The hole trap

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the hole trap

a story about woe, nam and leav.

Chapter one NAM

Water bottles, hamburgers, fries, milkshakes. But wait! What is this? A letter?!

I’m nam This hole in my chest has been here for ages. i’m trying to fill it by eating what others threw on the ground

e , r r a e g d u a n o i y d re a e r e r a r u e s D re a ke a u o m y e when tter pleas s is a cry i e h l t s i e h s t au c e B . e , n d o n l a a l . s i lp e n . h a d r n n i o fo k m ck a u t n s e th I’m y b . n d e e t r t a o forg ed and sc a map of Isolat ack I drew b e . d h e t t a n O . oc e l m m e a v I a s e r d e an wh e m o c e s a v a e Ple L , s g n i t Gree

nam felt the gnawing hole in her chest shrinking and moving after reading the letter from leav. She decides to go on a quest to find leav.

over high mountains.

across wide seas.

and steep descents

Chapter two the liberation of leav


Is that you?

please! please get me out of here!

nam felt the hole in her chest shrinking again after freeing leav.

Are you okay ? what is happening?

everyt im the ho e I try to le in m do trying y ches something t to kee r p me f hurts. Like ight, rom d i t is oing i t..

let’s get out of h quickly. Befor ere, e they notice you are here!

It sme

the water is dirty but ver y shallow, i th we can walk ink further..

lls he


Chapter three the liberation of woe


I heard somethin g..

It is happening again. I don’t know if I can continue leav..

Come on! I know you can do this. Pick me up, it sounded like someone is in danger.

And so nam and leav discovered the island Together.

Hello? Wh at’s wron g? why are y ou scream ing so loud?

Well, once i was living her e wit my fellow woe ’s. A beautiful h all island full of nature, peace and fresh air .


WOEEEE ged... But things chan nd of years, namki since a couple r e land for thei started using th own use.


Most woes pa ssed away due the lack of space and food




I’m totally left alone since a short period of time

I don’t know how much longer i would survive

WOEEEE Woe, that’s horrible! please let me take you with us


don’t worry, you can trust me. i’m not like the others


what’s happening?

the hole... it is gone?

s needed to fill I think I found what wa ys. the hole. It was you gu

we are save now...

I would like to sh ow you my cave, come on.


let’s go to the beach

is this all yours?

and so they spent a nice day on the beach

until they fell asleep

Chapter four the return of namkind






control room ARC301 we have an emergengy!!

check 1, 2 check 1, 2

#LO1-a2 and #wo8-vo1 are spotted on coordinate N 50 45.270

all forces on mission catch #wlo-a1 + #L0-a2

because what is happening behind closed doors is nothing but bad..

as you all know, we didn’t hide away all the leavs and woes from nam kind without a reason




we have no choice! YES!

let’s find th


they are on the beach..


zzzz. zz. zzz.

we have found them! great. take them with you to the storage area.

Chapter five the separation of nam, leav and woe

please, please! I beg you.. Don’t take them away from me

but it’s to late...

truck is ready!


but then, nam decides to follow the truck! no time to lose!

nam is afraid that the truck will see her and she decides to hide behind a rock. Not noticing that the truck enters a highly forbidden area...

the storage area. where all the other leavs and woes are locked away.

nam sits next to the fence to visit woe and nam everyday.

until one day....

she finds the cages empty.


nam decides to go back to the beach

where she is alone again with the hole in her chest.

If you don’t like any of this, but you know you can’t stop it, where does it leave you? The answer is that it leaves you with an obligation to be honest about where you are in history’s great cycle, and what you have the power to do and what you don’t. If you think you can magic us out of the progress trap with new ideas or new technologies, you are wasting your time. If you think that the usual “campaigning” behavior is going to work today where it didn’t work yesterday, you will be wasting your time. If you think the machine can be reformed, tamed, or defanged, you will be wasting your time. If you draw up a great big plan for a better world based on science and rational argument, you will be wasting your time. If you try to live in the past, you will be wasting your time. If you romanticize hunting and gathering or send bombs to computer store owners, you will be wasting your time. Insisting that nature has a value beyond utility. And telling everyone. Remember that you are one life-form among many and understand that everything has intrinsic value. If you want to call this “ecocentrism” or “deep ecology,” do it. If you want to call it something else, do that. If you want to look to tribal societies for your inspiration, do it. If that seems too gooey, just look up into the sky. Sit on the grass, touch a tree trunk, walk into the hills, dig in the garden, look at what you find in the soil, marvel at what the hell this thing called life could possibly be. Value it for what it is, try to understand what it is, and have nothing but pity or contempt for people who tell you that its only value is in what they can extract from it.

But the machine rolls on, unstoppable except by its own “success�, which is increasingly our own undoing as well as that of millions of our fellow creatures. - Paul Kingsnorth

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