July/August 2021 MED Magazine

Page 13

New Specialty Hospital Will Fill a Care Gap Highlighted by COVID-19


LACK HILLS area patients

Director. “We haven’t really had a

16 to 36 beds. The new facility will

who are ready to transition

great way to help patients get back on

include perks like a therapy garden,

out of the ICU but are not

their feet.”

more space for gym equipment,

quite strong enough for

When the hospital is no longer

kitchen and laundry facilities, and

rehabilitation will soon have a new

the best place for them, many of

more places for patients to safely

option in Rapid City. Monument

these patients have had to travel to

practice everyday tasks like navigat-

Health has announced that it will

long-term acute care facilities in Bill-

ing stairs and uneven surfaces.

partner with national company

ings, Bismarck, Lincoln, Sioux Falls,

Vibra Healthcare to build the area’s

or Denver.

While Monument Health is experienced at offering rehabilitation

first long-term acute care hospital

“That just breaks your heart to

services, their LTACH knowledge was

(LTACH) and expanded rehabilita-

see,” says Dr. Stacy. “Having an

limited. Longacre says partnering

tion facility.

LTACH here means that these

with Vibra Healthcare will not only

After the initial acute phase of

patients can get the higher level of

shorten the learning curve, but may

their recovery, patients who have

care they need and we don’t have to

also make it easier to staff the new

suffered from things like stroke,

send them away where there is no


heart attack, brain and spinal cord

family support.”

“We are going to need more phy-

injuries, and neurological diseases

“This was a need before the pan-

sicians and care staff and we don’t

often move on to intensive (at least

demic but the pandemic definitely

have staff that is skilled on the LTACH

three hours a day) acute medical

amplified it,” says Mark Longacre, Vice

side,” says Longacre. “Vibra’s national


President of Operations for Monument

presence means they have a better

But for people who are not healthy

Health in Rapid City. “We serve

reach in terms of attracting caregiv-

enough to tolerate that level of reha-

patients in about a 300 mile radius

ers. There may be people who want

bilitation, such as patients who have

and we hear a lot of stories about the

to transfer from other places to work

been on a ventilator in the ICU for

stress on families when they have to

in the Black Hills. Having a national

weeks, there has been no appropriate

travel. We realized that this was an

partner will help us find them.”

intermediate option locally.

important service that could be a huge

“As providers we have really

benefit to our community.”

Construction on the 55,000-square foot Rehabilitation and Critical Care

struggled with this,” says primary

In addition to 18 LTACH beds, the

Hospital of the Black Hills is expected

care physician Kelly Stacy, MD, Mon-

new facility will also expand Monu-

to begin this fall with a goal of open-

ument Health Executive Medical

ment’s rehabilitation capacity from

ing in 2023. ❖

July / August


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