April 2021 - American Beef Producer Magazine

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April 2021

American Beef Producer

1 www.ABPmag.com


American Beef Producer

April 2021

BAXTER ANGUS April 27, 2021

Connealy Niobrara 5451 Niobrara replacement heifers will sell!

at Baxter Angus Farm Sale at 5 pm

Selling Sires Represented Pit Boss E781 ● SAV Renown 3439 MCC Cash 8037 ● MGR Treasure Connealy Legendary 644L Connealy Plus 580

Semen Tested Fully Guaranteed

Sire: Connealy Confidence Plus | Dam: Britha of Conanga 167

CE +4 | BW +1.6 | WW +77 | YW +146 | Milk +31 | SC +0.82 | $B +196

Reg. 19787486


BW +2.0 | WW +59 | YW +110 | Milk +29

Reg. 19994569


BW +1.4 | WW +60 | YW +111 | Milk +27

Mark Baxter 605-450-0206 16984 368th Ave. Rockham, SD

Jade Jandel

Visitors Welcome!


April 2021

American Beef Producer



Volume XXV Number 7 April 2021 “Trust your Neighbor but Brand your Cattle” - old Cowboy


PO Box 280, Cottage Grove. MN 55016

w w w. A B P m a g . c o m

Independently Owned and Operated!


Feature:: Grill Cattle Company. Edgemont, South Dakota Feature - b y Doug Ward, American Beef Producer Magazine

22 Opinion Opinion:: M o d e r n S e e d s t o c k M a r ke t i n g m u s t b e B e t t e r - by Lane Giess, DLCC Ranch, Pierz, MN 26

Bull Sales: Sales : C a l e n d a r L i st !


ABP Wellness Wellness:: B ov i n e M a s s a ge , a n a m a z i n g S u c c e s s sto r y - by Pepper Werner, Lone Creek Cattle Company


As seen on...: on... :

- a popular post about Farming and its misconceptions

view this issue online: www.ABPmag.com/Latest-Issue

D e re k S a m p l e

Publisher, Editor, Photographer Derek@ABPmag.com Derek@ABPmag. com 651-224-1489

Tim McCray

Advertising Sales and Traffic Manager Tim@ABPmag.com 651-917-4093

Doug Ward Ad Sales & Ring Service Doug@ABPmag.com 507-273-7465

Valerie Laughton


Writer/Producer Valerie@ABPmag.com 651-224-1489

Complaints, Human Resources, Circulation Manager Bruce@ABPmag.com

ON THE COVER: Yo u n g B u l l B u y e r T a k e n 0 2 / 1 2 / 2 1 @ To p p H e r e f o r d s S a l e , G r a c e C i t y , N D

PHOTO by: Derek Sample


American Beef Producer (ISSN 1551-2339) is owned, produced and published monthly, except for a combined May-June issue and no July issue, by Marcomm Publishing, PO Box 280, Cottage Grove, MN 55016. Printed in the U.S.A. Periodicals postage paid at St Paul, MN and other entry points. Subscription Memberships are $30 yearly, payable at www.ABPmag.com/subscribe POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Marcomm Publishing, PO Box 280, Cottage Grove, MN 55016-0280



April 2021

Hallstrand Angus

6th Annual Production Sale

Hallstrand Innovation H57

Northern Wisconsin’s Premier Angus Bull Sale

Sire: MAR Innovation 251 Dam: Hallstrand T528 MGS: Connealy Consensus 782E


Saturday • 1 pm (CDT)

APRIL 24, 2021 Hallstrand Homestead H31 Sire: Ellingson Homestead 6030 Dam: Hallstrand Rita H312 MGS: Hallstrand TC Total 410 S018


Selling 50 Hand-Selected Lots! 39 Service-Age Bulls 11 Featured Females Sires Represented:

Hallstrand Enhance H59 Sire: SydGen Enhance Dam: Hallstrand-T H002 T005 T243 MGS: Hallstrand Jipsey Earl 200


Ellingson Homestead 6030 Musgrave 316 Stunner Raven Powerball 53 Ellingson Resource 6219 Jindra Megahit Jindra Blackout SydGen Enhance MAR Innovation 251 Plus many more!

HALLSTRAND ANGUS W6861 County Rd • Ogema WI 54459 715/657-0233 Kurt 715/820-1810 Todd • 715/657-0531 Jed www.hallstrandangusranch.com hallstrandangus@gmail.com

Hallstrand Robust T538 H143 Sire: Hallstrand Robust Z4 T538 Dam: Hallstrand-T-U192 New Stand MGS: LCC New Standard

April 2021

For your free reference sale booklet, contact anyone in the office of the Sale Managers, TOM BURKE, KURT SCHAFF, JEREMY HAAG, AMERICAN ANGUS HALL OF FAME at the WORLD ANGUS HEADQUARTERS, Box 660, Smithville, MO 64089. Phone 816/532-0811. Fax 816/532-0851. Email: angushall@angushall.com • www.angushall.com

American Beef Producer



American Beef Producer

April 2021

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American Beef Producer


kXadWV _


29th Annual Production Sale Saturday, April 24, 2021 - 1p.m. 40 Yearling Angus Bulls 25 Yearling Angus Heifers Baldridge Bronc JR Fast Forward Connealy Black Granite MW DNAmite TEX Playbook 5437 KM Broken Bow 002 Arjons Empire 1807 TEX Playbook 5437 Hoover Bullseye N492 Arjons Colonel U124-1827 BACH Daredevil 640

Richard Wiese & Family

Richard Wiese (218)820-6451

6430 Co 1 SW – Pequot Lakes, MN

Juanita Dice



American Beef Producer


April 2021

Wulf Cattle Opportunity Sale of 2021 Appox. 420 Bulls 30 Open Heifers Limousin-Lim-Flex®-Angus



Open House 8-5

Online Only Sale 12:00 Noon

Sandy Ridge Ranch Atkinson, NE

30 & 31


Bull Selection Index Feeder Calf Procurement Value Added Opportunites Source & Process Verification Feedlot & Carcass Data Dairy Beef Program

26406 470th Ave. / Morris, Minnesota 56267 Office: (320) 392-5802 / Fax: (320) 392-5319/ wulf@wulfcattle.com Casey Fanta: (320) 288-6128 / casey.fanta@wulfcattle.com

www.wulfcattle.com April 2021

American Beef Producer


GRILL CATTLE COMPANY by Doug Ward Doug@ABPmag.com


Growing up on a diversified farm in which dairy, hogs, beef and crops were a part of every stead in west central Iowa, Jeff Grill found his passion in raising beef cattle. That desire has led to the herd that he owns today in Edgemont, South Dakota. After years of hard work, Grill Cattle Co. now consists of top-quality Red Angus genetics built for the western range environment. Grill Cattle Co. Mission Statement We will provide the commercial cattle industry with genetics that excel in convenience traits and profitability in all levels of the beef business, while maintaining the highest degree of customer service. Jeff’s path to his success started many years ago when he was just a teenager. At the age of 16 he learned how to artificially inseminate cattle. Through A.I., his goal was to improve upon his herd 10

of Simmental cows. After graduation from high school, he was headed to South Dakota State University at Brookings to pursue a degree in Animal Science. This where his knowledge in beef cattle started to improve. His work study at school was supposed to be about working at the sheep unit. This was kind of a letdown to him when he was assigned to the unit. His goal was to learn about cattle and the industry. One day, he stopped into Dr. Pruitt’s office to visit and that’s where things changed. He was then switched from the sheep unit to what he really wanted, working at the cow/calf unit. There is where his hands on experience was gained in the day-to-day operation. Working at the beef unit was a good fit for him. With the ability to not only work but to learn at the same time. The amount of education gained by working with top notch people and quality cattle cannot be measured. This American Beef Producer

is a far better place to actually learn and make decisions than sitting in just a classroom situation. The cow/calf unit raised both Angus and Simmental cattle, not only for teaching purposes, but also to produce seedstock for the commercial industry. Jeff was not a part of the judging team, but part of his duties was to get classes to the judging team practices. So, while working with these cattle he would judge them and compare how he would place them to the official placing the coach would put on them. While in college, Jeff competed on the SDSU Rodeo Team entering the team roping and tie down events. While travelling to rodeos at other colleges, he met his wife, Diana. She was a native of Clear Lake, South Dakota where her family raised cattle. She represented North Dakota State University on their rodeo team in the breakaway roping and barrels. Consequently, they would compete at the April 2021

Jeff Grill and his wife Diana

same rodeos around the Great Plains Region. Jeff and Diana were married the summer after graduating from college. He went to work at his father-in-law’s ranch where they would take heifer calves and raise them up to sell as bred heifers. Some of his duties were picking the bulls to A.I. to as well as looking for clean-up bulls. There they would manage up to 200 head per year. Eventually a call from Dr. Pruitt would change things. Lindskov-Thiel Ranch of Isabel, South Dakota was looking for a herdsman at the time, so Jeff was put in

contact with Brent Theil. Jeff’s work habit, knowledge of cattle and his ability to pay attention to detail gained him the acknowledgement of his former advisor. For the next 7 years, Jeff helped manage the replacement heifers and the young cow herd at Lindskov-Thiel. He found that he enjoyed the conditioning of the sale bulls. Working for a topnotch outfit really helps in gaining experience in marketing and customer service also. One of the best parts of working there was meeting people from throughout the industry. The desire to run

and manage his own ranch was building. Many decisions had to be made. What, where and how are the three words that have to be considered. Jeff wanted to make a name for himself by raising quality seedstock. Having helped with some neighboring ranches while up in the Isabel area he started to notice that they had cattle that in his eyes were like the kind and type he wanted. He chose Red Angus. Jeff started into the Red Angus business with the purchase of heifers from the Broken Heart Ranch. Then he purchased additional Red Angus - continued on page 14

April 2021

American Beef Producer


The First Hydraulic Corral and still the Largest!

Rawhide Processor by John McDonald

3 Sizes


• Pull on highway at speed limit. • Fits through any gate your pickup will. • Stable on uneven terrain. • Permanent sheeted adjustable alley. • Transport wheels are permanent, no sliding off the axles and rolling out of the way. • Wheels on each panel and electric over hydraulic jack eliminates lifting—saves time. • Frame gates for sorting.


Rawhide Portable Corral 900 NORTH WASHINGTON ST., ABILENE, KS 67410



American Beef Producer

April 2021

$50 Straw

– SAS Big Casino H214 – ASA# 3803217 • Homo Black • Homo Polled • Sire: Drake Poker Face 2X • Dam: SAS Licorice D092 (Erixon Bitten daughter) BW: 92 • Adj. WW: 813 • IMF: 4.53 (104) • BF: .20 (83) • REA: 17.19 (107) • Act SC: 40cm CE 10.7 50

BW 2.2 65

WW 83 25

YW 121 35

MCE 5.9 50

MM MWW STAY 31 73 16 10 10 55

CW 38 20

YG -.59 1

Marb BF .12 -.131 50 1

REA API TI 1.19 130 82 5 45 30 *EPDs as of 2/12/2021

SAS Licorice D092 - Dam of Big Casino

Lake Crystal, MN April 2021

Amboy, MN

Jeff: (641) 330-6654 or sprinsim@iowatelecom.net

American Beef Producer




- continued from page 11

from Gill Red Angus and Double Fork Ranch. He was looking for western cattle that worked for him, not him working for his cattle. That’s why his mission statement reads the way it does. The where and how was the next questions to answer. Well things kind of fell into place. Jeff’s family had just moved from Iowa to Hot Springs SD to manage a resort. Jeff and Diana were fortunate enough to live in one of the cabins that his parents managed. When first moving to the southwestern part of the state, Jeff managed a ranch there along with his own cattle. He eventually worked out a deal with an absentee land owner


Chance (20), Taylor (18) and Cade (16)

American Beef Producer

April 2021

near Custer, SD. At that time 300 commercial cows were a part of the ranch and expansion of the owner’s ranch was the goal. His plan was that each step had to have just that, a plan. Jeff’s plan worked and four more ranches were added making the cowherd grow to 1200 momma cows. Now to run that many cows on that many ranches takes some hard work and management. Paying attention to detail was a must. Every decision had to work out financially. These ranches were all down south by

April 2021

Edgemont, along the Nebraska border. When Jeff’s brother Brad graduated from college, he started running a ranch for the same owner near Custer. This worked out because now the whole family was in the same area after being separated for a long period of time. The pieces were starting to fall into place for the development of a solid set of Red Angus cattle. Jeff and family started Grill Cattle Co. and his brother Brad started B Lazy T Ranch near Hot Springs where he also raises Red Angus Cat-

American Beef Producer

tle along with his family. The goal of their ranch is to raise cattle that offer calving ease and are moderate framed. With increasing cost nowadays, cows need to offer maternal power and environmental hardiness and bring in a big calf with no supplements. Breeding selection also focuses on fertility, feet-legs and eye appeal. Cows are grazed out on big native pastures for 8 months of the year. A 45–50-day calving window is desired. All of this is done in big country. The cowherd was devel-



American Beef Producer

April 2021

oped by Jeff, it was not inherited. But of course, there were learning curves along the way while growing the herd. Steer data from customers of the programs bulls proves that they can compete at the sale barn and in the feedlot. Jeff and Brad along with the Fick family join forces to market their genetics together. They market their bulls at the Red Western Bull Sale in Crawford, Nebraska. Their annual sale is on the 4th Friday in April, with it being April 23rd this year. Usually, 50-60 bulls are offered in their bulls sale each year. This year is marking the 17th year of April 2021

the sale. These bulls are conditioned to hold up in their western environment. One of the biggest rewards has been the feed back on the performance of their genetics. Jeff and Diana have three children. Chance is 20, rodeos for SDSU and works in the cow business. Daughter Taylor is 18 and is a Senior in high school while son Cade, 16, is a Sophomore. Grill Cattle Co. looks forward to meeting new and past customers either at the sale or at the ranch. Creating relationships with cattlemen and women in the cattle business. ABP American Beef Producer



American Beef Producer

April 2021







It’s no wonder the percentage of SimAngus calves marketed through the industry’s largest video auction has grown eightfold since 2010.

$156.77e Average Sale Price ($/cwt)

SimAngus -sired steer calves sold through Superior Livestock Auction in summer 2020 earned more at sale time than all other calves.


Want low-risk, high-potential calves with earning potential?

$154.48d $154.15d


English, Englishcross

EnglishContinental cross

Angus sired

Red Angus sired

SimAngus sired

Brahman influenced


SIMMENTAL 406-587-4531 • simmental.org

a For lots of 50 head or more. b Kansas State University, December 2020, Superior Livestock Auction data analysis of 3,280 lots, 394,900 head of beef calves marketed during summer 2020. (P<.0001) c Lots that qualified for breed-related programs were excluded from the model due to potential confounding effects with sire breed analysis and, for many, few lots in the data. d, e, f Means without a common superscript differ (P<0.05) Lots of calves in breed-identified groups were sired by bulls from the respective breeds and out of dams with no Brahman influence.

April 2021

American Beef Producer



American Beef Producer

April 2021

April 2021

American Beef Producer


OPINION Modern Seedstock Marketing must be Better by Lane Giess

DLCC Ranch, Pierz, MN

If we take a trip down memory lane, we can remember a day when marketing seedstock could be described as simple compared to today. We would mail a sale catalog with the date and time of our auction, inside would have general information about our breeding program and then we would list the lots of animals for sale. Each lot’s information would contain a couple of key pieces of information: birthdate, pedigree, adjusted weights, and ratios among other things. We used this information as the premise for describing genetic value among our offering. And at the time all of the separate sources of information were important and useful tools. You could even say before modern genetic evaluations, ratios and adjusted weights were the best tools available to describe genetic merit. And before those, pedigree knowledge and visual performance appraisal were the sole focus of every breeder. No doubt, our understanding of genetic merit has advanced since these times. As I page through various current sale catalogs, I have to ask the question, are they any more clear, or any easier to decipher than what’s been printed in years past? My answer would be no, and in fact, I might even argue they are more confusing now than ever before and not for the reason you might think. Modern sale catalogs still printing adjusted weights, ratios, 22

and raw ultrasound scan results are full of contradicting pieces of information. Why? Because we know these observations describe more about the performance of the animal itself and less what a parent animal may pass on to its progeny. Ratios, adjusted weights, and raw-scan data are indications of merit from an observed phenotype (BW, WW, Marbling, etc.). However, as all animal breeders know, an animal’s phenotype is influenced by multiple factors — including how they were managed. Can future progeny inherit good management? No. Then why do ratios, adjusted weights, and raw data still permeate most sale catalogs printed today? As a seedstock breeder myself, I get it. The success of every seedstock operation is dependent on two things: 1) a sound and reliable breeding program designed to improve the profitability of our customers, and 2) the ability to market those animals to stay financially sound in our business. It’s the responsibility of every seedstock producer to maximize genetic progress and improve the economic profitability of beef production. But in a difficult market and volatile business environment, marketing our livestock is vital to our bottom line. Do we sometimes sacrifice the reality and merit of genetic tools in order to make a sale because of customer expectations? We choose to print outAmerican Beef Producer

dated tools like ratios and weights for inherently selfish reasons and reasons only magnifying our inability to educate on true genetic tools like EPDs. They are more confusing, yes, but they are much more accurate and effective tools for making genetic improvements for a trait than anything else available. Science is not always understood, but in the case of EPDs, there is no debate among animal breeders and progressive producers. They work! The bottom line is, EPDs are better indicators for genetic merit than anything else available to seedstock breeders. Modern sale catalogs where we still print the outdated tools of ratios, actual weights and raw data are only adding to the difficulty of educating commercial cattlemen and are ultimately hurting your bottom line by introducing confusion and contradicting information. In a world of “the customer is always right”, some are going to demand seeing these pieces of information and for those customers, I’d suggest a separate location to print what they are looking for such as your website or as a supplement sheet rather than printed in a catalog. This conversation is one many will disagree with, but as the beef industry is scrutinized and the market becomes more competitive, I think it is clear the direction seedstock breeders must take mandates a change in how animals are marketed and how we educate our consumer. April 2021

D LCC R A N CH South Devons



DLCC Hometown 13H


N av i g at o r s

DLCC Hoo Doo 26H

NASDA #217617

DLCC Houston 4H

NASDA #217633

DLCC HeartThrob 86H

NASDA #217611

NASDA #217690

Genetics Matter Use an Outcross * Calving Ease and Performance

Join us on Saturday, April 17th for the DLCC 29th Annual Production Sale. Request a catalog by visiting our website.

* Three Year Guarentee

80 Spring Bulls

* Free Delivery to Minnesota and Surrounding States

15 Age-Advantaged Bulls

* Designed South Devon Composites

& 40 Elite Spring and Fall Females

Request a Catalog

www.DLCCRANCH.com April 2021

Dar Giess: (320)-249-2130 | Lane Giess: (320)-293-1647 American Beef Producer



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Standard Features: • Made from high-impact, UV-stabilized translucent polyethylene • Polyethylene wheels with 1-piece brackets • Easy cleaning • Bolted-on rotating center filler cap (125- and 285-gallon tanks)

Translucent polyethylene, corrosion-resistant, 2-piece construction – no rivets and grain-clogging seams to contend with. 22” top opening with a hinged, vented filler cap and a pull rope that allows ground control for filling. 1,500 lb. 8.5 ton 40 lb. cu. ft.

24” wide, 50” long , 45” tall. Raised floor, slotted for easy circulation of the entire unit. Vent on one end for proper ventilation. 110-volt heater with 3 heat settings and 2 fan settings for maximum output.

• 1,000-gallon water bowl • 156-gallon water bowl with float • 34-gallon heated water bowl, and more


American Beef Producer

April 2021

April 2021

American Beef Producer


Sale Calendar 1-Apr

Minnesota Beef Cattle Improvement

Jackson, MN


Vaughan Family Ranch

El Dorado, KS


ADE Polled Herefords

Amsterdam, MO


West TN Angus Assoc sale

Bradford, TN

Wisconsin Beef Improvement 64th Bull Sale (ONLINE)


GA Hereford Assn. Annual Meeting

Perry, GA



Kammerer Livestock

St. Onge, SD


Wye Angus

Queenstown, MD

Mather & Hartzell

Colfax, IA Brookfield, MO


Meyer Cattle Co.

Curryville, MO



Midland Bull Test Angus Day

Columbus, MT


Brockmere Farms

Dieckmann Cattle Online Heifer Sale Greensburg, IN


Pieper Performance Leader Sale

Hay Springs, NE



Pratt Cattle Co.

Atkins, VA


Gollaher Ranch

Cascade, MT

Green Garden Angus

Ellsworth, KS


SD State University Bull Sale

Brookings, SD



SE Elite Female Sale

Perry, GA

5-Apr Miller Angus Presho, SD


SpringLake Angus Ranch Annual Sale Lynch, NE


Ridder Farms


Utah Angus Assoc Bull Sale

Ogden, UT


Stewart Select Angus

Greensburg, IN

Kirksville, MO


Weber Charolais& Red Angus

Lake Andes, SD

2-Apr Weers Angus Diller, NE


Barta Farms

Lyons, KS


Andras Stock Farm

Manchester, IL


Coleman Limousin Ranch

Missoula, MT


Georgia Hereford Assoc, Finest Sale

Perry, GA


Daigger-Orr Angus

North Platte, NE

Four Corners Farms Online Heifer Sale St. Francisville, IL Gerber Land & Cattle


Waddle Farm


Opportunity Sale at Buckner & Jeffries Canmer, KY



Brook’s Chalky Butte Angus Ranch

Bowman, ND


Breeders World Online Sales

Richmond, IN


Circle G Ranches

Adel, GA

6-Apr Hinman Angus Malta, MT


DeBruycker Charolais

Great Falls, MT


Hubert Charolais Ranch

Midwest Performance Genetics Online Willow Springs, MO Vollmer Angus Ranch - New Date


Dean Angus Female Sale

Boyd, TX



Four State Angus Assoc. Sale

Springfield, MO


Monument, KS Wing, ND


Gardiner Angus Ranch

Ashland, KS

6-Apr WEBO Angus Lusk, WY


Grassy Valley Farm

Greeneville, TN

7-Apr 2J Angus Dunlap, IA


GA Hereford Association Finest Sale PERRY, GA



Haugestuen Ranches Production Sale Barron, WI

7-Apr Nissen Angus Chinook, MT

Kansas Bull Test

Wamego, KS

3-Apr Kraye Angus Mullen, NE

7-Apr Schelske Angus Virgil, SD


Ewing, VA


Bowling Ranch Spring Bull Sale

Blackwell, OK

Capitol Angus Bull Sale

Whitehouse, TX

Lawson Family Farm


Louisiana Bayou Classic

Mansura, LA



Louisiana BBA Rose Capital Classic

Shrevport, LA

8-Apr Carr Angus Hobson, MT


Magness Land & Cattle

Loma, CO


McClun’s Lazy JM Ranch

Torrington, WY


MC Livestock Spring Sale

Greenville, VA


Reich Charolais

Belle Fourche, SD

Sonderup Charolais Ranch, Inc.

Fullerton, NE


Panther Creek Ranch

Bowen, IL



Paint Valley Farms

Millersburg, OH


Univ. of TN online Angus Sale

Knoxville, TN

Wildcat Cattle Co Online

Darlington, WI


Partners in Performance

Newark, OH



Reisig Cattle Co.

Hardin, MT


5L Red Angus

Sheridan, MT

Cardinal Charolais

Hillrose, CO

Country Roads Angus

Carthage, IL


Ridder Farms

Hermann, MO



Show-Me Classic

Windsor, MO


Joran, MT

9-Apr Ingram Angus Pulaski, TN


Spear J Red Angus

Protected Processing! -


A Cowman’s Best Friend at Calving Time!

Marvin Schultis, NE - "It works great! Safe and very easy to process calves. Would not be without it! Thanks for the great workmanship." Craig Oceanak, WY - "We calve range cows on rough ground. Catcher is very valuable for a one-person outfit!" American Beef Producer

Safe Release!

Watch Action Video at


For local dealers or to order, call 877-505-0914 today!


April 2021

Sale Calendar 9-Apr

Kirkwood ICA Bull Sale

Cedar Rapids, IA


Prairie View Farms

Gridley, IL


Quaker Hill Farm @ Knight Cattle Co. Orange, VA

9-Apr Regency Acres Sidney, MT 9-Apr

Sellman Ranch

Crawford, NE


Wulf Cattle Annual Opportunity Sale Atkinson, NE

10-Apr Bar T Bar Bull Sale

Winslow, AZ

10-Apr Branch View Angus

Hustonville, KY

10-Apr Cam Ranches/Ogeechee Angus

Wadley, GA

10-Apr Central MO Polled Hereford Assoc

Cuba, MO

10-Apr Charolais Association Of Texas

Gainesville, TX

Lucas, Stephanie, John, and Owen Niebur N2315 140th Street, Plum City, WI 54761 Lucas cell: 715-307-2229

10-Apr Collier Farms Giddings, TX

We believe in raising Reliable, Dependable, Performance-Driven Bulls to support your operation.

10-Apr Crazy K Michie, TN 10-Apr Ellis Farms Production Sale

Chrisman, IL

10-Apr Fink Beef Genetics

Manhattan, KS

10-Apr Griswold Cattle Co.

Stillwater, OK

10-Apr Hansine Ranch

Hayes, SD

10-Apr Hebbert Charolais

Hyannis, NE

13-Apr Hager Cattle Co.

10-Apr I Like It Like That & 4C Red Angus

Chinook, MT

13-Apr Hilltop Angus Denton, MT

10-Apr John & Deanna Christ Dispersion

Bixby, OK

13-Apr Sydenstricker Angus Genetic Influence New Cambria, MO

10-Apr Knoll Crest Farms Spring Sale

Red House, VA

13-Apr Thomas Ranch

Harrold, SD

10-Apr Lazy Bar F & Double G Shorthorns

Seminole, OK

13-Apr Ward Bros. Online fall Show Heifer

Plattsburg, MO

10-Apr Ludvigson Stock Farms

Shepherd, MT

14-Apr Carr Angus Hobson, MT

10-Apr Montgomery Angus

Carrington, ND

14-Apr Dybdal Charolais

Laurel, NE

10-Apr Noack Herefords Rockdale, TX

14-Apr Pass Creek Angus

Wyola, MT

10-Apr Prairie Valley Farm

Platte, SD

14-Apr Peterson’s L7 Bar Ranch

Pukwana, SD

10-Apr Rambur Charolais

Sidney, MT

15-Apr Big Dry Angus

Jordan, MT

10-Apr Sensations Charolais

Williamston, SC

15-Apr Carter Angus Ranch

Oberlin, KS

10-Apr Shady Brook Angus

Leoma, TN

15-Apr Milk River Angus

Malta, MT

Montevideo, MN

15-Apr Southard Land & Cattle

Wheatland, WY

10-Apr Southern Synergy – Ogeechee/ CAM Wadley, GA

16-Apr Alabama Angus Assn Mtg/Banquet

Cullman, AL

10-Apr SW Ranchers Bull Sale

Chickasha, OK

16-Apr Cross Mountian Cattle Co.

Harrisonburg, VA

10-Apr The Renaissance

Strafford, MO

16-Apr DeGrand Baker, MT

10-Apr Thorstenson Hereford Ranch

Selby, SD

16-Apr Friendship Farms

10-Apr W. Virginia Polled Hereford Assoc

Weston, WV

16-Apr Mitchell Angus Burwell, NE

10-Apr West Virginia Beef Expo Hereford

Jacksons Mill, WV

16-Apr MO Charolais Breeders Annual Meeting Springfield, MO

10-Apr Woodhill Farms Bull Sale

Viroqua, WI

16-Apr Partners in Performance

Ripley, WV

11-Apr Bar A Cattle Co. online elite Hereford Heifer sale

16-Apr Pine Creek Angus Ranch

Faith, SD

11-Apr Northern Indiana Angus Breeders

Logansport, IN

17-Apr Alabama Angus Assn Sale

Cullman, AL

11-Apr OSU Cowboy Classic Sale

Stillwater, OK

17-Apr Barnes/Whitehawk Southern Belles

Cedartown, GA

11-Apr Tweedy Cattle Co – New Sale Date

Pocahontas, AR

17-Apr Black Ink Farms

Delmont, SD

Billings, MT

17-Apr Belle Point Ranch

Lavaca, AR

10-Apr Sonstegard Cattle Co.

12-Apr C - Spear Angus

12-Apr Cook Angus Billings, MT 12-Apr Eggleston Charolais

Wessington, SD

12-Apr Grass Time Partners

Mount Sterling, KY

12-Apr Herbster Angus 10th Bull & Female Sale Marysville, KS 12-Apr Northern Plains Simmental

Bowbells, ND

12-Apr Wagner Charolais

Nunn, CO

13-Apr Beckton Red Angus

Sheridan, WY

13-Apr Cedar Ridge Online Production Sale

Pulaski, TN

April 2021

American Beef Producer

Karlsruhe, ND

Canoochee, GA

Black Ink Farms

40 Reg. Angus Bulls & 40 Open Heifers available by private treaty starting Saturday, April 17

Don Fink 605-630-8484 | Delmont, SD 27

Sale Calendar D L CC R A N C H

17-Apr Sandrock Ranch Benton, WI 17-Apr Southwest Ranchers (Wheeler/Sims)

Chickaska, OK

17-Apr Stuber Ranch Production Sale

Bowman, ND

17-Apr SW Ranchers Bull Sale

Chickasha, OK

17-Apr Terry Little’s Tl Angus Ranch

Monticello, MO

17-Apr W4 Ranch Production Sale

Morgan, TX

19-Apr JAC’s Ranch Online Sale

Bentonville, AR

19-Apr Jorgensen Land & Cattle

Ideal, SD

17-Apr Britt Angus Hartwell, GA

19-Apr Ohlde Cattle Co.

Palmer, KS

17-Apr Lone Creek Cattle Company

Broken Bow, NE

20-Apr Bieber Fever Online Female Sale

Leola, SD

17-Apr Clifford Farms & Guests

Cynthiana, KY

20-Apr Hirschy Angus Online

Oklahoma City, OK

17-Apr Cobb Charolais Ranch

Great Falls, MT

20-Apr Lawrence Family Limousin

Online Sale

17-Apr D-N-D Ent. Complete Dispersion

Bluford, IL

South Devons | Poundmakers | Navigators

29 Annual Production Sale Saturday, April 17th th

20-Apr Tifton Herd Sale

Irwinville, GA

17-Apr DLCC Ranch Annual Spring Production Sale Pierz, MN

20-Apr Treasure Test Bull Sale

Great Falls, MT

17-Apr Double G Bull Sale

Rush Springs, OK

21-Apr Ade Polled Herefords

Amsterdam, MO

17-Apr East Texas & Louisiana BMG Sale

Crockett, TX

21-Apr Bieber Fever Online Female Sale

Leola, SD

17-Apr Feiring Angus Ranch

White Earth, ND

21-Apr Keller Windchime Angus

Manilla, IA

17-Apr IBEP Winter Bull Test Sale

Springville, IN

21-Apr Milk River Angus

Malta, MT

17-Apr Lindskov – Thiel Ranch

Isabel, SD

21-Apr Schaack Ranch

Wall, SD

17-Apr Loyning Angus Warren, MT

22-Apr Bieber Fever Online Female Sale

Leola, SD

17-Apr Missouri Charolais Breeders Assoc.

Springfield, MO

22-Apr JMAR Genetics & Guests


17-Apr Ponderosa Farms & Guests

Taylorsville, MS

22-Apr Mangen Angus Broadus, MT

17-Apr Reese Bros. Angus

Morgan, UT

22-Apr Valley View Angus Online Female Sale Republic, MO

17-Apr Rock Ridge Farms

Lawrenceburg, KY

23-Apr Knoxville ICA Bull Test Sale

Knoxville, IA

23-Apr McKean Bros. PT Angus Sale

Mercer, PA

23-Apr Medicine Rocks Ranch

Ekalaka, MT

23-Apr Nextgen Cattle Company Spring Event Paxico, KS 23-Apr Red Western Red Angus

Crawford, NE

23-Apr Spring Flint Hills Classic Sale

Paxico, KS

24-Apr 4 Brands Alliance Group Production

Foss, OK

24-Apr 5th an. Beefmaster Bull & Heifer sale Exeter, MO 24-Apr Brand Angus

Lake City, MN

24-Apr Collins Farms Cusseta, AL 24-Apr Double G Bull Sale

Rush Springs, OK

24-Apr Focus Now, Value Later

Rocky Mount, VA

24-Apr Great Meadows Angus Association

Campbellsburg, KY

24-Apr Hallstrand Angus Prentice, WI 24-Apr Iron Lake Ranch Dispersal

Athens, TX

24-Apr Lesikar Angus Female Sale

Athens, TX

24-Apr Little W Farm

Lebanon, TN

24-Apr Middle Tennessee Hereford Assn. Sale Cross Plains, TN 24-Apr Murray State College

Tishomingo, OK

24-Apr OK Angus Commercial Female Sale

Holdenville, OK

24-Apr Pleasant Hill

Rockfield, KY

24-Apr RAO Salers Cattle Ranch

Williston, ND

24-Apr Ritchie County Polled Hereford Assoc. Harrisville, WV 24-Apr Sedgewood Plantation Online

Canton, MS

24-Apr Spring Fever Sale

Union Grove, NC

24-Apr Springtime in Texas Sale

Brenham, TX

24-Apr Texas Limousin Association Annual Sale 28

American Beef Producer

April 2021

Sale Calendar 24-Apr Wicks Angus Carpenter, SD 24-Apr Wienk Charolais Ranch

Lake Preston, SD

24-Apr Wild Indian Acres

Cuba, MO

24-Apr WR Bar Ranch 29th Production Sale

Pequot Lakes, MN

25-Apr Quintin Smith Family & Guests

Lebanon, TN

25-Apr Rocking W Angus Jefferson, GA 26 Apr

Ma & Pa Angus

26-Apr ND Angus Assoc. Bull Test Sale

Presho, SD Dickinson, ND

27-Apr Baxter Angus Annual Production sale Rockham, SD 27-Apr Currant Creek

Miles City, MT

27-Apr Grasstime Sale

Billings, MT

27-Apr Hemphill County Texas A&M

Canadian, TX

27-Apr Lindskov-Thiel Ranch

Isabel, SD

27-Apr Linhart Limousin Divas Fallborn Online Heifer Sale 28-Apr Gill Red Angus

Timber Lake, SD

28–Apr Wedge Tent Ranch

Faith, SD

28-Apr Opp Angus Hebron, ND 29-Apr Kentucky Angus Derby Sale

Shelbyville, KY

30-Apr Crosshair Simmental

Dawson, ND

30-Apr Express Ranches Grass Time Sale

Yukon, OK

30-Apr Kuhns Red Angus

Napoleon, ND

30-Apr South Carolina Hereford Assn.

Clemson, SC


College Station, TX

O.D. Butler Texas A&M Research

1-May Bridges Angus Lexington, GA 1-May

Cowboy Heritage Beefmaster

Oklahoma City, OK


Coyote Hills Ranch

Chattanooga, OK


Flying W Ranch – 46th Production Sale Pequot Lakes, MN


Maternal Gems Sale

Union Springs, AL


Genomic Gems Female Sale

Giddings, TX


Mead Farms Female Sale

Versailles, MO


Karr Farms

Gallipolis, OH


Springfield Angus

Louisburg, NC


MS Angus Assn. Sale

Raymond, MS

8-May Totton Angus Chamberlain, SD


PCR Polled Herefords Sale

Fremont, MI


TX Angus Assoc. Female Sale

Salado, TX


SE Angus Classic

Opelika, AL


Western States Angus Ass’n Sale

Galt, CA


South Carolina Hereford Assn. Sale

Clemson, SC

10-May Gardiner Angus Ranch Bull Sale

Ashland, KS


Tennessee River Music

Ft. Payne, AL

10-May Missing S Angus Online

Brownstown, IL


Trowbridge Farms

Ghent, NY

10-May Wendel Livestock

LaMoure, ND


The Cowboy Heritage Beefmaster Sale Oklahoma City, OK

11-May Premier Angus Group Online

Johnson City, TN


Spickler Ranch South

Glenfield, ND

14-May Switzerland of Ohio Polled Hereford Old Washington, OH


Bulls Of The Badlands

Bowman, ND

15-May Deer Valley Farm

Fayetteville, TN


44 Farms Online Female Sale

Cameron, TX

15-May Swinging B And Friends Sale

Salado, TX


Cactus Cattle Co.

Plevna, MT

16-May Heuchert Willow Creek Angus

Hensel, ND

6-May Paint Rock Angus Hyattville, WY

17-May TPC Angus online Sale

Canton, MS


Duppong’s Willow Creek

Glen Ullin, ND

18-May Cottonwood Angus Farms Bull Sale

Philip, SD


Glendennings J Bar J Limousin

Lebanon, MO

19-May Innisfail Farm/Mead Cattle Enterprises Madison, GA


Hillhouse Angus Female Sale

Schulenburg, TX

20-May Big Timber Cattle Co.

Lithia, FL

7-May Nold Angus Onaka, SD

21-May Buck Cattle Co.

Madill, OK


A Bar Ranch Commercial Female Sale Claremore, OK

22-May Heritage Farm Production Sale

Shelbyville, KY


Burns Farms Female Event

Pikeville, TN

22-May LA Angus Assoc Female Sale

Shreveport, LA


Central States Bba Sale

Locust Grove, OK

22-May MO/KS/AR/OK Angus Sale

Ozark, AR


Central States BBA Sale

Locust Grove, OK

22-May Soaring Eagle Farms

Springfield, MO


Hillhouse Angus Female Sale

Schulenburg, TX

22-May Spur Ranch Female Sale

April 2021

American Beef Producer

Vinita, OK 29



BOVINE MASSAGE Is it really something to consider?

by Pepper Werner Lone Creek Cattle Company

Do No Harm It was either ‘get better or off to slaughter’. It’s business. It’s survival of the fittest and all about the reproduction process. I was determined. In the massage world, we call it ‘intention’. Do no harm. I had the best of intentions when I took off for the ranch, knowing that I had one shot at helping to make a positive difference while keeping him out of the processing plant. In early November, I was talking to a producer about something unrelated when the topic came up of an injured bull. As I listened to the description of what happened that day in September, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I could help him. I just knew I could. He was, after all, of high breeding standard and was counted on as an animal to pass on his genes to many more progeny within the breed…Piedmontese. G-Force was injured as a result of the probe being set too high during semen collection and shocking his sciatic nerve on the right side that radiated down to his tibial nerve and the various peroneal nerves. As a consequence of this, his hind legs were knocked out from underneath him and he landed like a frog down in the chute. This resulted in him lying down for a couple of weeks - simply because he 30

could not bear his own weight. Additionally, he lost 100 pounds, his muscles atrophied, and was then added to the calendar at the processing plant. My essential oils of choice were frankincense (anti-inflammatory & joint pain) and patchouli (ease stress and anxiety). A massage technique called ‘percussion’ was used to bring back some circulation in the atrophied muscles of his gluteus, the vastus lateralis, semitendinosus and biceps femoris. Acupressure and friction had a useful effect loosening his muscle fibers and allowing smooth movement. Some of American Beef Producer

the muscles are so large in a bull (especially in Piedmontese), that I wasn’t always able to give enough pressure to the injured areas. I chose to use a mechanical device (Evertone) that had a variety of attachments and speeds to increase the intensity of the work. This seemed to have a positive influence on his flexibility and range of motion. Positive Influence One brisk Washington morning, I chose to start with a heated blanket to take the edge off before I started working the tissue. Without warming the April 2021

or take-away new techniques or forms of manipulation just to see what had the greatest effect. I needed to get G-Force to put his weight on his right hind leg so I could observe his ability to stand. I didn’t know if it was even physically possible .His pelvis was so far out of alignment that I didn’t know if his skeleton would allow him to stand straight.

Heating blanket to warm muscles pre-massage made a positive difference for pliability

muscles first, the process would let G-Force out into the alley of have been counter-productive. I the corrals to travel at his leisure. added new stretches and a variety He actually walked…a lot! By of muscle manipulation to get his the time I returned for the afterbody used to moving again. noon session, he was exhausted. Having observed the I applied a warm water rinse on most obvious physical difference his right-hind side, hip and leg. in G-Force, his pelvis, I was set I sprayed a nerve blend on the on getting it back to ‘level’ and same area of frankincense, coincreasing the range of motion paiba and black spruce. I left that in his hips. I concluded that his blend on all night to soak and muscles suffered so much atrophy seep into his skin and pores. that his hip joint may have been Every morning I would begin out of socket since his right hind with the same routine and add leg was ‘winging-out’. Plus his outer toe on his hoof had grown Inability to bear his own weight- this was at an extreme angle that hindered marked improvement at a week in him being able to keep the hoof at a normal forward facing position. By day three I felt a setback. As with any athlete that encounters an injury, the third day always seems to be the worst. With G-Force, I had put quite a bit of pressure on him, physically and emotionally that he hadn‘t experienced before. He seemed to be so stove up that his movements were jerkier and less fluid than the original gait. On day four, I decided to April 2021

American Beef Producer

Law of Opposites All of the sessions had been done in a chute in the barn that was totally adaptable to his size, where his lower extremities and sides were accessible. Whenever I would push him from the left to get him to shift his weight, he would simply step away from the pressure. In massage, there are times that the therapist must let the client do the work themselves…work a muscle to exhaustion, hold until release, friction to smooth, law of opposites…different approaches have a variety of results. With these ideas in mind, I decided to pull on G-Force’s tail (the end of his spine) toward me to the right. This action in turn forced him to resist stepping over and actually engage his lateral and medial thigh and cranial crural muscles and their nerves. Of all of the manipulation that I tried, this motion of pulling on the tail, seemed to create the greatest release. When G-Force’s sciatic nerve was over-stimulated (directly connected to his lower spine), pulling on his tail was giving the nerves and his spine the ability to ‘breathe’, opening up and recharging to normal intention. After a few days of this tail and spinal decompression, I returned to acupressure on his hoof band and he actually kicked at me 31

Several days into the sessions, G-Force’s spine and tail were in alignment but the iliac surfaces of his pelvis are lopsided, for obvious reasons that I wasn’t yet aware

several times. I was elated! Regained Feeling Supplements were added to the feed program- such as turmeric as an anti-inflammatory and bee pollen and alfalfa to increase his appetite. After the initial ‘up-turned-nose’, he decided to eat the new mixture and his mental attitude took a turn for the better. The biggest blow in the progress though came on day ten. To my surprise, after rectal palpation, the vet informed me that he had indeed broken his pelvis during his fall in the chute. I could feel the lowered area on the right that was rough and jagged and came to learn that that area was already starting to heal and show new bone growth. Would he ever be OK? Would he be able to 32

Most intense stretch, prior to knowledge of broken pelvis

breed naturally? Could he be used for semen collection? They had come So Far After a short, stoic discussion, the owner believed that G-Force was going to get better each day. The process would be long and he would find a new normal. His reproduction abilities were yet to be seen, but his name was taken off of the calendar at the processing plant! Another four days passed of twice daily sessions. I adapted my intense stretching to take into his broken pelvis into account. I (we) pressed on with walks outside in the sunshine, stretching, essential oils, massage and moments of silent communication. He (we) had come so far and there was a lot of work to American Beef Producer

do. I promised him that I would be back soon and start the work again. Massage would resume and his time was at hand…my hands.

A New Lease on Life!

The owner sent a video to me that was taken just a few hours after I left Washington. G-Force was literally running down the aisles of the corral. He seemed like a ‘normal’ 18 month-old bull that was full of himself and so happy to be outside in the snow. He was given a new lease on life after a potentially life-ending injury. He felt so much better and was happy to be alive. I’m happy he’s alive. Others Benefit Some of the methods listed above can certainly be applied to females that suffer temporary April 2021

I felt confident we were making progress when G-Force was able to lie down on his right side and rest He is a great representation of the young full blood Piedmontese

paralysis while calving, overworked equines, or aging dogs and cats that need relief. As stated, this challenge success was based solely on openness and previous knowledge. I am confident that I can use this experience to the benefit of other animals, simply by ‘listening’ and holding good intention.

Previously atrophied muscles were starting to show some definition


G-Force is OF G-FORCE 13G Born April 28, 2019 Owned by Owens Farms Piedmontese in Spokane, Washington. Feel free to contact the owner, Justin Owens, with any questions or confirmation…509-953-1151. owensfarmspiedmontese@gmail.com My Contact Information Pepper Werner Lone Creek Cattle Company 307-250-9307 pepper-werner@piedmontese.com *Note: If you would like to see video of G-Force‘s amazing transformation, contact Pepper Werner directly using the information above. April 2021

Ritchie manufactures a complete line of livestock watering products with the highest specifications in the industry. From a single horse Stall Fount to a fountain that waters up to 500 head, Ritchie fountains are top quality. Plus, every Ritchie fountain is backed by our 10 year limited warranty. For more information contact us at:

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American Beef Producer

April 2021

Sale Calendar 24-May FB Genetics Online Sale

Dumas, TX

24-Sep 4Th Annual Flint Hills Classic Bull Sale Paxico, KS

25-May Ludvigson Stock Farms

Shepherd, MT

25-Sep Forrest Polled Herefords Production Sale Saluda, SC

29-May Innisfail Farm/ Mead Cattle

Madison, GA

25-Sep KL3 Farm


Christensen Genetics

Weston, ID

25-Sep Stonewall Ridge Shelbyville, TN


Calhoun Herd Sale

Calhoun, GA

26-Sep Hoffman Ranch Frozen Sale

Thedford, NE


Appalachian Classic Sale

Knoxville, TN

27-Sep Hoffman Ranch Female Sale

Thedford, NE


Hawkeye Country Angus Sale

Bloomfield, IA

26-Sep Ludvigson Stock Farms West Coast

Visalia, CA


Bruner Angus Ranch

Drake, ND

28-Sep Lylester Ranch Online

Martell, NE


Sunnyslope Angus Bull & Female Sale Lanesboro, MN


2 Bar/ Goode Angus Female

Hereford, TX


All American Angus Breeders Futurity Louisville, KY


Isa Beefmasters 60Th Performance Test San Angelo, TX


Missouri Angus Ass’N Preview Show Columbia, MO

2-Oct JAC’s Ranch Bentonville, AR


Wallen Prairie Ranch Production Sale Lockwood, MO



Superior Livestock Auction Corn Belt Classic Sioux City, NE

8-Oct Smith Valley Angus Salem, MO


Iowa Angus Ass’N Preview Show

Oskaloosa, IA


Black Grove

Newberry, SC


Lone Star BBA Female Sale

Sulphur Springs, TX


Seldom Rest

Niles, MI

Poplar Bluffs, MO

Deer Valley Farm Okeechobee Bull Sale Okeechobee, FL

24-Jun Tallgrass Auction Emporia, KS

10-Oct Vintage Angus Ranch

Modesto, CA


Baldridge Female Sale

North Platte, NE


Porterville, CA


Clark Jones & Cottage Farm

Savannah, TN

13-Oct Valley Oaks Angus


Junior National Hereford Expo (July 2-9) Madison, WI

14-Oct Wilks Ranch Eastland, TX


Faces Of Leadership Conference (July 28-31) Columbus, OH

16-Oct Beef On Forage Bull Sale

Brenham, TX


Mason-Dixon Polled Hereford Assn. Show Dunbar, PA

16-Oct Bill Carr & Others Fall Sale

Floresville, TX


Texas A&M Beef Cattle Short Course College Station, TX

16-Oct Fink Beef Genetics

Randolph, KS


Edisto Pines

Leesville, SC

16-Oct Heart Of The Ozarks Angus Assoc. Sale West Plains, MO


J & T Farms 7Th Production Sale

Lexington, TN

17-Oct Ludvigson Stock Farms Ozark

Nevada, MO


Indiana State Fair Jr. Steer Show

Indianapolis, IN

30-Oct Ludvigson Stock Farms

Shepherd, MT


Sheridan, MT

10-Aug Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Nashville, TN

EZ Ranch

5L Red Angus

Oak Grove, MO

12-Aug MO State Fair 4-H & FFA Angus Show Sedalia, MO 13-Aug MO State Fair Open Angus Show

Sedalia, MO

14-Aug Spruce Mountain Ranch

Larkspur, CO

20-Aug Express Ranches Big Event Sale

Yukon, OK

21-Aug Emmons Ranch Production Sale

Bryan, TX

21-Aug Willer Timber Ridge

Greencastle, IN

28-Aug Angus Alliance Int’L

Joplin, MO


BOBCAT SERVICE, INC. Authorized Ritchie Dealer: Installation and Repair

28-Aug Premier Angus Sale Blountville, TN 28-Aug Riverbend Female Sale

Idaho Falls, ID

28-Aug SEBBA Convention Sale

Lexington, TN


6996 County Rd 6 SW, Stewartville, MN 55976

29-Aug Iowa Hereford Tour 30-Aug Daltons On The Sycamore Online

Gretna, VA


Vintage Angus Ranch

La Grange, CA


Beefmaster Breeders Harvest Sale

Location TBA


Blackstone Cattle Co.

Mineral Point, WI


Parker Bros. Sale

Bradyville, TN

11-Sep Arkansas BBA Razorback Classic

Damascus, AR

11-Sep Henke Angus Farms Female

Salisbury, MO

11-Sep Northeast Elite Hereford Sale

Ghent, NY

11-Sep Pearcy Angus Ranch Female Sale

Fairy, TX

18-Sep Capitol Angus Whitehouse, TX 18-Sep Ehlke Herefords Montana Made Sale Townsend, MT 21-Sep Thomas Angus Ranch California

Galt, CA

24-Sep Beef On Forage - Florida Bull Sale April 2021

Arcadia, FL American Beef Producer




APRIL 19, 2021



Palmer, KS at the Ranch



Progency proves he is one of the best all around bulls in the Angus Breed.




14940735 +13 -1.4 +39 +63 +59.10 +43.76




rofIts by

around bulls in the Angus Breed. Reg# 14940735

OCC PAXTON 730P OCC ® Basic Blacks and Angus II are trademarks of Ohlde Cattle Co.


9 Year Old Cow


12514348 +9 +0.4 +42 +66 +47.41 +27.65


Registered and Commercial Females



+39 +63 On more than 30 OCC Bulls that +59.10 are breed-leading sires combining +43.76

Calving-Ease, Performance, $EN

and TRUE Fleshing ability. An “Industry Standard” siring predictability6 Year Old Cow 10 Year Oldfor Cow Contact us for CATTLE CO. and uniformity. Sale Books or Semen.

Two-Year-Old, 18-Month-Old & Yearling Bulls


Registered and Commercial Females


Linebred for Maternal Efficiency, Tim, Trudy, Jake and Longevity, Jordon Ohlde Performance, & Predictable Uniformity! Reg# 12514348

1352 2nd Road • Palmer, Kansas 66962 CED +9 Bid online 1-800-NEW BULL (639-2855) BW +0.4 Email: ohldecat@ohldecattle.com

Semen Available

On more than 30 OCC Bulls that

WW +42 OCC PAXTON 730P On more than 30 OCC bulls that are breed-leading sires combining CalvingYW +66 are breed-leading sires combining Ease, Performance, $EN and TRUE fleshing ability. $W +47.41


Celebrating 31 Years!

Registered & Commercial Females


MARYSVILLE, Two-Year-Old, 18-Month-Old Progency proves he is one of the best all & Yearling Bulls

An “Industry Standard” CED +13 for siring predictability and uniformity. BW -1.4 Reg# CED BW WW YW $W $EN


Two-Year-Old & 18-Month-Old Bulls

An “Industry Standard” for siring predictability and uniformity. Reg # 12514348 CED +12 • BW +.3 WW +43 • YW +67 $W +46 • $EN +25

Progeny proves he’s one of the best bulls in the Angus breed. Reg # 14940735 CED +14 • BW -1.3 WW +40 • YW +66 $W +53 • $EN +34

Calving-Ease, Performance, $EN and TRUE Fleshing ability.

$EN +27.65

OCC - The “Original” Program Contact us for CATTLE CO. Sale Books or Semen. Tim, Trudy, Jake and Jordon OHLDE Ohlde Tim,Kansas Trudy, Jake & Jordon Ohlde 1352 2nd Road • Palmer, 66962

® Basic Blacks and Angus II are trademarks of Ohlde Cattle Co.


Bid online 1-800-NEW BULLRd (639-2855) 1362 2nd | Palmer, KS 66962 1-800-NEW BULL (639-2855) Email: ohldecat@ohldecattle.com Email: ohldecat@ohldecattle.com

® Basic Blacks and Angus II are trademarks of Ohlde Cattle Co.

Tim Cell: 785.630.0523 | Trudy Cell: 785.630.0522

Looking for Ring Service? LOOK NO FURTHER DOUG WARD Doug Ward or call (507) 273-7465 American Beef Producer Doug@ABPmag.com (651) 224-1489 36

American Beef Producer

April 2021

Advertising Index NAME PAGE American Foods Group 8 Baxter Angus 3 Black Ink Farms 27 Blue Goose Herefords 27 Blue Lake Plastics 24 Callicrate Banders 34 Cardinal Creek 28 Carlson Wholesale 33 Christen Simmental 29 Dairyland Supply 34 DLCC Ranch 23,28 Doug Ward Ring Service 36 DR Power Equipment 24 Flying W Ranch 37 Feiring Angus 39 Grill Red Angus 2 Hallstrand Angus 5 Heartland Simmental 7 Herbster Angus 20-21 High Forest Bobcat 35 Ohlde Cattle Co 37 Polydome 24 Rawhide Portable Corral 12 Safety Zone 26 SAS (S&J Farms) 13,25 Simmental 19 Sweet Pro 6 TJ‘s Fencing 34 Treasure Bull Test 40 Westway Feed 18 WR Bar 8 Wulf Cattle 9

! s n o i t s e u q y n a e v a h r o g o l a t a c a e k ! i l e m d i l t u o y n w a u e o l y t oC ntact us if ld be happy to show the ca We wou


se e i W n o ld 4073 E e s e i 0 2 W 8 y 8 d 1 o 2 C -8601Sale 46th Annual e s e 2 i W -23 ma1,il.com2021 8 May 1 2 DustinSaturday, 6 dyawiese@g 9 0 0 7 8 5 218- r@gmaiPequot l.comAtcothe Ranch Lakes, MN iesefw 120 Angus Yearlings Sell 70 Bulls ● 50 Open Heifers 12:00 Lunch ● 1:00 Sale


questions! y n a e v a h or g lo would like a caowtathe cattle any time! ou y if s u ct ta Con py to sh We would be hap iese Dustin 7W 096 m -0 8 -5 218 .co r@gmail sefw


April 2021

American Beef Producer

iese Eldon W-4073 e s ie 0 Cody W 601 218-82 m 218-232-8





3412 64th St. SW ● Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 FlyingWRanchLLC.com

As seen on... “We are not “factories”, we are families” What’s the biggest threat to agriculture? Oprah answered that question last night when she called my farm a “factory” on an international stage of millions. What Oprah, Meghan, and Harry don’t understand is basic food production and what it takes to feed a hungry world. Our population is going to double by 2050. How are farmers going to feed everyone? The truth is they will with advances in technology, precision, dedication, and hard work. The facts show farmers are producing more food on less land with less environmental impacts than ever before. They should be praised, not punished by offensive depictions. I live in rural Eastern North Carolina where the average household income is 30,000 or less per year. Food cost is a big deal for these families. Unlike Oprah, they don’t have the luxury of a disposable income. Farmers like me, produce affordable, healthy, nutritious protein for the consumer— I’m proud of that. I wish Oprah would educate herself and visit farms of all shapes and sizes before she makes such disparaging comments about family farms across this great nation. 98% of farms in this country are family-owned and Oprah, Meghan, and Harry, you are welcome to visit mine anytime. We are not “factories”, we are families.

1.5 K

1.7k shares as of 3/15/21

a few of the 100+ replies: - I love this!!! My family and I live and farm on a NC Century Farm that we’ve had in our family for over 100 years. We are also told this very same thing. I encourage those that do not farm to please seek your information from the actual farmers...not from the media. We raise poultry (chickens) and have row crops on our farm. This is very well said. - I totally agree with you. Most of them do not understand or care about the hard work, constantly learning how to improve, or even what farmers have to contend with. They must be concerned with weather, rising costs of fertilizer, seeds, equipment, new or repairs, fuel, and I could go on and on. Farmers provide so much to so many. Many children and some parents think food comes from the grocery store. It is imperative that they must learn the truth and impact that farms and farmers have on everyone. - Send O a personal invite! Tell her to do an interview America needs and cares about. Tell her to bring Harry and Meghan with her....Marlowe could teach them all a trick or two! - I‘ve been growing food for years and it‘s definitely a risky situation and to call it a factory is really an incorrect label - I appreciate this post. I grew up working on a small row cropping farm in eastern North Carolina. When I was about 8 years old my dad went into fulltime hog farming. I worked on that farm all the way through college. I came home every weekend while at ECU to work. His hog farm was small compared to the size of the farms now. But I know that there is no way that we can produce the food that people around this world need unless we use these advanced techniques. People can‘t have it both ways. You can‘t produce the food the world demands and do it in an environmentally safe way but also have just small farms with cute little pigs roaming around grassy fields that make people happy. It‘s just not possible. Every time that we sit down to a meal we should thank God for it and also thank God for the farmers that grew it and raised it.

Want to join this conversation? Go to facebook.com/marlowe.ivey or FeedtheDialogueNC.com 38

American Beef Producer

April 2021 shared with permission from the OP


APRIL 17, 2021

At the Feiring Angus Ranch - 1:00 PM CST - 3 Miles East of White Earth, ND All bulls are carcass ultrasound, fertility and performance tested


80 4






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6698 94th Ave. NW Doug &Lake, Ceylon Feiring Powers ND 58773

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Scott Davis 6595 99th Drive NW • White Earth, ND 58794 (701) 755-3382 • Cell (701) 641-8705 ashcoulee@yahoo.com

Phone Bids • Sight Unseen Guarantee April 2021

American Beef Producer



American Beef Producer

April 2021

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