April 2020 - Midwest Beef Producer Magazine

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Midwest Beef Producer

April 2020 www.midwestbeefproducer.com

The Business Management Magazine For Beef Producers

April 2020

Midwest Beef Producer



Midwest Beef Producer

April 2020

April 2020

Midwest Beef Producer



Volume XXIV Number 5 April 2020

Beef Producer

The eye of the master fattens his cattle. Frank B Morrison Midwest Beef Producer PO Box 280, Cottage Grove, MN 55016 Phone: 651-224-1489; Fax: 651-224-1753

Celebrating 24 years of production management information for beef producers in the Upper Midwest

News Homeland Security: Agriculture Jobs Are ‘Essential’.....................................................................................................................20 Feature Articles Genetic Knowledge in Commercial Herds.........................................................................................................................................6 by Chip Kemp, Rachel Endecott, Ph.D. and Jackie Atkins, Ph.D., American Simmental Association & International Genetic Solutions Beef Makes America Great!...............................................................................................................................................................8 by J. David Nichols DLCC - DarLynn Cattle Company, Over 30 Years in the Making of a True Family Business..........................................................10 Bull Sale Calendar...........................................................................................................................................................................16 Not All Methods of Castration by Ligation Are Equal...................................................................................................................18 by Rachel Dodd

Send advertising materials to: ads@midwestbeefproducer.com

Derek Sample New Publisher, Senior Editor, Photographer derek@midwestbeefproducer.com 651-224-1489

Tim McCray Ad Manager timm@midwestbeefproducer.com 651-917-4093

Aaron Zimmerman Design & Layout amzimmerman1994@gmail.com 715-207-5515

ABOUT THE COVER Calves as pictured at Cannon Valley Ranch, Goodhue, MN February 2020. Cannon Valley Ranch is a registered Angus breeding stock operation nestled in the rolling hills of the beautiful Cannon Valley of SE Minnesota, approximately 45 minutes south of Minneapolis-St. Paul, about 25 miles north of Rochester, MN. Cannon Valley Ranch is family owned and operated by Bruce, LeeAnn and Taylor Waugh. Registered Black Angus cattle are raised, developed, and sold here on the ranch either by private treaty or at our Annual Bull Sale in March. Visit them at cannonvalleyranch.com Photo Taken by: Derek Sample Midwest Beef Producer (ISSN 1551-2339) is owned, produced and published monthly except for combined issues during December-January, May-June, and the Bull Buyers Guide in January and no issue in July by Midwest Beef Producer, PO Box 280, Cottage Grove, MN 55016. Printed in the U.S.A. Periodicals postage paid at Saint Paul, MN and other entry points. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Midwest Beef Producer, PO Box 280, Cottage Grove, MN 55016-0280


Midwest Beef Producer

April 2020

The First Hydraulic Corral and still the Largest!

Rawhide Original

Rawhide Processor by John McDonald

3 Sizes


• Pull on highway at speed limit. • Fits through any gate your pickup will. • Stable on uneven terrain. • Frame gates for sorting. • Permanent sheeted adjustable alley. • Transport wheels are permanent, no sliding off the axles and rolling out of the way. April 2020

• Wheels on each panel and electric over hydraulic jack eliminates lifting— saves time.

Rawhide Portable Corral 900 NORTH WASHINGTON ST., ABILENE, KS 67410



Midwest Beef Producer


Genetic Knowledge in Commercial Herds Genetic Knowledge in Commercial Herds Four approaches toFour genetic awareness approaches to genetic awareness

By Chip Kemp, Rachel Endecott, Ph.D. and Jackie Atkins, Ph.D. Genetic awareness within the commercial beef sector has been a much-discussed topic and an ongoing challenge to make a pervasive reality. Ideally, commercial producers would see the rationale behind serious collection of phenotypes and genotypes, have the resources to capture them, and use the data to improve the profitability of the herd; however, the practicality of the matter may be very different. Given the limited time and dollars available within commercial environments, the expense of collecting records needs to be offset with a ready manner in which to use and profit from the data. Clearly, commercial producers hold the keys to obtaining genetic knowledge on certain hard-to-collect traits such as cow longevity, feedlot, and carcass data. While progressive seedstock producers prioritize these data points, in many seedstock operations cows turn over quickly in the pursuit of genetic progress and a high percentage of male calves are destined for a bull battery and not meat production. Thus, commercial producers have access to insight that seedstock breeders may not have the ability to collect. Commercial data promises immense value in genetic prediction. The difficulty of capturing value from commercial data collection may limit the bottom-line focus of the commercial audience unless the demand for data can

be turned into tangible actions and subsequent dollars for the commercial operation. There are two primary pivot points that will determine the uptake of serious data collection and use in the commercial sector: 1. The production of and demand for slaughter cattle with more predictable profit potential, whether that takes the form of retained ownership or the marketing of value-added feeder calves. 2. Replacement females with reliable predictability of long term cow performance. The Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) and likeminded organizations need to continue to engage and relay information to those entities involved in the marketing of feeder cattle, cattle feeding, the harvesting of terminal cattle, and the promotion and sale of beef products if we are to significantly grow the appetite for serious genetic awareness of feedlot and carcass traits in the commercial sector. The beef cattle industry should continue to advocate for whole life-cycle indexes that reflect a holistic view of the impact a female has on the bottom line of an operation, including female longevity without ignoring the end product (beef).

Commercial producers recognize these fundamental ingredients of a herd improvement program: • A controlled breeding and calving season(s)

• Selection of replacement females

• Adoption of a mating system that uses heterosis

• Culling of the cow herd based on economically relevant criteria

• Selection and use of superior sires for traits economically relevant to the system

For those commercial producers who seek to add genetic awareness to their decision-making process, there are multiple approaches available. The different approaches come with varying levels of ease, time commitment, expense, and different levels of genetic insight. The ASA has programs specifically built for improved genetic awareness in commercial herds ranging from valuating feeder calves to full scale genetic evaluation including genomics. If you are interested in learning more about ASA’s commercial offerings, contact Chip Kemp at ckemp@simmgene.com.




Midwest Beef Producer

April 2020

Approach A: Bull knowledge alone Purchase bulls from trusted seedstock providers and use the genetics of the bull battery as a proxy for herd knowledge. In this scenario, commercial producers are taking advantage of the genetic credibility provided by their seedstock supplier. No further steps are taken by the commercial operation to refine the genetic awareness of their herd. Pros • Easy – no added effort after purchase of bull(s) for record collection or DNA testing. • No added expense after bull purchase. • Allows access to most feeder calf verification programs (e.g. IGS Feeder Profit Calculator™) as do the remaining approaches.

In addition to the knowledge acquired with bull purchases, this option incorporates commercially-available genomic tests that give a basic genetic view for in-herd comparisons. These tests range in price, efficacy, and appropriateness for various breed types or breed compositions. Pros

• Easy – typically requires only a blood or tissue sample captured chute


• Provides little to no understanding of genetic differences within the herd. • Doesn’t differentiate females based on their own genetic merit. • Provides the least genetic insight and therefore the poorest opportunity for genetic advancement of the approaches discussed.

Approach C: Structured genetic evaluation using pedigrees and phenotypes only This approach (and Approach D) require a more significant commitment to data collection. A structured approach to individual animal identification, performance records, and reporting identified phenotypes at regularly scheduled intervals is essential to gain meaningful results. This approach opens the door for serious knowledge, but also requires significant homework to make the data usable in NCE. Pros • Significant genetic awareness — on par with seedstock operators. • EPDs and selection indexes can be generated across all females or an entire operation. • EPDs and selection indexes allow for more precise decisions on heifer selection, mating, and marketing. • Cost can be low when viewed on a per-cow basis through some genetic evaluation providers. • Robust software, system support, and technical assistance available through some genetic evaluation providers. Cons • Greater time and labor commitment for data collection and reporting. • Greater learning curve to understand the reporting software. • Cost can be variable depending upon the provider. Upon first glance, the demands of data reporting through a structured genetic evaluation are foreign to many commercial operations; however, many thorough and progressive producers are already capturing a large portion of the information needed — and often more. Seedstock operators should encourage their elite customers to consider this step. It empowers their customers and also provides an avenue to get more information regarding their own genetics into a genetic evaluation. All parties benefit from enhanced data collection, in particular, hard-to-capture phenotypes. The commercial customer gains more insight into their own ranch and is better equipped to determine the next step in their genetic purchases. This holds the seedstock operation more accountable for continuing to improve if they are to service that customer. In turn, the seedstock operator has greater knowledge to better consult and guide the commercial operation. April 2020

Approach B: Bull knowledge and commercial DNA tests

side. The sample is sent to a commercial lab and results returned on a simplified scale. • Provides information to make heifer retention decisions. It can be used on terminal calves, but that is usually price prohibitive. In lieu of sampling terminal calves, samples taken on replacement heifer prospects are usually viewed as a proxy for the terminal calves. Cons • Does not take into account the genetic awareness derived from pedigree and performance knowledge. • Is better served as an in-herd comparison than an industry-wide comparison. • Moderate expense. Return on investment should be considered. • Moderate knowledge. BIF’s guiding policy makes the limitations of this approach clear: “BIF believes that information from DNA tests only has value in selection when incorporated with all other available forms of performance information for economically important traits in the National Cattle Evaluation (NCE), and when communicated in the form of an Expected Progeny Difference (EPD) with corresponding BIF accuracy. For some economically-important traits, information other than DNA tests may not be available.” In place of individual animal data collection, commercially available DNA tests can shed light on genetic differences in replacement candidates.

Approach D: Structured genetic evaluation using pedigrees, phenotypes, and genomic data This approach is the pinnacle of thorough genetic awareness. Of course, that brings with it the greatest demand of time and dollars. This approach allows a committed commercial operation to ultimately attain a similar level of genetic awareness with the most elite seedstock programs in the business. This approach isn’t for every commercial program, but where appropriate adds a unique level of knowledge and informed selection not possible with the other approaches. Pros • Greatest amount of genetic knowledge. With time can attain a similar level of genetic awareness of elite seedstock programs. • Provides powerful genetic insight for all facets of the operation Cons • Most expensive approach. This is still quite varied depending upon the genetic evaluation provider and the relationship with the genotyping lab. These costs will range from moderate to high. • Largest commitment of time and labor for data collection and reporting. • Learning curve for reporting software and DNA testing.

Midwest Beef Producer




Fact # 1. The fresh retail beef demand index value for 2019 was a 2.3% increase from last year and the highest since 2015. The most recent high in per capita beef consumption was in 2010. Beef consumption grew, and so did prices! In 2020 available beef supplies will be lower which will push cattle prices higher. Agriculture Chief Economist Robert Johansson projected an increase in USA agriculture exports at $139 billion with $40 billion going to China.


I’m going to share some boring facts with you that I did NOT get from the Iowans who couldn’t count the number of votes in our recent presidential primary for POTUS. I asked a friend who is a Bernie Sanders fan, if you can’t even count votes, how in the hell are you going to figure out to whom and when are you going to hand out all the free stuff that he’s promising? Her silence was deafening.

Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue expects exports to be much greater because the Japan free trade agreement should raise demand for U.S. meat. South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem challenged New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg to spend a day with a farmer, ride a horse, rope steers, drive GPS controlled tractors, program computer grain handling systems, and then internationally market their commodities, pay their bills and then continue to do what they do best— incredibly difficult work! Fact #2 America’s cowpokes and cattle feeders are producing more pounds

of healthy, good tasting beef with bigger cows, on fewer acres at lower prices (adjusted for inflation). Pasture management and environmental stewardship have also blossomed the past half century. Seedstock breeders genetic inputs have contributed a great deal to increasing weaning and final harvest weights, at younger ages. In other words— Doing more with less! Fact #3 Perhaps the best kept secret are the rural family’s children who have flourished and through osmosis have become some of the best citizens in the land. They won our nation’s wars, are our teachers, our 4-H leaders, our little league coaches, and our professors at Land Grant Universities. Fact #4 Mere words fail me to describe the good neighbor who knew when help was really needed, both physical chores and/or when a hug or prayer made the difference. I’d like to personally invite you to come and meet Team Nichols and their kids. Our Power bulls are a sight for sore eyes. Their dams are among the best cows that ever ate grass.



Mike Baczwaski Gibbon, NE • 800-445-0042 Fed Cows » Lean Cows » Bulls Chad McQuade Yankton, SD • 605-668-4275 Lean Cows » Bulls


Tyrel Lembke Long Prairie, MN • 877-300-9298 Lean Cows » Bulls



Dean Derricks Green Bay, WI • 920-436-6529 Holstein Steers » Fed Cows » Lean Cows Tim Schiefelbein Kimball, MN • 320-398-2700 Holstein Contracting Cody Ritter Long Prairie, MN • 320-293-5212 Holstein Steers » Bulls » Fed Cows » Lean Cows Collin Lyndorff Long Prairie, MN • 763-377-0034 Holstein Steers » Bulls » Fed Cows » Lean Cows


Midwest Beef Producer

April 2020

April 2020

Midwest Beef Producer




The Simmental cow can handle any environment. She’s built to last in heat, fescue or high altitudes. And thanks to the breed’s built-in adaptability, you can match Simmental genetics to your environment – SimAngus™, SimAngus HT, Simbrah or proven Simmental genetics. Meet America’s all-purpose cow – gentle and consistent, with calves that give the heterosis boost commercial cattlemen need to stay profitable. 10

Midwest Beef Producer


SIMMENTAL 406-587-4531 • simmental.org April 2020


Cow Born 1991 $W 28.00 $EN 33.00


2005 Paxton Daughter: $W 58.00, $EN $32.00

Linebred for Maternal Efficiency, Longevity, Performance and Predictable Uniformity!

APRIL 20, 2020

Marysville, KS




SALE Linebred for Maternal Efficiency, Longevity, Performance and Predictable Uniformity! Y


2005 Paxton Daughter: $W 58.00, $EN $32.00






Reg # 14940735 CED +14 • BW -1.3 WW +40 • YW +66 $W OCC +53 • $EN +34




proves he Progeny proves he’s one of theProgency is one of the best all around bulls in the best bulls in the Angus breed. Angus Breed. Reg# CED BW WW YW $W $EN


100 100 100

14940735 +13 -1.4 +39 +63 +59.10 +43.76

Two-Year-Old, 18-Month-Old Two-Year-Old & & Yearling Bulls 18-Month-Old


An “Industry Standard” for siring predictability and uniformity.

Registered Bulls and Commercial Females & Registered

Commercial An “Industry Standard” for siring Reg# 12514348 EMEN VAILABLE Females CED +9 predictability and uniformity. BW +0.4 On more than 30 OCC Bulls that WW +42 Reg # 12514348 YW +66 are breed-leading sires combining $W +47.41 CEDOCC +12 • BW +.3 Calving-Ease, Performance, $EN $EN +27.65 WWEMBLAZON +43 • YW 854E +67 and TRUE Fleshing ability. On more than 30 OCC bulls that are breed$W +46 • $EN +25 ® Basic Blacks and Angus II are trademarks of Ohlde Cattle Co.





Semen Available

OHLDE CATTLE CO.sires leading

combining Calving-Ease, MARYSVILLE, KANSAS Contact us for

Sale Books or Semen. Tim, Trudy, Jake and Jordon Ohlde Performance, $EN and TRUE fleshing ability. 1352 2nd Road • Palmer, Kansas 66962 Bid online Progency proves he BULL (639-2855) 1-800-NEW Email: ohldecat@ohldecattle.com is one of the best all

SELLING Increase cow Herd P rofIts by Two-Year-Old, 18-Month-Old REDUCING INPUT COSTS - $EN & Yearling Bulls around bulls in the Angus Breed. Reg# CED BW WW YW $W $EN


14940735 +13 -1.4 +39 +63 +59.10 +43.76

An “Industry Standard” for siring predictability and uniformity. 9 Year Old Cow


Reg# 12514348 CED +9 Year Old Cow BW +0.4 WW +42 YW +66 $W +47.41 $EN +27.65

100 100

Registered and Commercial Females


® Basic Blacks andAngus Angus II are ® Basic Blacks and II are trademarks Ohlde Cattle trademarks of of Ohlde Cattle Co. Co.

On more than 30 OCC Bulls that Linebred for Maternal Efficiency, Longevity, Performance, & Predictable Uniformity! are breed-leading sires combining Calving-Ease, Performance, $EN OCC Celebrating OCC - The “Original” Program and TRUE Fleshing ability. EMBLAZON 854E 30 Years!

April 2020

OHLDE CATTLE CO. OHLDE CATTLE CO. Tim, Trudy, Jake & Jordon Ohlde

Contact us for Sale Books or Semen.

Tim, Trudy, Jake and Jordon Ohlde 1362 2nd Rd | Palmer, KS 66962 1352 2nd Road • Palmer, Kansas 66962 1-800-NEW BULL (639-2855) Bid online 1-800-NEW BULL (639-2855) Email: ohldecat@ohldecattle.com Email: Tim ohldecat@ohldecattle.com Cell: 785.630.0523 | Trudy Cell: 785.630.0522 Midwest Beef Producer


DLCC - DarLynn Cattle Company

Over 30 Years in the Making “As seedstock breeders, Dar and Lynn Giess have developed one of the best South Devon herds in the world. Their cows excel maternally and have tremendous type and extremely sound udders. In addition, their herd offers a unique combination of low birth weight, good growth and excellent carcass merit. We are actively using the Giess’ South Devons in our program and have had tremendous success with them,” said Lee Leachman. Giess has built his ranch and name on South Devon cattle – a lesser-known English beef breed with a gentle disposition, noted for longevity and efficiency. The guiding principles to the DLCC cattle operation have remained a balanced genetic approach. By maintaining an


emphasis on growth and carcass merit, focusing on eye-appeal and udder quality while emphasizing the effects of hybrid vigor through the production of DLCC South Devon composites. The DLCC philosophy of cattle breeding is represented in every animal that is sold and DLCC takes pride in “producing honest cattle that give you real results.” The DLCC Ranch combines every tool at their disposal to gain a better understanding of the genetic traits of their cowherd. Including whole herd reporting with the North American South Devon Association (NASDA) since the mid-1990s. These data are now evaluated in the International Genetic Solutions (IGS) multi-breed genetic evaluation, for the production of EPD’s. IGS

Midwest Beef Producer

is a consortium of breed associations from North America and Australia including Simmental, Red Angus, Gelbvieh, Limousin, Salers and Shorthorn. This collaboration is an effort to greatly improve the power and accuracy of genetic predictions and EPD’s by merging databases from all of the partners into the world’s largest beef cattle evaluation on the planet. There are approximately 19 million animals and over 200,000 genotypes in the genetic evaluation which boasts the most advanced statistical models to date. (www.internationalgeneticsolutions.com) Other tools being utilized include fixed time AI since the early 2000’s, carcass ultrasound on all replacement heifers and bull calves for the past 20 years.

April 2020

of a True Family Business... In addition, feed efficiency and growth test of bulls at Midland Bull Test and Leachman Cattle of Colorado, index-based selection since 2011 using the Leachman dollar profit program and more recently adding disposition and feet and leg scoring to the mix. “Data is our lifeblood, and we use every tool at our disposal. We know through accurate record-keeping and whole herd reporting that we can build a sizable amount of knowledge to back our genetic selection decisions,” says Dar Giess. “This ensures we are producing the genetics that provide value to our commercial customers” By utilizing all of these tools, DLCC genetics has become synonymous with performance cattle exhibiting exceptional phenotypes, as demonstrat-

April 2020

ed by their many show ring championships. The popularity of DLCC genetics has grown immensely over the years. Recently they have been producing bulls for a research cycle at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center. However, DLCC makes their living selling bulls to commercial cattlemen across the country. They have sold to cattlemen from over 30 states, four Canadian provinces, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil and Paraguay. The annual spring

Midwest Beef Producer

sale coming in April (4/25/2020) is the pinnacle of years of breed development. The DLCC Ranch has hosted an annual bull sale for the past 27, including the first five years at the Black Hills Stock Show and all sales since at the home ranch near Pierz, MN. The sale has grown considerably,


DLCC Bindi 71X

originally offering 20 bulls and now selling 60 plus bulls and 30 females. In addition, 40 bulls are sold private treaty and in consigned sales. As an advocate for the beef industry, Dar is currently President of the North American South Devon Association, past President of the Minnesota State Cattlemen’s Association, World South Devon Society and Mississippi Valley Cattlemen’s Association. He currently serves on the NCBA Trade Committee, Executive Board of the Minnesota Beef Expo and is the World South Devon Society US representative. Mark Goodrich, Deputy General Manager of Competition at the Minnesota State Fair, said it best about Dar’s commitment to the cattle industry: “Dar is bigger than life to young, upcoming


DLCC Copy Cat 69C

cattle people who hope to achieve even a small amount of what Dar has accomplished, while experienced cattle people look to him for guidance and inspiration to advance their established cattle efforts and ambitions. Dar’s innovative and forward-thinking process challenges those around him to stretch and build upon traditional thoughts and actions in the cattle industry. His enthusiasm for all things cattle is contagious and has motivated many bystanders into action.” As a family business, the extra effort is made to address the ever-changing needs of the operation and the customers it serves. Actively involved in the

Midwest Beef Producer

DLCC Derby 64D

operation are Lane (son), Kate (daughter-in-law) and Leah (daughter). Lane and Kate live in Manhattan, Kansas where Kate works as the Account Manager for LivestockDirect. Lane received his Bachelor’s in Animal Science in 2015 and his Master’s in Animal Breeding & Genetics in 2017, both from Kansas State University. Lane is currently the Director of Commercial and Nontraditional Data Programs at the American Simmental Association. Leah graduated from Kansas State University in 2019

April 2020

DLCC Dodge City

DLCC Tami 29T

with a degree in Agricultural Communications and Journalism. She currently works for Swanson Russell, a fully-integrated business marketing agency, as a public relations writer for agricultural clients in the Omaha, NE office. Dar Giess and his wife, Lynn, own DLCC Ranch – a 700-acre operation in rural Pierz, Minnesota with a South Devon and South Devon composite rolling herd of 500 head. They grow 60 acres of corn for silage and the remainder of the land is used for hay and pasture. They also rent land to sustain their herd. “We do everything,” said Giess, president of the North American South Devon Association. “We clip the bulls ourselves. We advertise the bulls ourselves. We also have a couple of friends who help us considerably here and there, but we really don’t go outside of the family for work to be done.” “It’s not an ‘I’ operation, it’s a ‘we’ operation. My family and I developed this together and worked hard to make it what it is today,” Giess concluded.

Visit them at:

www.dlccranch.com April 2020

Midwest Beef Producer


2020 Apr 1 Apr 1 Apr 1 Apr 1 Apr 1 Apr 2 Apr 2 Apr 2 Apr 2 Apr 2 Apr 2 Apr 2 Apr 2 Apr 3 Apr 3 Apr 3 Apr 3 Apr 3 Apr 3 Apr 3 Apr 3 Apr 3 Apr 4 Apr 4 Apr 4 Apr 4 Apr 4 Apr 4 Apr 4 Apr 4 Apr 4 Apr 4 Apr 4 Apr 4 Apr 4 Apr 4 Apr 4 Apr 5 Apr 5 Apr 5 Apr 6 Apr 6 Apr 6 Apr 6 Apr 6 Apr 6 Apr 6 Apr 6 Apr 6 Apr 7 16

Huckfeldt/Turner Bull Sale, Ogallala, NE Kansas Bull Test Sale, Beloit, KS Nissen Angus Bull Sale, Chinook, MT Schelske Angus, Huron, SD Southard Ranches, Wheatland, WY A&B Cattle, Bassett, NE Arntzen Angus Bull Sale,Hilger, MT Bar 69 Angus Ranch Bull Sale, Belle Fourche, SD Fox’s Angus Farm Annual Production Sale, Watertown, SD Hunter Angus, Fair Grove, MO Kaiser Angus Ranch, Park, KS MBCIA, Jackson, MN The Final Sort 2020 Midland Bull Test Sale, Columbus, MT Ade Polled Herefords Sale, Amsterdam, MO Dethlefs Angus Ranch, Loup City, NE Gardiner Angus Ranch, Ashland, KS Kammerer Livestock 14th Annual Bull Sale St. Onge, SD Meyer Cattle Co., Curryville, MO Midland Bull Test Angus Day, Columbus, MT Prairie View Farms, Gridley, IL SDSU Angus Bull Sale, Brookings, SD Spring Lake Angus, Lynch, NE Big Country Charolais Genetics Bull Sale, Powell, WY Brooks‘ Chalky Butte Angus Ranch, Bowman, ND DeBruycker Charolais 36th Annual Bull Sale, Great Falls, MT Four States Angus Ass‘n Sale, Springfield, MO Haugestuen Ranches Build Your Herd, Barron, WI Iowa Angus Ass‘n Bull Test Sale, Lamoni, IA Kraye Angus, Mullen, NE Paint Valley and Byuland Shorthorns, “A New Brand” Bull Sale, Millersburg, OH Panther Creek Ranch, Bowen, IL Reisig Angus, Hardin, MT Ridder Farms/MBS Charolais Quality + Performance White & Red Bull Sale, Hermann, MO Southern Cattle Co., Powell, WY Southern Indiana Angus Ass‘n Sale, Little York, IN Vaughan Family Ranch Bull Sale, El Dorado, KS WBIA Bull Test Sale, Platteville, WI Crouch Valley Angus Bull Sale Glenwood, IA Marks Family Purebreds, Waverly, IA Northern IN Angus Breeders‘ Sale, Logansport, IN Brockmere PT Bull Sale, Brookfield, MO (New Cambria, MO) Gollaher Angus Ranch Bull Sale, Cascade, MT Green Garden Angus, Ellsworth, KS Herbster Angus Farms 9th Annual Bull & Female Sale, Marysville, KS Miller Angus of Draper, Presho, SD Northern Plains Simmentals Production Sale, Rugby, ND Stewart Select Angus, Greensburg, IN Weber Charolais & Red Angus Annual Meat & Muscle Bull Sale, Lake Andes, SD Windmill Angus, Haigler, NE Barta Angus Bull Sale, Little River, KS (Lyons, KS)

Apr 7 Coleman Limousin Ranch 42nd Annual Sale, Missoula MT Apr 7 Daigger-Orr Angus, North Platte, NE Apr 7 Hinman Angus, Malta, MT Apr 7 Hubert Charolais Ranch 41st Annual Bull & Female Sale, Monument, KS Apr 7 Lowderman Cattle Co. Spring Online Sale (Illinois) Apr 8 Dybdal Charolais 9th Annual Bull & Female Sale, Laurel, NE Apr 8 Pass Creek Angus Ranch, Wyola, MT Apr 9 Montana Northern Premier Bull Sale, Chinook, MT Apr 9 Smith Valley Angus, Salem, MO Apr 9 Sonderup Charolais Ranch Inc. 38th Annual Bull Sale, Fullerton, Neb. Apr 9 Wulf Cattle Opportunity Sale, Atkinson, NE Apr 10 Cardinal Charolais Annual Bull Sale, Hillrose, CO Apr 10 Regency Acres, Sidney, MT Apr 10 Rock Lake Land & Cattle Sale, Wheatland, WY Apr 11 C&C Performance Breeders‘ Angus Sale, Tina, MO Apr 11 Cardinal Charolais Annual Bull Sale, Hillrose, CO Apr 11 Dandy Acres Angus, Pipestone, MN Apr 11 Fink Beef Genetics Bull Sale, Randolph, KS Apr 11 Fink Beef Genetics Charolais & Angus Spring Bull Sale, Randolph, Kan. Apr 11 Hebbert Charolais 38th Annual Bull Sale, Hyannis, NE Apr 11 Indianhead Polled Hereford Association Sale, River Falls, WI Apr 11 Montgomery Angus, Carrington, ND Apr 11 Prairie Valley Farm Charolais Bull Sale, Platte, SD Apr 11 Rambur Charolais 42nd Annual Bull Sale, Sidney, MT Apr 11 Sandrock Ranch Bull Sale, Benton, WI Apr 11 Shady Brook Angus Farm, Leoma, TN Apr 11 The Renaissance 28th Anniversary Edition Sale, Stafford, MO Apr 11 Thorstenson Hereford Ranch Bull Sale, Selby, SD Apr 11 Woodhill Farms Annual Bull Sale Viroqua, WI Apr 13 Bakers Lemar Angus Ranch, Saint Onge, SD Apr 13 Eggleston Charolais 35th Annual Bull Sale, Huron, SD Apr 13 Hillside Angus Online Sale, Pierce City, MO Apr 14 Hilltop Angus, Denton, MT Apr 14 Oakwater Ranch 37th Annual Bull Sale, Valentine, NE Apr 14 Sydenstricker Angus Genetic Influence Sale, New Cambria, MO Apr 14 Thomas Ranch 48th Annual Bull Sale, Harrold, SD Apr 14 Wagner Charolais 9th Annual Bull Sale, Nunn, CO Apr 15 Aufforth Northern Plains Northwest Bull Fest, Burlington, ND Apr 15 Checkerhill Angus Online Sale, West Plains, MO Apr 15 Milk River Angus Ass‘n Bull Sale, Chinook, MT Apr 15 Peterson‘s L7 Bar Limousin 42nd Annual Production Sale, Pukwana SD Apr 15 Schaack Ranch, Wallace, SD Apr 16 Arrow Brand, Devils Lake, ND Apr 16 Big Dry Angus Bull Sale, Glasgow, MT Apr 16 Devries Angus Annual Production Sale, Huron, SD Apr 16 IBEP Winter Bull Test Sale, Springville, IN Apr 17 Kirkwood ICA Bull Sale, Cedar Rapids, IA

Midwest Beef Producer

April 2020

2020 Apr 18 Apr 18 Apr 18 Apr 18 Apr 18 Apr 18 Apr 18 Apr 18 Apr 18 Apr 20 Apr 20 Apr 21 Apr 22 Apr 23 Apr 23 Apr 24 Apr 24 Apr 25 Apr 25 Apr 25 Apr 25 Apr 25 Apr 25

Barnes Herefords/White Hawk Ranch Spring Female Sale, Cedartown, GA Bradley Cattle Bred Heifer Sale, Springfield, MO East Central Missouri Angus Ass‘n Sale,Cuba, MO Express Ranches Grass Time Sale, Yukon, OK Feiring Angus/Ash Coulee Angus, Powers Lake, ND Lindskov-Thiel Ranch 39th Annual Bull Sale, Isabel, SD St. Croix Valley Bull Test Sale, River Falls, WI Stuber Ranch Production Sale, Bowman, ND TL Ranch Sale,Monticello, MO Jorgensen Land & Cattle, Ideal, SD Ohlde Cattle Co., Marysville, KS Treasure Test Bull Sale,Great Falls, MT Opp Angus Ranch, Dickinson, ND Mangen Angus Bull Sale, Broadus, MT, (Belle Fourche, SD) Prairie Pride Angus, Jamestown, ND Medicine Rocks Angus Bull Sale, Baker, MT, (Bowman, ND) Thorstenson Herefords Bull Sale, Selby, SD DLCC Ranch Hallstrand Angus, Prentice, WI Weiker Angus/Wintergreen Farm Spring Dispersion, Fayette, MO Wicks Angus Ranch Bull Sale, Carpenter, SD Wienk Charolais Ranch 51st Annual Bull Sale, Lake Preston, SD Windy Hill Charolais 23rd Annual Gateway Production Sale, Cedar Hill, MO

Apr 25 WR Bar 28th Annual Production Sale, Pequot Lakes, MN Apr 27 ND Angus Bull Test Sale, Dickinson, ND Apr 28 Currant Creek Angus, Miles City, MT Apr 28 Grasstime Bull Sale, Billings, MT Apr 28 Vollmer Angus Ranch, Wing, ND May 1 Knoxville ICA Bull Test Sale, Knoxville, IA May 2 Emerald Lane Angus Sale, Edgar, WI May 2 Flying W Ranch 45th Annual Production Sale, Pequot Lakes, MN May 2 Grand Hills Cattle Bull Sale, Eaton, Colo. May 3 Baxter Angus Bull Sale at the ranch Rockham, SD May 4 Spickler Ranch South, Glenfield, ND May 6 McDonnell Angus SD Bull Sale,Bowman, ND May 7 Kopriva Ranch, Raymond, SD May 7 Paint Rock Angus, Hyattville, WY May 8 Duppong‘s Willow Creek Farm, Glen Ullin, ND May 8 Spur Ranch Female Sale,Vinita, OK May 9 Country Lane Farm, Ringle, WI May 9 Mead Farms Female Sale, Versailles, MO May 11 Gardiner Angus Ranch Bull Sale, Ashland, KS May 11 Wendel Livestock, Lamoure, ND May 17 Heuchert‘s Willow Creek Ranch, Devils Lake, ND May 23 Soaring Eagle Farms, Springfield, MO May 30 Lorenzen Farms Production Sale, Chrisman, IL May 30 Shaw Cattle Co. Female Sale, Caldwell, Jun 1 Bruner Angus, at Rugby Livestock, Rugby, ND Jun 1 Sunnyslope Angus. Lanesboro, MN Jun 7 Hawkeye Country Angus

“COMBO”— Haul it or Feed it, Wherever you Need it — Quick & E-Z!

When feeding cattle, saving hay & labor is a matter of good stewardship! “My cows don’t waste enough hay to lay on anymore.” R.M., Dardanelle, AR

“I really like my Bale Carrier/Feeder. It pulls nice and handles well. It doesn’t waste much hay. Everybody that has seen it is impressed. I wish I had a couple more; it’s just fabulous!” - J.T., Austin, TX “Hauling & feeding round bales with the CF890 saves hay & makes my job much easier. I’m going to replace my portable bunk feeders.” - W.W., Glen Haven, WI Self-Adjusting Feeder Panels

Feeding 8 bales

You could pay up to $12,000 for two competitive four-bale feeders and one bale carrier…Or you can buy the “dual purpose” Carrier/Feeder that feeds 8 bales & carries 11 bales (as pictured) for only $4,900/unit. “The concept is terrific. I am a cattlewoman who farms alone. I also represent NY on the cattlemen’s beef board. The CF-890 is the answer for feeding my cattle, esp. when I’m away for 5 days at a time.” - E.S., Cameron, NY

“We had such a rough winter that I had to use 2 CF890s to keep my cows fed. Winter or summer it’s a good working all-purpose trailer. We haul our bales quite a distance. I wish it were 3 feet longer so I could haul 12 big bales. It has plenty of strength.” - L.D., Gary, SD Feeder Panels Included


Hauling 11 bales April 2020

Midwest Beef Producer


Not All Methods of Castration by Ligation Are Equal Properly tensioned band is critical By Rachel Dodd Proper tension is essential in ligating a body part. Studies of high-tension banding have demonstrated that the complete negation of blood flow triggers a natural analgesic effect that reduces pain, while minimizing swelling and related complications. This effect is called compression analgesic. Compression analgesic was the term used by researchers in New Zealand when developing a humane and drugfree method of velvet antler removal. Without a band placed below the antler pedicle, the level of pain when removing the antler was excruciating (full body movement); with a properly tensioned Callicrate VELVET ANTLER Band, the level of pain was undetectable (no eye movement).

Callicrate Banders, recommended by veterinarians and animal handling specialists worldwide since 1995, are the most humane and effective castration tools on the market. Due to emphasis on high-tension ligation, the banders excel at achieving a tight band every time. Easy-to-read tension indicators


More information can be found at www. callicratebanders.com, or email rachel@ nobull.net, or call 785-332-3344

Keyes Angus private treaty bull sale Featuring yearling sons out of Bear Mtn Justify. This bull is the total package with +11 CED | -0.3 BW | +73 WW | +138 YW | +36 MILK +68 $M | +89 $W | $138 $B

Reg: AAA 18886273

Also selling two-year-olds and yearlings out of Bennett Fortress, HA Cowboy Up, Connealy Ruger and more.

Visit our website for more information and pictures to come—www.KeyesAngus.com.

Call Kevin at 402/677-0512.

The Callicrate WEE Bander, as with the Callicrate SMART Bander and the Callicrate PRO Bander, also provides compression analgesic. It is the only castration tool for newborns that achieves a level of tension sufficient to shut off the blood supply, while providing immediate pain relief. Proper tension is achieved with every application. Managing stress is especially important with calves, lambs, and kids in developing healthy immune systems essential to a healthy drug-free life. Another advantage of the WEE Bander - you do not have to worry about incomplete castration when a testicle slips back up above the band. Keeping both testicles below the band with the elastrator pliers and ‘cheerio’ rings is a challenge. The elastrator ring is inexpensive but fails to provide sufficient tension for either proper ligation or pain relief. Other castration products on the market are either bigger versions of the elastrator ring or depend on operator hand strength for tightening, failing to provide the proper tension.

ensure the correct tightness, essential to minimizing discomfort and reducing complications.

bear mtn justify

Kevin & Teresa Keyes 16402 S. 111th St. | Springfield, NE 68059 402/677-0512 Bulls KeyesAngus@gmail.com

developed on high-forage, no-starch diets.

Find us on Facebook.



CASTRATION Tensioned Loop for Newborns



DELAYED CASTRATION Built-in Cutter Self-locking Loop


CallicrateBanders.com Made In USA

Midwest Beef Producer

April 2020

WR BAR Bullseye 987

“We built our new ABS Global Calf Facility in the summer of 2016. This was the first time we utilized anything except steel at one of our facilities and it was a hard sell to the staff. However, after meeting with Travis at TJ’s Fencing in Harpers Ferry, and having him bring a gate home to show the staff, we were sold. We utilize more than 200 different sizes of gates, all purchased from TJ’s Fencing and installed by Cliff ’s Incorporated from Friesland, WI. The gating is holding up very well. We intend to expand our calf facility this summer and will definitely continue utilizing TJ’s Fencing for the gating.” - Jim Meronek, Health Assurance, Production and Supply Chain Director ABS Global, Inc DeForest, WI

AAA# 19637640

WR BAR Daredevil 981 AAA# 19637638

40 Angus Bulls - 30 Angus Heifers Sired By:

Connealy Black Granite KM Broken Bow 002 TEX Playbook 5437 Hoover Bullseye N492 VAR Commotion 6556 SAW Payweight 619 BACH Daredevil 640

Call or Text

for Sale Book!


Call or check our website for dealers & all our other products!


Midwest Beef Producer


Homeland Security: Agriculture Jobs Are ‘Essential’

Other categories CISA has listed as essential critical infrastructure workers include: 1. Health Care/Public Health 2. Law Enforcement, Public Safety, First Responders 3. Food and Agriculture 4. Energy 5. Water and Wastewater 6. Transportation and Logistics 7. Public Works 8. Communications and Information Technology 9. Other Community-Based Government Operations and Essential Functions 10. Critical Manufacturing 11. Hazardous Materials 12. Financial Services 13. Chemical 14. Defense Industrial Base

Rhonda Brooks Farmers and ranchers are now on the front lines when it comes to fighting the impact of COVID-19, thanks to a decision by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). The agency is recognizing thousands of jobs in agriculture and related fields as “essential critical infrastructure workers.” “Everyone from the people who supply the inputs to the farmers and producers who grow the food and care for animals are considered essential workers now,” reported Clinton Griffiths, anchor and executive producer for AgDay Television, earlier Monday. Concerns about how to prepare for the upcoming planting season, in particular, have weighed heavily on many members of the agriculture industry, including Clint Deitch, owner of Crop Partners, Norborne, Mo. “A couple of weeks ago we were PREMIUM AUTOMATIC thinking, ‘How do we get everything here that we needed here?’ Now, WATERERS knowing that they’ve deemed agriculture a critical industry, that means everything we need will get here and the farmers will be able to plant their seed.” Why not veterinarians? Some invaluable members of the agriculture industry not yet formally identified as “essential” across all states are veterinarians. California, Illinois and Nevada are three states that have formally deemed them as such, and “there may be other states as well,” Michael San Filippo shared with Bovine Veterinarian on Monday, via email. “New York is allowing for ‘emergency veterinary and livestock services,’” added Filippo, senior media relations specialist for the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). Many bovine veterinarians across the country continue to make onfarm calls to treat livestock, given Ritchie manufactures a complete line of livestock watering products with the the difficulty involved in trying to highest specifications in the industry. From a single horse Stall Fount to a diagnose health issues and treat fountain that waters up to 500 head, Ritchie fountains are top quality. Plus, large animals remotely. every Ritchie fountain is backed by our 10 year limited warranty. For more San Filippo reports that the information contact us at: AVMA has developed a document about why veterinary services Carlson Wholesale - 800-669-4038 should be classified as “essential” and shared it with all 50 U.S. govwww.carlsonwholesale.net ernors. The document is available @carlsonwholesale here: https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/animal-health-and-welfare/covid-19/veterinary-practices-are-essential-businesses. 20

Midwest Beef Producer

April 2020

Sale at the Ranch Lunch - 12:00 • Sale - 1:00 pm

130 Angus Yearlings 80 Powerful Bulls 50 Fancy Open Replacement Heifers

Call, write, or email us anytime. Dustin Wiese: (218) 537-0096 Eldon Wiese: (218) 820 4073 Cody Wiese: (218) 232-8601 Email: codyawiese@gmail.com 3412 64th St. SW Pequot Lakes MN 56472 Auctioneer - Seth Weishaar: (605) 210-1124 April 2020

Midwest Beef Producer Find us at FLYINGWRANCHLLC.COM


Ad Index American Foods Group.................................... 8 American Simmental Assoc............................10 Baxter Angus.................................................. 21 Callicrate Banders...........................................18 Carlson Wholesale..........................................20 Dairyland Supply............................................ 22 DLCC Ranch.................................................. 24 EZ Trail Inc.....................................................17 Flying W Ranch..............................................21 Herbster Angus Farms...................................2-3 Highway Sales Inc.......................................... 23 Keyes Angus................................................... 18 L & H Branding Irons.....................................22 Ohlde Cattle.................................................... 11 OK Enterprises............................................... 22 Rawhide Portable Corral.................................. 5 Schweiss Doors.............................................. 22 TJ‘s Fencing....................................................19 Westway Feeds................................................. 9 WR Bar Ranch................................................19

• Buying & Selling JD 5400,5830 & 6000,7000 Series Cutters & Parts • Selection of Hay, Corn & Kemper Heads Available • 40 & 56 Knife Dura Drums Conversions • Check our Website for more Equipment!


OK Enterprises LLC, Mountain Lake, MN 507-427-3520 • www.ok-enterprise.com

OK Enterprises.indd 1

4/22/2016 3:48:17 PM

Artex SB Series Spreader

900T Supreme TMR Mixer

This is quite simply the most advanced, best built manure spreader you’re ever going to see. Now, do you want one this tough? Well, that all depends on how often you like to buy them.

The World’s Best TMR Processor. Supreme offers a full line of pull-type, stationary, and truck-mount mixers from 285 to 1,585 cu. Ft. with every unit custom designed and built.

Dairyland Supply Off I-94 on the corner of Hwy. 28 & 71 So. Sauk Centre, MN

800-338-6455 or 320-352-3987 www.dairylandsupply.com Financing Available


Roto-Mix Commercial Feed Delivery Boxes

5290 Hagedorn Hydra-Spread Spreader

Truck or trailer options. 760 cu. Ft. – 1900 cu. Ft. Ez-Adjust floor take-ups. Triple feed beater. Belt or chain delivery. Hydraulic tailgate. Delivers feed or stockpiles commodities.

Hydraulic push gate and end gate. Poly floor and side boards. Replaceable beater paddles. High ground clearance. Simple hydraulics. Infinite push gate speed adjustment. Sizes range from 285-550 Bu.

Midwest Beef Producer

April 2020


CLASS A – CDL TRUCK DRIVERS: Buy your own truck!

Have a preferred make, model, and mileage? We have what you’re looking for.

2015 FREIGHTLINER CASCADIA Detroit DD13, 410 HP, 10 Spd, Air Ride Susp., 220” WB, 72” Raised Roof Double Bunk Sleeper

2015 FREIGHTLINER CASCADIA 113 113 Detroit DD13 12.8 Liter 410 HP • EPA 2010 Emission Level • Eaton Fuller FRO-15210B 10spd Overdrive Manual Trans • Jacobs Compression Brake • 3.21 Rear Ratio • A/C • Meritor Wabco OnGuard Collision Warning And Mitigation System • All Alum Rims • 8 Rear Axle Tires • Single 150 Gallon Fuel Tank • Single 23 Gallon Diesel Exhaust Fluid Tank • LED Low Beam And High Beam Headlights • Dual Air Ride Seats • Power Steering • AM/FM/WB/SiriusXM Radio With CD Player

2015 FREIGHTLINER CASCADIA 113 Detroit, DD13, 10 Spd, Air Ride Susp., A/C, All Aluminum Rims, 220” Wheelbase, Espar In-Cab Heater

2016 FREIGHTLINER Detroit DD13 12.8 ltr 410 Hp, 10 Spd Manuals and 12 spd Automatics Available

2016 KENWORTH T680 Paccar, MX13, 10 Spd, 76” Aerodyne Double Bunk Sleeper

Take control of your future and buy one of our trucks today.

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Highway Sales has been helping truck drivers like you for over 30 years. We can help get you into the perfect truck. That means you can hit the road and start earning right now.

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Call now and

April 2020

DRIVEMidwest LIKE A BOSS. Beef Producer


D LCC R A N CH South Devons




S ta b i l iz e r s

Genetics Matter. Use an Outcross. We believe in strengthening our customers bottom line through science and crossbreeding. We know South Devons bring you added value for economical traits while remaining an English Outcross which fit any production scenario. We are proud of the cattle we have been raising and improving for over 30 years.

The DLCC 28th ANNUAL PRODUCTION SALE Saturday, April 25th | 3 p.m. At the ranch near Pierz, MN

Request a Catalog Visit our Website Dar: 320.249.2130 24

www.DLCCRanch.com Midwest Beef Producer

Lane: 320.293.1647 April 2020

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