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gamified learning and the retention of pupils’ engagement within school lessons he concept of using technology to supplement in-person learning is not a new one. What’s more, definitions of blended learning have, in the past, been hard to pin down. However, in recent years, the consensus is that blended learning is growing in popularity, characterised by processes such as gamification and varied face-time as well as flipped classroom strategies.

Advantages of blended learning

Blended learning represents a fundamental shift in instruction methods It has the potential to optimise outcomes for individual students in ways that traditional instruction can’t� Blended delivery modes allow for each aspect to be taught using the most appropriate medium for the topic at that stage of learning

At higher levels of education blended learning has become quite prominent, as learning materials are always available and accessible for students Every student is unique and has a different work ethic to others, blended learning offers students access to classes, lecturers and learning materials, remotely or in person There are a few reasons as to why a student may choose to learn remotely such as fitting learning around their lives outside of education etc

Blended learning gives scope for learners to experience new software and hardware� With 74% of teachers using game-based learning to enhance their lessons1, there is a positive correlation between the implementation of

Discovering how to use such technology can aid pupils in their academic areas of study, as well as promote soft skills such as problem-solving and self-advocacy Therefore, blended learning can prepare individuals for future endeavours in a plethora of work-based scenarios

As more students work independently, teachers have more time to provide face-to-face support and individualised instruction with greater frequency Teachers can deepen and strengthen student/teacher relationships and gain insights into students’ personal struggles and needs These insights empower teachers to comfort and coach students through challenges that often serve as obstacles to learning such as; attention/learning difficulties, and feelings of failure� With gamified learning, students can try again if they don’t succeed the first time, helping to eliminate any fears of failure

In summary, it’s easy to see why blended learning has become popular over recent years. The approach of combining online and remote activities with face-to-face interaction can help both students and teachers.

Blended learning is more flexible, adaptable and engaging for learners than generalised classroom learning, it also allows instructors to cater to the unique needs of their students. All it requires is the right technology, strategy and training.

1 https://research com/education/interactive-learning-statistics

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