The Epicenter of the Divine

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The Epicenter of the Divine

100 100.00 THE EPICENTER OF THE DIVINE Holy potential is at the epicenter of the Divine. 100.01 The Divine Name And Moses said unto God: “Behold, when I come unto the Children of Israel, and shall say unto them: The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you: and they shall say to me: What is his name? what shall I say unto them?” And God said unto Moses: I-WILL-BE-THAT-WHICH-I-WILL-BE; and He said: “Thus shalt thou say unto the Children of Israel: I-WILL-BE hath sent me unto you.” —Exodus 3:13-14213

The name of the God of Israel first proclaimed to Israel—Eheyeh Asher Eheyeh, “I-Will-Be-That-Which-I-Will-Be”—is in effect a declaration that the holiest state of the holy is God of Potential. God is the actualization of potential in its conscious holy form. All that we know of God’s universal name is that which it stands for: holy potential within potential within potential ad infinitum. For the infinite God of Israel is a God of willed potential. Holy potential is more than human potential writ large. “To whom will you liken Me that I shall equal?” (Isaiah 40:25, cf. 46:5). Holy potential transcends time, space, and the cosmos. Holy potential tracks to the forward wave of the cosmos, to the forward wave of time. Embedded within it are thus potentialities rippling infinitely forward, embedded within infinite concentric circles cycling outward to infinity. Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not un-

derstood the foundations of the earth? It is He that sits above the circle of the earth That stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, And spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in. —Isaiah 40:21-26 (cf. 44:24, 45:12)

100.02 The Primordial Divine The infinite potentials/Potentials of the Divine, including the potentials to create the universe, within which God would create man to strive for his own munificent potentialities,214 are inherent in the eternal Divine.215 Who calls the generations from the beginning, I, the Lord, First, And the Last, I am He. —Isaiah 41:4 (cf.44:6, 45:11) the Holy seed shall be the stock thereof.

—Isaiah 6:13

. . . who shut up the sea with doors, When it broke forth, and issued out of the womb? Out of whose womb came the ice? And the hoar—frost of heaven, who hath gendered it?

—Job 38:8

—Job 38:29

* Independent of time, matter, and energy, and indeed, independent of a universe, existed Holy Divine Potential—the primordial Divine.216 At the eternal origins of out-of-time: Holy Potential within potential within potential ad infinitum—tracking to the forward edges of time.217 At the embryonic stage of holiness, deep in the womb of nothingness, deep at the core of out-of-time, hinged on an indefinable

and infinite circularity, there was an ascending holy metaphysical fire: Yearning, imploring, calling forth into the void.218 [The concept of a primordial Divine has clear and direct precedent in the concept of the En Sof of Kabbalah.219 See section 100.03 below.] Traversing the Bridge And as nature abhors a vacuum, Holy Potential abhors nothingness. This is a cosmic axiom. Simultaneous with the eternal origins of out-of-time, an equilibrium of nothingness was thrown into disequilibrium by its own Holy Potential. Exploding and imploding. Echoing through this day and racing towards infinite time, Holy Potential screamed forth. Genesis Flowing from the Essence of the Divine, the infinite holy potential of the Divine demanded more expression.220 Among these elements were the potentials for creation of the universe, and within the latter the potentials for man to quest for his spiritual potentia1,221 as well as others, including mercy, love, truth, justice, beauty, and harmony.222 The holy potential core of the Divine demanded more than just potentia1.223 For the potentialities of Divine creation are inherent in the eternal Divine origins and in the Divine Essence itself.224 At the eye of the primal cosmic storm, warping from out-oftime towards time, unzipping the cosmic void into positives and negatives, the infinite Divine blaze leapt forth. A creative supraconscious dynamic, transcending time, space, and eternity. Focusing its holy metaphysical force. Genesis.225 and God divided the light from the darkness.

—Genesis 1:4

A holy dynamic flows forth through this day, tracing its origins to the inner core of the Divine. Beneath the eddies and swirls at the surface of the cosmic stream, beneath the deep and powerful major cosmic currents, from out of the epicenter of the holy, flows the deepest primal current—questing, beseeching, and indeed, screaming—for ultimate potentiality.226

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