March 2023 - American Beef Producer Magazine

Page 38


Rawhide Processor

• Pull on highway at speed limit.

• Fits through any gate your pickup will.

• Stable on uneven terrain.

• Permanent sheeted adjustable alley.

• Transport wheels are permanent, no sliding off the axles and rolling out of the way.

• Wheels on each panel and electric over hydraulic jack eliminates lifting— saves time.

• Frame gates for sorting.

3 Sizes Available!

The First Hydraulic Corral and still the Largest!
Rawhide Portable Corral 900 NORTH WASHINGTON ST., ABILENE, KS 67410 785.263.3436
18th Annual Focus on Quality Sale 1:00 PM l AT THE RANCH SELLING: 60 Black Angus Yearling Bulls 25 Black Angus Yearling Heifers Sunday, March 19th, 2023 Genomics on All Cattle All Sale Cattle are on our website Lot 2 - Reg# 20466058 HAF Justified 2209 KG Justified 2023 Son EPD’s: BW -1.3 WW +71 YW +120 Milk +39 $W +86 $B +120 Lot 21 - Reg# 20466154 HAF Surpass 2289 BJ Surpass Son EPD’s: BW -.4 WW +75 YW +126 Milk +37 $W +87 $B +174 Lot 30 - Reg# 20466059 HAF Guarantee 2210 Crawford Guarantee 9137 Son EPD’s: BW +.7 WW +86 YW +151 Milk +31 $W +89 $B +135 Lot 42 - Reg# 20466134 HAF Stellar 2262 Sitz Stellar 726D Son EPD’s: BW +.4 WW +83 YW +146 Milk +25 $W +77 $B +150 RALPH & CARLA HANNEKEN 22348 93rd St Royalton MN 56373 Email:
American Beef Producer March 2023 4 GDAR We w a n t t o h e l p y o u b u i l d a b e t t e r c o w h e r d . A n e ffi c i e n t , p r o fi t a b l e c o w h e r d t h a t p o s i t i v e l y i m p a c t s y o u r o p e r a t i o n a n d l e a v e s y o u a l a s t i n g l e g a c y. a o h e p y u u l d a b t e c w h e d n ffi i e t p o t a l e c o w e r d h a o s t v e y i m a c s o u p e r a i n n d l e v e s y o a a s i g e g c Justified Load Up Coalition Rangeland All Star All Pro Rainmaker Capitalist Capstone Recap Featuring sons by ANGUS RANCH Mick Denowh 406-798-3355 Paul Denowh 406-798-3375 Chad Denowh 406-489-1762 250 Yearling Bulls 250 Commercial Heifers March 23, 2023 1:00 MDT at the ranch • Sidney, MT f DVAuction L E A V E A L A S T I N G L E G A C Y
American Beef Producer March 2023 5 AAA 20392232 AAA 20392625 AAA 20392678 AAA 20392666 AAA 20392107 AAA 20392352 AAA 20392398 AAA 20392286 AAA 20392419 AAA 20392706 AAA 20392567 AAA 20392699 AAA 20392156 AAA 20392156 AAA 20392239 Lot 113 • GDAR Rainmaker 2242 Lot 135 • GDAR Capstone 2631 Lot 1 • GDAR CJD Justified 2711 Lot 4 • GDAR CJD All Pro 2700 Lot 56 • GDAR Justified 2112 Lot 48 • GDAR Success 2406 Lot 80 • GDAR Rainmaker 2298 Lot 64 • GDAR Recap 2429 Lot 86 • GDAR Bardolier 2363 Lot 66 • GDAR CJD Rainmaker 2745 Lot 169 • GDAR Recap 2576 Lot 27 • GDAR CJD All Pro 2736 CED BW WW YW $M $C CED BW WW YW $M $C CED BW WW YW $M $C CED BW WW YW $M $C CED BW WW YW $M $C CED BW WW YW $M $C 5 -1.1 57 110 66 235 4 2.4 86 148 77 314 14 -.9 76 146 93 278 4 2.2 68 128 55 255 5 2.3 85 159 51 268 10 -.3 67 131 27 262 3 2.3 69 126 84 303 2 2.1 73 125 77 255 13 -1.9 82 151 68 286 5 2.2 84 139 79 289 13 -.4 84 150 82 301 7 2.1 79 129 111 303 13 -.6 75 142 81 266 18 -3.5 64 115 68 225 7 -.6 64 111 96 258 Lot 75 • GDAR CJD Bardolier 2808 Lot 58 • GDAR Coalition 2161 Lot 2 • GDAR Justified 225 CED BW WW YW $M $C CED BW WW YW $M $C CED BW WW YW $M $C CED BW WW YW $M $C CED BW WW YW $M $C CED BW WW YW $M $C CED BW WW YW $M $C CED BW WW YW $M $C CED BW WW YW $M $C Catalog, Videos & Much More! Visit us Online! Selling Quality Bulls In Quantity
Tim McCray Ad Sales & Traffic Manager 651-917-4093 American Beef Producer (ISSN 1551-2339) is owned, produced and published monthly, except for a combined May-June issue and no July issue, by American Beef Producer, Inc, PO Box 280, Cottage Grove, MN 55016. Printed in the U.S.A. Periodicals postage paid at St. Louis, MO and other entry points. Subscription Memberships are $30 yearly, payable at International deliveries incur extra cost so please contact us. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Bruce the Cantankerous, PO Box 280, Cottage Grove, MN 55016-0280 - but don't charge us so much money for it. Now take a long look at the ad on the next page since nobody ever reads this...are you still here? Mooooove on.... Derek Sample Publisher, Editor, Photographer 307-213-9975 16 Bull Sales & MORE CALENDAR LIST! 38 Injury of the Month Neese Angus Farms Rutledge, MO 12 23 Questions FOR 2023 Jen Shaver Friedel, Point Pleasant Angus Blountville, TN & Bland, VA Doug Ward Ad Sales & Ring Service 507-273-7465 Bruce Complaints, Donuts, Subscriptions Skip Ad Sales, Barista, Pest Control MARCH 2023 Volume XXX Number 8 PO Box 280, Cottage Grove, MN 55016 Main #: 651-224-1489 " Cowboys and men are two totally different breeds" ON THE COVER: Gen 2 design of our Real Beef stickers and Shirts Visit our online store at Designed by : Derek Sample DerekSamplePhotography Follow our facebook page for latest News, Sale events and our online Magazine: @AmericanBeefProducer GUIDING BEEF PRODUCERS FOR OVER 30 YEARS MAGAZINE TM
7 March 2023 American Beef Producer TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 2023 | 1:00 PM AT THE RANCH Top End Auction | 80 Charolais & SimAngus Bulls on Test • 21 ST ANNUAL BULL SALE • Offering a high caliber set of sons from these breed leading sires to enhance predictability and uniformity in your next calf crop. Charolais Sires: LT Affinity, LT Anthem, LT Patriot, TCCS Saint Christopher, TR CAG Carbon Copy, LT Badge, DC/CRJ Tank Simmental Sires: KCC1 Exclusive, TJ Gold, OMF Epic SCHRADER R ANCH Spencer, Laci, Weston & Josi Schrader Home. 785-488-2135 | Spencer. 785-488-7204 2118 Oxbow Road Wells, Kansas 67467 email: QUALITY... NO MATTER WHAT COLOR For more sale information, videos & the sale catalog visit our website Request a catalog today 2122K Purebred Charolais Powermax x Rio Bravo 214K Purebred Charolais Badge x Medicine Man Purebred Charolais • Ranks in Top 1% for TSI Tank x Herdsman 2113K Bid Online! 236K 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus DVAR Huckleberry x NLC Upgrade 232K Purebred Simmental KCC1 Exclusive x CCR Cowboy Cut Purebred Simmental THSF Lover Boy x CCR Cowboy Cut 215K
American Beef Producer March 2023 8

Twenty Three for 2023

Jennifer Shaver



Point Pleasant Angus



1. Tell us about what you do

I’m a wife and Mom. That’s most of my task. I’m also co-owner/operator at Point Pleasant Angus. We’re a seedstock operation with 2 different locations that we run. One in northeast Tennessee and the other in southwest Virginia.

I also teach Agricultural Law & Environmental Law at Virginia Tech. I got my undergraduate degree at the University of Tennessee in Agricultural Sciences. I’ve had a heart for agriculture all along. Long about my junior year, I started exploring career options and law was mentioned. I didn’t know anything about the practice of law and long story short, I knew I wanted to stay in Ag and natural resources so I got my Master’s in Environmental Law and then decided to go onto law school.

2. Do you commute between ranches often?

My husband and I live about an hour from our Virginia farm. We are on the farm 2-3 days a week most weeks, and spend all of summer between our two farms. I handle most of the farm administrative work remotely.

3. Did you grow up on the farm?

Yes, I grew up on the Tennessee farm, a small farm in northeast Tennessee. I took part in 4-H showing cattle and sheep. The Tennessee farm was where my father grew up as well and that’s been in the family for over four generations. Our Virginia location was also built by my great grandfather and has also been in the family for four generations. It went through a lengthy estate process after my great-uncle who last farmed it passed away, was sold out of my family for about 10 years before my parents were able to buy it back and expanded our capacity and operations. It just about doubled our size of operation and so now we run both of these locations. Currently, we fall calve in Tennessee and spring calve in Virginia.

4. Introduce us to your family at the ranch

So we have my Mom and my Dad, Larry and Gail Shaver. Lots of credit to both of them for the entirety of this operation. Dad was in the banking industry for a long time and, as the saying goes, retired from that and now works harder than ever! We’re setup as an LLC owned by my parents, myself and my brother, who lives in South Carolina. My brother isn’t on the farm often but is very involved with the business management side of things, which is very helpful. My

American Beef Producer March 2023 12
lountville , T ennessee
B land , V irgina

Twenty Three for 2023

sister, Christina, and her boys, Charlie and Carson, come up and pitch in when they can as well. They are also in South Carolina just by coincidence. Then we have my husband and I, with our little family, 2 little ones Ada & Gilbert who are three and five. Obviously, there’s never a hot cup of coffee in my hand. They are learning the ropes and getting used to animals and having a big time out there.. We also have a crew that we couldn’t ever do without, starting with our herdsman, Josh, and his family that are based at our Virginia location. They do an exceptional job and we appreciate everything they do for us. Then our Tennessee farm runs with a handful of part time folks that we rely on heavily for the day in and day out duties. Mom and Dad are constantly back and forth between the two farms and the Virginia farm is home base for me.

5. Describe your program and was it always Angus? Well, we’re not the biggest outfit you’re going to

find by a far stretch. But what I’ve learned is that your size is not determinant of your success. I believe that very much. We are focused on performance Angus cattle. We are 1,000% committed to that balance of genotype and phenotype. EPDs are very important in our program but we’re not out here chasing the wildest numbers. Functionality is an absolute requirement in our program and because of our size, we have less margin for error. So everything we do needs to be the very best quality that we can produce. Many of the farms here out east are much smaller than most out west. So our task is to create bulls that are going to go work for the small commercial guy on the east coast but also for the larger, western producers as well. They are going to perform in these environments. Our bulls are raised on ample pasture, they’re not in a feed lot or pushed on corn. We are focused on practical genetics.

As far as Point Pleasant Angus goes, it’s always been Angus. During my childhood, we ran a commercial

Twenty Three for 2023

9. What do you think about today’s cattle industry?

I think it’s very promising. Our breeders today and this whole industry is made up of really good people with common goals and like-minded morals. It’s just a really beautiful industry and despite all the craziness with beyond beef and the anti GMO’s and the likes, I think our industry has and will continue to rise above that and continue to prove that we have the best product out there. So, I think it’s very promising. All of the challenges that we see with marketing, for example with the Big Four packers, is a big challenge for the industry. But without a doubt, as producers, we’re going outwork them and we’re going to outsmart them at the end of the day.

herd for a little while. My Dad grew up on a dairy farm but in modern day we’ve always been Angus. Angus are never going to go out of style. They’re always going to be in and we see all of these other breeds now incorporating Angus into their registries. They’re a foundational breed that at the end of the day, we find they give a lot of bang for the buck. So our money’s on Angus.

6. Do you have repeat buyers every year?

Yes, we do. Our production sale is typically the first Saturday in October every year. That’s been ramping up and we have some great customers that keep coming back to us every year. Our outreach and our customer list is growing, which is beautiful and we feel very blessed to see that.

7. What's your favorite tool on the ranch?

I would say my favorite tools are the American Angus Association App and Dropbox. We maintain all of our records in Dropbox and so if somebody’s at the Tennessee farm, but we need that information in Virginia, we know we can just log in and it’s there so we can access it. The AAA app is also a great tool that allows us to look up a calf’s EPDs on the spot and run reports when we’re in the field, with customers or just not at a computer.

8. What was your first job?

My first job was managing a show string for limousine breeders. Beyond that, once I got out of school, my first job was clerking for a circuit court judge in Virginia.

10. What do you see as the biggest challenge in the industry?

I think marketing is our biggest challenge. Absolutely. If we can’t market these cattle right, then we can’t make the budget work and at the end of the day we can’t be in business. Whether you’re a small producer in the east, or you’re a large producer out west, I think marketing is our biggest challenge and we’ve got to find avenues that our ranchers have to market their cattle on a fair and open market.

11. If they could hear you, what would you tell the politicians in Washington?

Well, the really great thing is that they can hear us. They can if we’re willing to speak to them. All of us are way too guilty of not doing enough of that, not calling them directly or not approaching them. I am very passionate about fighting the battles we believe in and not just the battles we think we can win. We don’t call, we don’t write, and we don’t raise a ruckus because we think they’re going to do anyways, it doesn’t matter. It does matter and if we’re not even trying to begin with, we lost a long time ago. So first I would say, they can hear us and I’m guilty as anybody else. But we need to call them, write to them and show up on their doorstep more often. I would tell them primarily to stop taking our tax dollars to then turn around and subsidize us. We know best what our needs are and are better qualified to manage our own money than Congress is.

12. How can local governments do better?

I think the biggest way that local governments can serve the agriculture and ranching communities is to pre-

American Beef Producer March 2023 14

Twenty Three for 2023

serve the land. That is their job. A job that’s 100% in their court. They have a duty to do that for their own economies, for the betterment of their communities and our industry. They just simply need to step up and do that.

13. Are there any organizations you feel that have been good to you?

I’m very appreciative of our state and regional breed associations. On a broader scale, I’m much more of an issues girl. I care about issues and supporting or opposing certain issues more than I do any organization. I’m not one to leave it up to an organization to speak for me or to tell me how I feel about something.

14. Favorite cut of Beef and how do you like it cooked? I like a good filet, medium rare.

15. Do you like to eat out or cook in?

Cooking in my kitchen, I love to cook. Of course, with a full schedule and two kids, I don’t have as much free time to do it as I’d like to. But I really like to cook and honestly, I find that what we can eat at home is most often better than what we’re going to find at most places anyways.

16. What’s the craziest/most unexpected thing that’s happened to you on the ranch? Well, I'm certain I’ve made some dentists some

nice bonuses over the years. Once I got popped in the mouth with a pretty heavy gate and broke off my three front teeth. It was ugly. On another occasion, I had a bull in the chute clip my chin with his and chipped my tooth.

17. How about any mentors you’ve had along the way. Still today, I reflect on the adults in leadership in 4-H when I was a kid. It’s all so fundamental in my upbringing in agriculture and I’m very grateful for that. A couple of college professors were also very significant influences in my future and career path as well. I’m also very appreciate of my Mom and my Dad. If you haven’t witnessed ‘Ying and Yang’ in the flesh, you haven’t met my parents. My Mom has always been a great example, schooling me at how to rock the boat, because sometimes it needs rocking. My Dad on the other hand has always showed me how to steady the ship and stay the course. Both of these skills are very important and I’m very blessed to have them as examples in that way.

18. Do you do anything to get away from it all?

A couple of my favorite things to do to get away are to take my kids and just have a really fun day with them doing something they love. Just watching them enjoy life is really fulfilling. Another thing I really enjoy is every year we visit my husband’s family in Nebraska for a couple of weeks. They plan a fun vacation for all the kids and cousins. They do all the planning really and I just have show up and

15 March 2023 American Beef Producer

Sale Calendar


email for updates 1-Mar Adams Connection Blackfoot, I 1-Mar Beckman Livestock Roberts, ID 1-Mar Bredemeier Angus Farms Stella, NE 1-Mar Brun’s Angus Farm Madison, SD 1-Mar Carcass Plus Isabel OK 1-Mar Dille Red Angus Buhl, ID 1-Mar Hall Ranch Bassett, NE 1-Mar Hills Ranch Simmental Stanford, MT 1-Mar Klein Ranch Simmental Atwood, KS 1-Mar Lost Creek Red Angus PT Molt, MT 1-Mar Ox Bow Ranch Wolf Creek, MT 1-Mar Pederson’s Broken Heart Ranch Firesteel, SD 1-Mar Perks Ranch online 1-Mar Rocking R Red Angus PT Montrose, CO 1-Mar Shieldknight Land & Cattle PT Spearman, TX 1-Mar Tifton Bull Test Irwinville, GA f = female sale BULLS FOR RENT
believe in raising Reliable, Dependable, Performance-Driven Bulls
N2315 140th Street, Plum City, WI 54761 Lucas cell: 715-307-2229
Bieber Fever Leola, SD 2-Mar Bratcher Farms Elizabeth, IN 2-Mar Can Am Cattle (Shelbyville, IL) online
Cannon Angus Preston, ID 2-Mar Generic Genetics Ida Grove, IA 2-Mar J6 Farms Gibbon, NE
Jensen Bros. Herefords Courtland, KS
to support your operation. Lucas, Stephanie, John, and Owen Niebur

Twenty Three for 2023

enjoy myself. It’s a real treat to visit with all of them and watch all of the cousins run around together. We also like to visit other ranches when we’re out there as well. It’s our mission, since it’s something we love to do, to get out and see other operations and visit with them when we can.

19. Ford, Chevy or Dodge?

Fords have served us well here. My favorite vehicle to drive on the ranch is a 25-year-old Cummins F350.

20. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Pat Summit, the women’s basketball coach, says it best, “Here’s the secret to how I’m going to beat you, I’m going to outwork you”. That’s sort of my maxim. Of course none of us in the ranching industry need to be told what hard work is, but I’d say 10 years from now I’ll be working as hard as I’ve ever been. I think the ranch will continue to expand, both in volume and also outreach. That’s our goal, do more of what we do and do it better.

21. What do you find to be most rewarding when teaching your classes at Virginia Tech?

The classroom is where we need to learn to have a voice. I’ve had plenty of people suggest to me that we should shy away from higher-ed, but I think the exact opposite is true. As agriculturalists, we need to be in there, helping to educate these students. I teach Agricultural and Environmental Law. Most students walk into my classes and think these are polarizing issues. I don’t know who it was that convinced the general public that agriculture is the enemy of the environment right now, but we know that nothing could be further from the truth. So having a knowledgeable person, experienced in both of these fields, in the classroom connecting with these students, is what we need more of. Bringing real world practicalities to these issues and seeing the light bulb light up for students is very rewarding.

22. What kind of advice do you have for young people that are just getting started with all of this?

Do it your way. There’s no one way to do this and don’t be discouraged. We’ve had plenty of people tell us there’s no way an operation of our

size can be successful. We’ve been told “you need to have X number of cows,” “you need to be this big,” “you need to do this,” “you need to do that.” Credit to my Dad, who again, steadies the ship and keeps us on course, reminds us of the plan and mission and instills the confidence that we’re going to make it work. You don’t have to be a certain size, you don’t have to be of a certain stature, you don’t have to do any certain thing.

There’s a lot of ways to succeed in this. You just have to drown out the noise and keep your feet to the path and keep going.

23. What legal advice would you give fellow producers? Prepare your wills and estate plans. Put together a solid farm succession plan. We’re all going to die. This preparation is the best gift you can leave your family. Also, don’t skimp on having an attorney review your leases – and for heaven’s sake, put them in writing. This protects both parties. Don’t rely on “this is how we’ve always done it.” There’s horror stories aplenty from even very sophisticated parties who neglected to put simple agreements in writing.

<------ Be sure to check out the Point Pleasant Angus Ad for their Spring Bull Offering on page 16

17 March 2023 American Beef Producer

Sale Calendar

2-Mar Keller’s Broken Heart Ranch


2-Mar Parry Angus

2-Mar Russell Angus


4-Mar Cason’s Pride & Joy Simmental Russell, IA

4-Mar Cib’s Gelbvieh & Balancer Clutier, IA

4-Mar Davis Angus Ranch Foss, OK

4-Mar De-Su Angus Fremont, IA

4-Mar DK Red Angus Williston, ND

4-Mar Double Down @ Bar W Ranch Nephi, UT

4-Mar Fabius Creek Angus Bloomfield, IA

4-Mar Flying H Genetics Arapahoe, NE

4-Mar Grussing Red Angus Platte, SD

4-Mar Hickory Hollow Farms/Burns Angus Wellman, IA

4-Mar Hilltop Farms Asbury, MO

4-Mar Hobbs & Eathington Angus Fairview, IL

4-Mar Hoffman Simmental (closing day) Clay Center, KS

4-Mar Judd Ranch Pomona, KS

4-Mar KY Farm Bureau Beef Expo Louisville, KY

4-Mar KY Beef Expo Frankfort, KY

4-Mar Laflin Angus Ranch Olsburg, KS


Cannon Valley Ranch Goodhue, MN

4-Mar Larson’s Full Deck Genetics Canton, WI

4-Mar Lazy JB Ranch Montrose, CO

4-Mar Lazy TV Ranch Selby, SD

4-Mar Linhart Limousin Leon, IA

4-Mar Loving Farms Pawnee Rock, KS

4-Mar Lucky 7 Angus Riverton, WY

4-Mar Mason Angus Broken Bow, NE

4-Mar Mead Farms Versailles, MO

4-Mar Oswald Family Farms Murray, IA

4-Mar Peterson Farms Charolais Moutain Grove, MO

4-Mar Powerline Genetics Castle Dale, UT

4-Mar Redland Red Angus Hysham, MT

4-Mar Rudolph Angus Yellow Springs, WV

4-Mar SE Iowa Angus Sigourney, IA

4-Mar Severance Angus (Ryder ND) online

4-Mar SE Iowa Angus Sigourney, IA

4-Mar S Diamond Angus Henderson, NE

4-Mar Satterfield Charolais & Angus Evening Shade, AR

4-Mar Shaggy Meadows Red Angus Marion, SD

4-Mar Trinity Farms Ellensburg, WA

4-Mar WI Hereford Assoc. Fenimore, WI

4-Mar Wieseler Angus Orient, SD

4-Mar Wilde Angus Ranch Shevlin, MN

4-Mar WMC Cattle Co. Springfield, MO

5-Mar Gold Bullion Group Westmoreland, KS

5-Mar Lazy H Ranch Hays, KS

5-Mar Smokey Hill Charolais/ Lazy H Ranch Hays, KS

5-Mar Springside Cattle Co. online

5-Mar Spring Valley Angus Lamoure, ND

5-Mar Thompson Farms Baudette, MN

5-Mar Windy Creek Cattle Co. Spencer, SD

6-Mar Best Angus Watford City, ND

6-Mar Boyert Show Cattle online

6-Mar Buck Ridge Cattle Co. Seymour, MO

6-Mar Campbell Red Angus Mcintosh, SD

6-Mar Clear Creek Angus Chinook, MT

6-Mar Cody Cattle Co/ Hanel Simmental Courtland, KS

6-Mar Don Johnson Angus Salina, KS

6-Mar Harrell Hereford Ranch Baker City, OR

6-Mar Hojer Ranch Lake Preston, SD

March 2023 18 American Beef Producer
email for updates f = female sale
Mandan, ND
Rushville, NE
2-Mar Kearns Cattle Co.
Sharon Springs, KS
Larson Angus Ranch
Sterling, CO
Valentine, NE
Whitehall, MT
Co. online
Brookdale Angus Larchwood, IA
Crouthamel Cattle Stanfield, OR 3-Mar Eichacker Simmental Salem, SD 3-Mar Express Ranches Yukon, OK 3-Mar Intermountain Genetic Alliance Haber City, UT
K-State Legacy Manhattan, KS
Meadow Lawn Angus Eastman, WI
Dalhart, TX
Dillon, MT
Split Diamond Angus
2-Mar TK Cattle
3-Mar Porter’s Hip-O Angus
3-Mar Reminisce Angus
Bowdle, SD
3-Mar Sandmeier Charolais
Belgrade, NE
Burwell, NE
Stevensville, MT
3C Cattle Stevensville, MT 4-Mar B & B Angus/ RC Ranch Kemp, TX
Barnett Angus Ranch/GA Angus Washington, GA
Blackjack Farms Seminole, OK
BoPat Farms Bradford, TN 4-Mar Bulls of the Bitterroot Stevensville, MT 4-Mar
Scott Angus Cattle Open House
3-Mar Spring Valley Ranch
3-Mar Sutherlin Farms Red Angus
4-Mar 320-333-9255 Sauk Centre, MN All product is in stock and shipping daily with no delays. WE HAVE ALL YOUR FORAGE PROTECTION NEEDS COVERED! WE SHIP NATIONWIDE!
March 11, 2023 Contact Us TOM JUDY 641-295-0300 DARIN MEYER 563-419-4736 DUSTIN MEYER 563-419-4737 @desuangus Location: 29006 Yates Ave, Fremont, IA 52561 Clarity x Southern Charm 20557802 CLAW TOP 2% ANGLE TOP 15% MARB TOP 1% WEBSITE: WWW.DESUANGUS.COM EMAIL: DESUANGUS@GMAIL.COM 12:30 PM AT THE RANCH Provider x Enhance 20555286 Rawhide x Enhance 20557944 Clarity x Identified 20557820 $C +375 DOC TOP 2% MARB TOP 1% Rawhide x Identified 20247584 $C +341 CED + 16 Clarity x No Doubt 20557794 HP & CEM TOP 4% $EN TOP 10% Providing genetics and value to strengthen your chain, guaranteed. Volume & Pre-Inspection Discounts Home Town x Identified 20555879 $C +404 WW +92 MARB +1.7 Freedom x Alternative 20555396 Rawhide x No Doubt 20557939 $M TOP 1% DMI TOP 15% $EN TOP 20% Huckleberry x Odyssey 20555424 CLAW TOP 5% ANGLE TOP 4% HP TOP 20% Deadwood x Combustion 20555083 CLAW TOP 10% ANGLE TOP 15% MARB & RE TOP 1% Clarity x Inertia 20557725 ARE YOU GETTING THE MOST QUALITY AND VALUE OUT OF YOUR CURRENT GENETIC SUPPLIER? Our top 50 bulls average: CED 14 WW 88 YW 161 CW 86 MARB 1.76 RE 1.18 FAT -.034 $C 372 Our ENTIRE offering averages: CED 10 WW 78 YW 142 CW 71 MARB 1.38 RE .96 FAT -.005 $C 344 Offering: 120 18-24 month-olds & 45 yearling bulls MATERNAL EFFICIENCY HIGHEST $C PROVIDER OF REPRODUCTIVE AGE DEEP, SOFT, SOGGY HIGHEST $C RAWHIDE OF REPRODUCTIVE AGE HIGHEST $C FREEDOM OF REPRODUCTIVE AGE HIGHEST $C CLARITY OF REPRODUCTIVE AGE $M +115 $C +371

9-Mar T-Bone Angus Atkinson, NE

9-Mar Treasures Of The Tank

9-Mar Wheeler Mountain Angus

10-Mar Christensen Angus Ranch

10-Mar Ft. Hays University Hays, KS


10-Mar High desert Cattle Co. Pilot Rock, OR

American Beef Producer March 2023 20
email for updates f = female sale 6-Mar Kester Herefords/Valley Creek Atkinson, NE 6-Mar KM Cattle Co. Coon Rapids, IA 6-Mar Lyons Ranch Manhattan, KS 6-Mar McCann Red Angus Billings, MT 6-Mar New Mexico Angus Assoc. Roswell, NM 6-Mar Pearcy Angus Cattle Eakly, OK 6-Mar Rincker Simmental Shelbyville, IL 6-Mar S/M Fleckvieh Cattle PT Garretson, SD 6-Mar Stone Gate Farms Flemingsburg, KY 6-Mar Styles Angus Brentford, SD 6-Mar T&E Angus/ Mr. K Angus Clarks, NE 6-Mar Vision Angus North Platte, NE 7-Mar Allen Bros. Cattle North Powder, OR 7-Mar Apex Angus Valier, MT 7-Mar Cornwell Farms LaCrosse, KS 7-Mar Char Spangled Banner online 7-Mar Doll Ranch Mandan, ND 7-Mar Double D Angus Linwood, NE 7-Mar Ipsen Cattle online 7-Mar Lenz Farms & Guests Prairie Home, MO 7-Mar Lott-McMurphy Alva, OK 7-Mar Macholan Angus Columbus, NE 7-Mar Manzano Angus Estancia, NM 7-Mar Priefert Angus Fairbury, NE 7-Mar Sandhill Red Angus Sidney, MT 7-Mar Schott Limousin Mobridge, SD 7-Mar Schutte & Sons Polled Herefords Guide Rock, NE 7-Mar Swanson Cattle Co Oxford, NE 7-Mar Warner Beef Genetics Arapahoe, NE 8-Mar Berwald Red Angus Toronto, SD 8-Mar Bischoff’s Ravine Creek Ranch Huron, SD 8-Mar Cates Farms online 8-Mar Double B Angus (through Mar 13) Manson, IA 8-Mar Flat Iron Ranch Washington, KS 8-Mar Heart River Ranch/ Open A Angus Belfield, ND 8-Mar Hornung Livestock Stratton, CO 8-Mar Open A Angus Belfield, ND 8-Mar R.A. Brown Ranch Throckmorton, TX 8-Mar Sitz Angus Ranch Dillon, MT 8-Mar Smoky Y Red Angus Monument, KS 8-Mar Stucky Ranch Kingman, KS 8-Mar The Source Sessions Invitational Fort Worth, TX 8-Mar Treasures Of The Tank online 8-Mar Udy Cattle Co. Rockland, ID 8-Mar Warner Beef Genetics Arapahoe, NE 9-Mar BJ Angus Genetics Manhattan, KS 9-Mar Brink Simmentals phone 9-Mar Cates Farms online 9-Mar Edelman Ranch Willow Lake, SD 9-Mar Effertz Key Ranch Velva, ND 9-Mar Fritz Red Angus Brady, MT 9-Mar Lone Star Angus Gainesville, TX 9-Mar McCurry Angus Ranch Hutchinson, KS 9-Mar Mogck Angus Farms Tripp, SD 9-Mar Red Alliance Grosebeck, TX 9-Mar Schmig Simmental Ranch Stockholm, SD 9-Mar Sunny Okanogan Omak, WA
Sale Calendar
Whitehall, MT
10-Mar Hueftle Cattle Co. Cozad, NE 10-Mar Kenny Angus
IA 10-Mar Kruse Ranch complete dispersal
Collins, CO 10-Mar L Bar W Cattle Co.
MT 10-Mar Leland & Koester Red Angus Sidney, MT
10-Mar Quest Of The West Cattle Spanish Fork, UT
10-Mar Rollin’ Rock Pilot Rock, OR 10-Mar Schlager Angus
10-Mar Sleepy Hollow Farm
10-Mar Smithland Angus Russell Springs, KS
Macomb, IL
Ranch Paradise, KS
Beavers Charolais PT Collins, IA 11-Mar Boyd/ Myers Mays Lick, KY
Brad Z Ranch Guthrie Center, IA 11-Mar Callan Farms Stonington, IL
Dikeman & Huninghake
10-Mar Wall Street Cattle Co. PT Lebanon, MO 10-Mar Weiss Bros. Red Cloud, NE 10-Mar Western Illinois University PT
11-Mar Bar S
Simmental Frankfort, KS
Fullerton, NE 11-Mar Great
Clare, MI 11-Mar
West Plains, MO
St. Charles, MN
Baldwin City, KS 11-Mar Midwest
Carthage, IN 11-Mar
Gelbvieh Walcott, ND
Egeland, ND
Wilson, OK
Oklahoma City, OK
Oakley, KS
Idaho Falls,
11-Mar De-Su Angus Fremont, IA 11-Mar Express Ranches Honor Roll Yukon, OK 11-Mar Fast/ Dohrmann/Strommen Angus Mandan, ND 11-Mar Flickerwood Angus
Genetic Alliance
Gonsior Simmental
Lakes Beef Connection
Heart Of The Ozarks Angus
11-Mar Heim Cattle Co. Angus
11-Mar Herb Angus
NE 11-Mar I-29 Bull Run
Falls, SD 11-Mar Jones Family Angus
KS 11-Mar Keystone Elite Mill Hall, PA 11-Mar Koberstein Farms Angus
NE 11-Mar Lucht Red Angus
May-Way Farms Angus
Beef Cattle Consultants
11-Mar Nelson Angus
11-Mar Nipp Charolais
11-Mar OYE Futurity Heifer Calf
11-Mar Rains Simmental

Real Cattle Raised By Real Cattlemen

At Flying W Ranch, we strive to breed cattle that excel on a range environment. Our cows are expected to be fertile, early maturing, and easy fleshing. They must calve unassisted and care for their calves on their own. 99% of our calves are born outside with no assistance and only the trees for protection.

Where Performance and Growth is Bred in, Not Fed On

Generations of selection without feeding creep feed has allowed us to identify the superior maternal bloodlines of our herd. The yearlings offered on our sale were raised on only grass and their mother’s milk with NO CREEP FEED

As yearlings, they have been developed in a range environment with a high forage and low concentrate diet. These bulls have been bred and raised to work for you!

More Than Great Genetics

Free delivery in Minnesota and surrounding states. All bulls have been ultra-sounded and are performance and fertility tested and fully backed by a 1 year breeding guarantee.

Annual Production Sale
Bull & Female Sale SATURDAY, MAY 6, 2023 At The Ranch - Pequot Lakes, MN - 1:00 PM (CST) 120 Angus Yearlings Sell
Bulls - 50 Open Heifers
Can’t Join us in person? Bid live online at LiveAuctions.TV Dustin Wiese: (218) 537-0096 Cody Wiese: (218) 232-8601

Angus Production Sale

Sunday March 12, 2023

1:30 p m , At the Ranch 50 Angus Bulls, Yearlings & 2 Yr – Olds, 10 Yearling Angus Heifers and Commercial Bred Heifers

30217 110th Ave

Brooten, MN 56316

John Reed: 320-808-1938

Jake Reed: 320-429-0983

13-Mar Pine Coulee Bulls Hardin, MT

13-Mar Schauer Angus Faith, SD

13-Mar Spring Cove Ranch Bliss, ID

13-Mar Weers Angus Diller, NE

14-Mar Anderson Land & Cattle Leoti, KS

14-Mar Conroy Angus Gordon, NE

14-Mar Cooper Hereford Ranch Willow Creek, MT

14-Mar Explosive Cattle Co. Omaha, AR

14-Mar Grimmel Girls Show Cattle online

14-Mar James Angus Alma, NE

14-Mar Loosli Red Angus Ashton, ID

14-Mar Macdonald Ranches Bismark, ND

14-Mar McKenzie Land & Livestock Fort Stockton, TX

14-Mar Origen Genetic Exchange online

14-Mar Powerline Genetics Arapahoe, NE

14-Mar Romans Ranches Charolais Westfall, OR

14-Mar Route 66’s Highway To Success online

14-Mar Schreiber Angus Beaver, KS

14-Mar Stevenson’s Diamond Dot Hobson, MT

14-Mar Sutphin Cattle La Junta, CO

14-Mar Upchurch Bros. & Guests online

14-Mar Van Beek Angus Mobridge, SD

14-Mar Veltkamp Angus Manhattan, MT

14-Mar Weber Land & Cattle Lake Benton, MN

14-Mar Wedel Red Angus Leoti, KS

15-Mar 2 Bar Angus Hereford, TX

15-Mar Dancing Pedlar Farm (Monroe, VA) online

15-Mar Diamond M Cattle Co Hiawatha, KS

15-Mar Four Corners Farm (St. Francisville, IL) online

15-Mar Klompien Red Angus Manhattan, MT

15-Mar Lufkin Cattle Tendoy, ID

15-Mar Mid-Kansas Angus Breeders Lacrosse, KS

15-Mar Sadler Ranches online


12-Mar Graystone Cattle Co. Stockport, IA

15-Mar Stevenson Angus Hobson, MT

15-Mar Topp Angus Grace City, ND

15-Mar Valley Oaks Chilhowee, MO

15-Mar Wagonhammer Ranches Bartlett, NE

15-Mar Western Breeders Assoc Eltopia, WA

15-Mar Woodbury Farms Overbrook, KS

16-Mar Bar Star Cattle/ Ernst Herefords Musselshell, MT

16-Mar Benoit Angus Ranch Esbon, KS

16-Mar Carter Cattle Co. Pingree, ID

16-Mar Churchill Cattle Co. Embryo/Semen online

16-Mar DBL Angus Fullerton, NE

16-Mar Evenson Angus Hettinger, ND

16-Mar Henke Farms Salisbury, MO

16-Mar GKB Cattle Co. Desdemona, TX

16-Mar Iowa Shorthorn Sale online

16-Mar Jacobson Red Angus Hitterdal, MN

16-Mar K7 Herefords Lockridge, IA

16-Mar Ludvigson Stock Farms Embryo/ Semen online

16-Mar Malek Angus Highwood, MT

16-Mar McGinn Angus & Friends Johnson City, TN

16-Mar McKellar Angus Mount Pleasant, TX

16-Mar Sandridge Land & Cattle Perkins, OK

16-Mar Spruce Mtn Ranch/ Riverbend Ranch online

16-Mar Vallad/OFT Vale, OR

American Beef Producer March 2023 22
email for updates f = female sale 11-Mar Rock’n D Ranch Junction City, OR 11-Mar Sampson Cattle Co. Kirksville, MO 11-Mar Soaring Eagle of the Ozarks Springfield, MO 11-Mar Stangl Shorthorn online 11-Mar Sunnyhill Angus Fairview, IL 11-Mar Tennessee Beef Agribition Lebanon, TN 11-Mar Thousand Hills Angus Ranch Three Forks, MT 11-Mar Tucumcari Bull Test Tucumcari, NM 11-Mar Western Colorado Angus Association Delta, CO 11-Mar Wright Charolais Kearney, MO 11-Mar Yardley Cattle Co. Beaver, UT 12-Mar 4M Angus Blue Hill, NE 12-Mar Badgerland by Marda Angus Lodi, WI 12-Mar Bar J Angus Brooten, MN 12-Mar Beavers Charolais PT Collins, IA 12-Mar Beckers Angus Askov, MN 12-Mar RBM Livestock Florence, SD 12-Mar Stangl Shorthorn online 13-Mar Dix Angus Ranch Plainville, KS 13-Mar Feddes/ C-T Red Angus Manhattan, MT 13-Mar Greenhorn Cattle Co. online 13-Mar Holden Herefords Valier, MT 13-Mar ICA Bull sale Bloomfield, IA 13-Mar Lautenschlager & Sons Red Angus Othello, WA 13-Mar Niobrara Red Angus Niobrara,
Sale Calendar
Calving Ease with Power!
March 12, 2023 1:30 pM Find us on Selling Registered Red Angus 2 Year Old Bulls, Yearling Bulls, Heifers, & Semen Rock Solid Genetics Since 1992 Production Sale at the Ranch Stockport, Iowa Stuart & Kaye Gilbert Family 641-919-0196 Cattle available for viewing at 10am Catalog may be viewed at or mailed upon request.





JAR Fortress 493 734

23 March 2023 American Beef Producer A
Growth Fund
MARK FOX 605.520.5356 45984 US Hwy 212, Watertown, SD 57201 KEITH FOX 605.695.8610 1:00 PM | Glac
Styles Super M X92 JAR Fortress 493 734 SAF Stunner 713 JAR
7171 048
Super M
MARK FOX 605.520.5356 45984 US Hwy 212, Watertown, SD 57201 KEITH FOX 605.695.8610 1:00 PM | Glaci
X JAR Fortress 493 734 SAF
713 JAR Growth Fund 7171 048
Sires: Raml Capitalist RBM Rave Styles Super M X JAR Fortress 493 734
Growth Fund
MARK FOX 605.520.5356 45984 US Hwy 212, Watertown, SD 57201 KEITH FOX 605.695.8610 Annual Production Sale
1:00 PM | Glacial Lakes Livestock-South Sale Barn | Watertown, SD
MW DNAmite
SAF Stunner 713 JAR
7171 048
Al Sires:
8361 EXAR
9152B Sydgen Enhance Carter's
Sires: Raml Capitalist RBM Rave
Styles Super M X92
MARK FOX 605.520.5356 45984 US Hwy 212, Watertown, SD 57201 KEITH FOX 605.695.8610 Carter's Payweight
EXAR Grenade 9152B
SAF Stunner 713 JAR
Fund 7171 048

Sale Calendar

17-Mar 3C Christensen Ranch/NLC Simmental

18-Mar Full Circle Cattle Co.

18-Mar MCA/

email for updates f = female sale
Wessington, SD
Barta Farms Marquette, KS
Black Summit Cattle Co Powell, WY
Huck-Stegman Dodge City, KS
J Lazy S Carmen, ID
Laubach Red Angus Big Timber, MT
Leadore Angus Leadore, ID 17-Mar Marshall & Fenner/ Murphy Boonville, MO 17-Mar McKellar Angus Mount Pleasant, TX 17-Mar Mehlhaf Angus Freeman, SD 17-Mar MT performance Co-Op w/Basin Angus Columbus, MT 17-Mar Mushrush Ranches Strong City, KS 17-Mar O’Doherty Cattle Co. PT Boardman, OR 17-Mar Ohio Angus Super Star Columbus, OH 17-Mar Schweitzer Red Angus Pleasant Dale, NE 17-Mar Southern WV Bull Test Ripley, WV 17-Mar Southwest Iowa Gelbvieh & Balancer Creston, IA 17-Mar Sunflower Genetics Maple Hill, KS 17-Mar TB Salers Yankton, SD 17-Mar TD Angus North Platte, ND 17-Mar Wann Ranch Poteau, OK 18-Mar 44 Farms Abilene Abilene, TX 18-Mar A & R Red Angus (Holdingford, MN) online 18-Mar Alcove Cattle Co. Blue Rapids, KS 18-Mar Bradley Cattle Springfield, MO
Brinkley Angus Green City, MO 18-Mar Buckeye Hereford Assoc. Columbus, OH 18-Mar Carolina Futurity Clemson, SC 18-Mar Cattlemen’s Choice Greenleaf, KS
online 18-Mar DickinsonRanch Gorham, KS
Drysdale Angus complete dispersion Lanesboro, MN
East TN Angus Assoc. Knoxville, TN
Ertel Cattle Co. Kirksville, MO
Fairview Farms Moorefield, WV
18-Mar Danell Diamond Six Ranch
Timber Farms
City, KS
18-Mar Fuoss Angus Ranch
Harrison, NE
Canyon, TX
Madras, OR
Wallace, SD
18-Mar Gardels Angus
NE 18-Mar Gnerer Angus
MT 18-Mar Gray's Angus Ranch
18-Mar Hales Angus
18-Mar Iron Lorenzen Cattle Co.
18-Mar J & J Sonstebo Angus
18-Mar Lechleiter Simmental
CO 18-Mar Lone Oak Cattle
MSU Bull Test Remus, MI 18-Mar Mile Creek Reds Plevna, MT 18-Mar Mississippi Valley Angus Assoc. Cuba, MO 18-Mar Molitor Angus Ranch Zenda, KS 18-Mar Musgrave Angus Griggsville, IL 18-Mar NE AR Angus Assoc. Charlotte, AR 18-Mar Nelson Angus Salmon, ID 18-Mar Ohio Beef Expo Columbus, OH 18-Mar Pollard Farms Waukomis, OK 18-Mar Profit Through Performance Lexington, KY 18-Mar Red Hill Farms Lafayette, TN 18-Mar Valley Oaks Angus Warsaw, MO OWNER TONY WARD I 816.365.5930 I TONY@VALLEYOAKSANGUS.COM GENERAL MANAGER JEFF GOODEN I 573.280.2351 I JEFF@VALLEYOAKSANGUS.COM SALE MANAGER POWERED BY THE JUDGE SOURCE LLC I JOEL & KOURTNEY JUDGE 805.234.7191 I 480.322.1583 I THEJUDGESOURCE@GMAIL.COM 120 Registered ANGUS AND HEREFORD BULLS 50 Commercial FALL BRED HEIFERS Check out our Feeder Calf Buy Back Program! & VALLEY OAKS ICONIC 2073 DB ICONIC x TEX PLAYBOOK 5437 CED +7 BW +1.0 WW +79 YW +140 CW +72 MARB +.98 RE +.72 $M +73 $W +80 $B +183 $C +310 VALLEY OAKS GROWTH FUND 1632 DEER VALLEY GROWTH FUND x VAR GENERATION 2100 CED +7 BW +2.2 WW +93 YW +161 CW +73 MARB +.53 RE +.80 $M +90 $W +88 $B +164 $C +307 VO HIGHLAND 2046 ET S16 782B HIGHLAND 84E x H MONTGOMERY 7437 ET CED +6.7 BW +1.9 WW +56 YW +92 MARB +.12 RE +.65 TEAT +1.40 $CHB +127 VALLEY OAKS FIREBALL 2064 GB FIREBALL x THREE TREES XCEPTIONAL CED +17 BW -.5 WW +76 YW +138 CW +56 MARB +1.73 RE +1.06 $M +69 $W +72 $B +219 $C +353 Bull Sale 22715 POOR BOY RD, WARSAW, MO 65355 AT NOON 2023 18, March Saturday , VALLEY OAKS ENFORCER 1624 SS ENFORCER x CRA BEXTOR CED +13 BW -.8 WW +71 YW +132 CW +53 MARB +.86 RE +.79 $M +95 $W +70 $B +166 $C +310

Schrader Ranch Wells, KS

21-Mar Schragg/Nikkel Marion, SD

21-Mar Slovek Ranch Philip, SD

21-Mar Superior Beef Genetics Lamar, MO

21-Mar Van Beek Angus Mobridge, SD

22-Mar Diamond H Ranch LaCrosse, KS

22-Mar Hood Charolais Lohrville, IA

22-Mar McCumber Angus Ranch Rolette, ND

22-Mar Moore Shorthorns online

22-Mar Nebraska Bull Test Broken Bow, NE

22-Mar NJW Polled Herefords Sheridan, WY

22-Mar Peterson Grain & Cattle Havre, MT

22-Mar Rossow Angus Ranch Herreid, SD

22-Mar Schilling Cattle Co. Brewster, KS

22-Mar Westphal Red Angus Grass Range, MT

23-Mar Dethlef’s Angus/ Treffer Angus Burwell, NE

23-Mar Gartner~Denowh Angus Ranch Sidney, MT

23-Mar Glasoe Angus Wildrose, ND

23-Mar Horse Creek Angus (Meriden, WY) online

23-Mar Iowa Shorthorn Assoc. online

23-Mar Iron Creek Cattle Co. LaMotte, IA

23-Mar Knox Brothers Angus & Hereford San Saba, TX

23-Mar L Bar L Imperial, NE

23-Mar Lau’s Valley View Farms Angus Armour, SD

23-Mar Martin Red Angus Glasgow, MT

23-Mar McCabe Genetics Elk City, KS

23-Mar Sweiger Farms Maysville, MO

23-Mar Vermillion Ranch Billings, MT

23-Mar Wardensville Bull test Wardensville, WV

23-Mar Williams Angus Johnson City, TN

23-Mar West Fork Ranch Loup City, NE

23-Mar Western Cattle Source Crawford, NE

23-Mar Williams Angus Johnson City, TN

24-Mar Barrett Cattle/ Mill Brae Ranch Maple Hill, KS

24-Mar Gabriel Ranch Grand Saline, TX

24-Mar Howard County Angus Assoc. Boonville, MO

24-Mar Jager Land & Livestock PT Eddyville, IA

24-Mar Kolt Cattle Co. Marietta, OK

24-Mar Lisco & M Diamond Angus Casper, WY

24-Mar Miller & Friends Harrisonburg, VA

24-Mar Olson Land & Cattle Hereford, TX

24-Mar Quaker Hill Orange, VA

24-Mar Roth Angus Freeman, SD

24-Mar Schurrtop Angus McCook, NE

24-Mar Sexton Genetics Muskogee, OK

24-Mar Smith Angus Bassett, NE

24-Mar Stone Creek Angus Freeport, IL

24-Mar T Bar S Billings, MO

24-Mar The Great Northern Clear Lake, MN

24-Mar Vermillion Ranch Billings, MT

24-Mar Vertical Edge Genetics Bancroft, ID

25-Mar 3C Cattle Co. Carrollton, MO

25-Mar 8 Story Farms Gallatin, MO

25-Mar Basin Bullfest Klamath Falls, OR

25-Mar Brent Cattle Co. Maywood, NE

25-Mar Bluegrass Gelbvieh Alliance Lexington, KY

25-Mar Buck Cattle Co. Madill, OK

25-Mar Candy Meadows Farm Lexington, TN

American Beef Producer March 2023 28 Sale Calendar email for updates f = female sale 18-Mar Red Reckoning Douds, IA 18-Mar Reynolds Land & Cattle Sanford, CO 18-Mar Rockin H Simmental Canby, MN 18-Mar Sonstebo Angus Wallace, SD 18-Mar South Mountain Angus Assoc. Ramsay, MT 18-Mar Springhill Herefords Blue Rapids, KS 18-Mar T & S Strnad Charolais Formoso, KS 18-Mar Triangle J Ranch Fort Collins, CO 18-Mar UBIA Performance Bull Test Salina, UT 18-Mar Ward Ranches Angus Gardnerville, NV 18-Mar Waukaru Farms Rensselaer, IN 18-Mar Wild Indian Acres Joplin, MO 18-Mar Windy Hill Charolais open house Cedar Hill, MO 19-Mar 2K Cattle Enterprise Bloomington, WI 19-Mar April Valley Farms Leavenworth, KS 19-Mar Big House Show Cattle Iola, TX 19-Mar Briarwood Angus Butler, MO 19-Mar ED Angus Ashby, NE 19-Mar Hanneken Angus Ranch Royalton, MN 19-Mar Intermountain Genetic Alliance Baker, NV 19-Mar Vision Quest Ranch Yates Center, KS 19-Mar Wabash Valley Angus Breeders Harrisburg, VA 20-Mar Angus In the Basin Duchesne, UT 20-Mar B & D Herefords/Angus Claflin, KS 20-Mar Brent Charolais online 20-Mar Bridle Bit Simmentals Walsh, CO 20-Mar Castonguay Red Angus Omega, OK 20-Mar Dal Porto Livestock/Rancho Casino Purdum, NE 20-Mar Flat Water Gang Broken Bow, NE 20-Mar Frank Cattle Co. Chappell, NE 20-Mar Hinkle’s Prime Cut Angus Nevada, MO 20-Mar Jones Red Angus Walsh, SD 20-Mar JR Ranch/Sackmann Cattle Othello, WA 20-Mar Rudow Family Cattle Pana, IL 20-Mar Sundsbak Farms/
Watford City, ND
Angus Hingham, MT
Bartels Angus Riverton, NE 21-Mar Blevins Angus Ranch Missoula, MT 21-Mar Diamond L Genetics Ogallah, KS 21-Mar ELK Angus Buffalo, WY 21-Mar Flying S Herefords Paluxy, TX 21-Mar Green Mountain Red Angus Logan, MT 21-Mar Hall Stock Farm Berthold, ND 21-Mar Hinkson Angus Ranch Cottonwood Falls, KS 21-Mar Lorenzen Farms online 21-Mar Moore Shorthorns online 21-Mar
Wilson Ranch

Cranview Gelbvieh Join us...


MARCH 25, 2023

19th Annual Genetic Progress Sale

Rugby Livestock Auction | Rugby, ND

We look forward to seeing you in Rugby for our 19th Annual Bull and Female sale! Approximately 45 bulls and 45 females will sell, featuring genetics from the sires at left.

The entire offering is polled, with many lots being homozygous polled, and every animal will be DNA tested for sire verification.

Several of the females are champion show caliber prospects. Other sale features include herdsire prospects sired by EGL Game Changer D136 and CTR Jackpot 8660F. They represent some of the best bulls we have ever raised.

Don’t miss these outstanding sale features! Please call us to request a sale catalog or visit our website to view the online sale catalog.


Real time bidding is available through DV Auction. Visit for details.

MCCA Gunner 946G
Square B True North 8052 EXAR Stock Fund 9097B CRAN Sargeant Baker H01 ET

L one o ak C att L e


We would be honored if you would bring your family to meet ours. Cattle available for viewing after 9:00 AM. Ribeyes and the Beans for lunch. Auction @ 1:30.


SELLING 115 LOTS INCLUDING : 15 Fall Aged Bulls, 50 Spring Yearling Bulls, 25 Open Heifers, 10 Bred Heifers, 20 Cows



35 Roth Top Shelf 215 AAA 20555322 CED:+9 | BW:+1.4 | WW:+63 | YW:+119| Milk:+26 Roth Growth Fund 294 AAA 20556078 CED:+11 | BW:-0.4 | WW:+73 | YW:+135| Milk:+27

LONE 32 34 2 55 49 13


SAV PRESIDENT SCC DOMAIN KG JUSTIFIED FREY’S TRUE GRIT EHE LOCKDOWN F77 MuscleandFertilitybredintoHighQualityBalancer,Gelbvieh,andAngusHybridCattle!Cattle designedforthecommercialproducer!


Roth Cowboy Logic 235 AAA 20555353 CED:+12 | BW:-0.6 | WW:+62 | YW:+112| Milk:+25 Roth Renovation 2117 AAA 20562549 CED:+2 | BW:+3.4 | WW:+58 | YW:+107| Milk:+20

American Beef Producer March 2023 30
Eric & Heather Ehresman 20963 30 th St., Mechanicsville, IA 52306 319-480-1564 • THESE SELL 3/18! Sale catalogs and videos available late feb/ early march at LONEOAKCATTLEIOWA.COM
Expect a lot of Bull! CED BW WW YW MK TM CEM HP PG30 ST YG CW REA MB FPI 14 -2.3 66 91 20 53 7 4.24 2.78 12 -0.22 33 0.75 0.44 82.52 25 10 10 4 15 TIMED ONLINE ONLY AUCTION BIDDING OPENS ON MARCH 16 • BIDDING CLOSES @ 1 P.M. ON MARCH 18 SALE CATALOG, VIDEOS & BIDDING AVAILABLE AT WWW.BILLPELTON.COM AMGV1535044 • DOB 2-24-22 • HOMO BLACK • PB99.9 • SIRE: JOB DANELL TD CHICO LOCO 28Y JOB DANELL TOP SHELF 38K ET ADJ 205 831# ADJ 365 1253# IMF SCORE 4.3 JOB DANELL JOSEPHINE 33C JOB DANELL NAPOLEON 31E JOB DANELL PAY PAL 12H Donor Dam Maternal Brother Maternal Brother Selling @ 27th Annual Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics Bull Sale Danell Diamond Six Ranch Don, Omie, Chase & Teale Rose Danell Lewistown, MT • ALL BULLS ULTRASOUNDED For more information, please contact DON DANELL @ 406-366-6953
'CALLICRATED' S I N C E 1 9 9 1 M I L L I O N S O F B U L L S H A V E B E E N S U C C E S S F U L L Y Animals banded with Callicrate Banders rarely go off feed and show little discomfort. Humane, bloodless, drug-free castration made easy! 785-332-3344

Sydney, MT

can go to your destination first”... or in other words - a girl in a jeep. with a German Shepherd by her side. I’m sure that will be meaning less to some of you, and that’s OK. Others will get the reference. Our short drive from Dickinson, ND to Sidney, MT (a little over 2 hours at 140 miles) to most would be uneventful. I dislike driving at night. I hate it. But, for some reason, I was in the pilot car, while Derek followed behind me. Probably for the best anyway, I doubt I would have been able to keep up with him. I mainly hate nighttime driving because of deer. Did you know that deer are the most dangerous animal in all of North America? Depending on which website you read of course. A couple of them waved as I drove by, and two of them tried to crash into me, the last of which was just a baby. Even the young ones are out to get me. But we arrived unscathed, I think around 11. We checked into the motel, and got some rest for tomorrow's activities.

Once again, the Montana Angus tour kicked off with a golf tournament at the Sidney Country Club. My teammates and I succeeded at coming in some place after first. Mark Orem from The Oxbow ranch (last year’s tour stop) made the drive over and then

March 2023 American Beef Producer
Wonderin' what to wear during the next Bomb Cyclone? Or hand out at your Bull Sale... Order your Personalized "REAL BEEF, MADE FROM PLANTS" Cozzzy Hoodies!!! Send Quantity/Pricing requests to: We'll have them made & delivered before you FREEZE! Order Now! telluswhatyou want on the back! EVERYBODY LOVES 'EM! you can still order our original version ADD A HAT! v2 TM V1


25-Mar Wakefield Farms Dunlap, IA

25-Mar West Fork Ranch Loup City, NE

25-Mar West Wind Red Angus open Pella, IA

25-Mar Wildberry Farms Hanover, IL

25-Mar Wildorado Cattle Co. Wildorado, TX

25-Mar Wilkinson Gelbvieh PT Model, CO

25-Mar Worthington Angus Dadeville, MO

25-Mar Zehnder Waage Partnership Greenbush, MN

26-Mar Dahlke Red Angus Bagley, MN

26-Mar Leachman Cattle of CO f Fort Collins, CO


Bar JV Angus Fairview, MT

28-Mar C-B Charolais Montpelier, ND

28-Mar D&W Angus online

28-Mar Ferguson Angus

Frenzen Angus & Polled Herefords

28-Mar Silver Bit Angus


28-Mar Superior Beef Genetics Lamar, MO

28-Mar Top Gun Cattle Co. Smithfield, NE

29-Mar Davis Ranches Limousin & Lim Flex online

29-Mar Performance Unlimited Creston, IA

29-Mar Roseda Black Angus Farm Monkton, MD

29-Mar Schmidt Cattle Co. Rushville, NE

30-Mar Elite Angus Ranch Sulphur Springs, TX

30-Mar Gibbs Red Angus Glasgow, MT

30-Mar L Bar L

American Beef Producer March 2023 36
email for updates f = female sale
Clearwater Simmentals Milan, IN 25-Mar Cranview Gelbvieh Rugby, ND 25-Mar Conley Cattle Sulfur, OK
Connealy Angus Whitman, NE
DaKitch Farms Ada, MN
Deer Valley Farm Fayetteville, TN
Fischer Red Angus Harlowton, MT 25-Mar Flying H Genetics Butler, MO 25-Mar Gabriel Ranch Grand Saline, TX 25-Mar Geyer Cattle Co. Huron, SD 25-Mar Hammack Ridge Farms Amma, WV 25-Mar Harris Angus Ranch Ottawa, KS 25-Mar Heart of America Hereford Assoc Wayne City, IL 25-Mar Kramer Farms PT Farina, IL 25-Mar Lehrkamp Livestock Caputa, SD
Higgins, TX
Angus Baker, MT
New Haven Angus Leavenworth, KS 25-Mar Pembrook Cattle Co. Fairview, OK 25-Mar Rogers & Lile Red Angus Strafford, MO 25-Mar Sandhill Farms Haviland, KS 25-Mar Sauk Valley Angus Rock Ralls, IL 25-Mar Sinclair Ranch Buffalo, WY 25-Mar T Heart Ranch La Garita, CO 25-Mar Valley View Charolais Polson, MT
SW Bull Test Wtheville,
Sale Calendar
25-Mar Lunds B Bar
Clearwater, NE
Central Point,
Van Alsryne, TX
Fest Bloomington, WI
Woody Ranch Barnard, KS
Axtell Cattle Company Sterling, CO
Cole Creek Angus Columbus, MT
Sons Herefords Clayton, NM
Deer Valley Farm embryo online
Lake Ranch Great Falls, MT 27-Mar Larsen Angus Ranch Rosebud, MT 27-Mar Leachman Cattle of CO Fort Collins, CO 27-Mar Luddington Cattle Freedom, OK 27-Mar Maplecrest Farms Hillsboro, OH 27-Mar McEntire Red Angus Sweetwater, OK 27-Mar Miller Angus of Estelline Bruce, SD 27-Mar Oak Hollow Smiths Grove, KY 27-Mar Oleen Bros. Dwight, KS 27-Mar Snowshoe Cattle Co. Arthur, NE 27-Mar SW Missouri PT Springfield, MO 27-Mar West Wind Red Angus bidding closes online 28-Mar
Leary Bros. Angus
MN 26-Mar Mlnarik Cattle Co.
26-Mar Traynham Ranch
OR 26-Mar WHR Shorthorns
26-Mar Wisconsin Red
Agra, KS 28-Mar
Fullerton, NE 28-Mar Harrison Cattle Co.
OK 28-Mar Littau Angus
SD 28-Mar Lowderman Cattle Co.
28-Mar Missouri Shorthorn Association online 28-Mar OH Simmental Association
28-Mar Rocking L Genetics
Imperial, NE
30-Mar Lylester Ranch Beatrice, NE
Silver Bit Angus May, ID 30-Mar Williams Angus Johnson City, TN 31-Mar Anthony Ranches Ryan, OK Steve and Jessica Campbell (507) 380-3074 SAS COOL DIRECTIVE J909 Jeff: (641) 330-6654 $30 unit SIRE: WS PROCLAMATION E202 // MGS: W/C NIGHT WATCH 84E // PB SM // ASA# 3952092 HETERO BLK // HOMO POLLED // BW 82 // ADJ WW 826 // IMF 5.42 (158) // REA 15.56 (110) // SC 40.5 CM CE BW WW YW MM MB REA API TI 11 2.6 98 142 37 .43 .82 153 97 *EPD as of 2/11/2022 (866) 365-4565 Mineral Mountain Cattle Mike & Brandon Yardley (435) 691-4438
30-Mar Northern Lites Red Angus Glasgow, MT 30-Mar
26406 470th Ave. / Morris, Minnesota 56267 / Office: (320) 392-5802 / Fax: (320) 392-5319 / Casey Fanta: (320) 288-6128 / Visit Access sale details here ➥ OPPORTUNITY SALE of 2023 April 6, 2023 • 12 Noon Online Sale Watch the sale and bid live online at and SELLING 425 BULLS & 30 ELITE OPEN HEIFERS Limousin, Lim-Flex, Angus Evaluate the sale offering in person Open House at Sandy Ridge Ranch Atkinson, Nebraska March 28 & 29, 2023 n Bull Selection Index n Feeder Calf Procurement n Value Added Opportunities n Source & Process Verification n Feedlot & Carcass Data n Dairy Beef Program


Neese Angus Farm

Rutledge, Missouri

Angus and Balancer seedstock

Injury #1:

Head impact trauma, right eye blunt force


Large gate unhinged resulting in drop & fall with patient's head slamming ground


Black eye, pain

Treatment: Ice pack, back to work

Patient's Story:

I got this really colorful right eye on a cold winter’s day, as the result of picking up a heavy gate to open as I stood against it, leaning into it a bit. The gate came off the top hinge, the bottom hinge turned and the gate flopped over and I flopped with it. There was nothing to break the fall until the right side of my head and eye hit ground that was frozen solid...

American Beef Producer March 2023 38 email:

Injury #2:

Head impact trauma, left eye blunt force


Cow kicked fence towards patient

Diagnosis: Black eye, vertigo, swelling, pain


Rest, ice, Ibuprofen, back to work

Patient's Story:

My wife, Angela, and I were preg checking cows when she got her black eye. She was bringing them through the tub and up the alley. As she gave a push on the crowd gate, a cow kicked it right back at her, hitting her hard enough to make her woozy and require lying down for a while with an ice pack on her forehead and eye plus a couple of Ibuprofen.

Bob & Angela Neese @BobandAngelaNeese

21933 C.R. 208

Rutledge, MO 63563


Send us your Photos!

Have you ever been hurt on the job? Are you looking for an interesting way to promote your business?

One that will only cost you a wee bit of pride?

Send us a picture, or a few, with your story, to

Tell us all about it, and you too could be featured in an upcoming Injury of the Month.

If you're featured we'll send you a Free Real Beef T-shirt!

39 March 2023 American Beef Producer
March 2023 40 Refill your Hot Coffee & Catch up on our Past Issues Go to: Guiding Beef Producers for over 30 years!

DLCC Gold Dust 64G #216262 Top 15% API | Top 2% TI PB DS | His Sons

Matter. Use an Outcross.

South Devon and South Devon influenced composites are a total outcross to current commercial cattle breeding programs. Research proves crossbred females produce an average of 1 additional calf and 600 more pounds of weaning weight in their lifetime compared to straightbred dams (NBCEC Sire Selection Manual). For this reason, DLCC is committed to providing crossbreeding solutions and outcross genetics to commercial cattlemen.

DLCC RANCH South Devons | Poundmakers | Navigators Dar Giess: (320)-249-2130 | Lane Giess: (320)-293-1647 | Wyatt Lawrence: (763)-242-2804
Request a Catalog Join us on Saturday, April 15th at the ranch near Pierz, MN for the DLCC 31stAnnual Production Sale. 70 Spring Bulls | 10 Fall 18-Month Bulls | 10 Elite Heifers | 40 Replacement Females | 10 Fall Pairs Designed South Devon Composites DLCC 3-Year Guarantee Balanced Genetics
American Beef Producer March 2023 42
email for updates f = female sale 31-Mar Double Creek Farms Clifton, TX 31-Mar Driscoll Cattle Co. Huron, SD 31-Mar Griswold Cattle Co. Stillwater, OK 31-Mar McBride Angus Farms Manchester, TN 31-Mar Open Gate Ranch Simms, MT 31-Mar PA Angus f & bull test Pennsylvania Furnace, PA 31-Mar Pieper Red Angus Hay Springs, NE 31-Mar Prairie View Farms Gridley, IL 31-Mar Sutphin Cattle Syracuse, KS 1-Apr All Breeds Matter Rush Springs, OK 1-Apr The Andras Kind Manchester, IL 1-Apr Angus Opportunity @Buckner & Jeffries Canmer, KY 1-Apr Belles & Bulls of the Bluegrass Lexington, KY 1-Apr Bennett, Biggs & Switzer Angus Green City, MO 1-Apr Botts Angus Huntley, MT 1-Apr Brook’s Chalky Butte Ranch Bowman, ND 1-Apr Build Your Herd Barron, WI 1-Apr Cantrell – Grissom Cattle Seminole, OK 1-Apr Cedar Ridge & Guests Pulaski, TN 1-Apr Circle G Ranches Adel, GA 1-Apr Circle S Ranch Canton, KS 1-Apr Dean Angus Boyd, TX 1-Apr Debruycker Charolais Great Falls, MT 1-Apr Four States Finest Angus Springfield, MO 1-Apr Gardiner Angus Ranch Ashland, KS 1-Apr Grassy Valley Greeneville, TN 1-Apr Green Hills Gelbvieh/ Hope Cattle Oxford, NC 1-Apr Henry’s Fork Cattle Co. PT Rexburg, ID 1-Apr Iowa Angus Assoc. Bull Test Lamoni, IA 1-Apr Kraye Angus Mullen, NE 1-Apr Ludens Family Limousin Viborg, SD 1-Apr Magness Land & Cattle Platteville, CO 1-Apr McDonald Farms Blacksburg, VA 1-Apr MC Livestock Greenville, VA 1-Apr Panther Creek Ranch Bowen, IL 1-Apr Partners In Performance Zanesville, OH 1-Apr Paint Valley Farms Millersburg, OH 1-Apr Reds in the Heartland El Reno, OK 1-Apr Schrute Farms Honesdale, PA 1-Apr Shoal Creek Excelsior Springs, MO 1-Apr Southern Eagle Ranch Evington, VA 1-Apr Southern Indiana Angus Assoc. Little York, IN 1-Apr Spear J Red Angus Jordan, MT 1-Apr Turnpike Creek Farms Milan, GA 1-Apr Wagner Charolais Nunn, CO 1-Apr West Tennessee Assoc. Milan, TN 1-Apr WI Beef Improvement Assoc. Platteville, WI 1-Apr Wye Angus Queenstown, MD 2-Apr Carter Angus Vermillion, SD 2-Apr Hassebrook Charolais Farms Albion, NE 2-Apr MN Angus Breeders Lanesboro, MN 2-Apr Northern Indiana Angus Breeders Logansport, IN 2-Apr OSU Cowboy Classic Stillwater, OK 3-Apr BA Ranch & Fitzsimmons Angus Havre, MT 3-Apr Brockmere Angus New Cambria, MO 3-Apr FBA Ranch Havre, MT 3-Apr Green Garden Angus Ellsworth, KS 3-Apr Miller Angus Draper, SD 3-Apr Stewart Select Angus Greensburg, IN 3-Apr Weber Charolais & Red Angus Lake Andes, SD 4-Apr Coleman Limousin Ranch Missoula, MT 4-Apr Daigger-Orr North Platte, NE 4-Apr Freking Cattle Co. online 4-Apr Gerber Land & Cattle Richmond, IN 4-Apr Hansen Shorthorns Lisbon, ND 4-Apr Hinman Angus Malta, MT 4-Apr Hubert Charolais Ranch Monument, KS 4-Apr Jackson Cattle Co. online 4-Apr Lowderman Cattle Co. online 4-Apr Moon Creek Farms George, IA 4-Apr Reisdorfer Red Angus Magnolia, MN 4-Apr Roan For The Roses online 4-Apr Vollmer Angus Ranch Wing, ND 4-Apr Webo Angus Lusk, WY 5-Apr 2J Angus Dunlap, IA 5-Apr Cross Creek Farm online 5-Apr Kansas Bull Test Green, KS 5-Apr Nissen Angus Chinook, MT 5-Apr Schelske Angus Virgil, SD 6-Apr A&B Cattle Bassett, NE 6-Apr Arntzen Angus Ranch Hilger, MT 6-Apr Fox’s Angus Farm Watertown, SD 6-Apr Herbster Angus Farms Beatrice, NE 6-Apr Jensen Bros. f online 6-Apr Kaiser Angus Ranch Park, KS
Sale Calendar

Waage Farms - Greenbush, MN

Selling 75 Yearling Bulls and 40 Black Baldie Heifers with Charolais Calves at Side

WDZ Flatland 2044

M973972 – Feb. 23rd, 2022 | BW 88 – ADJ WW 768

SIRE: Tri-N Brooks 34H – MGS: M6 New Standard 842 P ET Top 30% BW, 10% WW, 15% YW, 8% SC, 20% REA, 7% MARB, 9% TSI

WDZ Warroad 2007

M974623 – Jan. 1st, 2022 | BW 73 – ADJ WW 810

SIRE: WDZ Warroad 906 – MGS: JLS Ranger 5099 Top 15% CE, 4% BW, 20% MCE, 25% MARB

WDZ Paradise 2009

M974626 – Jan. 2nd, 2022 | BW 96 – ADJ WW 879

SIRE: WDZ Paradise 894 – MGS: WC Ledger 5634 P ET Top 15% WW, 7% YW, 30% MILK, 20% MCE, 20% SC, 6% REA, 10% MARB, 7% TSI

WDZ Titan 2168

M975559 – Feb. 27th, 2022 | BW 100 – ADJ WW 909

SIRE: WDZ Titan 871F – MGS: LT Ledger 0332 P Top 1% WW, 1% YW, 6% MTL, 1% SC, 7% REA, 2% TSI

WDZ Red Box 2079

4690951 – Feb. 8th, 2022 | BW 85 – ADJ WW 667

SIRE: Mann Red Box 55C – MGS: C-Bar-RJ Reckoning 105B

American Beef Producer March 2023 44 Sale Calendar email for updates f = female sale 6-Apr Kukuchka’s Bar 69 Angus Ranch Belle Fourche, SD 6-Apr MBCIA Bull Test Jackson, MN 6-Apr Natl Hereford Women Queens Court online 6-Apr Un of Tennessee online 6-Apr Wildcat Cattle Co. online 6-Apr Wulf Cattle Opportunity online 7-Apr CK Bar Ranch Saint Onge, SD 7-Apr Country Road Angus Carthage, IL 7-Apr Ingram Angus Pulaski, TN 7-Apr Meyer Cattle Co. Curryville, MO 7-Apr Midland Bull Test Columbus, MT 7-Apr Pratt Cattle Co. Atkins, VA 7-Apr Roster Charolais Spencer, SD 7-Apr SD State University Brookings, SD 7-Apr Springlake Angus Lynch, NE 7-Apr Turtle Creek Angus Ranch Faith, SD 7-Apr Zerr Red Angus Oakley, KS 8-Apr Blackrose Angus McCook, NE 8-Apr Branch View Angus Hustonville, KY 8-Apr Crazy K Ranch Michie, TN 8-Apr Central MO Polled Hereford Assoc. Cuba, MO 8-Apr Charolais Assoc of TX Gainesville, TX 8-Apr Dybdal Charolais Laurel, NE 8-Apr Ellis Farms Chrisman, IL 8-Apr Fink Beef Genetics Charolais & Angus Randolph, KS 8-Apr HanSine Ranch Pierre, SD 8-Apr Hebbert Charolais Hyannis, NE 8-Apr Hillbrands Cattle Co. Clara City, MO 8-Apr Knoll Crest Farm Red House, VA 8-Apr Lazy Bar F/ Double G Shorthorns Seminole, OK 8-Apr Lucas Cattle Co Cross Timbers, MO 8-Apr Markota Angus PT Hillsboro, OH 8-Apr Math Farms Glasgow, MT 8-Apr Montgomery Angus Ranch Carrington, ND 8-Apr Mountaineer Red Angus Weston, WV 8-Apr Oklahoma Sooner Classic,Shorthorn Duncan, OK 8-Apr Prairie Valley Farm Platte, SD 8-Apr Rambur Charolais Sidney, MT 8-Apr Shady Brook Angus f Leoma, TN 8-Apr Sonstegard Cattle Co. Montevideo, MN 8-Apr Southern Select Shelbyville, TN 8-Apr Southern Synergy Wadley, GA 8-Apr Southwest Ranchers Chickasha, OK 8-Apr The Rennaissance Strafford, MO 8-Apr Woodhill Farms Viroqua, WI 8-Apr WV Beef Expo Angus Jackson Mill, WV 8-Apr WV Polled Hereford Assoc. Weston, WV 9-Apr Woodhill Farms Viroqua, WI 10-Apr Bollum Family Shorthorns Goodhue, MN 10-Apr Circle S Farms Tatum, TX 10-Apr Cook Angus Billings, MT 10-Apr Eggleston Charolais Wessington, SD 10-Apr Grass Time Partners Paris, KY 11-Apr Beckton Red Angus Sheridan, WY 11-Apr Buck Cattle Co. online 11-Apr C&C Duvall Ranches La Junta, CO 11-Apr C & K Acres/ Harvey Angus online 11-Apr Checkerhill Angus (West Plains, MO) online 11-Apr Hager Cattle Co. Karlsruhe, NE 11-Apr Hilltop Angus Denton, MT 11-Apr Ludvigson Stock Farms Shepherd, MT 11-Apr Origen Genetic Exchange Elite online 11-Apr Sydenstricker Angus Genetics Influence New Cambria, MO 11-Apr Thomas Ranch Harrold, SD 12-Apr Hinkle’s Prime Cut Angus Embryo Nevada, MO 12-Apr Pass Creek Angus Wyola, MT 12-Apr Peterson L7 Bar Pukwana, SD 12-Apr United Producers Hereford Columbia, TN 13-Apr Bowling Ranch Newkirk, OK 13-Apr Carr Angus Billings, MT 13-Apr Carter Angus Ranch Oberlin, KS 13-Apr Connors State College Bull Test Warner, OK 13-Apr Dry Creek Farms Pell City, AL 13-Apr McClun’s Lazy JM Ranch Torrington, WY 13-Apr Reich Charolais Belle Fourche, SD 13-Apr Tucker Bred Heifer Amherst, VA 13-Apr Tweedy Cattle Co. Imboden, AR 14-Apr 5L Red Angus Sheridan, MT 14-Apr Farmington Angus Normandy, TN 14-Apr Heart Of America Gelbvieh online 14-Apr Iowa Cattlemen's Association Tama, IA 14-Apr Pine Creek Angus Ranch Faith, SD 14-Apr Regency Acres Angus Sidney, MT 14-Apr Sellman Ranch Crawford, NE 14-Apr Thiessen;s Regency Acres Sidney, MT
03.11.23 Sale Management & Marketing powered by The Judge Source LLC Joel & Kourtney Judge 805.234.7191 • 480.322.1583 Soaring Eagle of the Ozarks Dr. Jeff Gower 417.839.1200 SOARING EAGLE OF THE OZARKS BULL SALE SEO SALE FACILITY • SPRINGFIELD, MO • SELLING 65 ANGUS BULLS NOON CST • HOSTED ON CCI.LIVE INDUSTRY LEADING GENETICS SEO ULTRA 9026 1233 SEO VERACIOUS 0206 2514 15 EPD TRAITS & $VALUES IN THE TOP 1%! WW 93 YW 166 MARB 1.58 $C 395 BW .3 CLAW .40 ANGLE .38 HS .12 MARB 1.40 RE 1.09 $M 88 AAA+ 20354819 AAA+ 20399999 SEO ULTRA 0422 2501 SEO ULTRA 0422 2507 AAA+ 20397334 AAA+ 20397335 12 EPD TRAITS & $VALUES IN THE TOP 1%! 10 EPD TRAITS & $VALUES IN THE TOP 1%! WW 101 YW 186 CW 103 $C 391 WW 99 YW 178 CW 106 $C 385

22-Apr Heart Of The Ozarks Angus West Plains, MO

22-Apr Katie Colin Farm

22-Apr Lazy Bar F/ Double G Shorthorn

46 March 2023
email for updates f = female sale 14-Apr Virginia Angus Assoc. Harrisonburg, VA 14-Apr Virginia Hereford Assoc. Harrisonburg, VA 14-Apr Waddle Farm Breckenridge, MO 15-Apr Alabama Angus Assoc. Cullman, AL 15-Apr Bar 7 Genetics f Scottsboro, AL 15-Apr Belle Point Ranch Lavaca, AR 15-Apr Central KY Angus Assoc. Danville, KY 15-Apr Clifford Farms & Guests Lexington, KY 15-Apr Cobb Charolais Ranch Great Falls, MT 15-Apr DLCC Ranch Pierz, MN 15-Apr Ellis Farms Chrisman, IL 15-Apr Fort Worth Angus Roundup Fort Worth, TX 15-Apr Friendship Farms Canoochee, GA 15-Apr Indiana Bull Evaluation Program Springville, IN 15-Apr Lindskov’s LT Ranch Isabel, SD 15-Apr Lone Star Angus f Gainesville, TX 15-Apr Mid-Atlantic Spring Bonanza Harrisonburg, VA 15-Apr MO Charolais Breeders Assoc. Springfield, MO 15-Apr Power Performance Pedigree Mountain Grove, MO 15-Apr Reds in the Green Hills Harris, MO 15-Apr RS&T Simmentals Maryville., MO 15-Apr Sandrock Ranch Herefords Benton, WI 15-Apr St. Croix Valley Bull Test River Falls, WI 15-Apr Stuber Ranch Bowman, ND 15-Apr W4 Ranch Morgan, TX 15-Apr Wilder/ Lawrence online 16-Apr TJB Gelbvieh online 17-Apr Ankony Farms (Clarkesville, GA) online 17-Apr Diamond J Angus Mandan, ND 17-Apr Hanskins Farms/Bradley Cattle online 17-Apr Holton Cattle Co. Cisco, TX 17-Apr Jorgensen Land & Cattle Ideal, SD 17-Apr Ohlde Cattle Co. Palmer, KS 18-Apr 5Dick Cattle Co. Nowata, OK 18-Apr Dybdal Charolais Show Female online 18-Apr Schafer Herefords online 18-Apr Tifton HERD Irwinville, GA 18-Apr Trask Angus Wall, SD 18-Apr Treasure Bull Test Great Falls, MT 19-Apr Cherokee Sales Co. Hereford sp. Cherokee, OK 19-Apr Milk River Genetics Chinook, MT 19-Apr Schaack Angus Ranch Wall, SD 20-Apr Big Dry Angus Jordan, MT 20-Apr JMAR Genetics & Guests online 20-Apr KLS Farms It’s a Southern Thing online 20-Apr NextGen Cattle Co. Paxico, KS 21-Apr Cow Camp Ranch Lost Springs, KS 21-Apr Grill’s Red Western Crawford, NE 21-Apr NextGen Cattle Co. Paxico, KS 21-Apr Pine Creek Angus Ranch Faith, SD 21-Apr Timberline Angus Manhattan, MT 21-Apr Wild Indian Acres online 22-Apr Appalachian Classic Knoxville, TN 22-Apr Angus Celebration @ Lindstrom Angus Woodville, AL 22-Apr Blubaugh Angus Ranch Tonkawa, OK 22-Apr Downey Ranch PT Wamego, KS 22-Apr East Central MO Angus Assoc. Cuba, MO 22-Apr Great Meadows Angus Assoc Campbellsburg, KY 22-Apr Hallstrand Angus Prentice, WI 22-Apr Heartland Simmentals
Sale Calendar
Waverly, IA
Cross Plains, TN 22-Apr
Angus Springfield, MO
Murray State College Tishomingo, OK
Fever Union Grove, NC
Seaman, OH
Seneca Falls, NY
Ritchie County Polled Hereford Asso . Harrisville, WV 22-Apr Thomas Farms Damascus, AR 22-Apr Upper Cumberland Angus Assoc. Cookeville, TN 22-Apr Wicks Angus Carpenter, SD 22-Apr WR Bar Angus Ranch Pequot Lakes, MN 23-Apr Quintin Smith Family & Guests Lebanon, TN 23-Apr Rocking W Angus Jefferson, GA 24-Apr Deer Valley Farm embryo online 24-Apr Ma & Pa Angus Ranch Presho, SD 25-Apr Baxter Angus Farm Rockham.,SD 25-Apr Byrd Embryo (Red Bluff, CA) online 25-Apr PAYS Grasstime Billings, MT 25-Apr Linhart Divas online 26-Apr Dixie Valley Dispersion Montague, CA 26-Apr Gill Red Angus Timber Lake, SD 26-Apr Iron Mtn. Cattle Co. Belle Fourche, SD Show ‘em What they‘re made of!! Order yours today: Stickers too! Gen 2 Stickers 4" Unisex - Brown or Black Women‘s - Sunset or Black Designed by the good, hard working folks at COZY HOODIES! in Black These ain‘t your Daddy‘s shirts! everybody loves 'em! Spread the Word! S - 2XL 4” or 12” Black, White or Red Cows
Seminole, OK 22-Apr Lesikar Angus f
TX 22-Apr Middle TN Hereford Assoc.
MO Red
22-Apr NC Spring
22-Apr Optum Angus
22-Apr Right On Red
2010 - 20585263 K22 - 20480304 G2010 - 20585263 208 - 20552432 258 - 20570332 207 -20579992
American Beef Producer March 2023 48
email for updates f = female sale 26-Apr Wedge Tent Ranch Faith, SD 27-Apr Davis Ranches show heifer online 27-Apr Dixie Valley Dispersion Montague, CA 27-Apr Iron Mountain Cattle Co. Belle Fourche, SD 27-Apr North Country Bull Glasgow, MT 27-Apr Wilder Family Aggie Traditions online 28-Apr Express Ranches Grass Time Yukon, OK 28-Apr Kuhn’s Red Angus & Huber EY Napoleon, ND 28-Apr McKean Bros. Angus PT Mercer, PA 28-Apr Medicine Rocks Angus Baker, MT 28-Apr Ritchie Cty Polled Hereford Assoc. Harrisville, WV 29-Apr Aschermann Charolais/ Akaushi Carthage, MO 29-Apr Barnes Herefords Cedartown, GA 29-Apr Coast To Coast female Visalia, CA 29-Apr Collins Farms Angus bred heifer Cusseta, AL 29-Apr Friends of the Valley Harrisville, WV 29-Apr G3 Gobbell Farms & Guest Oxford, MS 29-Apr Gulf South Hereford Assoc. Wiggins, MS 29-Apr Holdenville Commercial f Holdenville, OK 29-Apr Kern Cattle f Visalia, CA 29-Apr Lawler Farms & Friends f Opelika, AL 29-Apr Meinders Stock Farm Buffalo Center, IA 29-Apr Pleasant Hill Farm Rockfield, KY 29-Apr Precise Cattle Watkinsville, GA 29-Apr Sharben /Martindell Shorthorns Campbellsburg, KY 29-Apr The Great American Pie Lebanon, MO 29-Apr The Source Sessions Invitational Charleston, SC 29-Apr Wienk Charolais Lake Preston, SD 30-Apr Georgia Angus Assoc. Washington, GA 30-Apr Rayl Angus f online 1-May Gardiner Angus Ranch Ashland, KS 1-May Spickler Ranch South Glenfield, ND 2-May Becky Craig online 2-May Edwards Land & Cattle show heifer online 2-May Philip Livestock Bull Day Philip, SD 2-May Sutphin Cattle La Junta, CO 3-May Bogle/ Martin/ Easley BME Ranch Langley, OK 4-May 44 Farms f online 4-May Kopriva Angus Raymond, SD 5-May Duppong’s Willow Creek Angus Mandan, ND 5-May Greene County Angus Assoc Greeneville, TN 5-May Jackson Cattle Co. Walnut Springs, TX 5-May Torgerson Farms online 6-May Coyote Hills Ranch Chattanooga, OK 6-May Flying W Angus Ranch Pequot Lakes, MN 6-May Genomic Gems f Giddings, TX 6-May Lawson Family Farms Ewing, VA 6-May Mead Farms Versailles, MO
Sale Calendar

What people are sayin' about us lately:

"My wife says I actually smile when I read your magazine”


“Our ad in your magazine this year brought us more buyers and more gross receipts than we‘ve ever had”


“My wife and I save your magazine to read to each other at night so we can both enjoy it together. Love the photos!”


“We only keep 2 magazines on our reading table, TIME and American Beef Producer”


“I always put your magazine aside so I can read it later. Then I‘ll find it in my husband‘s truck ��”


“We changed our Sale Date and I found it corrected in your magazine before I even called you! Wow, you guys are great!”


"This year I've learned where to advertise and where not to advertise. Your magazine is definitely on the YES list" -----------------

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American Beef Producer 50
51 March 2023 American Beef Producer D WARD PHOTOGRAPHY QUALITY LIVESTOCK PHOTOGRAPHY & videos DOUG WARd ‭(507) 273-7465 DOUG@ABPMAG.COM



March 18, 2023

Sale Starts 1:00pm CDT Huss Livestock Market Kearney, NE


Including Sons by — Casino Bomber N33, Baldridge Alternative E125, Deer Valley Growth Fund, H A Cowboy Up 5405, D L Diesel, and Vermilion Spur E143

Gardels has been raising quality, registered Angus since 1960

Matt: 308-991-1819 |

Marvin: 308-237-5369

American Beef Producer March 2023 52
Annual Sale
Our REAL-WORLD Angus Sires
Call Matt –to request a catalog
Sires and Home-Grown Sires we are using, are leading the way in our breeding to sire sons and daughters that meet productivity and performance expectations. Sound, functional cattle that calve, grow, and reproduce. Cattle
of the beef complex.
68 Bulls and 12 Yearling Open Heifers
Baldridge Alternative E125 Casino Bomber N33
These make great Gifts! Show 'em What they're Made of! Designed by the hard workin' folks at American Beef Producer Black, Red or White cows Stickers Gen 2 4” or 12” cozy sweatshirts Unisex/Mens Black, Brown or Olive Youth sizes Black or Maroon Youth sizes Black or Maroon We take Custom Orders with Ranch, Town, Logos on back. For pricing, email:
Monday April 3, 2023 1:00 pm 2335 10th Rd Lorraine, KS 67459 Dick & Shelly Selling 100 Registered Angus Bulls and Calving Ease Carcass $Values EST 1932 A Heifer Pick of the Herd 64th Annual Production Sale Averages of all Bulls Selling CED of 10 top 25% • PAP of .22 top 20% • $EN of -6 top 20% Marbling of 1.55 top 1% • $C of 292 top 10% • Tenderness DNA of 29
a family style dinner
the sale
Certified Angus
Elizabeth, Cassie,
Anisha, A bull in Everyone’s Price Range 2022 Bull Price Range 36% $2,500 - $3,499 14% $4,500 - $5,499 25% $3,500 - $4,499 25% $5,500 and up 58EighteenMonthOlds 50TwelveMonthOlds
Please join us for
Sunday evening April 2, at
barn! Guest speaker John Stika, President of
Billy, Annabelle & Jane Ben,
Elliott & Sophie
Lautenschlager & Sons Red Angus Proudly Presents Pacific Northwest Red Bull Rendezvous Monday, March 13, 2023 • 12:30 p.m. • JR Ranch • Othello, Wa Scan qr Code to request a Sale catalog! Selling 80+ Bulls & 8 Red Sim-Angus ENDICOTT, WA | RANCH: 509-657-3301 | CELL: 509-595-8131 LASO Ultimatum D188K-#4678989 Full ET brother to LASO Alamo with a .89 MB EPD ... he sells! GRF Prime Factor 2392 -#4569009 -3.9 BW with a 778 AWW & top 4% Marbling ... he sells! LASO Rushmore G118K -#4679123 Bigtime Growth & Carcass- Top 3% WW, 4% yw, 4% MB, 5% REA ... he sells! LASO Red Box R185K-#4679259 Red Box x Spur Franchise with top 6% MB & 2% REA ... he sells! LASO Quarterback G175K-#4690841 Calving ease with growth, maternal & top 3% Marbling ... he sells! LASO Rushmore E50K -#4679067 ET with top 9% MB, he combines both the Leanna & Lana cows ... he sells!
American Beef Producer March 2023 58 WISCONSIN BEEF improvement association ANNUAL BULL SALE SAVE THE DATE | APRIL 1ST, 2023 Hosted by DV Auctions at UW-Platteville in-person, phone & internet bidding | 608-527-5747 Richard Wiese & Family 6430 Co 1 SW Pequot Lakes, MN Richard Wiese (218)820 6451 Juanita Dice (218)820 3167 45 Yearling Angus Bulls 30 Yearling Angus Heifers 31 Annual Production Sale Saturday April 22, 2023 1p.m. JR Fast Forward SAV Rainfall 6846 JR Fast Forward Nelson Imax 6514 AAR Power Point 946 BACH DareDevil 640 Drysdale Southern Charm 014 Hoover Counselor N29 Woodhill BluePrint Marriott of WR Bar 8055 2XL Bronc 8153 Arjons Empire 1807 Marda Maverick 081
B R E E D S I N C L U D E : A N G U S , R E D A N G U S , S I M M E N T A L , F O U N D A T I O N S I M M E N T A L M B C I A J A C K S O N S A L E T H U R S D A Y , A P R I L 6 , 2 0 2 3 J A C K S O N S A L E B A R N | J A C K S O N , M N S P E C I A L S A L E D A Y D R A W I N G ! Black Angus Simmental Hereford SimmAngus Simmental/ South Devon April 15, 2023 | Bull Preview 9 AM | Sale 11AM Contact: Dan Bonte 715-977-2167 bonteangusfarm@centurylink net www scvbt com UWRF Mann Valley Farm 129 S. Glover Road River Falls, WI 54022


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American Beef Producer March 2023 60
© 2023 Norbrook Laboratories Limited. All rights reserved. The Norbrook logos and Tulieve are registered trademarks of Norbrook Laboratories Limited. Draxxin is a trademark of ZOETIS SERVICES LLC. All rights reserved. 0322-723-I01S
Performance Tested Angus Bull and Female Sale Bloomington Livestock Exchange | Bloomington, WI 2K Cattle Enterprises Kevin and Keri Retallick Family Sunday, March 19th, 1:00 p.m. To request a Sale Book email: or visit our website: Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman. Sale Consultants: Glenn Davis, Genetic Pathways: 219-776-7584 and Greg Miller: 608-778-8785. Call to view cattle ahead of sale. Sale broadcasted on 8281 East Glen Road, Glen Haven, WI 53810 Kevin: 608.732.6838 | Kelsi: 608.778.7748 from the Lady and Black Lady families. Bulls sired by GAR Home Town, EXAR Grenade, Baldridge Alternative, Deer Valley Growth Fund, Sitz Resilient, Poss Rawhide, Myers Fair-N-Square and more. Lot 11 2K Growth Fund 242 - 20462980 Deer Valley Growth Fund X R B Tour of Duty 177 CED: 1 WW: 82 YW: 148 $F: 129 $B: 184 $C: 305 Lot 5 2K Rawhide 2922 - 20532072 Poss Rawhide X S A V Resource 1441 CED: 9 WW: 77 YW: 136 $W: 74 $B: 150 $C: 266 Lot 1 2K Grenade 1012 - 20464070 EXAR Grenade 9152B X Bar R Jet Black 5063 CED: 11 WW: 102 YW: 176 $M: 83 $B: 176 $C: 311 Lot 2 2K Hometown 2902 - 20513792 G A R Home Town X SydGen Enhance CED: 14 WW: 71 YW: 137 $G: 82 $B: 193 $C: 316 58 Angus GS Tested Bulls, 25 Bred Females and 2 Feature Females
BYLAND YELLOWSTONE 2PW52 reg: x4342587 sire: BSG Profitwise 1767 BYLAND ELITE 2SD66 reg: x4342604 sire: Byland Soggy Dog 7TM73 BYLAND TOP FLIGHT 2TD92 reg: x4342893 sire: Byland Top Dog 0SD40 PVF LIBERTY 12K ET reg: x4336914 sire: Byland Soggy Dog 7TM73 PVF ICON 50K reg: x4336957 sire: Byland Flash 9U106 PVF RIVALRY 75K ET reg: x4336982 sire: Byland Flash 9U106
American Beef Producer March 2023 64 DOUG WARD Looking for Ring Service? LOOK NO FURTHER or call American Beef Producer (651) 224-1489 Doug Ward (507) 273-7465

We‘re Up Close and Personal

no restraining orders, yet...

(tulathromycin injection)


Bar J Ranch -J Angus Bull & Female Sale

Sunday March 12, 2023, 1:30 PM

At the ranch and online at

For use in beef cattle (including suckling calves), non-lactating dairy cattle (including dairy calves), veal calves, and swine. Not for use in female dairy cattle 20 months of age or older.

CAUTION: Federal (USA) law restricts this drug use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.


50 Angus Bulls, Yearlings &

Tulieve® Injectable Solution is a ready-to-use sterile parenteral preparation containing tulathromycin, a semi-synthetic macrolide antibiotic of the subclass triamilide. Each mL of Tulieve contains 100 mg of tulathromycin, 500 mg propylene glycol, 19.2 mg citric acid and 5 mg monothioglycerol. Sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid may be added to adjust pH. Tulieve consists of an equilibrated mixture of two isomeric forms of tulathromycin in a 9:1 ratio.


2 -Yr-Olds

Yearling Angus Heifers

Dependable genetics raised in a low -input commercial environment, that have been closely selected for:

 Fleshing Ability

The chemical names of the isomers are (2R,3S,4R,5R,8R,10R,11R,12S,13S, 14R)-13-[[2,6-dideoxy-3-C-methyl-3-Ο-methyl-4-C-[(propylamino) methyl]α-L-ribo-hexopyrano-syl]oxy]-2-ethyl-3,4,10-trihydroxy-3,5,8,10,12,14hexamethyl-11-[[3,4,6-trideoxy-3-(dimethylamino)-β-D-xylo-hexopyranosyl]oxy]-1-oxa-6-azacyclopentadecan-15-one and (2R,3R,6R,8R,9R,10S,11S, 12R)-11-[[2,6-dideoxy-3-C-methyl-3-Ο-methyl-4-C-[(propylamino)methyl]α-L-ribo-hexopyrano-syl]oxy]-2-[(1R,2R)-1,2-dihydroxy-1-methylbutyl]8-hydroxy-3,6,8,10,12-pentamethyl-9-[[3,4,6-trideoxy-3-(dimethylamino)β-D-xylo-hexopyranosyl]oxy]-1-oxa-4- azacyclotridecan-13-one, respectively.

 Calving Ease

 Sound Structure


Beef and Non-Lactating Dairy Cattle

 Disposition

 Fertility

 Carcass Quality

BRD-Tulieve Injectable Solution is indicated for the treatment of bovine respiratory disease (BRD) associated with Mannheimia haemolytica, Pasteurella multocida, Histophilus somni, and Mycoplasma bovis; and for the control of respiratory disease in cattle at high risk of developing BRD associated with Mannheimia haemolytica, Pasteurella multocida, Histophilus somni, and Mycoplasma bovis

IBK-Tulieve Injectable Solution is indicated for the treatment of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK) associated with Moraxella bovis

Foot Rot-Tulieve Injectable Solution is indicated for the treatment of bovine foot rot (interdigital necrobacillosis) associated with Fusobacterium necrophorum and Porphyromonas levii

Suckling Calves, Dairy Calves, and Veal Calves

BRD-Tulieve Injectable Solution is indicated for the treatment of BRD associated with M. haemolytica, P. multocida, H. somni, and M. bovis


Tulieve Injectable Solution is indicated for the treatment of swine respiratory disease (SRD) associated with Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Pasteurella multocida, Bordetella bronchiseptica, Haemophilus parasuis, and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae; and for the control of SRD associated with Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Pasteurella multocida, and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in groups of pigs where SRD has been diagnosed.



Inject subcutaneously as a single dose in the neck at a dosage of 2.5 mg/kg (1.1 mL/100 lb) bodyweight (BW). Do not inject more than 10 mL per injection site.


Sitz Logo 8148. Selling Elite, High Maternal Herd Bull Prospects by 8148!

Inject intramuscularly as a single dose in the neck at a dosage of 2.5 mg/kg (0.25 mL/22 lb) BW. Do not inject more than 2.5 mL per injection site.


The use of Tulieve Injectable Solution is contraindicated in animals previously found to be hypersensitive to the drug.




Cattle intended for human consumption must not be slaughtered within 18 days from the last treatment. This drug is not approved for use in female dairy cattle 20 months of age or older, including dry dairy cows. Use in these cattle may cause drug residues in milk and/or in calves born to these cows.

Swine Swine intended for human consumption must not be slaughtered within 5 days from the last treatment.



The e ects of tulathromycin injection on bovine reproductive performance, pregnancy, and lactation have not been determined. Subcutaneous injection can cause a transient local tissue reaction that may result in trim loss of edible tissue at slaughter.


The e ects of tulathromycin injection on porcine reproductive performance, pregnancy, and lactation have not been determined. Intramuscular injection can cause a transient local tissue reaction that may result in trim loss of edible tissue at slaughter.


Deer Valley Growth Fund. Selling many powerhouse sons and daughters of this elite growth sire!


In one BRD eld study, two calves treated with tulathromycin injection at 2.5 mg/kg BW exhibited transient hypersalivation. One of these calves also exhibited transient dyspnea, which may have been related to pneumonia.


In one eld study, one out of 40 pigs treated with tulathromycin injection at 2.5 mg/kg BW exhibited mild salivation that resolved in less than four hours.

Approved by FDA under ANADA # 200-723

Tulieve® is a registered trademark of Norbrook Laboratories Limited

Made in the UK

Manufactured by:

47 Years in the Angus Bull Business! Count on us for great service and dependable, profitable genetics!

Norbrook Laboratories Limited, Newry, BT35 6PU, Co. Down, Northern Ireland

Jake & Dawnte’ Reed

To report suspected adverse drug events, for technical assistance or to obtain a copy of the Safety Data Sheet (SDS), contact Norbrook at 1-866-591-5777. For additional information about adverse drug experience reporting for animal drugs, contact FDA at 1-888-FDA-VETS or

Revised Feb 2022

Jake: 320-429-0983

For additional Tulieve product information call: 1-866-591-5777 or go to

John & Joanne Reed

John: 320-808-1938


(landing page to be con rmed, may be


30217 110th Ave

Brooten, MN 56316

100 mg of tulathromycin/mL
2k cattle 61 A & B Cattle 52 American Foods Group 34 Bar J Angus 22 Beckers Angus 53 Blue Goose Herefords 16 Blue Lake Plastics 18 Brooks Chalky Butte 27 C-B Charolais 8 Callicrate Banders 34 Cranview Gelbvieh 29 D Ward Photography 51 Dairyland Supply 42 De-Su Angus 19 Diamond H Ranch 70 Diamond Six Ranch 31 Dixie Valley Angus dispersal 69 DLCC Ranch 41 Doug Ward Ring Service 64 Drysdale Angus dispersal 67 Flying W Ranch 21 Fox's Angus Ranch 23 Gardels Angus 52 Gartner-Denowh Angus 4-5 Grays Angus Ranch 9 Graystone Cattle 22 Green Garden Angus 55 Hanneken Angus 3, 28 Heim Cattle 47 Herbster Angus 32-33 Holden Herefords 57 Hueftle Cattle 20 L&H Branding Irons 34 Laughtenschlager's Red Angus 56 Leary Angus 68 Lone Oak Cattle 30 MBCIA 59 MN Angus Breeders 8 Musgrave Angus 10-11 Norbrook Tulieve 60 Paint Valley Farms 63 Point Pleasant Angus 16 Quest of the West 48 Rawhide Portable Corral 2 Roth Angus 30 S & J Farms 36, 44 SCVBT 59 Schrader Ranch 7 Soaring Eagle of the Ozarks 45 Spring Lake Angus 47 Sweet Pro 24 Valley Oaks Angus 26 Waukuru Farms 25 WBIA 58 Woodhill Farms 62 WR Bar Ranch 58 Wulf Cattle 37 Zehnder/Waage 43
Tulieve ®
Advertiser‘s Index
Drysdale Angus Retirement Dispersal Nearly 150 Head Sell 65 COWS, MOSTLY WITH CALVES AT SIDE | 25 YEARLING BULLS | 25 YEARLING HEIFERS His Progeny Sell! KESSLERS COMMODORE 6515 U-2 COALITION 206C Featuring the progeny of Bushs Wingman 201, Linz Exemplify 71124, Mogck Entice, Sitz Accomplishment 720F, Sitz Profile 625G, Sitz Resilient 10208 and Sitz Stellar 726D. For your free reference sale booklet, contact anyone in the office of the Sale Manager, TOM BURKE, KURT SCHAFF, ALEX POPPLEWELL, AMERICAN ANGUS HALL OF FAME, at the WORLD ANGUS HEADQUARTERS, PO Box 660, Smithville, MO 64089-0660. Phone: (816) 532-0811. Fax: (816) 532-0851. E-Mail: Drysdale Angus Willard & Nora Drysdale Chelsey Drysdale 65070 E County Rd 30 Wabasha, MN 55981 (507) 767-4585 Home (504) 450-5841 Willard Cell (507) 459-8794 Chelsey Cell Auctioneer: Chisum Peterson NOON, SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 2023 AT LANESBORO LIVESTOCK AUCTION, LANESBORO, MN His Progeny Sell!
LEARY ANGUS Years in theBusiness! Sunday ● March 26, 2023 ● 2:00 PM Cattle viewing until 1:30 pm at the farm 11171 Angus Drive, Caledonia, MN 55921 ● 507-724-2509 or C: 608-797-9723 Sale at 2:00 at Caledonia Four Seasons Community Center. There will be NO animals at the sale site. Learys Fate 4342 Sire: Sydgen Fate 2800 ● MGS: Hoover Dam Learys Magnitude 3443 Sire: Mead Magnitude ● MGS: Conneally Guinness Visit our website at for a sale book or more information! Learys Final Answer 3652 Sire: Learys Final Answer 259 ● MGS: Jindra Double Vision Learys Payweight 4361 Sire: CW418 C204 Payweight ● MGS: Stone Creek Courageous 5021 Learys Capitalist 5248 Sire: WCF Capitalist 033 ● MGS: Basin Payweight 1682 Learys Capitalist 3515 Sire: WCF Capitalist 033 ● MGS: CW418 C204 Payweight 3272 78 18th Annual Production Sale SELLING 45 BULLS & 20 OPEN FEMALES

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