November 2022 - American Beef Producer Magazine

Page 22

• Pull on highway at speed limit.

• Fits through any gate your pickup will.

• Stable on uneven terrain.

• Permanent sheeted adjustable alley.

• Transport wheels are permanent, no sliding off the axles and rolling out of the way.

• Wheels on each panel and electric over hydraulic jack eliminates lifting— saves time.

• Frame gates for sorting.

The First Hydraulic Corral and still the Largest!
Rawhide Portable Corral 900 NORTH WASHINGTON ST., ABILENE, KS 67410 785.263.3436 3 Sizes Available!
Tim McCray Ad Sales and Traffic Manager 651-917-4093 American Beef Producer (ISSN 1551-2339) is owned, produced and published monthly, except for a combined May-June issue and no July issue, by American Beef Producer, Inc, PO Box 280, Cottage Grove, MN 55016. Printed in the U.S.A. Periodicals postage paid at St. Louis, MO and other entry points. Subscription Memberships are $30 yearly, payable at POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Marcomm Publishing, PO Box 280, Cottage Grove, MN 55016-0280 Derek Sample Publisher, Editor, Photographer 307-213-9975 8 Derek and the Doggos : Sitz Angus and Shipwheel Cattle - by Derek Sample, ABP 16 Bull Sales : Calendar List! 22 Fall Tours Highlights : Badlands Angus Tour Part 1 - by Tim McCray, ABP Doug Ward Ad Sales & Ring Service 507-273-7465 Bruce Complaints, HR, Circulation, Pencil sharpener, Covid Tester 888-GROUCHY Walter Taylor Ad Sales 509-549-3083 GUIDING BEEF PRODUCERS FOR OVER 30 YEARS Volume XXX Number 4 November 2022 "Never ask how stupid someone is 'cuz they'll turn around and show you" ON THE COVER: Hiking up the Bear Paw Mountains to check the cattle Shipwheel Cattle, Chinook, MT (their story & Bull Sale Ad pages 9-11) PHOTO by : Derek Sample Take a Look Inside! ABP AMERICAN BEEF PRODUCER PO Box 280, Cottage Grove. MN 55016 View this issue online: Independently Owned and Operated! DerekSamplePhotography Scan for Free Subscribtion <--Here

M U S G R A V E P R I M L A S S I E 3 2


h e p r o l i f i c d a m o f M u s g r a v e R o b R o y , t h i s f a b u l o u s d a u g h t e r o f S t u n n e r r a n k s a s o n e o f t h e b e s t y o u n g f e m a l e s i n o u r h e r d S e l l i n g e m b r y o s s i r e d b y M u s g r a v e M i l e s t o n e , H a r t S h o w c a s e , C o l e m a n G a l a c t

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On the way to the fall cattle tours, I had a great visit with Christensen Genetics in Idaho (see their arti cle in our October issue). After that I made my way to Sitz Angus in Dillon, MT. About halfway there I found that I seemed to be leading a rainstorm their way so I thought I'd give Jim a call to make sure we're still good. "Bring that rain with ya" he said. So I call my soaked pups back into the truck and we trudge onward while the heavy rain makes that sorely missed clackety-clack on my truck's roof. Funny how I didn’t realize how much I missed that sound that I haven't heard for a while. Then, just as I arrived, the rain took a hard left as I took a right and met up with Jim, who had hoped for my magical rainstorm to appear.

We hopped in his truck and I got a quick tour of his Dillon ranch. His son Tyler was replacing some old fencelines with new and improved and Jim also pointed out where the McCoys had their ranch, who I know from back home where Dave McCoy founded the mountain town that I live in. Next up was a stop at the office for some Cowboy Whiskey (Pendleton, of course) and we proceeded to bend elbows and tell story about how we each got here. What I learned about Jim is that this is pure passion. His face lights up when you talk cattle and his stories are all about trading cattle and improving his genetics. Sitz genetics are legendary and come from 99 years of Angus seed stock and everywhere I go there's 1 or 2 Sitz bulls, or 20. Then, just as the liquid courage kicked in, Jim got a text and it was time to go pick up his kids. With that, he texts me a GPS location and says to show up there at his Jackson ranch 6 am tomorrow. I'm game. As I’m one to stay ahead of things, I drove the 90 minutes there that evening in order to scout the area and some golden hour photos. This alluring area is known as the Big Hole Valley and it made my inner voice sang hallelujah. It’s seductive in an old cowboy western saga sort of way. There's a magical view in every direction, if you can see past the million or so bales of timothy hay (wild guess), which, by the way, only has an 18day growing season here. Jackson is idyllic & rough, surrounded by the Beaverhead mountains and in the middle of the state's highest valley along the Big Hole River. I was hooked.

After a quick drive through town, I ended up on an abandoned mining road to find some privacy for

Derek & the Doggos visit Sitz Angus & Shipwheel Cattle written, photographed and illustrated by Derek Sample. While on the way to the Fall Cattle Tours...
Sitz Angus Dillon, Montana

the evening. I ran the dogs under the starry night, powered up the Starlink to catch up with emails, and then slept with my 2 warm snoring compan ions in the back seat. 6 am came quick though and without any coffee, I made it on time. 330 calves were to be weaned that day and the process looked much more pro than practice. Here's where I meet Tammi, Jim's wife, and other trusted people in their circle that make this smooth as butta. Tyler does the branding, Tammy the entries, Joe the numbers, everybody had a job to do. Mine was to stay out of the way but I also have a camera that likes to be nosy. Tammi occasionally jumped on her horse to herd some newbies in (Tammi's on the front cover

of our October issue). This team is impressive. A family that works together like this ought to be. SITZ bulls are bred for the success of the commer cial cowman! Annually they offer 450+ rugged, stout, PAP tested 2-year old bulls and 400+ bred heifers and commercial cows. Join them this December 1st for their Fall Bull & Female Sale at their ranch in Harrison.

Chinook, Montana

Shipwheel Cattle is in north northern Montana and is one of the cleanest, most organized ranches I've ever been to. This is a ranch that's planned and strategic in every corner, every inch has a purpose. I've met Klint and Lori Swanson before, but this was a great time to sit down and just talk. After 45 minutes of laughs and family story, I learned that Bree has become the family photographer (she is very talented) let alone an exemplary volleyball player at school. She will be the homecoming queen this year which wasn’t a surprise. Their son Austin, a quiet young man with a very adventurous spir it, is the big rig driver who makes frequent round trips for the farm's feed and supply. He's also an aspiring bronc rider and competes in local arenas with frequent success. Of course, Lori and Klint are concerned but Austin is, after all, taking after his Dad who was a popular bronc rider himself back in the day. The whole family will be leaving soon to watch Austin ride tonight (he placed 4th). Then I got a short tour and a long tour. Side-by-sidin’ around their Chinook Ranch was the first phase. They’re building some new structures for their bull sale coming this December, mixin’ the feed, wor kin' the bulls and theor bulls look great. When I

Shipwheel Cattle Company

visit ranches as often as I do, I can see right away what’s good and bad and Klint’s bulls are stunning.

The long tour was a half-hour drive over to the Bear Paw mountains where their other ranch is nestled in a long valley surrounded by marvelous mountain peaks. This area is riveting. I want to come back here to stay at the ranch house, and I’ll work the ranch in return (I do have some skills). Waking up to these views for more than a few days, I’d work real hard. As I’m sure they were getting tired of listening to my ‘oohs and aaahs’, it was about time for the Swanson family to go and sup port bronc ridin’ Austin. But before I go, Lori wanted to be sure I meet her horses. Beautiful and personable, they loved attention. Each one was Lori's pride and joy, and it showed. The smile on her face when standing in the middle of this string was aglow. Then let's not forget to visit their Longhorn and a Highland who were brought to the ranch for a better (great) life. These 2 besties live on their own part of the ranch. Both ooze so much character that it showed in every shot. Klint jokes that these two aren’t Angus, so they're not part of the family…though that wink in his eye meant all cattle are family. Klint comes from quite a strong cattle background, generations of well known cattle ranchers.

His grandpa was one of the first cowmen to bring the Angus cow to Northern Montana in 1945. So for Klint, cattle is life, and he's about as cowboy as you get. There’s that signature black hat and his commit ment to buck up and let his Angus speak for them selves. It's fascinating to listen to Klint talk. He knows the breed inside and out and I learned more in 20 minutes than in the last 3 years since I took over this magazine from my father. Everybody I talk to knows Shipwheel, and that Klint is an Angus leader. As a fun experiment, I wore Shipwheel’s new red, white & blue cap (yea I liked it so I wore it every day, you need one too) during the ND Angus tour that was after this visit. I was easily stopped every hour or so with questions about the Swansons and Shipwheel. “How's their Angus lookin' this year?”, "I would sure like one of his bulls!" Well, the experiment worked. Ship wheel's bulls are known to regularly exceed the norm, transcend the best, and now we know they have a fan club. So that means you need to be at their Bull Sale this December 14th at their ranch in Chinook, MT!

December 14, 2022 Klint & Lori Austin & Bree (406) 357-2492 Selling 100 — 18 month old bulls 100 — Bred heifers 50 — Bred aged cows 1pm MST U2 Coalition 206C Basin Rainmaker 4404 Sons by: Plus other sires: Coleman Bravo, Musgrave Exclusive, Shipwheel Keystone 7543, KG Justified, Pine Coulee Drifter Chinook, MT Swanson family Visit us online: Shipwheel Dreamer 8522
13 BW +1.6 WW+78 YW+131 Milk+34 BW +1.6 WW+60 YW+111 Milk+36 Lot 1: S Architect 1793 #20089965 S Architect 9501 x Connealy Intrinsic x GDAR Game Day 449 BW +0.8 WW+86 YW+144 Milk+26 Lot 7: S Thrive 1577 #20090098 S Thrive JAS 5515 x Connealy Confidence 0100 x R&S Expedition 1404 BW -1.3 WW+63 YW+125 Milk+33 Lot 43: S Architect 1613 #20089928 S Architect 9501 x Loyning 6141 Encore 71 x R&S Expedition 1404 BW +1.8 WW+62 YW+102 Milk+26 Lot 151: S Chloe 1534 #20093319 S Architect 9501 x S Chisum 6175x GDAR Game Day 449 Lot 150: S Queen Essa 1519 #20111597 SAV Powerhouse 9165 x S Rainmaker 9216 x GDAR Game Day 140 Coming-Two-Year-Old Bullsw140 Bred Angus Heifers including: 33 Single Lot Registered Bred Heifers Wednesday, November 16, 2022 1 pm cst at the Ranch Free Wintering Free 1000 mile delivery to central points Discounts: Hauling & Volume Fertility Tested wCarcass UltrasoundedwGenomic Enhanced Angus GS EPDs wFully Guaranteed Call/Text: Justin 701.650.8840 or Sara 701.650.9890 8377-7th Parkway NE Glenfield, ND v #19437622 SydGen Blueprint x S Whitlock 179 x Connealy Courage 25L x S Summit 956 Architect represents the best combination of pheno typic power & numeric excellence we have produced to date. His maternal lineage represents 5 generations of nearly perfect uddered, small teated, cows from the Blossom cow family. S Architect 9501 BW-0.1 WW+101 YW+169 Milk+24 Due: Feb 10th to S Architect 9501 Due: Feb 10th to Sitz Incentive 704H Bidding by Internet: Selling 50% embryo interest & full possession with an option for full ownership Retaining the right to one future flush.

Nichols Farms Fall

Opening Day: Saturday, November 12 Bull Buying Starts at 1:00 p.m. 65 Head of Proven Performers and Coming Two-Year-Old Virgin Bulls

Two Groups Of Bulls Sell This Fall:

1. Big, stout, virgin two-year-olds, ready to turn out. They are fertility tested, trich tested, fe tested and 50K genomic profiled. Free delivery nationwide or $100.00 o if you pick them up.

2. “Best of the Best Nichols Bulls” selected for our use. Great numbers, outstanding phenotype with ability to work in anyone’s cow-herd.

Call Dave to discuss your bull buying needs. As an awarded and dedicated seedstock producer, he is dedicated to the success of all his customers. His commitment to excellence makes him valuable resource.

For seven decades, Nichols Farms has sold bulls from North Carolina to California. Each is backed by generations of mating selection pressure for fertility, docility, pounds on scale, easy fleshing, sound feet and legs. They are raised on fescue pasture and easily adapt to all environments. After weaning, bulls are placed in our own bull test station for evaluation. We cull hard and only sell our best resulting in a high level of customer satisfaction year after year.

Bridgewater, Iowa •

Ask about our buy-from-home plan. As genomic data becomes more universal and customers’ time more at a premium, this segment of their business continues to grow. Buy with confidence backed by a satisfaction guarantee and health & death warranty.

Call Dave or Ross today for information!

Bull Barn: (641) 369-2829 | Ross Cell: (641) 745-5241 | Dave Home: (712) 762- 3810 | Cell: (641) 745-5730

Dependable • Pro table • Ef cient
Choose from Six Genetic Lines of Hard-Working Bulls: Angus • Simmental • SX (SimAngus) • South Devon Nichols
(DA) •
Nichols Hybrids
Treaty Bull Sale
AnnuA l FA ll Fem A le & Bull SA le November 21st, 2022 JR Ranch | Othello, WA REG # 3785577 REG # 3932191 REG # 3932325 REG # 3932111 REG # 4108346 REG # 3785573 Photos & Ad By: FEatuRinG 10 CominG 2 YEaR - old Bulls and 80 FEmalEs, inCludinG Fall PaiRs, sPRinG BREd Cows & BREd HEiFERs Carl Lautenschlager & Family Endicott, WA Ranch: 509-657-3301 Cell: 509-595-8131 LASOREDANGUS.COM REG # 4520909 REG # 4520919 REG # 4520813 Request a Sale Catalog Today! REG # 4441147 REG # 4520923 REG # 4520849 Watch for videos & bid live on: Sale Consultant Seth Leachman (406) 591-5651

2-Nov Solid Rock Ranch Crockett, TX

2-Nov Upchurch Bros. Anghus & Guests Lineville, AL

3-Nov Dieball Cattle online

3-Nov Freking Cattle online

3-Nov Kempfer Cattle Co. Deer Park, FL

3-Nov McCabe Genetics Elk City, KS

3-Nov Stokrose Land & Livestock Warden, WA

4-Nov Bet On Red frozen genetics (Reno, NV)online

4-Nov Downey Ranch Wamego, KS

4-Nov Equity Livestock Eau Claire, WI

4-Nov Equity Livestock Momroe, WI

4-Nov Frank Turner & Sons Hayneville, AL

4-Nov Kniebel Cattle Company White City, KS

4-Nov Meyer Cattle Co. Curryville, MO

4-Nov Nebraska Hereford Association Kearney, NE

4-Nov Pilgrim Angus Plymouth, IN

4-Nov Rocky Mountain Angus Salt Lake City, UT

5-Nov Andras Red Angus Manchester, IL

5-Nov B/F Cattle Co. Butler, MO

5-Nov Barnett Angus Ranches Washington, GA

5-Nov Brands Of Recognition Savannah, TN

5-Nov Burns Farms Pikeville, TN

5-Nov Carson’s Pride & Joy Simmental Russell, IA

5-Nov Chatel Farms Reidsville, GA

5-Nov Combined Excellence Mason, OH

5-Nov Henke Angus Salisbury, MO

5-Nov Irvine Ranch Manhattan, KS

5-Nov JMF Herefords Holloway, MN

5-Nov Jones Show Cattle Harrod, OH

5-Nov Jungles Shorthorns Kathryn, ND

5-Nov Locust Level Farms Vernon Hill, VA

5-Nov Markota Angus f Lisbon, OH

5-Nov MC Livestock Greenville, VA

5-Nov MO Simmental Association Springfield, MO

5-Nov Moser Ranch Wheaton, KS

5-Nov Mystic Hill Farms Culpeper, VA

5-Nov Ragged Edge Angus Kingston, OK

5-Nov Red Tie Event Tina, MO

5-Nov Schott Dispersal Mobridge, SD

5-Nov Seedstock Plus Osceola, MO

5-Nov Southern Cattle Co. Marianna, FL

5-Nov Star Creek Ranch Durant, OK

5-Nov Tanner Farms Shuqualak, MS

5-Nov The Fall Bull Sale Letohatchee, AL

5-Nov The Red Tie Event Tina, MO

5-Nov The Wright Charolais Kearney, MO 5-Nov TJB Gelbvieh Chickamauga, GA

5-Nov Worthington Angus Dadeville, MO

6-Nov Barnes Herefords Cedartown, GA 6-Nov DJS Shorthorn Laurel, NE 6-Nov Triangle J Miller, NE

6-Nov Zimmerman Cattle Co online

7-Nov Boyle Ranch Fleckvieh Washta, IA

7-Nov Char Spangled Banner online

7-Nov Christensen Genetics Weston, ID 7-Nov Mohican West Laurel, MT


7-Nov P&R Herefords Trail, OK

7-Nov Sandmeier Charolais Bowdle, ND 8-Nov NC Angus Assoc Frozen Genetics online 8-Nov Wilks Ranch Eastland, TX 9-Nov Barber Ranch San Saba, TX 9-Nov Dynamic Z Charolais online 9-Nov Deadwood/ Isabel Y69 Maxwell, NM 9-Nov Edwards Limousin online 9-Nov Heart K Ranch Lewiston, MT 9-Nov MT Hereford Assoc. Feeder calf Three Forks, MT 10-Nov Auxiliary Full Circle (St. Joseph, MO) online 10-Nov Bieber Fever Leola, SD 10-Nov Circle G Ranches Adel, GA 10-Nov OK State U Embryo & semen online 10-Nov Polivka Farms Red Angus (NE) online 10-Nov Smoky Y Sale Monument, KS 10-Nov Sonderup Charolais Ranch Fullerton, NE 10-Nov ZWT Ranch Crossville, TN 11-Nov Butz – Hill f Ames, IA 11-Nov Double Creek Farms Clifton, TX 11-Nov Ingram Angus Pulaski, TN 11-Nov KLS Farms online 11-Nov Mid-Ohio Valley Cattlemen’s Select Ripley, WV 11-Nov OK Select Commercial female Vinita, OK 12-Nov AL Angus Assoc. Cullman, AL

Marvin Schultis, NE - "It works great! Safe and very easy to process calves. Would not be without it! Thanks for the great workmanship." Craig Oceanak, WY " We calve range cows on rough ground. Catcher is very valuable for a one-person outfit!

Sale Calendar email for updates A Cowman’s Best Friend at Calving Time! Protected Processing! Watch Action Video at For local dealers or to order, call 877-505-0914 today! FACTORY DIRECT PRICING Safe Release!
your operation.
believe in raising Reliable, Dependable, Performance-Driven Bulls
f = female sale
Lucas, Stephanie, John, and Owen Niebur N2315 140th Street, Plum City, WI 54761
Lucas cell: 715-307-2229

Sale Calendar

12-Nov Big League Genetics Vol.4 Ft. Cobb, OK

12-Nov Cannon Valley Ranch open house Goodhue, MN

12-Nov Capitol Angus Whitehouse, TX

12-Nov Deer Valley Farm Fayetteville, TN

12-Nov Friendship Farms Canoochee, GA

12-Nov Four State Shorthorn Assoc. Diamond, MO

12-Nov Gibbs Farms Ranburne, AL

12-Nov HD Dunn Tetonia, ID

12-Nov Lane Angus Farms Rocky Mount, NC

12-Nov Leachman COC Fort Collins, CO

12-Nov Lesikar Angus Athens, TX

12-Nov Little Belt Classic Hobson, MT

12-Nov MCM Polled Herefords online

12-Nov Mid-Atlantic Fall Bonanza Harrisonburg, VA

12-Nov Montana Ranch Bigfork, MT

12-Nov OK Commercial Angus f Holdenville, OK

12-Oct Oklahoma Bull Sale McAlester, OK

12-Nov QPB / Greeneline Angus Mt. Hermon, LA

12-Nov Reds On The Prairie/ Great Northern Brookings, SD

12-Nov Rock Solid Reds Albany, WI

12-Nov Rocky Mountain Angus Tremonton, UT

12-Nov Smith Registered Angus Berryville, AR

12-Nov South Dakota Hereford Assoc. Brookings, SD

12-Nov Thomas Farms Leslie, AR

12-Nov Valley Oaks f Oak Grove, MO

13-Nov Banks Polled Herefords Ada, OK

13-Nov Greenhorn Cattle Co. Louisville, KY

13-Nov Pearls of the Prairie Angus Mandan, ND

13-Nov Hawkeye Breeders Bloomfield, IA

14-Nov Cannon Valley Ranch f Goodhue, MN

14-Nov Gartner – Denowh Bar JV Angus Sidney, MT

14-Nov Hoffman Ranch Thedford, NE

14-Nov Rumor Has It/ Four Sons Farm Paris, KY

15-Nov 6 Pastures Angus & Guests Winchester, VA

15-Nov B&D Angus & Hereford Claflin, KS

15-Nov Elliott Livestock & Wild Rose Cattle Clifford, ND

15-Nov Harvie Ranching online 15-Nov Reminisce Angus Dillon, MT 15-Nov Richardson Cattle Co (Cisco, TX) online 16-Nov Arnold Kattle Co. (Coon Rapids, IA) online 16-Nov Spickler Ranch North Glenfield, ND 16-Nov Sunset Farms Lewiston, UT 16-Nov TC Ranch Franklin, NE 17-Nov American Made (Maxwell, NM) online 17-Nov Benoit Angus Ranch Esbon, KS 17-Nov Chessie Creek Farm (Walterboro, SC) online 17-Nov JR Ranch Othello, WA 17-Nov K2 Red Angus Wheatland, WY 17-Nov Kiesewetter Angus (Farmington, IL) online 17-Nov Largent & Sons Kaycee, WY 17-Nov Myron Ruft Ckarolais Dispersal Mankato, KS Perkins Angus Ranch/ Green Garden online Roseda Black Angus Farm Monkton, MD online

Leonard, TX

Cavender-Draggin M & Partners Jacksonville, TX Green Mountain Angus Ranch Ryegate, MT Hilltop Simmentals’s(Worthington, SD) online Burwell, NE

Vinita, OK Louisa, VA

Pilot Rock, OR Bartlett, NE Warner Beef Genetics Arapahoe, NE Wienk Charolais Ranch Arcadia, FL Amdahl Angus & Hereford Rapid City, SD Baldridge/ Tiedeman & Friends North Platte, NE Leonard, TX Sidell, IL

Butler Creek Farms Power in the Blood Vol. VIII Elite Fenale & Embryo Sale Angus live

for updates f = female sale
FALL ANGUS FEMALE SALE NOV 14, 2022 Open Heifers. Bred Heifers Bred Cows sconlinesales com NOV 12, 2022 10 AM 3 PM 14495 390th St W Goodhue MN 55027 Bruce: 507 381 1570 LeeAnn: 507 298 0820 Taylor: 507 323 5627 email cvrangus@yahoo com www cannonvalleyranch com WHERE QUALITY & PERFORMANCE MEET! Cannon Valley Ranch Simmental & Siminfluenced Bull & Bred Heifer Sale Selling: 30 18-Month-Old Bulls • 10 Yearling Bulls • 15 Bred Heifers Sires included: GW DUE NORTH 235D • WS FRANK 105F • BCLR MANIFESTO G352 WS PROCLAMATION E202 • CLRS GUARDIAN 317G • LRS FALCON 442G Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at the ranch WILD ROSE CATTLE CO. Mikenzie Canton (701) 289-0128 /WildRoseCattleCo ELLIOTT LIVESTOCK 197 147th Ave SE, Clifford, ND 58016 Kevin Elliott - (701) 289-0165 • Keegan Elliott - (701) 289-0041 • /elliottlivestock

Sale Calendar

19-Nov Cavender-Draggin M & Partners Jacksonville, TX

19-Nov Dalebanks Ranch Eureka, KS

19-Nov Evans Farms Proctor, TX

19-Nov Ginger Hill Angus Culpeper, VA

19-Nov Heart Of Missouri Limousin Lebanon, MO

19-Nov Hollow Top Angus Ramsay, MT

19-Nov Marda Angus/ Spring Creeks Lodi, WI

19-Nov MG/ 4M Farms PT Woodville, MS

19-Nov MM Cattle/ Callaway Cattle Hogansville, GA

19-Nov Mountain View Ranch Morristown, TN

19-Nov MS Red Angus Fall Classic Raymond, MS

19-Nov NE AR Angus Assoc. Charolette, NC

19-Nov Next Step Cattle Co. Livingston, AL

19-Nov Norman/ Ripberger Sidell, IL

19-Nov Northeast Arkansas Angus Charlotte, AR

19-Nov Redland Angus Buffalo, WY

19-Nov Rudow Family Cattle Pana, IL

19-Nov Shelton, Dogwood Gretna, VA

19-Nov Sonderup Charolais Ranch Fullerton, NE

19-Nov Southeast Bull Expo Asheboro, NC

19-Nov Stanley Martins Farm’s Decorah, IA

19-Nov Sydenstricker Genetics Mexico, MO

19-Nov TLC/ Sugar Top Angus Jerome, ID

19-Nov Yardley Cattle Company Beaver, UT

19-Nov Yellow Top Angus Solen, ND

20-Nov All American Angus Cheyenne, WY

20-Nov Bear Mountain Angus f Palisade, NE

20-Nov Farner Stock Farms Royal Center, IN

20-Nov Heart Of America Hereford Assoc. Shelbyville, IL

20-Nov Janssen Angus Earlham, IA

20-Nov MN Simmental Association Cannon Falls, MN

20-Nov Rennert Ranch/ Heart-J Char-Lay Kearney, NE

20-Nov Wyoming Angus Assoc. Cheyenne, WY

21-Nov Bichler Simmentals Linton, ND

21-Nov Connealy Angus Whitman, NE

21-Nov Dandy Acres Pipestone, MN

21-Nov Kraus Angus Dyersburg, TN

21-Nov Lautenschlager & Sons Othello, WA

21-Nov Profit Proven Commercial female Ashland, KS

22-Nov Cross Creek Farm online

22-Nov Musgrave Angus (Griggsville, IL) online

22-Nov Paint Rock Angus Hyattville, WY

25-Nov Corner Stone Genetics (Raymond, OH) online

25-Nov J.J. Scheckel (Bellevue, IA) online

25-Nov Paulsen Cattle Dixon, IL

25-Nov Pratt Cattle Co. Atkins, VA

26-Nov Able Acres Wingate, IN

26-Nov Boys From The South Lebanon, TN

26-Nov Breeding for the Future Rockfield, KY

26-Nov Caves Show Cattle Doudas, IA

26-Nov Dameron Angus Lexington, IL

26-Nov Felt Farms West Point, NE

26-Nov Galaxy Beef Macon, MO

26-Nov Great Lakes Beef Connection Clare, MI

26-Nov Nolan & Bagby Simmental Rockfield, KY

26-Nov O’Neill Angus Logan IA

26-Nov Route 66 online

26-Nov Rutledge Farms Farmer City, IL


'22 Fall Tours - Part 1

ND Angus Tour


Dickinson, ND

“Da Terminator” announced “I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle… just kidding. Let's hit the Road" from my driving app as we (Frodo, myself, and...Arnold) departed on a 550-mile journey to meet up with Doug and Derek in Dickinson, ND for this year’s North Dakota Angus Tour. The three of us arrived at dif ferent times, and in different vehi cles. I didn’t really need directions to get to Dickinson, it’s just inter state primarily the whole way. I generally despise the mind-numb ing freeways, so having Arnold alert me to potential mishaps “Get

Down! Hazard reported ahead” or “police reported ahead, speed ing would be a big mistake” woke me from my interstate-induced coma a few times. Staying fo cused on long trips, especially while alone, can be a challenge. So phone calls are always a good way to pass the time, and I've found going through my library of over 180,000 songs helps too. I'm doing that alphabetically by track – I was on “She” when I left, and I think maybe I was at “Side of the Road” by the time Arnold interrupted – “You have reached your destination, Hasta LaVista.”

The pre-tour social hour looked to be well attended. After

driving all that way, I was too tired to do much but lay on a bed. The next morning arrived too soon and the tour kicked off with Cowboy Church at 7:30. Then Doug got on board one of the buses and the car avan left at 8:30 sharp. Derek and I, along with our three dogs (Derek's two and my one) loaded into my jeep and pulled out just after the bus. Derek had arrived at 3am coming from a visit with Shipwheel Cattle in Chinook, MT, so we were both looking for extra doses of caf feine this morning. Needless to say, we’re already a bit behind (no sur prise), and the tour JUST started. It will turn out to be a perfect day for a tour with plenty of sun and highs in the 80’s.

American Beef Producer November 2022 22
Tim McCray all photos & artwork by Derek Sample You need your clothes, your boots, your dogs and your Jeep. Let's hit the road. September Featuring Southwest North Dakota Angus Breeders

Top: Best Angus bulls during sunset dinner. Below left: Jon Carlson welcome speech. Bottom Left: Shane Wendel taking the most difficult test ever at Week Angus' stop. Top scorer had 28 right out of 50! Below right: Al Schoenfeld of Multimin showing a demo of Lactipro FLX @ 21 Angus stop.

American Beef Producer
The Adventures of Maverick & Willow Wall Calendar for 2023 is here! Great Gift for the Holidays! Order now. Fast shipping! Order 2 or more and Shipping is FREE
American Beef Producer 27 Jim Sitz (406) 683-5277 Bob Sitz (406) 581-6448 Joe Jones (208) 670-2364 Designed by AgTown Ready to Rebuild? Rebuild with America’s Maternal Herd! 57th Annual Fall Sale December 1, 2022 Harrison, MT 85% of the Sale Bulls are in the Top 25% of the Breed for $M Bulls Bred for Herd-Building Value! Commercial Females Straight from the SITZ Angus Registered Cow Herd Pregnancies Sexed by Ultrasound More than 900 head sell! 480 PAP-Tested, Two-Year-Old Bulls 310 Home-Raised, SITZ-Bred Heifers 150 SITZ-Bred, Running-Age Cows SITZ Domain 12371 AAA 19974072 S: SITZ Logo 8148 MGS: Poss Achievement CED 12 BW -0.6 WW 85 YW 158 SC 2.07 HP 19.4 Milk 29 Claw 0.42 Angle .50 CW 65 Marb .99 REA .75 $M 92 $C 312 Act. PAP 48 Lot 3 SITZ Threshold 9901 AAA 20043616 S: Musgrave 316 Exclusive MGS: SITZ Invasion 574D CED 8 BW 0.0 WW 90 YW 157 SC 1.83 HP 11.5 Milk 25 Claw 0.39 Angle .50 CW 61 Marb 1.10 REA .63 $M 76 $C 286 Act. PAP 40 Lot 23 SITZ Insignia 12031 AAA 19974049 S: SITZ Logo 8148 MGS: LD Capitalist 316 CED 14 BW 0.0 WW 87 YW 145 SC .70 HP 16.2 Milk 19 Claw .36 Angle .46 CW 54 Marb .90 REA .82 $M 97 $C 287 Act. PAP 42 Lot 1 SITZ Resilient 1299 AAA 20117643 S: SITZ Resilient 10208 MGS: #SITZ Upward 307R CED 14 BW -1.6 WW 77 YW 127 SC 1.19 HP 11.0 Milk 37 Claw .34 Angle .40 CW 48 Marb .31 REA .81 $M 90 $C 246 Act. PAP 41 Lot 126 SITZ Stellar 11151 AAA 19980019 S: SITZ Stellar 726D MGS: Spring Cove Paygrade 5064 CED 6 BW -1.2 WW 65 YW 115 SC 1.32 HP 14.6 Milk 34 Claw .22 Angle .45 CW 55 Marb .98 REA .34 $M 87 $C 283 Act. PAP 41 Lot 163 Can’t make sale day? Bid by phone or online! Catalog available at Free delivery within 1,000 miles —call for details!

Above: great lookin' Bull at Richard Angus Left top: Kids at Ridl angus stop.


Our first stop was only a short drive from the hotel and provided us with morning necessities. Like more coffee for Derek as well as a first glimpse of who was on tour. I’m already seeing some familiar faces and places. I have visited Ridl’s before on a previous tour, as I have been to most of the ranches on this tour. This year marks the 25th year for Ridl’s in the registered Angus business. They’re focused on producing a maternal-based herd that excels in calving ease, produc tion, and disposition while maintaining the eye appeal their customers look for. Ridl Angus will host their annual production sale on the fourth Monday in February.


There’s something about this place, maybe it’s the driveway that’s excep tionally long, bringing you into a ranch surrounded by badlands. For some

reason, when I think of ranches in North Dakota this image is one of the first to come to mind. It’s very picturesque this day as well. Their program is based on creat ing maternal cattle that possess fertility, longevity and the ability to survive in the diverse environ ment on a forage-based diet with minimal input. They have a strict culling program for fertility, foot and udder quality, fleshing ability, disposition, and production. They have two sales per year, with the majority sold as yearlings in their annual bull sale on the second Friday in February, at the ranch. Two-year-old bulls are sold on the first Wednesday in Decem ber at the Stockmen’s livestock exchange with a partnership between Talkington’s, Strommen Ranch, and Best Angus.


A quick drive to our next location, and it's lunchtime?

There’s one thing about cattle tours, you won’t go hungry. Or if you do, you’re on a strict diet (my wife wouldn’t make it). Makes me wonder if there are chicken farm tours like this. American Chicken producer… Nope. I’m really glad Derek’s dad didn’t start a chick en magazine or a corn magazine. We’ll stick with Beef. It’s what’s for dinner...and lunch. Plus there are a few desserts too. Brandon & Emily Richard established Richard Angus with the purchase of 40 cow/calf pairs from KG Ranch in 2009. Six years later they were hosting their first bull sale with 20 bulls in the offering. They’ve doubled that each year, to their current sale to offer 130 coming two year olds, one of the few ranches in the area to do so. They have an extensive embryo transfer program as well as an elite female development program. Cus tomer service is their main priority and they claim to have a set of bulls that will fit almost anyone. Their annual production sale will be at their ranch on December 9th.

American Beef Producer 29
Left middle: Jon Carlson and Karlee Sailer, ND Angus Queen Middle: Open A Angus stop. Bottom: Marc at 21 Angus welcome speech


PO Box 221, Beach, ND 58621 (701)872-1104

Terry Week is a teacher through and through. He grew up near Sisseton, SD. Taught high school in three different states, the longest being in Beach, ND for twenty-eight years. After years of teaching, and hav ing a few cattle, he decided in 2009 that it was time he had his own farm. This was probably one of the most unique visits on any of the tours this year, and I doubt anyone in attendance will forget it. Terry obviously loved teaching, and he used his tour stop to teach us all. A 50-question test was given, and we were allotted 10 minutes to complete it, and no cell phones! If I remem ber correctly – I believe the “winner” had 19 wrong. If he were grading on a curve, I had an I (incomplete) Doug probably had a C. He did warn us that it was going to be tough. But it didn’t stop there – at the end, he instructed everyone to grab a copy of the two manila envelopes he had put together for each of us. In total, about 40 different articles on just interesting things, not necessarily related to cattle. One of the envelopes is covered with some quotes and phrases to think about. I like this one: If you’re off by 1 degree on your trip to the

moon, you will miss it by 4000 miles – just a little reminder that little things matter.


Open A Angus has embraced the best in availa ble cattle breeding technology. Performance testing, artificial insemination, embryo transfer, carcass ultrasounds, and 50K testing have all been utilized to help build a solid and exceptional genetic base for the cattle herd. Today, they showed us their recently acquired Renner headquarters for our next stop. Marked on any map as the middle of nowhere. Beautiful place, pipe fenced corral and plenty of stables. Nestled right into North Dakota badlands territory. There wasn’t a whole lot going on here (for cattle), but herd manager Wes Obrigewitch was on hand and explained that he thought it would be neat to bring us all out here and I don’t think that was a disappointment to anyone. They're the cattle man's choice in angus seed stock utilizing the best in cattle breeding technologies and pioneering new and creative ways to make their production sales more comfortable and fun! Open A holds

American Beef Producer November 2022 30
'Signs, signs, everywhere a sign...' Best Angus points the way - which worked cuz it got dark real quick during dinner

their annual sale along with Heart River Ranch on the second Wednesday in March.

BEST ANGUS & Quarter Horses

Watford City, ND

Save the best for last as they say. Our last stop of the day was indeed Best Angus & Quarter horses. With displays from KD Angus & Dahl Angus as well. It sure didn’t seem like it, but we put on some miles today. Which was reflected by my nearly empty gas tank as we pulled into our dinner stop. See, little things do matter, like topping off the gas tank before heading out on a North Dakota Angus Tour. Our dinner stop provided great food, entertainment and a perfect ending spot for the days cattle sights. Pete & Vawnita Best moved to Watford city and also Vawnita’s home place in 2007. Pete started with a purchase of his first 4-H heifer in 1986 near Rolette, ND. They have quite literally come a long way since then. Their annual production sale is held on the first Monday in March at the ranch. Best Angus and Quarter horses also partners with Talk ington Angus and Strommen Ranch for the Badlands Angus Alliance – offering coming two-year-old bulls the first Wednesday in December.


Justin decided to go into the registered business when he was still in high school and purchased some registered females from Martin Schaff. Since then he’s also added cattle from Severance and Glasoe Angus.

Justin puts a lot of focus on producing females that are low input, easy fleshing, moderate framed and maternal. KD ANGUS – Watford City, ND

Kyle and Judy Dragseth run a registered herd of 75 females. Which they focus on easy fleshing, structur ally sound, good-dispositioned females that are very fertile. They AI the majority and give them 30 days with a clean-up bull. This years calves are sired by Te hama Tahoe, Meyers Silverado and Baldridge Movin On. **************************************************************


We have to thank Karlee Sailer, the current North Dakota Angus Queen, who showed up at every single stop on this tour representin' Angus royalty. Her ener gy and her big smile made the tour even more enrich ing than it already was and we weren't the only ones who noticed. She even paid for her own travel ex penses to represent Angus on this tour. If that doesn't show commitment to the breed...well, you know the rest. Cheers to Karlee! See her photo below. Karlee's bio: Karlee Sailer of Golden Valley, ND is the daughter of Troy and Marcy Sailer and has two younger siblings, Justin and Paige. She currently attends Dickinson State University majoring in Ag Business. She is involved in a variety of agriculture clubs and organi zations. Sailer is a fourth generation Angus producer, who grew up on her family’s commercial Angus op eration as well as farming a variety of crops. She has grown up being involved in 4H, FFA, and NJAA and hopes to make an impact on the younger generation.

Aerial view of Bowman Ranch. Rhame, ND Pete Best, Best Angus & Karlee Sailer, ND Angus Queen

26-Nov Stavick Simmental Veblen, SD

26-Nov Trennepohl Farms Middletown, IN

26-Nov Vermillion Ranch Billings, MT

27-Nov Grimmel / Schaake online

27-Nov Siebring Angus Gilman, IL

28-Nov Boyce-Dill online

28-Nov Cardinal Creek Cattle Co. online

28-Nov Profit Proven Commercial f Ashland, KS

28-Nov Stevenson’s Diamond Dot Hobson, MT

28-Nov Triple L LLC (Twin Falls, ID) online

29-Nov BSG (Greens Fork, IN) online

29-Nov Butz-Hill f Ames, IA

29-Nov Stevenson’s Angus Hobson, MT

29-Nov Warner Beef Genetics Arapahoe, NE

29-Nov Western Video Sale Silver Legacy Reno, NV

30-Nov Beef Country Breeders Columbus, MT

30-Nov Weber Land & Cattle (Lake Benton, MN) online

1-Dec 44 Farms (Cameron, TX) online

1-Dec KY Hereford Assoc. Stanford, KY

1-Dec MN Hereford Assoc. Feeder Calf Pipestone, MN

1-Dec Prairie Hills Gelbvieh online

1-Dec Sitz Angus Ranch Harrison, MT

2-Dec Calhoun Bull Test Calhoun, GA

2-Dec Harmon Ranch Lavina, MT

2-Dec It’s All Black & White Montgomery, AL

2-Dec KG Ranch Three Forks, MT

2-Dec Knoll Crest Farm Red House, VA

2-Dec Lone Star Angus Alliance Halletsville, TX

2-Dec Meadows Creek Farm Montgomery, AL

Perry, GA 2-Dec Schurrtop Ranch McCook, NE 3-Dec 2 Bar C Ranch Luling, TX 3-Dec 44 Farms Abilene Abilene, TX 3-Dec Arkansas Angus Assoc. Success Ozark, AL 3-Dec Country Christmas @ Nashville Nashville, TN 3-Dec Crews Family Farms Buckingham, VA 3-Dec Currant Creek Roundup, MT 3-Dec Hilbrands Cattle Co. Clara City, MN 3-Dec Kansas Angus Assoc comm. f Pratt, KS 3-Dec Kentucky Hereford Assoc. Lexington, KY 3-Dec Lonesome River Ranch Anselmo, NE 3-Dec Markota Angus f Lisbon, OH 3-Dec Oklahoma Select Limousin Atoka, OK 3-Dec Pied Piper Farms Industry, TX 3-Dec Pounds & Profit Asheboro, NC 3- Dec Pyramid Beef Spearfish, SD 3-Dec Ranchers Choice Nixon, TX 3-Dec Reverse Rocking R Maxwell, NM 3-Dec Ridder Farms Hermann, MO 3-Dec SERAA Harvest Belles of the Fall Perry, GA 3-Dec Sonstegard Cattle Co. Montevideo, MN 3-Dec Sundling/ Lane comm. f Three Forks, MT 3-Dec T-Heart Ranch & L-Cross Ranch LaGarita, CO 3-Dec The Pounds & Profit Asheboro, NC 3-Dec Tom Brothers Ranch PT (opening) Campbellton, TX 3-Dec Top Notch @ Lawler farm Opelika, AL 3-Dec Union County Bull Test Monroe, NC 3-Dec Uwharrie Ridge Farms Snow Camp, NC 3-Dec Waynesville Bull Test Canton, NC 3-Dec Western Choice Simmental Billings, MT 4-Dec Blue Ridge Farms Mt. Vernon, AR 4-Dec Midwest Connection Angus Bloomfield, IA 4-Dec Missouri Hereford Assoc. Sedalia, MO

2-Dec SERAA Fall sale

5-Dec Burns Farms Frozen Opportunity Pikeville, TN

5-Dec Indreland Angus Big Timber, MT

5-Dec Jacobsen Ranch Great Falls, MT

5-Dec National Finals Angus Las Vegas, NV 5-Dec OK Angus Feeder calf Oklahoma City, OK

5-Dec Sadler Ranches Perkins, OK

5-Dec TK Angus Valentine, NE

6-Dec Blue Ribbon comm stock & replacemnt Billings, MT

6-Dec Galbreth Farms Enderlin, ND

6-Dec ZumBrunnen Angus Lusk, WY

7-Dec Big Sky Elite Female Sale Logan, MT

7-Dec Big Bend Ranch Keosauqua, IA

7-Dec DaKitch Farms Vol II online

7-Dec Goehring Herefords Keosauqua, IA

8-Dec Giefer Ranch WaKeeny, KS

8-Dec Glasoe Angus f Williston, ND

8-Dec Kentucky Hereford Assoc. Feeder calfStanford, KY

8-Dec The Berry’s Cheyenne, WY

8-Dec ZumBrunnen Angus Lusk, WY

9-Dec Bowman Cattle Gering, NE

9-Dec Richard Angus Belfield, ND

10-Dec A Night On The Town Las Vegas, NV

10-Dec Alabama BCIA @ Cullman Stockyards Cullman, AL

Sale Calendar email for updates f = female sale 'CALLICRATED' S I N C E 1 9 9 1 M I L L I O N S O F B U L L S H A V E B E E N S U C C E S S F U L L Y Animals banded with Callicrate Banders rarely go off feed and show little discomfort. Humane, bloodless, drug-free castration made easy! 785 332 3344 PROMOGEN
PROMOGEN Sale Management & Marketing powered by The Judge Source LLC Joel & Kourtney Judge 805.234.7191 • 480.322.1583 Soaring Eagle of the Ozarks Dr. Jeff Gower 417.839.1200 $87,000 Soaring Eagle of the Ozarks Top Open Heifer BH PARAGON 2027 2nd annual Invitational female Sale SALE GROSS $21,500 52 LOT AVERAGE Top Bred Heifer $80,000 Top Open Cow $25,000 SEO 8509 HYLITE 1118 CHAIR ROCK PROGRESS 3023 Top Open Heifer $60,000 CIGAR RITA 2262 of 0766 Lot 24 Lot 23 Lot 41 Lot 52 Dam to SEO Ultra Provider Bred with confirmed heifer calf to E W A Captain Dam to Lot 24 pictured above Half Interest Offering PROMOGEN PROMOGEN PROMOGEN PROMOGEN 5.8 4.8 5.3 5.0 consigned by Butz-Hill Angus consigned by Butz-Hill Angus consigned by sawyer creek Angus consigned by cigar city cattle co

Well, it might be funny to just end right here, and leave you all wondering if we ever found a gas station, or maybe we’re still strand ed somewhere near Watford City. But, “Arnold” can find gas stations too. So despite filling up to get back to Dickinson, I made sure to top off the next morning when we were gathering caffeine supplies for the next day’s trip.


ANGUS Regent, ND UrlacherAngus

Stetson Urlacher welcomed Derek and I into the Urlacher Angus ranch near Regent for our morning breakfast stop. I’m not fully awake yet, but I swear I hit a slick spot turning into Urlach er’s. Perhaps there was some rain overnight. Like I said, not awake. Thankfully there are more donuts to kick start my diabetes, I mean day. The Urlacher Angus Ranch consists of pasture & farmland where they put up most of their own feed. They have developed a ration with J & R Feeds that allows their bulls to develop at an optimal 3-pound per day gain. Their breed ing program focuses on maternal and growth traits and they utilize an extensive AI program those traits in their herd. They have two sales per year on the third Friday in January and the first Monday in June at the Bowman Auction Market.


A short drive from our last stop and the rain from overnight is much more prevalent at Carl son Angus. Mud! But the mud didn’t deter anyone from looking at Carlson’s Angus on display in


Left top: that steak is lookin' good from the chef's corner at Best Angus dinner. Left middle: Logan Hoffmann & son visiting with Derek's pup Willow

Left bottom: Doug Ward with ABP & Jeremy Strommen of Fast Angus Ranch of New Salem. Above: Mike & Shane Wendel checking the bulls at Ridl Angus. Below left: Open A Angus Annual Sale 2nd Wednesday of March. Below right: Terry Week's awesome angus sign. Bottom left: Vern Frey, the emcee, welcoming everybody to Talkington Angus Ranch. Bottom right: kids at Urlacher Angus

front of their new sale barn either. Jon & Melissa hosted a great second stop of the day. Jon’s father Jim was also on hand, and although somewhat “retired” from ranch duties, it was a pleasure to speak with him even for a brief moment in time. Jon credits his love of quality An gus cattle & dedication to the farm and ranch to his dad and grandfather. They strive for quality udders, easy fleshing, and soundness in every one of their females. With Jon & Melissa’s three young children around, good disposition is a must. In recent years they have incorpo rated AI and ET into their program to acquire full sis ters to their top donor cows. The Carlson Angus Ranch production sale is the 4th Saturday in February.


New England, ND

Marc & Anne Wolf and family hosted the lunch for today. I can't say enough about our hosts this afternoon. Two of the nicest people you’ll ever come across in at least 20 square miles. Seriously though, for me, there’s something in the water up here. Great people producing great cattle are abundant in this part of the US. We’re not here long and lunch is already being served. There was barely any time for introduc

tions it seemed. Marc answered our '22 questions' in our September issue this year, He's very opinionated, and a man of few words. Because of that, I had to send it back to have him elaborate on some answers. But when he does speak, its direct and to the point and his answers were a hit. Anne is his counterpart, and together they make such a strong team. “Prepping for a tour stop can be worse than prepping for a bull sale.” I heard that somewhere during one of these fall tours. So it gives me new appreciation for the trouble that it causes. Add to that, turns out Marc & Anne are going away for their anniversary the next day. So they not only had to get ready for vacation, but also a tour stop and be the gracious hosts that they are. I do not have the pleasure of knowing the elders in this fifth-gener ation family, but I highly doubt they are that different than what Marc & Anne represent. Marc’s parents Archie & Diane are here as well today. This year they are celebrating their 115th year of ranching from the original Wolf homestead. Their mother cows wean off heavy calves with minimal input, and no creep feed. They must have good udders and teats, good feet and disposition and be able to raise big calves by them selves year after year. Their Top Cut Bull Sale is held at the ranch on the last Saturday in January.

American Beef Producer November 2022 38
Another impressive bull, Connealy Whitlock, on display at the Ridl Agus stop


We were probably the last to leave 21 Angus as Derek was busy taking some drone shots. Consequently, our arrival at Evenson Angus was late and short. We pulled into the feedlot, and I decided to go the back route and ended up parking in front of the bus. Bill and Rodney were both on hand. Bill was busy answering questions and Rodney made sure everyone had a sorting stick souvenir to take home. The Evenson’s are no strangers to hosting tours, as they seem to have been on every one in the area since the late 80’s. They held their first produc tion sale in 1980 and have been using AI since the early 60’s. All of the females are synchronized. Spring heifers begin calving the 1st of February, Spring cows start on the 15th. Fall heifers being August 15th and cows following September 1st. Quite the well-oiled produc tion machine! Their 2022 calf crop are sired by: Kessler’s Commodore 6516, Sitz Resilient 10208 Evenson Everest 964, Evenson Commodore 0160 to name just a few. As we were leaving, a bull got loose and ended up in the alley between pens in front of us. Eventually finding the correct road to get out of the way. Hopefully Derek got a good picture...(yep he did!)����

have to be structurally sound, easy to handle with good udders, while weaning a heavy calf and breeding back each year on time. They do not use creep feed, as it gives the Bowman’s a more accurate evaluation of their herd. The cows are expected to wean a heavy calf and maintain adequate flesh during the grazing period from mid may until mid December. They host an annual bull sale the second Thursday in February right on the Bowman Ranch, in Rhame.


After two days of feasting on a never-ending buffet, I was glad our dinner stop and final stop of the tour didn’t include a steak dinner. Steve & April Brooks of Brooks Chalky Butte provided ample food for a not so hungry crowd. Also, a perfect evening and location for a final stop. The Brooks homestead goes back to 1905 and the first registered Angus came in the 1940s. They later switched to all commercial cattle and started a registered herd again in the 70s. Today, every cow in their herd is registered. All of their cattle work is done on horseback, and all of the calves are drug to the branding fire. This year’s calf crop is sired by Sitz Stellar, Woodhill Blueprint, Sitz Resilient, Baldridge Alternative, Kessler’s Commodore, Connealy Nation al, and Brooks Amidon. They normally have a female sale in January that will not be happening this coming year. Their bull sale is the first Saturday in April.

BOWMAN RANCH Rhame, ND BowmanBeef

I’ve always thought it funny that Bowman Ranch isn’t in Bowman – it’s in Rhame. But no one else laughs at that I guess (I think Barry might have). Eric & Andrea and their children Dillon, Livia, and Grayson were all there to greet everyone. I swear those kids have all aged 8 years since I was last there 5 years ago. All that hard work of ranch life, you get older faster. They are a family run operation and provide all of the daily labor. Their program continues to focus on the mother cow. They

A long two days came to an end. In total, we put on close to 600 miles in the two day tour, which had just under 200 registered participants from 12 states. We departed Brooks, and headed back to Dickinson to retrieve Derek’s truck, repack and move dogs around, and then headed off for Sidney, MT for their Angus tour which started the next day. That is part II of this story and it's coming next month...

Kids at Bowman Ranch

American Beef Producer 39

More photos from the North Dakota Angus Tour

girls at Best Angus stop Mike & Shane Wendel checking out the bull at Talkington Angus stop Gregg Urlacher giving his welcome speech at the Urlacher Angus stop professional rider practicing her happy face at Best angus ;) great lookin' sign outside Richard Angus Ranch Rusty Ridl (does he have the best name or what?) @ Ridl Angus giving the welcome speech Dinner stop at Best Angus during a wild sunset. The food was great as well as the musical guest Eric Bowman giving his welcome speech at the Bowman Cattle stop

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NEW BP 661 BALE PRO® - Many new enhancements have been added to this model but unlike the BP 660 Bale Pro®, the 661 Bale Pro® has a slat and chain processing chamber with an offset flail drum. Expand your BP 661 by adding a Feed Chopper™ and Grain Tank.

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Sale Calendar

10-Dec Bradley 3 Ranch Weimar, TX

10-Dec Cardinal Cattle Co. Wyoming, IL

10-Dec Charolais Source Shelby, NC

10-Dec CK Cattle PT Open house Hope Hull, AL

10-Dec Cowboy Logic Talmo, GA

10-Dec Diamond D Anus (Valier, MT) online

10-Dec Dieckmann Cattle Co. Greensburg, IN

10-Dec Gaugler Angus Judith Gap, MT

10-Dec Key Ranch Miller, NE

10-Dec MN Hereford Assoc. Go-pher Purple Hutchinson, MN

10-Dec ND Red Select Mandan, ND

10-Dec ND Simmental Association Mandan, ND

10-Dec Paint Valley Farms Millersburg, OH

10-Dec Sandeen Genetics Blakesburg, IA

10-Dec Shepherd Charolais Anita, IA

10-Dec Sherman Angus Jackson, OH

10-Dec Springfield Angus Louisburg, NC

10-Dec Tylertown Simmental Cedar Hill, TN

10-Dec Virginia BCIA Culpeper Sr. Bull Test Culpeper, VA

10-Dec Wheeler Angus Paris, MO

11-Dec Diamond D Anus (Valier, MT) online

11-Dec Frenzen Angus / GLM Herefords online

11-Dec Newman Angus Danville, IL

11-Dec Trauernicht Simmental Beatrice, NE

12-Dec Ankony Angus (Clarksville, GA) online

12-Dec Diamond D Angus (Valier, MT) online

12-Dec Cross Diamond Cattle Co. Bertrand, NE

12-Dec Franzen Simmentals Leigh, NE

12-Dec Northland Stock Cow & Replmnt Billings, MT

13-Dec Bowman Superior Genetics Greens Fork, IN

13-Dec Hunt Creek Angus Miles City, MT

13-Dec Jackson Cattle Co online

14-Dec Bar 7 Genetics Scottsboro, AL

14-Dec Gill Red Angus Timber Lake, SD

14-Dec Mitchell Angus Comp. Dispersion Burwell, NE

14-Dec Pembrook Cattle Co. online

14-Dec Shipwheel Cattle Co. Chinook, MT

15-Dec Bar 7 Genetics Scottsboro, AL

15-Dec Big Timber Cattle Co. (Lithia, FL) online

15-Dec Glendenning J Bar J online

16-Dec 5L Red Angus Sheridan, MT

16-Dec Bobcat Angus Great Falls, MT

16-Dec Buck Creek Ranch Yale, OK

16-Dec Butner Bull Test@ Granville County Oxford, NC

16-Dec TA Cattle Wrest Point, NE

17-Dec Bar QH Simmentals Chanderville, IL

17-Dec Bradley Cattle Bred Heifer Springfield, MO

17-Dec CJ&L Livestock Hermosa, SD

17-Dec Griswold Cattle Co. Stillwater, OK

17-Dec Rifle Creek Cattle Co. Anselmo, NE

17-Dec Rippe Gelbvieh Hubbel, NE

19-Dec Edgar Bros Faith, SD

19-Dec Elshere Herefords Faith, SD

19-Dec Premier Angus Frozen Genetics Johnson City, TN

20-Dec Calvo Red Angus Bassett, NE

20-Dec Valley Oaks/ Premier Genetics Oak Grove, MO

29-Dec Jensen Bros. Frozen Genetics online

31-Dec The Source Sessions Invatational Scottsdale, AZ 1-Jan Registered 4 Success online 2-Jan Genetics on Ice benefit Oklahoma City, OK 2-Jan National Limousin Oklahoma City, OK 3-Jan Bases Loaded Oklahoma City, OK 3-Jan Lawrence Family Limousin online 4-Jan Denim & Diamonds Oklahoma City, OK 5-Jan Angus at the Congress Oklahoma City, OK 5-Jan Black Knight Cattle Co. online 5-Jan Greater Midwest Hereford-Influnced Carthage, IL 5-Jan Hereford Eve frozen genetics Oklahoma City, OK 6-Jan Hereford Night in OKC Oklahoma City, OK 6-Jan National Angus Bull Sale Oklahoma City, OK 7-Jan Adams Angus Farm Union Springs, AL 7-Jan Genetic Excellence Cookeville, TN 7-Jan North Dakota Select Angus Mandan, ND 7-Jan Royal Classic Female Ames, IA 8-Jan Bricktown National Simmental Sale Oklahoma City, OK 8-Jan National Shorthorn Sale Oklahoma City, OK 9-Jan Dikoff Angus Ranch Onaka, SD 9-Jan The Diamond Ring Billings, MT 10-Jan Magness Land & Cattle Mile High eliete online 11-Jan Prairie Hills Gelbvieh Gladstone, ND 12-Jan Foundation Angus @ NWSS Denver, CO 12-Jan Math Farms Whitewater, MT 12-Jan Stockyards Beef Festival Denver, CO 12-Jan Un. Of Tennessee Bull Test Spring Hill, TN 13-Jan Hereford in the Yards & NWSS Denver, CO 14-Jan Carl Dethlefs & Sons Rockville, NE 14-Jan Dixie Valley Angus Montague, CA 14-Jan Grassy Meadow Ranch Michigan, ND 14-Jan National Charolais @NWSS Denver, CO 14-Jan Orton Ranch Red Angus Bassett, NE 14-Jan Rafter T Angus Buffalo, WY 14-Jan Red Land Cattle/ Woodland Ag Bagwell, TX 14-Jan Thames-Kea Brookhaven, MS 14-Jan Univ. Of Florida Bull Test Marianna, FL 15-Jan Jallo Angus Ranch Fordville, ND 16-Jan Joseph Angus Ranch Winner, SD 16-Jan Spur M Consignment Bowman, ND 16-Jan Van Newkirk Herefords Oshkosh, NE 17-Jan Becky Craig online 17-Jan Powerline Genetics Arapahoe, NE 18-Jan Lau Angus Armour, SD 19-Jan Diamond Lazy J Valentine, NE 19-Jan Linz Angus @ Blue Branch Ranch Byars, OK 19-Jan Thomas Angus (WY Division) Cheyenne, WY 20-Jan Texas Angus Assoc. Best Of The WestFort Worth, TX 21-Jan Louisiana Angus Assoc. Kinder, LA 21-Jan Oesterling Angus Batesville, IN 21-Jan Redland Angus Buffalo, WY 21-Jan Texas Angus Assoc. Stars of Texas Fort Worth, TX 22-Jan Kansas Jr. Angus Futurity Hutchinson, KS 22-Jan Rolling B Ranch Yatesville, GA 23-Jan Delaney Herefords/ Atkins Herefords Lake Benton, MN 23-Jan Edgar Bros. Rockham, SD 23-Jan Gardiner Angus Ranch Ashland, KS

American Beef Producer November 2022 42
email for updates f = female sale
PAUL VALENTINO • 703.868.1331 • JAKE VALENTINO • 703.587.8995 • FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM - @6pasturesangus Sale Management & Marketing Powered by The Judge Source LLC Tuesday • 6 PM EST November 15, 2022 ANGUS LLC Sale will be Broadcast on Attendees are Welcome on Sale Day Guest Consignors: Miller Farm LLC l Brilee Farm l Dancing Pedler Farm Pick of the Pasture Sale H P C A Home Town A270 Due 10/31/2022 to GAR Holy Fire Marb 1.67 RE 1.01 Top 1% $C Brilee Rita 2405 of 8125 DW MA 1G3 Greater Good of 9EH5 Top 1%: Angle Marb $AxH $G $B $C WW 84 YW 143 Angle .40 Marb 1.46 RE 1.11 Top 1% $C Spring Heifer Calf Fall Yearling Heifer 6 PASTURES BRILEE FARM MILLER FARM

Sale Calendar

23-Jan Hunt Ranch Millburn, NE

24-Jan Churchill Cattle Co. Manhattan, MT

24-Jan Huwa Cattle Co. Roggen, CO

24-Jan Mohnen Angus White Lake, SD

24-Jan Wiegel Angus Kintyre, ND

25-Jan Bear Mtn Angus Palisade, NE

25-Jan Sioux Empire Show & Sale Sioux Falls, SD

26-Jan Flesch Angus Shelby, MT

26-Jan Marcy Livestock Gordon, NE

27-Jan Charolais Assoc of Texas Fort Worth, TX

27-Jan Ellingson Simmental Dahlen, ND

27-Jan McConahay Bull & Bred Russell, IA

27-Jan McConnell Angus Dix, NE

27-Jan Ruggles Angus McCook, NE

27-Jan Woodward’s in the Rockies online

28-Jan 21 Angus Ranch New England, NE

28-Jan ATAK Limousin Avon, IL

28-Jan Baldridge Performance Angus North Platte, NE

28-Jan Decades of Devotion Anita, IA

28-Jan Dennis Charolais Farms Sulphur Springs, TX

28-Jan Hutson Angus Farms Elk City, OK

28-Jan Little Goose Ranch Buffalo, WY

28-Jan Nichols Farms Bridgewater, IA

28-Jan Thompson Angus Kintyre, ND

30-Jan Apex Cattle Co. Dannebrog, NE

30-Jan Black Hills Stock Show Rapid City, SD

31-Jan Hunt Limousin Ranch Heritage online

1-Feb Begger’s Diamond V Wibaux, MT

1-Feb Black Hills Hereford Show & Sale Rapid City, SD

1-Feb Cline Angus Valentine, NE

1-Feb Ressler Angus Ranch

Cooperstown, ND

2-Feb Ridder Hereford Ranch Callaway, NE

2-Feb Stavick Simmentals Veblen, SD

2-Feb Stroh Hereford Ranch Killdeer, ND

3-Feb Baumgarten Cattle Co. Belfield, ND 3-Feb Burgess Angus Homedale, ID 3-Feb Cow Camp Ranch Lost Springs, KS 3-Feb Dvorak Herefords Lake Andes, SD 3-Feb Maher Angus Morristown, SD 3-Feb Poss Angus Scotia, NE 3-Feb Spring Valley Ranch Burwell, NE 4-Feb Beartooth Angus Red Lodge, MT 4-Feb Messner Herefords Slapout, OK 4-Feb Upstream Ranch Taylor, NE 6-Feb Pelton Polled Herefords Halliday, ND 7-Feb Jungles Shorthorn Farm Kathryn, ND 8-Feb Durbin Creek Ranch Worland, WY 8-Feb Friedt Herefords Dickinson, ND 9-Feb Watertown Winter Farm Show & Sale Watertown, SD 10-Feb CX Ranch Lewiston, ID 10-Feb Topp Herefords Grace City, ND 12-Feb Mrnak Hereford Ranch Bowman, ND 13-Feb BB Cattle Co. Connell, WA 13+-Feb Fawcett’s Elm Creek Ranch Ree Heights, SD 13-Feb Iowa Beef Expo Simmental Des Moines, IA 13-Feb Logterman Herefords & Angus Valentine, NE 15-Feb Iowa Beef Expo Select Hereford Des Moines, IA 16-Feb NE Cattlemen’s Classic Hereford female Kearney, NE 16-Feb Olson Hereford Ranch Argusville, ND 17-Feb Hoffman Ranch Thedford, NE

f = female sale
email for updates
These make great Gifts! Show 'em What they're Made of! Designed by the hard workin' folks at American Beef Producer Black, Red or White cows Stickers 4” or 12” cozy sweatshirts Unisex/Mens Black, Brown or Olive Youth sizes Black or Maroon Youth sizes Black or Maroon We take Custom Orders with Ranch, Town, Logos on back. For pricing, email:

6 Pastures Angus 43

Amdahl Angus & Hereford 7

American Foods Group 44

Blue Goose Herefords 8

Blue Lake Plastics 21

Boys from the South 12

Butler Creek Farms 20

Butz-Hill Angus 17

Callicrate Banders 32

Cannon Valley Ranch 20

Cross Diamond Cattle Co 50

Dairyland Supply 21

Dixie Valley Angus 49

Australian Shepherd Calendar 26

Elliott Livestock 20

Hammel Equipment 41

Herbster Angus 24-25

Lautenschlager Red Angus 15

Musgrave Angus 5

Nichols Farms 14

Rawhide 2

Reverse Rocking R 3

Rollin Rock Angus 48

Roseda Black Angus 36-37

Safety Zone 16

Shipwheel Cattle 11

Sitz Angus 27

Soaring Eagle of the Ozarks 33

Spickler Ranch North 11

Sweet Pro 6

TK Angus 18

WildBoutYou - Snap Dusters 19

Advertiser‘s Index 4" & 12" Stickers! for your Trailer, Truck, Grandkids, Cooler 4" is $7 12" is $20 Black cow, White cow, & Red cow Wonderin' what to give your Friends & Family for the Holidays? Or your next Bull Sale? Order our custom RBMFP Cozy Sweatshirts!!! Send requests to We have plenty of time to get them made & delivered before the Holidays! telluswhatyouwant on the back!
American Beef Producer 47 Show ‘em What they‘re made of!! Order yours today: Stickers too! Unisex - Heather Brown, Olive or Black Women‘s - Heather Sunset or Black Designed by the good, hard working folks at COZY HOODIES! These ain‘t your Daddy‘s shirts! Great Xmas gifts! Spread the Word! ALL SIZES now available in BLACK! S - 2XL 4” or 12” Black, White or Red Cows
“PERFORMANCE, GROWTH & CARCASS GENETICS” Lee Nobmann, owner Morgon Patrick, managing partner 8520 5th Ave E., Montague CA 96064 (530) 526-5920 • join us for the inaugural Dixie Valley angus production sale january 14, 2023 Siskiyou GoldenFairgrounds, Yreka, ca CED BW WW YW CW MARB RE $M $W $F $G $B $C +9 +0.9 +94 +171 +80 +1.91 +0.92 84 91 120 115 235 389 Sterling R O I AAA 20156799 Tattoo: 1140 Sire: G A R Home Town MGS: Hoover No Doubt Featuring sons of these and other industry greats! CONNEALY CONFIDENCE PLUS G A R HOME TOWN watch for these early sale standouts... CED BW WW YW CW MARB RE $M $W $F $G $B $C -4 +4.0 +106 +193 +99 +1.94 +0.98 60 85 142 80 222 348 Sterling Plus 1127 AAA 20156786 Sire: Connealy Confidence Plus MGS: Basin Payweight CED BW WW YW CW MARB RE $M $W $F $G $B $C +10 -0.2 +88 +145 +56 +1.11 +1.06 91 91 86 81 167 308 Sterling Witchita 1154 AAA 20158686 Sire: G A R Wichita MGS: Styles Upgrade J59 CED BW WW YW CW MARB RE $M $W $F $G $B $C +1 +1.2 +83 +156 +77 +1.10 +0.93 48 69 127 77 204 313 Sterling Reliant 1115 AAA 20156774 Sire: G A R Reliant MGS: Diablo Deluxe 1104 CED BW WW YW CW MARB RE $M $W $F $G $B $C +6 -0.5 +84 +144 +53 +1.08 +0.87 107 95 85 76 161 316 Sterling Enforcer 1162 AAA 20156805 Sire: S S Enforcer E812 MGS: Styles Upgrade J59 CED BW WW YW CW MARB RE $M $W $F $G $B $C +9 +1.7 +66 +132 74 +1.31 +0.87 40 72 125 188 213 316 Sterling Reliant AAA 20285894 Tattoo: 1205 Sire: G A R Reliant MGS: Jindra Stonewall CED BW WW YW CW MARB RE $M $W $F $G $B $C +4 +3.2 +92 +160 +87 +1.15 +0.86 74 80 134 79 213 350 Sterling Peyton AAA 20285934 Tattoo: 1195 Sire: E W A Peyton 642 MGS: V A R Generation 2100 CED BW WW YW CW MARB RE $M $W $F $G $B $C +2 +3.7 +90 +165 +80 +1.23 +0.93 80 77 142 82 208 350 Sterling Plus 1137 AAA 20156762 Sire: Connealy Confidence Plus MGS: Basin Payweight INDICATES TOP 1% OF THE ANGUS BREED FOR THAT TRAIT also join us Nov. 9, 2022 for the deadwoo d and isabel y69 genetics online sale!
Bringing in Quality Red Angus in Volume! 250+ coming two-year-old range developed ed Angus bulls and 350+commercial red heifers will sell! Scott & Kim Ford (308) 991-2452 • bertrand,  68927 AA P SA MA Mb 12, 2022

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