselves from water by spiraling and stacking close together. What is most interesting to Potentialists though, is even though the physical laws governing spiral creation are entirely different on the cell level than the


macro scale spirals, the results are always the same – universal spirals as Potentialism dictates. Coupled with the extremely simple four “letter” code of life, DNA is a very clear sample of Potentialism at work. Universal Another requirement, and far more important to Potentialists, is the universality of DNA. Without exception, all life – whether plant or animal – is governed by DNA. It defines everything about what a creature or plant will look like and how its bio-systems will operate. But DNA is not only universal on an inter-species level. DNA also exists universally within every organism. Strictly speaking, that is a slight exaggeration as cells such as red blood cells lack a nucleus (in some animals and humans, at least) to house DNA. However, that is an evolutionary adaptation. Red blood cells destroy their nucleus in order to carry more oxygen more efficiently. But, they do start with a nucleus when created. Without it, a red blood cell could not define itself and self-design to be what it is needed to be. So, we can see that both on the inter-species level as well as the individual level, DNA is utterly pervasive in life forms of all types. Every cell contains the blueprint for making the entirety of the organism it is contained within. This certainly satisfies the universal requirement of Potential. Infinite complexity But the most important aspect, if DNA is to be a reflection of Potentialism, is infinite Complexification. If DNA is to be a physical herald of Potentialism, then at its core it must be the spark and catalyst to greater levels of Complexification. On this level, DNA truly shines to meet the demands. While utterly simple in its structure of only four proteins protected by sugars and phosphates, DNA contains within it the code for every possible form of life as we know it. The one simple double helix itself can become anything with life – be it plant, animal, even mankind. Thus it contains, truly, the vast Complexity that is all life.


Further, within DNA is the coded design for reproduction – be it through division or sexual – it is the catalyst for a life to be grown, but it is also the catalyst for all future generations. This is a hallmark of Potential – as Potential’s infinite nature of Complexity is the ability to hold the Potential for future life as well as its own. Finally, DNA also changes – it is the carrier of evolution. It is where the genetic changes can occur that give life to new species and new mutations that potentially branch off into new species. All in all, this makes DNA a powerful representative of the power of Potentialism at work. It is the road map on which Q4P seeks out its eternal destiny towards Extraordinariation. No flaw has been discerned in Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential since first introduced to the world via Summa I (Ktav Publishing, 1988). Summa Metaphysica was the featured and prime focus of a 3+ day international academic conference hosted by Bard College (Upstate NY, March 2012). See A Course Text at over a dozen colleges (see, Summa Metaphysica has been the focus of over fifty feature articles in 2013-2014 alone. See www. Recent hi-level academic works dovetailing with Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential (see ) include the following: Programming the Universe (Knopf, 2006) by Professor of Quantum Mechanics Seth Lloyd of MIT. Mind & Cosmos (Oxford University Press, 2012) by Professor of Philosophy & Law Thomas Nagel of NYU. Our Mathematical Universe (Knopf, 2014) by Professor of Physics Max Tegmark of MIT.

The Accelerating Universe 7 Oct 2014

David Birnbaum’s Potentialism at-work? The ‘accelerating universe’: the universe appears to be expanding at an increasing rate. The universe is not contracting, is not staying stable, and is not even expanding at the same rate as prior; rather, it is expanding at an increasing rate. Saul Perlmutter, Brian P. Schmidt and Adam G. Riess picked up the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics for their work in advancing the proof of this. What does this mean for the universe and what does it mean for cosmology? Let us see the ramifications of an ‘accelerating universe’ on two major cosmological theories: (a) 20th Century Randomness/Atheism – courtesy of the British academic ‘elite’ (b) 21st Century Theory of Potential (Potentialism) – courtesy of cosmologist David Birnbaum of Manhattan For the Randomness Theory crowd, ruled by the British academic atheist elite, an ‘accelerating universe’ is yet another nail in the coffin of their pseudotheory. Contrary to the Randomness crowd, the universe is not aimless, is not falling apart, and the end is not near; the universe is not dying and is not in its death throes. Quite the contrary; its expansion is actually accelerating. The arch ideological enemy of the British atheists is Manhattan metaphysicist and the creator of Potentialism itself – David Birnbaum. An ‘accelerating universe’ is just one more buttress of his audacious – and globally-covered – Theory of Potential, first expounded in 1988 (see Summa Metaphysica I, Ktav Publishing). For more in-depth on his 3-part treatise (1988, 2005, 2014) – see Over 70 focus journal pieces have looked at his theory in the 2013-2014 period alone (see Birnbaum posits an organic universe of growth and life, seeking after the

extraordinary. For his serious, professional and courageous multi-decade effort, he has been quite-viciously attacked by surrogates of Randomness/ Atheism – who view the universe as a cold void doomed to decay and atrophy. Birnbaum’s ideas are never actually attacked; rather innuendo and bizarre false information is planted. Presumably this is the new ‘scientific method’ of his academic adversaries. Yes, back to the Holy Inquisition. Only this time it is small albeit vocal group of Atheism-protagonists who engage in juvenile tactics and gambits; presumably the Atheist group is threatened by the power of the Birnbaum theory – in introducing new and elegant hypotheses for teleology (cosmic purpose/direction/design). Note that any teleology whatsoever is anathema to hard-line Atheism. See www. Back to scientific reality: The universe is expanding and the rate at which it is doing so is increasing. Does this support the entropy, chaos and doom of the Randomness/Atheist crew? Most certainly not. Comets were once believed to portend famine, war and death too. We got over that. And Potentialism can spell the end of the British ‘Theory of No Theory’ – and give meaning and understanding to cosmic expansion, just as physics once elucidated the science for comets. According to the Summa website – Birnbaum proposes an original concept as the missing key to understanding the cosmic drama. He proposes his signature concept that Potential is the eternal cosmic dynamic. More precisely, Birnbaum proposes that Quest for Potential∞ (infinitely iterating) is the eternal cosmic dynamic. This dynamic works its way forward over the billions of eons towards first igniting our universe and eventually – down the road – catalyzing the emergence of higher-level consciousness human beings within it. The core theme of David Birnbaum’s works is that one elegant dynamic and one elegant dynamic, alone (Quest for Potential∞) both instigates and drives the entire cosmic order. According to the conceptual theorist “Potentialism proposes that there is, indeed, a protagonist to the cosmic order, but that the protagonist is a ‘quest’ and not a ‘classic entity.’ The universe quests for its maximal potential. The core dynamic Quest for Potential∞ strives with

purpose and direction towards ever-greater and higher potential. At the ‘beginning of time,’ eternal Quest for Potential∞ harnessed the eternal portion of the eternal equations of Physics-Mathematics to ignite our universe via the Big Bang. Note that the works of MIT quantum physicist Seth Lloyd (2006) dovetail with the Summa Metaphysica series (1988, 2005, 2014). See www. This same symbiotic dynamic – Quest for Potential∞ in league with PhysicsMath – then acted as a catalyst for the route tracking-forwards to high level humans in the 21st Century – tracking forward from the Big Bang thru the emergence of the Elements, primordial star systems, myriad galaxies, supernovas, the sun, our solar system, life, photosynthesis, DNA, organisms, sexual reproduction, multi-cellular life, the Cambrian Explosion, amphibians, forests, reptiles, mammals, dinosaurs, birds, flowers, evolution, hominids, homo sapiens, and ever-increasing consciousness/emotion – and, indeed, for all the key dynamics which have evolved in the universe.” . See also www. Q4P Potentialism describes the infinite Quest for Potential (shorthand: Q4P) as the central, cosmic drive of the universe. This Q4P, as Birnbaum calls it for short, is both instigator and direction-finder for the entire universe. C+ On the intermediate level the universe inherently strives towards greater and greater levels of what Birnbaum coins as Complexification (shorthand: C+) the drive for ever-greater complexity, sophistication/richness/integration/diversity/ wondrousness. E+ In turn, this C+ drives the universe towards what Birnbaum coins as Extraordinariation (shorthand: E+). Extraordinariation is a goal/horizon of sublime and utter super-Complexification – both in form and quality (see The three key components noted just-above, in turn combine into the SuperLaw of Potentialism:

The SuperLaw Q4P > C+ > E+ or Quest for Potential > Complexification > Extraordinariation According to Birnbaum, the universe’s universal and infinite drive towards its own Potential can be witnessed in the day-to-day increases in Complexification of everything in the universe. We can witness the theory atwork in the (historical) formation of atoms, then molecules, as well as in the birth of the stars and galaxies – and, indeed, in the birth and development of consciousness and of the spectrum of life on very own Earth. Expansion & Dark Energy The key to understanding expansion is to understand what is driving it: Q4P. To Potentialism, Q4P represents the fundamental, universal drive of the cosmos. It is the inherent mandate of everything in existence to follow its own Infinite Quest for Potential. Q4P, driving relentlessly towards greater and greater Complexification, reshapes the physical universe repeatedly in its never ending drive. While the Randomness academic faction may foresee decay and implosion for the universe, Potentialists see growth and the limitless possibilities of expansion. As evidence, here is a key factor – the expansion of the universe, this great “void” is not filled with the nothingness you’d expect. In fact, the void is filled with dark energy – making the name of void itself rather silly. Needless to say, it does still sound bleak. Is dark energy not this blackness and coldness that is the opposite of energy? Well, no actually. Dark energy is simply a name physicists have given to something they don’t understand. This isn’t a smoke and mirrors trick in-and-of itself. It is common to name things that we don’t fully understand so we can at least quantify them. But “dark” energy is an unfortunate pick. It makes it sound like some negative energy from a sci-fi movie. But, in fact, the only thing we know about dark energy is how little we know about it. Well, that, and how much of a massive piece of the universe it actually fills.

It fills the apparently empty space between what we know of the universe. Meaning that empty space is anything but. And this is where the theory of Randomness and decay fall apart. There is something there. Play all the mnemonic tricks you wish, but at the end of the day empty space isn’t empty by a long shot. We may not know what it is, but we know what it isn’t: open, empty space. Potentialism predicts this. More to the point, Potentialism predicts the universe throwing us such curve balls. To Potentialists, what we are seeing with expansion is the effects of Q4P, that central drive to the universe which makes everything seek higher levels of complexity. The Potentialist will point out quickly, in the face of expansion, that the void is filled with something. Dark energy. Therefore, it is not falling apart, but completely the opposite, growing. That humankind can’t understand what is growing is irrelevant. In fact, it is expected that the universe grow in new, unprecedented and not understood ways – it is destined to. That this expansion is accelerating, only lends itself to what Potentialists will point to as an effect of Q4P. If the universe were expanding at a steady rate, it would be lacking the dynamism inherent in Q4P. It only makes sense that once it has a foothold, the speed would increase. That, at the core, is the principle of Q4P. Complexity never backtracks, it marches onward in both scope and speed. One only has to look at the history of the universe and to trace the epochs that came before to see how things will always get more complex and the universe will grow. While the physicists of a past century might scratch their heads in confusion, Potentialism and Birnbaum himself will continue to show us the creation and growth that is intrinsic to a cosmos predicated on Infinite Quest for Potential, Complexification and Extraordinariation.


Unifying Science, Spirituality & Philosophy:

David Birnbaum’s Potentialism Theory Independent metaphysicist, Manhattan’s David Birnbaum, set out on a stunningly bold endeavor in the l970s and 1980s: Play a long-shot and lance the Cosmic Code with one simple concept/dynamic. In response to the defeatist, nihilistic and entropic atheist cosmology of the academically-entrenched Randomness proponents, cosmologist and Conceptual Theorist Birnbaum set out to discern the eternal and underlying core dynamic of the Cosmic Order; he sought the universal Common Denominator, the potential ’arrow’ of the universe. The concept/dynamic would ultimately become the centerpiece of cuttingedge Potentialism Theory – and would re-boot metaphysics, cosmology and philosophy for the 21st century. In turn, all major fields of study would be impacted. Birnbaum had daringly vectored onto one seemingly ethereal dynamic – Potential - which he finessed into his hypothesized Infinite Quest for Potential. Subtle and seemingly intangible, the proposed dynamic seemed to be the ‘universal plug’; no matter which major intractable philosophical problem it was plugged into, it seemed to be a ‘magic key’ unlocking secrets. The eternal cosmic dynamic? Infinite Quest for Potential The ‘trigger’ of the Cosmic Order? Infinite Quest for Potential The underlying dynamic of Evolution? Infinite Quest for Potential The purpose of Man? Quest for maximal/optimal individual Potential The goal of the Cosmic Order? The maximal unfolding of Infinite Potential See for more in-depth regarding each of these issues. The discovery would shake the inter-related worlds of metaphysics and


cosmology; it would rattle the vested interests of the philosophical/scientific establishment which was deeply invested in Randomness theory for wellover a hundred years. Bridging into the 21st century, the Birnbaum theory would set the stage for a veritable explosion in scientific theory advance in America. From NYU to MIT to Yale to University of Maine, elite Thought Leaders stepped-forward with important books and articles dovetailing with Birnbaum’s paradigm-shattering theory. See Birnbaum discerned ‘life-affirming global advance’ where Randomnists had only discerned ‘cosmic decay’; he discerned ‘organic growth’ where these same others had discerned ‘aimless atrophy’; he discerned ‘direction/ purpose’ where others had seen only ‘pointless chaos’. Birnbaum had unleashed an intellectual tsunami; in turn, the iconoclast Conceptual Theorist became a ‘lightning rod’ for reactionary push-back – particularly by the British Atheist establishment. But Birnbaum’s intellectual allies would, in turn, counter-attack here as well; his intellectual allies – would expose the hollowness of the desperate vituperation of the entrenched Randomness junta. Birnbaum is an outlier to the academic establishment; in turn, this entrenched establishment would radically underestimate the formidable intellectual threat which the yeshiva-educated and Harvard-educated scholar would pose to their entrenched (Randomness) interests. With a self-manipulated monopoly on discourse for decades, the Randomness/Atheist crew was not used to being frontally challenged; in turn, they would simply prove unable to handle the intellectual maverick from Manhattan; Birnbaum had a propensity for projecting globally – including on the core turf of Randomness, the British universities; of course, the American Conceptual Theorist also happened to be armed with a potentially bulletproof theory; and, of course this theory happened to undermine the entire superstructure of Randomness/Atheism. In his three-part treatise – Summa Metaphysica, Birnbaum lays-out a fullyintegrated cosmology which can elegantly be viewed through different key lenses. The series ‘covers the bases’. It elegantly unifies the three fields with their Common Denominator – Infinite Quest for Potential – the Birnbaum-


proposed overarching cosmic dynamic. Of course, the Randomness/Atheist crew had maintained as Holy Writ for well over a century that there could not possibly be an overarching dynamic to the Cosmic Order. Birnbam’s Theory of Potential is a ‘game changer’ for the science of cosmology; it effects a quantum shift in how humanity views the universe around itself - and humanity’s place within it. Summa Metaphysica has brought forth more than a new scientific model – it has brought forth a new metaphysics wrapping-around his new scientific model. The theory offers extraordinary context and a rich view of our universe; the theory presents a breathtaking, new and all-embracing conceptual understanding for the 21st century. Potentialism is often referred-to as the ‘Inter-Disciplinary unifier’; it unifies Einsteinian Physics with Quantum Physics; then it unifies all the hard sciences with the soft sciences; then, it unifies all science in general with the gamut of other fields; then it wraps-around the entire gamut of fields and provides an overarching and eternal cosmic context. One can begin to understand why Birnbaum invested in it. As noted, David Birnbaum discerns that there is, indeed, one conceptual uniting theme/dynamic/force which brings-together science, religion, philosophy and spirituality: his proposed Infinite Quest for Potential (Q4P for short). In the 7,000 year span of human culture, no philosophy/cosmology endeavor has come to this point. See Birnbaum discerns this one hypothesized dynamic (Q4P) as both scientifically consonant and metaphysically powerful; the suis generis concept has overarching implications across not only religious, spiritual, philosophical domains, but equally across the domains of physics, astrophysics and quantum mechanics - for starters. See Scientists have long held that there was some elusive Theory of Everything which would unite all branches of science. As matters unfolded with Birnbaum’ Summa Metaphysica, it became increasingly clear that - whether deliberately or accidentally - he had potentially uncovered this true Theory of Everything; Potentialism is a theory which unites not only the internal branches of science, but actually unites the complete fields of - science,


spirituality and philosophy. See Q4P Potentialism describes the infinite Quest for Potential as the central, cosmic drive of the universe (see Eternal Q4P ignited the Cosmic Order, regulates it, and gives it direction. [Is there ‘space’ for classic God in all this? Yes. See] C+ On the intermediate level the universe inherently strives towards greater and greater levels of what Birnbaum coins as Complexification (shorthand: C+) the drive for ever-greater complexity, sophistication/richness/integration/diversity/ wondrousness. E+ In turn, this C+ drives the universe towards what Birnbaum coins as Extraordinariation (shorthand: E+). Extraordinariation is a goal/horizon of sublime and utter super-Complexification – both in form and quality (see The three key components noted just-above, in turn combine into the SuperLaw of Potentialism: The SuperLaw Q4P > C+ > E+ or Quest for Potential > Complexification > Extraordinariation According to Birnbaum, the universe’s universal and infinite drive towards its own maximal/optimal Potential can be witnessed in the day-to-day increases in Complexification of everything in the universe. We can witness the theory at-work in the (historical) formation of atoms, then molecules, as well as in the birth of the stars and galaxies – and, indeed, in the birth and development of


our very own Earth. Potentialism is governed by one core concept and formula – Q4P∞ → E+. This states that the Quest for Infinite Potential infinitely drives the cosmos towards Extraordinariation. What does this mean exactly? Q4P is the prime mover, the divine spark if you will, the force that thrusts the universe forward to greater and greater, ever increasing levels of Complexity. Extraordinariation provides the direction for Potential. Extraordinariation represents an abstract level of hyper-Complexity and perfection. It is sometimes useful to think of this equation as a parabola. You can continually follow the axis along higher and higher levels of Complexity infinitely, each point rising in ever greater degrees of magnitude of Complexity, while never actually reaching the end, or E+. But what does this mean in terms of science, spirituality and philosophy? We will analyze Potentialism in context of each separately. Science In scientific terms, Potentialism Theory describes the mechanics of the physical universe. Potentialism dictates how the universe coalesced from energy and primitive particles to atoms and molecules. Further, Potentialism describes the necessity of the formation of stars and solar bodies as well as the development of ecosystems and life. Further, it even describes the formation of sentient life, reasoning and emotion – in abstract terms – as the inexorable evolution of complexity-advance. Truly, science is the basic realm of Potentialism, and the dynamic exists most easily and demonstrably there, as expected. As a key to cosmic growth and complexity-advance, Quest for Potential is pervasive and self-apparent in the way our universe has evolved. Philosophy Potentialism Theory also exists comfortably within the purview of philosophy, though. As an overarching cosmological theory, it exists both tangibly and in the realm of ideals and perfect constructs. Extraordinariation is its most ambitious tool for defining the philosophical aspects of Potentialism.


Extraordinariation itself is a perfect state – one defined by its super-complexity. As such it represents an abstract state of existence. Plato once referred to the “ideal form” that reality mimics. Such is the realm of Extraordinariation. It is an abstract ideal, an idea, something which does not exist in our universe. However, Extraordinariation binds the philosophical to the scientific because it has measurable impact on the quality of existence itself. Reverberations of Extraordinariation occur in what Birnbaum calls Quantum Jumps. Think of it as the signatures Extraordinariation leaves on physical reality. When something like the first creatures capable of reasoning come into existence, this is a Quantum Jump. QJs, as they are called, can be witnessed when, on some profound, fundamental level, the universe as a whole gives birth to an entirely new, game changing level of Complexity. Whether it be the birth of reasoning man or the formation of the first molecule – something irrevocably changes once it occurs. Because of these QJs, the philosophical concept of Extraordinariation causes purely scientific phenomena which can be witnessed or measured. Spirituality Finally, Potentialism Theory finds itself at home in the spiritual. Spiritual aspects of Potentialism are perhaps its most interesting, for both purely spiritual reasons as well as religious implications. On a spiritual level, Potentialism deals with everything in the universe. Unlike most of cosmology, when Potentialists speak of the universe, it is all inclusive – they mean the universe. While there are certainly qualitative differences between, say, a horse and an idea such as justice – Potentialism dictates that everything exists in the same universe. Thoughts are as valid as physical items and emotions are as valid as energy. As spirituality exists in the universe, Potentialism dictates it must follow the rules of Potentialism as well. It oddly invites the mystic while simultaneously removing the mysticism from it. Perhaps more importantly though, Potentialism Theory provides a place for the truly religious. Unlike other contemporary theories of cosmology, Potentialism has a place for the divine. While Potentialism is not a religion itself but a science, it acknowledges a place where divinity can exist. The Quest for


Infinite Potential is a universal force. But what is interesting about this force, in and of itself, is it is not necessarily self-aware or intelligent, but it could be. And this uncertainty is what binds religion to Potentialism. God, in whatever form one wishes to believe in, has a place in the cosmology of Potentialism. It cannot be proven, but according to most faiths, that is the nature of the divine – it requires faith. The Great Unifier Thus Potentialism Theory stands as the great unifier. To scientists, it offers a grand unification of celestial creation and a dynamic to govern the sciences; to philosophy, it offers a bridge between the abstract and the concrete aspects of reality; and to the spiritual, it offers validity and a place for reason and emotion as well as a place for the divine itself. In one grand theory, Birnbaum offers a final peace to what was fractured. Context No flaw has been discerned in Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential since first introduced to the world via Summa I (Ktav Publishing, 1988). Summa Metaphysica was the featured and prime focus of a 3+ day international academic conference hosted by Bard College (Upstate NY, April 2012). See Well over 50,000 volumes of Summa I, II or III are in circulation. A Course Text at over a dozen colleges globally, Summa Metaphysica has been the focus of well-over 100 feature articles and reviews. See Recent hi-level academic works dovetailing with Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential include the following: Programming the Universe (Knopf, 2006) by Professor of Quantum Mechanics Seth Lloyd of MIT; Mind & Cosmos (Oxford Press, 2012) by Professor of Philosophy & Law Thomas Nagel of NYU; Our Mathematical Universe (Knopf, 2014) by Professor of Physics Max Tegmark of MIT


Potentialism Theory: The Summa series Summa Metaphysica I: Religious Man: God and Evil (Ktav, November 1988); Summa Metaphysica II: Spiritual Man: God and Good (New Paradigm Matrix, March 2005); Summa Metaphysica III: Secular Man: The Transcendent Dynamic (New Paradigm Matrix, January 2014). See


Philosophy & Cosmic Purpose By admin on 9 November, 2014 3:02 pm in Uncategorized

Juxtaposing two philosophers: David Birnbaum & Thomas Nagel Does Birnbaum’s Potentialism Theory solve Nagel’s grand quest? Birnbaum (Mid-town Manhattanbased, born in 1950 in NY)

we think about the universe.

David Birnbaum’s three-part thesis Summa Metaphysica I, II and III (1988, 2005, and 2014), launched a new movement in cosmology – Potentialism Theory (see http:// The theory entirely changes the way

Birnbaum’s Potentialism Theory stands in sharp contrast to the 20th century’s dominant Randomness Atheistic Theory. 21st century Potentialism is a proscientific theory which offers a powerful and elegant cosmology. Randomness Atheism declared – for well-over a hundred years – that the universe is decaying and degenerating and is thoroughly unsystematic, without plan or purpose. Potentialism Theory discerns that the universe is alive and thriving in complexity and follows a consistent and inescapable path on the road to the endlessly extraordinary. Birnbaum quite courageously introduces and coins three totally new fundamental terms to enable him to so to speak ‘crack the cosmic code’.


All three refer to dynamics hypothesized by him: • Infinite Quest for Potential (shorthand notation: Q4P) [see] • Complexification (shorthand notation: C+) [see] • -Extraordinariation (shorthand notation: E+) [see ] In Potentialism, Infinite Quest for Potential (Q4P) unstoppably pushes the cosmos forward via its mechanism of Complexification (C+) ever-onward towards a cosmic end goal-horizon, Extraordinariation (E+). Thus, the shorthand notation of Birnbaum’s succinct proposed cosmic SuperLaw is: Q4P > C+ > E+ The ‘problem’ with Birnbaum’s SuperLaw and its related metaphysics is that it apparently works on every level; from the super-macro to the super-micro – with no exceptions. No matter what piece of data – spanning cosmic history – is tested, the Birnbaum Potentialism SuperLaw smartly covers it. The Big Bang? Covered. The core thrust of Evolution? Covered. The evolution of Consciousness and the aesthetic? Covered. The path from exploding supernovas to Beethoven? Covered. You name it? Covered. No exceptions; no excuses; no asterisks. Its ‘perfection’ – spanning the billions of years of intergalactic history – provokes Birnbaum’s intellectual opponents (in British academe in particular) to near-hysteria. They cannot challenge the theory’s elegance; they cannot


challenge its originality; they cannot challenge its conciseness; and they cannot challenge its large-scale magnificence. They are left to sulk and just as though to ‘throw rocks at it’ – and hope it goes away. But it has not gone away since introduced by Ktav Publishing (NJ) via Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica I in 1988. Examined from many dozens of angles over several decades – globally – the theory has thus far proven bulletproof. See Summa Metaphysica has been – • The prime focus of a major international academic conference (see • A Course Text at over a dozen colleges (see ) • The focus of over seventy feature articles in 2013-2014 alone (see Per Summa Metaphysica theory, the universe strives endlessly towards more complex forms of expression in the direction of the perpetually extraordinary (E+). Birnbaum’s intermediate concept is Complexification, Quest for Potential’s ‘handmaiden’ (or ‘enforcer’), directing the universe onwards towards E+; the universe increases in complexity through what Birnbaum calls Complexification (C+). This Complexification is, of course, fueled by the (infinite) Quest for Potential, the inherent force within everything in the universe Remember the SuperLaw noted above, Q4P > C+ > E+ This C+ is proposed as Q4P’s ‘handmaiden’ – the intermediate-level cosmic drive towards greater complexity/sophistication/richness/integration/variety/ wondrousness. In turn, according to Birnbaum this Complexification is the true driver of Evolution. Unlike such concepts as Darwinian survivalistevolution though, Potential is not a shotgun – or ‘Random Walk’ – process of chaotic and mindless attempts at genetic or species survival; rather, Potential is guided directly by Complexification (C+) towards the universal pull towards


Extraordinariation (E+). In turn, E+ is a goal of the unfolding cosmos, a state of unimaginable Complexification. And when Potentialists say ‘unimaginable,’ they mean that literally – ‘unimaginable’ is actually a requirement for Extraordinariation. Think of it like trying to teach physics to a Neanderthal. Before you can teach physics itself there are fundamental, underlying concepts which must be known. Extraordinariation is so far past anything that has been experienced thus far, there is simply no frame of reference on which to build from. To Potentialists, Extraordinariation is a horizon/goal to be approached, but never quite reached; it is beyond simple mechanical complexity. Extraordination represents the infinite goal of Complexification in every conceivable form. Theoretically unattainable, it is nevertheless by definition hyper-complex mechanically, emotively, rationally, spiritually…. The true Extraordinariation is inconceivable because (a) it is a goal/horizon and not an eventual reality, and (b) because we lack the capacity to understand such in any terms at this time – because the universe optimally iterates-forward infinitely. Thus, per the theory, three separate, albeit inter-related, dynamics, Q4P, C+, E+, each give mutually-supportive ‘direction’ to the universe – across the entire span of cosmic history; meaning, not one dynamic, but three. Hard-line Atheism The Birnbaum Potentialism theory puts to lie hard-line Atheism’s immutable core tenet that there is no ‘direction’ whatsoever – in any shape, manner or form – to the Cosmic Order. Potentialism Theory renders their entire global movement instantly obsolete after a run of centuries. Thus, no effort is spared by selected diehard zealots of hard-line Atheism in particular to engineer crass, juvenile, and ultimately in-vain gambits to delegitimize cosmologist/philosopher Birnbaum; typically the twisted gambits are fed into the media anonymously to preclude libel suits by the Birnbaum team.


Note that hard-line Atheism precludes the possibility of any design, direction, purpose to the universe, while mainstream (soft) Atheism typically ‘just’ precludes the possibility of the supernatural (Creationist God) as the agent of design. Thus, while Birnbaum’s Potentialism would be anathema to hard-line Atheism, it does not butt heads with mainstream (soft) Atheism; likewise it is consonant with Agnosticism or with Spiritualism or with Religion; the attackdog group is several diehards from within the 1% sliver of the planet which is hard-line Atheist, but that 1 percent sliver controls many key and venerable British academic journals. Nagel (NY) (Downtown Manhattan-based, b. 1937 in Serbia) Thomas Nagel holds degrees from Cornell, Oxford and Harvard. He has a PhD in philosophy and is a professor at New York University. Well-respected in his field and a notable author – Nagel has done a good deal of work on exploring human cognition and the place of intelligence in evolution. Nagel is the author of Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature is Almost Certainly False. The work was issued by Oxford University Press in September 2012. [In due course the major British press in 2013 would deploy Nagel’s work to support Birnbaum’s teleological argument of Potential.] Nagel’s 2012 work dovetails with Birnbaum’s (1988, 2005 and 2014) Summa Metaphysica. One of Nagel’s most intense and controversial statements (2012) is that modern science alone – in its current incarnation (Randomness/ Atheist schema aka the Materialist neo-Darwinian schema aka the Entrenched Orthodoxy ) – is a wholly inadequate tool to understand the entirety of the universe. Nagel lays out a careful argument for this assertion. Far from decrying modern science, he embraces it for all it can explain, and he reassures us that he is a proponent of science. However, Nagel has a fundamental issue with currently-entrenched (neo-Darwinian) Randomness/Atheist academic dogma in that objective


observation shows that Randomness/Atheism cannot fully encompass the complexity and dynamics of all phenomena in the universe; in particular consciousness. [Birnbaum likes to challenge Randomness/Atheism with his own one-liner: From whence Beethoven?] September 2012: Nagel argues that a new science will be necessary Nagel expands upon the gap re: the emergence of consciousness. By extension, Nagel argues for the validity of such concepts as life, consciousness, reason, knowledge, and emotion – to be incorporated into any metaphysics. To Nagel, the “hard” sciences – as they currently stand – are wholly insufficient to explain the mechanics of subjective and ‘soft concepts’. Thus, Nagel argues that a new science will be necessary to articulate the totality of the universe – something that can quantify and explain these concepts as easily as physics and chemistry explain the material world. Moreover, Nagel explains that such a concept must be equally at home describing the physical world as well as the cognitive one – a unifying theory, if you will, for all that exists in the universe. Take, for instance, scientific observation of a Siberian Tiger. Science can glean much useful information about its properties – its size, its mass and its density, for instance. But this is a very imperfect and incomplete understanding of the object being studied. For a complete picture, subjective impressions are necessary – its boldness, its raw beauty, its apex position in the jungle, and, indeed, its grandeur. Without such subjective study, one cannot fully understand what the object is. The Randomness/Atheists trash Nagel’s proposition Nagel had devoted an entire book to basically one proposition: Randomness/Atheism et al. cannot/ does not explain the emergence of consciousness.


Now, (a) This proposition is quite self-evident, albeit politically incorrect in many rarefied academic scientific circles. And (b) This proposition is a quite-tangential attack on Randomness/Atheism. But it does knock a chink in the armor. The reigning 20th century British-based academic hierarchy was/is hard-line atheistic; the global Atheist movement – a de facto apparently self-appointed support group of their fellow-traveler British academics – is politically hyperaggressive, and often assumes an attack-dog posture vis à vis potential intellectual challengers. It typically uses its vehicle The Chronicle of Higher Education in its ad homenim attacks – and did same in Nagel‘s case in May 2013; It quite virulently trashed every aspect of Nagel’s Mind & Cosmos. The Chronicle’s favorite m.o. (modus operandi) is to ridicule intellectual opponents by selective quotes or misrepresentation. Counterattack from Commentary Magazine – supporting Nagel In response, in January 2014 a lead piece in Commentary Magazine rippedapart the Chronicle attack on Nagel and the (Randomness/Atheist) group behind the attack. See The Closing of the Scientific Mind by Yale professor David Gelernter. (See also Nagel and divinity It should also be noted that Nagel is an atheist, albeit not a hard-line atheist. Nagel firmly believes in the existence of fundamental teleological systems – that is, that the universe moves with some inherent purpose. He is clear that he does not know what that elusive purpose/design is. Mainstream atheist Nagel believes the classic definition of a divinity requires it to exist “outside” the system – a player external to the universe. To Nagel,


whatever driving force is behind the universe must be intrinsic to the system itself. In other words, it must be a ‘natural dynamic’; it cannot be classic God; a ‘supernatural dynamic’ would not be acceptable. An Answer to Nagel’s Request/Search Already Exists Directly answering Nagel’s open (September 2012 via Mind & Cosmos) request, is Birmbaum’s already-published and actually widely-disseminated (since 1988) Theory of Potential. Birnbaum’s hypothesized eternal and infinite Quest for Potential dynamic advancing towards Extraordinariation fits all of Nagel’s (secular) criteria. Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica Volume I, published in 1988, by the year 2012 had well-over 30,000 volumes in distribution (the current June 2014 figure is over 50,000); this Summa distribution is aside from usage as a Course Text at over a dozen institutions of higher learning globally. See Indeed, in March 2012, Bard College (Upstate, NY) hosted a 3 ½ day international academic conference on Science & Religion, with the prime conference focus dedicated to Birnbaum’s paradigm-challenging Theory of Potential (see Neither at the Bard Conference, nor in the quarter-century subsequent to Summa I’s initial publication in 1988, has any flaw been discerned in the theory. The Birnbaum theory has been receiving massive coverage subsequent to the international conference, with over 80 articles focused on Summa Metaphysica in the past eighteen months alone (see One of the greatest strengths of Potentialism Theory is its overarching (and pro-scientific) nature; it is at home explaining particle physics as it is explaining altruistic behavior in humans. Birnbaum elucidates that one central overarching (natural) dynamic drives the cosmic order – from the macro to the micro level; this drive affects both the physical and cognitive, the reasoning and emotive, the substantive and the ephemeral – the universal and infinite quest for Potential (see


The Quest for Potential∞ is a pervasive, universal drive for the cosmos. Driving the cosmos and all under its embrace towards greater and greater levels of Complexity; this “Complexification” acts as an evolutionary force. Just as Darwinian mechanics explains a facet of life’s evolution, Potential is the superset from which it flows – governing both the direction of evolution as well as providing the force behind such leaps that Darwinism alone cannot explain sufficiently – like reason and ethics. Potentialism Theory, on the other hand, explains these phenomena quite succinctly. To Potentialists, all the changes observed – the Complexifications in the universe – are just manifestations of the Quest for Infinite Potential as it strives towards Extraordinariation. Divinity/divinity As to the concept of a divinity, Birnbaum takes a more middle of the road approach than Nagel – perhaps partially because of Nagel’s more narrow definition of divinity. To Nagel, God must be extrinsic to (outside of) the universe. But Potentialists define the sole creative force in the universe as Infinite Potential itself. Thus, if God does exist, he is a direct manifestation of Potential. Far from removed from the system, to Potentialists, God, if such exists, is fundamentally entangled within the universe itself, pervasively and universally. So, for the Potentialist, it is Potential at the core. Is Infinite Potential indeed God? Do we know where Infinite Potential ends – and God begins? Are we ourselves integral to the Divine? Is classic God the best interpretation our ancestors could discern for Infinite Quest for Potential?


Is Quest for Potential at the core of (possible) God? Birnbaum might say that posing this cluster of questions frames-out the key parameters; and the individual has significant intellectual leeway to choose a path. Birnbaum’s Potentialism Theory might also point out that one can legitimately be Buddhist inter-personally 24/7; Religious in one’s house of worship; a Naturalist in the meadow; a Spiritualist in the mountains and a Secularist in the chemistry lab. All are legitimate facets of the wondrous psyche of the sum product of Infinite Potential to-date: humans. Thus, to Potentialists – God is an authentically viable philosophical option (repeat: option), just as Spirituality and Secularism or combinations thereof are all bona fide options. Vis à vis Nagel, the Potentialism SuperLaw provides the missing teleological (purpose) model which Nagel has been searching for. The SuperLaw model governs the formation of thought, reason and altruism – just as easily as it governs energy and matter; it is the “blueprint”/road map of the universe; it is the holy grail of philosophy which Nagel (correctly and astutely) has been searching for. In one stunningly (seemingly) simple and concise concept Birnbaum provides the answer to Nagel’s grand quest: Quest for Potential∞ (via intermediate dynamic Complexification) drives the universe towards Extraordinariation: Symbolically, Q4P > C+ > E+. And the emergence of Consciousness – like the emergence of Beethoven – is most definitely within the purview of Extraordinariation. Potentialism Theory: The Summa series Summa Metaphysica I: Religious Man: God and Evil (Ktav, November 1988); Summa Metaphysica II: Spiritual Man: God and Good (New Paradigm Matrix,


March 2005); Summa Metaphysica III: Secular Man: The Transcendent Dynamic (New Paradigm Matrix, January 2014). Potentialism Theory: Dovetailing: MIT & NYU Recent hi-level academic works dovetailing with Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential (see ) include the following: ( We include the Nagel work noted above.) Programming the Universe (Knopf, 2006) by Professor of Quantum Mechanics Seth Lloyd of MIT; Mind & Cosmos (Oxford Press, 2012) by Professor of Philosophy & Law Thomas Nagel of NYU; Our Mathematical Universe (Knopf, 2014) by Professor of Physics Max Tegmark of MIT. Potentialism Theory: Paradigm Challenge Via his revolutionary true theory of everything (see, Birnbaum has instigated a global paradigm challenge (see Literally, all fields of study are impacted. David Birnbaum himself is known globally, as well, as the author or the editor-in-chief of several important series on history and spirituality. His New Paradigm Matrix platform has over 180 Thought Leaders under its aegis.


Has Outsider David Birnbaum Trumped the Entire Academic Establishment? Posted on November 9, 2014 by Candice McMillan in NEWS

The Quest for Potential Theory challenges for the throne. David Birnbaum (see of Manhattan is a yeshivaeducated and Harvard educated independent scholar. His multi-decade ‘night job’ focus has been metaphysics – the origins and purpose of the cosmic order. To this end, over the years he has crafted a three-part treatise Summa Metaphysica; the extraordinary treatise delineates Birnbaum’s original and elegant Potentialism Theory. Birnbaum first focuses on cosmic origins: What ignited the Cosmic Order? As is known, the world’s greatest thinkers and scientists have been stymied here. The list of luminaries, who have tried and failed on this score, is a long one; Socrates, Plato and Aristotle lead-off the list (see Intellectual maverick David Birnbaum was undeterred. His Theory of Potential now challenges for the pinnacle in the pantheon of ideas on this subject. Birnbaum’s Quest for Potential Theory proposes that there is indeed a protagonist to the cosmic order, but that the protagonist is a ‘quest,’ and not an entity. According to the theory, the universe quests for its maximal potential. Birnbaum’s proposed core dynamic, Quest for Potential∞ strives with purpose towards ever-greater and richer potential (see As individuals, man and woman seek his or her individual potential, so too do the cosmic order as a whole. Birnbaum delineates a pure and powerful


scientific theory of design and purpose pivoting off of this one theme of potential. (See also At the ‘beginning of time’, according to Birnbaum’s hypothesis, eternal Quest for Potential∞ harnessed the eternal equations of Physics-Mathematics to ignite our universe via the Big Bang (see This same symbiotic dynamic – Quest for Potential∞ in league with Physics-Math, then acted as a catalyst for life, evolution, language, emotion, consciousness, and, indeed, for all the dynamics which have evolved in the universe. The theory (see is stunning in its relative simplicity and conciseness. It almost seems too good to be true. However since first proposed by David Birnbaum in 1988, no flaw has been found in it – and high-level academics and clergy globally have praised it. In the meanwhile, over a dozen colleges –including UCLA, Brandeis and Hebrew University (Jerusalem) have assigned it as a Course Text. Bard College (Upstate NY) whose motto is ‘a place to think’ hosted a major 3 ½ day international academic conference (see focused on the work’s unification of Science and Religion. Over two dozen journals have featured Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica and its Theory of Potential (see Birnbaum’s Quest for Potential theory seeks to dethrone the reigning academic theory of choice – Randomness/atheism. According to this entrenched academic theory, there is no order or design whatsoever to the universe; it is all random happenstance: The Big Bang, the billions of galaxies and their trillions of stars, life, humans, evolution, consciousness are all random occurrences which just so happened to dovetail in our little universe. There is no design or direction to the universe. Contemporary British philosophers swear by it. Birnbaum frontally challenges it. Birnbaum’s Quest for Potential theory provides a ‘big tent’ embracing all who might see some design or spirituality or direction to the universe, hence the three typologies in his three volume titles: Religious, Spiritual and Secular Man. These typologies embrace around 99 percent of the planet. But even Birnbaum’s three typologies do not embrace the one percent of the planet


which is hard-line atheistic, which rejects any possibility whatsoever of design or direction or purpose to the universe. As fate would have it, this one percent somehow gained hegemony in Britain’s elite universities which disproportionately control the top academic journals, hence the stand-off. See The ‘insider’ professorial atheist group is not happy with ‘outsider’ Birnbaum trying to beat them at their own game – and apparently prevailing. Rumor has it that the insider professorial atheist group wants to cut off some of his vital body parts. To-date, Birnbaum has adroitly parried all attacks; his own global academic counterattack has been formidable. A global battle for the soul of metaphysics has ensued: Birnbaum’s Potentialism v. Atheism’s Randomnness. One guy against 1000. David v. Goliath? Stay tuned. Potentialism Theory: The Summa series Summa Metaphysica I: Religious Man: God and Evil (Ktav, November 1988); Summa Metaphysica II: Spiritual Man: God and Good (New Paradigm Matrix, March 2005); Summa Metaphysica III: Secular Man: The Transcendent Dynamic (New Paradigm Matrix, January 2014). See Potentialism Theory: Dovetailing: MIT & NYU Recent hi-level academic works dovetailing with Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential – and essentially vindicating his core thrust – include the following: Programming the Universe (Knopf, 2006) by Professor of Quantum Mechanics Seth Lloyd of MIT; Mind & Cosmos (Oxford Press, 2012) by Professor of Philosophy & Law Thomas Nagel of NYU; Our Mathematical Universe (Knopf, 2014) by Professor of Physics Max Tegmark of MIT.


God does not play dice with the universe The Holy Grail of Physics boils down to a Unifying Theory? Iconoclasts Albert Einstein & David Birnbaum By admin on 9 November, 2014 11:02 am in Opinion / no comments

Potentialism Theory: metaphysics rescues physics Quantum physics would haunt Albert Einstein his entire life. The science he helped discover disturbed him intensely. Once quoted as saying “God doesn’t play dice with the universe,” he was forced to look at seemingly strong evidence to the contrary from this field. He actually went to his grave still trying to challenge quantum theory. It would be over 30 years later, in 1988, when David Birnbaum released the first of his three-part Summa Metaphysica series. What Birnbaum uncovered was a line-of-attack which Einstein would readily embrace – that, indeed, the Quantum is not so random after all. While Einstein thought the cure to universal Randomness lay in disproving Quantum theory, in truth, the answer lay in embracing Quantum theory but better discerning its core thrust; and its core thrust is not random at all. Essentially Birnbaum’s Potentialism Theory lays the groundwork for a teleological (direction-driven) Quantum physics model; Potentialism thus de facto ‘rescues’ Einsteinian physics from having to co-exist with a randomness Quantum physics model.


Like Einstein before him, Birnbaum refused to accept what Quantum theory seemed to be telling us; which was that the universe was fundamentally a random place, empty of any aspect of direction. Birnbaum distinguishes a clear path and purpose to the seeming chaos of the Quantum physical universe. Potentialism Theory: unifying physics Indeed, Birnbaum’s Potentialism Theory, as an aside from cracking the greater cosmic code, also happens – as a by-the-way – to unify (micro-level) Planck’s Quantum physics (Quantum Field Theory) with (macro-level) Einsteinian gravitational physic (General Relativity). This little by-the-way is what academic physics signifies (somewhat grandiosely) as The Theory of Everything. They have been searching for this ‘unification theory’ for some time. See Birnbaum wryly notes that many pinnacle academic physicists swear by Randomness and then beat-their-breasts that they cannot unify the two great theories of physics. Maybe their little assumption – of Randomness – is dead wrong. Regarding academic physics’ Theory of Everything As alluded to above, the academic physics ‘Theory of Everything’ quest is really just a quest for a unifying theory of the two salient (micro and macro) physics paradigms noted; the pursuit ultimately has ‘limited’ goals; The Summa Metaphysica Theory of Potential, on the other hand, is indeed a true theory of everything – the scope of the soft and hard sciences – but its author holds-back and steers-clear of labelling it as-such. See Potentialism Theory: overarching? To Birnbaum, the cosmos and our universe run on his discerned principle of


Quest for Potential. Everything that exists seeks out its own greatest/optimal Potential. A seed strives to be a tree, a couple strives to procreate, and a cloud deep in the void seeks to become a star and planets. This transcendent and all-encompassing energy across the universe is pervasive; it can often be missed, even though it plays out all around us in an endless, universal and infinite dance. It is literally ‘hiding in plain sight’ – as Birnbaum had speculated from the get-go. See Nuts & bolts Birnbaum differentiates several key core cosmic dynamics – all inter-related with Potential; he discerns them, fleshes them out, labels them, and gives each a shorthand notation. By condensing his metaphysics, he enables us to get-our-arms around it – and more readily discuss it. Q4P (Quest for Potential) Potentialism describes the eternal and infinite Quest for Potential as the central, cosmic drive of the universe. See This Q4P, as he calls it for short, first ignites the universe, and then gives direction/drive to the entire universe. See also C+ (Complexification) On the intermediate level Q4P inherently strives towards greater and greater levels of what Birnbaum coins as Complexification (shorthand: C+) the drive for ever-greater complexity, sophistication, richness, integration, diversity, wondrousness. Therefore, C+ is so to speak the handmaiden of Q4P, its ‘enforcer.’ [Note that, incidentally for maverick Birnbaum, American scientists Lloyd and Tegmark, both of MIT, will release books in 2006 (Programming the Universe) and 2014 (Our Mathematical Universe) respectively, which present compatible-with-each-other scientific-mathematical mechanisms for C+.


These works are further ‘nails in the coffin for the British-touted Randomness construct – and provide a quite-powerful academic scientific reinforcement for Summa’s metaphysics.] E+ (Extraordiariation) In turn, this C+ drives the universe towards what Birnbaum coins as Extraordinariation (shorthand: E+). Extraordinariation is a goal-horizon of sublime and utter super-Complexification – both in form and quality. In turn, Extraordinariation would include, but not be limited to, ultimate – grandeur, elegance, beauty, symmetry, fulfillment, consciousness, harmony, artistry, symphony, spirituality, perfection, humanitarianism, romancing, love… parenting, meaning, altruism and mercy … Extraordinariation level is never actually reached, nor is it intended-to; it is rather, a cosmic-goal-horizon to be quested-after. This eternal ‘quest’ is a key dynamic energising the Cosmic Order, in general, and life, in particular. See The three key inter-related components Q4P, C+ and E+; in turn combine into Birnbaum’s proposed SuperLaw of Potentialism: The SuperLaw of Potentialism Theory Q4P > C+ > E+ or Quest for Potential > Complexification > Extraordinariation According to Birnbaum, the universe’s world-wide and infinite drive towards its own Potential can be witnessed in the day-to-day increases in Complexification of everything in the universe. We can witness the theory at-work in the (historical) formation of atoms, then molecules, as well as in the birth of the stars and galaxies – and, indeed, in the birth and inevitable development of life forms on our very own planet. Potentialism Theory: resolving a conundrum


In Quantum mechanics the classic conundrum is the now classic model that the observation of a photon (an electromagnetic particle of energy) affects its possible trajectory; this has stumped modern science; however, in reality what they are witnessing is the potential for the photon to go with either route – being resolved by observation. To Potentialists, everything in the universe has an infinite amount of outcomes, but they exist within a finite scope of possibilities. Through experience and observation, just like in quantum mechanical models, choices will affect what seemingly random path may be taken. But from a philosophical perspective, while these choices are infinite in possibilities, they are not directionless – they are all ultimately aimed towards one direction – Extraordinariation. More on Extraordinariation Extraordinariation is a Potentialist concept. E+ represents a perfect state of super-complexity – a state of countless complexity. It is not so much a destination as a goal-horizon. Indeed, to Potentialists, if E+ were to be achieved, the universe may very well have concluded itself. But this possibly infinitely long destination is what guides the universe to continually seek higher and higher levels of super-complexity. Birnbaum calls this inherent motivation towards super-complexity the Quest for Infinite Potential, and it is the basis for his iconic cosmological formula: Q4P > C+ > E+. In one simple formula, Birnbaum lays out the first truism of the universe, giving the cypher that unlocks the encrypted truth of both the universe’s origin and destination. The metaphysicist and the physicist Yeshiva-educated and Harvard-educated Conceptual Theorist Birnbaum presumably did not envision himself as a to-be saviour of Einstein; Birnbaum would be the first to tell you that such was not on his to-do list; but in fact that is the case which has emerged.


God? Both Einstein and Birnbaum maintain that God is a possibility. Chance? Both Einstein and Birnbaum believe that obviously ‘chance’ plays a large part in the universe, but is not the core motif. See HuffPost2schemas. com. Direction to the universe? Both Einstein and Birnbaum believe in the affirmative. See also So, does God play dice with the universe? Both Einstein and Birnbaum say ‘no way.’ Two key cosmic formulas? Birnbaum’s metaphysical-formula Q4P > C+ > E+ wrapping around Einstein’s physical-formula e = mc2 It’s a wrap.


Philosophy: The simultaneous solution Posted on November 19, 2014 by guest

There are questions that have plagued mankind since the beginning of time: How did we begin? What drives our universe? What is our purpose? Where are we headed? All the great philosophers have tried to answer these questions: from Aristotle and Plato – to Maimonides and Spinoza. The group of key cosmic questions became known as “Grand Philosophy” or metaphysics. Over the past 100+ years, modern science and philosophy have continued the attempt to find answers, but, again, to no avail. [The current field of cosmology deals with the physics-related and astrophysics-related issues of metaphysics.] There have been many proposed solutions put forward over the course of the 7,000 or so years of human civilization, but not one proposed solution – to even one of the aforementioned issues – seems to have survived for very long. So are these questions simply unanswerable? Summa Metaphysica (see detail below) is a 3-volume philosophical work which proposes Potentialism Theory (aka Quest for Potential∞ Theory aka Q4P-Theory). In the work, contemporary conceptual theorist proposes an elegant simultaneous solution to the entire series of hitherto intractable issues. He offers an understandable, concise and original paradigm which basically redefines the way we think about existence and the universe we live in. See Birnbaum’s simultaneous solution can be encapsulated in one sentence: Infinite Quest for Potential drives the cosmic order. Yeshiva-educated and Harvard-educated Birnbaum is a Manhattan-based independent scholar. His entire powerful paradigm – start-to-finish – is built around the single concept of Potential. Birnbaum posits that Potential is the core of the cosmic order. He then parlays the multi-faceted concept of ‘Potential’ as a philosophical “magic key” to unlock (all) the aforementioned cosmic questions. See


So what exactly is this Theory of Potential? Good question. Working with the core concept, Birnbaum explores many facets of the theme which he discerns: Infinite Potential, the Quest for Potential∞, Potential within Potential (nested potential), the Cosmic Womb of Potential, Divine Potential and the God of Potential. Each avenue is rich and broad. The result, the Theory of Potential. But what is the crux of his theory? According to Birnbaum “Potentialism proposes that there, indeed, is a protagonist to the cosmic order, but that the protagonist is a ‘quest’ and not a ‘classic entity.’ The universe inexorably quests – on all fronts – for its maximal/optimal potential. The core dynamic Quest for Potential∞ strives with purpose and direction towards ever-greater and higher potential. At the ‘beginning of time,’ eternal Quest for Potential∞ harnessed the eternal components of the equations of Physics-Mathematics to ignite our universe via the Big Bang. This same symbiotic dynamic – Quest for Potential∞ in league with Physics-Math – then ultimately acted as a catalyst for life, evolution, language, emotion, sexuality, consciousness, and, indeed, for all the key dynamics which have evolved in the universe.” Birnbaum thus deploys this one original concise concept (Infinite Potential) as his instrument to ‘crack the Cosmic Code.’ Per Potentialism Theory, this one over-arching dynamic ignited the universe, drives the universe forward, and give the universe direction/meaning. Per Birnbaum, fulfillment of maximal potential is the end-goal both on a universe-level as well as on an individual level. Per Birnbaum – as well as those who have vetted it over the past quarter-century, the drive towards optimal./maximal potential is consistent across all levels of the universe (macro thru micro level) – and all epochs of the universe (whether at the Big Bang or in the 21st century). The theory is audacious, yet elegant, concise and powerful. Call it ‘Star Wars’; call it ‘the God-Force’; call it ‘the Universe Force’; call it ‘the Overarching


Dynamic’; By whatever name, it is viewed by many as the most powerful cosmology centerpiece ever proposed. Bar none. Universities as diverse as University of California in Los Angeles, Brandeis in Waltham, Massachussets, and Yeshiva University in New York City have used Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica as a philosophy course text. Over 150 articles/testimonials and reviews have focused on Summa Metaphysica and its related Potentialism Theory; 80+ articles in the last 13 months alone. See Birnbaum’s original Theory of Potential was the subject of a seminal four day international academic conference hosted by Bard College (Upstate NY) in April, 2012 (see which projected the work globally. The theory threatens the entrenched Randomness/Atheist dogma (see SelectedRelated. com) Scientists tend to like their solutions to be elegant and concise (see However, to have the “Holy Grail” of the cosmic order – and the panoply of classic intractable metaphysics questions – possibly solved by just one single term (Infinite Potential) caught them off guard. Both the simultaneous solution aspect of the theory as well as its ‘aesthetic elegance’ aspect, are causing tremors to this day across the global academic community. See Birnbaum had searched for a ‘simple and lean’ dynamic which he could turbo-charge – because he had conjectured that only such a dynamic could have drawn reality from out of the cosmic void; he had looked for a concept/ dynamic which might qualify as ‘eternal’ – because only such a concept could have ‘been around.’; he searched for dynamic with the possibility of projecting infinitely, because only such a dynamic could have brought us from ‘eternal origins’ to this point; he looked for a dynamic which was ‘futureoriented’ for obvious reasons; finally, he looked for a dynamic ‘hiding in plain sight’ – because if this elusive cosmic dynamic was so profound and allencompassing, it should still permeate the world today. The metaphysics author David Birnbaum vectored onto Potential as his


‘concept of choice’ in 1982. It fit all his criteria. Six years later Ktav Publishing released Summa Metaphysica I: Religious Man: God & Evil. The work would introduce the concept – infinite quest for potential – onto the world stage. In his core theme of ‘Potential’ Birnbaum found his elusive dynamic fitting all his criteria. Indeed, it consistently seemed to qualify as bona fide simultaneous solution to the gamut of key issues of metaphysics. See So to quickly go through our key issues…. # How did we begin? Quest for Potential∞ harnessed… [See Eternal1000. com] # What drives our universe? Quest for Potential∞ [See] # Where are we going? Towards ultimate Potentiality [See Extraordinariation. com] # What is our purpose? To seek after our maximal potential [See] As noted, Birnbaum’s first book propounding the theory was published by Ktav in 1988. The Conceptual Theorist hypothesized that everything arises from this one dynamic (potential); our universe, the result of the Big Bang, is now deployed as a platform for ever-fuller actualization of reality and potential. Birnbaum had posited that via a symbiotic relationship with the eternal equations of Physics and Math, a de facto supra-force of Infinite Potential ignites our cosmic order. The religious may choose to refer to this dynamic as God. The author leaves the option open. Birnbaum’s daring hypothesis (1988, 2005 and 2014) wraps-around that of MIT Professor Seth Lloyd who, in his 2006 book Programming the Universe, also pivots his own theory on the equations of Physics-Math. His theory is that the cosmos repeatedly iterates information and (mechanistically) advances towards greater complexity. The Lloyd theory dovetails with Summa-theory. See Birnbaum supporters are quick to point out that Lloyd’s hypothesis provides a 1:1 parallel from a prominent scientist at the world’s #1-rated university,


MIT. Quantum physicist Lloyd provides a scientific mechanism to play-out Binbaum’s metaphysical Theory of Potential. “Outsider” conceptual theorist Birnbaum’s metaphysical theory thus wraps-around the quantum physics mechanism proposed by a leading ‘insider.’ Lloyd is currently the Director of MIT’s Center for Extreme Quantum Information Theory. See xQuantum1000. com. In November 2012, Professor of Biology and Ecology, Andrei Alyokhin of the University of Maine offered direct and forthright support: “Providing a modern and original approach to answering millennia-old questions, Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica represents a bold attempt to formulate a unifying concept of the Universe….It is reasonable to propose his Quest for Potential∞ as a working hypothesis for explaining the impetus behind the cosmic dynamic.” See Of course there’s opposition to Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica, especially from the politically entrenched academic community in England which advocates Randomness/atheism. This hard-line atheistic academic group believes the entire cosmos happened merely by chance, without any direction, purpose or form. According to this group, the billions of galaxies, the trillions of stars, life, emotion and consciousness are all simply cosmic accidents, happenstance. Since the Theory of Potential challenges the very core of their beliefs, the atheist group views Birnbaum’s theory as a ‘lethal threat.’ At the same time, Summa supporters view the entire Randomness schema as a non-starter and as bereft of palatability or science. Needless to say, the British academic hierarchy was not too happy when Oliver Burkeman, an erudite British journalist who writes about Philosophy and Science, wrote in November 2013, that Birnbaum’s theory was “not unscientific” and, cited iconoclast Claude Levi-Strauss who hailed Summa (in 2006) as “remarkable and profound.” As well, Burkeman found Birnbaum’s theory of a “purpose driven universe” to dovetail with iconic Aristotle as well as with contemporary philosopher Thomas Nagel. NYU Professor Nagel’s 2012 Mind and Cosmos also takes on the Randomness/atheist ‘entrenched orthodoxy.’


Since originally introduced in 1988, Potentialism Theory (aka Quest for Potential∞ Theory aka Q4P-Theory), offering a “simultaneous solution” has collected strong academic support from many distinguished quarters. Louis Dupré, Professor of Religious Studies at Yale University, called it an “original… highly modern insight…a unified metaphysics”; Joseph Dan, Professor of Kabbalah at Hebrew University in Jerusalem cited Summa I as “a major work…a great intellectual and spiritual effort.” No flaw has been discerned in the Theory of Potential since it was introduced onto the world stage in November 1988. Agreeing with the great Albert Einstein who famously observed that “God does not play dice with the universe,” conceptual theorist Birnbaum rejects Randomness in favor of the tradition of Aristotle who also hypothesized that the universe had direction and purpose. (Aristotle was stuck, however, as to what that purpose was.) To Birnbaum, the overall cosmic purpose is to quest for its multiplicity of potentials. Birnbaum takes these general observations of Aristotle and Einstein and creates a very concrete, focused, sophisticated paradigm of a Cosmic Order focused on realizing maximum potential. The beauty of being able to describe complex theory in one word “potential” meets Birnbaum’s (and the scientific community’s) requirements that a solution be elegant, concise and efficient. Potentialist Birnbaum provides us with a philosophy for life, a cosmic anchoring if you will, on which we can hinge our world view and find the elusive simultaneous solution to the entire series of those age-old questions. Over 50,000 volumes of the various Summa books are in circulation; the complete 3-volume work is available gratis on the book’s site in flip-book form – aside from conventional options for the softcover and electronic versions. Recent hi-level academic works dovetailing with Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential include: Programming the Universe (Knopf, 2006) by Professor of Quantum Mechanics Seth Lloyd of MIT; Mind & Cosmos (Oxford Press, 2012) by Professor of Philosophy & Law Thomas Nagel of NYU; Our Mathematical


Universe (Knopf, 2014) by Professor of Physics Max Tegmark of MIT. See Potentialism Theory: The Summa series Summa Metaphysica I: Religious Man: God and Evil (Ktav, November 1988); Summa Metaphysica II: Spiritual Man: God and Good (New Paradigm Matrix, March 2005); Summa Metaphysica III: Secular Man: The Transcendent Dynamic (New Paradigm Matrix, January 2014). Potentialism Theory: Paradigm Challenge Via his revolutionary (true) Theory of Everything (see TTOE1000. com) David Birnbaum has instigated a global paradigm challenge (see ). Birnbaum himself is either the author or the editor-in-chief of several important and noteworthy series (see on philosophy, history and spirituality. His New Paradigm Matrix publishing platform has over 180 thought leaders globally under its umbrella.


David Birnbaum’s Potentialism Theory: The (brutal) Politics of Philosophy November 19, 2014

What is the philosophical establishment to do when an Outsider cracks-the-cosmic code? In 1988 David Birnbaum (see released the first volume of his 3-part work Summa Metaphysica on a new and revolutionary cosmological theory – Potentialism. A complete outsider to the philosophical establishment, Birnbaum broke with the reigning pinnacle academic hierarchy and its well-entrenched cosmological theory of Randomness. Birnbaum’s Potentialism Theory (aka Quest for Potential∞ Theory aka Q4P-Theory) was a sharp turn from the decay-laden and entropy-laden Randomness theory – upheld and fanatically defended by the atheist dominated academic establishment. To the entrenched academic establishment, the universe is totally random, chaotic and without direction; to Birnbaum the universe has a consistent and inexorable drive and direction – it quests after its optimal/maximal potential. The two theories could not be more antithetical. Meanwhile, the Birnbaum theory continues to advance on the global chessboard. See Outsider1000. com. Birnbaum (see had expected a level of resistance and doubt and had actually welcomed it. In the truest sense of scientific discovery, Birnbaum welcomed the chance for intellectual debate and discourse. To David Birnbaum, the strength of a theory relied on it standing the test of argument – if it were a sound theory, what was there to fear in discussing it? In many respects, being an outsider is a great strength for theorists – Michael Faraday’s work on electro-magnetivity would give us the electric motor, Thomas Edison would light our cities, the Wright Brothers would lead us into the skies... But one thing perhaps Birnbaum hadn’t counted on fully was that being an outsider makes you extremely threatening to the “establishment.” When an

SECTION? independent theorist makes a discovery, on the part of the theorist there is only elation and a desire to share the work with others. However, to an establishment that has made its career off the incumbent theory which now might be proven dead-wrong, there is often (quite) significant hostility. See When Summa Metaphysica I was released in 1988 (by Ktav Publishing, NJ), Birnbaum was perhaps not ready for the vitriolic response of the entrenched academic community. By the release of Summa Metaphysica II (New Paradigm Matrix, 2005) though, he was starting to get a taste of things to come. Birnbaum had expected the coming debates to be on the merits of his theory – Potentialism (see What he got instead though was a concerted attack – via surrogates for Randomness/Atheism – on his character and credibility. Quest for Potential Theory: Conference In April 2012, Bard College hosted a 4-day international academic conference (see centered on Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica and Potentialism. Birnbaum eagerly attended the event as a chance to reach out to other theorists and scientists and discuss Potentialism. By May of 2013,thirteen months later, not only was there a concerted attack against Potentialism and Birnbaum, but the academic establishment went so far as to threaten Bard College with global academic isolation – for the “crime” of allowing a competing theory of cosmology to even be heard. Birnbaum was hardly the first targeted-hit of the academic atheist community. University Professor of Philosophy and Law at New York University, Thomas Nagel, had also been on the list of targets (see In 2012, Nagel challenged Randomness theory in his book, Mind & Cosmos (Oxford Press). Ironically, Nagel himself is an atheist. But his book touched on elements that allowed for competing theories. For such an unforgivable “sin,” he was viciously attacked as Birnbaum would be the same month, May 2013. What we witnessed was not a studied intellectual challenge to a theory – by serious academics based on a theory’s soundness, but rather a cavalier hysteria by a rabid junta – on the grounds of politics and academic protectionism. The entrenched academic establishment’s attacks had become so vitriolic

THE TRANSCENDENT DYNAMIC and detached from reason that Yale Professor David Gelernter struck back in a major piece in Commentary Magazine (January 2014), against what he called “locker-room braggadocio to belittle the human viewpoint.” Gelernter maintained that the personal attacks and character assaults were having a pervasive cooling effect on scientific thought, causing it to stagnate and atrophy. The title of Gelernter’s piece was The Closing of the Scientific Mind. Quest for Potential Theory: Context For anyone unfamiliar with Potentialism Theory’s paradigm-challenging theory, Summa Metaphysica has been assigned a Course Texts at over a dozen universities and colleges globally, including UCLA, Brandeis and Hebrew University. Far from being a fringe theory, Birnbaum’s powerful and elegant game-changer cosmology has stood the test of a quarter century of debate. Momentum for it globally as the most aesthetically elegant metaphysics grows steadily. It de facto supplants Randomness as the preeminent overarching metaphysics (see The unfortunate truth is that many academics have devoted their entire careers to teaching Randomness and are much too heavily invested in it to be neutral arbiters. Their books, courses, fellowships, lecture series, and indeed, the life’s work of hundreds of major academics all risk being quite highlydevalued if intellectual maverick Birnbaum is indeed right – or even partially right. The trouble for the Insiders (Randomnist/Atheist academics) is that the odds are now better than 50/50 that the Outsider is right – and the Insiders – and almost the entire pinnacle academic establishment – were dead-wrong. While academe’s mandate is always the objective and relentless pursuit of truth, the cold realities of being swept-away by a paradigm change test the purest of souls. It is presumably only human nature to lash out at anything that could damage one’s life. It may never be within the capability of the incumbent academic establishment to accept intellectual defeat on a major scale; it may simply be too- much-to-bear for them to set-aside their politics and immediate selfinterest – to accept something new – even it is demonstrably more powerful and elegant (see Max Planck, the father of quantum mechanics, once observed, “An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and

SECTION? converting its opponents: it rarely happens that Saul becomes Paul. What does happen is that its opponents gradually die out, and that the growing generation is familiarized with the new ideas from the beginning [of their own academic journey].” Note that in the last 18 months alone over 80 major feature articles fully focused-on (and overwhelmingly simpatico-to) Summa Metaphysica’s groundbreaking Potentialism Theory (aka Quest for Potential∞ Theory aka Q4P-Theory) have appeared in journals globally (see The challenger Outsider would seem to have the clear edge in the quiteextraordinary sea-change global intellectual revolution now underway. Quest for Potential Theory: The Summa series Summa Metaphysica I: Religious Man: God and Evil (Ktav, November 1988); Summa Metaphysica II: Spiritual Man: God and Good (New Paradigm Matrix, March 2005); Summa Metaphysica III: Secular Man: The Transcendent Dynamic (New Paradigm Matrix, January 2014). See Quest for Potential Theory: Paradigm Challenge Via his revolutionary true theory of everything (see, Birnbaum has instigated a global paradigm challenge (see Literally all fields of study are impacted. Birnbaum has lately picked up crucial support from key and elite American universities. David Birnbaum himself is known globally, as well, as the author or the editor-in-chief of several important series on history and spirituality. His New Paradigm Matrix platform has over 180 Thought Leaders under its aegis.


Potentialism Theory’s Cosmic Goal: E+ By ron1980 | Posted November 20, 2014 | Chicago, Illinois

Cosmologist David Birnbaum’s Cosmic Multi-Tasker Potentialism Theory is the metaphysics crafted by David Birnbaum of Manhattan (see via his iconic 3-volume Summa Metaphysica series (1988, 2005, 2014). See One of the theory’s core components is E+, or Extraordinariation. E+, as discerned/hypothesized by Birnbaum, is the end- goal/horizon of the cosmic order. It is the theoretical quiteextraordinary ‘world to come’ – but in theory it potentially ‘manifests’ in this world. Per the Summa Metaphysica website, basically, E+ is a turbo-charged version of ‘the extraordinary’: “Extraordinariation would include, but not be limited to, ultimate – grandeur…elegance…beauty…symmetry…fulfillment....consciousness… harmony…artistry… symphony…spirituality...perfection…humanitarianism… romancing… love…parenting...meaning...altruism…mercy…” E+ would, as well, represent ultimate super-complexity; that is, ever-increased complexity/sophistication/richness/integration/variety/wondrousness – plus possibilities and potentials as yet not conceptualized by us. Thus, to put it mildly, E+ is a ‘tall order.’ Thus, in combination, the possible outermost-limit realization of the myriad potentials noted above – both the known and unknown – would define the


extraordinaration goal. In parallel to the concept of infinity, extraordnariation is a goal to be approached - ever-nearer - but conceptually not ever quite-fully realized. Many religions hyopothesize an idyllic ‘world to come’ post-death; in parallel, Potentialism Theory hypothesizes an idyllic theoretical ‘world to come’, but in this reality, this world (albeit eons outward in time). Thus, the general concept (of an extraordinary future in one dimension or another) is perhaps embedded in the human genome. As noted, Harvard-educated and yeshiva-educated independent scholar David Birnbaum proposes that the core inherent underlying/overarching cosmic drive of the universe is - Infinite Quest for Potential∞. This hypothesized dynamic is an innate directive of the universe as a whole to seek-after its own Potential – to optimize/maximize what it is possible. That is, eternal and infinite Quest for Potential∞ (iterating infinitely forward) seeks-after Extraordionariation (E+). This last sentence is the guts of Potentialism Theory. As the E+ name sounds, the Birnbaum-coined term and hypothesized dynamic Extraordinariation - is the collective grouping of extraordinary potentialities down-the-road. See Birnbaum observes that an examination of the course of cosmic history todate, will back up his proposition that E+ is indeed the cosmic end goal/ horizon. A cursory check would show that, indeed, it seems to work. And as we heard in the notorious O.J. Simpson trial, “if the glove fits, you must convict.” Seriously, al the empirical data fits this observation, i.e. that the universe vectors towards the increasingly-extraordinary. See also Summarizing the key terms of Potentialism Theory: Q4P∞ Infinite Quest for Potential∞ : the (eternal and overarching) cosmic driver.


Expressions of Q4P∞ occur endlessly all around us on an everyday basis. Q4P∞ itself is the continual striving of everything thing in the universe to increase its complexity - enroute to Extraordinariation (E+). We witness Q4P∞, for example, in the formations of molecules – when a pair of hydrogen atoms bond to an oxygen atom to make water, or when a tree releases a seed and the seedling takes root. It can even be you, personally, perhaps reading a new book to expand your breadth of knowledge; it can be a married couple building a family. Q4P∞ forges-ahead. And as long as this happens on an ongoing basis, Q4P∞ → E+ steams ahead doing its everyday job. C+ Complexification: The intermediate drive towards increasing complexity/ sophistication/richness/integration/variety/wondrousness E+ Extraordinariation: That is, via C+, Q4P∞ strives towards a destination E+, with E+ being more of a horizon – to be approached but never quite realized – than an actual reality-point. E+ is not something ever to actually be witnessed first-hand in the cosmos. Rather it is the idealized potential-perfection-point where the universe inexorably is headed. The SuperLaw E+ is a core tenant of Birnbaum’s proposed Superlaw of the cosmic order: Q4P∞ > C+ > E+. That is, Quest for Potential∞ (Q4P) > Complexification (C+) > Extraordinariation (E+). Push – Pull The SuperLaw identifies Q4P∞ as a causal factor and E+ as an (eventual)


cosmic result. To rephrase, Q4P∞ is often seen as the Push of the universe; E+, on the other hand, is the Pull. Q4P∞ drives us forward in the direction, while E+ pulls us/beckons us forward. Effect or Cause – or Both? However, PUSH and PULL. Q4P∞ (Quest for Potential) exerted the PUSH; E+ exerted the PULL. The PUSH is more readily understandable; but how was this PULL effected? Birnbaum (audaciously) hypothesizes that the possibility of the myriad extraordinary potentials down-the-road exerted a PULL on ‘the present’ helping to instigate the ‘genesis point’. Birnbaum parallels his hypothesis with a financing technique in contemporary finance, the Leveraged Buyout (also known as an LBO). In an LBO, typically a very senior and key management group of a particular company is able to arrange funding to buy their own company based on future earnings of the same company – which they will then manage. Thus the company is bought with its own anticipated earnings down-the-road. That is, the strong earnings potentials down-the-road is deployed as leverage to launch the deal in the present. So too the cosmic order. Birnbaum proposes that a very key aspect in ‘the genesis point,’ was that the ‘energy’ of the myriad extraordinary potentials down the road, was (somehow) marshaled to ignite the present. Extraordinariation beckons-forth That is to say, Extraordinariation exists beckoning Q4P∞ forward; therefore E+ is fully-linked with the Quest for Infinite Potential. It seems antithetical to say that the result is a product of the cause. But the universe is an incredible place, even more-so given its (potentially) closed loop nature.


Thus we find in a closed causal system such as Potentialism Theory, an instigator can also be an end-goal. The SuperLaw Q4P∞ > E+ is truly an infinite loop of cause and effect governing our incredible universe. See The Summa series: Summa Metaphysica I: Religious Man: God and Evil (Ktav, 1988); Summa Metaphysica II: Spiritual Man: God and Good (New Paradigm Matrix, 2005); and Summa Metaphysica III: Secular Man: The Transcendent Dynamic (New Paradigm Matrix, 2014). See Context: Summa Metaphysica has been – # the prime focus of a major international academic conference (see # a Course Text at over a dozen colleges (see ) # the focus of over 150 articles/reviews and of over eighty feature articles in 2013-2014 alone (see Recent hi-level academic works dovetailing with Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential (see include the following: Programming the Universe (Knopf, 2006) by Professor of Quantum Mechanics Seth Lloyd of MIT; Mind & Cosmos (Oxford Press, 2012) by Professor of Philosophy & Law Thomas Nagel of NYU; Our Mathematical Universe (Knopf, 2014) by Professor of Physics Max Tegmark of MIT.


The Singularity of the Big Bang

Juxtaposing entrenched orthodoxy theory v. Potentialism theory November 20, 2014

According to all-concerned – mainstream physics/astrophysics as well as Potentialism aficionados – the Big Bang burst forth from the ‘Singularity’ – a point of infinite density. But where did the ‘Singularity’ come from – and why? What is happening here? Mainstream physics essentially has ‘no clue.’ What would cause this Singularity to burst forth into what we consider the universe? This is where physics loses its way. It happened, but why did it happen? What was the catalyst? What ‘reality’ preceded it? Deploying Potentialism Theory (aka Quest for Potential∞ Theory aka Q4PTheory) to hypothesize what happened, Birnbaum gives us the ‘0’-Point Portal. The ‘0’-Point Portal gives us a metaphysical understanding of the pathway of the Singularity. Potentialism delineates/hypothesizes not only the what but the why. Potentialism Theory (1988, 2005, 2014) of metaphysicist David Birnbaum deals with this crucial issue seamlessly. See Per Birnbaum, the Singularity was the inflection point between a purely metaphysical cosmic order, and the introduction of a physical universe – our own. It is, according to Summa Metaphysica, the metaphysical realm making its bid for actualization, and ultimate Potential. It was, in other words, the ‘Great Escape.’ The metaphysical realm had plotted its escape – from out of the void – and into an ever-expanding physical universe of its own ongoing creation. Per Birnbaum, the Singularity/Big Bang was the optimally-perceived modality/


route/play for the metaphysical to launch its escape; the plan was to create a dynamic platform (our expanding universe) to play-out its fullest Potential (actualization and realization); it was perceived by the metaphysical realm as the optimal play/pathway towards maximum/optimal Potential. To this very day, the ‘Great Escape’ unfolds. To this very day, the extraordinary cosmic drama unfolds as our physical universe gobbles-up metaphysical space. From Summa’s overarching metaphysical perspective, the Big Bang is the ‘launch’ of the suis generis Singularity from the metaphysical > physical via the ‘0’-Point Portal gateway; in contemporary times, the unfolding physical – now with complex life forms on-board – is now ever-expanding into the void, creating new universe-space for Potential realization. We are aware of the basic contours of the (Big Bang) denouement; we are not aware of the stages – lasting perhaps eons – which led up to ‘launch.’ For our part, we are not so brave as to speculate on the details. And just where is this all heading? It is all heading enroute towards fullest Complexification or C+; Meaning? Complexification is ever-ascending complexity/sophistication/richness/integration/variety/wondrousness. And what is the ultimate goal/horizon? It is the hypothesized Extraordinariation (E+ for short) – optimal superComplexification. In other words, Extraordinariation is ultimate horizon/goal of potential realization – see [Deep breath. No one said this would be easy.] The Singularity is the ‘cosmic engine of change’ which emerges from the Birnbaum–hypothesized ‘0’ Point Portal. The Singularity launches through the ‘0’-Point Portal ‘bridge/portal’ and traverses from metaphysical to physical. As well, the Singularity itself morphs from metaphysical to physical. Meaning, we only see the physical end-point ‘face of the singularity; we do not see the embryonic genesis stages, presumably more metaphysical than physical. The denouement is, indeed, the Genesis Point/Big Bang > our unfolding


universe. See and The elegance of the ‘0’-Point Portal hypothesis lies within its natural and elegant flow within the context of Potentialism Theory (aka Quest for Potential∞ Theory aka Q4P-Theory). The theory posits ever-ascending ‘potentialization’ arcing from out-of-time onto time (see PotentialismTheory. com). Thus, the Summa-hypothesized ‘0’-Point Portal potentially ‘solves’/resolves several metaphysical/scientific conundrums: (See also a) What is the origin of time? b) Where/how did Physical reality emerge from? c) What is the Singularity? d) What was the catalyst of the Singularity? e) Was there a purpose to the Singularity? Via ‘0’-Point Portal hypothesis, yet once again, Summa proposes a simultaneous solution to a cluster of ‘problems’: (See also a) Time originates with ‘reality’ post-Singularity b) Physical reality emerges from the ‘0’-Point Portal (aka the Genesis Point). c) The Singularity is the construct of the metaphysical realms to make-its-bid for fuller actualization/realization via the ‘physical world.’ d) The metaphysical realms ached-for actualization; the Singularity was their bid to launch a physical/universe platform for reality e) The evolvement of ever-greater Potential-actualization. The universe ever-increases in complexity (more precisely, via intermediate dynamic Complexification) as it seeks an ultimate, end goal of supercomplexity which Birnbaum calls Extraordinariation. See The reason mainstream physics misses the mark isn’t a lack of talent, it’s a lack of conceptual tools. The (greater) Cosmic Order is metaphysical. Our own universe, a physical-reality entity, is only a part of the totality of reality.


In the absence of an overarching metaphysics, contemporary physicists are stuck in the physical. Contemporary physics is simply insufficient in its breadth to fully answer such questions about why the universe is as it is, or how it got here, or where it is headed. To re-cap, per Birnbaum, the universe reverberates from the metaphysical to the physical; the inflection point is the Singularity of the Big Bang. The arc is from Infinite (infinitely dense ‘Singularity’) to the ascending finite (e.g. Mankind) and, again towards the Infinite – ultimate super-complexity and extraordinary – Birnbaum’s hypothesized Extraordinariation state. See Potentialism Theory: Dovetailing: MIT & NYU Recent hi-level academic works dovetailing with Birnbaum’s Potentialism Theory: Programming the Universe (Knopf, 2006) by Professor of Quantum Mechanics Seth Lloyd of MIT; Mind & Cosmos (Oxford Press, 2012) by Professor of Philosophy & Law Thomas Nagel of NYU; Our Mathematical Universe (Knopf, 2014) by Professor of Physics Max Tegmark of MIT. See and see See for Kabbalistic parallel to the above.


The Cosmic Tango

The Artistry of Summa Metaphysica’s Potentialism Theory 20 November 2014

Summa Metaphysica/Potentialism Theory is the creation of philosopher/ metaphysicist/cosmologist David Birnbaum. To Manhattanite Birnbaum, different levels of the cosmic order mimic each other; indeed Birnbaum shows how detective-like we can unravel cosmic secrets by observing human or plant behavior and then extrapolate outward to the universe as-a-whole; and vice-versa. Harvard and yeshiva-educated David Birnbaum sometimes speaks of the universe in the form of Yin/Yang lovers doing a cosmic tango. For scientists this can be off-putting. For the pure metaphysicist, intriguing. Metaphysics was crafted within the realm of philosophy, not hard science. Certainly, metaphysics at its core incorporates (all) scientific principle as well as (all) data – as anyone crafting a theory of the universe, as a whole, needs to. But metaphysics is something much more. Metaphysics at its finest, deals not only with science, but also with consciousness, reason, art, morality, human existence et al. In modern terms, this latter cluster of metaphysicsrelated areas is often the turf of humanism. See David Birnbaum, the designer of the cosmological Potentialism Theory (aka Quest for Potential∞ Theory aka Q4P-Theory), as covered in his three-part Summa Metaphysica work, has accomplished what was once believed to be an unassailable task – the marrying of humanism and science and philosophy into one overarching theory of cosmology. See One dynamic central to Potentialism Theory is Push/Pull. From a humanistic perspective, the dynamic is easily understandable. To Eastern philosophy it is represented in the Yin and Yang dynamic. In Summa Metaphysica this duality is also represented as Achievement/Fulfillment…Active/Passive… Male/ Female…Aggressive/Seductive.


David Birnbaum hypothesizes that the universe changes and grows because of an inherent need to achieve greater levels of complexity; Per Birnbaum, the universe vectors towards ever-greater complexity/sophistication/richness/ integration/variety/wondrousness. See Q4P → E+. This is the core Potentialism Theory formula; it hypothesizes that the universe’s Infinite Quest for Potential (shorthand: Q4P) drives it everonwards towards the end goal of extraordinary potential, or in Birnbaum lexicon, Extraordinariation (E+). See also Q4P represents the Yang, the male, or the active drive of Potential, the spark that creates complexity. By contrast, E+ represents Extraordinariation, the end goal of the cosmos, the female, which ‘passively’ lures the active Q4P towards the desired goal. Birnbaum describes these simultaneously, as well, in Western terms – the Push/Pull dynamic. The Push – The Yang. The active drive towards complexity and, thus, Potential. The universal driving force of the universe. The neo-male. The Pull – The Yin. It is the universal draw. It gives Push both meaning and destination. It is the inspiration that gives the universe purpose. The neofemale. These two forces combine to drive the entirety of the universe in what Birnbaum calls the Cosmic Tango. And it is right that it should be described as a dance of lovers. From a humanistic perspective, the emotional coming together of humans is one of the highest orders of expression; and to David Birnbaum himself, it is a pinnacle of complexity. But what is truly interesting is that this Cosmic Dance can be seen to replay itself over and over throughout the physical universe as well – be it on the micro or macro scale. Like all of Potentialism, it can be seen all around us. Take, for instance, the macro scale. Star systems and galaxies follow the Cosmic Dance. The planets encircle the sun, drawn by its inescapable gravity


into a more complex formation. And the sun, in turn, spreads its warmth and light, nurturing the planets in return. In so doing the sun’s warmth and light gives the planets a chance at the ultimate known expression of complexity – human life. Similarly, our sun is cradled with the great pull of the Milky Way itself, without which our star would have long wandered away, alone into the void. Likewise, on the micro scale, we see the balance of the proton and the electron within the atom and, more importantly and more complexly, the spiral of DNA – the universal blueprint of all life, be it plant or animal. The sugars spiral about one another in the long dance as chromosomes link between them, the complex product of their union. Thus we see the Cosmic Tango played over and over, both in the realm of the humanistic and the realm of the physical sciences – a universal, choreographed dance amongst all things in the universe as the dance of David Binbaum’s Potentialism Theory (aka Quest for Potential∞ Theory aka Q4P-Theory) plays itself onwards. See Potentialism Theory: The Summa series Summa Metaphysica I: Religious Man: God and Evil (Ktav, November 1988); Summa Metaphysica II: Spiritual Man: God and Good (New Paradigm Matrix, March 2005); Summa Metaphysica III: Secular Man: The Transcendent Dynamic (New Paradigm Matrix, January 2014). Potentialism Theory: Dovetailing: MIT & NYU Recent hi-level academic works dovetailing with Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential include the following: Programming the Universe (Knopf, 2006) by Professor of Quantum Mechanics Seth Lloyd of MIT; Mind & Cosmos (Oxford Press, 2012) by Professor of Philosophy & Law Thomas Nagel of NYU; Our Mathematical Universe (Knopf, 2014) by Professor of Physics Max Tegmark of MIT. See


The Philosophical Vanguard by Vikas Sharma (writer), India, November 20, 2014

The article is based upon the Potentialism Theory. It also explains the views and opinions of world’s famous researchers on this subject. Potentialism Theory et al. For the greater part of the last century, cosmology has increasingly moved to a mechanistic model of the universe. In particular, Randomness has become the central theme of the “hard” science community. Physicists have tried valiantly to prove the history and meaning of the universe in simple, mathematical and purely physical terms. Its ‘crowning achievement’ is Randomness. However, ‘crowning achievement’ does not always mean success (or validity), as we will see. In Randomness cosmology, the universe exists without purpose or meaning or direction and is doomed to slowly decay into oblivion. But Randomness is like a 2-D impression of a three dimensional world. Cosmology itself is rooted in philosophy, not applied science. This is so for very good reason. The physical sciences alone cannot express the true nature and breadth of the universe. In their conceit, physicists have forgotten this important lesson; their only understanding one of the many pieces that make up the universe, have drawn skewed, incorrect and ignorant conclusions about the nature of the totality of existence. The Advance Guard But the overreach of the atheistic scientific community is being challenged in the 21st century. Cosmologists, metaphysicists and philosophers are reclaiming their home-ground and puling academia back from the precipice of ignorance. In particular, three brave men have answered the call for truth: David Birnbaum, Thomas Nagel and David Gelernter. Make no mistake about the brave part. The scientific community has fought bitterly to hold claim over cosmology – a discipline they are ill-equipped to understand much less teach. But these three men have blazed a trail towards a modern


understanding of the cosmos in spite of the incessant ad hominem attacks of the academic orthodoxy – each of the three adding his own opus to the grander understanding of the universe. See Each, in their own way, have added to a broader tapestry of understanding about the nature of cosmology. Gelernter has brought a resurgence of humanism into the cosmological debate. Nagel, for his part, has focused on the importance of the qualitative, something modern physics has ignored or dismissed entirely. Perhaps most audaciously, Birnbaum has not only pre-empted (in 1988 and 2005) many of the principles of Nagel (2012) and Gelernter (2014), but has brought spirituality itself into the fold of modern cosmological understanding. 1988 David Birnbaum Independent metaphysicist and Harvard and Yeshiva educated, David Birnbaum sought to discover, describe and name that force of teleological impetus that drives the universe. See Beginning in 1988, Birnbaum released the first of his three-part treatise – Summa Metaphysica – describing the central force of universal creation and evolution – Potentialism. In Potentialism Theory (aka Quest for Potential? Theory aka Q4P-Theory), the universe is driven by a universal Quest for Infinite Potential. Put simply, the universe is drive, teleologically, to seek out its own higher levels of potential and complexity. As a universe. Force of creation, Potential permeates every facet of existence – from the atoms to distant galaxies, driving the universe to greater levels of what Birnbaum calls Complexification. Distinct from mechanistic complexity, Complexification describes increasing degrees of complexity on both quantitative and qualitative levels. It is an answer to Nagel’s query to come 24 years later in 2012. It is the missing element in the physical formula of universal origin and its continuing destination which accounts for both the physical and humanistic elements of the universe. Potentialism is the evolution and culmination of cosmology – the unifier of


physical science, humanistic philosophy and even the spiritual and religious. A wholly inclusive philosophy, Potentialism is, at once, just at home in explaining gravity and quantum mechanics as it is in describing the nature of spirituality and religion – and their respective places in the greater cosmological order. Where once people needed to look at the world from either a spiritual/religious perspective or a scientific one, Birnbaum has provided an overarching, metaphysical science where both can exist complimentary to each other. See This full-spectrum metaphysics breaks all convention, but is perhaps a reflection of Birnbaum’s Modern Orthodox (Jewish) upbringing, where the concept of synthesis (of timeless spiritual and contemporary science) is inculcated from the get-go. Of course hitherto it was inculcated without the underlying metaphysics to anchor it and underpin it. Now that metaphysics is, indeed, at-hand. Indeed, the synthesis of Potentialism is perhaps why, as well, the (eversynthesizing) Jesuit elite gravitate to Birnbaum’s Potentialism Theory (aka Quest for Potential? Theory aka Q4P-Theory). Indeed, they backed the Birnbaum ‘race horse’ before the Modern Orthodox came on-board. In any event, Birnbaum’s “macro view” of the universe has been fundamental in perceiving the greater underlying order of the cosmos itself. Where physical science saw the universe like a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces, Potentialism shows the universe in its full-spectrum totality as it strives towards ever greater-and-greater richness and wondrousness. See 2012: Thomas Nagel Enter the second musketeer – Thomas Nagel of NYU. Comparatively softspoken, Nagel is a champion of the human mind and consciousness. Nagel attacks our perception of the universe both from a human and a physics perspective, arguing that neither is truly superior. He addresses physical properties as “primary qualities”, things which can be physically measured – like mass, shape and volume. However, he attributes just as much importance to “secondary qualities” – those which rely on human interpretation, such as color and taste. In a nutshell, it is the comparison to


qualitative and quantitative measurement – Nagel arguing that ignoring either distorts our view and gives us an incomplete perspective on the true nature of an object. By extension, this leads to a discussion of the nature of the purely qualitative – that which has no physical form. Thought, emotion, morality – anything which can be discussed and has an impact on the world around us. To Nagel, these concepts are just as legitimate as matter and energy – having a rightful place in the universe and, thus, necessary to consider if trying to have a full understanding on how the universe itself works. To this end, Nagel has found evolution entirely insufficient to account for human intelligence. It must be remembered and understood that Nagel is an atheist. When he argues against the limitations of evolution, he is not arguing for the existence of the divine. He is simply stating that universal complexity is simply too much to be explained away by the purely mechanistic approach of biology, evolution and physics. Nagel, instead, works towards a cosmological theory based on teleology. To Nagel, the universe is simply too ordered to not be following some inherent “script” or design. Interestingly, it has required a stunning amount of willful ignorance from the mainstream scientific community to dismiss Nagel. One of the founding principles of the competing Randomness theory is entropy – the theory that everything in the universe is in decay and falling apart. However, Nagel correctly illustrates this is simply not the case. Unlike many theories, Randomness is rather easily refuted (dismissed) through simple observation of the world around us. Take, for instance, the earth. It would seem, reasonably, that if we were in the grips of entropy – we would start with the wonderfully complex world around us today with its myriad weather patterns, life forms and even humanity and devolve into some primitive, lifeless planet. That is very clearly not the case. In fact, the opposite has happened. For the entrenched British scientific community to, at the same time, champion evolution and declare us simultaneously in the hold of entropy is simply contradictory. 2014: David Gelernter


Gelernter has been the brazen champion of truth in modern cosmology. The most pugnacious into battle as it were. He has chosen to attack scientific academia head on for its cowardice, bullying and suppression of scientific discovery. In 2014, Yale’s David Gelernter, stepped forward to issue a challenge to the scientific community at large. In the Closing of the Scientific Mind, computer science professor at Yale and parallel computing specialist, Gelernter, struck back in defense of discovery and the scientific process. He particularly attacked the scientific hubris which has been on a campaign to intimidate and destroy humanism in the scientific community. Gelernter specifically singles out the importance of values, morality, spirituality and even beauty and religion in humankind’s broader understanding of the universe as a whole. In the scientific community’s rapidly increasing need to reduce the entirety of the universe to quantifiable values, they’ve morphed into an academic clique which attacks any semblance of humanism as invalid in understanding, truth and cosmology as a whole. Gelernter notes that a scientist has about as much understanding of humanism as the average man on the street has of quantum physics – and rightly so. So, how has modern academia gotten away with slipping these blinders over people as a whole? Gelernter says the answer is obvious. Scientists have sought to, “belittle human life and values and virtues and civilization and moral, spiritual, and religious discoveries, which is all we human beings possess or ever will, they have outrun their own empiricism. They are abusing their cultural standing. Science has become an international bully.” To Gelernter, modern scientific academia has become a sadly ironic parody of their greatest adversary. At one time, the religious authority of Europe (the Vatican) systematically sought to crush scientific discovery and progress for the sake of maintaining the dogma of the Catholic church. In a bizarre twist, the scientific atheist orthodoxy now seeks to do the same in defending itself against humanism and the broader spiritualistic cosmology. For this, Gelernter has called academics to task – and he’s done so with a righteous vengeance. Reprise:


Birnbaum delineated a teleology and overarching dynamic to the Cosmic Order; Gelernter explained to us the lacking tools of physical science and Nagel re-enforced the necessity of some inherent “blueprint” to the cosmos. It has always been known that physical science cannot understand the totality of the universe. Physics is not thought. Physics is not art. Physics is not morality. Yet, all these things exist in our universe. Physicists and the scientific community at large, in an attempt to hijack cosmological discourse, have sought to incorrectly banish humanism as myth – even as the evidence of this lie is self-evident. It’s as valid as trying to say liquid mechanics rules all matter universally by denying solids and gases exist. It’s, simply stated, ludicrous. It would seem painfully clear that physicists are aware of this absurdity as well. As evidence, it should be noted the ceaseless attacks philosophers and humanists have been receiving. To be clear, it is not attacks on their positions that should be noted – that is the hallmark of good science and crossexamination is to be expected. No. What stands out are the personal attacks, academic intimidation and concerted character attacks being performed by academics to try and silence anyone brave enough to question established theory. But the vanguard of 21st century cosmology has arrived. And they’ve no intention of being silent. Philosophy and metaphysics have come to reclaim their rightful place as the defenders of cosmology. See Three dynamic thinkers – with roots in Harvard, Yale and NYU – have taken on the entire entrenched Cambridge-Oxford axis. Do not bet against the Yanks. See Read more at


The Core DNA of the Cosmic Order Posted on November 20, 2014 by MO

& Summa Meytaphysica’s Quest for Potential∞ Theory Metaphysicist David Birnbaum (see of Manhattan sought after the cosmic genesis point. To that end he crafted the now-iconic 3-part Summa Metaphysica philosophy treatise (1988, 2005, 2014). [See series detail below.] Birnbaum discerns one dynamic as the Common Denominator of the entire Cosmic Order (see This (eternal) dynamic is (his hypothesized) Infinite Quest for Potential∞. Per the theory, the dynamic ignited the Cosmic Order, drives it forward, energized and sustains Life; and gives the Cosmic Order ‘direction’ (i.e. towards realization of ultimate Potentiality). The theory is breathtaking in many aspects, but particularly in its inherent ‘simplicity’ and ‘sweep’. See – which brings us to the first of our many multi-faceted questions here: Cosmic DNA? Is there a cosmic DNA – and is this DNA more precisely, Infinite Quest for Potential∞? At the core of Summa Metaphysica theory is the concept of Potentialism. Potentialism Theory (aka Quest for Potential∞ Theory aka Q4P-Theory) protagonists frequently refer to the core principle equation: Q4P∞ => E+. This is an expression meaning that the Infinite Quest for Potential∞ (Summa’s hypothesized core cosmic instigator) drives the universe towards Extraordinariation (Summa’s hypothesized cosmic end-goal). This overarching and underlying Infinite Quest for Potential∞ is, of course, fundamental to Summa theory; it is the inescapable and inexorable force that drives the great Cosmic Order towards the extraordinary and ever-more wondrous. [Note: Q4P∞ – or plain Q4P – is shorthand for Infinite Quest for Potential∞… see

SECTION?] Is our own physical DNA an extension of cosmic metaphysical DNA? Conceptually, yes. To Birnbaum, Quest for Potential is, indeed, the core ‘Cosmic DNA.’ Indeed, our own physical DNA may be an extension of cosmic metaphysical DNA. How might this be? On a cosmic scale, the embedded Cosmic DNA is responsible for life and existence itself. The eternal fire that sparked the Big Bang itself, the Cosmic DNA is what determined not only the nature of the universe but determined that it must be at all; it is the initial spark that brought forth all of creation. Did the emergence of primordial ‘life’ (finally) provide a ‘platform’ for metaphysical DNA to make-the-leap to physical DNA? Is there thus a direct line/path from eternal origins infinitely-past to our own individual physical DNA in the 21st century? Does our own DNA have integrated with it, metaphysical DNA, as well? Are we thus individually each more ‘cosmic’ and, indeed, ‘eternal’ than most of us suspected? Is Natural Selection primarily Cosmic metaphysical DNA manipulating the physical DNA of the genome of organisms – to advance – in integrated fashion (aka ‘co-evolvement) the imperatives of Quest for Potential∞? Is our entire cosmos co-evolving, as Cosmic metaphysical DNA manipulates the physical DNA cosmos-wide to advance the imperatives of Quest for Potential∞? [Technical note: All references to DNA in this article refer to RNA, as well; as is known, RNA is the other genetic material in an organism.] Is Q4P Divine/divine?


Birnbaum’s position is that Q4P∞ can be viewed as either (a) a religious dynamic, (b) a spiritual dynamic or (c) a purely secular dynamic. See precise titles of three Summa treatise volumes below. The founder of Potentialism Theory (aka Quest for Potential∞ Theory aka Q4P-Theory) devotes one of each of the three Summa treatise volumes to one of these ‘lenses.’ See Birnbaum does intermittently refer to Q4P∞ as divine. Whether you take that in a literal, religious sense is a matter of perspective. What is meant is that Q4P is a metaphysical life-generating, life-sustaining, and, indeed, purpose-of-life driving force; Q4P is inherent-in, and permeating-all, creation; Is that not the core component of ‘divinity’ – whether or not there is a ‘legislating entity’? See If (repeat: if) there is no classic Divine (with an upper case ‘D’), there is, per Summa hypothesis, most assuredly at-the-minimum, a cosmic thrust of divinity (lower case ‘d’) to life-instigating, generating and sustaining Infinite Quest for Potential. Birnbaum is trying to explicate that while we are used to bifurcating gestalts as Holy v. Secular, there may be an intermediate play; meaning, a dynamic which is not quite classic Divine, but not quite classic Secular either: Q4P. See Q4P and the Laws of Physics Birnbaum would say that Q4P is linked at-the-hip to the Laws of Physics; the two advance in-tandem from eternity-past through cosmic history. See Per Summa website – “The core theme of David Birnbaum’s works is that one elegant dynamic and one elegant dynamic, alone (Quest for Potential∞) both instigates and drives the entire cosmic order. According to the conceptual theorist “Potentialism proposes that there is, indeed, a protagonist to the cosmic order, but that the protagonist is a ‘quest,’ and not a ‘classic entity.’ The universe quests for its maximal potential. The core dynamic Quest for Potential∞ strives with purpose


and direction towards ever-greater and higher potential. At the ‘beginning of time,’ eternal Quest for Potential∞ harnessed the eternal portion of the eternal equations of Physics-Mathematics to ignite our universe via the Big Bang. This same symbiotic dynamic – Quest for Potential∞ in league with PhysicsMath – then acted as a catalyst for the route tracking-forwards to high level humans in the 21st Century – tracking forward from the Big Bang thru the emergence of the Elements, primordial star systems, myriad galaxies, supernovas, the sun, our solar system, life, photosynthesis, DNA, organisms, sexual reproduction, multi-cellular life, the Cambrian Explosion, amphibians, forests, reptiles, mammals, dinosaurs, birds, flowers, evolution, hominids, homo sapiens, and ever-increasing consciousness/emotion – and, indeed, for all the key dynamics which have evolved in the universe.” The Cosmic Genome The Cosmic DNA impacts the entirety of existence; it is embedded even in human DNA Cosmic DNA is a term used by Potentialism Theory to express the very inherent nature of Potential. Nothing in the universe exists outside of its influence. It is like a cosmic genome that tells everything in the universe its purpose – and how it should broadly behave – and strive. See also DNA1000. com. Metaphysical Fire Cosmologist/Metaphysicist David Birnbaum writes in his seminal work Summa Metaphysica I (1988) that at eternal origins a metaphysical fire leapt forth from out-of-time into time itself… Many billions of years later, we are a direct result of that metaphysical leap. Let us try to elaborate on Birnbaum’s proposition. Asked to describe the Cosmic DNA, Birnbaum has offered: “Infinite Potential abhors nothingness; it seeks fullest expression and deepest


fulfillment….ultimate Potentiality. Infinite Quest for Potential in an infinite iteration feeds-upon-itself…like a raging forest fire. Once it had ignited ‘nothingness’ by unzipping-it into positives and negatives, Infinite Quest for Potential rages-on…ever expanding the universe and pressing it ever-onwards to its fullest possibilities. Q4P challenges the Cosmic Order to inexorably and implacably seek-after Extraordinariation.” Nothing sums up the Cosmic DNA so succinctly as these few stanzas. In a Potentialist world – where thought, form, art, emotion, morality and physical reality all share mutual and equally important places in the whole of the universe – a truth in stanzas is apropos – a nod to the poetry that is our cosmos. And poetry might be an accurate description of the Cosmic DNA. Unlike the pure physicality of a human DNA strand, the Cosmic DNA represents the fire of inspiration as well as the physical matter and energy of the universe. See Complexification (C+) definition, from C+ Complexification: The hypothesized cosmic intermediate drive – “Q4P’s handmaiden” – maneuvering the cosmos towards greater complexity/ sophistication/richness/integration/variety/wondrousness. In turn, note that one of the components of Complexification just-noted above is ‘integration’; meaning, Complexification does not occur divorced from the cosmic landscape; rather, Complexification integrates into-the-process the harmonization/optimization of the ongoing Complexification with the existing bio-landscape.”


Moreover, the Cosmic DNA is embedded in the DNA of the ‘intermediate’ cosmic dynamic Complexification. C+, Complexification is the handmaiden of Infinite Quest for Potential. C+ seeks-after ever increased complexity/ sophistication/richness/integration/variety/wondrousness. It is the internal ‘driver’ of Evolution. (Yes, survival is in the mix, as well; survival falls into the category of – necessary, but not sufficient.) Complexification (C+): Whereas complexity-advance represents the purely physical levels of the complex, Complexification is a broader, overarching concept covering both incremental and quantum-advance in both physical complexity as well as less tangible, but recognized non-physical forms of complexity such as art, morality, beauty, spirituality… This Complexification is driven by the Cosmic DNA, the integral need of the universe to ever-more-fully express itself. A vibrant and life-affirming Cosmic Order For adherents of Potentialism, the Cosmic DNA represents the core of universal expression. What some might see as a lifeless, pointless universe, Potentialists see as an organic universe alive with potential and possibility – and only growing greater by the second. The Cosmic DNA of Infinite Quest for Potential is just that – the universal charter that assures the continued inexorable advance and dynamism of the cosmos. Unifying Science, Spirituality & Philosophy Infinite Quest for Potential∞ is thus the metaphysical thread which, as well, unites the entire Cosmic Order. Thus, in-the-mix, Potentialism Theory unifies Science, Spirituality & Philosophy. See The Summa Metaphysica series: Summa Metaphysica I: Religious Man: God and Evil (Ktav, 1988); Summa Metaphysica II: Spiritual Man: God and Good (New Paradigm Matrix, 2005); Summa Metaphysica III: Secular Man: The Transcendent Dynamic (New


Paradigm Matrix, 2014). See Dovetailing with Potentialism Theory: Recent hi-level academic physics/math works by two ‘big guns’ from MIT, the #1 rated science/math university in the world dovetailing with Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential (1988) include the following: Programming the Universe (Knopf, 2006) by Professor of Quantum Mechanics Seth Lloyd of MIT; Our Mathematical Universe (Knopf, 2014) by Professor of Physics Max Tegmark of MIT. Potentialism Theory: Context Summa Metaphysica has been a Course Text at over a dozen institutions of higher learning globally; it was the focus of a 3 1/2 day international academic conference at Bard College (Upstate, NY) April 2012 (see Conference1000. com). In turn, the conference set off a global firestorm. At SummaCoverage. com see links (or extracts) for 150+ feature articles/reviews/testimonials of Quest for Potential∞ theory. Note that there are over 80 focused pieces on Potentialism Theory in the last 18 months alone. No conceptual flaw has been discerned in the Birnbaum construct (see; indeed, it is self-contained in its By Definition/Self-evident logic. See As noted, Birnbaum’s 1988, 2005, 2014 work is anchored scientifically by the 2006, 2014 dovetailing works of MIT physicists Lloyd and Tegmark respectively. See Well over 50,000 volumes of the various Summa books are in circulation; the complete 3-volume work is available gratis on the book’s site in flip-book form. Birnbaum himself is either the author or the editor-in-chief of several important and noteworthy series (see His New Paradigm Matrix publishing platform (see has over 180 thought leaders globally under its aegis.

Summa Metaphysica & Calculus 16 Dec 2014

David Birnbaum’s Potentialism Theory and Isaac Newton’s Calculus Calculus is the study of (iterative) change, just as geometry is the study of shape. David Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential is, at its core, a study of (iterative) change, as well. See David Birnbaum’s groundbreaking work on Potentialism lays out the foundation for a new cosmological theory. In his three-part treatise Summa Metaphysica (detail below), Birnbaum delineates the universe as driven by an inherent Infinite Quest for Potential. See The Conceptual Theorist describes an overarching formula, Q4P∞ → E+: Infinite Quest for Potential (shorthand: Q4P∞) drives ever-forward and evercloser towards ultimate Potential, which Birnbaum labels as Extraordinariation (shorthand: E+). See This is Birnbaum’s proposed fundamental governing principle (SuperLaw) of universal design. Based on both physics and mathematical foundations, Birnbaum’s work parlays smoothly with Newtonian calculus on multiple levels. To Newton, the purpose of the development of calculus was, first and foremost, to add to the tools he had at hand – both to describe planetary motions and to assist him in his other works in physics. Calculus allowed Newton to describe – in great detail – the mathematics of gravitational effects, such as the elliptical orbits of the planets in the solar system he observed. Potentialism Theory (aka Quest for Potential∞ Theory aka Q4P-Theory) dovetails smoothly, doubling down on calculus so to speak, to further Newton’s work; Summa Metaphysica adds the metaphysics necessary to describe the why of calculus, following Newton’s own observations of the how of calculus. In essence, Birnbaum picks up where Newton left off, bringing to bear 21st century science – and Birnbaum’s Potentialism conceptual breakthrough – to


Newton’s 17th century body of work. Potentialism not only conceptually uses calculus in its own theoretical work, but Potentialism also helps explain why calculus exists and helps to govern the cosmic order. Of course, there are many other works which have expanded on both Newton’s physics and mathematics, most notably Einstein’s General Relativity. Then again, Birnbaum’s Potentialism wraps-around Einstein, as well (see Calculus is generally divided into two branches: Differential Calculus and Integral Calculus. The calculus field holds a special place in the heart of Potentialism because it relates to Birnbaum’s theory via both of its branches: (a) Differential Calculus handles celestial gravitation, and gravitation is a physical expression of one of Potentialism’s most basic dynamics at work and (b) Integral Calculus provides the mathematics for iteration towards an essentially idealized goal. re: (a) Differential Calculus Potentialist physical dynamics are expressed in terms of interrelationships, spiral geometric mathematics and complex structures. On a cosmic scale, gravity is the great common relation amongst the universal bodies. While seemingly subtle and referred to as the “weak” fundamental force, gravity stretches across the expanse of galaxies and galactic clusters, drawing together matter and energy into complex formations that could not exist without its force, causing space itself to bend under its power. On a metaphysical level, this attractive force is expressed in terms of the pull of (Birnbaum’s) Extraordinariation (E+). Unseen, E+ reaches across the expanse of the universe, as the catalyst-for and pull-for the Quest for Infinite Potential. The product of Q4P is embodied as the creative forces of matter and energy that coalesce to give us such things as the sun, with its light and heat, and the great complexity that is the living earth. “Weak” force is an ironic term for something that can do so much and so universally. To Potentialism, gravity is a real-space echo of the presence of


Extraordinariation – the most fundamental pull of universal evolution. Additionally, integral calculus is a strong proof of Potentialist theory. The most popular competing theory of cosmology currently is Randomness – the supposition that the universe is random, decaying, without meaning or goal. But integral calculus is just one in a long list of tools Potentialists use to disperse such fundamentally blind theories as Randomness. See re: (b) Integral Calculus Integral calculus itself gives form to the un-measurable. In a universe where Randomness proponents see only the unknowable, integral calculus gives a basic mathematical tool to assess and understand and mathematically plot the infinitely complex. In counter-Randomness terms, integral calculus shows that what lies beyond the limitations of current science to fully measure, does not mean that it is random; only that it is of a greater complexity than can be absolutely qualified at this point in scientific history. Further, integral calculus shows mathematically that even what cannot be perfectly measured, can be done so with such extraordinary precision that the difference can be meaningless. Potentialism Theory (aka Quest for Potential∞ Theory aka Q4P-Theory) again parlays this mathematical function further to describe the conceptualization of the Quest for Potential and its drive towards Extraordinariation. On a philosophical and metaphysical level, this is a clear mandate that while such concepts as hyper-complexity and Extraordinariation themselves itself may not be known perfectly, we can find echoes of Extraordinariation’s effect in the physical (and mathematical) universe. As the cosmos drives towards greater and greater super-complexity, we will continue on our path ever-closer towards Extraordinariation and understand it with ever increasing clarity (see Newton’s Calculus and Birnbaum’s Potentialism echo the same message: “Some things cannot be absolutely known perfectly; however we can iteratively (infinitely) vector-in very close to perfection.”


The Summa / Potentialism Theory series: Summa Metaphysica I: Religious Man: God and Evil (Ktav, 1988); Summa Metaphysica II: Spiritual Man: God and Good (New Paradigm Matrix, 2005); Summa Metaphysica III: Secular Man: The Transcendent Dynamic (New Paradigm Matrix, 2014). Potentialism Theory: Dovetailing: MIT & NYU Recent hi-level academic works dovetailing with Birnbaum’s Theory include the following: Programming the Universe (Knopf, 2006) by Professor of Quantum Mechanics Seth Lloyd of MIT; Mind & Cosmos (Oxford Press, 2012) by Professor of Philosophy & Law Thomas Nagel of NYU; Our Mathematical Universe (Knopf, 2014) by Professor of Physics Max Tegmark of MIT. Context: Summa Metaphysica has been the prime focus of a major international academic conference (see; it has been a Course Text at over a dozen colleges globally and the prime focus of well over one hundred feature articles, reviews etc. (see Over 50,000 volumes of the various Summa books are in circulation; the complete 3-volume work is available gratis on the book’s site in flip-book form, as well as in softcover and electronic form via conventional channels. Paradigm Challenge Via his revolutionary Potentialism Theory (de facto Theory of Everything) David Birnbaum has instigated a global paradigm challenge (see Birnbaum himself is either the author or the editor-


in-chief of several noteworthy series (see Historical notes: Both Sir Isaac Newton (England, 1642-1726) and Gottfried Wilhelm Liebniz (Holy Roman Empire, 1646-1716) are credited with independently inventing/ discerning/delineating calculus; however Newton has a slight historical edge in the matter. With regards to Leibniz, note that he, like Birnbaum, dealt extensively with the philosophical issue of theodicy: If there is an all-powerful and all-merciful God, why is there gross evil. Birnbaum is in consonance with Leibniz on one of the building blocks of Leibniz regarding theodicy, to the effect that our universe was/is the best possible universe as regards these matters (good and evil); Birnbaum, of course, deploys his hypothesized Infinite Quest for Potential as centerpiece in lancing theodicy; Leibniz was not attuned to Birnbaum’s later 20th century ‘insight.’ See


January 5, 2015

Complexification (C+): Cornerstone of Summa Metaphysica’s Potentialism Theory By aaronphipps in Science Tags: Einstein, Theory

To physicist relativity-the-special-and-the-general-theory-400x400imadgzeegjddnjfsEinstein (author, Theory of Relativity) everything is Relative; to cosmologist Birnbaum, (author, Summa Metaphysica/Potentialism Theory) Relativity is nice for macro-physics, but to get one’s arms around the entire cosmic order (super-macro-physics), one needs to work with a more overarching concept – Potential. See Birnbaum likes Potential because he can play with the term and resolve virtually all the key questions in metaphysics and its related field of cosmology – with one quite-concise theme and formula. # What dynamic is eternal? Infinite Quest for Potential∞ [see] # What dynamic drives the Cosmic Order? Quest for Potential∞ [see theQ4P. com] # What is the purpose of Man? To reach his Potential [see ExaminerPurpose. com] # What is the end-goal of the cosmos? Infinite Potential realization [see] So, with minimal pivoting, Potential emerges as the ultimate ‘plug’ in metaphysics/cosmology. And just where did this little dynamic come from? Birnbaum frontally addresses the issue: # By Definition, Potential/Possibility is eternal.


# It is Self-evident that Potential/Possibility is eternal; there is, indeed a universe; thus, there must have been the Potential for it to exist. Birnbaum believes that his little By Definition/Self-evident ‘1-2 punch’ sealsthe-deal that Potential/Possibility is eternal; he may just be right; and it’s nice to solve a 7,000 year-old conundrum with a conceptual finesse. Potentialism was discerned by metaphysicist and cosmologist David Birnbaum of Manhattan. Harvard and yeshiva-educated Birnbaum is an intellectual maverick; but he is a demanding and highly-disciplined intellectual warrior. In the 25+ years since the introduction of his Potentialism Theory (aka Quest for Potential∞ Theory aka Q4P-Theory) in Summa Metaphysica I by Ktav Publishing (NJ), no flaw has been discerned in the elegant theory. Per Birnbaum, Infinite Quest for Potential drives the universe forward towards the super-extraordinary via its intermediate dynamic – Complexification. Notated C+, Complexification is a cornerstone of Potentialism theory. See The theory itself is laid-out in Birnbaum’s three-part series: Summa Metaphysica I: Religious Man: God and Evil (Ktav, 1988); Summa Metaphysica II: Spiritual Man: God and Good (New Paradigm Matrix, 2005); Summa Metaphysica III: Secular Man: The Transcendent Dynamic (New Paradigm Matrix, 2014). See In the series, Birnbaum explains that the universe is ruled by a central equation, Q4P∞ → E+. The formula dictates that the Infinite Quest for Potential∞ drives the universe towards an ultimate goal – of the superextraordinary, or, in Birnbaum’s lexicon, Extraordinariation (E+).


This E+ is the ultimate state of super-complexity on both a mechanical and metaphysical level – thus the greatest hypothetical level of super-complexity in all forms. E+ is actually a goal/horizon to be sought-after, but never quite realized. See Driving the universe towards this E+ on a day-to-day basis is the cosmic workhorse, Potential’s handmaiden, Birnbaum’s hypothesized C+, or Complexification. This intermediate dynamic (in between Quest for Potential∞ and E+) is what advances and shapes and iterates the universe in evergreater degrees of super-complexity. To understand C+, it is necessary to distinguish it from mere complexityadvance. We must differentiate between the two terms inasmuch as while Summa Metaphysica I (1988) touched-upon Complexification (C+), contemporary (2014) cutting-edge physics (Seth Lloyd of MIT for example) now deploys complexity-advance as centerpiece in a mechanistic cosmological model. See The simple issue is that complexity-advance does not get us to Extraordinariation (E+); however, Complexification (C+) does. See Complexity-advance represents only incremental/linear advance in layers of complexity; C+ incorporates neo-quantum advances – via increased complexity, sophistication, richness, integration, diversity and wondrousness. Thus, plain vanilla complexity-advance is but one of multiple components of Complexification. In any event, we now need to insert Complexification (C+) into the formula – and the theory’s SuperLaw equation emerges: Q4P∞ > C+ > E+ It is sometimes easiest to juxtapose complexity-advance v. Complexification


side by side to more clearly see understand the differences. Complexity-advance v. Complexification (C+) ——————————————————– linear v. qualitative advance incremental v. neo-quantum advance plain vanilla advance v. profound advance active within relatively narrow parameters v. active within expandable parameters narrow-spectrum v. wide-spectrum differentiation mechanistic v. organic physical v. metaphysical process iterative v. iterative/evolving/morphing/quantum-step-up/dynamic process closed v. open system neo-Darwinian v. Birnbaumian complexity-advance alone v. a package of advances (including complexityadvance) Teleology (purpose/direction) Unlike plain-vanilla complexity-advance, C+ is consonant with our teleological model. The Cosmic Order, and, in parallel, life on Earth, advances through intermittent neo-quantum jumps towards the ever more extraordinary. These are not simply direction-oriented linear/incremental advances; these are profound advances in the cosmic march towards E+. The emergence of life, language, consciousness, and emotion, for example, simply cannot be labeled as purely linear advance. However, through C+, not only is the emergence of multi-cellular life from single-cell life better understood, but also aesthetics, love, music, art and morality. Put another way, C+ in the equation explains the advance of Evolution; Complexity-advance alone does not.


Quantum Changes C+ also helps describes advance in quantum terms. Complexity-advance is a well enough tool to describe day-to-day shifts. Complexity-advance gets us, if you will, incremental, linear change. But the truly quantum changes, those redefining moments in the nature of the universe, require C+ and a more profound shift in the nature of existence. When speaking of complexity, you may be able to isolate the differences between a hydrogen atom and a helium atom, but how does complexity describe the fundamental change that gave rise to the first molecule? This is where complexity-advance begins to be wholly inadequate. Not only that, but complexity-advance alone utterly fails when trying to describe any form of non-physical complexity. More to the point, complexity-advance can only take us only so far in explaining natural selection and evolution. ‘Plain vanilla’ complexity-advance falls apart when trying to explain universe ‘luxuries’ such as music, art, humor, romance, altruism, spirituality et al. These ‘luxury’ aspects of the universe hardly seem to be ‘survival traits’. Undeniably, these are all qualities we associate with the highest life forms we know of. So, it seems that the term complexity-advance has limitations and is simply incapable of capturing all that that is actually occurring. the Common Denominator Birnbaum re-iterates that a cosmological theory must be universal – and true on all levels, from the macro to micro and everything in between. Moreover, a cosmological theory must be as true for physical forms and matter as it is for concepts and ideals. Thus the evolution of thought, emotion and spirituality must advance just as the physical universe does. And it has. Just as the universe has grown from particles to atoms to molecules and stars (as a result of C+), so has consciousness grown from instinct to reason to art to morality and altruism (again as a direct result of C+). Complexification (C+) yields-us the Common Denominator of 14 billion years of cosmic history/evolvement. Complexity-advance does not. See


Getting to Beethoven To encapsule the issue, Complexification gets us from a single-cell organism 4 billion years ago to Beethoven completing his 9th Symphony in 1624; Complexity-advance simply does not; the leaner dynamic simply does not have the ‘firepower’ – multi-dimensional breadth and depth – to catalyze the endless extraordinary morphings necessary to get us from a single-cell organism to Mr. Ludwig van Beethoven. See Not as a stand-alone metaphysics Complexification (C+) is a powerful dynamic; however, one should not be overly tempted in setting it up as a stand-alone metaphysics; it works as an intermediate dynamic, but fails as a stand-alone metaphysics. Why? C+ has the ‘tail-wind’ of Quest for Potential breathing cosmic energy/chi into it from eternal origins, and is beckoned-forth by Extraordinariation ( E+) at infinite horizon forward; C+ (conceptually and reality-wise) only ‘works’ when bracketed by these two infinite, Potential-suffused metaphysical bookends. See also In any event, more precisely, there is no clear divide between Q4P and C+; the two are interconnected in any event. Nuts & Bolts courtesy of MIT Recent hi-level scientific/academic works offering the nuts & bolts for the mechanism of Complexification (first introduced by Birnbaum in 1988 via Summa Metaphysica I, Ktav) include the following: See also Programming the Universe (Knopf, 2006) by Professor of Quantum Mechanics Seth Lloyd of MIT (noted above, as Lloyd deploys ‘complexity-


advance’ as centerpiece); Our Mathematical Universe (Knopf, 2014) by Professor of Physics & Mathematics Max Tegmark of MIT. Birnbaum had stood alone since Summa Metaphysica I in 1988 as a voice elucidating a matrix-like teleological universe; for almost two decades he had single-handedly faced-off across-the-board hostility from the apex predators in scientific academe; he was more than pleased to have ‘the U.S. Cavalry’ – in the form of Lloyd and Tegmark of MIT – ‘charge to his rescue’ in the 20062014 zone with their dovetailing metaphysics books; the two ‘MIT books’ complement each other – and each work offers a proposed scientific schema for a matrix-like teleological universe. Nice to have world class physicists Lloyd and Tegmark providing ‘covering fire.’ Vindication via MIT is nice.


The Cosmic Matrix Club January 7, 2015

Connecting the works of four important cosmologists Baruch Spinoza, independent scholar, Amsterdam, Ethics, c. 1677 ---- a lattice-work matrix David Birnbaum, independent scholar, Manhattan, Summa Metaphysica, 1988, 2005, 2014 ---- an organic matrix Seth Lloyd of MIT, Boston, Programming the Universe, 2006 --- a quantum computer-generated information matrix Max Tegmark of MIT, Boston, Our Mathematical Universe, 2014 --- a mathematical matrix Is the universe all connected by some all-encompassing metaphysical web or matrix? All the four cosmologists above say yes; they all posit a holistic, fullyintegrated matrix; note that they represent a quite-miniscule percentage of cosmologists. Both Birnbaum (1988) and Lloyd (2006) are reinforced by Tegmark’s (2014) holistic, fully-integrated matrix-like universe theory. Lloyd and Tegmark draw heavily on their mathematical backgrounds to sketch their cosmology. To both Lloyd and Tegmark the universe moves like a giant, holistic computer. Rather than previous theories like Randomness, these matrix-like universal theories show a more teleologically based (direction-based), if mechanistic view of the universe. See Much like Lloyd and Tegmark after him, Birnbaum (1988) elucidated a structured, ordered, purposeful universe. Although Birnbaum (1988, 2005) precedes Lloyd and Tegmark, he takes the matrix concept several quantum steps further. See


Cosmologist Birnbaum, in his three-part Summa Metaphysica series, shows Beginning > Middle > End: Eternal Origins > Cosmic Mechanism > Cosmic Goal. Birnbaum’s intermediate stage – Cosmic Mechanism (Complexification) – dovetails nicely with Lloyd/Tegmark of MIT. See In turn, Lloyd/Tegmark discern respective scientific mechanisms (in each case a dynamic matrix of sorts) do not deal substantively with either Eternal Origins (at the beginning, of course) or Cosmic Goal (down-the-road, of course). See The Matrix Progenitor (1677) Readers may be intrigued, however, by the actual progenitor of a theory of a holistic, fully-integrated lattice-work, matrix-like universe: Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677 CE). His work Ethics was published posthumously. It is considered one of the great works of metaphysics of all time, however obscure it may be. A Dutch philosopher, Spinoza would set out nearly 400 years ago to brazenly challenge humanity’s understanding of both God and the universe. Before Spinoza there were, in effect, two universes – the material and the divine. The church had worked hard to separate the spiritual from the material. In and of itself, its aim was harmless enough – the church thought that the spiritual, divine and holy represented a perfect realm of existence, impossible on earth. This left heaven and the afterlife something wondrous and beautiful to strive for. Separate realms? Unfortunately, the church also drove science and cosmology in their image. What they would inadvertently do is isolate the divine from the physical world until spirituality itself would become a stranger in our scientific view of the universe. From a scientific perspective, the church would become its own worst enemy. But Spinoza would deny this artificial dichotomy the church had laid out between nature and spirituality.


While religious minds of his time saw the divine as something separate and removed from physical reality, Spinoza recognized that in a universe where God himself was omnipotent and omnipresent, he must necessarily be part of the universe itself. Thus Spinoza brought forth the idea (heretical as it might have been at the time) that God must be part of nature itself. To Spinoza, God was a force – one in which God was a force of creation but essentially neutral in our human view of good and evil. The universe, as an expression of God, simply was – for better or worse – exactly the only thing it could be and had to be. Spinoza: All is determined Moreover, Spinoza believed in determinism. That is to say, the course of nature, and thus God, were set. There was no praying to change the course of how events would unfold. Only a better understanding of the divine could help mankind navigate life. It’s not that mankind could change anything, but the understanding would help mankind live in a state of harmony with God. Again, this was seen as intensely heretical to the church and to the local Jewish religious authority at the time as well. Interestingly, determinism meant that morality was largely subjective. As all human courses of action were predetermined, considering them as free-willed choices was an illusion – thus no one was actually capable of acting good or evil. For Spinoza, the only positive effect a person could have was to have an understanding of their predetermined path and an active acceptance of it. Space for Spirituality? Needless to say, Spinoza’s more severe conclusions part ways with Birnbaum; however both Spinoza and Birnbaum – as opposed-to Lloyd and Tegmark – proactively leave metaphysical ‘space’ for spirituality/religion. David Birnbaum’s Potentialism Theory (aka Quest for Potential∞ Theory aka Q4P-Theory) has come under quite-virulent ad homenim attack by Atheistic proponents – operating through surrogates – for anchoring spirituality/religion as viable metaphysical options. Spinoza was the first cosmologist in the Renaissance world to actively search for patterns and meaning in the physical world – without the active removal of


the spiritual from consideration. Moreover, Spinoza recognized the essentially teleological (direction-based) nature of the universe. As opposed to a universe of random occurrences, Spinoza recognized the underlying and purposeful pattern of the cosmos. Divergence and Intersection What might have been a very rough 17th century understanding of the universe would nevertheless be quantum-overhauled in the late 20th/early 21st century by the likes of Birnbaum. David Birnbaum’s universe is alive and organic, whereas Spinoza’s universe is quite sterile and mathematical; however, but both metaphysicists deploy an infinite and dynamic cosmic matrix. See Potentialistic, not Deterministic Modern cosmologists such as David Birnbaum have corrected and overhauled (re-invented?) the basic principles laid down by Spinoza. The hard, deterministic universe of Spinoza has been corrected, as our greater understanding of Potentiality has been illuminated. What Spinoza saw as an entire predetermined existence is actually an array of possible, potential pathways mankind might take. Birnbaum notes that all things seek their own potential. But the myriad pathways to that potential are literally infinite. One might raise children, craft a symphony.... the ways to explore potentials are limitless. See As a species, we follow a choreographed dance into a universe of evergreater complexity. Moving with a teleological rhythm, we continue our waltz into a future of greater and greater complexity. What is our final goal? According to Birnbaum, an unparalleled and unknowable future of extraordinariation – a universal complexity of perfect beauty, art, truth, morality and existence as a whole. At the pinnacle Anchored by Spinoza from the 17th century, and then re-enforced by Lloyd


and Tegmark of MIT in the 21st, David Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica/ Potentialism Theory (aka Quest for Potential∞ Theory aka Q4P-Theory) possibly trumps all comers. It (concisely) solves the most issues by far; it works through multiple lenses – religious, spiritual and secular (see; it covers-the-bases: past-present-future; in-the-mix it unifies Science, Philosophy and Spirituality; it ‘works’ on macro thru micro levels (see; it seemingly integrates, in particular macrophysics (Relativity/Gravity) with micro-physics (Quantum Mechanics); it appears to be the most fully-integrated metaphysics (known). See Other than all of the above, it is no big deal.


Ultimate Inter-Disciplinary Theory by Vikas Sharma (writer), India, January 22, 2015

How Quest for Potential? Theory Unifies 21st Century Thought Potentialism Theory (aka Quest for Potential∞ Theory aka Q4P-Theory) was developed by Conceptual Theorist David Birnbaum of Manhattan. The theory proposes no less than a revolution in thought. In a nutshell, it proposes that there exists – threading through the Cosmic Order – a hitherto undiscerned dynamic; per the proposal, this dynamic is the Common Denominator of the Cosmic Order – past-present-future. See This discerned dynamic is not quite religious and not quite secular; rather, it is suis generis – meaning, in its own category. The religious may claim it as their own and the secularists may claim it as their own; however, its discoverer is meticulously clear – across his iconic 3-volume treatise - that it defies categorization. See plus see David Birnbaum’s groundbreaking three-part treatise, Summa Metaphysica (1988, 2005, 2014), proposes that one overarching interstellar dynamic drives the Cosmic Order: Quest for Potential∞. More precisely, Infinite Quest for Potential (infinitely iterating) drives the cosmos towards ultimate and extraordinary Potential realization. See The author initially embarked on the project in 1982, when he discerned that one concept lanced key issues in a panoply of fields. Thirty-two years later, the observation regarding simultaneously lancing several fields has been vindicated. See The lancing of several related macro-themes converge in Summa: unification


across a range of fields; Common Denominator of the cosmos; simultaneous solution; cracking the cosmic code. How is the lancing of all these historic macro-themes possible? Because, per the Birnbaum proposal, all the seemingly disparate fields converge at their root core – (hypothesized) Infinite Quest for Potential∞. If they do, indeed, converge at their root core, all the historic ‘dominos’ just noted, will indeed fall once one has discerned the convergence – which Summa Metaphysica may have just achieved. See Thus, the stakes are huge: Several so to speak ‘holy grails’ are lanced: unifying Spirituality-Philosophy-Science is, of course, the big trophy, but there are other extraordinary trophies, as well. Thus, when Potentialists talk about unification, they mean it. See Birnbaum sets out a truly universal (and concise) formula to encompass the scientific, spiritual and religious in one overarching principle. Succinctly put: infinite quest for potential > drives forward towards > extraordinary/ultimate potential realization. Deploying Birnbaum-terminology: Quest for Potential∞ > Extraordinariation. See also So, if Q4P∞ is the shorthand notation for Quest for Potential∞, and if E+ is the shorthand notation for Extraordinariation, then the concise formula becomes: Q4P∞ → E+. This is Birnbaum’s proposed SuperLaw of the Cosmic Order. See In a nutshell, Birnbaum elucidates that Potential is at both ends of the ‘universe equation’: the universe is both propelled forward by the Infinite Quest for Potential∞, and simultaneously drawn forward/towards by E+. Sort of, the two faces or polarities of Infinite Potential. Not that this (E+) will never necessarily be fully understood. See Janus1000. com. Extraordinariation (E+) – ultimate realization of Potential – is a goal/horizon; it is never actually realized; its power lies in its ‘magnetic’ draw on the universe. As the saying goes, the ‘journey’ is the thing; not the precise realization. See also


In between the cosmic ignition via Q4P∞, and cosmic goal/denouement E+, is another Birnbaum-hypothesized dynamic, an intermediate dynamic; he labels this intermediate dynamic as Complexification (C+ for short); it is the conceptual mechanism that implements Quest for Potential. Q4P∞, innately built into everything in existence, advances the universe forward to seek ever greater and greater levels of Complexification (C+). See Intermediate1000. com. Complexification is defined by Birnbaum as advancing complexity/ sophistication/richness/integration/variety/wondrousness. C+ is further distinct from (plain vanilla) complexity in that it encompasses both the mechanistic and non-material alike, thus embracing the spectrum – matter and thought; art and energy; compassion and thermodynamics; spirituality and science. In turn, note that one of the components of Complexification just-noted above is ‘integration’; meaning, Complexification does not occur divorced from the greater cosmic landscape; rather, Complexification at-a-minimum integrates into-the-process the harmonization/optimization of the ongoing Complexification with the existing bio-landscape. In any event, Q4P∞ > C+ > E+ more fully summarizes the unfolding cosmic drama/dynamic/process: Quest for Potential∞ (Q4P) via Complexification (C+) drives the universe ever-onwards towards Extraordinariation (E+). All the three dynamics are discrete-yet-interlocked; all are different faces/ facets/thrusts of Infinite Potential at work. See In grasping the full majesty of Potentialism, an in-depth knowledge of the following fields helps greatly, as Potentialism connects across the spectrum. Physics, Astrophysics, Quantum Physics, Theoretical Physics, Particle Physics et al. Physics is the broad palate of Potentialism at work in the physical world. Potentialism provides a unifying theory between the micro and macro; Potentialism Theory underpins the rules which both quantum physics and


astrophysics follow. Potentialism Theory is also invaluable in theoretical physics, especially knowing that the underlying principles of Potential can aid & abet the evolving cutting-edge theory. What is more important is the overarching parallel/common denominator which all sciences have under the umbrella of Potentialism Theory. From micro to macro sciences, all of the physical universe follows the same basic rule of Potentialism. Everything – from the lowly quark to grandiose galaxies – is enveloped by the dynamic of complexification and its ongoing development and expansion of ever-greater potential. See A comparison of Anthropic Theory with Potentialism Theory would show the latter as having the weight of the argument. See as well as (anticipated early 2015) Philosophy (Western + Eastern), Metaphysics Obviously, as a cosmology, Potentialism is metaphysics. But the dynamic and original metaphysics is also far more. Embracing aspects of both Western and Eastern philosophy, Potentialism is equally at home in both. See Indeed, Birnbaum pivots his Summa I: Religious Man (1988) off-of (Jewish) Lurianic Kabbalistic eternal origins (c. 1560), and pivots his Summa II: Spiritual Man (2005) off-of (Jewish) Hassidic Panentheism (c. 1750). While Summa I and II foretold Lloyd’s quantum computer (2006), Summa III: Secular Man (2014) partially pivots off-of Australian-American Cosmologist Paul Davies Goldilock’s Enigma (Google Books, 2007) cosmology survey and definition of the ideal (self-contained) metaphysics. See Mathematics, Calculus, Fractals, Probability, Formal Logic If physics is the palate of Potentialism, then mathematics is its pigment. Mathematics describes the technical advance of Complexification. Potentialism Theory embraces the underlying language and reason of the universe as it unfolds. Potentialism can be found to permeate higher mathematics in a way that defies coincidence. See article relating the 2014


book Our Mathematical Universe by Tegmark of MIT with Potentialism Theory (aka Quest for Potential∞ Theory aka Q4P-Theory). Fractals express the iterative nature predicted by Potentialism. The prescience of IBM’s Benoit Mandelbrot (b. Poland, 1924; d. Cambridge, Mass., 2010) is once-again re-confirmed. His work on fractal geometry, Mandelbrot sets and self-similarity directly dovetails into Potentialism Theory. Formal logic is the very foundation upon which modern philosophy and cosmology are based; Birnbaum heavily deploys Formal Logic in Summa Metaphysica I on the path towards his resolution of the classic theodicy conundrum. [Definition: Theodicy is the classic problem of evil: If there is an all-powerful and all-merciful God, why is there gross evil?] Probability Theory, ultimately subverted by the Randomness/Atheist crew for their own academic agenda, plays a key ancillary role across the Cosmic Order; however, contrary to Randomness/Atheism, Probability is most certainly not the de facto Prime Mover. See Calculus? Calculus is perhaps most important to Potentialism as it proves the failings of the Randomness theory of the 20th century. Calculus proves that, while a certain degree of uncertainty is always prevalent in the universe, the universe itself is far from completely random – rather, the universe follows a generally framed-out course of possibilities of ever-increasing complexity with which to optimize/maximize cosmic potential. See (anticipated early 2015) Biology, Evolutionary Theory, Stem Cells It is hard to speak of universal evolution without mentioning biological evolution. Potentialism Theory embraces biological evolution. Moreover, it gives reason to why it functions as it does. That is a key piece that has always been missing from Darwinism, neo-Darwinism, and the contemporary Evolutionary Theory Synthesis. See It has been argued that evolution is utterly random and happenstance except for a neo-survival component; but such notions disingenuously avoid


confronting the beyond-insane (and virtually impossible) amount of chance necessary in this allegedly scientific proposal. See Could sheer chance – even with ‘survivability’ thrown into-the-mix – give rise to human life, as one example? That is, human life in all its manifold complexity and glory? And would ‘chance’ sustain complex human life in its unending evolvements and challenges over the millennia? See Intelligent design tried to fix this issue; but it was hinged on several conceptual flaws and ultimately could not decouple itself from entrenched classic religious concepts. Potentialism does not suffer from these (fatal) issues. Potentialism Theory does not negate religiosity; but Potentialism Theory is simply not hinged/hostage to it either. See Potentialism Theory shows how Evolution will invariably and inexorably, by its very nature, strive and advance towards higher forms of biological complexity and consciousness. Human life, or a variation thereof, is thus almost inevitable and a logical point on the arc of Infinite Potential. Are stem cells the embodiment of Quest for Potential∞? One can make a strong case in the affirmative. Computer Science, History of Science But how does Birnbaum’s Complexification (C+) calculate its next move? A possible answer comes from MIT Prof. of Quantum Mechanics Seth Lloyd is the author of Programming the Universe (Knopf, 2006), and the head of MIT’s XQIT, that is, its Center for Extreme Quantum Computation. Lloyd is a chief protagonist for the concept that the entire universe is one huge quantum computer, ever-iterating the universe towards greater and greater complexity. Thus, if Complexification (C+) is the handmaiden of Quest for Potential∞, then Lloyd’s universe-spanning quantum computer is the handmaiden of C+. See A 21st century metaphysics


If all of these disciplines have one thing in common, it is that Potentialism can unite them. Potentialism Theory is the great unifier. It brings together the mystic, the scientific, the biological and the metaphysical. As a 21st century cosmology, Potentialism re-defines and expands the extraordinary outer limits of the sciences; Potentialism Theory offers a common “sandbox� where all the sciences may coexist. Indeed, as delineated in Summa Metaphysica, at their core, all sciences sprout from the fount of Infinite Potential. As such, Potentialism Theory serves as a common focal point and originating vector point for all disciplines for understanding the universe. See Potentialism Theory: The Summa series Summa Metaphysica I: Religious Man: God and Evil (Ktav, November 1988); Summa Metaphysica II: Spiritual Man: God and Good (New Paradigm Matrix, March 2005); Summa Metaphysica III: Secular Man: The Transcendent Dynamic (New Paradigm Matrix, January 2014). Context: Potentialism Theory Since Summa I was released by Ktav Publishing in 1988, no conceptual flaw has been discerned in the Birnbaum construct. Summa Metaphysica has been a Course Text at over a dozen colleges globally Note that there are over 80 focused pieces globally on the theory in the last 18 months alone; to view links to over 150+ feature articles/reviews/testimonials on Potentialism Theory, see Summa Metaphysica was the focus of a 3 1/2 day international academic conference at Bard College (Upstate, NY) April 2012 (see Conference1000. com); In turn, the conference ignited global coverage of Potentialism Theory (see Over 50,000 volumes of the various Summa books are in circulation; the complete 3-volume work is available, as well, gratis on the

SECTION? site in flip-book form, aside from availability via traditional modalities, including electronic. Potentialism Theory: Dovetailing: MIT & NYU Recent hi-level academic works dovetailing with Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential include the following: Programming the Universe (Knopf, 2006) by Professor of Quantum Mechanics Seth Lloyd of MIT; Mind & Cosmos (Oxford Press, 2012) by Professor of Philosophy & Law Thomas Nagel of NYU; Our Mathematical Universe (Knopf, 2014) by Professor of Physics Max Tegmark of MIT. See and Potentialism Theory: Paradigm Challenge Via his revolutionary True Theory of Everything, David Birnbaum has instigated a global paradigm challenge. See Birnbaum himself is either the author or the editor-in-chief of several important and noteworthy series (see His New Paradigm Matrix publishing platform ( has over 180 thought leaders globally under its umbrella.


Philosophy: The prime mover of the Cosmos? Posted on January 28, 2015 by guest

Defining terms: Cosmology: What ignited and drives the cosmic order? Prime Mover: The Aristotelian term for the unknown hypothesized entity/dynamic at the core of cosmology. Note that in Aristotelian philosophy the Prime Mover, the primum movens, is unchanging as it transforms the cosmos. Yeshiva-educated and Harvard-educated maverick conceptual theorist and cosmologist David Birnbaum of Manhattan is the ultimate thorn in the side of academic cosmology. Birnbaum paternalistically admonishes the stellar lights of academe that they have been ‘trying too hard’ for the past 700 or so years since the inception of the Renaissance; Birnbaum castigates them for trying to find a mechanistic physics equation to so to speak crack the cosmic code. Birnbaum admonishes the establishment crew to ‘keep it conceptual – and keep it simple’ if they want to understand our complex universe. Birnbaum maintains that the cosmos – and in parallel, the individual human – is too complex, too rich, too wondrous, too spiritually-friendly, too sophisticated, and indeed, even too cunning – to be the result of a dry and lifeless classic physics equation. Indeed, Birnbaum will proffer a quite-concise equation – and relatively simple concept – to crack the code; however, it will be a dynamic and organic conceptual equation – and an infinitely telescoping concept – the likes of which has never been entertained in academe. [see] Birnbaum has been stalking the cosmic code since he was a youngster. He


does not believe that the Prime Mover of the cosmic order is an entity; rather, Birnbaum believes that the Prime Mover of the cosmic order is an infinitely multi-faceted multidimensional dynamic; and, parting-ways with Aristotle, per Birnbaum the Prime Mover is itself constantly in flux/growth/advance. Thus, in contradistinction to Aristotle’s Unmoved Mover, Birnbaum’s dynamic is an Eternally Moving Mover. To crack the cosmic code, Birnbaum vectors onto a rich and unique concept/dynamic – as opposed to a dry mechanistic equation – as the Prime Mover. Per Birnbaum, this Prime Mover is what Birnbaum elucidates as – Infinite Quest for Potential (per his Potentialism Theory aka Quest for Potential∞ Theory aka Q4P-Theory). Again per Birnbaum Infinite Quest for Potential (a Birnbaumian-hypothesized and coined term) drives the entire universe – and all its component parts – ever onward and forward. To where? Towards ever-fuller realization/optimization of Potential. Birnbaum labels this cosmic ‘end-goal’ as Extraordinariation (or E+ for short). Extraordinariation (E+) is the goal/horizon for the realization of fullest Potential across the spectrum of the cosmic order. Meaning, E+ is the most complex/ sophisticated/rich/integrated/diversified/wondrous expression of a range/ panoply of all possible potentials. Birnbaum thus erects a very, very ‘high bar’ for the ultimate cosmic goal; but, then again, a great cosmic order needs a great goal. So, does Birnbaum indeed have a super-rich, unique equation for his ostensibly conceptually rich schema? Here it is: the Birnbaum-hypothesized core cosmic equation: Q4P∞ > E+ translation: Quest for Potential∞ > Extraordinariation elucidation: The eternal and core overarching dynamic of the cosmic order – Quest for Potential∞ – inexorably quests after Extraordinariation – the idealized panoply


of maximal potential. So, 1. Does the equation work no matter where in cosmic history we deploy it? 2. Does the equation work no matter on which level, macro > micro, we deploy it? 3. Does the equation capture the maximum data in the most concise equation? 4. Does the equation field all challenge? 5. Does the equation handle absolutely all known data? 6. Is the construct aesthetically elegant? To the incredulity of academe, the answer to all six key questions just-noted is apparently ‘yes’. [see] Next series of questions: Can Summa Theory accommodate potential God? Can Summa Theory be viewed through a non-theistic but spiritual lens? Can Summa Theory be viewed through a totally secular lens – with no theology or spirituality in-the-mix? The answer to all three questions just-noted is also ‘yes’; Birnbaum respectively focuses the three volumes of his series on each approach/motif. See Summa I: Religious Man (Ktav Publishing, 1988); Summa II: Spiritual Man (New Paradigm Matrix, 2005); Summa III: Secular Man (New Paradigm Matrix, 2014). Does Summa Theory unify Religion, Philosophy and Science? This may not have been the author’s initial prime objective, but this unification is, indeed, very clearly the result. Per Birnbaum’s three volume work, no matter which lens/motif you view the cosmos through – Religious, Spiritual or Secular – or a combination thereof – Potential is the ultimate core theme/ dynamic. Per Birnbaum’s three volume work, the core question at the guts of the three great fields of study, Religion, Philosophy and Science – What is


ultimately at the core of the cosmic order? – is simultaneously answered by his core theme of Infinite Potential. [see] Infinite Potential is so to speak, the root: the Common Denominator of the cosmic order; [see] Quest for Potential∞ is operational on all levels, from super-macro thru super-micro: from the largest overarching galactic cluster level – through the smallest sub-atomic level. From Einsteinian physics thru Quantum physics. Potential is not (currently) visible and not (currently) measure-able, but it thoroughly permeates the cosmic order. This truism manifests both across cosmic history and on a daily basis. ‘Hiding in plain sight,’ infinite Potential drives all forward. According to Birnbaum, ‘by definition’ only the dynamic of potential/possibility can legitimately be hypothesized as being eternal; [see ByDefinition1000. com] indeed, according to the author, it is ‘self-evident’ that potential/ possibility is eternal; and, again according to the author, any cosmology construct must consequently inevitably employ potential/possibility as a core motif, if not as its very core motif. At the same time, potential/possibility is flexible enough to quite-elegantly simultaneously be deployed as the central motif – and, indeed, goal – of any of these classic constructs, whether in a theistic, spiritual or secular cosmology. To simplify the possible constructs: from a theistic perspective – Holy Potential is at the core of the Divine; through a spiritual lens, infinite potential – a spiritual dynamic – overarches the cosmic order; from a secular perspective, the natural dynamic Quest for Potential is the driver of the cosmic order. [see] The author is clear, however, that the reality of the cosmos is unclear – to the effect as to which of these three motifs – theistic, spiritual, secular – is exclusive or dominant at any given point in time; nor, according to the author, is it necessary to definitively delineate the exclusive or dominant cosmic motif, as there is ample metaphysical room to accommodate any combination of these key motifs.


Thus, potential/possibility is the ultimate ‘fount’ of the universe; and, essentially, ‘All roads lead to Rome’-or, more precisely here – ‘All roads lead to Potential’; [see] that is, all these three key metaphysical motifs – Religion, Spirituality and Secularism – inexorably vector towards potential/possibility as the very core fount of the construct. Potential/possibility is the common ‘nexus point’; meaning, the motifs of Religion, Spirituality and Secularism all unify back at their very core – at the eternal origins ‘nexus point.’ [see] David Birnbaum’s Potentialism Theory (aka Quest for Potential∞ Theory aka Q4P-Theory), Theory of Potential/Quest for Potential∞ conceptually elegantly unifies Religion, Spirituality and Secularism at their respective cores; in doing so, the author also simultaneously unifies the three great fields – Religion, Philosophy & Science. Birnbaum’s core dynamic of infinite quest for potential is an elegant core ‘conceptual plug’ across the belief spectrums Religion, Spirituality and Secularism and then again across the Religion-Philosophy-Science metaphysics spectrum. Meaning, the central concept of Potential motif not only works as a satisfying central and crucial conceptual finesse in the belief systems, it also formally works in the related formal metaphysics systems. [see] Quest for potential∞: A concise and simple (albeit profound) idea – for an extraordinary (and profound) universe. [see] Recent hi-level academic works dovetailing with Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential include the following: Programming the Universe (Knopf, 2006) by Professor of Quantum Mechanics Seth Lloyd of MIT; Mind & Cosmos (Oxford University Press, 2012) by Professor of Philosophy & Law Thomas Nagel of NYU; Our Mathematical Universe (Knopf, 2014) by Professor of Physics Max Tegmark of MIT. [see and]

February 4, 2015

The Birnbaum Theorem By aaronphipps in Technology

The unifying cosmological theorem proposed by Conceptual Theorist David Birnbaum of Manhattan You heard of the Pythagorean Theorem: a2 + b2 = c2 (courtesy of ancient philosopher/ mathematician Pythagoras (c. 570 – c. 495 BCE)? The iconic Pythagorean Theorem is sortof dwarfed in import when juxtaposed against the 21st Century Birnbaum Theorem: Here is the grand unifying theorem and its corollaries. The Birnbaum Theorem: Quest for Potential∞ is eternal and is the universal constant. [note: Q4P is Birnbaum’s shorthand notation for Birnbaum’s hypothesized eternal cosmic dynamic and cosmic ‘driver’ – Quest for Potential∞.] Corollaries: 1. Potential/Possibility is eternal. 2. This is true By Definition; this is self-evident. 3. The sole dynamic which can legitimately be posited with (near) certitude as eternal, is Potential/Possibility. 4. Quest for Potential∞ (shorthand notation: Q4P) is the core cosmic dynamic 5. If no Q4P, then no universe 6. Only a universe anchored by Q4P, can achieve true traction. 7. Only a Q4P universe has the possibility for life…. and humans…and possibly post-humans 8. We are in a Q4P-driven universe – at a moment in time when human life is flourishing


Cracking the cosmic code via a unified theory has been the elusive dream of science, philosophy and cosmology for the 7,000 years of civilization. This has been the case ever since mankind looked heavenward and tried to understand the universe. The holy grail of science, a unified theory has never hitherto truly been realized. Enter David Birnbaum (Summa Metaphysica I, 1988, Ktav Publishing). Birnbaum is an independent cosmologist and author of Potentialism Theory. So, what is the Birnbaum Theorem? Let’s look at some of the components of this innovative cosmological model. See We will now look more closely at the core theorem – and the eight corollaries just-noted. Theorem: Q4P is eternal and is the universal constant. Birnbaum spent 22 years (from age 10 in 1960 – age 32 in 1982) to get to this point of isolating on the core cosmic dynamic. Only then did he commence writing Summa Metaphysica (1988, 2005, 2014). Birnbaum had searched for the driver of the Cosmic Order. He felt that the key to the cosmic code was hiding in plain sight. The budding metaphysicist conjectured/intuited that when he hit upon the correct theme, it would not only prove to be eternal, but would simultaneously ’crack’ multiple issues; that is, the hitherto ‘intractable’ problems/conundrums in metaphysics/cosmology/ philosophy/astrophysics/evolutionary biology. Meaning, in Birnbaum’s mind, any candidate concept for the core cosmic dynamic would, if genuinely the correct answer, simultaneously also solve the entire series of metaphysics-related issues. Of course, the candidate would need to withstand scrutiny juxtaposed against the corpus of data about the universe. Thus, if a candidate for the correct ‘framing belief’ of the Cosmic Order


not only was supported inductively (meaning by circumstantial evidence), but also simultaneously essentially lanced the entire series of key historical metaphysical issues, a winning concept was possibly in-hand. Such would indeed prove to be the case with Infinite Quest for Potential∞. In early 1982 Birnbaum hit upon the concept of ‘potential’ as a candidate for his ‘cosmic key.’ Potential seemed to sort-of fit the bill; when Birnbaum re-sculpted the term and turbo-charged it infinitely into Q4P, the updated concept indeed seemed to perfectly fit the bill. # Potential/Possibility is eternal. # This is true By Definition; this is self-evident. # The sole dynamic which can legitimately be posited as eternal is Potential/Possibility. # Quest for Potential∞ (Q4P) is the core cosmic dynamic The Birnbaum Theorem presents the only dynamic/cosmological agent which can truly predate the Big Bang. Why is this important? The Big Bang itself must necessarily be caused by something. A prime mover so to speak. Contemporary physics, for all its strengths, simply does not have the repertoire or range to adequately solve this. The core/gut question is – What is the cosmic constant? Not only can Potential be used to describe the core cosmic dynamic, but it can be used more broadly to explain something which existed before our current universe, which could trigger/cause the existence of our universe. Hypothesized Q4P can do so. Q4P is simultaneously the fount of the Cosmic Order, its trigger, its sustainer, and its raison d’être. Q4P seems to be pretty much everything? It is. You and I are integral to it, not separate from it. It is both the overarching cosmic dynamic as well as the only truly eternal law of the cosmos. Not a classic


entity; not even a classic quest. Q4P is more of a holistic quest. # If no Q4P, then no universe # Only a universe anchored by Q4P, can achieve true traction. More importantly, there can be no universe without this cosmic constant. Q4P not only defines how the universe is; as well, it defines its core trajectory/ evolvement. But is it necessary for Q4P to exist at all? Only if one wants a universe. There is nothing intrinsic in science that required a Big Bang, nor is there for particles, atoms and molecules to have occurred. The “script” which the universe follows had to come from something eternal, overarching, and at the same time pervasive within it. The only ‘something’ that satisfies this model is Potential. Q4P is the source of traction which gives meaning and drive to the universe itself. Of course, it simultaneously “is” the universe. # Only a Q4P universe has the possibility for life…and humans…and possibly post-humans # We are in a Q4P-driven universe at a moment in time when human life is flourishing. The ‘observer requirement’: It has been posited that much of the universe relies on observation – that the universe could not be as it is without observation. Some science, like quantum mechanics, actually heavily relies on observation to function properly. There is a flaw in this hypothesis though. Humans were not always here. Where was ‘the observer’? How does scientific theory account for an ‘observer’ when humans were late in the game? Science could not answer the question – until Potentialism Theory answered it.


The ‘observer’ is eternal Q4P itself – integrating all data. The effect this has cosmologically is that it satisfies the ‘observer requirement’ before any human observer actually existed. This is the key to the temporal super-positioning (its positioning at the core/fount/apex of existence) being so important. Life: Life is a rich ‘platform’ from which to launch a plethora of potentials; life is thus on the trajectory from the void to the ultimate extraordinary; humans extend this potential, and provide a further advanced ‘platform’ to quest for the extraordinary (when we are not killing each other, that is). The contemporary landscape: At this moment in time, life as we know it is flourishing. It is hard to predict what the landscape will look like a billion years hence (assuming there even is a landscape left). More questions and answers This does beg two important questions regarding the Birnbaum Theorem. # Does this principle reinvent cosmology? # Does this principle trump other constructs? The theory indeed reinvents cosmology. The Birnbaum Theorem peels-away cruicial layers of cosmology. It strikes radically closer to the core. As to trumping other constructs – science and cosmology are about truth and accuracy. The Birnbaum Theorem has been demonstrated to be a (far) superior tool to describe the cosmos and elucidate its workings. The theory effects one of the great scientific/philosophical paradigm shifts. Birnbaum would be the first to state that ultimately mystery remains; however, a crucial core layer has now been uncovered.


The only potential weakness in the otherwise bulletproof Birnbaum hypothesis is the following (ultimately weak) attack: How can we say with conviction that Potential/Possibility is eternal? Birnbaum has rather elegantly nailed-down this point with his interrelated arguments of By Definition/Self-Evident. Per Birnbaum: By Definition, Potential/Possibility is eternal; By proof we look at reality. Reality exists; This much is self-evident and observable. Therefore, reality must have had the potential to exist; Again, the obviousness is self-evident. Without potential, something cannot be. Thus it is self-evident that Potential/Possibility is eternal. One does not have to ‘prove’ that ‘potential/possibility’ always existed; it is self-evident that this is true. Hence, we see Potential is its own causal loop so to speak. But therein lies the true beauty of Potential. It is, at its heart, not an axiom but the axiom; the basic, self-evident truth from which we can build a better cosmic understanding. See Existing outside such linear concepts as time, it is the one true, fundamental force of the Cosmic Order; it can readily be posited to be eternal. Even the universe as we know it cannot make that claim. Q4P is the one force in the cosmos which can comfortably predate even the Big Bang itself. Because before the Big Bang, on a physical level, there was perhaps only the potential that it – and all the wondrousness to flow from it – would occur.


Playing with Infinity Posted on February 5, 2015 by MO

Three Key Embedded Infinities in Birnbaum’s signature concept – Quest for Potential∞. David Birnbaum of Manhattan is the founder of Potentialism Theory (see The centerpiece of the theory is that one dynamic – and one dynamic alone – drives the Cosmic Order. The dynamic is hypothesized to be Quest for Potential∞. But exactly what is the infinity sign referring to? Birnbaum knew that his theory would meet with resistance from the establishment academic community, and Birnbaum has hinted on more than one occasion that he did not want ‘to overload’ the doyens of Oxford and Cambridge. On the surface, it would appear that the signature dynamic of Conceptual Theorist David Birnbaum’s (proposed) core cosmic dynamic has just one infinity embedded in it. But does it not have at least three? On the basis of Birnbaum’s writings it would seem that we, indeed, have three: 1. Eternally infinite Quest for Potential 2. Infinitely nested Quest for Potential 3. Infinitely telescoping-forward in time Quest for Potential Some terminology: # The ‘cosmos’ refers to everything-everything, metaphysical and physical. The ‘universe’ refers to our own, known post-Big Bang physical universe. # Q4P is the shorthand notation for Quest for Potential∞. See Many keyboards do not have a readily-available infinity sign; therefore, for


ease of communication the infinity sign has been dropped in the shorthand notation (but many deploy the infinity sign in the shorthand notation as well, in any event). 1) Eternally infinite – tracking-backwards – Quest for Potential Physics: Physics can describe the universe back to the Big Bang. Interestingly though, physics as we know it today, may have been ‘re-born’ at the Big Bang. Particle, quantum, Newtonian and relativity physics were most probably de facto at a minimum ‘re-invented’ during those first initial moments. Thus, it may be incorrect to state dogmatically that physics as we know it today is necessarily 100% eternal; indeed, it is a subject of debate. Birnbaum’s position is that primordial physics is eternal and was marshaled by Q4P to ignite the Cosmic Order; per metaphysicist Birnbaum, physics may or may not have morphed over time. Potential: Hypothesized Potential is the only truly infinite and eternal cosmic dynamic. It is both ruler of the current cosmic order and the associated rules of physics. While the physics of the universe may have evolved, the eternally infinite eternal origin has not. Q4P is the “fire” which spawned universal creation and still governs it today – the universe’s quest to reach for its own ultimate Potential. See Indeed, Quest for Potential∞ is eternally infinite. Hence, Infinity #1 of the formula. 2) Infinitely nested Quest for Potential Multi-generations of humans: The straightforward example of nesting is grandparent > parent > child > grandchild ad infinitum (hopefully); all the potentials down the road are nested within the grandparent. Beyond humans: The cosmic dynamic is infinitely nested. One of the most


interesting conceptualizations of Potentialism is that Potential must not only be pervasive throughout the cosmos but also infinitely nested from the micro to macro scale. See Further Potentialism is defined in form by ever increasing complexity. (Birnbaum more precisely labels this Complexification (see Moving from the micro to macro, it is clear to see the undeniable raising in complexity at each step. Particles coalesce into atoms; these in turn coalesce into molecules and then compounds; and finally into planets and the stars themselves – which in turn are arranged in solar systems and the greater galaxies they are a part of. The systems continually grow larger and more complex. Thus, infinitely embedded potentialities are a key component of Q4P. Hence, Infinity #2. 3) Infinitely telescoping-forward in time Quest for Potential∞ Potential itself is also inherently telescoping-forward to the forward reaches of time. One example would be the individual human. That single person contains all the Potential of what they can be in terms of growth and complexity. But a person also has the Potential to have children. Thus, within them is not only their own potential, but that of their children and their children’s children ad infinitum. An infinite potential within an infinite potential, nesting without end. Interestingly, this “future potential” within each person allows Potential its telescoping effect forward in time. All things are both what they are and the infinite sum of what they may someday become. As Potential, this effect exists in all things, not just people. Even dust in the cold of space can someday coalesce into a star. The stardust from exploding supernova stars ultimately coalesces into that single human just noted in the paragraph just above. We see the direct trajectory from the Big Bang > stars > humans > to their potentially infinite line of descendants.


Further, due to its overarching nature, Potential is the most powerful force shaping the universe around us. It is infinitely nested, thus permeating all levels and scales. More importantly though, Potential is infinitely telescoping forward in time. This is a key to the true power of Potential. Quest for Potential∞ telescopes infinitely forward in time. Hence, Infinity #3. An unending universe of infinities It can be seen that potential is both infinite and infinitely embedded in multiple ways. It is the eternally infinite eternal origin. As such, it is the only thing that can be truly said to have definitely existed before even the universe itself. This also makes it the only viable catalyst to have –somehow in some manifestation – crafted the cosmos as we know it. Potential is the prime mover and alpha and omega of universal creation. Quest for Infinite Potential strives infinitely onward stretching from eternal origins to the far reaches of time. In December 2014 David Birnbaum was asked directly why he did not notate his concept ∞3 (super-superscript. He answered as follows: “There are, indeed, at least three infinities embedded in Quest for Potential – tracking backwards, nested, and telescoping forward; but we are not quite sure how to count them in formal mathematical terms; in any event, we might ultimately be surprised by the true number of embedded infinities; for the record, however, in principle I would have no problem with a super-superscript 3.” editor’s note: Of course, the journals – online and other – would probably all overload from article submissions with super-superscripts. As it is, the one superscript infinity ( ∞ ) causes considerable issues with the journals.


The History of Ideas & Summa Metaphysica’s Potentialism Theory 05/02/15 at 17:37

Scientific history is about revolutions – in ideas and thoughts. And human history abounds with these fundamental, watershed moments which redefine how we understand the universe around us. There are intermittent moments of these in history; but some are categorized as paradigm changers in the history of science and cosmology. We focus here on several key historical paradigm changers. Theory: The Earth is Round Though largely attributed to Pythagoras, the concept of the earth being round is perhaps a mystery in its origin. We do know that a spherical earth was in the course of academic discussion in the 6th century BCE and became a more commonly held view from that point onwards, being established in Hellenistic (more specifically Greece/Egypt) astronomy as a ‘given’ in the 3rd century BCE. The astronomer/mathematician/geographer Eratosthenes (276 BCE-195 BCE) of Greece and Egypt would provide the first estimation of the size of the (spherical) earth. Measuring the length of a shadow at different locations on earth, Eratosthenes was able to calculate the circumference to within ~15% of the earth's actual size. Theory: Heliocentrism Heliocentrism – the theory that the planets revolve around the sun – was first introduced by the Greek scientist Aristarchus of Samos in the 3rd century BCE; his theory was widely rejected in favor of geocentrism – the theory that the planets revolve around the Earth – of Aristotle and Ptolemy. Nineteen centuries later in the 16th century, against quite-formidable opposition


and push-back, Nicolaus Copernicus, a Renaissance mathematician and Christian cleric, re-introduced heliocentrism. Geocentrism had been the ‘entrenched orthodoxy’ for centuries before Copernicus despite the obvious flaws in the theory. Most obvious amongst its flaws was its inability to reconcile the orbits of the other planets. With Earth in the center of the solar system, the planets seemed to have erratic orbits, sometimes reversing their direction entirely. Heliocentrism was, as well, widely and radically unpopular both with the academic establishment and with the Catholic Church at the time. Copernicus confided to a friend in 1532 that he resisted publishing the theory as he feared the scorn “to which he would expose himself on account of the novelty and incomprehensibility of his theses.” Though the Pope himself attended a lecture on Copernicus' ideas in 1536 and a leading cardinal (Nikolaus von Schonberg of Capua) encouraged him to publish, Copernicus chose not to do so until another seven years later in 1543, the year of his death. Theory: Relativity Einstein’s Theory of Relativity supplanted the 200-year old theory of mechanics, crafted primarily by Isaac Newton. Relativity was introduced by Albert Einstein in two ground breaking works. The first, in 1905, was special relativity. Special relativity theorized and explained mathematically the interconnectedness of time and space. It solved a host of issues, including the seeming inconsistencies between Newtonian physics and other branches of physics then being developed. Further, it gave us the constant speed of light and all implications that this and timespace creates; these implications include the fundamental calculation E=mc², which describes the relationship between energy and mass. The only weakness of special relativity is that it required a “flat” timespace to function properly. Gravity bends space. So special relativity didn't actually work as planned in the real universe. Einstein solved this in 1915 when he followed up with the theory of general relativity. General relativity unified relativity and Newtonian gravity and is responsible for our understanding of gravity's effects on time space.


Theory: Randomness One side-effect of the work on relativity was the birth of a new science – quantum physics. Specializing in describing the smallest particles science knows of, it runs on a very peculiar set of laws, introducing such concepts as probability and super positioning. Capitalizing on this indeterminate science has been the Theory of Randomness. Randomness seeks to describe a universe that is fundamentally random, without order or purpose. It seeks to describe the macroverse in similar terms. While lacking in ability to give an overall understanding of the cosmos, it proposed a cosmology without a guiding force, which played-well in anti-religion circles, in particular. Despite its incompleteness and gaps/flaws, Randomness was the dominant theory throughout the 20th century – largely kept dominant by the atheistic academic community just as, ironically, geocentrism had been kept alive by the Catholic Church. Note that the (often hyper-aggressive) tactics deployed by the Randomness/Atheist community to maintain its hegemony in academe have not been above reproach. Theory: Potentialism Potentialism Theory overthrows the Randomness/Atheism construct. The theory was first published in 1988 (see Summa Metaphysica I: God and Evil, Ktav Publishing) by metaphysicist David Birnbaum of Manhattan. Potentialism Theory (aka Quest for Potential∞ Theory aka Q4P-Theory) presents a revolution in cosmological theory and intellectual thought. See As Relativity married the classic model and Newtonian physics under a new unifying theory, Potentialism has great promise in unifying Relativity and quantum mechanics into one single, metaphysical theory of cosmology. See Potentialism Theory acts as unifier for the scientific, spiritual and religious as well. Ascribing equal importance in universal reality to both thought and form, Potentialism Theory shows how each interrelate and integrate. See


Birnbaum delineates his SuperLaw of Metaphysics: Q4P∞ → E+. Per Birnbaum, Infinite Quest for Potential (Q4P∞) infinitely iterates and vectors towards Extraordinariation (E+), a Birnbaum-hypothesized state of infinite wondrousness and super-complexity. See In-the-mix, Potentialism Theory solves several hitherto intractable problems in Metaphysics – Theogony (origins of God, if there is a God), Theodicy (the problem of evil), Teleology (cosmic direction) and Purpose (of Mankind) – via one simultaneous solution concept: Infinite Potential. Eternal Infinite Potential ignites, drives and directs the Cosmic Order; if there is a Divine – in one form or another – then the dynamic (Infinite Potential) is at the core of the Divine. See Potentialism Theory (aka Quest for Potential∞ Theory aka Q4P-Theory) shows how the universe naturally evolves/complexifies following a general path/ arrow towards ever-increasing levels of complexity – in form, in thought and even artistic and spiritual expression. This ongoing complexification (see is integrated/harmonized with the existing bio-landscape. On every level, macro to micro, the cosmic order seeks-after its optimal/ maximal potential. The Quest for Potential∞ Theory is expounded in its founder’s 3-part treatise, Summa Metaphysica (1988, 2005, 2014). All fields of thought are impacted. See Initially, Birnbaum faced-down the entire Randomness/Atheist entrenched academic hierarchy alone; however, in 2005 and 2014, MIT physicists Lloyd and Tegmark, respectively published works dovetailing with Summa Metaphysica (1988, 2005, 2014): Programming the Universe (Knopf, 2006) by Professor of Quantum Mechanics Seth Lloyd of MIT; Our Mathematical Universe (Knopf, 2014) by Professor of Physics Max Tegmark of MIT. See and


Tikkun Olam & David Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica By Chris Grasso | Curious Chris' Musings | February 6, 2015

Tikkun Olam is an ancient Jewish concept with contemporary applications. Roughly translated, it means “Repair the World.” In the Jewish faith, there is a mainstream belief that one should strive towards harmony, acts of kindness and the betterment of mankind; this is what Tikkun Olam represents. A central underpinning is that society succeeds or fails as a whole. The concept gained particular traction in Jewish mystical tradition, particularly within Kabbalah (primarily in 16th century in Ottoman Palestine). Contemporay metaphysicist David Birnbaum of Manhattan – Yeshiva and Harvard educated, independent scholar and philosopher – draws heavily on this concept in his own philosophical and cosmological masterwork, Summa Metaphysica (1988, 2005, 2014). See Per Birnbaum, the cosmos is on an inexorable quest for greater and greater perfection on multiple fronts. Birnbaum’s hypothesized cosmic Infinite Quest for Potential inexorably drives the cosmos towards an ever-higher spiritual potentiality. It is one of mankind’s tasks to aid & abet this sublime quest. This inexorable quest towards ultimate perfection/sublime directly parallels the Kabbalistic quest for Cosmic Repair. See Birnbaum’s work regarding his theory of the Infinite Quest for Potential is arguably a modern-day interpretation of Tikkun Olam. More accurately, while there is much more to this Potentialism Theory, it most certainly incorporates concepts of Tikkun Olam. Quest for Potential is, after all, a proposed overarching dynamic and a unifying theory of science, spirituality and philosophy. See Tikkun Olam in Potentialism The unfolding of the Quest for Potential as the overarching and all-pervading Cosmic Dynamic, may indeed encompass the effect of Tikkun Olam. Why? Birnbaum himself states the simple mantra:


We are all in this together. We all rise or fall together. Our societal goal is to reach our potential, cumulatively, as well. We are all connected. The advance of one, is the advance of all. These words are of little surprise to those who study Potentialism. Potentialism is a cosmological theory based on the connectedness of both humanity and the universe as a whole. Many sciences are based on multiple disciplines and theories. Quantum physics, Newtonian physics, particle physics‌. the list may seem endless, each governed with its own particulars laws. Likewise, in understanding the world, the physical sciences are far from the sole contenders for knowledge. Science may dismiss pure philosophy, spirituality or religion. Yet, undeniably, there are intangible, yet no less true, phenomena contained within our universe. One may not be able to touch a concept such as morality or love, yet these concepts impact the physical world daily. And that is one of the hidden strengths of Potentialism – it can acknowledge and qualify what cannot be measured by classic physical science. Moreover, Potentialism can make a place for and explain the Tikkun Olam concept and its importance in the world. See A common destiny As noted, Birnbaum is the author of the (quite readable) 3-part treatise Summa Metaphysica. The series examines Infinite Quest for Potential through three separate lenses; it looks at Infinite Quest for Potential through the respective perspectives of religious man, spiritual man and secular man. While science sees humanity and the world at large in a purely Darwinian contest for supremacy, Potentialism (like Tikkun Olam) shows us the interconnectedness of the universe and creation. Birnbaum elucidates how


the veil between the spiritual and the physical is largely illusory – a surface boundary that must be seen through to fully understanding the nature of the cosmos. Central to Potentialism is the shared, common destiny of humanity and the universe itself. Humanity is ever striving forward towards greater degrees of complexity – as well in thought, form, spirituality and morality. The universe, according to Birnbaum, inexorably strives for ever-increasing levels of sophistication and perfection. Evolution is not so much a gladiatorial arena for DNA to battle within, but a common pursuit of the race as a whole. Like the rest of the universe, the human race must be viewed in its proper context, as a connected whole with a shared fate. See A secular proof This connectedness is the heart of Tikkun Olam as well. To the Jewish faith, bringing the world more perfectly in line with God is a sacred endeavor. It honors God to strive to make the world as He has envisioned and commanded. To accomplish this, the faithful must live by God’s rules of charity and justice. It is not enough to live well and properly on one’s own. Instead, the faithful must strive to lift-up the entire tide – to raise all ships. Potentialism stands as a secular proof of the soundness of Tikkun Olam. Where Tikkun Olam only justifies its “rightness” in terms of religion and spirituality, Potentialism actually explains the soundness of this theory in cosmological and metaphysical terms. In short, Potentialism provides a scientific basis that Tikkun Olam is a means of universal evolution which has been driving the cosmos towards ever greater complexification (shorthand: C+) since the beginning of the universe itself. Potentialism sets as one of its loftiest and most audacious goals that of unifying the religious, secular and philosophic. The immersion, within its doctrine, of Tikkun Olam stands as just one example of how it has fulfilled that goal. See Where once we could only say “be kind to your neighbor” because it was a


religious observance or a philosophically superior position in regards to ethics – Potentialism actually provides the unifying secular reason for such deeds. We are good to our neighbor because it is part of the cosmic order and helps grow the universe around us as intended. See As Birnbaum promised a unification of these concepts, there is a simple answer to the question of “Why repair the world?” that can be answered to the religious, philosophical and secular in turn: Religious: It is God’s will that we do so, and it is moral that we do so. Philosophical: Morality is the highest expression of human intellect and abstract thought; caring for our world and the people in it is how we do so. The spiritual underpinning of our universe – Infinite Quest for Potential – mandates an overarching morality in our daily lives. Secular: It is the nature of the universe to evolve and advance; the mutually supportive aspect of the interactivity of humanity is an integral component of universal advance; morality and giving-ness are integral to high-level cosmic advance. See also:


Ultimate Self-Actualization By mariialv | Posted February 9, 2015

Ultimate Self-Actualization David Birnbaum's Theory of Potential re-conceptualized how we understand Man's place in the universe. Cosmology of the 20th century (Randomness theory) wrote mankind off as some accidental by-product of a meaningless universe. But 21st century Potentialism places mankind back into the center of the Cosmic Order itself. Whereas 20th century Randomness theory categorized mankind as a random accident of haphazard cosmic evolution, 21st century Potentialism theory places mankind as the forward wave of cosmic advance. Per Birnbaum, mankind is the state-of-the-art, however flawed, apex player in the inexorable evolvement of the universe. In placing mankind at the zenith, Potentialism theory’s conceptualizer, David Birnbaum of Manhattan, directly impacts many classic questions: What is our place in the universe? What is the meaning of humanity itself”? What is our internal core drive? What is the ‘spark of life’? What is our purpose? Q4P Metaphysicist David Birnbaum hypothesizes that one dynamic – (Infinite) Quest for Potential – drives and energizes the entire Cosmic Order. Birnbaum makes the case via his (quite-readable) 3-volume treatise Summa Metaphysica (1988, 2005, 2014). The work has been widely-acclaimed; over a dozen colleges have assigned the work as a Course Text; No flaw has been discerned in the hypothesis since introduced to the world via volume I of the treatise published by Ktav in 1988. A major multi-day


international academic conference was hosted by Bard College (Upstate, NY) in 2012 focusing on the work (see To view links to 150+ articles and reviews of the work, see The shorthand notation used for the core concept (infinite) Quest for Potential is Q4P. Is Q4P at the core of life-force itself? Q4P, the (Infinite) Quest for Potential, is at the core of everything in the universe, including life force itself. Q4P, to Potentialists, represents the central drive of existence – the need for everything to strive towards its own greatest complexity/sophistication. Humanity – with all its myriad flaws included – represents the highest degree of complexity/sophistication/wondrousness that the universe has yet given rise to. At the very heart of life force itself, Q4P drove not only the creation of life, but the creation of a higher order of life; this advanced life form – mankind - which would achieve a distinctively wide range of emotion, intellect, communication, and creative ability; mankind could wrestle with both its own as well as the greater cosmos' meaning and purpose. Does Q4P give Man purpose/direction/meaning? Q4P can give man meaning. Make no mistake; no life is meaningless, but acknowledging Q4P and its transcendent power in life can help one understand one’s purpose and help provide focus. Personal growth, advancing the community, connecting with others - as well as potentially finding love and growing a family - are all part of a grander cosmic enterprise. Can awareness of Q4P energize the individual? It is hard to overstate how awareness of Q4P can help energize the individual – to know that the deck is “stacked in one’s favor” by pressing towards the limits of one’s potential. Individual growth and advance is an integral part of the grand and overarching cosmic scrip of Quest for Potential∞.


Will the Cosmic Order provide a tailwind to those seeking after their maximal potential? Most certainly. Man, like the universe itself, is predestined as a whole to seek out greater degrees of complexity and sophistication. Birnbaum labels this as Complexification, i.e. growth and advance on sundry fronts including emotional, intellectual and moral expansion. Einstein once quipped that God doesn't play dice with the universe. Potentialism says that, not only does God not play dice, but the odds are stacked in the direction of growth and advance. Endeavoring to grow and advance plays-out underlying cosmic thrusts. For in endeavoring to advance, Man is playing-out his destiny and the potential which drives him. Does Q4P connect Man ever more with the Cosmic Order? Past-presentfuture? Man's connection with cosmic potential brings him in ever-greater alignment with the Cosmic Order. Understanding of Q4P will give individual Man an edge in truly understanding this cosmic connection; as a whole, humanity is headed towards this understanding – as the consciousness of Man expands via evolutionary thrusts. Could Q4P harmonize humanity? Central to Potentialism Theory is the concept that we are integral parts of the cosmic collective, let alone of humanity. Thus, as humanity advances, we win on an individual level. The concept of a fight “us v. them” is somewhat anachronistic if we are simultaneously part of ‘them’. The universe is not meaningless, aimless and chaotic as we were led to believe in the past. Rather, everything is part of the cumulative and inexorable cosmic advance; the universe plays out its ever-iterating broad-spectrum cosmic march, and mankind as a group is at the forward cusp of that march. See also


The Trajectory of the Big Bang

February 10, 2015

David Birnbaum, Potentialism Theory and C+ Harvard and yeshiva-educated independent scholar David Birnbaum of Manhattan is the author of a (quite-readable) 3-volume treatise Summa Metaphysica (1988, 2005, 2014). The work presents an original metaphysics – Potentialism Theory. In turn the theory advances the idea that hypothesized Infinite Quest for Potential drives the universe. The theory elucidates that the potential-driven universe inherently seeks ever-increasing degrees of Complexification, that is ever-greater complexity/ sophistication/richness/integration/varirty/wondrousness. Note that Complexification (shorthand: C+) is a 21st century Birnbaumian term. The Big Bang is commonly used to refer to the beginning of the universe. More properly though, it is a description of the stages of the universe from the beginning to our current age. However, we commonly think of the present as the last stage of universal evolution. There is no reason to suppose this to be the case. To explain this, it is simplest to look at the stages of the universe which came before the present one. The Singularity The beginning of the known universe is considered the singularity. We use singularity to describe the universe at the beginning of known time because it was near infinitesimally small. People oftentimes think of this singularity as exploding into empty space. However, this is incorrect. The universe itself was the singularity. There was no outside for it to explode into. It is the universe itself which expanded outwards to create the space it encompasses today. Inflation This expanding outwards of known space was called inflation. Before inflation, the rules of physics as we know it did not necessarily exist. This is a particular point worth noting. People tend to, incorrectly, assume with certainty that


the rules of physics are eternal and immutable. The inflation period saw a homogenous spread of superhot quark-gluon plasma. Cooling The cooling period is the stage at which the universe began to look like its current form. The fundamental forces we take for granted today – gravitation, electromagnetism and the strong nuclear and weak nuclear forces – all came to be. The cooling period is when the first atoms began to form due to nucleosynthesis. Structure Formation The last major period noted by physicists is structure formation. This is when the matter in the universe began to draw itself together through gravitation and form; on a micro scale, the elements and molecules present today and, on a macro scale, the cosmic bodies we are familiar with such as the planets and stars, solar systems and galaxies. From a physics perspective, this is the last of the periods which the universe has gone through from the Big Bang. A History of Complexification The common element of each period mentioned is the universe’s change in its level of Complexification. Inflation created time and spatial physics. The cooling gave us the fundamental forces now governing the universe. The structural formation period gave us complex molecular structures and galactic formation and all heavenly bodies in the universe. The commonality in all these periods is each gave birth to not only a more complex universe, but phenomena in the universe which did not exist before. Reasonably speaking, it is impossible to say the Big Bang sequence is done. The only thing that can be extrapolated from the universe’s history is that when the next period arrives, it will usher in a form of complexity which does not exist today. Two More Periods to Consider


If you step away from pure physics, the universe has already given rise to at least two more periods of fundamentally different and new types of Complexification. The first is life – organic, living organisms which can be seen today in everything from single-celled algae to trees. The second is the rise of the animal kingdom. While the physics community may consider biology separate from the physics of the Big Bang, biology is actually another – and more advanced - potentialism platform on the same metaphysics trajectory as the initial Big Bang. Potentialism’s Next Step Complexification (C+) is expected to be expressed in new ways. For instance, the universe continued to increase in complexity as heavier elements formed to flesh out the current periodic table. At some point though, Complexification shifted and began to form molecules out of those elements – a completely novel, at the time, expression of complexity. According to Potentialism, there is no end to this cycle of greater and greater complexity. Thus the plant then animal periods were predicted. Not necessarily the form that they would take, but only that something must come next. Now, logic would dictate that something must supersede animals – and 21st century-style humans - as the highest form of Complexification. Age of Man For Potentialists, the current era is that of humankind itself. The scientific community, driven largely by atheistic dogma, have classified humankind as simply another animal, albeit a highly intelligent one. Potentialists argue that this is an absurd notion. Classifying a human as just another animal is like classifying a dog as a smart plant. Humankind possesses traits of Complexification non-existent - except in the faintest of hints – in the highest orders of animals. Humankind possesses an intellectual/emotional/creative range which allows them to uniquely affect their environment. They can change their environments and build tools to solve their quest du jour; they possess full


linguistic ability and communication options to easily transmit and replicate knowledge. As Potentialists often point out, it is the new expressions of complexity which are the hallmark of Potentialism itself. Reason and emotion are just the latest in a long line of complexity events throughout the universe’s history. Physics may argue the relevance of ideas and emotions, but Potentialism elucidates that it is simply naive to expect every universal event to be simply physics based simply because the first few were. What is to come next? That is the question. Where and how Potentialism will universally express itself next is unknown. The only thing we can know for sure is it will be in a way not seen before and it will leave us with a fundamentally more complex universe afterwards as the cosmos infinitely seeks its own Potential. See also


end of

Summa Metaphysica III Secular Man: The Transcendent Dynamic

David Birnbaum

books by BIRNBAUM Metaphysics

an artistic/graphic representation


an artistic/graphic representation

an artistic/graphic representation


an artistic/graphic representation





Quest for Potential (infinitely recursive)

Q4P ( Q4P ( Q4P ‌

Quest for Potential within Quest for Potential within Quest for Potential

ad infinitum

re: Summa I

“A Major Work in the Philosophy of Religion”*

“…there is no comparable volume offering such a comprehensive, authoritative and intelligible discussion of the problem…a remarkable effort to offer a fresh approach...” Paul Mendez–Flohr Professor of Philosophy, Hebrew University, Jerusalem Editor, Contemporary Jewish Religious Thought “…an original, and, in this reader’s opinion, a very promising point of view…the author gathers a philosophically coherent and, in the end, highly modern insight… a unified metaphysics…” Louis Dupré Professor of Religious Studies, Yale University “…a major work in the Philosophy of Religion… a masterful achievement…a novel and satisfying approach… a major intellectual achievement.” *Canon William Johnson Professor of Philosophy, Brandeis University



“…a major contribution to the Jewish conversations through the ages, on theodicy, and the problem of evil generally.” Dr. Norman Lamm President, Yeshiva University “…a framework for a renewed exploration into the most agonizing aspects of the meaning of religious belief… It is an impressive attempt to focus intellectually on the Holocaust without diminishing the primal outcry of pain.” Rabbi Nachum Rabinovitch Rosh Yeshiva Birkat Moshe, Israel, Former Dean, Jews College, London “David Birnbaum brings the rich resources of the Jewish tradition to bear on the universal problem of theodicy. The result is a new synthesis… I can certainly recommend it as a fascinating contribution to the philosophy of religion which merits the attention of Christians and Jews alike.” John J. Collins Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame Editor, Journal of Biblical Literature



“God and Evil represents a bold attempt to formulate an ingenious theory, which, drawing upon creative reinterpretations of classical Jewish doctrine, places the Free Will Defense within a broader metaphysical framework…” Rabbi Walter S. Wurzburger Professor of Philosophy, Yeshiva University Editor, Tradition “All who read this book will find much instruction, insight, and material for reflection…I find the overall thesis of the book touching and inspiring…” Rabbi Irving Greenberg President, The National Jewish Center for Learning and Scholarship (CLAL) “A major work…a great intellectual and spiritual effort” Joseph Dan Professor of Kabbalah, Hebrew University


*** “the best book in print on the subject.” –HERITAGE JOURNAL “Author and scholar David Birnbaum wrestles with the age–old problem of the existence of evil… a compelling, stimulating and creative contribution…” –JUDAICA BOOK NEWS “Birnbaum’s God and Evil is an extremely significant volume which grapples forthrightly and originally with the problem… well–organized… clearly written… persuasive… Birnbaum comes as close as possible to solving the awesome dilemma of evil in a world created by a just God.” –JEWISH WORLD “Birnbaum wrestles with the problem of evil from a Jewish perspective, but provides fresh insights for Christians as well. This is a good book, written in faith, and with honesty and passion…” –THEOLOGICAL STUDIES Georgetown University “Wiesel and Birnbaum share a deep respect for, and loyalty to, their ancestral faith. Yet the contrast between their approaches is ultimately perhaps as instructive as the approaches themselves. Birnbaum’s approach is essentially that of the intellectual, philosopher, and theologian…” –CANADIAN CATHOLIC REVIEW “a bold and highly original synthesis…audacious yet sensitive, traditional and yet highly innovative…yet within the parameters of an authentically Jewish halakhic point of view…an intellectual odyssey” –JEWISH REVIEW ***

reprinted from 5 Towns Jewish Times



New Paradigm Matrix is a multi-media “platform” – based out of Manhattan – which typically publishes works simultaneously in three modalities: Hardcover for Amazon et al. [ see ] eBooks [ see ] Flip-books online [ see ] Additionally, the “platform” features YouTube videos [see] relating to symposiums et al. focused on the works. As well, the platform has other contemporary offerings including Birnbaum’s Manhattan Observer column [see] New Paradigm Matrix endeavors to publish works, which are vibrant and cutting-edge, if not paradigm changers. David Birnbaum, a graduate of Harvard University, is editor-in-chief of New Paradigm Matrix – as well as the author of several of the works. In addition he is co-editor of the works in the Masorah Matrix division series. * Birnbaum’s iconic work God and Evil – which introduced his new paradigm Quest for Potential∞ hypothesis, was originally published by KTAV (Jersey City, NJ) in 1988. Four subsequent printings followed in the 1989-2000 period. KTAV still offers the work in its catalogue. New Paradigm Matrix offers the work as Volume I of three-volume Summa Metaphysica.




Section 4: Glossary


Glossary of Potentialism Terms Over the last quarter century (since Ktav published Summa I in 1988) the Theory of Potential has been refined. As such, it has developed its own lexicon to describe its fundamental principle of Potentialism. Potentialists define the universal drive of cosmology as the Infinite Quest for Potential. This is the inherent “drive” of the cosmos to seek its own ever-further Complexity. The endgoal of this Complexity is referred to as Extraordinariation (see Extraordinariation is not so much a precise destination as an ideal goal to be sought-after, albeit never quite fully-realized. Potential journeys towards a nonconcretized state of infinite Complexity. The universe moves inexorably towards this infinite goal, giving birth along the way to major events of increased Complexity identified as Quantum Jumps – for the fundamental changes in the universe they create. [Examples of a Quantum Jump would be the emergence of atoms from energy, the emergence of multi-cellular life from single-cell-life]. Thus, along the way towards Extraordinariation, are episodic Quantum Jump events. The lexicon of Potentialism has given rise to the following glossary:

Potentialism Potentialism itself represents a new science for a new century. It provides an overarching 21st century metaphysics that seeks no less than to encompass the scientific, the religious, the spiritual and the philosophical. Fully encompassing all modern science, Potentialism is at-aminimum, the core metaphysics of a (true) Theory of Everything – not only in scientific terms, but in all terms meaningful to humankind. Birnbaum has offered this short glossary of the key 7 terms of Potentialism to arm those seeking an understanding



of the cosmic order with the tools necessary to have a “seat at the table” to this new metaphysics. All are invited as science comes back to the table from a three century, post-Spinoza hiatus – to reexamine our most fundamental understanding of the cosmic dynamic (see


Cosmic Womb of Potential. This is the metaphysical realm within which Potential, QJs, PAs, and E+ all convene to shape the nature and events of the universe. It is easiest to conceptualize the Cosmic Womb as a metaphysical place of creation. It is, in and of itself, not a thing, but a metaphysical space/place for the birth of things. As such, it can bring forth to life the concept of the physical as well as the philosophical. The physical universe is the non-abstract part of the CWP. The CWP is often looked at as analogous to the sciences. There is the physical sciences and the classical sciences, the latter being the purely mathematical, abstract and philosophical (see P/P∞ = (Potential/Possibility∞) = the possibility of the possibility of the possibility ad infinitum of Potential/Possibility [ primordial Q4P∞ ]

Q4P∞ The Infinite Quest for Infinite Potential, usually shortened

to Quest for Potential in conversation, though the formal name best represents the iterative, infinite nature of Potential. This represents the universe’s innate drive towards fulfilling its true potential. Also commonly denoted as Q4P∞ or, supershorthand: Q4P. continued


Q4P∞ → E+

The fundamental, basic drive of the cosmic dynamic. This represents the Quest for Infinite Potential which drives the cosmic order towards greater and greater complexity towards its own Extraordinariation and is the core of Potentialism (see As the universe inherently is driven towards greater and greater complexity, it thus pushes it towards the inevitable goal of Extraordinariation – or a state of super-complexity.

“0”-Point The Zero Point represents the universal pre-Big

Bang. In physics terms, it is the pre-known universe, when all Planck values were under 1. It was a “time”, if such can be said to exist before time existed, when space was near infinitesimally small, and gravity, light and much of the rules of current physics did not exist yet. The 0-Point was what existed before the Q4P of the universe caused the Big Bang and the first fundamental QJ, which began forming our current universe.

C+ Complexification The hypothesized cosmic intermediate

drive – “Q4P’s handmaiden” – maneuvering the cosmos towards greater complexity/sophistication/richness/variety/ wondrousness. Complexification seeks quantum jumps – QJs (see entry in this same Glossary) – as opposed to incremental advance. In its ongoing march of Complexification – the universe moves ever-and-ever closer to what Birnbaum calls Extraordinariation (E+) – the universal end-goal – a horizon to be approached, but never quite realized – and a state otherwise defined as hyperComplexification.



QJ A Quantum Jump. This is an episodic, cyclical cosmic

occurrence when the fundamental degree of Complexity in the universe reaches a certain critical mass, a certain higher level, e.g. birth of the atom, birth of the molecule or the birth of sentience/thought. A QJ represents when the continual buildup towards Extraordinariation leaves a tangible foot print in the physical universe represented in a mini-Extraordinariation event. This is signified by an observable quantum jump in the level of Complexity existing in the universe.

PA Potential Arrays. These are common events of expression

of something’s potential, such as the birth of a child; a chemical chain reaction; the birth of a star. A PA represents a clear (incremental) increase in expression of Potentiality while not representing a quantum jump in Complexity (which would be a QJ event). To clarify further, it is can also encompass an object increasing in Complexity, but not beyond what is currently considered a standard of universal complexity. More simply put, the birth of the first star was a QJ event, but the birth of subsequent stars are simply PA events.

E+ Extraordinariation. The other side of the Q4P∞ equation,

Extraordinariation represents the building complexity of the universe. It is also sometimes referred to as super-Complexity. As noted, Extraordinariation is a goal, as opposed to a concrete denouement. E+ is not a state which will actually be present in the universe. As alluded-to, mini-Extraordinariation events which appear episodically in the universe are labeled QJ – or Quantum Jumps (see shortly below). Summa Metaphysica is a paradigm-changing work; it entirely changes the way we look at everything. continued


OVERLAY Core Map and Core Glossary of Potentialism MAP: ============================================ CWP THE COSMIC WOMB OF POTENTIAL Enhanced SuperLaw P/P∞ [

> >>





C+ ongoing




E+ ]

============================================ C+ = Complexification+ = (increased > complexity/ sophistication/richness/variety/wondrousness/step-up) ============================================ and this entire deal is a quasi-loop* or some sort of




* imagine the number 6 or 9 or a PARTICLE ACCELERATOR where, once instigated, the LOOPING continues/accelerates

GLOSSARY: ========================================= CWP = Cosmic Womb of Potential

Q4P∞ = Quest for Potential infinitely iterated

Q4P ( Q4P ( Q4P ... explained in Section 1 following quick-reference:



PA = Potential Array e.g. types of lions types of butterflies children and grandchildren et al. ( plural would be PAs )

QJ = Quantum Jump

> a higher-level platform > a quantum higher state > complexifying the Laws of Physics/ Chemistry/Biology > self-organization at higher levels > mini-Extraordinariation > a new critical-mass level of Complexification+ > a quasi networking/morphing

( plural would be QJs ) A Quantum Jump (QJ) event: A hypothesized significant/ watershed/critical-mass cosmic complexification/ sophistication event on-the-march towards Extraordinariation (E+)



e.g. “0-Point” > Big Bang universe energy > atoms single-cell life > multi-cellular life [ Our ‘platforms’ are dealt with in more depth in ]

E+ = Extraordinariation = Infinite Max QJ explained in Section 1 quick-reference: =========================================



Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential discerns that one fundamental, simple formula/superlaw rules the entirety of the universe and, indeed, is responsible for its very existence: Q4P∞ → E+. This equation expresses that the Quest for Infinite Potential drives the universe ever onwards towards Extraordinariation. What is the Quest for Infinite Potential? In simplest terms, Q4P represents the universal, inherent and eternal drive for everything in the universe to seek higher levels of Complexification. What is Complexification (C+)? It is the Birnbaum-hypothesized cosmic intermediate drive – “Q4P’s handmaiden” – maneuvering the cosmos towards greater complexity/sophistication/richness/variety/ wondrousness (see In its ongoing march of Complexification – maneuvering the cosmos towards increased complexity, sophistication, variety and wondrousness – the universe moves ever-andever closer to what Birnbaum calls Extraordinariation (E+) – the universal end-goal – a horizon to be approached, but never quite realized – and a state otherwise defined as hyper-Complexification. see also end



note: We are using the following definitions:

Cosmic Order – Everything, everything – both metaphysical and physical – pre-Big Bang and post Universe – our physical universe (the current post-Big bang physical universe)


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The Transendent Dynamic

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